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I literally could not stop taking selfies of my Watermelon Garak so here's these
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larkistin · 6 years
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I‘m still very sick, but I need to distract myself. So I took some of my beloved pencils in hand and guys, you have no idea how much joy it is to be working on this one. ❤️
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theadmiralslegion · 6 years
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A couple of sweet photos of Jayne at STLV, 2018.
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mycelialmatters · 6 years
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[Talking about what you have to do to retain your lines] Matt.M: ...Plus you sort of know as an actor what is in your head when you're saying these things. Wilson.C: Right yeah, I know nothing, lets just put that out there. Matt.M: You know how to do some sit-ups, bro. WIlson.C: [Clicks tongue] That's not all [Looks at Anthony] Anthony.R [Jumps up alert] Mary.W: That' is so spicy Wilson.* WIlson.C: ...Sorry there are children in the audience
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*It's a little unclear what Mary says here exactly due to a loud crowd. ________________________________________________________
Bonus: Mary and Shazad’s reactions. 
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edosianorchids901 · 6 years
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Got to meet Andy Robinson!! He is absolutely lovely and so very sweet ❤️
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lorcastightpants · 6 years
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Some deliciousness from #STLV hot off the presses!
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mkkstartrek · 6 years
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Andrew Robinson is a wonderful and very kind man - I want that stated again in my blog!  I’ve known him as a fan for about 25 years, and for all this time he’s been kind and attentive to me every time I meet him again.  I’ve been having a little issue with some nervous twitching around one eye, hard to control in photos, and yet when I had opportunities to talk with him, the issue almost magically disappeared (he told me to do just what his theater students were told to do, which is to remember to BREATHE!!)
He’s very welcoming to all fans, of every age and every background - and he knows he’s been the subject of many, many stories, but when I’m around him, I keep to a strict “don’t tell” policy - I really don’t think he has any idea of how I’ve beaten up on poor Garak on occasion, although I admit that Bashir is more fun to pick on!  I never reveal anyone’s posts or names, but I AM happy to report that I tell him about Tumblr and my blog of photos, and also about how the newer fans (newer than I am, that is) love the show and are thrilled to meet him.  So any of you who post about him, be aware that HE MIGHT KNOW! :-)
At the same time, he’s not too dramatically tech-savvy - last time I saw, he had a flip phone (like I do!)  And I showed him my YouTube channel of convention videos but I really don’t know if he goes and watches them... 
Two little tidbits from the conversations I was lucky enough to have with him last weekend at the convention: he doesn’t gamble.  He said he won’t give the casino a NICKEL.  Big contrast to Marc Alaimo, who I know DOES do that.  Casey Biggs too!  And, second, the “Vegas” episode where he’s basically re-doing Scorpio in Dirty Harry was the job that probably made him decide to finally quit acting - although he did love Robert Urich.  (I actually like that episode, though - he has more of a vulnerability in it that’s very touching.) 
I committed a faux pas when the subject of the X-Files came up and I adamantly proclaimed that I only ever watched two episodes of it, the two-parter with Michael McKean (I love him in that and have seen those repeatedly.)  But - DUH - ANDY WAS IN AN X-FILES!!!  Which *he* had to remind me of!!  <smacks forehead>  Of *course* I saw and recorded that one too - I hope he believed me!!
I so hope he returns next year to this.  Rene Auberjonois thinks this convention might be his last - I asked him to reconsider, but he doesn’t like Creation (who does?) or Vegas, for that matter.  But maybe he’ll change his mind.  I do think Andy thrives even more on the interaction with all of us, enough to overcome any negative things - I hope so!!
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muldyfi · 6 years
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Star Trek Las Vegas 2018 fangirling with @emmikamikatze 
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boldlygoingtodie · 6 years
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Damar drinking with a disappointed vorta. @guljerry @spookylemonsesquire
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emmikamikatze · 6 years
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Meeting Kate Mulgrew in person has been one of my dreams since 1996 when I first saw my childhood idol #KathrynJaneway appear on screen. #KateMulgrew has accompanied me through many of my formative years and I like to believe that I'm a better person for it. Thank you for giving me my greatest female role model in the form of a certain starship captain and thank you for being a female role model in many aspects of life as yourself! Although the whole process of the autographs and photo op sessions was very rushed and impersonal, it was great seeing Kate Mulgrew in person. I'm hoping to return to #STLV soon, but even if not, this will forever be a fond memory! #startrek #startrekvoyager #OITNB #CaptainJaneway #captainkathrynjaneway #femalerolemodel #feminism #icon #idol #stlv2018 #startrekcosplay #lasvegas #startrekconvention #startreklasvegas #ohcaptainmycaptain (hier: Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino)
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startrekratpack · 6 years
Star Trek Rat Pack at STLV 2018
STLV 2018 has happened and Star Trek Rat Pack as usual did a terrific job of closing it. Here’s a couple of videos and photos from the event. 
Casey tells us an important stuff about himself.
Jeffrey is confused by his complicated inner life.
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Ira knows what’s what. Source: @DS9Doc
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Guys are ready to rock. Source: Justin Oser (read the rest of the twitter thread for some amazing videos from Justin!)
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Jeffrey loves his fans (the feeling is mutual!). Source: TrekRadio
If you’ve attended STLV 2018 Rat Pack show and have photos, or videos, or stories to share, this blog is open for submissions! \V/
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More Masaka bc :/ me.
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larkistin · 6 years
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And here‘s sketch Nr. 2 with more STLV fun. What an honour to draw these two inspiring human beings together. My heart almost exploded seeing them together. ❤️ Not decided yet if it‘s gonna be coloured or b&w.
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theadmiralslegion · 6 years
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“I said, scream!!” And with that Chieffo and Brook gave fans a makeup-free and costume-less reenactment of the great screaming match between L’Rell and Cornwell. (startrek.com)
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mycelialmatters · 6 years
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[Talking about how After Trek allowed to delve deeper into little details of Discovery]
Matt.M:, What the hell was that thing that floated down and landed on... (we didn't really address that), But, uh..
Anthony.R:[Nods pointing to Mary]
Matt.M: We will get to that.
Anthony.R:We're going to find out some things about that.
[Mary.W and Anthony.R wink conspicuously to each other]
Source (x)
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pixiedane · 6 years
Here’s audio of the panel I was on with Mary Chieffo (plus Amy Imhoff, Brooke Wilkins, and Grace Moore) as well as an interview I conducted with Nicole deBoer. 
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