#Himalayan Monal Agro
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himalayanmonalagro · 3 months ago
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Detoxify and Defend: A Natural Solution for Delhi's Rising Pollution
India's capital has long had to deal with rising pollution levels. rapid urban expansion Emissions from vehicles industrial waste construction activities and deforestation It makes the air quality very bad. Sometimes pollution levels increase beyond safety limits. This has resulted in serious health problems for the people of Delhi. Health risks range from respiratory problems to heart disease. What can we do to protect ourselves from this toxic gas? The simplest is starting your day with Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea, a powerful detox drink for the support of your natural defense mechanisms.
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Health Risks of Air Pollution in Delhi
Air pollution in Delhi is particularly risky to the fitness of the people residing there.
Exposure to air pollutants at such high stages for a extended period can also reason situations like the following:
Respiratory or breathing troubles like allergies, bronchitis, and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
Heart sicknesses associated with the inhalation of dangerous particles that damage the blood vessels and heart Stroke and other neurological diseases in relation to damage caused to the brain by pollution.
Premature aging and skin issues due to oxidative stress created by pollutants Considering these risks, Delhi residents must take measures which could help detox their body systems and make their immune systems stronger.
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How Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea Can Help Being one of the first-class methods for detoxifying your body and combating the dangerous effects of pollution, Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea is a exquisite addition in your daily ordinary.
This healthy brew is wealthy in antioxidants and anti inflammatory houses in an effort to cleanse your body and sell trendy health.
Benefits of Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea
1. Abundant with Antioxidants: Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea has a excessive awareness of antioxidants, so one can help neutralize the horrible consequences as a result of unfastened radicals in the body.Such antioxidants prevent oxidative stress and are one most of the leading reasons of cell harm brought about due to pollutants.
2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The tea is known for its Anti-Inflammatory results, which could reduce the inflammation inside the respiratory system, assisting individuals who suffer from conditions which encompass allergies or bronchitis.
3. Cleans the Body: Nettle tea is a herbal detoxifier. It enables in flushing pollutants from the device, improves the feature of the kidneys, and promotes healthier skin. This tea can be commenced with in the morning to purify and clean up your body to start your day in the first-rate feasible manner.
4. Developed the Immunity: The extract of natural compounds in Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea enhances your immune power. It makes it all the more effective against infections caused due to all sorts of pollutants in air.
5. Increased Overall Health: This tea ensures improved vitality, good digestion, and mental clarity-very essential for health management in times of high pollution. Prepare Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea. It is simple and easy to prepare.
Here's how to do it:
1. Boil water in a kettle or saucepan.
2. Add one teaspoon of Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea leaves or tea bag into the water. 3. Let the tea steep for about 5-7 minutes depending on the intensity of flavors you are used to. 4. Strain the tea or remove the tea bag. 5. Optionally, add honey or a slice of lemon to add a little zing. .
It is suggested that this tea is consumed each morning to activate one's day with a healthy, detoxifying start.
Due to the increasing pollution in Delhi, it has become more important than ever to take preventive measures to protect our health.
Measuring steps like reducing vehicular emission, promotion of green spaces, and industrial pollution reduction must be supplemented by people's responsibility through adoption of healthier lifestyle practices.
One such simple and effective act is drinking Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea each morning.
Packed with Anti-oxidants and Anti-inflammatory properties, it detoxifies the body, enhances the respiratory health of the human body, and promotes overall well-being—making it an ideal addition to your daily routine for combating harmful effects caused by pollution.
These are some critical challenges, and making conscious choices for a healthier life is very important. Natural remedies such as Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea will be highly beneficial in this fight against pollution.
You can purchase Nettle Tea From Their Website - https://himalayanmonals.com/detoxify-and-defend-a-natural-solution-for-delhis-rising-pollution/
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himalayanmonalagro · 5 months ago
Exploring Himalayan Foxtail Millet And Cooking Guide
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Himalayan Foxtail Millet, A Grain that Few People are Aware of, is Making of this Nutrition and Sustainability. Older Crops Cultivated in the Himalayas are Not Helping Local Farmers in the Best Way But it Additionally Presents many Health Benefits. Himalayan Foxtail Millet on this Weblog Since you can Comprise this Nutritious Seed into your Regimen.
Benefits of Himalayan Foxtail Millet
• Rich in Nutrients - Himalayan Foxtail Millet is Filled with Critical Nutrients Consisting of Protein, Dietary Fiber, Iron, and Vitamin B. Making it an Excellent Choice for those looking to Supplement their Food plan with Healthy Components.
• Gluten-Free: For those with a Gluten allergy or intolerance. Himalayan Foxtail Millet is a Nutritious Alternative to Wheat and Different grains that Comprise Gluten.
• Anti-Oxidants: This Millet is Rich in Anti-Oxidants. Helps the Body Fight Oxidative Stress. Reduce the threat of Continual Disorder
• Heart Health: High Fiber Content Material Supports Heart Health via Assisting to Decrease levels of Cholesterol and Hold Healthy Blood Pressure.
• Sustainable Crop: Grown in the Harsh Himalayan Climate. Uses Minimal Resources Making it an Eco-Friendly Option.
Why Choose Himalayan Monal Agro?
It Symbolizes the Rich Biodiversity of the Himalayan Ecosystem in this Unique Environment. The Himalayan Foxtail Miilet is no exception. Local communities Developed over the Centuries. This has made it a Cultural Staple for many communities. Including this Himalayan Foxtail Millet in your Diet You are Supporting Traditional Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation.
How to Cook Himalayan Foxtail Millet At Home.
1 Cup Himalayan Foxtail Millet
2 Cups Water (or Broth For Delivered Flavor)
Salt As Per Your Taste
Rinse the Millet - Place the Himalayan Foxtail Millet in a Fine-Mesh Sieve and Rinse it Under Water to Clean Dirt or Impurities.
Drain well - For More Flavor, you May Dry Roast the Rinsed Millet in a Pan Over Medium Warmth for Two-3 Minutes Until it’s Slightly Golden and Fragrant.
Cook - In a Pot, Combine the Rinsed Millet and Water Both. Add a Pinch of Salt if Favored. Bring to a Boil Over Medium-Excessive Heat.
Simmer - Once it Reaches a Boil, Lessen the Warmth to Low, Cover the Pot, and Permit it Simmer for Approximately 15-20 Minutes, or Until the Millet is Gentle and the Water is Absorbed.
Serve - Remove From Warmness and Allow it Sit Blanketed for 5 mins. Then Fluff the Millet with a Fork and Serve!
You can add Spices or Vegetables even as Cooking for Added Taste and Nutrition. Cooked Foxtail Millet can be used in Salads, As a Facet Dish, or Maybe in Porridge. Enjoy your Nutritious Meal!
Himalayan Foxtail is a Nutritious Soil. It Represents a Rich Cultural Heritage and is a Sustainable Choice for Health Conscious Consumers. Including this Himalayan Foxtail Millet in your Diet helps Support Local Farmers and Preserves Organic Diversity. This Provides Many Health Benefits.
Experience the taste of the Himalayas and experience Himalayan Foxtail Millet in your kitchen today!
Order Now - https://himalayanmonals.com/
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himalayanmonalagro · 5 months ago
बिछुआ चाय का जादू: इसके फायदों का अवलोकन और इसे बनाने का तरीका
बिछुआ चाय क्या है?
स्वास्थ्य पेय उद्योग में बिछुआ चाय एक छिपा हुआ रत्न है। यह कभी-कभी अधिक लोकप्रिय जड़ी-बूटियों द्वारा ग्रहण कर लिया जाता है। स्टिंगिंग नेटल (अर्टिका डियोइका) की पत्तियों से बनी इस स्वादिष्ट हर्बल चाय के कई स्वास्थ्य लाभ हैं। बिछुआ चाय अपनी पोषण संबंधी बहुमुखी प्रतिभा और पारंपरिक चिकित्सा में ऐतिहासिक उपयोग के कारण स्वास्थ्य प्रेमियों के बीच प्रसिद्ध हो गई है।
इस ब्लॉग में हम आपको बिछुआ चाय बनाने का आदर्श तरीका बताने जा रहे हैं। इसमें बिछुआ चाय के सात आश्चर्यजनक लाभों पर भी प्रकाश डाला गया है जो अपने स्वस्थ आहार में सुधार करने की कोशिश करने वाले किसी भी व्यक्ति को निश्चित रूप से आज़माना चाहिए।
बिछुआ चाय कैसे बनाएं
- ताजी या सूखी बिछुआ पत��तियां (1-2 चम्मच सूखी या एक मुट्ठी ताजी)
- 2 कप पानी
- वैकल्पिक: स्वाद के लिए शहद, नींबू या अदरक
कटाई या खरीदारी - यदि आप ताजी बिछुआ का उपयोग कर रहे हैं तो दस्ताने पहनें और पत्तियों को सावधानी से काटें। यदि आप हेल्थ फ़ूड स्टोर्स या ऑनलाइन में सूखे बिछुआ पत्तों की तलाश करना चाहते हैं।
तो आप हिमालयन मोनाल एग्रो की वेबसाइट से खरीद सकते हैंhttp://www.himalayanmonals.com
पानी उबालें - एक बर्तन में 2 कप पानी उबालें।
केतली में बिछुआ की पत्तियां डालें - उबलते पानी में बिछुआ की पत्तियां डालें। आंच कम करें और 10 मिनट तक धीमी आंच पर पकाएं
एक छलनी डुबोएं, चाय बनाएं और पत्तियां निकाल दें।
स्वाद - स्वाद बढ़ाने के लिए शहद, नींबू या अदरक मिलाएं।
आनंद लें - ठंडे पेय के लिए गर्म या आइस्ड नेटल चाय की चुस्की लें
बिछुआ चाय के स्वास्थ्य लाभ
पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर - बिछुआ चाय विटामिन ए, सी, के और विटामिन बी से भरपूर होती है। जिसमें आयरन, कैल्शियम और मैग्नीशियम जैसे खनिज शामिल हैं।
सूजन रोधी गुण - बिछुआ में ऐसे यौगिक होते हैं जो सूजन को कम करने में मदद कर सकते हैं। इसलिए, यह गठिया या अन्य सूजन संबंधी स्थितियों वाले लोगों के लिए फायदेमंद है।
पाचन स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देता है - चाय पाचन में मदद कर सकती है और अक्सर इसका उपयोग सूजन और गैस से राहत पाने के लिए किया जाता है।
प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली के कामकाज में सुधार करता है - उच्च मात्रा में एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट के साथ। बिछुआ चाय इस प्रकार आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत कर सकती है और बीमारियों से लड़ने में मदद कर सकती है।
त्वचा के स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देता है - बिछुआ एक्जिमा और मुँहासे जैसी त्वचा की स्थिति में सुधार करने की क्षमता के लिए जाना जाता है, इसके सूजनरोधी और रोगाणुरोधी गुणों के लिए जाना जाता है ।
पथरी में लाभ दायक - बिछुआ में गुण होते हैं जो किडनी के कार्य को समर्थन देने के कार्य को बढ़ावा देने में मदद कर सकते हैं।
एलर्जी के लक्षणों से राहत दिला सकता है - कुछ अध्ययनों से पता चलता है कि स्टिंगिंग नेटल हे फीवर और अन्य एलर्जी के लक्षणों से राहत दिलाने में मदद कर सकता है। क्योंकि इसमें एंटीहिस्टामाइन गुण होते हैं।
"बिछुआ चाय एक स्वादिष्ट, स्वास्थ्य वर्धक पेय है जो आपकी दैनिक दिनचर्या में आपके स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभ है। इसे बनाना न केवल आसान है, बल्कि इसके ढेर सारे फायदे भी इसे आपके समग्र स्वास्थ्य के लिए एक शक्तिशाली सहयोगी बनाते हैं।
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himalayanmonalagro · 5 months ago
The Nutritional Miracle of Black soyabean (Pahadi Bhatt Ki Dal)
Black Soyabean, also known as Pahadi Bhatt Ki Dal, comes from the Beautiful Uttarakhand Himalayan Region. Whether you are in need of a Protein-Rich Meal or just want to try the Traditional taste of Uttarakhand, Soyabean is This Modest one has many to choose from. Let's take a look at the Many Health Benefits of Black Soyabeans,
How to Make them, and Easy Recipes.
Health Benefits of Black Soybean (Pahadi Bhatt Ki Dal)
High in protein - Black Soyabeans are an Excellent Source of Plant-Based Protein and Suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians.
High in fiber - Improves Digestion and Promotes Gut Health.
Reduces Cholesterol - Fiber and Anti-Oxidants help Control Cholesterol Levels
Improves heart health - Promotes Heart Health Due to it’s High Content of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Antioxidant power source - Black Soyabeans are Rich in Anthocyanins Prevents Oxidative Stress
Controls Blood Sugar - Great for people with Diabetes under Control as it has a Low Glycemic-Index.
Promotes weight loss - Rich in Fiber and Protein. Help Control Weight and Helps you Feel Fuller for Longer
Delicious Recipe For Eating Black Soyabean Dal
Classic Black Soybean Curry - A Hot Bowl of Slow-Cooked Soyabeans with Garlic and Cumin.
Pulses with red legumes - When Combined with other Legumes, Black Soyabeans make for a Delicious and Nutritious Dinner.
Tangy Tomato & Onion Dal - The Tangy Touch Comes From Fresh Tomatoes, Garlic and Spices.
Pulses with spinach - Add Some Leafy Greens to the Mix to Add Extra Nutrition.
Black Soy Bean Khichdi - Rice, Spices and Black Soyabeans Come Together in this Traditional One-Pot Dish.
Dal Tadka - Add Curry Leaves, Green Chillies and Spicy Mustard Seeds to your Black Soyabean Dal. Cold Pulse Salad- Mix after Pulses are Cooked
How to Cook Black Soybean Dal (Pahadi Bhatt Ki Dal)
1 Cup Black Soyabean (Pahadi Bhatt)
1 Onion, Chopped
2 Tomatoes, Chopped
2 Garlic Cloves, Minced
1 Tbsp Cumin Seeds
1 Tbsp Turmeric Powder
1 Tbsp Red Chili Powder
Salt According to your Taste
2 Tbsp Oil or Ghee
Fresh Cilantro for Garnish
1. Let the Black Soyabeans Soak For Eight Hours or Overnight.
2. After Draining and Rinsing, Pressure Boil the Soybeans For 15 to 20 Minutes in 3 Cups of Water with a dash of Salt.
3. Add the Cumin Seeds to a Pan of Heated Oil or Ghee. Add the Garlic and Onions and Sauté until Golden once they Begin to Splatter.
4. Include the Tomatoes, Red Chili Powder, Turmeric, and Salt. Simmer until the Oil Separates and the Tomatoes Become Tender.
5. After Adding the Cooked Black Soyabeans, thoroughly Stir, and Simmer for Ten Minutes
6. Add Some Fresh Cilantro as a Garnish and Serve with Roti or Rice.
Why Choose Himalayan Monal Agro?
Himalayan Monal Agro's Objective is to Deliver the Greatest and Most Genuine things Directly From the Uttrakhand Himalayan region.
Every bite of our Black Soyabean is pure and of the Greatest Quality because it is Farmed Organically, Free of Harmful Chemicals. We promote ethical and sustainable agriculture practices and work directly with local farmers to ensure that you receive a healthy and ethically sourced product. Choosing Himalayan Monal Agro means supporting a company that prioritizes the environment and your health.
You can purchase our Pahadi Bhatt Ki Dal on Amazon -https://tinyurl.com/djst9fa2
Or Straight from our Website -Black Soyabean Dal (500GM) / काली भट्ट की दालDescription How to Make Kumauni Bhat Ki Dal Soak the black soyabeans for 4-5 hours with water. Heat a kadai on medium heat, add a tablespoon of ghee and once it starts to melt, add in the wheat flour, keep roasting the flour until it changes the color to light brown. Once it is light brown, take it out and keep it aside. Into the pressure cooker heat oil over medium heat, add cumin seeds and allow it to crackle. Add chopped onion and garlic and sauté till onion turns translucent. Once the onion has turned light brown, add soaked black beans along with the water, the spice powder like turmeric, red chillis,  garam masala powder, coriander powder, salt to taste and mix well. Add little more water until the beans is immersed well in water at least 2 inches below. Pressure cook the Bhatt ki Dal for 5 to 8 whistles for about 30 minutes until it is completely done. Once done, turn off the heat and allow the pressure to release naturally. Once released, add in wheat flour and keep mixing until the Kumauni Bhatt ki Dal is well combined. Add a little water if required and keep stirring until the Kumauni Bhatt ki Dal thickens.  Once done, turn off the heat and transfer the Kumauni Bhatt ki Dal to a serving bowl. Note: As our products are grown or procured from marginal farmers associated with our Himalayan Monal Co-operative Society, these products are not eligible for returns. However, in the event of your receiving a damaged product, please Whatsapp or email a photograph of the said product to us on our Whatsapp No +91-9494971000 or at [email protected] within 48 hours of receiving your order. Our team will get back with a resolution at the earliest.https://himalayanmonals.com/index.php/product/black-soyabean-dal-500gm/
Make sure you Follow us on Instagram -Login • Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/himalayanmonalagro/
Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel for more Amazing Recipes!Himalayan Monal Agro🌿 Welcome to the world of Himalayan Monal - where convenience meets premium quality! 🌿 Indulge in the exquisite flavors of nature with our meticulously crafted range of agro products. Our commitment to excellence starts with our ingredients. We handpick only the finest, ensuring that each product boasts unparalleled quality that you can taste with every bite. our products are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them the perfect choice for those looking to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Whether you're fueling up for a busy day ahead or winding down after a long day, Himalayan Monal has something to offer for every occasion. Join us on a journey true essence of convenience without compromising on quality.https://www.youtube.com/@Himalayanmonalagro
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himalayanmonalagro · 5 months ago
Discover the Power of Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea (शिशोंण चाय)
Discover the Power of Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea (शिशोंण चाय)
Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea is a Hidden Gem From Uttarakhand, for it’s Extraordinary Health Benefits and All-Natural Components.
Handpicked From the Verdant Himalayan Slopes, this Tea is Both Refreshing and Nutrient-Dense. At Himalayan Monal, We Assure that Our Nettle Tea is 100% Organic, Chemical-Free, and Sustainably Obtained, Making it an Ideal Complement to Your Daily Wellness.
Health Benefits of Nettle Tea (शिशोंण चाय)
Nettle Tea has been used in Traditional Medicine For Ages because of it’s Multiple Health Benefits.
Rich in Antioxidants: Helps Combat Free Radicals and Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair.
Supports Joint Health: Nettle Tea is Believed to Decrease Inflammation, Which Relieves Joint Discomfort.
Boosts Immunity: It Enhances your Immune System by Providing Iron, Calcium, and Vitamin C, Among Other Nutrients..
Detoxifies the Body: Acts as a Natural Diuretic, Removing Toxins and Promoting Kidney Function.
Aids Digestion: Improves Digestion and Alleviates Typical Stomach Ailments Including Bloating.
Best Time to Drink Nettle Tea
For Maximum Benefits, Nettle Tea is Best Consumed
• Morning - Start your Morning with a Warm Cup to Improve Metabolism and Aid Digestion. • Afternoon - Helps Digestion and Maintains Energy Levels After Lunch. • Evening - Drink a Calming Cup Before Bed to Aid in Detoxifying and Promote Restful Sleep.
Why Choose Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea?
• 100% Organic - We are committed to providing a product that is free from harmful chemicals, pesticides, and artificial additives. Our tea is naturally grown and harvested, giving you the purest form of nettle leaves.
• Support for Local Farmers - By purchasing Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea, you are directly supporting the livelihoods of local farmers in Uttarakhand. Our farmers use sustainable agricultural practices that benefit both the environment and local people.
• Naturally Cultivated in the Himalayas - The Himalayas' clean climate offers nutrient-rich soil, which accentuates the inherent goodness of nettles. This guarantees that each cup of our tea has outstanding flavor and health benefits.
• No Harmful Chemicals - Himalayan Monal Nettle Tea is Free of Preservatives and Artificial Flavors, Providing a Natural, Earthy Taste.
Available On Amazon
Himalayan Monali Pahari Coriander Spice, 100 Grams and Himalayan Monal Pahari Nettle Tea, 100gSavour the authentic flavours of the Himalayas with this Pahari Coriander spice blend from the renowned Himalayan Monal brand. Carefully crafted from the finest coriander seeds grown in the pristine mountain regions, this aromatic blend adds a delightful depth and warmth to your culinary creation...https://www.amazon.in/Himalayan-Monali-Pahari-Coriander-Monal/dp/B0DH2HCK6H/ref=sr_1_24?crid=OJJQT0X7EKB8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RhX1V5db7_shEqavwFPhlnyYo4Y7agxhFL4HDljlsgqT0AvWdiVjim1sjxjwHZNmmmJCChVeQT0ZDsr12XNGbtDpkt6N-8D5faTPUxsVTofn2csvbV7IUQuxwWzW7C3DxJKorSAF1uIDGunOehe-30WUc8cLHoAmbqL_Lw-twc5tnRre6HPaieuEITmX5BdkhHWgCQ1SiifG7oNi3CcTMtWeXmGP11N4NK9Aw7qhow6K1nfyCRGeg5Uol08Mw5JlrBeeBmotWyVMrVh7HvPQjYCF6fkqUuNXR2Li52ryYHY.3u__XHFbUgcgvjY4ibSiNXBwgA1Pne9YMJSx-jfRvmg&dib_tag=se&keywords=himalayan+monal+nettle+tea&qid=1726911124&s=grocery&sprefix=himalayan+monal+nettle+te%2Cgrocery%2C192&sr=1-24
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For more Health Tips, Recipes, and Updates on Our Natural Products, Follow us on Instagram @HimalayanMonalAgro
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himalayanmonalagro · 5 months ago
What is Yellow Soyabeans And Soyabeans?
Himalayan Monal’s Yellow Soybeans: The Nutrient-Rich Superfood
Discover the Health Advantages of Himalayan Monal’s Yellow Soybeans, a Rare and Nutrient-Dense Legume Grown in the Himalayas High Altitude Areas. This Unusual type has a Better Nutritional Content, a Fuller Taste, and Promotes Sustainable Growing Techniques. Whether you want to Supplement your Diet with Extra Protein or Improve your Heart Health, Himalayan Monal’s Yellow Soybeans are the ideal Addition to your Meals.
Difference Between Yellow Soybeans and Regular Soybeans.
Although Himalayan Monal’s Yellow Soybeans and Ordinary Soybeans Appear to be identical at First Appearance, they differ Significantly in Origin, Flavor, and Nutritional Value. Yellow Soybeans are produced at High Altitudes in the Himalayas, where they Benefit From Mineral-Rich Soil and a clean Atmosphere, Increasing their Nutritional Density.
These Soybeans are Farmed Organically, with no Hazardous Chemicals or Pesticides, making them a Healthier and more Sustainable option. They also have a Deeper, Nuttier Flavor and Softer Texture when Cooked, Making them useful in a Variety of Cuisines such as Salads, Curries, and Stews.
Himalayan Monal’s Yellow Soybeans
Origin - Grown in the High Altitude Himalayan Area.
Growing Conditions - Organic, Pesticide-Free, Organically Grown.
Nutrient Density - Higher nutrient levels owing to mineral-rich Himalayan soil.
Flavor - Nutty and smooth, with a deep, earthy flavor.
Texture - Cooking results in a softer texture, making it suitable for curries, salads, and other dishes.
Rarity - Rare, traditional Himalayan legume.
Sustainability - Supports local farmers and environmentally responsible farming techniques.
Regular Soybeans
Origin - Globally Mass-Produced, often through Large-Scale Agricultural.
Growing Conditions - Chemical Fertilizers and Insecticides were used in the Growing Process.
Nutrient Density - Standard nutrients vary by growing location.
Flavor - Mild, neutral flavor that frequently requires seasoning.
Texture - Firmer, found in many processed foods.
Rarity - Widely accessible in stores across the world.
Sustainability - Large-scale farms are generally unsustainable.
What Are The Health Benefits of Himalayan Yellow Soybeans
High Protein Content - Ideal for Vegetarians and Vegans seeking to Satisfy their daily Protein Requirements.
Rich in Fiber - Improves digestion and intestinal Health.
Cholesterol Control - Naturally lowers Cholesterol and Promotes Heart Health.
Bone Health - Contains calcium and Magnesium, which promote bone strength. It regulates Blood Sugar and is ideal for Diabetics due to its Low Glycemic Index.
Weight Management - High Fiber and Protein Content keeps you Feeling Fuller for Longer.
Rich in antioxidants - Which Aid in the Battle Against free Radicals and improve General Health.
You Can Also Cook with Himalayan Yellow Soybeans
Add to fresh Salads for a protein-rich supper.
Ideal for thick, Aromatic Curries.
Stews are a Nutritious and Hearty meal Option.
For Vegan Burgers, use Cooked Beans.
Smoothies: Blend for a Nutrient-Dense, Creamy Texture.
Stir-Fries are an Excellent Accompaniment to Sautéed Veggies and Grains. Increase protein and Texture in your favorite Casseroles.
Why Choose Himalayan Monal Agro?
At Himalayan Monal Agro, we take pleasure in supplying Himalayan Yellow Soybeans that are Cultivated Organically, Without Harmful Chemicals, and with a Strong Dedication to Sustainability. Our Soybeans are High in Nutrients, Hand-Harvested, and Packaged Carefully to Maintain Freshness. By Choosing us, you are Supporting Environmentally Sustainable Farming Techniques and Helping Small-Scale Himalayan Farmers.
Available on Amazon
Order your pack of Himalayan Monal’s Yellow Soybeans easily on Amazon for Home delivery.Himalayan Monal Yellow Soyabean Pulses, 500g, Best of UttarakhandImmerse yourself in the rich flavours of the Himalayas with Himalayan Monal's Yellow Soyabean Pulses, nourished by nature's bounty. This 500g pack of pahadi soyabeans, sourced from the fertile lands of Uttarakhand, is a vegan delight that promises to elevate your culinary experience. Packed with ...https://www.amazon.in/Himalayan-Monal-Yellow-Soyabean-Uttarakhand/dp/B0DFYJ5NH7/ref=sr_1_17?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LY0pcLU-W4Wh5Ykhjo1p116yMrQQFYrbhufzW5IlgVmdm9pjSD9xHnxMfWqJThduzqTIt5ohLuZxzks9dAITI3QHq9P9ofzUWpIV7eq0SRQJPFOXDMcq6uPN9U8eduGyzbtIuBq_0ho6nv3-2XDMfoJg-gRHwr_SbEi6wv6KsLtxglECXIKKJu4Wf3nH4O0JdL2h60UQyG7XZ1DcRaA3vqo2NSmlpnDCfRUiLTD3v9P0tdrSha-ncvYgFooHRZ4jJyWwBE_LQns-INhc0sOma-GBCH9aGLYux1IQmbXO6r4.gkfsioi1JTbwLRJMgjz7bZLslfniquPzpgnTSzMPGxA&dib_tag=se&keywords=himalayan+monal&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1726770862&s=grocery&sr=1-17
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Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for exciting recipe ideas and cooking tips.Himalayan Monal Agro🌿 Welcome to the world of Himalayan Monal - where convenience meets premium quality! 🌿 Indulge in the exquisite flavors of nature with our meticulously crafted range of agro products. Our commitment to excellence starts with our ingredients. We handpick only the finest, ensuring that each product boasts unparalleled quality that you can taste with every bite. our products are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them the perfect choice for those looking to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Whether you're fueling up for a busy day ahead or winding down after a long day, Himalayan Monal has something to offer for every occasion. Join us on a journey true essence of convenience without compromising on quality.https://www.youtube.com/@Himalayanmonalagro
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himalayanmonalagro · 6 months ago
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Himalayan Red Chilli Powder (पहाड़ी लाल मिर्च)
The Power of Red Chilli from the Himalayas: A Hot Super Food with Countless Health Benefits.
A vibrant, locally sourced spice, Himalayan Monal's Red Chilli is Grown in the Natural Environment of the Himalayan Region of Uttarakhand. It's the Ideal option for Anybody wishing to Enhance the Flavor of their Meals while Reaping the Nutritional Benefits, thanks to it’s Rich Color, Deep Flavor, and Health Benefits.
Health Benefits of Himalayan Monal's Red Chilli (पहाड़ी लाल मिर्च)?
Rich in Vitamins: Vitamins A, C, and E are Abundant in red chillies and are Necessary for Strengthening Immunity and Enhancing Skin Health.
Anti-Oxidant Powerhouse: They include Capsaicin, an Active Ingredient with Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Oxidant qualities that help lower the Risk of Chronic Illnesses.
Boosts Metabolism: Capsaicin helps increase Fat-Burning Mechanisms in the body, which Accelerates Metabolism and Promotes Weight Reduction.
Improves Digestion: The Heat's Fiery Kick Encourages the Flow of Digestive Fluids, which Improves Digestion and Lessens Bloating.
Heart Health: Adding Red Chilies to your Food is Associated with Better Blood Circulation and lower cholesterol, both of which Support Heart Health in General.
Pain Relief: Topical Treatments Containing the Capsaicin Found in Red Chilies are Frequently Used to Treat Joint and Muscular Pain.
Why Choose Himalayan Monal's Red Chilli (पहाड़ी लाल मिर्च)?
At Himalayan Monal's, we take pride in providing Red chillies from the Heart of the Uttrakhand Himalayas Region that are Ethically Sourced and Pesticide-Free. Here are Several Reasons Why Our Red Chili is the Best.
100% Organic: We use Environmentally Friendly, Chemical-Free Agricultural Practices to Cultivate our Chilies.
Non-GMO: We ensure that none of our Goods Include Genetically Modified Organisms.
Sustainably Sourced: Local Farmers Use Traditional Methods to Harvest Our Red Chilies, which Helps the Local Economy and Ecology.
Premium Quality: We Prioritize Quality, Making Certain that each batch of Chillies is Bursting with Nutrients and Taste.
Versatile: Our Red Chillies Deliver the Ideal Amount of Heat and Flavor, whether you're Spicing up a Stir-Fry or Adding some Spiciness to a Curry.
Why Himalayan Monal?
Sourced Locally, Ethically
Free of Chemical Pesticides
Non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) - Genetic Modification is the process of Altering an Organism's DNA in a way that doesn't Occur Naturally. This is often done by Transferring Specific DNA From one Organism to Another. Scientists call this Process Genetic Engineering.
Sustainable Farming Practices
Support For Local Farmers
Choosing Himalayan Monal's Red Chilli does more for you than only Enhance Food Flavor, it also Promotes Sustainable Agricultural Methods that are Good for the Environment and People
Experience the delicious taste and health advantages of our product, which is now conveniently offered on Amazon.
You can locate us with only a click, regardless of whether you're seeking for speedy delivery or simple shopping! - https://www.amazon.in/Himalayan-Monal-Pahari-Chilli-Powder/dp/B0DFYFPWL7/ref=sr_1_10?crid=5CEWSL148EHG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.-ZbduHVxX3PcNP1s-LQSa-kHINtxV4QooAdjzVTtCiWENdM8ROlmNYrZK72GBH2bW3OUMTwp5E7AaZth_24e01GQ5xmI21QTyTE0EnIclF3zc0RhVl95hiTgON8io75_T_Q7FhCMjTGv8ec8kIeP_1AyUdqs8tmehgF-NAZyzTqZcFsKOJbjsS1t6x7mJO23EX_M2QLSZ1jb4rRc9i5WKaMqNdYnexNI33sewR942eQumeLnWznPWrvQV8I4EKHc5ZwkrI-2FeiCBWedVEsojMpTHkxbD1ixpu4IyiaTR5M.eG5yji6UPND9tEzdzKQBX8lcphaksPAZM-8eHO3lgb4&dib_tag=se&keywords=himalayan+red+chilli&qid=1726562740&s=grocery&sprefix=himalayan+red+chilli%2Cgrocery%2C199&sr=1-10
Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/himalayanmonalagro?igsh=MTZqNzk5OG9tYWZvbw==
Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for Regular Updates, Recipes, and Health advice. Himalayan Monal Agro
Visit our online store to purchase. Click on this link to visit our Website to shop now - Shop - Page 2 - Himalayan Monal
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himalayanmonalagro · 3 months ago
Gahat Ki Dal, Horse Gram Dal in Winter: The Powerhouse of Nutrients Delight
Winter sets in and our bodies require something to keep them warm and nourished. A perfect fit for this season would be Horse Gram Dal or Gahat Ki Dal. Horse gram is well known for it’s outstanding nutritional value and medicinal properties. During winter, it is always an essential dal for staying fit and healthy. Now, let's see how this simple dal can work for your body in the winter season, its high protein value, an easy recipe to prepare, and why Himalayan Monal Agro is the best choice for sourcing Gahat Ki Dal.
Why Horse Gram (Gahat Ki Dal) Is a Winter Superfood
High in Protein and Iron Horse gram is one of the richest plant-based sources of protein-its small serving provides a substantial amount of protein for the improvement of muscle repair, production of energy, and immune support. It's also packed with iron, important during winter, to continue to maintain healthy blood circulation, thereby preventing fatigue.
Increases Digestion Due to the chill, digestion at times decreases. Horse gram is beneficial for digestion due to the high fiber and helps stabilize the digestive system. Eating Gahat Ki Dal often can help one avoid constipation and support gut health.
Keeps You Warm Horse gram is known for its heating properties, making it ideal for winter. It generates warmth in the body, helping you stay energized and preventing the cold from making you feel sluggish. It's a great food choice for anyone who wants to stay active in winter while keeping warm.
Detoxification of the Body High fiber content in horse gram also promotes detoxification. It facilitates the flushing of toxins out of the body, preventing breakouts of skin, and ensuring general well-being. During winter, the metabolism is slowed down. Horse gram helps in maintaining the process of detoxification at its best level.
Regulates Blood Sugar For those interested in blood sugar levels, Gehat Ki Dal would make a perfect addition to your diet. It is of low glycemic index and helps in the regulation of blood sugar, hence
Easy and Delicious Gahat Ki Dal Recipe
Now that you know all the innumerable benefits of Horse Gram Dal, let's go on to a simple and scrumptious recipe to make this nutritious food:
1 cup Horse Gram Dal (Gahat Ki Dal)
1 medium onion, finely chopped
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tsp ginger, grated
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander powder
1-2 green chilies, chopped (optional)
1 tbsp ghee or oil
Salt to taste
Fresh coriander leaves for garnish
1. Wash and Cook the Dal: Rinse the pony gram dal very well under cold water. In a stress cooker, upload the dal with 3 cups of water and prepare dinner for about 5-6 whistles or until smooth.
2. Prepare the Tempering: Heat ghee or oil in a pan. Add cumin seeds and allow them to splutter. Add the chopped onions, garlic, and ginger, and sauté until golden brown.
3. Add Tomatoes and Spices: Add chopped tomatoes, turmeric, coriander powder, and salt. Cook till the tomatoes melt and the spices release their aroma.
4. Combine Dal and Tempering: Add the cooked horse gram dal to the pan, mix well, and cook dinner for another five minutes. Adjust the consistency by using including extra water if needed.
5. Garnish and Serve: Garnish with clean coriander leaves and serve hot with rice or roti.
Why Choose Himalayan Monal Agro for Gahat Ki Dal?
When it involves best, Himalayan Monal Agro offers the best Gehat Ki Dal sourced from pristine Himalayan regions. Our beans are cautiously harvested and processed to retain their herbal goodness, ensuring you get the full dietary blessings of each serving. By deciding on us, you’re now not just getting extremely good horse gram dal, however additionally supporting sustainable farming practices.
Order Now for Discounts and Fast Delivery! Ready to revel in the fitness advantages of Gehat Ki Dal?
Visit our website and place your order today!
Get special discounts to your first purchase and experience fast transport to your step. Don’t omit this nutritious winter important—order now and stay warm, healthy, and energized all season long.
Gahat ki dal is a powerhouse of nutrients that can provide many benefits to your body. Especially during the winter With high protein properties Digestive system and warmth It is the perfect addition to your diet. So, make a wise decision and try Himalayan Monal Agro's premium Gahat Ki Dal today. Your health will thank you!
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himalayanmonalagro · 5 months ago
What are the Benefits of Makhana?
The Superfood Makhana: Why Himalayan Monal Agro’s Makhana is a Must-Have for Your Diet
Makhana, also known as fox nuts or lotus seeds, is quickly becoming a favorite food due to its numerous health advantages. Himalayan Monal Agro provides the Highest Quality Makhana Cultivated in the Himalayan pristine, Mineral-Rich Surroundings. This Superfood is Rich in Nutrients, making it ideal for Everyone From Fitness Enthusiasts to those looking for a Healthier alternative to Processed treats.
Why Choose Makhana from Himalayan Monal’s Agro?
· Naturally Cultivated - Our Makhana is Cultivated, where the Soil and Climate Create an ideal Habitat for Natural Agriculture Devoid of Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides.
· Dry Roasted, Not Fried - Unlike many processed Snacks, our Makhana is Dry Roasted, Providing a Healthy, low-fat option with the Crunch you Crave Without the Oil.
· Non–GMO - Are Grown Without the use of Genetically Modified Organisms, Resulting in a Natural, Unaltered Food Source. They Support Healthier Ecosystems and Provide Customers Clean, Healthful Ingredients.
· Five Delicious Flavors - We offer a Range of Unique Flavors to Satisfy Every Palate:
Peri Peri
Himalayan Pink Salt and Pepper
Hemp Seed
Caramel and Himalayan Salt
Cream and Onion
· 100% Pure and Natural - We Ensure that our Makhana is Picked and Processed with the Highest Care, Retaining it’s Nutritious Content and Purity.
· Support Local Farmers - By selecting Himalayan Monal Agro, you Directly Contribute to the well-being of Local Himalayan Farmers, Allowing them to Preserve their livelihoods via Environmentally Sustainable and Ethical Farming Techniques.
What are the Benefits of Eating Makhana
Boosts Energy - Makhana delivers Sustained Energy, Making it an Excellent Choice for Pre- or Post-Workout Snacking.
Helps with Digestion - The Fiber Content improves Proper Digestion and Aids in Weight Management.
Supports Heart Health – It’s low Fat Content and High Potassium Levels Promote Heart Health.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties - Makhana's Anti-Oxidants, including Flavonoids, can decrease Inflammation, which helps relieve illnesses including Arthritis and General Body Pains.
Boosts Digestive Health - The High Fiber Content Helps Regulate Bowel Movements, Easing Digestion and Preventing Constipation.
Controls Blood Sugar Levels - Makhana has a Low Glycemic Index, making it a Suitable Snack for those Managing Diabetes by Avoiding Sharp Sugar Spikes.
Promotes Healthy Skin - The Amino Acids in Makhana Contribute to Collagen Production, which helps keep Skin Firm, Reducing the Signs of Aging.
Gym Lover’s Favorite
Makhana is an excellent snack for fitness enthusiasts because to its High Protein and Fiber Content, which keeps you full for longer while also Encouraging Muscle regeneration after Exercise. It's light and Energetic, Making it an ideal Pre- or Post-Workout Snack.
Where Can You Use Makhana?
Snack Time: Makhana is ideal for Guilt-Free Snacking in Between Meals.
Healthy Toppings: Incorporate Healthy Toppings into Salads or Soups for Added Crunch and Nutrients.
Breakfast: For a Healthful and Delectable Breakfast, try Roasting them with Spices.
Party Appetizers: For Healthy Party Appetizers, use roasted or Seasoned Makhana instead of Chips.
At Himalayan Monal Agro, we Believe that Healthy Eating should never Sacrifice Flavor or Quality. Our Makhana is not only Healthy Addition to your Diet, but it is also a Versatile Snack that can be Eaten in a Variety of Ways.
Choose us for Responsibly Sourced, Nutrient-Dense Superfoods that help you Achieve your Health and Fitness Objectives.
& On our Website
Makhana - Himalayan Monal
Head office address 53, Sukrad, Someshwar Almora - 263637 Uttarakhand - India
You can also Follow us on Instagram
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& Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel for Additional Product and Health-Related Updates. Order now and feel the Himalayan Monal’s Difference!
Himalayan Monal Agro
🌿 Welcome to the world of Himalayan Monal - where convenience meets premium quality! 🌿 Indulge in the exquisite flavors of nature with our meticulously crafted range of agro products. Our commitment to excellence starts with our ingredients. We handpick only the finest, ensuring that each product boasts unparalleled quality that you can taste with every bite. our products are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them the perfect choice for those looking to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Whether you're fueling up for a busy day ahead or winding down after a long day, Himalayan Monal has something to offer for every occasion. Join us on a journey true essence of convenience without compromising on quality.
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