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miyuka1709 · 7 days ago
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First two possible vessels of Villain and Guilty!
Top ones are the "freed", bottom ones are the "deteriorated"
Okay I have to admit I can't draw realism so here's a shaded deterioration Guilty instead <33
1. The freed Villainess : similar to Damsel, she's grateful you saved her and hugs her darling assistant before taking your hand and dragging you with her to the stairs. When the door locks, she kicks the door down and you're freed lol
"Now we can find the cowardly fools that locked me in there!... Though.. I didn't think I'd be so exhausted.. it's cold."
2. The freed Guilty : Also taking references from Damsel but in the questioning part. When you get to the locked door, she'll start breaking down. You could try to reassure her which makes her question things even more (it gives you the deteriorated Guilty), but you could also just.. break the door open. Which leads you to free her.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think it was possible.. and I didn't think there was any other place colder than that basement..."
3. The deteriorated Villainess : You try to leave, but before you can do that, she wraps the chains that bound her to trap you too. She'll get annoyed if you try to free yourself and says "don't think I'll trust you to not leave me" when you ask her to free you. I guess it'll go similarly to the chained Prisoner Vessel.
"Well, would you look at that. The outside has come to me, I told you that sooner or later I'll be out.. why didn't you ever tell me that the outside was so cold?" (A little bitter.)
(you could also try apologizing while the cabin is breaking down and she might be a bit less bitter about it) "Well, would you look at that. The outside has come to us, maybe the only way we could've gotten out was together after all.."
4. The deteriorated Guilty : You try to reassure her when the door locks. "Did I cause this? I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't ever meant to be freed anyway." "It's because of me isn't it? The cabin doesn't like me-" "didn't you say leaving here would mean I'll end the world?" "I don't want to hurt anyone, what if it really happens?" "What if I really end the world?"
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sapphicslaylist · 3 months ago
[STP] Imperfect Shards of Glass
Tws: Spoilers for HEA; Codepdency.
On AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60942649
There was a roaring of torches in the otherwise dim corridors. The bedchamber was set up in hues of bright pink and red, illuminating beneath its recipient. This castle was a festive sight; gold trim and tapestries abound, it would’ve been paradise. But alas, curled around the Princess was the tired, aching love of her caretaker - a shadowy figure who could be felt, not seen. It seemed he only showed himself faintly in the gleam of fine silver or cracked mirror shards.
A shard. That was what they were.
And so the preparations went on to find the whole. Thick mascara and rosy cheeks hid the pain, feeling the weave of his absence and presence all at once. 
Smitten. That’s what they’d called him, wasn’t it?
“You seem cold.”
His voice echoed over her, shaking his head. A soft cloak of feathers appeared in invisible hands. It was lovely, really, being pampered like this - so why wasn’t she happy?
“These feathers; they’re yours. I really shouldn’t-“
“Nonsense,” echoed the voice behind her. “You deserve the world, and the world you shall get. Your every whim, every desire-“
His form had shriveled since they’d met. He was outpacing himself with his gifts. Was it worth asking the question again?
“I want to go outside. I want to dance with you under the stars, and feel the grass beneath my feet. I want to know somewhere outside of here.”
The voice was somber as he gave a saddened sigh. “My dear, I would love to. But not until the dangers have passed. You could be struck down at any moment by those foul monstrosities; it’s just you and me now, beloved.”
A trace of silken shadow across her face. A reassuring glance; a smile on her lips to hide the pain.
“I am sorry I cannot provide what you desire. But I will weave us something new; something better. Perhaps we could create an arbory somewhere within the palace grounds -“
“But that’s still a bubble. It isn’t free.” The Princess steps back, her words almost pleading. It’s only returned with a deep-cutting ache that settles on her shoulders.
“Is it not enough to be safe? To avoid the pain of lashing out, killing each other over and over again?” The sorrow echoes within him tenfold. It hurts.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset. I just…”
“Everyone craves freedom, love. That I understand. But when it’s of risk to you, that I cannot allow.” The silken fingers trace the blade dangling from her neck. “But worry not; I have made sure you can protect yourself as well. This is their implement; they cannot take it from you unless you allow it. And I would advise against it, if you know those heathens as well as I do.” 
There it is: that spark of teasing affection in his huff. You remember why you’re with him to begin with, opposed to left on your own. According to the others, they had come upstairs and debated taking the blade to her chest before; now it sat awkwardly between her bosom, inflicting minor wounds. A scabbard would’ve been nice.
Did safety really warrant this kind of empty adoration? What was special about her in particular? She didn’t know, and didn’t care as much.
“Why don’t we commence that dance in the study? A compromise, I know. But I will make this work; I have to make this work-“
The desperation bursting within him again. Any enthusiasm was met with joy, and grief shouldered all on his own. Did she even get to feel upset about someone who loved her so?
No. She wouldn’t. He’d done what he had for a reason; now was time to let that go for now and save face with a polite smile.
“That sounds… Lovely. We can have our own little soirée down by the cellar. Thank you.”
But at the end of the day, caged birds don’t sing. The gilded glory only provided so much for a Songbird in wait, praying that things would be over soon.
Neither of them deserved this mutualistic prison. But until the dangers passed, her tired, aching protector would remain staunchly by her side.
The hands wrapped around her. As she leaned into them, the rest of the world seemed to fade away; heaviness returned to drag her to the pits of ecstasy and grief.
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monowing-1 · 9 days ago
STP X Limbus Company fanfic idea (Continued pt 3): On Smitten, Happily Ever After, and Don Quixote! (Both of them!)
This one I kind of want to talk about a bit, because I think that it would be an interesting interaction within the game to have Don Quixote talk to Smitten. Especially during the Damsel and the Happily ever after Route. Because she has a unique background that I would love to explore during it.
Because if Sancho was to witness the event the events prior to Happily ever after, I think that she can probably give the strongest argument to Smitten not allow what he is doing to continue. And not from a point of the world ending or similar, but simply from someone who 'saw their happy ending' rot away into nothing and of how it is better to simply stop and to look for something else.
Because Sancho witnessed her father have that epiphany that something good, something that's said to be good, cannot last forever. That it can eventually dull away into tedium, into mindless dull affairs that barely give any spark. That eventually, the want to do something more will come, even if what is now is safe, secure, and is what 'someone wants'. That eventually, one must look beyond the safe shores and go into something new. Don Quixote (the original) suffered suffered that loneliness and tedium when he was with his family.
Quote below as an example.
Sancho: I am telling you now, this new goal of yours is going to crash and burn in less than three days. Quit stirring trouble and stay put.
Sancho: Remember your last momentary passion with... what was it? Knitting? Embroidery? That lasted a whole two days before you got tired of it. And that was after you sent us out to find all kinds of high-quality yarn for that little passion project.
I think it can be said that the original Don Quixote went through the cycle of trying something knew, finding it dull, and abandoning it who knows how many years trying to fill his somber and lonely heart until Bari showed up.
And when she did, she identified and cut through it in a manner of moments with her words offering him a cure. Something that I think Don Quixote can offer to Smitten. Especially with a title change of her going from 'The voice of the Squire' to 'The Voice of the Second Kindred' to reflect her dropping her usual 'demeanor'.
Bari: Answer my duel... Bari: ... and I promise you upon my honor as a Fixer. That I will grant you what you truly seek. Bari: I can... give you a 'tomorrow'. Don Quixote: You speak in riddles, human. Bari: Should I consider that a 'yes'? Don Quixote: Of course not. Don Quixote: Tomorrow is a promise that does not hinge on your blessing. Bari: No, no. That's not the tomorrow I'm talking about. I'm talking about the 'tomorrow' you seek. Bari: You've been living out your days mired in meaninglessness, quietly wasting away inside. Bari: Drinking human blood, compelled not by your own will but by your sickness. In your countless years of existence... Bari: ... you've never had any reason to exist, have you? Bari: But your illness... and this applies to all of your kind... is loneliness. Bari: It's the kind of suffering you can't weather through by huddling together with your Family in the dark.
And I think that Sancho can talk him down from what she has seen, has learned, and more. I think that would be a really cool scene to write/see: to watch Sancho realize what is going on, to watch her try to talk him down, to have her compare her father's demeanor and actions to him through the tedium that he felt before Bari came, to perhaps remember her own feelings as well, and for her to make the appeal that nothing can last forever and that it is better to simply seek what lies beyond the horizon than to dwell in endless tedium to make oneself 'happy'. With it eventually culminating in Smitten slowly coming to his senses, to realize what he is doing, and to sincerely apologize for what he has done before he either leaves or rejoins the others. I think that would be a really cool scene to write or read.
And although what Smitten has done in HEA is terrible. I think that he should still be allowed to apologize for his actions. Because it's never to late to learn what you are doing is wrong, to admit it, to apologize, and to accept the punishment that may come with that act along with the fact that you may not be forgiven for what you have done, that it may be to late, or similar. A single good act or a moment of realization does not wash out the bad after all. He won't be forgiven, because again what he has done is terrible, but perhaps his sincere apology will be accepted at least.
From there on, the game will resume as normal, but I think that moment will be highlight for the fiction.
Hopefully it is one for you as well in idea/proposition. :3
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miyuka1709 · 1 month ago
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This was actually kind of a pain but I really want to draw some in game scenes with Hopeless and Sinister - also I can't keep calling her "Hopeless", I wanna get her an "S" starting nickname.
Soft, Sharp, "Stranger", Sinister, and...? Shambly? Struggling? Sapped? Shattered? She's so cute though I love her.
(bit of rambling about Sinister and "Hopeless" down here vv)
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I think it's so interesting the way we interact with the stranger princesses.
Instead of cutting Soft's hand off, we can see Quiet actually trying to break the chains instead.
Quiet decides to slay the Sharp, and she defends herself immediately (like in Tower/Adversary?)
Quiet tries to slay the Sinister, but she smiles gleefully (like in Razor?)
With "Hopeless" and "Stranger", Quiet just leaves. Thing is... If we leave Base Princess in chapter 1, she just turns into Nightmare.. so.. um.. maybe a branch off of Soft Princess when we leave her, she turns "hopeless" instead.
And well, Sinister already looks and kinda acts like the nightmarish Princess we see at the end of chapter 1 (leading up to Nightmare lol)
THE PROBLEM HERE! Is that I wanted to make "Hopeless" and Sinister to be like extra bases in this "au".. but I'm really not sure on how to do that in chapter 1 since there are already 3 in-game canon actions that can get you Soft, Sharp, and "Stranger"
Exploration options don't count as factors to change the Princess, at least not in chapter 1.
Maybe an action that might work would be to just.. wait in the woods. We've already tried to fight (confront), we've already tried flight (walk away), but there's really no freeze option. Ideas and perspectives could brew in Quiet's mind as he waits. What if she's dangerous? What if she's nothing but a helpless, frail princess? And when Quiet finally gets bored of waiting, he approaches the cabin, greeted by a princess. If Quiet waits long enough, he'll probably get Stranger in the end anyway.
The Sinister, a byproduct of Quiet's hesitation, he's cowered away from his "duty" for far too long. "Are you here to kill me? I didn't think anyone would be brave enough to remember me." (Wait > take blade)
It'd be hard to give her even a bit of a tender side.. I'm not sure about how to develop her next chapters since there are already so many violent princesses already.
The "Hopeless", she has lost any hope of getting out of there after waiting for so very long. "Hi..? Is anyone up there? Please don't give me false hope." (Wait > ignore blade)
Since she's already a pretty depressed character in chapter 1, it might be hard to give her a sharper, active side, but maybe you can lift her spirit up only to kill her afterwards. Maybe it'll anger her in some way. Her dim little spark, rekindled, just to be shattered once again.
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miyuka1709 · 1 month ago
Good afternoon!...
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Anyway here's a cute little Cold, and some pen-tasting.
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Pretty great stuff.
(There's a pretty long rant ahead about an STP swap AU!!!!!)
I think it's so interesting that there are 5 very different Princesses in the Stranger; I heard from somewhere that their names are The Hopeless, The Sinister, The Snide, The Kind, The Blank.
I imagine it'd be fun if a swap AU implemented those Princesses as "bases" based on the first thing the player says upon being told about the cabin and the Monster.
I mean Voice of the Sinister could be like Nightmare and Tower. She might appear when you first say the "Sweet I've always wanted to off a monarch!" Dialogue in the base game? It'd just be "I've always wanted to off someone!" Instead maybe cause TLQ isn't a monarch and it's definitely pretty sinister to just outright say that.
Voice of the Snide would be like Prisoner/Sharp Princess. Could be a "Why would I listen to you?" "Have you ever considered that I'd be okay with the world ending?" defiant type voice.
Voice of the Kind is obviously Damsel/Soft Princess. "What if he's going to end the world BECAUSE he's locked up?" Or smtg like that, morality talk and whatnot.
Voice of the Hopeless could just be.. Broken? But a girl, I guess? I'm not sure what she'd say but it's something that Broken would say - like "What's the point of doing this? The world will end one day anyway."
They sound so cool and I'm sure anyone can work with that, but Blank Princess? That could probably happen if we outright try to leave like in Stranger so the Monster can't perceive us.
But what would she say? Would she act or speak like Cold? She'd generally have minimal opinions, wouldn't she? Would having her even change anything? Would she be completely pliable or changeable? Would she be like Opportunist, but sincerely ever-changing and not just for self reason? Is she just a shell and says things just for the sake of it like Deconstructed Damsel? Would she just follow along the Princess as the main character and mirror her actions? Would she be as moldable as we (Princess) are to TLQ?
Again, I think the "Base Princesses" might work really funny if they were a byproduct of SOLELY your first ever choice in the narrative, and it sticks, and they act like Voice of the Hero who accompanies you throughout the entire run.
So instead of having different TLQs, you get different You's at the final Heart scene? That's a pretty funny concept to think about - but it sounds like it'd be painful to work with in a game because you'd have to make all the routes compatible with each of the 5 Base Princesses and make it not feel too clunky or too different.
I'd honestly want to write or plan a whole thing with this kind of story, the only problem is I don't know how to make the Narrator want to kill TLQ.
The Echo's literal purpose is to get rid of change and death with it while leaving a sliver of TSM in TLQ so the world could still move along and people could have lives that aren't completely stagnant and devoid of growth and change.
Would this swap-Echo's job be to protect TLQ and tell the Princess/Player to save him? Or would His view change entirely so He'd oppose TLQ by saying"The world will be doomed to eternal stagnancy"?, instead of death, would he be afraid of the constant and stillness? Why would he want to rid the world of it specifically? I'm really not sure.
Just a little idea I had, y'know!.. phew, I didn't mean to write a whole thing but yeahh..
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miyuka1709 · 8 days ago
Undeniable urge to draw my fan Princesses smh (The Villain, The Captive)
Also thinking of changing Captive to Guilty? The Guilty works.. might be paired with Cheated (succeeded in freeing the Princess but gets killed anyway)? Still not sure which Voice to pair with Villainess tbh.
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(Rambling ahead vv)
Chapter II : The Villain
Kind of inspired by those Revenge plot Villainess female leads. Very attractive, yes./lh
Get her by trying to free the (Sinister) Princess in chapter I. She's not very discreet about wanting revenge (on the people who locked her up) in chapter I and emphasizes on it in chapter II.
You find her tangled up in chains. If you didn't bring the blade, she asks you, her darling assistant, to help her out.
1. If you do help her detangle herself, she breaks the little chain fairly easily (and a few bones maybe. But she doesn't seem to mind.)
2. If you don't and try to leave she'll get angry and trap you with her. "If I have to stay here for another second, I'm keeping you with me" You could ask her to let you go and she'll reply with "Oh, don't think I'd trust you to not just leave me here again." It'll probably play out similarly like the non-headless Prisoner vessel? I'm still not sure about that one.
If you did bring the blade she'll be a little more on guard but still have her playful-ish personality. "Are you here to free me? So thoughtful of you to bring that little knife with you, but we won't need it." You could just detangle her like the bladeless variant
If you try to fight her, she'll retaliate. She uses the chains to her advantage like the Prisoner but she's a lot less hesitant to kill you.
3. If you kill her, you'll get to a shared chapter III with The Guilty. It'll be kind of like the Grey where you don't have much choice, but I'm still thinking about how it'll go. Maybe something with the theme of execution.
4. If you give up and die, you'll get to her "evolved" chapter III with themes of being "trapped" or stripped of choice (like Cage and HEA). Also not sure how this'll go yet!
Chapter II : The Guilty
Somewhat Inspired by any Woe Is Me character..
Get her by trying to free the (Somber) Princess in chapter I. She's not very motivated in doing much of anything but she still wants to live and escape the cabin. After she kills you and the cabin doesn't let her leave, she's completely distraught. Believes that she can't leave no matter how hard she tries, at least not without you.
You find her with a shackle around her neck like the Prisoner, but it's incredibly rusted and loose. You could free her just by pulling it over her head.
1. If you do free her by pulling off the shackles, she'll thank you and self deprecate a little, maybe even hesitating to leave. You could assure her and she'll believe you and finally move on
2. If you don't assure her, she might spiral. "What if my leaving actually hurts everyone?" And for funny reasons she'll start questioning everything (why does that remind me of Skeptic.) and jab at real life issues maybe. As she gets more distressed, her art style gets either more and more realistic or abstract until she is taken away by the Shifting Mound.
3. You could kill her after assuring her that she could be free, and get the shared chapter II with The Villain. She'll feel betrayed but think it was inevitable.
If you kill her before the freeing-part, you'll also end up with the shared chapter II but she might say different things/be less hostile, but it still ends the same.
For Guilty, I haven't decided on how to get her to the "lack of choice"/ her "evolved" chapter III.
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miyuka1709 · 1 month ago
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I don't like online classes
Here's a Villainess cuddling her pet bird to cope. Still don't know what Voice to accompany her tho..
Thinking about giving Vil some disproportionately long limbs and fingers to make her less basic.
Also she's chained up, like y'know those scenes where supervillains get caught and tied up, but she's tied with some pretty solid chains instead of basic ropes.
She insists that you help her out like a good sidekick, her legs aren't tied so she can probably kick you and stomp you with her horribly sharp heels if you try anything funny.
I'm actually not a fan of the throne, maybe I'll move it to one of her chapter IIIs?
I still don't know what to do with Sommie /sobs
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miyuka1709 · 1 month ago
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I want to write Sommie but I'm lazy and also I have no idea what to do with her, her psyche, her themes.
So I decided to just play the Stranger route and write down all her possible dialogues alongside Sinist's.
(Spoilers for Chapter II : The Stranger under the cut)
> For all I know, you're locked up down here for a reason. Do you know why you're down here?
Somber : “But you know, right? You have to know. You're the only other person I've ever seen, or at least the only one I can remember. Don't give me false hope. Please just end this already. One way or another, just do it.”
Sinister : “Don’t be coy. We both know why I'm locked away here. I'm a monster, and the second I get out of this place, I'm going to end the entire world.”
> You're apparently a threat to the world. I was sent here to slay you.
Sinister : “Because I am. Everything you've heard about me is true, and I am going to lay waste to everything. Starting with you.”
> If I let you out of here, what are you going to do?
Sinister : “Besides, you already know what I'm going to do.”
Somber : “If you want to put an end to me, then put an end to me.”
> Getting down here was… weird. Like I was pulled apart and put back together again. Do you know what happened to me?
Somber : “We're probably stuck down here forever, aren't we? There's no way out, and barely a way in.”
Sinister : (Oho~) “I thought they would send something better to deal with me. If the stairs managed to chew you up, I will devour you.”
> What's your name?
Somber : “It doesn't matter. I've been down here for so long. What's the point of a name if there's no one around to use it?”
Sinister : “I don't need a name. My name is whatever hushed whispers follow in the wake of my devastation.”
> There's more of you now
Somber : “I don't feel like I've gotten any bigger.”
Sinister : “It must be fear creeping into your heart. You know you can't stop me.”
Now I just have to spend a week thinking about what to do about them and trying to come up with a somewhat unique voice for their chapter IIs
Somber/Hopeless is basically Broken if he was a Princess? Whiny, sad, seeks peace, safety, comfort, passive.
Sinister is basically Nightmare Princess but less scary or powerful.
Now what
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miyuka1709 · 1 month ago
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Roommate is back so imma post a little less
The Royal (Lady Quiet) and The Adventurer designs belong to @/salty-an-disco I couldn't help myself.. TLQ looks so regal
i like 2 draw girls
Anw here's more doodles after exam, day 3-4, definitely a lot less, but I really had a lot less time as well and my hands hurt hehe..
The Hopeless Princess as the Heart of Shifting Mound
My own swap au Princess looking up at the lil Narry-birb. And the Long Quiet on the side I guess!
More tiny doodles of Princess, specifically Soft Base Princess, Damsel, and Hopeless fan-interpretation of how she'd kill you after you cut her arm off. Also the little TLQ on the top right is made by @cillcillycillicill
Cheated and my makeshift periodic table I drew from memory. And written rant about how much I love Hero in the Little Voices fanfic, super good btw, check it out here
Fan-interpretation of how Sinister Princess kills you after you cut her arm off.
The Royal and The Adventurer designs by
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miyuka1709 · 23 days ago
Triple posting? No way, that doesn't sound like me at all!
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Decided to just exaggerate on Sommie's hopelessness for her freed chapter II.
You might be wondering why? Since we freed her in chapter I. The Prisoner mentions that she left us in the basement after we died and tried to leave but couldn't. My idea is that trying to leave and failing after killing the only other person she knows and remembers - the one that tried to save her - made her feel even worse. Might just call her the Captive.
Meanwhile for Villainess she decides that we will try to save her no matter what she says or does, when we get controlled by the Narrator we'll still resist Him. She just thinks "oh that's great! I can probably just incapacitate my little bird when he gets possessed again." So she trusts you almost wholly because you're her "villain sidekick".
Anyway the chapter III of killing them will result in The Execution, the rightfully condemned (Villainess) and the wrongfully condemned (Captive) - basically following the Grey's pattern. Free Princess > Kill Princess > Unavoidable death because of the Princess. Probably get Cold as well in The Execution. They have ropes instead of crowns - kinda looks like the Cage's chain crown but it's ropes. Still thinking it over though, not sure how to.. execute the storyline.. haha.. pun intended......
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miyuka1709 · 1 month ago
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Thoughts... I can't wait to go to school
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miyuka1709 · 3 months ago
- Intro/about me post
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Nelly/Miyuka - She/her - High school girl
My stuff are usually tagged with (#shitslays)
(#stp somber) and (#stp sinister) are for my fan-extension/interpreted base Princesses from Chapter II : The Stranger who were never explored in game.
My stp Voice designs are here (creature/bird) and here (fem)!
My stp Vtuber is here!
I draw and rig and stuff!
Commissions open only with GoPay and Dana
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--- Fandoms I've been in
- Undertale/UTMV/Deltarune
- Gacha Life/Club
- Doki Doki Literature Club
- Little Misfortune/Fran Bow
- OneShot
- FNaF (Gacha.. Aftons..)
- Danganronpa
- Mr.Hopps Playhouse
- House (Horror Game)
- Needy Streamer Overload
- Murder Drones
- Genshin Impact
- Class of 09
- Slay the Princess
--- Favorite characters
- Flowey (Undertale)
- Cross (UTMV/Underverse)
- Lancer (Deltarune)
- Circus Baby (FNaF)
- Serial Designation N (Murder Drones)
- Kazuha (Genshin Impact)
- Voice of the Hero, Voice of the Hunted (Slay the Princess)
- The Prisoner, The Wild (Slay the Princess)
--- "What do you use to draw/rig?"
Doodle : Paper from school + pencil/pen I found on the ground
Draw : Oppo phone + thumb + IbisPaint x
Rig : HP laptop + touchpad + Live2d cubism
+ fueled by boredom (Vot. Contrarian-core)
--- OCs/Self inserts
I have a separate blog for SHITverse.
This is her @shitverse-au
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