avengernomore · 2 years
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“Starting to wonder what it’d take to make you drop that nickname though...”
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Closed RP w/streetfightingfemmes
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Diana aka Wonder Woman had arrived to meet with a woman named Chun-li. Someone who can help her track down some criminals who worked for a bad guy named M. Bison. The word is, he’s dead. And yet his organization is still operational.
So, Diana is looking to find this group and bring them down. But for that, she’ll need someone who knows this group. “Good evening. I assume you are Ms. Chun-li?” 
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years
@streetfightingfemmes sent: The sending muse catches the receiving muse in the shower. What is the sending muse’s reaction?
"Whew...what a fight.. " Sakura Kasugano breathed out to herself as she hit the showers in the nearest hot spring. She had just finished a tough spar, but she managed through it, and now it was time for a cleanse.
She could hear the shower already on, but usually there wasn't anyone inside from her previous times here, so she came right inside, only to freeze as she caught another young woman inside, already showering.
"Oh! I...um...hello!" She said, a bit sheepishly and...a bit excitedly.
Sakura softly hummed to herself was the warm water rolled down her body. Her fingers brushing through her pink hair as she cleaned herself from a long work out. The sweet scent of her soap filled the room.
She was so lost in her humming and enjoyment of the warm water, she didn’t hear the door open until a voice broke her song. She paused, looked over at the other girl and blushed darkly. Her arms went around her chest, which was pointless at this point sense the girl already saw everything,
“O-oh, ah, hello. Sorry, am I taking up the showers? I wasn’t aware their were other people about.” Sakura replied in an embarrassed manner.
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icecoldwilliams · 3 years
❄️𝒞𝓁𝑜𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝑜𝓇: @streetfightingfemmes ❄️
Nina Williams almost always preferred to work alone, thus naturally when she picked up rumors about that stupid mysterious box appearing again, she was fully prepared to investigate the issue on her own ; Deal with whatever threats lie in it's wake on her own. Hopeful thinking perhaps, with how many people would be after this thing even she would have a difficult time getting to it, but in her mind it was the only option.
Someone had to get to the Pandora before Kazuya, or who knows how many other power obsessed maniacs did, and while a wise choice for a partner, Nina wasn't exactly known as the most...friendly option. Jin, her usual tag team partner, was still MIA so she couldn't work with him this time, even if she was doing this for his benefit..again. Of course, there was her favorite cop. Really she would be the best choice, when both of them had dealt with the weird box before, both of them would know what to expect and would have more info on it than most. Not to mention they were quite the power duo in the few times they've fought together before.
However, Nina was the one who's seen how dangerous this thing can be, there was no need to pull her already stressed out cop...'friend' into more danger. That's why she hadn't said a word about it in her occasional meetings with the raven haired woman, meetings that had become somewhat of a routine. Usually over the phone with their equally busy careers, but she'd still manage to sneak in a visit every now and then after completing jobs. The assassin had to admit, it was honestly... kind of nice to have someone to talk too again. Hell, calling them just friends was clearly a joke in itself now. She actually felt the slightest bit guilty about keeping secrets for one ; about being more silent than usual the last couple times they've met. Even at the little get together at a restaurant she just left about an hour ago, she was far too quiet as this new mission weighed on her mind. Chun-li was more than smart, she's sure she noticed. Her only hope was Chun wouldn't piece together what was going on before she was far ahead.
That's what the blonde thought about as she walked towards a private jet with her luggage. Fancy to most, but just a simple cashed in favor to her. For whatever reason and by whatever means, the Pandora had popped up in the middle of remote Norway this time. Thankfully easier to reach, but not without a pair of metallic wings. At least this gave her a bit of an advantage, she'd be able to get there faster than most of the competition. If all goes well, she might even get there before Interpol catches wind of what's going on.
Yeah right... More wishful thinking. Chun-Li's pals at Interpol may not be smart enough to realize the secret relationship happening right under their noses, but when it came to a potential other worldly threat appearing out of nowhere... even Nina had a feeling they definitely wouldn't slack on the job.
Like usual, the blonde supposed she could only cross her fingers that luck was on her side.
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ladytsunadehime · 3 years
If you could make a silly PSA to all your followers to ease any of their shyness, what would it be?
Shy Munday Meme // @streetfightingfemmes
Oooh, oooh I have one!!
PSA;; A sweet reminder to my followers.
A reminder that I am simply incapable of grammar and spelling. ❤️ I apologize as I do read through my reply in our threads yet I, Petal, a true dumbass, does not actually pick it up until it’s posted and most likely that you’ve replied. Yes, indeed, English is my first and only language. Thank you for understanding me.
It would probably be along the line of something like this! Since... well.... I promise that I’m probably terrible awkward or a golden retriever puppy. There no in between my bad.
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streetwisetemptress · 3 years
Happy happy birthday!!!
// Thank you so much! :)
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michigeomi · 4 years
'✋' from Chun-Li
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“Now what do you think you are doing?”, said the woman with an evil look in her eyes as she seemed more than a little into this hard grip that pinned her down on the bed against her will.
“...So what will you do now? Come to hurt me? Make me feel good? Both?”
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Smash or Pass - Chun-Li (to Mai)
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"She's my rival and i will give her a smash using my fan once we meet!"
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@streetfightingfemmes​ liked for a one-liner~ [for Sakura]
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“Sakura, I’m so happy you made it!”
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lemusegallery · 2 years
"Bring it on!" (From Chun-Li to Supergirl or She-Hulk) or (Makoto to Suki or Katara)
"Alright then officer." She Hulk replied to Chun-Li's call "Let's have a fun dust off among ourselves, shall we?"
As the green behemoth readies herself in a fighting stance.
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blizzardmuses · 4 years
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manhandling starters with @streetfightingfemmes​
Dodge, dodge unf cue Dinah getting the full brunt of a spin kick and was sent flying and crashing to the floor.
“Fuck..” Dinah groaned trying to scamper away with a bum roll but her sparring partner was too fast for her. “Time out...you win. Aouw”
That’s what she got for sparring with women half her age.
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“Aye, it’s been a while since we’ve seen each o’er.  I take it ye’ve been well since we last met?”  Morrigan smiled, and yet couldn’t keep her eyes off the brunette before her.
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astral-multiverse · 2 years
@streetfightingfemmes 's Chun-Li meets the Alpha Wulf
Beowulf, a famous wrestler from the Canopy Kingdom, decided to participate in a wrestling tournament in a new city he came across. And like the ones in the Canopy Kingdom, he trounced the competition and even decided to donate his winnings to the local charity. After the tournament, he decided to celebrate by exploring the city he was in and maybe even meet some fans if they decided to approach him
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icecoldwilliams · 4 years
❄️​𝒞𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒❄️
// @streetfightingfemmes
Nina only crossed her arms as she eyed Chun-Li carefully, clearly not trusting her or this situation at all even still. That ice wall she used to guard herself up in full force as she still couldn’t comprehend the idea of anyone being genuinely nice to her. In her experience, everything always had a catch or two. 
Did she want her help again? Was this gift going to be used as some sort of trade for her assistance? No.. that was unlikely... Would the gift be rigged somehow? Perhaps with a tracker of sorts..? Based on past experience it was possible, but now she just felt paranoid. Why couldn’t dealing with this cop ever be easy?
Her mind was too busy trying to figure out just what Chun-Li had up her sleeve that she didn’t realize how easily pleasant this situation actually was. Even when Chun-Li suggested the possibility she might actually like this gift, that cynicism of hers merely deemed such a thought ridiculous before tossing it aside. 
“Well how can I know if I’ll like it or not if I don’t even know what it is? Besides, how would you know what I like and dislike in the first place..?” ...Wait a minute, finally her glacial expression cracked a smirk as she realized her leeway into trying to get under the officers skin yet again. “I doubt your files on me over at Interpol are that detailed... Could it be you had more trouble keeping your eyes to yourself on that mission of ours than I thought, Chun-Li?” 
Poking and prodding at others until they revealed what she wanted to know was both her specialty and a source of amusement for Nina. Yet in rare cases like this one, it was also used as a defense mechanism ; make others uncomfortable so they hopefully wouldn’t see just how unsure or uneasy she was behind that ice wall she put up. After all, there was no need to let anyone know how uneasy something as simple as being offered a gift made the stoic assassin.
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ladytsunadehime · 3 years
"Y' know, I've heard about your intense strength. Does that apply to all your muscles?" (From Chun-Li, probably not trying to show off her own)
Oh, the question was interesting. Tsunade supposed it did. Especially if she concentrated chakra like she didn’t without thought now when involved with fight. “It does...” Tsunade started out wondering where this was going to go. “But more often then not I guess I forget about it.” She said while shrugging.
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museswithattitude · 4 years
I just hit a milestone and I'm not even sure why! When I first decided to make this blog I didn't even expect to get 5 followers and here I am just a few months in with a 100!! I've met some really talented people here and some great friends. The followers that I haven't spoken to or written I thank you for your support! ❤️❤️🙏🙏
@pepperpxtts Thank you for encouraging me to make the blog and making me great icons, themes and aesthetics!!
@xwelcomextoxhellx @teamspider10 Thanks for all your ships and amazing characters! You helped get this blog jump started with our fun interactions.
@blizzardmuses You're just wonderful and in such a short amount of time of interacting. We created our own shared universe and it's been SO MUCH fun!
@titanofthemoon We haven't spoken much ooc but I do appreciate the Green Lantern/Donna Troy ship. It's been great!
@amazongoddcss Probably my best buddy on here! We clicked right off the back and I look forward to continuing M'Baku and Diana's journey! 😁😍
@queenshokanandtigrar Shout out to you for being cool. Miss writing with you. You're simply fantastic. Jax with Sheeva was something I never would've thought of 😂😂😂
@ask-tekken-cast A clash between Tekken and Mortal has been a joy to write. Thanks so much!
@streetfightingfemmes Like my buddy above I enjoy the potential of what we got with Jax and Chun Li. Thanks for the support.
@billiejeannooneslover Always can count on your support. Thanks! It's fun and you're always easy going as well as your gals.
@tombsandtreasures My favorite Lara on Tumblr by far ❤️🔥
@fxledheroes Great muses and great dude. ✌️
@professor-goodwitch M'Baku misses you lol. I have so much fun with you!
Other talented peeps!
@glacies-tempestatem @desertamazon @thatslayer @sassiesandsmark @sanguinibus @desxtruction @lantern-2814-1 @domina-noctisim @xfcirytclex @antihxroiism @atrcpain
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