#stm 16
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boschintegral-photo · 2 years ago
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Horse-Drawn Tram Carriage STM 16 (1891) Spoorwegmuseum (Railway Museum) Utrecht, Netherlands  
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kinokochouchou · 2 years ago
I feel so dumb reading some tech documents from higher departments. like, they'll the hell S13/1[VC4-16/K111#VC4-1/K141]S11/1 means? where can I even check these virtual containers? what the fuck K means? I bet its fucking easy to understand when you're snart and have proper education
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mirabella96 · 3 months ago
Shows I watched or am watching
I think I have to start using mydramalist or stm bc if I am not writing there ep by ep reactions I so easily forget shows it's scary
so little recap for my future self
Time of Fever (good quality, was suprised by the ending; I think I will watch Unintentional Love Story in near future [fun fact I think I read the webtoon yearsss ago])
Perfect 10liners - right now I only watch it bc I like the actors, I really do not like the dynamic Arm and Arc are displaying; but I has how many? 16 ep??
Kiseki: Dear to Me - I was aware the couple with blonde guy was the second couple but I wasn't aware that I haven't seen any gifs or photos of first couple before watching, disproportion was HUGE. as for the show I liked it, I was bit wary/dissapointed at first (like Tumblr made it look better than it actually was; and it wasn't even bc of this mentioned couple thing) but then I was like okey; then I will take amnesia/fake amnesia plot line 100 times just do not give me years later (it kinda does but not in an usual way); and I ended up liking it by the end (I just really wished our main boy was at least first year student; the plot could still work).
Blue Canvas of Youthful Days - I went form one blond boy to another; it's kinda suprising, I really like it, but I am so so so so so SOOO worried it won't end well
Jack&Joker - I am still a firm believer of War can read a telephone book and I will find it fascinating BUT I have so many issues with how this show is utilizing it's run time
Bad Guy My Boss - this one it's just so entertaining but I am not sure in a ways it was intened (or maybe everone involved is aware)
Every You, Every Me - this one is SO interesting; I was supposed to be about soulmates (and i kinda is) but actually is about actors. There are 4 "films" and now we are in actors real live plotline
Fourever You - I like it at first, then I kinda do not get the backstory of Ter and Hill, and right know they are just annoying, I think I do have patience for this type of relationship development but I really wish to see other couples. (And where is the director of this show! with all my love to Pond he has like 2 face expressions; and I know for sure he can do more in therms of acting)
edit: Yeeeee I did forgot one show Love in the Air: Koi!
I do agree that Japanese entourage suits this series better (I haven't even watched all Rain-Phayu eps bc I could not stand Rain but Rei makes more sense; but I have a sad feeling that second couple will not live to theri Thai counterparts quality)
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claudiosuenaga · 8 months ago
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Robert Maxwell iniciou a censura na ciência?
Robert Maxwell (1923-1991), o conhecido magnata judeu checo que se tornou um agente duplo logo após a Segunda Guerra e morreu de maneira misteriosa quando navegava em seu iate, deu início ao seu Império editorial com os apoios financeiros tanto da KGB como do M16.
Objetivo: "controle do conhecimento".
O certo é que nos anos 50, Maxwell já dominava o mercado editorial na área da Ciência, Tecnologia e Medicina por meio de sua Pergamon Press. Curiosamente, Pergamon é o local do trono de Satanás segundo Apocalipse 2:12-13.
Seria esta a origem da sempre crescente censura que se tem verificado na área das publicações científicas em relação a tudo que não esteja alinhado com a "Ciência Oficial"?
Censura essa que atingiu extremos paroxísticos com as narrativas Covid e das mudanças climáticas (antes referidas como aquecimento global).
Por sua vez, a filha de Robert, Ghislaine Maxwell, também se tornou uma empresária de sucesso, já não na área do "controle do conhecimento", mas na área da pedofilia, distinguindo-se como braço direito do pedófilo Epstein, cuja ilha era frequentada, entre outros, por Bill Gates e o Príncipe Andrew.
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Ghislaine, Robert e Betty Maxwell no Festival de cinema de Cannes em 1987. Foto: Steve Wood/Rex/Shutterstock.
Por Gloria Moss and Niall McCrae (em 22 de maio de 2024)
Tradução de Cláudio Suenaga
Fonte: TCW Defending Freedom
A PUBLICAÇÃO de resultados de pesquisas, proposições teóricas e ensaios acadêmicos não é algo gratuito. Tal como demonstrado pelo dogmatismo em torno das alterações climáticas e da Covid-19, os céticos lutam para publicar artigos impressos. O guardião é o sistema de revisão por pares, que as pessoas consideram um processo de triagem para garantir o rigor da literatura científica.
Nem sempre foi assim. Pelo menos até a década de 1950, a decisão de publicar era tomada pelos editores de revistas acadêmicas, que eram normalmente professores eminentes em suas áreas. A revisão por pares, por outro lado, implica que o editor envie um manuscrito anonimizado a revisores independentes que indicam se a submissão deve ser aceita, revisada ou rejeitada, embora o editor tome a decisão final. Isto pode parecer justo e objetivo, mas na realidade a revisão por pares tornou-se um meio de controlo do conhecimento – e como argumentamos aqui, talvez esse sempre tenha sido o objetivo.
Você pode se surpreender ao saber que o instigador da revisão por pares foi o magnata da mídia Robert Maxwell. Em 1951, aos 28 anos, o emigrado checo comprou três quartos da Butterworth Press por cerca de meio milhão de libras em valor atual. Ele a renomeou como Pergamon Press, com seu negócio principal em periódicos de ciência, tecnologia e medicina (science, technology and medicine, STM), todos os quais instalaram o sistema de revisão por pares. De acordo com Myer Kutz (2019), "Maxwell, justificadamente, foi uma das figuras-chave – se não a figura-chave – na ascensão do negócio de publicação de periódicos comerciais STM nos anos após a Segunda Guerra Mundial."
A empresa de Maxwell conquistou outras editoras e sua influência foi enorme. Em 1959, a Pergamon publicava 40 periódicos, aumentando para 150 em 1965. Em 1996, um milhão de artigos revisados por pares haviam sido publicados. No entanto, apesar do aumento dos meios de comunicação, as oportunidades para escritores com análises ou argumentos contrários à narrativa predominante são limitadas. Maxwell foi fundamental para que a revisão por pares se tornasse um regime para reforçar as doutrinas e o poder prevalecentes. Sete anos após o lançamento da Pergamon Press, Maxwell mudou-se para Headington Hill Hall, uma mansão de 53 quartos em Oxford, que alugou da Câmara Municipal de Oxford.
Mas como ele conseguiu adquirir inicialmente a Butterworth Press? Em 1940, Maxwell era um jovem de 16 anos, sem um tostão, de origem judaica, tendo deixado a Tchecoslováquia em busca de refúgio na Grã-Bretanha. Seus talentos linguísticos atraíram os serviços de inteligência britânicos. Em uma missão em Paris em 1944, ele conheceu sua esposa huguenote, Elisabeth. Após o fim da guerra, em 1945, ele passou dois anos na Alemanha ocupada, no Ministério das Relações Exteriores, como chefe da seção de imprensa. Quatro anos depois, sem nenhuma atividade lucrativa em seu nome, esse jovem encontrou dinheiro para comprar uma editora britânica estabelecida. De acordo com Craig Whitney (New York Times, 1991), Maxwell fez da Pergamon um negócio próspero com "um empréstimo bancário e dinheiro emprestado da família de sua esposa e de parentes na América".
Outra pista é dada por um videoclipe da BBC (2022) sobre as ligações de Maxwell com redes de inteligência. Enquanto trabalhava como agente do KGB em Berlim, apresentou-se ao MI6 como tendo "estabelecido ligações com cientistas de renome em todo o mundo". Segundo o jornalista investigativo Tom Bower, "inacreditavelmente, o que ele realmente queria era que o MI6 o financiasse para abrir uma editora". Este ponto é corroborado por Desmond Bristow, ex-oficial do MI6, que afirma que Maxwell pediu ao serviço secreto de segurança para financiar o seu empreendimento. Se foram os serviços de inteligência (britânicos e/ou russos) que financiaram a Pergamon Press, o seu motivo poderia ter sido garantir o controlo do conhecimento após os tremendos avanços da Segunda Guerra Mundial (tais como a física nuclear e as armas de destruição maciça).
A escolha do nome da editora por Maxwell é interessante. O antigo local de Pérgamo era supostamente o local do trono de Satanás (Apocalipse, 2:12), e um cínico poderia sugerir que o sistema de revisão por pares de Maxwell transformaria a ciência do Iluminismo para uma nova Idade das Trevas.
Uma estratégia de Maxwell foi rotular seus periódicos como globais: em vez do paroquial "British Journal of. . ." era sempre "International Journal of..." Em 1991, Maxwell vendeu seu império editorial acadêmico para a editora holandesa Elsevier por £ 440 milhões. Nessa altura, ele tinha alcançado o seu objetivo – e talvez o dos seus patrocinadores secretos – de uma imprensa acadêmica controlada globalmente.
Se uma conspiração de censura parece absurda, consideremos o caso da revista de pensamento crítico Medical Hypotheses. Fundada pelo estudioso britânico David Horrobin em 1975, esta revista publicou ideias novas e radicais sobre saúde que provavelmente seriam rejeitadas pelas revistas convencionais. Um único editor decidia o que publicar, sem painel de revisão. No obituário do British Medical Journal de 2003, Horrobin foi descrito como "uma das mentes científicas mais originais da sua geração".
Em 2009, as Hipóteses Médicas tornaram-se uma causa célebre. Bruce Charlton, que sucedeu a Horrobin como editor-chefe, aceitou um artigo altamente controverso do virologista Peter Duesberg, de Berkeley, que contestou a base do HIV na AIDS e argumentou que o governo sul-africano estava certo em não administrar medicamentos anti-retrovirais a pessoas que sofrem de AIDS porque a ligação HIV-AIDS permaneceu sem comprovação. A publicação causou furor no mundo científico. Cientistas associados aos Institutos Nacionais de Saúde dos EUA ameaçaram remover todas as assinaturas de títulos da Elsevier da Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina. A exigência deles não era apenas que a Elsevier retirasse o artigo, mas também que instituísse a revisão por pares na revista.
Elsevier concordou e dispensou Charlton. Mehar Manku, que o substituiu, garantiu que a revista agora "tomaria cuidado para não entrar em assuntos controversos", o inverso do que Horrobin pretendia. Charlton comentou mais tarde: "A revista que atualmente se autodenomina Medical Hypotheses é uma farsa desonesta e uma caricatura da visão legada pelo fundador, Professor David Horrobin; e, como tal, deveria ser encerrado – e, tendo em conta as tendências atuais, certamente o será."
Consideremos o caso do cientista britânico Rupert Sheldrake, cuja investigação sobre a ressonância mórfica desafiou os princípios fundamentais da ciência normal. Sheldrake foi alvo de intensa hostilidade por parte de John Maddox, editor-chefe da Nature, a revista científica de maior prestígio do mundo. Num editorial infame em 1981, Maddox denunciou o primeiro livro de Sheldrake, A New Science of Life (Uma Nova Ciência da Vida), como um "tratado enfurecedor" e "o melhor candidato para ser queimado que existe há muitos anos". Em 1999, Maddox revisou o livro de Sheldrake, Dogs That Know When Their Owners are Coming Home (Cães que Sabem Quando Seus Donos Estão Voltando para Casa), que apresentava evidências convincentes de poderes psíquicos em pássaros e animais, e declarou: "Rupert Sheldrake é firmemente incorrigível no sentido particular de que ele persiste no erro. Essa é a principal importância de seu oitavo e último livro. Sua principal mensagem é que os animais, principalmente os cães, utilizam a telepatia nas comunicações rotineiras. O interesse deste caso é que o autor era um cientista regular com um doutoramento em bioquímica em Cambridge, até escolher atividades que se relacionam com a ciência, tal como a medicina alternativa faz com a medicina propriamente dita."
Como o leitor perspicaz notará, Maddox joga com o homem e não com a bola, recusando-se, no seu ataque ad hominem, a se envolver com as evidências de Sheldrake. Esta não é uma abordagem científica, mas sim censura ideológica, com a vingança pessoal de "cancelar a cultura". Esse pensamento de grupo opressivo é facilitado pelo sistema de revisão por pares e não é aplicado apenas a teóricos "extravagantes" como Sheldrake.
Conforme explicado em Green in Tooth and Claw (Niall McCrae, 2024), o uso mais significativo de revistas acadêmicas para propaganda é com a agenda ecológica. O consenso supostamente esmagador sobre as alterações climáticas antropogênicas é um mito, uma vez que o número frequentemente citado de 97% dos cientistas foi derivado de quatro estudos, todos eles falhos. A ciência não é uma sondagem de opinião, e uma reformulação apropriada da afirmação seria que 97% dos cientistas acreditam em tudo o que lhes dá financiamento. A revisão por pares tem sido explorada pela indústria farmacêutica. Os medicamentos antidepressivos têm sido consistentemente endossados em revistas médicas desde que o Prozac foi introduzido na década de 1980, apesar da segurança e eficácia duvidosas. O marketing acadêmico dos produtos da Big Pharma atingiu seu apogeu com as vacinas Covid-19.
Para o bem da humanidade, precisamos regressar a um empreendimento científico aberto e objetivo. Tal como muitos desenvolvimentos supostamente progressistas na sociedade, a revisão por pares trouxe mais problemas do que soluções. O fato de ter sido iniciado pela figura desonesta de Robert Maxwell, com financiamento secreto, sugere um design ulterior.
Este artigo foi publicado na Country Squire Magazine em 17 de maio de 2024 e foi republicado com gentil permissão.
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A Rainha Elizabeth II cumprimenta Maxwell e sua filha Ghislaine em 1983. Foto: Bettmann.
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Jeffrey Epstein e Ghislaine Maxwell em 1995. Foto de Patrick McMullan.
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tabieeee · 1 year ago
[ STM anon :]
Headcanon time: So every hardware heads have their own gimmick:Cam- thumbs up Speak- dance(Fortnite dance?? Orange justisce?? How is it called??) Tvs-emoticons and STM clock fancy OK gesture but drill don't have them yet. I hc that drillman fraction(even the titan) in approve would do the The Heart™ gesture like Drillwoman did in ep 16,bc I said so and I will die on this hill
Yeee! That would be adorable!
So far the only common trait I see for the drills is sass cus have you seen how this guy walked in?
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But idk if all of them are gonna do the heart, the lady might have her own gesture. Like the Speakerwoman does clapping (and so does TSpeak apparently) but the others don't
Soooo could mean that Drillwoman and TDrill do the heart while the rest of the bois are yet to show what their gesture is ;pp
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mostlysignssomeportents · 9 months ago
This day in history
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TOMORROW (May 17), I'm at the INTERNET ARCHIVE in SAN FRANCISCO to keynote the 10th anniversary of the AUTHORS ALLIANCE.
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#15yrsago How kids use the net now, from danah boyd https://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2009/05/16/answers_to_ques.html
#15yrsago Danger Mouse’s EMI-killed CD will be released as a blank CD-R, just add download https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8053471.stm
#15yrsago Chicago Alderman vandalizes public art depicting CCTVs https://web.archive.org/web/20090520083519/http://www.chicagopublicradio.org/Content.aspx?audioID=34234
#10yrsago Cloud computers are computers you can only use with someone else’s permission https://memex.craphound.com/2014/05/16/cloud-computers-are-computers-you-can-only-use-with-someone-elses-permission/
#10yrsago Photo of NSA technicians sabotaging Cisco router prior to export https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/photos-of-an-nsa-upgrade-factory-show-cisco-router-getting-implant/
#5yrsago Watch: Tim Wu debates trustbusting with Tyler Cowen, who just wrote “a love letter” to Big Business https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_Jp-GJ9LM0
#5yrsago A report from the Christchurch Call, where the future of “anti-extremist” moderation was debated at the highest levels https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/05/christchurch-call-good-not-so-good-and-ugly
#5yrsago Lent: Jo Walton’s new novel is Dante’s Groundhog Day https://www.latimes.com/books/la-ca-jc-review-jo-walton-lent-20190516-story.html
#5yrsago EPA Inspector General Report finds massive waste from Trump’s Pruitt flying business class, staying in swanky hotels https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2019-05/documents/_epaoig_20190516-19-p-0155.pdf
#5yrsago Under Trump, immigrants who serve in the armed forces are finding it harder to attain citizenship than those who do not serve https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article230269884.html
#5yrsago California set to legalize eating roadkill https://www.kqed.org/science/1941435/eating-roadkill-is-illegal-in-california-but-maybe-not-for-long
#5yrsago Florida Governor says the FBI told him how the Russians hacked Florida voting machines, but swore him to secrecy https://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2019/05/14/which-florida-counties-had-election-hacks-russians-fbi-and-now-gov-ron-desantis-all-know-but-we-dont/
#5yrsago Grifty “information security” companies promised they could decrypt ransomware-locked computers, but they were just quietly paying the ransoms https://memex.craphound.com/2019/05/16/grifty-information-security-companies-promised-they-could-decrypt-ransomware-locked-computers-but-they-were-just-quietly-paying-the-ransoms/
#5yrsago Luna: Moon Rising, in which Ian McDonald brings the trilogy to an astounding, intricate, exciting and satisfying climax https://memex.craphound.com/2019/05/16/luna-moon-rising-in-which-ian-mcdonald-brings-the-trilogy-to-an-astounding-intricate-exciting-and-satisfying-climax/
#1yrsago Rent control works https://pluralistic.net/2023/05/16/mortgages-are-rent-control/#housing-is-a-human-right-not-an-asset
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rowomoto · 1 year ago
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Die MV Agusta F3 800 ist von Werk ab mit einer Anti-Hopping-Kupplung ausgestattet. Das ist vom Prinzip her sehr gut und nach einem Upgrade zum Blipper auch elementar, denn ohne Anti-Hopping-Kupplung (im folgenenden: AHK) wird es ungemütlich auf der Kanonenkugel. Doch bereits in meiner ersten Saison begann das bis dahin nicht vorhandene Thema Kupplung immer öfter an Gewichtung zu gewinnen und mir die ein oder andere Sorgenfalte mehr zu verschaffen. Denn die originale AHK hat im Rennstreckenbetrieb einen gehörigen Nachteil: hoher Reibscheibenverschleiß. Schon nach 3 Wochenenden auf der "Renne" war die Kupplung am Ende und am Durchrutschen. Mehrere Versuche mit dünneren Stahlscheiben und dafür einer Reibscheibe mehr, verstärkte Kupplungsfedern oder die schmalere Reibscheibe durch eine volle Reibscheibe ersetzen, brachten auch im Jahr darauf keine Besserung. Zu allem Überfluss musste ich 2016 ein Rennen in Oschersleben aufgeben, da die Kupplung ihren Dienst versagte. Die Stimmung war am Tiefpunkt.
Nachdem ich 2017 ein Jahr Rennstreckenpause einlegte und sogar im Straßenbetrieb bergauf die Kupplung mit rutschen begann, war das Maß voll und ich besorgte mir eine Suter-Kupplung. Das Teil war nicht billig aber ich bin von der Funktion überzeugt. Für mich kam nur eine Kupplung mit Tellerfedern und ohne Spiralfedern in Frage. Deshalb beschränkt sich die Auswahl auf STM oder eben Suter. Letztere sind mir in dem Fall sympathischer, da die Funktionsweise der Suter-Kupplung für mein Verständnis optimaler ist und das Ausrücken der Druckplatte generell die bessere Lösung darstellt. Bei der herkömmlichen AHK wird immer der Kupplungskern ausgerückt. Somit begann im Juli 2017 der Umbau auf eben diese Kupplung vom schweizer Hersteller.
Die erste Überraschung zeigte sich bei der Demontage der originalen Kupplung, die übrigens vom japanischen Hersteller F.C.C. stammt - einem der weltweit größten Erstausrüster von Motorrad-Kupplungen. Der Kuppungskern verfügt auf der Rückseite über Kegelrollen, welche über die Rampen auf dem Gegenstück für das Ausrücken sorgen. Hier sind eigentlich Kugeln gängig. Aber gut. Über die Funktion der AHK an der MV konnte ich mich nicht beschweren. So lange Belag drauf war, verrichtete sie ihren Dienst. Desweiteren fiel mir auf, dass der Kupplungskern der Suter-Kupplung über mehrere und größere Ölbohrungen verfügt. Gut möglich, dass auch das für ein längeres Reibscheiben-Leben sorgen kann.
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Bevor die Kupplung montiert wird, muss das Funktionsprinzip verstanden werden. Dafür ist die Stückliste der Kupplung sehr hilfreich, die bei Suter übrigens online frei verfügbar ist: Link Suter hat hier eine clevere Lösung erarbeitet und kann mithilfe der Schrauben, welche die Druckplatte montieren, das Ausrückverhalten der AHK beeinflussen. Überhaupt gibt es zwei Faktoren, die an der Suter die Wirkweise der Kupplung maßgeblich steuern: Die Härte der zentralen, kleinen Tellerfeder (Torque Limiter Spring [8]) und der Abstand der Druckplattenschrauben [17]. Letzterer kann über die mitgelieferten und unterschiedlich starken U-Scheiben [16] angepasst werden. Je mehr U-Scheiben man montiert, desto später rückt die Kupplung ab und trennt den Kraftschluss. Wenn man sich die Stückliste mit dem Querschnitt der Kupplung anschaut, versteht man das Prinzip relativ gut. Ein Austausch der Tellerfeder [8] beeinflusst hingegen, bei welcher Kraft die Kupplung mit Arbeiten beginnt. Eine zu weiche Feder setzt dem Sekundärtrieb zu wenig Kraft entgegen und darunter leidet schließlich die spürbare "Motorbremse" am Hinterrad, da die Kupplung zu zeitig in den Anti-Hopping-Modus übergeht. Auf der Straße ist das angenehm aber auf der Rennstrecke kontraproduktiv, denn das Bremsmoment des Hinterrrades wird hier zur Verzögerung benötigt. Im Falle der F3 800 habe ich die härteste der 3 mitgelieferten Federn mit 1300N montiert und bin damit absolut glücklich. Die Feder mit 1100N war für meinen Geschmack zu weich. Wer hier experimentieren möchte, für den hat Suter im Online-Shop ein Repertoire an Tellerfedern zur Auswahl.
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Noch ein Thema zur Montage: Die Suter-Kupplung ist für beide F3's bestimmt, also F3 800 und F3 675. Deshalb muss für die F3 800 eine Reibscheibe und eine Stahlscheibe geopfert werden, damit die Paketstärke der Kupplung passt. Für die F3 800 empfehle ich entgegen der Suter-Teileliste, die halbe Reibscheibe mit den Ringfedern und dem Federhaltering zu entfernen. Das wird übrigens auch von TSS bei deren AHK genau so empfohlen: Link zur TSS-Montageanleitung. Für die Funktionsweise der Kupplung konnte ich überhaupt keine negativen Auswirkungen, weder auf der Straße, noch auf der Rennstrecke erfahren. Demzufolge ist es mit der Suter-Kupplung empfehlenswert nur noch volle Reibscheiben zu montieren.
Deckel zu und auf zur Probefahrt
Erste Erkenntnis: Was für ein Schleifpunkt und was für ein geschmeidiges Anfahren. Mit der originalen Kupplung war das so definitiv nicht möglich. Mit der Suter hat man tatsächlich das Gefühl, mit der linken Hand sprichwörtlich alles gefühlvoll in der Hand zu haben. Butterweich kuppelt es ein. Kein rucken, zucken, haken oder das Gefühl, kurz vorm Abwürgen des Motors zu sein, was sich noch später auf der Rennstrecke deutlich positiv bemerkbar machen sollte. Beim Runterschalten mit Blipper verrichtet die Kupplung unauffällig ihren Dienst, so wie es allerdings auch schon die F.C.C.-Kupplung tat. Jedoch der Verschleiß bleibt aus! Im Jahr 2018 fuhr ich mit der 2017 montierten Kupplung 8 Tage Rennstrecke und dabei 5 Rennen. Alles mit einem Satz Reib- und Stahlscheiben. Das Kupplungsspiel am Hebel blieb konstant, was keinen bis kaum Verschleiß bedeutet. Und das, obwohl ich eine Reibscheibe und eine Stahlscheibe weniger montiert habe. Verrückt, oder? Nach den Erfahrungen mit der originalen AHK ist das wahrlich ein Grund zur Freude. Leidensgenossen werden das nachvollziehen können.
Deshalb von mir eine ganz klare Empfehlung für die Suter-Kupplung.
Und wer jetzt vermutet, dass es sich hierbei um einen bezahlten Beitrag handelt, der irrt gewaltig. Ich habe alles normal gekauft, bezahlt und berichte jetzt aus meinen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnissen. Das Thema Kupplung ist mit dem Original der F3 leider extrem verbesserungswürdig. Jedem Rennstreckenfahrer würde ich den Wechsel auf eine Suter-Kupplung ans Herz legen.
Zum Abschluss noch zwei Hinweise: Die Stahlscheiben der Ducati-Trockenkupplungen passen 1A auf den Kern der MV und die Reib- und Stahlscheiben der Aprilia RSV4 passen ebenfalls exakt in die Kupplung der F3. Demzufolge würde ich behaupten, dass auch die Aprilia über eine Kupplung von F.C.C. verfügt.
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phthalology · 2 years ago
3, 16, 21?
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? Shoot the Moon (Eris/Toland)
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
Usually at the very end! Or I see a bit of text and file it away until a fic matches it. I've probably chosen titles every way there is, but generally I come up with titles at the very end or the very beginning.
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
I deleted two chapters from STM because there wasn't enough urgency or a clear enough route to the rest of the plot. Truth be told I don't do this often, but STM 1.0 is a very obvious example
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onlinenews24-7 · 8 days ago
Canon's new RF16-28mm is a less expensive F2.8 zoom
When you use DPReview links to purchase products, the site may earn commission. Image: Canon Canon has announced the RF 16-28mm F2.8 IS STM, a fast wide-angle full-frame zoom that’s a more budget-friendly option for those looking to shoot photos and video. The lens is light and compact, coming in at the same size and weight as its brother lenses RF 28-70mm F2.8 IS STM, The 16-28mm is clearly…
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thephoblographer · 12 days ago
Canon Drops a New Wide Angle RF Lens, but Can it Beat the L-series?
Canon surprised its users with a new launch this morning. After opening its gates to third-party lens manufacturers, the company is now in a bid to compete with them with its latest wide-angle zoom lens: 16-28mm f2.8 IS STM. Per its release, the lens has been revealed to cater to the needs of “modern content creators,” meaning that it’s for both video and stills. Here’s a look at what it has to…
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digitsland · 12 days ago
Canon's new RF 16-28mm F2.8 wide-angle zoom lens has impressed me, but I'm not sure we need it.
It’s a wide-angle zoom lens designed for full-frame cameras like the Canon EOS R8. Typically a design like the RF 28-70mm F2.8 IS STM List price £1,249 – we’ll confirm US and Australian prices soon Canon It unveiled its latest wide-angle zoom lens for full-frame mirrorless cameras, the RF 16-28mm F2.8 IS STM, and I got a good feel for it during a session run by Canon ahead of its launch. . It…
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newspagesonline · 12 days ago
Canon's new RF 16-28mm F2.8 wide-angle zoom lens impressed me, but I'm less convinced we need it
The new Canon RF 16-28mm F2.8 IS STM ultra-wide zoom lens is a smaller and cheaper alternative to Canon’s pro L-series lenses, ideal for enthusiast cameras like the EOS R8.The new Canon RF 16-28mm F2.8 IS STM ultra-wide zoom lens is a smaller and cheaper alternative to Canon’s pro L-series lenses, ideal for enthusiast cameras like the EOS R8. Read MoreTech
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jamieroxxartist · 2 months ago
Today in Pop Culture History: Dec 16, 2004, Gold and silver #BlackSabbath discs were stolen from the Kent home of #OzzyOsbourne's former manager #PatrickMeehan. Police recovered the discs a week later after they were offered for sale on the internet auction site #eBay.
( http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/kent/4101481.stm )
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govindhtech · 3 months ago
Final Cut Pro 11 Starts A New Mac Video Editing Chapter
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Apple released Final Cut Pro 11 today, which is packed with strong improvements for Final Cut Pro for iPad, Final Cut Camera, and Logic Pro, as well as clever new features. Final Cut Pro 11 for Mac allows spatial video projects to be imported, edited, and delivered straight to Apple Vision Pro, along with new features like Magnetic Mask and the much awaited Transcribe to Captions.
Enhance Light and Color support, new Live Drawing inks, haptic feedback, even more built-in material, such as color-grading presets and dynamic soundtracks, and other significant workflow enhancements are just a few of the ways that Final Cut Pro for iPad 2.1 enhances the touch-first editing experience. The user-friendly professional recording program for iPhone, Final Cut Camera 1.1, now supports 4K 120 fps recording on the iPhone 16 Pro, allows you to use a preview lookup table (LUT) while recording, and allows you to capture log-encoded HEVC video for lesser file sizes. Additionally, Logic Pro for Mac 11.1 and Logic Pro for iPad 2.1 integrate a new Quantec Room Simulator plug-in to enhance songwriting, beat-making, producing, and mixing.
The App Store now offers the latest versions of Final Cut Pro 11 for Mac and iPad, Final Cut Camera, and Logic Pro for Mac and iPad.
Final Cut Pro 11 and Logic Pro are quicker and smarter than ever with the power of Apple silicon and cutting-edge machine learning capabilities. With improved color grading masking, incredible sound processing, and more workflow agility and efficiency, these new improvements provide creative pros with additional stylistic interpretations to experiment with.
Final Cut Pro 11
With features like spatial video editing, the much-anticipated Transcribe to Captions feature that offers quick and precise closed captions, the robust and user-friendly Magnetic Mask, and a number of time-saving tools and workflow enhancements, Final Cut Pro 11 makes the most of Apple’s M-series chips.
AI-Powered Features
Magnetic Mask and Transcribe to Captions are two brand-new AI-powered features available to editors in Final Cut Pro 11. Without a green screen or more laborious rotoscoping, editors may quickly separate individuals and objects in a video clip with Magnetic Mask. More customization options for backdrops and surroundings are made possible by this strong and accurate algorithmic analysis. In order to properly manage and style every project, editors may now combine Magnetic Mask with color correction and video effects. Additionally, Transcribe to Captions uses a big language model developed by Apple to transcribe spoken audio, allowing closed captions to be automatically created in the timeline.
Together with other AI-powered capabilities made available by Apple’s Neural Engine, Magnetic Mask and Transcribe to Captions include:
Smart Conform makes it simple to create square or vertical project versions that are social media-friendly.
To automatically enhance a video or still image’s color, color balance, contrast, and brightness, choose Enhance Light and Color.
For the best movement, use Smooth Slo-Mo to create and combine video frames, including 4K120 fps video from an iPhone 16 Pro.
Voice Isolation reduces background noise from field-captured audio while improving speech and sound levels.
Spatial Video Editing for Apple Vision Pro
With Apple Vision Pro, customers may record and replay life’s priceless moments using spatial video. With the addition of spatial video editing capabilities in Final Cut Pro 11, editors may now import their footage, apply effects, adjust color, and add titles to their projects. During the editing process, titles and recorded video may also have their depth positions changed. Direct recording of spatial video clips is possible with Vision Pro, the iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 16, and Canon’s new RF-S7.8mm F4 STM DUAL lens in conjunction with the Canon R7.
Users may examine the left- and right-eye angles on their Mac display by selecting from a variety of viewing modes. Additionally, they may import their edit into Apple Vision Pro using Mac Virtual Display, which enables them to create a massive, private, and portable display that is perfect for intricate processes. Users will be able to enlarge Mac Virtual Display to a new panoramic scale later this year, resulting in a huge 32:9 ultra-wide curved display that is comparable to two 5K displays placed side by side. Users may watch spatial films instantly on Vision Pro, export them straight to their Photos collection, or share them with others by uploading them to the native Vimeo app for visionOS.
Timesaving Features, Blazing Speeds, and Pro Creative Tools
Advanced editing capabilities in Final Cut Pro assist further optimize creative operations and save time:
A trackless method of editing video, Magnetic Timeline provides a smooth way to cut and edit a production. Editors may easily add and rearrange clips, making changes while maintaining perfect synchronization between audio and video.
Users may move between shots while a project is playing back and rapidly sync several views using multicam editing. Additionally, users may move clips and change the timeline’s display using additional keyboard shortcut options.
Editors can add playback effects, share their work with others at lightning speed, and play back additional streams of 4K and 8K ProRes video at full quality with optimizations for Apple hardware.
With improved proxy tools, editors may produce a lightweight version of their library, reducing file sizes to further reduce transfer times.
Compressor allows editors to import previously stereoscopic film to reformat and connect with spatial video footage for an integrated editing experience, as well as establish custom export settings to publish file types for their job.
Motion can create gorgeous 2D and 3D titles, generators, and advanced visual effects in Final Cut Pro.
Final Cut Pro for iPad 2.1
Favorite features are added to the touch-first editing experience in Final Cut Pro for iPad 2.1. Enhance Light and Color, powered by Apple silicon, is a clever method that optimizes SDR, HDR, RAW, and log-encoded data and allows you to easily increase color, color balance, contrast, and brightness in still photographs or videos. Users will experience a gentle pulse as they move media, trim clips, explore the timeline, and resize viewer clips to snapping points with haptic feedback for the Apple Pencil Pro and Magic Keyboard.
The ability to dynamically change the viewer’s size and position in Picture in Picture mode, a new vertical pinch gesture that can increase or decrease clip height in the timeline, and timeline support for recordings at 90, 100, and 120 frames per second on the iPhone 16 Pro are additional significant workflow enhancements.
With expressive new watercolor, crayon, fountain pen, and monoline pen choices, users can add even more animations to films using new inks for the iPad’s Live Drawing function. Additionally, new modular transitions, color-grading presets, dynamic soundtracks, and the capability to effortlessly highlight and overlay images using Picture in Picture and Callout effects are added to the content collection.
Final Cut Camera
For both novice and experienced filmmakers, Final Cut Camera 1.1 offers user-friendly pro controls. The upgrade allows users to record Log-encoded HEVC video in standalone or Live Multicam sessions, allowing them to benefit from smaller file sizes and even longer recording times while using Log’s incredible dynamic range. Additionally, users may activate a LUT preview in Log when recording with Final Cut Camera, displaying the original scene’s vibrancy in SDR or HDR using the Apple Log LUT. For even more fluid cinematic slow motion, users may capture stunning and clear 4K 120 fps video with the iPhone 16 Pro, upload it into Final Cut Pro for iPad, and start editing.
Roll and tilt indications in a new advanced level assist users in accurately composing pictures, while Final Cut Camera adds a crosshairs indicator for top-down views.
Logic Pro for Mac 11.1 and Logic Pro for iPad 2.1
Songwriting, beat-making, production, and mixing are all enhanced by Logic Pro for Mac and iPad, which also works well with Final Cut Pro editors. The new Quantec Room Simulator plug-in, which was developed using the original schematics, algorithms, and code of Quantec founder and inventor Wolfgang Buchleitner, enhances that experience even further. It lets users access the renowned sound of the most acoustically accurate reverb ever produced. Customers may choose between the current Quantic Yardstick for enhanced clarity and detail or the classic Quantec QRS to offer organic acoustic space to music while maintaining sound character. For video editors who want to include realistic-sounding locations into dialogue, foley, and music, the Quantec QRS technology is an excellent tool.
Users may move channel strips about using Reorder Mixer Channels, and they can even choose several channel strips to reorder them all at once. Users of Logic Pro for Mac may now search by category, business name, or even a portion of a plug-in name to make it simpler to locate and add any plug-in directly using a keyboard command. Additionally, Logic Pro for iPad adds Sample Folders, which allow users to access their own sample collection via iCloud Drive, external storage, and the built-in Sound Browser on the iPad.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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globalresourcesvn · 4 months ago
Ra mắt ốp lưng STM Roll Spin MagSafe cho iPhone 16 series
STM Goods, một thương hiệu hàng đầu của Úc nổi tiếng với các loại túi và phụ kiện sáng tạo dành cho thiết bị điện tử tiêu dùng, đã ra mắt Roll Case cho iPhone 16. Chiếc ốp lưng này là một phần của Bộ sưu tập Focus, bao gồm cả ốp Relax và Reawaken, hiện nay có sẵn trên toàn cầu và ở Ấn Độ. Roll Case mang đến trải nghiệm độc đáo gợi nhớ đến fidget spinner. Mỗi vòng quay giúp người dùng thư giãn và…
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tabilist · 8 months ago
【東京】恵比寿「たつや 駅前店」
【一流料理人さん!休日食べる激うまメシ教えてください】#笠原将弘 #賛否両論 料理人の原点!父の味『たつや 駅前店』2024/6/16放送 東京都渋谷区恵比寿南1-8-1 STM恵比寿ビル 1F #特番 #チョコレートプラネット #あの #神田愛花 #早見沙織 #下野紘 #日曜ビッグバラエティ 詳しく見る↓
恵比寿駅「たつや 駅前店(1F)」 食べログでcheck! 1976年創業の老舗焼き鳥店 赤提灯と暖簾が灯る店内は、昭和レトロな雰囲気でどこか懐かしさを感じさせてくれ流お店 がつ刺し 440円 住所 東京都渋谷区恵比寿南1-8-1 STM恵比寿ビル 1F TEL 03-3710-7375
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