#stomach and intestines but also esophagus because of gerd
sleep-nurse · 6 months
that purple salad didn't turn me into vflower but rather gave me a never ending stomachache and go to the bathroom 84684 times
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wellness-4-life · 3 months
Diet And Digestion: How Food Choices Affect Your Gut Health
What is a Healthy diet? A healthy diet means a balanced diet. It involves eating a range of different foods, from a variety of food groups, in adequate portion sizes. There are five different food groups: starchy foods (whole grains, rice, potatoes, cereals); protein foods (meat, fish eggs, beans); dairy foods (milk, cheese and yogurt); fruits and vegetables; oils and spreads. One single food group cannot provide everything needed for good health, choosing a variety of foods from each group can help achieve a healthy balanced diet. What is the digestive system? The digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal tract—also called the GI tract or digestive tract—and the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The GI tract is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. The hollow organs that make up the GI tract are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus. The liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are the solid organs of the digestive system. Why is digestion important? Digestion is important because your body needs nutrients from food and drink to work properly and stay healthy. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water are nutrients. Your digestive system breaks nutrients into parts small enough for your body to absorb and use for energy, growth, and cell repair.
• Proteins break into amino acids
• Fats break into fatty acids and glycerol
• Carbohydrates break into simple sugars What is Gut health? Your gut is a gastrointestinal system, including your stomach, intestines, and colon. It digests and absorbs nutrients from food and excretes waste. About 200 different species of bacteria, viruses, and fungi live in your large intestine. The bacteria and other microorganisms in your gut are known as your gut microbiome. The bacteria help to break down food, turning it into nutrients your body can use. Certain types of bacteria in your gut may contribute to some diseases. Some microorganisms are harmful to our health, but many are beneficial and necessary for a healthy body. It is indicated by studies that the variety of bacteria in your gut is an important indicator of the health of your microbiome. The health of your gut can impact both your physical and mental health. Many factors, including the foods you eat, can impact the type of bacteria found in your digestive tract. What we eat can have short-term and long-term effects on our gut microbiome environment. The digestive tract plays a vital role in your health, as it’s responsible for absorbing nutrients and eliminating waste. Unfortunately, many people experience digestive problems like bloating, cramping, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation for various reasons. Certain conditions, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Crohn’s Disease, diverticulitis, and heartburn, can put you at risk for more severe digestive issues. However, even a healthy person can experience digestive problems due to a lack of fiber or probiotic-rich foods. If you have digestive problems, eating certain foods can help relieve symptoms. This includes fermented foods like kimchi and yogurt and fiber-rich foods like dark green vegetables, seeds, and whole grains. Prebiotic foods (whole grains, bananas, greens, onions, garlic, soybeans, and artichokes) act as food for healthy gut bacteria. Probiotic foods like yogurt are full of good bacteria already. Why Is Gut Health Important? Your gut does far more than break down the foods you eat. It also absorbs vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that keep your body healthy. It moves toxins and waste out of your body, and helps your immune system stay strong. A healthy gut can help balance your hormones and contribute to clear, healthy-looking skin. It can even balance your mood and reduce your risk of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. A reduced risk of cancer and autoimmune diseases like lupus are other benefits of having a healthy gut. If your gut isn’t in great shape, there are several gut health hacks you can practice to start feeling better. Signs of an unhealthy gut include an upset stomach, changes in weight, and insomnia. Skin problems, fatigue, and diarrhea after eating certain foods are other common signs of an unhealthy gut. Ways to Restore Gut Health
• Eat More Probiotics
Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for your gut health. This “good” gut bacteria can restore a healthy balance in your gut. It can also destroy and reduce “bad” gut bacteria and cells that cause diseases. Some good gut bacteria may even produce vitamins and help you digest certain foods.
• Yogurt is a probiotic that is relatively easy to find in grocery stores. When buying yogurt, stick to brands that lack added sugars. High-sugar foods can worsen your gut health. Use natural sweeteners like honey and fruits to improve the flavor of plain yogurt.
• Kimchi, kefir, and kombucha are other foods that contain probiotics. If you have problems adding these foods to your diet, ask your doctor about supplementation. Probiotic supplements can also help you improve gut health.
• Apples are a rich source of pectin, a soluble fiber. Pectin bypasses digestion in your small intestine and is then broken down by the friendly bacteria in your colon. It increases stool volume and is therefore commonly used to resolve constipation and diarrhea. It has also been shown to decrease the risk of intestinal infections and inflammation in the colon.
• Fennel contains an antispasmodic agent that relaxes the smooth muscles in your digestive tract. This action can reduce negative digestive symptoms like bloating, flatulence, and cramping.
• Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber, which causes them to form a gelatin-like substance in your stomach, once consumed. They work like a prebiotic. Their fiber content also helps promote bowel regularity and healthy stools.
• Papaya - This luscious tropical fruit contains a digestive enzyme called papain. It assists during the digestive process by helping break down protein fibers. While not required in your diet, it can aid the digestion of protein. Papain may also ease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), such as constipation and bloating. It’s commonly used as the main enzyme in digestive supplements due to its gastrointestinal capacities.
• Whole Grain includes oats, quinoa, and products made from whole wheat. The fiber found in these grains can help improve digestion in two ways.
1. Fiber helps add bulk to your stool and can reduce constipation
2. Some grain fibers act like prebiotics and help feed healthy bacteria in your gut.
• Ginger helps by moving food from your stomach to your small intestine quicker, ginger reduces your risk of heartburn, nausea and stomach discomfort.
• Dark Green Vegetables are an excellent source of insoluble fiber. This type of fiber adds bulk to your stool, quickening its pace through your digestive tract. They are also a good source of magnesium, which can help relieve constipation by improving muscle contractions in your gastrointestinal tract.
• Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation in your body. People with inflammatory bowel disease, food intolerances and other digestive disorders often have inflammation in the gut. Omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce this inflammation and thereby improve digestion.
• Miso Commonly consumed in miso soup, is made by fermenting soybeans with salt and koji, a type of fungus. It contains probiotics that, like other fermented foods, help improve digestion by increasing the good bacteria in your gut. It reduces digestive issues and overcome intestinal illness like diarrhea.
• Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans. Fermentation breaks down sugars through bacteria and yeast. During the fermentation process, an antinutrient in soybeans called phytic acid is broken down. Phytic acid can interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients.
• Remember that probiotics create a protective lining in your intestines to shield them from harmful bacteria. Studies have found that probiotics help alleviate IBS symptoms, prevent diarrhea, decrease bloating and improve regularity.
Digestive issues can be challenging, but certain foods may be helpful in easing uncomfortable symptoms. Research supports eating fermented foods, such as yogurt, kimchi, and tempeh, to increase probiotics in your diet, which can improve digestive health. Fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains, dark green vegetables, and chia seeds, also play a role in digestion by helping food move through your system more easily or quickly.
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drpinakdasgupta · 6 months
Robotic GI Surgery in Chennai
Minimally invasive procedures have revolutionized operative surgery. Computer-aided surgery and robotic surgical systems desire to enhance further on currently available minimally invasive surgery and open new horizons. Only several centers are currently using surgical robots. In gastrointestinal surgery, robotic surgery is applied to a wide range of procedures. Dr. Pinak Dasgupta is best Robotic GI Surgeon in Chennai.
What is Robotic GI Surgery?
The most widely used clinical robotic surgical system includes a camera arm and mechanical arms with surgical instruments attached to them. The surgeon holds the arms while seated at a computer console near the operating table. The console gives the surgeon a high-definition, magnified, 3-D view of the surgical site. The surgeon leads other team members who assist during the operation.
Is Robotic Surgery Right For You?
Robotic surgery isn’t a choice for everyone. Talk with Dr. Pinak Dasgupta about the benefits and risks of robotic surgery and how it compares with other techniques, such as other types of minimally invasive surgery and established open surgery.
Dr. Pinak regularly performs Robotic operations at the GEM Hospital. Some of the procedures that are particularly suited for the Robotic approach are:
Hiatus hernia repair or anti-reflux surgery
Obesity or weight loss Surgery
Cancers of the food pipe or stomach
Hernia of the abdominal wall or groin
Conditions Which Can Be Treated In GI Surgery:
Appendicitis. When the appendix becomes infected and inflamed, it may be removed (appendectomy).
Colon cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers. Surgery is done to remove cancerous tumors in the digestive system and parts of the digestive system that have cancer. 
Diverticular disease. A diverticulum is a small pouch or pocket in the colon (large intestine). Researchers are not sure why these develop. 
Gallbladder disease. When there is a problem with the gallbladder — usually gallstones — the gallbladder can be removed. Surgery to remove the gallbladder is also called a cholecystectomy.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and hiatal hernias. GERD or acid reflux is when the acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus (food pipe) and causes heartburn. Sometimes it happens because of a hiatal hernia. 
Hernia. A hernia is when a part of the body (like the intestine) comes through a hole or weak spot in the wall of muscle or connective tissue that’s supposed to protect it (like the abdomen). 
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis). With inflammatory bowel disease, the immune system attacks the intestines and causes pain and inflammation. 
Rectal prolapse. Surgery is used to treat rectal prolapse, a condition in which part of the intestine comes through the anus.
Weight loss. Different types of bariatric surgery (for example, gastric bypass) may be done to treat obesity. This surgery is usually done by a specialist in bariatric surgery.
Advantages of Robotics GI Surgery:
Surgeons who use the robotic system find that for many procedures it enhances precision, flexibility, and control during the operation and allows them to better see the site, compared with traditional techniques. Using robotic surgery, Dr. Pinak Dasgupta can perform delicate and complex procedures that may have been difficult or impossible with other methods.
Often, robotic surgery makes minimally invasive surgery possible. The benefits of minimally invasive surgery include:
Fewer complications, such as surgical site infection
Less pain and blood loss
Quicker recovery
Smaller, less noticeable scars
Talk To Dr. Pinak Dasgupta:
Dr. Pinak Dasgupta is the senior General Laparoscopic Surgeon Doctor in Chennai with the largest series of operations. He is an expert in GI Cancer Surgery. Being Multilingual, patients coming from North and Eastern Indian States feel very comfortable expressing their symptoms and also find peace of mind in sharing their post-surgical issues in their language. Patients traveling to Chennai from India and abroad like Bangladesh, Srilanka, Nepal follow him for his expertise and care”.
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What Are The Reasons For Esophageal Cancer
Esophageal cancer is the third most common type of cancer in the world, with an estimated 1.6 million new cases diagnosed each year. The disease accounts for about 30% of all cancers and is more prevalent among men than women. Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is a type of esophageal cancer that starts in the cells lining your esophagus—the tube-shaped organ that connects your throat to your stomach.  That’s needed to go for the test whether you need to consult pancreatic cancer Singapore or other?
ESCC can also be referred to as adenocarcinoma, which means it originates from glands known as mucus glands and sweat glands. ESCC can occur anywhere along this part of your digestive tract but typically begins in the lower part because food and drink pass through it before entering your stomach or intestinal system; so when these cells are damaged by smoking, eating too much salt or drinking too much alcohol...
Risk factors for esophageal cancer and you need to consult esophageal cancer Singapore specialist:
Obesity: People who are obese have an increased risk of developing esophageal cancer. This is because fat cells secrete hormones that may stimulate cell growth in the lining of your esophagus and cause it to become more likely to develop dysplasia, which is a precancerous condition. In addition, overweight individuals tend to have a reduced ability to eliminate irritating substances like acid from their stomachs (GERD), which can increase inflammation in the lining of the esophagus.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): If you suffer from GERD—also called heartburn or acid reflux—you may be at higher risk for developing this type of cancer as well. The result? A damaged or inflamed esophagus that predisposes one toward developing both Barrett's Alveolar Adenocarcinoma (BAC) and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC).
Because there's so much overlap between being overweight or obese and having GERD symptoms (especially reflux), it can be hard to separate out whether one factor causes another—but luckily we're able to use our knowledge about how genetics affect health outcomes like these!
Excess Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol is a known carcinogen and can cause cancer in other parts of your body, including the liver and mouth. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends limiting alcohol consumption to no more than one drink per day for men and two drinks per day for women.
The risk of developing esophageal cancer increases with the amount of alcohol you consume on a regular basis. It's estimated that about one-third of all esophageal cancers are linked to excessive amounts of alcohol consumption; however, there's no way to predict who will develop this type of cancer based on their past drinking habits alone.
Avoid smoking; this increases the risk of getting cancer in general and esophageal cancer specifically.* Reduce alcohol consumption because alcohol increases acid production in the body.* Lose weight if overweight (this reduces pressure on internal organs).
The average American consumes more than five drinks per week—that's approximately 14 standard drinks—which puts them at higher risk for esophageal cancer than someone who doesn't drink alcohol at all
The risk of esophageal cancer increases with age. It's more common in men than women, and it's estimated that the majority of cases occur between 60 and 70 years old. In addition to age, other risk factors for esophageal cancer include smoking, alcohol use or abuse and certain inherited conditions (such as Lynch syndrome).
Race and Ethnicity
There are some racial and ethnic groups with a higher risk of esophageal cancer than others. African Americans, native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, Hispanics, and American Indians are all more likely to develop the disease than Caucasians.
Hopefully, this article has helped you understand what causes esophageal cancer and how to lower your risk of getting it. If you're still concerned about this disease, talk to your  doctor or a healthcare provider who can help you make the right choices for your health.
Here you can find our reference post: https://bariatricsurgerysingapore.blogspot.com/2023/02/esophageal-cancer-treatment-in-singapore.html
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bestedpill · 1 year
Pantoprazole sodium 40mg effectively treats heartburn and acid reflux
Pantoprazole is a popular drug in the class of medications known as proton pump inhibitors. It is prescribed to reduce the amount of production of acid in the stomach. 
The medicine can treat erosive esophagitis. It is actually the damage of the esophagus from stomach acid caused by GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease. This problem may find in adults and children above 5 years. To get the best result, you have to take it up to 8 weeks at the same time daily to heal your esophagus. The medication can be taken to prevent the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and also other health conditions involving excess production of stomach acid
What is Pantoprazole 40mg sodium used for?
Pantoprazole, 40mg sodium, is prescribed to prevent heartburn, acid reflux, and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). It is a medical condition where you experience acid reflux. Not only that, it is the best medication to prevent stomach ulcers. Sometimes, the tablet can be prescribed to treat some rare conditions. These are tumors in the pancreas or gut called Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Features of the medication 
You'll usually take Pantoprazole once a day in the morning is the proper dose of the medicine.
The most common side effects that come after taking the tablet are mild headaches and diarrhea. It goes away after stopping taking medicine, or the body adjusts to it.
It is available in the market under different brand names such as PAN 40mg etc.
After taking 2 to 3 days, you may feel better. But it takes up to 4 weeks to control your symptoms completely.
It is a prescription medicine; you need a valid prescription to buy it. If your symptoms do not improve after taking 2 weeks, you have to visit your physician.
Pantoprazole is not usually recommended during pregnancy.
Benefits of Pantoprazole tablet
You need to take Pantoprazole tablets to treat different problems.
Due to stomach acid reflux, heartburn and chest pain are very common. Now, most doctors prescribe a pill that stops the stomach's acidic content.
Treat stomach ulcers, inflammation in the intestine, and erosion in the food pipe due to stomach acid.
 Helps reduce gastric acid production induced by tumors in the intestine or pancreas, commonly known as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Directions for Using the Pantoprazole tablet
You need to take medicine orally with a full glass of water daily at the same time. Try to swallow it without crushing, chewing, or breaking it. It has to take as per the prescription of the doctor. You should carefully measure the dose using a unique device or spoon to take the liquid form. In this case, avoid the household spoon because you cannot measure the correct dose. Before taking medicine, you have to check the label mentioned on the label of the drug for directions.
Dosage and strength of the medicine
It is the generic version of the medicine. So each tablet contains 40mg of Pantoprazole. It is a suitable short-term treatment for heartburn and acid reflux in adults.
The usual dose to treat:
For treating heartburn and acid reflux, you need to take 20mg a day, in the morning.
To prevent gastro-oesophageal reflux, you have to take 20mg to 40mg a day in the morning
For stomach ulcers, you have to take 20mg to 40mg tablet a day at the morning.
For Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, you should take 40mg to 80mg tablets a day simultaneously. For this problem, sometimes doctors increase the dose to 160mg a day depending severity of the problem.
This does is not the same for people with liver problems.
If doctor changes to your dose of Pantoprazole sodium 40mg
Sometimes doctors need to increase the dose of Pantoprazole when your symptoms are not improved after taking medicine for 2 weeks.
Depending on the severity of the health issues, you need to take a higher dose of the medication, usually for a month or 2.
How long you have to take it for?
The doctor usually prescribes taking the PPI medicine for up to 2 weeks.
If the symptoms start to improve after 2 weeks, you need to take it for another 2 weeks.
But if symptoms have not improved or these are getting worse after 2 weeks, you need to consult your doctor before taking more medicine.
You should not take Pantoprazole sodium 40mg for more than 4 weeks without consulting with your doctor first. If the symptoms have not improved after completing the course, you must perform some tests to find the proper cause.
If you take the Pantoprazole tablet according to the prescription, you need to take it for a few weeks or a few months, depending on the severity of the condition. If your doctor advises you to take it for a longer period, then you should go with it for many years.
There are lots of people who do not need to take medicine daily basis. They need to take it only when symptoms appear. Once the symptoms may disappear (often after a few days or weeks) from the body, you must stop taking them.
Side effects of Pantoprazole sodium 40mg
· Nausea
· Vomiting
· Stomach pain
· Diarrhea
· Constipation
· Gas
These are normal side effects; disappear from the body after adjusting the medication with the body. If persist it for long time. You should consult with doctor.
Drug Warnings and precaution of the medicine
If you have a health condition such as Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea, then you should stop taking Pantoprazole sodium 40mg. 
Research states that the medicine is entirely safe in pregnancy and for breastfeeding mothers, but they have to take it after consulting the doctor. 
With stomach or intestinal cancer, liver problem, or allergic reaction to a different substance, you can take it. But you have to inform the doctor before taking the PPI medicine.
If you have an endoscopy scheduled, you must ask the doctor if you should stop taking Pantoprazole before the endoscopy. Or it is safe during endoscopy.
Prolonged use of Pantoprazole sodium 40mg may lead to loss of magnesium which may increase the risk for osteoporosis-related fractures on the wrist, hip, or spine. 
 If you have St John's Wart (plant-based antidepressant), methotrexate (anti-cancer and anti-arthritis medicine), or rifampin (antibiotic), you should avoid Pantoprazole sodium 40mg. 
Safety Advice
ALCOHOL: After taking alcohol, you should avoid taking Pantoprazole. as it may cause dehydration and elevate the level of stomach acid. So try to limit alcohol consumption during medicine. Or stop taking the drug.
PREGNANCY: There is not any proof that Pantoprazole may create any effects on pregnant women or unborn babies. It is completely safe. But before taking medicine, you should contact your doctor.
DRIVING: Pantoprazole may create dizziness, drowsiness, sleep, blurred vision, Vomiting, and Nausea. So you should avoid driving or operating heavy machinery until you focus and feel better.
 LIVER: Patients with liver disease should take the medication carefully. It is essential to consult with medical practitioners or pharmacists.
KIDNEY: Patients with kidney disease need to discuss with their doctor if they are going to take Pantoprazole medication.
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drmanoharlalsharma · 2 years
Gastroenterology - A Medical Specialty
Gastroenterology is a category of health care which focuses on the human digestive system. This medical specialization has come a long way in recent years due to research and increased technological advances. A person's digestive system is quite complex and entails many components of the human body, not just one's belly. The mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, intestinal system, rectum and anus are all involved in getting nutrients in and out properly. If even one portion of this complicated mechanism breaks down, problems can occur. It is a gastroenterologist who figures out what the problem is, through diagnostics, and fixes it, through treatment. Testing in recent years has become more thorough and includes colonoscopy, colonography, enteroscopy, laser endoscopy, endoscopic ultrasonography and photodynamic therapy.
Here are some maladies and conditions that these physicians treat:
- Heartburn and reflux: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is an uncomfortable condition that occurs due to bile and stomach acid coming back up through the esophagus. These acidic substances can cause pain and result in irritation and inflammation.
- IBS or Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome: IBS is sometimes also called Irritable Bowel Syndrome, because that's what it can feel like-that the bowels are cranky. It can also make the patient feel pretty irritable, as well. Sometimes IBS has psychological links as well as physiological. Best Gastroenterologist In Jaipur
- Cancer: Cancers in the anus, stomach, rectum or colon are treated by these medical specialists. Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery may be necessary to curtail this disease.
- Pancreatic diseases: Cystic fibrosis, cancer, acute and chronic pancreatic disorders are all handled by these doctors. These maladies result from enzymes which digest food becoming prematurely activated. Illnesses of the pancreas are serious and can result in malnutrition, kidney trouble, diabetes and death.
- Malabsorption: Malnutrition can occur if nutrients aren't properly absorbed by the body. These docs can figure out where the problems are and devise a treatment plan to remedy it.
- Constipation: Chronic constipation can be a painful and even toxic problem for one's body. Many times lifestyle changes such as more exercise, a change in diet or adding water to one's daily intake will alleviate this problem.
- Chronic diarrhea: Chronic diarrhea can be inconvenient and cause the person to become malnourished and dehydrated. There are many reasons for this situation to occur and gastroenterologists can diagnose and treat it.
- Fecal incontinence: Many patients are treated each year for this unfortunate condition. Sometimes surgery on a patient's sphincter can alleviate the problem, as well as biofeedback therapy, dietary adjustments and more. Gastroenterologist In Jaipur
- Colitis: Ulcerative colitis can be a painful situation which may entail bouts of diarrhea, bleeding, stomach cramps and more. Swelling of the large intestine and rectum is the culprit in this malady. While there isn't a cure, the symptoms can be made more tolerable and infrequent.
- Crohn's Disease: It's important to diagnose this illness as soon as possible in order to start treatment. Current testing allows for rapid diagnostics.
The specialists who focus on gastroenterology cover a broad range of maladies. If a patient is having difficulty with any digestive issue, these are the doctors to turn to.
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kgjhospitals · 2 years
Laparoscopic surgeon and Gastroenterological surgery
Gastroenterological surgery is the treatment of diseases of the parts of the body involved in digestion. These include the esophagus, stomach, small intestine & large intestine, and rectum. It also includes the liver, pancreas and gallbladder. Benign tumors and other diseases affecting the stomach, pancreas and bile ducts, duodenum (first part of the small intestine), or other intestinal diseases including intestinal obstruction and gallbladder disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are treated by this procedure. Consult the Laparoscopic Surgeon in Korattur at Kgj Hospitals!
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Laparoscopy Gastroenterological surgery
Laparoscopy is a simple, limited-risk procedure. Patients may feel pain, swelling, or redness at the incision site. Please consult your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms after treatment-
·         Severe abdominal pain
·         Bleeding
·         Ongoing fever over 101°F
·         Nausea and vomiting
Diagnostic laparoscopy is particularly beneficial because it eliminates the need for extensive, more invasive surgery later. Laparoscopy is a type of surgical procedure that allows the surgeon to access the inside of the abdomen (belly) and pelvis without making large incisions in the skin. This procedure is also called minimally invasive surgery or keyhole surgery. From the patient's perspective-
·         Laparoscopic surgery has the advantage of avoiding large open wounds and incisions
·         It reduces blood loss, pain and discomfort
·         Fewer analgesics are needed and patients experience fewer side effects of pain relief.
·         Delicate instruments are less likely to cause tissue damage and blood loss.
Diagnostic laparoscopy can be performed in a hospital setting or in an ambulatory surgery center.
 Kgj Hospitals is a multi-disciplinary tertiary care hospital boasting to have the best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Korattur Chennai as Consult Dr. J. Ashok Kumar providing advanced surgical procedures for the above-said parts and disciplines of the body. The entire facility is dedicated to diagnosing and treating conditions associated with various surgical interventions. Patients tend to view laparoscopic surgery as a minor operation, but it is a major operation with the potential for serious complications such as internal injury and bleeding, bowel injury, and bladder injury.
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dranshulgupta · 2 years
Acid Reflux and Hashimoto’s
Thyroid disease doesn’t solely affect the endocrine gland. Other organs that may be stricken by thyroid disease include the heart, liver, and stomach. Your digestion and thyroid function are closely connected, so if one isn't functioning properly, the opposite might not either.
The connection between hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's, acid reflux, or gastroparesis is commonly overlooked. functional medicine thyroid doctors
However, studies have shown that the connection between the two isn’t unusual.
Acid reflux, also known as heartburn, is a common condition where people feel a burning sensation from stomach acid rising into the gullet (esophagus), especially in the lower chest area.
 Book a call with Functional medicine Doctor 
Gastroparesis is a more serious condition that affects the normal muscle function of the stomach. This usually causes symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and feeling full immediately after eating. The term gastro paresis means “paralysis of the stomach” because the stomach cannot contract normally, so it cannot properly break down food as it enters the small intestine. 
Weight loss is also common in people with gastroparesis because nutrients and calories are not being absorbed from food. Obviously, hypothyroidism reduces gastrointestinal motility, leading to symptoms of acid reflux.
Most interestingly, studies have shown that people with Hashimoto’s autoimmune gastritis may need high doses of levothyroxine (a thyroid hormone replacement drug) to balance thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).
80% of levothyroxine is absorbed in the small intestine, called the jejunum. Therefore, if someone with hypothyroidism has digestive problems, such as acid reflux, they should discuss medication dosage with their doctor. 
If you are experiencing symptoms of acid reflux or gastroparesis, it is important to report these symptoms to your trusted doctor or physician to better understand the cause.
There is a less obvious but more common direct link between thyroid imbalance and digestive disorders such as acid reflux and GERD. If you have Hashimoto’s disease and suffer from reflux regularly, you may wonder if it’s related. The short answer is yes.
The good news, however, is that when you work to improve one problem, you may find that the other will resolve itself as well. First, it’s important to understand the terms that are often used interchangeably (e.g., GERD and acid reflux) and what exactly happens when you experience these terms. And of course how it relates to your thyroid
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acidrefluxsingapore · 2 years
How to do the best Heartburn Treatment
If you've ever eaten a large or greasy meal and felt like fire engulfed your chest, you've undoubtedly had Heartburn treatment in Singapore. There are easy ways to alleviate the pain, whether this is a rare or a regular occurrence. Discover the causes of heartburn, who is at risk, and ways to alleviate the discomfort. • Reflux Medication Heartburn can be alleviated by a number of medications, both OTC and prescription. Choosing the proper GERD treatment in Singapore is something your pharmacist may help you with. • Antacids Use an antacid with calcium carbonate or magnesium to relieve moderate, infrequent heartburn. Their use aids in neutralizing stomach acid. Some help with GERD symptoms. GERD treatment in Singapore may also aid in the recovery from stomach ulcers. They are fast-acting and can be taken in the form of liquids or pills. The digestive effects of antacids aren't always pleasant. Calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, & aluminum hydroxide are ingredients to look for in brands that minimize these negative effects. If you have chronic renal disease, you should avoid taking magnesium-containing antacids. Because of their high sodium content, certain antacids should be used sparingly to alleviate occasional heartburn. • Anti-H2 Receptor Blockers Infrequent Heartburn treatment in Singapore can be alleviated or avoided with H2 blockers, reducing stomach acid production. These don't act as quickly as antacids, but their benefits stick around for much longer. Your doctor may recommend a combination of an antacid as well as an H2 blocker. Taking an H2 blocker for longer than two weeks is not recommended. To avoid heartburn, take one before each meal or before night. You can get them in both liquid and pill form. Most H2 blockers are equivalent in effectiveness. Therefore, if one doesn't alleviate your heartburn, another is unlikely to do so. However, switching to a larger dose of the prescribed medicine might be useful. If over-the-counter H2 blockers aren't helping, it's time to see a doctor. The following medications may not be used safely alongside H2 blockers: • Drugs that prevent convulsions • Anticoagulants are used to reduce blood volume. Medications for irregular heartbeats - Please consult your doctor if you are currently on any of these medications and want to take an H2 blocker. Mild side effects are the most common, and they include: • Constipation • Diarrhea • Headache • Diarrhea and/or vomiting Blockers of the Proton Pump (PPIs) Drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are prescribed to those with heartburn more than twice weekly. They alleviate acid reflux symptoms by decreasing stomach acid production. H1 blockers are often more effective than H2 blockers, and these medications have a longer safe use window than H2 blockers. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are sold without and with a doctor's prescription. However, you may need medicine available only with a doctor's prescription if you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which acid from the stomach rushes back up the esophagus and into the mouth. PPIs work best when taken once daily on an empty stomach. When taken daily, the medication is often taken between 30 and 60 minutes before breakfast. If you are taking clopidogrel, a medicine used to prevent heart disease, and you should talk to your doctor before using the PPI called omeprazole. Combining these medications will reduce the effectiveness of clopidogrel. Mild side effects, such as those listed below, are most commonly experienced by those taking PPIs - • Diarrhea • Headache • symptoms of nausea and vomiting • Tummy ache Although it is uncommon, PPIs have been linked to an increased risk of acquiring an intestinal or pulmonary infection. Hip, wrist, & spine fractures are only some of the injuries associated with these drugs. Those who use PPIs for longer than a year is in the greatest danger.
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herniasurgeons · 2 years
Incisional And Hiatus Hernia – The Two Most Common Types Of Hernia Surgery
A hernia is one of the maximum, not unusual forms of illnesses that humans go through in the modern-day world. A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue squeezes via a vulnerable factor in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue known as fascia. A hernia is available in numerous exclusive types. However, as per the Doctor for Hernia Singapore, the maximum not unusual and predominant forms of hernia are the Incisional hernia and hiatus hernia. Here in this article, we can speak approximately about those forms of hernia in detail. Incisional Hernia: In an incisional hernia, the intestine or the gut pushes via the belly wall in the vicinity of previous belly surgery. This type is maximum common in elderly or overweight folks who are inactive after belly surgery. Specialists for Hernia Singapore say that the substantial symptom of an incisional hernia is a bulge near the incision site. It's often most visible while you stress your muscles, which includes while you stand up, increase something, or cough. Incisional hernias happen when the surgical discount to your belly wall doesn't arise properly after the procedure. This can purpose your belly muscle tissue to weaken, allowing tissue and organs to form a hernia. Sometimes, there's no clear cause for why a surgical lesson doesn't properly heal. Hernias are more likely after an emergency or surgical treatment requiring a massive incision. If the edges of the wound aren't properly aligned after surgical treatment, the incision may not heal well, developing the possibility of a hernia. The sewing method used to close the incision can also play a part. Hiatus Hernia: A hiatus hernia takes location even as the pinnacle stomach squeezes through the hiatus, an opening within the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes. A hiatal hernia is part of the stomach extending up through the diaphragm and into the chest. It can reason extreme acid reflux disease sickness or GERD symptoms and symptoms and signs. Often, one's symptoms and symptoms and signs can be handled through medications. If those don't work, your physician may additionally offer surgical strategies as an option. Specialists for Hernia Singapore say it's unusual for even regular Hiatal hernias to motivate symptoms. However, if you enjoy any symptoms, they're normally because of stomach acid, bile, or air getting into your esophagus. The particular motive of many hiatal hernias isn't known. In some human beings, damage or exclusive damage may weaken muscle tissue, making it possible for your stomach to push thru your diaphragm. Another reason is putting too much pressure (repeatedly) on the muscle corporations around your stomach. Some humans are also born with an abnormally massive hiatus, making it easier for the stomach to move through it. Conclusion: Hernias are a number of the maximum, not unusual, forms of illnesses that you can face those days. A hernia is available in numerous distinctive sorts. As per Doctor for Hernia Singapore, two of the maximum not unusual hernia sorts are incisional and hiatus. Here in this article, we pointed out those sorts in detail.
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
in an ideal world if i could just argue my case & magically convince doctors to do every test that might help & also it would be free:
parathyroid hormone levels (i always have elevated or borderline elevated calcium; i had a benign ectopic pancreatic tumor in my stomach; i have refractory peptic & duodenal ulcers, & severe refractory GERD; i have esophageal reflux dysphagia & cell changes leading to barrett's esophagus; they suspected zollinger ellison syndrome but never followed up, & together with my diffuse nonspecific fatigue/pain/GI issues, it is worth ruling out gastrinoma for sure & multiendocrine neoplasia for SURE for sure)
the full migraine-epilepsy-spinocerebellar ataxia genetic panel that also tests for mitochondrial diseases that mimic those conditions
biopsy esophagus, stomach lining, & small intestine for mastocytosis / eosinophilic esophagitis, gastritis, or whatever the intestinal version is, i forget
small intestinal transit study
repeat ultrasound of renal arteries because the last one was...unusable? & they just. kinda shrugged even though they couldn't see whether or not there was stenosis
please just rule out abdominal aortic dissection they run in my family so hard & i have hypertension & weird vascular issues nobody understands & i don't want to die in my 30s-40s
repeat MRI & brain CT w/ contrast just to check on things since i haven't had one since 2018 & am supposed to get them every 2 years re: cerebellum & the white matter you get with my genre of migraine
holter monitor that actually works
the thing where they measure your arterial pressure & blood oxygen as you change position? i don't remember but they used it to diagnose the guy whose symptoms mimicked POTS but had a different condition related to obstructive lung disease
the alpha-1 antotrypsin deficiency test that i WILL send this coming week for REAL
updated pulmonary function testing including the, um, what's it called. the stress test with the substance that starts with m? not metacholine but you know what i mean, the one they use to diagnose asthma. updated one of those too, i think my last one was in middle school & my lungs are Worse lol
sleep study for narcolepsy & sleep apnea
the thing where they run fibers into your extremities to see where your damaged nerves are when you have peripheral neuropathy so a doctor can write down "peripheral neuropathy" instead of "fibromyalgia" & insurance will let you see a pain clinic instead of a psychotherapist
full anemia breakdown & figure out why i have normal iron levels & normal ferritin & normal hemoglobin but my levels of BOUND iron are always anemia-low & i seem to have like, a transferrin deficiency??? what...causes that???
[Say The Line, Bart voice] anti-nuclear antibody test not at the clinic's convenience but when i am actually having an arthritis flare so it doesn't come back negative & get me dismissed from rheumatology lmfao. i've had this test done a handful of times in my life & the results are about 50/50 split down positive/negative & you'll never guess what the predictive co-variable is re: positive results (it's a corresponding elevated CRP level, because...autoimmune disease)
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
Intussusception is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in children between 3 months and 6 years of age.
Symptoms of amebic dysentery (or colitis) to some extent may mimic symptoms of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Usually, the illness lasts about 2 weeks, but it can recur without treatment. The general symptoms include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, passage of 3 to 8 semi-formed stools per day, passage of soft stools with mucus and occasional blood, fatigue, excessive flatulence, rectal pain during bowel movement (tenesmus), and unintentional weight loss. Severe symptoms include abdominal tenderness, bloody stools, and passage of liquid stools with streaks of blood, passage of 10 to 20 stools per day, fever, and vomiting. Amebic colitis is the result of invasive infection of the colonic mucosa by Entamoeba histolytica (E. histolytica).
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (ZES) presents with marked gastric acid secretion, ulcer disease of the upper GI tract including the stomach and duodenum, and non-beta islet cell tumors of the pancreas, but it does not normally affect the Islets of Langerhans. Zollinger-Ellison is commonly associated with tumors of delta cells of the pancreas. However, the tumors are also commonly located in other areas such as the duodenum and abdominal lymph nodes. Note that hyper-acidity in the duodenum inactivates pancreatic enzymes and results in diarrhea. Differential diagnosis of ZES includes gastroesophageal reflux disease, MEN1 (Wermer syndrome), peptic ulcer disease, helicobacter pylori infection, gastric outlet obstruction, pernicious anemia, achlorhydria, and pancreatic cancer. Note that hyalinization of the Islets of Langerhans is associated with Diabetes mellitus.
I didn't know that MEN1 is also called "Wermer syndrome." Now I know.
Hepatoblastoma is the most common malignant primary liver tumor in children. I only got that right because I remember Dr. Plummer saying that blast tumors are associated with kids.
Most esophageal varices are located in the lower third of the esophagus.
Apparently, phytate exerts the most profound inhibitory effects on the absorption of zinc (Zn) from the lumen of the small intestine. Never heard of phytate. When I googled it, this is what came up:
Phytate, or phytic acid, is a naturally occurring compound found in all plant foods like beans, grains, nuts, and seeds. In the past, there were concerns that foods high in phytates might reduce the absorption of minerals.
Zinc deficiency has been found in some populations that consume large quantities of unrefined foods. The phytate in these foods may decrease zinc absorption. Note that picolinic acid is the body's prime natural chelator. It is the most efficient chelator for minerals such as chromium, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, and perhaps molybdenum. Zinc picolinate is actually readily absorbable.
Never heard of picolinic acid either.
The most common bacteria linked to ascending cholangitis are gram-negative enteric bacteria, in particular Escherichia coli, followed by Klebsiella and Enterobacter. Treatment consists of antibacterial therapy and removal of gallstones. Note that the presence of antibodies against hepatitis B surface antigen will rule out a hepatitis B infection, and interferon-alfa or ribavirin administration is mostly indicated for hepatitis C treatment.
Unresolved PUD can cause perforations. Perforated ulcers are the most commonly encountered dreaded consequence. Note that common symptoms of perforation include: (1) sudden development of sharp abdominal pain; (2) rigidity and tenderness of the abdomen; (3) symptoms of shock (fainting, hypotension, excessive sweating, and confusion); and (4) bloody vomitus or tarry stool. Also note that demonstration of “free air” on radiological examination is highly indicative of a perforated viscus organ. An erect chest x-ray or an upright abdominal x-ray is by far the best initial diagnostic screening test.
GERD and Barrett’s esophagus are related to inappropriate relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter.
Hiatal hernia predisposes to GERD and may causes herniation of the stomach into the thoracic cavity.
Crigler-Najjar Syndrome patients are unable to conjugate bilirubin. Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia quite often causes death due to kernicterus.
The body and tail of the pancreas are situated posterior to the stomach. The quadrate lobe of the liver and gall bladder are both anterior to the stomach. The right kidney is situated posterior to the duodenum and small intestine. The right crus of the diaphragm is posterior to the liver.
An anal fissure is a small split or tear in the mucosa lining the anus. Anal fissures are extremely common in young infants, but they may occur at any age. Studies suggest that 80% of infants will have had an anal fissure by the end of their first year. The rate of anal fissures decreases rapidly with age, and fissures are much less common among school-aged children. I didn't know that they were common in infants.
Cryptosporidium = acid-fast protozoan that produces voluminous watery diarrhea without blood or mucus. It is very common in AIDS patients. Entamoeba histolytica (causes amoebic colitis), shigella, enteroinvasive E. coli, campylobacter, and cryptosporidium cause bloody diarrhea.
This question was about a woman who clearly had H. pylori infection and they asked what kind of cancer she had. I chose lymphoma but then switched to adenocarcinoma, finally changing back to lymphoma and got it wrong. I thought H. pylori causes MALToma, which is a type of lymphoma. Yes, the gastric cells are secretory cells, so if they became cancerous, it would be cancer of glandular cells (the "adeno" in "adenoma" = glandular cells), but H. pylori causes MALToma. So I don't think lymphoma is necessarily the wrong answer. I was stuck between lymphoma (my initial answer because the pt clearly has a history of H. pylori infection) and adenocarcinoma. The explanation:
Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with adenocarcinoma (accounts for almost 90% of stomach cancers). Note that adenoacanthoma is an adenocarcinoma in which some of the cells exhibit squamous differentiation.
The vagus nerve passes inferiorly from a plexus associated with the hilum of the lung. Injury to the vagus nerve--> decreased gastric motility. In the mediastinum, the vagus nerves pass immediately posterior to the roots of the lungs, while the phrenic nerves pass immediately anterior to them.
Dietary long chain fatty acids (more than 12C) are transported from the intestine to the adipose tissue in the form of chylomicron triglycerides. I remembered that from learning about cholesterol. Pretty sure they get transported across the intestines. I really have to review cholesterol. Ugh.
In a question, the pt had polyuria, pruritic skin rashes that appeared in one place and then disappear and showed up elsewhere, erythematous plaques and vesicles on her thigh, anemia, hyperglycemia, and increased ACTH. I wasn't sure what it was.
The patient most likely has necrolytic migratory erythema (NME) due to glucagonoma.
Glucagonoma is a rare pancreatic alpha-cell neoplasm that is mostly seen in pre-and post-menopausal woman. Patients present with marked increase in serum glucagon level, hyperglycemia, polydipsia, and polyuria. During the early stages, the condition may mimic symptoms of mild diabetes mellitus. A characteristic skin finding in these patients is necrolytic migratory erythema (NME). The majority of these tumors are malignant, and metastasis to the liver is not uncommon. Note that glucagonoma is often associated with MEN I, and serology of the patients often show increased plasma ACTH, MSH, serotonin, and epinephrine. Treatment includes insulin administration and surgical removal of the tumors.
The mechanism of NME is not well-known but it is postulated to be due to (1) direct damage of glucagon to skin that causes necrosis; (2) serious metabolic deficiencies that cause deficiency of epidermal proteins; and (3) autoimmune conditions that damage the skin. Glucagonoma is by far the most common cause of NME. Deficiency of zinc, fatty acid, and amino acids, liver diseases, hypoalbuminemia, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac sprue, and malnutrition conditions may also be associated with NME. Given that pancreatic alpha-cell neoplasm is by far the most common cause of NME, the non-pancreatic causes of NME (e.g. liver disease or zinc deficiency) are collectively known as pseudoglucagonoma.
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neilsharmamd · 2 years
Barrett's Esophagus Symptoms and Causes
The causes of Barrett's esophagus are unknown. This pre-cancerous condition, however, is linked to chronic GERD. Only an endoscopy, or a thin, tube-like instrument that looks inside the esophagus, can provide a diagnosis. A physician will need to take biopsies and tissue samples to diagnose Barrett's esophagus.
Although Although there is no single cause of Barrett's esophagus, some lifestyle factors are associated with a higher risk, as per Neil Sharma MD. Smoking and obesity are two risk factors. Uncontrolled heartburn can also be a risk factor. You should see your doctor for treatment, and he or she may prescribe acid reflux medications. A change in diet can also help. Furthermore, if you have chronic heartburn, you should consult a gastroenterologist.
While the symptoms of Barrett's esophagus are similar to those of regular heartburn, they can be overlooked. The condition, in fact, can have long-term consequences. If you have GERD on a regular basis, your symptoms may worsen over time. You could, for example, develop a stomach ulcer as a result. This condition is linked to an increased risk of lower esophageal cancer.
Reflux disease, which is the leading cause of Barrett's esophagus, may also play a role. It has red mucus-secreting cells as well as flat, smooth cells. In severe cases, an individual may develop esophageal cancer. The type of dysplasia and the cause of Barrett's esophagus influence treatment.
Although the cause of Barrett's esophagus is unknown, the majority of people who have it also have GERD. When GERD becomes chronic, the contents of the stomach back up into the esophagus. The color of the esophageal lining changes over time. The cells that line the small intestine are very similar to the cells that line the esophagus.
Barrett's esophagus, on the other hand, frequently goes undetected. Although symptoms are not associated with the condition, they may indicate the need for additional testing. A physician will detect Barrett's esophagus, a precancerous growth, during a routine upper GI endoscopy. If left untreated, Barrett's esophagus can progress to esophageal cancer, which is why regular surveillance exams are essential.
While there is no cure for Barrett's esophagus, lifestyle changes can help. According to Neil Sharma MD, a diet high in fiber and anti-inflammatory foods will help the condition. Omega-3 fatty acids are also advantageous. They are found in fish and supplements. A daily dose of omega-3 supplements may be beneficial. Furthermore, eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps to prevent the development of Barrett's esophagus.
The severity and stage of Barrett's esophagus will determine treatment. To reduce the risk of cancer, treatment will aim to destroy or remove the abnormal tissue. Regular diagnostic endoscopies can detect symptoms and guide treatment decisions. Surgery may be required, but the earlier the disease is identified, the better. A drug may be used to treat the condition in some cases.
Patients with Barrett's esophagus are more likely to develop esophageal cancer. While many people with Barrett's esophagus do not develop this disease, the increased risk should be taken into account. GERD, in addition to genetics, may be a risk factor. It is more common in Caucasian men than in other races, as previously stated.
Endoscopy, which involves passing a thin, lighted tube down the esophagus and into the stomach, is used to treat Barrett's esophagus. Because Barrett's esophagus is difficult to diagnose, patients are treated by a multidisciplinary team of experts. The Stanford Barrett's esophagus team diagnoses and treats patients using cutting-edge technology.
If the biopsy reveals that Barrett's esophagus is the source of your symptoms, you may be treated with surgery or an over-the-counter acid-reducing medication. Upper endoscopy can also aid in the identification of risk factors. Men, for example, who have frequent or chronic symptoms should have an upper endoscopy to be diagnosed. Patients who have risk factors may also be subjected to screening procedures in order to detect the disease early.
People who have frequent heartburn, as shown by Neil Sharma MD, are more likely to develop Barrett's esophagus. If this is the case, frequent heartburn will result in the overgrowth of abnormal cells on the lining. Because this type of esophageal disease is uncommon in children, it is critical to have your symptoms evaluated. If left untreated, Barrett's esophagus can be fatal. If you have frequent heartburn, you should consult a healthcare provider right away. GERD can be caused by Barrett's esophagus, but it is not a common cause.
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drpinakdasgupta · 2 years
Robotic GI Surgey in Chennai | Dr. Pinak Dasgupta
Dr. Pinak Dasgupta is a senior Robotic GI Surgeon in Chennai. Robotic surgery may not be a choice for someone. Get an expert guidance talk with Dr. Pinak Dasgupta today!!!
Minimally invasive procedures have revolutionized operative surgery. Computer-aided surgery and robotic surgical systems desire to enhance further on currently available minimally invasive surgery and open new horizons. Only several centers are currently using surgical robots. In gastrointestinal surgery, robotic surgery is applied to a wide range of procedures. Dr. Pinak Dasgupta is best Robotic GI Surgeon in Chennai.
What is Robotic GI Surgery?
The most widely used clinical robotic surgical system includes a camera arm and mechanical arms with surgical instruments attached to them. The surgeon holds the arms while seated at a computer console near the operating table. The console gives the surgeon a high-definition, magnified, 3-D view of the surgical site. The surgeon leads other team members who assist during the operation.
Is Robotic Surgery Right For You?
Robotic surgery isn’t a choice for everyone. Talk with Dr. Pinak Dasgupta about the benefits and risks of robotic surgery and how it compares with other techniques, such as other types of minimally invasive surgery and established open surgery.
Dr. Pinak regularly performs Robotic operations at the GEM Hospital. Some of the procedures that are particularly suited for the Robotic approach are:
Hiatus hernia repair or anti-reflux surgery
Obesity or weight loss Surgery
Cancers of the food pipe or stomach
Hernia of the abdominal wall or groin
Conditions Which Can Be Treated In GI Surgery:
Appendicitis. When the appendix becomes infected and inflamed, it may be removed (appendectomy).
Colon cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers. Surgery is done to remove cancerous tumors in the digestive system and parts of the digestive system that have cancer. 
Diverticular disease. A diverticulum is a small pouch or pocket in the colon (large intestine). Researchers are not sure why these develop. 
Gallbladder disease. When there is a problem with the gallbladder — usually gallstones — the gallbladder can be removed. Surgery to remove the gallbladder is also called a cholecystectomy.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and hiatal hernias. GERD or acid reflux is when the acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus (food pipe) and causes heartburn. Sometimes it happens because of a hiatal hernia. 
Hernia. A hernia is when a part of the body (like the intestine) comes through a hole or weak spot in the wall of muscle or connective tissue that’s supposed to protect it (like the abdomen). 
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis). With inflammatory bowel disease, the immune system attacks the intestines and causes pain and inflammation. 
Rectal prolapse. Surgery is used to treat rectal prolapse, a condition in which part of the intestine comes through the anus.
Weight loss. Different types of bariatric surgery (for example, gastric bypass) may be done to treat obesity. This surgery is usually done by a specialist in bariatric surgery.
Advantages of Robotics GI Surgery:
Surgeons who use the robotic system find that for many procedures it enhances precision, flexibility, and control during the operation and allows them to better see the site, compared with traditional techniques. Using robotic surgery, Dr. Pinak Dasgupta can perform delicate and complex procedures that may have been difficult or impossible with other methods.
Often, robotic surgery makes minimally invasive surgery possible. The benefits of minimally invasive surgery include:
Fewer complications, such as surgical site infection
Less pain and blood loss
Quicker recovery
Smaller, less noticeable scars
Talk To Dr. Pinak Dasgupta:
Dr. Pinak Dasgupta is the senior General Laparoscopic Surgeon Doctor in Chennai with the largest series of operations. He is an expert in GI Cancer Surgery. Being Multilingual, patients coming from North and Eastern Indian States feel very comfortable expressing their symptoms and also find peace of mind in sharing their post-surgical issues in their language. Patients traveling to Chennai from India and abroad like Bangladesh, Srilanka, Nepal follow him for his expertise and care”.
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selsma · 2 years
Reason for Developing Upper GI Hernia and the Way to Treat It
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A hernia occurs when an organ pushes through a gap in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. For example, a weakened area in the abdominal wall can cause the intestines to rupture. Many hernias occur within the abdomen between your chest and hips, but they will also appear in the upper thigh and groin areas. Most hernias are not immediately life-threatening, but they do not go away on their own. Sometimes they may require surgery to prevent dangerous complications. 
Types of Hernia
There are many types of hernias. Below, we’ll explore a number of the most common.
1. Inguinal Hernia
This is one of the most common types of hernia. They occur when the intestine pushes through a weak spot or ruptures in the lower abdominal wall, often in the inguinal canal. It is found in man’s groin. In men, this is the area where sperm travels from the umbilical cord to the scrotum. This cord attaches to the testicle. In women, it is present in the canal that contains a ligament that helps hold the uterus in place. Inguinal hernias are more common in men because the testicles descend through the inguinal canal soon after birth.
2. Hiatal Hernia (Upper GI Hernia)
A hiatal hernia occurs when part of your stomach protrudes through the diaphragm into your chest cavity. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle that helps you breathe by contracting and pulling air into the lungs. It separates your abdominal organs from your chest organs. This type of Upper GI Hernia is most common in people, who are very old. If a baby has the condition, it is usually due to a congenital birth irregularity. Hiatal hernia almost always causes gastroesophageal reflux disease.
3. Umbilical Hernia
Umbilical hernia can affect children and infants. They occur when the intestines protrude from the abdominal wall near the navel. You may notice a bulge in or near your baby's belly button, especially when he is crying. This type of hernia often goes away on its own as the abdominal wall muscles get stronger. This is usually by the time the child is 1 or 2 years old.
4. Abdominal Hernia
An abdominal hernia occurs when tissue bulges through an opening in your abdominal muscles. You may notice that the abdominal hernia shrinks in size when you lie down. Although an abdominal hernia can be present from birth, it is usually acquired at some point in your lifetime. Common factors for the formation of an abdominal hernia include
obesity, pregnancy, and strenuous activity.
Symptoms of Upper GI Hernia
Many people with a Hiatal hernia do not notice any symptoms. Others may have:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) resentment
Pain in chest
Trouble swallowing
Bad taste in your mouth
A disturbed stomach and vomiting
Food or liquid backflow from your stomach into your mouth
Shortness of breath
Hiatal Hernia Causes
Doctors do not know why most upper GI hernias happen.
Reasons can be involved:
Born with a larger hiatal opening
Area injury
Changes in your diaphragm with age
Increased pressure in your stomach, such as pregnancy, obesity, cough, something heavy rising, or stress on the toilet.
Hiatal Hernia Treatment
Most people do not notice symptoms of a hiatal hernia and do not require treatment. If you have acid reflux, your doctor may suggest medications to treat symptoms, including:
Antacids weaken your stomach acid.
Proton pump inhibitors or H-2 receptor blockers prevent your stomach from making too much acid.
Prokinetics to make your oesophageal sphincter, the muscle that prevents stomach acid from backing up into your esophagus stronger. They also help work the muscles in your esophagus and allow your stomach empty. If you have a paraesophageal hernia (when part of your stomach squeezes through a gap) your doctor may perform surgery so that your stomach is not strangulated. If the sliding hernia bleeds or becomes large, strangulated, or swollen, you may also need surgery. In surgery, your doctor tightens your hiatus and moves your abdomen. Many upper GI hernia surgeries use a method called laparoscopy. Your doctor will make some minor cuts on your abdomen. They insert an instrument called a laparoscope through these incisions, and it sends pictures to a monitor so that your doctor can see inside your body.
Author Bio
SELSMA or Society of Endoscopic Laparoscopic of Surgery Malaysia was created to bring together surgeons from all over the world and Malaysia especially. With a focus on Endoscopic-Laparoscopic techniques, SELSMA operates as a platform for surgeons with a particular interest in this field to meet their ideas, learn new techniques, and educate others. To know more about us visit our official website.
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health5432 · 2 years
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
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Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Gastrointestinal surgery is a treatment for diseases of the parts of the body involved in digestion. This includes the esophagus (ee-sof-uh-gus), stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and rectum. It also includes the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Surgery may be used to remove a cancerous or noncancerous growth or damaged part of the body, such as the intestine. It may also be used to repair a problem like a hernia (a hole or weak spot in the wall of the abdomen). Minor surgical procedures are used to screen and diagnose problems of the digestive system.
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Below are gastrointestinal conditions that may be treated with surgery:
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Appendicitis. When the appendix becomes infected and inflamed, it may be removed (appendectomy).
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Colon cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers. Surgery is done to remove cancerous tumors in the digestive system and parts of the digestive system that have cancer. For example, a surgeon may remove a tumor as well as part of the pancreas, liver, or intestine with cancer.
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Diverticular disease. A diverticulum is a small pouch or pocket in the colon (large intestine). Researchers are not sure why these develop. Sometimes they can become inflamed and cause pain (diverticulitis). This is often managed without surgery. If someone has a lot of diverticula that often become inflamed, the doctor may recommend bowel resection surgery to remove that part of the intestine.
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Gallbladder disease. When there is a problem with the gallbladder — usually gallstones — the gallbladder can be removed. Surgery to remove the gallbladder is also called a cholecystectomy
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and hiatal hernias. GERD, or acid reflux is when the acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus (food pipe) and causes heartburn. Sometimes it happens because of a hiatal hernia. This is when the stomach pushes through the diaphragm, a muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. A surgeon can do a surgery called fundoplication Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi to fix it. The surgeon will fix the hernia if there is one and then wrap the top of the stomach around the bottom of the esophagus to strengthen the sphincter, which keeps acid out.
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Hernia. A hernia is when a part of the body (like the intestine) comes through a hole or weak spot in the wall of muscle or connective tissue that’s supposed to protect it (like the abdomen). It doesn’t come through the skin, but a bulge may be felt under the skin that’s not supposed to be there. It can also be painful. Gastrointestinal surgeons can repair the hole or weak spot.
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis). With inflammatory bowel disease, the immune system attacks the intestines and causes pain and inflammation. This can lead to damage in the intestine. Sometimes the damaged parts are removed and the healthy parts are reconnected. This is called bowel resection.
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Rectal prolapse. Surgery is used to treat rectal prolapse, a condition in which part of the intestine comes through the anus.
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Weight loss. Different types of bariatric surgery (for example, gastric bypass) may be done to treat obesity. This surgery is usually done by a specialist in bariatric surgery.
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
A surgical procedure called an endoscopy is used to screen and diagnose problems of the digestive system. The doctor puts a long, thin tube with a tiny camera into the body to see inside. If the problem is with the stomach or esophagus, the doctor puts the scope through the esophagus. To check for colon cancer or other problems of the intestines, the doctor puts the scope through the anus into the intestine.
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
Best gastroenterologist in Saket New delhi
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