#story cross-posted on ff.net and ao3
hoyt-and-cavanaugh · 1 month
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Jordan: Speaking of. How's your visitor? Woody: Oh. Please, don't even get me started. Jordan: Oh, stop. The guy's a teddy bear. Woody: Yeah, that's half his problem right there. He's too lovable. People jump at the chance to cuddle him. Gotta take care of the baby, make sure the baby's okay. Jordan: The baby just lost his parents. Woody: So did his big brother.
A brother, a casket, and the echos of the past. "My older brother was my father and mother and did everything he could to make sure I didn't go through what he did." [Character death; only mentioned]
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starmocha · 2 months
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ masterlist ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sometimes I write fics (and share wips). Or analysis. Or I'm just rambling into the void. I write for a lot of fandoms, but only post Love and Deepspace here I'm just lazy. So...yeah. :D
LINKS: AO3 ⋆ ★ FF.Net ⋆ ★ FF.Net ⋆ ★ Dokuga
《 see the list sorted by series instead? 》
new → old
last updated: sept. 21, 2024
ZAYNE 。・:*˚:✧。
I For You — 《 MDNI 》
12:30 PM Checkup
the day bleeds into nightfall
calling your name
RAFAYEL 。・:*˚:✧。
never the same
XAVIER 。・:*˚:✧。
SYLUS 。・:*˚:✧。
Relentless Conqueror — 《 MDNI 》
it was always you — 《 MDNI 》
but if it's forever, it's even better — 《 MDNI 》
even if the stars fall down
pain is all you'll find
would you still love me if i was a worm? (and other thought-provoking questions)
yours & mine — 《 MDNI 》
Crow in the Bedroom
Caller ID
Unhelpful Company
you are my favorite mistake — 《 MDNI 》
tag, you’re it — 《 MDNI 》
fly to you like birds do — 《 MDNI 》
Mirror, Mirror — 《 MDNI 》
call me master (and i’ll call you mine) — 《 MDNI 》
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
ANALYSIS 。・:*˚:✧。
Hypothesizing Sylus' myth
Hypothesizing Sylus' myth, part 2
Just me geeking out about the Greek myths referenced in the game
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
All Love and Deepspace fanfics are posted only on Tumblr (@starmocha) and AO3 (loveppears (108am)). They will always be cross-posted to one another. Stories are prohibited from being posted elsewhere. Reblogs are ok and encouraged! ♡
If you would like to translate my stories, please message me first for my permission and conditions. Thanks for reading! ☆
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muirmarie · 1 month
I'm really close to a little ao3 milestone that I think is neat, and it made me think about how long I've been posting fics on different sites, so I went and looked, and my first fic posted on the world wide web was on ff.net on:
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Which!!! Is twenty years!!!
And then my first fic posted on ao3 was:
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Which is fifteen years! I just think that's neat haha 😊
Anywho ideally I'd post a fic when I hit this little milestone, but I think there's a good chance I might hit it tonight or tomorrow, and I don't think any of the fics I'm working on will be close enough for that. I also really wanna get the screenshot, so I keep checking on my stats every hour or so lmaooo /sigh
It's not a big thing, but it's kinda a big thing for me! I just want the screenshot lollll
Anywho I wish I'd known this January was my 20th year anniversary of posting a fic, but I'll try to remember for next year, when that baby becomes old enough to drink!!!
You know what would be cute, actually - I never cross-posted that fic to ao3. What I should do next January is I should post the original, unedited one, and then write a new version of the same story, for how I write now. That would actually be so fun???? I don't care that it's DEEPLY self-indulgent, I'm gonna try to remember to do it, it's less than 2k, it wouldn't be a big deal!
This is just a ramble lmao. I'm just feeling especially fond and loving about writing fanfic tbh. Truly best of hobbies <3 I missed it so much when I stopped, even when I was the only one stopping myself. It's nice to remember how lovely it is to love doing something!
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letthewhumpbegin · 11 months
Obsession - Top Gun: Maverick
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick Characters: Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Prompt: Worked Themselves to Exhaustion Word count: 2756 Warnings: mentions of collapse / fainting, exhaustion.
A/N: this story is already posted on my FF.net and AO3 account, but now posted onto here as well.
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Their new mission was a tough one, maybe even tougher than the bombing of the uranium enrichment facility.
It included an extremely difficult route to fly, full of circumstances and obstacles to keep in mind, such as enemy bases, air defence missiles, tree tops and other structures that could be flown into. Combined with the low altitude and higher than normal speed they would need, it turned out to be a near impossible mission to master.
Maverick and the team of younger fighter pilots were training for nearly three weeks now, and, so far, no one had yet been able to fly the required route without 'crashing' their jet. Not even Maverick himself.
Hangman found it all extremely frustrating. Even though they had five months to train, considerably longer than their last mission together, it nagged at him that no one had been able to fly it yet. Most of all, that he hadn't been able to fly it yet. Never before had Hangman been this affected by a mission. It kept him up at night, stressed him out during the day, and eventually led to him pulling all-nighters to cram as many mission-details into his head as he possibly could.
Tonight, he once again sat in Top Gun's communal kitchen well past midnight. All the aviators stayed in dorm-like rooms at the academy, with this living room-like kitchen being a sort of common room for them.
Hangman had chosen to sit here so as not to wake up his roommate during this stay. He was roomed up with Rooster, something, he suspected, Maverick had done on purpose to have the two of them get on better terms a bit. Their previous mission had definitely laid a base of acceptance and respect between the two of them as aviators, but this stay as roommates together made that Hangman had to admit he actually started to appreciate Rooster as a person.
Hangman sat at the large dining table in the kitchen. Maps, charts, mission specifics and jet manuals all lay strewn across the table and on the floor surrounding his chair. Even though he had trouble keeping his exhausted mind focused, he willed himself to keep reading everything there was, and try and remember every twist, turn and obstacle of the route they would need to fly. For three nights in a row he had gone by on a maximum of an hour and a half of sleep, and if it was up to him, he wasn't going to get much more tonight. Even if he slept, it was an uneasy slumber that didn't do much to get him any sort of rest. The symptoms of his fatigue already showed, but he refused to give into them.
His flying had been absolutely abysmal today. Deep down Hangman knew that was undoubtedly caused by his extreme lack of sleep, but he didn't admit to that. He was Hangman after all: he was good, very good, and wasn't brought down by something as trivial as lack of sleep. Still, there had been a very close call today, in which he nearly crashed his F18 into a hillside for real. Something like that had never happened to him before, and his weakened reflexes must have played a large part in that.
Now that he sat here, for the fourth night in a row hard on his way to pull an all-nighter, Hangman felt himself start to spin out of control. A distinct tremble had started in his hands, and he couldn't get it to stop. He was sweating, even though it was quite cool here in the kitchen, and whenever he moved his head, the room swam around him. Hangman was faintly aware he was crossing every line he had, but was so obsessed with making this mission work, that he didn't even care. He would sleep or rest when he mastered this mission, but until that time he allowed himself nothing.
"What are you doing?" Hangman was startled by Rooster suddenly standing behind him. He hadn't heard his fellow-aviator come in at all. "Studying," Hangman answered curtly. Rooster frowned at all the paperwork strewn across the kitchen. "Why?" Hangman ran a trembling hand through his hair. "I need to make this mission work. I have to be able to fly it."
Rooster mulled that over for a second, as something started to dawn on him. "How long has this been going on?" He asked suspiciously. "Come to think of it: I woke up yesterday in the middle of the night, and you weren't in our room. I figured you might have gone to the bathroom, and I fell asleep again quickly. But now I'm starting to think you were 'studying' as well." "I was." Hangman admitted instantly. "Fourth night in a row, and I still can't do it." He growled in frustration, slamming his fists into the tabletop.
Rooster raised an eyebrow in surprise, sitting himself down on a chair on the opposite side of the table. "Aren't you a bit harsh on yourself? I mean, even Mav hasn't flown this thing yet." Hangman vigorously shook his head, looking slightly deranged as he did so. "Then I'll be the one to do it." Rooster took a deep, slow breath. He could see the situation exactly for what it was: this mission had become an obsession for Hangman, and definitely not in a good way.
"Okay, you've got to stop this," Rooster intervened. "This isn't healthy anymore." "No, I've got to finish this," Hangman snapped. He looked absolutely disheveled now and on the edge of a nervous breakdown. "And I'm fine, by the way." Rooster scoffed, but spoke calmly. "Yeah, well, try telling me that without your hands shaking." "Rooster," Hangman growled, "you really need to…"
Hangman fell silent mid-sentence. Suddenly the room spun around him. Cold sweats broke out all over his body, and there was the distinct feeling of losing control over himself. He got to his feet as a feeling of panic spread through him, but that probably was the dumbest move he could have made. Immediately, the room spun even more and his vision darkened. And before he knew it, he slumped to the floor and blacked out completely.
"Shit, shit, shit!" Rooster muttered urgently. There was not much he could do to prevent Hangman from going crashing to the floor. He couldn't say he was surprised to see this happen, though. Hangman had worked himself into exhaustion in his obsession over this mission, and now paid the price for it.
Rooster ran around the table, dropping to his knees beside Hangman. They had their differences, sure, but in this case of emergency, Rooster didn't hesitate to offer his help. He immediately pressed his fingers to Hangman's neck to feel for a heartbeat, and was relieved to feel the rhythmic thumping of the vein.
Rooster knew he needed some assistance, but with everyone sleeping that wasn't the easiest thing to arrange at the moment. "Help!" He called out at the top of his lungs. "Need some help over here!" Rooster wasn't keen on leaving Hangman alone right now, especially with his fellow-aviator still out cold, so he just wished someone would be woken up by his cries for help.
Rooster turned his attention back to Hangman. He lightly tapped Hangman's cheek in an attempt to bring him back to consciousness, but was not able to rouse him. As his basic medical training had taught him, Rooster carefully turned Hangman onto his side, closely monitoring his condition until he would wake up again or until help would arrive.
The sound of barefoot, running footsteps coming down the corridor that led to the communal kitchen announced someone had heard Rooster's cries for help. A few seconds later, Maverick came to a skidding stop in the doorway.
"What happened?" Maverick looked horror-struck from the papers strewn everywhere, to the clearly unconscious Hangman lying on the floor and Rooster kneeling next to him. "Did you guys fight?" "No," Rooster answered quickly, "he passed out, because he's barely slept for four days. This mission has become an obsession for him, Mav."
Maverick blew out a deep breath. He had noticed something was off with Hangman, especially today, but hadn't been able to lay a finger on it. And now he knew… "That near crash today was probably no innocent mistake either?" Maverick frowned. Rooster shook his head. "I don't think so. Fatigue must have compromised his concentration and reflexes. He shouldn't have been flying today." "That's a conversation I will have with him some other time." The concern was evident in Maverick's voice. "Let's get him off the floor first."
Almost as if he had heard those words, Hangman groaned softly and stirred. It took a few seconds for him to open his eyes, but finally he looked ahead, still dazed. "What happened?" He mumbled weakly, "why am I on the floor?" Rooster scoffed. "Because you're an idiot, and decided to work yourself into exhaustion." Maverick held up a hand to silence Rooster, quietly signalling this was not the time nor the place for a reprimand.
Hangman sluggishly blinked a few times, before he slowly pushed himself into a sitting position. "Slowly, take it easy." Maverick was ready to catch Hangman in case he would go down again. "I'm okay," Hangman mumbled, passing a hand over his face. "Bit dizzy, still, though." 'We can call one of the doctors in, if you want to?" Rooster suggested. "No, it's alright," Hangman answered softly, "if you guys would be so kind as to help me back to bed. I think I just need to sleep this off." "I'll agree to that for now," Maverick agreed somewhat reluctantly, "because it's the middle of the night, and you do need rest, but tomorrow you're seeing a doctor, just to be sure. And that is happening whether you like it or not." Hangman nodded, accepting defeat. "Okay."
Maverick and Rooster helped Hangman to his feet. He needed a lot of support, but leaning on both his fellow aviators, Hangman finally managed to stand. "You good?' Maverick asked, worried. Hangman looked anything but steady on his feet, and it wouldn't be surprising if he collapsed again at any given moment. "I can make it," Hangman answered through clenched jaws. He wasn't quite sure if he indeed would be able to make it back to his and Rooster's room, but he was way too damn proud to be carried back there. Rooster could see right through him, but didn't mention it. "At your tempo."
Hangman took a tentative step forward. He knew he had done all of this to himself, but he didn't quite trust the strength of his own legs. To his relief, he found that he could walk, albeit slowly and somewhat unsteadily.
Getting back to their bedroom took a while. Hangman needed to stop a few times along the way and seemed in constant danger of collapsing again. He had to admit he was completely spent by the time they had reached the bedroom. Just this short walk had drained him of the little strength and energy he had left.
Maverick and Rooster helped Hangman lie down on the bed. He didn't even bother to change his clothes, that was how tired he felt. Hangman pulled the sheets up to his chin and rolled himself onto his side, facing the wall next to his bed, and back turned to Rooster and Maverick. The consequences of what he had done suddenly weighed down hard on him. He felt so ashamed that he had let himself get this obsessed with their mission, and had allowed himself to spiral completely out of control. He now sure paid a price for it, because he felt like utter shit. Both mentally and physically he had exhausted himself.
Hangman heard Maverick and Rooster converse behind him in hushed voices. He couldn't quite make out what was being said, but about a minute later he heard footsteps, a door open and close, and then silence. Hangman instinctively knew he was now alone with Rooster once again.
"Thanks for checking in on me," Hangman mumbled just loud enough for Rooster to hear. He was well aware that if Rooster hadn't decided to come look for him tonight, things might have been a lot worse. And if things hadn't turned out the way they had tonight, he sure would have stepped into his F18 tomorrow, and quite possibly crashed and killed himself for real.
After a short moment of silence, Rooster answered. "Anytime. Just promise me never to do anything like that ever again." "I sure won't," Hangman agreed without hesitation. He closed his eyes and felt his body grow heavy. It took only a minute before Hangman had fallen into a deep sleep.
Hangman slowly awoke. He didn't move and remained lying with his eyes closed. His bed was still way too comfortable, and he could still feel the fatigue in his bones, so he wasn't really planning on getting up anytime soon. The rustling sound of a page being turned made Hangman realise that he wasn't alone in the room. He slowly opened his eyes now to look over his shoulder, and found Rooster sitting on the other bed.
"Welcome back." Rooster spoke without looking up from the file he was reading. Hangman slowly rolled himself onto his back, sleepily rubbing his eyes. "How long was I asleep?" Rooster checked his watch. "About 20 hours." "Come again?" Hangman was astounded to hear that number. He had expected it to be a few hours, not almost an entire day. "You even slept through the doctor examining you this afternoon," Rooster commented airily, still not looking up from the page he was reading. "He thinks you'll be fine, by the way. Nothing a few days of absolute rest won't cure." Hangman nodded slowly. "And you have been sitting here all day?" "We took turns," Rooster answered, finally meeting Hangman's eye. "But since I sleep here, too, I got the night shift." "So someone has been sitting here all day to watch me sleep?" Hangman frowned. Rooster gave him a stern look in return. "You collapsed, remember?" "Actually, I don't remember much of it." Hangman slowly sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, burying his face in his hands. "The last few days are a bit of a blur, to be honest." "I wonder how that came to be," Rooster replied sarcastically. "I know I did this all to myself," Hangman slowly shook his head, "and trust me when I say I feel guilty as hell about it."
A short while of silence was finally broken by Rooster. "You scared the shit out of me, you know that? I honestly thought you were a goner there for a moment." Hangman chuckled wryly. "You? Concerned for me?" "Yes." Rooster snapped back, maybe a little harsher than he meant to. "So what?" "I– I'm sorry…" Hangman stammered. He realised that his airy response did not go down well with Rooster, and he couldn't quite blame him for it.
Rooster threw the file he was reading on the floor beside his bed. "No, I'm sorry," he admitted with a hefty sigh, "I know we're not necessarily what you would call friends, but seeing you go down like that… it had an impact on me." Hangman knew this was a lot coming from Rooster, which made him appreciate it even more. "Thank you, that actually means a lot." Rooster shifted a little uncomfortably on his bed. "And I'm glad you're okay." "Well," Hangman chuckled, "I assume Maverick will still want that talk with me tomorrow. So after I survive that, then I'll really be okay." "Yeah, good luck with that." Rooster commented sarcastically, "he sounded ready to skin you alive." "As he should." Hangman lay back down. "I deserve every second of that, but first I'm going to have a whole night of sleep, cause I'm still tired as hell." Rooster nodded in agreement. "If you need anything, I'm here." "Thanks, buddy." Hangman already had his eyes closed.
Rooster watched his fellow-aviator silently drift off to sleep again, and felt the stress and worry of the day finally start to lessen. Yesterday's events had scared him shitless, but he was glad to see Hangman was on the mend again. Rooster lay down as well, casting one final glance at Hangman already fast asleep, before switching off the lights in their room. "Sleep tight."
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iamnoctisx · 2 months
hi. i'm maggie. she/her. ravenclaw. isfj. 2w3. this blog is 18+. 
I dance through multiships, and mostly write Dramione, but I have been known to dabble in the occasional rare pair.
reader | writer | binder
sun: sagittarius | moon: capricorn | rising: scorpio 
ao3 // instagram // twitter 
for when you are nothing but a memory || M || 3/8 || Ginsy || canon compliant-ish wartime Hogwarts AU
this bitter end || E || 31/31 || dramione || second chance, healer romance, post war tempt me softly, but touch me just the same || E || 15/15 || sirmione || age gap, student-teacher, Hogwarts 8th year of fire & monsters || E || 5/5 || dramione || abo, royal au || inspired by @ivmaruva art and co-written with TheBrightCity regression || E | 32/32 || dramione || murder mystery, slow burn, enemies to lovers, post war Deus Phantasmatum Noctium || E || 6/6 || sirmione || demon Sirius, bible scripture as foreplay
𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐞𝐭𝐜.
his pretty baby || E || sirmione  yuletide beginnings || E || sirmione you’re my home || G || dramione  wicked games of laws and men || E || dreomione left foot, blue || E || pansy x ginny the gala || E || dramione last christmas || M || dramione happy christmas, draco || E || dramione seduction || E || pansy x percy
Casual Dalliances or So They Say – stories that take place within the not a valentines date night universe • not a valentine's date night || E || dramione •the art of denying feelings || E || dramione
regression // this bitter end // tempt me softly // deus phantasmatum noctium // for when you are nothing but a memory
can i bind/print one of your fics?
I give blanket permission for any of my works to be bound for personal use, gifts or trades only. binds must be performed ethically and by hand. monetary exchange must not occur (no commissions). typesets are to not be placed behind any type of paywall service. please tag me in any creations as I would love to see. 
can i translate one of your fics?
If you are interested in translating a work of mine, please dm or email. I must be credited as the original author. my stories are to only be published on ao3 or ficbook (for russian translations). if posting to ficbook please share the link with me so I can attach it to ao3. I do not allow cross posting my works to wattpad or ff.net
transformative works
I welcome all forms of art inspired by my words. Fandom is a community and I encourage it to grow. Art, podfics, writing inspired by my writing, art, playlists, binds etc are all welcomed as long as fandom is kept free (aka not for any profit). If the inspiration strikes, please share so I can flail and cry the happiest of tears.
Please do not upload my stories onto Goodsreads, Storygraph, or any other sites intended for review of published works. I give my stories freely as a fun hobby. I am not a published author nor do I have a desire to be. my words and thoughts are my own. they are flawed and are not for everyone.
do you have an upload schedule?
In simple terms, no. I have tried to pre-write chapters and keep to a upload schedule in the past, and I have discovered that this is not for me. I don't feel like my stories or my characters develop as organically when I put a time crunch on myself. moving forward I will share story updates here or you can subscribe on ao3.
questions | comments | concerns
email: [email protected] or feel free to dm
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 10 months
Active Authors Masterlist (2)
Part 1 /
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: November 17th, 2023
Last Checked:----
DistrictZero (MythicallySnappy) :: ao3
Popular Fic: Magnum Opus: “Sometimes,” I say with a fortifying breath, “I wish you’d let me show you— what it feels like to be loved.”
endlessnightlock :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: A New Path: The day after aging out of the Reaping, Katniss crosses paths with Peeta. She thanks him for the bread and to her surprise, a tentative friendship begins (@endlessnightlock)
eroticeverlark :: fic link, tumblr
Popular Fic: I Think I'm Ready: From the Inexperienced smut prompts, how about #9 “I think I’m ready (for this/to have sex/…).”
everlarking_always :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: 24 Hours: Katniss and Peeta meet at a bar and it changes both of their lives. A fluffy Everlark oneshot ft. Finnick and Johanna.
fkatwirls :: ao3
Popular Fic: Ivy: katniss everdeen is a townie, peeta mellark is from the seam. this would have happened anyway.
geekymoviemom :: ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: By Your Side: After the 74th Games Katniss lets Peeta walk away, thinking it was all an act. But what if she hadn't? This is an AU Catching Fire story where Katniss allows herself to love Peeta from the start. This will follow book two with a few major twists.
HalfHope/thesweetnessofspring :: ao3 (HalfHope), ao3 (main), tumblr
Popular Fic:I Do: "What I think would've happened if the Quarter Quell hadn't occurred. Katniss and Peeta are married, but how much of it is an act? Will they be puppets to the Capitol, or will they find a way to break free?" (@thesweetnessofspring)
Hey_You :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: The Missing Book-The Early Years: Katniss and Peeta grow back together after Peeta's return to District 12. After Katniss realizes her true feelings for Peeta, she is faced with the very real possibility that he no longer cares for her in the way she had hoped. Post "Mockingjay" but pre-Epilogue. Canon compliant. *I always felt that there should have been a fourth book in the series, and kind of felt as if the ending of "Mockingjay" was rushed. ;-)
HuntersWithCellPhones :: ao3
Popular Fic: I Would Die for You in Secret: Takes place in the scene of Catching fire where Peeta Hits the force field and goes unconscious, but in Finnick's POV. Is the scene where he realizes Katniss and Peeta aren't just an act.
icbiwf :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Not All Of It: “Not all of it,” she said. “Then how much?” he asked. What if she tried to explain? What if he gave her the chance to? What if Katniss was able to sort out her feelings at the end of The Hunger Games? How would events have unfolded if the Star-Crossed Lovers were real? Begins with the train scene at the end of HG, AU for CF and MJ. (@icbiwf)
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dxmichelle · 5 months
OLSSM: Anniversary #7!!
It's that time of spring again, folks! Another year around the sun for OLSSM! It's hard to believe this story has been hanging around for seven years already; seems like yesterday I revived the plot out of the ashes of its original FF.net counterpart.
As always, thank you to everyone who has read, left kudos and comments, or just sat back and listened to me gush plot points out into the void. You all are the best! <3
This year, I bring a few birthday goodies: first of which are the next three chapter prints! #39-41 are now included in their respective pages on AO3. Check out @godbirdart's amazing work!
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I'm working hard on getting CH56 ready to post, but it is not looking like it will be finished in time to make its anniversary. In its place, I give you a chonky fic snippet, under the cut.
Thank you again for all the love and support!!
SNIPPET 1/2 (Surprise! There are two!):
“…We had an idea to get Umbridge off our backs,” Harry finished, “…and we could use your help.”
Professor McGonagall merely stared at him.
“My help?”
“Yeah…” said Harry and Yugi fidgeted in his seat beside him. “Ideally, we’d want to get the map back from her…but she would know we took it. So…the next best thing is just to wipe it clean. There’s a phrase that will clear all the details off it, so she won’t be able to use it anymore.”
“It’s just…in her office, and we technically can’t get to it,” said Yugi.
She let out a sharp exhale. “Are you two asking for my help in breaking into her office? Am I understanding this correctly?”
“No, nothing like that,” said Yugi. “Uh…we just need help with distracting her long enough so we can do that.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “I know I am not hearing you relay the broader points of another rule-breaking scheme. Mr. Muto, what did I just tell you yesterday about staying out of trouble?”
Yugi cringed.
Harry held up his hands. “It’s…we know Seto is planning a trip back home this coming weekend. We need to make sure that Umbridge is the one to take him off the grounds.”
“Mr. Kaiba did relay his travel dates to me, but Dolores will have nothing to do with this – a Japanese Auror is to meet him at the castle gates and escort him back.”
Yami phased out of the Puzzle to hover between both Yugi and Harry. “That’s just it, Professor. An Auror won’t be there to meet him. We need to get her out of the school long enough that we can clear the map without her suspecting anything.”
She didn’t look convinced, and narrowed her eyes at him. “If Mr. Kaiba doesn’t have an escort, he won’t be leaving the grounds. And if he has a week to prepare for this trip, then there is no reason why someone cannot be arranged, either from our Ministry or theirs. But even so, should no one be there to meet him, Dolores certainly won’t volunteer to do it. And while I certainly do not condone breaking in and searching her office, a quick apparation trip to Japan and back is hardly enough time to even look around.”
“Well…Seto flies home,” said Harry, “So we’d actually be saddling him with her for about…twelve hours.”
Professor McGonagall huffed, closed her eyes, and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I cannot believe I am listening to this…. And what does he think, of this scheme you’ve put together?”
“Oh, he hates it,” said Harry. “He’s only two steps from murdering us all for coming up with it.”
“Well,” she deadpanned. “I can’t say I blame him.”
Professor McGonagall drummed her fingers along the edge of her desk. A stack of second-year essays sat in front of her, waiting to be graded. But rather than start the sometimes-heinous task of deciphering her students’ handwriting, she merely stared at the parchment, as if watching them would cause the quill to jump out of its inkwell and start the task itself.
It didn’t.
She huffed, her focus lost a good hour ago, and swept around the desk, out of the office, and made her way down the corridor towards the Grand Staircases, where she stopped at the landing.
An empty piece of stairwell detached itself from the ground floor and slowly rose up to meet her. The question, of course, was…where to?
Her legs seemed to have an idea far before her brain did, and she let the staircase take her up to the fifth-floor landing. She slowly walked the corridors. All the classrooms on the floor were dark, including #5B where the inter-house Wizard Card Collector’s Club often met to trade their chocolate frog cards.
The final hall ended in a staircase going down to the fourth floor and she took it, avoiding the trick false step halfway down that almost every first-year student this year managed to fall through and get stuck. Here, on the fourth floor she heard murmurs of activity. Small pockets of students clustered in little alcoves in the corridor.
She paused in front of the Library, but then decided not to go in, and continued towards the far wing. This half of the fourth floor was empty, and she took the access staircase down to the third floor, rounded the nearest corner, and stopped short.
Dolores’s office was just up ahead, past the entranceway to the armor gallery. The door was open, and curiously enough – two Aurors hovered in the doorway.
“The map shows where everyone is,” she remembered Potter saying, that afternoon in her office, “every corridor, and every secret passage on the grounds. …If she found Yugi on it that night he tried to get out, all she had to do was follow his tracks.”
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riversimmone · 4 months
Line in the Sand
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Line in the Sand - chapter 1
AU GaaSaku. Because war is coming. Because a king needs a queen. And because no-one warned him his most dangerous opponent would be the one warming his bed.
Cross-posted from fanfiction.net. Technically. I'm done waiting for my muse and want to post this here on AO3. Please read the tags and read and kudo and comment. I hope you enjoy. :)
End chapter notes:
Thankyou so much for reading. :)
This is a work in progress story you can also find on AO3 and FF.NET.
Enjoy. :)
Chapter One: Enough is Enough.
Death was such a final affair. It couldn't be undone, bribed away, or blackmailed to disappear. Fighting it was a delay tactic at best, and denying its existence was detrimental and foolish.
It was also, sometimes, the only thing that made sense.
"The king is dead!"
The voice came from outside the mausoleum, but echoed through the building like a doomsday proclamation.
Death made sense.
Except the fact that sometimes it didn't. Sometimes it made no sense whatsoever. He was struggling to understand how he had come to be standing here, looking at this particular coffin, feeling these… feelings; guilt, regret, hatred, love and sheer terror.
What kind of omnipotent being let murderers, rapists and other sundry evil men live, but took away a broken country's last ray of hope? The sky was already darker than it should be at this time of the day, so what was the point? Why was he here, mourning, when so many others deserved it more?
"The king is dead!"
Yes, he'd died this morning; the blood in his bedchambers had yet to be cleaned and the redhead staring at the coffin in front of him could still smell the stench of it, hours after having found the body.
Sabaku no Gaara lifted his arms, his eyes travelling over the lines of the palms of his hands. It all seemed so arbitrary.
"The king is dead!"
He growled. Would someone shut that person up?
The words that echoed within the walls of the mausoleum (despite coming from outside), haunted him and he wished they would just die too.
He had never felt more confused, more foolish for believing that death itself would not touch these hallowed halls. He should have seen this coming. It was his duty to his king, to his family, and to his country.
The king is dead. He reminded himself.
And yet somehow, those four words were more comfort to him than he'd ever felt.
Gaara was still torn, however. He hadn't hated the fool, though the older man had given him every reason to. They were family… once upon a time.
But the children of the Sabaku clan had been scattered to the wind when their country fell into civil war. Who would claim the throne? Who would kill their own flesh and blood to get on that throne? And who would be forced on bended knee?
Ultimately, the answer had been: no-one.
And so the war raged. For three years; for three years their loyalists fought for and alongside the sibling they wanted to see crowned. People died then too. And then the outsiders invaded, taking advantage of the chaotic state of affairs; more death had come to them, and the estranged children were forced to put their disagreements aside to force the invading harbingers out of their lands.
And they won.
Gaara stood stiffly, glaring down at his brother's coffin.
Why did you have to die, stupid fool?
It was Kankuro that the people had wanted when the dust settled, and for once, the trio siblings had sat down and listened to the voices around them. It was Kankuro's cheeky face that was plastered around the royal home, the royal city, and pretty much the entire kingdom. The people didn't even know him personally, but somehow he had the kinder face of the Sabaku children, and they trusted that dorky smile.
Gaara groaned inwardly.
And the truth was, they weren't wrong. He had his foul moods just like anyone else, but Kankuro had been the better sibling – the nice one. Even in the heat of battle; Temari could scare a battalion with a glare and he… Gaara didn't have to try, he just naturally terrified all.
But who would the people want now? And how long would that person hold the crown before they too, were betrayed?
Even now, other nations were circling the borders like vultures, sensing their weakness. How long would it be before death visited them all again?
For three years, Gaara had fought his siblings, thinking he wanted to rule. He might not have been the first born, like Temari, or as well-liked as Kankuro, but there was no denying his power. If he wasn't meant to defend their people with that power, then why had he been born with it?
The gods were laughing at him, he was sure of it; give an ant the ability to conquer every ant hill, but deny him the spoils.
Temari's voice broke through his thoughts and the redhead looked up to see her striding into the mausoleum, flanked by two guards. She waved at them and they halted, letting her approach Gaara alone. She looked determined.
"The people are going to riot," she said. "Advisor Yura believes we cannot sit on this; the people will want retribution."
Gaara stared back at Kankuro's coffin. This was not how he had intended to celebrate his twenty-first birthday. It seemed so long ago now, that Kankuro had been slapping him on the back and questioning his sexual orientation, given that Gaara hadn't wed any of the noble ladies yet. He was the only sibling without a significant partner.
I have standards. His monotone reply had been met with a laugh and a giggling confession of his brother's own sex life.
Kankuro's widow crept into his head, and Gaara sighed. He felt sorry for her, mostly. She was too kind hearted a person to do what needed to be done next.
Gaara himself didn't want a kind woman. For most of his life, he hadn't wanted a woman at all (he liked them, but only when they didn't talk). He was twenty-one now, and had never held down any kind of relationship. He'd rarely partaken in sex and still had little idea what he was doing – which only added to his desire to avoid sexual situations. He found it too hard to let everything go and open himself up in front of anyone without the pressure of pleasing another person, let alone himself.
He was too easily impressed by feminine curves to trust himself in the sight of them.
It was a free life, but also a lonely one.
"We have to get out there." Temari stepped up next to him. "We have to tell the people that this treachery will not go unanswered."
The warm hand on his shoulder reminded him yet again that he wasn't as alone as he felt.
Finally, he'd been on good terms with his brother, and now this?
He couldn't stand it.
The pain was going to tear him up from the inside and he didn't know how to stop it.
"Gaara?" His sister's voice was soft, almost cautious.
He shook his head slightly. "How could he?"
Temari frowned. Was he asking how Kankuro could die, or die and leave them behind? She sighed.
"He loved you. Even when you were at each other's throats – even when we were all trying to kill each other. Kankuro… never stopped hoping we would all come back here someday. He loved you most of all."
It still didn't make any sense to him.
He didn't get it.
Making his decision, Gaara squared his shoulders and turned to face the guards who had been dutifully waiting for them to finish their conversation. He stared into their faces and they stared back. Loyalty in this country meant equal footing – even a servant deserved to be treated with respect.
He nodded to them. "Tell the advisor to gather the people. It's time to make a stand."
A wide grin spread over the faces of the guards and they rushed to obey his command.
Temari clasped her brother's hand, feeling the same desire for revenge rush through her. Gaara squeezed her hand back, though he didn't feel as confident as he'd sounded. But he was determined: he would not let anyone take advantage of his people again.
On the other side of Sunagakure, green eyes raked over the city hungrily, taking in every detail.
Silk curtains wafted over her face, falling against her body gently, highlighting the contours of her petite body; she loved the feel of it, but more than anything, she enjoyed the cool breeze drifting in – a sign that even balmy summers in this city could be gentle on the wind. She was taking a moment to admire the beauty of the foreign city beneath her before letting the reality of her situation sink in. Sunagakure. Her new home. It had seen better days – at the height of its power years ago, it had stood as a beacon to distant travellers – but even now it still retained a regal air about it.
It was… entrancing.
Sakura Haruno was the heiress to the last of the nomadic tribes that had come to Sunagakure to parlay with king and request permanent residence, only to hear the news of the man's untimely death. They were a proud people, brave warriors and healers, but they were dying. Country borders were closing in light of the new political tensions, and it was becoming impossible to safely traverse the old travelling roads they loved so much – in just this last month alone they'd lost fifteen people in their caravan to brigands and foreign soldiers mistaking them for spies.
This couldn't continue.
Most people thought they were just gypsy nobles who were hardy and interesting enough street entertainers when they were short on money, but the truth was that they were the descendants of the Kiraaku – a Yakuza-like clan that had once been infamous for manipulating their way into powerful families. They'd literally fucked, manipulated, and murdered their way into the noble court.
But things changed when Sakura's great-great grandfather gathered what was left of their clan (after an assassin killed their patriarch) and turned them into nomads. Slowly, the legend of the Kiraaku died down, and very few knew of their bloody past. Their history was dead. And yet they themselves, survived.
Sakura turned away from the balcony and looked at her sleeping father; she had come to his chambers, hoping he was awake, but now hesitated to disturb him. He was dying, and there was nothing she could do about it. A sickness picked up from a neighbouring country had infested his body and now he had very little time left. Kizashi was all she had left of her mother – the woman who'd been kidnapped, raped and murdered by brigands before Sakura was even old enough to talk. Mebuki had been a beautiful woman, and it was her exotic looks that the pinkette had inherited.
But enough was enough.
They needed to find a new home if they were going to prevent these things from happening again. And her father had a plan to make that happen.
In this country, the daughters of the smaller tribes were highly valued in buying and selling for marriages with nobles because of their exotic looks and rumoured, unique skills. It was a fetish that made her uncomfortable, but what kind of Kiraaku descendant would she be if she didn't take advantage of it?
Her father stirred, reaching out for her as she ran to his side.
"I knew it was you."
His sight was failing, along with his internal organs. Even she, with all her medical prowess, couldn't save him, and she hated herself.
"Don't cry."
Her tears trickled down his arm as she kissed the back of his hand.
"I can't help it, daddy."
"You can't cry yet."
She nodded. "I know."
"Yuri can lead our clan now, but you need to do something else for them."
"I don't know…"
"Do this, please? For me?"
Sakura tightened her hold on his hand. "I will, daddy."
She had no problem with seducing the richest noble she could catch the eye of. They were all rolling in dough. If they fell for her charms, it was their own fault. But her father had higher dreams and, upon news that the king had died, had expressed his desire for her to aim much higher.
The youngest Sabaku…
He had more wealth than your average noble, and the power he wielded in battle was too much of a temptation; she may not agree with the way her ancestors had hurt people, but the blood of the Kiraaku ran through her and she couldn't deny she really wanted to see this living legend in the flesh. His people mostly feared his power – though they revered it too – but if the rumours were true, he was headed for that ivory throne.
Even if she failed with him, there had to be someone in that court that would find her attractive.
Sakura kissed her father's forehead as his eyes closed and his breathing evened out again, indicating he was asleep.
She would marry into wealth and restore her clan's honour by taking that crown (or similar) by whatever means she felt necessary. But first, she needed to play the marriageable woman. She needed to show off her exotic looks, her unique skills, and charm the pants off that man.
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novankenn · 1 year
Who I am.
I'm a gamer and writer, who currently is avoiding doing any original works by writing fan fiction. Mainly I write RWBY based stories, centred around Jaune Arc. I have pages on both AO3 and FF.net.
WARNING: If you are easily offended, triggered or under the age of 18 you ARE WARNED! While I try and keep things in "PG" zone, I will cross over into themes that you may find disturbing. DISCRETION IS ADVISED.
DM's Welcome: I am always willing to chat, or discuss my works. Feel free to point out errors or inconsistencies. I can not improve as a writer without honest and constructive feedback. Just be polite and civil.
I'm also trying something new at least for me. I'm playing with "Perchance text-to-image" to add some illustrations (when I can get it to give me something I think I can use) for my stories. It won't happen often, and the images are nice... but bear a very passing resemblance to the characters I'm trying to create. If someone knows a better "free-ish" software that I could use, please let me know.
If ANY of the links seem broken or the content is outdated, please let me know.
Upcoming Insanity (Possible Stories) for 2024
Reader Asks
I'm Adding Story Codes to indicated the status of my stories. These TAGs will not apply to "Co-Labs" or "One-Shots" (C) = Complete - No other additions planned (H) = Hiatus - Story on hold until I work something out (RW) = ReWrite - Story getting a total redo (X) = Cancelled - I have no intentions to continue the story
RWBY Fandom Collections
Hares Breadth AU - Shorts
Alternate Fandoms
Original Work Teaser : the Bastard
Original Anime Idea : My Wife is a Dwarven Ghost! Original post/idea by @weatherman667
😥Barely Active Side Blogs😥 Streets of Vale Corruption (Interactive Fiction)
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insanescriptist · 1 year
What's Black Sky? What's happening? I never saw this story under tags before, can you do a guide for people like us to understand?
This is a link that takes you to the fic that Umei started nearly a decade ago. It's over 330 chapters and clocks about 1.4 mil words.
It's a HP and KHR crossover, with a fem!Harry raised by the Blacks. And then gets entangled with the mafia. To the mafia's peril.
Umei's ff.net profile has a further break down on the fic
Story Arc Guide for Black Sky:
Chapters 1-41, Hogwarts Arc Chapters 42-44, Wedding Interlude Chapters 45-115, Quest Arc (Includes Parenting is not a Varia Quality, which can be read in order according to the details in the 4th September 2017 post above) Chapters 116-181, Domestic Arc Chapters 182-215, Xanxus at Work Arc Chapters 216-283, Vongola Politics Arc Chapters 284-321, Consequences Arc, followed by Yesterday's Tomorrow before the next arc begins Chapters 322-324, Impact Interlude Chapters 325- Cross-Purposes Arc
What's these other fics in this list Izzy? The epic spawned side stories. Are any of these fics on Ao3 Izzy? No, they're not. Not yet. Black Sky will be moved over once it's finished, so it can have some edits done to some of the earlier chapters to revise a few details. Umei's said that if she tries to do so prior to finishing it, she'll get bogged down in the revisions and won't get any writing done.
Which would be a shame because there's only so many backlogged chapters.
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dramioneasks · 7 months
Hi, do you have some ff recommendations which are exclusive on Fanfiction.net and not crossposted on AO3?
my tbr-list is filled with AO3 stories but I'm sure there are some gems on FF.net too :)
On the one hand, I'm like: I came back at the perfect time to answer this question, because FFN got me into fanfiction. It's my first love. But on the other hand, I'm almost exclusively an AO3 reader now (FFN got too spammy).
Your best bet is to honestly just google something you're interested in and see if it's cross-posted. There was a big push a few years ago for authors to move or at least cross-post their fanfiction. And then there's a lot of fans who have moved older stuff over when it looks like the author is no longer active. So googling is the only way to tell.
But I'm happy to share my personal Dramione FFN favorites list, and I'm 100% sure some of our followers will post theirs in the comments.
The Request by redhead414 - M, 39 chapters - Astoria was never a fan of Hermione Granger, but pretty soon, she would be gone, and Draco was going to need all the help he could get. Rated M for future chapters.
The Fine Line Between Love and Hate by Short-circuit-Soulmate - M, 30 chapters - The Silver Marauders are the most popular group in school, consisting of Ron, Harry, Blaise and Draco. Hermione is the most unpopular girl in school. Blaise wants to discover the motivation behind Draco's constant bullying of Hermione. AU. Violence. COMPLETE!
Vibrations by Craft Rose - M, 6 chapters - After three years of a mundane, sexless existence and far too much wine, our favourite brunette happens upon the magic equivalent of a sex line. There, an intriguing, deliciously devilish caller manages to pique her interest. It's all fun and anonymous
Wrong Life by camnz - M, 25 chapters - Hermione wakes up in the wrong bed, with the wrong face, and with a husband that hates her.
Crimson with a Silver Lining by Lady Cailan - M, 78 chapters - It is six years since the fall of the Ministry to Voldemort. Those other than purebloods are deemed less than human. When Ginny's daughter ends up in grave danger, Hermione sells herself to the Death Eaters to save her life. Draco/Hermione. Not fluffy.
Burbage High by Charlotte Bird - M, 27 chapters (abandoned) - 14 Years post war, Hermione has become Head of the progressive, yet failing Burbage High. Handling right wing politics is easy, but working out why Malfoy is insisting his son start there in September is not. 10 years spent in Azkaban and 2 years isolated in the muggle world may have changed Draco, but surely not that much? Is something more sinister going on?
Forget Me by Emara88 - M, 26 chapters - The war ended over two years ago, but Hermione still feels the echoes of strange memories from that time, as though something is missing or has been taken from her. When she sees Draco Malfoy at a Ministry ball and collapses, falling into a coma, the truth about their past together is revealed.
Once More with Feeling by Kyonomiko - M, 20 chapters - Sometimes taking a second look can give you a new perspective on someone. Hermione has difficulty analyzing people once she has made up her mind, especially in regards to herself. Circumstances what they are, she might not have a choice but to try again. Dramione EWE. Granger Enchanted Awards 2018 Winner
Who Needs Friends by camnz - M, 47 chapters - Friends prove difficult as Hermione and Blaise start dating, especially his friends. Malfoy is particularly offended by Hermione's presence on the scene.
Simply Irresistible by bookworm1993 - M, 30 chapters - Draco gave a cocky grin. "I am going to give you a makeover." "I'm sorry what?" "You heard me Granger, I'm going to give you a makeover that will make every man want you,and make Weasley die of regret. You will be simply irresistible."
Pride, Image, and Reputation by Fanofbooks.Harry Potter - M, 28 chapters - They hate each other. Plain and simple. But he's Draco Malfoy, and no girl escapes his charm. Even if it is stupidly smart Granger. But what happens when progress is actually made...from both ends, and a certain little bet between friends gets in the way?
Of Kings and Queens by galfoy - M, 26 chapters - Hermione has a bad habit. Draco has a big problem. The universe has one heck of a plan.
Little, Fragile Toys by Bex-chan - M, oneshot - "That incident, their first kiss, always reminded her of a car crash; people often described how they could recall every moment before and every moment after, but the impact itself was lost or hazy, like when you find a new bruise and can't remember where it came from. And Hermione could genuinely remember every detail that followed the impact. Every detail." Dramione. One-shot.
It's All Uncharted by redhead414 - M, 38 chapters - "Are you ready?" she asked. Draco brushed the back of his hand against her forehead before tracing it down her cheek. "I was ready the moment you came back into my life, Granger. Are you ready?" "With you," she whispered, "I'm ready for anything."
It's Just Me by jehszs - M, 32 chapters - After a night of mistaken identity Hermione finds herself unable to stay away from the mystery man from the darkness. How can she stop herself from falling for him when he's doing everything in his power to make her his again? M. HG/DM. Warning: some non-consensual sexual themes
Heir Brained by diagonally - M, 42 chapters (abandoned) - The war witnessed Draco managing his way into the Order's fold & the trio's cramped boundaries. Years later, they are quasi-friends. Does Hermione want more? Want to bet your copy of 'Hogwarts, a History? Flashbacks/action/post HBP
Utterly Despicable by camnz - M, 24 chapters - The death of both Voldemort and Harry Potter let the pureblood elite build the world they wanted. One that leaves Hermione in a vulnerable state, which Draco Malfoy is prepared to take full advantage of.
The Bracelet by AkashaTheKitty - M, 103 chapters - Hermione has everything she could possibly want... Except a life. People are getting sick of her superior attitude, especially Draco Malfoy, who schemes to get her down, once and for all. And then there's the thing with The Bracelet... 7th year AR. COMPLETE SINCE 2009 XD
Forbidden by Darkest Dawn - M, 17 chapters - He hated her...but he would have her. After all: Forbidden fruit always tasted much sweeter. -Being revised-
Sweet Caroline by gingercat0319 - M, 43 chapters - He was rich, single and disgustingly handsome. Learn how a four-year-old will turn his world up-side down. Sequel now posted - My Darling Caroline.
The Passion Of Hate by XorderlyXchaosXnXconfusionX - M, 17 chapters - It's a known fact to the entire population of Hogwarts that Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy hate each other with a passion. But what happens when that passion turns the hate to lust? Winner for He Had It Coming Dramione awards
Valentine Encounter by Kyra4 - T, 24 chapters - READ ME! Draco and Hermione are Head Boy & Girl, but do NOT share a common room and see as little of each other as possible til a fateful encounter on Valentine's night leads to a gradual, reluctant romance. Starts 7th year goes postHogwarts. NOW COMPLETE
Never is a Promise by LoPotter - M, 45 chapters - HrD fic, they're head girl and boy and having an interesting year. June 19! I finally updated! It's been a year, sorry. But here's Chapter 45. Oh nelly :
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killacharacterbingo · 1 month
just a generic explanation would be great!! Again, sorry
-The confused anon from before
Alrighty anon, no problem ^^
There are two basic components to this challenge: a character, and a bingo card.
The kill a character bingo is a writing challenge. Participants are given a customized bingo card (more on this later) containing 25 prompts (which can be found here.) These prompts are all related to death, due to the nature of the challenge.
The character is chosen by each participant. It can be a character from a piece of existing media, or from original fiction, both work. The only rule about it is that you may only pick one single character.
The challenge resides in writing a story for each prompt in the bingo card (so 25 in total.) In every individual story, your chosen character must die in a way that relates to the prompt. For example, if you've chosen the character Frisk from Undertale, and your card contains the prompt "Stabbing," you must write a story in which Frisk dies stabbed.
TL;DR: you will receive a card with 25 death prompts. You will write 25 individual stories, one for each prompt, in which you kill your chosen character in a way related to a prompt.
To request a bingo card, which is an image file you will receive through either tumblr DMs or discord (if you join our server), you have to fill in this google form. It'll ask how you want to receive your card (tumblr or discord), what character you've chosen, and what prompts you do not feel comfortable writing. These prompts will not appear in your card.
Once you've applied for it, it will take up to two weeks for you to receive your card. Note that if you choose to receive it through tumblr DMs, your account must be public so we can DM you!
TL;DR: fill out the form linked above to receive your card and it'll reach you in a maximum of two weeks.
Once you have your card you can start writing your stories. Pick a prompt from your card (whichever you want, in any order, you don't have to go left to right, up to down) and write a story in which your chosen character dies related to said prompt.
You should then post this story online on any platform you like (FF.net, AO3, here on Tumblr...) If you post the story to AO3, you're welcome to add it to the collection.
Do this for each prompt on your card and you would be done! Note that you are not obligated to finish your card if you don't want to. There is no obligation, it's meant to be fun.
About the stories, they can be as long or short as you want. You can write one oneshot per prompt or longfic per prompt. There is no word maximum nor minimum. Just have fun.
You may also write one single work in which each chapter corresponds to a different prompt. That would be one 25 chapter-long story in which each chapter maps onto one prompt from your card. This is also acceptable.
TL;DR: write one story/prompt separately or as different chapters in the same work. Post online.
As you write your story, you can also upload here to tumblr a picture of your card with the prompts you've already written stories for crossed out.
It's a way of keeping track of your progress and sharing it with your followers. If you link your story in the same post and also @ us (@killacharacterbingo) and use our hashtag (#killacharacterbingo) we'll reblog your story so more people can see it. Nonetheless, this is entirely optional.
TL;DR: if you're going to link your story on tumblr and you want us to reblog it, @ us if you want!
I think this covers the contents of the about page! Please read the rules and, if you're interested, apply for a card! The challenge this year ends on Dec 31st ^^
Hope that helped, anon. Have a good day!
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theblueskyphoenix · 1 year
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Forgot to post this to tumblr. XD Usually I’m pretty on top of cross posting but this was one of those derp moments. 
Anyways, all my VRoid models of the core Lyoko Warriors in a cool poster like format for my fanfic story A World Without Danger. (Which is on FF.net and AO3 if you would like to check it out.) 
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auralucariogamer · 2 months
Huntlow x Pokemon SV fanfic update!
It's been about 2 months since I announced my new and upcoming Huntlow/Pokemon fanfic, and I think it's now time to bring out an update.
So, to begin, the fanfic itself is previously unnamed, but I have a title for you! The new title is "Witches in Paldea." Yep, fitting title, eh? Even though it's only 2 witches, Hunter and Willow must do their best not to mention they're witches in front of SV characters.
Speaking of characters, the story will also include a secondary ship that is friends to lovers trope. Introducing, Florian/Nemona! This ship will grow from friendly classmates, to Paldea's battling couple. I hope you look forward what I plan to do with the ship.
Next, starters for Hunter and Willow. The couple will receive their ever Pokemon to become friends with, and battle with them. For Hunter, he will be receiving a Fuecoco. I'm sure a fire type is suited for him, so he'll be receiving the small and cuddly Fuecoco.
As for Willow, obviously a grass type would fit her, so she'll be partnering up with the cute kitty Sprigatito. Other Pokémon they'll are yet to be revealed! Please stay tuned for other Pokémon as chapters releases.
Lastly, release date. I'm excited to announce that the fanfic will begin on late August/early September! I hope everyone looks forward to the upcoming story! It'll be cross posted on both FF.Net and AO3!
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trippinsorrows · 1 day
With all the Mafia!Roman stories out there, what inspired you to do your own take on it and coming up with LTYE? ( would ever think about posting on other writing sites? )
I know with Mayhem, we almost didn't do it(we have vastly different tastes and writing styles) that and it was supposed to be wrestling sisters. 😭
Now. Story question. 😅
I know i probably asked this before but. Would Roman re-propose to the healing version of Solana especially after reading the assignment she did and reading the letter and give her the wedding she deserves even it's a small one in their backyard ?
Would Solana not care? I feel like she wouldn't but if it's something Roman wants to do for her should would.
hi, friend! 🥰
honestly, i don't recall there being a lot of mafia!roman stories out when i posted mine! (def not saying there weren't! my oblivious ass just had no idea!!!!) i know carys was working on hers, but i didn't know there were more! granted, i'm also still new on this page and didn't and still am not familiar with all the roman fics, so ignorance is a big factor there too 😭😭😭
and ltye was actually a rework of a roman story that i was writing for myself, but i used one of the plots from there in the 'with' series, so i had to change up some things and ended up completely changing it up into a mafia fic. i knew i wanted to tackle mental health and kayfabe roman but somehow worse? and just ended up creating it.
as far as posting on other sites, probably not? like i've literally posted on all the writing sites over the years: ff.net, fictionpress, mibba, wattpad, ao3, etc. like, i don't need to be cross posting works no more. plus, that's a lot of work, and i'm lazy 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
a couple of people have asked that question actually! and while i don't think solana would ever expect roman to go out of his way to 'redo' that for them, him reading that she felt so low that she was contemplating taking her own life on their wedding day, i'm sure, is something that bothers him. i could see him wanting to give her a new memory, if you will, about that. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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cloverofhope · 8 months
It's about time I do some sort of pinned post-
My name's Clover, I use she/they for my pronouns but I genuinely don't care what you use for me lol
I'll try and keep this updated-
Other things I enjoy that I haven't made a specific blog for are:
The Owl House
The life series
Shera and the princesses of power
Gravity falls
Other stuff I can't think of right now lol
Other places I'm at
My ao3
My ff.net because I still sometimes post there
My toyhouse
Those are probably most important tbh, but if you search CloverOfHope somewhere and someone shows up that's probably me lol
Sideblogs are below the cut because the list just keeps growing lmao.
@berksheep - it's a sheep what more do you want?
@cloverofhell -helluverse blog
@cloverofstardew -stardew valley blog
@cloverofjams -animal jam sideblog
@cloveroflioden -lioden/wolvden blog
@cloverofroleplays -rp sideblog that needs a pfp one of these days lol
@cloverofcrossings -animal crossing blog
@cloverofstories -place where I'll rb my stories to keep em all in one place
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