medicomunicare · 2 years
Striatum and cerebellum as related and damaged partners in Huntington's disease: a matter of vulnerability
In patients with Huntington’s disease, neurons in a part of the brain called the striatum are among the hardest-hit. Degeneration of these neurons contributes to patients’ loss of motor control, which is one of the major hallmarks of the disease. As many as 10 years ahead of the motor diagnosis, Huntington’s patients can experience mood disorders, and one possibility is that the striosomes might…
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compneuropapers · 2 years
Interesting Papers for Week 38, 2022
Multiplexed action-outcome representation by striatal striosome-matrix compartments detected with a mouse cost-benefit foraging task. Bloem, B., Huda, R., Amemori, K., Abate, A. S., Krishna, G., Wilson, A. L., … Graybiel, A. M. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 1541.
Human discrimination and modeling of high-frequency complex tones shed light on the neural codes for pitch. Guest, D. R., & Oxenham, A. J. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(3), e1009889.
Neurochemical and functional interactions for improved perceptual decisions through training. Jia, K., Frangou, P., Karlaftis, V. M., Ziminski, J. J., Giorgio, J., Rideaux, R., … Kourtzi, Z. (2022). Journal of Neurophysiology, 127(4), 900–912.
A computational model of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease. Jones, D., Lowe, V., Graff-Radford, J., Botha, H., Barnard, L., Wiepert, D., … Jack, C. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 1643.
Decoding internally generated transitions of conscious contents in the prefrontal cortex without subjective reports. Kapoor, V., Dwarakanath, A., Safavi, S., Werner, J., Besserve, M., Panagiotaropoulos, T. I., & Logothetis, N. K. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 1535.
Cortical oscillations support sampling-based computations in spiking neural networks. Korcsak-Gorzo, A., Müller, M. G., Baumbach, A., Leng, L., Breitwieser, O. J., van Albada, S. J., … Petrovici, M. A. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(3), e1009753.
Task-induced neural covariability as a signature of approximate Bayesian learning and inference. Lange, R. D., & Haefner, R. M. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(3), e1009557.
Simple model for encoding natural images by retinal ganglion cells with nonlinear spatial integration. Liu, J. K., Karamanlis, D., & Gollisch, T. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(3), e1009925.
Decoding cognition from spontaneous neural activity. Liu, Y., Nour, M. M., Schuck, N. W., Behrens, T. E. J., & Dolan, R. J. (2022). Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 23(4), 204–214.
Acquiring new memories in neocortex of hippocampal-lesioned mice. Luo, W., Yun, D., Hu, Y., Tian, M., Yang, J., Xu, Y., … Guan, J.-S. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 1601.
Behavioral Timescale Cooperativity and Competitive Synaptic Interactions Regulate the Induction of Complex Spike Burst-Dependent Long-Term Potentiation. O’Dell, T. J. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(13), 2647–2661.
Great apes and human children rationally monitor their decisions. O’Madagain, C., Helming, K. A., Schmidt, M. F. H., Shupe, E., Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2022). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1971).
Thalamic bursts modulate cortical synchrony locally to switch between states of global functional connectivity in a cognitive task. Portoles, O., Blesa, M., van Vugt, M., Cao, M., & Borst, J. P. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(3), e1009407.
It makes sense, so I see it better! Contextual information about the visual environment increases its perceived sharpness. Rossel, P., Peyrin, C., Roux-Sibilon, A., & Kauffmann, L. (2022). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 48(4), 331–350.
Diverse modes of binocular interactions in the mouse superior colliculus. Russell, A. L., Dixon, K. G., & Triplett, J. W. (2022). Journal of Neurophysiology, 127(4), 913–927.
A window of subliminal perception. Sandberg, K., Del Pin, S. H., Overgaard, M., & Bibby, B. M. (2022). Behavioural Brain Research, 426, 113842.
Complex cognitive algorithms preserved by selective social learning in experimental populations. Thompson, B., van Opheusden, B., Sumers, T., & Griffiths, T. L. (2022). Science, 376(6588), 95–98.
Interactions between sensory prediction error and task error during implicit motor learning. Tsay, J. S., Haith, A. M., Ivry, R. B., & Kim, H. E. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(3), e1010005.
Morphology and Dendrite-Specific Synaptic Properties of Midbrain Neurons Shape Multimodal Integration. Weigel, S., Kuenzel, T., Lischka, K., Huang, G., & Luksch, H. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(13), 2614–2630.
Encoding time in neural dynamic regimes with distinct computational tradeoffs. Zhou, S., Masmanidis, S. C., & Buonomano, D. V. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(3), e1009271.
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bpod-bpod · 3 years
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Repetitive Repetitions
Rocking, clicking, sniffing, picking. These repetitive tics are common in people with drug addiction and neurological disorders like schizophrenia. Animals induced to have comparable conditions show similar behavioural glitches, and a new study looking at a mouse model of drug addiction has identified a family of genes involved. Mice were exposed to amphetamine, and an analysis of gene expression revealed a surge in those regulated by a particular molecular signal, called neuregulin 1, during repetitive behaviours. The gene activity was most pronounced in striosomes (green in the mouse brain section pictured), brain cells which contain high levels of neuregulin 1. Mutations in genes linked to neuregulin 1 are a common risk factor for schizophrenia, which may suggest why drug use can predispose people to developing schizophrenia. Understanding the molecular mechanism behind these behavioural glitches could help provide treatments to keep them under control, and ultimately tackle addiction and schizophrenia.
Written by Anthony Lewis
Image from work by Jill R. Crittenden and colleagues
McGovern Institute for Brain Research, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
Image copyright held by the original authors)
Research published in the European Journal of Neuroscience, March 2021
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neurosciencenews · 4 years
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Reward and Punishment Take Similar Paths in the Mouse Brain Researchers found specific neurons in the striosome that help mice learn to avoid negative experiences.
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mpaulagarzon · 4 years
Why Motivation to Learn Declines with Age
entry 2 - week 7
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I read an article called ‘Why motivation to learn delines with age’ and I thought it was very interesting. Neuroscientists study mices and identified a brain circuit called striosomes. They are basically for habit formation, addiction, emotion and control of voluntary movement. As we age it gets harder to have what they called a ‘get up and go’ attitude towards things, which is a problem because if you are unmotivated is harder to learn or be engaged to things, this can be a problem if you have a job, a family, if you are studying, etc. The researchers showed that they could boost older mices motivation by reactivating this circuit, they used drugs and it worked, so now they are working on posible drug treatments for humans
I think this is cool because this brain circuit plays an important role in approach-avoidance conflict, which is a type of decision making. It’s about either take the good and bad of a situation or to simply avoid it, and the thing is, this decision making is also linked with dopamine-producing centers so according to studies we tend to avoid the ‘hard’ decision, and this can cause us to have troubles in our day to day life. I find neuroscience very interesting, I wish I could study it, so I wanted to talk about this arcticle because altought I don’t thing we should implement drugs in our daily basis, if someone chooses to do it because they feel there is no other solution to their problems, I would like them to have the option to take this pills and feel better.
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azuritefoxgirl · 4 years
via Fight Aging!
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mmgnews · 4 years
Psychology: Motivation to learn declines with age due to reduction of activity in key brain circuit
Psychology: Motivation to learn declines with age due to reduction of activity in key brain circuit
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Motivation to learn new things and engage with life declines with age due to falling activity in a brain circuit that weighs costs and benefits, a study on mice suggested.
US experts have been studying ‘striosomes’ — clusters of cells in the basal ganglia, a brain area linked to habit formation, movement control, emotion and addiction.
They team found that striosomes are key to the decision…
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successdigestonline · 4 years
Psychology: Motivation to learn declines with age due to reduction of activity in key brain circuit
Psychology: Motivation to learn declines with age due to reduction of activity in key brain circuit
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Motivation to learn new things and engage with life declines with age due to falling activity in a brain circuit that weighs costs and benefits, a study on mice suggested.
US experts have been studying ‘striosomes’ — clusters of cells in the basal ganglia, a brain area linked to habit formation, movement control, emotion and addiction.
They team found that striosomes are key to the decision…
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get-knows · 6 years
'Striosome' neurons in the basal ganglia play a key role in learning
‘Striosome’ neurons in the basal ganglia play a key role in learning
[ad_1] Researchers have successfully isolated and recorded the activity of a subset of neurons in the striatum in the brain, shedding light on one mechanism underlying learning and decision making in animals. [ad_2] Source link
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compneuropapers · 3 years
Interesting Papers for Week 20, 2021
Differential Relation between Neuronal and Behavioral Discrimination during Hippocampal Memory Encoding. Allegra, M., Posani, L., Gómez-Ocádiz, R., & Schmidt-Hieber, C. (2020). Neuron, 108(6), 1103-1112.e6.
The Missing Link Between Memory and Reinforcement Learning. Balkenius, C., Tjøstheim, T. A., Johansson, B., Wallin, A., & Gärdenfors, P. (2020). Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3446.
Online control of reach accuracy in mice. Becker, M. I., Calame, D. J., Wrobel, J., & Person, A. L. (2020). Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(6), 1637–1655.
Tracking prototype and exemplar representations in the brain across learning. Bowman, C. R., Iwashita, T., & Zeithamova, D. (2020). eLife, 9, e59360.
Heading perception depends on time-varying evolution of optic flow. Burlingham, C. S., & Heeger, D. J. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(52), 33161–33169.
Learning sparse and meaningful representations through embodiment. Clay, V., König, P., Kühnberger, K.-U., & Pipa, G. (2021). Neural Networks, 134, 23–41.
Testing the drift-diffusion model. Fudenberg, D., Newey, W., Strack, P., & Strzalecki, T. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(52), 33141–33148.
Incidental encoding of visual information in temporal reference frames in working memory. Heuer, A., & Rolfs, M. (2021). Cognition, 207, 104526.
Synaptic plasticity rules with physiological calcium levels. Inglebert, Y., Aljadeff, J., Brunel, N., & Debanne, D. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(52), 33639–33648.
Amplitude modulation encoding in the auditory cortex: comparisons between the primary and middle lateral belt regions. Johnson, J. S., Niwa, M., O’Connor, K. N., & Sutter, M. L. (2020). Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(6), 1706–1726.
Opposing Influence of Top-down and Bottom-up Input on Excitatory Layer 2/3 Neurons in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex. Jordan, R., & Keller, G. B. (2020). Neuron, 108(6), 1194-1206.e5.
A Disinhibitory Circuit for Contextual Modulation in Primary Visual Cortex. Keller, A. J., Dipoppa, M., Roth, M. M., Caudill, M. S., Ingrosso, A., Miller, K. D., & Scanziani, M. (2020). Neuron, 108(6), 1181-1193.e8.
Transforming task representations to perform novel tasks. Lampinen, A. K., & McClelland, J. L. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(52), 32970–32981.
Spatial readout of visual looming in the central brain of Drosophila. Morimoto, M. M., Nern, A., Zhao, A., Rogers, E. M., Wong, A. M., Isaacson, M. D., … Reiser, M. B. (2020). eLife, 9, e57685.
Dopamine Oppositely Modulates State Transitions in Striosome and Matrix Direct Pathway Striatal Spiny Neurons. Prager, E. M., Dorman, D. B., Hobel, Z. B., Malgady, J. M., Blackwell, K. T., & Plotkin, J. L. (2020). Neuron, 108(6), 1091-1102.e5.
Model-based detection of putative synaptic connections from spike recordings with latency and type constraints. Ren, N., Ito, S., Hafizi, H., Beggs, J. M., & Stevenson, I. H. (2020). Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(6), 1588–1604.
Learning speed and detection sensitivity controlled by distinct cortico-fugal neurons in visual cortex. Ruediger, S., & Scanziani, M. (2020). eLife, 9, e59247.
Perceptual decision confidence is sensitive to forgone physical effort expenditure. Turner, W., Angdias, R., Feuerriegel, D., Chong, T. T.-J., Hester, R., & Bode, S. (2021). Cognition, 207, 104525.
Neural mechanisms underlying expectation-dependent inhibition of distracting information. van Moorselaar, D., Lampers, E., Cordesius, E., & Slagter, H. A. (2020). eLife, 9, e61048.
Early stages of sensorimotor map acquisition: neurochemical signature in primary motor cortex and its relation to functional connectivity. van Vugt, F. T., Near, J., Hennessy, T., Doyon, J., & Ostry, D. J. (2020). Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(6), 1615–1624.
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bpod-bpod · 4 years
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Learning from Experience
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. How do we learn to avoid repeating negative experiences, while seeking to replicate the rewards from positive ones? A recent study suggests that one area of the brain may help us with both. Neuroscientists studied neurons in the mouse striosome, a region of the brain that's traditionally thought to help mammals learn from positive experiences and seek rewards. However, they found that some neurons in the striosome (shown here in yellow/green) were responsible for mice avoiding scenarios that had previously yielded negative experiences. This discovery that striosome neurons motivate mice (and possibly humans) both to seek rewards and avoid punishment reveals the potential complexity of this structure. Digging deeper into its role in motivation and learning could help to us better understand how depression or addiction impair our ability to learn from our experiences.
Written by Gaëlle Coullon
Image by the Allen Institute, Seattle, WA, USA
Research by Xiong Xiao and colleagues, Bo Li Lab, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA
Copyright held by the Allen Institute, Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas ©2020
Research published in Cell, October 2020
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analytik-reads · 6 years
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fourthventricle · 6 years
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ruggerorespigo · 6 years
'Striosome' neurons in the basal ganglia play a key role in learning
Researchers have successfully isolated and recorded the activity of a subset of neurons in the striatum in the brain, shedding light on one mechanism underlying learning and decision making in animals. Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/04/180417115800.htm
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triznikllc · 7 years
Stress, Decisions and Faith
According to the results of research published in the scientific journal Cell, MIT neuroscientists have analyzed the mechanism and documented the results of making decisions while experiencing chronic stress. In the midst of a cost-benefit conflict, laboratory animals under stress were far likelier to choose high-risk, high-payoff options, rather than low-risk options that offer a smaller payoff and less satisfaction. This effect may be a root cause of some forms of addictive behavior in humans.
The MIT researchers determined that impairment of brain circuits underlie the abnormal decision-making process. The circuit begins in the medial prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for mood control, and extends into clusters of neurons called striosomes, which are located in the striatum, a region of the brain associated with habit formation, motivation, and reward reinforcement.
The researchers believe that this circuit integrates information about the good and bad aspects of possible choices, helping the brain to produce a decision. Normally, when the circuit is turned on, neurons of the prefrontal cortex activate certain neurons called high-firing interneurons, which then suppress striosome activity.
When test animals are stressed, these circuit dynamics shift and the cortical neurons fire too late to inhibit the striosomes, which then become overexcited. This results in abnormal decision making.
The researchers demonstrated that they could restore normal behavior by manipulating the microcircuit of neurons in the striatum in the brains in test animals. The researchers used optogenetics techniques, which involve the use of light to stimulate the neurons in patterns that can control or modify behavior. If a method can be developed to safely tune this circuit in humans, the MIT researchers believe that optogenetic treatment could help patients with addiction, depression, anxiety, and other disorders which feature poor decision-making.
Some bible scholars believe that the author of the Book of Ecclesiastes, probably King Solomon, exhibited the symptoms of depression, and it’s evident that he demonstrated high-risk behavior when he lived outside of God’s will. It’s also worth noting that the bible prescribes an effective treatment for these disorders. Psalm 43:5 asks, “Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.” Of course, we recognize that addiction, depression, anxiety and other disorders often require professional therapy and medical intervention, but faith in God and an attitude of gratitude, along with fresh air, sunshine and aerobic exercise can be very effective for promoting mental and physical health and well-being.
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