#stop kinder Morgan
luveline · 9 months
hey baby! happy christmas eve <3 i was wondering if we could get more shy!reader x spence, i know the people love bombshell (and i love her too!) but shy reader has such a special place in my heart :)
ty for requesting!! ♡ fem
The universe puts Spencer Reid so close to you and so often as a punishment for something. You thought you were getting a great gig, selected for the BAU younger than most, surrounded by the top agents in the field, top agents willing to forgive your inexperience just as long as you don't impede the flow. 
Well, you're impeding things. Badly. 
“What are you doing?” Emily asks. “You're not listening to a word I'm saying. I need your help on this.”
Her tone is kinder than her unimpressed stare. “Right. Right, sorry, I'm distracted.” 
“You think?” She frowns. “What's with you?” 
Spencer crouches just outside of your eyeline by the door. The police precinct the BAU dominates today is small and underfunded, leaving Spencer to map his geographical profile on the floor. This is fine, but the precinct is in Texas, where the weather is sweltering, and the way to survive is to strip. He wears a simple blue-white button up without a tie, his sleeves bunched above his elbows, and his hair clings to the damp back of his neck. 
“Nothing. Sorry.” 
Emily hums unhappily. You can't blame her for not believing you. 
You throw yourself back into your work, bouncing theories and details off of each other with Spencer's ear skewed your way. It's harder to talk while he's listening. Worse when Morgan arrives with lunch and insists that Spencer sit beside you so he can hog the vent above. 
“Did they have your diet coke?” Spencer asks. 
You gesture to your cup clumsily. Spencer opens the bag on the table to pull out your polystyrene boxes. He knows without asking what food you've ordered and places it neatly in front of you, passing you a plastic knife and fork before he so much as glances at his own meal. He's sickeningly thoughtful. 
“You okay?” he asks. “You're being really quiet today. Quieter than usual.” 
“I'm fine.” 
“Yeah? You sure?” 
You nod with a tight smile. You're worried if he keeps looking at you that you might burst into flames. 
Spencer puts his hand on your arm and squeezes. The warmth of his palm pressed to the flank of your arm, the gentle pressure, the pat before he pulls back. Your brain melts in your skull and the rest of the team arrive just in time to watch. 
“You look like you've seen a ghost,” JJ says, dropping her jacket on the table. Hotch gives you a concerned squint. 
“I'm fine.” 
“She keeps saying she's fine,” Spencer says, hand on your shoulder now, the lightest of touches. 
“But you're not really fine,” Rossi says, sitting across from you with a knowing look. He always looks like he knows everything. "What's wrong, bella?"
“I'm fine, I'm–” Spencer's touch becomes more insistent on yout shoulder, heat rushes to your face and chest, and suddenly you've lost sight of what you're doing, where your hands are, and you've knocked your soda over in a rush of ice. 
Spencer grabs it before it can tip entirely. Emily throws napkins at the mess. Your hands come up to your face suddenly, embarrassed, but the team laugh and hum their sympathies. 
“I got it,” Emily says. 
“Maybe you should try drinking some of that,” Morgan teases. 
“I'm really sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me today.” 
“Well, don't get stressed about it. Just take a minute,” Hotch says. “Is that mine?” 
Spencer closes in, hand flat on your shoulder, inching down to the small of your back. He stops somewhere on your spine, his every touch like a bruise. He can't not know how nerve wracking it is to be near him, but of course he doesn't. He wouldn't put you through this if he did. 
“Your food's gonna get cold,” he says. 
You rub your eyes and promptly put your hands in your lap. “Yeah. Sorry about that. I just had a hot flush, I think.” 
“Loverboy's not getting to you, is he? Just ignore him,” Morgan says. 
“I'd prefer if you didn't ignore me,” Spencer says quietly, charmingly. 
“Reid, eat.” Hotch meets your eyes. In a room of profilers, he's the best. He's the shark. He probably knew how Reid made you feel before you did, and he's the boss, so he redirects his attention. “Y/N, you're alright?” You nod. “Then let's eat and talk about what we know so far.” 
You give up half way through your meal when Spencer's knee rests against yours and you can physically feel your heart at the contiguity. 
“Are you sure you're okay?” he asks you softly. 
His deodorant smells like mint. “I promise, I'm fine. I think it's just too hot.” 
He makes you a fan with a menu from the takeout and fans you with it. It works at first, but his smile prolongs your agony and it eventually prompts an adverse effect. 
Hotch has to send Spencer out to canvas with Rossi to get you to function again. 
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Some things to point out before we get into some quotes:
WME isn't doing a single thing to bury this or distract from it. Usually if there's an article that does not paint a WME client in good light, WME will bury it or Ari himself may try to influence an editor to take it down. The article is still up. 👀
The article reports that Meghan has lately been on a "chapter of joy." This is nothing more than Meghan capitalizing on the Harris-Walz presidential campaign strategy for joy.
It was absolutely intentional to release this story when they did. I suspect that the reason the Sussexes are being so heavy-handed in Harry's birthday PR (see here for the tally) is to try to bury this.
American staffers are now talking...and that ain't good at all.
Now some qoutes:
Sources tell Rambling Reporter that Morgan stopped repping them around 2020, because the Sussexes stopped paying Sunshine Sachs for its services, though the PR firm denies that was the case.
“Everyone’s terrified of Meghan,” claims a source close to the couple. “She belittles people, she doesn’t take advice. They’re both poor decision-makers, they change their minds frequently. Harry is a very, very charming person — no airs at all — but he’s very much an enabler. And she’s just terrible.”
But some of the couple’s stateside staff-members also reserve special bile for Markle, whose reported penchant for noisy tantrums and angry 5 a.m. emails has earned her the in-house moniker ‘Duchess Difficult.’ “She’s absolutely relentless,” says one source. “She marches around like a dictator in high heels, fuming and barking orders. I’ve watched her reduce grown men to tears.” Their unsparing portrait of her is in marked contrast with the kinder, gentler image Markle has been painting of herself.
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queer-ragnelle · 1 month
Why do you hate the Once and Future Knight? I decided not to pick up the book because of personal preference but I’d love to hear your rant on it
Hi anon!
I’m assuming you mean The Once and Future King by TH White?
There’s nothing I could say that hasn’t already been said before I’m sure. But I didn’t read the series until I had already read many other Arthurian tales and I really don’t understand the love the series gets. The negatives don’t outweigh the positives, and worse, the lasting impact of TH White’s characterization choices on subsequent retellings is a stain on the literary tradition that set us back too far to comprehend. Putting my rant below a cut because I went off and the subject matter is disgusting.
First and foremost, the bigotry is astounding. The racism, the misogyny, the ableism and every other prejudice and cruelty you can think of are staggering in their variety and magnitude. It’s vile. It’s inexcusable. I don’t read modern Arthurian retellings to be bombarded with that in every single chapter. TOAFK is not “a product of its time.” It’s a product of a deeply unhappy and hateful man. Plenty of earlier writing is vastly kinder to Palomides and Guinevere and Morgause and Mordred and Lancelot or any other character unlucky enough to be depicted by TH White. Literally the Medieval source material is more nuanced than that. Morgause get behind me.
Secondly, the anachronism is an annoying stylistic choice at best and yet another tool for bigotry at worst. Why are Mordred and Agravaine likened to Nazis? Like seriously what the hell? It’s not enough for them to be antagonists, the text has to invoke the Holocaust? It’s so extreme it rips the reader right out of the story and calls to mind the most horrific parts of history for no narrative benefit whatsoever. Baffling and bad.
Thirdly, the prose just kinda sucks. It’s rambling and TH White will pause the narrative to stand on a soap box to talk at the reader about his views. He’s anti-war. Fine. But of all characters to use as a mouthpiece—King Arthur? The warlord King Arthur? Make it make sense.
Fourth, most tragically of all, so much of what TH White did in his series is reflected in stories told to this day. Every other retelling has a cover quote comparing it to TOAFK. (It’s supposed to be a compliment!) To put it in perspective…
You ever read a retelling with evil neglectful parent and rapist Morgause/Morgan? TH White’s fault.
How about added incest between one of the Orkney bros and their mother (which sometimes results in someone other than Gaheris killing her, say, Agravaine or Mordred)? Thanks, TH White, that’s just what Arthurian Legend was missing, more incest.
Ever see disabled, crippled, bad seed Mordred? TH White started that trend.
What about Guinevere assaulting Lancelot when she learns about Elaine getting him drunk and raping him? TH White really said “Lol what if Guinevere hits Lancelot and spits in his face while he’s crying?”
And the racism! TH White walked so Thomas Berger could run (derogatory). Discussions of race are so intense and so frequent and so random like one minute the narrator has paused the plot to talk about how war is bad and now it’s slandering Native Americans? Brother this is Medieval England what is even happening right now? Oh, look, another N bomb. The antisemitism! Weren’t you just comparing Mordred to Hitler? What do you mean the Orcadian/Scottish characters are evil because of *checks notes* “the incalculable miasma which is the leading feature of the Gaelic brain?” [Queen of Air and Darkness chapter 5] Thanks TH White for stripping Lot, Morgause, Gawain, Agravaine, Gaheris, Gareth, and Mordred of all nuance, a condition from which they have, literally, never recovered. Of course there are some retellings since that write one or two of them with a crumb of nuance, but they’ll never be like they were in the Vulgate. Not all at the same time. I feel sick.
It goes on and on. I have to stop listing examples or I’ll get pissed off. But frankly, more people should be pissed off about it! I’m tired of seeing five star reviews on storygraph and goodreads accompanied by a review excusing the most bigoted garbage I have ever read in a children’s book. It’s vile and everyone should feel bad about defending it. It’s inexcusable. This wasn’t a case of good-intentioned inclusion with dated language, this was an author going out of his way to be hateful. Period.
Big names in the fantasy book community like Daniel Greene should not be awarding five stars and leaving an uncritical review.
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Far too many readers acknowledge the racism and then rate it five stars anyway. Go to Hell, Spencer.
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Here’s some from storygraph with, of course, praise for Marion Zimmer-Bradley’s pedophilic power fantasy Mists of Avalon, another piece of hot festering sludge everyone should stop talking about. Kill the legacy already. The real life victims have suffered enough.
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There also seems to be a trend in these reviews that excuse the texts bigotry by referring to how “old” it is. Which is crazy to me for many reasons. TOAFK in its final form was published in 1958. That wasn’t that long ago. Also racism has always been racism, misogyny has always been misogyny, ableism has ways been ableism. Plenty of authors came before this and really make TH White look like a clown.
Let’s promote them. In reverse!
John Steinbeck wrote The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights in 1956 (published posthumously in the 70s, don’t go by that date). His depictions of Morgan and Guinevere are nuanced and fascinating, not to mention some original characters including an old granny who teaches Owain to be a warrior! This book also has a morally gray sun-powered Gawain without insulting his heritage, an emotional and thought-provoking Lancelot without marking his sin with a facial deformity, and a really sweet Marhalt who doesn’t often get much spotlight!
John Erskine wrote Restoring Palamede in 1932. He does exactly what the cover says, and writes a story about the Muslim knight Palomides beginning in his own country, living with his parents whom are both named, and follows him as he learns the ways of the world and finds an ally in his friend Brangaine! Tristan and Isolde are compelling here and while Tristan can still be a jerk to Palomides, it’s not the mask-off bigotry we’ve seen…elsewhere.
Howard Pyle wrote one, two, three, four books between 1903-1910. Two thumbs up from me. No notes. He drank his respect women juice, drew them with loving care, named so many previously unknown, and gave them voices. He was kind in his portrayal to Palomides and even some other knights of color from India. Morgause survives the narrative! We love to see it!!!
Henry Newbolt wrote Mordred: A Tragedy in 1895. A fascinating examination of family ties, all five Orkney brothers here AND their wives Lyonors, Lynette, and Laurel! (Minus Ragnelle bc life is unfair.) Guinevere and Lancelot are tragic and heart wrenching. Arthur struggles against his son Mordred and their destiny in a way that doesn’t outright demonize either side. It will rewire your brain.
Richard Hovey wrote his poetry between 1891-1900. A complex and interesting Guinevere and Elaine who are not enemies, Lancelot close with Galehaut during the war, destroyed by his torn loyalties between Arthur and Guinevere, Gawain who loves his friend Lancelot with all his heart, and so much more without tearing anyone down!
Oscar Fay Adams wrote his poetry between 1886-1906. Here we get a wide variety of character focus, with title-featured names from King Lot to Dagonet to Lamorak to Lionel. Each one is more fascinating and nuanced and fresh than the last, from a tour of Lot’s castle and meeting each inhabitant to Lamorak on Grail Quest learning to forgive himself from “sweet” Sagramore.
William Morris wrote his poetry between 1856-1910. All of it is on the Camelot Project but I also have this scanned book. Here we delve into Guinevere’s trial as she calls out those who have wronged her, lonely Galahad on Grail Quest relating to his father Lancelot and praising Palomides in his steadfast hunt of the Questing Beast, there’s even a poem named for Palomides himself!!!
Anonymous wrote Moriaen in the 13th century. It follows Aglovale’s illegitimate son Moriaen, who is of African descent. As he travels around Britain looking for his father, Moriaen meets many people who are afraid of his dark skin. BUT! All the Knights of the Round Table leap to his defense, even threatening townsfolk who try to demonize Moriaen for the way he looks and refuse him service. It is, essentially, an anti-racism story from the Medieval era. Not to mention healer Gawain’s care and attention given to the sick and disabled. That’s not even the moral/focus of the story so much as Moriaen’s journey, but it’s there and worth mentioning.
So here we are with a whole list of stuff to read that predates TOAFK and surpasses it. The last one is only sort of a joke. But it’s there to make a point about how inexcusable TH White’s racism really is. If Anonymous could give a black knight like Moriaen the narrative respect he’s entitled to for existing as a representation of real human beings that look like him, then TH White was capable of it too. Progress is not linear. This is not to say Medieval times were “better” than society today. But to write off any problematic story of the recent past as “a product of its time” as an excuse to make oneself feel better about liking it, well, I don’t know what to say. Maybe reflect on that. And while that marinates, read something else.
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problemchildtm · 3 months
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Derek Morgan x Reader
A/n: I'm no writer but I wanted to give it a try. I've also never really been in love so take the love analogies with a grain of rice. Hope you enjoy! :)
Warnings: angst/fluff, mentions of grief and death, hardly proofread, I think that's it but let me know if I'm missing something
“You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it.” —Unknown
Derek Morgan was positive he knew what heartbreak felt like. Heartbreak and the BAU went together like the mood and the tides. He’s seen the effects firsthand. The anger, the depression, and everything else in between. Day after day, week after week he watches heartbreak and it never gets better.  
He can still remember his first experience with the phenomenon. He was hit the day his dad died. People always describe the feeling being as simple as its name. A physical crack in the chest cavity that contains the heart. In his case, it was more like the entire muscle being forcefully ripped out. The pain was immeasurable and all-encompassing. Every inch of his body ached to the point of exhaustion. Absolutely nothing could compare.  
Heartbreak is sourced in different ways: Breakups, deaths, rejections just to name a few. Derek never wanted to go through heartbreak in any capacity, so he’s cruised. There were no serious relationships or commitments outside the BAU, just to play it safe. Heartbreak can’t reach those who build extensive layers of armor around the vessel.
Everything was going well until he met you.
It was impossible for him to shut you out. Derek’s frequented the same gym for years. They had everything he needed and the change of scenery from the FBI was nice. He’s had the same routine for years yet the process abruptly stopped the second he laid eyes on you, sitting behind the front desk with the warmest smile he’s ever seen. From there he was a goner.
The occasional run-in turned into movie marathons on a rare off day before completely blossoming into a full-fledged romance. Derek’s never been one to believe in love at first sight. Hell, he hardly believed in love, so it was utterly confusing when the metaphorical hole in his heart started to swell at the thought of you. No matter what he did his mind always returned to you. The way you spoke to him, the way you cared for him after a rough case, the way you smelled, his thoughts were completely filled by you. 
The days were longer, the nights were kinder, and the job was more bearable. Soon, the constant fear and anxiety that plagued him evolved into comfort. He no longer feared heartbreak. He didn’t wonder who would be the next person to destroy his happiness because he knew you would never even dream of it. You who held him after a nightmare. You who always understood his schedule. You who distracted him from the horrors of his profession. You who loved him, you who he fell in love with. Suddenly, warmth flooded his chest accompanied by a staggering realization. Love isn’t a concept you convince yourself is there out of fear of being alone. It’s not just a word. And it’s not some other-worldly experience that takes over a life. Love is feeling at ease with someone. Love is being able to rely on someone without worrying about ulterior motives. Love is what he felt for you. 
Derek Morgan was positive he knew what love felt like and he felt it day after day by your side. 
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major-mads · 5 months
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Interlude Part 1: The Letter
John "Bucky" Egan x Ruth Morgan (OFC)
Series Masterlist
A/N: sorry for the depressing stuff, guys...please comment and reblog to tell me what you think!!
Collab: On a Wing and a Prayer by @footprintsinthesxnd
Word Count: 1.7k
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September 23: Thorpe Abbotts AAF, Norwich: 1200 HRS
The roaring of engines filled the air as forts of the 349th, 350th, and 351st squadrons taxied the runway and took off toward Vannes, France. John propped against the concrete wall on the deck of the control tower, his eyes stuck on Buck’s fort as it disappeared into the clouds. 
He couldn’t take another loss.
The Major’s hand itched to reach for the flask in his pocket, but there were prying eyes there, eyes that would report him to Harding or Stover…if they hadn’t already. He stood up from the wall and braced his hands against the cool metal railing, the weight of Ruth’s lucky cross around his neck unusually heavy. 
He didn’t know why she’d been killed…didn’t understand it. Was it just fate? Was it the universe’s retribution for what he’d done? 
A part of him, the part that relied on lucky deuces and jackets, blamed himself. He should’ve forced her to take back the necklace, not taking no for an answer. 
He should’ve…
Before July, should’ve was not in John Egan’s vocabulary. If he wanted to do something, he did it without worrying about the consequences. If he wanted to go to the pub and get drunk, he did it. If he wanted to pretend to be a unicorn with a narwhal tusk, he did it.
Now, he found that the word made up the majority of his thoughts. 
I should’ve spent more time with her.
I should’ve spoken kinder to her that night.
I should’ve told her I loved her.
John’s fingers drummed against the railing as he fought to keep his emotions in check. The ever-present ache in his chest threatened to overwhelm him, and he turned to quickly exit the tower.
He needed to get away…needed a drink.
As he rounded the corner toward the steps, a hand on his shoulder stopped him in his tracks. He glanced over to see Red standing beside him, his freckled face filled with sympathy.
“How’re you doing, Bucky?” Bowman’s voice was uncharacteristically soft and tinged with concern. 
Forcing a tight-lipped smile, Johnny’s facade of strength faltered slightly. “I’m fine,” he replied, his voice deepening as he tried to cover the emotion creeping up his throat.
Red arched a skeptical brow, his gaze piercing through Bucky’s facade. “You sure about that?”
John hesitated as his words caught in his throat. He wanted to scream, to rage against the unfairness of it all. But he couldn’t. Not here. Not now.
Instead, he forced himself to nod once, the movement stiff and mechanical. “Yeah, I’m sure,” he assured him again.
Staring at him for a moment longer, Bowman didn’t believe him, but he sighed quietly nonetheless. “Alright, Bucky. Let me know if you or Buck need anything, alright.”
With another curt nod, Johnny ended the conversation and took off down the stairs, taking deep breaths. He was unable to resist the urge any longer, and he pulled out his flask, relishing in the burning sensation that seemed to drown out the pain that coursed through him. 
It really didn’t get rid of the pain…just masked it, dressed it up in different costumes that gave the illusion it was gone.
John feared the pain of losing Ruth would never go away.
While in the middle of a long swig of whiskey, the side door to the mail office swung open and an orderly with a stack of letters stepped out. John quickly turned around and screwed the lid shut, stashing his only comfort in the pocket of his jacket before facing the man.
“Oh, Major Egan, sir. You have mail,” the orderly smiled politely, flipping through his stack of letters. “Here it is, sir. Handwritin’ is real pretty.”
He held out the letter and John stared at his outstretched hand with a creased brow.
Who could it be? His sisters? His ma?
“You alright, Major?”
Those new replacements didn’t know anything.
John snapped from his trance and took the letter carefully. “Sorry,” he grunted, opening his mouth to speak again as he flipped it over to see the return address.
His world stopped turning for the second time in two days when ‘Berkshire’ stared back at him.
The letter was from Ruth.
The letter burned a hole through his hand as John stood frozen, his eyes unable to tear away from the familiar looping cursive on the envelope. He had no recollection of how long he’d been standing there, but the orderly was nowhere in sight even he finally looked up. With trembling hands and a pounding heart, John carefully tucked the letter into his jacket and turned on his heel. 
Much like the day he found out…the day his life changed, his feet led him to one of the only places he felt free, free to be himself, free to be vulnerable. Somewhere to be alone. 
The walk to the Muggs’ was short, and before he knew it, he was pulling himself up into the B-17, the familiar scent of cordite and engine oil enveloping him like an old friend. He slouched into the pilot’s seat and closed his eyes, allowing himself a moment to get his emotions in check. 
Removing the letter from his pocket, he traced the lines of each letter on the envelope. For a moment, he couldn’t bring himself to open it, knowing it would be the last he’d ever hear from her, the last words he’d ever get that were meant for him and him alone.
There would be no more late-night conversations on B-17 wings or in the corners of pubs…there would be nothing. Nothing but memories of her.
John fought against his wobbling lip and pressed them tightly together, taking a deep breath. He carefully tore open the envelope and withdrew the letter.
September 20th, 1943
Hey, honey. I’m doing good! Tired, but good! How are you doing? Please be truthful.
I know you’ve got a heavy load on your shoulders, and I just want to say that I meant every word I said the other night. I’m here for you, John Egan. Even when I’m not physically there beside you, know that you are in my thoughts always, and that I pray God will keep you safe and give you the strength to push through this terrible war.
He lowered the letter to his lap as the tears he’d been holding back finally fell, a solitary teardrop landing on the thin paper. She always had a way of telling him what he needed to hear, and without even realizing it, she’d done it again. Hastily wiping the tears from his cheeks, he shakily raised the letter again.
I can’t wait to go to London with you, to finally spend more than a few hours together. There’s so much to see, and it will be even better with you by my side. We both could use a break. I haven’t heard anything from Chief Nurse Dunnam, but I don’t think she’ll have a problem with it. As for you giving her a call, I think your “charm” wouldn’t do much, seeing as she’s been immune to the base pilots’ passes at her.  I think I want to keep your charm all to myself, anyway. 
I love our picture more than I can even put into words. I’m so glad I finally have something to look at when I start to miss your smiling face. 
I’m so thankful that we landed that day, too, hon. Knowing you has changed my life in the best way possible, and I can’t imagine any future without you in it. I’m going to hold you to your promise of meeting my students when we get home. I have a feeling they’re going to be as enamored with you as I am.
Swallowing hard against the sob that clawed its way up his throat, John’s mind flashed with images of the future he’d just begun to imagine. White dresses and rings, houses and keys, early mornings and late nights, children and the pitter-patter of little feet…
Every plan, every hope for the future seemed hollow and meaningless without her, and John wondered if that future was even worth seeing…worth living without her beside him.
We just got word that we’re going on a run, so I’ve got to cut this short although I feel I could write you pages upon pages. I will write you another letter once we return, for I have so much more I want to say to you. 
But for now, know you have my heart, my prayers, and my unending support.
Be safe for me, alright? Talk to you soon.
Yours Completely,
Ruth Morgan
P.S. I (don’t) hate to tell you, but the Yankees aren’t as good as you think, Johnny. We’ll have to go to a game one day so you can finally see that.
The Major’s vision blurred as he read her words, the ink on the page swimming before his eyes. Ruth’s voice echoed inside his head, reading every sentence like she was right beside him. Bucky pressed his lips tightly together, his chest heaving with the effort to keep his sobs at bay, but it was futile.
She was gone…
Before he knew what was happening, his body shook with sobs, and nothing but the quiet huffs of his cries filled the air of the cockpit. John closed his eyes and tried to shut out the world, but the woman’s presence lingered like a ghost, haunting him with his lost hopes of a life beyond the war…a life full of love and laughter. In that moment, John Egan felt completely and utterly alone, lost in his grief for the woman he loved.
Ruth was gone, and with her, went any hope of a future worth living.
His hand unconsciously drifted to his pocket where he felt the familiar shape of his flask, and pulled it from his jacket. Raising it to his lips, Johnny hesitated for just a moment.
He’d be sober…cleaned up by the time the boys would return…or at least that’s what he told himself.
John let out a resigned sigh and his eyes as he took a long, deep swig, feeling the liquid fire sear his throat and dull the ache in his heart. 
“I’m sorry,” he croaked as he reached up to grasp the cross around his neck. “I’m sorry.”
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message or comment if you want to be added to the tag list <3
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pinkrangersarah · 5 months
Please do the random headcanons you've got for the Fearless 7, I really wanna know what you have in mind and also feel free to even make a post for every single one of them!
Thank you, I love ya! 🙏🏻
shout out to @kehnarii for sending me all these requests, you are truly a peach and I am delighted to answer anything you send <333
anyway, I have thought about these clowns a ridiculous amount and what better way to dump all those thoughts here because lmaooo what else am I gonna do with them. i'm going to keep them here, though, for simplicity sake.
Merlin and Arthur are half brothers, having the same father but different mothers; Merlin's mother is the current queen of Camalot. They're from the same fairy tale but the dynamic is wildly different, so I thought them being half brothers would be kind of a neat spin. Arthur is the oldest of the two.
Had to study magic in some secrecy as the texts he used formerly belonged to Arthur's first step-mother who turned out to be a witch. This is partially why lightning, despite its versatility, is his only spell.
Vegetarian. Nothing else to say here. Just a vibe I get from him.
Bi-curious, I think. Definitely leans toward women, but he'd be lying if he said he hasn't found a man or two attractive.
Shit driver. Do they have cars? Probably not, but consider a modern day setting. He's the worst driver out of the seven of them. Has absolutely stayed at a right-on-red light way too long due to panic, pissing off everyone behind him. This but it's Merlin and Jack.
Decent with kids. Knows a couple of party magic tricks and kids tend to like them.
Arthur has a younger half sister, Morgan--or better known as Morgana Le Fay--a witch who is mysteriously absent. She is the king of Camalot's second child from his second wife, which makes her Merlin's older half sister. Arthur was very close to her up until her disappearance; having been raised with a bias toward witches, it made for a rather difficult separation.
Not the dumb jock stereotype some people make him out to be! While he can be reckless, brash, and immature, Arthur does have political knowledge and knows the ins and outs of his kingdom.
Straighter than Merlin's parking but a very vocal ally. Jack just casually implied he was bi and Arthur just scooped him up in a big hug and told him he would always support him. Jack was high-key confused, low-key annoyed but appreciated the sentiment anyway.
Second worst driver, mostly due to not paying attention to speed limits. Or stop lights. Just not paying attention period. Low-key road rage.
Arthur is great with kids, probably because A) he is a big brother and B) he's a big guy so kids want to climb him like a jungle gym.
Adopted into royalty as his step-father, a king, married his mother after Jack defeated the Giant and made his family wealthy.
His mother has a tendency to be emotionally manipulative, only being a doting mother whenever he does something that benefits her, such as stealing from and slaying the Giant. She was kinder when his father was alive, but only got nastier after he perished at the hands of the Giant.
Although he had been pampered and brought up as a true prince since ever since his mother married into the royal family (he was about ten years old), there is a part of him that has not forgotten where he came from. He grew up on a farm. His father taught him how to fight. Jack is stronger than he looks and can be scrappy if absolutely need be.
While the other guys of the F7 drive him absolutely insane sometimes, Jack prefers them over his own family since he's allowed to be himself around them. He's gotten used to the princely persona, but there is a small, unacknowledged part of him that kind of hates it due to the role having been practically forced on him.
He does genuinely like nice things, though. Low-key bird brain.
Jack is the only multilingual of the seven, speaking not only English and French but also German and Italian. This is only a little annoying to Hans and the triplets as they can't hide anything from him in their native tongues.
Biologically, Jack is an only child. He does, however, have an older step brother whom he has mixed feelings for.
Bisexual with a leaning toward women
His name actually is "Jacques", but people kept pronouncing it as "Jack" and he eventually gave up correcting them. Will end the bloodline of anyone who calls him "Jackie", though.
Decent driver. Sometimes gets way too into whatever he's listening to and misses an exit or turn. Is usually the navigator or DJ. Is the type to yell "I will turn this car around" if people are arguing in the backseat.
Terrible with kids. The house is on fire. God is dead. Wine aunt.
Hans and his sister, Gretel, are twins, though Hans is the older of the two. It's where his mom friend demeanor comes from.
Is honestly the best liar out of the seven of them. He doesn't lie often, doesn't like doing so, but he has such an honest face and earnest demeanor that he can make anyone believe just about anything.
Pansexual but I don't think he'd know that about himself. He just likes people.
Best driver out of the seven of them, but does that soccer mom thing if he has to slam on the brakes unexpectedly. Can't read a map to save his life, though.
Also great with kids. He's also a big brother, and his genuinely kind and upbeat nature makes kids gravitate toward him.
Pino, Noki, & Kio
As they all have a very similar fashion sense, even they sometimes aren't sure whose clothes are whose.
They do have distinguishing features if one is to look close enough. The height difference isn't much, but it is there with Pino and Kio being the tallest and Noki the shortest. Kio is the only one with freckles. Pino has heterochromia with one blue eye and one brown.
They are introduced from oldest to youngest. Pino is the oldest of the triplets, Noki being the middle and Kio the youngest. Noki is only a little salty that Kio is taller than him despite being younger.
kio vc: you're older by like eight minutes
noki vc: I will break your knee caps
Terrible liars. They get flustered quickly and contradict one another. Can't keep a secret to save their lives and it's usually Kio who breaks first. (I know this is sort of contradictory, but they're based off Pinocchio so I think it'd be fitting if they were some of the worst liars among the seven of them.)
Noki read Jack's trashy romance novels. He thinks they're hilariously terrible. Would honestly probably like Twilight for the same reason.
Decent drivers but cannot be left in any vehicle alone together. If there's no else there to keep them on track, they will get way too into a conversation and get completely lost.
Have the potential to be okay with kids (that ending credit sequence give some the impression those three kids were low-key adopted by them or at least became assistants or something), but they do need to be kept in check due to their mad scientist energies.
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misterier · 2 years
kacey procrastinating??? no he'd never...
take some short fruity cowboy game hcs for my obsession and the soul<3
Arthur Morgan with a gn/male(could be seen as fem ig?? but it's intended for masc) s/o 😻
tw: eating problems bc we all know Arthur probably doesn't take care of himself
He's literally stunning stfu😭
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- doesn't care about his s/os gender, just that they treat him well
- probably touch starved but won't admit it💀
- also doesn't like pda, he'll hold hands or put his hand around their waist if something happens but he keeps it pretty private
- easy asf to fluster, a couple of well done compliments to him and he's hiding his face with his hat and trying to deny them and compliment them back
- draws his s/o all the time and sometimes feels bad because he doesn't think he did their beauty justice, but if he lets them see it and they hang it up in their tent all proud his mind would ease slightly
- likes holding hands allot in private, he likes touch he just doesn't accept it well so I think he'd keep touches small but meaningful
- he can flirt well unintentionally but if he tries he ends up really shy😭
- real protective but he won't stop his s/o from goin' out with him but he will be extra cations if he knows it's especially risky and will constantly ask of they're sure they want to go
- when he's drunk he'll get really clingy and emotional for his s/o, holding onto them more than he normally would
- he likes having his s/o around and just doing nothing, like just having them in the same room is all he needs, not big extravagant dates
- probably not very jealous, sometimes he gets kinda nervous though but he snaps out of it easy
- he trusts his s/o and he expects the same from them, probably gets confused or starts laughing if they're the jealous type
- I think he'd read to his s/o sometimes ☹️like they're both cuddled up in bed and he just pulls out a book and just quietly start reading to them
- like stated before he not one for pda, but he does love being touched while alone and comfortable, he adores cuddles and falls asleep that way. He prefers having them lay on his chest or cuddle up to his chest, but if his s/o can't sleep like that or he needs comfort he's a little spoon, he adores being held by his lover, he honestly thrives on touch and people
- he listens allot, not really very talkative, just listens to his s/o rant about whatever they want, occasionally writing notes about what they say in his journal while drawing them as they speak
- he's not a stalker, he just likes to watch his s/o from a distance sometimes, he loves seeing how they react around different people and how their eyes light up around the people they care for
- he really likes his s/os hand tbh, like he'll hold them constantly and just gently kiss their knuckles and rub the back or the palm, watching every movement with the most adoring eyes
- this man takes care of everything but himself, like his s/o has to force him to bathe sometimes, full-on pulling a Grimshaw sometimes 💀 also gotta watch his eating, he just goes off for days and forgets about food and even when he comes back he just ignores it, his s/o has to remind him or he'll forget until it's actually painful and he has to slowly eat something to regain strength
-he can go weeks without talking to his s/o and will bounce back as if nothing happened, if they get awkward and need time to adjust to him being back he'll be alright with it and slowly ease up their comfort again by quietly helping them with their horse care or bringing them coffee after they finish their chores, bringing them stew when they come back after a short job
-he loves them a lot tbh, but he only shows it in small ways, soft touches, kinder words, flicks to the forehead and arms, small gifts, remembering important dates(good and bad), will intentionally track animals if he knows something is coming up and his s/o likes a specific meat he'll make sure to hunt it and bring it back for pearson
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captmickey · 8 months
As I look at Tales of Monkey Island for the umpteenth time at work, I really really reaaaaaaaaaaally can't stop thinking how Guybrush has two tones (his snark tone and his sincere tone) and how Morgan was (so far) the only one to invoke a third, rarely used, tone: pure anger
Like... okay, let me put it like this: when he's around strangers or someone he doesn't know/trust, he has that sort of jolly but snarky tone. He says things with a smile, sometimes schmoozing up, and a bit of a backhanded remark. It's noticeable with Bugeye, DeCava, DeSinge, and initially Morgan.
(Of course, unless the person in question really deserves his snark, then he's just an overall menace and will not hold back.)
Versus when he's sincere. He still smiles, but it's kinder, he speaks a lot softer, he jokes, but there's a lot more questions about someone's well-being before he presses on about the current quest he's on. It's absolutely noticeable when he talks to Elaine and later on with Winslow and Morgan.
Now, Guybrush had been mutinied multiple times in series, he's almost used to it (e.g. his initial meeting with Winslow wanting to join his crew). He's used to doing things alone, and it was mentioned that Tales is the game to teach Guybrush that its okay to open up and know that he has people that care and want to help.... getting a network and all that.
And he does, by opening up to Winslow and eventually Morgan, you can see him getting used to having friends that genuinely care and help and it makes Morgan's betrayal hurt all the more because in his mind, his reward to opening up was getting knocked out, stop his time-sensitive quest and get dragged back to Flotsam for cash.
By someone he thought was his friend.
It freaking hurts. And all this to say that Guybrush has never used a tone that was so openly malicious because it came from hurt and anger instead of annoyance. And we can see it in his expression! And I am feral about it, like:
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Initially focused on one thing...
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...to snark....
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...to anger.
And he just straight up doesn't relent on berating Morgan. Normally Guybrush makes a snide remark/insult and calls it day. Morgan is the only character that he lashes out verbally, not even giving her a chance to counter.
And I am living for this.
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ghostlude · 3 months
hi i was in the middle of something and blacked out and when i came to, this was in front of me
The spurs on Boothill’s heels are a loud indicator of his presence. He can’t stop them from jingling and jangling with every step he takes, but his movements are calculated nonetheless. Careful to not use too much force when he isn’t “working,” acutely aware of his own surroundings thanks to his enhancements. He isn’t afraid to take a beating or several, though, his body and mind are proof of it. He can afford to be reckless, to be unapologetically rough when he needs to be.
Morgan, on the other hand, is both quiet and helplessly clumsy— humanly so. Used to wearing boots two sizes too big when he was a kid, he stomps wherever he goes. The steel toes of work boots he refuses to let go of just yet are dented and scratched from all of the times he’s tripped over his own feet, his arms and legs riddled with scars and bruises he doesn’t even recall getting because he’s too absorbed in his work.
Outside of their space, anyone would guess that Boothill is the wild one and Morgan is his leash, and they’d be right. It’s a classic back and forth between a fool and a straight man when it comes to them. “Don’t drink the oil I give you, dummy,” countered with a “yer gonna get mad at me for bein’ thirsty?”
When they’re alone, Morgan isn’t so clumsy. He takes his work seriously, especially when Boothill is his client, and so he’s mindful with how he handles him. There’s a certain sort of gentleness in the way he carefully pulls the cowboy’s metal casing open, how he reserves a more kinder tone for him as he fills the silence with what will be done next— “I’m tweakin’ your receptors a little”, “how do you feel? How’s your noggin?”
Boothill basks in the attention, in the fact that Morgan is like this with only him, as he always has been. It reminds him of home and, usually, he wouldn’t think much of it— can’t go back anymore— but it feels nice this time. Like he’s still human, just as clumsy and reserved as his sweetheart is.
“Fit as a fiddle thanks to you, sugar.”
Boothill can afford to be reckless. He can be rough and rowdy as much as he wants to be as a dead man walking, but right now he feels alive under the care of Morgan. More than ever.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Oliver Milman
The Guardian
July 5, 2023
Allstate, too, has pulled out of climate disaster-prone areas while hiring lobbyists who are also aligned to fossil fuel interests
The largest home insurer in the US, State Farm, which is halting new homeowner policies in California due to the “rapidly growing catastrophe exposure” posed by wildfires, has hired lobbyists who also work to advance fossil fuel industry interests across 18 states, a new database shows.
While State Farm in May refused to take new home insurance applications in California, it retains a lobbying firm in the state – the Sacramento-based KP Public Affairs – which also represents Tenaska, a gas developer. Across the US, State Farm shares lobbyists with a raft of oil and gas companies, including ExxonMobil, Calpine and Occidental Energy.
Allstate, another insurer that followed State Farm in pulling out from new policies in California due to the state’s worsening wildfire risk, has also contracted lobbyists who have fossil fuel clients, such as Chevron, ConocoPhillips and Kinder Morgan.
State Farm and Allstate are just two of more than 150 insurance companies and associations – part of an industry facing steepening losses from fires, floods and other disasters spurred by the climate crisis – that use state-based lobbyists also aligned to fossil fuel interests, according to F Minus, a new database of public disclosure records.
James Browning, executive director of F Minus, said that State Farm’s linkage to fossil fuels stretches to Florida, where its lobbying firm Dean Mead also represents the Williams Companies, a gas pipeline operator in the state. “This allegiance with gas interests clearly pits State Farm against the interests of its customers as they face increasingly severe hurricanes, floods, and soaring insurance costs,” said Browning.
The lobbying overlap between insurers like State Farm and the fossil fuel companies stoking the climate crisis is “problematic and potentially counterproductive”, according to Tom Corringham, a research economist with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego.
Insurers and fossil fuel companies could be working at cross-purposes around issues such as climate risk disclosures, he said, which the insurance industry requires to accurately price risk for homes facing a rising threat of flooding or fire.
Read more.
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impossibleprincess35 · 7 months
REPUTATION | 9. "getaway car"
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Averross was a rough looking sort of man whose appearance would have startled Satine had she not known he was an ally. His unkempt beard of dark hair was dappled with bits of gray, and he combed back the dark hair upon his head as he ran his fingers through it. Dark brown eyes flickered as they quickly took her in, head to toe, and he extended out his hand and said gruffly, “You must be the big fuss everyone’s talking ‘bout.”
Satine was too tired to feign amusement at his expense. Instead, she wore the most indifferent of expressions upon her face and stared back at him, refusing to shake his hand.
Qui-Gon snickered under his breath, “Where are your manners, Averross? This is the Lady Satine Kryze of Mandalore,” he instructed quietly for discretion’s sake. “When we return her, she’ll formally inherit the Sundari throne and the title of Duchess.”
Rael grinned as he seemed unbothered by the scolding from his old friend, and as he stood with his weight on one hip, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pack of Marlboro reds and an old Zippo lighter that had seen better days. As he tapped the box of cigarettes against the heel of his hand and then pulled one out, placing it between his lips, he raised his eyebrows in mock astonishment at the mention of her titles, and then flipped open the lighter to torch the end of the Marlboro.
As the scent of tobacco and lighter fluid combined and Rael Averross took his first drag, he was chivalrous enough to turn away as he exhaled, and then he glanced back at her and remarked with a grin, “You’ve got the personality of a porcupine. Anyone ever told you that?”
Behind him, Qui-Gon rested his hands on his hips and sighed in exasperation as he paced in a small circle and couldn’t believe what he was witnessing.
Satine very slowly crossed her arms over her chest and popped her hip as she glared at him and said in a dry tone, “No, but it’s clever coming from a prick like you.”
And behind her, Obi-Wan was rendered speechless. He’d seen his master’s old contemporary pull stunts like these on other people, but he’d rarely ever seen such belligerent behavior aimed back in Rael Averross’ direction.
But Rael, to his credit, chuckled as he puffed on his cigarette and turned his head to blow the smoke away from her. When he turned to face her again, the wolfish look in his eyes that he usually had was gone, replaced with a kinder gaze. She’d won him over with one little comment, and he shook his head in disbelief as he said, “I like you.”
Satine rolled her eyes as she stated in an articulate delivery, “I don’t give a fuck if you do.”
Rael winked and exclaimed, “You’re gonna make me wish I was ten years younger and still a believer in the institution of marriage if you don’t stop being mean to me, pretty girl!”
Chapter 10/track 9 is up.
(Rael Averross is Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Facts.)
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taptroupe · 2 years
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"there must be a kinder alternative to the glue trap meme. we should put characters on a huge slice of bread"
"cain morgan dies of being buttered into a slice of toast"
"okay i drew it because i can't stop thinking about it"
discussion i had on twitter today.
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college-girl199328 · 8 months
When Kinder Morgan first announced its plans to expand the capacity of the Trans Mountain oil pipeline from 300,000 bpd to 890,000 bpd, it probably thought it was another major project. Several years later, the company had given up on the project and sold it to the Canadian federal government for less than $4 billion. For a long time, it seemed like Trans Mountain would never be completed, plagued by opposition and regulatory snags.
Despite all this, it seems the pipeline is about to go into operation this year. And U.S. refiners used to buying cheap Canadian oil might need to reach deeper into their pockets to keep buying it. The idea behind the Trans Mountain expansion was to turn Canada into a true oil exporter, reaching international markets rather than just the U.S. market, massive as it is. One reason this took so long was that the government of the province that was to host most of the pipeline was dead against it.
The John Horgan government was very environmentally minded. It would rather have Alberta stop all oil flows to British Columbia than endure the construction of the expanded Trans Mountain pipeline. That set back the project by months, and so did environmental protests against the pipeline.
Amid all this, the discount at which Canadian crude normally trades to WTI has deepened and hardened. Canadian oil was going to the United States—all the way to the Gulf Coast—and only from there could it reach international markets. It was a complicated situation. Then, when Kinder Morgan had enough and sold the project, the Trans Mountain expansion got a new lease of life—ironically, from a federal government that has made no secret of its distaste towards the oil industry. And it paid for that distaste. From an original $3.4 billion price tag, the Trans Mountain expansion bill swelled to over $23 billion. Inflation and supply chain problems were among the reasons for the sixfold increase in the cost of the project, as were construction challenges due to the geology along the route of the pipe. Oil producers have not exactly welcomed the cost overruns—there were suspicions that to make up for these, Trans Mountain Corporation would charge them higher fees for carrying their crude.
Nonetheless, producers began ramping up production ahead of the launch. Canadian Natural Resources announced plans to increase output by 40,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day by 2024. Cenovus Energy also announced plans to increase investment in production growth. Oil producers are preparing for the 890,000 bpd capacity. Prices have also responded. Following the announcement that Trans Mountain Corporation will begin filling the expanded pipeline in February, with the first crude loading from Vancouver in April, Canadian crude prices rose to their narrowest discount to WTI since August 2023. The current discount is approximately $16 per barrel.
Just a month later, the same CER ordered TMC to halt pipeline construction due to non-compliance with environmental and safety standards. A month later, the regulator decided that TMC could not proceed with the route change due to opposition from the Indigenous community through whose land the section would pass. By December, however, the CER had changed its mind and granted TMC the necessary permit to continue construction on the pipeline.
These types of setbacks have made it difficult to believe that the Trans Mountain pipeline will ever be operational, but it appears that it may be. This means more expensive oil for US refiners. They are about to face some international competition for Canadian crude.
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1solone · 9 months
Good to know!
I don't know what you guys are paying for gasoline.... but here in California we are paying up to $3.75 to $4.10 per gallon. So here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every gallon:
Here at the Kinder Morgan Pipeline in San Jose , CA deliver about 4 million gallons in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline.. One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel, and gasoline, regular and premium grades. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 gallons.
Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the gasoline, when it gets warmer gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening....your gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role.
A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.
When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. You should be pumping on low mode, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.
One of the most important tips is to fill up when your gas tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is the more gas you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the gas and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every gallon is actually the exact amount.
Another reminder, if there is a gasoline truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT fill up; most likely the gasoline is being stirred up as the gas is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.
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ptsdtrbl1 · 11 months
Interesting note I found on one the trucking company pages.
“I don't know what you guys are paying for gasoline.... but here in California we are paying up to $5.75 to $7 per gallon. My line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years now, so here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every gallon:
Here at the Kinder Morgan Pipeline where I work in San Jose , CA we deliver about 4 million gallons in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline.. One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel, and gasoline, regular and premium grades. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 gallons.
1️⃣ Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the gasoline, when it gets warmer gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening....your gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role.
2️⃣ A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.
3️⃣ When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. You should be pumping on low mode, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.
4️⃣ One of the most important tips is to fill up when your gas tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is the more gas you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the gas and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every gallon is actually the exact amount.
5️⃣ Another reminder, if there is a gasoline truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT fill up; most likely the gasoline is being stirred up as the gas is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.
6️⃣ Note: If the pump repeatedly shuts off early, it could be a sign of a problem with the vapor recovery system, such as a clogged carbon canister.”
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betbradluver · 1 year
“I don't know what you guys are paying for gasoline.... but here in California we are paying up to $5.75 to $7 per gallon. My line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years now, so here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every gallon:
Here at the Kinder Morgan Pipeline where I work in San Jose , CA we deliver about 4 million gallons in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline.. One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel, and gasoline, regular and premium grades. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 gallons.
1️⃣ Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the gasoline, when it gets warmer gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening....your gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role.
2️⃣ A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.
3️⃣ When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. You should be pumping on low mode, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.
4️⃣ One of the most important tips is to fill up when your gas tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is the more gas you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the gas and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every gallon is actually the exact amount.
5️⃣ Another reminder, if there is a gasoline truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT fill up; most likely the gasoline is being stirred up as the gas is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.
6️⃣ Note: If the pump repeatedly shuts off early, it could be a sign of a problem with the vapor recovery system, such as a clogged carbon canister.”
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