#stony bingo 2020
banashee · 2 years
Banashee Fanfic Masterpost - Marvel
List of all of my Marvel fanfics, up to date as of february 2023
Please mind all individual tags and warnings, things will get heavy!
Series by ship (aka my favourite ships that turned into A Lot of Fics TM)
WinterHawk - various unrelated stories - Clint and Bucky being both sweet and angsty together
Phlint - various unrelated stories - Shield Husbands being wonderful in every aspect
IronHawk - various unrelated stories - Tony and Clint being human disasters and deeply in love
Prompt collections:
Keep Going December 2019 - various ships
Bad Things Happen Bingo Round 1 - various ships, Reminder to please check the tags and warnings! The themes get heavy and at times graphic
XMAS Writing Week 2020 - Winter Fluff of various ships
65 Random Prompts - various ships, everything from fluff to humor to angst and HC
Bad Things Happen Bingo Round 2 - More Angsty prompts with various characters and ships. Again, please mind the tags and warnings for this series especially!
Series of Oneshots in the same universe/story
The Morning After - IronHawk. Tony and Clint go from friendship plus to mutual pining to falling in love.A classic
Nerves of Steel (OMG shut up!) - Stony - Steve and Tony are stuck in a safehouse together, getting on each other’s neves. Only 1 part online so far
Honey, it’s still fucking frozen! - IronHawk. - Tony isn’t great at cooking, albeit enthousiatic. Clint... Loves Tony and puts up with a lot of bad cooking.
Of chosen families and utter chaos - Most of the Avengers have been turned into children. Phil and Thor do their best to keep them alive, as they learn a lot about their friends. (ships amongst the adults are: Phil/Clint, Thor/Bruce and Steve/Tony )
Like a Ghost in the back of my mind - Clint has some unhealthy coping mechanisms ans trauma to work through. Only one part online so far.
Polyamorous - Clint/Phil/Tony Polycule, Hurt/Comfort and lots of fluff
Sticking Together - platonic Tony, Bruce and Clint. - Our boys are in a sticky kidnapping situation
Blindsided - Clint is getting fucked over by a handler he can’t trust and ends up in an awful situation. Please check the warnings! This is a heavy one
Tear Down The Walls - IronHawk - Tony and Clint, friends to lovers, HC and fluff, found family 
Somebody to love - Phlint - Clint and Phil throughout the years as they first meet, fall in love, lose each other and find one another again, as well as the team as found family
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machi-kun · 4 years
Tony is a playboy, and he’s good at it. He never leaves a partner unsatisfied, he never leaves a phone number – and he always leaves before breakfast.
And then there’s this one guy. Steve.
In the morning after, making pancakes before Tony can escape.
This is a fill for the 2020 Stony Bingo, Round 2! Square S-1: pancakes ;)
Read it on AO3 | Morning After, Awkwardness, Fluff | Rated T
“Hey.” Steve says, smiling. “Good morning.”
Tony, fully dressed and expertly sneaking out, stops before he can even close the bedroom door, head turning so quickly in the direction of the kitchen he almost pulls a muscle.
He looks to the side, where he remembers seeing a clock – yep, there it is, and it says 6:11 AM on it, which is unholy and vile, an hour no one should be awake at, much less a Saturday, and yet, here is his one-night-stand, by the stove, making breakfast.
Tony thought he was in the bathroom. He even left a note. The door was closed, and he thought he heard water running – fuck, it’s raining out, isn’t it?
Not that it matters now that he’s already been busted, but still.
It’s gonna be even more awkward now, waiting for a cab.
“Yeah, uh. Morning.” Tony replies, after a weird, awkward attempt to clear his throat. It feels horribly sore, and he’s not sure if it’s from the noises or the other thing, but it’s probably both. A glass of water might help with that, but coffee is always a distracting temptation. “You’re up early.”
Which is an understatement. But what other way can Tony convey the feeling of why are you not conveniently unconscious so I can leave without sounding like a complete asshole?
“So are you.” Steve – and even if Tony wanted to forget his name he couldn’t, because he said it a lot last night, and Steve is still smiling, friendly, cute, and a little smug, like he somehow knows what Tony’s thinking. “I’ve always been an early riser. Usually I would be going for a run right now, but I didn’t want to leave you here by yourself.”
Maybe this would have been easier if he had.
“Thanks.” Tony rasps, walking a little closer but not sitting down anywhere, still holding his shoes, looking as out of place as an elephant in a rose field. Steve places the coffee pot back in the counter, close to Tony’s reach, next to a cute, yellow mug, with a tiny picture of a cat on it. It’s empty, and Tony really wishes it wasn’t but he’s too unsettled to reach out and actually fill it for himself.
The silence stretches, only low crinkles of plastic and the muffled sound of traffic and – there it is, rain, coming from outside the small window in Steve’s tiny, modest kitchen – act as the soundtrack for the world’s most suffocating breakfast ever.
“I made pancakes.” Steve says, after an unbearably long time, turning around with a plate full of blueberry pancakes, dammit, Tony’s favorites.
Did he tell him that last night? He can’t remember. He might have.
Usually Tony wouldn’t have a problem with this, even if his partner for the night happened to catch him while he snuck out. This is not his first time. It’s not even his fifth, or his tenth. He’s had this encounter before, and to be fair, this is proving to be quite amicable compared to other possible reactions he’s experienced in the past; Far preferable to being attacked with shoes, no doubt, but it still feels way worse than all the other times.
Maybe it’s just because Steve isn’t his usual partner. There were no pulsing lights or thrumming bass or sweet drinks to set the mood, no darkness to disguise the truth in the flirty banter – the bar had been awful, and Tony left not even forty minutes after arriving, once he spotted Sunset Bain far too close to his own booth for his comfort. Steve was not there. No.
Steve was at the small, quaint little diner Tony found a couple blocks away after walking around aimlessly, tending to the costumers with far too much energy for the late hour, and he had coffee and snacks, and Tony never even hesitated.
Makes sense Tony would tell him about the pancakes. Tony has no idea what else he told Steve – he sat down, Steve looked at him, and he had no idea what had happened next. It had been almost closing hours, Tony gathered by the almost empty café, but he and Steve seemed to be talking for hours. But it couldn’t have been that long, considering they still came back here, and it’s barely six now. How – What the hell happened? How did a simple stop by a diner turned into a freaking date, and then into sleeping together, so quickly, and he hadn’t even noticed?
And Steve had been so – so nice. Gorgeous, of course he’s gorgeous, but more than that; He smelled like orange and vanilla, from the pastries, he said, ah, that’s when Tony complained about the lack of blueberries. He remembers now.
“Too much?” Steve chuckles, interrupting his thoughts, and it’s got a shaky, uncertain tone to it, and it immediately turns Tony into an anxious, fumbling, not suave at all mess.
“No, it’s—” He coughs. “It’s fine.”
Steve’s eyes narrow just a bit, and something teasing pulls at the edge of his smile, almost malicious. “That’s a little hard to believe, considering you were going to sneak out on me.”
“That’s – uh – hm.” He forces out a laugh. “It’s not personal, don’t worry. I just— I had a great night, don’t worry—”
“Oh, I’m not worried.” Steve’s eyes shine again with that spark of mirth, and Tony, running on barely any sleep and a rush of endorphins that has yet to go away with how thoroughly they got it on when they finally made it to bed, has to shamefully admit that he goes a little hot at the sight. “I get it. Morning after, it’s awkward. Haven’t done this much, so I thought maybe the way to make it less awkward would be breakfast?”
“That’s really nice of you.” Tony comments, and he completely means it. “Nicer than sneaking out, I guess.”
“Both have their benefits, I think.” Steve sways his head from side to side, trying to be placating. “Well. I’ve made them. You can have some if you like, but if you want to leave, I won’t stop you.”
See what he means? Nice. Steve’s nice.
Not everyone would react this well. This calm.
“What would be more awkward, if I stayed, or if I left?”
Steve unexpectedly laughs. “I don’t know. Is this your first time getting caught?”
“First time sober – well, not hangover, at least.” Tony admits, and he’s pleasantly surprised there’s no judgment, no derision in Steve’s tone when he assumes, correctly, that Tony is an experienced runaway after one-night-stands. He’s just amused, like it’s ridiculous, and it is. It is ridiculous that they’re both so embarrassed now, when they were both fully sober and fully consenting to go home together last night.
And it can’t be because of the sex, because it had been fantastic.
So maybe it’s really just because this is… new. In some ways. New for Steve, as far as hook-ups go, and new for Tony as far as incredibly sweet partners go.
He doesn’t know what to do.
He could leave.
Should he?
Does he want to?
“Well, I did have a great night, Tony. Thanks.” Steve looks down for a second, sheepish, as if he’s not sure if he should be thanking someone for sex, or for… whatever it was that happened between them last night, this weird pull that’s keeping Tony frozen in the spot and not sending him bolting through the door at the first chance he gets. “Maybe I won’t see you again, but at least I want you to know how much I enjoyed it.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” Tony tells him.
“After last night?” Steve looks up at him from beneath his long, beautiful lashes, and Tony is caught so off guard he feels his face heating up and hopes Steve can’t see it. “I kinda think I do.”
“You repaid the favor quite nicely, mister” Tony flirts back, before he can think twice about it, feeling inexplicably amused by the sudden turn in Steve’s behavior – awkward, but still flirty? That’s… good. Very good, actually. It feels a bit like an invitation, like Steve’s trying to figure out if he can get Tony to give up on leaving if he can seduce him back into bed. Tony doesn’t know why that doesn’t make him want to run. It usually would.
But Steve made him blueberry pancakes.
Steve’s nice. Steve’s… different.
Tony doesn’t want to leave before he can figure out how.
“Well… I could have some breakfast.” Tony decides.
Steve’s smile is adorable, soft and sweet at the edges, just like the pastry he’d given Tony last night, just like his kisses – and Tony wonders if it would be just as sweet in the morning.
“And then later, I could have your number?” Steve asks, bold, and the shock of it is softened by the sweet smell of pancakes, the richness of the coffee Steve pours into the little cat mug, the sound of rain falling outside, the almost painfully domestic atmosphere of this cute kitchen in a lazy Saturday morning.
Steve sits across from him, fork in hand, decided to share the meal it seems – and Tony remembers last night, when both of them shared the last slice of the key lime pie the diner had for sale, leaning over the counter to be closer, like teenagers in love sharing sips from a milkshake, talking about motorcycles of all things, and he doesn’t know how something so simple can be so endearing, but it is.
Tony’s stomach does a flip, and just for now, he pretends it’s from hunger.
“Yes, Steve.” Tony rolls his eyes, smiling so wide his cheeks hurt. “As soon as we’re done with breakfast.”
Pancakes now.
Maybe that’ll make Steve’s mouth taste even sweeter later.
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festiveferret · 3 years
Part of Your World (Stony)
Read on AO3
Steve loved the aquarium at night.
He wasn't supposed to be here, there was no doubt about that, but after his summer internship was over, no one had asked for his keys back, and Steve… hadn't volunteered them. Security was a joke, and Steve knew for a fact that the night watchman, Clint, slept through his whole shift, and none of the cameras were actually recording anywhere. It was all because of the same reason they desperately took any intern from any school program that would provide them: budget.
Steve made his way down the ramp past the tropical fish tornado (its official name, he was sure) and through the dark hallways towards the deep sea tanks.
Deep sea was Steve's favourite. It was dark and eerie, and all the creatures were a little bit uncanny valley. The best tank was simply massive and none of the interns had ever been allowed to assist in cleaning or feeding for it, so Steve had been left with a fascination that had brought him back to it night after night.
He sat on the bench alone, facing the tank, and dug his sketchbook and chalk pastels out of his bag. He turned to a new page. He mixed three blues with a smudged-in layer of black and added the spooky suggestion of eyes and fins.
A flash of a pale colour appeared between the glass and a large rock, and Steve stopped drawing, eyes fixed on that spot. If he was lucky, an octopus would appear and stay long enough for him to sketch it. He turned to a new page, grabbed a pencil and sidled over towards the tank, moving slowly and carefully. There was another pale flash from behind the rock, but once again, it was gone before Steve could get a good look at it.
He stepped right up to the glass and waited.
Almost a minute later, just when he was about to give up and go back to his sketch, the thing reappeared, this time pressing fully against the glass, in a decidedly un-fishlike way. It was five pointed and flat, and pale and -
That was a human hand.
Steve yelped and took a step back, tripping over his own feet and landing hard on his butt on the ground. He stared at the glass, heart pounding. Was there a dead body in the tank? But then the hand flexed, and behind it, a face appeared.
It wasn't a human face, or at least, it wasn't all the way human, and it was definitely alive. Now that he was looking, Steve could see there were little fins between the fingers on the hand. There were also fins on the side of his face - for it seemed to be male-like in its appearance. He had curly brown hair that wafted like a halo around his head in the water. His eyes were wide and brown, but when he blinked, he blinked two sets of eyelids - one in from the side, milky white, under his more human-looking ones.
His chest was bare and in the centre of it, over his heart, was a tangled web of deep, rough scars, but starting around the bottom of his ribs, his skin sparkled, almost glittery. Steve pushed up to his knees and leaned in to look. They were scales, shiny, golden scales that cascaded down the creature's stomach, getting thicker and thicker until, by his hips, all skin was completely obscured by scales.
And then there was a tail, thick and strong, shining brilliantly gold even in the pale light, translucent red fins framing its sides and ending in two delicate points where his feet should be.
"Wow," Steve breathed. "Either you're a mermaid or I slipped back by the sardine tank and hit my head, really, really hard."
The creature tipped his head to the side, paused a moment, then moved closer, out from the hidden edges of the tank. He was stunningly beautiful; there was no other word for it. Steve knew he was staring, but he couldn't stop, and the creature didn't seem to mind, a soft smile gracing his lips. He twisted gracefully in the water, pressing both hands against the glass now, and widened his eyes, almost in question.
"Can you hear me?" Steve asked, but the creature frowned, his eyes falling to Steve's lips, so Steve assumed he either couldn't hear or couldn't understand.
Maybe this was why the interns had never been allowed to work on this tank.
The mermaid didn't move, so Steve pulled his sketchbook back out and turned to a fresh page. He sat cross-legged on the floor and started to sketch. While he drew, the creature tipped his head back and forth, shifting around a little like he wanted to see the page, but Steve waited until he was happy with his rendition. It was barely a ghost of the beauty in front of him without the glimmering colours, but he thought he might have captured something close, at least.
He stood up and stepped towards the glass, as slowly and non-threateningly as he could, then turned his sketchbook around and held it up.
The mermaid stared at it for a moment, eyes wide and mouth open and then, of all things, he started laughing. Steve couldn't hear anything through the glass, but there was no denying the mirth in the way he threw his head back and shook. He pointed to the image on the page then to himself, and Steve nodded, grinning now too.
The mermaid held up one finger, then twisted around and disappeared into the depths of the tank. A moment later, however, he reappeared, this time with a large conch shell in his hand. He flipped his tail under him then held the shell out before him, almost like Hamlet with Yorick's skull, adopting a serious expression.
He was posing.
Steve hastily flipped to a new page. When this drawing was done, Steve held it up, which set the mermaid into peals of silent laughter again. "I wish I knew your name," Steve sighed. Then he had a thought. He took out his school ID and pressed it flat against the glass. The mermaid swam closer, putting his hands on either side of the ID, then looking between it and Steve. He pointed at the card, then at Steve, and Steve nodded.
He moved his mouth, releasing a volley of bubbles, and Steve thought he might have seen the shape of his name in the way the creature's lips moved. He nodded fervently. The mermaid frowned, hands on hips, and looked around at his tank. Then he seemed to realize something. With one powerful flick of his tail, he shot across the entire, enormous tank, and hovered there, looking back at Steve. Steve ran over, and the mermaid pointed beside himself, where the wall covered the edge of the tank. At first, Steve tried to peer around the wall and deeper into the tank, but the mermaid seemed frustrated, gesturing wildly, and Steve suddenly realized there was a description placard screwed to the wall next to the tank.
He stepped over to read it. First, it described several kinds of fish and plant life that populated the tank, going into depth about a few of them. There was a special inlay about the kind of filter required to clean such a tank, then, at the bottom, an unusual note.
Marine Life Rescue Program - Tony's forever home.
"Tony?" Steve tried out loud. Then he stepped back over in front of the tank, scribbled Tony out on his sketch paper and held it up. He pointed at the creature. "Tony?" he asked.
Tony nodded and clapped his hands together, then did a spin in the water.
Steve's watch chose that moment to chime, warning him that the first daytime security shift would be starting in half an hour and Clint would wake up to do his rounds. He sighed, and pointed to his watch, frowning. Tony frowned too. I have to go, Steve mouthed, hoping Tony would understand. Tony leaned forward and pressed both hands to the glass.
Steve sighed. The last thing he wanted to do was leave when he was only just discovering this incredible new world. But if he got caught by security, he'd never be able to come back at all. He pressed his hand to the glass, palm to palm with Tony's for a moment, then scribbled a quick note on his sketch paper. He held it up, waiting until Tony nodded before he waved goodbye and ran down the hallway for the exit door. During the day, he'd take his sketches to the office supply store to get them laminated, so he could find a way to get them into the tank for Tony. He had so many questions he wanted to ask, so much more he wanted to know, but for now all he could focus on was keeping his promise to Tony.
I'll be back tomorrow night.
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superdecibels · 4 years
AA Stony Server Bingo Fill for Unresolved Sexual Tension
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starksnack · 4 years
Tony Stark Bingo Masterpost
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creator: @starksnack​
card number: 3116
thank you to @tonystarkbingo​ for creating such a fun event. i had a really amazing time participating and i am excited for the next round.
All works can be found in the workshop.
T2: anonymous confessions - earth laughs in flowers (G)
T4: sunrise/sunset - sunkissed (T)
A4: au: teachers - boy next door (T)
R1: au: alice in wonderland - you and i got lost in it (T)
K5: i hate magic - a cat-astrophe of epic paw-portions (G)
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nixie-deangel · 5 years
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For the @star-spangled-bingo. 
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Tony Stark.  Square: Tattoo Shop AU.  Warnings: No Warnings Apply.  Drabble: 
Falling into the chair, Tony flicks his eyes over to the big, broad shouldered artist. Tilting his head, he lets out a low hum as he eyes him before feeling his lips curve up into a playful smile. “Promise you’ll be gentle with me?” he flirts. 
Glancing up from beneath his lashes, Steve feels his mouth curl up into a smirk, before raking his gaze up and down where Tony’s stretching out in the chair. “Dunno, Mr. Stark,” he rumbles low, Brooklyn accent coming out strong as he continues to speak. “Guess that depends on how much’a me you can take.” 
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gotthesilver · 4 years
2020 fic round up!
Now that the last of the exchange fics have been revealed, it’s time for a round up. Which I haven’t actually done in years, but lets face it, I have more time on my hands this year because of Reasons so why not? We are gonna do this chronologically because organising by fandom just seems like work.
Put the Past Away, MCU, Steve/Tony, Teen, 3.4k. another post infinity war/pre-endgame canon divergence get together because I like writing those a lot.
Forever for You, part of the Fireside verse, MCU, Steve/Tony, Teen, 3.9k. a little addition to my Fireside series, the last part of which I will hopefully get finished this year!
Such a Softer Sin, MCU, Steve/Tony, Explicit, 2.2k. a fic written for the smol steve bingo over at the pots server, square: small steve, big dick. which sums up this fic.
Alone Like This, MCU, Steve/Tony, Teen, 7.4k. written for the @cap-ironman fanwork like it’s 2012 fest! canon divergent where steve and tony meet post iron man 2, pre avengers and it goes a lot better.
Got the Love I Need, MCU, Steve/Tony, Explicit, 2.4k. virgin steve is like super desperate to get laid. that’s it.
Through Each Other’s Eyes, Marvel 3490, Steve Rogers/Natasha Stark, Teen, 1k. written for the @cap-ironman tiny reverse bang! steve rogers is embarrassingly in love with his wife. like so much.
Glide Me Towards You, MCU, Steve/Tony, Mature, 6.7k. written for one of @crownofstardustandbone‘s many prompts! canon divergent post endgame old men in love trying to figure out what comes next.
A Little Is Never Enough, MCU, Steve/Tony, Explicit, 3.4k. written for h/c bingo, square: corporal punishment. this is spanking fic, you probably know if you want to read it or not.
Souvenirs and Secrets Shared, MCU, Steve/Tony, Mature, 1.4k. written for the twink tony bingo over at pots, square: lingerie. steve stumbles across some old photos of tony in lingerie.
Wounds Without a Bandage, MCU, Steve/Tony, Teen, 2.5k. written for the twink tony bingo at pots as well, square: whump. also for h/c bingo, square: fighting. au where steve was found and defrosted post howard & maria’s death and has been in tony’s life since then.
Sins Born In a Kiss, MCU, Steve/Tony, Explicit, 3.5k. also written for the twink tony bingo at pots, square: de-aged. tony gets physically de-aged and steve wants to tap that virgin ass.
Your Loss and Your Sorrow, Gone Girl, Margo Dunne & Nick Dunne, Teen, 1k. written for trick or treat. post movie through margo’s eyes.
Salvation In Dreams, MCU, Steve/Tony, Mature, 1.1k. a fill for h/c bingo: gags. tony gets kidnapped.
Love Like a Hunger, MCU, Steve/Tony, Explicit, 1.5k. based on @firulaispng‘s tony as leia art! steve rails tony while tony is in a leia outfit, that’s it.
Hopeless But Still Romantic, Birds of Prey, Harley/Dinah, Teen, 2.5k. written for shipoween! post movie get together for harley & dinah, with some complications along the way because gotham, right?
Taste of Love, MCU, Steve/Pepper/Tony, Explicit, 1.4k. written for shipoween as well! it’s porn, that’s about it.
Taken Back By You, MCU, Steve/Tony, Teen, 2.5k. steve is terrified of babies and tony is excellent with kids and steve has Feelings about that.
Grow Up; Turn the Tables, Clueless, Cher/Josh, Mature, 2.1k. written for yuletide! post movie, cher and josh and how they are several years down the line.
Having You Near, Oceans Movies, Danny/Rusty/Tess and Danny + Debbie, Teen, 1.4k. also written for yuletide! a what if danny isn’t dead and debbie found him hiding out with rusty & tess.
No Place to Go, MCU, Steve/Tony, Teen 6.8k. written for the @cap-ironman holiday exchange! post aou canon divergent christmas getting together with all that involves.
Been Alone Here, MCU, Steve/Tony, Teen, 4.5k. also written for the holiday exchange! modern au, no powers. getting back together post addiction and recovery, a little drop of hope in a difficult process.
and that’s it for 2020 fic! to no one’s surprise I posted a lot of stony. also having made this post I remember why I stopped doing round ups, holy shit that took too long, I hope someone appreciates it.
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darthbloodorange · 4 years
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Tony loves his knew pet, he travelled through the multiverse just to find him. Tony deserves the best of the best, of course.
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For the: ✦ Stony Bingo 2020 Round 2 prompt “Superior Iron Man” [S5]
Word count: N/a - Art Title: Treasured Pet Rating: Teens Universe: Marvel Comics  Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark Warnings: Injury, Extremely Dubious Consent, Kidnapping Major Tags: Superior Iron Man ~ Summery: Tony loves his knew pet, he travelled through the multiverse just to find him. Tony deserves the best of the best, of course.
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sarahhbe · 3 years
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The scent of oak trees and dew reached Steve’s nostrils causing him to inhale deeply. The scent of coffee buried deeper in the complex aroma that Steve recognized as belonging to his mate. For a second he felt his muscles relax knowing Tony was okay ...
For several seconds, Stane spasmed before succumbing to his death - whether from blood loss or drowning in his own blood - Steve did not care.
Steve quickly took the steps up until he could pet at Tony’s cheek with his clean left hand.
Another Title Does Not Change the Man be Sarahhbe
read the rest on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32567446
Remix of Favorite Title Yet by betheflame
read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24825415
Written as part of the SteveTony Games https://stevetonygames.dreamwidth.org/
Bingo fill for 'werewolves' and included challenges for remixing (with permission) of a work created for the 2020 or 2021 SteveTony Games, and using at least one of last year's bonus prompts - Non-linear, Soulmates, and Vampire AU.
Also fills the AU:royalty/nobility square on my 2021 Stony Bingo
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cap-ironman · 4 years
A Happy 2021 to the Cap-IM Community!
We would like to wish everyone in the Cap-IM community a happy Gregorian New Year! Despite the global pandemic, we've been busy as ever, and we want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped us make 2020 another fantastic Steve/Tony year. 
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We hope that you've enjoyed participating in this year's events and that the community has been there for you in these trying times. Thank you to our wonderful community of commenters, creators, event mods, reccers, readers and signal boosters! We wouldn't be here without you, and we hope that we see you in 2021.
In May, we launched a brand new event: the Stony Trivia Quiz! Held online via Discord to bring our vibrant, Stony-loving community together, this was such a success that we ran a second quiz in October. We loved seeing people's guesses and enthusiasm in cheering the teams on! Also in May, a year after Avengers: Endgame screened, we looked back to 2012-era Stony with a special challenge, Fanwork Like it's 2012! Creators of all kinds got involved in this fest, with lots of fabulous prompts and fills. What a great way to reminisce about them good ol' fandom days, or try your hand at a classic prompt! We also ran all our usual challenges, with a return of the Tiny Reverse Bang as our mid-year event.
Two of our community mods, dapperanachronsim and faite, stepped down this year, and we welcomed on board a new addition to the comm mod team: Neverever. We have also made some changes around the comm with the aim of making it as welcoming, accessible and inclusive as possible. These have been based both on our observations as fandom culture has shifted, and on specific feedback — thanks to those of you who shared your thoughts with us!
We're still on that journey, and have some more improvements in the works! Also to that end, we would like to introduce our Community Check In survey. We recognise that it's been a while since we touched base with you all, and we'd appreciate your feedback immensely.
Navaan generously gifted us with another year of paid Dreamwidth account. If any of you feel inclined to give the community some paid time/DW points to help us keep things neatly organized, that'd be very appreciated — we went over the 1000-tag limit for free accounts back in 2018 and the tag list just keeps growing ♥
What will 2021 bring?
Well, lots of Marvel-ous new Stony content, for sure! Holiday Exchange and Community Gifts reveals are in progress, and Remix Relay and Remix Exchange participants are creating fabulous works as we type. Remix Madness will be opening on January 10th, and the 2021 Reverse Bang opened for artist submissions today. We'd like to make a special mention to our beloved RBB event, which is entering double digits this year as we celebrate its 10th anniversary!
The rest of our annual events will also be coming round again, with STONY Bingo, Comment Bingo and Kinkmeme still open throughout the year. We have also have what we hope will be a fantastic new event to keep you thinking about Steve/Tony across the multiverse — it was delayed by COVID, but we aren't letting that stop us and, of course, a we'll run a midyear event again, so keep your eyes peeled for an announcement!
Finally, a reminder: you are all welcome and encouraged to post content to the cap-ironman community platforms. We do ask that some basic info be listed in English if you're posting a fanwork, but you can post in any language that you like! We encourage everyone to post in the cap-ironman community — this is your space to talk about Steve/Tony and what you love about it, chat about the latest canon, as well as promote your works or run mini-events!
A happy 2021 to all Steve/Tony shippers! We hope you all have a fantastic, safe and healthy year wherever you are, and that we can once again invite you to join fun Steve/Tony events to get the creative juices going and give everyone new Steve/Tony works to enjoy.
Here's to another smashing Steve/Tony year!
Your Cap-IM Community Mods,
Lore, Navaan & Neverever
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machi-kun · 4 years
one for the yearbooks
Having an awkward time in high school might be an essential life thing – but some variety would be appreciated, if he’s allowed to be a little picky.
How is it possible that he can’t have one normal interaction with Tony freaking Stark?
This is a fill for the 2020 Stony Bingo, Round 2! Square O-2: Avengers Academy
Read it on AO3 | Meet Ugly, Getting Together, Fluff | Rated G
On his first day on campus, Steve gets a fist to the nose.
Which, to be fair, is not unusual – he is Captain America, and he sometimes runs towards a punch to the face, whether it’s a good idea or not, because sometimes the people doing the punching are HYDRA or AIM so a fight is expected. And he heals fast. He is no stranger to a surprise attack every once in a while.
But on his first day, the person who punches him is not even a villain or an enemy. It’s actually one of the Academy’s first students, the famous – or infamous – Tony Stark.
It wouldn’t be a problem with other people. Or rather, most other people, because Steve knows he’s strong, but the Academy definitely has people who are much stronger than he is; But point is, Tony Stark was not a person Steve was expecting to be able to deal such a strong blow, not when he’s out of his armor.
Problem is, Tony is always in his armor in some ways, because his right hand is a prosthetic, made of metal. And he is right-handed, so that’s the hand he swings around when he’s showing off the buildings on campus, which is exactly why Steve gets a fist to the nose in the first place.
Steve doesn’t get angry, of course not. It’s obviously an accident, and if he’s very honest, he could have been paying a little more attention and easily avoided the blow, and the only reason why he didn’t is because he had stopped walking to stare at the gigantic building Tony had been gesturing at, which was, coincidentally, Stark Tower. And Tony is very flustered when he realizes what he’s done, something Steve did not expect at all, and he’s not even bleeding or anything, his nose is just red and a little swollen.
But it’s awkward. Of course it’s awkward. But it seems like it’s so awkward for Tony that as soon as they pass by Van Dyne’s Outfits, he hands Steve off to his friend, the bubbly and enthusiastic Jan, that seems very excited to give Captain America the tour when Tony has to suddenly go back to his Tower on a very short notice.
Steve tries to tell Tony it’s fine, but he never gets the chance. He wonders if the Iron Man boots are meant to make him faster when he runs, or if he really is that fast on his own, but he also never gets the chance to ask.
Jan is nice. Steve likes her. She’s graceful enough that she only pokes fun at Steve’s nose once.
She says she’ll talk to Tony later, but Steve never gets the chance to ask what for. And that is it.
That’s his first day in the Academy, and that is his first significant interaction with Tony Stark.
But it definitely wasn’t the last.
Steve loves the campus.
Other students have come in after him, and as the paths and dorms and training rooms start to fill, he readily settles into the spirit of teamwork the Academy promotes. It’s his favorite thing. He makes plenty use of the Gym and the Archives, gets a lot of work done at SHIELD HQ, and he even practices some speeches at the Auditorium every once in a while. It doesn’t even take much convincing for Fury and Pepper Potts to allow him to make an obstacle course, and it’s great to see other people use the space he’s put together for them.
He really likes the Academy.
And Steve really likes Club A. Even if most people thought he wouldn’t, for some reason.
Steve likes dancing, and he likes spending time with his friends, both of which Club A is made for, so why wouldn’t he? It’s fun, hanging out when the training is done, or after a round against AIM – Vision plays sometimes, but even when he doesn’t the music is nice, the bar has a nice selection of beverages and snacks, and there’s a pool table.
And Steve is nothing if not competitive.
The first few times, though, he was there alone more often than not. Sometimes Sam would come along and they would play or dance, or maybe Steve would sit at the bar talking to Natasha or Jan, or meeting the new people that had arrived on campus when he wasn’t looking. But many times, he’d been there by himself, just playing pool.
And that’s when Tony Stark shows up unannounced, of course.
Not that he should announce every time he goes somewhere, though Steve suspects sometimes he does just because – what he means is…
You don’t walk behind someone playing pool if they don’t know you’re there. Because if you do, you might get hit with a pool bat on the stomach when they wind up for a shot.
Which is exactly what happens, and Steve feels the resistance in movement only a millisecond before Tony yelps loudly in pain, and drops his drink on the floor with a loud shattering sound.
Steve is mortified.
He drops the bat in a haste, and raises his hands into the air as if to indicate it’s not an attack, he didn’t do it on purpose – but of course he didn’t do it on purpose. He knows it, and Tony knows it too, or so he says as Steve starts to apologize profusely, ears burning in a way that indicate they must be flaming red in embarrassment. Steve hadn’t seen him, hadn’t even heard him come into the club, distracted as he was with planning his shots. Tony laughs even, if a little too winded, despite the fact that his belly clearly hurts where he’s still holding it, and says:
“Guess that makes us even, huh?”
And Steve might laugh a little at that, but it does not quell the shame he’s feeling much, if he’s honest.
Steve stops himself from just pulling Tony’s arm away to check his stomach, or from just putting his hands on him all over to check if he’s fine – he’s fine, he says he’s fine –, but of course Steve gives him a hand to stand up, and Tony gives him the Gauntlet hand.
It’s the first time Steve has touched Tony’s armor directly.
He’s almost a little distracted by how… amazing it is. It’s a little on the heavier side, definitely a little heavier than Tony’s other hand if Steve were to grab it too, but it’s sleek and bright and incredible, plates locked together seamlessly, mechanical joints bending and gripping so naturally it can only be the work of a genius. Steve has to snap his gaze away from it and back to Tony, or else he’ll pull too hard and only cause another accident, like pulling Tony directly into himself or something.
But no. Tony gets up, swaying a little before settling steady on his feet, and takes in a deep breath before letting go of his stomach. He can’t stand up fully straight yet, but it’s fine. He assures Steve he’s fine. He even jokingly asks if he should join the game, smirking, but Steve feels overwhelmed enough to simply give up the game entirely, and quickly makes his way out when he sees Loki coming in, knowing he and Tony are friends and they will be fine, so he can go back to his dorm and groan in shame as loudly as he can.
All things considered, he and Tony are friendly enough.
For all his boastful posturing, Steve can tell Tony is a little embarrassed to talk him, probably because of the awful luck they seem to be having every time they meet. The punch and the Club A incident are only the beginning; There was that one time they were both working at the Asgardian Forge and Tony dropped a hammer on Steve’s foot, and that other time in the Avengers Dorm when Steve accidentally broke the punching bag and hit Tony on the floor below, distracted while tinkering with his tech. Steve still feels awful about that, because Tony bruises a lot easier, and for a lot longer than Steve does, and a poke to the gut with a pool bat is very different from a punching bag falling onto you from above, even if Tony assured him he felt fine.
If Tony is not actually embarrassed to talk to Steve, Steve is definitely embarrassed to talk to Tony.
Still, they are friendly. If they walk past each other they wave and smile, and if they have to fight or train together, they do it very well. Funny enough, when there are other people there to kind of buffer their interactions, nothing ever goes wrong. Both Tony and Steve hang out with Natasha a lot – Tony with far more flirting involved it seems –, if they meet, nothing weird happens. No accidents, no unfortunate bruising. When Jan and Loki and Sam or even Enchantress are there, everything goes well.
It also keeps the awkwardness away, and they bond surprisingly fast over these peaceful moments.
They are friends, Steve thinks – they just can’t seem to be alone together without one of them getting a minor injury. But it gets to a point where it starts to bother Steve. Sam says Steve is like a pack animal – and months later, when Steve gets actually turned into a werewolf Sam has the time of his life making fun of him –, and he can’t stand the idea of someone not liking him. But the problem is not that Tony doesn’t like him, or at least, Steve doesn’t think it is.
The problem is that Steve can’t seem to have a single alone interaction with Tony that doesn’t result in bruising, and he’d really like that to stop. He wants to spend time with Tony, he wants to genuinely meet Tony, and talk to him, and learn about him. He’s more than the Academy’s first recruit – he’s their teammate and their friend, and he’s important, so Steve wants to have the chance to get to know him better. That’s all.
But they keep screwing it up somehow!
Steve then decides to do what he does best: bond in battle. He’s not lined up to go to a mission anytime soon, seeing as Thor, Wasp, Jessica Jones, Hellcat, Daredevil, and Luke Cage are all still off-campus fighting AIM, so he’ll have to get to Tony in one of the training quarters. Problem is, Tony rarely goes to the Dojo, and he trains at the Gym at odd times.
So Steve’s best chance is the Blasting Range.
He goes there as casually as possible when he realizes Tony’s in, firing his repulsors at the training dummies in quick, agile motions, with the ease only a practiced fighter can have. Steve would stop and watch him for a few moments if he could, but that would be creepy, and he’s there on a mission; He doesn’t have time to dally before going to one of the available lanes and taking his shield in hand, ready to sling it at his target.
Tony sees him, and smiles. It’s casual. He says hi to Tony, Tony says hi back. He asks about how Tony’s day is going, and Tony says it’s fine, and asks the same. Again, painfully awkward, when it’s just the two of them. But this is Steve’s battleground, this is something he understands, and he will not let the shame stop him from achieving his goal.
“You have pretty good aim.” He comments, stopping only for a few seconds between one throw and the other, the shield ricocheting back to his hand in a perfect trajectory.
Tony stops before he can fire his next attack. “Is that a pun?”
“What?” Steve blinks, and groans loudly once he realizes what Tony means. “No! Tony. I’m just saying it’s pretty impressive how you use your armor.”
Tony breathes out an airy little laugh, raising his eyebrows in an amused expression. “Well, can’t have people thinking Captain America is the only one who can fight long range in this campus.”
“No one thinks that.” Steve shakes his head, exasperated, but the corners of his mouth tug upwards a little without his permission. But he can’t help it. It’s working. They’re here, just Steve and Tony, and look at that – they’re having a normal conversation and no one has been hit yet! And Tony’s smiling too, he also likes spending time with Steve, and this is everything Steve’s wanted for months. “Not with all the new people we got now. You want to go tell Hawkeye and War Machine and Spider-Woman you think they’re not good at long range?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“That’s what it sounds like you said.”
“Shut up, Steve.”
“Sounds like you’re just scared, Tony.”
Tony stares at him, face blank, and without breaking eye contact, raises his hand and aims at Steve’s target, and blasts it.
“Hey!” Steve exclaims, and throws his shield at Tony’s target, and it shakes violently as the blow hits it right in the head.
“You started.” Tony smiles, and fires again.
“Go hit your own robot!” Steve complains, but at the same time, he throws his shield again, and not only it hits Tony’s target, but also the poor, innocent robot to his right, in the other free lane.
“Now you’re just showing off!”
“You gave me no choice.”
“Oh, yeah?” Tony smirks, and his eyes shine with mirth. “We’ll see about that, Cap.”
They… destroy the Range.
A little bit.
All the practice dummies are scorched black and without heads, some of them falling from the supporting beams completely, and the entire back wall is dirty with soot and piled with rubble and scrap metal. At certain angles, Steve can even see the dents his shield left, and there’s a hole about the size of a football in the second lane, where Tony’s repulsor managed to blast through, despite the entire building being reinforced.
Thankfully no one on the other side of the wall got hit too, but it did alert Fury to what they were doing.
The Range gets shut down for a few days. Tony even says he’ll help with the maintenance, and they can upgrade the whole thing while he’s there. He doesn’t seem to be at all fazed by Fury’s lecture, smiling wide all the way through it, and though Steve’s ears burn a little with embarrassment, hiding his smile is surprisingly hard when Tony’s so damn happy, even if Fury stares him down with all the might of his one good eye.
They’re not without bruises this time either. At one point, Tony attempted to grab his shield and it escaped his hands only to jam painfully into his arm, and the head of one of the dummies got thrown into the air with one of Tony’s explosives and it fell on Steve, and he might have a huge bump hiding beneath his hair, but it’s definitely there, because Steve can feel it.
But it’s fine. For the first time, they’re alright. They’re having fun together, and not even bruises can take away the joy they’re feeling.
They’re friends. They’re good friends.
Steve can’t stop smiling.
The Civil War puts a damper on things.
Steve doesn’t like to fight his friends. He particularly doesn’t like to fight Tony, because he likes Tony, he respects Tony a lot, and it aches that they’re fighting over one of the things Tony loves the most: his tech. Steve doesn’t want Tony to think he doesn’t respect Tony’s intellect or his creations, because he does – but the Civil War… that was a bad call. That’s all. People are allowed to make bad calls, even Tony. Doesn’t mean Steve doesn’t like him anymore. He needs Tony to know that.
Tony says they’re fine. He’s smiling when he says it too, and he offers Steve a hug.
Steve desperately wants to hug him, and he desperately wants to believe Tony’s being sincere when he says they’re alright, but deep down, he worries.
So he stupidly says no.
Tony doesn’t seem to take it personally, but Steve regrets not taking his chance to give Tony a hug.  
But he didn’t want to take the chance and hurt him.
He doesn’t know where Tony’s bruises are, even if Steve is sure he has them.
When it finally gets to a point where Steve is losing sleep over it, he decides to talk to Bucky.
Winter Soldier Bucky. Not Forties Bucky.
Not that the other Bucky wouldn’t be helpful – at first, having two of his best friend walking around was weird, but with some time, Steve got used to it, and came to see them as they really are, two distinct people, separated by time and experience, and that’s okay. He learned how to be fine with it because both of them seemed to be fine with it. But he won’t lie –, they are wildly different people.
And Steve knows he and the younger Bucky share a… very specific view on how to deal with their problems. Which means: suck it up, and do it. Maybe in a less aggressive and more motivational way, but that’s the gist of it. And Steve knows. Despite what Tony thinks, he’s not that unaware of how he may come across.
But this is Tony. And Tony is always complicating Steve’s life, it seems.
So he asks Winter Soldier Bucky. Maybe this will provide some other ideas Steve could try to get back to Tony’s side.
“Write him a song.”
Or maybe not.
“I’m not gonna write him a song.” Steve complains.
The Winter Soldier shrugs. “Works for me.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Steve gets a very nasty look for that one.
“I just—” He huffs, frustrated. “I want to have one normal afternoon with him! Is that too much to ask?”
“Why don’t you? Ask?”
Steve stops. “What? Like—”
“Did you ever ask him to hang out with you? Just because you want to?”
Did he—
Steve never thought of that.
“You’re an idiot.” Bucky tells him, and Steve has no choice but to admit that he has a point. “Just ask him out.”
So Steve does.
He asks Tony to help him study.
Which, okay, not his best strategy, but it works nonetheless. Maybe Tony is just as eager to hang out as Steve is, not that Steve would allow himself to believe that, even if the mere idea is enough to make his chest feel all tight and warm with happiness.
Not that they actually study much, because twenty minutes in Tony starts joking in that weirdly endearing, flirty way he always does, and Steve, for once, is feeling so elated that he actually managed to get to spend a day with Tony Stark without any injuries so far that he just jokes right back, and their conversation stretches for hours without any of them noticing.
But others do, of course. Eventually, they get kicked out of the Archives by Bobbi, because she wants to use the computer to watch dog videos and they’re bothering her.
Both of them end up with a little bruising from that.
But for the first time, it’s neither of their faults, so they laugh.
And it seems to work, because even after being kicked out, neither of them wants to leave. They laugh all the way to the park, they joke around while Tony grabs them a bite from the shawarma stand, they sit together by the tree and Tony even leans against his shield where Steve props it against the trunk, and both of them sort of lie down together, to avoid putting their asses on the floor and risk putting pressure on the tender bruises Bobbi was so kind to gift them with.
And it’s great. It’s just… It’s amazing.
Steve loves it.
“We should do this again.” He says, as they’re both walking back in the direction of Stark Tower, lazily strolling through the long way around on campus.
“What, get kicked out the Archives?” Tony laughs, eyebrow arched. “Is it not enough that you cause me minor injuries, Rogers? Now you want to employ Mockingbird to do it?”
“No, I mean… We should hang out. Just the two of us. Again.” Steve says, a little awkward, and he rubs his nape with his hand trying to ease away the hot feeling that blooms in his skin.
“You mean—” Tony stops, and Steve stops too to look at him, startled by the way Tony’s eyes widen and his cheeks suddenly bloom red. “Are you— Are you asking me on a date?”
“I – uh—” Steve jumps, caught off guard, and without even thinking about it, he says, “Maybe.”
“Maybe?” Tony shrieks, his hands trembling, and he’s – he’s so flustered that Steve’s flustered, and now they’re both flustered and fumbling over words, two idiots screaming at each other on the sidewalk. “You have to better than maybe, Rogers!”
“Yes?” Steve decides. “I don’t know, yes!”
“Was that a date!?” Tony looks back in the direction of the Archives, but it lasts less than a second, his gaze snapping back to Steve like magnets. “Is that why you were flirting with me?”
“You were flirting with me!”
“I always flirt with you! You never flirt back!”
“You mean punching me in the face was flirting?” Steve jabs.
“I said you never flirt back. But when it’s disastrous injuries you always do it back.” Tony points out.
“I said I was sorry!”
“I said I was sorry too!”
“So what’s the problem!?”
“I don’t know!” Tony throws his arms in the air. “So I guess I’m going out with you, then!”
They both stop, heaving breaths and just staring at each other, mortified they’ve just essentially yelled their way into… a date, it seems.
It doesn’t sound wrong.
It sounds… nice.
“Will you?” Steve asks, almost in a whisper, because now the silence around them in the street sounds deafening, and it all feels too intimate to speak too loud. Tony’s cheeks are still red – adorable, his mind decides, and his heart agrees –, his breath still hard, his hands still shaking, but his eyes are locked onto Steve’s and Steve doesn’t want him to leave.
“Yeah.” Tony breathes, in a low, equally intimate tone. “I will. We can… go out.”
“Okay.” Steve says, in a soft, incredulously happy tone. “Okay. We can… Where should we go?”
“Aren’t you supposed to know? You asked me.”
“I wasn’t planning that far ahead.”
“What?” Tony grins, maliciously. “Sorry, can you repeat that?”
“I’m gonna take it back.” Steve threatens.
“You can’t, too late, Captain.” Tony teases. “You could come over. I have a hot tub.”
“Knowing us, one of us would slip and break something.”
But it’s not a no.
Tony laughs, and grabs his hand. “No, we won’t. And I think it’s worth the risk. What’re some minor injuries between us anyway?”
And frankly – how can he not agree with that?
So Tony pulls, and Steve goes.
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festiveferret · 3 years
Hello Ferret I was thinking of these prompts for your bingo card: Avalon Protocol Mpreg Superfamily Med Kink Tsums in heat Mermaid AU
Superfamily ended up on the card, so here you go! A little sequel/timestamp for my regency romance Love Match <3
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firebrands · 4 years
stony bingo masterlist (round 1, 2020)
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four bingos! three months! 18 fics!
S1: (returning the shield in endgame):  forgive him for not forgiving 
S2: Kink: Multiple orgasms: shy, simmering
S5: AU: Bounty hunters: flirting with disaster
T1: Games: the enormity of my desire
T4: Off the record: the mind-body problem
T5: Long-distance relationship: modern epistolary
O1: Unconsciousness: chances are
O2: writing format: slice of life: all I want is a room up there and you in it 
O3: Free: mahina lang ang boses mo, ngunit bumibilis ang puso
O4: Power outage: the adventures of rogers and stark
O5: Last times/farewells: me voy pa'l pueblo 
N1: iron man comic book cover: speak easy
N5: Kink: Light bondage: a shift in the light
Y1: Writing format: non-linear: sound and color
Y2: Kink: loss of virginity: finally, then once more
Y3: Evil exes: bad blood 
Y4: Chronic hero syndrome: save, saving, saved 
Y5: Tension: come into the light 
like my work? buy me a ko-fi
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stony-ao3-feed · 4 years
love can do some damage
Read it on AO3
by parkrstark
Steve knew he was different since he was a little boy growing up with Bucky, and girls didn't make him feel the same way they made Bucky feel. There were only two people who ever knew: Bucky and his ma. And he planned to keep it that way. "They'll throw us in jail. If we're lucky." 
Steve had heard horror stories of castration, life in jail, and even death. 
"They won't throw me in jail for murdering thousands, but they'll throw us in jail for kissing? Seems kinda backwards." Tony leaned in for another kiss, and God did Steve want it. "'Sides. I know the Sheriff. He wouldn't throw us in jail."
Whumptober day 11: struggling and crying Stony Bingo: 1872
Words: 2283, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of Whumptober 2020, Part 5 of Stony Bingo
Fandoms: Marvel (Comics), Marvel, Captain America (Comics), Iron Man (Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark - Relationship
Additional Tags: Marvel 1872 #2, Whump, Whumptober, Crying, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Period-Typical Homophobia, Gay Steve Rogers, Bisexual Tony Stark, Sheriff Steve Rogers, Drunken Kissing, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Alcoholic Tony Stark, Frottage, Making Out, Implied Sexual Content, Nothing explicit, Alternate Universe - Western
Read it on AO3
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ao3feed-stony · 4 years
The Rainbow Connection
by ShadowsintheClouds
Tony never thought he'd ever have a soulmate. He'd gone his entire life being touched and yet the rainbows never appeared on his skin. Tony thought that he was doomed to be alone. But one alien invasion and a frozen super soldier changed everything.
STONY Bingo 2020 round 2. N2 Soul Mate
Words: 1763, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 14 of Stony Bingo 2020, Part 40 of Short Marvel Fics and gifts
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, The Avengers - Character
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, sharing rainbows, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Hurt Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Protective Steve Rogers, DO NOT COPY, Self-Sacrificing Tony Stark, he's alright though, Insecure Tony Stark
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/27769465
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rebelmeg · 4 years
Rebelmeg’s Bucky Barnes Bingo Masterpost
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B1 - Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself  | Bucky vs. Winter Soldier fic, battle of wills with graphic violence |  no pairing  |  Mature
B2 -  The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 3: A Taste Of Freedom  | Collab with @fightingforcreativity​, Bucky and tiny Nat escape the Red Room, are found by Howard Stark, and meet tiny Tony, the trio becomes a family.  |  Bucky & Natasha  |  Mature
B3 - The One Death Left Behind  | Introspective sad fic based on fanart  |  no pairing  |  Teen
B4 - The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 27: Natalia's Lullaby  |  Collab with @fightingforcreativity​, Bucky and tiny Nat escape the Red Room, are found by Howard Stark, and meet tiny Tony, the trio becomes a family.  |  Bucky & Natasha & Tony  |  Mature
B5 -  The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 1: The Beginning  |  Collab with @fightingforcreativity​, Bucky and tiny Nat escape the Red Room, are found by Howard Stark, and meet tiny Tony, the trio becomes a family.  |  Bucky & Natasha  |  Mature
U1 -  The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 4: Surviving With A Human Heart  |  Collab with @fightingforcreativity​, Bucky and tiny Nat escape the Red Room, are found by Howard Stark, and meet tiny Tony, the trio becomes a family.  |  Bucky & Natasha  |  Mature
U2 -  Beach Bucky Cutie cross stitch  |  fandom craft  |  no pairing  |  Gen
U3 - Poker Night at the Casino  |  moodboard  |  Bucky & Tony  |  Gen
U4 - Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) - Chapter 2: Helpless  |  Kid Bruce remix fic with Dad Bucky and Kid Tony  |  Bucky & Tony & Bruce  |  Teen
U5 - The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 5: A List Of Sins  |  Collab with @fightingforcreativity​, Bucky and tiny Nat escape the Red Room, are found by Howard Stark, and meet tiny Tony, the trio becomes a family.  |  Bucky & Natasha  |  Mature
C1 - BBB Round Robin Fic - October 2020  |  Bucky wakes up with a ring on his finger. And he's not the only one...  |  Bucky & Avengers  |  Teen
C2 - The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 31: Epilogue  |  Collab with @fightingforcreativity​, Bucky and tiny Nat escape the Red Room, are found by Howard Stark, and meet tiny Tony, the trio becomes a family.  |  Bucky & Natasha & Tony  |  Mature
C3 -  Bucky Barnes, The Boogie-Woogie Bugle Boy  |  fanfic about Bucky and his history with the trumpet, feels and fluff and humor  |  Bucky & Avengers  |  Gen
C4 - Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) - Chapter 4: Turning Point  |  Kid Bruce remix fic with Dad Bucky and Kid Tony  |  Bucky & Tony & Bruce  |  Teen
C5 - Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) - Chapter 3: From Bad To Worse  |  Kid Bruce remix fic with Dad Bucky and Kid Tony  |  Bucky & Tony & Bruce  |  Teen
K1 - The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 7: Chance Meeting  |  Collab with @fightingforcreativity​, Bucky and tiny Nat escape the Red Room, are found by Howard Stark, and meet tiny Tony, the trio becomes a family.  |  Bucky & Natasha & Tony  |  Mature
K2 - Crop Tops and Thighs Out  |  crack fic with Sam!Cap and an altered uniform  |  Bucky & Sam & Rhodey  |  Teen
K3 - Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) - Chapter 7: Wouldn’t Change A Thing  |  Kid Bruce remix fic with Dad Bucky and Kid Tony  |  Bucky & Tony & Bruce  |  Teen
K4 - Bucky’s Thighs  |  Grandpa Bucky drabble  |  unspecified ship  |  Gen
K5 - BBB November 2020 Round Robin  |  A trip to the gym takes one wild turn when Ten Rings Incorporated attacks.  |  no ship  |  Gen
Y1 - Winter Soldier Mittens  |  fandom craft  |  no ship  |  Gen
Y2 - BBB Discord Party Round Robin  |  To say that Bucky had been surprised when a FREAKING DRAGON showed up at the summer BBQ at his beach house would be an understatement. How should the ex assassin have anticipated a dragon, who seemed to have followed his cat to the BBQ? It didn’t seem to be dangerous as of yet seeing as the two were happily sharing potato salad.  |  Stucky, hinted Stony or Stuckony, Pepperony, pre-FrostIron /FrostPepperony  |  Teen
Y3 - Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) - Chapter 5: Hugs Help  |  Kid Bruce remix fic with Dad Bucky and Kid Tony  |  Bucky & Tony & Bruce  |  Teen
Y4 - Bucky’s Glitter Jar  |  moodboard   |  no ship |  Gen
Y5 - Bean There, Brew That  |  moodboard  |  no ship  |  Gen
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