#stripey dudes
kettle-bird · 4 months
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He floats through the air with the greatest of ease...
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here are two other founder concepts i’ve concocted: Match (left) and Rampart (right) 👁‍🗨
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trixie-troubleby · 1 year
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faintedincoils · 1 year
Is there a more ineffective character on weekly television than a WWE referee? By the nature of their job you'd think they'd be able to accomplish something during a match, but nope! They've been made toothless by the script. 🤷
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hag-o-hags · 5 months
got some purple carrots with huuuuuge tops, and was looking for something to do with them (they're not especially tender cos they're so big so I think they'll get a kale typa treatment)
that having been said I don't think I'll be taking the advice from the blog that says carrots "like potatoes, peppers, and eggplant" are nightshades. they're APIACEAE and you'll put some respect on it! Second best botanical family after Brassicaceae.
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vergak · 1 year
sladkjflk one of the guys in my econ class has the Exact maleslut haircut you've got going on in that picture and i simply must tell you more about him:
-he only ever wears fancy designer gucci shit but hes broke as hell so he's just. wearing the same 4 designer shirts on repeat. same order usually too it's the stripey one the red one the v neck the black one repeat. one pair of pants
-he doesn't officially live on campus but he's hooking up with enough girls in every residence building that they've pooled their sign in days to get him in basically every night anyway. there's a shared gcal.
-dude's comically jacked one time i was in his way and he was in a hurry and he opted to PICK ME UP AND MOVE ME OVER instead of waiting for me to step aside
-one time he asked me to explain in-depth a lot of the finer points of having sex as a trans person (he asked if i was cool w talking abt it first this wasnt just like, walking up and asking how i bone) and he was mostly just like mhm yeah mhm until i mentioned how phallo pumps work and then he went and i quote: "HOLY SHIT! That's so beautiful. I wish more happened when you squeezed MY balls." and suggested they should make a procedure for putting a clown horn in there
-he's apparently 100% straight but strongly advocates for hooking up with men every couple of years because "your tastebuds change when you get older, maybe your sexbuds do too"
-one time we were both at a party and i got him some water bc he was puking in the toilet, and he tried to offer me his socks as payment, then his boxers when i didn't want the socks, then settled on telling me i could have one mcnugget and five fries from every meal he buys for the rest of time, then spilled the water on the floor.
-you'd think all this would make us friends but i'm pretty sure he's like this with every single guy in the school, he got a matching tattoo with a dude in our class DURING ORIENTATION WEEK
Okay he deserves the haircut more than I do actually
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sewerfight · 7 months
dudes in the 20s would wear full bathing suits. bring that back. like I don't want to see your bare chest unless it's real slutty. cover the fuck up and wear that black and white stripey get up that makes you look like an aquatic burglar right now
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atane-is-here · 8 months
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Another Metamoor landscape. Idk if this tail belongs to Cedric or a cousin of his. At that point I hadn´t figured out yet if he was yellow with green stripes or green with yellow stripes. Now I know he is green with yellow stripes. Anyway I think the snake dudes are so colorful and tall because the trees are as well. I wanted to make them stripey as well!
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turbofanatic · 1 year
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More silly tri-force switcheroo concepts. See more background here.
Top is Lunk near the end of the saga. He's sorta ganon-y so obviously he has to end the final fight by turning into a monster because he can't win any other way. He's actually trying to do the right thing this time though. Poor guy! Hope it's worth it dude!
Middle is the light fish, which acts as the sun throughout the story, dynamically lighting hyrule with "daylight" that warms the surface and keeps monsters at bay. It's dying however and over the course of the game the circle of light gets smaller and smaller, and the darker it gets the worse monsters spawn, serving to ramp up the difficulty as time goes on. It flies a little faster than you can walk so you can try following it though dangerous areas, but watch out! It might leave you behind! At one point you get to ride it.
Bottom pictures are Lunk's sister, a friend, and then Lunk again. Gerudo have a flawed genome that means that a single X chromosome is lethal, the only gerudo that can sire children have Klinefelter's (XXY). Which is why they were so rare and left the gerudo dependent on their weird tree loving cousins, the hylians for so long. Anyways in the distant past the gerudo and hylians have been further separated and either the gerudo mutated or the goddesses blessed them or something, because klinefelters became a lot more common and about 1/8 gerudo have it, though about half are infertile so really only 1/16 gerudo can sire children. This leads to their weird gender system, where you're a prince once you impregnate someone and everyone else is a "vai." Sadly with the death of the light fish people are getting scared and conservative, and it's really just making things worse and not helping at all. Anyways the important thing is that lots of gerudo have obvious blaschko's lines! Some are stripey!
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junk-culture · 18 days
please i was sitting by the docks today sketching and some americans came over and they were like one of the most stereotypical american tourist couples you could think of . but in a specific way like. i can't be bothered to draw a picture but imagine white haired kind of good looking but in a very 80s way older dude. like aviator glasses sort of khaki coloured jacket a camera bag and genuinely an arty little neckerchief tucked into his shirt. sort of longish bowl cut/80s hair. talking to me about watercolours in the most beautifully stereotypical rich american accent. his wife was less flamboyant but she had those like pointy shaped sunglasses you know the ones. and she was telling me also in the most stereotypical/generic rich american accent that they are on a 6 week tour of europe. the guy was enthusing about river cruises and holland and watercolor sketching. "isn't it RELAXING?" . etc . anyway i enjoyed it immensely it was like if i met a french man wearing a stripey top and carrying a baguette. beautiful world
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shadowmaat · 8 months
No fun allowed
Internet drama and controversy can be fun to watch, but I also love silly things, feel good stories, and other harmless fun that gets shared on the internet.
I am, however, exhausted by the ever-increasing number of people who feel compelled to state that something-or-other is "obviously fake" or to otherwise question the validity/intentions of the poster.
Look. Kids. Sometimes, yes, it's important to clarify when something being shared is verifiably false. Especially if what's being shared contains dangerous misinformation that could cause harm to someone else.
Most of the time, though, it doesn't matter. And just because you personally believe something is fake doesn't mean you're right. Stop being an asshole just for the sake of trying to prove how much smarter and better you are than everyone else. Stop trying to discredit strangers on the internet who aren't hurting anyone and are very likely telling the truth. Stop assuming everything is fake. There's a time and a place for those kind of conversations and accusations. Learn how to tell the difference.
The most recent example I've seen is on a video of someone unrolling their knitting project only for it to roll off the end of the bed and startle a cat the maker didn't realize was there. Cute. Funny. No harm done.
Someone in the comments questioned why they were filming if they didn't know the cat was there. Condescending. Accusatory. Rude.
The person was clearly intending to show off all the work they'd accomplished on their knitting project. Very cool and stripey and either a scarf or possibly one side of a to-be-completed blanket. Or a bed for a boa constrictor, who knows? Point is, someone was trying to show off something they were proud of and then got a startled cat as a bonus.
Even if it had been a "set-up" though, so what? Is it hurting anyone? No. Does it change the context of what's seen in the video? No. There's no harm and no foul and no goddamn reason to be a petty suspicious jerk about it.
Another example would be any of Seanan McGuire's Tales of Animal Rehab and Chaos. Some of these do sound bizarre, like the alligator lizard in the leg story, but weird things DO happen (especially around Seanan) and accusing her of making stuff up for attention/clout is fucking rude. Sure, she's a storyteller, but some things she doesn't need to make up. Especially if she isn't getting paid for it. lol
Again, no one gets hurt by stories like that (ignoring the injuries sustained in the story itself) and it's also a good example of what NOT to do if you find an alligator lizard in your tent/sleeping bag. Important safety tip: don't try stabbing something anywhere near your own body.
People can, however, get hurt by constant accusations of lying. Seanan no longer shares those awesome stories because when she did it always resulted in a bunch of armchair fact-checkers calling her a liar and demanding "proof" that any of it happened.
When it comes to stuff like AITA or that Neighborhood thing or whatever, sure, some of those stories are made up. But again, who cares? Do you think you'll get points for calling out an obviously fake story about, I dunno, some dude replacing his gf's perfume for skunk spray because he's convinced she's cheating on him? No. No one cares. Other than maybe reassuring people that so-and-so isn't in any danger, you gain literally nothing by outing it as fake.
Sometimes those things are done for fun. And sometimes they're based on real examples of the kinds of things that have happened. And even when they're fake they can act as cautionary tales to help folks identify potentially dangerous behaviors. Maybe a guy hasn't actually replaced a wife's/girlfriend's perfume with skunk spray, but people of all identities have engaged in paranoid, possessive behavior and if you know what the warning signs look like you can take precautions. Same with tall tales from the workplace. Or involving neighbors. Or whatever. If it isn't hurting anyone and isn't spreading dangerous misinformation, maybe consider leaving it alone.
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spidertams · 1 year
dude i ADORE the drawing you did of concert hobie w the stripey sweater and i wanted to ask if you do anything to pictures you take of sketchbook stuff? like do you adjust contrast or brightness or anything? just because it looks SO good and i Struggle with taking sketchbook photos that don’t look like they were done with a nokia 😭😭
Aw thanks a lot, glad you like it!!!
I tweak the colors slightly to match the irl colors, but I don't have a general method that I use in every picture! I just adjust almost all the settings until it looks close enough to the real thing. I also always take pics in natural lighting, because otherwise they do look like they were taken with a nokia,,
One thing I usually do is to add more warmth to every picture of my traditional art, but that's just a personal preference for a warmer palette, haha. And even this, I don't always do either!
I'm so sorry not to be of too much help! All the good luck!
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psych0miller · 5 days
I saw a video about the strange ways in which male vs. female is still actively insane. I vibe so much with that post. I wish i remembered your name dude it was very good. He just kept saying "point." "Ex1" "Ex2" "Ex3". He had a vertical stripey shirt
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crisismoth · 6 days
Hello! I'm feeling sociable, but I'm bad at talking, so enjoy some pictures of my Zebra Stripes!
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OH MY GOD??? LITTLE DUDES?? dude they are THRIVING and im impressed you got a mushroom to grow what a nice habitat for those zebras. thank you so much i love the little stripeys!!!!
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ongoing arc thing: Mall Santas Save The World aka Holiday Semi-Hiatus (plural server post link) (some day i will actually improve this post) (i have it in drafts even)
mod info:
age 27 / she/her pronouns / autism/adhd/anxiety And More™
RP blogs followed from this account
non-RP blogs followed from @demifiendcruithne
jack frost sideblog: @unidentified-flying-heeho
boundaries: apply to all legion members + sideblogs
if sending IC hate that could be taken as OOC, please put an OOC note saying it's IC
flirting/suggestiveness OK but pre-warning that relationships/other situations won't be happening with other OCs. i allow it because it's Funny (especially if i don't understand it either lol)
magic anons/pelipper mail Encouraged, but i have a firewall IC to block things i don't want to deal with / delay things i currently can't
while i'll generally be low-stakes, i'm happy to participate in higher-stakes things in a support role, just ask :) this will most likely be in hacking skills (or reverse demon summoning for worlds that are ok with that)
Super Temporary Links to the pokeirl plural server post (ooc post) (ic post)
low(-mid?)-stakes RP with an outsider's view of rotomblr. the Legion's world is vaguely based on SMT Devil Survivor 2 mechanically, and historically there was a japanese empire instead of a roman empire so england has more japanese influences, notably using yen (and macca when demons are involved)
the Legion is an ever-shifting group of people moving in and out of one apartment due to capitalism being a heck. Known Residents of the Legion: Human: Blackthorn Legion - she/her, ace/aro - the primary poster, accountholder, the one actually renting the apartment the Legion live in. has a bad habit of revealing that she knows people's history if they're in a game she played. snarky but has a soft spot. slightly a wanted hacker but don't worry about that. yes her surname is Legion she changed it to heck with genji overwatch. her sibling/good twin is Literally madeline celeste (no her last name is not celeste) Simon - he/him, masc-leaning bi - the butt monkey castlevania stan. came up with the legion name. Blackthorn's most tolerable apartmentmate. often the voice of reason except when it comes to wall chicken. has a boring horsesona and is salty about it. TWC - any pronouns - joined as The Wiggles Cultist (<(:0)OOoo>) but changes what the initials stand for pretty often. or basically every post at this point. They Speak In All Capitalised Words Legion Resident - any other human resident.
Non-Human: Aeros - pronouns unknown - air elemental who is generally either trapped in a vacuum cleaner or chasing people (aka simon) around. Aeros' location is unknown after being sent to pokemart manglement and released somewhere Bonk - they/he - a Beldum who true to their name can and will headbonk people as a main form of communication. trained service mon :) Nickit - he/him - a Nickit slightly longer than average, who is white with black accents and green markings on their face. (art source) naive and nods off a lot, can talk to humans, name currently unknown. has gmax meowth/furret/(hisuian?) zorua ancestry (source | longcat trace) Dr. Slushy - he/him - a Jack Frost. he's in the pokeworld now but he may still send messages through here for convenience Ghost - a ghost who's basically hanging out here possessing random people. name and pronouns vary based on host body
Associates: free to ask about, may not appear much Angy - weird stripey floating dude who gave Blackthorn the base for the MVSP. knows Something about world administration. Pixie of Amala - the Uberpixie who helped Demi-fiend (aka Sir Not Currently Appearing In This Universe He's Just Vibing)
any posts without a --blackthorn or whoever don't have who posted them defined; either it doesn't matter or i forgor. assume blackthorn but may get retconned any brackets like (simon: something) are a cut-in from someone else. ooc is marked with // or ooc: or both
The MVRS.py: stands for 'MultiVersal Reverse Summoning', pronounced 'movers'. Blackthorn's method of accessing rotumblr, which she's hacked to Try and send items through. it isn't the most reliable - anything she sends with it may get... altered at receiver's will. it's a py file because python my beloved
IC: Blackthorn and Simon
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//drawn by @yewwantstobattle &lt;;3 /platonic
Blackthorn Legion - 27 - she/her (gender sucks. i just use what i'm used to) - autism/adhd/fibromyalgia - ace/aro - picrews
i live in an apartment with like 20-30 other people. any stupid comments it's probably them. or the demon internet cafe i've basically set up at this point my place is basically just. for people to come get back on their feet. why is capitalism making /me/ the best option.
if you're reading this i probably freaked you out by knowing something i 'shouldn't'. see, my universe turned a bunch of events from other worlds into games and other media, so i know more history of your world than i do mine. so that's fun
yes my surname is legally* legion. yes i changed it to heck with someone *in the sense that it's what the authorities/most wanted list etc. know me by. birth identity doesn't exist any more and civilian identity is under the radar
Simon. bi (masc-leaning) he/him. too old to have a boring horsesona are you kidding me--- picrews i guess.
okay it's basically out at this point - hecker - YES i used to have a crush on blackthorn that is Not why i am here we are still friends and honestly i prefer guys these days anyway.
i somehow get the feeling that angy is trolling me. doesn't he have anything better to do?
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punkymonkeehat · 10 months
My dudes...
THE DAVY STRIPEY SWEATER IS CONPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just have to weave and clip the ends, but I'm at rehearsal tonight for a big band I'm in and have work all day tomorrow, so I will post pictures of it being styled tomorrow! I will also post a poll for the next sweater you want me to make. I'm making a slight adjustment to which ones I'm doing, as I seemed to have forgotten to include Micky... 👀 and one sweater looks hard to construct via crochet (I can only knit socks, sorry!).
Once this sweater series is done, then we can also do more Monkees clothing that I can crochet! :)
The pattern will also be posted with the video I mostly used and including the slight alterations I made to make it fit a little better. I'll have the colors and steps all mapped out too!! So if you wanna make the sweater, do it!!
Until tomorrow! 💙💚🧡❤️
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