#staff woes
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pocket-pal-salt · 2 years ago
They demoted the person who posted that WIP of an adopt that got anonymously preclaimed. I really do not think that the mods or the owners know what they're doing... They should have rules set for this type of thing me thinks. Do not post this if it isn't anonymous!
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tiodolma · 4 months ago
BBC Camelot: (have important and powerful magical tools in their vaults that Merlin helped to capture)
Situation: (could really use that tool)
BBC Merlin:
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iridescentis · 4 days ago
i have a 3hr break 😭😭
who allowed this
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gingerfan24 · 3 months ago
@staff here’s a suggestion. Make the “I’m not interested in this post” option available for all kinds of posts.
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sappho114 · 9 months ago
i saw tumblr communities is being pushed on me and out of curiosity i read their stuff about it but i still have 0 idea what tumblr communities are or what they do
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brineffxiv · 2 years ago
So, uh, just a heads up? There is something very wrong with my tumblr account.
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For about three days now my notifications have been broken. They consistently have a "1" on them, regardless of how few or how many notifications I actually have. So I want to apologize ahead of time if I miss replying to your comment.
On the subject of replies, I am only sporadically able to post them. I write them out and when I submit them they disappear into the ether.
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My posts no longer autosave when I write them, which is troubling.
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And possibly the worst, about half the time there is a mysterious "error" when I try to add an image to my post and I am unable to do so.
This is all very frustrating. Google has been no help whatsoever, and I can't seem to find anything in tumblr's help documentation that will resolve these issues. I've submitted a support ticket to tumblr, but I don't know when or if I'll hear anything back.
All this to ask... please bear with me as I try to muddle through whatever this mess is. I love and appreciate you all. Thank you.
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crowleytwstrp · 1 year ago
i don't think i have a medica-
...w-wait. i think i've just heard a crack sound in my leg. what will i do about it? a pink bicycle... if i don't get one, i don't know what will happen...
a one with a basket would be the more better too...
......*cough cough* only god knows what will this cost if i don't do anything about it.......
*Panicked screeching bird noises*
First we're getting you to the Infirmary and have staff check your legs! How we proceed in regards to your health will depend on what the medical staff finds out.
Second if your leg has gained a fracture, then I'm giving you a bike! How are you supposed to pedal with a fractured leg?!
If you really are dead set on getting a nice pink bicycle with a basket attached... Save up for one with your allowance! If you do buy yourself one, I better not hear about any issues of you crashing into anyone or else I'm revoking your biking privileges!
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theflagscene · 1 year ago
Literally nothing on my mobile dashboard will load, not a picture, not a gif, not a video, sometimes not even a text post. I have no idea why, but it’s been happening for a couple weeks now and it’s really starting to annoy me because I’m literally paying subscriptions to this site, two in fact. And I use it 99.9% on my phone, I’m hardly ever on the website version of Tumblr so I’m not even sure if this is just a mobile issue or not. Either way, it sucks because I have many Shadow/Last Twilight/The Sign/Red Peafowl posts that I want to see and reblog and freak out about and I can’t because I can’t freaking see them! Arg! 😫
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year ago
When you've blocked so many blogs posting content of your NOTP that the general fandom tag is almost permaborked.
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pocket-pal-salt · 2 years ago
there's a blog for this so now i can say something thats kinda been on my mind! i don't know if anyone else has noticed but i remember when i was more active around one of the newer mods being hired that one of the mods always had a blunt nature to them and that they would always kind of brute force people to go in the right channels despite the owners talking about off topic things in other channels. but now i come back to this mod using a lot of emoticons and stuff and it just feels they're almost being too nice now? i appreciate the change but it feels off like its really forced or something
other than that i do like the species though im currently designing a pal now! yippie
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bellshazes · 1 year ago
well i applied for an internal position yesterday in a fit of pique (i'm not in-person for this meeting and i realized i LOVE this part of my work but i only got in due to special circumstances & my current title holds me back from being included normally & i got real sad abt my future if nothing changes) but the dept head who oversees the hiring manager for the position and i had meant to talk about the thing the role would be in charge of and i let her know. and well she's excited & wants to chat about that job + potential other ones that might be a good fit for me. so crossing my fingers <3
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randomnameless · 2 years ago
I'm the 1st anon from the other day re: asking for the usage of lizard/lizard people to stop. I did not send the other anons since then related to this broader topic. Honestly i'm not sure where to begin so i'll just start with addressing the allegations of all this being "bait" from an "edelstan"--i'm frankly appalled that so many people jump to the response of shifting any and all blame off themselves and others by assuming any criticism directed at someone must be trolling or baiting. I was not trying to troll or bait; i was being absolutely sincere. I also am not missing context, as someone in the notes alleged. I frequently check the fandom tags, and when i see something i almost always go to the blog that has made the post that caught my eye to get context for what is going on. You are in the tags literally every single day participating in discourse of some sort. I have seen a fair amount. The casual and active antisemitism in this fandom, including but not limited to the casual usage of antisemetic terminology, is beyond words and everyone just brushing this off when it's brought up, even as something as simple as "don't call this group lizards/lizard people because the implications are not good" is so massively disappointing. Someone in the notes of the 1st anon i sent felt the need to act like i was stupid because you were "only using these words in a mocking/sarcastic way" (paraphrased) so let me clarify: That Is Part Of The Problem. This isn't me "missing" the way these words are being used. It's not okay to apply these terms in the way they are being used Even Ironically. To echo the other anon, you ARE being wildly obtuse about this. I didn't realise i'd have to specify that "lizard people" also includes ironically derogatory usage of "lizardspawn" and most cases of calling a character "lizard". Also *yes* if you define "lizards" in your silly little index using terminology that is part of the actual antisemetic conspiracy theory, even if it is ironic, That Is Antisemetic. This is not something that should be joked about in any capacity by someone who is not jewish and quite frankly your flippant responses to everyone bringing this up are alarming. I fully second the other anon about how using this sort of terminology can perpetuate bigotry irl "when used as casual lingo" even if that's not your intention. If you would like another example of this sort of thing happening, besides those the other anon mentioned, and you dismissed, i would like to bring up how comfortable people are getting using homophobic slurs "jokingly", even if they aren't gay, because of how prolific this sort of behavior is with words like "f*ggot" on platforms many people frequent. This is not a You Vs The Edelstans issue. You are being asked to stop contributing to harmful behavior and you are fighting tooth and nail that everyone else is the issue.
Yeah, sure.
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ilkkawhat · 5 months ago
just when i was celebrating not having to go to work tonight..........now i might have to go in. at 10pm. i just wanted to fucking drink tonight 😭😭😭
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amplifyme · 2 years ago
Yep, there's definitely some kind of bot making its way around Tumblr. I've blocked 10 accounts with default avis and no posts since last night. Be careful out there fellow tumblrs!
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yousaytomato · 2 years ago
anyone else feel like quitting their job so you can go somewhere new with a clean slate, and fucking stuff up there for a while until it becomes too much and it makes you want to quit your job and move somewhere new with a clean slate and
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cultivating-wildflowers · 2 years ago
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