#stink ee
favficbirthdays · 6 months
Happy Birthday
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Stink (10th April)
Epithet Erased
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12niko13 · 2 years
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My favorite characters are the five background kids from the first episode in the morning museum scene. Only two of them have actual names (Stink and Stonk) and one of them is only known by their alias (Mushroom Girl), but they're all awesome in my eyes
mod can't even think of a joke for this one. anyways we should give stink and stonk guns to see what they do/j
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Deranged ramblings about Dark Zone!Stink LET'S GOOO!: "The Nightmare Child" is a title whispered in hushed tones across the world. There are very few things all the inhabitants agree upon, save one: If you see a small 11-year-old boy with spiky black hair wandering around wielding a sword with strange energy readings, RUN. His "family" is not far behind. Ever-twisting Anomalies that feed & grow off of each other, corrupted machinery and subverted Hive organisms blend machine & metal into horrifying techoorganic forms, bands of deranged Mutants, hordes of zombies, madmen & more all congregate around their child-emperor of the Dark. Worse still, there are rumors of a Consortium member who acts as a doctor & surgeon to his horde in exchange for not being fed to "Stonk", a large skeletal monster of unknown origin who serves as Stink's best friend/ mount/ advisor/ pet he feeds whoever makes him angry to. The Host of the Nightmare is the largest singular force in the post-collapse world. Other major factions do have larger armies, but cannot mobilize the necessary forces to quash the horde of madmen without leaving themselves vulnerable. It would take a multi-factional alliance to bring them down, and even then there would be heavy casualties. They are seen as the return of the conquering hordes of antiquity, and of mankind's folly & mistakes coming up to destroy them.
As for the Nightmare Child himself? "Capricious" would be the best word to describe the perpetual adolescent. He is prone to flights of fancy, one moment ranting over another child from a Federation settlement being mean to him (which usually ends in his horde razing the entire settlement in revenge) to spotting "cool new friends" (a Machine Beast pack who had the misfortune to land in his crosshairs), causing him to forget about their earlier source of his ire.
The Host of the Nightmare & their leader are not invincible, however. The strange properties of the sword & its wielder may give the Anomalies "knighted" by them sentience & movement, but they must feed on living beings regularly or risk starvation. Artifacts (particularly Growth-related ones) can harm them even via proximity. And said Anomalies are the ones protecting their King from being sniped... The aforementioned sword is what gives Stink the ability to ignore the Dark Zone's contamination. It will not vanish instantly, & he can still command his horde, but keep it away from him for long enough & he will, ironically, die from exposure to his "family".
(Any thoughts? Questions? Did I make him too OP?)
We actually appreciate this! Although you aren't really making a character that fits the character creation process of the setting's CYOA, you have created something / someone that fits into the setting; and that (worldbuilding) is something we can respect.
We further enjoy the character dynamic/'mechanics' done here.
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aprilbrowines · 1 year
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Trixie: I hit you and it works!
Stink: Oh yeah well I dodge and hit you back!
Trixie: Nope, your attacks don't affect me.
*they dodge stinks attack*
Trixie: Quick healer i need assistant!
Pheenie: Stink stop!
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rzyraffek · 1 year
I got infected with Gage brainrot and I have only hearcanons with him in my head right now so prepare. Today's idea is Sole with no social skills. Requests open
Gage with Sole who has no social skills
Sole is a great fighter, really they are awesome, but as quickly as they find out that they have to talk to somone they turn into weak beans. Like face-to-face conflicts always end up with Sole just freezing and Gage has to do all talking for them
"Yo Boss, Mason is looking for you he wants you to do something" ":(( noooo he's too scary" "dude is litteraly ginger what the fuck you mean too scary"
I can imagine Sole agreeing to anything just to avoid conflicts. Like ANYTHING, and ofc gangs will use it against them, like: "yoyo boss you know i need LITTLE tiny favour-" "YESYESYESYES SURE BAI" "lets go😎"
Then Gage has to intervine, boss pls do not do any deals without him cuz you gonna end up dead someday
Yea Gage tries to be all good and a bit helpful now but oh boi at the start? He did not get it at all, okay they might be stressed due to all those raiders surrendering them, but why Sole stuttered so much??? Why do they avoid talking and any eye contact?? He had no clue he spooked them so much haha... well wait till he finds out that its not being spoked but nervous
I can imagine Sole just mentally preparing to talk to somone just pacing around the room making up whole conversation in their head and Gage just sitting in background judging them HARDLY "and fuck ya doing Boss?" "AA ah I'm preparing to talk to Nisha, I helped her kill one dude and now I have to let her know that the job is eone" "Geez Boss she will be pleased, you did it well" " :(( but what if-" "Boss i swear its 11pm go to sleep"
Oh how akward it was between Gage and Sole at start, Gage tagged along with Sole to make sure they don't run away to help them clear parks! And for first few days of travel there was no small talk, no conversation, nothing. At start Gage thought they were still altered and spooked, then he though that maybe they are partially mute and just don't speak or something. Untill one of them couldn't stand the akward vibe and just stared small talk with some question or comment about environment like: "ee Gage? Why did Colter want this place anyways? It stinks" (Sole almost died while speaking first btw)
After Sole vented to him about their issue he tried to understand and help them with stress by talking to people for them, to be honest he kinda likes that cuz since he's the one speaking he can change their words a bit so they appeal to raiders more
Overall 7/10 Gage is approved 🤠👍
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Epithet Erased/ Fiends & Fire CYOA AU
(Idea from @ramblings-from-the-ether 's AU poll right here. They chose to make a Prohibition AU, but they let others use the discarded concepts & expand on them.) Link to the CYOA here. (Fair warning, on Imgur & rather long.) Now that the credits are out of the way... This AU takes place in an alternate industrial revolution upset by every supernatural force at once because they weren’t invited to New Year’s celebrations. As a result, organizations church-sponsored, state-sponsored & private formed to combat the darkness.
Now that the basic concepts have been established, the ideas:
-Anyone in their 20s or below are born after the New Year's Bloodletting (the worldwide havoc mentioned above), so that excludes the Neo Trio, Gio, Sylvie & Stink for named characters. -This is Everyone Adopts Molly (EAM) adjacent, so Molly gets all the support she needs. Lorelai's fine, just newly apprenticed in the Roughhouse Witch Coven/Clan to gain some much-needed character development & lessons in how to use her magic responsibly (Gio managed to convince them to take her in when he recognized she was born with magic, there not being many other options for her in Sweet Jazz City). -Bliss Ocean are good guys here! Well, mostly. They do mean well & their Fiend-Hunting skills are genuinely good, but until recently they did not get along with the authorities very well. It's a step-up from the terrorists of Canon. -Rick is a half-Sidhe (this setting's Fae) here. Not a Changeling, a true Human-Sidhe hybrid. Perhaps the only one of his kind, he's still trying to unlearn the promise-&-contract-based morality they have. Naven taking him under his wing has helped immensely.
(Ideas & suggestions are appreciated. Thanks again to @ramblings-from-the-ether for getting this ball rolling. Credit to @epitheterasedgen for popularizing "Everyone Adopts Molly" in the EE fandom.) Edit: I forgot to tag for spoilers. Sorry for everyone who has been spoiled.
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idleorbitals · 1 year
only friends ep 3 watch through (part 2/2)
(part 1)
got too wordy again for a single post. maybe next week I will do Less Scenes. not right now tho
*begin vid section [3/4]*
boston and nick pull up to the party in the car we understand boston and top will be banging in later tonight. nick asks about top and mew and boston says, to nick's face, that mew is soooo into top but won't admit it. then they both play at accusing the other of being into top. I don't think either of them is into top. nick is into boston and boston is into conquest
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there is faint eerie music playing over this entire scene. also this shot is just....gorgeously composed. goddamn
I don't know folks boston is such a manipulative jerk. we see it right here in this scene when he tells nick he can call their relationship what he wants to keep him on the hook. but also he is broadcasting to nick over and over how casual he wants to keep this and like. I don't sympathize with boston at all but idk if nick still has a firm grasp on the moral high ground here. not least, you know, now that we know that nick is bugging boston as this conversation happens
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at the party we get a brief little sandray flirting scene. sand's "I don't know, I'm not a jukebox" line is an absolute winner in my book. ray casts move into your flirt-ee's personal space, say something suggestive in a low tone, and then smirk. straight out of ayan's book. haven't counted but this has definitely happened in nearly every scene they've shared so far
*pre read more warning this got Long*
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mew smells a sandray rat. ray swears he doesn't have feelings for sand and thinks he's telling the truth. top walks up and ray gives him the stink eye but cannot compete with this entirely over the top (pun intended) move from sand:
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baby doesn't do subtle even though he seems to think he can
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boston shows up to mess with ray so that ray will help him mess with topmew. ray says "who's sleeping with who is not my business" which is generally true and nice of him to say but you know. he's feeling it anyhow. especially as boston keeps digging in on how pathetic ray is and how manipulative top is. boston really setting himself up for the karmic retribution here
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then boston proceeds back into the kitchen to mess with top about mew and ray. particularly noteworthy here is that the picture he has of them was obviously taken without permission. was this a funny little *ooh my friends are kissing each other* moment for boston?? did he have some kind of motive even then to be creepy? is this just to add to his bad guy cred? anyway he promises he has even more but he's not going to show it to top unless he comes to find him in the parking lot after the party. now nick walks in and eavesdrops on this whole conversation. mess! mess! mess!
now boston is sending nick home alone but says "i'm worried about you" and this is a lie! I think! but it's hard to be sure bc everyone's lying all over the place here. we know that boston is staying behind to try to get in top's pants and nick is staying behind to watch and no one is to be trusted. "I'm a grown up" nick says, "no one dares to hurt me" in the voice of dramatic irony. then he says "look at my face" and pouts very cutely at boston
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idk this reads to me as a genuinely fond expression. dunno if that's relevant but it feels notable somehow. I guess what I'm trying to say is boston is obviously a manipulative asshole but for everything he's pulling with top-mew-ray right now the main thing he could really be accused of with nick is stringing him along. he's obsessed with top for separate reasons than nick is obsessed with him but they are looking more alike than different in this episode to me
meanwhile mew comes upon ray watching sand pack up and accuses him of having feelings again. mew is picking up on some things ray seems to still be oblivious to. but also not picking up on some other very big things??
mew says: "you can finally get rid of your loneliness" "I want you to be happy" and this absolute kicker:
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yes he is, because his crush just took him around the shoulder and told him he wanted him to be happy while gazing lovingly into his eyes.
especially now that we have proof positive that something happened between them in past it makes this difficult to read. can mew possibly claim ignorance of ray's feelings atp? is he well aware but doesn't return them and is trying to be a good friend by encouraging him to pursue something with sand? what's the line here?
ray's iconic throwing of the solo cup after mew leaves with top gets cut for, according to p'jojo, shot continuity reasons. interesting because not having it there gives a minor bump to how sym/pathetic ray looks coming out of this scene. once again he gets the nicest framing here and I could be wrong but I don't think this is my bias showing
*begin vid section [4/4]*
here come ray and sand to have their weirdly wholesome dynamic where sand checks in on ray looking blue all night and ray checks in on sand getting home safely
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sand is having rideshare issues and ray insists on taking him home and sand gazes longingly up at ray from like half a foot above him once again. unreal
cut to brief shot where mew insists top goes home instead of coming in with him. good job advocating for yourself mew but bad job choosing the option that leads to at least two more messes tonight alone
sandray car makeout scene (the first?? 👀👀). I wrote a lot of this up here and in the interest of not making this post any longer than it already is that's where it's going to live
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but I will use just a little bit of all that space I saved on this shot of ray looking absolutely blissed out about these moves
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and also these much less fun character beats. in the first one ray looks up from the phone call and there's this awful moment where we see him look over at sand like he's just remembering he's there. ray cares about sand already more than he thinks he does. but when mew calls his attention refocuses so entirely on him that sand's feelings don't even rank. this whole thing feels so real and they're playing it so well
ray chews on his bottom lip and gazes forlornly after sand as he goes but he doesn't try to stop him or fight him when he says they're better off leaving it as a one night stand. I read this as an almost thoughtful move. ray has expressed already that he'd like to keep seeing sand but that this is contingent on sand being comfortable leaving emotional involvement out of it. right now ray knows his own priority is mew, and it would be a dickish, boston-ish move to try to pin sand down by placating him on his way out
we'll see what's up next for these two though. my guess based on what we've seen so far? ray will start to pursue sand more emotionally sincerely; he will hang onto the just-friends line but justify this to himself and to sand as showing proper care toward his new friend who he also happens to want to bang. sand will be drawn back in despite his better judgement. eventually they will concede that they are not just friends any more but/and ray's feelings for and prioritization of mew will keep messing with the dynamic. sand will find out about ray's long running feelings for mew but probably not from ray himself, and he will feel hurt and used, rightfully or not. as they continue to hurt each other they will both blame themselves, sand because he thinks he should have known better and ray because he does self-hatred like it's a competitive sport
can't wait
okay final scene: boston and top have their long-teased car sex and nick stands in a lit doorway a stones throw away watching and listening to the whole thing. I have many thoughts here but instead I'm going to just take the moment to appreciate some of the mechanics of this scene bc it exemplifies how many moving pieces they are stitching together to elevate this show to the next level narratively and compositionally:
-sand slamming the door as he gets out of ray's car perfectly synched with top closing the door as he climbs into boston's car is chef's kiss
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-another absolutely gorgeous shot. the contrast of this one with the same shot (see top of post) of boston and nick except we see boston and top through the windshield and the rain
-boston sitting there behind the steering wheel of his perfect little car literally and metaphorically driving the plot with his manipulations
-neo's acting in this scene holy moly
👏 CI👏 NE👏 MA
(all ofts watch throughs)
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lykoi-licks · 1 year
stinkcatinvi [stink-cat-in-vee]
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[flag A (with image and paws) - flag B (with paw) - flag C (blank)]
an inviane (link) gender related to the image below
[FLAG ID: Three flags comprised of seven colours made into thirteen rows. The flags uppermost and bottommost stripes are horizontal stripes, with the inward stripes built of scalloped rows. The colours of these flags from top->down go as the following, colour hex #7E6A38, #362510, #674D1B, #836D2F, #DFCDA8, #FBFCF1, #C3907B, #FBFCF1, #DFCDA8, #836D2F, #674D1B, #362510, and #7E6A38. The flag on the left has the meme depicted below in the centre, with two paws (in colour hex #D4B69D) on the outer thirds, opposing sides of the meme. The flag in the middle has a singular paw (in colour hex #D4B69D) in the centre of the flag. The right flag is blank and without accents. END ID.]
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[IMAGE ID: A cat standing up on its paws inside a shower, with its front paws pressed against the glass door. The cat is soaking wet and mid-meow, making the cat look in disbelief. In the middle of the photo there is black text (outlined in white) that reads “me in da shower (got too stinky)”. END ID.]
oddterricatinvi [odd-tear-ee-cat-in-vee]
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[flag A (with image) - flag B (with logo) - flag C (blank)]
an inviane gender related to the image below
[FLAG ID: Three flags comprised of five colours made into nine rows. The rows are made out of blocks and edges of colour overlapping, making the flag look jagged. The colours of these flags from top->down follow as such, colour hex #261304, #544028, #725C44, #C8A980, #B06F57, #C8A980, #725C44, #544028, and #261304. The flag on the left has the meme pictured below in the centre. The flag in the middle has the logo from the subreddit r/oddlyterrifying in the centre, the logo is the oval-head, antennae donning mascot of Reddit made out of blending skin to fit the model. The mascot has big circular eyes and is smiling. The right flag is blank and without accents. END ID.]
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[IMAGE ID: A screenshot from the subreddit r/oddlyterrifying with the title “I don’t know if this counts but this picture of this cat has been haunting me”. The photo included is a picture of a brown furred oriental shorthair cat looking into the camera lens. END ID.]
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chimeramoth · 1 year
the other day I was in a voice chat with my friends and I asked my friend, "oh hey, isn't Eid coming up later this week?" but i never heard Eid pronounced in person so I said it like "eyed." my friend goes, "it's pronounced, EE-d. but yes it's coming up on Friday!" and another friend in the call with us (who is also a white american, like me, who was smoking up that sweet, sweet stink grass) chimes in and goes, "it's called "Eed" because you're gonna eed a lotta food :)"
Eid Mubarak my friends
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favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Stink (10th April)
Epithet Erased
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12niko13 · 2 years
Перевод мини комикса от speyerboot (Translation of the mini-comic by speyerboot)
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misquitz · 2 years
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unga bunga stink pretty boi oo oo ee
link to a magi discord
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atldiscourse · 7 months
Early Entry $25 (i think) = Early admission before GA but not before other perk holders. I think it's limited to 60.
Soundcheck $60 = Limited to 60 people. Receive signed poster. Q&A + 2-3 songs depending on how many questions. Group photos split into groups of 8-10 people. Priority entry over EE.
Monitor Party $125 = Limited to 6 people. Personal 1-on-1 m&g photo with the boys. Receive signed setlist and A, J, and Z's guitar picks. Stand side stage for ATL's set only. Priority entry over other two perks.
sounding like a skint hater rn but this shit STINKS. $25 just for ee? $125 for a few mass-produced picks and staring at their arses the whole time on stage? we used to be a real country what an embarrassment
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bad-rper · 8 months
Oh, so if it's something you or mom are into, I get in trouble if I don't show any interest. BUT, if it's something with actual academic merit, you say "dis ees over my head" and change the subject! What don't you understand? I don't WANT to learn martial arts! I want to focus on my magical studies! I don't have TIME for this!
The draenei's brow flattened beneath the rocky crested settled between it.
"Did you have to peer-review a message to your own mother, too?" she clicked with reproach, "Never satisfied with your self-worth and improvement. That is why you choose these 'academics' to measure it."
Inhaling deeply, the dojo-master centered herself before opening her eyes once more. "... Go see your Aunt Nataa'li," she threw a hand towards the door. "Steal your 'min'da's stinking cigarettes as payment. She will tell you all you wish to know."
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29 with the Spidey boys :)
29. Tickling the other one
“And it’s coming down to five…four…three…two…and time!” Peter Three announced, springing up from the couch with an expectant clap of his hands. “Come on, Peter Two, you said you’d be done with that commission within an hour and an hour it’s been. Time to kick back and relax!”
“An hour was maybe more of a guesstimate,” Peter Two murmured distractedly without lifting his head from his drawing pad. “I’ve almost got it. I just need to finish the highlights, okay?”
“Dude, we already had to put the ice cream back in the freezer cos we’ve been waiting so long!” Peter One groaned, flinging himself across the couch to stretch a pleading arm out. “It’s still gonna be there after the show! Come on-n-n, be with us!”
“Look, I’ve got a track record of falling behind that I’m trying not to compound anymore. Somebody’s paying me to get this piece done on time.”
Dropping his arm with a dull thump, Peter huffed petulantly. “Do we have to pay you to hang out with us? Isn’t our love payment enough?”
“Hey, now, don’t be overdramatic. I’ll polish this up and then you’ll have me for the rest of the weekend. It just needs a couple more touchups over here and…” Two trailed off, slipping back into his hyperfocus mode.
When he was this intent on his work, it was easy to lose track of his surroundings—which was why he didn’t sense Peter Three sidling up behind him until dexterous fingers skittered across the back of his neck and behind his ear. A squeaky yelp burst out of him as he lurched, highlighter skidding haphazardly across his portrait.
Both of them froze, processing the angry white streak through carefully blended color, and then Peter Three stuttered a curse as he recoiled. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I was just trying to mess with you, I didn’t mean to—”
Inhaling deeply, Peter Two slapped the drawing pad onto the desk, hauled his chair back and rounded on his middle brother. “Okay then. Fine. You want my full attention? You got it! Come here!”
What followed was a blurry scramble of flailing limbs and panicked curses as Peter Three dove headlong for the bathroom, the only sanctuary in the apartment that could put a door between him and his doom. Peter Two wasn’t having it, slinging a web at his retreating form to reel him back into a wrangled bear hug.
“Do you know how much time I spent on that piece?!” he demanded, shaking him briefly before jamming a hand into his shirt to scrabble at his stomach. “Oh, that’s right, you were timing it down to the minute! How about I make you pay for every minute I just wasted on that, huh?!”
“No, no, no, no! I said I’m sorr-hh-hee!” Three wailed, fruitlessly pedaling to curl in on himself but that only trapped Two’s tickly fingers against him, wriggling across his ribs. “Aghh! Help! P-Peter One, do someth-hh-ing! Help me-ee-hee-hee!”
“Fat chance, man! You’re on your own!” Peter One shot back, peeking with wide eyes over the back of the couch. He had opted to take cover as soon as Peter Two came out of his chair.
“T-Traitor! I’m gonna remember tha-ha-hat!”
“You’re gonna remember all of this!” Peter Two assured, opposite hand viciously digging into his underarm to earn a startled screech. “You’re gonna learn your lesson and never pester me while I’m drawing again!”
“Okay, okay, okay-ha-hay!”
“You pester me, I pester you! You got that?!”
“G-Got it!”
“We’re clear?”
“Crystal clear-hee-hear!”
“Swear it to me!”
“No more p-pestering, I prom-hi-hi-ise! Jus’—Jus’ let me breathe!” Peter Three pleaded.
Finally satisfied, Peter Two took pity and let him melt into a boneless heap on the floor. For a moment or two, his gasps for air were the only sound in the room, then Two folded his arms and sent a pointed look at Peter One. “And as for you…”
“W-Wait, what? What did I do?”
“It’s what you didn’t do, you little stink bug. You were sitting right there with a clear line of sight; you knew what was about to happen. Did you do anything to stop him from messing with me?”
“Well, if I’m not mistaken, that makes you an accessory to his scheme.” Peter One couldn’t help but gulp, shrinking down as Two offered him a thin smirk. “You get five seconds to run.”
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