#strange frogs or smth
stranger-frogs83 · 1 year
my byler confidence is at 100
like genuinely if somehow it ISN’T canon that’s just laughable like…. it’s so obvious to the ga now and it’s slowly becoming the most popular ship of the whole show
i’m not just overanalytic!! it’s real!! and that’s crazy to me like yes people can SEE IT yes byler is so loved it has like 3x as many ao3 works and tag follows and views and whatever than milkvan like
they are so loved it’s so wonderful
byler is endgame there’s not a single shadow of doubt in my mind
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chiiyuuvv · 9 months
can you do bestfriends!riize who has a crush on you reacting to you calling them babe or baby? thank you and anyway i love your works!! it's so well written :]]
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• PAIRING — bestie!riize x fem!reader
• GENRE — their a little slow.. fluff, my attempt at humor, honestly shit
• WORD COUNT — 462
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — sorry for not posting a bunch ive been working on some other stuff
• TAGLIST — @moonlightdarlings , @cake1box , @babigriin , @soul-is-a-strange-kid
You had called him babe in of the members
Shotaros face red and his jaw dropped, along with the members looking around like, "their dating and their keeping it a secret?? 🤨"
Hes stuttering so much, someone help him.
Theres this stupid smile on his face and laughs bubbling out of him and hes staring at you with hearts in his eyes, hes so in love damn 😞
Definitely pulls you to the side, saying smth like "what are we??? :DD" praying on the inside you say "your girlfriend" ♡
yes, you called him babe. Wait what????
"What?" Blinking at you repeatedly. give him a second hes malfunctioning
Lets out this smile that gives you the shivers, trying to calm down his racing heart
"No, youre just joking. Funny, actually."
Almost kisses you when you say you arent ♡
Goes along with it
"Yes im her babe whatcha gonna do huh?? 😡"
Drops down to his knees to kiss the back of your hand
What a damn minute..
Tries to laugh it off
Youre obviouslyyyyyyyyyy joking. He doesnt like the joke but he'll just accept it anyways
Theres noooooooooo way you like him too
So what if youre stroking his red cheek with this pretty, soft smile on your face and hes smiling back, feeling like he could fall in love all over again?????
Shoot- hes leaning it. Wait, what.. you are too???? ♡
Hes so gigglyyyyyy gosh
Wants you to say it again so he can let out a series of giggles, his face burning red as he hides it in your neck
Doesnt find your joke funny even though hes laughing his heart out :<
Looks up at you with hearts in his eyes. he wants to kiss you
He wants to make you his, call him baby forever. Will you let him? ♡
Feel like he wouldnt notice at first, until someone like shotaro would have to slap some sense into him
"What, she just called me baby beca- OH MY GODDDDDDDDD"
feel like he would sing "love is an open door" idk why
Your words were like an energy drink, a gallon of sugar.. sugar rush rush sugar rush rush ahh????
But gets so shy when he sees you the next day ♡
Hes gone. Hes dead. Hes jumping of a bridge
Reminds me of that kermit the frog meme, the one where it falls of a building with its arms out all happily and such
Will not take his eyes off of you because what. Did. You. Just. Say????
Hes screaming, crawling up the walls on the inside (source: trust me)
Will dream about this the next 25 business days plus weekends thank you very much ♡
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seaslugfanclub · 7 months
Ok umm this is my first ask ever and im so so nervous but i love your writing and i was wondering if you could write scenarios of reader and king magnifico(or any villain really) just being friends? Like they’re just silly best friends or smth and they dont know how it happened but they were just friends one day? If you dont want to thats fine i just thought it would be funny
The Disney villains fandom has a serious lack of Magnifico x readers, shame on all of you
Magnifico and (Y/N)’s reluctant Friendship
Magnifico gives off newley divorced dad vibes
He’s fragile rn
When the company brought his Hologram to life, (Y/N) was the first person he met at the park. They explained where he was and introduced him to the other villains
He doesn’t get along with the villains, because honestly? He’s not really a villain
We’ve seen what real villains do when granting others wishes. Selling souls, stealing voices, turning people into frogs…
And god knows Holo!Asha ruined any chance at him getting along with the “good guys”
So who can he turn to? (Y/N), The strange park attendant who’s basically got a harem of theater majors
Understandably, he’s not the most thrilled about his situation
But after (Y/N) sat with Magnifico and let him rant to them for 2 hours (as well as patting his back as he cried) the ex-king began opening up
(Y/N) helped him look at the bright side, at least he’s not responsible for an entire kingdom anymore. He doesn’t have the weight of keeping so many people safe
Magnifico still has the idea that he only has value if he does something of service, so he likes to help (Y/N) with their daily tasks (I.e following them around and micromanaging)
(Y/N)’s total weakness is Magnificos big wet eyes, one look at him and they crumble
But (Y/N) is also super annoying, like a younger sibling
Magnifico: I’m worried about what others think about me.
(Y/N): don’t worry dude. No one thinks about you.
(Y/N) like to help Magnifico with his hair, that shits soft as hell
(Y/N) introduced Magnifico to those cheesy shirts with text on them, now he has a secret closet full of them
His favorite is “I’m not a stepdad, I’m a dad who stepped up” (no one sees him as a father figure)
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little-cereal-draws · 6 months
ok I need witchy help again. There's a grove of trees behind my dorm that's being cut down and I know there's nothing I can physically do to stop it but I want to protect the animals that live there.
There are two barbed wire fences and a highway separating us so I've never actually been in it, but I've been spending several hours a day looking at this grove for abt a year and a half. There's a shipping company located behind the trees and semitrucks with shipping containers drive around it. Idk what company it is but now they're cutting down the trees, adding lights that block out the stars, and paving over it. I watched them rip about a fourth of it out with their machinery this morning.
It makes me so fucking furious I want to go over there and tell them to stop and so sad that I want to cry. Those trees have been such an important part of my own mental health even if I can't get close to them and I know SO many creatures live there. I've started having stress dreams abt them ripping it out when they started abt a week ago and a lot of my dreams involved using magic to stop it.
I tried googling it but I couldn't find any protective charms or spells for the environment, they were all protection for yourself that uses the environment. I don't want to want to hex that company, I just want to protect the animals that live there and give them a new place to stay. I am a baby witch who's also a broke/busy college student so smth that's quick and easy would be preferred but I'll take anything.
More of my angry rant under the cut bc I'm furious
List of animals that I've seen living in the trees and in the small swamp in front of it over the years:
multiple families of raccoons
a cat colony with kittens
eight different species of frogs
many different species of corvid
a family of red shouldered hawks
many different species of jay
leeches (yes they deserve to be saved too)
many different species of insects, there's no way I can list them all
mourning doves
a singular alligator
Every single fucking day I watch the cranes fly East to sleep on the river as the sun sets. I've seen them fly West to the swamps as the sun rises too. I saw two vultures courting the other day. The raccoons, cats, and opossums don't run from me anymore and will happily let me get within a few feet of them (I never try to touch them). I know exactly which trees the bats live in. I saw a moth that was bright blue and orange, mimicking a species of wasp. I saw a species of hawk I had never seen before. I talk and sing to the trees even if there are no animals there. That was the only place I've seen a wild fox. The cranes land in the swamp and hunt the frogs. There's a huge bullfrog that lives in the back corner. I've saved baby snakes and turtles from cars. They both easily fit in the palm of my hand. I thought I found an injured bird the other day and was totally ready to help it even though I don't know how (it turned out to be fine, just behaving really strangely). Every time it rains, I go out and pick worms off the sidewalk for hours. The trees are where I go to get away from the stress of my schoolwork, my two jobs, and my roommates.
I need this ecosystem so fucking much, I have hung so much of my mental health on it and now they're coming in and ripping it out and paving over it!!!! They're putting more barbed wire, more pavement, more streetlights. I want to see the tall grass and the puddles and the trees and the hills not a FUCKING PARKING LOT WITH TRUCKS BEHIND A FENCE. I AM SO SCARED FOR THE CREATURES THAT LIVE THERE, I NEED THEM TO BE OK. EVEN IF I LOSE THE TREES, I'LL FEEL BETTER KNOWING THAT THE ANIMALS ARE SOMEPLACE SAFE. THERE'S A HIGHWAY LITERALLY ON ALL SIDES, I DON'T KNOW WHERE ELSE THEY CAN GO. I NEED THEM TO BE OK
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landwriter · 2 years
Saw some anon's headcannon about how Dream probably threatened a bunch of gods to make sure Orpheus was born healthy. What's your take on it? I personally love protective dad Dream and he IS overprotective, but in comics(I'm not sure if you've read them so I'm not gonna spoil anything) he always puts his function before his loved ones, and I don't know if he'd risk future diplomatic interactions or smth. What do you think?
the ask in question answered by @softest-punk.
Dream, as The Corinthian says, is ‘more than a god’ - he is apparently older and greater than gods - so I feel a bit, I don’t know, no threats or bribing needed. More sort of showing up, pointedly. His attention and presence is enough. I imagine Calliope, with her place among the Greek gods and goddesses, probably had healthy birth and blessings etc. pretty well covered, but I do see Dream as a fretting father-to-be. I imagine after the first few times showing up at whatever the supernatural equivalent is of the produce section of the neighbourhood grocery store just to aggressively lock eyes with any of the local deities whose functions concerned with Having Good Babies, Calliope probably got word and told him to cut it out. But he would fret, surely. He would. He is very, very ancient and as far as I know this is the first and only time he fathers a child.
He and by extension his realm must become shaped, in some ways, to his concern - he is the vessel of the entire unconsciousness, and I can see him, perhaps, during the first few months, going to Lucienne in a panic, after paying special attention to pregnant Dreamers - all those waking fears and hopes are already so complex! so wild! imagine if your only perception of them was those feelings too great and strange to be articulated while awake. “Can human children really come out as. A dozen frogs.” “No, my lord.” - “Is it true that if the unborn child is discontent, he will crawl out the mother’s mouth?” “No, my lord.” - “Lucienne, are you positive a child cannot stay in the womb forever? This is a surpassing frequent subject in the dreams of pregnant beings.” “Yes, my lord.”
The thing is, Dream does seem like he’d be rather the old-fashioned type about this, who would prefer to know nothing at all since he is Lord of Dreams, etc, etc, and has higher things to attend to, but the problem is he can’t really avoid the concept of it, so he is at once attempting to be distant and removed as usual, while having, on-tap, every single positive and negative feeling, every single great and horrific story, about pregnancy, about childbirth, about being a father.
I imagine, later in the pregnancy, his focus turns to dreams of children growing up, and who they become. I think he speaks to no one about this, but watches, over and over, the nightmares of parents whose children are born healthy, beautiful, and strong, whose children have great fates - as his surely will - and whose children disobey them, or fall in battle, or turn out to be cruel. I imagine he is haunted by stories of sons and their fathers. He will do better. He must. And all of it gets stored up and creates a feeling and a fear so great that it comes out the way it always does with parents: trying to exert agency over their child, and thus alienating them.
I think Dream, as a result of his function - not in spite of it - was fully unable to be At All Normal about both his imminent and then actual fatherhood. I think he must have had an eternity’s worth of hopes and expectations for his first son. I think that, among many reasons, is why Orpheus was his only son. I think whatever fears he has for subsequent romantic and intimate relationships, so well-represented in fanfic, would be leagues worse concerning the prospect of another child. I think whatever terrible lover and partner he thinks himself to be, he thinks far worse of his parenting. When your own stubbornness, your own propensity for Big Feelings, your own quickness to isolate yourself in grief - when these traits are carried on in your child, whether you recognize it at the time or not, and then Orpheus’ fate the result - how could he not? (But, of course, he does not blame Calliope for giving him her talent in music, or her fairness. So it goes.)
In the years after, he must have thought often on his old fears for Orpheus’ safe birth. How quaint his worries then would seem to him. A safe birth, when he could have been praying for a safe life.
[for reference - I haven't read the comics but I have seen Some Of The Panels Concerning Orpheus and the Orpheus Sandman wiki. One day I will set aside an entire day to weep and wail and gnash my teeth about the fact that was the task Dream mentioned to Hob, the task that Lady Johanna Constantine performed so 'admirably'. One day, I will set aside an entire day to think about how differently that conversation could have gone.]
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ubike-official · 1 month
screaming sooooo loud in the parking lot on the phone w/ my friend abt trespassing dude. i swear all of (redacted) law group knows my business now but IDGAF!! I'm like sooo worried I'm giving him the impression that I'm friendzoning him but like... then i realize. nah. There's no way he thinks a girl thats asked him out 3 times, gave him a frog sculpture she made by hand, and says things like "I'm always here for u!" is friendzoning him. right?!? I missed Many a social cues on our 3rd date but tbh both of us were SO OUT OF IT that day. me from lack of sleep, him from taking his friend to the psych ward. and we didn't like make a huge deal out of it but both mentioned it so i Doubt anything strange i did actually registered that bad. we legit left on the note of "lets go rock climbing again when it's winter time so it's not hot as hell" and a couple other vague plans. And he asked if i wanted smth from japan and told me his availability like.... this is going well. Like this is OBJECTIVELY going well. I'm just scareddddd bc i like him and have Issues. We both do tho.
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homeboi-corn · 2 months
gonna be rambling abt my valo ot4 dynamics under the cut :3 feel free to read if ur bored or smth
It's also a follow up to this first post I have of them <33!!
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phoenix and gekko have a lot of things in common, like loving their moms, having so many healthy hobbies, they're both pretty peppy and optimistic! And they almost literally share the same tastes in fashion and shoes!! they would totes be best friends at first sight and hype each other up so much it's crazy. Oh! And they can be LOUD. Asides from being loud I also think that as a couple these two could get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 but that's a story for another time. AND MY GOSH I just love thinking about how gekko is a fucking champion at killing phoenix's cool guy persona (he half loves-hate that gekko could do that)— it is also obligatory that I mention that the word 'bro' gets thrown around a lot followed by actions with intentional and 100% homo I mean seriously how could they not
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gekko and iso are adorable, just two dorks dorking it out. An introvert and extrovert situation if you will! gekko kind of took it upon himself to make sure iso kinda eases up when he first joined the protocol even tho gekko only joined recently too. iso had his doubts abt the guy but he loved the way gekko was just having a ton of fun and living life and iso thinks it isn't so bad to be doing that too at times:) I just think they'd be so fluffy with each other and soooo sooo mushy URGHHH they're the epitome of tooth-rooting fluff.... Also flustered (like tomato-faced) iso everytime gekko hits him with some smooth ass moves it's just crazy I love them </3 (yes, gekko can also kill this guy's cool guy persona, but iso can hold up longer than phoenix can lmao)
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iso and phoenix are unexpected but I can totally see a dynamic between them too! Nonchalant, go-with-the-flow iso and overdramatic, theater kid phoenix. But like the way their personalities kind of clash is so good to me because they'd also be good rivals (bec at this point phoenix kind of just challenges everyone) and like iso HUMBLES his ass and it was strangely attractive to phoenix; and also bec iso is just so nice abt it too. they'd have a really good "friendly rivals-to friends-to lovers" arc me thinks. Also also there's no way they didn't have any sort of amount of sexual tension when they first met 😭😭 (phoenix just kind of has that effect on people). IT'S SO FUCKING FUNNY to think that phoenix did also try flirting with iso and the man did not get it at first and phoenix thought he was just bad or simply looked uncool in front of iso, until iso finally realized he was flirting, got really flustered too and just let it happen because he genuinely does enjoy phoenix's company <33
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gekko and clove ARE JUST THE DUO EVER. I MEAN. clove's gremlin personality really compliments gekko's outgoing vibes y'know?? and like gekko kinda feels like the type to know how to ground them since sometimes clove's energy gets too chaotic. they're sooo cutesy friends to lovers too..... AND AND clove canonically loves gekko's lil guys so ?!?! Do I really need to elaborate that much on them I just love them sm they're great and I love their color palettes together < 3 oh and gekko would totally agree when clove would suggest they get matching silly frog tattoos and gekko's just like "erm hollon let me look for an empty space where everyone could see it!" ++ these two have either the worst or the best humor combined and like it's so, so bad sometimes that they're kind of considered a menace when together
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clove and iso are so PRETTY??? LIKE TOGETHER AND INDIVIDUALLY. clove likes to think so too. in a way, I think their gist is like, Iso's used to being the one giving compliments but when he gets them he gets kind flustered and just says a quiet thank you like uesghfgavaa?!?! And clove loves showering him with those and most of the time they're naturally in awe of Iso's flawlessness! I also think they'd love to just launch themselves on iso at random cuz the guy looks cuddly what can I say and he catches them with ease :') their height difference is adorable too holy shit. Iso would also send clove funny cute cat pics and insta reels and it's also in line with clove's humor and that surprises them bec iso doesn't seem like the person to have humor at all when this bitch almost has the same gen z humor as gekko and clove (😭literally have u heard his voicelines
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phoenix and clove makes so much sense cuz they would totally bond over the fact that they're both technically immortal and isn't that so fun?!? theyd be so much fun, they're like the life of parties. There would be some banter here and there but it's all lighthearted and so </33 clove would climb on phoenix and phoenix would also run around playfully trying to shake them off him. they're like a bunch of puppies (gekko would run around with them too) NOT ONLY THAT i genuinely think clove would think phoenix's acting would be so cool and actually very impressive cuz the man is so expressive. clove decided that phoenix could utilize that acting in DnD (like maybe LARPING) and phoenix is fucking down for it y'know?? i also like to think clove is just one if the most prettiest people phoenix has seen and phoenix has seen so much already in his lifetime. I genuinely think he wants and feels a closer bond towards clove because of how they both technically can't die and neither know if it's a good or a bad thing (but they mostly take it as a good thing+ good angst material 🤯)
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As an OT4, all I could think about is how they could easily be mistaken for a friend group, until gekko starts kissing iso, and clove also starts kissing iso, then gekko moved on to phoenix and as he kisses him back phoenix also needs to give iso a kiss. They're all very comfy, and just chill, a good amount of PDA and they're open and vocal about their relationship! When you see them around, it's really either just 2/4 of the polycule. Oh and it's not that hard to hang out with their friends because admittedly they all just have the same friends (#jett is their designated fifth wheel). I'll also just attach an "understand my ship in 5mins meme" down here so it'll narrow down some basic stuff abt em <33
*I forgot to change it but I actually hc phoenix to be around 21-22 but 20's fine too :DD
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this is lowkey also a preach post and I finally wanted to follow up the first art I posted of them :') I wish this made their dynamics a little more clearer and because I love them so much, it's a lil hard to put it into concise words, thanks for reading!!!
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nwarrior777 · 1 year
another life blogging thoughts. it starts with me thinking about changing my username, but its much more than that. pls sorry if i write smth not clearly i really not in perfect mind condition
tw: life crisis, identity crisis, sad thoughts, stream of thoughts
advice ONLY if you have something really similar. support commentary is encouraged but only if they are specific (like "giving you some cookies!!! or giving you yellow blanket!! or "sending you a frog meme" etc etc)
iiii think i maybe want to change my username. is this a fckin middle crisis they were talking about.
like. nwarrior was ment that i am fighting against stereotypes against shitty normis Norms, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia etc etc and shit and etc, to society, to myself. and like my fight is my art. buuut
last time i think more about that. i dont want it to be fight. like. i don't want it to prove something to these fuckers who do this awful evil things to us. why would i care about them? they will not stop doing their shit because i drew bodypositive art. but. then i draw representative art my followers will feel happy (i mean, i read comments so i can assume you do).
so i don't want to make a point of my representative art on fighting. it's not about showing evil guys that they are (shock!) evil, i want focus of my work to be on. spreading warm and positive and giving positive emotions. i mean, it doesn't change anything in my content itself, but more. of my attitude to it? i just always thought about it as my little contribution in an endless fight for our rights? but like.
as i said long ago, we, oppressed people, are always were are and will be the winners because we have the most great power of life itself - love. and oppressors can't steal it and it's so, so powerful. stealing is their trademark, but Love. you can't steal Love and make it into something bad. it's Love. they can lie, try to fake it, try to buy it. yk it's so funny, i just realize. they think they can do everything but they can't do the only thing in life that really matters (and no, i am not excluding aroace people from narrative here, Love is like. is something more here than sex or dating, try to understand me pls.)
so yeah i... i am sitting here and thinking that it's something more than a fight. it's a strange fight if we already have a winner but looser don't know about it and think that he is on the top and treats a winner like shit and a winner constantly need to prove that little fucker that prize is in their hands and looser think that prize is something different.
and so, yeah, i know that it is in fact a fight and we are fighting for our rights. but i am so tired of fighting. i recently figured out that i need to fight myself a g a i n because i thought i was much better at being good person, but no. i mean i have some progress but turned out i am so so so not enough and i am crying and have that thing in trout first time since idk then. and i thought, omg, do i have to fight myself again, like, feeling literally like i stubbing my heart (for people just thinking "lol that heart bit that edgy lol" - yeah, edgy, can i be """edgy"""" in my mental breakdown middle life crisis fckin letter feelings which i type without script, okay thanks!)
and i thought like.... maybe i can make something more
my trademark was a sword, like, warrior.... but now i am thinking more about... something warm. a cup of tea, spreading through your body, flower, fire. something like this? it would be nice like.... and it's really more helpfull to use to urself symbols of cup of tea and flowers and warmth then a sword. it's so much more calming and comforting.... yeah... i think i will think about it
my sword is like a toothpick to that evil voide around. my sword against that void in me - it's big damage. but. if i will give someone, including me, a nice warm cup of chamomile tea... the world will really become better.
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airasora · 6 months
Plot Twist: Do a power move and ship Miguel with Chel to really stick it to Tulio! (Obviously this isn't a serious suggestion xD)
As for serious suggestions, I will admit, my brain isn't that creative for such stuff as well as being unsure what exactly you're looking for, I can't even explain any of my choices/suggestions lol.
For Girls I thought Lottie or Tiana from Princess and the Frog, Marina from Sinbad, Kida from Atlantis or Pcoahontas maybe?
As for guys I could only think of Milo from Atlantis or the Beast/Adam (After Quasi stole his girl)
For some strange reason I thought of either Nani or David from Lilo and the Stitch.
Now if you want smth more angsty or "toxic" for interesting dynamics, maybe Gaston or Eris from Sinbad...?
I also thought maybe Thomas from Pocahontas, but then remembered you made him Lina's brother in your Hollina AUs, but at the same time it'd be kinda funny for both Lina and Thomas falling for the fun-loving outgoing blondes.
And last one I kept thinking of Eric but we already had Sinric, but then again... they all got two hands so who knows.
Again idk enough movies or series probably to fit for Non Disney stuff and especially in the guys department I seem to be lacking ideas for, but I just pondered as a fellow Miguel fan. I always felt like an outlier.
I know you're joking, but honestly, I agree with the energy lolol xD
I know I'm gonna break some hearts here, but I REALLY don't like Lottie... x'D I get what they were going for, and I do think they accomplished that so I appreciate her in an objective fashion... but me personally? She just annoys me so much xD
Tiana and Naveen make me so sad cause their human designs were SO GOOD and then they're frogs most of the time - I almost wish their human designs had sucked so them being frogs wouldn't have felt like such a slap in the face Dx
I like that you said Chel wasn't a serious suggestion, but then suggest the other "native babes" like Kida and Pocahontas and I am ALL for Miguel getting the hot princess. If anyone deserves it, he does!
I like the idea of Pocahontas because with Miguel, rather than John Smith's initial dismissive and racist attitude, Miguel would (like we see in El Dorado) just run around and want to genuinely learn about her culture. He'd be so excited about literally everything and I could see Pocahontas falling head over heels with that. I think Pocahontas might be my favorite option so far!
My issue with Kida and Milo is the same I have for Hercules and Megara: their animation styles are a little bit too unique.
What I mean by this is that Atlantis' animation is very "sharp." The edges are SO square on, for example, their hands and I don't like when animation is too sharp or too soft - it gotta be just right!
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Hercules has a similar, but ALSO opposite problem. If you take a look at Megara's hand here, it legit looks like the back of her hand is swollen, as if she got stung by a bee and that entire area swelled up like this. But no, this is just the animation style. And it freaks me out xD I dislike the sharp edges in movies like Atlantis, but the opposite extreme isn't good either.
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These animation styles aren't so different from other (non)Disney styles that it takes me out of crossovers (like The Last Unicorn does, I will die on this hill, I hate that it's considered (non)Disney by majority of the crossover community xD) so I can definitely still ship characters from these movies. It's not that they are hard to work with, but that I'm just not a big fan off overly sharp or round character designs.
I've seen a few Miguel and Nani videos actually, and what is interesting is that in quite a few of them... Nani is toxic as hell xD Something you may have noticed about crossovers (and by you I mean anyone reading this) is that some characters are more often portrayed as the abuser in comparison to other characters, and what they all have in common is that they have a lot of scenes where they're angry - cause that can be used to represent abuse, toxicity or just being mean. Odette is also often used as the "abusive" character because she has so many scenes where she's angry - I think that's why Nani is used to portray that sort of character often in crossovers x'D
I can definitely see her fall for Miguel cause he and David are kinda similar? Good guys with good hearts, absolute himbos and loyal as hell. Which is kinda why I don't personally ship Miguel and David, there isn't quite enough contrast between them for me personally.
Eris is a character I would edit with ALL THE TIME if it wasn't for her amazing, but pain in the ass hair xD
Thank you for all the suggestions! It gave a lot of food for thought, and it was fun to think about Miguel this much :D
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worriedvision · 1 year
mine would also be quite strange. i have Bennett run around and chase after frogs 😭
oh, and then Xiangling and Xingqiu barely see the light of day because I just use their abilities and immediately rotate…
meanwhile Beidou is getting landsick because I refuse to go anywhere near water…
and every time I die to frost in Dragonspine because I forget that pyro characters and campfires exist, they’re all screaming at me 💀
also, all I’ve ever wanted is Diluc. Why can’t I get him 😭 I swear I’m cursed or smth man
The team getting motion sick because they keep getting swapped is probably a universal experience as well with supports lmao!
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stranger-frogs83 · 2 years
i just think it’s interesting how a repeating theme in the goldfinch is that love is associated with trust
theo trusted his mother with his whole heart, and the book started off strong by making it very clear that he loved her more than anything
but trust isn’t only what we think of at first, the “i’ll tell you things and rely on you and believe in you to believe in me”. trust also comes in a deeper openness that shows up a lot in the form of drugs and alcohol? which i find interesting? hear me out
for me personally (idk how many people this extends to) i really hate the idea of being drunk or somehow intoxicated/under the influence around people i don’t trust. like i could do anything, say anything, that i didn’t want them to know or see and now it’s done and can’t be taken back. the same applies with me for sleeping, since i sleep walk and talk a lot, though i think sleeping around someone is inherently a sign of trust just for so many reasons.
what do theo and boris famously do around eachother? drink. do drugs. sleep.
theo is a blackout drunk. it’s mentioned several times throughout the book, and especially the fact that he showed boris the goldfinch while blacked out means that he basically surrendered all self control/awareness.
even if consciously theo wasn’t thinking of this as a sign of trust (his alcoholism probably sabotaged that sentiment), inherently his willingness to get drunk around boris is a sign that he trusted him.
that he loved him.
there’s just so many small things in both the vegas era and the later times of the goldfinch that show theo and boris’s trust in eachother. it drives me insane i want to get all of it and write about it but i’m not coherent enough lmao 😭
anyways there is so much where it’s written that theo and boris trust eachother wether directly or indirectly, subtly, symbolically, whatever.
and that just solidifies for me how much love they have for eachother, because love and trust go hand in hand in the book
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beantothemax · 1 year
we need more messed up women. like women that are evil and wack. no more serious calculating strong woman. need me a gf (i am straight) who is weird and strange the same way bonchien is. please i need an eccentric female character who is not an engineer. theyre always engineers. imagine how much better ot1 would be if they let haanit be weirder. like she eats raw meat on the regular and can bend her legs backwards or something. primrose should have a frog eyeball collection or smth. no more pretty ladies i need a woman who is genuinely so so strange. like i would marry (i am straight) a woman who is so so abnormal about everything. i dont like toh cause its a cringe show but luz and eda were so fucked up and weird. need more of that. imagine if lute was 150% more insane about magic. ough. i think i need an autistic female character. yeah thats what im talking about i need more nd ladies. not entrapta. shera is ableist. ot3 should have 2 autistic girls who are so so strange about their interests. like imagine if cyrus and osvald and trousseau and harvey were women. thats what i nee.d. . i will make ten thousdan auitisti women because people with enough good reputation and fame and good job (idk) are too stupid to do it. i will make so so many well done fucked up neutrod ivergent female characters. you get what i mean. a
i do! we need strange women stat
make ten thousand neurodivergent women, pie. if anyone can it’s you
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kaseyskat · 3 years
im not super happy about this one but i wanted to try smth experimental with the Thoughts floating around in my head so ah yeah 
two heads jerk upright out of bed. 
one had barely drifted off. sleep eluded her even on the calmest of nights, her anxiety and fear and worries holding her hostage until she was too tired to do little more than pass out. when she had fallen asleep just hours ago, it had felt like the calm before the storm; she mourns the lack of a full night’s rest for a moment, but her heart is racing like something is wrong. 
the other had barely kept to a sleeping schedule in the first place. it was bright outside - daylight, though creeping into the hours of dusk - and she hadn’t meant to doze off, but she had pulled several all-nighters to stay on bot-watch and train the frogs, and eventually her body had just given out on her. 
it doesn’t matter. they’re awake now, both of them. 
something is wrong. 
they can both feel it. there’s a heavy presence on their shoulders, a weight they both bear. there’s a buzzing in the back of their heads as they sit upright, rub the sleep out of their eyes, think about what woke them up in the first place. why they feel so strangely calm, deceptively so. what is keeping them from just going right back to sleep. 
and green flashes. 
help, the green begs. a butterfly, small and fragile, weaves around them both. it might be the same butterfly, but that’s surely impossible; how can the same butterfly be in two places at once? you must hurry, it will be over soon, hurry! 
the butterfly writhes, and suddenly, two girls hear screaming. 
the screaming echoes down their spines, ringing in their head. it’s not real, it’s not tangible, neither one can place a source and nobody else seems to hear it. and, worse of all, it’s familiar, though neither girl can place a time they’ve heard it recently. 
too late, the butterfly sings, mournfully, as one girl claps hands over her ears to block out the sound of a girl she loves screaming, the other clutching her own shirt with wide eyes and trembling hands. too late, too late, she’s gone, It has her now. 
she’s gone. 
she’s gone. 
in a way, both girls can feel it. in the back of their heads, even despite the dire circumstances, the feeling of someone they both lost had been there, present. both of them just knew she was alive, they could feel her, the same way they can still feel each other. 
that presence is corrupted now. in a way, it’s still there, but it feels bad, wrong. the first girl chokes back her own scream as the one in her head cuts out, a strangled cry escaping her. it’s not enough to wake the other occupants of her room, not until the tears well up in her eyes and fall down her face. 
the second girl bolts out of the bed, grabbing for a weapon that had been placed lovingly in the corner of the room. there are tears in her eyes, too, but she ignores them in favor of storming out, blade swinging precariously in hand. 
the butterfly vanishes. its job is done; heart and strength know now the consequences of what has happened, they know the costs. they know, despite being worlds apart, despite the separation, despite everything that has happened… they know that something terrible has happened to their third, their wit. 
two girls, separated by dimensions, have the same thought in mind: i can fix this. i can bring her back. just you wait. 
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ashstfu · 3 years
Ok, so this is a strange situation. My school is finally, completely over. I like one of my classmates (from the jock company, but he isn't like them). We are from different friendship groups, and we are really different, but I am quite sure he was interested in me. We won't meet anymore because my school is over :( But I don't have a courage to text him and invite for a date or smth. I am an introvert and a coward. Do you have some advice for me? I love your blog, btw, it looks like cozy place for mad people, false seers, frogs that can't jump and nerds in glasses like me.
have you ever jumped off of a high ledge with friends, into a lake? perhaps during summer? or at a special spot out in the wilderness?some of y'all may have had this thought process. you start walking up the hill with your friends to go jump. there’s a nervous excitement amongst you all. your friends are having fun talking about life and all manner of things. you meanwhile, well, things aren’t going quite as well in your mind. you see yourself slipping just as you are about to jump, hitting your head, tumbling into the water. you see yourself landing wrong, getting knocked out and drowning. it’s an episode of 1001 ways to die in your mind. as these thoughts race, your friends are nonchalant, joking, having fun. you get to the top, you peer over the edge. it’s too much. your heart is going to explode. you end up chickening out and walking back down. your friends meanwhile, have been talking about other things, having fun, aren’t looking at the same doomsday scenario. they give it one look. then just run off the edge and into the water. that’s how you ask your crush out. you just go for it. don’t think yourself out of it. just dive in.
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max-nico · 4 years
Okay so,,, a lot of fanders see Virgil's (spirit(?)) animal as a spider. Spiders are a cannibalistic species, or I know some are-
So one day Pat is vibing with frogs or smth and a spider comes along. He's gonna freak the fuck out because ahh spider, so Virgil and Roman come running. Patton points at said unsuspecting spider.
Something equating to "get rid of it" Patton shouts.
Virgil knows if Patton sees him take the spider to his room he'll be paranoid for the rest of the which will SUCK for both Thomas and himself. If he puts the spider outside he'll die anyway, and hey, he hasn't eaten today so why not.
Virgil consumes said spider. He pretends not to notice Patton and Roman staring at him with disgust, probably confusion, and fear. He leaves announcing how much he wants to play mario kart as an excuse.
The light sides have a meeting (without Virgil who is probably trying his best to take a nap) and discuss Virgil's weird behavior because maybe that was Remus PRETENDING to be Virgil or maybe Thomas has another mental illness because that's not normal. Logan goes over what he's noticed about Virgil,,,, and his very- spidery tendencies.
Ex, how humid his room is, he tends to sit in small spaces, he prefers the dark etc.
Then he talks about Patton's relation to frogs.
Ex, he's the dad of the group, he's resilient to cold, and he's cute in a goofy way bc he really is, ect.
Anyway, the othersides still haven't caught on so he says Virgil is to spiders as Patton is to frogs or smth like that. They feel kinda guilty ngl. Patton vows to get better with bugs for his dark strange son.
That's all I really have tho. Take whatever the fuck my brain just leaked out. These words were not planned and neither was I =)
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pupbeat · 4 years
Sorry if this is a strange question but could you please talk about your Chara headcanons I love them and learning of other people's interpretations
oh this isn't strange at all!! Id love to I just need to remember everything ive ever thought....
here we go: (got kinda long oops)
they like to make poetry but generally keep it private
they also are trying to learn embroidery but they dont have the steadiest hands so its a bit difficult!
while they obviously have a fondness for specifically goats because yknow, they LOOOOOVE frogs and toads!
they let frisk paint their nails even if they aren't that into it
love earthy tones when it comes to clothing
always ready to roughhouse!!!!
this was inspired by a mutual but its also me projecting a bit, they do online school
start taller then frisk as kids/tweens but then becomes the shorter one (rip)
likes to chew on the chain of their locket
likes stuffed animals but doesn't have any themself because they try to keep their belongings practical and stuff
likes instrumental music
likes calm or nature-y games like animal crossing, harvest moon, pikmin, etc.
speaks pretty quietly/low a lot of the time unless they are feeling jazzed up or rowdy abt smth, then they have trouble controlling their volume
loves decorative knives! their main knife though has cute little charms on it that they like :-) they like to whittle sticks for no reason and eventually tries to get into wood carving as a result
I think this is canon but likes to knit! they join Toriel a lot to do so
has trouble sleeping so they hang out with Toriel a lot at night
likes bug hunting (Toriels influence)
likes to walk in the woods and sends frisk and co. random pictures of mushrooms and things they see
kinda fucked up about the fact that they have no greater purpose, badly wanted to be the angel to save monsters and finally be good/worth something
all about consequences. in a more canon adjacent au where they are alive with flowey instead of asriel, they fairly quickly learn to accept their brother is different now and that this is the consequence of their plan, but know he is still their brother and loves him. greatly regrets that they took so much from him and will do anything to make it up to him, though Flowey more wants to pick up right where they left off and pretend nothin is different
likes bracelets, and tries to typically wear the friendship bracelets Frisk makes
very interested in Alphys’ work! “woah u can make ROBOTS??? just like that????”
habitually smiles when stressed or freaked out, they dont mean anything bad by it tho
(also me projecting) VERY PICKY EATER but loves Toriels baked goods! 
favorite season is fall/autumn
likes dogs but prefers cats to some degree because they aren't so high energy
(more projection) very low energy person but tries to keep up with all these high energy friends like undyne and papyrus!
they are the living embodiment of knife cat image
thats it for now I think ^o^
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