#just noticed i’m a sucker for the ‘mittens’ option
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here are two other founder concepts i’ve concocted: Match (left) and Rampart (right) 👁‍🗨
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ilcaeryx · 5 years
Tenacity: Chapter 10 - Kingpin [Bakugou Katsuki/Reader]
SUMMARY: You should not have challenged Katsuki to a snowball fight. What did you expect? To win? LUL 
TAGS: Bakugou Katsuki/Reader, reader-insert, comfort, soft, fluff, romance, reader being a crazy bitch, snowball fight, cheesy
NOTES: Part of the Tenacity reader-insert compilation! I had fun writing this.
Taking a shortcut through the still and untouched forest sucked, Katsuki veering off from your usual route into it without a word. Like a baby duck struggling after mama duck, you followed his literal footsteps. You bounced from leg to leg, fitting your boot inside the larger imprints he left behind. Snow had fallen during the night, evident by everything being covered in white powder. It could have been the secret palace of a drug lord, snow adorning the branches and dead vegetation causing gentle billows beneath the matte glow.
“Do we have to walk through the snow? We could’ve taken the normal way,” you complained, glaring down at your burning thighs. Even with Katsuki paving the way, it was quite the workout.
“Why are you complaining?” Katsuki said, white breath trailing after him as if he were a dragon exhaling smoke. He shuffled through the thick snow layer with powerful strides and arms reinforcing the motions. “You’re not the one plowing the way.”
His dumb answer fired you up. In short succession, you trampled into the indentations until he was half a step ahead. You smacked his behind with whatever force you could muster, the glove softening the slap. “I don’t care, you brute. This is a workout routine I did not want.”
Katsuki had the nerve to send you an indignant glare over his shoulder, nose bridge scrunched. “Don’t follow next time then, dumbass.”
“You know that’s not an option.”
If he went somewhere, you’d tread in his footsteps regardless of where you would end up. Whether he knew this or not, you would never let him out of sight. As long as his back was visible, you’d keep moving towards it.
“Everything’s a choice, quit bitching.” Katsuki grasped a low-hanging branch obstructing the way and bent it to the side as he continued onwards. He waited until you were past it to release it, branch swooping to its original position. Without breaking a sweat, he kept going.
Your lungs sparkled with pain, every inhalation bringing raw, crispy air through your airways. You hid your mouth and nose beneath your winter jacket’s collar, alleviating the pain by breathing out hot air.
Katsuki hadn’t noticed that you had stopped, so you scooped up snow and hardened it between your fingerless mittens into a nice ball. Aiming carefully, you threw it and hit him square between the shoulders. It left traces of white on his black double-breasted jacket. He stopped in his tracks and ditched his hands into his pockets.
“Stop walking so fast,” you said, voice muffled behind cloth. “I’m about to die.”
He turned around, his cheeks reddened from the cold. “Power through it.”
You bent down and created yet another snowball, padding it within your palms.
“If you throw that, I’ll return the favour,” Katsuki warned, eyebrows shooting up in a quick display of aggression.
Yeah, yeah… Whatever you say, blondie. You’re bluffing, you thought. He genuinely did use everything at his disposal whenever he felt someone challenged him, including you, so you could be on thin ice depending on his mood.
“Your aim is trash,” you outright stated in a matter-of-fact tone, deadpanning through the cockiness inside you.
Once he started moving towards you, you instantly regretted everything and screamed, because his full-toothed grin and low posture exuded confidence.
Fuck this shit, he was going to kick your ass to outer space. You backtracked your footsteps in a frantic dash, ducking beneath branches and sliding across icy parts.
“Why are you running?” he bellowed. “I’m gonna fucking destroy you! Die!”
His taunts caused your screaming to increase in pitch and you didn’t turn around to see whether it amused him or not. This game made you feel thrill and actual fear.
“Fight, Y/N! Fight me, you coward!”
“NO!” Your screaming caught in your throat as your body jerked backwards, reflexes trying to keep you upright. You flailed around and hit the ground, fall broken by your thick jacket.
The crunchiness of footsteps ceased and a pair appeared in your field of view. Katsuki slid down onto his knees and snatched your hands, joining them behind your back in an automatic, trained movement.
“I’m sorry!” you pleaded through your nervous laughter, thrashing your arms against his solid grip. It didn’t hurt but you wouldn’t get away without his approval.
“I’m sure you are.”
The pressure from your wrists eased and you drew your arms forward, pressure replaced by him collapsing his upper body over your back, your bodies forming a T. You groaned when he put one elbow on your lower back. Your breathing was somewhat constrained.
“Heavy!” you complained, clumsily hitting him with an open hand on his side.
Katsuki barked out a laugh. “Should’ve thought of that before you hit me with a snowball, lightweight.”
You heard him dig around in the snow behind you. His glove presented a handful in front of you and you attempted to shield your exposed neckline with your arms.
“Sucker,” he said and forced his hand between your chest-bone and shirt, snow spreading across your chest and into your bra. You shrieked in surprise from the cold and you instinctively brought your hands up to dig out the snow. That earned you another fistful in the nape, Katsuki pressing it down between your shoulder blades, the snow absolutely burning against your warm skin. He didn’t relent as you struggled beneath him, howling and shrieking. At last he rubbed snow all over your hair. When he felt like he’d had enough retribution, he pushed himself off you, breathing suddenly a simple task.
“It burns,” you said, throwing off your gloves to remove whatever snow hadn’t melted. “You got snow into my bra, Katsuki.”
He settled down again, his knees digging into the ground.
“Next time, I hope you’ll think twice before trying being a jackass,” he said, roughly brushing snow away from your hair. 
You crawled up into sitting position, sneering at him. He scoffed at you, scooting closer.
Katsuki flicked his index and middle fingers in an inward motion, his gloves making the movement seem graceless. “Sit up, Y/N. I’ll get it out for you.”
You bent your head towards him and he untangled the snow clumps from your messy hair. Soon the water was absorbed by your clothes and your hair gathered into a terrible looking mess.
“It’s unfair that I can’t fight you on equal terms,” you said, trying to comb your hair with numb fingers.
“That’s what everyone says.”
You opened your mouth in mock surprise, drawing your brows together. “Such hubris.”
Katsuki lowered himself onto his back, contemplating the sky above.
“One day I’ll let you win,” he said and shut his eyes. “That’s what you want, isn’t it?”
“I don’t want your pity win.” You gave up on your hair with a sigh. Once you got home, you’d have to brush it properly or it’d be a bitch to untangle later. 
“That’s a good attitude.”
“I get enough pity from everyone else by dating you, so I don’t need any from you.”
You squealed when he thrashed up towards you and clamped his teeth on your thigh, delicately biting down. He let go, resting his cheek against you. It was impossible to resist giving his hair a few light tugs.
“Pity, huh?” he said and rested a hand on your opposite thigh. “The peasants can say all they want. In the end, I’m the one who got the girl. They can stay salty for all I care.”
“If I had by chance ended up with someone else, would I have been a peasant too?”
“Don’t kid yourself.” Katsuki’s hands slid around your waist, joining together behind your back. “That would never have happened. I’m the only one that can handle you; you’re too damn crazy for just about anyone else.”
Your body bloomed in pangs of heat, your chest and the pit of your stomach aching in a pleasant way. Hoping he wouldn’t see your giddy smile, you brushed some snow off his back. “Same goes for you.”
“Damn right, baby.”
Your waist protested when he released you and you felt like this moment had passed by too fast. The wet cloth rubbed uncomfortably against your skin as you also got up. “I’m cold.”
Katsuki eyed your front, snow lodged everywhere. 
Yes, that was all you, you napkin, you commented inside your head.
“You should head back home,” he said, grasping your cheek with his fingers and tugging gently. Reluctantly, he added, “I’ll get the stuff we need myself.”
“I told you before, I’m not going anywhere without you.”
His face became blank, an empty mirage reflecting your own serious one. For some reason, you perceived glow of admiration in his eyes.
“Yeah,” he said, his voice slightly thicker than before, “I know.”
I hope you all enjoyed it, please like and/or reblog if you did!
I listened to Baby Don't Stop by NCT U while writing the draft, which worked tbh, and Pied Piper by BTS during the re-write.
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Heart of a lion
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Chapter 2 Getting to Know You
Shinso x Reader
Rated M for Future Mature Themes (Not Explicit)
Tags: slow burn, mutual pining, secretive quirk
Summary: You never wanted to be a hero. You come from a long family of heroes, so why not just be a normal person? That’s what you hoped, until you re-connected with your old High School friend/crush.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 /
The first day of school always left a sour taste in every student’s mouth. Especially yours, as you were completely out of your normal elements. UA always seemed like such a prestigious school that was way above your social circle and here you were, taking classes there. Not to mention no one you knew attended UA, not that there were any notable friends you made anyway. You released a sigh and walked into the entrance of the towering building, not missing a green haired student almost tripped onto his face, only to be saved by a girl who made him float so he didn’t dive right into the pavement.
At least I’m not the only nervous one here. You thought as you searched for your class. General Department class 1-C. Your stomach churned outside of the classroom as you willed yourself to open the door. Immediately you were introduced to faces you did not recognize. You sneaked in the room and sat in the only empty desk that weren’t bombarded with students: in the back corner by the window. You sat your stuff down and looked out the window. You started to regret your choice to graduate into this school. Was UA really the best place to go?
As you mulled over your decisions, you didn’t even notice the student with indigo hair that sat directly in front of you.
“Looks like you weren’t kidding when you said you would join me.”
Surprised and caught off guard by his sultry voice, you looked ahead to see your former and current classmate and he was… smiling? Grinning? Either way, you were sure you felt your heart skipped a beat… or maybe that was your anxiety. “Y-yeah! I finally decided to test my luck. I guess they liked me enough to accept me.”
You heard him hum to himself. “Well, they would be idiots not to.”
You were about to ask him what he meant by that, but the teacher entered the classroom before you could. Idiots not to accept you into the school? Or idiots to not like you?
Either way you were glad that you had at least one person to talk to. You can’t help but smile to yourself. It might be an interesting time at UA.
  You wished you had a quirk that made you disappear because gym was the worst. Even though you were in general studies, it seemed the school took the students’ health seriously, even the students who were not heroes. The gym teacher decided to test everyone’s strength and stamina because god forbid you have an easy first day. He challenged everyone in the class to keep running and to not stop moving for one whole lap, or the whole class had to take an extra lap. You didn’t want to be the sorry sucker with the whole class pointing daggers at you, so you were about to collapse when you hit the halfway mark. Your shins were on fire at this point and you were almost ready to give up.
“Come on, I know you got more in you.” You heard that same sultry voice next to you again.
“I don’t know,” you strained to talk. “I think being on everyone’s shit list… is a better option than dying.”
Shinso let out a small laugh. “I don’t think it’s that bad.”
“What? Being on everyone’s shit list or dying?”
“Dying. I don’t think anyone’s ever died from running too much.”
“Well, you’re about to see it.”
You made idle chatter with him like this, forgetting the pain in your body until you saw the finish line. You both finished at the same time and you couldn’t stop yourself from doubling over with your hands on your knees and let out a groan of pain.
“Please god don’t make me do that again.” You cried out to no one in particular.
Shinso walked up to you with a sly grin. “It’s only the first day and you’ve already had more than you can handle?”
“More than you know.” You took a deep breath and released. “Really regret doing nothing but eating chips and cuddling cats all summer.”
Before Shinso could speak, the gym teacher walked up to you and placed a firm hand on your shoulder. “Which is why we need warmups like this! So, you can get your body into tip-top shape for the year!”
This is what you call a warmup?! You screamed in your head; very sure the rest of the class thought the same.
“Come on students! Let’s do some cool down exercises in the gym!”
The entire class groaned and followed the teacher. You stayed behind to catch your breath, noticing Shinso had not left yet. “You don’t have to wait for me you know. I need a minute.”
“I’m not going to the gym.” He simply said and walked in the opposite direction.
You looked at him with confusion. Where is he going?
He stopped and turned to you. “You want to come with?” He asked in a monotone voice.
You weighed your options. Follow a student you barely knew, or, finish dying off with the rest of class in the gym, who are also students you barely knew. You decided that you did not want to die today. You straightened yourself out and followed Shinso to the furthest fence that lead into a forest. He climbed on top of it and offers a hand. You pout and climbed it yourself and threw your leg over the fence and jumped down.
“I can do at least this.” You smugly said to him.
“Really? I thought you said you were dying.” He said as he jumped down to join you.
You followed him through the trees of the forest. “Only temporarily. It was a temporary dying.”
He snickered and you couldn’t help but grin. He has the cutest smile and laugh.
You both weaved through the forest and you started to feel your heart drop the deeper you both traveled into the forest. You didn’t know if it was because you were skipping class, or you were following Shinso into the middle of no-where, but the eerie croaking of the forest unnerved you. Not to mention Shinso could easily make you do anything and have you forget…
No. You were not like those assholes who assumed he was a bad person. Still, you couldn’t help but be on guard. You tried to make light conversation. “Man, I hope this isn’t a part of some convoluted plan to kill me in the middle of no-where.”
“Not unless you like being killed by fluffy lint balls with claws.”
You gave him a quizzical look, but quickly understood when you suddenly heard little meows from a multitude of cats. In the middle of this forest someone built a little shelter that housed two adult cats and two little kittens. You heart clenched at the sight as Shinso walked toward them slowly.
“Hello, Jack and Jill. Kitten and Mitten.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out two cans of cat food. He opened them and gently pushed it toward the family.
“Jack and Jill? Kitten and Mitten?” You questioned from a distance. You didn’t know how the parent cats would respond to you, so you kept your distance.
“I’m not that original, I know.” He responded as he scratched one of the cat’s ear.
“I think it’s cute.” You responded as you walked forward slowly to not to disturb their feeding time. “How long have they been here?”
“Since spring. I found them when I came here to put in my application. It was raining almost every day, so I managed to get my hands on this little house. Been feeding them since then.” They finished eating and immediately started to rub on Shinso leg.
“I can see they’re already used to you.” You said.
“Yeah, I come and feed them a lot, even though they can hunt for small animals.” He looked toward you. “You want to pet them?”
You give him an unsure look.
“Sorry, I just assumed you liked cats when you said you cuddled one all summer.”
He wasn’t wrong but you and felines had a very odd relationship. You looked toward the two adult cats, who were obviously on guard. You thought you might as well try.
You kneeled on your legs and leaned down gently, lowering your eyes.
Shinso observed your actions curiously.
You slowly reach out your hand toward both the adult cats and let them both sniff you a little bit to let them get familiar with your scent. Soon enough, both adults started to rub against your hand to let you pet them.
“Amazing.” Shinso said. “It took giving them shelter and food for them to even think of giving me a chance.”
“Well, me and cats have a pretty peculiar relationship. They either love me or hate me.” You said as the mom cat sat on your lap. “Although, they’re probably only accepting me because they trust you.”
“I hope so. I really like them.”
If only your middle school class could have seen him now. How could someone who so desperately wanted the approval of a bunch of kittens be a villain? You laughed a bit.
“Something funny?” He questioned.
“Nothing, just…” you wondered if it would be appropriate to bring up. “I never understood why our class automatically labeled you as a villain when I’m pretty sure you never did anything wrong.”
He observed the little kittens as they wrestled each other. “It comes with the quirk. People can’t help it, especially when its mind control. Villains give it a bad reputation.”
You felt sorry for him. He’s had to deal with this ridicule most of his life, no doubt being misunderstood simply because of his quirk. If it were irritating when they mocked him in class, you could only imagine what it must have been like his whole life.
“They just fear what they don’t know.” You said as you gently pat the cat in your lap. “And they’re idiots because they don’t know you.”
“You don’t know me either.”
“I would like to.” You didn’t know what possessed you to say something so bold. Maybe because it was a tender moment or because you wanted to tell him this for a while.
Shinso looked away with a slight blush on his face. “Not sure why you would want to but… thank you.”
You both grew silent the next few minutes. You couldn’t tell if it was an awkward or normal moment, but you enjoyed his presence none-the-less. You hoped he felt that way too.
After a few more minutes you both agreed to head back to the classroom. You said your goodbyes to the cat family and started to head back, noticing that Shinso kept glancing at you.
“Like what you see?” You smirked at him.
Shinso turned his head away looking embarrassed. “Nothing, it’s just… I don’t understand why you would want to get to know me. You’ve heard what they say.”
“I’m not one to judge a book by it’s cover.” You answered. “I would like to know someone before I can judge them.”
He said nothing else as you both got back, just in time to see that the class just ended, and students filing into the locker rooms.
“I’ll see you back in class.” You waved to him goodbye.
“Yeah.” He responded as he entered the boy’s locker room.
You walked inside and started to change into your normal school cloths. You wished this wasn’t the first or last time you got to hang out with Shinso, and you hoped he thought the same.
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13x21 watching notes
Not. Enough. Hugs.
Expectations: Bobo is gonna write his last episode which will make every other writer heading to the door trying to churn out some swan song fare thee well nonsense taste like ash.
I will probably cry because this mofo makes me cry all the time and I hate it because I never cry at Supernatural and the last couple of years Bobo has me leaking everywhere
Lucifer saying they'll find Jack and remake the world in his image. Gross. No thanks.
Sam and Rowena bonding over seeing Lucifer's true face and it being awful
Gabriel complaining they took all his grace
Michael, Mary and Jack's adventures
Gabriel and Rowena being the most powerful allies. What a world. Like 10 episodes ago it wasn't even like this at all :P
A last glimpse of Sam's stupid parting shot about them dying together. Whee. Sarcasm font.
Okay so this is either a dream or the future (yes.) or my next fic, and I'm only 1 second in, but all I know is that Jack, dressed all in white because he's Jesus, is watching Dean eat his 7th bit of pizza with pure horror, while Cas lovingly, smilingly, chides him for it.
Oh yeah there's Mary, laughing in the background. And she's wearing a different but still white and blue (Mother Mary) plaid.
This dialogue is literally bunker fluff banter about Jack counting Dean eating his pizza slices and Dean calling him a narc for saying so.
"John and me, we used to call him our little piglet" I am so happy. Pre-tragedy Winchester family fluff. My heart.
Sam offering to help Mary do the dishes
Dean getting Cas to punt him another pizza once Mom is no longer watching. Dear lord. The silent "gimme pizza" moment of our dreams.
Sam checking in on Mary!! How are you since... Being over there
Sam's wearing the same shirt from the end of 12x22
"I always knew you and Dean would come and save us. And you did."
Yep that was Sam's dream, which of all the available options was the absolute worst because he's the one who wasn't talking at the table, but has been missing a family the most, missing out on Mary, missing out on having Cas and Jack around, having Dean being normal. Wanting the relationship with Mary, and all the fun nuggets like "my little piglet" which makes her tease Dean and make Sam laugh... Oh god my heart. I'm a minute in and I can't take it.
And Mary starting to act like an alarm clock, Sam Sam Sam Sam, to wake him up. Oh no. Oh noooo it's awful. The alarm clock corrupted her in the dream: his image of her is so dependant on what's around him, so easy for her to be snatched away, when he thinks he's having a good moment with her at long freaking last
Last season I staked my entire house on the Sam and Mary dynamic being key and it felt like very few others cared, certainly not in the wider fandom, and along with that there was a whole lot of not understanding either of them. I'm so glad that Sam and Mary's dynamic has been more centrally placed this season and signposted because I'm so fed up that I spent all that energy on it last season and ended up feeling like I was shouting into a void :P
"He needed to extract his grace *finger quotes* in private" *Sam looks up like uuuuuh* "So I left him alone in Dean's room" *Dean looks up like EXCUSE ME DEAR DID YOU JUST SAY -
"What? No!"
Sam smirks, Dean looks pleadingly at Cas.
I was just joking in 13x20 about how Dean n Gabriel have a weird vibe about them, but I think at this point Dean is just thinking you left the skankiest archangel alone in my room???
I don't think there's a subtextual whatnow between them about this, he just doesn't want to know what angel grace looks like under a blacklight
Awww Rowena is wearing orange... With a turtleneck.....
#Samwitch forever #Jinkies!
making jokes about Gabriel's essence last episode and now the left him alone in the room to do it, and showing off Zerbe's merch and they're all just peering at that lil dot of glowiness... Gabriel is getting a lot of impotency jokes here.
"That is the jet fuel of divine emissions!"
*Dean pulls another face re: emissions*
Jesus CHRIST the rift is literally SAGGING FLACCIDLY
Bobo I hate you
of the 5 of them, Rowena's face remains, as ever, a total gem.
holy shit and then Gabriel lowers his blade as well
They all sigh and Gabriel lets his blade flop entirely to his side
Rowena looks completely unimpressed.
"Well that was fast" "One could say premature." "I thought it would be enough!"
Jesus christ what is happening in the latter part of the episode that we're getting this scene now?
Oh my god that was just the COLD OPEN
As always though, Cas being the one who has to say the really horrible thing, like, they will all just wait for him to proclaim the bad news. Maybe he just likes people to say things out loud even when they're obvious *clears throat* but also he always has that streak where he will suggest the awful plan and be first to realise some horrible path that they must take.
TFW retires to the kitchen to talk. Sam sits on the steps, now the exile, while Cas leans on the family dinner table. It's the place he goes in his head which has the best service. The connection to his family. Dean leans as well, Cas and Dean mirroring each other, providing more of a united front, as the two of them have the emotional headspace to root for this plan, however Sam feels, while Sam is caught by his trauma, isolated, hunched up and small on the floor, less of their party.
Every time it ends the same way - with the Devil on the loose again.
Hey at least this time he's already on the loose so even the worst case is that nothing changes :P
Well no the worst case is that he somehow possesses Rowena and takes the most powerful witch ever for a joyride.
Actually no he's locked in his vessel
the worst case scenario is they kill him before they get the grace, so they have to wait for Gabriel to charge up and *oh no* Lucifer is dead
God, Cas saying "the worst possible violation" re: being possessed by Lucifer is so ridiculously validating. He understands what Sam went through and he's showing he understands, feels the same way. The two of them have this connection of knowing what it's like, and Sam hears from Rowena that she knows what it's like to be tortured by him, hears from Cas what it's like to be possessed by him... His support group is here
I still love the camera angle of Cas standing in front of Dean and Dean behind him and the camera is flattening them together.
After the directing on the soggy rift, and Mittens telling me Phil is responsible I'm just like... no surprises here mate.
Plus. Cas had a shoulder!Dean there
Gabriel yoinks a book out of the shelf. It's Laying Pipe. A beginner's guide to plumbing and pipe fitting.
The cover is suitably phallic.
Gabriel is standing by the katana - the pointy one that the BMoL kept sharp. Ya know, sword sharpening.
Something he was having issues with just now despite all his sharp wooden swords last week.
"It's not always like that!!""Gabriel, please."
She was waiting for him to break that tension.
*manly virile page turning*
*more angry defences*/"I don't need to hear excuses!"
... Rowena being left alone in the library to tease their other guests is the best part of the show and they should start a regular segment which is talkshow style of Rowena plus whatever poor sucker of the week is hanging out in the bunker
"It doesn't make me any less of an archangel!" "mright."
Oh now you're blaming Rowena for your perfomance, huh, buddy?
Rowena saying a drunk six year old could operate the spell is probably not commentary on the fact that Dean is the last person to do it, huh?
Rowena saying "the three amigos with their bro hugs, pep talks and melodrama" changes the fundamental dynamic - the stereotype of their nonsense is the three of them hugging it out, instead of in 10x05, the last time they were meta textually mocked for it, Sam n Dean getting the BM scenes, and Cas and Dean's in-show dynamic not being explictly referenced except for the fact that Dean clearly thought the personal space jokes were being taken too far before he had the explanation. This makes it clear the BM moments are about TFW, uses the fact that the 3 of them are all together right now to put them all in one room and have them talking out the latest issue together away from the others, in order to establish that Cas is firmly a part of what was once the bro dynamic.
Of course he's had moments where he hangs with them in what otherwise would be the BM scene of the episode right the way through, but THIS is a metatextual statement about the dynamic, one that is more than just Rowena's snark, but writer commentary on another level, pulling on our pre-existing understanding of the show mocking the BM moments to make it expressly clear that Cas is involved too.
If Bobo is on the way out to nurture the Wayward Sisters, then this is one of those closing statements on his way. That he wants us to understad that Cas is intrinsically a part of this dynamic, and that the FUNDAMENTAL CORE of the show, the BM Scene, is a TFW inclusive incident no matter whether all 3 of them are involved in it or not, it is a thing they do TOGETHER and is NOT a justthebros meta joke. The BM thing is not just the concept of Sam and Dean looking weepy at each other over the car. It's their FAMILY, together, just as Bobo shows Sam dreaming of their FAMILY being TFW, mom and Cas's weird son who counts how much pizza you eat.
Jesus christ I was going to make a joke that Rowena and Gabriel would probably bang as my next point to break the mood of that rant but I hit play and she's checking out his tush and inner monologuing it.
Never mind.
they gonna bang
"She's so tiny. and angry."
I stan 1 heterosexual couple.
Ahahahaha he noticed her dancer's body and wondered how flexible she is. Oh dear. I'm gonna back off because I may or may not have written this exact thing in my notes in her last episode
They're adorable.
"So, we've a little time."
Oh dean's room is not going to get out of this unscathed
She raises up the wooden pestle.
"to fill what?"
*red flashing sign which says 'PENIS' is glaring uncontrollably in the corner of the screen*
Listen, because these two are the skankiest archangel and rowena, who is, well, rowena, we are getting to enjoy subtext for the sake of immediate pay off that they're openly attracted to each other and we're literally getting their checking each other out and staring into each other's eyes montage.
Sure does help with the show doing this more subtly in other places.
Phil -
yeah and abruptly to give them some privacy, back to TFW who are gonna come to whatever conclusion, go looking for Gabriel and Rowena, and end up knocking on Dean's door, open it, there they are in a heap in his bed.
Bobo "invented the fan fiction gap" Berens writing like it's going out of style
Oh no Sam's sitting next to the coffee maker that was briefly haunted by Kevin, in a Bobo episode.
"I don't like it, but it's our only choice. Our fun, great choice."
Bobo I forgot how much I love your Sam. Your Sam makes me laugh and cry. And here is sarcastic Sam, briefly returning from hiatus, and of course you are writing my favourite and the best version of Sam.
He gets to call out how they make these choices all the time where they have to go do horrible things, even against their own trauma. When he'd rather be anywhere else.
Dean points out they only have 24 hours as a complaint, but Sam has a "wait a second" which maaay or may not be resolving that. But first, they go find their archangel and witch -
Dean looks a little perturbed
Awwww they were only making out among the books, not defiling Dean's room.
Cas's head immediately tilts.
Fan fic aside, this is the most action the Bunker has EVER seen.
Unless Sam and Eileen hooked up in 12x17, that is.
The most confirmed action. No one has ever brought a date back here.
Dean still has not hooked up with Cas. That we know of.
"Reading books... here in the library... Which is the room we are in now." Well okay sure
Sam is utterly horrified. Take your shipping pick on which one or both of them he's most affronted by.
Gabriel is 100% that guy you can NOT introduce to your attractive friends.
What is Cas even doing
he's like... I can't even look at you, Gabriel
Oh, bartender in the shirt Gabriel will be in very shortly. *pretends not to be surprised*
I guess we're not hearing the plan yet :P
The bartender sounds awfully concerned about how much Lucifer is drinking - if it's Gabriel, he's needling him about how much he's drinking, maybe just to hear how he justifies it.
"I had Heaven... Hell... in the palm of my hand. You know what I learned?" Me, internally: "Nothing."
Lucifer grumbling about how they don't matter, though. They don't matter to HIM, but they matter for the world running smoothly. The natural order, the cogs whirring as they should, would all do so much better without you around. Wherever you go, you don't fit in and you suck.
- He moves on to grumbling about Jack and how he can't find him, how it doesn't matter because "his bitch of a mother poisoned him against me, probably forever" - humanity is a poison to him. Love and compassion literally toxic.
"I'm sure things will work out in the end. Jack will come around!"
I know Gabriel is just trying to troll Lucifer, but it does read as ominous, because all season the low key threat has been there that Jack might end up going at least a little darkside. More darkside than being reckless and accidentally hurting people. Going over a darkside where he doesn't immediately feel dreadful about the people who get hurt around him.
Hahaha he's so drunk. Rowena can magically roofie him. Wonderful.
And of course at the reveal, Gabriel has Kingdom Beer signs on top of him. The sign of the Kingdom of Heaven.
(I continue kinda wondering/hoping about the prodigal son return for Gabriel)
The thing is, how did they know Lucifer would be here or receptive to being roofied? Honestly, if this episode keeps up the quality, I won't question it beyond this note :P
Oh I love this confrontation.
He runs out of a bright white door and right through the other side.  This feels a LOT like Chuck's bar in 11x20, which calls back to Robbie's fare thee well episode, and reminds us that Gabriel really is the most like his father of all his sons, but also is the trap in the fairy tent with Charlie in 8x11.
There's a stag on the door, and that's more virile imagery.
If Gabriel is low on grace, I'd imagine this is Rowena's work, for the most part, and Gabriel just has to be intimidating enough to make this work.
Oh look here's someone else "back from the dead" ... It's not Lucifer's day
and even if she's not on the fullest full power, she's ready to meet Lucifer, because Sam's the one who kills her.
He must think he's hallucinating some people he killed, until it all get too real.
"Put me out of my misery! Go ahead!"
this is what I like to hear.
Sadly, I doubt they will. But it's still music to my ears.
Lucifer reaching the nadir of this arc, wherever it's supposed to go... I hope to his death, and it would be nice if he did die at the end of the season and the show was brave enough to move on to a world without Lucifer. With the apparent draw of Mark P to some parts of the audience I'm scared they won't, but at the very least it's seeming somewhat plausible right now, as he's brought down again and again and shown to have no moral fibre, no redeeming qualities, no drive to do better. Through and through, vile and useless, the story tells us, agreeing with how he comes across, how Mark P as Lucifer makes us feel in a way that the energy of Casifer did not convey at all because that all seemed to be at least for a purpose and Casifer was fun, and it didn't seem to be implying Lucifer trailing on and on and unendingly on as it ended up being >.>
take 2 of the spell! Lucifer trussed up in the Bunker library, Dean perching on a table. Get your muddy boots off that chair.
I love watching him kneeling there leaking grace. I'm petty like that... I feel like everyone in the room is too. It has a feeling like when they stole Metatron's grace, but instead no one cares to heal him and they're not even really aiming to make him human, they're just kinda. Ew. Lucifer. Who cares.
Rowena's trousers are INCREDIBLE.
I swear they used "stuck pig" in the last couple of episodes, or I'm imagining that?
Anyway Sam's plan is the least they could do to Lucifer
This is what happens when you suck: eventually a bunch of guys (gender neutral term) pin you down, leave you frozen in place dripping grace in a gross way, and all laugh at you before they leave
"When we get back, then we'll kill you."
Nice plan. Sadly, nice as it is, it gives Lucifer wiggle room to not be here or not be dead >.>
Rowena staying behind with him is unconcerning when Sam goes through the rift in the sense of character death (and she's a lot more confident around Lucifer all of a sudden :P) but I still don't want anything too bad to happen to her :( Still, it seems like a half-assurance that she will be okay.
"Save your mum," Rowena says.
The main problem, of course, being that Lucifer knows Mary is there, doesn't know Jack is there, but while they played it very cool, it's worryingly likely he's starting to guess that Jack is in there, whether he can sense him through the rift or he just has a feeling that this might be it...
Ahahahaha it's on a hill
Sam and Cas roll down it, Gabriel kinda cartwheels, and Dean comes out running and does a cool skid down the hill.
Oh gross, Gabriel ended up face first in Cas's crotch :P Dean is like FIRST YOU DEFILE ROWENA AND NOW CAS? HOW DARE -
Dean is just... wow
You guys, sometimes it's easy to meta an episode and sometimes it is very very hard and sometimes you don't even wanna type the words very very hard
"Kentucky. North East Kentucky" are we here entirely because of Asmodeus or is this to put us kinda halfway between Michael and Jack's last known location? Not that they know Michael's current location.
Rowena has no time for concern trolling about being "left behind in the kitchen" when she knows the only reason Lucifer would care is because he wants out.
She also reminds him he's being emasculated, because yes, this episode is all about penises.
Lucifer switches to being annoying, singing the same song as the password to Billie's pad in 11x10 - the episode where he first killed Rowena.
Gabriel walking along holding his blade at a 90 dergee angle to his body
Cas drops by to casually check how Gabriel is feeling about running Heaven maybe perhaps pretty please?
Gabriel points out all the things which could kill them first before they ever need to worry about that
Oh gosh he did have sex with Rowena. At some point. Maybe not right then in the library unless he magically dressed her again. But some point between then and now. Pfft.
Poor Dean's room I guess.
Cas is remarkably good at steering this conversation, when he has a point to get to. He has learned a considerable amount of tact before getting to "Heaven's dying, Gabriel," because for one thing he hasn't hauled him aside and said all this sooner. I'm always pleased when Cas's people skills are apparent.
"They wouldn't want me back, Castiel. As far as they're concerned, I'm a screw up. Hell, as far as *I'm* concerned I'm a screw up."
Oh, no. Please don't make me like you any more than I already do. This is the opposite conversation to 9x18 in the car with meta!Gabriel, Cas having to bring up the subject of Gabriel leading Heaven. It has to be him because they need an archangel, so there's no double bluff to pull where Cas could do it instead. There were 9x18 vibes all over last episode right down to Dean having a soft moment over the phone from a motel with Cas while they worked 2 ends of a case, and now we have this. 9x18 is steering a little bit from the background.
I LIKE the idea of Gabriel as the leader of a mostly stable but much more chill Heaven. And this seems tentatively positive, that it's maaaaybe just a self-esteem/compatibility thing. This is what is immediately being offered as the first obstacle to mind. Gabriel left, because of his brothers, but they're all dead or bound in the main world. They daren't haul Michael out of the pit, even just to imprison him in Heaven to keep the lights on, apparently, which just leaves him. And his major reasons for leaving are all gone now. No more archangels. Just him.
Which means that I was right after Naomi asked Cas to see about getting him back, that this comes down to how Gabriel feels, that after all this isolation, it's about does he feel he can return home, and how will home feel about him returning.
"Well, heaven's been run into the ground by upstanding angels. Perhaps a screw up is what we need."
ILY babe
*Cas looks hopefully at Gabriel*
*Conversation ends with a long shot of their walk in the woods*
Well that was a veeeery interesting note to leave that. As I was saying a few hours ago about 13x20, it may be that Gabriel doesn't need to find something to stand for to die for, but to LIVE for, which is a much more positive thing. I really actually kinda like the way this dovetails with Heaven's problems as a reason to compel him to go back, because Gabriel approaching it like a screw up who doesn't want to break anything sure is better than an egomaniac having a go.
Sam is feeling bouncier just to be in the same universe as mom and Jack
he wants the pizza party
let him have the fucking pizza party
it was just his birthday!
He's wearing his dumb backpack he's had season season 1 and it makes me unhappy in a "oh god he was so tiny" way
He's also being unnervingly optimistic about how close they are to winning, to getting Mary and Jack back, and he's finally got optimism. His mood is basically defined by this to such a horrible degree.
... Which is totally not a parallel to the beginning of the season where Dean was miserable until they got Cas back at which point he was so happy that Sam called him out on it
*distant screams of campers being menaced by a wendigo in the woods*
"Not our world, not our problem."
Dude, they're hunters wherever
Interesting how everyone here knows about the supernatural, so random hikers keeping low off the grid will know what was attacking them. And some basic lore about how vampires were affected by the lower population and starvation
TBH the comparison to the wendigo in looks isn't too wildly far off; they're both humans who have become completely monstrous in a way where they go off the deep end
The rebels Jack and Mary set up a colony there ... that could be anyone
Oh, great, tunnel of terrifying vampires. This is a distraction/time waste that will probably eat up the rest of the episode for them and cause nothing but pain >.>
Oh, we're only halfway through...
Gah how are we only halfway through??
Oh no, Rowena. Being left alone with Lucifer being annoying is one thing. Being left alone with him talking about how he murdered her is not a thing where she can play up the vindictiveness of the situation... trauma is trauma and just because she has him bound and knows he can't kill her isn't something that makes her entirely immune to facing that :(
Oh Rowena
Oh no
... Although within that Rowena casually calls them "his three fathers" which is hilarious and also particularly awful for Lucifer to  hear because it was bad enough knowing that Jack liked Cas more than him when he didn't know that
Yeeeep she didn't know that winding him up makes him stronger because anger is where his power comes from because he's so fuckin awful
Also ew he has something to fight for.
At least until Jack smushes him like a bug /wishful thinking
Oh for - he didn't even jump into the portal, she threw him off of her and he went in it by accident.
I mean, just for accountability stakes, adding it all up, could that have been any more her fault? Bleh :P
I assume the portal will still stay open a lil while, but
Oh, she's packing the Black Grimoire.
Now, is she actually going into the rift to save them, while putting on her fancy coat and scarf and all?
Or is she leaving?
"Not my problem!"
Those guys are your friends.
How DARE I have feelings. FEELINGS.
I guess Gabriel is also on the other side of the rift.
They're soulmates :P
Omg it's not the old mine from 1x02 and 11x19
I'm actually disappointed
Heheh everyone has glowsticks
Wonder how much speculation we'll get about Dean looking up at that one bright light and being in a spotlight under it... Like, Michael-wise.
It is interesting to single him out with the spotlight.
*Cas and Gabriel just casually moving rocks*
Look, Cas could blast those all away but they're trying to play it cool for the campers
Who may or may not get picked off by vampires
No, Sam is wandering
he will be picked off by vampires
Bobo you need to stop killing Sam
I mean theoretically you just murdered Sam and are ditching the show to go write Wayward like hah hahahaha no consequences here I am the showrunner, now I will make Claire and Kaia kiss
Think of how Jody will feel, my guy
Okay that's enough of the "Sam is permanently dead lol" joking.
"Saaaam!" Cas yells and disappears down the tunnel
Cas comes back Sam-less and makes Dean leave too. I'm gonna be ship neutral on account of how Sam just got eaten by vampires. But it was intense and sad.
Yet, somehow, less sad than that time Cas died in front of Dean, when it comes to OTT melodrama. I mean there was a lot of shouting, but Dean's still moving.
Dean looks great
Hey, I guess 11x17 was good practice for this.
Cas ought to be walking with him holding his hand. It's criminal to make him do this alone
Wow, Sam you look terrible.
Guys, are you really going to destroy the angel warding on the camp? That's SUPER DANGEROUS
(Why are you not hugging Cas?)
So yeah, you gotta tell mom that Sam's dead now
Just to get you
You can have one (1) family member at a time
Aw no don't cry!!!
Look, your brother was just taking a snooze because the rave got too real! He and his glowstick are fine!
Is he a vampire?
Mittens tells me he's not a vampire, which just makes this all the more confusing
Sam's like, can we go back to when I was dead?
Okay now he's heard Lucifer's story he's like can I REALLY go back to being dead?
This is like when someone wakes you up in the morning and you just don't wanna get out of bed. In that moment, no matter how much you love that person, they are to you metaphorically what Lucifer is to Sam right now.
Fitting, that it started with him vs his alarm clock as a loved one
Now we see the even darker side to mornings
Look, I'm kinda... horrified here so I'm just...
Can you kill this fucker and get back to your family already?
HONESTLY if I was Sam I'd take my chance with the wall of angry vampires rather than stick around for this conversation
"You need me"
... no shade on that concept though or anything, when it's a wall of angry vampires vs pretending to like Lucifer so he can hang out with Jack
I mean seriously I love Sam to bits but I'd be genuinely happy to see him torn apart by vampires again just to spite Lucifer.
Oh JACK no sweetie
We didn't even see them getting to hug each other, it's just straight to Gabriel sitting quietly, Jack pacing miserably, demanding why they didn't bring Sam back
Oh, he's fine
all that stress for nothing
"Please don't judge this friend I made at the rave, it was a really really bad night."
Do you ever find yourself staring into space thinking, "I would genuinely have been happier if the last shot of the episode was Sam being torn apart by vampires for the second time in 15 minutes?"
This is gonna go over swimmingly in a Buckleming episode for all the character dynamics. They are the only writers left who seem to actually like Lucifer.
Why does everything build up to stuff that needs to be handled by not-Buckleming right before a Buckleming episode anyway?
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