mryddin · 5 years
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mryddin · 7 years
yep this is animation life lol 
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mryddin · 7 years
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WHAT A DAY TO BE AN AMERICAN @AmericanGodsTV @AmericanGodsSTZ https://t.co/GaXpf0kVcd
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mryddin · 8 years
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I have had a long day ... Bonus have keys to new house. Moving in , in the am!
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mryddin · 8 years
I was feeling kinda crappy (literally) today and caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror as I was rushing in. I saw myself and almost laughed because I suddenly realized I have turned into that older arty booky woman I thought I would be; a long loose maxi dress with an equally long sweater on, bear slippers and my hair messily clipped half up half down on my head...black glasses, a glass of water in one hand and my thumb keeping the page in the book in my left hand. The only difference? I thought by now I would be living in a cabin isolated, alone with my dog and books lol.
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mryddin · 8 years
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I have realized that I don't tan... My freckles just slowly take over.
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mryddin · 8 years
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Moving craziness. Thank you bullet journal for helping me be sane. Now I am doing nothing for the rest of the day because I would rather rest and not have a mental break down. Ice cream here I come.
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mryddin · 8 years
last two letters of your first name
middle two letters of your last name
first two letters of your mother’s name
last letter of your father’s name
mine would be Urlelan. Reblog and tag this with yours!
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mryddin · 8 years
Hallo friends. I'm stressing to the max lately and I just don't have anymore spoons. I am having a hard time adulting on my own and really want a grown up to solve it all for me. Absolutely broke down tonight after having a shitty migraine that sent me to bed early. I woke up to a text notification and an email that tipped my stress bucket over. I had my anxiety freak out and cried and did my best to explain how I have been feeling. I'm still up now because I slept earlier. I know it is going to be a struggle to sleep. Which means it is going to be a struggle to get the important running around I need to go do tomorrow done. Anyone want to come over and help me adult? I have: -Packing to do -Finalize movers -Get condo insurance -Cancel renters insurance -Get certified cheques -Book elevators for moving day -Go through storage area and balcony and get rid of stuff. -Find out where I can throw out furniture -Tell the Internet company we are moving -Put a mail forward out -Some how manage my money, because it's disappearing faster than I thought. -Manage to eat healthy because I'm fat and hate myself for it -Call back the mortgage insurance people for health assessment. -Manage to deal with landlords real estate agent who is suddenly all "what do you mean you're moving out" when I told her that, and my landlord asked us to buy or get out.. -take care of the dog that was just neutered -go back home on the long weekend so I can sign stuff to deal with Moms estate (the probate still isn't over...cus my lawyer sucks) -contact friend to see if she is coming to work party still -try to breathe!? My head hurts. I'm hungry now too. It's 2am....
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mryddin · 8 years
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Arthur Curry in the first Justice League Trailer
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mryddin · 8 years
i dont get offended at white people jokes even though im white because: 
i can recognize white people as a whole have systemically oppressed POC in america, which is where i live 
most people when they make white people jokes only mean the shitty white people and i am not a shitty white person 
im not a pissbaby
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mryddin · 8 years
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Unarmed Black Man With Hands Up Shot By Police.
Charles Kinsey, 47, a behavior therapist from South Florida was shot in the leg three times by the police in North Miami while laying on the ground with his arms up and trying to help his patient with autism who had run away from a group home.
It all started when someone called 911 and said there was a man walking around with a gun. However it was Kinsey’s patient who was sitting on the ground cross-legged, playing with a toy truck.
Charles got shot by police despite telling them he was only trying to help his patient.
The police shot him, handcuffed him and left him on ground bleeding.
North Miami police have not released much information at all. They haven’t released the officer’s name, they haven’t given us an update on the investigation. However, they did say that the state attorney is now a part of this investigation.
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#CharlesKinsey   #BlackLivesMatter 
#StopPoliceBrutality   #NorthMiamiPoliceDepartment
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mryddin · 8 years
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mryddin · 8 years
In the last few days, there have been 3 major terrorist attacks that have gone hugely unreported by mainstream media: 
June 28th - Ataturk Airport Attack, Turkey - 45 dead, 238 injured
July 2nd - Dhaka Cafe Attack, Bangladesh - 22 dead, 40 injured
July 3rd - Baghdad Shopping Mall Attack, Iraq - 130 dead (the death toll so far), over 160 injured 
All in Muslim-majority countries. All during the Holy Month of Ramadan. And all committed by ISIS. 
And yet people still have the audacity to claim that “all Muslims are terrorists”, or paint those in the West as terrorism’s biggest victims. 
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mryddin · 8 years
Officially buying a condo... Say what!?
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mryddin · 8 years
Life is crazy. I just put an offer on a home today...
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mryddin · 8 years
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❤️L💛O💚V💙E💜#torontopride #love
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