#storm bringer cookie
0deltakhan0 · 5 months
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Storm bringer cookie!! Later than usual because IT DIDN'T SAVE FOR SOME REASON!!!! anyway enjoy😊
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bazyboo13 · 5 months
I'm just going to level up storm bringer
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When did I get that many star jellys-
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HOLY SHIT. WHAT DO I DO?! DO I DO IT?! DO I USE IT ON BLACK PEAL COOKIE (my most powerful cookie)?!
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aroacesigma · 7 months
so many bsd characters seem to have a lot of their characterisation and experiences centering around their ability, but sigma seems mostly apathetic to his own ability - he doesnt list it as his strength in that one character profile that came out recently , he just says hes a hard worker and mostly useless at everything else . and hes always describing himself as pretty ordinary. which really is the exact opposite of how pretty much everyone else sees him as just the thing that comes along with his ability
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brittle-doughie · 4 months
I recently finished the Heaven-Splitting Lightning story involving Storm Bringer and the three Deity Cookies and oh boy.
Black Raisin Cookie, Hun, please forgive me, but Wind Deity Cookie…?
She’s very pretty, And I am very much looking.
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Giving a flower to her. Wind Deity Cookie is used to many different kinds of offerings, so why is this one making her feel so weird!? She’ll try to dismiss it as just another land cookie’s offering, but lowkey accepts it anyway.
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Black Raisin Cookie noticed your eyes wandering over to Wind Deity Cookie. What’s this supposed to mean?! You’re were here to help with the tower! Not just casually flirt with a deity cookie!
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cheesecakemermaid1048 · 3 months
I saw couple of people say storm bringer sensed "Mystic Flour Cookie" within dark cacao sword, but after watching the story, it's more sense she was referring the two dragons she cursed to fight one another lol.
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hugemilkshake · 4 months
Ah ok...maybe break from that for now lol! Anyway I'd like to request y/n cuddling storm bringer cookie on a cloud please?
Enjoy the milkshake! We need to get frost queen a costume soon.
Stormbringer cuddlehead cannons
-Romantic or Platonic-
Stormbringer is probably really cuddly
She has the deitys, yes buuuut sometimes they nag her to do some “godly duties” or whatever
You don’t pester her about stuff like that.
Now Stormbringer is kinda colder than you’d expect so if your a little too warm, she’s perfect to snuggle up with
If you’re cold then too bad. You’ll get a warm blanket though, Stormbringer not mean
Stormbringer probably has really fluffy hair so brushing it while you cuddle is a must (Stormbringer will act like she annoyed but she secretly enjoys it)
Now if you fall asleep while cuddling with Stormbringer, she will be pretty happy and honestly, her ego will be slightly inflated
But if one of the deity’s or a praying cookie try’s to bother the two of you, she’ll get pretty irritated and pouty. She might even shout at them if she’s really tired
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thedarkcircuswritings · 5 months
Teddy anon here aaaaand I loved this so much...I just gotta ask...can you make a part two of y/n and them actually interacting? Like snuggle together as y/n now enjoys the storm with stormbringer cookie? Also curious if storm bringer would try to show off to y/n by showing them the wonders of the clouds and what storms look like ABOVE the clouds, lmao!
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Things were a little sparky at first, mostly because Stormbringer wasn't the most well-versed with interacting with mortal cookies, but being with you was helping her learn quite a bit. Heck, you even taught her how cookies snuggle! And honestly? She's a fan of it! Especially when she can use her electricity to heat herself up for you when needed, all while watching the rain on the porch, listening to the thunder she creates, like a sharp melody that you both enjoy. Of course, she always had to go before other mortal cookies noticed her. One day, she did manage to "steal" you away though, bringing you up to the temples in the clouds to show you what it was like to be above the storms. The deities were both shocked and mortified that Stormbringer brought a mere mortal cookie up there, but none dared to speak out against her decision. There was little they could do against her and her emotions...
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thytealfox · 4 months
today my hand has declared that Storm Bringer cookie shall be threatening, so here y’all go.
hope you enjoy your food CRK fandom :)
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c0ra-dear8st · 2 months
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Storm bringer, frost queen, black pearl cookie
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nombre-va-aqui · 2 months
Cam I ask for Clotted cream x reader hcs? BTW I find the quote you put at the end of the storm bringer hcs cute!
You can trust on the consul, sweetheart (Clotted Cream Cookie x reader headcanons)
Before sharing the headcanons, sorry if this ooc, I'm not really too into Clotted Cream as character please don't be mad at me
As the consul of the Crème Republic, Clotted Cream Cookie has many business to attend to, but you and your relationship together is always a top priority. He will always take a break of his job to give you his attention every time he has the chance.
You will also have many encounters with Financier Cookie, but she appreciates you as well. Clotted Cream does ask her to give you two some alone time, tho.
Speaking of having encounters, he takes you to meet his mother, Light Cream Cookie, as his own initiative, as soon as you are okey with it of course. Light Cream herself is delighted to meet and inmediatly adores you, she knows you are taking good care of her son.
Some times Clotted Cream has to travel somewhere due to his duties, he tries to bring you with him every time he can. If his travel or the destination itself is dangerous, on the other hand, he will insist you stay at home despite how much you want to help him. (He can eventually change his mind if you try hard enough)
He often uses the tendrils (belts? idontreallyknow) of his coat to cover your eyes and ask you "guess who?" to play a little with you. He tries to disguise his voice, but you know him too well.
If you are warrior and take your place in the battlefield, he will be the first one to be right by your side. He will even attend your wounds personally when there's a moment of calm.
He can't stand to see you hurt in any way, be it physical, emotional or even mental pain. He'll do anything and everything on his hand to ease your pain as much as he can.
If he notices there's something that catches your eye, he'll get it for you, even if you try to say no.
You made something for him with your own hands? Say no more, he'll enjoy it no matter what it is! You crafted a handmade accesory? He'll wear it like a medal! You prepared a meal for him? He'll enjoy every bite of it! It's from his beloved partner, after all!
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sinklower · 3 months
damn nnn another separate post for the same rentry... dump 17
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4/8/24 ive been addicted to crk recently idk what to dooo its just so fun & i can drop it then come back... im 6 soulstones away from black pearl... pleaseee come home
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oh well im activ e i might as well mention i learned colouring too :p yay i guess
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update 8/10/24 i accidentally collected the soulstones for & got frost queen cookie ... Well Whatever i like her too and im only one soulstone away from black pearl ! and then i will have all the legendary cookies LOL... i accidentally got storm bringer while trying to get bp too ><
oh um 9/24/24 i got black pearl and clotted cream and wind archer so now i have all the legendaries!
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gothicwitcholive · 5 months
Stormbringer is raising hell if her partner gets captured by Dark Enchantress Cookie
She'll probably be the first to realize that they're gone
What would she even call her partner, and what does she want to be called back?
- Guppy anon
Not even hell, she's gonna obliterate anything if DE gets her hands on her S/O-
Light sleeper perks, she'll immediately notice who took them and go after them-
I think they'd call her "their lovely heaven splitter" and them "her bringer of storms". Creative I know XD
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sleepingdeath-light · 5 months
Hey so what's your opinion on storm bringer cookie?
I think she’s neat and like her design ^^
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brittle-doughie · 3 months
After this I can't help but think the moment kumiho fixes the misunderstanding and y/n gets with kumiho....ALL THE LEGENDARIES AND ANCIENTS WOULD SWARM HER!
Kumiho: thank goodness we cleared that up...
Y/n: yeah...now...you know I truly love you and I know you love me t- what is that noise?
Kumiho: *looks around, seeing the ancients, the beasts, and God cookies like storm bringer...all pointing their weapons at her.* oh....oh sh-
She dead
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thundergoodspeed · 2 years
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final space keyblade?
final space keyblade
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
How does it look when Storm Bringer crew goes out for an ice cream?
What is Hannah's favourite flavour? How long do they spend arguing about what flavour is the best? Who manages to buy an absurdly big sundae? Does anyone end up covered head-to-toe in melted ice cream?
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It's a chaotic affair and it takes forever to wrangle everyone up just so they can even get to the place. Though, that's just the norm for them whenever they go anywhere and chances are high that they'll end up getting kicked out of the place by the end of the outing.
Hannah adored vanilla ice cream cones as well as rocky road ones. Can never decide which is her favorite.
Luke enjoys absurdly big Movie Madness sundaes.
Treycor likes simple chocolate milk shakes.
John loves chocolate sundaes drowned in fudge with a drizzle of lime syrup.
Darcy loves charcoal ice cream cones with black sprinkles and blue berries on top.
Skia usually enjoys a simple vanilla ice cream in a cup.
Aaron loves a strawberry ice cream cone with skittles and gummy bears sprinkled in while Genesis perfers a plain strawberry Milkshake and Luis perfers a waffle bowl full of strawberry ice cream dosed in chocolate syrup and oreo crums.
Anna loves cherry ice cream with a simple waffle cone and strawberry syrup.
Alex loves rum raisin ice cream (especially if there's rum in it).
Atlas is a baby and loves any non sour ice creams and is usually the one who ends up covered in melted ice cream and toppings. Somehow he even ends up covered in other people's ice cream.
Craven loves chocolate milk shakes with whipped cream and sprinkles on top.
Jolene loved chocolate pudding pops.
Skelebar, Francesca, Fiona, and Rian love coffee flavored ice cream.
Liberty loves a nice simple lemon pop as does Evelyn.
Josh likes a mix of chocolate and strawberry ice cream.
Eduardo loves wine Popsicles.
Isaac loves a coke float and James loves soft served Coca-Cola ice cream.
Haul loves brownie batter shakes.
Noah, of course, loves pomegranate ice cream cones with rainbow sprinkles, bird seeds, whipped cream, a dribble of chocolate fudge, and oreo crums.
Peachy loves Apple pie ice cream bowls.
Remi loves cookie dough ice cream in a waffle bowl with chocolate syrup, chocolate fudge, and brownie bits in it mixed with oreos.
Hope loves marshmallow swirl ice cream cones.
Herlando loves cookies and cream ice cream milkshake with sprinkles and strawberry fudge topped with a cherry.
Parker loves a donut raisin rum ice cream sandwich.
Ike loves orange crush push up pops as does Howiee, though he perfers an orange juice gummy bear popsicle.
Levi loves fondue ice cream bowls.
Misty loves kelp ice cream pops.
Gunner loves lemon ice cream cones with sour patch kids ontop.
And finally, Moxie loves himself a cheeseburger favored and earl grey flavored sundae much to everyone's disgust that Rian secretly loves as well.
And they can spend several hours arguing over which is the best flavor even though they can all agree that the last one is disgusting.
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