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katruna 5 years ago
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Tongue Out Tuesday with Stormagetton Dark Lord of All Took me awhile because of the weather. #tongueouttuesday #stormagettondarklordofall #teenagemutantninjakittyhorde #saveblacklives #blacklivesmatter Remember that you can鈥檛 say all lives matter until they all matter the SAME. We all bleed red. (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBybZiRJq6b/?igshid=tvvuqm2bsgn2
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katruna 5 years ago
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Sleepy Saturday with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde featuring StarWalker BitCat the ComputerKitty, Zaphoid Beeblebrox, Sir Thomas of Snuggle, Stormagetton Dark Lord of All, and Lady Audrey Nova StarWatcher #sleepysaturday #teenagemutantninjakittyhorde #siamesemix #rescuecatsofinstagram #catsofinstagram #catsofmurfreesboro #starwalkerbitcatthecomputerkitty #zaphoidbeeblebrox #sirthomasofsnuggle #stormagettondarklordofall #ladyaudreynovastarwatcher #saveblacklives #blacklivesmatter yes I鈥檓 going to keep saying that until it actually becomes Truth (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBpbii0pDuW/?igshid=go28maylxcv3
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katruna 5 years ago
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Stormagetton Dark Lord of All says WASH YOUR PAWS!! #stormagettondarklordofall #washyourpaws #washyourhands #stayhealthy #livelingandprosper (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2ohTgpvOZ/?igshid=rnmxkk20ifj7
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katruna 5 years ago
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Snuggle Saturday featuring Stormagetton Dark Lord of All and Zaphoid Beeblebrox of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde. Stay safe inside or wear a mask! #snugglesaturday #stormagettondarklordofall #zaphoidbeeblebrox #teenagemutantninjakittyhorde #staysafeinside #wearamask #catsofinstagram #catsofmurfreesboro (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-j4a4AJic7/?igshid=8jnrukgx85mc
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katruna 5 years ago
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Flashback Friday and thanks to those who鈥檝e sent kind thoughts for my apartment situation. I鈥檓 trying to psych myself up to call SSDI folx. You have to report every so often that yes, you haven鈥檛 miraculously improved and you鈥檙e seeing doctors yada yada. Given it took five hours to change just the bottom sheet on my bed I think I still qualify since that was with help! LOL. #flashbackfriday #catmeme #glowingcateyes #stormagettondarklordofall #zaphoidbeeblebrox #ladyaudreynovastarwatcher #starwalkerbitcatthecomputerkitty #catsofinstagram #catsofmurfreesboro #iwasherefirst #thankyou (at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9H1TihJMS_/?igshid=1fn3b0pis75zk
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katruna 5 years ago
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Throwback Thursday Stormagetton Dark Lord of All as a kitten mixing da bomb music. #catsofmurfreesboro #catsofinstagram #stormagettondarklordofall #kittenmixingmusic #throwbackthursday (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8yd3sSpMq4/?igshid=1y1lolshd5qb1
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katruna 5 years ago
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Random cats.... Zaphoid Beeblebrox and his sidekick Stormagetton Dark Lord of All #catsofmurfreesboro #catsofinstagram #zaphoidbeeblebrox #stormagettondarklordofall (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8F5VbJpSxK/?igshid=19i1148obmfmp
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katruna 5 years ago
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Cat graphics/memes. The first is Stormagetton Dark Lord of All back when his name was Mister Knives (he went through names!) and the others from Winter Holidays in my cafepress shop (link in bio). There was a cat at the local shelter that might have been Merlin but alas was not. 馃槶 #catsofinstagram #catmemes #cafepresscats #catgraphic #stormagettondarklordofall (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B57pAetF5GK/?igshid=1klbbztkq5mfc
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katruna 5 years ago
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Throwback Thursday with the Unknown Kitty (probably StarWalker BitCat the ComputerKitty, Stormagetton Dark Lord of All and Zaphoid Beeblebrox, Lady Audrey Nova StarWatcher and one of my Winter Holiday graphics (link in bio). Merlin is still missing and I have 62 cents in the bank. I wish I had a ton so I could buy the postcard option from PawBoost. ::sigh:: But if I did I鈥檇 have to pay bills first. Adulting is hard. #throwbackthursday #ladyaudreynovastarwatcher #zaphoidbeeblebrox #stormagettondarklordofall #starwalkerbitcatthecomputerkitty #unknownkitty #winterholiday #cafepress #cafepresscatgraphic #catgraphic #christmascat #murfreesborotn #murfreesboro #adultingishard (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5IFSg8Fqgw/?igshid=1nzqkgvpy3ke7
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katruna 5 years ago
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Sink Sunday with Stormagetton Dark Lord of All and Lady Audrey Nova StarWatcher. #stormagettondarklordofall #ladyaudreynovastarwatcher #sinksunday #rescuedcats #catsinsinks #catsofinstagram (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4WgLDklbmd/?igshid=12xnuvjxdjyyo
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katruna 5 years ago
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Sir Thomas of Snuggle, cat meme with Stormagetton Dark Lord of All, Winter Holiday ornament, Sir Merlin Fuzzybutt at his first vet visit and Sir Merlin before he went AWOL. #sirmerlinfuzzybutt #merlinismissing #catsofinstagram #mainecoon #mainecoonmix #sirthomasofsnuggle #stormagettondarklordofall #cafepresscats #catmeme #catornament You can find this and other ornaments, clothing plus winter holiday gear with my cat drawings here https://www.cafepress.com/katskats/8136888 (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Ef-qvF6fM/?igshid=1cte3vaowi2aj
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katruna 6 years ago
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Throwback Thursday- StarWalker BitCat the ComputerKitty; Zaphoid Beeblebrox & Stormagetton Dark Lord of All; Sir Thomas of Snuggle; Quigley the Demon Dust Bunny Hunter #throwbackthursday #starwalkerbitcatthecomputerkitty #zaphoidbeeblebrox #stormagettondarklordofall #sirthomasofsnuggle #quigleythedemondustbunnyhunter #teenagemutantninjakittyhorde (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0DCV3DlqHL/?igshid=13xclt7upc9b4
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katruna 6 years ago
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Throwback Tongue Out Tuesday!! Sir Merlin Fuzzybutt, Mister Knives aka Stormagetton Dark Lord of All aka the Cat With the Identity Crisis and Sir Thomas of Snuggle the Many Color Coated. Gee mom wishes she was doing this on a laptop and not on an iPhone! In other news we keep watching our number of followers go up and down. Will it stay at 150 or go up again? Only the Shadow knows! #sirmerlinfuzzybutt #mainecoon #mainecoonmix #catsofinstagram #tongueouttuesday #throwbacktongueouttuesday #misterknives #stormagettondarklordofall #sirthomasofsnuggle #teenagemutantninjakittyhorde (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz_NHn9lomC/?igshid=5jawa9vpkt1g
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katruna 6 years ago
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For Caturday enjoy some random cat memes from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde. StarWalker BitCat the ComputerKitty, Zaphoid Beeblebrox and the Cat with the Identity Crisis who went through a ton of names the last of which was Stormagetton Dark Lord of All. #catmemesbykat #teenagemutantninjakittyhorde #bottlefedkittenallgrownup #starwalkerbitcatthecomputerkitty #zaphoidbeeblebrox #stormagettondarklordofall (at Murfreesboro, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz2TWmrFFYR/?igshid=i0xda35dbs1z
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