#stray kids science fiction
skzhua · 11 months
We Going For the Win
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Female!Reader
Genre: Zombie Apocalypse!AU, fluff, bit of angst. (The Last of Us vibes)
Word Count: 9,982
Warnings: Violence, swearing, mentions of sex/death/killing, drinking. (Not proofread yet!)
Summary: While being in quest of finding your childhood friend you have lost contact with ever since the start of the infection, your ex fling and ex smuggling partner involves you in a difficult situation. New friends and difficulties are waiting for you.
A/N: Might do a part 2 or leave it as it is... I don't know yet.
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"Here." the man simply said while dropping the bag on the table in front of you.
He gestured at his men to open the door behind you as a way to inform you this little meeting was over. However, you didn't budge.
Instead, you took the bag to see the content of it, and frowned. "The deal was 10 silvers and a pack of cigarettes."
"No, no. The deal was 10 silvers and a pack of cigarette if you did the job correctly."
"Which I did."
He started to laugh before taking another shot of whiskey. "I asked you to steal the radio and get SKZ's location from them. You only got the radio. Therefore, you only get the cigarettes."
"You're kidding, right?"
He shrugged, fiddling around with his glass. Not answering your question, he poured himself another drink. Before he could bring it to his lips, you took his glass harshly from his grasp and threw it accross the room.
"What the fuck, woman!" he shouted angrily.
"You fucking asked me an impossible task, plus bringing you a most likely broken radio from the restricted area, made me infiltrate a fucking government base to steal infos and you're thanking me with fucking cigarettes." You slamed the bag in front of him, giving him a glare. "The deal included 10 silvers. I want them."
"Sweetheart, you know it doesn't work like this." he chuckled with a smug smile on his face.
You shut your eyes in disgust of the infamous nickname he gave you. "Don't fuck with me, give me the silvers."
He got up from his seat and signaled to his men to shut the door. The already stinky room was filled by the alcohol's odor, making you want to puke. How could this man drink so many shots without being dead already?
He paused a moment, looking at the ground, before he spoke again. "Do you want to find your little friend or not?"
"What does this have to do with this?"
"Y/N, I know you want the silvers to go across the country to find your friend. That is if he isn't infected yet, of course. What I'm saying is, there is a reason I'm not giving you those silvers."
"That's what this is about? About you not losing your best dealer?"
He laughed, again. "At least you know you're the best. Not only that but we have helped each other so much in the last six years. You're like a daughter to me, I'd hate to see something bad happen to you."
You smiled sarcastically. "And yet, you've sent me away to die thousands of times just so I could do the job for you."
"Because you are the best I have." he pointed out again.
You were getting tired of this. Frankly, you just wanted to get the damn silvers and go to bed. However, you knew the man and he wouldn't let you have what you wanted so easily. With that in mind, you seemed to have only but one option to get out of this.
"Alright then. I guess I'm not leaving today." you sighed, standing up from your chair. "I do want one thing if I don't get the money." He stepped closer with a curious look on his face. "I want to know if Changbin ever sends something on this radio."
He smiled. "Done deal." You nodded before heading towards the door. "And Y/N?"
You stopped on your tracks, rolling your eyes. "What?"
"I better see you tomorrow morning, I have another job for you."
Ignoring him, you resumed your way to the exit. Once outside, the sirens couldn't be any louder. In all of places, you had to be at the worst safe haven of the country where only dealers, smugglers, thiefs and many others lived. You were grateful your uncle was renowned enough for the other rebellious groups to leave you alone, but that also meant you had to do all of his work for him. If not, you were dead meat for sure.
When you arrived at your half torn down apartment, you jumped as soon as you walked in, as you were welcomed by an unannounced man sitting on your couch.
"Yeonjun, what the fuck?" you shouted, closing the door behind you. "I told you to not fucking burst into my place randomly like that."
"I know, but I kind of had nowhere else to go."
This was enough said for you to know he got in trouble, again. "Who was it this time? Beomgyu? Taehyun?" you asked while serving yourself a beer, offering one to your former partner.
He took the bottle and drank from it before talking. "Soobin."
You frowned. "I thought he was off to the west zone."
"So we thought, but turns out he had an encounter with SKZ, and he's been taken hostage. We tried to free him, but fucking stupid Beomgyu crashed into a pole and now all of them are taken away."
"And why are you here?"
He rolled his eyes. "To ask you for your help, obviously."
"No, I know that. But why are you not with them?"
"I jumped out of the car before it crashed. Hid until they all left and came here as soon as it was clear."
You shook your head in disbelief. "No matter how much I'm trying to cut you off from my life, you're still going to involve me in your stupid schemes."
"You're quite literally the best fighter, sniper, liar and also the prettiest I know."
You almost choked on your drink from his words. "We're not going to fuck again, Yeonjun. Stop with the flirting."
He held his hands up. "It was just a joke, relax. But for real, I really need your help."
"I don't deal with SKZ."
"They're just another gang, what's the big deal?"
"They're not feared by the whole country for no reason. I support their whole rebellion shit, but they're taking it a bit far."
SKZ were an anonymous group of rebels. When more people were starting to get infected, the government put the country in war mode. They established curfews, safe zones, duties, everything they could have control on anything that you could think of. As the years passed, they started to like this kind of power, meaning they did close to no research on a cure. Groups against the new regime started to form, but the most well-known of them was SKZ. Apparently, they were formed in the south part of the country, the area with the most infected. They ravaged headquarters, gathered information about the virus so their team could study them in order to find a cure. They had great intentions, but anyone on their way would be one of their victims. And that now included your ex-fling and smuggling partner's own gang.
"Y/N, please."
"No, I saved your butt enough times." You walked to your room and he followed you behind, still bombarding you with 'help me', 'this one time', 'please'... "I said no!" you grunted, closing the door on his face.
You dropped on your bed, sore from your morning task. As you were already starting to doze off, a creek from your door did not allow you to go to sleep just yet.
"Yeonjun, go away." you mumbled, eyes still closed.
The man didn't listen and sat next to your laid down body on the bed. "What if I say I can help you find Changbin?"
Your eyes shot open and you stared at Yeonjun. "Don't." you warned.
"Y/N, I swear I'm not kidding. I know where he is."
"How? You barely go outside of the limits."
"Just... Trust me on this one." he spoke softly. "Look, we've had our ups and downs and I understand how unreliable I am to you. There is one thing that I can assure you, and that is I never would mess with you with this. I know how much it means to you."
He took your hand in his and gave you one last pleading look. You were hesitant. You didn't know if you could trust him, but at this point, who could you really trust? Plus, Yeonjun has always been around. Even if he was a pain in the ass, he might be the only recurrent person in your life other than your uncle and his deals.
"If I learn this is a whole fucking joke-"
"I swear it's not!"
"But if it is... you owe me 1000 silvers, a car and your dead body." you smiled.
"So, you're going to help me?" he stared at you in shock.
"Yeah, sure. As if I have anything better to do."
As you were making your way up the ladder, you couldn't ignore the undistinguished noises Yeonjun was making as he was following you closely.
"Can you shut up?" you half-whispered.
"I didn't know you were thinking of leaving during the night. There is a fucking curfew, Y/N. You know what that means? Agents everywhere and going against the law!" he whispered back quite aggressively. "Also, how the fuck do you know the way to the other side from the sewers?"
"Okay, first of all, a curfew means no one's outside. Less chances of getting spotted. Second of all, we've gone against the law so many times, I don't get why you think it's a problem now. And third of all." you stopped climbing and stared down at him. "I've been outside the limits a few times. Now, are we done? Can we just move and get there before it's morning?"
Yeonjun's eyes went wide as he shook his head in yes. "My bad..."
Satisfied, you continued to climb up. When you finally reached the lid of the manhole, you pushed it up carefully, staying alert in case there would be agents on duty close by. Once you made sure it was clear, you pushed the lid so you could get out. You helped out Yeonjun and you both pushed the lid back into its place.
"Alright, so are you sure they went to District 9?" you whispered.
"For the nth time, yes." he said with annoyance.
"How are you so sure?"
"Dude, I heard them loud and clear."
"They might have said this to trick you?"
"Y/N, focus!"
You tried to remember the quickest way to the fences. Agents were everywhere, and what bothered you the most was Yeonjun not being the most careful, as he kept questioning you on why you knew how to get out.
Finally, you reached a part of the fences that surrounded the city. Yeonjun gasped in amazement, much to your discouragement. Sighing, you headed towards the underground tunner that some kids had dug a few days ago.
"Go first."
Nodding, Yeonjun followed your orders. Once he was on the other side, you copied his action and, soon enough, you both had crossed the limits. Once you got to the other side, you could already feel how different it was from the build closed community. The air was much heavier and actual forms of life were rare. There was already an infected who spotted you, who signaled to his other infect friend there was a meal for them.
"Shit." you muttered.
The monster was already running in your direction, and fast. You took a bar of metal that was randomly (and conveniently) lying at your feet, and you ran to it before swinging your weapon to his head, ripping it off its body. The second infected was next to head toward you and you instinctively pierced the bar through it, making it drop on the ground. When you turned back to check on Yeonjun, he could only stare at you with wide eyes and his breath unsteady.
"Now what?" he gulped.
"Follow me." you said, running towards an old building, visibly abandoned.
Only, it was just that. Visibly abandoned. As soon as you turned the corner, you were met with a bunch of men, four of them, masks hiding the bottom half of their faces while pointing guns at you.
"Fuck." Yeonjun said in a low tone while holding his hands up in the air.
"We were waiting for you." one of the men spoke.
"Oh, so them saying they would be in District 9 wasn't a trap?" you sarcastically asked Yeonjun, pettiness overflowing.
"I was convinced they didn't see me." he said in defense.
"We didn't." the man talked again. "But we knew you were there. Now, mind to follow us?"
"Okay, so now y'all are being polite?" Yeonjun scoffed and you kicked his leg. "Fine, let's follow them bluntly, I guess."
The men led you inside the building, holding onto your arms with guns still pointing at you. This was the exact reason you wanted nothing to do with SKZ, they could catch anyone and they were not afraid to use the weapons they had.
After walking endlessly in a hallway, you reached an elevator. You were surprised it was still functional, as most of the things in the infected zones were destroyed. Once the doors shut, one of the men pushed the button to the basement. Of course, it was the basement. You would've thought they'd be more original with where they kept their hostages.
"Are we meeting your big boss?" you asked in a joking tone.
"You're joining your friends." one responded.
When the doors opened, you didn't waste a second to take the gun from the man who was grabbing your arm, twisting it so he would let go. Hitting him on the head, he fell onto the ground. Meanwhile, Yeonjun copied you and also managed to disarm two other men. As for the last one, he held his gun to you.
"Don't waste my time, give me the gun." you said boringly.
He glanced at his friends on the ground, who were massaging their heads from the hits, and they all seemed to be in agreement to just let you be. They knew the others would take care of the both of you, anyway. You took the gun and didn't hesitate to give him a good punch in the face, making him fall next to his friends.
"Let's go." you nodded your head to Yeonjun.
As he was walking by your side, he started rambling again. "That, right there, was fucking awesome! There was a reason why I came to you for help. If it was someone else, I'm sure I'd probably be-"
"Dead? Yeah, well, you'll be if you don't shut up." you whispered loudly.
By the end of the hallway, you could see a large closed door that was seemingly locked. Pretty convinced it was where they detained the others, you made your way to it.
"I guess that's it." you mumbled.
When you reached it, you searched in your bag to see if you had anything that could help you open the door. Noticing you were short in terms of tools, you figured Yeonjun brought something that might be useful.
"Got something?" you asked, but when there was no response, you looked around and Yeonjun was nowhere to be found. "Jun?" you called out.
Just then you were suddenly tackled onto the ground. You met eyes with a young man with freckles.
"You don't look like an SKZ member to me. Who are you?" he asked, restraining you as you tried to push him off.
"Doesn't matter." you managed to breathe out.
"It does to us."
"I guess you'll have to find out another day."
Kicking him in his lower abdomen, you freed yourself and grabbed your knife from you bag. When you were about to throw it to the boy, a hand grabbed your arm, stopping your motion. The stranger twisted your wrist, loosening your grip on the knife. He took it from you and inspected it for a bit.
"Felix, go see if Minho, Jeongin, Hyunjin and Seungmin are fine." he said, his voice low.
The freckled boy, now up onto his feet, nodded and headed to the elevator you were previously coming down from.
"I didn't expect Yeonjun to bring a friend." he said, now talking to you.
He led you to the door you were trying to open not even 2 minutes ago. In contrary of what you thought, it was a simple empty room with a single lamp as its source of light. He threw you to the ground and closed the door behind him. He sighed loudly before walking to you, crouching down to be at your level.
"Now, as my friend asked. Who are you?" You only stared at him, not a sound slipping from your mouth. "Do you know why we took your friends?" No answer. "Why are you here?"
"For no reason, just to enjoy a different environment I guess, just like y'all do."
He didn't expect you to answer this time. "Looks like you don't know much about us, sweetheart."
You cringed at the nickname. Hearing it from someone other than your uncle was odd. Even just hearing it from your uncle was uncomfortable.
"Maybe I don't. Honestly, I don't give a fuck about who you are." You crossed your arms and gave him a bored look.
"Maybe you don't. Still, I think a little introduction can be helpful. I'm Christopher Bang, leader of SKZ." Unfazed, you were still staring at him. "And you are?"
"Tired and annoyed."
He chuckled at your answer. "I like you." He stood up and started to walk back and forth in the room. "I shall contimue then. SKZ is a group of rebels, as people call us, whose purpose is to take down the government's new policy in order to restore some sort of purpose among the population. We're also trying to find a cure for the infection and we, as you might have seen, have many people against us. Your friends were trying to get to our secret base to steal a drug we use during our experiments. They wanted to sell it to make profit off of it."
"Sounds like them." you huffed.
He smiled at your comment. "We've dealt with TXT before, but you're a new one. I've never seen you, I believe."
"Like I said, I literally don't give a fuck about y'all. I just do my thing on my side."
"Then, why are you here?"
"Ask Yeonjun."
Sighing at your lack of engagement in the conversation, he stopped walking around to turn his body to face you. "You took out half of my squad back in the elevator, I want to know who I'm dealing with."
Half? All this time, you thought SZK had hundreds of members around the country. There were eight of them? This new information was surprising, to say the least.
"Sweetheart?" he called out since you were not answering him.
You were interrupted when the door opened. When your gaze shifted towards the door to see who had joined, your met eyes with the person you least expected to see. For a moment, you felt as if time had stopped as you exchanged looks.
"Bin?" you breathed out, your heart pounding.
There stood, alive and well, Changbin. "Holy fuck! What are you doing here?" he exclaimed, running to hold you into his arms.
His embrace was warm and felt like home. After so many years, you felt at ease and tears were streaming down your face.
"Where the fuck were you? I searched for you everywhere." you cried out.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm here now, it's all good."
When you finally let go of him, he turned to Chris, who was clearly confused on what was happening. "Care to explain, Changbin?"
"She's her. She's Y/N."
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Holding the ice pack to his head, Minho was mumbling some curses, still sore from your attacks.
"I'm sorry." you said shyly and he nodded his head in acknowledgement.
"So, Y/N." Chris started. "Can we do this interrogation again, please?"
You had moved to a small office, Minho tagging along. With knowing that Changbin was there, you felt more relaxed. However, it didn't stop you from being on your guard. Changbin might be a friend you've been looking for in the past 6 years, but him being part of SKZ changed things a little. You couldn't fully trust those men.
"Good. Who are you?"
"I'm Y/N. Been pretty much alone since everything started. I was a neighbour of Changbin and we grew up together. He was my closest friend. I've been trying to find him ever since the walls have been put up." you said, keeping it honest, but short.
"What I'm getting from this is that you're against the government as well?" he asked and you nodded. "Why were you with TXT?"
"I'm only here because Yeonjun quite literally begged me to help him get his friends. I didn't ask questions, I just wanted the job done."
"There was something in exchange?"
You paused, hesitantly, but nodded. "He said he knew where Changbin was."
From your answer, he got up and walked out of the room, leaving you and Minho alone. You smiled awkwardly at the man, who gave you a glare, still pissed at your previous encounter.
Outside, Chris had joined Changbin and Felix to talk. He didn't know what to do with you, and something was stopping from either releasing you, or finishing you off.
"Changbin." he called out and the man immediately focused his attention on his leader. "You know her. So, what's her deal?"
"I can't know for sure, I haven't seen her in years. She is colder than before, for sure. I doubt she is lying, though, but I can't be certain."
"Okay. What do I do with her? She might be lying and has tried to steal something from us."
"Honestly, Chan, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt." Changbin said.
With that, he went back to the office, encountering a rather uncomfortable silence between you and Minho. He coughed a bit before sitting back in front of you.
"Do you have any reason we should believe you?" Chan asked, continuing the interrogation.
"I'm repeating myself, but I quite don't care about what y'all do, and I am not fond of the authorities either."
"A reason we shouldn't believe you?"
"There are many, but one is that you don't know me."
"Your relationship with Yeonjun?"
"He used to work with me... and sleep with me."
"Have you crossed roads with any infected?"
"Two on our way here. I killed both."
"Did you get bitten?"
"Do you see a mark?
"No..." he trailed off.
This kept going for while, and Chan was strarting to be very precise with his questions, as he was wondering why you were on your own and why were you looking so desperately for Changbin. Until then, you were short with your responses, much to Chan's dislike. After a while, Minho, who had been observing the interraction this whole time, stepped forward to take the seat next to you.
Interrupting the conversation, he grunted in annoyance. "Chan, she seems fine to me. Can you just let her go? We're wasting time here."
"No wait." Chan paused, inspecting your traits. "I have some questions, concerning your skills."
"My skills?" you said, confused. "I think you saw them."
"I just know you knocked out my members, killed two infected, do some stupid deals in the city and fucked Yeonjun." he summed up while giving you a blank stare.
"Fucking is a skill?" you scoffed.
"I'm just repeating what you said, sweetheart. Now, skills?"
"I fight, I kill, I spy, I steal, I negociate and I lie." you listed and your last point seemed to grab Chan's attention. "Also, I don't owe shit to anyone."
"Have you thought of joining a group?"
"I told you, I'm on my own."
"But do you like it this way?"
You thought for a moment. Did you? "Yes."
Chan laughed and shook his head. "You're not so much of a good liar there, sweetheart."
You rolled your eyes. "Let's say I do fine alone but being alone can be rough at times."
Minho whined loudly once more. Not only did he have to listen to this whole pointless conversation, but he had to suffer from the tension happening between you and Chris, and he had to see his leader ask a hundred questions before getting to the point. It was very unlikely him, who would usually not bother talk and kill those who are on his path. With you, however, it seemed more like a game. It might be a fun one when in it, but Minho was done observing.
"He's asking you to join SKZ." Minho spilled out, going straight to the point.
"Thank you, Minho." Chan said, giving his friend a death stare.
Thinking about it, being on SKZ's good sad wasn't too bad of an idea. They are great fighters and took care of their business quickly, from what you've heard. Nonetheless, you still had your friends in mind, who remained detained at the moment. If joining the infamous rebels meant you could get them out, you might be able to help them out, after all.
"What do I have in exchange?" you asked, which took Chan by surprise.
"You would join us?"
You shrugged. "Depends on the offer."
"Of course, you'd ask something in return." Chan shook his head. "What do you want?"
"Release my friends. And give Yeonjun 1k silvers, he needs it. Also, I want to choose my own weapons and I still want to be able to do my uncle's deals. Last thing, I want to talk with Changbin, alone."
Chan looked at you curiously. You didn't ask anything for yourself, except talking with Changbin. For a world nearing its end, you were surprisingly selfless.
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Yeonjun came to visit you a few days after. He thanked you a thousand times for what you had done for him but you weren't so happy with how things turned out. While you were close to punching Chan in the face, your friend had been nothing but grateful to the man.
"He really wanted to kill us, you know?"
You rolled your eyes while sharpening the knife you were gifted earlier that day. "I'm literally the one who saved you, but sure. Thank Chan for being such a good person."
Yeonjun frowned, hearing your tone. "You don't sound too fond of him."
"I asked for a moment with Changbin, and he still hasn't allowed me to stay in a room alone with him. It's almost been a week."
"You tend to be impatient-"
"I've waited for six years, Jun." you cut him off, pointing the knife at him. "I am patient, but I have limits."
He lifted his hands up in defense and sighed as you went back to sharpening. The building was so quiet, it was almost sickening. While you thought there would be more action in the group, there was almost nothing to do. Seungmin and Minho were in charge of looking into a cure and the remaining of them were mostly simply guarding the place. As for Chan, he and Changbin were nowhere to be seen.
"Do you know why he joined them?" Yeonjun asked.
"That's exactly what I'm wondering myself."
Just then, Felix walked in the room and took the seat next to Yeonjun, waving at you two. You nodded your head at him and focused back on the blade. Twirling it around, you sighed in boredom.
"Doing some training?" Felix asked.
"No, there's just nothing to do in this shithole." you deadpanned at him. "Weren't you on the lookout?"
"Changbin took over."
You huffed in disbelief. "It's as if Chris is doing everything in his power for me to not meet him."
"He will let you two talk eventually." he assured. "He's still on his guard with you, that's all."
"Sure." you spat out as you got up on your feet.
"What are you doing?" Yeonjun frowned, Felix having the same expression.
"I'm going to talk with Chan." you declared, walking towards the exit.
The boys didn't seem opposed to your idea, so they let you leave, although Felix did look more concerned. You had no idea where Chan could be. The building was so huge, you were barely starting familiarize yourself with the ground level. You soon spotted Hyunjin from afar and didn't waste a moment to run to him.
"Hey, Y/N." he smiled, his eyes almost closing.
"Do you know where Chan is?"
Startled by your lack of courtesy, he nodded his head nonetheless as he pointed to a door nearby.
"Thanks." you said as you left him there.
"He's with Seungmin, just saying." he yelled out but you ignored him.
You stormed into the room and the two men at your sudden entrance. While Seungmin got up with his gun pointing at you, Chan reached his hand out to him as a way to tell him to lower his weapon. You stared at him, unimpressed. He motioned for Seungmin to leave the two of you alone. As the door closed, he invited you to sit with him.
"What is it?"
You looked at him, baffled. "That's it? What is it? I know you know."
He nodded. "Changbin, isn't it?"
He shrugged. "What about him?"
"Stop messing with me, Chris." you warned, getting up to lean on the desk to get closer to him.
Sighing heavily, his shoulders dropped in defeat. Without adding another word, he stood up and gestured for you to follow him. You were skeptical of how easy it had been to convince him but didn't say anything about it. If you were just about to get what you wanted, there was no way you'd complain.
Chan made you follow for a good ten minutes. Turning left and right, going up and down the stairs... you were almost scared of getting lost. It was all worth it in the end, though. As soon as he opened the door to the rooftop, you spotted Changbin who wasn't doing much other than playing around with his gun.
"Bin." you called out and the man in question turned around, seemingly taken aback from your presence.
You mouthed a small "thank you" to Chris who answered with a quick nod before leaving, closing the door behind him. You let out a sigh of relief and went to go hug your old friend. As Changbin was still on duty, he returned the embrace coldly as he was watching around the building.
"What are you doing here? I thought Yeonjun was visiting you today." he asked.
"Fuck Yeonjun, I've seen enough of his face. What about you? I've nearly said a word to you since I arrived."
He chuckled, visibly still fond of you. "You haven't changed."
You shrugged, fully knowing you weren't the same person he once knew. "I guess I kept some of my old mannerisms."
He nodded slowly before looking to the view of the city you had. A moment of silence felt both good and torturous. He was right there, just next to you, and you weren't talking still.
"So? How did you get here?" you said, breaking the ice.
"Wow, going straight to the point." he laughed. "I don't know. After the evacuation, I was pretty much on my own. I still have no idea where my family is, if I'm being honest. About five years ago, I had a quibble with Han. It was over some food or whatever, I don't remember. Anyway, I beat him but it was cold that night so he offered to go back to his hideout. And that's when I met Chris. The guy saved our lives, I've never met someone quite like him."
You hummed as he finished. You were as much worried as he was about finding family and such. And that's what he was to you, family. The exact reason why you've been wanting to find him for so long. He was your comfort place, your home. Someone who had been there for you far more than your actual family.
"No." he spoke again. "He actually reminds me of you at times."
Seeing the knowing smile on his face, you cleared your throat as you grew uncomfortable. "So you thought of me..."
"Obviously. You were my closest friend."
Nostalgia hitting you right in the face, you smiled sadly to yourself. "These were the good days."
"They were. How did you even survive on your own, anyway? Six years alone, it must have been rough."
You could hear the worry in his voice which you almost took as an insult. You are small and lanky for sure, but you have always managed to do everything by yourself and with success.
"I was with my uncle for the first year before I ran away. I believe I was alone for about two years, which wasn't that hard. I made contacts everywhere and it became pretty handy. Then my uncle found me and we've been having this thing going on ever since. I do his deals and he pays me." you explained.
Changbin scoffed. "He's still around?"
You nodded. "After my dad got infected, he was pretty much all I had left. Except for you, who I have tried to contact for the past couple of years." you said, sending him a glare.
He held his hands up in defense. "It's not my fault SKZ is a secret organization. I would've put the whole team in danger if I answered your radio signals."
You crossed your arms on your chest. "A little sign of life would've been nice, though."
"Please, Y/N. I'm sorry, okay?"
A loud explosion nearby cut the conversation short. Looking to where it came from, you saw Felix and Jeongin hiding behind a wall while a crowd of infected people ran towards them. They had seemingly threw a bomb at them but it was clearly uneffective. Instinctively, you took Changbin's gun and went ahead with shooting the monsters who were the closest to the boys. Jeongin took a moment to spot you before nodding his head as a sign of thank you. While you continued to shoot, he grabbed Felix and rushed him to a building further away.
"Changbin, Y/N!" Yeonjun's voice said as it came from the door Chris had previously gone through. "The building's not safe anymore, come with me."
You rushed to follow him and walked down the stairs to get to a level where you could jump to the building beside. Changbin took his gun back and made sure to beat any infected with whom you'd come upon.
"Are Seungmin and Minho alright with the cure? And Chris-"
"They're all fine, now's not the time." Yeonjun shut you up.
A couple of levels later, you left the staircase to go find a window wide enough to go through. As it seemed to be a quieter place, you allowed yourself to calm down and take a look around. It resembled an old office room where workers would type all day about whatever.
"I never came here." Changbin informed.
"We didn't necessarily need this space anyway." Chris said as he walked in the room, limping slightly. "I've gotten everyone out, it's just us now."
"Where are the others?" you asked.
Chris let out a grunt from the pain his leg was causing but still took the time to answer you. "I don't know but we have a meeting point. We'll find each other again eventually. It is a shame, though, this place has been the longest settlement we've had so far."
"Oh, fuck." Yeonjun cursed before running to the doors, shutting them closed. "We don't have much time and the way to the next building isn't that simple."
"What do you mean?"
Changbin pointed to the hole in the wall. "It leads to a balcony. The plank of wood there can be our bridge."
You went ahead and helped him get the piece of wood, trying your best to get it out as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Yeonjun was trying his best to keep the door closed but as more infected came, it became harder. Chris wanted to help but his leg wasn't letting him. Helplessly, he watched Yeonjun struggle and you and Changbin doing everything to get out fast.
In his mind, he was already dead. He thought about Minho for a moment, hoping he had taught the younger man everything to take over his place as leader. He truly hoped he did. Because he wasn't going to make it. He would only slow everyone down.
"Man, come here." Changbin yelled at him.
"You'll have to go without me." he declared, feeling defeated.
This caught your attention and you went back to Chris. Seeing him so vulnerable, your heart sank. If he was like Changbin had described him, it would be a waste for him to die. With a determined walk, you went to his side and put his arm around your neck to be his support.
"What are you doing?"
"Saving your ass." you rolled your eyes before looking at Yeonjun. "Jun, we can go now."
Your friend's face was fully red, a result of his entire strength used to keep away the monsters. Even if he wanted to, he wasn't going to have the energy to join you and leave. And one glance at each other was everything it took for you to understand that.
"You've been great, Jun." you smiled sadly, not even feeling the single tear that left your eye.
He gave you a small smirk, the best he could give you given the circumstances.
With a heavy heart, you grabbed tightly onto Chris and dragged him all the way to the hole in the wall, and then to the improvised bridge you and Changbin made. The latter was already on the other side but he crossed back to give you a hand with Chan. You sat the man down so he could slide instead of walk. Once safely arrived, you hurried to join them and throw the plank down, preventing the zombie-like creatures to follow you.
Out of breath, the three of you dropped on the floor. You couldn't believe it, you had just lost Yeonjun. Sure, he wasn't your favourite person on Earth but he had never left your side for years. In a way, he was your safe space. An annoying one for sure but it hurt nonetheless. And without saying a thing, you let one more tear drop from your eye while being totally unaware of Chan's gaze on you.
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Normally, you would have left the neighborhood entirely. But because Christopher was having an issue with his right leg, this was not an option. Staying at the highest floor of the building next to the old SKZ headquarters, you were pleasantly surprised by the arrangement of the space. Someone had stayed there for a bit but left their bedding as well as their canned food and magazines. Maybe this person died but it didn't matter to you at that moment. You were just grateful to have access to such a luxury.
You all had a long day and deserved a rest, and Chan needed it the most. You had bickered beforehand about who was going to stay awake in case of anything but you inevitably won the argument.
With the light provided by the lamp in the middle of the small room, you read out loud the words written on the pages. Boring was one way to describe the texts but it was better than nothing.
"-the release of the movie had been much awaited by fans from all around the world. At its first screening in theaters-"
"What movie?" Chris cut you off.
"Avatar 2."
He chuckled. "It was a big thing, wasn't it?"
"Movie theaters..." Changbin said dreamily. "Will we ever be able to have this kind if experience again?"
You could only roll your eyes. "This is mothing compared to our movie nights."
"Gosh, I forgot about those!"
Chan frowned. "You two were pretty close, yeah?"
Changbin grinned. "My whole childhood was with her."
"At its first screening in theaters, many complained about-"
"Let's do something else." Chan cut you off, snatching the magazine out of your hands.
"What else do you suggest?" you sighed, knowing there wasn't much to do.
"We can chat a bit, learn about each other."
Changbin shook his head. "We already know each other."
"I don't know her, and you might not be aware of some things about her too."
"Fine. Y/N, how's your uncle doing?" he asked, not expecting much of it.
"Head of the bounty group in the city. He's enjoying power and abusing people but at least he gives me some money from time to time." you answered.
"Let me guess, when you do the job for him."
You nodded and that pretty much shut the whole conversation. Well, for the two of you. Chris' mind was going through a whirlwind of questions to ask. He was fascinated by your ability to remain calm and unfazed but it surely meant you had gone through something that made you this way. He wanted to know what happened. He wanted to dig into your mind to find the troubled girl. He wanted to help her.
"Your parents died, no? How did you deal with that?"
Your jaw clenched and you noticed Changbin was ready to throw some fists. Surprisingly, you weren't mad that he dared to mention your parents. In some way, you had beeb waiting for an opportunity to think of them. Ever since they died, you didn't let yourself take a moment for them.
"I coped the best way I could. I mainly tried to forget about it but I miss them still, you know? And my uncle has always been an ass so it didn't help much that he was still alive, let's say. He's family but I would've rather not if I'm being honest."
Chan chuckled. "He seems like one hell of a persona."
"Believe me, he is."
"It reminds me of my own parents."
You frowned, intrigued. "Are they..?"
"Dead, yes. My sister too. I don't know where my brother is but he most likely didn't make it. I miss them too but I made my own little family now. And I won't lose them."
Your gaze softened at his words. Scary is definitely a good word to describe Chris but deep down, he was a simple guy wanting to do good to protect his friends.
"You're part of it now, you know?"
You cleared your throat, uncertain on how to react. "Right... Uhm, it's getting late. You two can sleep, I'll be on the lookout."
Changbin took the gun from you before you could stand up, sending you a look that said plenty to you. He was going to watch first. You let him do and looked at his back while he went to sit next to the closed door.
"I get why you took Bin with you." you said in a low tone to Chris while settling down on the small blanket next to him.
He laid on the mattress himself as he replied. "Why?"
"He's built like a bodyguard, mentally and physically."
"He is, but he was so vulnerable when I met him. I was in a similar headspace and with Han being the anxious guy he is, we were a unique trio."
You didn't expect him to open up like this about the past, especially not the beginnings of SKZ. The organization might be small, as you know now, but the power they hold is something. Knowing the slightest information about them could ruin their doings. But since you were a member, you guessed it didn't matter now.
"We had a different name back then, 3Racha. We thought we were clever but when the other guys joined, it wasn't a good fit anymore."
You laughed. "Good call on changing the name. Why SKZ, though?"
"Stray Kids, a good representation of us I think. We're wandering around with a purpose but, in the end, we're all children still."
You liked that way of thinking. You were about to ask more in terms of the formation of the group but Chris' grunt took you off guard. Wincing more as he wiggles around more, you sat up and leaned towards his body to check where the pain was coming from. From the way he was holding onto his leg, you could tell this was the issue.
"Can I take a look?"
While panting heavily, he nodded in a hurry as if he was begging you to make the pain go away. Carefully, you pulled the blanket off him and went ahead with rolling his pants up to above his knee. That part of his body had clearly gone through a slight fracture.
"Gosh, what the hell did you do?" you mumbled more to yourself than to him.
"I was pushed down the stairs by an infected, no bites though."
You started to massage his knee a bit but the wince he let out was enough to make you stop. Instead, you ripped a piece of your shirt, one long enough so you could wrap it around his leg.
"I don't know if this will help for sure but it will keep it stable for a bit. The more you move, the more it'll hurt and worsen." you explain was tying it all up.
Chris watched you in admiration. There was something about you that he hadn't seen before, softness. There was worry and care in your touch.
"Thank you."
You gave him a small smile. "We don't want our leader to suffer now, do we?"
"Suffering is part of the equation, Y/N. The sacrifices I make are for the others."
"For tonight, it might be good for you to feel at peace. We don't know what will happen tomorrow."
You said this as if this had not been the case for the last six years. Every day was an adventure with risks. However, now that the team no longer had a safe space, it was much more dangerous to be out in the forbidden zones.
"Sleep well, Y/N." Chan finally spoke up, laying down again.
"You too."
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It took two weeks for Chris to be able to walk in some way. In that time, your trio grew to have a routine. You and Changbin would switch places every night for the lookout but he was most often out to get the food and such. That left you and Chan alone together for the majority of the time. You didn't mind, Chris was fun when he wanted to be.
You grew closer which made you both glad. You didn't feel like you were walking on eggshells every time you were around him anymore. Instead, you felt safe. He had the trick with words so he could tell you anything in the wisest way possible. That, or he was flirting.
Maybe it was due to his lack of action in the love department, but he would make flirty comments nonstop.
One time, Changbin left to see if he could get a hold of some medicine for Chan's leg. The moment he left, Chris was at it again.
"Now that he's gone, that leaves us alone again." he had said with an eyebrow raised.
This had to stop, now that you were on the move again. The sole focus had to be finding the other boys, and only Chris knew where to find them.
On the run again, you left your little temporary hideout that morning with only a couple of belongings with yourselves such as food and weapons. You were far away from the city now, leaving you wondering where the hell Chris had planned to go.
"Are we there yet?" you asked with a whine on purpose.
"No, I've told you." he answered calmly.
His patience was impressive but you were testing his limits. "How long do we have still?"
"More than expected if you continue complaining like this."
Changbin held back a laugh. For him, seeing the new dynamic his friends had was entertaining. The growth from being distant to joking around all the time was the last thing he would've expected from the two of you.
A couple of miles later, you settled down in an abandoned convenience store to take a small break. To your luck, some snacks were still intact as well as some beverages. This brought back memories from when you would demand sodas from your father and he would repeatedly tell you how bad it was for your health. Let's say it didn't matter anymore. Food was food.
"Look! They got ramen." Chris said, bringing a box full of them.
"Jackpot." you cheered, taking one pack for yourself.
"If only we have boiling water." Changbin pointed out but Chris coming from the back of the store with a boiler shut him off real quick. "Nevermind."
"It almost feels like we're robbing someone's safe place, this store has everything."
Chris shrugged. "We're not staying for long, just to refill our stomachs. We'll continue after."
Your eyes widened. "You mean we won't sleep?"
"Not tonight, we slept plenty last week. What, did you want to cuddle with me?" he winked at you.
"As if." you scoffed.
Changbin, feeling slightly uncomfortable by the tension, started to get the food ready. In the meantime, you and Chan kept an eye outside just in case. In no time, the three of you were on the ground, slurping on your noodles loudly. This might had been the first good meal you had in a long time. You really took instant noodles for granted back when you had easy access to it.
"Are you done?" Chris asked as he finished his bowl.
You and Changbin hurried to finish and you were back to walking again, not forgetting to pack a couple of items from the store.
It felt like you had been advancing for eternity without getting much closer. You were mostly silent, that didn't help. You were growing more and more bored by the minute and, visibly, both boys felt the same.
"Truth or dare?" you suddenly spoke, startling the guys.
"Uh, Y/N?" Changbin said, confused.
"Might as well make the most of this trip." you shrugged. "Truth or dare?"
Chan was the first to answer. "Truth."
"Do you really think we'll find a cure?"
He gave you a look, as if to tell you that you were being weird. "I think so, but it won't be a thing done by the snap of my fingers. Bin?"
"Hum the hapoy birthday song."
"Boring. Y/N?"
Changbin smirked at you, a sign he was uo to no good with his question. "Who's the most handsome in SKZ?"
You cleared your throat, keeping your eyes in front of you. From the side, you noticed Chan looking at you as he expected your answer more excitedly than he should.
"Uh, do I have to say?"
"Yes." both men answered.
You breathed out loudly and stopped on your tracks to look at them both. "You're all good-looking in your own ways but... uh... Chan is pretty nice to look at." you mumbled quickly before walking again.
Chan's smirk crept on his face before he jogged to catch up with your speed. Meanwhile, Changbin proudly tapped his own shoulder to congratulate himself.
"What did you say? I couldn't hear properly." Chris questioned, though you knew he had heard it perfectly.
"Don't make me repeat it."
"I'm pretty nice to look at? This might be the best compliment I have ever received." he snorted in a sarcastic way, earning a glare from you. "If it can help your case, you're pretty cute too, you know?"
If you could control it, you wouldn't blush. Never would you accept a compliment from Chris, even less after you were forced to give him one.
"Let's go back to walking in silence, shall we?" you suggested, ignoring the man completely. "Changbin, can I walk with you?"
He shrugged. "Nah, I'm good in my bubble."
You wanted to rip his head off at this instant but refrained yourself from doing so. Evidently, you had no choice but to continue to trip with Chan next to you.
"Ignoring people is rude."
"I'm not ignoring you." you defended, although it couldn't be any more false.
"It's not such a good look on you, baby."
Your eyes went wide immediately. In the spur of the moment, you shoved him to the side and fastened your speed of walk. You weren't even mad at the nickname. In fact, you kind of liked how bold Chris was. Anywho, you had no time to flirt, even less with the SKZ leader. Trying to recollect yourself, you focused on your breathing to being it back to a normal pace.
Only for Chan to show up again.
"It was a joke, I'm sorry."
"Uhm." you hummed, still not acknowledging him.
"It's fine, don't worry."
Feeling defeated, he didn't push it further. So you continued to walk, only hearing the wind and the sounds from your footsteps.
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The warehouse was most likely a place they had previously chosen as a base. The equipment was still functional and tons of weapons had been hidden in a safe place under the floor of the basement. Heavy barbed wire all around on top of high fences, you wondered why they even left this place to begin with.
"Not discreet enough." Minho answered your question, which you had seemingly said outloud. "With all the heavy security mesures here, we are easily spotted by enemies. Sure, it's safer but we prefer places where we can work hidden from anyone."
You were glad the whole group made it to the safe meeting point. Jisung immediately went about taking care of Chan's injury while everyone gathered to figure out what to do next.
"We can always travel to the east part of the country?" Hyunjin suggested.
Seungmin, however, disapproved. "With an injured leader and a newbie on the team, we might want to stay close to the city."
"There's always TXT's hiding place." Jeongin shrugged.
It pinched inside to hear that group. You missed Yeonjun, more than you would have imagined.
"It's too small for you all." you argued.
"Yeah, I need the equipment for the research." Minho added.
"We'll stay here." Chan announced as he came back with Jisung. "We are almost done with the formula, we need a couple more weeks and it should be ready to test. I doubt we'll have issues until then."
"I added traps all around the base while we were waiting for the threesome people, we should be safe." Jisung precised before slumping down on a couch.
"Threesome people?" Chris repeated in a mumble.
"Yeah, like how Changbin was surely going to sleep with Y/N and Y/N and Chris keep eye-fucking each other nonstop."
"We got the point, thanks Jisung." Jeongin stopped him, which you were grateful for.
"She's like a sister to me, that'd be so wrong." Changbin continued.
You sent him a glare but he ignored it. "No one's slept or will sleep with anyone."
"Hmm, you'd be surprised." Hyunjin argued.
"I don't want the details."
Chan clapped his hands together, shutting the conversation. "Can we get back to work?"
Everybody went to their position: Felix and Jeongin on the lookout on the roof, Changbin at the entrance, Jisung and Hyunjin in training, Minho and Seungmin on the cure...
You were left alone with Chris in his new office. With a radio at hand, you were trying to catch any signals of new research found about the virus of potential visits from enemies that you could prepare for. It wasn't that exciting other than hearing people talk.
"Y/N L/N... works for... reward of..." you heard while tuning in the radio.
You had completely forgotten about your uncle, even more the load of work you still had to execute for him. In a moment of panic, you stood uo and paced around the room, looking for your stuff.
"Woah, Y/N." Chris said, standing up as well.
"I have to go back." you announced, breath unsteady.
"My uncle, he's gonna kill me if I don't finish his deals."
He frowned. He had tried to understand why you were so insistent on continuing to work for that guy. From his point of view, nothing beneficial for you. You would receive much less than what you deserve, get treated like shit and live in a shitty torn down apartment.
"You don't have to-"
"You don't understand." you interrupted him. "That man is the reason why I'm still alive. I did all of his work and he allowed me to get by in exchange. I let him down, he can ruin my name. He has contacts, I know he will kot hesitate to-"
"You don't have to." Chan repeated. "You're not there anymore, you're not trapped. Look, I don't know what happened with the two of you but I think he might have manipulated you. Telling you that you owe him for what he did for you? You don't owe him anything, he's the one who owes you. You do all of his dirty work for a few silvers and do it all again the next day. And what if he ruins your name? You can't be found with us. Well, your chances are low let's say. You're safe."
You hadn't noticed he had taken your hands in reassurance until you felt his thumbs rubbing against your skin. This might had been the first time someone had touched you like this, so intimately. As much as it was a foreign sensation, you felt as if there was nothing else but you and him. As if a bubnle had created around you. As tears dropped from your eyes, you took in what he just said. For years, you believed you had no choice but to give back to your uncle for lpoking after you, when in reality, he had never done anything but use you. Chan was right.
You let out a chuckle. "In a way, you saved me. By recruiting me."
"In a way."
You stepped forward, getting closer to him. So close that you could smell him. He smelled fresh and new, nothing like someone who spent years being a rebel. Looking up to stare back at him, his gaze had moved down to your lips. So you looked at his lips too and, slowly, you moved closer to each other until you kissed.
It was nothing like you had experienced before. There wasn't just lust and want in the kiss, there was anger, sadness, relief.... It wasn't a clear mix but it felt good.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to seem to take advantage of the situation or-"
You shushed him with a small peck. "You're not, I swear. Look, I don't do great at relationship stuff but-"
It was his turn to cut you off as he let out a laugh. "There is no pressure."
For a moment, you could only smile and stare at one another. This was simple, easy. You loved it, actually.
"... vaccine in development..." the radip glitched, grabbing both your attention. "... no cure found... coming from yeast... mores tests..."
Chan took a deep breath. "I think the guys are going to like that information."
"What do you mean?"
His smile grew bigger. "We know the source of it now. If the guys can combine the source with the developped molecule, we might find a way to prevent it from evolving."
"So..?" you asked again, still not fully understanding.
"We're near the end of it all, Y/N."
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected | @foxinnie8 | @jisuperboard | @jihanlovic | @soobin-chois | @jinxwhore28 | @purplelandsworld | @yeojoongiee | @smugrogerina | @jaehyunicecream | @urmomlikeslinotoo | @syprosight | @thesassy-mia | @chaotic-world-of-the-j | @heartsforlevi | @miyakoa | @seungincore | @skzsilentcryy
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
106 notes · View notes
Tentacles and Tongues~ 🐙🦑
Captain Han Jisung and his crew get lost in space and have to travel to the Planet Nicaid for help from the planet's monarchy.
Read tags on image!! 🔞🔞
Ship - 🦊/🐿️ Jeongsung
Words - 2.9k
Status - completed
Written for 8bitskzevent on twitter
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bengiyo · 7 months
23.5 Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
Well, it's taken forever but we're finally here. Let's watch the Milk/Love GL.
Wow are we starting with a UMG joke??
So glad they taught Love how to drive a motorcycle for this show.
Episode 1: The Sun and The Earth
I'm glad this family of sisters has a cousin who's super deep on science and science fiction.
Wow, Ongsa is too gay to function.
I forget how young some of these kids still are. Ford looks like he's grown since MSP.
LOL this teacher is funny.
Whoa! They're reading Ender's Game! Look at the classic cover!!
WELCOME BACK, EURO!!! Please kill these boys.
Oh no. He accidentally hit our girl in the face.
Sun is very cool. I get it, Ongsa.
Classic lesbian content. Both girls' fathers have an affinity for them.
The moon and stars looked like a smile. That was cute.
That roll across the bed was incredible. I loved that.
Bullying in the modern age is so vicious because everyone is always online.
Love that the big sister has enough presence to scare these boys.
Euro has good comedic timing.
I'm okay with GMMTV being unsubtle about correcting bad behavior or reinforcing good interpersonal behavior in their shows.
This IG flirting was so funny. Ongsa is so gay that she forgot that heterosexuality is a thing. I understand and I support her.
This was a fun start! I like the casting so far and I'm curious where they go with two of our girls being misfits.
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studywithsilver · 10 days
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meet silver :)
I am way too late for an introductory post but here goess :)
Hey! The name is Silver. I'm 18, South Asian and an undergrad almost done with her first year, studying International Business Management. I used to be a science kid, and decided to try something new.
I'd like to start up my own business or get into lecturing for further academia someday. For now, I'm thinking of dabbling in content writing and copywriting whilst my time at uni. I may post articles to a Medium account, which I might repost here as well.
Some of my interests include:
Reading (Favourite genres: Historical fiction, historical romance, adventure)
Writing (I'm trying to work on a novel at the moment, albeit the very slow progress)
Watching figure skating and volleyball (any sport, really)
Anime (Haikyuu is my favourite. Period.)
Trying to learn languages (Korean and Arabic)
Stray Kids
Cooking (I'd love to write about food and recipes someday)
I'm hoping to document my university journey through this blog as I've always journaled for my future self to look back onto how her past self was. Studying has been quite important to me, I enjoy it very much and I don't mind romanticising it a little this way, either. I hope you enjoy the ride here, thank you for joining me :) 🤍
All pictures are mine, and study posts are under #silver's uni diaries
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literary-illuminati · 2 months
2024 Book Review #36 – Life Does Not Allow Us To Meet by He Xi
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I read this basically entirely because it got a hugo nomination, and assuredly would never have tried it otherwise – I literally wouldn’t even have heard of it, let alone be able to get my hands on a (digital) copy. So I went into this with frustratingly little context. Overall I’d call it an interesting read if not necessarily a loveable one.
The story follows a trio of explorers being sent to the colony of Caspian Sea, decades after the previous attempt to check on its progress was lost in a freak FTL accident. The planet, seeded with a population of genetically engineered ‘pioneers’ - humans modified to thrive in its environment - needs to be graded for suitability, and the colonists introduced to advanced technology and welcomed into humanity. Unsurprisingly, things do not go according to plan – the last mission’s destruction wasn’t as reported by the lone survivor, and the population has strayed increasingly far from the plan the Constitution of Earth demands.
Its heritage is of course entirely different, but the story was just incredibly reminiscent of old Golden Age American sci fi to me. The reason is some combination of style and content, I think. It’s overwhelmingly a novella of dialogue and exposition – pages at a time are dedicated to one character explaining a principle of the story’s science or technology to another. With the exception of the very final reveal, the whole plot is dialogue explaining the laws which the story is an expression of or decisions that they had already made – ‘action’ in any sense is in very short supply (despite the genocide). Reminded me of reading my dad’s ratty old paperbacks in the basement as a kid. Oddly nostalgic reading experience.
Prose-wise the story does come across as slightly stilted? Or maybe distant is the better word. Characters emote and have strong reactions, but in nearly every case it felt a bit tell-not-show. I’m not sure how much of that is from the original and how much is an artifact of translation (such is life for the tragically monolingual). While I mean, I’m fairly certain the translation could have been more graceful in places (I simply do not believe that referring to the original colony ship as Big Ship as a proper noun reads the same in English as whatever the original Mandarin was), but beyond that.
Speaking of being in translation – this is a story that made me desperately wish I was more properly familiar with the Chinese SF scene. If only because my initial reaction to it is that it’s obviously in conversation with the whole Three Body Problem series, but also those are literally the only two works of Chinese science fiction I’ve read so I really have no knowledge at all of the wider context they’re both swimming within.
Regardless, Life’s presentation of alien life absolutely does rhyme with Three Body’s, right down to the same examples of historical genocides being used to make the point. The xenophobia is presented as policy rather than an actual law of history, but it feels like a very intentional reference (and the story clearly considers it at least plausible if not necessarily self-evident). Which is what drives the central moral drama of the story – that despite the most careful possible genetic engineering, stellar radiation has left the pioneers of Caspian Sea incapable of reproducing with earth-born humans, and so made them functionally a different species. And thus, by the constitution of earth, axiomatically a potential threat to the survival of humanity that must be exterminated out of hand.
Going from Children of Memory (a series motivated in large part by wonder and joy at the idea of truly nonhuman intelligence, and possessed of ironclad faith in the potential of cosmopolitan, liberal societies to integrate wildly disparate parts) to this was something of a shock.
The book’s vision of humanity is kind of interesting, honestly. Subspecies modified to thrive on different planets, but capable of interbreeding to ensure some level of biological solidarity or shared destiny or something. Not making drastic changes to the appearance, even if it means awkwardly hiding gills under arm pits or not even trying to colonize worlds that would require exuding a thick mucus layer, basically explicitly to make sure that everyone will still find each other fuckable. Fascinatingly shallow, almost?
Anyways yes, interesting ideas and central drama, let down some by prose and execution. Very Asimov.
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wolfs-archive · 5 months
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"So what? Does that change my love towards you?" Part 1
Masterlist || Part 2 || Part 3
Summary: A casual day to the coffee shop makes Hyunjin fall in love with barista Y/N who is also a student but with a different major at the same college, hiding his identity he catches up casually and they fall in love initially. What happens when Y/N finds the true identity about Hyunjin. Read more to know what happens.
Pairing: Student!Hyujin X BaristaFemaleStudent!Y/N
Genre: angst, fluff, suggestive, mentions of marriage, drunk confessions.
Note: The Hyunjin or the other members mentioned here are no where related to the idol Stray Kids and are just a fictional character. Minors DNI please!!!
"Hyun, how about we go to have some americano in the nearby cafe?" asked Felix. "Yep, let's go!!!! Han wanna tag along ?" asked Hyunjin. " Yep" Han replied.
"Welcome to Stay Cafe" said a sweet voice. "How may I help you sir?" asked the same sweet voice. Hyunjin whose eyes was fixated on the phone, " 3 large iced americanos please" he said. She repeated his order and handed the bill over to him. Hyunjin took away the bill and went with his friends to grab a seat. A few minutes later, "Order Number 143, your 3 large iced americanos ready to go" as she said, Hyunjin walked to collect his order; the first time he saw her, he felt something gravitated him towards her,like missing pieces in a puzzle or maybe a soulmate connection? Though Hyunjin came from an affluent family, he never played with the heart of other girls and had his own principles. He had never got interested in any girl either. The moment he saw her, "It would be nice if I marry her" he though. "Mr. Sexy dynamite Hwang? Why are you blocking the way?" asked Jisung snapping him from his thoughts. Seeing him all flustered and mumbling to himself the same words again, Han new what was going on in Hyune's mind. "Excuse me, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking as if you are possessed?" Felix asked. "I, I am going to marry her.... I don't know what her name is or who she is. But, she is going to be Mrs. Hwang" he said. The moment those words came out of his mouth, Han and Felix knew the real intentions. Hyunjin never liked the marriage talks, but something coming out from his mouth made the sunshine twins realise that he was not toying and he was serious. "Excuse me, may I know who that barista is?" asked Hyun to a barista who was cleaning the next table pointing towards the owner of the sweet voice girl. "She is Y/N, Y/L/N" replied the girl. She also added, "Y/N is a part timer and she is studying Computer Science in SKZ University". He thanked her and after she left, "Woah, I didn't know our college had such a beautiful girl. Computer major, then Lee Know and I.N must know her" he said.
Chan, Lee Know, Hyunjin, Changbin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, I.N were close friends since school, and got into the same university with different majors, but shared a house together. Though Hyunjin's parents owned the universities and some other too, he was never the type to show it off. It was just the group who knew about him, the rest of the college treated him as a normal person. Lee Know and I.N majored in Computer Science, Hyunjin and Felix in Designing, Chan, Changbin in Production, Seungmin and Han in Music.
Y/N, Y/L/N was a beautiful girl with boba eyes which always sparkled when she spoke. A friendly girl, talented one, helpful in nature, had a good attitude, also a good student. To be precise, she was just God's favorite child. She had caring parents, a doting sister. But life isn't life when everything goes smoot isn't it? Y/N's sister Yun Hee died 3 years ago. The reason for the tragedy, she loved Ha-joon, the only son of JYP Buildings, due to the difference in status, Ha-joon's family did not approve of their relationship. Rather than living apart after fighting for over 4 years, the duo decided to commit suicide. From then onwards, Y/N hated affluent people. She took a vow never to step into their boundaries at any cost.
"Lee Know, I.N where are you two?" shouted Hyunjin in excitement as he entered the hall of their dorm. "What is it?" asked Lee Know. "The thing is... there is this girl in your department right Y/N, by any chance do you talk with her? he asked. "When you yelled my name, I definitely knew nothing good would come out of it" he said. In addition to that, "Yea, Y/N is in my class, we do talk sometimes. She helps me a lot. A nice girl" he said. "You don't like her right?" a curious Hyun asked. "What do you mean like, I like her, everyone in our class likes her, even our I.N liked her" he said. "No.. Not like that, as in you don't have any feelings for her right?" he asked. "Ai... no way, she isn't my type." he said. Sensing these words come out, he further warned him, "Hyun, do you know what will happen if your parents come to know about it? " he asked. "Dude, I get that my parents are strict, but if it is something I really want, they wouldn't mind it" he retorted." If that's your choice, then we are no one to stop you. Hope you find happiness with her. She is really a nice girl." said Lee Know. "But from what I heard from one of her friends is that she doesn't like affluent people because...." and I.N said the whole story. "I'll take care of it" Hyun responded.
The next day, Lee Know, Hyunjin, and Chan went to the same cafe. Hyun had asked Lee Know to introduce her. When Lee Know went to order drinks, she got them ready and served it herself, just because she knew him. He then introduced the two naming their departments and as Y/N leaned forward to shake hands, "Y/L/N, I love you, would you mind being my girlfriend ?" Hyunjin had asked, leaving Y/N flabbergasted. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested" she said. "Woah, I knew Hyunjin was upto something, but I didn't expect something like this" Chan mumbled to Minho. "Why?" he asked her. An amazed Y/N said, "This is the first time we ever meet, I don't know anything about you. " she said. "Trust me, let's go on 3 dates, and by the 3rd date, if you still don't change your mind, then I promise, I'll never ever disturb you" he said. Y/N hesitated, but deep inside, the moment she met Hyunjin the first time, she felt butterflies. How could such a beautiful man exist she thought to herself. She made it a point to remind herself that he was just a customer and not to fall for him. Today when she saw him again she felt really happy. She didn't know the reason for her happiness. "Just believe me, you might miss wonderful days, if you don't accept it. I'm sure, I'll sweep you off your feet" he stated. "Okay, but just 3 dates, and you need to comply with my decision" she replied. "Deal" he challenged her.
"Y/L/N, are you serious? Did you really accept the 3 date challenge from the Design department Hyunijn? Wow, seems like fate. Just yesterday you told he was handsome and today you are telling me he asked you on a date. Sorry dates" remarked Lily, Y/N's dormmate, who has been Y/N's friend since elementary school. "He said, he'll sweep me off my feet, didn't he? Let me see what he is up to" she said sipping her beer.
The next day, Hyunjin came to Y/N's class. "Sexy dynamite Hwang, what are you doing in my department?" Lee Know asked with the hereditary Lee smirk on his face. "He must have come to see Y/N" said I.N. Hyunjin waited till Y/N's arrival, as soon as she entered, he went towards her, "Our first date is on Sunday, at 10:00 AM, wear comfortable cloths, I'll pick you up from your dorm" he said. Before Y/N could reply anything, he winked at her and left the class before waving to Lee Know and I.N.
Saturday evenings were usually for girls night, but Sunday being special for her, she didn't take the chance of partying. It would be a sin to lie if she said she was not excited for the date. Y/N tossed and turned the whole night and in no time she was sound asleep. Sunday arrived, she got ready, all dolled up with Lily helping her with her makeup. When she went downstairs, she couldn't believe herself; Hyunjin with his hair loose, and black shade wearing a white t shirt topped with a denim overcoat, ran his fingers through his hair looking like a sculpture. As they proceeded on their way to their date, Hyunjin spoke "Y/N iee I don't mind getting rejected by you, but trust me I want you to be yourself, I like you for who you are, and will love you no matter what. After all you are my first love." he said. A curious Y/N asked, "First love?". "Yep, I have never laid my eyes on any other girl. The moment I saw you I saw an instant spark. Maybe soulmate connection, that's why I asked about you to Lee know and I.N " he said. As they conversed, they reached their destination, the amusement park.
"Which ride do you wanna go first" Hyunjin asked Y/N. "Anything of your choice, but before this I want to make one thing clear. I will equally pay for everything. I don't like one person spending it. Deal?" she asked. "Y/N, I'm no man if I don't pay for you. Which man lets his date pay for herself?" he retorted. "Please Hyunjin" she pleaded with doe eyes. Too smitten by love, he accepted her request. The couple had fun riding the ferris wheel, the roller coaster and the bumper car. Hyunjin who wanted Y/N to feel close to him asked his mate's advice the previous day. "Hyun, rather than any nice ride, trust me; every girls would like the haunted house." said Changbin "When she gets afraid, you can tell her it is nothing and she would feel safe about the thought" he further added. Trusting him, he asked her if they wanted to go to the haunted house. Hyunjin had initially planned that Y/N would get scared and he could get close to her to pamper her. But the moment he stepped in, the complete opposite happened. The entire course of their journey through their haunted house, Hyun yelled like there was no tomorrow and clang on to Y/N who really had a hard time dealing with him. Y/N really felt butterflies inside her stomach the moment he clang on to her. Though he did not realise the effect he created on her. He had shouted the entire time that others around started looking at their direction. After the chaos at the haunted house, the duo had their lunch and proceeded to go home. Something in the corner of the heart made Y/N fall for him unknowingly to her. After dropping her in front of her apartment, before she could go inside he "Y/N than you for trusting me and coming out with me today. I'm not glossing over, but this has to be definitely one of the best days of my life" he said. Covering the blushing creeping up over her cheeks, Y/N smile and thanked him again, for she too spent a happy day with him.
From then onwards, Hyun rather than attending his design courses was found to be seen tagging along with Lee Know and I.N only just to watch Y/N. According to him, it was a face he would never get tired of watching. Also during the part time jobs of Y/N, Hyunjin made it a point to meet her everyday in the name of grabbing a drink just to refresh himself.
A few days later, the couple went on to their second date which was a beach, the duo enjoyed their time with the waves and decided to go to a park to spend the afternoon. Slowly, Y/N realised she was falling even deeper for the guy who confessed his feelings to her. A part of her wanted to enjoy the dates another part of her felt sad at the thought of getting apart after the event. It was like Hyunjin fell first, but Y/N fell harder. As days progressed, Y/N's thoughts were completely filled with Hyun. The number of text messages, calls and the meetings at the colleges increased day by day.
The final date was a dinner date, when Hyunjin pleaded he would want to pay completely for the so called final date. Y/N accepted. Hyunjin had told Y/N to dress up nice since he had other plans. Y/N who usually wore clothes which usually covered a lot of herself, today decided to go by knee length sleeveless black dress, Hyunjin at the sigh of Y/N was completely mesmerised and left speechless. The entire drive had Hyunjin focussing on Y/N rather than the road. After the dinner, Hyunjin proceeded to take her to her dorm. When Hyunjin was supposed to turn left instead of right, Y/N questioned him. "Y/N our date is not over yet. I have a little surprise for you" he said. As they drove towards a river, on the count of 5 fireworks filled the sky which was scenic. Y/N watched the sky with love and Hyunjin watched Y/N with love. The fireworks were progressing, he went to the car. When he came back, Y/N was still busily watching the beauty, he then suddenly went on one knee, "Y/L/N, never have I loved anyone like you, and never will I ever. You have been flooding my thoughts to the extent that I smile like an idiot even at the times of doing some serious work. I really love you, and wish to spend the rest of my life with you" he confessed. A teary eyed Y/N who planned on accepting his love during her 2nd date, hugged him and leaned forward to kiss him. Hyunjin who didn't expect that was confused but let it in after realising what had happened. He then drove her to her dorm, before letting her out," Thanks Y/N, I'll make sure you will never regret this decision in your life" he said. She again hugged him, "Thanks for showering so much love Hyunjin, I really don't know if I deserve those. But honestly as a man of your words, you did sweep me off your feet" she said.
Y'all, this is not the end. It definitely has a Part 2. I really didn't want to make the story too long, so I decided to make it in parts. Thankyou for all your support. When I initially posted a poll, I really didn't have any idea as to how to take the story further. But your guys' polls made me do it. Please feel free to correct if any errors in here and it would really be grateful to hear your comments about my story.
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seraphtrevs · 7 days
Since I’m a huge fan of your writing, I’m curious: who are some your favorite writers and what are some of your favorite books or short stories??
Oh man, I've done so much reading over my life that it's hard to narrow down. Like I'm for sure going to leave people out.
For fiction: some of my favorite authors are the Bronte sisters (slight preference for Charlotte - Jane Eyre was one of my first loves and hugely shaped me as a reader and a writer), Daphne du Maurier (favorite of her books - Rebecca), Sarah Waters (can't decide between Fingersmith and The Paying Guests), Angela Carter (The Bloody Chamber), Susanna Clarke (Jonathon Strange and Mr Norell), Toni Morrison (Beloved), Robin Hobb (the Farseer trilogy and Fitz's further adventures, but I've heard good things about the Liveship Trader books!), Terry Pratchett (the Tiffany Aching books are particular favorites), and Anne Rice (well, depending on the book tbh, she's not very consistent lol - the first three Vampire Chronicle books are my favs from her), with special shout-outs to Robin McKinley (Beauty), Avi (The True Confession of Charlotte Doyle), LM Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables), Frank L Baum (I have read every single Oz book - there are a ton of them!) and Madeleine L'Engle (A Wrinkle in Time), who were my favs when I was a kid (along with the Babysitter's Club book lol - but they're mostly ghostwritten so I'm not sure who to credit!)
Right now, I'm re-reading (for the millionth time) The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter, which is a collection of fairy tale retellings - but that feels like a really inadequate way to describe it. It's very visceral, primal, and poetic. My favorite story from the collection is "The Bloody Chamber," which is a Bluebeard retelling. Bluebeard is one of my favorite fairy tales, but it understandably doesn't get a lot of adaptation. (I'm very curious what Disney's Bluebeard would look like lmao)
I'm also listening to the audiobook of The Vampire Lestat, which is the reason that Anne Rice is on that list. She really lost me with her later books, but listening to TVL reminded me that actually, she can be very good! She really excels at evocative descriptions and conveying emotion - she's very shameless, in a good way. A woman who always writes with her entire pussy, whatever else you might say about her.
But I actually read more nonfiction than fiction. I'm a big fan of memoirs - not celebrity memoirs (although Jennette McCurdy's I'm Glad My Mom Died was probably my favorite book I've read this year), but memoirs that are more about someone grappling with the human experience - like, sometimes the author has been through something horrible and they've done a lot of mediation on what they've been through, or sometimes the author is just a very astute and entertaining observer of their own (and other people's) ridiculousness. Some of my favorites are Mary Karr, Caroline Knapp, David Sedaris, Cheryl Strayed, Jeanette Walls, Tara Westover, and Allie Brosh.
If I had to pick one to recommend - all of David Sedaris's books are extremely funny. He writes humorous personal essays, so I guess his books aren't really memoirs exactly (google says he's a humorist), but he usually writes about himself so I'm lumping him in this category lol. Me Talk Pretty One Day is a good place to start with his stuff - you will cry laughing.
I also love pop science and pop history - Mary Roach is a super approachable science writer with a quirky sense of humor. Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers is so funny and candid - she asks every question you've ever had about dead bodies and then some. I also love Bill Bryson - another very accessible and funny writer - I really loved his A Short History of Nearly Everything, which covers exactly what it says. I ADORE Oliver Sacks - he was a neurologist who wrote so movingly about what it means to be human through the experiences of his patients - The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat reads more like a book of short stories, and I weep like a baby every time I read it (I actually started tearing up thinking of a few cases.) (Btw he's also written beautiful memoirs but I like his science writing best so I'm putting him here. Bill Bryson has written memoir too.) Carl Sagan is also approachable and humane - This Demon Haunted World is my favorite of his. Andrew Solomon's The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression is required reading for anyone who's dealt with mental illness, although it's difficult and painful at times (his Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity is also really good, but also difficult and painful - but worth it!)Diane Ackerman's A Natural History of the Senses has gorgeous prose and is a great book for artists and writers imo - it gets you thinking deeply about how we interact with the world.
For history, I am obsessed with this book called "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow - it will completely upend everything you think you know about the history of homo sapians. Mike Duncan got his start podcasting - his series Revolutions is about major world revolutions and is essentially like listening to an audiobook, so it's not a surprise his books are pretty fun too. Sarah Vowell has some really fun books about quirky historical topics - her Assassination Vacation is great (she goes on a roadtrip to visit locations in America where famous assassinations took place).
And here are a few other miscellaneous non-fiction writers I enjoy - Sebastian Junger (just finished his In My Time of Dying about his near death experience - super thought-provoking - but it was A Perfect Storm that made me love him), Hunter S. Thompson (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas), Jon Krakauer (Into the Wild), Jon Ronson (The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry)
This was a fun question to think about! I hadn't realized I had such a strong preference for female writers until I actually listed all my favs out, which is an interesting thing to know about myself, so thanks for asking!
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sl-newsie · 8 months
American Woman (Thomas Shelby x American OC) Ch. 2: Employed By Criminals
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I can’t stand waiting any longer. I’ve been in my new room for what seems like an hour and no one has come to give any further instructions. The time I took to settle in only lasted five minutes, considering all my possessions fit in a small suitcase. So, I decide now I will explore.
I peek through the keyhole and find the kitchen outside to be empty. After opening the door I stick my head out to survey again. Still empty. Where is everyone? The least I can do now is to prepare dinner. After scavenging the kitchen I find some vegetables and spices to work with. No meat, but I’m not going to make a fool of myself around looking for the meat cellar. After I’ve started boiling water and mixed in some herbs I begin to chop the vegetables.
“You’re back,” Finn states as he enters from another side door, looking at the pot with new-found interest. “What’s that?”
“Dinner. Oh, since I didn’t get a good chance to introduce myself, my name’s Verena. Just so you know. Your aunt hired me to be your tutor.”
Finn scrunches his face in dislike. “Ugh. That again? Aunt Polly knows I hate reading!”
“What do you enjoy instead?” I try to sound optimistic as I peel the carrots.
“I like math better, like the math Tommy does for the business. Reading’s too complicated.”
“Not necessarily. What have you read before?”
“The Wind In The Willows, Peter Rabbit, all that kids stuff.”
“Well then it seems to me that you just need to find content you enjoy. Fiction may not be your choice, but you might like books of science, philosophy, or social issues. Have you heard of the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by Isaac Newton, or Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein? Maybe The Jungle by Upton Sinclair? Actually-” I set down my knife and rush to my room, returning with a book from my suitcase. “I brought this with me on vacation for light reading.” I hand the curious child the worn book. “It’s the Common Sense pamphlet by Thomas Paine. It’s American, but I’m sure it’s much more interesting than Peter Rabbit.”
Finn apprehensively scans the first page, and I can’t hide my growing smile as a look of interest begins to spread on his face. He starts reading, wandering down the hall while not looking up once. Maybe I’ll make a good tutor after all.
“Alright, enough chatter. Let’s eat.” An approaching voice speaks.
I go back to chopping carrots and don’t bother to look up until the voice speaks again.
“Who are you?”
When I lift my gaze to find the voice’s source, a pair of icy blue eyes are peering into me. The eyes belong to a man with a well-sculpted face that shows both stern and commanding intentions. He’s wearing gray trousers, black dress shoes, white shirt and gray vest, as well as a flat cap that John was wearing earlier. He’s also smoking a cigarette, which has brought a foul stench along with it.
“Who let you in here?” The man asks, not even waiting for me to answer his first question.
“Polly did. Pleasure to meet you-”
“But you can’t be here. I’ll have to talk to her.” Then he walks off and starts pouring himself some water, and I faintly hear him mutter: “We don’t take in strays.”
Excuse me? Since when does this guy get to treat me like dirt? Maybe it’s the American mutt temper, but I’ve got the urge to give him a piece of my mind!
I lean against the counter and look up with rebellious eyes. “Gotta say, your accent is a bit on the tricky side. Mind saying that again?”
The man seems taken back by the tone of my voice, as if he’s not used to people being sassy with him. He’s quick to regain his posture and has a smirk growing on his lips.
“And I’ll say that your American accent is downright pathetic compared to ours. You lot still never got over being independent, did you? Gotta flaunt it about in all our faces!”
My jaw drops. “I never even mentioned that! I think you’re the one holding a grudge based on a war you weren’t even a part of!” He tries to interrupt but I keep talking. “And for the record, we Americans are current allies with you. So instead of arguing about something that happened a hundred and forty years ago, I say we uphold each country’s honor and talk as if we’re on the same level. Do you agree?”
The man keeps staring at me, seeming to ponder whether or not to argue again.
“This book is really good!” Finn interrupts the silence from down the hall.
I grin at his enthusiasm and go back to chopping carrots, ignoring the man’s blank stare.
“Polly said you know Finn, my new student.”
His eyes flick upwards to find mine again. “Pardon?”
“I’m his tutor, or at least I have been for the past hour. Polly hired me, so that’s why I’m here.”
Now he’s looking at me in a different manner, as if sizing me up as a potential threat. Why would he do that? The man slowly walks around the counter towards me and removes his cap, allowing me to see he has dark hair in a style similar to Finn’s. He turns it over and sets it on the counter, as if he wants me to get a closer look. What I do I notice it’s got something shiny peeking out of the brim.
“What’s with the custom hat? It’s made of metal, or something?”
The man simply chuckles and holds back the fabric to show- razors?
“You sew razor blades into your hat? Now I’ve heard everything! And I thought Americans were crazy!”
“Is that soup I smell?” Another voice comes from the same way the man came. Another man enters the room and I recognize him as John. When he sees us, his eyes acquire a hint of uncertainty. “Thomas, I see you’ve met Verena. Polly was just telling me about her.”
So this is the Thomas I was warned about? I guess Polly wasn’t kidding when she said he was ruff. 
“Not officially, John. She was just telling about how Polly hired her to teach Finn. May I ask why?”
“Polly says it’s because he needs a proper education. Not one that’s only taught through bookkeeping. Can’t say I blame her. When’s the last time any of us actually sat down with him and taught him something?”
Thomas shrugs. “If he’s going to be part of the Blinders he’ll learn all he needs to know by watching us.”
The name sends a chill down my spine and I snap to attention.
“Wait- Blinders? As in Peaky Blinders…? Oh my God.” I look back and forth between Thomas and John, still holding the knife. “Shelby! That’s the name! Shelby! I’ve heard things about you, what kind of a man you are! Excuse me, but I do not want to be involved with anything surrounding you!”
I grip the knife and dash for the hallway, yanking on the door handle only to find it’s locked. Panicking, I stand in the corner with the knife held out as Thomas Shelby struts towards me- holding a pistol!
“Please, don’t kill me! I have nothing to offer! You’d just be wasting a bullet!”
There’s no answer, only Thomas looking at me with cold eyes.
“Verena! Verena! Polly, where'd she go?” Finn’s voice comes from down the hall. He turns his head and sees me, with a wide grin on his face. God, I can’t let him see me get killed!
“Finn…? Finn! Did you finish your reading?” I speak in a quivering voice.
“Almost. I’ve only got a few more pages.”
I nod shakily still looking between Finn and Thomas, who’s looking at him while still holding the gun up. “Alright, go and finish up and then I’ll be right over.”
Finn heads back into his room, and I look up to glare into Thomas’ calculating eyes. “I swear to God, if you so much as lay a finger on that boy-!”
“You’ll what?” Thomas asks in a laid-back manner. “A moment ago you were begging for me not to kill you. Now you’re threatening me not to kill my own brother?”
My mind stops. “Brother…? He’s your brother? Oh…” I shamefully look to the floor, cursing myself in my head for making such a stupid mistake. “But you’ll still kill me.”
The next few quiet seconds are so suspenseful I swear I can hear my own heart beating. I dare to look back up at Thomas, who now shakes his head.
“I’m not going to kill you.”
My brow furrows at his words. “This means I’m fired then, doesn’t it?”
By now John’s entered the hallway and comes over to stand in front of Thomas.
“Why would we fire you? From what Polly’s told me and what we’ve seen here, you haven’t given us any reason to fire you.”
“But my question is-” Thomas steps forward. “Can she be trusted? How do we know she’s loyal to us?”
I bite my lip and lower the knife I’m holding. “With all due respect sir, you’re technically my employer. That and the fact that you’re temporarily housing me gives me enough reason to be loyal. And if for whatever reason in the future I might not be, you can kick me to the dirt.”
Both men exchange looks, seeming to have a silent conversation while I stand here awkwardly. Eventually John gestures for Thomas to put away the gun, who seems to have forgotten he had it out.
“We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot,” Thomas says in a lighter tone. “What was your name again?”
Now that he’s not holding a gun at me, Thomas actually seems decent. I might dare to even call him handsome. Remember, this is your boss now. Keep it professional. Don’t lose your head.
I stand up straighter and hold out a hand to shake his. “Verena Nora Steenstra. Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Shelby.” I turn to John and shake his hand too. “You as well, Mr. Shelby. I was told by Polly to wait for any further instructions. In the meantime there is soup in the pot if you’re interested.”
“Wait.” Thomas gets an odd look. “You… made dinner? Why?”
Now that I have more leverage, I hold my breath to squeeze past the two men and back into the kitchen. “I had nothing else to do, and it’s the least I can do since you’ve allowed me into your home.”
Just then, Polly comes into the room. She hesitates when she sees us, giving John and Thomas a certain look. Then she sees the pot on the stove.
“Who cooked? Ada hasn’t made anything in weeks.”
The two men look at each other, then point to me. Polly seems impressed.
“You appear to be a lady of many talents, Ms. Steenstra.”
My face goes pink at her praise and I busy myself by stirring the soup. “I know my way around the kitchen. My family thinks it’s proper for me to be a suitable housewife, so that’s what I’ve been expected to do my whole life. Cooking, baking, sewing, the works. In all honesty, this is the first real job I’ve ever had.”
When I turn back to them, they’re all sitting at the table and appear to all be whispering something. Thomas is the one to speak first.
“So you’re from America, and for the moment you are stuck here?”
He nods slowly. “Welcome to Birmingham, Ms. Steenstra. Here’s exactly what you’re getting yourself into, love. My family runs a bookkeeping business, and we do our part to keep a close eye on the authorities. People know better not to mess with us.”
“Bookkeeping, like gambling?”
Dear Lord, I’ve become involved with criminals!
Polly seems to catch onto my panicked thoughts. “You need not worry about being caught up with our work. You’ll only be interacting with Finn.” Polly’s eyes narrow. “If anyone asks, you’re a private tutor and only a private tutor. Do not go asking too many questions.”
I nod shakily and wring my hands together. “Seems to me like a world made up of gambling, drinking, and violence.” I shake my head and give her a skeptical look. “That doesn’t seem like a world I want to be involved in.”
“You won’t have to, and I suggest you don’t.”
By now Finn’s returned and is sitting next to John, but he’s not the only one who’s entered. Over the past few minutes a man with a mustache and a younger woman with short dark hair wearing a red dress are now standing across from me. Thankfully Polly notices my discomfort.
“Everyone, we need proper introductions. This is Verena Steenstra, and she’s going to be helping Finn with his studies. Verena, you’ve met Finn, Thomas, and John. The final Shelby brother is Arthur over there.” She points to the mustache man. “And Ada’s their sister.” She points to the woman in red.
Wow. The Shelbys are a big family. And suspicious ones at that, because they’re all looking at me as if they’re dogs eyeing a piece of meat.
“Polly, no offense, but I don’t like this,” the one called Arthur grunts. “Who says the bitch won’t tattle to the coppers the instant she leaves? How do you know she isn’t a spy sent by the new bloke?” He jerks his head to see Finn eating my soup and he swipes the bowl. “How do we know this isn’t poisoned?!”
“Because I ate it?” I shrug. “Because unlike most people I’ve met here I actually try to be nice? It’s fun, you should try it sometime.”
John starts outright laughing, leaving us all giving him funny looks. “You picked out a real winner, Polly! She’s just like the Americans I met during the war!”
Lord, what have I gotten myself into?
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stayycalm · 24 days
Megaverse Chapter 1
© staycalmm (stayycalm on Tumblr)
"This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, businesses, places, events, or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.”
in other words, dude this is a fanfic it’s not that deep.
this story is heavily influenced by the Firebird series
 “they told us it was impossible, that it was science fiction. but when we discovered the multiverse the possibilities became endless.”
welcome to the stray kids hot megaverse.
read on ao3
Chapter 1
My head is spinning, and the world around me seems to be in constant motion. my body buzzed with an unusual hum I blinked rapidly, trying to clear my vision. 
my hands hit a smooth cool surface as I gasped, slowly and the surroundings began to stabilize. It worked. I jumped to a different dimension. 
I laugh, slightly hysterically as I press my forehead into the glass in front of me, trying to slow my pounding heart as I grin to myself, Chris would freak out if he knew what I just did.
The thought of him brings a pang of sadness. he was more than a friend to me; he was the family I always wanted. 
I bounced around foster families for years, no one really wanted me.
 that was until I came to the Bang house, For the first time in my seemingly worthless life, I was wanted.
I remember the first day I met Chris. I was thirteen and still very unsure of this new family. 
 it being the fifteenth family I had stayed with, I knew not to get too attached. Mrs. Bang opened the front door and waved for me to follow her inside. 
my hands tightening on my backpack straps, I took the first step into the unknown of this new house. Mrs. Bang traded her heels for a pair of cream-colored house slippers, and I moved to take off my sneakers, staring down at my plain black socks.
without saying a word, she set a pair of dark gray slippers in front of me. I looked up quickly, surprised by the gesture. 
"Welcome home, Sydney," she said. Her voice was sweet, and her face showed something I had only imagined in my most lonely of daydreams—love. It was love in her eyes. 
Tentatively, I slipped my feet into the slippers, the soft fabric providing just the right amount of support and comfort.
Once I was used to the new shoes, Mrs. Bang waved me down the hall.
 "Come on, they can't wait to meet you." 
I knew the Bang family already had three kids: two boys and one girl. Hannah, I remembered her name and thought of how my last foster house had five girls who all despised my presence.
Rounding the corner into the living room, I bumped into a soft wall. Looking up, I saw a bright smile beaming down at me. 
"Hi! I'm Chris.”
I snapped back to the present, digging my nails into my palms—a nasty habit I was never able to break. 
Wincing at the pain, I blinked through tear-filled eyes at the tiny red slices in my palm. I relaxed my fingers, noticing that my nails were long, sharp, and painted bright red.
 I stood there, staring at my nails in awe. 
Nervously chewing my nails had never allowed me the luxury of a manicure like this. 
This Evelette was clearly much more self-assured, judging by the tight black dress that clung to the curves of my body in a way that I would never feel comfortable with back home.
I stepped back from the wall, blinking hard and wiping away the tears, ignoring the slight black smudges on my fingers. 
I clutch at the necklace resting on my barely covered chest, holding it up as I read the small screen as it scrolls through my dimensional coordinates.
when it comes to the science behind this I’m at a loss, but what appears to be an ordinary necklace is in fact the most advanced piece of scientific equipment in my dimension.
Growing up in the Bang household gave me the security I lacked and Chris was an amazing older brother figure, not only for his kindness but also for his ambition and genius. 
from day one he took me under his wing, showing me around the house, and helping me get settled into my new room.
he introduced me to his friends and tried his best to include me in any way he could, though he was smarter than I could ever hope to be he did come in handy when it came to my science homework.
and not only was he ridiculously smart he was a champion swimmer, a straight-A student, and graduated as valedictorian before going on to attend one of the most advanced science colleges in the world. 
While he was there, he made a few friends who soon became his work partners as they worked towards their final project. 
One of his partners was Han Jisung, a slightly crazy Physics major who referred to their group as ‘3Racha.’
I blinked at him, the meaning of what he just said lost on me. He grinned, leaning back on the couch I had been occupying for the past hour.
"What?" I asked, not getting the meaning behind the name.
"3Racha!" he said again, and I shook my head, still not getting it. He snorted and rolled his eyes.
"It's a play on Sriracha, and since there are three of us—" 
I blinked and nodded, starting to understand at least a little bit before he finished what he was saying. 
"And because we are HOT!" He finished, winking at me as he leaned his face towards mine.
I felt my face heat up and laughed awkwardly, looking away from Han to see Changbin staring at us, unamused. 
Our eyes locked for a moment before he broke our stare to talk to Han.
"Stop saying it like that. You'll weird people out," his voice was low and serious as he went back to whatever crazy math problems he was working on. 
Being the math major of the group, he was in charge of the majority of the numbers and statistics for their final project, a project Chris had yet to share with me.
Chris always kept me in the loop about his life, but this was one thing he couldn’t share with me. 
“not yet,” he said for what must be the thousandth time, and I all but whined as he chuckled patting my head before moving past me to talk to Changbin.
I admired him for everything he accomplished. But this project was different. He was secretive, and it made me curious. What could be so important that he wouldn’t even tell me, did he not trust me?
Despite my curiosity, I respected his privacy. I knew how much this project meant to him and his friends. And although I didn’t always understand the technical details of their work, I was proud of them. 
They were working on something big, something groundbreaking.
Chris, Han, and Changbin were an inseparable trio. Their bond was strong, and their passion for their work was inspiring. 
Watching them work together reminded me of how lucky I was to have Chris in my life. He was more than a brother; he was my hero.
Han and Changbin had become like family as well, not only to me but to the rest of the Bang family. I couldn’t remember a time they hadn’t been over for dinner in the past two years since Chris and them started their final project.
Han was a flirt and a terrible one at that, but he’s only like that with me according to Chris and Changbin, he can’t talk to any other girl to save his life. his social anxiety prevents him from doing more than waving hello to a girl.
Apparently, I’m the exception to his anxiety seeing as he seems to live to make me flustered, Changbin on the other hand seems to do everything in his power to avoid me.
I don’t know much about him besides the fact that he’s a wiz with numbers and that he’s allergic to cats, the one conversation we’ve had plays in my brain more often than I’d like to admit.
the night was cold, colder than your usual Australian nights. laid on the back porch watching the night sky as I let my mind wander to what my life would have been like if I hadn’t come here.
my brain did this a lot when I felt the overwhelming love that comes from the Bang family, wondering if I’d still be here if they hadn’t taken me in, and given me the love I never dreamed of feeling.
I’m brought out of my mental spiral but the sound of the sliding glass door opening and closing, I turn my head to see the wide frame of Changbin as he leans back against the door.
with his eyes closed and his chin tilted towards the sky, he looks handsome and less scary than he normally does with his impassive eyes that see everything but reveal nothing.
he breathes deeply before opening his eyes, his gaze meeting mine almost immediately. as if he knew I was watching him.
my cheeks warm and I pray it’s too dark for him to notice.
“ what are you doing out here?” his voice is different, softer than it normally is.
I sit up from my place on the deck shrugging. 
“ needed to cool off a little.”
he nods not saying anything, he doesn’t move from his place by the door and I sit there watching him curiously. 
“ you know we couldn’t have done this without you.”
his voice startles me out of my staring and it takes me a moment to process his words.
“What?” my voice is strangled as I try not to choke on the air I inhale far too quickly.
“ the project, Chris says you are the one who inspired him to start the project,” he said as if I should have known.
I blinked at him, shocked as this was news to me, I opened and closed my mouth trying to find something to say.
“ you mean a lot to him,” his voice had a strange tone as he frowned before clearing his throat, looking away from me before adding.
“ to all of us.” I blinked thinking I had misheard him.
 before I could respond there was a knock on the door and we both jumped at the sudden disturbance, Chanbin turned and opened the door and Chris stepped out with us.
“Hey! Mom brought out some cheesecake for us, you better come get some before Han eats it all.” he walks over to me holding out a hand as he chuckles.
I smiled and took his hand letting him pull me up as we moved to head inside, Chris went in first and I followed close behind as I past Changbin I felt a small touch on my head.
I paused turning to look seeing the leaf pinched between his fingers, then looking up to meet his eyes. his gaze reflected an emotion I couldn’t quite place, he almost looked pained.
maybe he knew what he was going to do, maybe he had already set into motion the very thing that would shatter the very foundations of my life.
With trembling hands, I looked for my phone. When I found it and unlocked it with Face ID, I thanked the lord for the technology in this dimension being similar to mine.
 Trying to guess this Evelette’s password was not a game I wanted to play. I quickly opened the notes app, typing a note in all caps so that when I faded into the background of this dimension’s Evelette, she would read it and reawaken me within herself.
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faunandfloraas · 7 months
i got tagged by @inloif and @rainknow to share 10 songs I've been enjoying lately 💕
okay cliche but i actually think this is a banger remix
been back on a Billie jaunt and its Lee Knows fault ^^
this one needs the video attached and it's almost certainly not on spotify lol
chrissy amphlett was so hot
underrated ^^
he :]
i'll tag @edgymcgoth @telomirage @sunshineleefelix :)
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kanerallels · 7 months
Re: homeschooling. There is ALOT of stigma, but I’ve heard the stigma is much higher in the USA than elsewhere, and this is an American site so all polls results are skewed to an American world view. So there’s that, what fears exist there that influence the vote? I’ll try to summarize. I’d be interested in a poll from everyone else. Also the points I’m gonna cover are just what I’ve heard over the years, and over the border as a Canadian myself, who only homeschooled for a few of my years, so it’s not iron clad or anything. Just some possibilities.
The stigmas come from the idea that it’s bad because there are, unfortunately, a lot of people who don’t do it right, or for the right reasons. The main objections are these kids are completely isolated socially, underprepared to function in the real world, and that they won’t get a proper education - either from ignorance or malice, or both. There may also be unconscious bias that the state (not the American sense of the word, but the institutional sense) knows best and how can parents know what to teach? Which probably feeds back into factors I don’t really have the qualifications to talk about but basically boil down to “if you educated them better they won’t be mindless minions for the capitalist/military/prison grind” - the state does not want that, so they purport the idea that it’s bad (yes that borders on conspiracy theory, not saying it’s true, saying I’ve heard this said). Never mind public education is a fairly new concept, historically speaking (and it is a good thing in many ways! Mandatory, free, basic education has eliminated illiteracy in many places for example. The concept started out with worthy goals, etc - have they strayed from them and why? Lack of care or just resources?)
Obviously, all of that is going to vary by who is doing it and why and if they have the time and resources and desire to do it properly.
Socially, you can absolutely create community elsewhere - when my mom was doing it with us, we went to the library every single week and met up with a bunch of other kids and planned social stuff and educational group trips to places like the science centre and the art and history museums. We mixed our book learning with practical skills - one person knew a sewing teacher, one person negotiated a discount for swim lessons, the library offered French lessons among its many other programs. And of course to supplement grade standard education lesson books, like math, spelling, etc, we were ALWAYS taking out books from the library, both fiction and non fiction. So there are absolutely ways to get a rounded education and a social life. I would say even more so now than when the concept was new for me 15-20 years ago.
But on the other hand, there are the horror stories, and success stories don’t circulate half so well. The people who isolate their kids to abuse them, don’t teach them anything, make them do chores all day beyond age appropriate responsibility or physical ability, etc. also the deliberate obfuscation of certain information or topics because of personal ideology, usually religious, because you know. Somehow education equates belief (sarcasm. Example: I learned people used to think the world was flat. Guess what? I don’t believe that).
These are just some random thoughts, feel free say it doesn’t make sense lol. I do believe if that’s what you want to do, and you have the love and time and ability and patience etc, and financial freedom for at least one parent to do it (someone’s gotta work unfortunately), then go for it. But do it right, and find as many resources as you can. Unfortunately there are people who go into it without preparation and for the wrong reasons and I can see why people believe kids need access to third parties somewhere in their lives, and school might as well be it. Like there’s very much merit and drawbacks on both sides. I think there’s kids who could come out from both systems with abysmal skills, and from both with stellar skills, (I’ve met both types), it’s just really gonna boil down to individual circumstances.
This is all really really interesting, thank you for the ask!! I knew some of this stuff but not all of it. And I don't think I knew you were homeschooled at one point, that's so cool!! (Oh and you're never gonna hear judgement about conspiracy theory sounding stuff from me lol)
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shortcakecuties · 3 months
Mimi’s Intro♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
Hi guysss!!!! Mimi/Mimichi here!(≧∀≦) I enjoy many things including(but not limited to)music, volleyball/tennis, talking to friends, social media, reading/writing, and making new friends!! I go by they/them and I LOVE to yap !!! I love pink and hyperfeminine things!!! I’m very chronically online but i’m trying to be more productive and improve my writing(๑>◡<๑) I’ll write all kinds of things here but for now i’ll write silly nonsense of whatever fandom i’m into and oc’s but later i’ll be writing free commissions!!!!(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
☆*:.。. .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. .。.:*☆
So, what will I write for fun?♪(´ε` )
Genre’s include:
•Romance!!!(Most of my writing will most likely be romance!!)
•Slice of life!!!!!!(Also the majority of my writing)
•Phycological horror/Thriller!!!
•Poems of all kinds!!!(I’m dipping my feet into different styles!!!)
•Fiction of all kinds!!!(Science, fantasy, crime, historical, action, hybrid, etc!!!)
•These are just examples off of the top of my head!!! I have experience with almost every genre of writing!! Have a genre in mind that isn’t on this list? Just ask!!! (´ω`)
Fandoms i’m in!♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
•Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
•Kuroko’s Basketball
•My Hero Academia
•Jujutsu Kaisen
•Saiki K
•Fruits Basket
•Neon Genesis Evangelion
•Kamisama Kiss
•Kotaro Lives alone
•Obey me
•Project Sekai
•Stray kids
•New Jeans
•Once again these are all from the top of my head!!!!!! I’m in so many fandoms I could fill this whole page if I wanted toΣ੧(❛□❛)/ If you have a fandom you want me to write about just lmk I’m most likely familiar with the fandom(>////<) If i’m not familiar I can easily do research and try my best!!!!!!!!!੧(≧▽≦)ノ"
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Jisung-centric, Jeongsung 🦊/🐿️
Read tags in image! 🔞
Written for @fantasyfestskz on twitter
Status - Ongoing
Words - 2k+
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fauna-and-floraa · 9 months
For the MUSIC ASKS: 7 + 13 + 23 !
7:A song to drive to
Oh you know 😇
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs
Super underrated 80s bop
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
It's just a song I've loved forever and always, makes me happy whenever I hear it so hopefully others would feel the same :]
Thank you for the ask 🩷
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startrekplotnthemes · 10 months
Season 5 Episode 17 The Outcast
The Enterprise is assisting the J’naii, an androgynous group of aliens, in finding a shuttle that has ended up in null space. Riker ends up chatting with Soren, a member of the J’naii where they explain that their species lacks a gender as they saw it as archaic, using a pronoun specific to their language. Soren has conversations with Riker interrogating gender politics of humans and how their binary system works. The two end up piloting a shuttle into null space in an attempt to rescue those who have been lost. While on the shuttle the null space causes Soren to be injured with a light concussion. They interrogate Crusher as to what it means to be a woman asking probing questions about roles and the status of women.
Eventually Soren comes to Riker admitting they have feelings for him but a place as a female. She explains how the J’naii have evolved, giving one haunting case of a kid in her school who identified as male and was relentlessly teased until he was later exposed to psycotectic therapy and proudly presented without gender once more. She expresses that she has an attraction to Riker and the two begin a liaison that goes on for a time until her people catch on. Riker attempts to interfere admitting his feelings to be one sided but Soren refuses to keep her truth hidden any longer, passionately rallying against the oppression of J'naii who identify as male or female. The judge at the hearing coldly thanks Soren for making things easier scheduling her to have the therapy.
An outraged Riker plans to help her escape, seeking Picard to see if there is a way to allow her escape. He informs Riker that this would be a violation of the prime directive and that he cannot assist him in the matter. While risking his career and position aboard the Enterprise Riker attempts a daring rescue of Soren but it is revealed that she has already had the surgery performed, informing Riker that she was sick but is better now. A discouraged Riker returns to the Enterprise as Soren returns to her place among her people.
It is working with the fascinating lens of Star Trek that such fascinating points of view can be explored with a lens of science fiction. In the case of this episode there are lots of ways in which the J'naii make fascinating points about gender. The fact that they have only one pronoun is impressive, though looking back on things now they could have easily used they/them as a pronoun. Framing acts of transphobia and conversion therapy through the lens of a gender neutral society that oppresses individuals who stray into the binary is perhaps a little on the nose but still a clever way of tackling the issue. It fails to address certain elements when Riker and Soren have talked about interaction between the sexes and the act of reproduction, framing such interactions as archaic and ignores the fact that homosexuality exists.
While initially off put by the ending, wishing Soren hadn't simply been subject to the conversion therapy, it does function as a condemnation of the act. The audience is left with a lurching discomfort as Soren proclaims herself cured of her sickness. The episode also addresses elements of transphobia and deviates from the norm in her recounting of the school mate who identified as a man. That he was bullied so ruthlessly and all he was met with the institution was a cure was deeply disturbing. One interesting comment from the actor who played Riker was that he thought it would have been interesting if Soren had been played by a man and depicted in a more masculine manner. I think in the ways Shakespeare played with gender knowing that the actors were men playing women at times it would have been an interesting choice that emphasized the gender neutrality of the species.
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lumineescente · 2 years
Fanfics masterlist!
ao3: luminee
fandoms: the boyz, monsta x, izone, ateez, stray kids, onf, pentagon
haikyuu, jujutsu kaisen, naruto,
the boyz
sunkyu (sunwoo x q)
a blooming spell, 77k, magical universe, CHANGMIN IS A CAT!!, world building, prophecies, magicians, elves, vampires, soulmates au, angst with happy ending, hurt/comfort, ft izone members
"You shouldn’t believe appearances, Sunwoo, everything is more than what it seems and there is plenty that you don’t know about. Yet.”
Sunwoo follows a strange black cat to an abandoned theater. He'll open the door to a magic world and discovers his true identity, and the new role he has to take.
ongoing work (14/?)
milcob (hyunjae x jacob)
time is running out, 17k, science fiction, angst, ambiguous/open ending, mcd
prompt: wherein jaehyun is sprinting across the streets of Seoul to get to his destination but midst of it, he bumps into a stranger and accidentally makes the stranger 's bag topple over and spill its contents. among everything, jaehyun sees a Polaroid of the stranger.. and older him?
written for the hyunjae fest 2022
the friendz, 16k, friends au, side juric / bbangnyu, humor and fluff
What happens when you put The Boyz in Central Perk ?
juric (juyeon x eric)
eric, 1.1k, love confession, good ending, first kiss, based on taylor swift "betty"
He had not understood much about what he had been feeling, the only thing he had known was that he had missed Eric.
stray kids
seungjin (seungmin x hyunjin)
gold rush, 9.4k, small towns, strangers to lovers, emotional hurt/comfort, coming out, mutual pining, feelings denial, lgbtq+ topics, based on taylor swift "gold rush"
"Seungmin knows everything everywhere in his home town yet he could not have known the new waiter in the main café and he feels like he has entered a parallel space when he walks in."
what must it be like to grow up that beautiful? with your hair falling down like dominoes_
champagne problems, 2.7k, arranged marriage, historical setting, childhood friends, love confessions, based on taylor swift "champagne problems"
“I thought about leaving,” he muttered.
“Yet you’re still here.”
“I could not.”
“For her?”
osakita (osamu miya x kita shinsuke)
downpour, 8.5k, growing feelings, canon compliant, post time skip, irregular narrative, slow burn
"“Hello Kita-san,” Osamu says when they are very close.
“Hello Osamu,” Kita answers softly, “you know we won’t be able to use that umbrella when we take out the rice bags, right?”
“I know but at least it’ll spare us a few droplets.”
“Mmh.. and what about when I told you to call me Shinsuke? Or at least, Kita?” “I guess I said I’ll think about it?”
Kita says nothing back, he just shakes his head but he is smiling."
(more to add)
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