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Nsfw side blog for: Hana-akari
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
“Hmm, wonder why Ino is so interested in our relationship.” He teased. “Maybe she’s simply jealous of you~” He laughed softly, his free arm sliding around her waist as he continued to grope her breast, feeling her pushing it against his hand, massaging and toying with it gently, teasing her nipple up against his palm.
He lifted his head a little as she came down for a kiss, kissing her back, giving a small shiver and a whine of pleasure as she brushed up against the hard bulge in his boxers.
He pulled her down a little more against him with the arm around her, moving his hand from her bust, feeling her breasts squash against his chest gently as he slid his free hand down her hip, hooking a finger into the waistband of her panties, pulling them down gently.
“However, I can assure you, Ino is the furthest thing from my mind right now. The only thing in my mind is you.”
“She can stay jealous... I’m not giving you up for anything.” Sakura let out a little laugh too, shivering again as he toyed with her breast. It was an odd but good feeling. She was happy they could share their first times together. A bit of pleasure went through her every time he brushed one of her hard nipples.
Hearing that whine shot so much excitement through her. She couldn’t help but rub against his bulge more. Sakura was wet enough now that it could be felt through her panties, making the front of his boxers a bit wet too.
“Better be, because all I can think about is you... I’m so excited to take this step with you.”
Sakura pressed a few kisses down his neck. Her teeth biting down just enough to leave a small mark on his pale skin. Feeling her panties start to slip down over her hips, she shifted a bit to aid him in removing them, letting them be tossed onto the floor. She wasn’t about to be the only one completely naked, so her fingers hooked into his waistband as well, pulling off his boxers like he did with her panties. She let out a little gasp at the sight of him. Her face growing more red,
“Nice to see you’re as big as I imagined you’d be...” She softly laughed in an embarrassed tone.
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
Jake scratched his neck a little, looking at the beauty. He sat up straighter, giving her his full attention. “Yeah.. me too.” He answered, his eyes moving to the sheets.
“Are you okay?” He asked softly, his heart beating fast in his chest. “I mean.. I dont know what we should tell people..” he added, his eyes flicking to the other Ninja. “I should of been more careful.. instead of listening to my cock again.”
Sakura tried not to tear up, she really couldn’t look at him, “I’m so ashamed of myself for letting it happen... I-i don’t want anyone to know what happened. I don’t want to be seen as some kind of whore.” Though at the moment she really felt like one. She reached up and rubbed her eyes before the tears could come out,
“It’s my fault too... I’m so sorry Jake. I want you to know I much rather be with you than any of those brutes again. You don’t hurt me and I don’t feel like shit after and... I have feelings for you. Which just makes me feel worse that you saw me like that.”
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
Jake smiled wide as she grinned, his eyes following her as she moved. The pink haired beauty knew just how to tempt him, the brunette moving behind her. He could see the trip of her panties, Jake gently spanking the woman. “Sounds like a good plan to me.. I dont think their performance would sound better than your moans though, Sakura.”
Sakura let out a pleased sound from the spank, wiggling a bit again. Just to be sure she checked to make sure they were good and away from the crowd. And no one was looking their way, “Then I guess you’re going to have to lean in real close to hear those moans.~ Hopefully no one else hears them. I’ll have to charge them for it.” She joked a bit, comfortable with her job as a cam girl.
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
“That sounds interesting. Did you learn anything cool reading the paperwork? Not that I want to know anything classified. Never really got to spend a lot of time with the Hokage.” Jake answered, rubbing his neck a little bit. He grinned brightly to the other ninja, sipping his drink.
“She has a special stash? Maybe we can ask for some of that as a payment. See what the legendary gambler drinks.” He teased, leaning back as he finished his drink, starting to pour another.
“Not really, just boring politic stuff and inventory checkers. I fell asleep a few times doing the paperwork it was so dry and boring. Glad I’m just a back up hokage and not a real one.” She’d be really out of luck if something happened to the current hokage and she had to take the role. It’s such a boring job. She’d rather be a medic.
Sakura finished her own drink and poured herself another, “I doubt she’d hand it over. She’s possessive of her booze. I’m not about to get murdered just for some alcohol.” No matter how strong Sakura gets she still fears her old teacher.
@sakura-after-hours plotted starter
Jake grabbed the sake, the brunette carrying two cups with him and moving back to the room. He and Sakura were undercover on a scouting mission, sharing a room to ease suspicions about the two ninja. Jake's puppets were stored in a scroll, and their headbands hidden away in a pack.
"I got the drinks.. I hope Lady Tsunade doesnt mind us getting some liquor." He grinned, placing the drink down on the table by them. "Long way from home."
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
Jake watched the men throw Sakura to the wolves, going after her like they were animal. It didnt take long for all three of the ninja’s holes to be filled, blocking most of Sakura from sight. His own cock was close to erupting in the first female Ninja, a second taking her place when he came.
After a few hours the rouge ninja left the pair outside their village, along with their headbands and scrolls. Sakura’s face was covered in dried cum, the pair not even untied from their ropes when they were found.
The two were let into the village quickly after, taken right to the hospital, put into a room together. They were both sore, Sakura moreso than Jake. His head turned to face the beauty, his eyes slowly adjusting to the bright lights of the hospital. “Hey.. Sakura.. you there?”
Sakura had long passed out by the time help arrived. The rouge ninjas really put her through it. Her body was exhausted from being used by so many men. Had she been awake, she would have felt fairly humiliated by being found in such a state. Tossed aside like a useless toy.
By the time she woke up, she was safely in a hospital bed. Cleaned up of the rouge’s cum which she was grateful for. They even dressed her in a hospital gown to give her some decency. She groaned softly at the sound of Jake’s voice, rubbing her eyes trying to wake herself up more,
“Unfortunately.... I feel like I was hit by a train.” Her whole body just ached.
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
“Really? I had heard about how she used to drink, but I never really thought it was true. She must of been an interesting teacher.”
He mused as he grinned, pouring them each a glass. He put the bottle down, his eyes on hers. “I’m not a lightweight. I can handle myself, thank you very much. I hope that the Hokage didnt make you drink two a day too, otherwise I’m in trouble.” He teased, passing her a glass.
“Oh, it’s completely true. Sometimes I’d have to do paperwork for her when she was the hokage because she got too drunk to do it herself.”
Most boring paperwork she has ever had the pleasure of doing. She took her glass and laughed, “No, but she did allow me to have one drink as a genin and the sake she drank hit me so hard, it was terrible. Ended up puking at one point. I handle my alcohol much better now.” She took a swing off her drink.
@sakura-after-hours plotted starter
Jake grabbed the sake, the brunette carrying two cups with him and moving back to the room. He and Sakura were undercover on a scouting mission, sharing a room to ease suspicions about the two ninja. Jake's puppets were stored in a scroll, and their headbands hidden away in a pack.
"I got the drinks.. I hope Lady Tsunade doesnt mind us getting some liquor." He grinned, placing the drink down on the table by them. "Long way from home."
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
Blue eyes met emerald eyes, watching as the boss pushed into Sakura. Jake watched her begin to get fucked, the women moving into position. One rested behind him, letting him rest his head as they fucked Sakura. The forced him to watch, the other woman jerking him off.
She moved to climb into his lap, pushing onto Jake. She began to bounce quickly, squeezing around him. “N-no.. Sakura dont be sorry!” He said, his moans trying to he contained.
He watched the man make Sakura cum, probably faster than he ever did. He didnt think about how she was edged, his eyes unable to look away.
“Please no more!”
Sakura begged as she was grabbed by more men. The boss was done with her, she was fair game now. And without the use of her hands she couldn’t stop in. A new man quickly took the boss’s place thrusting into her cum filled insides, along with another man behind her pushing into her unprepared ass making her cry out. Though her cries were quickly muffled by a cock being shoved in her mouth and down her throat.
She was being gangbanged right in front of Jake.
The men were showing no regard for Sakura as they thrust in and out of her. Sakura let out muffled moans and whines from the rough treatment. She hated to admit she was starting to enjoy being so roughly used. To the point she actually orgasmed again just as the man inside her pumped his own seed into her womb. The one in her ass soon followed along with the man in her mouth. Making her drink down his load.
But it wasn’t over from there. Sakura was fucked over and over again. All her holes plus her mouth being cum into as she was passed around the different men. She had lost count at how many times she’s cum. There was so much different sperm in her, attacking her egg, one finally winning the race and pushing into it. Fertilizing her and planting one of the bastard’s baby in her womb. Something Sakura dreaded would happen.
She was close to passing out when she was dropped to the ground. The men had their fill of her. Cum was just dripping out of both her holes. She had some splattered on her face and chest. Sakura was a complete mess. She could hear the sounds of Jake being used. Him being used as much as she has. She was just too weak to move her head to check on him.
“What should we do with them?”
“We can’t keep them. We probably knocked the slut up and I’m not dealing with a brat.”
“We should just dump them off by their village and let them deal with things. We’ve had our fun.”
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
Jake slowly came too, feeling the cold metal pressing against him. His hands were quickly bound, his scrolls tossed far from the puppeteer. He watched with wide eyes as the women turned their attention to Jake, one leaning in. “You’re gonna watch her get fucked.. and if either of you cum we wont stop.” She explained.
She used a jutsu to move the ground, securing Jake to the earth by his limbs. She started to play with his cock more intensely, his eyes wide.
Sakura was ripped from the kiss, her soft pink hair being gripped as she was forced to bend over a bit. Being presented to the boss of the rouge ninja group. Sakura’s lip trembled when she felt his cock rub against her slit. She seemed to look at Jake giving him a silent apology for what was about to happen.
There wasn’t a thing she could to stop this.
Suddenly he slammed right into her. Sakura let out a loud cry as his cock filled her. Smashing against her cervix due to his size. He showed her no mercy. He quickly just started fucking her. Right there in front of Jake. The boss kept his grip on Sakura’s hair basically bouncing her on his cock. She gasped and moaned, her face growing red over taking pleasure in being raped like this. Though part of her found it hot that Jake was watching the whole time. Her legs shook with each thrust. His thick cock rubbed her wet walls touching her sweet spots. She felt the orgasm she had lost building in her again. The rough ninja’s had an unfair advantage having Sakura edged. Her insides twitched around the boss’s cock, alerting him to her building orgasm. She tried so hard to fight it off.
“Come on.~ Cum already.~ Make you and your little boyfriend our toys.~”
Sakura tried to shake her head, but with his free hand he started toying with her clit just right. There was no way she was going to last.
“I-i’m so sorry J-jake!”
She cried as her inside clamped around the cock inside her. Sakura hit such an explosive orgasm. It left her shaking and panting. Even a little dazed. His cock continued to fuck her right through her orgasm. She felt him twitching inside her making her eyes widen.
“What a good girl.~ Here take your reward!”
“N-no! P-please! Don’t cum inside!” Sakura desperately begged on deaf ears as the boss shoved himself deep inside her and unloaded his seed into her womb. She just whimpered. The fear of pregnancy on her mind as cum dripped down her thighs,
“Who wants her next?!” He lifted Sakura up a bit by her hair. She was just going to be passed around the men of the group.
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
“Pfffttt, you think Lady Tsunade cares about drinking? When I trained under her, she’d drink at least two sake bottles a day.”
They’ve traveled quite a bit away from the village. It was nice to just relax, and the room was nice. She didn’t mind sharing a bed and room with Jake. At first she was a little skeptical about being paired with Jake. She hasn’t exactly had the best experiences around puppet masters but Jake managed to win her over. He was fun and easy to take to. Definitely made boring missions more interesting. So she was more than happy to knock back a few drinks with him and unwind, “I hope you aren’t a light weight, sake can hit people pretty hard.”
@sakura-after-hours plotted starter
Jake grabbed the sake, the brunette carrying two cups with him and moving back to the room. He and Sakura were undercover on a scouting mission, sharing a room to ease suspicions about the two ninja. Jake's puppets were stored in a scroll, and their headbands hidden away in a pack.
"I got the drinks.. I hope Lady Tsunade doesnt mind us getting some liquor." He grinned, placing the drink down on the table by them. "Long way from home."
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
Jake had been enjoying the show, Sakura easily the funnest partner Jake had ever had. She was one of the most attractive ninja in the village, let alone the most intelligent. He had been smitten with her the first moment the had been teamed with her.
Over the course of their mission they had gotten together, and paired on another mission, the pair deciding to take a risk this time.
He moaned as he was about to respond when a hand pressed against his mouth, a cloth attached to it. He went dark in a few moments, Sakura pulled away from his lap as the world disappeared.
The women held onto to Jake, one hand moving to his cock, they kept stroking him, watching the men play with Sakura.
“That’s right bitch.. just be good and we wont hurt anyone.” She said, holding a kunai to Jake’s throat.
Sakura’s arms were promptly tied behind her back. It be a real issue if she got free and was able to use those hands of hers. They wanted to have their fun with her. And she was already mostly naked, everything exposed and easy to access.
Before Sakura could really hiss more insults at them, her head was grabbed and she was forced into a deep make out session with one of the men. She hated it. He was basically shoving his tongue down her throat. While that was happening, her breasts were groped, her nipples played with making her whine into the kiss.
“Her tits are a bit small but look how perky they are!~” The man commented, squeezing her breasts a bit more rough forcing more whines out of Sakura. She was so caught up by the make out and the harsh treatment of her breasts that she was taken by surprise when two fingers sunk into her. She was still so wet from riding Jake and so sensitive. When one of the men started fingering her, they actually got moans out of her against her will.
“Damn, she’s so wet! Who wants to take her first?”
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
Starter for @isitrecording
“O-oh! Jake! I’m so close!”
Sakura moaned, bouncing her hips up and down on Jake’s cock. Her shorts and panties were gone, her shirt open exposing her small chest. They decided to take just a small break from there mission and of course it lead to sex. They have been sleeping together for quite a while. They were at first just teamed up together but they seemed to hit it off really well. They never really made their relationship status official but it was pretty clear the two had something going on. They were always at each other’s houses when not working.
Sakura closed her eyes, ready for her orgasm to hit but was suddenly yanked off and grabbed by two men, that forced her arms behind her back. She could just whine from having that orgasm taken from her. Her legs still shaking.
“Well, well what do we have here? A slut and her little boyfriend.~”
It seemed a gang of rouge ninja found them and surrounded them. A couple of girls were holding Jake. One of the men holding Sakura shamelessly groped one of her exposed breasts,
“Hey! Hands off!” Sakura hissed at him that is until her face was gripped by the leader, forcing her to look at him,
“You’re in no position to make demands, girly. Neither of you are. Just relax and let us have our fun. Maybe you’ll live though it.”
Sakura growled, quickly realizing what they wanted, considering men were already touching on her body. She couldn’t even turn her head to see what was happening to Jake.
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
“I do. You deserve to live out your fantasies too.” He grinned, his eyes moving around. He was trying to find a little more of a quiet area, finding a little picnic table forgotten under a big tree. “How about over there? Could bend you right over the table.” He offered, his hand squeezing hers.
Sakura grinned, absolutely excited now to live out one of her little fantasies. She let go over his hand, walking over to the table and bending over it. Wiggling her butt at him. Her skirt raised up just enough to give him a peak of her panties, “I think it’s perfect.~ Doubt anyone will come over here. They’ll be busy trying to get close to the stage.” And if they do see, she doesn’t really care that much as long as they don’t take pictures. She charges people for those.
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
@isitrecording continued from x
A grin slowly lifted up on her face, “Ah, I see you remember my little fantasy about fucking in public. How exciting! I’m down for this! Do you have a spot in mind? Glad I wore a skirt, easy access.~” Sakura glanced around the growing crowd, relieved she didn’t have to entertain this amount of people in person. She much preferred having a screen between her and her fans. She could see things going rather bad if a fan got a little too ballsy and tried to make moves on her.
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
Jake smiled a little bit, looking at Sakura. The pair were walking around a park, the brunette tugging the beauty along. He found a secluded little gazebo, overlooking the small crowd forming. "So I might lied just a little.. were not here for the concert."
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Sakura was fairly certain this was going to be a lax day when Jake took her out. Said something about a concert but she didn’t recognize the name. When they stopped at the gazebo, she raised a brow at him, “Judging by the crowd, I’m guessing we are the show... What’s the plan this time? Just casual sex in front of people?”
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
"So.. I was thinking of us doing something with a little more narrative for a video.. maybe about a sexy female ninja?"
Sakura raised a brow at him, “Really? A ninja? That seems a little corny... Have you been watching those nerdy movies you’re into lately?” She teased.
Their filming together had gotten so successful, Sakura was able to move out of her small apartment into a nice sized house. One that had just the perfect amount of space for recording but also living comfortably. Honestly she probably should have gotten maybe a smaller home, she had some extra unused rooms she just used for storage for the time being. Though, they would be useful if they went through with their plan to get her pregnant as a special for their viewers. Might see a spike in income from that. She never imagined she would be so content with being a cam girl.
“Although... I could see us having a lot of fun with that idea, as silly as it sounds.”
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
Sasuke has her bent over the counter of their home, hands grasping his wife's wide hips tight. He's rutting into her like a wild animal, images of her first pregnancy only fueling him further.
"Sakura..! Mngh.. I'm filling you to the fucking brim again tonight.. don't you let a single drop go to waste..!"
Sakura gasped out between thrusts. Her plan was to start dinner but Sasuke had much different plans for the counter. Sakura was so very grateful that Sarada was a deep sleeper. She was still fairly young. Only three. And now Sasuke was craving for them to have another baby. Every chance he got, he had her pinned down, pumping her full of seed again. He really was going to keep doing it until she fell pregnant again. Not that she was complaining. She wanted another baby also, and he made her feel so good when he was plowing into her,
“P-please... P-please fill me up again... I-i’ll take in every drop.~” She softly moaned back at him.
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sakura-after-hours · 2 years ago
Maybe the reason Ino asked about how big Sasuke is, and how good of a lover he is, is because she's planning on suggesting a threesome.
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“A-a threesome?! Absolutely not!! Do you know how long it took me to not die of fluster every time Sasuke saw me naked? Now I have to deal with that while looking like a blimp! I don’t need Ino involved in our sex lives, thank you.”
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