#stole my pushbike
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foccaccia · 3 months ago
So I get to your front yard, it's lying on the grass
You're looking at me and you begin to laugh
You say "Hey, buddy, give it back!"
I say, "No way, buddy, it's mine and you're a hack!"
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vinylfromthevault · 5 years ago
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Amyl and the Sniffers “Big Attraction” and “Giddy Up” 2018. Damaged Goods Records. A comp LP of the Australian punks first two EP’s from 2016 and 2017 (both self-released). Raucous, punchy, FUN punk in the spirit of The Ramones, Sex Pistols, mixed with a loud hard edge (they’re influenced by AC/DC, of course). We saw Amyl and the Sniffers play in July and it ranks as one of the best shows - and definitely the best punk show - we’ve seen in years. Side A has Big Attraction (2017) and my favorite track is the riotous “Balaclava Lover Boogie” which is also hilarious; I’m pretty sure the chorus goes “Balaclava with my llama, balaclava lover boogie!” but they are Australian so it is very likely I’m not hearing it quite right (back in the early 80′s I thought AC/DC’s “Dirty Deeds” went like this: “dirty jeans, they’re dungarees” so clearly I’m not to be trusted). Also great are “I’m Not a Loser,” “Mole (Sniff Sniff)” and “Westgate” so basically the whole EP because there are only six songs. Side B is Giddy Up (2016) with just four tracks: “Pleasure Forever” (such a great classic 70′s punk sound), “Caltex Cowgirl” (a startling slow track that is almost melodic but not quite), “Mandalay” (super-raw) and “Stole My Pushbike” (and she’s pissed, she wants it back!). Apparently they wrote, recorded and released Giddy Up in a mere 12 hours. 
The comp ended up going to #8 on the UK vinyl charts in 2018; they signed with Rough Trade soon after (I think we may have picked up this record at Rough Trade in London this past summer).
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stackcats · 6 years ago
Tag Game
RULES: tag ten followers you want to know better!
Tagged by: @zabbers :D
TAGGING: @goldstarsfortulip @bigbitterenby @shecamefromwildspace @reallyginnyf @indelliblemercinary @parrotsinlondon @cuddlyaxe @cystemic @anotherdamndragon @ajellyinthemix
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
HEIGHT: 5′7 ish?
PUT YOUR ITUNES/SPOTIFY ON SHUFFLE. WHAT ARE THE FIRST 4 SONGS THAT POPPED UP? I Predict A Riot by Kaiser Chiefs, Who Wants To Live Forever by Queen, I Only Want To Be With You by Bay City Rollers, You Stole The Sun From My Heart by Manic Street Preachers
GRAB THE BOOK NEAREST YOU AND TURN TO PAGE 23. WHAT’S LINE 17? "Stormtroopers to come?” haha thanks Timothy Zahn. That’s from Thrawn.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR? oh wow I’m not sure. We’re talking years. I should do more air guitar. 
HATE: All the sounds. Like 90% of sounds. I’m very sensitive to sound and I just. Want peace and quiet. Please.
LOVE: Cats purring. 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? I’ve never seen any evidence they exist for myself, so not really.
HOW ABOUT ALIENS? I mean yeah, it’d be weird if literally only one planet ever spawned life, but I don’t think they’ve visited us or anything.
IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED? Crashed my pushbike if that counts.
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? I’m currently reading Thrawn Alliances and before that it was the last Hunger Games book, Mockingjay I think.
WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? Haha that was also the last Hunger Games.
WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD? Broke my little toe. I’m not a big risk taker.
DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? Star Wars, as usual. SWTOR. I’m also obsessed with Becky Chambers’ books.
DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG? I really don’t have the mental energy for grudges per se, but I’ll be less willing to spend energy on someone if they’ve fucked me around or been rude or whatever in the past. 
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toyourliking · 5 years ago
so where we live is super secure, many gates and locks
but still
someone got into the communal garage and stole my brother’s and a neighbour’s pushbikes, and smashed the hairdresser’s car window in to steal her cigarettes :)
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xottzot · 6 years ago
2018--SEPT-13th-2018-Thursday Afternoon--aggressive shouting something going on at the Maddies house next to the old guy too.
2018--SEPT-13th-2018-Thursday Afternoon--aggressive shouting something going on at the Maddies house next to the old guy too.
A little just before 3pm......there was a LOT of LOUD shouting and aggressive voices coming from outside...it seemed to be coming from the front yard of the 'Maddies' house next door to the old guys place (the one with the tall big green sheet metal corrugated iron fron fence to keep out criminals that he loves to hide behind).....
The old guy was standing right by the property border between the two and somebody else may have been standing right next to him, it was unclear. OR it might have been one of the many occupants of the Maddies house between the parked-in-their-driveway-for-many-months-now large caravan and which a small gap exists between that and the dividing property fence, one of THEM arguing loudly with the old guy or with one of the many inhabitants of that household itself....
THAT is the kind of shit that goes on all the time at this hellhole area and it loves to happen ALL AT ONCE...different shit ALL unwanted.....
So anyway, the LOUD MAD/ANGRY VOICES started to become what sounded like leading up to a violent incident. I have NO IDEA what the hell was going on there.
Eventually the old guy moved away from that location and (into his house or garage I have no idea) and another adult male walked from the shops and entered into ? (either the old guys place or the Maddies house)
There was relative silence then.
And FUCKING OF COURSE, as soon as I was finished and wet and returned us all into the house after drying them off with a towel...the fucking RAIN STOPPED.......IT ALWAYS DOES THIS....AS IF SOMEBODY IN THE SKY JUST TURNS ON THE SKY RAIN TAPS TO MAKE MY LIFE AND POOR DEAR SAM & POOR MAX's LIFE MORE HELL IN THIS HELLHOLE THAT IT ALREADY IS.......
Oh...and OF COURSE ALL the fucking planes are all now flooding in to Perth Airport and flying over this hellhole.....
Down at the Koongamia School Oval...'something' was ALSO going on involving a lot of cars and a lot of people. (it's all deserted now)
And amongst all the parked cars was a large group of black clothed individuals (aboriginals?) all carrying on and stuffing around and acting feral. - I would HATE to be somebody returning to their car and meeting up with THOSE utter shit people......
What occurred AFTER that criminal incident the other day with the violent crazed aboriginals that I wrote about in my blog who were attacking somebody in their house with huge rocks and projectiles?.....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AS FAR AS I KNOW. - THAT IS THE HELL OF THIS HELLHOLE. NO POLICE NO AUTHORITIES...NOTHING.
'Maybe' that was why ineffectual 'Watcher' vehicles were about early this morning?
That's a pure guess.
Everything is building up again.........
Sometime soon I expect it will AGAIN all explode I'm sure......
In what way I have no idea. Day or night I have no idea. Maybe they're waiting for 'traditional' criminal periods of Friday night, Saturday, Saturday night, Sunday, Sunday night, and into Monday and the rest of the week...which is when the Police are usually more responsive rather than having been drawn away to attend major incidents elsewhere like violence and deaths and crime and shit.
In the West Australian media there's the start of acusations flying (and Public Relations stuff) about as to the criminals who drowned themselves in the Perth Swan River after running away escaping from Police after they had smashed into an innocents home and smashed up everything and stole stuff.......
THIS IS NOT A NEW THING...THINGS LIKE THIS GO ON ALL THE TIME...stolen cars tearing all about, innocents even innocent babies involved at high risks of death, pregnant mothers, the elderly and infirm,.....it makes NO DIFFERENCE to the criminals.......
I wonder how soon before the media starts releasing the details via court cases that result after THAT incidents of drownings...or will it (as usual) be greatly deferred in time so that the crazed ones will either disperse or settle down and not riot or gather masses of others to do their rioting and violence for them.......
THAT has been the standard game-play of affairs for YEARS with matters like this.......
How soon before the NEWS media starts to ride upon AGAIN huge thefts of gold from mines or wherever in Western Australia?
How about a LARGE NEWS story of gold smuggling....AGAIN?
The so-called 'gold police', dedicated authorities in Western Australia who's tasked with investigating and solving gold-related crimes (a holdover from times of olde), THEY have extraordinary powers and are seperate from the Police force. And do not answer to them.
So I wonder when all THAT starts happening AGAIN? - (as the REAL criminals get away with doing gold related crime) - But the Gold Police are relentless and dogged in their tasks and use methods and technology that they keep secret so as not to let criminals try to thwart them.
It even extends to utilising the chemical & other means of compositions of gold itself so much that they can determine with some accuracy of percentage where ANY gold comes from.......even after it is processed.....but such things are not infallible......not that criminals care......
In my life I once could have been in the gold industry, and I was in things in very small introductory manner...
But I soon found that having my skin and flesh ripped and torn by VERY sharp rocks (razor sharp granite and such) was not the life for me no matter how much others enthused about it and made literal small fortunes of thousands of dollars from it all. - No thanks. - And I also cherished my eyesight, which also was a small victim of it all in my introductory to it all.
My eyes had been damaged enough by Midland Brick and given me great pain and injury. As well as my back. (people actually DIED/were killed by events working at Midland Brick when I was working there) - It (is) was a VERY dangerous place to be an honest worker. Things were ALWAYS kept out of the media. And it was always a great surprise to me how NOBODY knew about ANYTHING of events that workers there had as common knowledge amongst us all.
And OUTSIDE doctors were totally ignorant because Midland Brick insisted you go to 'chosen' medical places and people that were in the pocket of Midland Brick. They even established a pathetic in-house medical station at Midland Brick manned by a couple of men who only had only done a first-aid course....but they were expected to do any and everything medical..... - CRAZY STUFF that nobody believes.......and keep the worst of things utterly quiet.....
Except those workers of us that had direct contact with it all....through our many terrible injuries.......
YOU have no idea of my own scars.....
The other day I thought I saw a car at speed coming out from a usual place............cotters car.......the man who is so thick that he can't read...the man who is so thick that he has NO LICENSE but STILL drives all around the place just as he has done so for years.....until he gets caught by Police.....is fined or whatever...and then he goes back to using a pushbike everywhere again until he eventually goes back to again using a car. - This is a man who can not read. - Yes really. - So I wonder what he makes (or does not) of road signs and everything..... - He CAN drive as a task, but does not KNOW how to drive....do you knwo what I mean?
Sometimes I see him wandering about this hellhole area or in Midland or elsewhere..either on foot or pushing or riding a pushbike....of course if he's in a vehicle he's 'invisible'.....
I bear him no malice whatsoever. And I used to be in jobs with work parties of men in which he was one of them.....I have personal experience......
Poor dear Fliss never believed me about him until she started to have her own innocent bizarre passing encounters here with him.......and when I told her about him then suddenly everything seemed to click into place about him with her....
All part of the 'local knowledge' of this hellhole area.....
As was his penchant for using other innocent peoples names when caught by Police.....so he could evade arrests and fines (and imprisonment?). - I COULD tell YOU more but I'm not going to. I'm in enough HELL as it is with not being with dearest Fliss.
One day I might write a factual book about so very very VERY much......
It's been COLD here, and it's going to get a LOT colder.......
And so the criminals love that so they can dress-up in thugs clothing which also helps them from being identified..especially to Police and authorities.....
But soon enough it will suddenly switch into VERY HOT AIRLESS DEATHLY HEAT AND NO WATER ANYWHERE.......
Oh...but they'll just swig down plenty of coca cola and booze and drugs.......
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you. So does dear Sam and dear Max.
P.S. to dear Cath in Queensland...you have also been in a nadir but you seem to be climbing on top of things in your own way. I wish you well. - Please pray for me and dear Fliss.....
oh look...fucked around by tumblr....again.....
And suddenly planes are flying low over this hellhole at the same time...AGAIN......
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xottzot · 7 years ago
2018-08(JUL)-10th--Tuesday--abandoned abos pram outside the old guys place overnight.
2018-08(JUL)-10th--Tuesday--abandoned abos pram outside the old guys place overnight.
Some time overnight or very early this morning, one of the prams of the criminal aboriginals of these streets has been left outside on the street verge outside of the old guys house with the tall green corrugated fence. It was NOT there at dusk last night around 6pm.
These prams are often stolen prams, stolen from the Koongamia general store should anyone dare leave them outside the door whilst they are inside.
For many YEARS aboriginals steal the prams and spirit them away to the nearby aboriginal criminal households, as well as pushbikes (childs or adults).
The old guys has just left it there. Well, what do you expcet him to do....nothing is normal in this hellhole criminal area.
The pram orignally was probably stolen in the first place YEARS AGO by the criminal aborignals, and NOW, as the criminal aboriginal toddlers have grown up and run around, the pram has been abandoned for somebody else to stealof get rid of or to 'disappear'.......maybe somebody will steal it and take it back to a hock-shop and try to sell it for money, which is quite applicable seeing as that was probably where they stole it from in the first place...or from outside a store. - YES, that is how bad Midland and all suburbs around this hellhole area is.
The pram won't last long. It will be re-stolen, just as it has been re-stolen so many times by criminal aboriginals. It has been seen dumped on the streets countless times over the years.
Usually for YEARS the pram stays outside propped up next to the fence of fatguts aboriginal criminal housheold even as recent as a day or two ago. They also use it to transport cartons of alcohol and booze from the Koongamia liquor store as if the booze was their cherished 'child'......and they make the child walk on the roads with them as they trundle the pram to the chosen select aboriginal housheold and...just leave it out in the rain and all weathers. -- Of course YOU won't believe what I've just said because nobody damn well believes ANYTHING of this hellhole area the criminal aboriginals have made it.....and yet all the crap and crime STILL GOES ON.....
Whatever happened with the Police in 2 cars (one car unmarked with detectives?) the other day at fatguts aboriginal criminal housheold MAY have something to do with things....getting rid of evidence by dragging it out of faguts place and dumping it on other residents yards and street verges...to divert blame for the crimnal aboriginals again, this has been going on for YEARS and YEARS and YEARS....at this hellhole area........
The pram is almost just across the road from the Koongamia shops area. So I imagine it will be re-re-re-re-re-re stolen AGAIN from the billionth time....and then stolen back again by the criminal aboriginals....especially if it has been repaired......
The criminal aboriginals see ANY and EVERYTHING as THEIRS to steal and use. If YOU object, then you are asaulted to any extent and viciousness.
The smashed entry door to the Koongamia general store shop has been replaced. But....that will only last as long until the next violent breaking and entering.....and THAT has been going on for MANY MANY years........
And guess who does that? -- The SAME criminals that have ben doing it for so many YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS.......
I made an mistake this morning. Just an innocent mistake. And I corrected it. However the criminal aboriginals of this hellhole area NEVER EVER are mistaken or can be because they are just so saintly apparently......THEY'RE NOT.
Damned wild parots have again been attacking the trees and making a helluva mess for me to clean up AGAIN, as they do ALL THE TIME.
And cleaning all THAT up today caused me great deal of physical pain. - BUT......they, like the criminals and criminal aboriginals, just keep roaming around here, AND going to other places to crap up and destroy and make hellholes.
I've had a terrible lack of sleep, in a lotta pain.
This hellhole area is currently in a false calm lull. It's cold. It's not raining but it WILL be constantly for many days....and I STILL have to clean up after the damned parrots who cut down branches as well constantly with their big powerful beaks that could easily cut a persons finger off. (and so I of course NEVER EVER put my hands anywhere near them)
Most of the crimnal aboriginal kids and children and youths are still 'away' somewhere, it is a false calm.......but they WILL return.
And they will prey upon other children.
NO other children walk the streets about here anymore, except the criminal children of the criminal aboriginals......
Not even adult parents walking their own childrn for safety to the Koongamia school or wherever.
I suspect the adults are using their own cars and vehicles instead to safely transport them to the nearby school a street or two away and keep them away as much as they can from being anywhere near the criminal aboriginals.
I haven't yet seen any prowling Police vehicles today, but I haven't been looking. And in any case they increasingly use unmarked vehicles to do that as well....A LOT.
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with YOU. - Poor Sam and poor Max are in constant turmoil and hell because we are not with YOU. - I've got a massive VERY painful headache. I need to take something for the terrible pain. And eat something pithy along with it to pretend I am eating so I don't throw up. Poor Sam and poor Max will partake of the meagre food with me. - In darkness, on the bed with me, poor Sam was howling in his sleep from terrible nightmares again. Poor Max got very worried and was awoken. Then they switched and whilst Sam was awake, poor Max was having terrible howling nightmares in his own sleep.
Oh, and now, there's a session AGAIN of jet aircraft from Perth Airport flying loudly OVER this shitty hellhole area.......
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with YOU.
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xottzot · 7 years ago
2018-04(APR)-24th--Tuesday AM--morning--NEXT TO NO SLEEP--HERE IS HELL for me-HELL for dear Sam-HELL for dear Max--AND A WA NEWS STORY.
2018-04(APR)-24th--Tuesday AM--morning--NEXT TO NO SLEEP--HERE IS HELL for me-HELL for dear Sam-HELL for dear Max--AND A WA NEWS STORY.
The usual ones about this hellhole area were quite VERY quiet yesterday. Subdued. Very unusually so. - Was THIS the following the reasons why? - The NEWS link contains photos and a Police released video. (Please be aware it contains disturbing but not graphic images etc.)
In the WA NEWS is the NEWS about how a youth riding as a passenger in a stolen car crashed into a small bus (airport passenger transfer bus?) at high speed and the youth of the stolen V8 vehicle was killed. And as for the small bus driver whom they collided with at an illegal very high speed ...."while the driver of the bus suffered a range of injuries including three broken ribs and a fractured spine"
There is also a LOT more relevant information in the NEWS story. Profoundly so.
Inlcuding:------ "The court heard Mourish's upbringing was deprived, dysfunctional, chaotic and traumatic, and before he had turned 18, he had gone through 76 different foster care placements."
NEWS story excerpt:-----
Mourish was arrested at the scene and later pleaded guilty to charges of unlawfully killing the teenager and dangerous driving causing grievous bodily harm to the bus driver.
He also pleaded guilty to two home burglaries, including one in which he stole the car he was driving at the time of the crash.
The court previously heard how Mourish, when asked by paramedics at the scene of the crash if he was hurt, replied: "My heart hurts. I'm sorry I killed my brother."
AND....... "The court heard Mourish's upbringing was deprived, dysfunctional, chaotic and traumatic, and before he had turned 18, he had gone through 76 different foster care placements"
AND....... "Justice Fiannaca said the effect on the driver of the bus was also "profound", because he described himself as going from someone who was physically fit to someone who could not even walk his dog or do any physical exercise."
(I know that kind of thing personally myself too having myself also been the victim of a car crash that occured in the past before I ever met dear Fliss, a crash done in the violent accident purely as a result of somebody else and which wiped out my vehicle and wrecked it completely and which I could have been killed and I still suffer the pain and inuries even to this day.)
(Read the full NEWS story at the NEWS link above. It also contains a video showing the speeding stolen vehicle just before the crash.)
The house (Fatguts place) was originally a foster home for many years and never ever was there anything like this occuring with any of them as far as I know. I went to the same local school as many of them did here when I was a kid and also high school but it all got VERY bad with those ones from there. The house was eventually totally evicted. But many of them, just moved temporarily across the road to another related household which is in itself a very bad place and scene of countless Police visits when the Police eventually go there but is also the place of many other departmental vehicle visits. -- All of which have toddlers like the one in the NEWS photo of the group and the others of that group which looks so much like many of the ones that roam about this area, even down to their clothing and the pushbike. (I think some of the clothing in that photo of the group is worn as a 'tribute' to the deceased youth.)
Today, once again outside the place on the public footpath is an black? abandoned childs pram AGAIN. Those prams are constantly being supplied, used, abandoned, picked up and 'played' with and used by other youths of that place and related place before eventually smashed up and thrown away stuffed into the houses council rubbish bin, however to be replaced by yet aother pram which alwass meets the same fate. Countless prams over the years. Countless other 'toys' and things thrown about and laying about all over the place (sometimes including smashed without a care) and just abandoned in the streets (including bicyles), on the street verges and everywhere, inlcuding the local shops areas.
Abandoned bicyles and tricycle of all sizes are always laying abandoned all over around and in that place that has no front fence at all, abandoned on the footpaths, street verges, and on the roads.
NONE of that ever went on with the foster home that was there before and run by one or two women. That place was utterly quiet and never ever was there any trouble or noise from the house itself or it's inhabitants.
But all that changed for the very worst when that place was demolished and a brick house was built in its place and the one or two elderly women who 'ran' the foster home never returned as far as I know. Instead the place was 'handed over' to what it is and remains today. And has been the place of countless Police visits days and nights for many years.
Some time ago I clearly recall a terrifying womans shriek (utterly shrieking) in that area and women rushed out and away on the footpaths. Following was a period of 'calm' and I thought there was finally some rest from all the terrible crap that had been going on there with them and spreading all out and everywhere in all ages and for years. - But it all slowly returned.
I am well aware of the terrible grief of those in this NEWS story. Please do not ever think me uncaring in any way.
AND....JUST NOW as I was typing this at 8:40am.....from that VERY unfenced aboriginal house started up one of those unlicensed offroad motorbikes AGAIN.....and in the presence of adults of that household, one male of whom walked out and calmly grabbed the emptied council recycle bin and wheeled it back into the aboriginal household there as just in front of them the motorbike LOUDLY took off ON THE ROAD, WENT THRU THE INTERSECTION, PASSED THE KOONGAMIA SHOPS AREA AND SPED FURTHER AWAY INTO KOONGAMIA ON THE ROADS AND AWAY AGAIN...... - The rider wore a dark jacket and had no helmet on and the jacket hood was tied up around his head so he could not be visually identified or caught on any cameras. -- 12 minutes later it rode along at high speed ON THE ROADS back again and rode straight into the driveway and yard of the aboriginal criminal household across the road from there in Kalara Way. -- 1, 2 then 3 youths including the usual aboriginal ones ran across the road into there followed by a tiny aboriginal running toddler running straight without looking across the road and unaccompanied AGAIN as has been the case countless other times in the past. A few scant minutes later the motorbike was louldy heard at the end of Kalara Road and going into Bellevue and about in there. AGAIN this is so very common as the motorbike is being ridden from one aboriginal household to another. It usually seems to be the case where it is hidden from any prying/searching Police too. - And a young man or older youth aboriginal youth strides out of the aboriginal criminal household and walks straight into Fatguts aboriginal household and looks about for any Police cars as he does so. The sound of the motorbike now in Bellevue abuptly stops. But it will NOT be the last of it today and for all the days that follows. Western Australian Police have done nothing it seems to stop all this despite all the countless Police visits, authorities visits and even (aboriginal council/department?) visits and other visits by well respected looking aboriginals who never are given any heeding to by all the ones around here. They don't bother doing what Police tell them, and so they also don't listen to ANYONE else. -- Will all this ONLY stop or pause when the persons responsible are jailed (ludicrously always temporarily it seems), or severly injured, or killed, and which can involve innocent other people getting serioulsy injured or killed? - JUST as I have always forecasted was very probable to happen......though I never ever ever ever wished it to happen to people or any creature being hurt or killed or maimed.
This is a hellhole like no other.
I entirely expect unmarked cars will prowl about the streets later. They usually always seem to. But NOTHING EVER CHANGES. NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS.
And it has gotten worse.
Those 'recent' newest rental residents lasted mere months/weeks before they too had enough of this area and took off out of this hellhole in a hurry. Then did they return late at night to salvage what they could from there with several flashlights and they still left a huge pile of rubbish which is STILL there piled up in the yard?......
A light plane has now flown low loudly over this hellhole 50 minutes later going into to land at Perth Airport, then within 8 minutes another one.....
Other loud big jet planes have been this morning over here too....I have not stated them for fear of appearing simply 'pedantic'.....
ALL AGAIN......AGAIN....the SAME stuff going on about this hellhole...by the SAME ONES and with others...
All as 'fun'!? - Well that is what it must have also been treated by the ones responsible in that NEWS story with the stolen vehicle. - TRY TELLING THAT TO THOSE SEVERLY INJURED AND THE RELATIVES OF THOSE KILLED IN SUCH THINGS BECAUSE OF THEM.....
Poor Rusty has been barking all forlorn again...and upset by all the shit in the streets......
This used to be such a very nice quiet place to live and be peaceful in........
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you just as you promised us both.
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xottzot · 7 years ago
2018-02(FEB)-28th--Thursday-----its HOT at this hellhole--false calm until later--the usual situation.
2018-02(FEB)-28th--Thursday-----its HOT at this hellhole--false calm until later--the usual situation.
It's damn HOT at this hellhole. Not a breath of wind. Wind only started up in darkness before dawn then stopped. In any case it only brought more microdust into the hellhole making it hard to breathe for me and the dogs.
Sweating inside this hovel and I've got a raging headache as I write this, just taken a painkiller to try to cover up the pain, but it won't last long. It never does. And I have to subject myself to more heat and stress that can't be avoided at all.
I wonder how soon before the criminal usual ones start roaming ON the streets again.....
There's the 'new residents' (are they really?) who have been moving in bit by bit over the last few days, and they had vehicles parked outside and on the street. If the vehicles stay there when the cycle of criminals evolves for this day then it's on their own heads. -- Those residents reside NEXT TO the main abo criminal household.........
New (different) vehicles attracts crims and agitates the crims all ready living at the hellhoe area. One from the main abo criminal household was out early on a pushbike no helmet, no shoes, wandering about and scoping out things, going around the block after scoping out all around the Koongamia shops areas, then returning to the main abo criminal household for only a few minutes before taking off again and ranging all about to visit other abo criminal households in Bellevue.
Later, the streets wll be full AGAIN, as ALWAYS with criminal abo's ON the roads in traffic, including abo toddlers in diapers, and abo just out of diapers mini-crimnals in pants ON the roads, and all that will continue even after it has become dark ON the roads.
Yesterday evening, before darkness, at fatguts criminal household place, there was abo mini-criminals pulling up heavy thick paving slabs and smashing them on the road where they usually tear all about on.
Those heavy slabs came about from........
LOCAL HELLHOLE HISTORY:---- 10 YEARS or more of illegal drug addicts in cars and vehicles pulling up outside on the street verge of fatguts criminal household at all hours, truly tens of cars each and every day, often as much as 50 or more per day, and as high as double that figure. Even on Xmas day. It made no difference. - Dear Fliss saw and knows all this. She saw it for herself for so long. Ask her.
And so when fatguts was eventually evicted from there after over a decade of all that shit that was totally ignored by authorities depsite being told so much, and knowing so much, and so many criminal incidents, but so much shit went on even when fatguts was living there......which NEVER made any NEWS except for one VERY violent incident that Fliss also witnessed occuring late one night at fatguts criminal household.
And....because of so much illegal drug addict literal traffic over on the street verge there, it wore aLL the grass away to dirt...then it wore all the dirt away literally to become a large hole in the ground. A mud mini-lake in winter. Fatguts complained to ? And then had the council or whatever to completely fix his entire street verge area, fill it in with new dirt AND to completely PAVE THE STREET VERGE OUTSIDE THE HOUSE THERE with thick pavers so that it became an ersatz parking lot for all the visiting illegal drug addicts buying their illegal drug from fatguts whilst all the vehicles he was accumulating were also parking on the street verge.
Then...over years MORE,.....all THAT paving was destroyed away, and all the pavers were smashed, used as weapons, and scattered all about so it once more became a huge hole in the verge with scattered remnants of the pavers embedded in the dirty water dirty mini-lake.
Then, (after Fliss left this area) Fatguts and all his household of utter aboriginal crimnal shits was 'evicted', many of them just moved to across the road from there, and the house lay empty and fallow. The street verge was AGAIN all filled-in and paved AGAIN to make it all one big parking lot on the street verge.
Later...OTHER abo's moved in there...and it became fatguts new castle of crime once again, with a handy paved area out the front.
And yesterday, and for the past several days and weeks, criminal abo's from that place have been pulling out the pavers and smashing them onto the roads for innocent passing traffic to drive upon. I wonder how many they've pulled out so far and smashed? I wonder how soon before it's all repaved AGAIN, at taxpayers expense?
This sort of shit was the same sort of shit that was going on when criminal abo's were daily and nightly invading 'Ms New Ages' house and yard and smashing roof tiles all over the roads...for YEARS.
I wonder if the guy living there now found enough unbroken spare roof tiles to fix his own roof the other day?
It's 3:10pm nopw.....time for the streets to be filled with abo mini-criminals after they come out of day-criminals care across the road from them. And of course they will be rampant and criminal and on the roads well into the onset of darkness and beyond.
I hope one or several of the lot of them get run over dead on the roads. - PLEASE!
But nobody can be that fortunate.
In any case there's a huge backlog of abo criminal toddlers to replace them......a never-ending army of criminals growing up in criminal households to be the next batch of criminals.......breeding like rabid filthy diseased rats.....
Don't count on any census bullshit to give you any accurate numbers....the abos's stole plenty of those paperworks in the last year or two......and took them into the main abo criminal household.......lies, lies, and utter bullshit lies.....they love generating for their own ends........
My internet so slow and almost totally useless again....still...as always.....
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you. - Poor Max has ben having a terrible time breathing, So has Sam. So have I if I dare to go outside in the shitty air that's constantly full of microdust. EVERY time I go out and first breath the air, I sneeze so many times and get instant headaches from it all. - NOBODY understands this hellhole area. NOBODY believes about it. - It's, currently as I type this, 7 degrees hotter than the official bullshit forecast for this area and that's after it's 'cooled down' from being hotter earlier. -- I very foolishly gave myself some hopes and plans but that's utterly useless to even ever think about anything like that ever occuring because there IS NO HOPE OR PLANS for me to ever be in since I've been consigned to hell to die. - And an injury I've sustained the past few days is becoming worse in addition. - I love you dear Fliss and so very much want to be with you.
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xottzot · 7 years ago
2017-12(DEC)-26th--Tuesday--HELL has resumed here-1 violent abo arrested-3 police cars-1 innocent house smashed into and invaded and thieved.
2017-12(DEC)-26th--Tuesday--HELL has resumed here-1 violent abo arrested-3 police cars-1 innocent house smashed into and invaded and thieved.
To the nobody's who don't ever read my blog, I have CONSTANTLY stated the truth ALL THE TIME ABOUT EVERYTHING but NOBODY BELIEVES ME.
Well after the very violent criminal 'incident(s)' below this afternoon, try and tell me I am not in HELL.
To dear Cath of Queensland, Australia, when you read all this entry, please bear all this in mind is THIS kind of shit going on for years and years is what also contributed greatly to unhinge dear Fliss. It was never me. I protected dear Fliss from so damn much.
All the shit whilst dear Fliss was here has risen to TERRIBLE amounts....and as I have constantly stated has gotten so MUCH WORSE.
And now dear reader(s), read on and see what terrible criminal shit happened today.
I'll try to rememeber as best I can the exact times, but as I type this it's past my bedtime time and I REALLY need my sleep as always but which is denied to me by this HELLHOLE.
At around 5pm, I was outside in the backyard of this hovel getting in some washing I had drying. (but it wasn't all dried yet) - And whilst I was out there, I suddenly heard YET AGAIN violent bangings with fists upon the big green metal corrugated iron fence of the old guy.
It was an ugly male aboriginal, wearing a dark top, white t-shirt, and dark blue shorts and wearing casual footwear.
He was staggering about as he walked, drugged-up, drunk, or both.
He continued onwards on the footpath and at the newest moved-in residents unfenced corner house he suddenly veered off into the yard and went straight to the front door. Of course the thug does not live there. - He SMASHED his way inside the house through the front door and invaded.
The abo male criminal spent some time in there and eventually came out after X amount of time carrying a bag overflowing with clothing and possessions he had thieved from inside the house. Because he was staggering about so much, some what he had stolen spilled out of the bag onto the ground as he walked along out of there. He couldn't care less.
Then he went onto the footpath and spilled more out of the bag as he staggered about.
Then he staggered down the footpath and straight into Fatguts criminal household. He was there for a short while. Then he staggered out minus the stolen bagload of stuff and went across the road to the main abo criminal household. He came out of there with a booze bottle and was drinking out of it whilst standing in their driveway and leaning on a wheely bin to stop himself from falling over.
He tried to get into their red sedan vehicle. But failed?
Then he staggered back across the road into Fatguts criminal household again. There was violent loud bangings and crashes. He staggered out again. And once more went across to the main criminal abo household where he took/stole a pushbike and dragged it across the road into Fatguts place.
Next door to Fatguts place, at the house (the 'newly built house'), residents in a vehicle arrived there.
The criminal abo then had a shovel and rushed at the vehicle, smashing the vehicle with it. The driver (and passenger) of course objected after they got out, and the criminal abo rushed at them with the shovel as a weapon. They ran off. (they also have no front fence)
The criminal abo then milled about and purposely was hanging about WANTING to be arrested. He literally was waiting and standing next to the pushbike there when Western Australian POLICE eventually arrived.
They grabbed him, put him in handcuffs, and put him inside the POLICE van vehicle, which I suspect has a seperate lockup section inside as well.
Not long afterwards, the innocent new residents of the unfenced corner household that the abo criminal had smashed into arrived home from somewhere. The woman of that house began walking up to her front door and suddenly was literally shocked to find that her house had been smashed into. She went inside together with a man she had been in the vehicle with.
I have NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that if she had have been home when the criminal broke in, then the criminal abo would have certainly assaulted or possibly killed her.
The Police canvassed the streets and residents houses, and talked to everyone and took down notes. (no more details about that I'm saying here even though I KNOW.)
Unfortunately they had SWARMS of criminal aboriginals all around them who listen in closely to everyone and everything. This is a standard criminal tactic they almost always do. The criminal aboriginals use any information gleaned to their own criminal advantages, and to get out of any crimes. This has been going on for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AT THIS HELLHOLE......
To dear Fliss and to dear Cath I would tell everything, but only after I have been assured to be talking to the real people and not some criminal stooge.
3 van loads of Western Australian POLICE, 6 officers in all. And the criminal abo's treated it all as a great street party at somebody elses expense. They get very excited when some other criminal abo gets arrested who is not of them. To them it's all 'fun'. The abo's were even openly kicking a football in the street and street verge and getting a policeman involved with them in doing that....AGAIN.
It's after 8pm now...and there's still a POLICE vehicle parked outside Fatguts place and Policeman wandering about......
Do YOU care Fliss? -- Do YOU care Cath? - I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you just as you promised yourself and to me to be away forever from this HELL. - Nobody cares.
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xottzot · 7 years ago
2017-12(DEC)-15th---Friday--Morning POLICE at the abo house one location of the mad screaming abo from yesterday.
2017-12(DEC)-15th---Friday--Morning POLICE at the abo house one location of the mad screaming abo from yesterday.
Around 8:30am, (it arrived a little earlier) it was noted that a Western Australian POLICE van was at Fatguts abo criminal household and the Police were in there 'talking' to the abo's, most probably under their carport. Has it still a table and chairs there where they sit around all day, get drunk (or whatever), before getting into the many cars that constantly come and go from that place and the other abo criminal households of the criminal ghetto?
In any event, all this will do is put a VERY temporary false calm upn the entire hellhole.
Do NOT for any moment think that all this tables & chairs under the carport is anything new or just put out for the xmas and new year season.....the crap stays there ALL year round because they drink and carry on ALL YEAR ROUND.....this has been going on for over 10 years, well over a decade.
Or perhaps it was Western Ausralian Police 'just popping by to wish them all a very happy and prosperous Xmas period and New year'......
Or perhaps it was a visit to warn the abo criminals, most of which who never go to the Koongamia primary school across the road from them, a plea to not criminally break-in as happens EVERY YEAR in school holidays, this time perhaps burn down the school after they have torn through the schools tall black barbed wire fence? - A merry xmas warning.......
Endless reasons, endless letdowns, endless let-off's, endless warnings, endless indulgings, endless shit.
I wonder if the newest neighbours of the area will be at the abo's crimnal housheold joining in the drunken/drugged-up festivities as a vain useless way to ingratiate themselves into the 'good books' of the criminal abo's so they too don't become victims of crime? - Or try to bribe them with festive gifts of alcohol? - Or will they stupidly invite the criminal abos into their own homes for any xmas or new year's parties because in reality in any event they're liable to get them whether invited or not, night or day, having a fence or not.
I wonder if that innocent kid from yesterday in a pram will grow up having nightmares for the rest of it's life?
And I wonder, now that the Police have left, who didn't stay long, only minutes, before the criminal aborigials begin their daily shit, of the toddlers on the roads, the roaming abo's walking about constantly coming and going including countless strangers either in cars or on foot, the screaming and yellings, the physical fights and the verbal fights, the ranging all about committing crimes, and the truly countless other shit and criminality that goes on and sources from the abo criminal household and the other abo criminal households all of which are one criminal ghetto.......
This has been going for WELL OVER a decade now, well over 10 years, and continues to grow in severity and expanding.
It's no use wondering. Anything that is imagined is guarenteed not to come about so that when you least expect it, it DOES come about without warning.
For just an tiny short time yesterday, I totally imagined that everthing had been settled with the criminal aboriginals, but it was utter vain wishful thinking. An abo kid was riding (around the criminal abo housheolds and the one that was the scene of the shit last night and today), he was on a pushbike wearing a bicycle helmet. That is unheard of. Maybe he stole it. Maybe it was a 'xmas present' from some nameless authority that serves the abo's......but whatever it was, that was utter vain imaginings of normality and peacefulness which was soon washed away by the crimnality of everything which is the standard mode of life for the criminal abo's and which gives hell to any and everyone inlcuding themselves and destroys lives forevermore.
Tell me I'm not in HELL.
And I am VERY SURE that MORE shit will go on.......it ALWAYS DOES, nonstop, neverending........
False calm.
My internet speed is close to nothing and nonexistent as always now and has been for over 2 years. This text has been prepared offline then uploaded afterwards. And even doing that is a huge struggle to post.
I love you dear Fliss and so want to be with you just as you promised us both. - Both Sam & Max were having AGAIN terrible nightmares in their sleep as they lay on the floor or ocassionally would lay on the bed. This is the hell or these poor dear innocent dogs without you their 'mummy' being with them. All dogs in the entire area suffer as well. That poor chicken that died the other day is finally released from the hell of this hellhole whilst I instead are trapped here unless I can be with you. - I love YOU dearest Fliss and so want to be with YOU just as you promised us both.
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xottzot · 7 years ago
2017-12(DEC)-07th---Thursday--abo criminals AGAIN--I almost attacked by dear Max AGAIN.
2017-12(DEC)-07th---Thursday--abo criminals AGAIN--I almost attacked by dear Max AGAIN.
YOU have absolutely NO IDEA AT ALL of this fucking hellhole....NONE WHATSOEVER. Only your IMAGINED IDEAS WHICH ARE WRONG.
And I only got 2-3 hours (I'm guessing the amount and which may have been less) of terribly broken sleep which I struggled to get any of.
A mini-bus kind of SUV white van was parked all night at Fatguts place. The criminal abo kids were all about and LOUDLY carrying on everywhere even as late as 10pm and onwards. They were using damp, smelly, bed innerspring matresses laying on the street verges and ones they had dragged to there as well, as 'trampolines ' and carrying on like demented crazed apes jumping on them, and roaming all over the dark roads and yelling out. Including the criminal abo toddlers in diapers were jumping all about, being taught by the others.
The main criminal abo household used to have a trampoline of their own. But it was destroyed by their very own criminal abo's, smashed, destroyed, torn & cut up by the criminal abo's. - They then went and stole the trampoline from innocent Ms New Ages place. All that occured months ago. The remains of THAT stolen trampoline was probably thrown out with the Swan Shire council bulk refuse clean up a couple of days ago. That shire service is very handy for the criminal abos all about this hellhole for getting rid of stolen goods.
Dear Sam & dear Max were fed their dry dog food very early this morning, in the 'coolness' of the darkness so they wouldn't have to suffer any daytime heat. Then we went back to bed and sleep though I could not. - Sam had VERY bad nightmares and was LOULDY howling in his sleep a LOT. (dear Sam and dear Max miss you incredibly so much dear Fliss and so do I.)
But around 7:20am, a criminal adult abo woman was louldy yelling, abusing, and carrying on outside, and walking along the footpath and road as she did so. She had a mobile phone to her ear but was continually pulling it away and looking at the screen, then putting it back to her ear again as she walked. She had a handbag slung over her shoulder.
She kept that up all the way along until she reached the criminals pedestrian walkway at the end of Kalara Road, Koongamia, and then went through and onto other criminal abo houses in the suburb of Bellevue there. There is a LOT of criminal abo places in there, and other criminals as well, which the Police know of but of course never let on or warn anyone about or do anything about.
BTW, later in the morning, a fat slob was riding on a pushbike and went to the Koongamia shops area where there is also a liquor store, to get more supplies and shit to booze-up and fuck around. Today it seemed as though 'something' has previously happened and so today he wasn't on his usual unlicensed small motorcycle tearing about ON the roads recklessly and doing the same as he always does.. -- But that is inevitable to occur later in the week, JUST AS IT HAS BEEN GOING FOR YEARS AND YEARS.
Nobody fucking well cares. Hell just keeps repeating.....
I took dear Sam &dear Max outside the backyard for their ablutions. Max began sniffing about Fliss's new car. When I looked, I saw that a disgusting feral cat had pissed all over the back of it...AGAIN. - There are several of these feral cats that the criminal abo's 'dote' over, leave scraps and shit out for them mostly of their own crap which is garbage they throw around on the streets, and these are the same cats which they take 'for walks' making them follow them along footpaths and leading them into innocent peopels yards for the cats to shit & piss everywhere and kill every creature they can find including endangered Australian wildllife including endangered birds.
And so dear Max was sniffing a spot on the car where the feral cat has pissed all over, bringing disease into the yard of this hovel. EVERY YEAR the dogs get very sick from all of that and more and throw up inside and outside this hovel, ALL BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING DAMN FERAL CATS....and the FUCKING CROWS WHO FLY ABOUT AND DROP PIECES OF MAGGOT RIDDLED FLYBLOWN FOOD SCRAPS ANY AND EVERYWHERE SCAVENGED FROM ABO PLACES AND SHITHEADS PLACES WHO DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING OR ANYONE OR LET ALONE ABOUT ANY HYGIENE. (The shire council SO VERY VERY OFTEN THEN instead blames ALL innocent neighbours for ALL the shit that the criminal abo's do. It's fucking CRAZY and the council ALWAYS insists YOU show them proof of all this and so you have to do MORE than show proof....you do so but then the council just does hardly anything, and nothing results...and the same shit just goes on and on and on and on...FOR YEARS AND YEARS......are you getting the idea of this fucking hellhole yet!?)
I got Sam & Max inside after their ablutions, and was preparing to begin some of outside minor work which was going to result in a LOT more pain but there is nobody here to help me at all so I HAVE to do it and forever fucking suffer until it results in my death, a death nobody fucking cares when it occurs.
I had to go back inside the hovel and get something. Suddenly inside, for no reason, Max almost attacked me. He was snarling and growling VERY BADLY and when I say 'almost attacked me', I ONLY escaped being attacked AGAIN and having to go to the doctors purely by chance and barricading myself into a room and shutting the door, NOT because I fliipped a coin or saw a butterfly flitting past and was distracted which saved me.
THIS is what dear Fliss has done to dear Max when she abandoned us.....thrown us into the fucking hell of this hellhole to fucking well die so she can live her high life or whatever it is she imagines.
I eventually managed to get out (with GREAT trepidation), and I did the outside work, suffered SEVERELY by doing it and became more in great pain. (I'm typing this up in great pain and rushing to post it because later I will be laid up totally in agony.)
Whilst outside, one of the criminal abo's of the main criminal aboriginal household, the abo that loves to hide up in trees from Police to avoid arrest & capture, he was roaming all about on a pushbike, going to the Koongamia shops, then returning to an abo criminal household like a criminal feral servant. He did that to 2 or 3 abo criminal households of the abo criminal ghetto.
Earlier in the morning, around 7am, one of the criminal abo kids (a small one but still a very criminal abo kid all about here), he had a backpack on and looked dressed to go to school, (being forced to go to school rather than rampage all about) and he went the nearby Koongamia school across the road. But he simply went towads the Koongamia shops then went around the block before going into Fatguts abo criminal household. It was some time after that the up-in-trees-hiding abo started going all about. - In fact the entire parade of abo criminal shit had begun and was going on. That bitch yelling and walking about with her phone came just afterwards.
Then I had to do some minor but very necessary chores outside in the yard of this hovel, and began preparing to start that. But I'd forgotten something necessary from inside this hovel, and so I went back inside. And THAT was when Max tried to attack me. - It was totally unprovoked as always. And I DID NOT ASSAULT OR BEAT HIM OR HARM HIM IN ANY WAY, BEFORE DURING OR AFTERWARDS. -- But it is NOT ME who is the catalyts for all this shit and never has been.
Around 10:29am.......ANOTHER VERY FUCKING CRIMINAL ABO KID WAS WALKING ABOUT AIMLESSLY. HE WAS DRESSED AND HAD SHOES ON AND LOOKED TO ANYONE WHO DOES NOT KNOW OF HIM TO BE 'NORMAL'......But this abo shithead is the one that in recent times past tried to set fire to the unfenced corner house and who was so very violent and attacked the young boys of Ms New Age's rented place, and cuntless other shit, inlcuding violentally smshing Ms New Age's place leaving severe criminal destructon outside and inside which Police and detectives were called in to try to addresss. -- But of course being 'aboriginal'....and a young boy, depsite no matter how criminal and violent he actually is, he got away with everything just as they always do.
As he was walking along the footpath, going past the newest residents of teh ghetto area, he was actively looking and staring at any and everything of that place no doubnt seeing what he could steal andor smash. Just rememeber that THIS is the criminal abo who tried to set fire to that very house to the shadecloth on the sidegate near the kitchen window, which would have resulted in the entire house burnung down with the innocent inhbitants inside it. -- The newest inhabitants there have ALSO fairly recently put up some (not as much as before) shadecloth for privacy reasons in the exactly same place where he had set fire to the last residents shadecloth and risked the entire house burning down. And back then he KNEW innocent people were in the house too.
I wonder if I am seeing the criminal groundwork being layed for a prelude to yet another reapeat of fucking criminality hell done before in this hellhole area.
Just rememeber EVERYTHING I have ever written and chronicled in this blog, and what I've forecasted that came to be at this aboriginal ghetto and hellhole area. DO NOT GET DISTRACTED.
He walked back from the Kongamia shops area direction abut 14 minutes later empty-handed and walked straight into the main abo criminal household of 3 Kalara Way, Koongamia. Wherever he went afterwards I do not know.
There are objects and things in the innocent unfenced corner household just sitting about in the yard inlcuding chairs and a garden hose and other things. ANY & EVERYTHING as such beforehand was ALWAYS stolen by the criminal aboriginals (as it was from ANY innocent neighbours properties), and it helped to drive out the residents who left there, along with all the constant abo criminality and uncontrolled riots in the street.
Summer hell is coming and is already here.
I cleaned the car of that cat mess on it, and paid very close attention to not having ANY of it upon me because the feral cats carry so much disease. The same horrid stuff that also results in poor Sam and poor Max suffering incredibly bad and having severe vomitting, diarrhoea and everything which also then ravages me.
THAT VERY SAME CAT I saw this morning was going around EVERY PERSONS HOUSE AND YARD AND DOING THE SAME FOULING PEOPLES YARDS AND PROPERTY including the newest residents places ontheor vehicels and front door of the house. They haven't got any idea about this hellhole area. Not any idea at all.
THEN, during the morning that SAME MANGY FERAL DISEASED CAT went from house to house to house by literally casually walking out of one yard, immediately crossing the road, going into another yard, then doing it all over again as it made its way along down Kalara Way and in and out of the criminal aboriginal households.
It's just like the feral criminal abo's themselves that roam about.
I love you dearest Fliss and so want to be with you, just as you promised us both. -- YOU said to me that you could no longer stand all the 'hate on all sides' of this hellhole....well you no NOTHING of how bad it has become. - Currently, one again, the area has a very thin fake veneer or normality about it that people convince themsleves to accept, but it IS just a fake veneer and it's all happened before, and it's beenused by criminals to say, 'duhhhh, dunno what ya talking about....that stuff wasn't done by me or OUR kids! We's good we's are!' - I love you Fliss and so very very much want to be with you, just as you promised us both, and want to be far from this hellhole never ever to suffer thinking about it ever again. - I hope you are okay dear Fliss.
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xottzot · 7 years ago
2017-12(DEC)-04th---Monday (very early morning) of this hellhole REPEATING AGAIN.
2017-12(DEC)-04th---Monday (very early morning) of this hellhole REPEATING AGAIN.
It's been raining. Not proper rain, just miserly drizzling rain that you get wet under but doesn't soak into the ground or anything because it soon evaporates away. Consequentlty the damn heat and humidity from that has risen as has the horrible stench and unbreathability of the air off the roads
I only had 2 hours 'sleep' and even THAT I was rudely awoken from by the huge noise outside with vehicles etc.
Very early this morning, in daylight, (there was no sun because it was all overcast with clouds and lightly drizzling), big garbage trucks and numerous workman of the council (or much more likely just a subcontractor) was rushng all about in the streets of this hellhole making fumes and noise and raucous crap as they 'collected' the annual verge bulk refuse/rubbish (literally all rubbish but but not quite food garbage) from the area for the annual once-a-year-blink-and-you'll-miss-it Swan Shire Council verge collection. (even clothing, but the criminal abo's have previusly been through EVERYONE'S rubbish to grab that stuff for themselves).
2 then 3 big garbage trucks (the last one an open tip truck style, was called in because there because of the HUGE AMOUNTS of crap from the criminal aboriginal households, especially the main criminal household....and all of this DESPITE scavenging people driving aorund and carting away for themselves all manner of crap and so handily vanishing so much from ever being discovered by authorities.
At one point, an abo man (Fatguts?) came out of the olde traditional abo drug dealing criminal household, and he walked across the road to the 'main' criminal household, and he started no doubt ordering that ALL refuse be taken away, including mattresses which has been laying in the streets and totally soaked and filthy long before they were ever taken there. -- But the mattress collecting I think is being done seperately and will occupy yet ANOTHER day of noise in the streets and all about as they're all collected, not just for the abo's house but from all the street verges.
What's SUPPOSED to happen according to the Swan Shire Council, is that you contact the council and they will come along and take any mattresses away at any time. - This of course, the abo's never can accept. The abo's make the rubbish...all rubbish....and simply expect everything to be taken away instantly at the abo's whims.
I wonder if the criminal abo's will DEMAND brand new big trampolines, to replace the matresses used as trampolines, by the criminal abo feral kids and utterly feral abo toddlers-in-diapers? -- If not, they will always get somebody else to.
One resident had a small neat pile of refuse put out yesterday, but suddenly today there also was a dismantled pushbike from the abo criminal household in amongst it. That's a VERY common tactc the abos do, put their crap onto other peoples properties so the abo's can pretend to be innocent of anything. It happened LAST YEAR too. It's only been going for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS.....stuff NOT of any residents materials, but from the criminal abos suddenly and 'mysteriously' overnight being dumped on innocents own street verges.
Usually the pushbikes just get dumped in the streets to force somebody else to deal with them, and to always keep them 'unconnected' from the criminal abo's.
Further along the street was an archery bow (plastic). - THAT has been in the hands of criminal abo's since LAST YEAR (which I even told of in my blog) and may very well have even been the very same one also the year before because criminal abo's constantly hoard material before throwing it onto other peoples piles to disguise the fact the abos had it/stole it/transferred the stolen stuff from one abo criminal household to the next abo criminal household.
If there's any fallout with Police then the clueless innocent neighbours are implicated. It's all planned out and been executed so well that it's always done by he criminals. And Western Australian Police still haven't got a clue and are mystified and shake their heads.
The HUGE and MASSIVE pile of crap on the street verge outside the abo criminal household should have been rejected outright as being far far far beyond ANYTHING of an amount that's allowed. Normal residents actually get fined for doing that and don't have their refuse picked up, but NOT the criminal abo's. They are totally exempt from any and all rules and laws.
One articulated tractor with a scoop with a grasping arm was used to load up the rear scoops of the garbage trucks (just like last year), where the mechanisms were activated, the refuse dragged into the trucks interior and crushed/smashed/destroyed. There is no 'recycling' so don't ever get confused about that concept, and besides, it's not 'traditional' enough for the criminal abo's. Iti's either stolen new or it's them demanding that stuff be delivered to their front doors.....'think of the children!'...is a constant mantra......it should be instead, 'think of our criminal children or we'll unleash them!'.
The workers were going as fast as they could, but still took around half an hour (NON STOP) just to deal with the main criminal households stuff and the allied aboriginal criminal house across the road from there (Fatguts place), and the workers were all working flat out and as fast as they could in drizzling rain. - THAT will give you some idea of how much material there was.
In past years, the MASSIVE AMOUNT of stuff hauled out and away had falsely given the utterly vain belief of desperate hope (that was also perpetuated by Police information), that the criminal abo's were going to be evicted. OF COURSE THAT NEVER HAPPENED. And OF COURSE not only were they NOT evicted despite being so very criminal, the rental house then seemed to become 'owned' by a mysterious owner and so eviction was completely and totally taken out of everyones hands no matter how criminal the abos became....and they DID become so much worse...AND they DID expand into other houses all in the street of Kalara Way Koongamia, Western Australia, thus creating and expanding the abo criminal ghetto into how it exist today but is evermore like a growing virulent dank foetid mould.
The criminal abo house with the massive mountain of material, had all manner of crap piled out there since they had effectively 'emptied out their entire house' and hidden contents. Including...was that a stolen shopping trolley? as well that was collected by the tractor and dumped into the trucks to be crushed and taken away and so once AGAIN this year as has happened EVERY YEAR, removes evidence of how criminal the abos are of that criminal abo household. Ditto for that dismantled bicycle.
The abo crimnal household has had COUNTLESS stolen shopping trolleys over the years......usually they get assigned to be dragged away from there by criminal abos kids and dumped onto other streets to hide the fact which house they had come from or who stole them. This time however, they criminal abo's seemed to not even bother doing that.
Not only does all that stuff FILL 2 trucks, it will ALL be replaced REAL SOON NOW by ANOTHER truckload of household goods trucked in and delivered to the aborigial criminals house(s) front doors. Just remember, all that stuff was only delivered there just a few months ago...(by "Essential Appliance Rentals"), and now it's all been totally thrown away, crushed and destroyed in the back of garbage trucks and taken away, all manner of things including the plastc toys the criminal abo kids and toddlers-in-diapers ride all about on the roads in traffic, the truly endless numbers of pushbikes, and pushbikes put together from numbers of 'obtained' pushbikes which results in hiding their identities by mixing and matching.
ALL this will ALL be replaced and the entire cycle will begin anew AGAIN, because ALL OF THIS HAS HAPPENED EXACTLY BEFORE THIS YEAR, AND HAPPENED LAST YEAR, AND HAPPENED THE YEAR BEFORE.....and has been going on for years and years through other means?
YOU reading this has NO IDEA at all of the scope and breadth of all this, NONE at all. Nor do you have any idea of the abo criminals of all ages about here. Nor do you have any idea of the scope of the criminals of both sexes, with females and women being especially vicious and violent (and murderous?) about here.
They DEMAND total ownership and control over their spawned criminal offspring and any and all truly endless 'relations' they define, all which makes up their 'families', as well as any of the others they draw in. And all become criminal from the toddlers onwards. There are loose 'gangs' created, and that flows on and into adult criminal gangs. The ones who range about and tear about in cars day and night.
By the way, it seems as though an anonymous white minibus calls into the Fatguts criminal abo household and collects an unknown number of criminal children from there, then drives off and transports them to places unknown. Whether it delivers them back again is unknown or they make their own way home there again, doing crime along the away, is also unknown. -- Don't forget Koongamia school for years of education but not high school is literally ACROSS THE ROAD FROM THERE.
The newest neighbours of Kalara Way who recently moved in and have began life as their home, they think that all is well with the criminal aboriginals because there HAS been an apparent marked decrease in the apparent abo riots and crimes in the streets, and it has been in their eyes only that they see 'normal children playing' that is so apparent instead of the criminals that they really are. Criminals that have been criminally smashing and going through their very house entirely and its yard for a LONG time. - The abo criminals know EXACTLY what your place is like inside and out because the abo's have been all the way through it, not just once but countless times as they smashed it countless times by just walking across the road and up the road to you there just a house or two away. As has the other neighbours directly across from you that has no fence and who has already tried to appear to you to be normal and harmless. - COUNTLESS TIMES they were illegally in and through your yard and house...and others.
Hah! - Wait until the 'school holidays' which are very soon.......when the very same abo ones who run around with all the other abo criminals who NEVER EVER go to school....and the innocent new neighbours in that house will be in an onslaught that was responsible for driving the last innocent tenants out of the very house they now live in...and the house next door to them.....and that's not even stating all the other innocent people in the streets who have been driven out of their homes and have left, only to have their very houses taken over by yet more criminal abo's....and it all created the abo criminal ghetto of which the criminal abo's utterly relish and try to demand and lie that is ALL THEIR OWN AND HAS ALWASY BEEN ONLY THEIRS.
Lets see if the innocent neighbours can try to tell themselves that everything is okay...or more likely they will also try at the very least to just dismiss everything as 'oh it's just children, they can't do any harm." -- THAT'S what the previous tenants did to until they realised they were living a lie in hell and nobody in authority cared about them at all, and only cared about the criminals 'welfare'.
And I still wonder if they know their very kitchen window was utterly smashed in (and probably a lot of other house damage) done just DAYS before they moved in to their house? - (the hole in the outside wall done at the same time by criminals is I believe still there but covered up and disguised by garden plant growth to make it seem as if it doesn't exist.)
Will they resort to giving gifts to the criminal children to bribe them to be good around Xmas?
Will they begin to allow the abo childen to play in their unfenced front yard to placate them? - VERY RISKY.
Will they have their vehicles broken into andor damaged or stolen?
All conjecture. But all based on what shit has come before for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS.....
And will their blind faith and trust in Police and authorities be utterly shattered in them trying to do anything or control anything when they see that NOTHING happens to the criminals who are criminal and do crime? - Not just once but time and time and countless times......
The criminals are protected beyond anything you can imagine. ANYTHING.
Just after all that rubbish removal crap above moved on (just before 9am) with all the trucks and everything moving into elswhere in Koongamia.....an ambulance and a police car/van were at the Koongamia shops.
I have no idea what was going on, and nor would anyone ever tell you should you try to ask them. That is just one minor aspect of the shit of this hellhole. Police themselves will NOT let you know ANYTHING if you ask them.
But the Western Australian Police vehicle reversed from being parked at the shops, turned the corner, and suddenly activated it's Police lights and LOUD Police siren. It sped off along Clayton street, past the Koongamia school, and westwards.
The noise of a Police siren drew out abo's from Fatguts criminal abo household, several of them, and they all quickly dashed out of the place. abo men, women, school-aged abo children, toddlers, and they watched the Police car speed by just a little from where they were standing there. - I'm sure they were expecting yet ANOTHER Police raid upon them as happens almost EVERY week and has been going on for YEARS.
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you, just as you promised us both. - Poor Sam has just been having a VERY LOUD nightmare AGAIN, loudly barking then howling in his sleep. Both dogs miss you so utterly much. You have NO IDEA AT ALL. -- Going to lay down now. In a LOT of pain. - I'd first better check the mailbox (there's only ever damn huge utility bills) before the mail is stolen and let poor Sam & poor Max outside for their ablutions again. -- I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you, just as you promised us both.
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xottzot · 8 years ago
2017-2(FEB)-6th to 9th, Monday-to-Thursday-2017--crazy mad criminals on the streets here again.
2017-2(FEB)-6 to 9, Monday-to-Thursday-2017--crazy mad criminals on the streets here again.
I apologise for this amalgamated post. I've had VERY little sleep over the past few days and what I got was constatly being interrupted by events and criminals. -- My internet connectivity has been terrible also.
At 14:58 (2:58pm) an aboriginal male youth on a pushbike, (who has been riding around on the streets all day and has not been to school), (they NEVER go to school), he started very loudly screaming on it on the road.
No bicycle helmet is worn at all.
He became so angry and madly illogically agitated that he jumped off of the bicycle, literally threw it to the road surface, then walked to a nearby large empty wheely rubbish bin, then threw that bin ON TOP OF the pushbike on the road. (all of that was LOUD. Many innocent residents dogs in the neighborhood became distressed and alarmed at the raucous noises and began barking.)
He took a few steps away towards the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD but then turned back and retrieved his bicycle from under the bin. He got on the bicycle and rode straight in through the front gate entrance there to the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD. He deliberalty left the large wheelie bin laying upended on the road on its side ON THE ROAD.
(addition):--that rubbish bin was dragged off the road by someone? sometime later and placed upright with its lid closed on the street verge next to the kerb. But that only lasted minutes because it was again knocked over just afterwards. The aboriginals insists that they have the final determination on any and everything, and therefore that big rubbish bin has layed for days on the vege knocked over. There is NO resident living there at that address, and the aboriginal who stole and used that rubish bin certainly is not ever of a mind to come back until when next it's taken away and illegally used.
Rampant trespassing of 1 Kalara Way goes on every day, in daytime and at night. If startled, the aboriginals either flee into the aboriginal 3 Kalara Way rented household, or hide in the rented 11 Kalara Road property until the Police or whomever has passed. The huge ripped gaps in the fence now allow complete and free and almost totally unhindered access in and out of there. And indeed aboriginals constantly go in and out of that property at the aboriginals will, NOT the persons who live there, who quite often are completely unaware of the aboriginals presence within their own rented yard day or night.
Police actually only a few days ago (on Friday 3-FEB-2017), West Australian Police stopped their marked Police vehicle there on Kalara Way, got out, and were actively talking to aboriginals who were trespassing there all about. Perhaps there is a record somewhere of that incident, or was it all simply passed of by Police as a general 'normal' patrol?
At first you may think that all that was nothing.
But in ADDITION...consider this.....ALL DAY TODAY (Monday), school aged aboriginal youths, (males and females) have been walking and riding bicycles all over the streets here today since at least 7:20am and may very well have been so earlier judging by the noise on the streets. (IT IS A SCHOOL DAY.) Whilst other more responsible children went to school, quietly and responsibly and without any incidents or noise in the normal school times.
Early in the morning, just after 7am, one aboriginal male kid on a bicycle was racing back to the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD whilst LOUDLY yelling as if he was completely mad and on a motorcycle by literally yelling, "mare! mare mare!"....this despite nobody anywhere else being about.
And today, I observed the male children of the 11 Kalara Road corner household gladly and actively mixing in and with any of the the aboriginals or aboriginal adults.
The same rented corner house household which has previously been the target of rampant aboriginal destruction to its fence for months to the point that there is now huge gaping holes in it easily visible from any street.
The same rented corner house household that has seen both its male children beaten up by aboriginals, even right in front of their mother. And their mother also has been the target of hositility from aboriginals.
But apparently (and utterly crazily), all that is 'in the past' and means 'nothing'. So despite all the huge gaping holes in the fence, which the aboriginals have gleefully been using to get in and out of that corner house yard all day, the 2 boys have been running around with aboriginals from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD.
And, the older girl/young woman of that address has been actively engaging in friendly relationships with aboriginals of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD, who she invites and draws up there.
Today they were in the next door propertys' front yard.
And DO please make a note of this....the house there between them is empty of anyone. The aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD drove them away to to stop living there, and so now there is an empty house and land betwen the two. But the aboriginal criminals wantonly invade and trespass that land at any time of the day andor night on and on any day of the week.
And consequently....on Monday the 6-January-2017, a residents rubbish bin was wheeled away on the road from that place and it was taken thru the pedestrian walkway at the end of Kalara Road by an aboriginal adult woman. It appears that she does not even live around the area.
The rubbish bin later 'reappeared' on the verge for collection outside the vacant house where it had been taken/stolen from. And so the council rubbish truck collection which came late about 9am on Tuesday the next day, it picked it up and so emptied it.....even though the contents of that rubbish bin had been filled by aboriginals from another house and put there. -- This is what they do, and have been doing so for many weeks now. (I wonder if the house owners will get a bill for household rubbish bin collection in their rates?)
And whilst the aboriginals who steal that rubbish bin, and use it making it be collected from the council for emptying, the bin is never taken care of afterwards. Even days later after rubbish bin day collection, that rubbish bin is still laying upon the ground where it has been knocked over by aboriginals.
Other big wheely rubbish bins are also in the streets upon the verges next to the road days later. -- Have those ALSO been commandeeered and used by the aboriginals? -- All in Kalara Way around the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD there are rubbish bins not brought in after rubbish collection day on Tuesday, many days ago now. Had they also been commandeered?
Over the past several days, there has been numerous instances across several days of illegal motorbikes (or one illegal unlicensable-for-the-roads motorbike over and over and over again), coming thru the pedstrian walkway at the end of Kalara Road, and then travelling on the roads. It has been if it was 'testing the waters' so to speak seeing if rampant illegal motobikes can once more come flying out on a daily basis. After about 20 minutes or so (sometimes even shorter, sometimes longer), it returns the same way. -- On Sunday that illegal motorbike on its return journey (it had flashed past so quick on the roads on its initial outflow from the pedestrian walkway that it's exit had not been seen, although it's noise was inescapable and loud), and on that small loud bike was a small young child wearing a white fullfaced helmet (far too large for it of course) and holding the handlebars but it was the controlling adult on the same bike crammed snugly upon the seat behidn him that only kept him from falling off. The older person was in control of the motobike. -- So in effect, illegal motorbikes have been tearing out of there for a solid MONTH with only a rare break of a day of so in all that time when they have not come thru there. Instead, I have myself heard on the rare times (because they are too loud) other illegal motorbikes on those days when they have NOT come thru the end of Kalara Road, but have come through from Bellevue (and back agaian), via other pedestrian walkways also from Bellevue into Kongamia, whereby they fly along ON THE ROADS and all throughout Koongamia, Bellevue, Greenmount, and any and all surrounding areas at will. They do that (and een though completely cannot be licensable for road use), by going on roads, then darting across pedestrian only areas into other areas, and thus they shed any following Police vehicle marked or unmarked who cannot follow, or risk vehicle destruction if they try. -- It is all residents who are assailed by all this damned noise. And it almost always brings out a gaggle of aboriginals on pushbikes who take up positions to watch andor watch-out for any Police vehicles. Sometimes it does not but only becauase simply because it is the aboriginals themselves on the motorbikes.
Thursday has not seen aboriginals roaming about so much simply because it is a cold, wet blustery day (sometimes the wind has been almost howling) and almost constantly raining/drizzling from passing weather events.
But that is no guarantee at all for it has been seen in the past year that they care not about getting wet, and indeeed often would gleefully been walking and 'PLAYING' ON THE ROADS in the direct line of innocent traffic.
It seems as though most of the 'toys' that they used to ride upon andor ride 'in' during then have been (temporarily) taken from them (by authorities?) and that is the only thing that have temporarily ceased the activities.
Currently, as of approx 10am Thursday 9-FEB-2017, the roads are clear. The streets seem clear.
Although, today (Thursday-9-Feb-2017) at 10:42 there was aboriginal male kid who came out of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD front gate entrance, then just walked staright into the porperty next door without a care in the world. They do that at any whim, They did that in the past for a solid year or more even though innocent reidents were in that house who wanted nothing to do with them. And since fleeing that house, they live elsewhere without the threat of aboriginals invading wherever they live at any time of the day or night and in any weather.
Going to lay down….dizzy…..weak…… another bad headache……despair……
P.–at 10:50–-9-Feb-2017—I love YOU Fliss and wish to be with you.
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