#strange magic 2015
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catstreet · 2 months ago
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You're waking meadows in my mind, making waves across my time...
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nepetacataria-art · 2 years ago
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Finally I could finish this drawing I had from the past year! ✨
I really love this couple and the movie itself! Have watched it so many times and every time it hits me the same 🥰
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a-secret-land · 1 year ago
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Concept Art for Strange Magic (2015) Fairy Guards | Derek Stratton
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ratintank · 1 month ago
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Half Fairy Half Goblin fan children
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bliss-is-in-blood · 3 months ago
Why I believe Bog is part Fae and what does it say about the Fairy Land and Dark Forest societies
One of the most noticeable things about Bog when we compare him to other Dark Forest Folks is that he has wings.
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No one else in his Kingdom is seen with wing outside of firefly mount. and the only other species to have wings are fairies in the Fairy Land kingdom.
But you're going to tell me it's a bit of a weak theory and in itself yes if I didn't have any other proof. Griselda wear clothes.
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and why is it important ? Because no one is the Dark Forest wear clothe, Bog technically doesn't wear clothes either and he is King (he as a bit of armor at best). But who else wear clothes ? The Fairy Land folks. You don't see any of Bog army wear clothes nor pretty much anyone in the Kingdom except :
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One of the potential bride Griselda want to present to her son. Griselda was Queen (technically still is). Bog is King so the lady he decide to mary would become Queen so those ladies must be high society.
We never really get an explanation about why the Dark Forest and Fairy Land kingdom are at odd. But the language proximity (because I'm gonna take that as a real intention) show the two populations to have been close if not one for a long time and only recently parted.
One of the reason might have been the drastically different ecosystem of the meadow and forest which lead to branching evolution and different flora and fauna.
There might have been a conflict birthing when one part of the fairies melded with goblin and elves (DF) and another part rejected the idea (FL) it broke the society in two. In Fairy Land royalty stayed "pure" fairies and elves are clearly below them in society has there is no elves in the Fairy Land Kingdom party (Sunny being at odd here and won't be staying as a guest) :
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In the Dark Forest, there is not really that separation. I believe as the fairies melded and had children with goblins and stayed in the Dark Forest, their appearence changed and culture too. No one in the DF look like the fairies in the FL, but Bog is tall and slend just like FL Fairies, that ant-like lady is tall and slend too. Griselda and that other lady wear clothes and even if it seem to be a rare thing its present and it call back to the FL society and habit.
Which prompt me to ask why would the DF fairies stop wearing clothes ? because as they blended with the goblin, their bodies stopped showing sexual attribute (read breast and genital) the one that wear clothes might do so because they still show those attribute.
They also lost their wings and I believe it's mostly because of the environnement. Bog is the only one to have wings in his kingdom, they are thin and damaged. and I believe that's because the fairies that stayed in the DF kept damaging their wings, this attribute started to become rarer and rarer. the FL is a meadow, there is more wind and less obstacles, flying would also be a faster, whiles in the forest you can go easier on foot because there is always roots and branches and plants to ease your way on feet and find shortcut and flying is harder/less free.
You can also look at ears, as some goblin do have fairy like ears
So, the DF society became what is was thanks to tolerance of interspecies relationship and acceptance of less conventionnal beauty standard countrary to what we see in FL. Bog thinking he is too ugly to be loved might be because out of every DF folks we see he looks the most like a fairy.
The FL society kept a distance between species, the King reaction (fainting) to Dawn and Sunny is very telling that normally elves and fairies relationship is a "no no". The FL fairies almost all look the same, their appearence is very even and it pushes for a certain specific beauty standard.
We can hope Dawn and Sunny relationship to prompt the same tolerance that made the DF folks what they are.
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chess-blackmyre · 2 years ago
Underrated detail in Strange Magic is how Bog’s ‘villainy’—imprisoning Sugar Plum, destroying the primroses—is actually pretty reasonable in the context that the Sugar Plum Fairy won’t stop making what amounts to mind-control potions for anyone who asks.
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wegog · 2 years ago
Bog King:
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abutterflyobsession · 2 years ago
*taps mic* ahem! Bog and Dawn in the barbie mugshot meme, please draw it
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applejuicedragons · 1 month ago
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..so i got really into Strange Magic because i suddenly remembered i was OBSESSED with it when it came out and I fell down the fanfic rabbithole, and it leaked into my drawing practice oopsies
(image reference by @adorkastock)
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ankewehner · 2 months ago
Dear Strange Magic Fandom,
Can you recommend some fics to me? I just watched the movie with my datefriend and he liked it and asked...
Anything goes, but does someone have fic where Bog is the one getting love-potioned?
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mycrownisinblood · 11 days ago
Strange Magic is such a... strange movie
I remember I really liked the chemistry between Marianne and Bog King, the characters design was interesting (finally one of the main characters doesn't look pretty AT ALL), but the whole Love Potion thing was just weird.
Love Potion is essentially a very powerful drug. The thing that makes you do stuff that you would never do if you were in the right state of mind. Which means there is no consent in any possible way.
It doesn't even make anybody really love the other person, it's rather makes you obsessed over them. In a movie it's just songs like Sugar Pie Honey Bunch – imagine all the creepy stuff real people would do under the influence of the Potion, even though it's not their fault.
But the movie makes it look like this "yeah, using love potions is wrong, but look, there are guys who think that they don't have any other choice!"
Like Sunny and Bog.
The first one thinks he will be stuck in the frendzone forever, so he decides to use the love potion on this adorable Fairy Princess. Of course, he was being manipulated by the other guy, but come on.
The second one was also madly in love with some girl and he actually used the love potion on her. But it didn't work (there's a real reason that bugs me even more), amd he thinks it didn't work because he's too hideous to be loved— wait, why is that actually? why would he be considered unattractive by his people's standards? Well, we'll never know. So, how he banned LOVE in his kingdom and imprisoned the person who made the Love Potions (at least that was good).
And they both didn't get any real narrative punishment for these actions. Especially Sunny.
Yes, Bog is alone, suffering from his own actions, but did he learn his lesson because forcing people to be with you against their will is, you know, wrong in general or because it didn't work out for him? And it's not even about that poor girl. He mostly spends time being sad about how hideous he is... And did he even learned the lesson? Because Sugar Plum Fairy is free now. And she will continue to make this Love Potion. And the movie actually frames her as someone who has this ancient wisdom about Love.
But the thing is, she herself admits that her potions aren't the real love, because their power can be broken by the spirit of the true love! So she's not the Force of Nature, she's just bored and likes to mess with people's lives.
Yes, we have Roland, a complete jerk, who wants to use the Love Potion on Marianne. And he is being punished for using the Love Potion, but it's because he had bad motives. He wasn't just a misunderstood pookie who made a mistake. And even when he was punished, that scene still got the elements of himor, like, look, now he is in love against his will, how funny!
Just imagine what story would we have if somebody was trying to use the Potion on a Bog King before, not the other way around. We don't have enough stories when it's the man who is suffering from an unwanted attention. And it doesn't even matter if he's pretty or not, because it's often doesn't matter in real live!
Or maybe I'm reading too much into things, amd it's just the cheesy romantic comedy with a huge amount of pop-culture references in it.
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interfacefox · 11 months ago
strange magic
god this movie was my whole childhood. i love it sm but rewatched it a couple times recently and, being older, saw all the things wrong with it, unfortunately.
i am aware that i have never posted about this and likely will never do so again, and i'm p sure this is rly niche and there are abt 2 other ppl in the world that have watched it, but i have THOUGHTS and i am going to TALK ABT THEM
Some of the main things i find criticisms on are the pacing and song choices, and the songs being unnecessary, not advancing the plot, etc. Now i do agree with those but they don't bother be that much.
what DOES annoy me, especially as an aroace person, is that the message of the movie seems to just be "if ur not in a romantic relationship ur miserable"???? idk, it just seemed to me that it was framed that there was something wrong with marianne and the bog king until they fell in love and were "fixed." don't get me wrong, the bog king WAS miserable and needed companionship, but why did that have to be romantic? if anything, he wasn't in a good mindset to be having a romantic relationship at the time, he still hadn't healed from his last one! According to this post, in an earlier version, dawn was meant to stay single i think that this would have been much better. (go check out that post, it's rly interesting!!) I think that in movies like strange magic that are so romance heavy, it's really important to ensure that it doesn't make out that romance is THE most important thing for everybody, it doesn't have to be "in-your-face" about it, just something. and i think dawn recovering from the love potion but remaining single would have been perfect for this.
Also the way it was like, a girl wears darker colours and learns to use a sword, oh no! a tragedy! i wouldn't have an issue with this if it wasn't for the fact it was framed as if marianne gaining independence and her own fashion sense was awful and the only reason for it could be because something horrible had happened or there was something wrong with her. (mariannes dad: you're a.... unique..... girl😃....)
don't even get me started on how morally questionable (at the least) the concept of a love potion is and how the movie just. ignored that.
and despite the animation being absolutely beautiful, icl i do find all of their eyes extremely unsettling
there WERE things i liked tho, like how the bog king was "ugly" and just allowed to be that way. there was no magic curse to break to fix him and make him attractive, he was just loved the way he is. i loved how in the beginning, the dark forest was terrifying to marianne, but by the end she had given it a chance and ended up finding it beautiful.
idk tho, i am open minded. feel free to lmk if u think smth i said is completely wrong.
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nepetacataria-art · 1 year ago
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Happy Valentine's day!💕
I wanted to draw their wedding so so much and it's finally done! I hope you like it (Am I the only one who smiles when sees Bog smiling so tenderly?) 🦋💕🦟 Also I have to mention the inspiration I got thanks to the marvelous work of EndoratheWitch on AO3! Go and check out her work (Also if you are reading this Endora, thank you so much for your work, I really love it so so much!, most of my favorite Strange Magic fics are yours) Have a happy and lovely day!
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a-secret-land · 1 year ago
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Strange Magic (2015) | The Fairy Ballroom
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The Bog King's Info Post.
Cecil Stedman's Info Post.
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mycrownisinblood · 10 days ago
You know, there are different kinds of writers. There are Discovery writers or Outliners. And then there's a George Lucas, he's an Idea And The Cool Concept Writer.
“Get your head out of the clouds… clouds full of boys.”
Strange Magic
That’s how you know George Lucas wrote this film.
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