#streak society
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vulpine111 · 10 months ago
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sjukpojke · 2 years ago
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readings-in-the-dark · 1 year ago
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i am so close to a full year streak, I can TASTE IT 🔥🔥🔥 it's the only reason i'm still doing this so diligently 😂
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gunstellations · 2 years ago
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double trouble
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eavangeek · 4 months ago
While I agree Emmrich wouldn’t let Rook mess around with him in public, I feel like Rook would do something like go to a meeting with a plug or something and the knowledge would drive Emmrich up the wall.
It's the art of SUBTLETY that gets this man. You gotta be SUBTLE if you're gonna do anything remotely public with this man.
He'll bat your hands away if you try to sneak your hand in his pants during a meeting, but if you rub at the exposed skin of his wrist, or while adjusting his coat you pinch a nip? He's a Goner and will find ways to get you to keep touching him.
Those public chain chokers with a name placard ❌
Wearing his jewelry, just a grave ring, on a chain around your neck ✅
Pulling a Yzma and flashing your garter in the middle of the street while he's talking to someone ❌
Getting dressed in said garter in the morning with him, and then slipping in a toy telling him you'll let him take it out later ✅
Listen, you have to be subtle about it in public. This man is willing to kiss and hold your hand a la Addams style but also!!! He's very much Aware of what it looks like to others
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camelspit · 10 months ago
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quick maruca drawings 💙
@skylilac @callas-pancake-tree @arson-anarchy-death @steal-nightmares-leave-dreams @neverseen-nevermore @abubble125 @purplesoup-lad-le @gay-otlc @thefoxysnake @keeper-of-the-lost-dadwin @ravs6709 @corruption-exe @kamikothe1and0nly @that-glasses-dog @presidentroarie @even-if-in-another-time @nyxpixels @slozhnos @katniss-elizabeth-chase @sofia-not-sophie @moontoastt @lemon-girl-in-devil-town @three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat @purpleunicycle @just-a-honey-badger @loverofallthingssmart @antisocialdork @tamsong @cutebisexualmess @tastetherainbow290 @gayupstraight @myfairkatiecat @famousinfamous @kale-of-the-forbidden-cities @oroshka @tw-5 @squishmallow36 @iggydancebreak @cosmxc-ars3hol3
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year ago
well i just had an older!eddie idea that is going to haunt me.
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misty-memories09 · 2 months ago
Hello, everyone, I once again offer an analysis on S.P.E.W. Previously I had commented on it's failure but this time it's more on the slavery itself and why it's weird, gross and every aligning adjective when I see ‘it was fine because they wanted to be enslaved’
If you see this post before you see the failure of S.P.E.W one, you can check it out here if you wish. In that post I do only speak of where I believe Hermione had gone wrong in her approach.
With all of that out there, let's start —
There are two possibilities when we look at house-elf enslavement. 1) they are magically engineered creatures, 2) mass brainwash.
Now see, I do not think the first option is too likely. Although it is the wizarding world, speaking realistically magically engineered creatures are a cheap cop-out.
If we look at the possibility no.2 imagine the things they'd have done to reach the point of mass brainwashing of house elves. It's something really gross whenever I see the book characters or fandom say that the house elves are happy to be enslaved.
Which at first you could say is absolutely correct but then you're completely ignoring how issues aren't black and white and never will be. It's incorrect to say such a thing as enslavement will never be in anyone's nature everyone strives to be free. Freedom is by default something precious to every creature out there.
But there's also this one thing, this one VERY important thing which I don't know if I should state or not but these agruements have been continuously used by slave owners, and it is actually very important to the analysis I have made.
It's natural that some people are slaves. This argument says that some people are slaves as part of the natural order of the universe, or as part of God's plan, and it is wrong to interfere with this by abolishing slavery - nobody nowadays regards slavery as a natural thing.
I recommend going through this whole article as it contains multiple agruements used by slave owners which are used in the books alike. I also recommend going out to look for articles for credible sources to get a better grasp on this topic if you want.
This is the essence of the arguement for slavery used by our fictional pureblood wizards and actual slave owners historically. Which is why the house-elf deal sits so wrong.
It's because of what it represents. It represents pure oppression to the point where the oppressed class itself feels that it was meant to be opressed — as if it was born for the need of slaves. This idea has been drilled down the minds of house elves for ages. The oppressed class in our case is the house elves.
Now pardon me for involving Indian history here which might not seem related but I will make the connection quickly —
In India, you may or may not know that the major religion is hinduism. The system I am talking about was officially abolished in 1950 but even still, many people still practice this especially in rural areas.
Namely, it is the caste system — at the top are the Brahmanas, these are the priests of our temples and are regarded as ‘holy’. Then comes the kshatriyas (this is a hard to pronounce word if you can not speak Hindi, I suggest not trying lol because the k sound is there but it is also simultaneously silent), these are the ruling powers, the authority. Then comes the shudras, these are at the second lowest, still not marginalised even though they have faced atrocities, these are the farmers and artisans.
The caste we will be looking at is ati-shudras, the lowest of the low, the marginalised and the 'untouchables'. These are the workers that cleaned streets and did the so-called dirty work, they also are ones that would burn the corpses.
Now, I do not intend to credit jkr as a genius, honestly, I'm not so sure where she was going with this because it was just hanging there and the topic wasn't talked about enough, it was gone in book five. No more. Genuinely, I think she just wasted a very complicated and very interesting sub-plot set up but all we see is kreacher and then dobby die.
In our case of the fictional world of Harry Potter we can look at the house elves as the ati-shudras. When we look at this caste system, we must also consider that it has been deeply ingraved in the minds of many Hindus. There are many recent news of 'honour killing' for the simple reason that there daughters liked a man that was not from a desirable caste or well, an acceptable caste.
I do not mean to ramble, but the connection I wish to make here is that it is very possible to have a massive brain wash, and for someone so-called 'dirty' to feel dirty as well as if they were born dirty and are meant to be treated as low level garbage.
It's all because it is a heavily agreed idea upon. There are so many instances of characters agreeing upon this idea that house elves are dirty, below them, meant to be enslaved — Ron, Percy, literally every single pureblood, half-blood and even muggle borns that it is hard for even the house elves themselves to believe that they are not dirty, untouchable and that there validation as a creature is only there as long as their masters are pleased with their work.
This is why winky has such a hard time coming to terms with the fact she had been sacked. It wasn't just a job it was her life. I believe getting 'sacked' used to be much much more violent in the start of house-elf slavery. There's also a gross aspect which is totally possible during the times of early house elf enslavement — killing the ones that do not follow through their terms. Take this and there could also be the aspect of the idea starting out as a 'movement' as in, the wizards at the time had this idea mass agreed upon and treated every single house elf as below them.
The point is, the wizards are the upper, better, cleaner ones than the house elves. They are the Brahmanas, Kyshatriyas and the Shudras (this actually kind of checks out because Shudras were also treated poorly just better than the ati-shudras) while the House elves are the untouchables. The ones above them in this unjust caste system feel superior to them while they feel inferior which was purposefully crafted by the so-called superiors.
Now think about this, the concept of caste system has been officially abolished in 1950, it has completed seventy-five years since then but it is still deeply rooted into society, still has an effect on how many people live there lives. House elf slavery hadn't even been abolished. This problem still would've been there because this is, unfortunately, how people work. This is how people have been working when it really shouldn't be.
Yeesh, that was much that I just unpacked! I still have more thoughts on this topic which I would possibly post in the coming future.
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ruin--eclipse · 3 months ago
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ufonaut · 2 years ago
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The Green Lantern: The Birth of Conspiracy full backup in Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow (2023) #3, a preview of one of the would-be series pitched during the 2022 Round Robin.
(Scott Bryan Wilson, Skylar Patridge)
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lawful-evil-novelist · 2 years ago
Doing an alpha for the Nalfein Lives AU and it is a genuine case of Malice going "I don't understand why Drizzt is so rebellious, it must purely be Zaknafein's fault."
Meanwhile hard cut to the first scene where she just lets Nalfein glare at her and is like "I want your honest opinion on this job offer you got" even though he's literally not supposed to have an opinion on it and Nalfein even brings this up.
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fates-theysband · 2 years ago
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today’s mood: at it again. by age 30 you should have:
a dorky lawyer boyfriend whose brain shuts down when you hit on him
a suave rocker boyfriend who makes your brain shut down when he hits on you
a tired dm boyfriend. both of your brains are just kind of shut down together.
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hwanghyunjinenthusiast · 1 year ago
I think it's hitting me that we are getting new Seventeen music in a few hours
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stewykablooey · 2 years ago
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society if they let kendall and stewy look like this
methinks stewy would react to kendall's gray hair the way we all do
i need them both to make a blood pact that forbids kendall from dyeing his hair and stewy from straightening his hair
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dcxdpdabbles · 10 days ago
Danny: Don't drink that Tim: What? Danny: Don't drink that. I just saw a guy slip something into your drink. Tim: When? Danny: When he and his friend passed by your table, he poured some white powder from his pocket into your cup. Tim staring into his cup: Shit, I can see the pile in the foam. I wouldn't have noticed because I was so focused on my laptop screen. Thank you. Danny: No worries. There is no place in society for creeps like that. Hey, I saw his face. Do you want to press charges? Tim: Yeah, that would be ideal, thank you. Can I write what you say down? It would help the police. Danny: Of course. It was two men in their late twenties and mid-twenties. The one with the powder was wearing a leather jacket and had a streak of white in his hair, and the other was wearing a blue hoodie- Hours later Bruce: I can't believe I was called to bail you out of jail for something like this. What were you two thinking? Dick: In my defense, it seemed funny at the time. Jason: I can't believe they arrested us for that. You pour salt into your brother's coffee as a prank, and everyone loses their minds. Bruce: It's because you both look like hooligans. This is not how I raised you to be. Dick/Jason: Sorry, Dad. Danny: I'm so so sorry for jumping to conclusions. Bruce: No, chum, you did the right thing. Thank you for protecting my son. Jason: Yeah, kid, that was a great thing you did. It's cool to protect others. Dick: See something, say something. I'm not mad at all. Tim: I just feel bad you waited so long to give your report. Can I make it up to you? Dinner? This Friday? Danny: Oh, you don't have to. Tim: I want to. It was harmless now, but it could have been so much worse, and you stepped in to stop it. Danny: It's not a big deal. Tim: It is. Does Friday work for you? Say around seven? Danny: Yeah, okay, that sounds great, thank you. Bruce whispering to Dick: Put a tracker on that boy. I want to know everything about him before Tim goes on his date. Dick whispering back: Hilarious that you think I didn't already plant one. Jason: This is why you'll never be a grandpa, Bruce.
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freebooter4ever · 1 year ago
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Waiting for the third period and checking social media and like...this is such a weird way of announcing point streak updates 😂
'what do you know about artemi'? Well from interviews he's intellectually sharp, and not afraid to be opinionated and also not afraid to change his mind about things as he grows more worldly, and seems to reserve judgement of others. And he's funny as hell, and clever, which combines for a very quick wit that can be a little devilish at times. AND he has a kind heart and cares about things as big as the elderly living in poverty and as small as bees being endangered. And absolutely lights up whenever he talks about his wife in interviews (so romantic) ^_^
Oh and he's also very low key about how insanely good at hockey he is. And he makes funny faces on the ice, just so expressive. Except for during shootouts when he's as cool as a cucumber ^_^
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