#stop flirting brad you're at work
Baby Bear
Jack Hughes x Brad Marchand Sister
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sutton.march hey! that's my brother! beating up that guy! (my other "brothers" are much more well behaved, don't worry mom)
bmarch63 thanks kid, thanks. so glad to be your brother when you treat me like this
trevorzegras when i left BC you said you'd root for my team 😠
sutton.march sorry trev, brad works for the big bears so it's kind of an obligation
jackhughes really disappointed in you marchand, you're supposed to be a devils fan
bmarch63 stop flirting with my sister
sutton.march brad, you like him??
jackhughes yeah brad, you said you liked me?
January 15th, the day of the Devils @ Bruins
"Brad, boys, consider this me demanding that you behave tonight. No bullying off the ice, remember?" I warn the boys, all older than I, as someone comes up behind me, placing a jacket over my corset top. Looking back, I can see it's Jeremy, him hiding a small smile and shrugging as I realize the bomber jacket that he gave me for secret santa and I had forgotten at the party last night.
"Sorry, your brother said to grab this from his car. Think he's playing a little extra protective with your little friends in town," he jokes, making me roll my eyes.
Brad is always like this when the Ducks or Devils come to town.
"Sounds like your little friend," Pasta jokes with a smirk, the sound of the middle Hughes boys voice earning my attention as I turn with a smile. But before I make any moves, I turn back to my brother and his closet friends. "Behave."
"Yes mom," Sway assures, soluting before taking off towards where the Devils core group was located in the VIP section of the bar, the rest of us following.
"Suttie, how's it going," Luke is the first to greet me, the younger Hughes wrapping me in a hug.
"Always a good night when you hooligans come to town," I greet, hugging the boy back before pulling away, making eye contact with my favorite Bruins opponent. "Mr.Hughes."
"Ms.Marchand," He serves right back, pulling me tight to his chest and kissing top of my head. "I've missed you baby," He whispers, knowing that my "brothers" are all staring us down from the spots they've taken around the table, mingling with the men they were just fighting on the ice.
I'm sure it wouldn't be going this well if the boys in yellow hadn't won 4-3.
"Ok, now you're just hogging her," Dawson grumbles, elbowing both Brad and Nico. "Captains o' captains, one of you has to be able to tell him to knock it off."
The captains share a look as Jack and I look away, him taking a seat in the tight booth and pulling me onto his lap.
In New Jersey, this is never a big deal.
In Boston, you could say there are people against it. At least based on the look of murder on Brad and David's faces as Jack wraps his arms around my waist to keep me in place.
"You guys played great tonight," Jack compliments his elders, Jeremy being the only of the four to actually smile fully.
"Thanks kid, you guys weren't too bad yourselves," Patrice offers, his a slightly more convincing smile than my brother and David's. "That was a great goal you had, Hischier," He adds, nodding slightly at the young captain.
"You can call him Nico, Bergy," I correct, trying to smooth as many divides as I can.
I get four nights a year to encourage these boys get along, plus two for Brad for the holidays I'm able to take Jack too.
And that only goes so well.
"Nico, that was a great goal Nico," Bergy corrects himself, winking dramatically at me.
"Thanks, I was proud of it," Is Neeks response, and although it's simple, it makes me happy to look around and see all my favorite boys smiling (ish) and getting along.
"So," Luke whispers, leaning down to my height. "When are we going to get you into a Devils jacket with Hughes on the back?"
"I like the sound of that," Jack chimes in, having heard his brothers question. "When can we get that to happen?"
"Put a ring on her finger and then she can change her alliances, till then, nuh uh," Brad chimes, Bergy elbowing him and giving him an unimpressed look.
"You can be protective, not a douche bag, Marchy," He scolds, earning an eye roll as Sway and Pasta attempt to hide laughs, Luke, Nico and Daws doing the same.
That wasn't expected, usually he grimes and gruffs more.
"But-" Here we go. "Bruins gear will be warn at all Devils/Bruins games. I do not want to see you in anything red those nights." There it is.
Looking to Jack, he just smiles, knowing my brother doesn't truly dislike him as he likes to put on. Brad's happy for me, but he's 13 years my elder, and has always been more than protective. With his nod of agreement, I reach my hand across the table, Brad shaking it with a nod of his own. "You've got yourself a deal, old man."
a.n. okay, so i got excited and did this piece right after asking y'all about it :) at first i was going to go for a pining sort of dynamic for the two but i wanted to be able to explore the devils x bruins dynamic and brad as an older brother more, so what happened is an established relationship. hope you enjoy, this is my first time writing for the bruins men in any form or fashion <3
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much-ado-about-whomst · 10 months
The sound of laughter echos over the diner. Mike's fist tighten. Normally, Ness's laugh is cause for him to smile, but not when it's aimed at the guy at the bar who's been openly flirtling with his boyfriend all night.
There's an ugly feeling well up in his stomach. It makes him want to punch the guy senseless. The thing that frustrates Mike the most is that Ness doesn't even notice, he's just nice to everyine and assumes that they're being nice back.
"When do you get off work?" The bastard asks Ness.
"I'm leaving now. I just need to close out your tab and then I'm clocking out." Ness grabs the guys credit card and makes to leave. Bar guy puts a hand in Ness's arm, stopping him. Mike gets up and starts making his way over
"Do you want to come over, sweet thing? I could show you a good time." Mike sees the exact moment it clicks for his boyfriend because Ness stiffens and extracts his arm away from the other guy.
Mike comes up behind the taller man and wraps his arms around him as he asks, "Ready to go Darlin?" He looks the guy at the bar dead in the face before going on tiptoe to kiss Ness's cheek. The stranger glares right back at Mike.
"Almost Sugar. I just got one more thing to do then I'm all yours for the rest of the night." Ness smiles at him before rushing off to the back.
"Touch him again and I'll make sure you never see the light of day again. Clear?" The man pales and slowly nods his head. Ness stops by just long enough to hand him his change and receipt before disappearing into the back to grab his things.
It's not until later that night, after they put Abby to bed, and they're relaxing on the couch that Ness asks, "What did you say to Brad?"
"The guy at the bar. When I came back he looked like he'd seen a ghost."
"Just made sure he knew not to touch someone who didn't want to be touch." There was a few moments of silence.
"Thank you."
"Did you not realise that he was flirting with you the whole time?" Ness started to splutter and blush.
"Wha- no! He wasn't- flirting?!? With me??..... What the whole time? Were you watching us?" It was Mike's turn to blush.
"Were you jealous?"
"N-no, I wasn't. I was just looking out for you."
"Aww thats so cute." Ness cooed. "You know you don't have anything to worry about, right?" Ness adds a little more seriously. Mike huffs.
"I know. I just. You're such an amazing guy. Anyone would be lucky to be with you. But me? Sometimes I feel like I'm not even worthy of being in your presence, let alone dating you." Mike looks down at his feet, unable to look at Ness's face. It's something Mike's been feeling ever since they started dating. A worry that Ness will realize that he's much better off without Mike and his airplane load of baggage.
Suddenly, Mike finds himself wrapped up in Ness's arms.
"Oh, Sugar. I had no idea you felt this way." The taller man puts Mike's chin between his finger and thumb and raises it until their eyes meet.
"You are the one I want to be with. I choose you, and I will continue to choose you, choose us, choose this little family we've built. Every. Single. Day." Ness vows before lowering his head to meet Mike's lips. It's a passionate kiss, only because it's two people who are conveying to each other just how much they are loved. Ness can feel Mike's tears, sees them as he pulls back. He wipes them away.
"Sugar, I love you."
"I love you too Darling."
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Jake Kim x Reader: Betting on love
Big Deal's gambling arc 2.0 but make it fun
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It was Jason that noticed the longing looks, Brad that cringed at Jake's increasingly corny lines, and Lineman that started the bets.
It was also Jerry who caught Lineman trying to solicit money from the other members of the crew.
"What's that?" Jerry looks down at Lineman, trying and failing to hide some paper behind his back.
"Morning Jerry! Weather's nice today, huh? May I say your bald head is looking gloriously shiny-"
Cobra-quick, Jerry swipes the sheets, eyes scanning over the page, one hand holding a flailing Lineman back.
Jerry furrows his brows at the list of dates, names and figures before him. Everyone is betting on when Y/N and Jake would get together?
He considers this.
"50,000 won. Put me down for 2 weeks time."
Listen, it didn't have to come to this. If you and Jake could stop pussyfooting around one another and make the whole of Big Deal feel less like a third wheel, that would have been preferable.
But you couldn't, and they might as well make a quick buck out of it.
Jake, shrewd and clever, would have usually noticed the escalating amount of shenanigans if he wasn't too busy following you around with heart eyes.
It begins with a book of pick-up lines left on Jake's desk.
(This reeks of Jason's handiwork, trying to work things to his advantage but thinking he could take the high road by being subtle.)
Jake's brows knit together as he flicks through the pages. Huh, some of this stuff is pretty good. A bit cliched but...
Like a puppy, Jake bounds over to you the next morning, greeting you with his usual cheesy grin. His arm comes round your shoulder, and you feel the heat of him like a brand.
You wonder if today is finally the day he asks you out. You're not dense, you know you're practically attached at the hip. Jake's flirting is obvious, your flirting is obvious. (The collective groan from Big Deal can be heard for miles.)
"Hey Y/N! So God Dog, Hostel and Workers walk into a Big Deal bar-"
(The collective groan gets louder. Jason is the loudest.)
"Lovers' lunch offer?"
With pockets full of lint, you and Jake are never one to turn down a deal.
(Brad knows this too. Big Deal allowances are not generous. He has arranged this especially and feels like a goddamn mastermind.)
Lovers? Well it's certainly not an unwelcome thought. Jake sneaks a glance at you as you peer into the store window. He knows you like the back of his hand, he knows how well you would both fit. But the jump from friends to lovers seems gargantuan and completely terrifying.
"Come on!" You grip his wrist, dragging him in and breaking him out of his reverie.
Candles? Tablecloth? Friggin rose petals?
"They're really going all out here," Jake comments, smoothing down his shirt. It's just another place on Big Deal street, yet he feels oddly giddy. Fidgety. Like he wants to reach out and clasp your hand between his.
You raise your eyebrow in amusement at Jake's odd demeanour before examining the menu.
It's all prepackaged ramen.
Which, you guess is fine. If it's cheap.
...You gawk at the cost.
There is zero percent, absolutely no chance in hell, you are paying these prices. Did the owner think people were idiots? The markup is astronomical.
"This place sucks." you say, standing to leave.
"It does suck," Jake agrees and joining you, having seen the prices for himself.
Later that night:
"Brad, you idiot!"
"Fuck you Lua, you know I can't cook. You want me to serve them some burnt turd instead?"
"Then why the hell did you overcharge them so much?"
"You think candles and rose petals are FREE?"
"Who's been littering here?"
Jake frowns at the spread before him. Usually everyone knows to leave the street in a good condition, but sometimes stray teenagers still linger around and try to make the most of the pier and the ocean.
Lovers and troublemakers. Jerry does a good job of scaring them off.
It all looks a bit too organised to be litter. "I think they just left their stuff," you remark.
Crouching down and looking into the wicker basket, Jake sees everything still pristinely wrapped. It does look organised. Very fancy too. Some cheeses, unopened wine, a whole goddamn baguette. Whoever left this here must have gone in a hurry.
You squat down besides him, "Huh, all these things look untouched."
He recognises the look you give the food. He's seen you look at him like that sometimes too.
Either way, just because Jake is strapped for cash doesn't mean he doesn't have his dignity. He's not eating or letting you eat someone's trash that's been sitting out in the sun for god knows how long.
"Y/N," Jake pulls you away as you start to pout, "We're not eating that, that's pretty gross."
Upon seeing the Big Deal Leader bin all his precious food and ruin his meticulously set up picnic, Lineman cries on Lua's shoulder.
"That food was expensive as shit," he wails, "That's my whole week's allowance!"
You don't get to be Big Deal's No.2 without being able to pull a few strings.
It would send most people on a power trip, Jerry isn't most people. He's kind and patient and fair. So what he usually asks, he usually gets.
If he wants the Big Deal street to be empty and like a ghost town, it will be done.
You spot a tumbleweed, "Jake? Where's everyone?"
"Beats me."
Jake scrolls through his phone, just in case there was an event he's currently missing. Nope, nothing, nada.
"Y/N. I was thinking the other night... how would you rather die?" Listening round the corner, Jerry feels like he might die on the spot. With his limited experience, even he knows this topic is a romance killer, "I thought drowning might be peaceful but the water in my lungs..."
"Jumping to your death might be fun?" You tap your chin thoughtfully, "It needs to be super high up though-"
And if Jerry wants the Big Deal street to be crowded and absolutely rammed, then so be it.
"Is there a festival or something?" you ask.
Jake scrolls through his phone again, just in case there was a festival he's currently missing. Nope, nothing, nada.
Jerry watches from a nearby building, feeling like an all powerful puppetmaster.
Ok, so his initial idea of giving you two privacy was a bust. Now he has pivoted to forcing closeness.
You would get jostled about with lots of accidental touching, leaving both of you a blushing mess. Maybe someone would trip you up, and Jake would catch you in his arms. He would gaze down at you, the spark between you-
A chorus of "Yes, sir!"
Lua watches it all unfolding next to Jerry. "Cheer up Jerry. It was a pretty shitty plan, to be fair."
For the day Lua bet on, she was blessed with divine intervention.
The heavens parted and rain descended, catching you both stranded in the downpour. Doesn't every romance have a kiss in the rain?
You shiver in your t-shirt, arms hugging yourself. "Jake, take off your coat for us to use as an umbrella!"
With strength even Jake didn't know he possessed, he does not look at you. He cannot. The shower has started to soak through your top, making it almost transparent and baring your- Jake gulps.
He would be lying if he said he never imagined you and your body (almost every night, though that's completely besides the point). This though? This is indecent. Like he is taking advantage of the moment.
Jake starts to shrug off his own coat, deciding to let himself get soaked and to preserve your modesty until -
Look, Jake knows he has a great body. He keeps himself in excellent shape. Girls swoon over him, guys swoon over him, and don't think he didn't notice how your eyes rove over his chest and abs and tattoos. You thought you were being discreet? Discreet, his ass. And speaking of ass, he's seen you checking that out too.
But the thought of now revealing his body to you. Knowing that his shirt will be soaked through, and you will both be standing like you're topless. Not because he's been training, not because it's an unusually hot day, not because of some other shit.
This. This is unfairly intimate. Like it's the start of something. Something that leads to other things.
An extremely alien feeling of self-consciousness and demureness hits Jake. Is this what it feels like to be shy?
He want this. He would love this. Yet it feels like a first-time of sorts with you, and it really deserves more prestige than this situation allows.
Jake chooses to run off instead, taking his jacket with him.
"Come on Y/N! Let's just run home," he shouts back.
Hmph, you think, soaked to the bone and chasing after him. Chivalry is dead.
Big Deal is not without its problems.
And one of the big fucking huge problem is that everyone is a gangster, or at least a gangster in training.
Sugarcoat it all you want, sure there is passion involved and you're protecting the street. Typical dangers still lurk. It's a fact.
With trembling hands, you apply the bandage Jake around his chest. Round and round it goes, until the stitches and wound are completely hidden.
It's not the first time you've done this, and it won't be the last. You know what being in Big Deal means.
Nevertheless, it upsets you every time.
"Shh, Y/N. Don't be like that," Calloused fingers come up to wipe the tears from your cheeks. You didn't even realise you were crying.
"You should be so lucky," Jake's ever comforting smile comes into focus, "Getting your hands all over me."
Your laugh is wet, but you do laugh. Jake always makes you laugh.
And then you reach out, pressing your hand to his heart, feeling it thrum beneath your fingers, the thump-thump-thump calming your own nerves. Needing to feel Jake's own beat to ground you.
You're always the first port of call when Jake gets into trouble, somewhere along the way it just happened. And every time without fail,, your stomach drops and you feel sick as you sprint towards his side.
Jake places his hand over yours, "Thanks for always being there for me."
As you peer up at him from beneath your wet lashes, he thinks about what it means to regret something.
In his brief years of being alive, there are already many. But if he didn't do this, it might be the biggest regret of them all.
With his other hand, Jake tilts your face towards him. He doesn't notice the tear tracks on your cheeks, or the slight quiver of your lips.
All he can see is the love in your eyes, certain that it reflects his own.
Jake presses his lips to yours, and you can feel his smile.
" YEONHUI!" Sinu bursts in, almost knocking the door off its hinge in his excitement, "Jake and Y/N finally got together!"
"Huh?" Yeonhui tilts her head at this development, "I thought Jake was injured?"
"Whatever," Sinu flaps his hand in dismissal, "He's fine."
"So those brats made the jump huh? At least it didn't take them ten years."
"Yeonhui..." Sinu whines, curling himself round her back and smooching her cheek, "You still going on about that?"
"At least we won the bet. I'll treat you out to dinner?"
"You better, we still have ten years of dinners to make up for!"
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hitman-two · 2 years
from the anon who asked for a GK ship.. Thank you!! Okay, here’s a description; pronouns she/her, slim, 5’2. Hair dark gold, med-length and puffy. Dark eyebrows. Boxy, dark, feminine,1920s style. Fiery, observant, relaxed, low-voiced, humorous, direct, dirty-minded, kinda quiet but flirty. Have a multicultural, alternative upbringing so people being different doesn’t faze me, nor do “imperfections”. Love decorating, hairdressing, desserts... Thank you! I really really appreciate it :)
I ship you with...
Corporal Ray Person!
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Is it any surprise that you and Ray hit it off? You both share the same sense of humor and finding that compatibility is hard. Especially when you both toe the boundary of being extremely inappropriate. Something you both pride yourselves on.
When you both are together, it's a mixed feeling of 'Oh not these two' and 'thank god' because you both encourage each other badly but you're also a distraction to each other, thus keeping Ray from annoying other people XD
Dropping the crude humor, you both make a gorgeous couple. Even Brad wonders how a whiskey-tango inbred trailer skunk managed to look decent standing next to you. Hell, he's still processing how someone fell in love with this brown-eyed scrawny-ass boy.
Your 1920s style has a slight effect on Ray. He, very subtly, starts dressing just a little better. It seems he's actively making the effort to look presentable. He's dropped the baggy gangster look and wears a bit more form-fitting clothing (mostly when out on dates, around the house is a different story).
It always surprises him with how small your frame is. Not just height, but your build. He might be a little concerned that you ought to eat a little more but for now... you're the perfect size that he can still lift you up against the wall or up on the bench. (He's strong-ish but still scrawny himself).
God if your fiery attitude doesn't turn him on... If you're both arguing, that's a different story... but if you're going off at someone (who may have said a remark against Ray. He may not be the most Brad Pitt handsome kinda guy but he's still relatively handsome... and someone said you could do better...) He loves watching you go off at them. Only interfering when he's worried it'll escalate beyond words of insult.
Watching you get angry over things he agrees with, such as when he's reiterating the bullshit command they had to deal with. You're both running your mouths over it. It's the best kind of vent.
He enjoys listening to you vent over stupid things that have happened to you at work, or regarding studies or whatever the case may be.
You both have your quieter moments, and that's okay. It's not always a bad thing. Ray isn't always major buzzing energy.
Especially at home. Just quiet little "Hey's" as you pass each other by. But those 'Hey's' are said with a lot of feelings in the tone.
You both flirt. Heavily. Openly. Without shame. At home..and in public. You're both deeply and madly in love with each other. And just because you guys have been together for years, why should the flirting stop? It doesn't. You both still flirt like you're trying to impress one another for the first time.
It's also relationship goal-setting for others. Just because you're married, doesn't give you the right to stop putting in the effort. Treat your love like it's the first time. Never forget that honeymoon phase. Despite the jokes of Ray being trailer-trash... he really does set the example. You just...gotta squint between the inappropriate humour and dirty flirting XD
Ray never getting tired of always saying "Morning beautiful." Every. Single. Morning. (He's just happy in love. Happy to have someone love him and he's not taking any chances in ruining that).
You're both very observant of each other. Despite you both sharing the same personality traits, you can always tell when the other one is feeling down or uncomfortable.
Ray will always do his best to pick up on these things. He can be joking and shit with the other Marines over a beer but would look at you, see you not vibing for whatever reason, and will excuse himself from the group.
He'll sit next to you, ask you what's wrong, and won't take 'Nothing' for an answer.
If you're not feeling well and only chose to go out for Ray's sake, he'll take you home. If you're just not up for company regardless and basically don't want to be there (though, knowing you, there's always a valid reason), he'll take you home.
"Later fuckers!", "Whoo! Ray! Get some! Yeah!" the group of friends will yell as Ray exits it with an arm around you. Rays other hand flips them off and continues to flip them off until you're both out of sight.
Like I said, he's very observant. So once you're both home, he'll set you up with whatever makes you comfortable. If you're feeling sick... straight to bed (you both have a television in the bedroom so he'll sit with you and watch your comfort shows/movies). He'll bring snacks, make sure you're keeping up your fluids and will make sure you eat a proper meal. Even if it's just soup.
And if it's that time of the month... he'll do you a hot water bottle.
If it's simply you're just feeling down and not great company, he'll wrap you up with your favorite blankie, your favorite stuffed teddy and snuggle up to you. If your head is resting on his lap, he'll run his fingers through your dark golden locks.
The thing Ray loves most about you? You don't try to change him.
The thing the Marines love about you dating Ray? You've accepted him for who he is and not looking to change him. They're grateful for that.
Ray can be who he is without worrying about saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing and upsetting you and being given that cold shoulder or silent treatment. He loves that you're not the type of woman to do that.
But if he does say something out of line, pull him up on it. But he'd be quick to realise because he'd see your face drop and immediately know he pushed the boundary or said something that made you uncomfortable. Those big brown eyes of his immediately look like a lost puppy dog. The last thing he ever wants to do to you is make you uncomfortable.
He'd apologise. Straight away. "I'm sorry. I know I say stupid shit but that was...pretty fucking stupid. I'm sorry." He genuinely meant it. You can't stay mad at him. He knows he's hurt and upset you. Whether you feel this intensely or mildly, he's still preparing for a soft afternoon in to make it up to you.
He will pull you in for a hug and press a kiss to your temple as he does so, murmuring another small "I'm sorry."
You mentioned you loved hairdressing.... Not sure whether that means going to the hairdressers or actually doing the hairdressing yourself... but... he'd support any hair decision you make (Don't come to him asking 'Will this suit me?' because the answer will always be 'Yes'. He's biased. He loves and adores you. You can pull off anything because you're so stunning, beautiful, and sexy to him).
If you do hairdressing... Ray will always get his hair trimmed down by you. Especially if it's grown too long and 'Ray, you need a haircut.', 'You're the hairdresser.'
When it comes to decorating, either with baking, interior designing or interior designing, Ray does not mess with it. You know what you're doing. He's just here to support your many trips to Target and back. He loves it though. When asked about what you're up to if you're not catching up with friends with Ray, he's just "I don't know. Y/N takes care of it." or "I don't know. She's swapped the colors out from white to another white." (you went from cream to off-white).
He acts like he's a typical male who doesn't know what the fuck is going on (because he is) but he's very proud and supportive and enjoys talking about you and your latest decorating endeavors around the house.
There's always desserts at your house. And if you've been invited to a dinner, you're the one who brings the desserts. Ray does the cooking (He's not the greatest but he can cook simple meals and a basic roast but nothing too fancy). You do the dessert.
Sometimes you'll both bake together - if Ray isn't distracting you or dipping his finger into the batter mix.
He's obsessed about you and never shuts up about you.
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BONUS: Almost shipped you with....
Anthony 'Manimal' Jacks
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Hear me out...
The boy is disgusting but that's Marine Manimal we see. Think about the man outside of the uniform.... Once he had enough money, he'd get his teeth fixed. He's just as dirty-minded as you so...things, intimately, would be wild. A lot of exploring, adventure, and all within consent, of course. He'd worship the ground you walked on. Wouldn't care about your 1920s style. You do you. He might be a little embarrassed at first. but he gets over himself. He's just not used to seeing people embrace out-of-fashion things. It becomes one of the things he's grown to love about you. If he goes on another tour, he'd lowkey have a little insecurity regarding you leaving him while he's overseas. You can't even promise marriage because he was married when his wife decided to divorce him. But you do what you can to promise him and try to keep his insecurities away. Plus he's genuinely quiet when he's not hanging out with the boys. Both your relaxed and quiet demeanors complement each other. He's been hurt and he needs a chance at love again. You're enough woman for him to the point where he wouldn't look at another woman (*ahem* female soldier *ahem*). He loves when Mail Call comes because you always draft the longest and meaningful letters. It gives him something to look forward to, knowing he's coming home to you.
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NSFW under the cut...
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Ray loves going down on you. He's openly admitted that while overseas. And as stated, it's the first thing he does when he gets home. He's had nothing but MREs... he's dying for a proper meal if you catch my drift.
Your hair is the perfect length to thread his fingers through and grip. Especially with you on your knees, returning the favour of him going down on you...
He's so horny for you. You'll need to swat him away. Because any chance he'll get, he's pulling you against him as his hands wander down your hips and squeeze your ass.
Baking in the kitchen never goes according to plan. When I said Ray was a distraction... I also meant he was a distraction. Either end up on the floor with him eating you out or wasting the cake batter of you and licking it off. Or you're up against the fridge with your moans drowning out the soft hum of the fridge... or he has you bent over the kitchen counter, slamming into you with his flour-covered hand gripping your hair.
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contact-right · 3 years
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''You want logistics, join the army. Marines make do.''
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sea-side-scribbles · 2 years
Fanfiction: You Always Meet Twice
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37455736/chapters/95735650
Chapter 8
Still enchanted by the night with Nick in the studio, Morrie nearly sleepwalked through the following days. Again and again, he recalled the very details of their conversation, every glimpse of his idol's movements, him purring, flirting and clinging onto him. The way he faltered under the weight of his loss. Morrie was flattered that Nick shared this secret with him. With that in mind, he began to rehearse with the Morg until it was stage-worthy. He completely changed his solo-part to match the new abilities of the instrument. The show was going to be amazing, he knew it. A little downside was that he felt more tense than before. But with the band's support, what could go wrong?
A few days later, the Make Believes arrived in another sold-out concert hall in the Parade District and Morrie tried to distract his pounding heart during sound check. He told himself he was rather excited than nervous. He definitely sensed a mixture of both. When he was content with the sound, he went into the backstage room to wait for their announcement. Brad was already there, Matt and Chris came after. Nick would usually hide himself away until the beginning. Morrie chattered with the others to distract himself and forgot the time until he froze, because he had the feeling that they should've been announced long ago. The fans' screams became louder, as if someone showed up on stage. Could it be Nick? But Virgil hadn't arrived yet to give them the sign.
“Should we go out?”, Morrie asked with furrowed brows, looking from one band member to the other. Brad only shook his head, eyeing the floor. “Virgil's the word”, Chris added. “Something is wrong!”, Morrie insisted. “How do you know?” Morrie fell quiet to think, what gave way to the fans' screaming. Since nobody came to help him, he said: “We're late.” He got a chuckle from the others for that.
“The Golden God is never late”, Brad pointed out. Morrie gave Matt a questioning look. “It's true”, the Make Believe said: “Everything is fine. Take a breath, Morrie, you're all tense.” The pianist crossed his arms to stop his fingers from fidgeting around. “I wish Nick wasn't so...unpredictable.” “That's part of his charm”, Chris said with a lopsided grin. Morrie gave up and continued to wait, but he didn't like how the screams became angry. Also, he hated to stand around to do nothing.
“Can't we go out and play an opener of sorts? Just to keep them entertained until Nick arrives”, he offered after a few minutes. Brad's answer was short: “Won't help. They want Nick.” Morrie sighed and cupped his face with his hands. “Where is he then?” Nobody answered him.
“I feel like they freak out if we don't do something!”, he begged. “They most likely will”, Brad answered just as coolly as before. “Yeah...Today might be one of those days...”, Chris muttered and lighted himself a joint he had produced from somewhere. Then he lit up Brad's. “Are you serious?”, Morrie shouted at the group that was starting to get comfortable. They returned uncomprehending looks.
Morrie spun around. “I'll go outside and save this!” “Whoa, there.” A strong hand grabbed him. “Easy.” The pianist glared at Brad who didn't blink an eye. “You're not going anywhere, man! It's not worth it!”, Chris warned him. “This gig isn't worth it? I had hopes for this!” “There'll be another! Don't flip your lid now, we still need you!” “Yeah, don't leave us now. You're fun, even if a little jumpy at times”, Matt added with a well-meaning smile. Morrie looked at the drummer again who still held him in his grip. He didn't like how his bandmates implied that going on stage was really dangerous. “So...what's your plan?”, he asked quieter. “Virgil is the boss”, Chris answered. “Well, technically, it's Nick, but you know what I mean.” Morrie didn't feel like asking what “technically” meant. He relaxed enough so that Brad let go of his arm. But he felt watched as if he would run away any second.
He felt awful, waiting for the manager to release him while the fans supposedly went rampage in the hall. The band didn't seem to care though. Also Matt ended up smoking a joint. Virgil was out of breath when he rushed into their backstage room and told them to leave right now. He looked sour, too. The band then hurried, seemingly glad to leave. “Our equipment!”, Morrie blurted out during their escape. “We have to save it!” “It's taken care of”, Brad assured him with a little push. “Just go!” They fled though a backdoor and used the smaller alleyways to reach the entrance to the underground. They could hear the fan's riot from far away. Morrie believed he heard glass break, metal too, or even bones. He felt sick the entire time while the others were already joking about it in the underground.
This night would be a headliner for sure. But for the wrong reasons.
“Virgil, where is Nick?”, Morrie whispered to the manager while the others were laughing out loud. Virgil kept his sinister look under the brim of his fedora. “Is he okay?” Turning to Morrie, the manager's features lightened up for a second. “He's at home and getting better.” “What happened to him? Is he hurt?” “Nothing you need to worry about. Let me handle him”, Virgil said firmly. “It's not the first time this happened, right?” Morrie's stomach tickled unpleasantly at that. “No harm done, Morrie. Just a matter of rescheduling the show. You smash them next time and nobody will remember tonight.” “Hmmm...” Morrie fell quiet. He was very tired now. He rarely listened of the other's banters and went home with them in silence.
When the band settled down before the telly, Morrie went back to Virgil. “So, Nick is here? Can I see him?” He didn't fancy waiting until days later to find out what was going on. He needed to see Nick, to ask him why he had to boycott this gig. The one especially that Morrie had been looking forward to. Virgil, who had been about to climb the stairs now stopped to look at the younger man. “Well...he might not be able to talk to you now...”, he answered carefully. “So, he's really hurt?” “I don't know yet...” Morrie tried to make puppy eyes at Virgil. “Could you let me know if he's alright? I'm worried and I really need to speak to him.”
To his surprise, Virgil pondered quite a while until he answered: “You know, you might be just the right person he needs to see. He's in his bedroom. Try your luck, but don't be loud and don't make any quick movements.” Dumbfounded by this outcome, Morrie hastened up the stairs. By now, he knew where the rockstar's bedroom was. He went to the second floor and then came to a halt in front of his door. Then he wondered if he should knock. It could be too loud. Knock quietly? He could overhear that.
Morrie chose to be half-polite, to knock first and to assume he overheard it when he didn't answer. He gently touched the door with his knuckles. As expected, nobody answered, so Morrie opened and waited. Since Nick didn't protest, he went inside.
He immediately noticed that his bedroom was in dire need of fresh air. The purple curtains were closed, so it was also rather dark. The big disco ball over Nick's bed cast a few light spots here and there. Morrie decided not to turn the light on because it could upset Nick. As a result, he stepped on something that almost made him fall. A glass bottle. He kicked it at a whim and it rolled away. A chair that lie on the floor stopped it. Now Morrie noticed that most of Nick's furniture was turned upside down and the paddings were ripped apart, as if someone had broke in and wrecked the room. Papers lay on the floor, some were new, some crumbled. Only the bed was still standing and the rock idol lay in it. He stirred when the bottle clanked against the chair.
“Virgil?”, he rasped, “Go easy on me, okay? I...I can't feel my legs...” His voice was like a flickering light in the darkness. Suddenly, the young musician felt sorry for bothering his idol this way. For judging him and expecting answers. “It's me, Morrie”, he whispered back, closing the door behind him. “Should I get Virgil?” “Morrie?” Nick's tone changed. He began to wave his hand. “Morrie! Come here!” The younger musician quickly followed and accepted the hand that reached out for him. Nick gave him the most tender look. “It's so good to see you,” he sighed and squeezed his hand. Morrie knelt down besides him.
“Nick, what happened to you? Did someone attack you?”, he gasped. “I had a nightmare”, Nick whispered. “But it's over now.” “A nightmare?” Morrie was confused. “Is there anything I can do for you?” Nick squeezed his hand gain. “Just stay”, he sighed. Then he closed his eyes.
Morrie remained kneeling on the floor, unsure about what to do. The warm hand didn't let go and Morrie actually liked to hold it. But would he hold it the entire night? Was that what Nick wanted?
He admitted it felt good to be so welcome.
After holding Nick's hand for a while, the rockstar opened his eyes again. “You don't have to sit on the floor, you know? There's plenty of room in here.” He patted the empty spot on the mattress next to him. Morrie's face heated up and he gulped. “You...you want me in your bed?” “It's softer than the floor, you know?” “I...I don't know if that's a good idea”, Morrie stuttered. He was glad about the darkness now. “You guys never come to bed if I ask you. What do I pay you for?”, Nick said weakly tutting. He couldn't hide how tired he was. “I...I didn't exactly say 'no'”, Morrie answered, his brain malfunctioning. Nick turned his head to look at him. His expression wasn't mocking, but full of curiosity. The sort that made it hard to refuse.
“But you could ask me nicer...”, Morrie went on, staring somewhere into a corner. “Oh, right...”, Nick answered. “Buy you flowers, serve you dinner, ask you out a few times...” “U-huh”, Morrie said, clutching the hand. Nick shook his head. “Where does Virgil get all these old-fashioned musicians?” “I have a classical education.” “I was afraid you'd say that”, Nick sighed. “A lonely night, then.”
Morrie was still unsure whether this was a joke or not. Remembering who would actually be here instead of him caused a lump to form in his throat. “Would Virgil do this for you?”, he tried to ask in a casual tone. “Ah, Virgil”, Nick dismissed the idea. “He's more old-fashioned than you. Wouldn't even come to bed if we were married.” He chuckled. “Okay...So you asked him?” Nick grinned. “Maybe. Why so nosey?” “Er...for no real reason...Forget it.” The silence came back, only filled with Morrie's inward screams.
Later, Nick was the one who spoke again. “Is Virgil...very angry at me?” “He...uhm...” Morrie wiped his chin. “He looked not amused. But he didn't mention you.” “Oh...” Another sigh. Morrie had an idea. “Will he...hurt you for this?” “Nah, he's a good man,” Nick quickly responded. “But normally he'd come to see me.” “He's not coming because I'm here”, Morrie explained. “So he sent you?” Nick turned his head to look at him. “No, I asked him if I can visit you.” “So, he did send you! And I thought you came here of your own free will!” “I did! But I had to ask him where you are because I didn't know that! I never know where you are by the way! And I had no idea what's going on! I still don't!”, Morrie blurted out now, suddenly blowing off steam. Nick fell silent except for a “fine” he muttered out between his teeth. He kept Morrie confused. He still held his hand.
“I had a nightmare”, Nick repeated himself after a while. “So, you've been asleep the whole time? And why can't you feel your legs?” A pause ensued. “You have so much to learn”, Nick then said. Morrie waited, but Nick didn't say more. “Is it about Terris?”, he asked since it would be the only way this made sense. “Did you dream about him?” Nick stirred, stretched out a leg what made Morrie lift an eyebrow. “Him, too”, the rockstar whispered. “If you...” “Again”, Nick interrupted him. “We'll do this!” He squeezed Morrie's hand. “I'll do this! We'll blow them away!” “But if...” “No 'buts'! We...I don't need Terris! I don't need anyone! I'm ready!” “Okay.” “Okay? This is all I get? Okay?” Nick looked him into the eyes. Morrie returned the gaze. “You get roaring applause if you really do this.” Nick deflated. “Right. Can't argue with that...”
“Morrie...”, Nick went on, slowly letting go of his hand. “I think I'm fine now...I can feel my legs again...If you have something else to do, I'd release you now...” Morrie missed the hand already. After looking around in the room he found he couldn't leave it like that, so he grabbed a chair and put it back up. Nick reached out for him again. “No, no, leave that where it is. It's okay.” Morrie eyed his idol. He still had so many questions but he realized he couldn't bother Nick more. Whatever happened between him and the former band member still tortured him to his day.
But his tender voice warmed his heart. How could anybody leave this man?
“So..okay, uhm...you need anything else?” Nick sat up, resting his chin on his knees in the same manner he had done it at their night in the studio. “I can't ask more from you...” When Morrie intended to protest, he went on: “I failed the gig. You should be angry at me, punch me and throw things, and...I'm just so glad you're here.” The look he gave him was so careful it broke Morrie's heart. The Golden God shouldn't be so hurt. “Now who's gentle?”, he tried a joke. “Gentle as your wife?” “I'm not married.” Nick fell back into his pillow. “You're doing it right.” “Good night, Nick”, Morrie said with a smile. He had to escape. Again. “Good night.”
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iamknicole · 4 years
Just the Two of Us (15)
Lainey worked half the day then let her stylists know she was leaving and her parents would be there sometime before closing to lock up. Figuring the ride to see Marcie was a good time, Lainey decided to tell them about her plans.
They'd taken Cam's Tahoe since Cam wanted to drive. Benny made sure both his brother's cars were taken care of and ready for them because he just honestly didn't want them driving his. Benny and Lainey say in the middle row and Zion in the passenger seat.
"Hey, can you turn that down for a second?" Lainey asked over the music.
Cam turned the music down, glancong at his sister in the rear view mirror. "I'm going the wrong way or something?"
"No, I just wanna talk."
Benny was silently praying that it wasn't another sex question. After the two hour talk he had with her, he didn't think he could take any more torture.
Zion turned in his seat to look at her. "Whats up?"
"Sooo I'm gonna be gone from Friday night till Monday night."
Benny let go a sigh of relief. "Where you goin?"
"Charles invited me to stay the weekend with him in Atlanta at his house. And I told him I would." She said with a smile.
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"You might as well call him and tell him you can't go," Cam fussed. "Must be out ya mind if you think you going 6 hours away with some man we don't know."
Lainey huffed. "He's a freaking governor, he's not gonna do anything to ne and ruin his career."
"Why can't he come here like he been doing?" Benny asked rubbing his beard.
"Because he has stuff to do there. He wants to but he can't keep. So I'm gonna go."
Zion shook his head, "We appreciate the honesty this time around but Lainey, you sure about this? You don't know this cat."
"No, yall don't know him," She smiled, "I know him and I like him. Can yall please be supportive?"
Benny adjusted in his seat thinking everything over. He waved his sister to live her life but he wanted her to be careful. "Listen, you can go under one condition."
"What's that?"
"We take you down there and stay for a little while."
"I'll take it! But please don't threaten him and not longer than two hours."
Cam chuckled, "That's fine but an hour of that is just us and him."
Lainey knew not to argue, she would take what she would get.
Lainey jumped out as soon as Cam put it in park and crossed the street. She had to pee and they were taking too long. Jogging across the pretty much empty street, she got to Marcie's porch and rung the doorbell a few times. She bounced from foot to foot waiting on her friend.
"Hey, girl," Marcie laughed opening the door. "Whats wrong?"
Lainey invited herself in, "They wouldn't stop to let me pee. I gotta go, they coming."
With that, Lainey ran upstairs the bathroom and Marcie stood at the door waiting. She watched the brothers walk across the street and waved. They waved back politely.
"Damn," Cam cussed under his breath.
Benny shook his head laughing, "She married man."
Cam laughed, "So is Melissa."
Benny shrugged playfully, "You got me there."
Marcie let them into her house and to the livong room area. She walked over to the kitchen.
"Thank yall so much for coming here. I have water, juice, and tea. What would yall like? We're gonna be here for a little second."
"Water is fine, Marcie," Benny answered, "Did you get to meet my brothers at the party?"
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Marcie shook her head getting the food together she made for them.
"No, I didn't. Melissa and Lainey hogged me to themselves most if the night. Lainey talks about yall a lot though so I feel like I have." She picked up the platter and walked it over sitting it down on the table in front of them. "I made some chicken, potatoes and broccoli for lunch since yall were coming."
Zion smiled, "You aint have to but we glad you did."
Marcie laughed, "You're welcome. You must be Zion and you must be Cameron. Its nice to actually meet you guys."
"Just Cam is fine, my mama is the only that calls me that and it's only when I'm in trouble."
Benny and Zion laughed under their breath as they fixed their plates. Their older brother was the biggest flirt between the three of them.
"Cam it is then. I'm gonna go grab the papers really quick."
Cam nodded watching her leave the room and whistled lowly. "The Lord is testing me and my patience."
Benny scoffed, "You wouldn't know what patience was if it fell in your lap."
Lainey beat Marcie back to the living room. She sat on the sofa across from them, eyeing them wearily. They laughed when they noticed her looking at them.
"I don't know what yall doin or was talkin about but nip it." She warned in a whisper.
Zion sucked his teeth. "We ain't did shit yet."
"Uhuh, yet. I know yall."
Marcie came back with the papers, as she crossed the room Lainey watched her brothers then realized it was mostly Cameron.
After four hours the papers were finally done. Lainey helped Marcie clean up their mess. They sat around talking for a little while until Randall walked in. He smiled politely as he spoke to each of them.
"Lainey, always nice to see you. You look nice." He said politely.
"Thanks, Randall. We were just leaving."
Randall stuffed his hands in his pockets, "Oh no, don't leave on my account. I'm just gonna get changed and go work on my boat."
Lainey hummed, "You're always working on that thing. Either you don't know what you're doing or its junk."
Randall have a stiff laugh. "I'm putting my father's boat back together actually. It got badly damaged during a storm."
Marcie bumped her friend's shoulder, "Its sentimental. He loves that thing. Go ahead, Randall."
Randall nodded and bowed out heading upstairs. The men didn't miss the way he looked back on his way upstairs but they didnt want to say anything without knowing.
"Well since Turbo is home, we're gonna go." Lainey huffed getting her purse.
Marcie laughed, "Hush before he hears you calling him that. But don't go, stay a little longer."
"I'd love to but I gotta get back home. We promised our nephew we'd spend time with him and I need to start packing."
"Ooh yeees, I almost forgot about your lil sleep away trip with your boo," Marcie grinned, "You excited?"
"She bet not be too damn excited," Cam fussed.
Marcie waved him off. "She can be excited. That's her man and she finally gets alone time with him away from you three. Uhuh, she told me about yall."
"I dont care what her lil sassy self said."
Marcie laughed and turned back to her friend, "Anyway, I hope you have fun and I got you something to take with you."
Lainey laughed at her brothers' expressions. "Go wait in the car, I'm coming."
"Nope, we wanna see what she got you." Cam said getting comfortable.
Marcie rolled hwr eyes playfully and got up then pulled her froend up from the sofa. Lainey grabbed her purse and followed her friend.
"You jist can't help yourself, can you," Zion asked laughing. "Fighting counts as flirting. And you know that."
Cam laughed, "Give me some credit at least I don't have her legs on my shoulder."
"Chill," Benny laughed, "She sat her ass on my desk, aight. Damn."
Randall came back downstairs in lounging clothes. He stared the three men down then went to the kitchen to grab water and went out the back door.
"Who the fuck was he staring at?" Zion asked sitting up. "Fuck is his problem?"
Benny shrugged adjusting his hat, "Must know competition when he sees it."
The women came back whispering with each other. They all said their goodbyes and Marcie walked them out to their car. She waved to her neighbors then rolled her eyes making Lainey laugh.
"Ooh that reminds me," Marcie huffed, "I gotta text Melissa."
"About what?" Lainey asked.
"Well she needs to get her mind off of a certain someone," Marcie said looking briefly at Benny, "And out of that apartment I'm gonna get her to come to this dinner party Friday."
"She better stop thinking about Benny."
Marcie laughed, "You know, I know and he knows that she thinks he's cute. But I need a friend at this stupid dinner party Alex is throwing. I don't wanna go but Randall's always so excited to go hang out with Brad."
"Mmhm," Lainey said hugging her, "Well yall have fun. Ima call yall later while I'm packing. And thank you again for this. I dunno if I'll use it but at least I'll have it."
"Trust me, you will." Marcie moved to hug her brothers, lingering in Cameron's arms before walking back across the street to her house.
Lainey smacked the back of his head snapping him from his thoughts. He flies ched hard and stared at her.
"And yall talking about me being a hot ass. You get your hot ass in the car and stop looking at my friend. You too Benny. I don't know what happened but it better not happen again."
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