blackswanhourglass · 1 year
Stylish And Functional Stormglass At Affordable Price
Discover the allure of stormglass at Black Swan Hourglass. These fascinating devices react to changes in atmospheric pressure, creating mesmerizing crystal formations that offer a glimpse into impending weather conditions.
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inkskinned · 4 months
today i love the red metal crane in her long neck arching her body over the boston skyline, which means i am okay for a moment. when i am unwell, everything is a little ugly. i always tell myself look for the beauty but when it is bad, i will look at birds and sunsets and little ducklings and feel absolutely nothing.
when my brother got his puppy, i was in a deep depression. what kind of monster isn't affected by a puppy. i was gentle and kind to her - i just didn't have an emotional reaction. she's five now and i feel like i spend all of our interactions apologizing to her - i don't know why. i just didn't feel anything. how embarrassing. i feel like if i admit that, i'll seem cruel and jaded. it comes in waves. like, two months ago when i went out into the world - it was like that. life behind a pane of stormglass. a firework could go off over your head - nothing. like dead skin, no reaction. not to ice cream or rainbows or baby chickens. life foggy and uninteresting.
i love goslings again. i love their little webbed feet splayed over grass. i love good food and live music and long walks. i like puppies. i feel like some kind of my soul has been starved - i keep staring at everything with wide eyes, trying to burrow the sensation into my stomach. it's real. beauty is real. when it's bad again, remember this. i stop and smell the flowers, feeling cliche in the moment. i like the white-to-red ombre of my neighbor's roses. i like colorcoding and yoga and cold drinks. i try to pass my hands over every moment, feeling like i'm squeezing joy out of every instant. remember this. for the love of god, it's real - just remember this.
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myusuchaa · 3 months
Ellis Twilight 2nd Birthday Event Story
The Shape of Happiness - Embraced by the Thorns of a Mad Love: His POV Epilogue this is a fan translation. i do not own anything. Cybird has the right of ownership to all in-game content.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚
Kate: I love you, Ellis.
Kate: Stay by my side, always.
The corners of her mouth relaxed slightly, and she intuitively inched closer into my arms.
I lifted my eyelids, feeling her warmth as she continued to sleep in his arms.
(I pretended to be asleep, and she didn't notice.)
Watching my sweet lover's face while sleeping has become something I look forward to ever since we started dating.
(And I feel so relieved when her face is the first thing I see when I wake up.)
I hold her as she sleeps, and every morning I feel relief having her in my arms.
(I stay with you to make you happy, but before I knew it, you were the one who has made me the happiest.)
It first began when I noticed and called to her, who was so anxious and frightened, hoping to make her feel even a little more happy.
I had thought that when the happiest moment of a life had come, I would end it.
(But her happiness continues to be renewed, it grows every day, so that 'day' will never come.)
Part of me is relieved it won't come.
(If it does... I'll have to kill her to make it last forever.)
When she dies, my happiness will end at that moment.
(I hope it comes far later.)
Hopefully, her happiness will continue to be renewed until she grows old and reaches the end of her life.
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Ellis: Without you, I feel useless.
Her eyelashes fluttered slightly as she slept, and her lips curled into a small smile again.
I'm sure I'll see more of her happiness in the future...
..but every time I encounter a moment I may not be able to see again, it's burned into my memory.
Waking up, saying good morning, laughing, sharing time together, sleeping in the same bed... those moments became the norm.
It makes me so happy that I get anxious because I don't want it to end.
Ellis: Because of you, I've become selfish.
I hope another morning comes where I can see her smiling face.
I hope we have a happy future where we can live together forever.
(So please.. you need to take responsibility for those thoughts.)
I wrap my legs around hers and rob her of her freedom.
She didn't look uncomfortable as I wrapped around her like thorns - instead her smile deepened.
Ellis: Stay with me always.. from now, and forever... always..
It was hopelessly beautiful, and I wanted to end it now, but...
Ellis: ... until I take your life with my own hands.
She was so adorable, I could look at her forever.
When work was over, I called out to Jude, who walked ahead of me.
Ellis: Hey, if it's sunny tomorrow, can I take the day off?
Jude: Eh... what's the sun got on ya?
To save him from being annoyed, I told him about the lavender fields we were to visit on my birthday.
Ellis: I couldn't go then and I'd like to see it.
Jude: I thought ya were a hard worker or somethin' like that.
Jude: Well... guess there's no urgent matters to attend to tomorrow.
Ellis: Thank you, I'll do lots of work when I get back.
Jude: Ha, 'less it rains again.
Jude snorts and I tell him about the Stormglass I received.
Jude: ...So ya wake up 'n the bottle is clear, then you'll go out when it's sunny.
Ellis: Mm.... she was disappointed last time so now I want to take her with me there.
Jude: I don't give a damn what y'all talk about.
(Jude is so kind, he doesn't ignore me even if he talks like that.)
He seemed to be genuinely listening, so I continued to speak.
Ellis: She wanted to give me some lavender as a present.
Ellis: Since there's only green plants in my room, I thought it would be nice to have a little color.
Ellis: But why lavender specifically...
(I wondered if she liked lavender as her favorite.)
Jude stopped in front of a gelato shop.
Ellis: What is it?
In front of him, I saw the shop put out a limited-time menu.
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Ellis: "Lavender gelato, limited item out now! The lavender flower is the symbol of happiness~"........
Jude: She really understands the language of flowers.
Jude laughed violently, and I turned my thoughts to her.
Ellis: I wonder if she already knew...
Jude: Hell if I know.
Jude: If ya wanna know, just ask her.
I cover my mouth as Jude starts walking again.
(What should I do... I really want to see you now.)
My body moved on its own, showing how desperate I was to see my lover who was waiting for me.
Jude: Na-?!
I ran away, leaving Jude behind.
Jude: Tch.. can't be helped.
-- back at the castle --
Kate: Ellis, welcome home!!
I arrived at the castle and upon searching for her, I heard a lovely voice from the garden.
Kate: Were you running? Wait bend down a little.
As I bend over, out of breath, she wipes away the sweat that formed on my forehead with a handkerchief.
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Ellis: I ran home because I wanted to see you.
I grabbed her hand that still held the handkerchief and kissed the back of it.
She laughed as if it tickled.
Kate: Hehe.. I was waiting to see you too and thought I'd be happy to have you back sooner.
Ellis: Really?
Kate: Yes. Oh I have something I want to give you, please wait.
She goes deeper into the garden and then comes out holding a small potted plant.
Ellis: Is that.. lavender?
Kate: I was given some of the flowers that were blooming in the garden.
The purple flowers shared their scent across the breeze.
She narrowed her eyes at the relaxing scent.
Kate: Now you can use it to decorate your room.
I happily accepted the plant as she beamed.
Ellis: ....do you still want to go to the lavender fields?
Kate: ?
Ellis: I bought a day off from Jude for the next sunny day.
Ellis: We couldn't go on my birthday so I want to take you with me.
Ellis: I thought you'd be satisfied with that.
She blinked repeatedly at my words and shook her head in a panic.
Kate: Ah yes, I wanted to give you a present! And I wanted to go to the fields!
Kate: But you were so busy with work that I thought we won't be able to find a day.
Kate: So I'm super happy.
She's so cute as she smiles big and puts her hands on her cheeks to try to hide it.
I felt like teasing her a little.
Ellis: In the language of flowers, lavender means "happiness will come."
Kate: Huh?
Ellis: Kate, did you know that when you gave me this present?
Her face gradually turned red as I gazed at her, she was so beautiful and cute I couldn't help it.
Kate: ....Ellis, you prioritize my own happiness over yours right?
Kate: Since we started dating, things have changed a little, but I still feel like I'm the only one being made happy most of the time.
Kate: Even though I wanted to make you happy, I felt like it wasn't enough.
She then gently picked the flower.
Kate: That's why I thought going to the lavender field would bring you lots of happiness. I thought placing it in your room would make you even more happy.
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Kate: ... I'm a bit embarrassed..
I love how she smiles shyly at me, with a flower pot in one hand.
Kate: ...Ellis?
Every time she laughed, the scent of lavender filled the air.
(She doesn't notice.)
Your existence is the very thing that brings me happiness.
(Happiness will come to me because Kate herself is happy.)
(If you come to meet me, that means happiness will come.)
Suddenly, an idea popped up.
(Tomorrow, I want to bring you a big bouquet of lavender and tell you my feelings.)
I wonder how she will react if I tell her what I'm thinking now, as she holds a huge bundle of flowers.
(You may laugh and be happy, or be moved to tears.)
I close my eyes, hoping for a tomorrow whose happiness I don't know yet.
Ellis: Hey, how happy are you now?
Please I-... have you noticed how much I wish this to be my ultimate, happiest moment?
Kate: I'm happy, but I'm sure I'll be even happier tomorrow!
A proud voice welled up.
(Ah... I love you so much, so much I can't help it.)
My chest tightens from the feeling of this maddening love, a feeling unlike anything I've felt before.
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Ellis: I love you so much, Kate.
Kate: And I love you too Ellis.
The small hand on my back is warm and gentle, and for some reason my nose begins to sting.
As she pulls back, she reaches up and our lips touch.
With just the lightest kiss, we were so happy we laughed together.
The summer breeze carried the scent of lavender.
I'm sure - tomorrow, the day after that, and beyond...
My very own happiness, is in her form.
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<- Part 3
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚
a/n: .... i am actually gone... this keeeeelled me /lh he is soo CUUUTEEEE when he gasped and covered his mouth cus he suddenly thought she was so cute and ran home to her HELP!!!!! his thoughts about giving her a big bouquet ELLIS you're after my heart. and the way the ending lines he says wraps up the whole meaning of the title of his event story? PHEWW
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errantsquam · 1 year
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Pieced together from the remnants of stormglass, the Storm Reactor of Venus is what keeps the megafauna at bay — but the city's power source holds a serpentine secret...
Yang is a world covered by a sea of sand — known as the Great Desert. Megafauna thrive in this desert, leaving the sapients struggling to fend for themselves. The sapients have taken shelter in ecosystems known as Oases. A wall of water, known as a mirage veil, encloses these areas, keeping the megafauna out. At the center of every Oasis is an Oasis Core.
Oases are hidden from the outside, and civilizations develop independently of one another, unaware of each others' existence. Venus is one such civilization. Its Oasis Core is the Storm Reactor, formed from stormglass and perfected by the people of Venus.
The Lei are snake-like humanoids that dwell in Venus. If a Lei survives long enough, they eventually turn back into giant snakes, seemingly revitalized in their new bodies. Such Lei are referred to as "Stage 7 Lei", and the phenomenon is incredibly rare. Since most Stage 7 Lei end up losing their memories this is not an end goal most Lei wish for.
One such Lei found themselves fusing with the Storm Reactor, gaining immense power. Declaring themselves a god, they control every aspect of the Reactor — but their mind has regressed to primitive levels, and they are easily placated with sacrifices of food.
According to the four gods of Yang, this Lei is the incarnation of one of the Four Perils — Taotie, the Peril of Gluttony.
While the existence of Taotie is currently kept a secret, they have impacted Venus society in more than a few ways. Food shortages come and go. Sometimes, when Taotie is particularly displeased, they warp the area around Venus, causing strange magical epidemics.
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thebeaconhillhouse · 2 years
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A modern stormglass Charles watches to monitor Maxwell’s headaches & an antique he inherited from Grandmama Emerson
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beercoffeeuchiyama · 4 years
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※木金土日→昼3時~夜9時…/^^// ☁️ビールコーヒーウチヤマ☁️
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Check out what is going on in the storm glass today. #stormglass https://www.instagram.com/p/B7MBh_vDp_n/?igshid=1ez5gq5mg4yo9
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horipopo · 5 years
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♬ Lala & Storm glass 🌤 . 久々のストームグラス。 寒くなると結晶がもくもく増えてきます。 . 夏はまったく、ていうほど結構できません。 . . . . . #hedgehog #lala #stormglass #ハリネズミ #ハリ部 #はりねずみ #ララ #ララたん #ストームグラス https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xWXu-gNom/?igshid=c0x3tfl45f32
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beau-ootifulsoup · 3 years
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Early gift because mal has no self control🙈 What do you get someone who is obsessed with the weather?! #stormglass of course! Hehe #weatherobsession #happyyule (at Victoria, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXFekc2LpzpQEANoHOBI6H4JNL0zvInmy2zgE40/?utm_medium=tumblr
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six-t · 6 years
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今日は名古屋駅の名鉄百貨店でクリエイターさんの作品展が開かれてました✨ ストームグラス を作ってる方がいらっしゃいまして、ひとつ買いました! とてもお洒落なストームグラス ですよね😄 魔女が持ってそうな形をしてます(笑) #ストームグラス #ガラス #綺麗 #科学 #stormglass
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blackswanhourglass · 1 year
Decorative Glass Barometers for Your Home or Office
Looking for a unique and elegant timepiece? Consider a glass barometer from Black Swan Hourglass. Our barometers are handcrafted with precision and offer both style and functionality.
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corner1-22 · 4 years
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_   ・本藍スビンコットン 13.5oz ストレートデニム   navy(one wash) ¥29,700(本体価格¥27,000)     ・   online store に掲載できていない物に つきましても、通販や詳細など どうぞお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。   ・   ▶︎1.16.sat エスキーナ@esquinaojisan at CORNER    #ciota #ciota_jp #シオタ #stormglass #corner122  #苦楽園 #西宮   (Corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJsaDorMAZS/?igshid=m119s2b1w1ah
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myusuchaa · 3 months
Ellis Twilight 2nd Birthday Event Story
The Shape of Happiness - Embraced by the Thorns of a Mad Love: Part 3 this is a fan translation. i do not own anything. Cybird has the right of ownership to all in-game content.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚
Ellis: Hey, Kate... how happy are you right now?
Such were the words that left his smiling face.
Even though I've heard this question asked many times before, right now felt like the first.
Ellis: I'm happy.
Ellis: Being with you, being able to dress you up in things I bought you.
Ellis: To be able to fill you with thoughts of my desires.
I'm sure he may do the same thing to anyone if it made them happy but...this is the first time he's given me so many presents out of his own will.
Kate: I'm very happy. Maybe more than you, I think.
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Ellis: Ah, no. Right now, I'm the happiest. Because right now, I'm glad you are alive.
He steps closer, the twilight gleam chasing after his profile.
Ellis: I'll kill to make the happiest moments last forever. That thought will never change.
Ellis: But I am happy whenever I realize that you are alive.
Ellis: I'm sure... it must be because my happiness would not exist* without you.
His hand that caressed my cheek felt gentle and warm, but I also sensed something strange.
Those eyes, which had been sparkling in the twilight earlier, have now turned a dark shade of night.
Ellis: ... I wish we could stay in this moment, a place where no one will find us.
As night approaches, the color of his eyes deepens.
Kate: ... even though you won't see Jude and the other Crown members?
Ellis: Mm, I'd be a bit sad about that, but I think it would be fine as long as you're with me.
Sometimes, I feel anxious for no reason at all.
Ellis: Whenever I see you talking with someone else, I want to tear you away.
Ellis: I only want you to look at me. I don't want you to be made happy by anyone else.
Ellis: To hurt you, and being hurt by you... I only want it to be me.
(The fact that he cares so deeply... something about it makes me uneasy.)
I'm so happy now that I wouldn't want it to suddenly end some day.
Perhaps that thought is what made me so anxious all along.
Ellis: ...Kate?
I smelled the scent of lavender and looked up.
I could see the purple flowers in the flowerbed along the road, their petals swaying in the wind.
Kate: Lavender...
Ellis: Ah, it really is, in a place like this.
The flowers wet with dew reflected the twilight, shining like stars.
A beautiful moment.
Kate: ..As you mentioned, I do think I would be happy going somewhere, just the two of us.
I take my eyes off the lavender and turn their gaze to him.
The darkening sky matched the color of his hair, making it look like he was blending into the twilight.
Kate: I like watching you work..
Kate: I enjoy watching all the Crown members talk happily amongst themselves in the lounge.
Kate: Because of that, I can't say I fully like the idea of going somewhere** only with you.
Kate: And I won't be able to see my favorite parts of you.
I took his paper bag in exchange for the one I was holding. As he tilted his head in curiosity, I then told him to open it and look inside.
Ellis: ...Stormglass?
Kate: It rained today, which changed our plans. Although it was fun, I thought it might be better to know what the weather would be like before we go out.
Stormglass, transparent liquid in a bottle, is a tool that can predict the weather based on the formation of crystals inside.
Kate: I thought if you had this, it would be easier to predict the weather.
Delicate white crystals were floating down the liquid like remnant snowflakes, leftover from the rain that just ended.
Kate: I understand you want to make our happiest moment last forever, but I'm looking forward to being with you tomorrow, to being happier with you.
Kate: Even if I get hurt, I don't want things to end without me tasting the happiness that lies ahead.
As his hands wrapped around the Stormglass, he muttered:
Ellis: .....
Ellis: The reason I keep clinging to you so is because I feel like one day you may simply disappear.
Kate: ..?
Ellis: I know I should look forward to tomorrow, but...
Ellis: I'm always worried that by the next time I wake, you'd be gone.
Ellis: That's why I always feel like I need to finish this quickly.
Ellis is truly here with me.
I thought these long vines adorned with thorns*** was only proof of his possessiveness, but-
-it seems all along, I had felt the same about him.
Kate: I've been thinking the same.
I wrapped my trembling hands around his, and the crystals in the bottom swayed softly from the movement.
(I'm sure this anxiety will never go away completely.)
Kate: That's why I want to keep things as they are, to know you're still with me.
Ellis: ..You're something else.
Kate: Oh?
Ellis: You really are. You can easily express the feelings I can't put to words.
It was the first time I saw such a shy smile on his face.
Ellis: I feel like I'm falling in love with you again.
He brought his lips closer to mine.
Kate: Mm...
I woke up to the morning sun.
(Ah, we fell asleep without our clothes on last night.)
As I felt embarrassed being vulnerable with him like this..
Kate: Ah..
I was pulled closer until we were skin to skin.
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Kate: Ellis?
Ellis: ....
It's rare for him not to wake up even when I call his name.
The early summer breeze flows gently on the sheer curtains.
In the quiet morning, I tighten my embrace on him.
(...It seems like this moment is fleeting after all.)
Listening to his heartbeat, feeling his warmth - it's confirmation that he is still with me.
Kate: I love you, Ellis.
Kate: Stay by my side, always.
Perhaps because I could smile easily after saying that, I relaxed myself and felt sleepy again.
(It's still early... I can go back to sleep.)
When I close my eyes, the Stormglass that fills my vision tells me it will be a sunny day.
I felt the embrace of a pure and warm happiness.
<- Part 2 His POV Epilogue ->
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*when Ellis says it must be that his happiness does not exist without her, the literal translation comes from the word 成り立つ, which means to be made up of, consist of, or established by. so on top of kate making him happy, it implies she literally is his happiness, and he wouldn't feel true happiness at all without her.
**by saying "go somewhere", it really means double suicide
***long vines with thorns is used as a replacement for "thorny limbs", meaning his reach for her can be painful, trapping her, and references his curse
a/n: honestly, it's written so well.. the idea of the stormglass, and her ability to talk him through his emotions aaaah
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thismoonrisekingdom · 7 years
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Ooooooo it’s so pretty, sucks that it’s getting warmer now but I love the #stormglass such an awesome bday gift! (at Brooklyn, New York)
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monologxxx · 7 years
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: 素敵でした。⚪︎◯ #冬硝子の小部屋 : 愛しい宝物が増えて 心がほくほく☺︎ : ❄︎ : #オカベマキコ#硝子の小部屋#上之町會舘#個展#結晶#ガラス#glass#ストームグラス#stormglass#オブジェ#art#clear
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ktienh · 4 years
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#AusBookishPhotoChallenge 8. Rainy Days: book with weather in the title 🌧 Why, it is a rainy day today in Sydney! Time to cuddle in with some of my faves 💞 #ausbookishfeatures #mariavsnyder #series #fantasy #youngadult #glassseries #stormglass #bookandcandle #bookandflower https://www.instagram.com/p/B-tWv6IALa-/?igshid=1w9w3ijrs8nqk
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