#strip method
sheepydwagondraws · 2 years
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He loves his new outfit
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will-pilled · 3 months
At this point I will probably never forget the people I knew, who I was friends with even, who support Israel.
I MAYBE could understand siding with them in October when most were uneducated. But now? Unacceptable.
I will always remember, and I hope everyone you know does too.
I hope not one forgets. Especially about people like you.
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raccoonspooky · 2 years
Bo sinclair has tried to wax his chest before right like theres no way in hell this man with all his vanity has not attempted to wax himself. Anyways I want to imagine him with one strip of chest where it’s obvious he attempted waxing himself. Imagine ur playing housewife for ur murder boo and u slide ur hand down his chest bein all domestic and shit and then theres one patch of skin that’s like sticky and devoid of hair and ur just not allowed to laugh about it or even ask about it because he’ll throw a man tantrum
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bmpmp3 · 3 months
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the drawrings from the mesmerizer cover i just finished <3
but more importantly, i must now explain to you the hashtag situation i created for myself because of my foolish yet absolute refusal to colour it digitally:
SO doing animation on paper is fine. its normal, hell for me its easier than digital, i just use this shitty lil 15 dollar light panel and go to town you know? historically animation was done on paper and/or clear celluloid/acetate plastic sheets (thats why they're called cels after all) for decades and its still being done that way today.
but usually. nowadays. when animation is done on paper it is still coloured and shaded digitally. we are in the age of digipaint. and thats good. before digipaint we used stuff like poster paints or other flat, consistantly coloured paint and applied that on the under side of the clear acetate cels with the ink lines drawn or xerox'd over top.
but acetate sheets for animation are expensive and hard to source where i live. so. instead of something sensible like drawing all my lines and then digitally painting the final pieces. what i did was um. i still painted it with watercolour. so this was the situation:
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i drew the main piece, and then on the same type of paper i used my lightbox to draw on new faces (to save paper i put them all over the paper, using things like quickly traced hair, etc to help line it all up later. for the paint i had to carefully try to match the skin tones around the facial features so when i digitally re-attached them they would match up........ hell of my own creation
i was chatting with my father about it, he doesnt know much about animation at all (his preferred art is b&w sketches and linework) so he didn't understand why i was complaining about the hell of my own creation so much as first. he was like "isnt watercolour what most animation was made with?" and i was like NOOO no no absolutely not <3 backgrounds, the final layer under all the sheets of clear acetate, sometimes may be done in something other than poster paint, gouache, acrylics, whatever paint they used to colour the cels: maybe something like oil or watercolour for stylistic purposes
but no one in their right mind would make even a simple barely moving PV with just watercolours <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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the bg was easy tho LOL took longer to dry than to paint :)
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got-eggs · 4 months
i am slow cooking the most delicious of concoctions in the kitchen rn
(my tags are so long lol whole half ass recipe down there)
#idk its some bastardized recipe for something called mongolian beef#well can it really be called bastardized when i actually fuckin improved it#like all there was originally was fucking soy sauce garlic brown sugar and onion#LITERALLY NO SEASONING#so i took my earned skills and actuallly made it good#the sauce is now flavorful and doesnt taste like garlic soywater#(the meat gets slow cooked in the sauce thats how i know how the sauce tastes)#added a teeny bit of mustard powder and cumin(half TBsp) added some ginger and onion powder(TBsp) and upgraded garlic to black garlic(TB)#it contained 1/2 cup of soy and 1/3 cup of Brown sugar#also replaced the water with beef broth(half cup)#theres also some oil(i did reg Veggie oil cause i dont like Sesame/ 1TB)#you serve ontop some seasoned/fried rice and mixed peppers/veggies thatve been lightly seasoned and fried in a skillet#the meat(1 1/4 Lb.) gets cleaned and sliced into strips#you leave the strips in a heavy salt solution to leach it/tenderize it(you can use other methods but this was what i had on hand) then rins#(you leave it in the solution for ATLEAST 30 minutes)#pat the strips down dry and using a 1/4 cup of Corn starch you coat the strips entirely#you then put the meat into your sauce and stir it around until the meat is entirely covered in it#then slow cook for however long you want(im doing 8 hours for some REAL tender shit)#alot of these measurements were eyed balled (except starch and liquids)[im skilled at this]#i will update yall once ive tasted the finished product#i went a little light on the seasoning but i dont have certain ingredients i want/can obtain so i had to make do(plus my parents cant shiit#DO NOT ADD EXTRA SALT TO THE DISH#leaching the meat and the soy sauce already has enough salt content#THE STARCH IS NECESSARY PART OF THE DISH#you can achieve black garlic by slow cooking regular garlic FOR WEEKS#longer = better#also i recommend using minced Ginger instead of powder for better flavour
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azure-steel · 6 months
In light of events here yesterday it's really important to know that Cloud is utterly oblivious. Attempting to rely on social cues and innuendo will not get you very far.
You have to spell it out, make an actual advance or he won't get it and will either get annoyed or just lose interest or both.
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bismuthburnsblue · 2 months
ok! Detours aside, back to that skirt i said i was going to be reworking! ive been thinking about it the last few weeks, and i think im pretty settled on making something mostly like this:
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The original attempt was a pattern drafted from the Keystone drafting guides, i think (im sure you know what im talking about) and i think its gonna work out pretty perfect for this!
i have some leftover ribbon from anne which i think will work perfectly as a drawstring so i can theoretically have this as a full length skirt if i wanted to. ill make a channel in the seam allowance and do a buttonhole or something to pull the ribbon to the where i can tie it.
according to my stash spreadsheet i have some of this fabric left over from when i originally cut this, so i should be able to cut a good ruffle, though i think ill make it a bit narrower than that, just for personal preferences.
Given its already cut out, it should be a preeeeeetty quick make, though i do have to add pockets + im not sure if i want to adjust the back panels. knowing ME itll take me a few days. especially since the FIRST task is to re-thread my overlocker into black.....
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smartratework · 2 months
pvc electric red and blue wire #smartratework#tumblr
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gwen-hemoxia · 4 months
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varyathevillain · 1 year
so many thoughts on "what that offer to Aziraphale means", "did Metatron manipulate/mind control/poison Aziraphale's coffee", "what is going on with the Second Coming", not enough thinking about "what exactly did Metatron mean by 'restoring Crowley to the angel status' in his proposal". because what if. what if it would mean "deleting all of his memories as a demon". and not "restoring his powers as an angel and giving him back original memories of Heaven".
and then, you all, this adds some ~fantastic~ flavour to the proposal and manipulation, and how if Crowley, were he to accept this for the sake of his angel, would be essentially lost to Aziraphale in the worst of ways. and Aziraphale would be the one to suffer the consequences. he got what he wanted! Crowley being an angel, but without the Crowley part. house with no furniture.
because, you know. when we got Jim in the show, we got Gabriel without all that he is beforehand. blank state angel. no thoughts, no plans from above to guide you, head completely empty.
then it would also imply how being a "demon" is essentially tied to the memories of the Fall, and if you delete those and all that comes after, completely erasing the "demon" part, only then you get to become an angel again.
hypothetically, of course.
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mithridacy · 1 year
head hurtsss so i’ve decided to revive my old headache cure and do something unpleasant and or unwise because. not like its gonna make my head hurt more!
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jimalim · 7 months
Made some paper today! Ran into a couple snags but overall very happy with the results and lessons learnt. Now that my practice run is over and troubleshooting has been figured out, I'm excited to hit the ground running tomorrow with a fresh batch of pulp!
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sapphic-schizo · 8 months
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After many soak/rinse cycles and thorough brushing with a pet brush he looks…the same! Jk he’s definitely whiter than before and the pet brush helped to fluff him back up a lot but he still looks so dingy to me -_-
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wildtornado-o · 1 year
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Helppp the self same battle totally killed everyone
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martyrbat · 2 years
i would rather eat my own foot than have another batman writer use talia as a pawn in their racist & white saviour fantasy bullshit
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azure-steel · 5 months
If someone Cloud is unfamiliar with, or doesn't know well comes onto him, or makes a pass at him, it would do them well to prepare either for stubborn resistance or be shot down entirely.
Boy used to be gullible as hell as a kid and was often lured into horrible situations by the kids he desperately wanted to be friends with. There's only so many times you can have your face pushed into the mud until you start developing trust issues.
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