harekrishna66 · 1 year
Red Coral Gemstone: A Symbol of Passion and Protection
Humanity has been enthralled by the appeal of gemstones for ages since each one has a special charm and metaphysical qualities. With its striking beauty and rich symbolism, the red coral gemstone—also known as "moonga" in Hindi—stands out among them. We'll delve into the fascinating world of the red coral gemstone in this blog.
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The Enchanting Appearance
red coral gemstone, scientifically known as Corallium rubrum, is instantly recognizable by its vibrant red or orange-red color. Its distinctive appearance, often resembling the intricate patterns of coral reefs, adds to its appeal. As a mineral, red coral primarily consists of calcium carbonate and is sensitive to heat and acids.
Metaphysical Significance
Throughout history, red coral has been associated with various metaphysical properties. It is often linked to the planet Mars, symbolizing passion, energy, and vitality. Believers in crystal healing and astrology use red coral to enhance qualities such as courage, determination, and physical strength. It's also believed to protect the wearer from malevolent forces and ward off the "evil eye."
Astrological Connection
In Vedic astrology, red coral is connected to the planet Mars (Mangal) and is worn to mitigate the adverse effects of Mars in one's birth chart. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with Aries and Scorpio as their zodiac signs.
Adorning Jewelry
Red coral is a popular choice for jewelry, including rings, pendants, necklaces, and bracelets. Its vibrant color adds a touch of elegance and passion to any jewelry piece. red coral gemstone jewelry is often chosen for its bold statement and can be paired with both traditional and contemporary attire.
Caring for Red Coral
Maintaining the beauty of red coral requires gentle care. It should be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth and stored away from direct sunlight and heat to prevent damage to its color and texture.
Ethical Considerations
Due to concerns about the depletion of coral reefs and the environmental impact of coral harvesting, ethical considerations surround the use of red coral. Many jewelers now offer alternatives such as red jasper or synthetic red coral, which mimic the appearance of natural red coral while avoiding environmental harm.
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red coral gemstone is more than just a gemstone; it is a symbol of passion, vitality, and protection. Whether cherished for its aesthetic appeal, metaphysical significance, or astrological benefits, red coral continues to hold a special place in the world of gemstones. When worn with reverence and care, this enchanting gemstone serves as a reminder of our own inner strength and vitality while adding a touch of elegance to our lives.
Contact Us: Company Name: Harekrishna Mart Resource URL:https://harekrishnamart.com/products/certified-red-coral-gemstone
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motherstone · 8 months
First of all, sorry for Waverider. I haven't read it yet, but for what I got from spoilers, it seen really bad.
But lets focus in something more fun: your amulet headcanons! How would you think Trellis water powers translate into him having great defencive powers (if that still part of your headcanon, there is)?
I love your ideas and I hope you still have the enrgy to post more about there. Lots of love :)
I appreciate it 😭💖 thank you for the kind words
Trellis's main fighting style is still defensive! In stonepower mostly, he's the only guy who can manifest both physical and energy based barriers consistently - key word consistently here. Other skilled stonekeepers can still do it, but more often than not they end up misjudging what type of attack it was, or caught off guard from attacks or drains too much of their stamina. The water greatly improves his agility and offense, but he's mostly relegated for support/tank as his abilities (defense/healing) is best for that role.
Don't worry! In fact I'm in the middle of making a 22 page comic about Trellis and his mom and survivor's guilt, so uh, stay tuned!
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acupressuretherapy · 3 years
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captcarolmarvl · 5 years
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original characters [2/?] | star wars universe | attributes chart | aria lenahki
species: cathar | chiss | cyborg | dathomirian | devaronian | dug | duros | ewok | gamorrean | gand | geonosian | gree | gungan | human | hutt | jawa | kaminoan | klatooinain | kubaz | mirialan | mon calamari | mustafarian | nautolan | meimoidian | ongree | ortolan | pantoran | pa'lowick | rakata | rattataki | rishii | rodian | selkath | sith | sullustan | talz | togruta | toydarian | trandoshan | tusken raider | twi'lek | ugnaught | umbaran | weequay | wookie | zabrak | zeltron 
alignment: light side | nuetral | dark side 
occupation/professions: architect | archivist | beastmaster | bio-engineer | blacksmith | bounty hunter | cartographer | collector | counselor | cryptoslogist | cyber-strategist | datatech | doctor | engineer | financial | fixer | flight instructor | gambler | gatherer | gladiator | handmaiden | hazmat | herbalist | hermit | historian | imperial factory worker | imperial hunter | information broker | jedi | jedi hunter | jockey | journal clerk | journalist | junk boss | law enforcement | legal | librarian | medical | mercenary | military | miner | officer | operative | philosopher | pilot | portmaster | programmer | racer | rigger | sales | scavenger | scholar | scout | sculptor | secretary | security | slicer | systems analyst | system designer | tailor | tax collector | teacher | tour guide | training officer | travel agent | treasure hunter | weapons master 
affilitation: rebel alliance | galactic empire | jedi order | hutt cartel | old republic | new republic | sith order | separatist confederacy | mandalorians | black sun | trade federation | neutral | inter-galactic banking clan | techno union | commerce guild | corporate alliance | retail caucus | nightsisters | nightbrothers | royal house of hapes | ssi-ruuvi empire | rogue squadron | green group | red squadron | blue squadron (rebels) | blue squadron (clones) | gold squadron | naboo security | republic senate | 501st legion | 327th star corps | 212th attack battalion | 41st elite corps | wolfpack | breakout squad | lightning squadron | shadow squadron | slick's squad | flame squad | coruscant squad | senate guard | freedom fighters (ryloth) | pantoran assembly | pantoran gaurd | podracers | hondo ohnaka's pirates | death watch | sugi's mercenaries | desilijic kajidic (jabba) | hutt grand council | hutt cartel | cad bane's bounty hunter crew | dark jedi | gray jedi | the krath | dark council | jedi council | confederacy of independent systems | the ones | imperial navy | alliance of free planets | galactic alliance | the resistance | sith order 
home world: tatooine | coruscant | naboo | hoth | kashyyyk | dagobah | bespin | mustafar | alderaan | geonosis | yavin | yavin 4 | kamino | mon calaramri | mandalore | corellia | dantooine | cato neimoidia | malachor v | polis massa | mora band | ryloth | nal hutta | onderon | ithor | taris | tython | florrum | byss | ossus | haruun kal | exodeen | felucia | belsavis | dromund kaas | ilum | korriban | makeb | nar shaddaa | ord mantell | quesh | tython | voss | nevarro | arvala 7 | sorgan | jakku | mirial | pantora | dathomir | endor
abilities: force power | alchaka | art of movement | ayna-seff | force bond | force call | cleanse | cleanse mind | corpse vision | dampen force | dark energy trap | dreambubble | force concealment | force familiar | floating meditation | force clouding | force focus | force generation | force healing | force in balance | force jump | force orb | force projection | force push | force pull | force scattering | force scribe | force stasis | force form | hassat-durr | hyper tunnel | ice image | force immersion | insight | life bond | mind probe | mind walking | mind-touch | phase | progenitor's call | psychometry | restful-sleep-in-danger | sand levitation | sever force | shatterpoint | sith alchemy | sound mimicry | stonepower | beast taming | tapas | telekinesis | time-drifting | time-stream | waveform | force choke | force lightning | force rage |force drain | consume essence | deadly sight | enhance force sensitivity | force corrupt | force crush | force destruction | force phantom | force net | force shadow | force slow | force insanity | force scream | thought bomb | memory walk | darkshear | transfer essence | midi-chlorian manipulation | sith emperor's ritual | alter enviroment | battlemind | beam of light | combustion | cure disease | cure poison | droid disable | electric judgment | force blinding | force enlightenment | force light | force meld | force persuasion | force stun| force valor | hibernation trance | malacia | mind trick | morichro | plant surge | protection bubble | revitalize | tutaminis | wall of light | slicing | knife combat | synth-weaving | tech-savvy | mechanics | diplomacy | mixed martial arts | expert pilot
other: female | 24 years | dark hair | gray eyes | scarred left arm | dual-weilding lightsabers
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Stone Power Masala Sunday... #sunday #sundaycooking #Lunch #natural #healthy #stonepower #instagram #mumbaifoodie https://www.instagram.com/p/BooNdgynWnU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6ha8x1t6ud3
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mamaloveuk · 7 years
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Last Sunday at #thenaturallyyouday in North West London I found some beautiful crystals. I'm in love with this hematite specimen. Look out for more beauties in the near future. 😍😍💍💎💖 #dsldesigns #africanentrepreneur #jewellery #fashion #handmade #uniquejewelry #unique #individual #creativity #event #hematite #crystals #semiprecious #healingstonesandcrystals #wirebending #hooppower #bespoke #stonepower #crystalpower #healingenergy
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carausb · 8 years
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10400 mah power bank stone appearance #10400mah #powerbank #stone #carausb #stonepower #powerbanks
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motherstone · 3 years
Luger confronting Trellis
Ok, book 2 overall is actually the best written book in the series in my opinion because of how well rounded it was. It did a lot of things well: better pacing, balanced narratives that all serve a purpose (Emily properly starting her jounery as a stonekeeper, Navin having his own separate but integrated subplot, and even Trellis speedrun Heel-Face turn), actual character development, scary and effective villain, and not to mention, the elements introduced at the start of book 2 has actual payoff in the climax (which I guess is to be expected, because Kazu based it on ESB). (Although book 5 was a very good book in itself, it also has serious plotholes and pacing issues)
But I'm not just here to hark praise about it, I actually wanna talk about Luger's beatdown of Trellis because, really, you should have expected it
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For one, the confrontation was bone-chilling. Luger wasn't fooled by Trellis for one second, using a particularly scary assimile.
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Luger is in such absolute control of the situation and loyalty of the soldiers that Trellis's rank means nothing in this. The fact both guards acted wordlessly and quickly meant they always planned this behind his back and were willing to do it. Kinda saddening to know Trellis has no one at his side. Luger isn't above beating him senseless either, and despite Trellis's pleas, his next words were brutal.
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Luger is not so subtly telling that Trellis is the problem — the one with the inherent flaw. Tbh, it would have been fun if there was a call-back to these words, that Trellis internalized it somehow.
What is most particularly chilling is how Luger knows what he's doing is cruel, barely cares about it, and is also utterly convinced that what he's doing is the correct thing to do. That he himself is the answer. And that Trellis would thank him for it. Ugh, narcissism and ruthlessness rolled into one.
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Also, I don't think you guys noticed, but by the 4th panel, Luger had actually already struck Trellis. It was kinda implied that he did it multiple times (althlugh, kinda weird on how Luger was able to injure Trellis in full stonepower nullifying armor? Maybe he is just that powerful. Or maybe he hit him on the head).
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Apparently, the pain was so bad, Trellis could barely move or talk. On the official pain scale of 1-10, that's around 9-10. So yeah. He's probably in absolute agony in this scene.
Luger departs a final "kindness" by giving such twisted words of advice, that if taken in any other context, might actually sound reasonable. And then he leaves him incapacitated in an isolated, dangerous area. Wow, you might actually think he's leaving him for dead? Hahahahaahah
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acupressuretherapy · 3 years
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biggoonie · 8 years
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Star Wars #30 by Stuart Immonen
JASON AARON (W) • SALVADOR LARROCA (A) Cover by STUART IMMONEN ACTION FIGURE VARIANT COVER BY JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHER Star Wars 40th Anniversary Variant Cover by JAVIER RODRIGUEZ It seems a battle from Yoda’s past has come to Luke’s present! Luke has stumbled upon the last native on the planet…and the stonepower is strong with this one! 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99
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scienceninjaturtle · 8 years
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STAR WARS #30 JASON AARON (W) • SALVADOR LARROCA (A) Cover by STUART IMMONEN ACTION FIGURE VARIANT COVER BY JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHER Star Wars 40th Anniversary Variant Cover by JAVIER RODRIGUEZ • It seems a battle from Yoda’s past has come to Luke’s present! • Luke has stumbled upon the last native on the planet… • …and the stonepower is strong with this one! 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 Star Wars © Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved. Used under authorization. Text and illustrations for Star Wars are © 2016 Lucasfilm Ltd.
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clockfase-com · 6 years
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Амфибия Классика 120656 Watch Amphibian 120656 Price: 69$ Доставка по всему миру. Shipping all over the world. Описание Механизм #Восток-2415 с автоподзаводом. Калибр 24 мм. 31 рубиновый камень. 19800 полуколебаний баланса в час. Центральная секундная стрелка. Средний суточный ход от –20 до +60 сек/сут. Энергетическая автономность не менее 33 часов. Противоударное устройство узла баланса. Водозащищенные до 200 м. Завинчивающаяся заводная головка. Корпус из нержавеющей стали. Средний срок службы часов 10 лет. Description original #watches #Vostok: Classic men's watch. Mechanical watch Caliber 2416B 31 ruby stonePower reserve of 31 hoursPrecision -20/+60 seconds per day The frequency of oscillation of the balance 19800 VPH per hourShockproof design balanceAnalog green dialDisplay - Arabic numeralsDate display at position "3 hours"Hands and indexes with luminescent coatingThe Central seconds handCase and bracelet in stainless steelOrganic glassRear stainless steel coverCase diameter 40 mmCase thickness 13 mmWidth 18 mm braceletWater resistant 200 m Manufacturer's warranty 1 yearAverage life hours 10 years #vostok #amphibian #watch_russian #watch #vostok120656 #120656 #vostok #amphibian #watch_russian #watch #амфибия #Восток #часы #часымеханические #русскиечасы #vostokwatch #vostokamphibian #vostokamphibia #востокамфибия #вострк120656 (at Пыхтино) https://www.instagram.com/p/6-JVIAq-wz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rozi9m0zgpx6
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bohori · 7 years
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#ThouShaltNotCovet #MaryFrances #RubyTuesday Evening Bag Don't Question Why she Needs to Be Free ~ She'll Tell You it's the Only Way to Be! #SinfulSundays #PleaseMePurses #BohoRiStyle #RollinWithTheStones #StonePower
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theboywhocan11 · 7 years
Star Wars: The Future Of The Sith In Canon
Credit to: Boofire191
Summary: Ideas are hard to kill. The Jedi and Sith keep getting killed, but they always come back. Even with Palpatine/Vader last of the Sith gone, the Sith Empire planets, i.e. Korriban have been left alone and became very quiet. 
The Sith Order is plagued with the corruption of power. However, the Sith stood for change/accomplishment via the external environment. In contrast to the Jedi who are all about internal harmony.  With the Knights of Ren (non-sith, Dark side group) in hand, maybe...a branch of KoR or even some affiliate heading out to the once Sith controlled planets to learn and possibly bring back the Sith.
My thoughts: I don't know if it is a good idea to bring the Sith back. The issue with Legends (old EU) is that the Sith keep coming back so much, so many times that it's get pretty tiresome to seee the same old Jedi vs. Sith. In canon, now...it's what's-left-of-the-Jedi vs. Knights of Ren (non-sith dark side group). So, we got something new here. Also, in canon, there are various force user groups such as: Guardian of the Whills, Stonepower, Acolytes of the Beyond, Church of the Force, etc. etc. showing that there is a diversity of Force Users who are neither Jedi nor Sith.
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hesgotissues · 7 years
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Star Wars (2015-) #30 Written by Jason Aaron Art by Salvador Larroca Cover by Stuart Immonen It seems a battle from Yoda's past has come to Luke's present! Luke has stumbled upon the last native on the planetand the stonepower is strong with this one!
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