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a wonderful image
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In the episode The Spirt of Christmas, Stingy says he wants bonds in the US market. I had to pause the show at that point just so I could laugh. This boy is gonna takeover the world someday I swear.
Damn right. The world is his.
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There we have it, “Meme of the Year 2016” Not a bad ending to last year and fun to get to share this with my old friend Robbie. :-)
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A Christmas Story. 1983. Sentence starters.
❝Don’t bother me, I’m uh-I’m thinking.❞
❝Shattup, _____.❞
❝You’ll shoot your eye out kid, merry Christmas.❞
❝Don’t worry. He knows. He always knows.❞
❝It’s a major award!❞
❝Some men are are muslims, some men are christians. My father was an Oldsmobile guy.❞
❝I can’t put my arms down!❞
❝Oh boy! That’s mine!❞
❝Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuddddddge.❞
❝______ had, for years, labored under the delusion I was not only four years old but also a girl.❞
❝Aww, it’s a blue ball!❞
❝Oh it was beautiful. I could hardly wait to try it out.❞
❝Only one thing could distract me from the piece of electric sex glowing in the window.❞
❝No it’s ok. Read your funnies.❞
❝I had pulled it off.❞
❝It was…….soap poisoning.❞
❝We are going out. To eat.❞
❝It-it’s smiling at me!❞
❝All was right in the world.❞
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reblog this if u’re a lazy town blog, I need ppl to follow, my dash is barren
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He tilted his head in mock thought.  “... No,” replied the boy, “it’s mine now.” Stingy gave the villain a smug grin, one eye closed in a sort of wink.  “They never told me anything like that,” said Stingy, “because everything belongs to me.” That, of course, was a lie; Stingy wouldn’t tell Robbie that (or anyone else), as he was much too proud of his selfish ways. “In fact, Robbie, I’m going to take my apple,” He paused to gesture to the park fence behind him with the ‘fruit’, “and throw it into my park, so you can’t get it.”
The brunet looked at the taller male up and down, and stated matter-of-fact-ly, “Hmph! Well, I guess you won’t be able to enter the park then.”
He spotted the suspicious apple Robbie had been holding a moment ago near his feet, and Stingy picked it up. Robbie rarely had sports candy in his possession, and even when he did it wasn’t sports candy at all, but rather fruits and veggies made from pure sugar. “This is your apple, I presume?” the boy asked, rolling the fruit in his hand.
      “Well,” Robbie huffed, grabbing the inner edges of his vest, “Perhaps I don’t want to be-” He cut short when he saw the boy holding his ‘apple.’ Great, that was going to be a pain to get back, “Give that back Stinky.” He shot a glare at the kid, “Didn’t your parents or Sportakoot teach you not to take other’s things?” Ironic for him to say that.
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//Bless you, Robbie! Save us from this hell.
Wait for it……….
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      “Two minutes ago?” He eyed the kid with a sideways glance, an eyebrow rising on his forehead. A few moments longer Robbie just stared at Stingy, before scoffing, “I’m not paying you!” Even the threat of the blue elf wouldn’t make him budge, “Go ahead and call Sportaloon.” Robbie did have to shiver a bit at the thought–ugh, having to deal with Sportaflop as well as Stinky. Didn’t matter anyways since he didn’t have a single coin on him.
The brunet looked at the taller male up and down, and stated matter-of-fact-ly, “Hmph! Well, I guess you won’t be able to enter the park then.” He spotted the suspicious apple Robbie had been holding a moment ago near his feet, and Stingy picked it up. Robbie rarely had sports candy in his possession, and even when he did it wasn’t sports candy at all, but rather fruits and veggies made from pure sugar. “This is your apple, I presume?” the boy asked, rolling the fruit in his hand.
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“Oh, Pixel!” Stingy greeted, a pencil in hand and a sheet of paper in the other.  “I was just making a list of allllll the things everyone has in Lazytown! Like uh, how you have your video games and computers, and Ziggy has his sweets...”
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“Oh, hey, Stingy.” Pixel had been on his way back home to have some much-needed gaming time when he had spotted his friend walking nearby. “What you got there?”
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ahhh yes, stingy, the fifth Beatle.
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Hey. Personal blogs. Please don’t reblog my threads. It’s rude and confusing for the rpers. 
And if you want to rp as Stingy, go make your own rp blog. But don’t you dare go into MY thread and start playing as MY muse.
If this happens again I’ll have to block you.
I have this as a rule for my blog, and I expect it to be followed.
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Ignoring the mispronunciation of his name, Stingy held his head up high in a haughty manner, “Because this rule was only just put up...” he paused to glance at his black and gold watch that was tucked under his wrist cuff, “...two minutes ago!” He then immediately held out his hand, palm upward, “Now pay up, Robbie! Or do you want me to tell Sportacus you’re causing trouble again?”
“Robbie Rotten!” the boy exclaimed, spotting the animated villain out in the open, near the park – his park. Just what was he up to? Stingy got up from the bench he was sitting on, Piggy under his arm protectively, “Don’t you know the rule that everyone has to pay a $10 fee if they want to play in my park!?”
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I’m Stingy and it’s MIIIINE!!
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//literally just ordered pop from a pizza place instead of going outside to the store ‘cause it’s cold af outside and I don’t wanna deal with that shit
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🌟this is the party stefan🌟 reblog in 10 seconds for a worry-free 2017
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“Robbie Rotten!” the boy exclaimed, spotting the animated villain out in the open, near the park -- his park. Just what was he up to? Stingy got up from the bench he was sitting on, Piggy under his arm protectively, “Don’t you know the rule that everyone has to pay a $10 fee if they want to play in my park!?”
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Starter call~
pls like this post if you wanna rp!!
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