#alas alack woe upon woe
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cultivating-wildflowers · 2 years ago
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 4 months ago
You have to laugh, if only to avoid weeping.
A guy travelled a little over four miles to a hotel for the express purpose of stabbing someone in the chest. Specifically, he travelled this distance for the specific reason that he wanted to do “my duty to England” by trying to “exterminate” “one of the Channel migrants” – he was, apparently, “angry and frustrated.” The poor darling.
So that’s self-evidently bad, yes. But it’s the little details that really just set the story off.
He has a tattoo of Hitler’s signature on his arm. Classy.
He purchased a ‘specialist’ £770 knife with which to stab his victim - £770!
He was found to have a further knife, an axe, a nazi armband, a ‘nazi-era medallion’ (?), and copies of mein kampf. Copies. One was apparently enough, or is he dealing them?
Ah! But the truly majestic touch! He had a manifesto, because of course he did. And as he was running from his crime, blood on his hands, he bravely attempted to tweet his manifesto! His manifesto wherein which he, naturally, fingered “the Jews, the Marxists and the Globalists” as the real problem (not, it seems, guys who go and stab strangers in the chest).
But alas and alack! He tagged too many people and so it wouldn’t send!
In trying to get his message out to the people, he tried to get it to too many people and so, sadly, got it to no people. Woe upon us, indeed.
Really is just the image of some shitty nazi frantically tapping his smartphone with his blood-slick hands, failing to get his message – the same message all fucking nazis have, so who the fuck would even care – to the world because he’s too fucking stupid to twitter.
Do love living in the future.
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libidomechanica · 1 year ago
“Too busy, repeat both the stood before you could”
A sonnet sequence
Besides alas! Now is thy let the spring, and state: wherein my left the marmalade, t’ appear, no lesse sorrow after dear virtue high—which in other give. If I could you lov’st no defence from the marriage, black night which is some the skies; in a wakeful doze I sorrowed from the hazel braes, delight? Yet unemploy his indulgence to hue, bewitching pale streames but a voice and bearing. How he hirples there. Hour! She steady to repeat. Too busy, repeat both the stood before you could example where, which never people, and younglings, the leaning did she alone.
The temperate loved, remained among the clown, the nights have gone at once esteem’d, when gusts shame, auise there: not as one night I was wits; while laigh despise thee, ’ she soot that which joyes above, we are two names I picked the pine; but our woman-built, came in his woe. Hums and Wilberforce: the truth so raft vs of our clime! And snicker, and a dewy locks, who love upon foot was siluer soul, the embosom’d grieved, the day I met wi’ a crazy auld man! I say Stellas name, and known, dead to be as thou didst implore than the thorn, when some surmounted she best press her time I see the far-off bell.
To sullen thus, o pious, and so high? Makes me a newe is vpryst from Fingers; pour thy solitude, and shower, not her feet sent out one man; so celebrated foode, hey ho grace no doubt, after year, David! A woman labour. I look at you thus? That as no opening to the same! Might lay they say of our ale till I take: for the wood’s boldness of thy rays! Opening to relieves itself. I can lovely, the ill omens of times less form revolving into thee: ah Christ, the loth tormenting ears, idle tear, from men abide, the Of shining hands, whom at your bitterly.
Who else, none, or future clay,—to me; taking, and full forgoer to thee. Seems I feele most since find it of a new, in patterns on an English green, your barns will speaking, and he can endured to come, as this that spendthrift, our feeling griefe: then bow downe the plot: we are for my embalming, all sweete, alack, and Loue doth sleepe doe closing slowly, by degree, that shott, that blessed all around; one grief he bent on my Belovéd; gaze, till in hand, tost on the world, but had the shining much. One in the craik amang; while the milky way, suffer tyranniseth this sowre-breath, and here will be true?
So long life to bear; so did tipple wine from it half comments shell, yet, Dianeme, now! How supremest need red and we be separate without: the better, and which? Then listneth eche flushed us, down, down! Fit to keep the world for you the lecture, that hypothesis of thou upon the Crampe thy full perfection in his arms and he’s doylt and fells it then his anger most command, throne, are in his wife weans. Some this distress of forty’s sovereign eye, round at least whistles from the twilight arise; come away, come, my boys, come let all my fire the moment gainsay that moral lesson’ they have his longer that black is false Art what the fall i’d brush the eyes the wealthiest; shut out, alas, does running, not making her say, where Mercy, Love there fixt like a city sack of groceries, Love died; for her lion’s o’er-brimm’d their youth, but this love. Grey church on the by, where are you adore. So much.
For you shalt ycrouned be in Colin Clout rafte me for siller an’ lan’! Till I say at first—light observe his, by the gorge. Thee so wonder, Do I dare? Besides that is not room for the sun far bright of the same praises are you have what I came would cram our sails, and say, is lying South, fly to you, soon, alas! The many a glories and then man, this woods are you the good we are two distinguish, what, is not always promove: for a hundred a lady, who wore than the highest with a becke, so you bitter than living like the supreme authorized behold, waiting in the South.
Or eighty, hath will tell you; with Molly Bloom and around whiskers, he had seen thee see thy mournful rise amongst the bouncing eye; but know the words; and how sudden sun: we took it of all you now? Doth lap, nay lets, into the urge to her, I do love just a stakes so much—to give is pregnant pot There, would bewray a wanton stream, command you had run dry. Our elbows: on a hill sees the only wild woddes my way. In loving time befall some boy and of Holofernes peeped and darkened each side in such too bounteous, but whether as if it be at changes like and for you thus?
Like Russians rushing on my friendship which of glory, the bumblebee visit our owne false fire is the time and should change one eludes, must quicker, and what a youngling seas mine, each cup’s worthiest; shut out, and still a little smart did grate thy brood aboue. By black gowns, court, and seem to tell her to reach—tho’ lost hearts up, dear! That bred up to Dunse, to wayle my flocke and than what she heaven had his morning say, See what I meant too. Though all they that wretched; hopeless, broke? And the glades’ colonnades, how blest thou bestowes serues the them worth and make them passionate ballad that harvest reap, at the Dust of the basement wet under the clown, the Swallow jinkin’ round which to ear o’erflowed his visage hide, by star, and hit me running to goe away: but a’ the Polish mind or body grieved—to slacke, which neede no more they bore up individe there was so fairest wits doings hour.
Shorter a sort of the red flower anchored ones there is soon distresses reckon up those cursed be movèd; many for many- tinkling flames which growes neere they grieve and harmony her knew; and now that I by the evenings and saw. Long lanes of the day I said, Alas! Say, where every lineament and fetes, and creeds that serve; and haps me her longing town; and tender him ten leap, and shott, that my Perilla, after the clash of a song of the Society, that hidden in detail made here he staineth. To make a rout, may be the possibilities can you mine. Because it!
Flash the voices wanted as I writes. Upon politics run glibber always to be supplied, beginnes to ride with the blisse which thy work and fate? I pursued, a woman is the Sun upon thy face. This is gone over all, then in shadow fleet; she strength to make me to pitied her eye? Not the mortal light of time when my Jeffrey held him a goodly will not preserve thee? Wo to mend you pleasant plac’d such but soon absolvèd; if to feel! And indecisions of the scrolls together? Ye gods, that will worth of being love depend on me, that much. This, folly, age and wisely maid.
Waite vpon a table; let me go with flourish! For only an angels, after from my wish you shalt make you spoken, but adultery, but should I love like them selues thy faith is done answers that they were squeez’d from a recurrents kiss Still she bore; new object is morals are alike, but bind it off; for chast, and pain as if to feel it sternest, as if all the Bondage of the pairtrick whirring a pillow or that I meanest flower as if it do, not all love affairs until they’re over be desires. Escape as Nature swelling eye; but left me but glimpse of my love!
And tumbled on the muse! And dashing from thee sister, or hoard with a dumb look not one to appear in its lay hidden mystery of beauty make in my cell of such peace by night, you would pipe and still these moral leper, I, to waste in Armes he sweet, whose lips, as what we escape as Nature now I mean this night night, teaching household yon breath’d mate in Armes he sweet passed the horrible falling. Altar of every clever, and to mee, and having tact as well apart cleft from the right—It’s a word though thou leave thunder the soul is dark invested as I may be for a hundred.
And if we misers might not as brittle dancing cherubs play, forget thee; how small talk, ending session at her vice triumphant spring hazel shell, I am tired in the Garden pomp and state and in her bosom, O faith, my Mary, across that may be saved the silly create the sea together; ambitious as it can finds, that—but my bosom-friendly sheet which quarrel tilts, yclept the lamps&I’ll let yours are wont to a great city sacked; melissa: trust. In a wakeful doze I sought availed, some pale, all the shoreward—an act of such pow’r before the horse ain’t success, If indeed: nine times should be above the face, in the end where the gorge dimensions of touch thy breast enthrone— but must not what their manhood; dying off a shot from hue to eat a gentle cloud, the breast enthrone, and lofty cedar tree was half a spurn’d of Royal Augury was no one else.
Depend on praise is due, onely air. You are your corn at they of heart more glowing with Dians wings, or word or act; unless can invade, and ev’ry life without regarding, with the very body grieve them riding coronets are two resplendid sip, and ouer thing body would rather away. Wad make lovesick lendeth. Flashing storm: has foundations of the many people say, I do beseech thee his full of lost lamb she points as the red-breast, surcharg’d, to go wrong … I move about! Of speculation; or Paradise, for our death the porch swing and twitter bleat from mass returned.
The front of death from one return, he crime you to pass in thy turn this that Lady Pinchbeck was her their rivers. Is gone not only time now each do I accusals, such passion sunk, the cool and thee speak the awkward them night in the larks on wing, her by this night, where, too engulfed as I am? She smiled, and that have smile, nor other, for then with music, at whose cheere, yet still cries in my heavy wither, as I can’t form improvement to begin accuse them all: and yell: Get out other in the patching the cast in flower. But in fact, we’re tapers with patient look of heart did beam.
And swallow, thou art Being a youngling worse from bedde, or two upon our lover, and were away. Through the sky like toes. Say the peasant valleys, ye nymphs which is heart had before me shouldst prove those with mine competition; or Paradise, for me? With wrath been worse-confounder’d at, then absent, but this tries and obedience brass will tell her hand, which wrapt in what you wrong is more cruelty in this anger reddens over your fixed place no wit cannot be than duty, learn thine as thy prayer; heavens you loved you began to travail thorow all time? But bowe and merrily roar?
Desire shade, in which did pass form in table of the Night is obsolete. Its me to the days that sweetly endite; these dark invested as my crime young bride, that follow, such pow’r before that black hair damp from myself, so longed to the conscious gums are all richly are valves you take thy branches the bound, mongst rose and epistemology, fine bed too, vs in this page, Yes. Whose confide, they but prophesy your yrksome still all once free the place, would lord you. But in these valleys. The light. Who, by that you may give forfeited. To pick up and pretty babes to bend hit me rue it.
Singing my sad climate, can never could not believe her fault curst, so, grate her for the mourning of such a Solitude conceal the first—light me your cold, mercurial or sedate, I do, yet I stack by him. Observer in the weddings made, what famine was any, we knew your Lesson is far, far too small see numbering session, ’ Lady Psyche fluorescent flicker, for a medicated music, my body grieve, as this I stack by him? Without be rich and strike up and they are, that marital advice, but I’m relapsing if any time now. And such a dirty rat.
And with so raft vs of old Parnassus be, which increase, I neuer shake handy at making then will reverend love, by winds but at gates of touch on all fair sweets all I part us! Are like a song of my cure, do you resistinguish me! In verse have know, besides that black, bracelesse cryes, which in full of praise is duer untimely drawn thy sacred rites vnfit. She held rustle: at once every land? That thou art or else desires. As the luminous passed serene air pure immortal eyes best, of sweetner art to such blisse, lasted on her the must, I thinkes you do not there.
Alas, poor souls are clichés. Till the wild figtree split their first you stooped to bend with art sick. The shade of this pomp is cool against my aching head, and high up those lot of thy full of a turtle. At me so deem’d so well finde no eloquence could everybody sees the next, like slaue-borne in thee; nor fear: six thousand the full, a rib, a pelvis, is it then stood with spongy clouds around; where quite belovèd, and shafts, his quiver, at the human, who have never noticed your own into the breath our roots, bark, we are false foul breathing thus: you had your mist: curst be the virtue, not for me.
The parson, we’ll build up to the days it with Dians wings, after year, David, you silent gulf between their wills counts hour. Till improvement was that sweet perhaps the corners of your crown upon the her spellbound up the door; so did heavenly alchemy; anon permit then me? Of friend, a rigid guardians blamed shall their call, came a multitude conceal than at they will buy me a nexus breaking; From the shore, till the wore, she her fitted for men who—though I have wound, not have for only midnight, somewhere shut, and will not back? Beasts, vegetables, that my voice pealing up the abyss.
Is hear; and her auburn hairst, I shure wi’ him. She, who has not hymns, all ornament, in tractable of waste become. For, lost Travesera de Gracia in Barcelona partly threescore, and shed alone. In praises, for this way! Then stood with eyes give the manners of the courts’ and camps’ be quite after than t’ other&father loves. And I feared to plaining music: ’ and out, ’-for weary of some red, she cloud, above, and that I forget his winter taught its which should wishes. This day thoughts that year where nis sike a iudge this taste to mountains of his arte. With half so kind, gave sad attends.
The air and cried she liefest bountiful old rhymes not the royalty was once I did not be surprised an into a friendly sheep, leaf and play jungle louder, confirmed, and strike off play, he flies instead of casque, a cap of days it with all the winds and suppose, made for truckers, houses; he had her and hear men who—though still as solemn as unpleasantly awake with Absál he said. Vegetable place, Timbuctoo, when all my last fly to keep me constrained a person of several part my little girls which, with their own lasts in full of her green, your beauty is but approve, blue.
On prey, rose each day, for sinfull deed; and cherry-isle, which was boundless sickness. Love and burn. Who, by the fall: above, and they repented time, and then I there his broken- hearted up by precontract your brother puir Jenny for your yrksome yellow smoke on the eleven slow shuffling nest doth lap, nay lets, into a scrape, but none at once that virtue meet. And prettie death decrees I, forc’d, agreed Willye, when rocks throwing that she died. For sithens is both with my day is graunted. Till procreation, her praise the swift proceed, till the air, to him those while I run repented to dress.
And triumphant spring appeared not; I love forfeited. The Consul was I forst to yielded to show of mount the other she peered from Heaven’s messenger of an evenings gainst his startled and in the general sensation with the air, to hang on a grave; here but in your pious, and so fast, the city, and the Wound out then? Do I dare? In pity one travell’d, I have waste become. I mean not to the house, to soothes the restrain. Now reign—back the shore: freezing. Give salutation, and lik’d but dust and closer to the strange as is needed: in fairnesse plants, trunks, foliage, and blewe.
With her sobs, melissa: trust me, as did often I get a glimpse of the maintaineth; suns of them, and fine more to a stake out that held herds spontaneous as anything the should always? Comes a general evil they drives, and praise, together it becomes nearby to her lottery. You lying closest torn out. Who refusals and swears told: there dwell therefore you? To learn thine eyes. Their way against my chaster now. One on fire, that one day come: if not quite new, that wish, I wish to begin? And gracious laws, in the next Heaven! One sight of such at evening as solemn as unpleasaunt springs have never calmly flows the the linnet pours is the deep, where great city sacked; melissa: trust. Of those talent, does wear, my carrot, my Heart, that did she used to confess, that extend that in you in a minute. What won you all of the rest, recline. Mortal serenely wither.
The uncertain the women kick again. My very cells.—He country’s very walls, and arms I put my Julia’s waist, and your silent ears they slept into the mead so chilling Fame did matchless was as malignant hastily together i’ll crossing astray, the welkin this heart and balls and pain, all matches—all meet; she casement to thee to mee: no, no, my Dearest, that you see her head across these virtues raised, but farthing appeared each have help’d out here flowers for fear: six thousand known a dozen. Of hand, tost on the honourable and heart, and days of hot or conquest got.
Were in welth, she country merry heart more. And far as remember? How rare in a servants will promise of those through with you, whom she wild! It is a death’s second selfe did feele: but thy obiect so imbrace. And every degree, that beauty can love swears told: not lived and deeply plane, imagining at ever store oft amid their triumphs and now to gloom; up the loth torn, in vowing and dumplin burn to pot, burn to pot, burn to prove, wherefore he went up the already, knowing news of better to the ethereal spirit that flicker, and laugh’d sweete, for your servants, wrong.
She, who can her loudly she did the ravish’d gentle rivers. Paulo Majora. And weep, and we drown. Old England: old England, and fighter that way, this frequence, beautie thy fellowship I need. And surmise regard, tho’ the young manured by him. Who else, none had: els had not kills with taper? On the blissful couples huddled in their guardians blame: sweete reward—an act of all thine. Silence between pity in that visions or nipple; paps trace up the same, and clouds and care but fell. Roll in reign eye, numberless, dumb till both use and grace, or like glittering desperanza’s Gavel.
The kingdoms of music, the paths on, which the after than land, thoughts and ouer things rare endow’d she bee hums and myself must the temple warre: where t is Matrimony. But half without layer of feeding out his mind. ’Wares his instead with thy flight the clown, till we miserable, opening to be drowned, thought a crime accurst; as beauty hold up the sky like maternal book; and, if the clouted level with shiny promise of its prince; no doubt I shall approve, and the pleasure and the window and the moment perfumèd garments; let be the zero vector exist with a nervous twitch.
Go, love, Mercy has a speak, but, utterably vain, a mortal serenades. And all but freely composed lets that the barbarians, grosser thank you, thoughts that is obsolete. Where all virtuous men, which we can Willye, when ye lyst, ye iolly she said, merely shepheards gladde with noise; her void since the many for the Smithfield Show of vestals brought of entry. Not one dreamt of light to my flocke and tell her, I do store, hey ho the heartbroken faith, my Pegasus to the manna fall. All around; where your right and scorning, or there is lost, for the happy’as I could most; for carriage?
Some one and beauty is but our brow burn like sunny lane some bene ioynted angels, which Nature declar’d that novels, lovely, the best, of hands. You take a round, feed it more wit in the glowing and between. But, ah, she wouldst be the high above, why did she bee hums and heart, palpitate their wills countries, her wherefore he meets, hearts worn out her name, auise the fume of Goose, ’ who’s wiser in the died: it is hard a burnies trot, and the blue, and both fall? Me, day by day, forgot to blind. And, and wisely managed, the headlong in you bitter in the Clover were his let us kiss you.
Where never growing old, my own disguise, of greene saye, they only then under. To sweare by side, we holding, with so please makes such the lame; and a happier plight blend in one-night, a dream within me, too, he said, howe’er he got a bad case or at a round, or fall but he, that prays that except or passion your hand: cleave auld make thy store; laid under round out the wheel in the artificer, thou seek repose on the vine blush so to raunch them. Not, thou upon a holiday, where the foule euill have known them courtier forth a naked, and I have seen thee and sobs, melissa: trust?
You—so many place no whit disdain, your battle those who desire, the rose thou thy store; laid up like a tedious intendeth, while other who bent my hand, for I broke with ease his self I turned for tombs, and laws the joys, her heart confess, that is sooner the dove, why did she said to it, unless that due to ear of equal grew. The place, for souls of flesh to myself my pure and hew out at Apollo’s pleads me preuaile as tender a bush pression; or Paradise, a forests, when man was receiver ripped thee ere meant holding inwardly Deare, let us away; moment, gone.
A glory! Goodness best, and the blood. The league on League, the lake, and thee try she keepe from the rose and joys composed with flower anchored to the touch on nor night is Day. Not so weight might be best society, that finkle heart, the makes their gods he knew. So they make your pain, ah, whatsoe’er your yrksome senses guide philosophy: looked upon her look at thirtieth names I picked waves; say to break the wedding and Breath of a city sacked; melissa drooped to comets, we are crowds appeareth. Better, and latent in the will now; and praises are two suns from chimneys, she stream! Can creature.
Where as thy prayed by a tedious in a Kirtle of Poets fury tell, till it toward to shrieking from sences which is why I’m telling you can await warm New York city when soul, as to amerce my sight and hit me rue it. For Cyril, vext at heart, through for aught and go talking of praises in the poor rich praise is due, only in your branches the ebb-tide leave off play, for others with your way, we are full, and brauest retrait in Chancery,—which thy should I fear begin to spit out a bit; columbia’s shop is happy. Forms a pedigree from the luminous passed their turn’d.
Me thus, God wot, nor in her so, as one that thou art all miscount Wares, thou departing kiss, so darkened ear. My death, and take his brother, or tiresome fires o’er the Sun, if that cannot go to sleepe, who much better known a Saturday night, where the great saist thou prefiguring; ye that she is starry dare all the heaven raining and close cabin where in hair. The Throne. Then out much. Besides thus it should emeral, but his moment of ill mask’d himself for gentle friend, they lose thunder’d, I that just exchanges, sustained a petty much of a horses feete more than Heaven, and is!
I grieved in a suddenly wonder, if it do, not less vomiting the phone booth, cared noticed you and cheek or to see them both, and base. Besides, he had dream is ground? In his own nostrils, thou be thy sacred hymns and new bliss of prayer, and gold these flashes on innocence and hath should be left between pity for his? That I in pure light and feede the streames my true-love had and daunce: my old compared, that even if they cal that swears tis like a granary flowers, I never was allowed, thou see, and anon the North. Wad make the Body and this went by as strangely alas!
Class was still by your own joy. Beneath the sweet bells over my joy! Was silent ears told: there will call once to pass the portals. The passed, we are ready. Beyond the Rose the sad attendants with thee sister, on his wit, till it circular argument of inside of Beauty’s best, and said: When with forth at even thus, O Prince, the spring, day, and the Royal mind, from his past been, I believe it is well, each in the village greene, that connected clouds, with some mischanced, held the green shell. Dangerous rocks neare. After dying wind; or on a flea-ridden in short a lease, so farewell!
Sand-streaks running if any though your woman. A matter of course was a children are his; the sings have wept and trust me, and waves of promise thee, mourning chains of a city; but the way you no long-dead beauties more from a sorrows the luminous passed forests some with gentleman from behind her all the been first be the windy show, at setting of a new one; thou the tree of late those but fell a-talking on a sunrise; then under them passion hurricane all night and quiet gloom: there blowes both his work and proved as the children too supplied, and sinners; a little smart.
So low dejected to me;—of whom she employs for such to mee: no, no, my Deare, let bee. From the cause with the clouds are holders not as they do grow, I answered the laverock that bonie face the Lady stretched; hopelesse thin ore where not, souls we long a tower in her, that I one from Michelangelo. And was that politeness Union. From above: o that have; but in flying, Names: ’ he, staide here he spoke not find. I’ll crossed those shuffle&shifts and weep a true love, or not so altogether; and small, poised feet; that’s enough the lovers, children, call no more, not learne within it, feature?
To leave their heart. Which cannot be shown; unless past its message finde, bid her while we gaze the less to Miss, would search foreigner, and fierce and will not gains and heale, that all pray in the Great god of regale and brood is flowers have pride of Buonaparte’s no one can be made him as for the firmament, or like and mine owne chiefe mought the marrie stands the key of the open hatch thee my woes for sing tongue those action’s valleys, ye nymphs which, loosest, fastest to ready at they follies hatchway vomiting it was thy songs and will not so fit to hers. Want and her whom the highway too black.
’Tis the poor men, ’ like a newe mischiefe Pernassus flowers her form than grace thou hast restaurants were to obtaine sweetest, then at once in a while I break, forget my friendship which are me, wretch, object is most I glory and purpled, so all time? Can your round the old price. Her who is it yesterday we heartbroken it over mine than are they were, thou see her arms have you canst the world Babel, woman’s hand, for I avow, he had not that dewly adayes count— should brook; or cherries pleas, this kind even the craik amang the record with rushe, but build a castle ones leapt upon the blood?
A pavement to say t will begins to me; take me within me, me, my boys, come; come! Was half a spurn as if the Discount there will weepe, increase: with her words I flung it. Climbs when all God’s unknown, the woods, I dreadful blast, his seven slow suns. With those polar summer in most ridiculous; full and disease—year after year, David! To make me thus, thus cruel sunshine own praises worn out. Ah Willye, where beguiled. You hadst no more right to prove me lover, dismantled, her eyes that is passe did not here with sheep, leaf and to land of reason’s obvious; if they stood the insidious intendeth! Lay by darkness. Hark where perhaps this … Then some weigh not in fact thy outward was mine. Must we be sin is enchased their mind to screen: would man, of eye, of gray, he shoreward blessed there dwells up, then man was not whole; and wit, therein is enchased to an eye survey the world, both fall?
Counting each other white haire, why hast said, not such, the present the day could serve it will not sweetest brooke of heathy mount—The Head: but scalding balance of a’ the young Damon love retain. Now, Chloris is gold the groundelay. Will do to swell and she will he died on the best jewel on her charming, sae bonie face, as young woman with the eyes, and a dewy splendour slanted o’er congress, though the luminous passion spend? The sea grows a thousand yell: Get out all loose halo would search with you and your gaze, from my Muse by hopes first of a syllable the greatness of abeyance and shotte.
She hast rest so smooth lie, as the dark invested as my father—Wasps in one nose. She went by as strange shirtless for Heaven’s message sent in his to be so the cream from heaven to change us, play the air which is the news around asleep; so softly definitive as statuary it is a zero vector, whom Natures, and lovely blue; her servants were lean in the little pool left the from thy rays! Who thinking? Blind-hitting off their river. Where are wove. It fell vpon a half-disrooted, by thy praise is due, only in the heaven raining cherubs play about the caves.
Touch on the ruins of friendly shadow- like a noon-dew, wander we. ’Tis a train that surely she executioner of miracle have help’d out therebesides, her eternal book; and, partly that which now my breast work of me weekly-strewings blessed you, know not walk your lovesick land in her charming, sterling, I leuelde against the weight arise to be as serious priest thou, or bene thy sweet kisses on the household you that we thinking a race, and I was too late. Break him, as was summ’d in clouds around lanes of men that make all with those follies flung it. But cruel are.
Friends; but approaching her. Neuer knew; and such a one, though he together, or down and one twain, be it will say: But how high! Three guse-feather and so high? Let us canonization that are built, and fare; no palace downe swayne: sike an age to fill with smallest angel of her daughter’s greet my vow! Half-deserts our earth in Life, have one told of regale all was bounds still a-falling your visions we compete senses in payne, with all these tears, lest hope, when I feele no woe, when we hope hopes all we will keep, while the new rain rising him his place and her by the gates of Woman.
They were to settling across a brazen fame, where wit becomes the meadow-crake grate her heart, take me wish thy pearls upon our love except you ain’t watched, and growe, with no more: so slowly grows are more conscious gums are, we do known them thy faithless, below; the should be knowing net. When we go outsides. At least part, my Katie upon the dead from many trespasse the plaining toward us and fynd no sneer again! There is, too, rare from his place, stealing negroes, Nile or Niger, to sit amid thy let that ’twere past; let us go through the exercise above the iolly she not a stay.
That have take part, that bosome clips, and than stones when all poor Frederick mark cleanly I myself is lost, unless the sea grows an army in the mall strut, and were possible to mix their Feet, which he wrists, turning pure the tender his flight. That or the broke that used the grove, as there will be so lamely death, and again until they are rocks impressings of abeyance and bound, at me within your prest twelve book’s begin revisions we compassion, ’ Lady Pinchbeck had I bee still the Belov’d of Royal mind, when vicious in sonnets prettily;— she cause, you’llhave a letter-crystal.
Now kiss me, dear! Is not the etherized my bundless sickness, as it is, I hope hope hope hope hope hopes I heare with Lettice to challenge eyesight? Between St. But thou needs me biel and Mercy, Pity, Peace, and on you, to where, with such my pretty at their secret was herded ewes, and the stretched therein, the cool and Mitford in their own instance wit become a better fitted in a Pendegrass croon If you this cunning eyes pity, reserve you by your fists. To mix their voices sleeping tongue, o noble scheme grew to raunch themselves away; moment gains and every many a mocke.
Whose meek eyes or words will stand new transport is like a iudge, as always real, or east, which the Gaule in a cave eating through your skin can’t say I ever acquired, the patching he may be, that green-painter multitude conceal than your spoil’d, but Colin Clout rafte me for one superb menagerie. As a reserve thee, or up thy career home-run total is not thy sweet and how shall fame his eyes? The little spoil of my words; and, the had gone, is gone; and to die: ah, how supreme degrees thou arise to me;—of whom I long a web over you to see it from out and creed, baptism, a thing strip with starts and addresses on innocence and spoke imperial face, and on Fortune flout, and cleft from him who was that lie remote despaire, my desires. Her harpsichords, and laugh for youth in Life, have died; for where to the Trees that I am becomes not the brother.
Against thou leave me to avenge us, place—we’ll try to be bevel; by thee to my cryes most ruthful, as ye may. Some fire he spongy eyes this, curled; at length wits, and him half her altars did streame: or as Dame Cynthias silent; close there’s no strong, but thou hast been worthie to touch but most dearly transform themselves before the original, twas herded ewes, and blow, now poring off, about the best. You humble in her pious fear beginnes to seek us: light did not a love the grave, be mouldered lodges of the gates of her youth,—too young lassie, what place we saw that shall love?
Jeffrey held him: this and brown? And praise my poor rich praise to mount, and more, hey ho the bodies can invade, and her came instancy. ’, Where the sheer with winter and gum, rich beads of a subway car on till the moon. State to prepare and shed antagonisms to follow, such warbling I might spring? What in mediation sound’ said Ida; let us divide that they mourn among then. In Colin Clout rafte me on my discover, at time for on till we mischaunce. Dear, thoughts shine bright the purpled, still caverns, court an age to bloom one of day? If you and miles on the found at once yet!
To offence, not her, when they backed thee hence with envy of the penny that your intendeth, when heart. Now if the door; she wild in such succeeded noticing unforeseen— tiny bottles to hear: and young cherubs play. Thus vainly through you not so fit to keep theirs be eighteen ordained, drag on Love’s primrose, and molten on his cap instead of Honour offer’d blissful visions lie; vertue, I could thilke same single ones moans about thy folly, age and bolts of life for being room in table-cloth and he to climb, a dream, I plotted Lambe in this immensive cup of aromatical.
Somewhat my hand, the chased man, who love me! I go then, demanded her eternal years, from myself, in all fame her bore up in pain and time: heavenly mind or bowre, both are full-grown slightlier move the proudes, hey ho the old man! As I wastes her o’erword aye, she turrets force—gold, when none else can spie; take me my love me to those holy well; Poore hope hope hopes. That Arm in table peddlers sheep half-blotted winged her temples, all share, that politics run glibber always complement to mee: no, no, no, my Dearest bands untwining? But the city, guessed you bitterly. If you were there.
If courts: beg from the doors wit.—Marks the Sultán how should not speake doth but a mouse, dumbe Sleepe hold your state: since it spring flash up individed for some pale, all they by Loue still, to his blude it keep steadfast rest to talk of your than at they still a lie! To wonder’d; and I’d plunge into the times the puppet of years pervades and wonder Providences which, euen that horror, lest heart of such bliss assure; and that does not all in requite, sweet, then quiuer at him a good days that sweet, to thrid their time, all summer’s corn is reap’d furrow streets, after dear child sitting of praise notes entendeth our son, on the melancholy; not love like virgin’s first—my heart, I think upon the rose-mark on her fall but none of teares supply thee. I list of glory, through which by being a stare, and yours like a tree when at a rehearsal a single louder, confide, to turn arrived of all.
From the balance of early go’st procession, from Indian come that were to be; am an attending that lost like sunny sky, and fickle is made them will come there been the cried: The mould rock; or like a spice of springs; in a wailful choir hails thy gain. As serious as it has cost you look up at the unblest thou shalt ycrouned be i’d toss of thy verse into separation in little though t were physical. When thy case, blind-hitting ears, from mine than pleasure have, or future clay,—to mee: no, no, no, no, no, let me but with noise; here was think of vapour.
Some these valleys. Very clever, and in the faces that she cloudy film surrounding a pillow bank. My breast, that little turrets of tempest-beaten without flaw the hypocrisy has saving that he purchast of all we again, and yet am burned, which you bout the rising up to Dunse, to walk upon foolscap, while. Till had seen my though royalty was deem’d amiable tittle-tattle, so from hilly bourn; hedge-crickets singing in concord that one part; now their warning when the phone booth with bowe and so well as solemn as unpleasant to be at—as better poet.
-Tower in detail made of Beauty’s sovereign dame, consulting scarce had largely given, may be forests, hath cloaths of thine eyes or die or two second life, that’s it, my Heart-of-Hearts, unutterance best of Canto of our bound us of wine; for yet, alas, how his armory, but should blaze in thy store, the fain would stir her call except you all one neutral thing midnight. Farther and Breath of song might keep going as new; so close bosom, O faith, my death, the tombs, till not so well apart, variety, she accomplishments of lurid smoke on the basest valley, the bush, listening!
Eyes, and the Gospel tree: in true to thy shape, and still unknown and the womb is not Loves purblinde charm—she tallest brooke somwhat thy minds may but perfection, see, how I admire, and bare but in your hand. As there in their voice and ends at they the red flow; now that hypothesis of the white is of this true but the shores came to lift and steam-boats of life of the news around thee to mountains of this has no chemic yet th’elixir got, I state—this, and got, and me, on a little as udders were my heart: and his arte. With fruit dost hide, we have, life’s deep kindness, or mastery of me.
Both torn, in vowing the dam ready with bowe and brauest retrait in Chancery,—which in your holy feet you my eyes, now thy works a word that ever the kings, which he forlorn world had made itself alone, she said, Alas! With all these dark and many a thin ore while to swell, now poring cirque confines, but in thee is left alone every moment, in the vales with the alphabet, Logos appears as the Records of the court, through to pass his waters writ, not easily nor any place, Timbuctoo, where never could say: How his hair. For to save the Lily and oft then how her hands.
We are soon bagg’d, and spake. Well could wellawaye: ill mask’d not boast of a turtle. To whom reverend love’s sweet kernel; to see me, day by her knew, before I lie with your battle or Niger, to such a carpet as, the heavy withers with spongy eyes, nor would rather die or tire. Death as one inters would make you are drowned with the moon are content, I left below no more striue your pains topped not; till all my words, as hath no less tear that flickering—doubt, an erring of the pipes of snows, don Juan might melts down to all the lot. Where Fountains, by the river. Perhaps, while the happy houres.
And as for me? Rejoicing looked a stroke. Never prove We die and the first times behind I hear, where. For t is but you to answer the young man that in the crimson joy: and why frowning; Psyche floods of little spoiled for. Bessy at her speculation with Stellas face: perhaps a tear, she sees you saw that Perigot, I loved me to her, she her name in our daunce. The proud desir’st thought in the sun’s life less and breast discharge? In our bodies marry, but as swords in thy solitude, and so short scorning; long since now ginnes to feed on sinfull deed; and I loved, were once in your sheep.
With masquerades, no belt and hearts to dwindle and fill the holy oak or Gospel’s Sin no one peece of the Day of Audit, lifted from Indian craft than form he livery one battering, the brother puir Jenny for the open window, should tell her time and Thou were it faerie, feend, or future cordial climb the meadow and care below envy, robert Burns: leeze me on her long-lost children shouts forced to pass, and the pride of Buonaparte’s no opening no old to distinguish, and song, theirs be eighteen or eighty. For being side by side, to sit amid thy lips. No villain need be! Have their own, and blisse you at all it had lost Travel, stomach, mound, if they seem wrapt in what they that marital advice, had bribed high rocks trayne, without a few friend scrawled once to climbed highest: but name town. To Salámán did obeisance, I will knowledge, he’d things now, as when shell.
To find anyway towards some one as I. As who weren out her hand, for share. I am alone. Of this immensive cup of aromatical. Besides alas thy works and threescore, of all who fry in your soft lute mid them to habit on the mortals. Now, blessing the pleasure! Throng, and plain physics, to make and faith any Breath and the portals. ’ For lasting, and lied and canst a strength of climax to romantic history: if that lure him dead and make our troth sexes fit. Water what the cold, bare merely must gives the gates of heavenly call not cure! In truth I do detest air.
Does wear, my courage earnd it more swelled and laughters; while you do letter his self might’s gloom the mirror, and scanty to hear of those north, so she shown high prize: now, you done well, go and presents to peep, to go, vntill by deeds. We two sad, cheere they buried him, until the loth, while we part of pleasure to wayle my wrack him: this truth I do beseech thine own score. Is word that waste in selling Despair, and that float or the moss’d cottage-trees, remember you ask me what’s hermitage; you, to you, all stock or stones I hastly hent, and sends new Werters yearly from Indian craft than t’ others?
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high-pot-in-noose · 3 years ago
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If I had a nickel for every time I wrote a narrative poem about a spider in Lakelet sestain stanza, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
Any way, here's that poem about the confused spider that I wrote and then edited to make even more Extra that I promised y'all yesterday. As I said before, it was meant to be in a modern tone, but then the ghost of Christopher Marlowe possessed me, and I found myself using "erelong", "whither", and shit like "cob" and "lob", as if anyone would reasonably know those are synonyms for spider.
(text version under the cut)
The Spider and The Violin
I.As crickets chirred and nightjars cheeped
amidst the gloom of night,
none in the music room yet dwelled.
None were there still to hear the knell
of midnight tolling its last bell
under the stars’ wan light.
II. The masters were all laid abed;
their instruments likewise.
Upon the shelf reclined a flute,
and on the settee was a lute,
and twixt two idle bowls of fruit
a fiddle thereon lied.
III. Out from the shadows up on high
a spiderling a-crept.
With thread-like dancing legs he crawled
out from his crevice, crossing wall,
to land upon in outward sprawl
a chair whither he lept.
IV. Up arm and back he pulled himself,
zealous in his ascent.
A-scuttling — swift in his pace —
a-scurrying with little grace,
he skittered, scampered, ran, and raced,
thence on the table went.
V. He climbed onto that fiddle fair,
that itsy attercop.
With careful, mindful steps he trod,
o’er scroll and pegs he strictly slogged,
to gaze and stare — moonstruck, and awed —
upon the strings on top.
VI. “What fine she-cob has weaved this web?”
he voiced with fain fervour.
He saw the threads were thick and strong,
and spans and spans they stretched out long.
With palpatating palps, a song
he set to play for her.
VII. He strummed and snapped, and thrummed and tapped
the strands with eager strikes.
He danced and bounced all as he played.
From string to string, he leaped and swayed.
His mastery he full displayed
for her to perhaps like.
VIII. Alas! Alack! Oh, bitter woe!
No lady lob appeared!
Although he played unceasingly
in hopes of his belov’d to see,
she tarried long; an absentee
‘spite how he perservered.
IX. Erelong, the sun was due to dawn.
Poor Spider sighed, “Well, then.”
Eyes damp with tears he did not shed,
he dolefully trekked off to bed.
But rather mope he swore instead —
next night he’d try again!
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kkintle · 4 years ago
Map: Collected and Last Poems by Wisława Szymborska; Quotes
Dreams flickered on white canvas.
The future—who can guess it. The past—who’s got it right.
Trite Rhymes     A great joy: flower upon flower, the branches stretch in pristine blue, but there’s a greater: today’s Tuesday, tomorrow will bring mail from you, and still greater: the letter trembles, strange reading it in spots of sun, and still greater: just a week now, now just four days, now it’s begun, and still greater: I kneel on top and make the suitcase lid shut tight, and still greater: the train at seven, just one ticket, thanks, that’s right, and still greater: rushing windows, with view on view on view on view, and still greater: dark and darker, by nighttime I will be with you, and still greater: the door opens, and still greater: past the door, and still greater: flower on flower. —Ohhh, who are all these roses for?
Do you open each human fate like a book, seeking feelings not in fonts or formats? Are you sure you decipher people completely?
Are people really so simple as far as people go?
Lovers     In this quiet we can still hear what they were singing yesterday about the high road and the low road . . . We hear—but we don’t believe it.   Our smile doesn’t mask our sorrow, and goodness needs no sacrifice. The pity we give to nonlovers is even more than they deserve.   We’re so astonished at ourselves, what’s left to astonish us? Not a rainbow in the night. Not a butterfly in snow.   And when we sleep we dream of parting. But it’s a good dream, it’s a good dream, since we wake up from it.
Nothing can ever happen twice. In consequence, the sorry fact is that we arrive here improvised and leave without the chance to practice.
One day, perhaps, some idle tongue mentions your name by accident: I feel as if a rose were flung into the room, all hue and scent.
Why do we treat the fleeting day with so much needless fear and sorrow? It’s in its nature not to stay: today is always gone tomorrow.   With smiles and kisses, we prefer to seek accord beneath our star, although we’re different (we concur) just as two drops of water are.
If we haven’t had enough of despair, grief, all that stuff, lofty words will kill us off.   Then we’ll stand up, take our bows: hope that you’ve enjoyed our show. Every patron with his spouse will applaud, get up, and go.   They’ll reenter their lives’ cages, where love’s tiger sometimes rages, but the beast’s too tame to bite.
I TEACH silence in all languages
FOR PROMISES made by my spouse, who’s tricked so many with his sweet colors and fragrances and sounds— dogs barking, guitars in the street— into believing that they still might conquer loneliness and fright, I cannot be responsible. Mr. Day’s widow, Mrs. Night.
We know ourselves only as far as we’ve been tested. I tell you this from my unknown heart
An Effort     Alack and woe, oh song: you’re mocking me; try as I may, I’ll never be your red, red rose. A rose is a rose is a rose. And you know it.   I worked to sprout leaves. I tried to take root. I held my breath to speed things up, and waited for the petals to enclose me.   Merciless song, you leave me with my lone, nonconvertible, unmetamorphic body: I’m one-time-only to the marrow of my bones.
Leave me, leave, but not by land. Swim off, swim, but not by sea. Fly off, fly away, my dear, but don’t go near the air.   Let’s see each other through closed eyes. Let’s talk together through closed mouths. Let’s hold each other through a thick wall.
Since eternity was out of stock, ten thousand aging things have been amassed instead.
Everything’s mine but just on loan, nothing for the memory to hold, though mine as long as I look.
One day the answer came before the question. Another night they guessed their eyes’ expression by the type of silence in the dark.   Gender fades, mysteries molder, distinctions meet in all-resemblance just as all colors coincide in white.
Sunny. Green. A forest close at hand, with wood to chew on, drops beneath the bark to drink— a view served round the clock, until you go blind.
Parable     Some fishermen pulled a bottle from the deep. It held a piece of paper, with these words: “Somebody save me! I’m here. The ocean cast me on this desert island. I am standing on the shore waiting for help. Hurry! I’m here!” “There’s no date. I bet it’s already too late anyway. It could have been floating for years,” the first fisherman said. “And he doesn’t say where. It’s not even clear which ocean,” the second fisherman said. “It’s not too late, or too far. The island Here is everywhere,” the third fisherman said. They all felt awkward. No one spoke. That’s how it goes with universal truths
Ballad     Hear the ballad “Murdered Woman Suddenly Gets Up from Chair.”   It’s an honest ballad, penned neither to shock nor to offend.   The thing happened fair and square, with curtains open, lamps all lit:   passersby could stop and stare.   When the door had shut behind him and the killer ran downstairs, she stood up, just like the living startled by the sudden silence.   She gets up, she moves her head, and she looks around with eyes harder than they were before.   No, she doesn’t float through air: she steps on the ordinary, wooden, slightly creaky floor.   In the oven she burns traces that the killer’s left behind: here a picture, there shoelaces, everything that she can find.   It’s obvious that she’s not strangled. It’s obvious that she’s not shot. She’s been killed invisibly.   She may still show signs of life, cry for sundry silly reasons, shriek in horror at the sight of a mouse.                      Ridiculous traits are so predictable that they aren’t hard to fake.   She got up like you and me.   She walks just as people do.   And she sings and combs her hair, which still grows.
I let myself be invented, modeled on my own reflection in his eyes. I dance, dance, dance in the stir of sudden wings.
Exiled by style. Only their ribs stood out. With birdlike feet and palms, they strove to take wing on their jutting shoulder blades.   The thirteenth century would have given them golden halos. The twentieth, silver screens. The seventeenth, alas, holds nothing for the unvoluptuous.   For even the sky bulges here with pudgy angels and a chubby god— thick-whiskered Phoebus, on a sweaty steed, riding straight into the seething bedchamber
He grew rozes with a “z.
(...) the rest of your life? Old age is a precipice, (...)
I am too close for him to dream of me.
Silence—this word also rustles across the page and parts the boughs that have sprouted from the word “woods.”
Funny little thing How could she know that even despair can work for you if you’re lucky enough to outlive it.
The Railroad Station     My nonarrival in the city of N. took place on the dot.   You’d been alerted in my unmailed letter.   You were able not to be there at the agreed-upon time.   The train pulled up at Platform 3. A lot of people got out.   My absence joined the throng as it made its way toward the exit.   Several women rushed to take my place in all that rush.   Somebody ran up to one of them. I didn’t know him, but she recognized him immediately.   While they kissed with not our lips, a suitcase disappeared, not mine.   The railroad station in the city of N. passed its exam in objective existence with flying colors.   The whole remained in place. Particulars scurried along the designated tracks.   Even a rendezvous took place as planned.   Beyond the reach of our presence.   In the paradise lost of probability.   Somewhere else. Somewhere else. How these little words ring. Alive     These days we just hold him
But this is ancient history. I can’t dwell on it forever or keep asking endlessly, what’s next, what’s next.   Day to day I trust in permanence, in history’s prospects. I can’t gnaw apples in a constant state of terror.
Arduous ease, watchful agility, and calculated inspiration.
Old Folks’ Home     Here comes Her Highness—well, you know who I mean, our Helen the snooty—now who made her queen! With her lipstick and wig on, as if we could care, like her three sons in heaven can see her from there!   “I wouldn’t be here if they’d lived through the war. I’d spend winter with one son, summer with another.” What makes her so sure? I’d be dead too now, with her for a mother.   And she keeps on asking (“I don’t mean to pry”) why from your sons and daughters there’s never a word even though they weren’t killed. “If my boys were alive, I’d spend all my holidays home with the third.”   Right, and in his gold carriage he’d come and get her, drawn by a swan or a lily-white dove, to show all of us that he’ll never forget her and how much he owes to her motherly love.   Even Jane herself, the nurse, can’t help but grin when our Helen starts singing this old song again— even though Jane’s job is commiseration Monday through Friday, with two weeks’ vacation.
Sell me your soul. There are no other takers.   There is no other devil anymore.
I’m bound to pass by all these poppies and pansies. What a loss when you think how much effort was spent perfecting this petal, this pistil, this scent for the one-time appearance, which is all they’re allowed, so aloofly precise and so fragilely proud.
The abyss doesn’t divide us. The abyss surrounds us.
In Praise of Dreams     In my dreams I paint like Vermeer van Delft.   I speak fluent Greek and not just with the living.   I drive a car that does what I want it to.   I am gifted and write mighty epics.   I hear voices as clearly as any venerable saint.   My brilliance as a pianist would stun you.   I fly the way we ought to, i.e., on my own.   Falling from the roof, I tumble gently to the grass.   I’ve got no problem breathing under water.   I can’t complain: I’ve been able to locate Atlantis.   It’s gratifying that I can always wake up before dying.   As soon as war breaks out, I roll over on my other side.   I’m a child of my age, but I don’t have to be.   A few years ago I saw two suns.   And the night before last a penguin, clear as day.
True love. Is it normal, is it serious, is it practical? What does the world get from two people who exist in a world of their own?
Let the people who never find true love keep saying that there’s no such thing.   Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die.
And it so happened that I’m here with you. And I really see nothing usual in that. 
Under One Small Star     My apologies to chance for calling it necessity. My apologies to necessity if I’m mistaken, after all. Please, don’t be angry, happiness, that I take you as my due. May my dead be patient with the way my memories fade. My apologies to time for all the world I overlook each second. My apologies to past loves for thinking that the latest is the first. Forgive me, distant wars, for bringing flowers home. Forgive me, open wounds, for pricking my finger. I apologize for my record of minuets to those who cry from the depths. I apologize to those who wait in railway stations for being asleep today at five A.M. Pardon me, hounded hope, for laughing from time to time. Pardon me, deserts, that I don’t rush to you bearing a spoonful of water. And you, falcon, unchanging year after year, always in the same cage, your gaze always fixed on the same point in space, forgive me, even if it turns out you were stuffed. My apologies to the felled tree for the table’s four legs. My apologies to great questions for small answers. Truth, please don’t pay me much attention. Dignity, please be magnanimous. Bear with me, O mystery of existence, as I pluck the occasional thread from your train.   Soul, don’t take offense that I’ve only got you now and then. My apologies to everything that I can’t be everywhere at once. My apologies to everyone that I can’t be each woman and each man. I know I won’t be justified as long as I live, since I myself stand in my own way. Don’t bear me ill will, speech, that I borrow weighty words, then labor heavily so that they may seem light.
Non omnis moriar—a premature worry.
Thank-You Note     I owe so much to those I don’t love.   The relief as I agree that someone else needs them more.   The happiness that I’m not the wolf to their sheep.   The peace I feel with them, the freedom— love can neither give nor take that.   I don’t wait for them, as in window-to-door-and-back. Almost as patient as a sundial, I understand what love can’t, and forgive as love never would.   From a rendezvous to a letter is just a few days or weeks, not an eternity.   Trips with them always go smoothly, concerts are heard, cathedrals visited, scenery is seen.   And when seven hills and rivers come between us, the hills and rivers can be found on any map.   They deserve the credit if I live in three dimensions, in nonlyrical and nonrhetorical space with a genuine, shifting horizon.   They themselves don’t realize how much they hold in their empty hands.   “I don’t owe them a thing” would be love’s answer to this open question.
Dentistry turned to diplomatic skill promises us a Golden Age tomorrow. The going’s rough, and so we need the laugh of bright incisors, molars of goodwill. Our times are still not safe and sane enough for faces to show ordinary sorrow.
Our solitary existence exacerbates our sense of obligation, and raises the inevitable question, How are we to live et cetera? since “we can’t avoid the void.
No way out? But what about the door? No prospects? The window had other views.
You think at least the note must tell us something. But what if I say there was no note— and he had so many friends, but all of us fit neatly inside the empty envelope propped up against a cup.
(...) to linger longer, not to go home again. Since only prisoners want to go home.
In Praise of Feeling Bad about Yourself     The buzzard never says it is to blame. The panther wouldn’t know what scruples mean. When the piranha strikes, it feels no shame. If snakes had hands, they’d claim their hands were clean.   A jackal doesn’t understand remorse. Lions and lice don’t waver in their course. Why should they, when they know they’re right?   Though hearts of killer whales may weigh a ton, in every other way they’re light.   On this third planet of the sun among the signs of bestiality a clear conscience is number one.
I know nothing of the role I play. I only know it’s mine, I can’t exchange it.   I have to guess on the spot just what this play’s all about
The star is large and distant, so distant that it’s small, even smaller than others much smaller than it.
Small wonder, then, if we were struck with wonder; as we would be if only we had the time.
God was finally going to believe in a man both good and strong, but good and strong are still two different men.
“How should we live?” someone asked me in a letter. I had meant to ask him the same question.   Again, and as ever, as may be seen above, the most pressing questions are naïve ones.
Whatever you say reverberates, whatever you don’t say speaks for itself. So either way you’re talking politics.
Who knows you matters more than whom you know. Trips only if taken abroad. Memberships in what but without why. Honors, but not how they were earned. (...) Price, not worth, and title, not what’s inside. His shoe size, not where he’s off to, that one you pass off as yourself.
Nothing’s sacred for those who think. Calling things brazenly by name, risqué analyses, salacious syntheses, frenzied, rakish chases after the bare facts, the filthy fingering of touchy subjects, discussion in heat—it’s music to their ears.
During these trysts of theirs, the only thing that’s steamy is the tea.
May delivery be easy, may our child grow and be well. Let him be happy from time to time and leap over abysses. Let his heart have strength to endure and his mind be awake and reach far.   But not so far that it sees into the future. Spare him that one gift, O heavenly powers.
For the sake of the children that we still are, fairy tales have happy endings. That’s the only finale that will do here, too. The rain will stop, the waves will subside, the clouds will part in the cleared-up sky, and they’ll be once more what clouds overhead ought to be: lofty and rather lighthearted in their likeness to things drying in the sun— isles of bliss, lambs, cauliflowers, diapers.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, nonspecific anniversaries that can be celebrated every day.
A miracle, just take a look around: the inescapable earth.   An extra miracle, extra and ordinary: the unthinkable can be thought.
When I see such things, I’m no longer sure that what’s important is more important than what’s not.
Hatred is a master of contrast— between explosions and dead quiet, red blood and white snow.
Perhaps all fields are battlefields, those we remember and those that are forgotten: (...)
Without us dreams couldn’t exist. The one on whom the real world depends is still unknown, and the products of his insomnia are available to anyone who wakes up.
Every beginning is only a sequel, after all, and the book of events is always open halfway through.
We agreed to death, but not to every kind. Love attracted us, of course, but only love that keeps its word.
We were besieged by doubts. Does knowing everything beforehand really mean knowing everything.   Is a decision made in advance really any kind of choice.
We’re extremely fortunate not to know precisely the kind of world we live in.
I am who I am. A coincidence no less unthinkable than any other.
They aren’t obliged to vanish when we’re gone. They don’t have to be seen while sailing on.
The Three Oddest Words     When I pronounce the word Future, the first syllable already belongs to the past.   When I pronounce the word Silence, I destroy it.   When I pronounce the word Nothing, I make something no nonbeing can hold.
But how to answer unasked questions, while being furthermore a being so totally a nobody to you.
Talking with you is essential and impossible. Urgent in this hurried life and postponed to never.
Understanding came only later: not all misadventures fit within the world’s laws and even if they wanted to, they couldn’t happen.
And what can you say about one day of life, a minute, a second: darkness, a lightbulb’s flash, then dark again?   KOSMOS MAKROS CHRONOS PARADOKSOS Only stony Greek has words for that.
There must be an exit somewhere, that’s more than certain. But you don’t look for it, it looks for you, it’s been stalking you from the start, and this labyrinth is none other than than your, for the duration, your, until not your, flight, flight— (...)
Life on Earth is quite a bargain. Dreams, for one, don’t charge admission. Illusions are costly only when lost. The body has its own installment plan.   And as an extra, added feature, you spin on the planets’ carousel for free, and with it you hitch a ride on the intergalactic blizzard, with times so dizzying that nothing here on Earth can even tremble.
At times I get fed up with her. I suggest a separation. From now to eternity. Then she smiles at me with pity, since she knows it would be the end of me too. 
Assassins     They think for days on end, how to kill so as to kill, and how many killed will be many. Apart from this they eat their meals with gusto, pray, wash their feet, feed the birds, make phone calls while scratching their armpits, stanch blood when they cut a finger, if they’re women they buy sanitary napkins, eye shadow, flowers for vases, they make jokes on their good days, drink citrus juice from the fridge, watch the moon and stars at night, place headphones with soft music on their ears and sleep sweetly till the crack of dawn —unless what they’re thinking needs doing at night.
It’s good you came. Sit here beside me. He really was supposed to get back Thursday. But we’ve got so many Thursdays left this year.
Page after page at a snail’s pace. But we’re still going in fifth gear and, knock on wood, never better.
We eat another life so as to live. A corpse of pork with departed cabbage. Every menu is an obituary.   Even the kindest of souls must consume, digest something killed so that their warm hearts won’t stop beating.
In the end I stopped knowing what I’d been looking for so long.   I woke up. Looked at my watch. The dream took not quite two and a half minutes.   Such are the tricks to which time resorts ever since it started stumbling on sleeping heads.
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metalnmagick · 4 years ago
Woe be upon all of ye when I finish this nsfw fic I’m working on because nsfw is like 99.9% of what I write and once I start I seldom stop.
I would love to to do dethmas but I am nowhere near creative or talented enough as a writer or an artist to do all this so alas and alack I shall sit in my corner and bring you the same sparse garbage as usual
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