grlpartdoll · 17 days
Thinking about y2k fast and furious version of Ghost.
A street racer who's got very little to lose, who grew up in parts of town that destroyed his family whole.
It's only him and his little sister now, and Soap, and Price, and Gaz.
Soap is his best friend since birth, the man who grew up living beside him in the same shithole apartment. He would steal and sometimes he would bring back enough food for Simon and his sister to eat for the first time in days.
And Price, his mentor. He owns about every garage and autoparts dealerships in their town. When Ghost stole one of his cars and he found it wholly destroyed in Simon and Johny's little makeshift garage in the abandoned lot just east of town, the parts undone and laying about, he decided that he could use curious people on his team. People who wanted to know more about cars and were actually ready to get their hands dirty for it.
Recruiting them was a whole other thing, though. They were evasive, disappearing everytime Price went out of his way to find them. He eventually caught them both at the local pub, the two too distracted or too drunk to even noticed Price had made it inside.
Now that's history. Ghost and Soap have made their way into the street racing world and have made it to the top without playing dirty even so much as once. Gaz was already at the top when they began, and he was the only one who, granted a bit hesitantly, let them into the tight circle of winners.
In comes in you. The little wide-eyed doe lost in the midst of their world. Or so Ghost thinks.
He sees you in the crowd one night and it's over for him — can't focus on anything else but finding you again when you get swept up by the crowd and disappear from his sight.
He knows he won't be able to ride properly if he doesn't find you. He's obsessive and has grown into someone who cannot live without getting what he wants.
so he lets Soap take the wheel this time, and the money that goes with the winning spot. He knows Gaz and Soap will probably come head to head and split the money anyway. More for them if they split it two ways.
Either way, he eventually finds you in one of the opened garages on the street they've blocked for the event, gazing into a pink car's popped hood. Your fingers are grazing the parts and edges of it, your face flushed with midnight humidity.
He watches you for a long time, and eventually finds something to say.
"Y'like it?"
"Fudge cake!" You curse— or try, grumbling at the masked man. He has his trusty balaclava on, and it only serves to make your heart race faster than it should
"Fudge cake?" He replies, cocking a brow underneath his mask. You can't see it, but you can hear it in his voice.
"You scared me." You scold the giant in the doorway, his two hands holding onto the upper frame.
"You're off the tracks, little mouse."
"I just got... Curious." You mumbled, soft and quiet. Despite his initial perspective on you, you actually do seem to fit in here. Even though you're not wearing ten pounds of makeup like most of the girls here, you have gone through the effort to apply some mascara and lip gloss and something else Ghost can't name for shit. Something makes your face glossy and warm, but he's ready to bet it isn't makeup.
You're wearing a tiny turquoise and pink skirt with modern detailing, with a shirt that rises well above the decent mark where tummy and breast interchanges. Stockings and legwarmers and leather gloves complete the look. Your hair's up into two pigtails.
He's suddenly self conscious about his treadbear jeans, wife beater and leather jacket. He's all stained with car oil and something else he can't identify from the garage.
"This yours?" You ask suddenly, and he's all quiet for a moment, confusion on his face.
"No," he finally makes, leaning closer to look at you better, clearer. You notice scars and still healing wounds on his face where the balaclava allows. Still, that doesn't scare you, for some reason. If anything, you just curiously cock your head to the side, and smile a bit wider. "No. Wanna see mine?"
"Uh, yeah." You reply, perking up a little. An innocent gesture, but so unlike anyone else he's ever had the pleasure of meeting in his parts of the city. You move like a little doe, all bouncy and flailing like you're too excited for your own body to handle it. "I do."
He nods his head as a sign to get out, and you do, following him as he brings you two back to the crowd, where he's parked. He doesn't miss the fact that you don't ask questions and simply follow, blindly trusting him to get you to the right place.
When you two get to his car, you're in the thick of the crowd, so he has to keep you close, walking with his hand holding the back of your neck. He even has to lean down to your level so you can hear him over the arguing, the music and the people making animated bets on the winners. And if his lips trail a tiny path up your earlobe, you don't seem to notice, only get a little shy, your shoulders shimmying for a single moment before you're giggling awkwardly at whatever he's saying.
It's so unlike the practiced charisma of the girls around him usually, so different from the stuff he has been used to, that it only deepens his obsession with you.
Thankfully for him, the big fuss is centered around Johny and Gaz and another rider he doesn't know personally, though, so he's got you all to himself for the moment as he shows off his baby.
He even lets you sit in the front and lets you get a feel for the leather seats, asking off-handedly how you felt about being a passenger princess for the rest of your life. You laugh, and don't reply, taking it as a joke. He wasn't joking. But that's okay. He laughs too, deep and hoarse and unpredictably rough.
Later, when the night has settled and the winner has been announced and you've cheered and whooped at your heart's content for Gaz and Soap (Ghost told you to cheer for them, so you did..), Simon even lets you have a ride around in his special, (very illegally modified) car !!!
He takes you to his favorite spot, a rundown drive-in movie theater that no longer works, and the both of you speak until the sun rises at the horizon. You fall asleep eventually, and Simon just watches as you slumber, amazed that he's caught himself such a pretty little thing.
That's all I have tbh I just think it could make a Very interesting plot.
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s-4pphics · 6 months
mourn. intro. (e.w.)
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WARNINGS: streetracer!ellie, dealer!oc, backstory lemme cook, parental death, mentions of overdoses, funeral, baby ellie :), oc intro… cackles evilly
A/N: last post til eid lol 
pay zakat. feed a family this ramadan. k!ll zios.
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ANGUISH floods Ellie’s chest as she witnesses decorative rosewood being lowered into the sopping dirt. It’s cinematic; watching herself from a bird’s eye view, floating above her own body. Her brain cranks at an alarming rate. Churning in attempts to convince her that she’s not actually here, staring dead at her mother’s casket. The grass sludges beneath her shoes with every unsteady shuffle of her feet. 
There aren't many people around. Three of her mother’s former work friends, a service dog, and the officiant. They’re hardly acknowledging Ellie; no one would be able to stop her from leaping head-first into the ground due to the lowering clouds. Buried and suffocated by grass and mud, a feast for the maggots, but loved eternally. Every cell in Ellie’s body thrums with anxiety. Just when she trusted that her mother’s health was improving, she woke up, shrouded in ice next to a limp body and an empty pill bottle on the nightstand. The same ones her mother took to sleep throughout the night. 
That was three weeks ago. She doesn’t remember calling 911. 
Her best friend — her only friend is gone. And it’s permanent. This isn’t like how her mother used to scavenge the streets until dawn searching for another job before Ellie woke up. She’s not coming back to crawl into their shared, warm bed, sleep for half an hour, then help her get ready for school. No more oatmeal in the mornings. No laughter. No joy. No symmetry. Ellie’s life is forever scattered. Beaten to death until she’s leaking venomous, black blood.
There’s a man that keeps staring at her with pity: familiarity crushes her every time they lock eyes. She kind of remembers him. Somewhat. She almost forgot her shoes before coming here. He seems more upset than her. At least externally; Ellie’s rotting from the inside. 
Her mother’s chamber is completely submerged underneath dirt within the next few hours. The man from earlier is much closer now. 
She jumps when he whispers, 
I owed your mom a favor. 
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Ellie hates Joel. Hates her mother for leaving her with him. Hates herself for not being able to save her from the claws of addiction. 
Joel’s home is always silent during the day. He gave Ellie the grace of letting her stay home until the Spring, but it’s too quiet. Music never plays and they never talk, and it’s driving her to madness. The silence makes her itch. 
Until the sun sets. 
She already has trouble sleeping. Her insomnia combined with the thunderous clanking that blares from the garage every night is enough to get her sobbing into her pillow until the sun rises the next morning. One night, the noise had gotten so uncontrollably loud that Ellie barged into the garage to shout every curse she recalled her mom screaming into the phone before bedtime.
She didn't expect, however, to see Joel’s legs extended out from underneath her mom’s wrecked ‘57 Chevrolet. Ellie could hear him grunting as cranking and banging of metal took over the space. 
… What are you doing? 
Joel rolls out from beneath the car on a creeper, face confused and smeared with dark sludge. 
Why’re you up? 
It’s loud. She snaps. Why is her car here. 
Joel sighs. Just trying to fix it up. 
For what. Ellie eyes the cracked windshield. She somehow remembers how a rock hit it on the freeway when she was six. Her mom was livid. She can’t drive it anymore. 
Joel’s face twists uncomfortably. It’s almost comical; the seemingly boiling child stands at a whopping four-foot-three with her fists clenched, burning holes through her bright yellow Spongebob pjs. Her glare sharpens when he mumbles, 
So you stole her freaking car? Her eyes swelter, brows hauled downward and hands in fists. He sits up straight, palms up in surrender, wrench in hand. How’d he even get back into their old house?
No, I — He rushes, She asked me to try n’ get it started again. That’s all. I… I shoulda asked you —
Ellie’s not sure why she’s so enraged, but she’s hollering with a pointed index in his direction, berating him, degrading him with sobbed vulgarities. Pushes him hard when he rises to comfort her. Eyes him with so much disdain that he flinches. 
She hates him. She misses her mom. 
The guest room door slammed shut with the click of a lock. She screamed for her mother for hours. Voice shrieking so loud that the neighbors came knocking after the first fifteen minutes. Cops pounded on Joel’s door and proceeded to conduct a wellness check on the household after an hour. 
Their presence made Ellie swallow her scorn. Ellie’s already received a small taste of what it’s like to be in the system. She vowed to never reenter as if her life depended on it. 
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Joel made Ellie chocolate chip pancakes for her birthday. 
Breakfast is silent, per usual. Light clinks of utensils on silverware and breathing are the only proof of life in the room. Ellie refuses to touch the squared slices of pineapple. It was her mother’s favorite, despite her complaints of an itchy mouth after every juicy piece. 
Your mom and I… 
Ellie pauses, skeptic eyes connecting with Joel’s. He’s treading light, she can tell. The nerves in his fingers are evident; The sorrow in his eyes suffocates her. Joel’s gaze drops onto his plate at the scrutiny he receives from across the table. 
She’s a good friend of mine, He mutters before his lips turn downward. Was. 
Ellie snorts humorlessly, Way to rub it in. 
Joel’s eyes flutter shut as he sighs, I’m… Sorr—
Were you the one she told? Her tone is sharp. Unforgiving. I heard her on the phone a few days before she did it. 
A storm flurries in the man’s gaze. A familiar one; It’s identical to when she would catch her mother in the middle of night talking to herself with a bottle in her hand. The winds in his pupils take her back to one of the darkest times of Ellie’s life. Maybe they were closer than she assumed. They look identical when they’re guilty. 
I didn’t—
But he did. He’ll never forget being on the other line with Ellie’s mother as she attempted to keep her cries to a minimum. Her croaked wails terrified him. Left wounds in his chest as his heart raced. I can’t do this to her, She’d said, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t! … Please… You owe me…
Joel did what he could over the phone. Made promises to her that he couldn’t keep, reaffirmed how much Ellie loved her. How badly she needed her mother, and eventually eased her sobs into pained whimpers. He believed the calmness she exuded prior to ending the call was a sign of understanding of her importance, but it wasn’t. Her mind and body merely accepted her fate. She was dead two mornings after. 
And Ellie was a witness to it all. 
Ellie’s eyes roll and sickness floods her, so she stands, You’re a liar. When you’re ready to tell the truth… You know where I am. She doesn’t bother to push her chair in, clean her dishes, pause at his calls of her name. Her feet stomp through the hallway, marrow searing beneath her skin. The guest room door slams shut and she breaks, guarded by the plainness of the beige walls while tears flow. 
She knows he knew. Why else would her mother leave her with him? 
When Ellie got up to use the restroom hours later, she nearly tripped over a teddy bear holding a birthday cake. With candles. She’s never received a gift before. 
She doesn’t tell him that she slept for an hour with it hugged to her chest. 
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The noises in the garage halt for a week. Ellie still can’t fall asleep. Joel has the same problem, she’s discovered. She finds him sprawled out on the couch one night, burning holes through the roof with a picture frame in his arms. She watches him silently for some time, perched behind the main wall of the hallway. 
Joel’s acknowledgement earns a gasp followed by scuffling, and he snorts. He sits up and sets the dusty frame on the cushion in front of him, noting how awful Ellie is at hiding; It makes him smile. Barely, but he’s endeared; Her entire arm was exposed. He can even see her duck-shaped slippers from where she’s tucked behind the wall. 
She doesn’t come out, and he sighs. His heart twists painfully when he hears a wet sniffle. He’s up and moving when a guttural sob echoes from the hallway, crouching down in front of Ellie with her knees squeezed into her heaving chest. Joel’s heart cracks at her flushed cheeks drenched in salt. Talking won’t calm her, he knows it, but he’s unsure of what else to do. Ellie… isn’t an emotional kid, but he hushes her, attempts to cradle, apologizes softly. 
But when her wet eyes pinch open, she unravels and falls into him completely. Her arms squeeze around his neck in a deadly grip and she cries and coughs and whines for her mother. Joel holds her just as tightly as she hangs off him. 
We're gonna be fine, sweetheart. He mumbles, and he feels her head shake in denial, tucked in the crook of his neck. His knees wobble, and a soothing hand rises to caress the back of her head; He's never seen a kid this hopeless. It makes him wonder. 
What the hell did she witness in that house? 
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Ellie’s always struggled to fall asleep alone. 
Her need to be coddled to dreamland was always a mystery to her mother. Skin-to-skin was a normal trait for infants, toddlers, maybe even a little over, but at age ten? Eleven, and unable to fall asleep without the feeling or knowledge of a loved one present? There was only one time where she recalled her mother carrying her to her own room to rest, but the second the door clicked shut, she was up. Awake. Alert and exposed to harm. Or, at least that’s what she convinced herself. 
She crawled into her mother’s bed minutes later and snoozed throughout the entire night. She didn’t hear the end of it when the sun rose. 
Joel doesn’t berate her, though. 
I can’t sleep by myself, she’d said to him after she calmed from her breakdown in the living room. They’d sat on the couch as he rubbed a comforting palm down her back, her small ones coming up to wipe her wet cheeks. 
How come? 
She scoffed, Scared of the dark, I guess? I dunno. I just can’t. 
Joel hummed in understanding. 
I’m like that, too. Sometimes. 
Ellie snickered wetly, You’re old, though. It’s not the same. 
Joel scoffed and snatched his hand away in mocked hurt. I’m not old! 
The gray hairs say otherwise! 
That night was the first time they ever laughed together. The first time Ellie laughed since her mother’s death, and it carried on until she knocked out beside him on the couch. 
For Joel, though, he couldn’t rest. Not when Ellie favored his daughter that much. Whenever he feels as though he’s progressing, letting go of grief, something life changing — disastrous — forces him right back to square one. Meeting Ellie was one of those moments. He tried to keep his weeping to a minimum as he held her sleeping form, eyes glued to the picture of him hugging his baby after her first soccer win. 
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It’s New Year’s Eve, and Ellie’s trapped inside the garage with Joel. 
Watching him tweak her mother’s vehicle has aided her raging boredom… To a certain degree. When he starts getting nerdy and raving about car parts, she tunes him out, despite the slight interest she’s taken with underneath the hood. 
The connecting wires, the bolts, the valves and cranks and this manual makes absolutely zero sense—
Can you stop dillydallyin’ around n’ hand me that? 
Ellie’s gobsmacked reading is paused when she passes Joel the manual, dark sludge-covered hands staining the fading paper. She cringes. 
Ellie watches silently as Joel inspects the contents, nodding to himself as his eyes flicker from the vehicle to the booklet, mapping out his next moves of attack. His eyes sparkle and curiosity sparks in her. 
Did you fix it? 
Joel only murmurs to himself, and Ellie’s eyes roll. She inches closer to him and waves a hand in front of his eyes. Hellooo? Is it gonna start? 
… I think so, kid. His head shakes in disbelief, If I can get that transmission replaced, it might be alright. 
Ellie’s brows furrow… What on earth is a transmission? 
I’ve been workin’ on cars for a while. I can tell you now that finding such an essential part for a model this old is gonna be tough. Might cost me an arm n’ leg. 
Ellie shrugs, You’ll figure it out, old man. 
He stares down at her blankly, Gee, thanks. Hand me that wrench, assistant. 
Ellie mocks glee on her skip to the rolling cart, Gosh golly dang, does this mean I’m hired? 
He jokingly snatches the tool from her extended hand. Little bugger. And just like that, you’re not gettin’ paid. How’s it feel to be outta funds? 
Ellie’s fake wails earn her a deep holler. 
Ellie oversees Joel until the clock strikes twelve, following his line of vision on every rusted compartment of the vehicle. Stood attentively at his side as he pointed out the carefully crafted machinery, listing their parts despite Ellie’s protest of forgetfulness. There are so many names for everything; Building cars seems so complicated, but curiosity sparks in her. She starts to think: maybe cars aren’t so boring. 
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Another sleepless night for the both of them; Might as well commit to movie night. Fireworks are still going off in the small neighborhood hours later. The booming colors in the sky makes Joel's teeth grind. Reminds him of the time he took Sarah to Santa Monica Pier. 
… What favor did you owe my mom? 
Thickness builds in his throat the second Ellie mentions her. He sets the large bowl of chocolate-doused popcorn onto the coffee table, reaching for the remote to turn the movie down. Not off, down. Ellie hates feeling like she’s being scolded. 
Joel doesn’t look at her, but her eyes are glued on the side of his face. 
Umm… He scratches his face, Did your mom ever mention me to you? Ellie denies with a hum. 
Joel’s mind whirs back to the first time he met Anna: sophomore year. He was exhausted, drained, barely making it, but despite being miserable, he still cared deeply for his education. He studied until his eyes burned, jotted down notes until his hand cramped and the librarian was gently urging him to head home. 
She… We were friends in college. He fonds, We met at an ice cream truck. 
Weird. Ellie notes causally, She hates dairy. 
… Yeah. She does. Joel coughs to mask the brokenness in his voice. 
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Anna was… a genius, to put it lightly. Academically gifted to an intimidating degree. Her mind was a camera; She’d scan one excerpt from the thickest novel once and still manage to repeat it word for word years later. They had comms together; Her voice sounded like tweeting birds whenever she recited her prepared speech like it was nothing. She was an emotional speaker, entranced everyone in the room, and always ended with a question that forced students and professors to self-reflect. Joel wouldn’t call it a crush… Merely admiration. Envy. He was motivated whenever he left comms. 
He’ll never forget the image of her, sweating and worn, carrying what seemed like a twenty-pound backpack — all stuffed with calculus books — while ordering a can of Sprite from the humming, beaten down truck. Anna didn’t leave after the vendor handed her the soft drink. She simply turned to Joel, inspected him from head to toe, and turned back to the vendor. 
I’ll cover whatever he gets, too. With a thumb aimed at him. He nearly choked. 
A free snow cone couldn’t halt the racing in his chest. 
I know what you are. 
What, He questioned without a stutter. 
You fix cars? Anna quirked a brow at him. Joel’s brows pull downward. How did she know that? He’s fixed one car since he’s been enrolled. His buddy pulled up in front of his dorm asking for a windshield repair. But he shrugs, feigning nonchalance. I dunno. 
The green-eyed girl scoffs and sips from her nearly emptied can. 
You down to replace a tire? Some jackass thought it would be funny to leave a rusty nail in our parking lot. 
Our. She must have roommates… or lives where he does, he thinks. For how much? Not a beat missed. 
Her shoulders lift, I dunno. How much does a tire cost? 
Depends on the model. What d’you drive?
A chevy. Don’t ask the year, I’m not sure. It was a hand-me-down. 
A slight pause between them before Anna suggests with a sigh,
Come see ‘er. 
Thar she blows. 
Joel can’t help but snicker at the woman in front of him, posing right next to her teetered vehicle. It’s quite charismatic; the bright pink bumper stickers, the crisp turquoise paint job, the slight scratch on the trunk. It’s nice. Classically vintage; it suits her. 
A beauty, he notes with his eyes locked onto Anna’s. She gives a hum in agreement. 
Revive her, if ya don’t mind. I’m desperate and can’t sue, so. Joel nods and inspects the damage on her tire. The air is nearly fully gone, and it’s making her drive slump. 
Tire shouldn’t be more than thirty-five… Gonna have to head home for some stuff. Willing to wait an hour? When he turns to her, they’re shoulder to shoulder. 
Anna smirks, Whatever you need, mechanic. 
My dad, Joel corrects, He taught me the basics when I was like… twelve. 
Her voice lowers, Good on him… Earned me a discount, eh? A hand claps down on his shoulder and gives it an encouraging squeeze, and he revs to life. 
He swears the tips of his ears are red hot, Sure… minus that deposit. I needa twenty for emotional damages. 
Fuck off. Her eyes are soft, Might never go to the shop again. You’re officially my car fixer-upper. Fuck these grease-balls n’ their price spikes. 
Joel snorts, You get into that many goddamn accidents? 
She leans in closer, and his throat closes. Slams shut. Turns to dust. 
You’ll find out, mechanic.
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That’s why you’re spending so much time on it, Ellie notes at Joel’s retelling before a harsh gasp escapes her. Dude, were you in love with my mom or somethin’?
The man stutters and coughs, No — what? I told you she was a frien—
Ellie snickers with a judgmental point, Yeaaah, yeaaah, I know how these things go. You sucker! 
What the hell — I’m not a sucker… And what things—
Anna and Joeeel sitting in a tree! — 
A pillow smacks Ellie dead in the face, and she topples over in cackles. Joel rubs deep in his temples. Ellie would’ve loved Sarah. Two little bullies who feast on his suffering. 
No more storytelling. I’m going to bed. 
You can’t! Remember? Ellie hollers as tears fall from her eyes. She coos at Joel when he lifts himself off the couch and down the hall, trying to mask his small smile. 
Aww! C’mon, old man, it was a joke! 
I can’t wait for you to go back to school, ya vermin! 
An exhausted Ellie creeps into Joel’s room half an hour later. She sighs in relief when she doesn’t hear snoring. Her mom was the worst when she was tired. She tiptoes across the carpeted floors until she’s in front of the unoccupied side of the mattress, stealthily adjusting the blankets and pulling back the sheets. 
She slowly manages to tuck herself in, fixing the pillows so her head rests on the cold side of the case, exhaling happily at the warmth defrosting her limbs. 
The second she dozed off, she yanked to consciousness by raspy sarcasm. Her eyes roll underneath her lids.
You can’t, either. Joel croaks, Remember?
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Five days until school. Five days until misery. Five days until… strangers. Ellie’s skin crawls whenever she thinks about being an enclosed space with snot-nosed boys and soggy lunches. 
And math… Gross. 
Joel has been more than willing to postpone Ellie’s enrollment whenever she becomes anxious, but she always denies his requests. She’s grown to like Joel, but… he’s not the best teacher, especially social studies. Reviewing one of her old packets nearly gave him an aneurysm. She can’t afford to be homeschooled by him. 
What's been the best distraction from her impending doom? 
Binge watching Cars for the billionth time… And helping Joel patch up that blue Chevy. 
They celebrated their first victory last night for repairs, at least: Joel stuck and twisted the key to start up the engine, and it managed to stutter to life. For less than five seconds. The headlights barely came on and an old Foreigner record broke through the crackly speaker. They rejoiced with the brightest smiles as their hands slapped the dashboard before the vehicle crashed out once more. 
A glimmer of hope. A chance for reconnection. Anna’s sending them messages. The joy in that car shifted to grievance; Joel had to cradle Ellie in his lap as she wept into his shoulder. 
But there’s hope. Ellie wanted nothing more than to get this car working after that. Duty calls, though, and the alarm’s coming from a backpack. 
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You got this, kid. Stop stressin’. 
Ellie, without a doubt in her mind, does not got this. 
Screaming children, muddy slides, bloody band aids; they’re all on the other side of that office door. Her worst nightmare has come to life, and she desires nothing more than to hide out in her mom’s car forever. The bag strapped around her shoulders matches the weight of a body. She refuses to let go of Joel’s hand as he speaks with the giggly receptionist who’s too happy to see him (what the hell), but it's okay; he’s holding hers just as tightly. Just as paranoid, apparently. 
She’ll be with Mrs. Lawson for the remainder of the year. Ellie hears the receptionist say over her pounding heart, She’s incredible! I’m sure they'll develop an amazing bond. 
Ellie’s palms are sweltering. Joel must feel it because his thumb nuzzles into her wrist. She’s not built for this. Maybe returning so soon wasn’t a great idea. She can’t do this without her mom. 
Cool backpack, Spidey, is said from behind her, and she stiffens instantly. 
She has a Spider-man backpack. 
Hush. An older man’s voice replies. Sounds strained. Stressed, but he only receives a light snicker from her in return. 
Ellie watches with squinted eyes as a young girl gets escorted towards the front of the office by… the principal, she assumes? He seems fancy in his suit slacks. 
You stay right here until I get your uncle on the phone, The suited man is stern towards the girl, who plops down on one of the waiting chairs. Backpack and all, You can explain to him how you swore at a teacher. I’m not dealing with this from you today. 
M’kay, Mr. Harris. 
Ellie observes the entire scene indiscreetly. Her stares are obvious, glued to the clearly agitated dean who stomps into his office. 
Where’d you get your backpack? 
Ellie’s stunned at your sudden whisper. She shocks herself when she quietly stutters,
Um… Walmart? 
You smile, I like it. I want one. 
Ellie simply nods, but gets paused before she can redirect her attention to Joel. 
Are you new? Your voice grows quieter when you look over your shoulder. Right at the principal’s door. I am, too. I just moved schools. 
This shocks the brunette. The new year just started, and you're already locked in the office with evidently angry staff. 
Yeah… I’m new. 
Something in your grin shifts. Ellie’s nails lock into Joel’s hand. … Interesting— 
Young lady! Did Mr. Harris give you permission to speak? 
You audibly ponder like the attendance clerk asked you to solve a riddle. 
No, ma’am. I apologize. 
Then hush. Not another word. 
Ellie watches you fold your hands politely, twiddling your thumbs. Your eyes don’t leave her backpack. 
Ready, kiddo? 
Her eyes finally reconnect with Joel’s, encouraging and chocolate, and she nods. He guides her to the office exit where her new life resides. Before their departure, she can’t help but take one last respectful glance over her shoulder. She finds you staring with a quirked lip and your wrist outstretched like your shooting spider webs at her. Ellie jerks her head forward and releases the breath she’s been holding. 
What a weirdo. 
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tagggiiiiessss :3: @inf3ct3dd @fleshunger @sawaagyapong @elliesbitchh @aouiaa @elliesatchel @williamellieslilho @elliewilliamgfooc @bready101 @myluvforstarz
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goopiesglorp · 10 months
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more racing au😼😼
oh what i would do to be wedged between a dolls thighs right at this moment (staring wistfully into the distance)
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sharkl-e · 7 months
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baby i’m a race car driver, speedy bitch, catch up, need a reminder? 🤭
streetracer railao AAAAHHHGHHDHD just a little AU my friend and i conjured up with our delusional minds :’)))) god i love them
also, close ups under the cut !!!
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taexoxosgf · 8 months
s, smut | f, fluff | a, angst
This list is a compilation of some of my fave jaemin ff <3 a lot were on my old recs so feel free to reread!
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after you [ fuckboy!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f,a
cat & mouse [ na jaemin x jaehyun's sister!reader ] s,f
cherry girl! [ twitch streamer!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f
talk to my skin [ friends with benefits au ] s
unforgettable [ bassist!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,a
by the window [ voyeurism, neighbor au ] s
strawberry cough , (pt.2) sour tangie [ plug!jaemin x fem!reader] s,f,a
on the rebound [ shooting guard!jaemin x fem!reader, college au] s,f,a
subtle [ established relationship, summer vacation au ] s,f
besties (gone sexual) [ best friends to lovers ] s,f,a
upon your invitation [friend!jaemin x fem!reader, ft. nct dream, vacation au ] s,f
rock me [ fuckboy!jaemin x hairstylist!reader ] s,f,a
backseat chronicles [ streetracer!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f,a
persimmon problems [ fratboy!jaemin x fem!reader ] f,a
veni, vidi, vici [ popular!jaemin x mark's sister!reader ] s,f
blur. [ exboyfriend's bestfriend!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
two nights, one you [fuckboy!jaemin, one night stand au] s,f
the walls are thin [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader x roommate!jeno ] s
hush. [jaemin,haechan, jeno x fem!reader ] s
that '90's show [actor!jaemin x pa fem!reader ] s,f,a
pretty girl. [ alpha!jaemin x fem!reader ] s,f
thin walls. [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
cookie jar [ stepbrother!jaemin x fem!reader x stepbrother!jeno ] s
one of a kind [strangers to lovers au ] s,f,a
go there with you [ roommate!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
34+35 [ established relationship ] s
parents are home [ secret freak!jaemin ? ] s
memories bring back you [ ex!jaemin x fem!reader ] s
into you [ friends to lovers au ] s,f
what she doesn't know [ mom's boyfriend!jaemin x fem!reader] s
worth it. [ first sleepover au ] s,f
quiet down [ established relationship, semi-exhibitionism ] s
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nnon0 · 6 months
J.Jaehyun Fic Recommendations
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For all the Jae lovers :)
other fic rec posts : 1. 2.(active post)
🫀- favorites
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(🫀) Stars, moons and other celestial bodies @kiachiako
WC: 26.7k Brother!Taeyong Retro-themed AU
With your fizzy drinks and vinyls in tow, you’re determined to make the most of your summer before the start of your first year at university. Everything’s seemingly perfect; humid afternoons with your closest friends, late-night mixers at your local alumnis' estates, and sleeping in to ungodly hours. What you didn’t predict, however, was your brother making the early trip home to surprise you with a certain someone — namely, his best friend since childhood — following closely behind. His unexpected appearance throws you off, and suddenly, your summer is filled to the brim with his presence. You’re finally able to taste the idea of mature love, but is it really all that it’s made out to be?
FIVE PLUS ONE @ppangjae
WC: 28.8k+ Chef!Jaehyun, enemies to lovers
Five times world-renowned chef Jeong Jaehyun tried to end your journey to be a chef  because you weren’t ‘qualified enough to be a chef’ and that one time you proved him wrong. 
(🫀) King Of the Streets @anashins
WC: 28k Streetracer!jaehyun x Journalist!reader
The moment you find yourself hiding in the backseat of a sports car that's illegally racing through the city, you just know this story will finally catapult you to the top of your journalism career. But there are a few things you haven't reckoned: How personal this story will eventually turn - and the driver's sheer insatiable craving for lollipops. And for you.
The V Week Spy @smileysuh
WC: 20.1k Frat!au Jaehyun x afab!reader
Every year, seven days before Valentines day, sororities and frats are paired together, and eligible himbos, hoes, bimbos and fuckboys alike volunteer to be raffled for a chance to become the year’s V Week Spy. V Week is open season, with outings and parties tailored to be the perfect excuse for sexscapades, with the knowledge than 1 boy and 1 girl are undercover, grading sexual performances. Once the week is over, at the annual Valentines Day Party, the evaluations are presented- It’s a bad time to be unsure about someone’s feelings towards you, and an even worse time to fall in love.
WC:21.2k Football player!Jaehyun , Enemies to friends to lovers
jung jaehyun is an obnoxious, way too handsome footballer whom you have no intention of getting to know. at least until a series of coincidences forces you to spend time with him, and you realize there might be more to him than what meets the eye.
Try Again @gimmehyuck
WC: 19.8k Idol!jaehyun x Teacher!reader
jaehyun remembers the night he met you, and even after that one night he often thought of you and wished things would have been different, but by a weird twist of fate he gets to see you again, except this time... you're not alone.
Runway @wincore
WC: 18.7k Model!jaehyun x Fashion designer!reader
there are some things that come with dedicating your life to fashion: a taste for finer fabrics, a splash of love for art, and an appreciation of the human body. none of these are supposed to include the hottest model you have ever laid eyes on, or the fact that you completely, utterly hate his guts. 
Christmas Puppy @smileysuh
WC: 11k Best friends brother/boy next door Jaehyun
“God, you’re so jealous,” you laugh. Your best friend’s brother doesn’t usually act this way, at his frat, everyone knows you’re his, no one would dare come near you- but here, in your hometown, surrounded by past crushes and would be romancables, it’s open season, and it’s clear that it’s making Jaehyun uncomfortable.
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dinozarr · 1 year
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ♱
★⠀warning y disclaimers — fem!reader. streetracer!au. fluff. smut. sexfiend!gojo. pussywhipped. overstimulation. crying. overprotective!gojo. jealous!gojo. voyeurism. begging.
NOTEZ : i’ve had this in my drafts since forever now, but since my mutuals street-racer gojo post is what gave me motivation to actually finish and post it, credit to my bae, t🫶🫶 @satoruhour !! (if y’all saw that name change no u didn’t.)
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STREETRACER!GOJO⠀⟡⠀that enjoys having you sit on the hood of his sleekly polished Royal Blue Nissan Skyline R34, admiring how your broad upper body complimented his teams bomber jacket so perfectly. the way you’d gaze up at him with the same mischievous grin, your plump bottom lip pulled between your silver teeth; all of it just had the man practically itching to drag you inside of his car and have at it like a pair of rabid animals. having a girlfriend that was close in height (6’2) to him was never something ‘toru thought he’d enjoy, especially when he favored cute and smaller things. yet, the moment he laid eyes upon you he felt as if he was unable to take them off, allured by your aura alone.
STREETRACER!GOJO⠀⟡⠀who makes sure you’re right there by his side at every track call he gets. whether it’s a nightly s-race, or even just a quick little d-race. you’re his prized possession, along with his precious skyline of course, so he wanted both of his babies there any time he claimed yet another awaited victory. no matter how many times he won (which was a sickening amount of times) he always had to have his promised victory kiss from you in front of everyone, his hands (consensually) scrounging your body until they landed on your ass with a slight squeeze, making sure everybody knew that you were his and his alone.
STREETRACER!GOJO⠀⟡⠀loves showering you in kisses no matter where you two are. you could be out at the mall shopping for beauty products, or even skin care, and he’d be all up on you like a lost fucking puppy. every step you take and he’s right there behind you, hand in your back pocket while he takes into account of every item you pick up. yes, he has a list of everything you have ever grazed your fingertips against, the man had money and nothing better to do than spend it on the woman he planned on marrying.
STREETRACER!GOJO⠀⟡⠀is the literal Webster dictionary definition of jealous. it’s not even funny. the moment he even feels another persons eyes on you he’s pulling you to his hip by your belt loop, a small yelp tumbling it’s way out of your mouth from his abrupt actions. the longing gaze that you give him is paired with a mean-mugging glare while he eyes down the person that dared look in your direction. he knew you were stunning but that didn’t mean other people were allowed to look at what’s his.
STREETRACER!GOJO⠀⟡⠀oh, my god, is this motherfucker not only deathly obsessed with you, but he jumps at every chance he gets when it comes to being intimate with you. even though you guys are always all over each other, like i’m talking 24/7 type shit, that didn’t matter because if given the chance he’d stay in bed all day just in your arms. the way his delicate fingers dance along your silky skin sends chills down your back each time, followed with a delighted hum of satisfaction.
STREETRACER!GOJO⠀⟡⠀he adores how your tight little cunt squeezes around him every time. the way you scratch and gnaw at his solid pecks causing a profound smirk the glide it’s way across the man’s smug face. there’s nothing more that he loved other than laying beneath you as you rode him dry, enjoying the eye candy that you are and seeing how his over-average dick sent you into spirals. when he wasn’t toying with your breasts, or allowing his hands to caress your body, he was biting his lip and watching as your eyes rolled so far back you swore you could see the afterlife.
STREETRACER!GOJO⠀⟡⠀who hated any position where you weren’t looking at him. doggystyle? hell fucking no, over his dead body. reverse cowgirl? he’d have murder on his mind. full nelson? you might as well call the police because someone’s getting killed for even mentioning it. you were his girl so he’d be damned if he wasn’t able to stare at your full beauty while pleasuring you so good that you saw stars. he absolutely loved missionary though. the way he’d roll his hips drastically slow just to watch your legs twitch with his hands tenderly outlining the folds of your pussy.
STREETRACER!GOJO⠀⟡⠀who, at some points, has been so eager to feel your walls wrapped around him that he’d make you go to the backseat of his Skyline and you two would be at it for hours. he could give less of a damn if you two were at a track meet, if people were so desperate to see you than they could watch as you bounced on his dick for all he cared. the fully tinted windows were the only modification you demanded he get if he wanted to fuck in his car, and let me tell you. that man got those fucking windows tinted within the next ten minutes, no joke.
STREETRACER!GOJO⠀⟡⠀that loves when you tie him up and make him beg for you. he already worshipped your presence alone, so hearing him beg and cry like some loser who doesn’t get any pussy was just the cherry on top of it all. he especially loved it when you’ve edged him so bad his entire body is twitching like a wind-up kids toy. he loved watching your hands pump his veiny dick, your thumb pressing the tip as he cried behind the gag you put in his mouth. the minute you’d take the gag out though, he was stammering and slurring his words as if he were a drunk white girl wasted off white claws. the tears that coaxed his eyes were nothing more than a victory gift to you, you allowing him to finally let his load out after sliding yourself onto him; nothing but pure enjoyment twinkling in your eyes as he looked up at you while crying like some baby.
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NOTEZ : first post to my streetracer!au. any other ones i make for jjk characters will be within the same universe as this one, so be advised. and, enjoy, ofc !
ᶻ z Z ! © TAKST4Z — all rights reserved. mature discretion. please do not plagiarize or steal any of my works or graphics.
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s-4pphics · 6 months
mourn. teaser (e.w.)
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WORD COUNT: eight thirty :3
WARNINGS: streetracer!ellie, dealer!oc, heavy angst, HEAVY MENTIONS OF ADDICTION AND VIOLENCE IN THE FUTURE, no one’s a good person bc i’m grieving 
A/N: sad
fck neil drukman. zios will d!e.
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Ellie’s fist comes down hard on your front door, the aged and loosened wood rattling with the desperate punctures from her twitchy hand. You’re always here. You never miss a fucking phone call. Why won’t you open the fucking door? Her chest falls rapidly like oxygen is limited. The winds are seconds away from crushing her bones into dust, it seems. Panicked curses fall from her mouth; How did you allow her to get this far? Her throat swells in warning as her eyes fill. C’mon… c’mon, you fucking bitch—
Her palm twists around the doorknob, rattling it, strangling it, begging for it to loosen so you can deliver what you promised. You never fucking miss her calls. She whimpers like a dog when the lock doesn’t shutter. You have to fucking be here. 
She doesn’t realize she’s begging with her mouth against the wood. Anyone she can; her mother, God, for you to fucking be home and save her from misery. She’s freezing and fiends to shed her skin like a snake. 
Fucking stupid bitch, Ellie gasps. Her first breath in what felt like years, Open the motherfucking do—
Her eyes, tearful and lost, find yours. Clad in all black with her vice thrown over your shoulder, guarded by your more than recognizable bright orange duffel. Ellie nearly drools at the sight, Please… please let me in, I’m gonna fucking die—
She has angered you in an instant, face twisting with creases between your brows. You always are when she shows up unannounced. In her defense, she warned you before she wandered upon your place. Dialed your number for an hour straight. 
I fucking told you a billion times—
I know, I know—
You trek until you’re in front of her, snarling your teeth like a lion, You don’t fucking know. You’re— Palms connect with Ellie’s chest and she stutters back, — I fucking told you no. Find somebody else. 
Ellie’s rebuttal is sharp as she grips your wrist, There’s no one fucking else and you know it. Don’t pull this shit right now—
You scoff and shove her off to unlock your door. She hates how her mind whirs to shove you to the side and steal away with your bag. Take your drunk ass home—
She fails to deny her intoxication. The stabbing pains in her side won’t allow it, And if I don’t? The fuck are you gonna do? Ellie snorts and it’s dark. Shoot me in the goddamn face? … Call the cops? 
Your door is unlocked, but you don’t open it. She can feel exhaustion radiating off you. It weighs her down. You weigh her down. She hates what you’ve done to her. If anything, you owe her for the damage you’ve caused. So, she preys. Claws at the one inkling of leverage she has over you. The only thing you’ll never back away from. 
Ellie’s eyes go soft. A ploy she’s mastered over the years. I love you so much… You can’t leave me like this… Your sharp exhale is painful to digest. She pads closer with tightly clenched fists; watches yours clutch the knob of the entrance as grounding. I won’t do it here. I promise, She whispers and watches your shoulders droop. Pride disguised as guilt sparks in her chest. She can practically taste euphoria. 
Ellie… Your voice shakes. She’s instantly transported back to high school. The ache in your strained call still remains. Dejected. 
Yes? Her reply is sweet as candy, and she knows she’s got you. Fingers jump underneath the cuff of her jacket sleeve. Eager, anticipating the rush of crushed pills in her nose. 
You’re heaving, chest rising and falling at an increased pace with tearful eyes glued to your rusted roof. All before you choke, If I ever see you again, I’ll rip your fucking throat out. 
Every time Ellie believes she’s grown used to your aggression, she’s proven wrong. Your anger causes her body to lock, feet glued to the floor as her expression drops. You manage to throw yourself into the shack you call home, door slamming in her face and lock clicking, trapping her in icy wind. 
NO! Nonononono—
Ellie’s screaming into the void, screeching like a banshee on cracked concrete as she kicks at your door with a weighted heel. 
On the other side, you drop to the floor, stocked duffel flung as far away from you as humanly possible in your hysteria. Your sobs are earth-shattering and your chest cracks open, scratching at unkept hardwood as you recall how the fuck you got here. There’s no future, no hope, no anything for you. For your best friend whom you’ve destroyed. You’ve ruined her. 
Ruined yourself in fire. 
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goopiesglorp · 10 months
I’m curious to know more about the street racing AU! Got any lore bits?
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while i don’t have any lore thought out in-depth, i do have a new character sheet and plenty of headcanons to share!
‼️ suggestive/NSFW headcanons are marked with [XX]‼️
- She is incredibly shy and only began doing flags to support Ragatha. She’s very apprehensive about the revealing clothing, but with enough praise from Rags (🤭) she builds the confidence to wear it out.
- She’s a bit of an adrenaline junkie, believe it or not. Sure she freaks the fuck out every time Ragatha tops 100 and loses her shit when they’re caught in chases, but at the end she always says she liked it. She says it’s an anxiety management thing.
- She’s full of energy like a puppy! You’ll always find her cheering and chasing Rags’ car a quarter mile down from the starting line. Maybe she does this because she knows Ragatha likes looking at her in the mirror as she drives away.
- [XX] She is a complete and utter bottom. No rizz. Ragatha has an absolute chokehold on this woman and she is melted into a puddle on the floor. One specific word or one specific glance can have her completely subservient. It might be naïveté, or really genuine love for Rags, we’ll never know.
- Rags takes her racing and her car very, very seriously. It’s probably because it’s in her nature to put 110% into everything she does. She’s got a bright cherry red sportscar that she’s almost as defensive over as she is Pomni.
- She is…. quite the reckless driver, and she loves her speed. Seldom does she let Pomni in the car with her, solely for this reason—the only thing more important than the car is Pom.
- People usually refer to her as “Dolly” in racing settings. She never liked it being used outside of races until Pomni used it once in a certain tone of voice and she flipped her switch.
- [XX] What a demanding woman she is… she’s very lucky Pomni is so eager to please. She voices her every whim and Pom is always raring to exceed expectations. She adores it when Pomni looks at her with those huge eyes when she excited.
- The absolute GAYEST most FLAMBOYANT man you’ve EVER laid your eyes upon. He’s always dressed to the nines in some skimpy getup with his ass out, but… I don’t think anybody’s really complaining.
- Did flags for a very long time until Pomni showed up. He viewed her as competition for a while before starting to race himself, and now he’s got a whole new set of fans.
- He’s really, really popular. Like people grabbing for him out of crowds popular. Maybe it’s his charisma, or his charming smile, or his great ass.
- [XX] I’m not even gonna beat around the bush, he’s incredible in bed. Like so goddamn good. He’s cocky and he loves to tease, both physically and verbally. Also bisexual king.
BOOM lore bits. I’ll definitely come out with more in the future but this is what I could wring out tonight, it’s finals season for me and my college homies 😢
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i watched 2 fast 2 furious and now i’m superrrr inspired to do a similar au with streetracer!rafe and one of my !readers.. thinking..
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sopestvr · 1 year
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†⠀warnings y disclaimers — fem!reader. streetracer!au. fluff. smut. no plot. sex fiend!intak. pussy whipped. overstimulation. crying. overprotective!intak. jealous!intak. voyeurism.
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ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀who is always all over you 24/7, no matter what you’re doing. you could be tuning your next track car and he’d be right there behind you; slapping your ass (consensually) before pushing up on you to ask what you’re doing even though it’s evident.
ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀that can’t help but stare at you all through out your event-filled night. you could simply be sitting right beside him against his car, or out on the floor dancing with the girls, and his eyes would be solely locked on you. he didn’t care if it was obvious, that was the least of his problems.
ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀is the type of boyfriend to let you show him how to properly change a car part under the hood, even though he was the one who taught you how when you first started dating. it totally wasn’t so he could look at your ass while you bent over his front end. yes the fuck it was.
ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀that man loved everything about you. from the way you styled your hair, to how you towered over him both on the streets and in bed. every chance he got her kiss you from head to toe, even if it embarrassed you. he just liked seeing you get antsy about it.
ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀who takes his ace/top racer position very seriously, he’d switch from the puppy love boyfriend he was to a cold hearted speedster on the tracks. he made sure he never raced you because he’d be damned if he let you see that side of him.
ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀who was introduced to you by your best friend stephen yoon. there’s not a day that goes by where intak is annoying the shit out of stephen by thanking him for getting you two together. at first steph didn’t mind and quite frankly he thought it was cute, but now he wants to just rip intak’s head off any time he mentions it.
ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀that spoils you rotten with the money he gains from races. you saw a new kate spade you like? he bought you the entire collection. there’s a new jordan coming out soon? he already has it in your collection in the closet.
ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀who knows his status in the racing world. he’s very aware of his popularity, but he doesn’t let it get to his head. he flaunts you in all your glory in front of everyone, making sure they all knew who he belonged to.
ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀who begs you to ride him whenever you two are intimate, loving how you get against him in all the ways. it could be in the comfort of your own bedroom, or in his car, he didn’t care. and, if he didn’t, you didn’t.
ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀that’s left an utter and crying mess whenever you tease and edge him for almost an hour. his body twitches every few seconds, especially when the base of your thumb slides between his tip, cries of ecstasy falling from his lips. all you simply do is grab his cheeks to make sure he continues to look at you, even through his teary-eyed state; water stains tinting his cheeks.
ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀that begs to fuck you all throughout the night yet the minute you do, he’s a crying and begging mess asking you to let him cum for the fifth time. you do, but not without making fun of his vulnerability.
ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀who you laugh at when he tries acting hard in front of his friends, whispering into his ear all the things you did to him the night before. the redness that shades his face afterwards is picture perfect, you and the rest of his friends laughing at him.
ACE!RACER INTAK⠀♱⠀who gets irritated whenever his teammates are all over you. they mean no harm and he should know that, but the way he dicks you down when you get home later says otherwise.
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© SOPESTVR — do not steal my works. all rights reserved.
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dalivanmagritte · 1 year
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back to the nct fic rec
Jeno fic rec part.2
lionheart (fav, smut, fluff, royal!au, knight!au, monarch!au)
premium boy-toy (fav, smut, stripper!au)
step on a crack, dr.lee's gonna break your back (fav, smut)
wanna know what it's like (fav, smut)
yours to tame (fav, fluff, smut, knight!au, princess!au, royal!au)
koi no yokan (fav, smut, abo!au)
slick pup (fav, pervert!au, smut)
prince of wolves (fav, smut, werewolf!au, vampire!au)
i suddenly realize my archnemesis is hot (fav,fluff, angstish, demigod!au, mythology!au)
pride & prejudice (fav, fluff, angst, smut)
no smut
rainfall (fluff)
the deal (fluff, college!au)
cigarettes after sex (fluff, angstish, suggestive, college!au)
do you even know how to have fun? (angst to fluff, badboy!au)
classics (smut)
secret (smut, fluff, sub!jeno (kink discovery))
sweet lies (smut, angstish, ghost!jeno!au)
heatstroke (mechanic!au, smut)
tattooist!jeno (fluff, angst, tattooist!au, florist!au)
himbo (smut, himbo!jeno)
cute little intern (smut, ceo!au, intern!au)
mine only (smut)
possessive dad! (smut, pregnancy!au, soon to be parents!au)
ridin' club switching lanes (smut, streeracer!au)
sweet fury (smut)
hit the breaks! (serie, smut, streetracer!au, mechanics!au)
rich purity (serie, smut, virgin!au)
possessive jeno (smut, roommate)
a different kind of exercise (smut, personal trainer!au)
the rock of gibraltar (smut)
jeno uses his strength against you (smut)
the bat & dove (smut, fluff, mafia!au, racer!jeno)
banana (smut)
guardian gloves (smut, angstish, boxer!au)
teddy bear (smut)
strong jeno (smut)
codename : monster (smut)
his order (smut, ceo!au)
sli(ck-p)up (smut, perv!jeno)
fireproof (smut, brotherbf!au, college!au)
size kink (smut)
only 'til dawn (smut, badboy!jeno, goodgirl!reader)
day6: overstimulation (smut)
day19: pet play (smut)
little wifey (smut, husband!au)
hard dom! (smut)
wrapped around your fingers (smut)
my first and last (smut, college!au)
summer hair = forever young (smut, fluff)
perv!jeno (smut, roommates!au, perv!au)
monster in hiding (smut, stalking!au)
can't take it? (smut)
alternate universe (magics, gods, royalty, etc...)
my sunset is yours (fluff, hogwarts!au)
helping hand (fluff, hogwarts!au)
transfiguration spell (smut, fluff, angstish, hogwarts!au)
sinking ships (smut, sailor!au, mermaid!au, horror!au)
change in you (smut, vampire!au, georgian-era!au)
puppy (smut, supernatural!au, werewolf!au)
sunshine (fluff, angst, mermen!jeno)
the lucky one (fluff, angst, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of morpheus (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of apollo (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of shadows (part of elysios serie, fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
the tale older than time (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
late night company (fluff, comfort angst, demigod!au)
scream (smut (dirtyyy smut), halloween!au, ghostface!jeno)
why dying my hair was the best decision of my life (fluff, soulmates)
take my breath (smut, abo!au)
puppy pound (smut, abo!au)
jealous (smut, abo!au)
sos x jaemin (smut, abo!au)
destiny (smut, abo!au)
stepbro alpha jeno (smut, abo!au, stepbro!au)
pretzel (smut, abo!au)
phone fuck me (smut, ghostface!au)
incubus!jeno (smut, incubus!au)
ascention to the throne (serie, smut, royal!au, prince!au, political!au)
with another member
just so you know x jaemin (smut)
i'm a mouse duh! x jaemin (smut)
they're roommates x jaemin (smut)
the sequel x jaemin (smut, ghostface!au, halloween!au)
cookie jar x jaemin (smut, stepbrother!au)
can you handle it? x johnny, jaehyun, jaemin (smut)
morally gray (and tw)
baby trapping (smut, sugardaddy!au)
shameless (smut, stepson!au)
undone (noncon, smut)
teddy bear -> our sick story, thus far x haechan (dubcon, smut)
stepbro!jeno part.2 (DUBCON, smut, stepbrother!au)
behind closed doors x haechan (smut, slight dubcon, stepbro!au)
the walls are thin x jaemin (DUBCON, smut)
shoplifter x mark (dubcon, smut, bodyguard!au, stepfather!au)
switch -> chain x johnny (dubcon, smut, neighbour?au)
arcade (continuation of switch/chain, smut)
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rookmal · 7 months
Street race au!!
I am so normal 👍 (<- lying.)
- Yuu is the newest member of a circle of professional streetracers. They have like NO CLUE what they're doing- but people seem to like them, so apparently they're doing it well?
- Ruggie is Leona's head mechanic- they met four years prior to the story, when Leona's personal car almost broke down and Ruggie happened to be the mechanic who fixed it.
- Ruggie also designs custom cars for Leona!! He's damn good at it, too, thanks very much.
- Jack is one of Leona's mechanics, too, although secretly he wants to be a racer.
- Epel dropped cars to get into motorcycles (thanks Deuce ^^), which Vil. Did NOT like.
- Leona has dated Malleus, Vil, Idia, and is currently dating Rook. He's. A tiny bit of a slut.
- Malleus and Leona are sort of rivals? But not really?? It's. Complicated.
- When Jack eventually gets into racing, Yuu and Ace help him pick out the best car for him.
- Takes place sometime between 2016 and 2020.
- First years are 20, second years are 21-22, and third years are between 23 and 27. Lilia is 37.
- Idia has an AI that helps him in races; its name is ORTHO, although he never explains why.
Part 1/? (2)
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pearlzier · 2 months
꒰ ୨ 𓂃 🎉 . STURNIOLO BOTS . . .
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໒꒰ྀི◞ ˕ ◟꒱১ MATT STURNIOLO ๑   ︵
01 ⤸﹒✧﹒ cowboy!matt x farmer'sdaughter!user , you bring him a pie whilst he's on the ranch.
02 ⤸﹒✧﹒ vampire!matt , he breaks into your backyard.
03 ⤸﹒✧﹒ stripper!user , he gets a birthday lapdance.
04 ⤸﹒✧﹒ birthdaygift!user , user is wrapped up with only ribbons and bows on matt's bed.
05 ⤸﹒✧﹒ user gets a tramp stamp of matt's name.
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໒꒰ྀི◞ ˕ ◟꒱১ CHRIS STURNIOLO ๑   ︵
01 ⤸﹒✧﹒ stripper!user , he gets a birthday lap dance.
02 ⤸﹒✧﹒ he's distracted by your body on a video call.
03 ⤸﹒✧﹒ dad!chris , feeding your daughter.
04 ⤸﹒✧﹒ birthday reunion , meeting after a long time at his party.
05 ⤸﹒✧﹒ streetracer!au , after a bet, you have to go on a date with him.
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sharkl-e · 8 months
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a lil sketch dump of my modern/streetracer mk1 AU with a friend of mine :’))) plus just an excuse to drawing them with updos/hair down bc it’s been rotting my brain AUGHHDHD
also no watermark so if these get stolen,,,,, say goodbye to all your left shoes 🫶🏼
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boydepartment · 11 months
enhypen as middle school songs + an AU
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a/n: i’m so sorry for disappearing :( pls take this guys i’m sorry. i’ll do a text au right after this i am SOOOOO sorry. ive been dying after my enha concert
warnings- none ❤️
wc- idk like 200
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jungwon- girlfriend by avril lavigne
listen… it just fits his vibe idk what to say!
jungwon…. whoever you’re dating, he does not like them because he wants to be with you. he acts overtop and just tries to tell you “just date me.” of course you don’t think he’s serious. but he’s REALLY serious. probably best friends to lovers
heeseung- hot mess by cobra starship
need to see this man dancing to this song- anyways
heeseung has a HUGE stage presence of just like being insane right. so it leads you to believe he’s just a hot mess in relationships. that’s not true, the more you get to know him he’s just a dork with a facade. nuisance to lovers 😋
jay- vampire money by my chemical romance
good lord can you imagine him performing this song WOAAAHAAHHHHHHAHAHA
band AU. battle of the bands. you vs. jay. he performs vampire money and instead of being mad at him for the good performance you’re enthralled. especially when you’re about to go up after his performance and he smirks at you. enemies to lovers
jake- dear maria, count me in by all time low
he’s just so all time low idk what to tell you
you met him during one of the tours. it was totally by accident (he spilled his slushie on you at 2am.) immediately he was in love with you. love at first sight. tongue tied. you know how it is. but even after talking to you, he forgot to ask for your name, number, anything. so now every show he’s just looking for you in the crowd. soulmate au - strangers to lovers
sunghoon- angel with a shotgun by the cab
omg i’m imagining like a streetracer AU or something. like you’re his ride or die but you have absolutely no clue how he makes his money. you’re just happy to be around him and sunghoon would do ANYTHING to protect you. sun + moon au (grumpy x sunshine)
sunoo- cliche by mxmtoon
i can imagine sunoo crushing on you and not knowing how to talk to you at all. for the first time he doesn’t know how to charm his way around things. it’s very cute and cliche. PROBABLY A CAFE AU! dumb and dumber trope
riki- love me dead by ludo
“you’re awful i love you.” he is driving me NUTS rn. so i had to pick this song. like….. i can’t even describe shit rn. this is just his song and i’m going insane that’s all you guys need to know 😇
i can imagine both you and riki bickering on and off but no matter what you don’t want anyone else to bother the other. like for example if someone makes fun of you or him, it’s game over for that person. oblivious x more oblivious
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