#stir fried intestine
troubled-tums · 9 months
I never learn my lesson 🥲 Gave myself wicked bubble guts from cabbage again. Saw some beautifully green cabbage at the supermarket and couldn’t resist - bought half a head. Stir fried it with some noodles. Tasted pretty good, but my tummy has been fucked since yesterday. Started hurting and being gassy after dinner, continued being achy and upset today, and I still have one serve of noodles to go… I had to go relieve myself four times today. The last time was just gas, but the first three did hurt. My tummy started cramping and I really let go of some diarrhea that was burning my belly up from the inside. Took it easy for dinner and had some sandwiches, but my intestines are still growling and rumbling with gas. I really need someone to rub my tummy and make me feel better.
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calidrisminuta · 1 year
Orsterran Cuisines (from CotC)
OK! Finally done! Since I’m attempting to write again - and my next writing project has a foodie theme - I’ve been checking all the NPC dialogue in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent for mentions of cuisines, dishes, foods, rare ingredients, or anything connected to cooking. Some of the Memoirs mention food, too, so I included them as well.
It was quite fruitful, really! A lot of towns don’t make mention of food at all (Theatropolis, Rippletide, Berecain, Sufrataljah, Donescu, Clearbrook, Victors Hollow, Flamesgrace or Emberglow), but there are some really nice ones in various places, mostly in Valore and Grandport. I can only check from my current point in the story (which is up to date as I type this post), but I’ll be checking in future in case any more get added.
On to the list, then! I’m not used to Tumblr, so apologies if it’s not formatted correctly.
Atlasdam: Crimson Crab Pie (Capable Culinarian), and River Fish (Liquor-Loving Fisherman)
Grandport: Stewed Fish with Quatrait (Mentioned in bio of Woman from Quaragosa)
Also Grandport: Mossy Cave tortoise garden salad, Giant Sheep a la tomato stew, River Bean Vichyssoise, and White Grape Muffins, all mentioned by the Fastidious Housewife.
Shepherds Rock: Sheep’s milk cheese and grape wine (Jocular Soldier)
Sunshade: Cactus Cocktail (Tavern Patron Comparing Drinks, Working Dancer)
Valore: Raisins (Long-time Resident), Powder that “Tastes really good on chicken” (Powder Seller), Crushed Nuts (Ruffian Chef), and Rosso’s Favourite Powder “Valorian Mustard, and the Sunlands legendary Sufra Masala” (Rosso)
And finally I’cirlo: Alpaca dishes (Tavern Keeper)
There’s also a couple from the Memoirs: Steamed shellfish, using the leftover juice to make a soup (Trish and Barrad memoir)
Plounder Carpaccio, Saucy Shrimp,  (Fish - Clearbrook’s Claim to Fame memoir)
Armor Eater Tomato Stew, Shaggy Spider Meat,  (Yugo’s Gourmet Diary: I’cirlo)
So there we are! I know there’s more, and I’ll be adding to this list as I find it. Hopefully it’ll help anyone else with adding details to their fics, or just for appreciation of the depth of worldbuilding in CotC. At least by putting it here, I won’t be able to lose it when I’m looking for info when I’m writing!
*****Editing to add some contributions from @blazlngblade, after a quick collab over on Twitter. Thank you so much for the help! Since some of these aren’t in the Global version yet, I’ll edit this again to update it when necessary. :)
Ember Mushroom Pie: Crispy pie crust, snowy cream filling, ember mushrooms (Frostlands/Emberglow)
Rinyuu’s Stew: Wild boar meat marinated in alcohol, vegetable (Frostlands)
Rinyuu’s Cream Pie: Ember mushrooms (Frostlands)
Cave Mint Stuffed Chicken: (Frostlands/Flamesgrace. Lianna’s dish)
Shrimp Stock soup and anything with the Phantom Crab: (Trish’s dishes)
Herb roasted chicken stuffed with intestines: (Riverlands/Magg’s Tavern)
Magg’s Bean Soup: (Riverlands/Magg’s Tavern)
Magg’s Strawberry Tart - made with bright red wild strawberries (Riverlands/Magg’s Tavern)
Magg’s Rainbow Trout Carpaccio with shrimp sauce (Riverlands/Magg’s Tavern)
Crab shell seared with fat (Coastlands/Grandport Markets)
Seared Whirlpool Flounder (Coastlands/Grandport’s Tavern)
Herb Grilled Killer Chameleon (Cliftlands/Cragspear)
Sauteed Demon Goat (Highlands)
Unnamed Eastern Sweets (Mentioned in Sarisa’s Traveler’s Story)
Orsterran made Eastern Bento Box - Honeyed fish teriyaki with white rice, chicken fried tatsuta, stewed river beans.
Edit #2! Just scanned through all of @scholarlycait‘s Letters from a Cait Scholar for foodie mentions, per a wonderful idea from @legendaryandroid. I found four, so here they are! :)
Emberglow/Flamesgrace stews
Cave Mint tea
Reaper Crab Salad - a popular dish in the Coastlands
Cave Tortoise moss and embershroom stir fry - Frostlands Dish
Edit #3:
Mentioned by Bargello’s Crew:
Pasta with tomatoes, Rabbit Soup, and White Grape Juice
From OG Octopath Traveler:
Gigaswallow Soup. The Gigaswallow comes from a remote location and is very rare, as are its eggs. Called “One of Orsterra’s delicacies”
Valore (Hell):
Veal Saute (LeRuiz Chef)
Panini (Mighty Turilli)
Milkwine (Buttermilk) - from W’ludai’s Traveler Story.
Herbal Bread (Bowman in Shepherd’s Rock - from Dorothea’s Story) Apparently contains medicinal herbs in it.
Plum bread (Dorothea’s Traveller Story, Shepherds Rock)
Flying Fish Teriyaki, Marinated and deep-fried Cetus Maximus, stewed river beans in sweet sauce - Yugo’s Gourmet Diary - Theatropolis.
River Beans: The specific type is Phaseolus Lunatus - Lima beans!
Züsbaum, Per one of Isla’s letters, it grows in the Frostlands and its leaves have a sweet flavour. A tea made from them has a taste distinct from sugar. Many monsters love them, so picking the leaves is a monumental challenge, but many say it is worth the risk.
Herb Wine: a drink from the Frostlands - remember to drink in moderation, Isla says!
Berry pies: a favourite of Elrica’s.
Snow Beets: From OT1, but from the Frostlands. Naturally sweet.
Embershroom cooking method: (From Isla’s letters) “In Emberglow, the city which glows like dying fire against the night, the people harvest embershrooms. The name comes not only from the place it’s found, but also the way the mushrooms are prepared - embershrooms are cooked by roasting them slowly over the embers of a bonfire. In snowy regions, it’s im-purr-tant not to waste a single spark.“
Alpaca Cheese: from the memoir between Pia and Varkyn. From I’cirlo. It’s distinctive aroma can put some people off, but it does go well with wine.
Ketchup apparently exists in Orsterra, too. Isla mentions the condiment in one of his letters.
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missguomeiyun · 2 months
dinner @ Il Poom
Cozy dinner last month with Susan - at a (likely family-run) Korean restaurant in the south side called Il Poom.
Here, I'll give you a preview of our meal:
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It has been a while since I've gone out for Korean food :') I really don't dine out much these days, which is why there has been a major shift in my posted content, esp since the pandemic. But more so now, 'post-'pandemic times, things just cost so much more! But anyway, once in a while is okay haha & I LOVE Korean food so I'd wanna try every new Korean restaurant that opens in Edm.
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I believe they've been open since the last quarter of 2023. Correct me if I'm wrong! I've only heard about them/seen their posts on socials in January. Located in a small strip mall, I had high expectations!
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The entrance had this chalkboard sign. .. "Dumplimg" soup haha
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Got a table that was right in front of their semi-open kitchen. Definitely a diff kind of view at Korean restaurants here in Edm. However, this is a suual sight for casual family-style restaurants in Korea. So I actually enjoyed this =]
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Not a lot of business fr a Friday evening but I didn't mind at all. There were a few other tables of customers that shared the space during the time we were there. Everyone was speaking Korean haha honestly, I felt like I was 'brought back' to Korea.
Now let's take a look at their menu.
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Me being me, I had already browsed several times before arriving here but there were items that were no longer available.
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A good selection of menu items. Korean restaurant menus aren't very extensive that usually cover a few categories. This place was no exception.
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You're sure to find something for everybody.
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Their drinks. We wanted to try the Mae Hwa Su but they sold out. The lady recommended the Bokbunja instead (the black raspberry wine).
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Bokbunja with banchans: potato salad, radish kimchi, cabbage kimchi & stir-fried soy sauce fish cakes.
Their kimchi was so good! It's not very fermented so it's not sour. It was more savoury than spicy or sweet. Reminded me of the kimchis I had in Busan, where their kimchis were more salty.
As for the wine, I liked it! It was very sweet!
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Doganitang: ox knee soup.
I've never had ox knee before.. . Personally, I am not a fan of tendon, cartilage. .. that kind of stuff. The texture is unattractive to me. Ox knee though. .. it's not a common item on menus here in Edm so Susan & I decided to give it a try. Broth was a creamy off-white colour & comes with a side of noodles. (1 small bowl of noodles with the soup; not per person at the table)
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To my surprise, I did not think there would be too many pieces of whatever ox knee looks like in the soup lol there were about 8-10 pieces. I had 3 pieces - & you know what, it was tolerable! I wouldn't have gone for a 2nd & a 3rd piece if I didn't like it. Texture was soft; wasn't gooey, wasn't crunchy. It means they've boiled the heck out of it. The broth was quite bland though; however, that's what these broths are like. You have to add your own seasonings. I like the radish kimchi :P
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Next up was the yookgaejang, spicy beef brisket soup. Guess what, it had intestines in it o_O I've never had yookgaejang with meat pieces other than beef brisket lol it was diff. Not only that, it also contained scant amounts of tripe. Although I didn't mind the extra stuff (I don't eat intestine but had 2 pieces bcos again, I thought it was okay), I do prefer the 'original' version of yookgaejang. I just want the beef brisket! Flavour & everything else was good though!
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Last item: seafood pancake. YUMMMM! The size was large; plenty of seafood; exterior was crispy. .. delicious!
Would 100% go back!
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lizziexmeow · 6 months
[ Yeonjun Moment 🌟 Weverse ]
240107 - 21:19 KST
> I'm having Nakgopsae (Stir-fried octopus, beef small intestines and shrimp) for dinner, moa
I won't skip meals, moa
Don't worry, moa
Got it, moa
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[ Huening Kai Comment 🌟 Weverse ]
240107 - 21:21 KST
> I ate Xiang Guo next to him♡ Eat a lot, Yeonjunie hyung^^
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buffetlicious · 1 year
Got this pack of Vegetarian Rice from the popular stall near my place. From the left, curry mock mutton & potato, stir-fried vegetables, deep-fried chicken drumstick made from bean curd skins with ice lolly stick for the bone and lastly, imitation pig’s intestines.
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[종로찌게마을, Jongno Jjigaemaeul]
If you want to experience real old Seoul people's life, then you should visit this restaurant ✨️
You know, a restaurant in which many old people are in is the most delicious one in that area. This place is perfectly fit in this statement ❗️
Now in viral, also many young people are waiting in a queue. You know what it means 😌
Okay, the foods you must order are
1. 알고니볶음/Stir fries of Fish Roe and Intestine
The most popular menu in this restaurant. Actually I visited here for this. This is the red one on pictures I posted. Stired and fried with special sauce, you can taste real Korean style food with steamed rice. You may recognize you already ate 2 bowls of rice with this 😋
2. 대구탕/Codfish Soup
Second food I strongly recommend to you guys. One funny old idiom : Korean food must be served with a soup ❗️While you eating your rice, you may recon that you need a soup for drinking. Then this crystal clear codfish soup will satisfy your thinking.
❗️You must order 'extra' codfish soup, not for a main dish one❗️
🔥 And all of these foods are perfect with soju and beer
I hope you enjoy this restaurant while you traveling in Seoul ♥️
All of questions, text me 📩
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ipuuniversity · 14 days
The Benefits and Uses of Black Sesame Oil: A Comprehensive Guide
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Black sesame oil, derived from the seeds of the black sesame plant, has been a cornerstone of traditional medicine and culinary practices across various cultures for centuries. Known for its rich flavor, nutritional benefits, and therapeutic properties, black sesame oil is a versatile ingredient that continues to gain popularity in modern health and wellness circles.
 Nutritional Profile
Black sesame oil is a powerhouse of essential nutrients. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, vitamin K, magnesium, calcium, and iron. Additionally, it contains healthy fats, particularly omega-6 fatty acids, which are crucial for maintaining overall health. The oil's high antioxidant content, primarily due to the presence of sesamol and sesamin, contributes to its numerous health benefits.
 Health Benefits
 1. **Heart Health**
The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in black sesame oil help lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL) while increasing good cholesterol levels (HDL). This balance is essential for reducing the risk of heart disease and maintaining cardiovascular health.
 2. **Anti-Inflammatory Properties**
Black sesame oil has potent anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in alleviating symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Regular consumption or topical application can help reduce inflammation and pain in the joints and muscles.
 3. **Skin and Hair Care**
Rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, black sesame oil is a popular ingredient in skincare and haircare products. It helps moisturize and nourish the skin, promoting a healthy and radiant complexion. When applied to the scalp, it can improve blood circulation, strengthen hair follicles, and combat dandruff and hair loss.
 4. **Digestive Health**
Black sesame oil aids in digestion by lubricating the intestines, which can help prevent constipation and promote regular bowel movements. Its natural laxative properties make it a gentle remedy for digestive issues.
 5. **Bone Health**
The calcium and magnesium content in black sesame oil supports bone health by enhancing bone density and preventing conditions such as osteoporosis. Incorporating this oil into your diet can contribute to stronger, healthier bones.
 Culinary Uses
Black sesame oil's unique, nutty flavor makes it a popular choice in various culinary applications. It is commonly used in Asian cuisine, particularly in stir-fries, marinades, and dressings. Due to its low smoke point, it is best used as a finishing oil to enhance the flavor of dishes rather than for high-heat cooking. Drizzling a small amount over salads, soups, or roasted vegetables can add a delightful depth of flavor.
Traditional and Therapeutic Uses
In traditional medicine, black sesame oil has been used for its therapeutic properties. It is often used in Ayurvedic practices for massage therapy to improve circulation, detoxify the body, and promote relaxation. The oil's natural warming effect makes it ideal for soothing sore muscles and joints.
Black sesame oil is a remarkable natural product with a rich nutritional profile and a wide range of health benefits. From promoting heart health and reducing inflammation to enhancing skin and hair care, its versatility makes it a valuable addition to both culinary and therapeutic practices. As more people discover the advantages of incorporating black sesame oil into their daily routines, it continues to solidify its reputation as a beneficial and multifaceted oil.
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tinyleeway · 21 days
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Stir-fried Pig Intestine with Black Bean Sauce Pickled Vegetables and steam rice
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greedyapron · 4 months
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22/2/2024 - Dinner
📍 Kuya's Kusinang Pinoy, Bugis
🥣 Bulalo ($17)
My dining partner had a tender piece but mine was kinda hard. Brought home the remaining and boiled it further so it became more tender. It's a nice beefy soup!
🐷🐽 Sizzling Sisig ($15)
A good sisig, served with egg. Make sure to stir it in once the dish comes.
🐷Chicharon Bulaklak ($10)
Deep fried pork ruffled fat (intestines?). It's so good! Super crispy and freaking sinful. Best to eat it hot as it became just a tad soggy when we finished our meal.
Was super full after the meal. We probably ordered enough for 2 with larger appetites or 3 normal peeps.
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farzanatradingcompany · 5 months
Introducing the Nutritional Marvel: Cabbage and Its Numerous Benefits
Cabbage, a simple and inconspicuous cruciferous vegetable, is sometimes underestimated regarding nutrients. However, this leafy green powerhouse deserves recognition for its tremendous health advantages and culinary versatility. Join Farzana Fruits & vegetables supplier in the UAE on a journey to discover the benefits of cabbage and why it is an important part of your diet.
Nutrient-rich superfoods:
Cabbage is a nutritious superfood, containing an amazing variety of vitamins and minerals. Rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese, this cruciferous vegetable helps strengthen your immune system, improve bone health, and improve your overall health. Additionally, cabbage is an excellent source of  fiber, which promotes digestive health and helps with weight management.
Antioxidant arsenal:
Cabbage's vibrant colors, from green to red to purple, indicate the presence of powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants, such as anthocyanins and glucosinolates, play an important role in fighting oxidative stress and reducing inflammation in the body. Regular consumption of cabbage can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and support long-term health.
Anti-cancer properties:
Research shows that cabbage contains compounds with potential cancer-fighting properties. Glucosinolates found in cabbage can be converted into bioactive compounds that may help protect against certain types of cancer. Including cabbage in your diet can serve as an active measure to maintain cellular health.
 Your weight management ally:
 Cabbage is a low-calorie and fiber-rich food, making it ideal for people concerned about weight management. Fiber content promotes satiety and reduces the likelihood of overeating. Incorporating cabbage into your diet will not only support your weight goals, but also ensure that  your body receives essential nutrients.
Gut health promoters:
The fiber in cabbage acts as a prebiotic, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in your intestines. A healthy balance of gut bacteria leads to improved digestion, better absorption of nutrients, and a stronger immune system. Including cabbage in your diet helps keep your gut microbiome happy and thriving.
Versatility in the kitchen:
Cabbage is a  staple ingredient with endless possibilities as it can be used in a wide variety of dishes. From coleslaw and stir-fries to soups and fermented dishes like sauerkraut, cabbage can be adapted to suit a variety of flavors and dishes. Their ability to absorb flavor makes them a great addition to light, flavorful dishes, enhancing their texture and nutritional value.
To summarise, the benefits and advantages of cabbage extend much beyond its simple appearance. Cabbage has proven to be an important part of a health-conscious lifestyle, both nutritionally and in terms of illness prevention. Whether you eat it raw in salads or cooked in various
recipes, include this cruciferous wonder on your plate and gain the advantages for your overall health.
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gioolanoo · 7 months
Culinary Delights: Exploring Philippines' Street Foods
In the Philippines, street foods have a distinct place in the culinary culture, providing a diversified and one-of-a-kind gourmet experience. The various flavors and textures of famous street meals are examined in this culinary review. The iconic "balut," a fertilized duck egg boiled and eaten with salt or vinegar, is notable for its rich and savory flavor, creamy yolk, and the distinctive texture provided by the unborn duck embryo. Balut is a must-try for anyone looking for unusual culinary experiences and can be found all across the country.
"Isaw" is a Filipino street food classic that consists of grilled chicken or swine intestines cooked in a sour sauce, resulting in a wonderful, smokey delight that is both crispy and tender. Isaw, a popular snack or accompaniment to rice, promises a distinctive blend of flavors and textures. Noodle fans can savor "pancit," a stir-fried noodle dish popular throughout the country, with regional variations giving a variety of flavors to suit a variety of tastes. The popular "taho," a warm and sweet snack made of soft tofu, sago pearls, and caramelized syrup, is a comforting and refreshing treat perfect for a quick breakfast or snack. Finally, "kwek-kwek," a crispy exterior and creamy egg yolk within hard-boiled quail eggs dipped in orange batter and deep-fried, provides a delightful experience. Finally, street meals in the Philippines offer a fascinating range of flavors and textures, from experimental to comforting, making discovery of this lively culinary culture crucial for both natives and tourists.
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FODMAP Diet: Mushrooms
FODMAP Diet: Mushrooms - Can They Be Included?
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The low FODMAP diet is a scientifically proven way of managing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO) symptoms through dietary changes. SIBO sufferers should read the important paragraph below*. But what about mushrooms? Can you enjoy mushrooms while following this diet? The good news is yes, you can introduce mushrooms into your diet but you need to avoid certain types. In this post, we’ll discuss the FODMAP content of different types of mushrooms and provide tips for integrating mushrooms into a low FODMAP lifestyle.
What is the Low FODMAP Diet?
The diet was originally developed by researchers at Monash University in Australia. FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. These are types of carbohydrates that can cause digestive issues for people with IBS.  Foods high in FODMAPs draw excess water into the intestine and get fermented by gut bacteria, leading to common IBS symptoms like gas, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, and constipation. It is important to identify foods high in these FODMAPs and substitute options lower in these carbohydrates. When followed correctly, the diet can provide relief for around 3 out of 4 people who suffer from IBS.. It involves an initial elimination phase removing high FODMAP foods, followed by carefully reintroducing foods to identify personal trigger foods.
Are Mushrooms Low FODMAP?
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So, as previously mentioned, people with IBS and SIBO* can have mushrooms but it depends on the type and serving size of the mushrooms.  Many common types of mushrooms have been tested by Monash University and certified as low FODMAP in regular serving sizes. These include: - Button mushrooms - Oyster mushrooms - Shiitake mushrooms - Enoki mushrooms - Portobello mushrooms These varieties are considered FODMAP friendly and can be enjoyed in amounts up to 1/2 cup cooked or 40g dried. However, some mushroom types contain higher levels of mannitol (a type of sugar alcohol) and other FODMAPs, so should be avoided on a strict low FODMAP diet: - Chanterelle mushrooms - Porcini mushrooms - King oyster mushrooms  Additionally, even mushrooms low in FODMAPs can provoke symptoms if consumed in excess. Stick within the recommended serving sizes.
Key Questions about Mushrooms in the Low FODMAP Diet
Here are answers to some common questions about including mushrooms in your diet: Are fresh, canned, or dried mushrooms low-FODMAP? Fresh, canned, or dried varieties of button, oyster, shiitake, enoki, and portobello mushrooms are all low FODMAP in the appropriate serving size. However, chanterelles and porcini mushrooms should be avoided. Can you eat white button mushrooms on this diet? Yes, both white and brown are considered low FODMAP at 1/2 cup cooked or 40g dried. They are a great substitute for mushrooms higher in FODMAPs. Are shiitake mushrooms fodmap friendly?  Shiitake mushrooms are low FODMAP at servings of 1/2 cup cooked. Dried shiitake mushrooms are fine at servings of 40g. Enjoy shiitake mushrooms as a tasty, low-FODMAP addition to stir-fries and other dishes. What about oyster mushrooms? Fresh oyster mushrooms are low FODMAP at 1/2 cup cooked or 40g dried portions. Oyster mushrooms offer a delicate, savory flavor to low FODMAP recipes. What about portobello mushrooms? Yes, a single large portobello cap or 1/2 cup sliced portobello mushrooms are considered low FODMAP. Grill portobellos as a satisfying plant-based main course.  Are Enoki mushrooms low-FODMAP? Enoki mushrooms are certified low FODMAP at 1/2 cup cooked. Try these thin, mild mushrooms tossed into stir-fries or soups. What about chanterelle mushrooms?  Unfortunately, chanterelle mushrooms are not low FODMAP due to their mannitol content. Exclude these exotic mushrooms during the elimination phase of the diet. Can you champignon mushrooms be included?  Champignon mushrooms are simply the French term for white button mushrooms. So fresh champignons are low FODMAP in 1/2 cup portions. Are cremini mushrooms low-FODMAP? Cremini mushrooms are a brown variation of the white button mushroom. So they are also low FODMAP at servings of 1/2 cup cooked or 40g dried. What's the FODMAP content of mushrooms? Mushrooms contain FODMAPs like mannitol, fructans, and galacto-oligosaccharides. But in small serving sizes, the likes of button, oyster, and other mushrooms, are low enough in these FODMAPs to be allowed. Should you avoid canned mushrooms? Canned button or oyster mushrooms are low FODMAP as long as you drain and rinse them well. Canned products sometimes have high FODMAP ingredients added, so check the label.  Can you eat mushrooms if you follow a low-gluten or gluten-free diet? Yes, all fresh mushrooms are naturally gluten-free. Even packaged mushrooms labeled “gluten-free” are safe, as mushrooms don’t contain gluten to begin with.
Tips for Including Mushrooms in Your Diet.
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Here are some tips for mushroom lovers following a low FODMAP diet: - Stick to 1/2 cup serving sizes of button, oyster, shiitake, and other low FODMAP varieties. - Saute mushrooms in olive oil with garlic-infused oil or garlic salt for flavor. - Add mushrooms to omelets, pasta dishes, and pizzas (with gluten-free crusts). - Mix mushrooms into meatballs, burgers, or stuffings made with gluten-free bread. - Use thinly sliced portobello mushrooms as veggie burger substitutes. - Make mushroom gravy with lactose-free milk and gluten-free flour. - Enjoy mushroom soups made with low-FODMAP veggies and broths. - Marinate and grill portobello caps on the barbecue for hearty plant-based meals. - Add creaminess to risotto and pasta dishes with puréed, low-FODMAP mushrooms. - Always check packaged soups and sauces for mushrooms, even if labeled “gluten-free.” With some adjustments, you can still enjoy the rich, savory flavor of mushrooms. Just limit portion sizes and stick to the low FODMAP varieties for symptom relief.
What About High-Fructose Corn Syrup in Packaged Foods?
Many packaged foods, including some containing mushrooms, use high-fructose corn syrup as a sweetener. This additive is high in fructans and should be avoided in the elimination phase of the low FODMAP diet. Always check labels thoroughly. Should You Avoid Raw Mushrooms? Raw mushrooms naturally contain low amounts of FODMAPs. However, some people find raw mushrooms harder to digest. Cooking breaks down fibers and makes mushrooms easier on sensitive digestive systems. Still, having mushrooms raw in small portions on salads or as crudités is unlikely to cause issues for most people following this diet. What About White Mushrooms? White mushrooms are simply immature button mushrooms before the caps open up and darken. So fresh white mushrooms have the same low FODMAP profile as regular button mushrooms, at 1/2 cup portions. White and brown types can be used interchangeably in low FODMAP recipes.
Tips to Avoid Problems from Mushrooms
While allowed on the diet, some people do find even low FODMAP mushrooms irritate their digestion. Here are tips to avoid potential problems from mushrooms: - Pay attention to personal tolerance, as everyone has unique trigger foods - Stick to the recommended serving sizes per meal - Ensure mushrooms are thoroughly cooked - don't eat large amounts that are raw - Rinse canned mushrooms before use to remove any sauce or seasonings - Don't add mushrooms to multiple dishes in one meal During the elimination phase, be cautious about including mushrooms. Reintroduce them slowly to assess your individual response. Slowly Reintroducing Mushrooms Some people with IBS find they can't tolerate mushrooms long-term. As you reintroduce foods, add mushrooms back in slowly. Start with small servings of well-cooked, low-FODMAP mushrooms like buttons or oysters. Monitor symptoms and adjust your portions and frequency of mushrooms accordingly. Work closely with a doctor or dietitian during reintroduction.
Sample Low FODMAP Recipes with Mushrooms
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Here are 3 tasty low-FODMAP mushroom recipes that feature mushrooms: Low FODMAP Vegetarian Lasagna with Mushrooms Made with gluten-free pasta layers (there are many types of gluten-free pasta), tomato sauce, spinach, lactose-free ricotta and mozzarella, and sautéed mushrooms for flavor. Ingredients: - 1 tablespoon olive oil - 1/2 pound button mushrooms, sliced (about 2 cups) - 1 small onion, diced   - 3 cloves garlic-infused oil or 1/8 tsp garlic powder - 1 (24 ounce) jar low FODMAP marinara sauce - 9 lasagna noodles, gluten-free  - 10 ounces spinach, chopped   - 15 ounces part-skim ricotta cheese, lactose-free - 1 egg   - 1⁄4 cup Parmesan cheese, lactose-free  - 12 ounces mozzarella cheese, lactose-free, shredded Instructions: 1. Preheat oven to 375°F (about 190 Celsius).  2. Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Saut�� mushrooms and onions for about 5 minutes until softened. Add garlic and cook 1 minute more. 3. Spread 1/3 of the marinara in the bottom of a 9x13 baking dish. Arrange 3 lasagna noodles on top. Spread half the ricotta mixture over the noodles and top with 1/3 of the mozzarella.   4. Add another layer of noodles, half of the mushroom mixture, half the spinach, and 1/3 of the marinara. Place 3 more noodles on top.   5. Spread the remaining ricotta mixture over the noodles and top with remaining mushrooms, spinach, marinara sauce, and mozzarella. 6. Bake for 45-50 minutes until bubbly. Let stand for 10 minutes before cutting. Makes 6 servings. Shiitake Mushroom Stir Fry Sauté shiitake and oyster mushrooms with red peppers, carrots, green onions, and sesame-gluten-free tamari sauce. Serve over quinoa or rice noodles. Ingredients: - 2 tablespoons sesame oil - 1 pound shiitake mushrooms, stems removed and caps sliced - 8 ounces oyster mushrooms, separated and torn into pieces   - 1 red bell pepper, sliced - 3 carrots, peeled and cut diagonal 1/4-inch slices - 4 green onions, chopped   - 3 garlic cloves, minced - 1 thumb-size ginger, grated - 1⁄4 cup gluten-free tamari or soy sauce - 1 teaspoon sriracha (optional) - 4 cups cooked quinoa or rice noodles - 1⁄4 cup chopped cilantro (coriander) Instructions:   1. In a large nonstick wok or skillet, heat 1 tablespoon sesame oil over medium-high heat.  2. Add shiitake and oyster mushrooms and stir occasionally for 5 minutes until browned. Transfer to a plate. 3. Add the remaining 1 tablespoon oil to the pan. Stir fry carrots and bell pepper for 2 minutes.   4. Add green onions, garlic and ginger. Cook for 1 minute.  5. Return mushrooms to the pan and add tamari sauce and sriracha. Toss until well coated.  6. Remove from heat and mix in cilantro.  7. Serve mushroom stir fry over cooked quinoa or rice noodles. Makes 4 servings. Grilled Portobello Burgers Marinated and grilled portobello caps served on gluten-free buns with caramelized onions, tomatoes, spinach, and avocado. Ingredients: - 4 large portobello mushroom caps, stems removed - 1⁄3 cup balsamic vinegar - 1⁄4 cup olive oil - 2 teaspoons garlic powder    - 1 teaspoon oregano - 1⁄2 teaspoon black pepper - 4 100% gluten-free hamburger buns   - 2 tablespoons butter or olive oil - 1 large onion, sliced  - 4 slices tomato - 2 cups baby spinach - 1 avocado, sliced - 4 slices provolone cheese (optional) Instructions: 1. Whisk together balsamic vinegar, olive oil, garlic powder, oregano, and pepper in a shallow dish. Add mushroom caps and turn to coat both sides. Let marinate for 20 minutes, turning halfway.  2. Meanwhile, melt butter or heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Cook onions 8-10 minutes, stirring frequently, until caramelized.  3. Preheat the grill or grill pan to medium-high. Grill mushroom caps for 5-6 minutes per side until marks appear. Add cheese during the last 2 minutes if using.  4. Toast buns on the grill. Build burgers by layering mushroom caps, caramelized onions, tomato, spinach, and avocado on bun bottoms. Add top bun. Makes 4 servings.
YouTube - Low FODMAP Mushroom Risotto Recipe
*Important Information For SIBO Sufferers
The low FODMAP diet recommendations in this article do not necessarily apply to people with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). While the diets for IBS and SIBO may overlap, there are some important differences to understand. The key thing is that in SIBO, there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, rather than the colon like in IBS. This means people with SIBO may react differently to certain foods: • Some high FODMAP foods that get absorbed in a healthy small intestine can actually feed the excess bacteria in SIBO and cause symptoms. This includes foods like garlic (in excess), onions, apples, and stone fruits. • However, other FODMAPs that make it intact to the colon - like sorbitol and mannitol in mushrooms - may not be an issue in SIBO.  • People with SIBO may also react to other foods not limited in the low FODMAP diet, like gluten or dairy. So while limiting high FODMAP foods can help some SIBO patients, it depends on the type of FODMAP and it needs to be tailored to the individual. It's best for those with SIBO to work with a specialist to develop a customized diet. In summary - the guidelines around mushrooms and other foods on a low FODMAP diet are specifically for managing IBS symptoms. People with SIBO should use caution applying this information and work with a professional on appropriate dietary changes for their unique needs.
Takeaway Tips on Mushrooms for a Low FODMAP Diet:
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Chanterelle mushrooms - avoid these Here are the key takeaways on eating mushrooms with IBS and on the low FODMAP diet: - Many common mushrooms like button and oyster are low FODMAP in 1⁄2 cup servings - Avoid chanterelle, morel, porcini, and king oyster mushrooms - Stick to portion sizes as excess mushrooms could trigger symptoms - Enjoy mushrooms as burger substitutes, pizza toppings, use in stir-fries, etc. - Check packaged foods containing mushrooms for high FODMAP ingredients - Always consult the Monash app for the most up-to-date mushroom advice While eliminating high FODMAP foods can be challenging, you don’t have to say goodbye to flavorful mushrooms. With the proper types and portions, mushrooms can be part of an IBS-friendly FODMAP diet.
Meal Planning and Record Keeping Form Suggestion
It is a good idea to plan your meals ahead and then keep a record of your experience. Here is a suggested format. Copy the table below, use your word processor, and print it out. Here is a free office suite if you don't have one - LibreOffice. You can modify the table to suit your needs within your chosen processor. Date/DayTimeMealFood/Beverage ConsumedPreparation MethodQuantity ConsumedFODMAP ContentGI Symptoms NotedSeverity of SymptomsOther Notes Links Natural Wellness Solutions About Us Privacy Statement USA Contact Us
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 years
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Reply from post Upcoming The Sims 3 CC Food... Authentic Chinese Food 
Hello @simsoftianxia​ ! 
Finally, there is actual mature adult, polite, and appreciative comment. 👍
Yes, actual authentic Chinese food is really delicious indeed. I am very glad that you enjoy my varieties of my food CC too ^_^ (which is...  zòngzi and Indonesian food). The authentic Chinese food I represented are quite expensive that are usually served in restaurant and the most famous ones.
The Sims is life simulator genre where Sims spend their time 30-40% eating as normal daily lives like real life human lives, therefore, food representation must be make sense and relevant like real life ones.  
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From the render picture, clockwise starts from top: 
牛肉炒麵  Niúròu chǎomiàn (Stir-fried noodle beef) 
四川麻辣豬肉拉麵  Sìchuān málà zhūròu lāmiàn (Sichuan hot & spicy noodles, served with pork meat and Pak Choy vegetables) 
四川擔擔麵  Sìchuān dàn dàn miàn (Sichuan hot & spicy noodles) 
紅燒豬蹄  Hóngshāo zhū tí (Braised pork trotters)
紅燒肉  Hóngshāo ròu (Red braised pork belly) 
燕窩湯 Yànwō tāng (Swallow bird’s nest soup) 
蒜蓉炒青菜 Suàn róng chǎo qīngcài (Stir-fried Pak Choy with garlic) 
餛飩湯  Húntún tāng (Wonton soup) 
脆皮燒肉 Cuì pí shāo ròu (Crispy pork belly) 
And on the center is 北京烤鴨  Běijīng kǎoyā (Beijing roasted duck) 
Yep, there are a lot of Chinese food variants other than I created above due too many and there are many different regions/provinces provides each local cuisine. Hot pot, Dim Sum (someone in Sims community already made Dim Sum CC, no need for me to create), fish, crabs, pork sausages, rice porridge, century eggs, 饅頭  mántou bread, 油條  Yóutiáo fried dough similar to churros, and more🤤.
If you interested in Chinese culture, here is additional info written by myself, not copy paste from other sources:
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Chinese food is meant for sharing. Chinese & general Asian culture emphasizes on family, unmarried adults still live with our parents. Chinese dining table usually has round shape because round symbolizes “unity”. One big table serves many varieties of meal as options, then put it on one bowl of rice with chopsticks. Chinese chopsticks are the longest compared to Japanese and Korean. 
Food that we ethnic Chinese usually eat is very different than food labeled as “Chinese food” eaten by Americans and Westerners in general. Real Chinese food has pork, seafood, vegetables, noodles (many variants of noodles such as wheat noodles, that has yellow color as the most common noodles known as 麵 miàn and rice noodles known as 米粉  mǐfěn), rice (as staple food, 粽子 zòngzi and  糯米雞 nuòmǐ jī , known famously in Cantonese: Lo Mai Gai have meat filling wrapped in leaves, rice porridge as comfort food), steamed bun, hot pot, incorporates 5 Spices (star anise, fennel seeds, Sichuan pepper, whole cloves,  cinnamon stick), and herbal as health supplement (ginger, red fermented rice (紅麴米)). Meat used are not just chicken, duck, beef, fish, pork, but there are a lot such as frog legs and sea cucumbers (very expensive served in restaurant). Also, meals using pork organs (liver, intestine, ear, nose), pig blood and chicken feet. As typical Asian culture, we are creative about food. One ingredient of food can be cooked in many ways: steam, boil, stir-fry in 10 or more 50 different ways.  
Fried rice is actually home-cooked food from leftover yesterday rice. But nowadays fried rice becomes one of important menus on food stalls and restaurants with a lot of modified 菜 (meat & vegetables) and seasonings. Meat used for the meal must be fresh, not frozen for too long. High-end Chinese food using high grade quality meat, seafood, and soy sauce.  
Definitely much more healthier and more variants than Americanized/Westernized Chinese “greasy - sweet sour something” which is labeled as “cheap fast food” in Western countries. 
Therefore, do not believe “Chinese food” represented in The Sims 2,3,4. All of them are not authentic, Westernized Chinese food in Western countries’ Chinatown, cannot represent real food in China, Taiwan, Hongkong. Because of too many variants, TS3 World Adventures should provide more local food slots for Shang Simla (has 2) rather than Champs Les Sims (has 4). 
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jheelrestaurant · 9 months
The Best Indian Dishes for Gluten-Free Diets
In recent years, the popularity of gluten-free diets has soared, driven by a growing awareness of celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and the health benefits associated with reducing gluten intake. Indians, known for their diverse and flavorful cuisine, have an array of gluten-free dishes to offer to those adhering to this dietary restriction.
Whether you're a seasoned gluten-free eater or new to the lifestyle, Indian cuisine provides a rich tapestry of flavours and options to explore. In this article, we will dive into the best Indian dishes that cater to gluten-free diets, ensuring you can enjoy the vibrant tastes of India without compromising your health.
Understanding Gluten and Gluten-Free Diets
Before we embark on our culinary journey through Indian cuisine, it's essential to understand what gluten is and why some people opt for gluten-free diets.
What is Gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and their derivatives. It acts as a binding agent, giving bread and other wheat-based products their chewy texture. However, for individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, consuming gluten can lead to various health issues, including digestive discomfort, nutrient deficiencies, and long-term damage to the small intestine.
Who Needs a Gluten-Free Diet?
Celiac Disease: Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten triggers an immune response that damages the small intestine. Individuals with celiac disease must strictly avoid gluten-containing foods.
Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity: Some people experience symptoms similar to those with celiac disease but test negative for it. They are considered to have non-celiac gluten sensitivity and benefit from a gluten-free diet.
Wheat Allergy: Individuals with wheat allergies must avoid wheat and wheat-based products, which often contain gluten.
Gluten-Free Lifestyle: Some choose to follow a gluten-free diet for various health reasons, even without a medical diagnosis. This may include those looking to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, or manage conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Gluten-Free Staples in Indian Cuisine
Indian cuisine, with its abundance of grains and legumes, offers numerous naturally gluten-free options. Here are some staple ingredients commonly used in gluten-free Indian cooking:
Rice: Rice, particularly basmati and jasmine varieties, is a fundamental component of Indian meals. It serves as the base for many gluten-free dishes, such as biryani and pulao.
Lentils and Legumes: Lentils (dal) and legumes like chickpeas (chana) and black gram (urad) are protein-rich staples used extensively in Indian cooking. They form the basis of various curries and soups.
Millet: Millet grains like sorghum (jowar), finger millet (ragi), and pearl millet (bajra) are gluten-free alternatives to wheat. They are used in making flatbreads and porridges.
Tapioca: Tapioca pearls and flour are used in regional Indian dishes like sabudana khichdi and vada.
Potato: Potatoes are a versatile vegetable used in numerous Indian dishes, from aloo paratha to potato curry.
Vegetables: A wide variety of vegetables, both fresh and dried, are used to create gluten-free curries, stir-fries, and side dishes.
Delicious Gluten-Free Indian Dishes
Now that we have an understanding of gluten-free staples in Indian cuisine, let's explore some delicious dishes that cater to gluten-free diets.
Chana Masala (Chickpea Curry)
A classic North Indian dish, Chana Masala features chickpeas cooked in a flavourful tomato and spice-infused gravy. It's typically served with rice or gluten-free flatbreads like rice roti or potato paratha.
Tandoori Chicken
Tandoori chicken is a popular gluten-free option in Indian cuisine. Marinated in yoghourt and spices, it's traditionally cooked in a tandoor (clay oven). Ensure that the marinade doesn't contain any wheat-based products.
Baingan Bharta (Roasted Eggplant Curry)
Baingan Bharta is a smoky, roasted eggplant curry cooked with spices and aromatics. It pairs wonderfully with gluten-free options like rice or millet roti.
A South Indian staple, sambar is a flavorful and nutritious gluten-free lentil soup made with vegetables and tamarind. It's typically served with rice or idli (rice cakes).
Masoor Dal (Red Lentil Curry)
Masoor dal is a quick-cooking red lentil curry that's both nutritious and delicious. Serve it with rice or gluten-free bread for a wholesome meal.
Bhindi Masala (Okra Curry)
Bhindi masala is a spicy okra curry that pairs perfectly with rice or gluten-free roti. The okra is cooked with aromatic spices and tomato gravy.
Gluten-Free Snacks and Sweets
Indian cuisine isn't just about savoury dishes; it offers delightful gluten-free snacks and sweets too.
Pakoras are crispy fritters made by coating vegetables or paneer (Indian cottage cheese) in a gram flour (besan) batter and deep-frying them. They are naturally gluten-free and incredibly satisfying.
Poha is a popular gluten-free breakfast dish made from flattened rice. It's cooked with spices, peas, and sometimes potatoes for a hearty start to the day.
Coconut Laddoo
Coconut laddoos are gluten-free sweets made from desiccated coconut, condensed milk, and cardamom. They are a delightful treat often prepared for festivals and special occasions.
Almond Barfi
Almond barfi is a gluten-free dessert made from ground almonds, sugar, and cardamom. It's a rich, fudge-like sweet that's sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Embarking on a gluten-free diet doesn't mean sacrificing the joy of enjoying diverse and flavourful meals. Indian cuisine, with its wide array of gluten-free ingredients and dishes, offers a delicious and satisfying culinary journey for individuals with gluten-related concerns. From hearty lentil curries to crispy pakoras and delightful sweets, Indian food has something to please every palate. So, explore the vibrant world of gluten-free Indian cuisine and savour the rich flavours and aromas that this diverse culinary tradition has to offer.
For more information visit- top indian restaurants bella vista
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NSW 2153, 
Contact no: 02 9894 7766 Email: [email protected]
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susanmuskats · 1 year
How to Make Mushroom Tea
If you’re new to psilocybin mushrooms, drinking infused tea is an ideal way to start your journey. It’s safe for sensitive tummies and can help control dosage.
Mushroom tea is available in many varieties and is claimed to have a variety of healthy benefits including improving your response to stress, strengthening your immune system, and boosting gut health.
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How to Make Mushroom Tea
Mushroom tea is a health-boosting beverage made from steeping chopped mushrooms in hot water. It can be made with a variety of different types of mushrooms, including medicinal and culinary varieties such as reishi and shiitake. It’s easy to make at home, and can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. It can also be used to add flavor and nutritional value to other dishes, such as soups, sauces, omelettes, or stir fries.
The most important thing to keep in mind when making mushroom tea is to use high-quality, fresh ingredients. This means choosing mushrooms that are organic, free of pesticides, and grown in a way that doesn’t harm the environment. You should also avoid using any additives or preservatives, as these can have negative effects on your body.
Once you have your ingredients, it’s time to start brewing. First, you’ll need to boil a cup of water. Then, add your chopped mushrooms to the water and let it steep for about 10 minutes. After that, you can strain out the mushrooms and enjoy your tea. You can also try adding some sweetener to your tea if you prefer it to be a little more flavorful.
If you’re interested in buying mushroom tea online, be sure to choose a company that offers a wide selection of options. It’s also a good idea to read reviews before buying anything. This can help you narrow down your choices and find the best product for your needs.
Another great thing about mushroom tea is that it can be easily combined with other beverages. You can add it to coffee, green tea, or even kombucha to boost its benefits. You can also drink it on its own or use it as a base for smoothies.
Before you start brewing your own mushroom tea, it’s a good idea to discuss it with your doctor. They can tell you whether it’s safe for you to consume and how much you should drink. Mushroom tea can have a powerful effect on the brain, and it’s important to understand its effects before you start drinking it.
Mushroom tea is one of the easiest ways to ingest magic mushrooms. It’s safe for beginners and experienced psychonauts alike, but it’s important to follow the proper preparation guidelines in order to avoid any unpleasant side effects such as stomachaches or nausea. The process is simple, but it’s critical to use a scale and be very careful when measuring out the dose. It’s also recommended to use caffeine-free tea blends so as not to interfere with the psilocybin experience.
To make mushroom tea, first cut the mushroom into small pieces. This will increase their surface area and allow the psilocybin to infuse into your tea more quickly. Then add the shrooms to a cup and fill it with hot water. Stir and steep for 15-17 minutes. After that, strain out the mushroom pieces and enjoy the tea!
If you want to add some extra flavor to your brew, simply stir in some lemon juice or ginger. You can also try adding a splash of orange or some honey to boost the flavor even more. Mushrooms can have a slight earthy taste, so incorporating other flavors can help to mask this.
One of the main reasons why many seasoned psychonauts prefer to take their shrooms in the form of tea is that it reduces nausea. Eating raw mushrooms can cause a cramped stomach due to the fact that you’re literally “poisoning yourself” with fungus. Drinking the mushrooms in tea, on the other hand, allows your body to absorb the psilocybin through your intestines’ natural absorption capabilities. This can eliminate the nausea that is commonly associated with eating magic mushrooms and can make your trip much more enjoyable.
Another great reason to make mushroom tea is that it’s very easy to prepare and can be made at home in the comfort of your own kitchen. In addition, it’s very inexpensive to make and is a great way to get the most out of your mushrooms! As a bonus, it’s also very healthy and full of antioxidants. So, next time you’re looking for a new and exciting way to enjoy mushrooms, give mushroom tea a try!
The best way to store mushroom tea is in the refrigerator. This will keep the tea fresh for about a week after it has been made. The storage time can be increased by storing the tea in an airtight container and keeping it in a cool, dark place.
Mushroom tea can be drunk on its own or mixed with other ingredients to enhance the taste and effect. Adding some spices or a drizzle of honey can amplify the flavor and make it sweeter. The tea can also be paired with other herbal blends, like hibiscus or licorice, to make it more enjoyable. It can even be infused with chaga, reishi, or cordyceps for added health benefits.
It is important to note that the effects of mushroom tea can last up to six hours, which makes it a great choice for people who need a prolonged psychedelic experience. However, the duration of the trip can vary depending on the type of mushroom used and the user's own biology. Moreover, the potency of the mushrooms used to make the tea can also impact how fast the trip starts and ends.
The process of making mushroom tea is similar to that of making any other kind of herbal tea. First, the mushrooms should be ground into a powder. This can be done using a coffee grinder or another kind of food processor. Then, the ground mushrooms should be placed in a cup or mug and hot water should be poured over them. The tea should be allowed to steep for ten minutes or so before it is consumed.
In some cases, consuming the tea can help reduce nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. Moreover, it can help boost immunity and improve gut health. It can be used to relieve anxiety and depression, which is especially beneficial for cancer patients as their treatment can lead to a great deal of stress and discomfort. Mushroom tea is also an excellent alternative to other over-the-counter antinausea medications. While many people use it for psilocybin-enhanced experiences, it can also be used for more tame trips, including visual stimulation and relaxation.
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Mushroom tea is a tasty and nutritious way to enjoy the many health benefits of mushrooms. It can be prepared with a variety of ingredients, depending on your preferences and needs. It can be enjoyed anytime, day or night.
A great alternative to chewing a mouthful of dried mushrooms, infused tea is easy to digest and may help prevent indigestion for those with sensitive tummies. This classic tea method can be especially helpful for easing into a journey with psilocybin mushrooms, as it can help mitigate nausea while allowing you to control your dosage to avoid overdose.
The best time to consume mushroom tea is early in the morning, as it can help increase energy levels throughout the day. It can also boost mental clarity, reduce stress, and improve mood and overall well-being. Mushroom tea is also rich in antioxidants, which can help with fatigue and stress. In addition, it can be an excellent source of potassium, which is essential for proper heart and muscle function.
To make mushroom tea, you will need a handful of dried or fresh mushrooms, hot water, and herbs or spices. If you are using fresh mushrooms, wash them well and finely chop them. If you are using ground mushrooms, simply add them to your boiling water and let steep for 10-15 minutes before straining. Add your choice of herbs or spices to enhance the flavor and experience. Some popular options include ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, mint, and rose.
Adding a pinch of powdered ginger root to your mushroom tea can help relieve stomachaches and nausea. It can also stimulate the digestive tract and enhance absorption of nutrients. In addition, a pinch of powdered black pepper can help increase energy and alertness.
Mushroom tea can be enjoyed any time of the day, but it is particularly beneficial in the morning before or during a trip with psilocybin mushrooms. It can help mitigate any unpleasant side effects associated with psilocybin, such as nausea and dizziness.
While the idea of drinking a cup of mushroom tea might sound weird to some, it has become a trendy trend among celebrities and health nutritionists who are reaping its potential perks. Moreover, it is one of the easiest recipes that you can try out at home.
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dan6085 · 1 year
Filipino cuisine is a unique blend of indigenous, Spanish, Chinese, and Malay influences, resulting in a diverse and flavorful culinary tradition. The cuisine is heavily influenced by the country's history, geography, and the various cultures that have influenced the Philippines over the centuries.
One of the most famous and popular dishes in Filipino cuisine is "adobo." This dish is a traditional method of cooking that involves marinating meat, seafood or vegetables in a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, bay leaves, and black peppercorns before simmering until tender. It's considered as the unofficial national dish of the Philippines.
Another popular dish is "sinigang," which is a sour and savory soup made with tamarind, fish, shrimp, or pork, and vegetables such as okra, eggplant, and tomatoes. It's a well-known comfort food in the Philippines.
"Lechon" is a whole roasted pig, which is a staple at special occasions and celebrations such as weddings, fiestas, and religious festivals. It's a dish that originated from the Visayas and Mindanao regions, but it's now popular throughout the Philippines.
"Kakanin" are traditional Filipino desserts, made from rice, sweet potato, or glutinous rice. Some popular kakanin include "bibingka," which is a rice cake cooked in a clay pot, and "puto," which is steamed rice cakes.
Filipino cuisine also has a strong tradition of street food, with a wide variety of dishes sold by street vendors and at outdoor markets. These include "isaw," which are grilled chicken or pork intestines, "betamax," which are grilled chicken blood cubes, and "kwek-kwek," which are deep-fried quail eggs.
Filipino cuisine also has a strong Chinese influence, which is reflected in dishes such as "chopsuey," which is a vegetable and meat stir-fry dish, and "lomi," which is a thick noodle soup.
In terms of drinks, "Sago't Gulaman" is a popular drink made from sago pearls and gulaman (agar-agar) in a sweetened syrup base. The drink is often served over crushed ice and can be flavored with different syrups such as chocolate, strawberry, or pandan.
In conclusion, Filipino cuisine is a unique blend of indigenous, Spanish, Chinese, and Malay influences, resulting in a diverse and flavorful culinary tradition. From adobo, sinigang, and lechon, to kakanin, street food, and drinks, there is something for everyone to enjoy. The cuisine is heavily influenced by the country's history, geography, and the various cultures that have influenced the Philippines over the centuries, which has led to a wide variety of ingredients and cooking techniques being used.
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