#stop growin up im gonna cry
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editsty · 6 years ago
MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-iJZ0gfKPo&feature=youtu.be
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diddlesanddoodles · 5 years ago
ATTENTION: This chapter occurs during the events of ch 47 of Dumpling and therefore contains spoilers. If you have not not read that chapter or have not caught up to that point, this will not make much sense and I strongly urge you to wait until you are caught up before continuing with this chapter.   
The fear was always the first thing to hit. Like a gust of wind, it swept him away until all he could perceive of the world was a small pinprick of light and the only sound was his own breathing and the only physical sensation was the frantic beating of his own heart. He never heard Nenani call his name or felt her hand on his shoulder. He did not notice when Keral pulled him bodily from his seat and carried him from the great hall. Perhaps that was better. He may have died from embarrassment right then and there if he had possessed enough presence of mind to understand.
“Remember what Yaesha told ye,” Keral’s voice said, penetrating the thick fog of his mind. “Just breathe. Slower now, lad. In and out.” He could feel more than hear Keral’s own breathing and he slowed his to match the ranger’s. “That’s it. Come on back now, lad.”
He felt Keral’s large fingers lightly tapping the side of his head, just enough to jerk him back to attention and ever so slowly the world came back into focus and he was no longer in the great hall, but a side garden and sitting on a stone bench. The night air bit at his face and he felt the cold stone under him, the chill seeping into the fabric of his pants and onto his skin. Keral was kneeling down in front of him and peering into his face, green eyes studying his own blue ones. “Back with me yet?”
He nodded mutely and Keral stood to take a seat on the bench beside him. “Scared the lass pretty good. Don’t think she’s ever seen one of yer fits before.”
Jae didn’t respond, feeling shamed and mortified.
“Go on and tell me what set ye off.”
His hands were clenched hard enough to hurt and he could feel the muscles in his neck and shoulders pull tight. “…you know what.”
Keral did not reply right away. Instead, he reached behind his back to pull out his pipe and a small pouch of tobacco. He stuffed the bowl and just as he struck a match, he said, “Tell me anyway.”
“I can’t…I’m not…why would he…?” He could almost feel the fit trying to begin afresh and he steadied his breathing again, trying to keep it at bay. When he was sure it had passed, he ran his fingers through his hair, gripping fistfuls of it and staring at the pitted stone under him. “I can’t do this Keral.”  
The larger man beside him took a moment to puffed idly at his pipe, plumes of grey smoke drifting upwards to obscure the stars peeking down at them from the open courtyard.
“And why not?” he asked.
“I’m not a prince,” Jae replied exasperated. “I can’t…do all that stuff.”
With a short huff of a laugh, the ranger shook his head. “Yer a fuckin’ idiot, you know that boy?”
With a growl, Jae punched Keral’s thigh hard, and shot back, “Dammit, I’m being serious!”
“So am I,” Keral grunted. He leaned over just enough to pin Jae with one eye. “Just what do ye think yev been this whole time? Hm?”
“…an idiot, like you said. A spoiled idiot. A brat,” Jae replied lowly. “I don’t want to be a prince. I only…” A long pause. “I just wanted…so badly for…for Warren…to see me like I saw him.”
Keral shook his head. “Thought you two figured that mess out weeks ago.”
“…I thought so, but…” Jae sighed. “Nothing’s changed.”
“Not followin’ ye.”
Jae felt like his chest was gonna rupture and his eyes burned with frustrated tears. In a low voice, he choked out, “…I’m not his son, Keral.”
“Bullshit ye ain’t!” Keral snapped, glowering down at him. The degree of vehemence from him was enough to startle Jae and he shook his head.  
“…I can’t be.”
Keral leaned down further, enough to cast Jae in shadow. “And who th’fuck says?”
He couldn’t meet the ranger’s critical gaze. “…you heard them in there.”
“Since when did ye give a right shit about what Eldherst and Tendle thought of ye?”
How Jae wished he had some snarky quip to throw back, anything to offer distraction, but all he had was what he knew was true but was too scared to admit to himself. Let alone aloud. The lords were right. He wasn’t Warren’s son and never could be. He’d been fooling himself all this time, playing at make believe. A fallacy they could continue within the castle where Warren’s power could shield him, but beyond the walls of the keep…
…the world would never let him be Warren’s son.  
“Because even if all that load ‘a tripe were true,” Keral continued, poking Jae’s shoulder with the butt of his pipe. “Why would Warren wanna adopt ye if didn’t mean nothin’ to him?”
Jae was silent. He didn’t want to start crying in front of Keral.    
“It ain’t about makin’ ye a prince fer the hell of it. It’s about makin’ ye his son. In the eyes of the law. All that other nonsense is just a consequence of yer Dad being a King. Ain’t like he’s puttin’ ye in the line of succession.”
“But still…”
Keral shifted again and rose to his feet to stand in front of the bench. He planted both hands on either side of Jae to loom above him, his pipe clenched in his teeth. In a quiet voice, he said, “Warren loves ye lad. Been takin’ care of ye all these years hasn’t he?”
“And ye think of ‘im like yer Dad, don’t ye?”
“…y-yes,” Jae said, his words shuttering.
“Then why question it?”
“…I don’t want to cause him any problems,” Jae admitted and Keral laughed, the sound of it loud in his ears. He removed his pipe and sat it down onto the bench.
“Far too late fer that, Pup. Yer ‘a walkin’ disaster.”
Jae almost smiled. It had been years since Keral had called him that. Like so many of those employed at the castle, he had taken to calling him brat; a nickname Jae had rightly earned not long after hitting puberty. Somehow, with Keral using his first nickname for him made Jae feel a little better. It was almost a term of endearment.
“Me being an embarrassment as his ward is one thing,” Jae said. “But as his son…it’s a little harder to ignore. Or forgive.”
“If Rosanna of fuckin’ Ibronia could manage to accept ye,” Keral said flatly. “Why the fuck can’t ye accept yerself? Of course yer gonna make mistakes. Yer still a damn kid. Ye still have a few years left of ye bumblin’ around in the dark before ye figure out how to light a damn match.”
Jae raised his head to meet Keral’s gaze and squinted at him in confusion. “…what?”
“Ye still have a lot to learn,” Keral translated. “They call ‘em growin’ pains fer a reason. Fer some, it’s more painful than fer others.” A pause. “Ever stop and think there was a reason fer Warren makin’ ye Assistant Steward?”  
“To keep me out of trouble,” Jae replied with a shrug. “What else?”
“Well, yeah. That’s what happens when ye have a kid too smart fer his own good and with too much liberty as his disposal. But it ain’t only that. He gave ye responsibilities because he knew ye’d be able to handle it. And ye have. We both know Donal wasn’t always yer biggest fan, but somehow ye managed to wiggle yerself into his good graces. That’s gotta be worth something. Been tryin’ to do that fer almost twenty years, still haven’t managed it myself.”
“I just sit around and take notes or deliver messages for him and…I don’t really do anything. I just…watch.”
“And listen. Ever stop to think that maybe that was the point? Ye learn from watchin’. Hell, Pup, yer a damn sponge when it comes to all that shit. Ye’v got a decent head fer politics after watchin’ Warren all these years. And he knows it. Yer more ready fer this than yer willin’ to give yerself credit fer.”  
“Doesn’t feel like it,” said the human, running a hand through his hair. “How the hell does it make sense to make me a prince? I’m not even Vhasshalan. And did you see some of their faces? Some of them were and still are Baynor supporters.” He pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his chin down onto them. “Probably wishing the fucker did eat me…”
“Well he didn’t. And Warren’s makin’ ye a prince. So the only thing ye should be asking yerself is what do ye do now. Sittin’ and mopin’ about it ain’t doin ye any favors. Never has. All the time yer spend on the roof, what has it ever done fer ye? Eh? Not a damn thing. Warren wants to make ye his son officially. Not just some vague understandin’ between yerselves. That should tell ye all ye need to know, Pup.”
“…what if I can’t do it, though?”
“Ye ain’t scared of not being able to do it. Yer scared of disappointing yer Dad.”
Jae hung his head. “…because I’m a coward.”
“Now I’ve known plenty of cowards in my time. And there’s plenty ‘a things I could call ye,” Keral said. He laid his hand against Jae’s back, fingers curling around his shoulders. “But a coward ain’t one of ‘em.”
“I’m scared…all the time. And there doesn’t even need to be anything wrong. How does that not make me a coward? I freeze up and have these fits and I have to drink that disgusting tea just to have a chance to function and I…I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“I know exactly what’s wrong with ye,” Keral told him seriously, green eyes seeming to bore holes through him. “It’s called surviving a war. Survivor’s guilt.”
“What?” Jae asked.
“What yer feelin’. S’called survivor’s guilt. Saw it plenty during my own deployment. Men comin’ back from battle without half their company. Wonderin’ why the fella next to him was dead and he wasn’t. Same as you. Ye’ve had it fer years. Since we found ye out in the moor.” He paused. “All yer family and friends never left that pond. But ye did. And ye’ve let that guilt fester inside ye and it comes out in yer nightmares and in these fits ‘a yers.”
Every muscle in his body felt tense and unyielding. He hated what Keral was saying and wished he would stop. He was too tired to do this now. He didn’t want to…
“Ye never talk about ‘em. Yer folks,” Keral said quietly. Gently. “Don’t know a thing about ‘em. ‘Cept yer Dad’s name and trade. Never hear ya speak about yer Mum.”
“It hurts too much. Even now,” Jae said, already feeling the tears dripping down his chin. “If I try to remember her face…”
“Ye never dealt with all that pain of losin’ ‘em. As young as ye were when ye did. Now yer panickin’ that yet might be losing Warren. In a different way. But losin’ ‘im all the same. ‘Cept this time no one’s takin’ anythin’ from ye, Pup. Yer takin’ it from yerself.”
Finally, Jae broke. His shoulders began to shake as a racking sob bubbled up from his throat. For several minutes, he just cried and let all the hurt and fear and regret and guilt pour out of himself. When finally, he had no more to give, he quieted. Sniffling and in a thick voice, he mumbled, “I’m such an idiot…”
Keral laughed. “Oh, ye don’t need to tell me that, lad. Known it fer years.”
Jae raised his head to glare at the ranger. “…Anyone ever tell you that your pep talks suck?”
“All the time,” he said with a satisfied grin. He patted Jae on the back and motioned for him to stand. “Come on now. Enough sulkin’. On yer feet.”
His legs and arms felt twice as heavy and his temples throbbed. Gods did he need a drink. He wobbled on his feet, but once he’d steadied himself, Jae looked back at Keral expectantly. The ranger crouched back down so he and Jae were on the same level and was regarding him with a serious expression.
“Yer a smart boy, Jae,” he said, laying his arms onto bench and leaning forward. “And Warren adores ye. It’s true that it’s no small thing fer ye to be adopted by the King of Vhasshal. Ain’t sayin’ yer gonna have an easy time of it. But fer what’s it’s worth, I think yer gonna be pretty damn good at it.”
For a moment, Jae simply stared at the ranger, emotions swirling inside of him, before he dropped his gaze to stare at his feet for several moments. He took a step and then another and pressed his head against Keral’s shoulder. He sniffed, trying to keep himself from falling into tears again. A large hand came to rest against his back, rubbing lightly.
“Oi,” Keral said gently, a smile in his tone. “Don’t be gettin’ yer snot all over my good jerkin now. S’the only one I got.”
Despite the roiling emotions inside him, Jae laughed. “I’ll get you a new one. Princes get allowances don’t they?”
Keral chuckled. “That’d be a question fer yer Dad.”
Before Jae could speak, from within the great hall, they heard a horrible shriek and he jumped in” surprise. “What the –?”
Keral was on his feet, looking towards the large stained glass windows and listening. There was another shriek from inside and then many voices all at once calling out in shock or surprise. The lone lantern near the other end of the garden began to glow.
“Well, fuck...” Keral growled. He turned towards one corner of the garden where two guards were standing post, both staring dumbly at the lantern, and he called out to them, “Guards to the hall!”
The two guards started, looking at Keral and then seeming to recall themselves, took up their swords and called out behind them, ostensibly to more guards, “All guards to the hall!”
There were several calling answers and in a matter of mere moments, guards from all over seemed to be spilling from corridors and breezeways and into the small garden and then into the hall. From the red of their leather armor, Jae could see a spot of black fighting against the tide of so many bodies.  
“Donal!” Keral called out to the man as he struggled to get through. “What in the seven hells is goin’ on in there?”
“Keral!” Donal said, waving at him and struggling to catch his breath as he broke free of the throng. “Get Master Jae to safety! The Smoke Mage, he’s in the hall.”
“What?” Keral asked.
Donal scowled at the ranger. “Didn’t you hear me, dammit? Your King’s orders are to get Master Jae to safety! Now man, damn you!”
Before Jae had a moment to say anything, Keral grabbed him up and was running.
“Wait! What about everyone else?” Jae asked, gripping the fabric of Keral’s jerkin. “Warren is still inside. And Nenani!”
“Warren said to get ye to safety and that’s what I’m gonna do,” Keral told him.
“But –!”
“No arguing with me now,” Keral barked. “My big ol’ speech is gonna be nothin’ but a waste of time if that fucker gets his hands on ye again.”
He took a side corridor and slipped down a flight of stone steps. Near the bottom was an old and unassuming wooden door and Keral went inside. He sat Jae down onto his feet before ruffling inside his back pouch for his matches. He struck one and lit a candle sitting on a broken stool off to the side.
“You’ll stay here till it’s safe,” Keral said as he grabbed a folded blanket from the shelf and setting it on the floor near the back wall. “Just keep quiet till I get back, here me?”
“But what about –?”
“No arguing with me I said,” Keral snapped. “Trust me to do my job, Pup. Stay here and stay quiet.”
Jae nodded. “O-okay.”
Keral rose to his feet and pulled the door closed as he slipped out. There in the dark, Jae listened to beating of his own heart before making his way over to the folded blanket and sitting down. Rubbing his still splinted arm, Jae could not help but worry for everyone inside the hall. He thought of Warren and tried to convince himself that the guards would never allow anything to happen to the King.
He thought of Nenani.
Pushing himself back against the wall, he drew his knees up to his chest and watched for a moment as the candle’s warm glow sent the shadows around the room dancing. He felt another panicked wave begin to take hold deep inside and he pressed his forehead to his knees and began to breath. Deep even breathes. Like he had been taught.  
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iris-ymir · 5 years ago
Guilty or Innocent - Iris
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Asked someone to marry you? 
“No. Not mi thin’. The whole... damn idea about marriage and shite? I dunno. Like... spending rest or yer life with the same person? Absolutely! Its just... Dont get mi wrong here! But the whole mess about marriage, and such.. It sounds so damn artificial. Do I wanna live with someone for the rest of mi years? Sure! But I dont need a fockin’ ring to prove it to anyone.. Then again.. If someone was to ask mi to marry her? Yeah, why not? If ya want a damn ring, lets get a damn ring!”
Kissed one of your friends?
“Shite... Well, yeah. About that... I have kissed many of mi friends actually.. And let mi tell ya. It always ends up into a fockin’ mess. One way or another! I... guess I should stop kissin’ mi friends..?”
Danced on a table in a bar / tavern? “You.. happen to know what Im doin’ for livin’? Yeah. Basically that.”
Ever told a lie?
“Just show me a fockin’ person who has not, and I’ll show ya a bastard who’s lying right there, on dat very damn moment! We all lie... Some more than others, but thats not the point, righto?”
Had feelings for someone you can’t have?
“Yeah... Ya remember I just told ya about kissin’ mi friends and shite? Well dat. I messed up real good. Like... the royal mess up! I still have feelin’s for her... Could rip mi damn heart out for her... But I think she just might be lost for mi for good... Im not giving up though! But as thin’s are.. What happened between us... Heck. It might be a lost fockin’ cause.”
Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
“Im... so very much a bean flicker, ya know? Never had interest in opposite sex... Does dat answer yer question?”
Kissed a picture? "No? Seven hells, why would I be suckin’ on some damn piece of paper?”
Slept until 5pm? “Im a night owl.. I wake up sometime durin’ the afternoon. So yeah. I will sleep until 5pm, if you dont come and wake mi up. Which is fockin’ annyin’ by tha way.. Just let mi sleep..”
Worked at a fast food chain / restaurant “Nope.. And dont have a slightest interest in such! ...I would make a fockin’ horrible restaurant worker... Now this.. may sound rather miserable, but my current job is actually mi first real day job ever! ...Or well.. A night job? Anyway.. Yeah.”
Stolen something? “I would say... Try living on streets of fockin’ Limsa Lominsa for good 10 summers, and then... if yer still alive and kickin’, try asking yaself dat question! ...Yes. I have stolen for livin’.”
Been fired from a job? “As I mentioned just a moment ago, this is mi first day job ever... And I have been able to keep it so far! ... And Im about to keep it! I want to see the faces of every poor bastard, who ever said I could not get, let alone keep a job! And well... I actually kinda like mi job, so there’s also dat. And I get a decent money out of it.”
Done something you regret? “... Really? We need to go back to this again? I had.. a really bad week some time ago, ya know. I did.. lot of shite.. The whole thin’ is just.. so foggy in mi head, its annoyin’! But yeah. I think I almost slept with mi friend.. broke lot of stuff.. a damned heirloom notestand.. And in the end, I went and kissed another friend against her will... The... one I fockin’ love.. Damn, I miss her. But it was not mi damn fault!! I had just like the shittiest week ever! ... I dont know... Maybe some of it kinda was.. Can we just go on? I focked up, okai..?”
Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? “Nnno. Cant remember such thin’. Sometimes a drink has gone like... into mi nose for one or another reason... But actually out of it? I dont think so. Then again, who am I to say! One just cant remember everythin’ ya know?”
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? “No, I have not. Tha Shrimp does it, so.. technically I have? But as miself? No. I have not. On purpose at least.”
Sat on a roof top? “Used to do that in Limsa Lominsa. It was.. an awfully calming feeling, ya know? To get away from all the shite, going on down on the streets. Just... sit alone, watch the ships getting loaded.. Watch them sailin’ away. I dont do it anymore though.. The roofs in Ishgard are fockin’ slippery.”
Kissed someone you shouldn’t have? Iris gives the other a long, dead stare. “... Fockin’ really?! Didn’t I just told ya dat. Ya want some heckin’ details?! Right!  So, yes, I was wasted... I shouldn’t have to... And damn yes, it was foolish of mi! Silke. The gal I fancy.. Ya know the type that just... puts damn butterflies into yer tumtum.. rises yer head up to the fockin’ pink clouds faster than anythin’ ya can buy from the streets of Ul’dah.. A damn purdiful fockin’ lass... Damn best thin’ that ever happened to mi... And I focked it up by hecking going and kissing her! So... Ya happy with dis subject now, or are ya gonna poke dat infected wound some more? If so, Im done with dis...”
Sang in the shower?
“Ummm... No.”
Been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? “Pushed? I... dont think so! Thrown into water with mi clothes on though... Yes! And I tell ya now! That damn merchant had a heckin’ cart full of those apples! Most of dem would have gone on waste aniway! But nooo.. I get thrown into sea, for one damn apple! One apple!! And it was not even worth it. The apple was dry like Sagolii sand the merchant’s fockin’ muffin-hole was propably full of!”
Shaved your head? "Well, I did not!! Blacksoul did durin’ the time he fockin’ kept mi as his personal damn doll or somethin’.. So yeah! It is growin’ back now, but if it looks like a damn rake-raped crow’s arse to ya, its not my fault!!”
Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry? “I... dont know, actually! Not during mi time with her, no. We kiinda only had a fleetin’ moment though, so did not ‘ave like... too much time to make the lass cry! ... I guess she still believes mi to be dead though. So its possible she cried for mi presumed death in the hands of her husband’s underlin’s... I hope she did... Yeah.”
Shot a gun? “I did, yeah! Ya know... One of those Ishgardian ones. Loud... lot of smoke... A decent kick. Kinda like a bar night to live for! You know, Im actually even rather decent with guns.. Not my style, though.”
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? “You gotta be kiddin’ me!! ... Oh wait. Someone I shouldn’t? I dont think so... Seven hells, we heckin’ belong together!! ...She has just... yet to understan it... She will! Sooner or later... Hopefully sooner. Fock’s sake, I miss that silly gal and her nice ass...”
Have / had a tattoo? “Yeah, the one around mi eyes. I also have another one on mi thigh... Iris flowers and thorns... Four of dem. For four kinda important people in mi life. From which, I have actually lost... every single one... Fock’s sake, whats wrong with mi?!”
Liked someone, but will never tell who? “Nno. I have... some difficulties in the ‘never tell’-thingie. Im more of a... ‘tell too much’-type o’ person. But ‘ey! Kinda honesty is a good thing, right?”
Been too honest? “If bein’ too ‘onest means kiinda colorin’ the truth a little to make it hit on the mark better. Yeah. I guess so. I just may overact a bit time to time! But den again... Makes the truth more interestin’ huh?”
Ruined a surprise? “No, I hardly part-take in suprises in general...”
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? “Actually... No. I dont know!! Well, mi first girlfriend did, but did she totally mean what she said? Damn, I dont know... Considerin’ the fact she... most likely kinda sold mi out not too long after, it makes it heckin’ hard to believe anythin’ that ever crossed those sweet crimson lips of hers! I wonder why no-one has ever said it though... Im smokin’ hot!! ... So tell me. Am I beautiful..? Hm?”
Stalked someone? “If we call people watchin’ stalkin’ here, then Im damn guilty as a plague rat! But like... in the creepy wai? No! Why the heck would I do somethin’ like that. Dats just sick...”
Thought about murder? “If someone has just taken a royal shite on ya, sweet damn, thats reason enough to just shank the bastard, and scatter the innards into the sea! Most people are so fockin’ rotten though, I dunno if even damn fishies care for their foul organs... Could always make dem into a bagpipe and gift it to their family and friends... Maybe then they could actually get a taste of whut kinda shitebag they been hangin’ around with...”
How about mass murder?
“... Well, as dey say... Apple does not drop far from a tree, and sometimes those apples are rotten before dey hit the ground. So yeah. The last question in mind, why not?”
Cheated on someone? “No! Think anythin’ you want of mi, but Im fockin’ devoted!! ... Well, I have only had one relationship, that lasted for like... couple of months... But damn I was devoted... Up until she choose her husband over mi...”
Gotten so angry that you cried? “Happens time to time... Cryin’.. cleans the system, ya know. Just... Get into middle of nowhere, and scream yer lungs out!”
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? “... Im kinda doin’ that right now. Dey will be better off without me. She’s got her damn hero dere, taking care of her... Where does she even need mi anyway? Heck, we barely even knew eachother... ... I think Im better off without dem too.. Shite.. Dey were awfully nice towards mi though.. Do I really miss dem? ... Maybe. But it all went down in flames and bloody sheets, can we talk about somethin’ else?”
Thoughts about suicide? “Sometimes the road just rises up against you... I kinda understand it on some occasions! But overall? Kinda waste...”
Had a girlfriend / boyfriend? “Yes? That one mess I mentioned earlier? Ya payin’ attention to dis?”
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? “Used to... Especially in Limsa, it was kinda mi way to get over the holidays. Hated to see bastards walking around all merry and shite. So I drowned mi holidays in a glass. Last Starlight was different though.. Blacksoul kinda forced mi to stay sober over the holidays... Well.. Mostly sober... Dont ya go tellin’ the old goat, but I... I think I kinda liked it. The whole Starlight with Blacksoul and Gramps... I had never really celebrated it with anyone... As miself. Heck, I just wanted mi Silke to be there, heckin’ messin’ around... I wonder if she ever got mi gift...”
Tagged by wonderful @mai-takeda​!! 🌹 This was lot of fun..
Tagging @umbralich​ (Silke) @sharkycatsifoh​ @hangedemperor​ @kyrie-silverwings​ @under-the-blood-moonlight​ @alun-ura​ @isuke-ejinn​ @ishgard​ @torr-sceadu​ @lydha-lran​ @glorysworn​ @lavender-hemlock​ @kazexvoss​ @glorified-thieves​ @captainkurosolaire​ @illia-ast​ @thefreelanceangel​ @sdavi-kitanni​ @kitsune-kirei​ @violet-warder​ @desimirffxiv​ @unatobajhiri​ @gildedandgolden​ @eo-sul​ @robyn-sawyer​ @eitur​ & anyone who wants to do it! Cansider yourself tagged!
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mintyfreshsims · 5 years ago
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{after propping the couch back up on the brick foundations the two girls fall back onto the couch with a huff}
Shiloh: i cant wait until my house is finished right now their working on the basement...
Tina: so your living in someones makeshift house right now
Shiloh: kinda...
{Shiloh looks down at her hand to see the slightly smudged but still legible numbers of the two b-listers that had visited a little while ago}
Shiloh: oh! Tina you wont believe what happened like an hour ago!
Tina: uh huh sure lemme guess you just realized that you live across the street from 2 b-listers.
Shiloh: well...ok ill let you have that but they came to welcome me into the neighborhood and gave me these!
{Shiloh waves her hand tauntingly in Tinas face practically beaming as Tina looks on like a proud mother}
Shiloh: the Cleo Brooks wants to hang out with yours truly!
Tina: my little illys growin up i could cry...i wont... but i could! so what are you guys gonna do? i mean she wants to hang out soon i bet.
Shiloh: i-i didn’t get that far...i was hoping you could you know...help me? like you always do..
Tina: hmm...i can help but on one condition
Shiloh: what?
Tina: when i get you both into my spot you need to introduce me. my boss will totally be kissing my ass for the next decade if i tell him im close friends with Cleo Brooks!
Shiloh: i was already inviting you! i mean i said i wanted her to be friends with some of my friends and your like my only one...also i thought i was going to be your top story!
Tina: aw what are you trying to do to me..and you are my top story..you just need...peer revision...yeah..
{Tina starts to pull out her phone but stops noticing Shilohs hand}
Tina: are you gonna...put that in your phone before we- i mean i get you ready to go clubing or?
Shiloh: oh right! aha ha ha...
Tina: your so lucky that has stayed on for so long honestly... 
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wxtaru · 5 years ago
Writober day 10 - Funeral
Death of an idol.
Please read this post here! It will serve as some kind of background info for it.
“You died just like him. So abruptly, without any grace- did you get the same realisation as him about yourself? Your purpose?Or perhaps... What kind of thoughts haunted your mind?”
The announcement had been made early in that morning, and within a matter of minutes the entire continent was talking about it.
Radio stations picked up on the news, TV broadcasts interrupted, the day’s newspaper that had just been printed as well as all the social medias on the internet were blasting it. In both Johto and Kanto alike- it would be the following days’ subject.
Everything stopped because of it.
'The head of the Wataru clan, Lance. Who used to be the Leader of the Elite four members in the Indigo plateau, and a few years later became both regions’ champion. Has been pronounced dead by this morning, at the age of 40, the cause of death hasn’t been disclosed yet by the family. Goldenrod’s news station send our condolences to his relatives and those close to him.'
‘What an awful news listeners! We have just been informed about Lance’s passing, this morning! There still isn’t any details about that, but we’ll have to wait and see about that. But this is even worse- if we take into consideration how close to due his wife is- according to some sources. Oh- wait? She had given birth this morning as well?’
‘Guys! Guys! Im shaking!!! I can’t stop crying!!! ICB my idol!! 😭😭 Im gonna have to take the day off. Yall I can’t handle this! #RIP#Fabulance’
However all of this wouldn’t last much, as quietly from behind the scenes- the clan was trying to shut down anyone who was talking about it. It is a similar thing they did, when the previous head of the clan- abruptly died all those years ago.
While both regions worked through the loss of their hero, the family conducted their traditional ritual. From preparing the corpse- dressing him up in a traditional outfit, cover any noticeable scars on the body, giving the impression that Lance was actually in some sort of peaceful slumber.
No one needs to know the condition his corpse had been found.
They made sure to not inform the mother of the future heir about the passing of her spouse, thankfully it wasn’t too difficult- considering how she had given birth not in a hospital- but in her family’s state. Completely alienated, from the outside world.
Meanwhile his bed of flowers had been thoroughly put together by priests, and relatives. Once it was completed, they both would be united within the Dragon den’s heart. Where the corpse would be gently laid upon it.
Once the entire family had been gathered up, the ceremony could start. The cleansing ritual lasted the entire day, countless priests attended to the funeral- from all over Johto as well as maidens who assisted in it.
Halfway through the ceremony, a tag would be sticked to the deceased’s face- covering it up completely. Salt- herbs- gold were poured all over the body throughout the whole thing.
Finally, by the sunset- the relatives were allowed to approach the body one last time and say their very last words to the deceased.
Many tears were shed for him from aunts, uncles, nephews and cousins alike. However- the most important thing to come out of this, was Clair’s turn. She was being accompanied by her husband, who remained in respecting silence the entire time- trying to offer comfort for her.
The blue haired woman would be immediately flooded by the memories of their childhood together, from growin up together- so close to one another to how things ended up throughout the years. However- since she was capable of holding back her tears, she was perhaps- the only one that noticed the bandages covering specific parts of his body.
Lance always used subtlety to let her know, there was so much more. And even now- in death, he is still doing the same thing.
‘Despite growing up with you, I don’t think I ever truly knew who you were this entire time.’
Clair murmured to the corpse, as she carefully placed over his hands an empty pokeball- the one that used to hold Stadmitte, his very first Dratini- the most loyal and powerful of all Dragonites he owned throughout his life.
Once the last relative had their turn with the corpse, the neatly crafted bed of flowers was lit on fire- cremating the body in the process. Everyone stood there and watched the flames, consume the whole thing.
While Clair watched over it in silence, she can’t help but feel a weird presence within there- so for a brief moment she looks to her side. And for a split second, she swears she had just seen Morty- her former coworker, the one that went missing months ago, standing right by her side.
The sighting only lasted the blink of her eyes- but it was enough to send shivers run down the woman’s spine, and freeze right there- unable to look back at her cousin’s funeral.
Why here? Why was she the only that saw him there? What’s the correlation between him and Lance? Was there anything at all?
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