adrias-musings · 6 years
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When your sister sends you more old and you gear angels singing. #stressedasfuck #aromatherapy
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amayaflames · 7 years
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Bit of Devil to end the day #devilsbackbone #beer #delicious #ps35 #relax #stressedasfuck
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amueed · 3 years
Not only does stress take away a few years of your life, but your immune system also won’t be working its hardest to protect your body, so you see physical defects as well.
#mentalhealthwarrior🐾 #mentalhealthsupport #stressreliver #stressreliever #mentalhealthsupportgroup #stresseating #stressedcat #mentalhealthwarrior #stressbuster #stressmanagement #stressedasfuck #prilaga #stressfulday #stressed #stressbaking #stress #stressless #stressfree #stressedbutblessed #stressaway #stressrelief #stressedbuthappy #mentalhealthawarnessmonth #mentalhealthwarriors #stressabbau #stressedandblessed #stressedout #mentalhealthawarness #stressbmx #stressful
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mryddin · 8 years
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Moving craziness. Thank you bullet journal for helping me be sane. Now I am doing nothing for the rest of the day because I would rather rest and not have a mental break down. Ice cream here I come.
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newinboystown · 9 years
My associates keep asking if I got laid last night. Uhm... Sadly no. This is just what Nick is like when he has more than 4 hours of sleep.
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the--sunchild-blog · 9 years
Just wanna get drunk and makeout with someone, today's been rough.
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newinboystown · 9 years
It's 11pm. I just got home from an 18 hour day to a text from my boss saying I have a last minute cooperate visit tomorrow morning. Wait... What???? I have 10 hours to get my shit together and pray they come in with a positive attitude. Another District Manager is joining them... Here's to hoping they offer me the better of the two promotions tomorrow :)
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Ha ha hahah I just want to curl up into a ball and sit in a dark hole for 3 years.
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arealisticimitation · 10 years
SAT scores come out today but the page won't load
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templemybody · 10 years
Why do I keep doing this to myself!
Leaving huge-ass assignments until the last minute.
I told myself I'd never do it again.
I'm in a very vulnerable state right now. 
I need to step up my game or drop out of uni.
What is my problem!
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Having such a shit day
And I have 8 days till my due date. Someone just wake me the fuck up when its baby time. I'm over it all and I just want to go into hibernation now. Way too stressed out.
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