xenocorner · 6 months
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Soft disaster men SOBS
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mastcrmarksman · 6 months
He's been gone for some time; it's been longer for Stephen than for Clint due to time dilation, so to say that Stephen missed him would be an understatement.
Pulling Clint into a kiss, he grins. ❝ So, should I get you a CHANGE OF ADDRESS form or...? ❞
He doesn't allow Clint to answer before his lips are on his again, and the Cloak of Levitation chooses to partake in their reunion with a very thoughtful and tasteful pinch to Clint's ass.
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Time was always the greatest enemy of any superhero and their mind; Clint's battle with time had to do with how long it took him to recover form anything, where in someone like Captain America might be out of days, he was always weeks. Carol could shrug off a bad hit in hours, he'd still carry a bruise for days.
Stephen being away for weeks was bound to happen, would keep happening, because that's the nature of both being superheroes. Clint doesn't really take Avenger calls much these days; although he's repaired his place with them and he still wants to be an Avenger. He's just never the right fit for the call, and he has a duty to the Thunderbolts and city of New York. Although if anyone needed him for any world saving crisis he'd be there; he'd be there if Stephen needed him. Even if all things magical were way out of his depth. Or even something he was entirely comfortable with.
Staying at the Sanctum over the month had proven two things for him. Time away absolutely makes the heart grow fonder and the Sanctum might actually be home; like he might sublet his own apartment and only visit Bed-Stuy to keep up with being the neighborhood's protector and landlord for his building. He's gotten use to the mundane chores around the Sanctum; that it's felt like home.
Being there every night happened because he rather sleep in Stephen's bed. Clint's always known that once he's really with someone, he wants to be around them all the time. Ask any of his ex-girlfriends and they'd tell that he could quite annoying in that way.
There's a new stand with bunch of barren branches in one of the corners of the room with a hood light installed above; since magical snakes were still snakes and Clint figured that Anton and Aleister had been good enough, that he'd fix them up a basking tree which he had.
The kitchen's still a war zone, but Clint's positive that Wong has made peace that this was Clint's kitchen now too and he saw the man break out leftovers from the pasta that Clint had made. Bats has been getting walkies with Lucky three times a day. He's taken several messages, all transcribed onto sticky notes and put into a stack, for when Stephen returns to sort through and figure out if he needs to still deal with that.
All that unfortunately does confirm what one annoying visitor has said. He's become a houseboy, which had been offensive when Satana had said it. He didn't believe in anything, but he had to thank someone when she had FINALLY taken off.
Clint's done the best he can with staying here; but Stephen's still missing (not literally; just in his heart). He's even killed a monster; it was a really fucked up looking rat with eyes on its back and spider legs. He stored it in the freezer because as far as Clint understands; Stephen needs to eat monsters now and again. Well, the creature had really freaked him out, but it seemed big enough to make a small meal out of... so into the freezer it had gone.
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Clint's currently assembling arrowheads when a wayward sorcerer came home. His work with the Thunderbolts recently had led him to getting into more situations where arrows were left behind (it's really heartbreaking this keeps happening). So he had to stock up on arrow shafts and remake a bunch of his trick arrows; it's intricate work. Especially when he's working with his putty or explosive heads. Luckily, he's simply spooling some cable that gets stashed on his quiver for when he needs to attack it to an arrow and make a zipline or anything.
Since there very well could have been explosive being set off when the dogs startle him with their barking and there stands Stephen. From the sight of him, he can tell that it's been possibly longer than the month it's been for Clint based on his hair alone. He looks good, however and Clint's not sure who pulls the way inward first since he has suffered terribly this past month. How dare he, he's had to put up with so much, and he needs to get his hands on him and his lips on him.
❝ You ⸻ ❞ He starts to say before Stephen's cutting him off with a question. CHANGE OF ADDRESSS. Considering Clint's has set himself up a little workshop for his arsenal and his Hawkeye gear is hanging up, still needing to be sent to get cleaned; the question is more on the nose. His neighbors have taken to calling him the Hawkguy again to tease him for how little they see him besides needing him for apartment maintenance or scheduling the building a handyman.
Clint should later debate if that's a serious query he should answer. It would be easier to burn his junk mail if it was coming to the Sanctum's address. It's something to consider, and ask Stephen if he'd like that too later.
There's no complaints that could possibly leave his lips before Stephen's covering them again. Good man, smart man, because Clint's always been known for his ability to complain about anything. This next kiss is interrupted and punctuated by a yelp from an emphasized HMPHT OH from Clint as something pinches his ass. It's definitely not a hand, he knows that much.
A hand strays to slip past and rub over Stephen's back, it's a gesture not for Stephen but for the Cloak. ❝ Hey there, Red, missed you too. ❞ His other hand, however, goes to grab at the front of Stephen in his garb, fingers hooking into the top of the collar and holding him still. ❝ You owe me big time. ❞ It's been a long month after all; and he's been lonely. Doing it solo just wasn't his style. ❝ If we're not wrapped up with Red in bed, in five minutes; you're in even bigger trouble. ❞
He can deal with arrow assembly later, although things later. First, he need to get reacquainted with Stephen, who realistically probably needed a shower. After, he can worry about making food, Clint needed to tell him about the monster rat in the freezer. ❝ I took so many messages for you and look, the Sanctum didn't fall apart. ❞ He thinks that actually may be Wong's doing, but Clint's taking the credit. If only because he's treating the sex they were about to have as one part of the many rewards he deserved for suffering for a whole long month.
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strangcrdoctor · 6 years
💐 StrangeHawk
1. Even though Stephen can’t really eat human food anymore, his and Clint’s first couple of dates are pizza and movie dates because Stephen both loves the smell of pizza and just misses pizza and a movie as a social event. Eventually Clint finds out and makes sure they do things Stephen can eat as well, but the movie dates continue.2. In spite of his hands, Stephen is still Clint’s #1 medic - he’ll shorten the duration of injuries, make sure they’re clean, well-dressed, and tended to without having to involve expensive insurance claims. And if Clint needs it, Stephen will 100% boss him all the way to the hospital.3. Various Avengers host different training sessions based on their specialties, and Stephen makes a point to make it to as many of them as he can - including Clint’s. While his hands make it incredibly hard, he still finds it important to know how to shoot a bow, especially given his line of work. One of Clint’s first major couples gifts to Stephen, therefore, is a bow with specific anti-tremor grips.4. Stephen consistently gives Clint book recommendations for when the other man is off-duty or between missions/recovering from injuries. He always tries to tailor his recommendations to make sure they’re not boring or too cerebral, and things that will legitimately help Clint pass his time enjoyably.5. Because of his injuries, ASL is exceedingly hard for Stephen. However, he has forced himself to learn the motions of various different international sign-language standards, and knows almost all of them fluently. His ability to move through the signs, however, is duly slow because of the scar tissue and surgical plates. Clint helps him gain confidence in his ability, and even works on ways to help make various SL systems easier for him.6. Stephen actually loves spending time in Clint’s flat, given sometimes he just needs to get out of the Sanctum and back into the real world. Though the Sanctum is a fine abode, none of it is technically his, so getting to inhabit a shared space with Clint is very special to him, and can calm his nerves when he’s feeling displaced in the world.
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@odoktor literally just did not.expect.to love this odd.ship and i wanna see it.grow and for.them.to.have a healthy relationship and go on dates and kick butt. Also it's a mystery to everyone how they are a couple, like such an odd pairing and just "how doee.stephen tolerate Clint"
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xenocorner · 6 months
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They are disasters together
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xenocorner · 6 months
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Sick eepy hugs
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xenocorner · 6 months
What’s something you like about Clint x Stephen ?
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My beloveds SOBS
I really love their pain. And I'm being 100% serious here. Like, them sharing this understanding about what constant pain feels like. Stephen with his hands, Clint with his constant injuries. How debilitating it can be to be in constant pain and how to manage that while still going through life is something not many people would understand, but they do for each other.
Sort of related, their respective disabilities (once again, Stephen with his hands and Clint with his hearing). Specially how they aren't really that visible. Sure, Stephen has the tremors and scars, and sure, Clint sometimes wears his visible hearing aids, but they're not the most visible disabilities there are (to the point that even in fandom they are often OVERLOOKED entirely, even more so in-universe). How to navigate a world that offers little accommodations with that, how there are days worse than others, how they try to show up for each other on bad days, how they get it. Hearing aids can get overwhelming, hand tremors/pain can become paralysing.
How tired they both are, yet how they always get up. Because jesus christ both of this men have gone through the gutter. They continuously go through the gutter on a weekly basis.
Their respective humour too. I feel like that bounces off each other neatly, like, Clint wouldn't be put off by Stephen's sometimes dry humour and would just banter right back at him.
Their two different flavours of traumatised (See that shipping dynamic image of serious tired traumatised guy + funny traumatised guy with sun glasses and finger guns??? THEM)
Taking care of each other, in relation to some of the points above: Clint helping Stephen out with small tasks when his hands are too much, Stephen patching Clint's multiple injuries and generally making sure that they're healing nicely, that he gets the proper medical care.
And also, and most importantly:
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xenocorner · 6 months
Your answer to that ask about why you like strangehawk made me agree with you. I ship it too now
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mastcrmarksman · 5 months
@strxngetimes I'm replying to that right away cause the strangehawk brainrot is bad
You are so right about it.
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Context: Trauma. Trauma. Clint had to shoot a skrull version of his ex-wife (which oh bot) and skrull Jess.
The way clint soothes himself after waking from a nightmare and concentrates is staring at Jessica's chest.
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mastcrmarksman · 6 months
[ continued ] - @strxngetimes - feel free to put me in a freezer whenever, but i will never be able to stop myself from writing strangehawk babble any time
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[ Contact ; Stephen S. ⸺ Note ; Cute Stranger 💜✨]
[ sent ] ⸺ Bats is always the MVP i love him
[ sent ] ⸺ lucky will thank you and me too
[ sent ] ⸺ oh you dont have to take the time to
Stephen was only suppose to check on his dog. Not say he'll be here. Clint forgets that people will care if he ends up in the hospital. Not his favorite of places to be.
[ sent ] ⸺ Felton at Mercy
[ sent ] ⸺ its no big deal
That's meant both on the hospital front and the pinned conversation.
[ sent ] ⸺ its normally just kate and i gave her a key
[ sent ] ⸺ and nat
[ sent ] ⸺ and my other exs
[ sent ] ⸺ and spider-man
[ sent ] ⸺ and bucky once
[ sent ] ⸺ shield too
The list goes on, he's smart enough to leave out the people who've tried to kill him.
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strangcrdoctor · 6 years
Send Me a Ship and I’ll Rate it: StrangeHawk
Send Me a Ship and I’ll Rate it
NOTP | meh | it’s ok | i can live with it | BROTP | cute | i love this ship | adorable | OTP |
∞So I think that while this pairing is super rare, it has a lot of potential for hilarity. It’s actually canon that Stephen was one of the only people that attended all of Clint’s archery classes even though his hands make it next to impossible for him to ever actually be a good shot. But the two of them out of everyone also get up to the most ridiculous shenanigans when left to their own devices. They both rely on wits to get by, and I think their wry senses of humor line up quite a bit better than anyone’s given credence to yet.
Also them being good to one another in and around their handicaps would kill me. Because Stephen would try so hard to do ASL even though it would be really difficult for him to do quickly, and he and Clint could just develop their own cheat-signs that Stephen can do fast even with his limited finger flexibility. SO yeah, I think these two could be a hell of a lot of fun, and get into a hell of a lot of trouble.∞
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❝     All; little things that make us sublime; brilliant they are through loving eyes     ❞
@odoktor / Strangehawk, the beautiful crack ship of Clint Barton & Stephen Strange
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