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inktae · 7 years ago
9 with blue notebooks, 1 with lavender hues, and 6 with away from the sun! (I feel like the first two are underrated and need more love! I’m also recently feeling very curious about them again, haha)
ohh thank you! honestly I was not expecting blue notebooks to get the love it has gotten, so for me it’s just shocking that people have liked it at all ahaha 
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic? (blue notebooks)not really! the story went as planned, though I wasn’t planning to end it there - it was a random choice to decide to stop at that scene and leave the rest for a sequel (that hasn’t come to life... ehem). a huge part of me feels incomplete for not writing the second part yet tbh. so for those wondering about the sequel - believe me, I’m eager for it just as much as you guys :’D if only it could write itself ahaha but I will one day!
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way? (lavender hues)I wrote this story soooo long ago, I can’t remember much of my thought process behind it. but whenever I write about jimin I always tend to go for a soft, dreamy atmosphere, which is what I was aiming for. I remember listening to birdy’s song ‘wings’ and I got the idea of turning him into some sort of fairy-like creature without wings. then I figured that using beauty as his source of energy and mixing it with that first concept just seemed very fitting for him! the creation of the oc’s character came afterwards, as I wanted her life to revolve around the search for beauty as well. making her work in a museum just seemed perfect for the story, because it’s a profession where you have to admire beauty but not necessarily create it yourself - which gives her a very melancholic personality, I think!
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics? (away from the sun)it’s definitely the story I have had to research the most for. I spent hours reading about countless sight conditions until I found something fitting for tae’s character, and I also had to do some reading on space and physics and basic astronomy. it was sooooo much fun though - I don’t think I’ve enjoyed myself that much while writing a fic! besides, I’d go as far as to say that space aus are probably my favorite kind of fics, so writing something related to it made me very happy :)
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cinanamon · 8 years ago
take me under — pjm
pairing | jimin x reader
genre | angst, fluff, siren!au, sailor!au
word count | 7K
synopsis | When you finally get the chance to ride the seven seas, you make a crash landing on a siren’s island.
warning | character death, enchantment, dark, despair
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            Since a young age, the sea salt spray and ocean waves entranced you. You were always drawn to the deep blue; you could always be seen walking by the shore or watching it from your window. It scared your mother, and she would try to keep you away. Try as she might, you always appeared by the water’s side.
            Some would say you were a captive of the waves because your father disappeared under them several years before. Others would argue that it was a childlike interest and would go away with time. A few men would even dare to hushedly joke that you were charmed by a siren, their lethal songs pulling you in, but the ocean was separating you from them.
            It never went away as you grew older. Even now as a young woman, you couldn’t deny the connection you held to the sparkling surf. And so, even though you knew it would upset your mother, you decided to board a ship; become a sailor. You knew you couldn’t stay on land; you couldn’t live a normal woman’s life with the marriage, children, and household chores. You had to be out there- you had to ride the sea. No matter how much you tried to suppress your urge for your beloved mother's sake, you couldn’t stand it any longer.
            And so you sought out an old friend of yours who was familiar with the trader ships that roamed your town’s dock. You briskly weaved past the bodies on the busy cobblestone streets until you reached his small apartment. You walked up the few steps and rapped on the door. It was a couple minutes before you saw the wooden door swing open to reveal his sleepy eyes and disheveled hair. Your previously serious mood softened into one of faint amusement.
            “Well, hello, Hoseok. How are you?” You simpered, watching as he rubbed his eyes and tried to smooth down his hair. He shut the door a little more as to save his decency.
            “(Y/n),” his voice was hoarse but he managed a smile. “I’m fine. What brings you here?” You were silent for a moment, and that’s when he took in your appearance and belongings. His eyes widened and you almost laughed at his flabbergasted expression. “Are you really-? You’re finally
            You shrugged, offering him an unsure, but excited grin. “Yup; I’m packed and everything. I just need a captain who’s willing to take a woman aboard.”
            He sighed and brought his hands up to cover his face. “And that’s why you need me.”
            “And to say goodbye, but yes; I need your help.” You sheepishly said.
            He cupped his jaw and studied you. He shook his head but relented, “I do know someone who would take you,” You perked up but he stuck up his pointer finger. “But, he is pretty strict about things; you’ll have to behave- for me and him, please.”
            You laughed lightly. “I will, I will. Now who is he? Can you take me to him?”
            “About that
,” He leaned against the doorframe and pressed his tongue into the side of his cheek. “I don’t know if he’s docked right now. I think he was scheduled to leave this morning.”
            You gasped and uneasiness started to settle in your bones. “Well then I need to hurry! Who is he? Please, Hoseok!”
            He hesitated but unwillingly gave you the information. “Namjoon. Captain Kim Namjoon. You’ll see him, I’m sure.”
            You nodded and began to turn on your heel. “I’ll go see him right away-” You paused at Hoseok’s downcast countenance. Your eyes softened and you stepped back towards him, pulling into a tight embrace. He held onto you with the same warmth, and he dug his face into your shoulder.
            “You be safe, you hear me?” He warned, trying to sound stern. He eventually relaxed and sighed instead, his grip growing stronger for a split second. “I’ll miss you.”
            You separated to see his face and squeezed his elbows. “I’ll miss you, too. You were always a joy to be around.” At his small smile, you continued. “I’ll be safe. Goodbye, Hoseok.”
            “Goodbye, (Y/n). Safe travels.” His tone was quiet, but he forced a grin on for you. You returned the gesture with a wry smile of your own as you descended the steps. He waved at you as you walked backwards. You raised a hand and waved back.
            “I’ll be back before you know it!” You shouted. His hollow face morphed into one of small glee, his mouth opening as if to laugh. But you were too far away to hear the sweet sound, and then you were too far away to see such a comforting sight.
            On your way back to the docks, you now had a person in mind. You focused on the individual ships, crews, and especially captains. You ignored the inquisitive glances you earned from the working men, all curious as to what a young woman was doing looking at the ocean. You lifted your head high and strode through the sailors.
            Hoseok said you’d know him when you saw him. But how could you? What were the indicators to know which man was him? Due to your head swiveling back and forth, you didn’t notice the person in front of you. You gasped quietly and steadied your feet, lifting your gaze to the sailor.
            He was readjusting his grip on the cargo in his arms before he raised his eyes to glare at you. When his eyes met yours, his dark eyes turned to the size of saucers.
            “(Y/n)?” He questioned, his tight grip on the box slacking again.
            Your eyebrows rose. “Jungkook?”
            He chuckled slightly, but he tilted his head at you. “I haven't sen you in years! What are you doing here?”
            You shuffled on your feet and bit at your lower lip. “You remember how I told you about how I want to be on the ocean?” He nodded slowly. “Well
 I’m going to fulfill that dream.”
            “What?” His eyes popped out. “You can’t just do that! You’re a lady!”
            You rolled your eyes. “Jungkook, just because I usually wear a skirt doesn’t mean I can’t get on a ship.”
            He hesitated. “I know that, but it’s against
” He didn’t finish that thought; you knew what he meant.
            You gave him a reassuring smile and patted his shoulder. “I know. Can you just tell me where Captain Namjoon is?”
            The dark-haired boy still looked unconvinced, but faint puzzlement lingered in his eyes. “You know who that is?”
            “Hoseok told me about him. He told me that Captain Namjoon was my best bet of getting to go on a boat.” You explained.
            Jungkook nodded. “Well that’s actually my captain, then. I’m sure he’ll at least talk to you.”
            You smiled. “Thanks, Jungkook. Do you know where he is?”
            “Um,” Jungkook looked behind him and surveyed the deck. “He’s probably in his study. You should probably wait for him here, though. He comes out to check on us every once in awhile while we’re loading.”
            You nodded and waved him goodbye as he went back to work. While you waited, you let your eyes wander over the docks. It was refreshing; the seagulls cawing, the water lapping at the wood, the shouts of the sailors. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the salty breeze brushing by your face and twirling your hair.
            “(Y/n)!” Your eyes snapped open. Your eyes drifted over the scene again until you saw a middle-aged woman frantically moving around the streets.
            Oh no, You thought. It’s my mother. You only left a note for her that morning since you didn’t think you’d be able to handle telling her- or at least, you didn’t think she could handle you telling her.
            “(Y/n)!” She called again, this time closer. You internally panicked. You had to hide; you couldn’t be seen by her. She’d stop you. You launched yourself behind a box and held your breath. Her quick steps sounded loud and clear as she made her way up the dock. You stopped breathing altogether. It was silent. Just as you thought you were safe, you felt a hand hurtle you up.
            “There you are!” She cried, pulling you into a crushing hug. You squirmed and threw yourself out of her arms. They weren’t comforting. Not after your father’s death. She loathed the sea after it claimed him; she was scared the water would take you away from her too.
            “Mother, I need to go-” You stepped away from her.
            “No!” her eyes instantly swelled with tears. “You can't leave me! Not you too!”
            You felt your heart hurt. Even if you didn’t feel safe with her or didn’t want to stay with her, she was still your mother, and you loved her.
            “Mother,” you softly tried, but you kept the tone firm. “I’m going. I’ll be home soon.”
            “No you won’t!” she sobbed, latching onto you. You flinched at her boney grip. “You’ll be gone too.”
            You shook your head. “Mom-”
            “You’re coming with me- you’re coming home.” Her face turned eerily calm and you shivered, trying harder to get away from her.
            “I don’t think she wants to.” A new voice spoke up, this one deep and relaxing. Your eyes looked up, and they landed on a tall man with windswept dark locks and a broad face. His expression was nonchalant, but his gaze was steely on your mother. “If she wants to stay, she will.”
            Your mother began to shake with another suppressed sob. The man bowed politely. “I’m sorry. Good day, ma’am.”
            She pried her hand from you, gave you one last teary-eyed glance, and walked away. You let out a deep breath and looked back at the man.
            “I’m sorry about that,” You wiped your hands on your skirt and watched your feet.
            He shook his head. “It’s alright; I truly hope she’s okay. I’m Captain Namjoon. I take it you’re (Y/n)?” He offered you a hand to shake.
            You lifted your head up in shock but took his hand. “You’re Captain Namjoon? How do you know me?”
            He looked behind him at his ship. “Jungkook told me you needed to see me. What’s your request?”
            “I...I heard you’d be willing to take a woman aboard your ship.” You replied.
            He went still for a moment, before turning back towards you. “Who told you that?”
            “Jung Hoseok. He works with the traders.” You answered, cautiously trying to read his expression.
            Namjoon nodded. “He’s an old friend of mine,” he fixed you with a narrowed gaze. “Are you a friend of his?”
            You nodded hastily. “Yes, a
            He stared at you for a few more seconds before nodding. “I’ll take you. Climb aboard and find Jungkook; he’ll find you a spot.”
            “Thank you!” You smiled, relief washing over you.
            “Don’t thank me yet,” He started to walk away and glanced back at you. “You’ll be working as a part of my crew.”
            It started off okay. The men weren’t that bad; they were overall polite, if not for the few comments about you wearing pants or how a woman aboard was bad luck. You were able to do the work asked of you, and if you were honest, you enjoyed it. The best part was getting to be near the sea and just enjoy the ocean spray on your face or the salty scent lingering in your nose. Everything was great- perfect, even. At least, before.
            “I need those sails pulled in more! Do you want them to be ripped off?!” Captain Namjoon’s voice bellowed from the wheel. You watched as a few sailors scurried up the mast ropes and began pulling at the sails. You adjusted your kneeling position and tightened the ties at the base of the mast. You could faintly hear the shouts of the crew over the holler of the wind as you rapidly blinked the rain and seawater out of your eyes. The ship lurched and more water sloshed onto the deck, pooling around your feet. You jumped up and made a beeline for a bucket, beginning to scoop up the water and try throwing it over the side.
            The storm had hit unexpectedly during the night. You had been awoken to the yells of men and when you appeared on the deck, all the lights were out because no flame could withstand the water. It was scary then; it was too dark to see, but you could feel and hear everything. But it was probably just as scary now; a few men lost to sea and the ship starting to flood. The storm seemed to only get worse, even with the dawn right on the horizon.
            After you poured the water from your bucket out a couple more times, you looked out at the waves. They weren’t the waves you knew anymore; they were dark, hazardly rushing up the side of your vessel. You winced and looked away from the turmoil to gaze ahead at the ship’s course. It was dark ahead, but there was a vague shadow of something up there. You narrowed your eyes and leaned forward. You slowly made out the shapes of jagged rocks and you gasped, whirling around to face the upper deck. No one else noticed where you were headed or their impending doom. You dropped your bucket and tried to run up the steps, making sure to hold the handrail yet still sliding every once in awhile. Did Namjoon see it? You were rushing right towards something that could destroy the ship in a matter of seconds!
            “Captain!” You shouted. He didn’t take his eyes off of what’s in front of him, but he tilted his head your way to show he was listening.
            “What?” He yelled back. He jerked the wheel and you slid a bit again, causing you to grab the railing tighter.
            “There are rocks ahead!” You vociferated, your voice slowly growing hoarse. “If we keep going the direction we are now, we’ll crash!”
            This time, he glanced at you. The look in his eyes sent a shiver down your spine. “I know, but the only way to keep our ship from tipping is to go at an angle of the wind. If I change direction now, we’ll go under!”
            You felt yourself freeze, dread pooling in your heart. You were at a standstill; you’d either crash or tip. You were going to die. You felt your feet stumble back on the step due to another wave striking the side of the boat.
            “I,” You swallowed thickly. “What can we do?”
            He shook his head. “I can try to go at a narrower angle, but we need to fix those sails- especially the right one; it’s causing us to lean.”
            You nodded and rushed down the steps. You could do this; you could survive. “Jungkook!” You called. He looked down from his place straddling the sail pole. Water trailed down from his hair and drenched his fearful yet determined face.
            “Yeah?!” He hollered down.
            “Are you pulling in the sails?” You inquired, wrapping your arm around the mast and widening your stance.
            You watched him nod and go back to the ropes. “Yeah, but it’s almost futile. The ropes are too wet to untie!”
            You felt your stomach drop once more. You hesitated. There had to be another way around this. “C-can we try to manually draw them in?”
            He froze and looked down at you in shock. Physically walking on the yardarm in the middle of the storm was practically a death sentence. “I can. But (Y/n)-”
            “Please, Jungkook!” You tried. “Get the others, then! If we don’t pull in those flags, we’re going to tip or crash. I’ll be right up. Please.”
            He nodded unwillingly and carefully stood. You watched him turn and call to the men closer to the mast, telling them to help him. You held your breath and made your way up the rope ladder, carefully placing your feet in each hole on the way up. When you landed on the yardarm, you wondered how these men were doing it.
            It was even harder to see past the rain up here, and the yardarms were so slick with water that you thought you’d slip. You tried to balance as you made your way from one pole to the other. Thunder rumbled overhead and you clung to the mast. You glanced past the men below and towards the prow, and you gasped. The rocks were closer now; Namjoon was obviously have trouble fixing the angle.
            “We need to draw in those sails!” You hollered, hoping the men on either side could hear you. You began to cautiously move towards Jungkook on the right side, the problem side. They were already grabbing at the sails from the top and trying to pull in up towards them, rolling it up as they did so. You tried to lower yourself so you could straddle the yardarm and help, but you started to tip back. You shrieked, but Jungkook shot out an arm and stopped you. You were panting out of fear, and he managed to smile at you reassuringly. You scrambled back up and hastily held onto the pole.
            You and the men beside you got to work bringing up the full sail. It was a struggle since the wind kept drawing the sails back out again, or they’d tear at the top, causing the free piece of cloth to flap wildly. The sails were already starting to ruin, but you were determined to roll them up. Except, once you did, you remembered the ropes wouldn’t untie. You frantically searched your pockets for something, anything, that you could cut the ropes with. You prayed a silent thanks when you picked out a knife. You began to slice through the ties and grab the rope before it dropped. You handed it down the line of men.
            “Begin retying the ropes,” You instructed, repeating the action several times before each man had one. You looked back at Namjoon and then the rocks. You were so close. Your breath hitched in your throat and you quickly climbed back down and hurried to your captain.
            “Is that better? Can we make it?” You asked fearfully. He sucked in his bottom lip.
            “We can try it. I can’t promise anything, though. It either works, or it doesn’t; there’s no redo.” He warned, his knuckles white from such a tight grip on the wheel.
            You tried to even your breathing as you nodded. “It’s worth a shot.”
                With those words, your captain turned the wheel. The ship evened out rather than turning to the right, and you watched as the waves started to run into the ship a bit more forcefully. But it was alright because you were not tipping and you were getting around the rocks. God, just a little bit further and he could safely turn back to the angle and move out of the way of the storm. You could even see the end of the stormclouds; just a little bit further, please-
            And then the people near the prow began to freeze. They went stock still before relaxing and moving towards the rail, leaving their tasks undone at their stations. You furrowed your brows.
            “What are they doing?” Namjoon questioned, slight anger at the edges of his words.
            “I don’t-” You began, but your jaw went slack when the men in the middle of the ship did the same thing. Panic settled in your gut when the men on the pole stopped tying the ropes.
            “No, don’t-!” You started to rush down the steps, but you were too late. The sails unraveled and the wind immediately caught them, causing the whole ship to veer over again.
            “Jungkook!” You cried as the men beside him began falling off the yardarm, hitting the decks with resounding smacks. He slid down from the mast, and you began rushing to him, holding his biceps and shaking him. “What are you doing?!” You took in his dazed expression; you stepped back, unsettled. And then you heard it; the faint, beautiful singing. A lump formed in your throat.
            “Captain! Hold your ears; don’t listen!” You shouted, turning to run back up the steps. But Namjoon was already letting go of the steering wheel and looking out over the waves peacefully. Terror fixated itself in your heart, but your will to live kickstarted in your brain. You grabbed Jungkook’s arm and pushed him behind the stairs, so he wouldn’t get thrown overboard. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t fight you as he fell. You hurtled up to where Namjoon was. You panicked internally for only a moment before taking control of the steering wheel.
            The female sirens only worked on sailor men, so you weren’t affected. Which usually wasn’t a problem since women didn’t go on ships, but right now their voices couldn’t hurt you. Which, right now, you wished you could be put under their spell too, so you didn’t know that you were about to die.
            You spun the steering wheel as hard as you could, causing the ship to lurch back towards the waves but, thankfully, away from the rocks. Your moment of hope was diminished when the sudden movement caused the ship to lean and begin to tip. You autocorrected and forced the wheel to the other side. The ship stopped tipping and you used all of your strength to hold the wheel in place as you sailed the ship sideways on a wave. You could see the edges of the rocks. Could you make it? You could do it! You prepared yourself to spin the wheel again, so you wouldn’t tip when you got away from the rocks.
            Your hands were in place when a new, soft, and melodic voice joined the others.
            Except this one was a male’s.
            Your grip on the wheel slackened instantly, causing it to reel crazily while you stared at it wide-eyed. You couldn’t bring yourself to grab it; you couldn’t control your limbs at all. The world was spinning, both in front of you and in your mind. The ship was rushing at the rocks, and your mind felt it was already underwater. Your panic and mental commands were slow, subdued; distant. You couldn’t feel or think, so just saw and listened.
            You crashed in slow motion. You watched the wood splinter and bend against the sharp edges of stone, the water splashing against the encounter and falling back over the deck of the ship. The mast fell, the tangled sails splitting over the pointed rock. At the force of the mast breaking, you were thrown overboard with a scream.
            When you hit the water, the cold water shocked you back to life. You were able to think again due to the water cutting off the enchantment, and you swam back to the surface. You gasped and sputtered for air as you wildly grabbed for some leverage on a broken piece of wood. You were thankful that there was still water in your ears, so you weren’t completely charmed again, just enough where you lost touch with reality.
            It wasn’t enough for you not to stare at the scene in horror. You couldn’t spot any of the crew from where you were, and the ship was practically split to smithereens, if not already sinking. You didn’t know what was going to happen. The cold was already seeping into your legs, the water kept washing over your head, the rain was obscuring your vision, and the sirens were sounding in your ears again.
            God, what was going on at home? Was your mother worried sick at her little kitchen table? Was Hoseok sitting by the docks, helping with unloading, but hoping to see you running towards him any moment? What about Jungkook or Namjoon? Were they already dead? Was this how it was going to end?
            You felt your salty tears joining the downpour and seawater on your face, but, really, you couldn’t care anymore. Your love for the sea turned into your worst nightmare.
            Jimin observed silently as his sisters’ sang their fatal song, and the ship began to veer. He regarded how their alluring voices mingled and caused the men on the ship to become incapacitated. He watched as the ship started to tip and move towards the rocks, causing his sisters to smile wickedly.
            Jimin didn’t usually partake in the singing to crash ships, since his voice would only work on a woman, but none rode the wooden vessels. He grew used to staying silent; he only opened his mouth to sing to himself or to converse with his siblings. He was raised to kill; to hate humans and enjoying ending their lives. Not to say he didn’t, he just
 didn’t enjoy it the way his sisters did. He was indifferent, but seeing the sailors become weak to their voices disgusted him.
            His eyes grazed over the scene of disaster in mild detachment until he saw the ship lurch and start to sit upright. He leaned up from his comfy place on the rock and his alarmed eyes swept towards his sisters. They were appalled, but they didn’t stop singing. Jimin looked back at the ship and narrowed his eyes, trying to find the source of the problem.
            His jaw dropped in astonishment when his sharp eyes noticed a figure at the wheel that wasn’t under the siren’s charm. But what shocked him more was that it wasn’t a man.
            It was a woman.
            His breathing quickened instantly. This was his time; he could finally join his sisters in the ritual. He could sing freely and take down a ship- the reason for his race’s existence. He hesitated. Could he do this? Did the woman deserve this? He shook his head; she was with the men he despised- she could die.
            Jimin opened his mouth and joined the chorus, his soft, melodic voice melding in nicely yet distinctly. He cautiously watched for her reaction; him pleased yet uncomfortable when she froze and the ship was off course again, all hope of surviving crushed.
            He witnessed the ship wreck on the rocks in slow motion, guilt trying to knock at his door. He used all his strength to keep the door closed, forcing himself to survey the ruins in disinterest and just sing. Why wasn’t he as happy as he should’ve been? He should be overjoyed about his accomplishment! But the only thing he could feel was an uneasy twisting in the bottom of his gut.
            His voice subconsciously quieted down, and he bit his lip. He couldn’t help but search blindly for the woman in the water. Could she have lived? Was it better for her to have died? Yes, it would be better if she had drowned; if she hadn’t, his sisters would rip her to pieces, or she would be thrown about like a ragdoll by the roaring, unmerciful sea.
            His gaze dutifully scoured the dark waves and he was almost glad he didn’t see someone alive. Just as he was about to turn away, he saw a piece of wood move about wildly. He whipped his head and gasped in horror to see the lady grasping the material for dear life, her chest heaving.
            Jimin felt his guilt rip the door off the hinges and catch him in a vice-like hold. He studied her struggling form with bated breath. He bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut at his dumb idea- but he would do it. He whirled his head towards his sisters, his nerves soothed a little to see that they weren’t focusing on him or the boat anymore; they were cheering over yet another successful wreckage. He took a deep breath and dived into the water.
            Your head was ducked underwater again, causing you to choke on the salty liquid. You gulped for air the second you resurfaced, and your legs weakly kicked you above.
            After being terrified and alert for so long, you felt withdrawn; like you were watching and feeling everything from third person. In that state of mind, you didn’t think you’d mind dying at this point. You couldn’t panic anymore.
            So when you saw a navy blue tail rushing towards you and then felt two arms wrap around your middle, you couldn’t bring yourself to struggle. Your body went limp as the being drew you away from the plank and started to swim with you back to the island. Your head lolled to the side, and you blankly stared at the incoming black shore.
            When the figure landed on the ebony sand, it dragged you up farther towards a big rock, shaded from the sirens on the other side of the island and the rain overhead. You closed your eyes and silently gave the creature the right to do whatever it wanted.
            “Are you
 are you okay?”
            Your eyes snapped open, and you found the energy to pull yourself upright to lean on your elbows.
            In front of you was a man you could only describe as stunning. His silver hair was sleek with water, and his winsome eyes gleamed. His lips were soft-looking and so pink, his skin so clear, his hardcut abs- You were sure this was the same effect the siren’s voice had on you. It took you a few moments to take note of the expression he was looking at you with. His face was apprehensive; worried, yet curious.
            You tried to clear your head, plastering on a somewhat unsure smile. “I’m-” And that’s when your gaze trailed down his trailed torso to his midnight tail. Your words cut off, and you stared at it, dumbfounded.
            The man noticed your silence, and he winced, flapping his shimmering tail closer to his body. “I-I didn’t mean to-” his accent was thick, and you could tell he didn’t speak English often. His Adam's apple bobbed and his eyes shot back and forth.
            “You’re the siren,” you said, your voice devoid of emotion. “The one that caused me to crash.” He flinched and seemed to curl in on himself more.
            You felt so stupid. Of course it couldn’t be a human to save you- a handsome one at that, too. And if it were a sea monster, you would’ve been dead long ago in the water. You let out a defeated sigh and closed your eyes.
            “Why did you pull me out?” You calmly cut through his blubbering. He looked up at you in surprise.
            “I- what?” He asked, his tail unfurling subconsciously.
            You trained your resolute gaze on him, causing his eyes to widen slightly at their attractive color. “Why did you save me? Why am I here and not dead yet?”
            He avoided your scrutinizing stare on him, and he dragged his nails over his skin as a distraction. He chewed his bottom lip. “I
 felt guilty.”
            Your eyebrows raised. “You felt guilty? But sirens kill all the time; they make a living out of crashing ships. You’re incapable of feeling ‘guilty’.”
            He ran a hand through his hair, and you felt yourself following his elegant movements. “We should be, but I don’t usually get to crash the ships. My voice only works on women and
” he turned to you with a pained frown.
            “Women don’t usually ride on ships,” you finished for him. He nodded, ashamed. You sighed; you couldn’t believe you were having a conversation with a siren who just tried to end your life. “Well, I don’t know what you plan to do now.”
            He tilted his head at you and ventured closer. “What do you mean?”
            “I’m stuck if you haven’t noticed.” You laughed, but there was no humor in your tone. “I have no ship, no fellow sailors, no food- I am stranded on an island with sirens who wish me dead.”
            The man was quiet, but you watched as a realization seemed to dawn on him and his eyes widened. He moved to your side urgently and grabbed your hand.
            Your eyes popped out of your skull and you looked at him as if he just grew a second head. “What are you doing?!”
            He shook his head and tried to tug you towards him. “I need to get you out of here.”
            You tried to jerk your arm out of his grip, but it was surprisingly strong. “Let me go! I don’t know where you’re going to take me.”
            He faced you again, and you were startled by the intensity and compassion in his eyes. “I know a way to save you.” seeing that you were about to disagree and resist again, he grabbed your other hand and pulled you towards him, your bodies pressed against each other. Your breath hitched at the proximity and at how serious he looked. His voice was low, “If you stay here like this, my sisters will maul you to pieces. I can’t have that.”
            He started to let go, but you hesitated and raised your voice at him, your will to stay strong beginning to crumble. “Why?” Your voice cracked. “Why can’t you have that?”
            He glanced back at you, an unreadable look in his eyes. He moved back to you slowly, connecting your hands once more and letting his fingers intertwine with yours this time. “I caused you to almost die,” his voice was hushed, and you felt his breath fan over your lips. “I need to make up for it.”
            “Who even are you?” He paused and it spurred you on, your words tumbling out feebly. “Who are you to say you can save me? What kind of siren does this?”
            He was silent, his fingers tightening around your own. His eyes bore into yours. “I’m Jimin; a siren who wants to save your life.”
            “But why?” You whisper. You almost felt he was using his spell over your mind, the way his singing captivates you. “Why me? You didn’t save the other women you ended.”
            His eyes softened, but his breathing quickened slightly. He cautiously brought his palm up to caress your cheek. “Because I know you don’t deserve it. You’re
 pure. I can sense that you’re innocently determined, and it’s admirable; your soul hasn’t been tainted yet.” his breathing turned shallow as his pupils dilated, a faint flush surfacing on his skin. “That’s why I’m attracted to you and want to keep you safe.”
            You gasped and pulled away roughly. You shook your head; he was charm-speaking you. He had to be. This was- this was too quick, too strange; but so was this whole scene. You put your head in your hands and tried to think. “You- you’re trying to trick me.” You pointed a shaky finger at him, your breath coming out in short pants. “You’ll kill me-”
            “No, I won’t,” he grabbed at your finger and stepped in closer so you could smell the saltwater in his hair and mixed in with his skin. His face was contorted in hurt but masked with firmness. “I know you feel scared; I get that. But you feel something
 for me too, right? I can’t be the only one.” His head lowered till he was level with you. You noted the calm hesitation in his gaze.
            You took an unsteady breath and closed your eyes. “I
 I do,” You opened your eyes and watched his eyes sparkle. You looked at him in warning. “b-but that doesn’t make up for whatever you’re trying to get me to agree to.”
            He quieted his voice more, as if he was talking to a spooked deer. “If you stay, you’ll get killed. I want you to stay alive
 with me, if you’d agree. I don’t think it’s possible for you to leave this island, so I’m trying to give you the next best thing.”
            Your life played behind your eyes. You can’t leave the island; your old life’s lost to you. The city you grew up in with it’s bustling streets and beautiful architecture. The way you could hear the chattering of the townspeople, the sea beside them jostling the boats. The childhood you lived, where you could enjoy the ocean from afar, and still get to live a normal life.
            And the people you knew and loved- Hoseok’s warm hugs; his comforting words and gaze; the way he’d always have your back and make you laugh. Jungkook’s gentlemanliness and endearing jokes; his smile. Your mother -even if she was part crazy with sadness- she was familiar and comforting in her own strange way. But she was right, in the most painful way possible.
            You weren’t coming home.
            You focused on the handsome man before you. The porcelain skin, the perfect light, silky hair, and glittering eyes that held an emotion you couldn’t yet describe. Your surroundings- the stony ground, the hostile female sirens, the raging storm, and the ruthless ocean that you were not accustomed to or in love with. Would it be better when the darkness cleared? Would it calm down? Could you learn to love this change?
            Lightening flashed and white light reflected in his dark irises, making him seem even more otherworldly than what he already was. The thunder rolling right after beckoned you to reply.
            “And what might that be?” You managed to breath, strangling back tears and only focusing on him. You were so worn out that you just wanted some relief; you didn’t want to feel this pain anymore. He gingerly brought his hand up to smooth back your hair. You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch. His mouth parted in surprise before morphing into a soft smile, which quickly disappeared as he brought his face closer to yours again.
            “I can take you away from here,” he murmured, his eyes searching yours before moving to your lips. “I can make you a siren; I can ease the pain.”
            “Can you?” you distractedly inquired, feeling yourself let go. He hummed, the tone melodic. You felt yourself buzz from the sound, the effect of his slight hypthonization coursing through your veins. Your hooded eyes stared into his before you glanced down at his lips, since his gaze was already on yours. “Can you really?”
            His hands smoothed their way behind your head and tangled in your hair. His own head tilted subconsciously, and his voice was barely above of whisper when he responded, “I can.”
            Your panting was surprisingly even as you let your hands settle gently on his cheeks. You stared deep into his eyes, a bond of trust silently surging between the two of you. “Then take me.”
            His lips sealed over yours immediately. The kiss was soft and caring yet intense and persistent. Your grips on each other pressed a bit tighter as Jimin guided you towards him. He scuffled backwards, you following him right behind on your hands and knees. You felt in a daze, lightheaded; disconnected. The only thing that mattered was Jimin and his intoxicating lips.
            You vaguely felt water begin to lap at your knees. You fluttered open your eyes and found Jimin already looking at you through lidded eyes. You separated but stayed close, nuzzling into each other as he led you farther into the small, crystal-blue pit of water. It was located farther up from the sea, in between two tall rocks and encased inside a stone wall.
            The storm clouds were starting to disperse; the rain turning into a drizzle. The sun peeked over the edge of the rocks, blinding you but enveloping you, Jimin, and the pool in a soft, dazzling light. It was mesmerizing; beautiful and mystical, but a shiver ran up your spine.
            Your mouth opened to question him, but he shushed you tenderly, his hands running soothingly over your neck. His eyes flitted over your face, his gaze softly beseeching you to remain placid.
            “Do you trust me?” His voice was airy; hushed. His lips ghosted over yours and he placed a fleeting kiss at the corner of your lips. He was giving you time to back out, but you were too far gone to tell him no. You just wanted to give in- to give in to him.
            “Yes,” you answered without hesitation, shutting your eyes to enjoy his nose grazing over your cheek.
            “Then let go.” he whispered in your ear before he joined his lips with yours once more, this time more passionately and vulnerable. His hands landed on your jaw, his thumbs brushing over your cheekbones as he lowered himself, his whole navy tail immersed in the glowing pool. Your hands couldn’t stay on him though; the farther he moved under the water, the more your hands had to hold you up.
            A dulled momentary panic set in as you started to realize the situation; Jimin was leading you under the water. The short-lived thought vanished as you breathed in through your nose and shut your eyes a bit tighter. You trusted Jimin; he could turn you into a siren- he could end your suffering.
            You let yourself relax in his hold and you took the leap of faith to lift your hands from the ground, your body sinking into the cold, refreshing water. You threaded your fingers through his silver hair and conveyed your trust to Jimin through the kiss. His grip on you tightened, and he was the last thing anchoring you to the real world, that this was reality.
            It’s when your head submerged that you finally felt free.
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noxiim · 8 years ago
Holy frick, your art is always so good!! I love your artwork so much :,) but I've heard about House Of Cards before, but now... I need to read it. Just because of your work. Good job đŸ‘đŸŒ
hsdhjgkl oh man you gotta prepare yourself for quite a rollercoaster, I tried not to spoil too much with my post but I wish you luck with the fic!! 
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astrofairies · 8 years ago
My favorite book (series) is Eragon! Very good fantasy elements đŸ‘đŸŒ
i have heard of it!! i gotta check i out!!
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littlemisskookie · 8 years ago
Wow, I'm honestly really surprised because we have a lot in common! (After reading the questions I sent). Idk, I found that cool ^^;
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juiche · 7 years ago
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🎈 Happy Birthday March ARMY pt. 3 🎈
1 month down, 11 more to go! ( ˘ ³˘)♄
@hansmol-vernon-chwe @mini2suga @stillgotmydignitae @lu-xuri @n-nkfrv @cry-im @bananarmymilk @jun-sue​ @skullrose18
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into-the-new-w0rld · 7 years ago
mutual appreciationÂ đŸ€§
alrighty kiddos buckle up, it’s bout to get emo
so i know it’s a tad late but wow i love my mutuals so much n i couldn’t pass up the opportunity for a year end mutual appreciation post. i dun really have time to do an actual follow forever so i’m sorry that there’s no header gif or anything. i hope this post can suffice.
so i know i talk bout this all the time but i switched to this multifandom blog in july n at first i was a bit bummed bc i lost a lot of mutuals/friends n i felt real lonely but now ! i’m surrounded by sO much love and i realize that switching blogs was the best decision for me !! i couldn’t be more grateful for all di friendos i’ve made on this new blog and i never woulda met yall if i stayed on my old blog. i wouldn’t give any of my mutuals up for the whole world. i love you with me whole hearto đŸ€§đŸ€§đŸ€§đŸ€§ thank you all for an amazing 2017, here’s to an amazing 2018 !! i wish you all the best. 
also to all my followers: i❗love❗you❗
i love every single one of you, thank you for sticking with me whether you came from my other blog or you discovered me here. not being a mutual dun mean you’re any less valuable to me ok? i lob you w me entire soul đŸ€§đŸ€§
to anyone reading this lame post: i love you too. please remember that you are most definitely cared for. you are important. i’m here for you, follower or not, and i appreciate you so, so much. never forget that. please. you’re not alone. things get really tough n i’m not gonna deny that but there is always light at the end of the tunnel, i can guarantee that. the stars are always with you. the dawn before the sun rises is the darkest. you’re doing well.
now this is just me naming ppl off the top of my head bc damn i’m so tired and i want this out before i sleep. also it’s not in alphabetical order :( sorry if i forgot anyone !!
@dwjjk @bulletproofwhalien @bts-bap-trash @bluekyun @kthyunngg @taecup @write-me-jessica @nine-in-the-afternxxn @jungkoog @war-of-hormoan @everyonegetsmeaheartbeatcloser @leesiiyeon @puervy @p1nkjisoo @hyungminnie @chanyeolspoutyface @hoeseok @johnnyxin @hijoonie @turtlehyung @tangerineboo @wannabl @softmoni @jhhixtape @sehunpeachy @mingyounasty @baekphia @ksoosheaux @taetherapper @sunshine-yixing @woozi-baby @whats-in-the-fucking-basement @andikayenta 
and my mains below. ty for dealing w my unresponsive ass.
@thestarsarejusthelicopters @rapmonamous @tiniekihyunie @exoverdosed @stillgotmydignitae @foreverhamkke @bangmyexo @totallyasheep @amazzjin @una-carta-a-dios 
also to everyone i’ve ever messaged: i’m sorry if i left you on read or just never even read it ;-; i still love you so much. i’m working on it. one of my new years resolutions is to stop isolating myself so hopefully i gain the courage to talk to all my mutuals more this year !!
i love you !!
goodnight !!
EDIT: i just wanna do a lil shoutout to @fyjjong for everything. ily2, you’re not alone. keep your chin up, the sun will rise.
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singingunderthecurtain · 7 years ago
Valentine’s Day Bias Tag
Tagged by: @forexcapism ♡♡♡ (on my personal blog)
Rules: List your top 5-10 biases and then answer the questions below.
Junmyeon (EXO)
Jongdae (EXO)
Jonghyun (SHINee)
Moon Taeil (NCT)
Nakamoto Yuta (NCT)
Kim Jinwoo (Winner)
Lee Taeil (Block B)
Lee Jinki (SHINee)
Bang Yongguk (B.A.P)
Choi Seunghyun (BIGBANG)
Since this is a Valentine’s Day tag, I changed the biases because these are the men that I can see myself romantically involved with. Some of the guys in my previous bias tags, I see them as my son (e.g: P.O.) from Block B Also since Taeyang is married now, I didn’t include him lol. Jonghyun is still here because my love for him will never die.
Rules: Choose the bias that you think is most likely to do these actions or be in these scenarios, and explain why
1: Explains a date idea so excitedly and loudly that you have to shut them with a kiss
Yuta or Jinwoo, probably. Yuta is a hyper person and Jinwoo is somewhat kinda hyper-ish when he needs to be. I mostly stan people who are like me. Quiet/Reserved/Introverted
2: Buys you a giant teddy bear that can’t fit through the door to your room
Jonghyun, Jongdae, or Junmyeon. I think they would know that I like stuffed animals but they would also know that it’ll just collect unnecessary dust in my room. So they’ll surprise me with a huge teddy once.
3: Buys you chocolates a day early and “accidentally” eats half of them
All of them tbh. I would too. LOL
4: Makes a romantic song for you and then gets shy when they show it to you
Jinwoo, he would be really unsure about his creation.
5: Has to be talked out of taking you lingerie shopping in the middle of the goddamn day
T.O.P lmfao. IDK I think he just has that personality.
6: Makes you wear matching couple outfits and go out in them
Yuta or Junmyeon hahaha.
7: Wants to learn a couple dance with you
Junmyeon or Jongdae. They would think it’s romantic. And then they would laugh at my 0% dancing skills. XD
8: Gives you a signed photo of themselves and calls it “the best gift you’ll ever receive”
Definitely Yuta hahahaha.
9: Wants to spend the whole day napping in bed with you
Jonghyun or Onew. Old men problems lmfao J/K
10: Takes you on a “romantic” date to the amusement park and then scrEAMS while on every ride
Junmyeon. HAHAHA Remember that scene on SOTU XD
11: Takes you shopping and spends wAY too much money on you
Junmyeon and T.O.P XD Rich Daddies yas!
12: Posts embarrassing photos of you to social media with a sappy/teasing caption
Jonghyun or T.O.P ahahhaha
13: Tries to teach you to play an instrument with them
Junmyeon and Jonghyun and they would lose their patience because I such at everything, basically.
14: Sends you valentines day memes spontaneously throughout the day
Jongdae, T.O.P and meme lord who posts memes of himself, Jonghyun!
15: Goes on a romantic movie binge with you
BYG, Taeil, Junmyeon or Jongdae.
22: Tries to make you breakfast in bed and nearly burns down the damn house
T.O.P lmfaoooo he’d put freaking wine on anything for flambĂ© and then he’ll accidentally burn his house down D:
23: Sends you the sappiest/sweetest text possibly ever and gets upset about the one typo they made
Junmyeon or Jongdae those cuties. <3
@loeyeolty @supplyallmysauces @soocouldbemyonlystar @stillgotmydignitae @noona-clock @thong-in-the-twist @smracaraihc @kookiie-bear and everyone who wants to do it!!! Please tag me <3
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daebakinc · 8 years ago
Happy Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day!
Happy Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day! I’m planning on dropping notes some writers’ inboxes as well  (and you should too!), but I also wanted to help them get more love!
To all of you fanfic writers, thank you so much for blessing all of us on this site with your talent, dedication, and love for our kpop girls and boys. I know it’s hard to keep up writing with busy schedules, life events, and other chaos of the world, but you all carry on. There’s also been a lot of hate going around to the people who deserve it the least, so I’d like to tell those of you who this has happened to to ignore those ingrates and write what you love and at your own leisure. We in your writing family will support you. Anyway, before I get too carried away, thank you again and happy writing!
@an-exotic-writer Mostly BTS oneshots. Missy has to be one of the sweetest people on the planet and somehow her writing is even fluffier than she is. Her oneshots are perfect no matter the theme, intricate snapshots of complex relationships that are ultimately goals. Recommended: 50 kisses series (although her baby jeon series will make you die of fluff!!!)
@causekpop  Multifandom scenarios, including BTS, BAP, EXO, GOT7 and Monsta X. Her tags are some of the best. Seriously, read them. Of course, her scenarios and drabbles are even better! Recommended: Born Survivor
@duizhangdeluxe​  EXO scenarios, lots of AUs. Mama Duck! A sweetheart whose writing is as magic as the stars and dragons she loves. Her works are some of the most original I’ve seen here and no matter the member, I devour the story. Recommended fic: Suhobot series
@floralseokjin BTS scenarios. I’ve only been following for a few months but it’s long enough to be blown away by this blog. There are tons of details and twists that will have you yelling at your screen for various reasons. You’ll also probably fall for Jin, because her love for him really shines through. Recommended fic: A Fragment
@idol-daydreams​  Multifandom scenarios, including some gender neutral. Jay will tell you his writing style is too simple, but don’t let him fool you. He’s an excellent writer. The simplicity of his style is why I love it. He strips away unnecessary words and flourishes so you can enjoy the raw emotion in each scenario. Recommended fic: A Wrathful God
@i-would-rather-be-queen​  Multifandom reactions and oneshots. , including 2pm, BAP, CNBlue, VIXX, and many more. Kels is like a big sister to each of her followers, a very talented big sister. I very much feel like she can read people well and she’s very creative in what themes she chooses to pursue in her writing. Recommended: Tender Heart
@jeonjagiya​  Iris has to be one of the most patient and intelligent people on this site. Her scenarios and very insightful into human emotions and the human experience, but at the same time incredibly relate-able. On top of her writing, she’s always willing to give the kind of no-sugar coating advice that people truly need. Recommended fic: Transference
@keypea Multifandom scenarios and oneshots, including Monsta X and EXO. Her scenarios are gold, but it’s her drabbles that captured my attention. I seriously want every one to be a full blown scenario or series. Recommended fic: Starting Fires
@melodic-reverie Multifandom reactions. If I ever doubt I’m writing an idol true to their character, I hop over to this blog to see if they have a similar reaction. The wide range of groups and situations are all well-thought and passionate.
@modestlydreaming: Multifandom scenarios and oneshots, including Monsta X and EXO. Don’t forget to congratulate her on getting married recently! Another AU queen. It honestly doesn’t matter who she writes, I am on top of every AU because they feel very real. The fantasy related ones are particularly inventive and delightful. Recommended fic: Hunted
@ricepot-jisung  BTS scenarios, but I think she’s planning on become multifandom in the near future? Rams is a precious, insanely talented bun who needs protection. I’m really glad she decided not to delete despite assholes heckling her because her fics are ones I keep coming back to. I’m a fluffy person, but her angst is irresistible and you should be prepared to cry your eyes out because her writing makes you feel so much. Recommended: After Hours
@rosegukk   BAP scenarios and oneshots. I’ll admit, I’m only a recent follower, but I am so so glad I found her. BAP needs all the love and she gives it to them through her work in aus I never would have thought of. If you want something novel and well-written, check her out! Recommended fic: A Field of Flowers
@sexonextdoor  Multifandom NSFW rankings/imagines. I don’t know how this blog churns out so much, but it does, and the quality is all top notch. If you need to dirty your mind in the best, most delicious way, go here.
@tayegi BTS scenarios. Another lovey lady whose higher intelligence is clear in every story. Lu’s honest and has a wry sense of humor that keep every bit of her writing amusing and insightful into human nature. I hope she knows I love her stories as much as she loves cheetos. Recommended fic: Equilibrium
@thesammtimes  Multifandom scenarios, including EXO, 2pm, Monsta X, GOT7 and BTS. Let me just first say I’m really proud of Sam. She’s been very upfront about her mental health and life choice struggles, but she’s thriving! I do have a warning for you though: you will fall in love with every idol she writes about, bias or no, bias group or no. She’s that good. Recommended fic: Bounty
@versigny Multifandom scenarios. If you need a new spin on an old trope or just a fresh fic, look no further. She weaves minute details into her stories that some writers end up making tedious, but here, they develop the characters in amazing ways so each story a rich tapestry.Recommended fic: The Take-Home Test
@writingseoul Multifandom scenarios including BAP and BTS. Y'all really have no idea how happy I was when I saw this lovely came back! I go back to this blog time and time again to read fics that aren’t even for my biases. The way she writes the characters makes them more complex than some in published books I’ve read. Recommended fic: 3AM
Here are some other writers whose work I’m still getting to know but they still deserve recognition. 
Multifandom Reactions: @flowerpotfanfics BAP: @chemical–chaos BTS: @btsboyinluv, @btssmutgalore, @gukvory, @jheartseok, @kitten-dont, @mintsyubbie, @daeguilt, @stillgotmydignitae, @taecup
EXO: @i-write-storiesandsuch, @olionheartedgirlo, @soobadnoonecanstopher, @theboyswhomwelove VIXX: @onlyvixxscenarios, @vixxenarios Multifandom Scenarios: @thelilyamongstthethorns , @deliriousscenarios, @fromthe-seoul, @after-you-fall-asleep, @spcywolf, @lunarimagines, @thisisjustmywritingblog, @xhixtape, @coffee-and-kpop, @iq-biased , @awkwardturtle486, @noonachronicles, @hoenytae, @imagination-of-a-melted-bitch, @onlylovekpop, @after-you-fall-asleep , @awkwardturtle486,@craft-rose ,
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inktae · 7 years ago
Okay so can I just say I’ve finally finished The Waltz Between Us? I always have this feeling of accomplishment when I finish your materlist. BUT- this fic was so good?? I think someone else said this too, but the atmosphere and cabin reminded me of First Light (a beautiful fic too, ahh memories)! It was very nostalgic and warm, and the plot was interesting! I always loved the way the story would unfold; just enough left to the imagination, and enough to keep us guessing. But I always love (1)
The way you portray the members! They’re always so spot on! Jimin was so soft and;; I’m bad at explaining, lmao. But?? Just yes?? It was contentment, it was forgiveness, and the ending where she says they might not be as different as she thought- my heart was full lol. And heir relationship was interesting! You didn’t try to make everything perfect- he was still injured. But they were okay with it; they made due. They didn’t even kiss! It was that underlying romance which is precious in (2)
Itself. Just so good, Oml, Mari. Okay, now I’m just going to go on a different subject lol. So I love your master list! I’ve said it before. But all your fics are so beautiful and nostalgic and interesting- I don’t know how to explain it. Whimsical. Ahh, but your characterization! The plots you use for each person!! I’ve thought of a fic and I remember how /good/ it was, how awe-inspiring it was and it’s that feeling of remembering, but not knowing where you found it or who it was by, but (3?)
Loving it so much; content that you atleast remember it. And you then you find it!! It’s your master list and all the stories on it lol. Your stories are that feeling and idk about other people, but that’s such a great feeling to me. That the fic was so great that it seems like it’s a legend. I’m getting cheesy;; but I would like to talk about two fics real quick! They’re both about Jungkook because you can probably tell I’m getting nostalgic about yours stories lately. The Swirling Way Of (4)
Stars and Written On The Sky. How gorgeous? Like that remembrance feeling I talked about, I get that with these. So good, ahh. They’re so nostalgic and
 idk the right word;; but it’s amazing!! It’s the inevitable, but finding ways to be alright with it. Both have that, and are such beautiful plots. Just,, Mari, I love These fics, okay? So so nostalgic and gorgeous. Too amazing for this world. These fics need more love, my heart is a sucker for them! The whole Jungkook wanting to live out (5)
His final moments how he wants makes me happy. He reader not wanting him to go, and knowing;; but loving. I’m soft. And the companion for the end of the world was so good too? WHATS THE WORD. I am frustrated at myself lol. But the /feeling/- it’s seeing it in a dimmer, yet warmer light. It’s peaceful- kinda sad, but not upset. Ahh, I’m really soft right now;; but I’ll stop my gushing. I do this too much, haha. And about characterization! Most of my stories fit around Taehyung. Do you find (6)
Yourself writing about him more too? It’s just that him -and Jungkook- are so dynamic. And his vibe and personality is very inspirational, right? I accidentally find myself using him as a filler for my story ideas developing, and then I have to pick someone else. But I love to write for him and Jungkook the most; a dynamic duo who you can change with the plot. Very interesting. I’ll stop now. Well, have a great day! It’s nice talking to you, and take care of yourself ^^
;___; I’m still crying and I can barely bring myself to re-read because I start flailing around and my face gets all red dflkjsdjflk YOU DID THIS TO ME, ITS ALL YOUR FAULT. for me it’s an indescribable feeling to see someone having the same amount of fondness I feel towards my stories, since they are all my babies hehe. and of course I don’t consider them perfectly written or the best fanfic out there, but they’re an extension of myself and my own emotions, so seeing you talk about them with the same kind of passion I feel is just
 it’s really humbling and touching in a way I can’t explain. I consider myself so lucky to have a reader like you. ^^ and I totally get the feeling you’re describing because that’s how I feel sometimes with my oldest stories! remembering the days I spent writing them, creating the characters and seeing them come alive for the first time.. it’s kind of feeling homesick but in a good way? like, instead of feeling sad because it’s something you can’t return to, you feel satisfied because you actually can. at least this is the feeling I get sometimes when I look back at my own writing journey. I’d even say it’s a similar feeling to remembering the first time you watched a movie or read a book that left an impression on you. a lot of the times I wish I could watch my favorite movies for the first time all over again. but anyway, like I said, I’m immensely grateful and I just can’t thank you enough for your messages. *hugs*
and I totally feel you!! I have a tendency of making jungkook suffer though, I can’t just help it at this point LOL. and taehyung
 gosh, he’s so versatile as a character, every single genre fits him like a glove and you can just let your imagination run wild when it comes to creating a story for him :’) namjoon and yoongi are also very inspiring in their own way, and I wish I wrote more about them tbh! I’m really hoping that changes in 2018. I’ll throw a goddamn party the day I finally post something dedicated to namjoon, even a drabble fsldjk. fingers crossed for next year
 I’ll try to make it happen :))
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cinanamon · 8 years ago
don't leave me | 01 — jjk|kth
pairing | taehyung x reader x jungkook
genre | angst, fluff, college!au, love triangle!au
word count | 3.1K
synopsis | Your best friend, Taehyung, has secretly loved you for years, but a new love interest named Jungkook makes himself apparent in your life.
warning | none
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You laughed melodically as you raced Taehyung down the steps, playfully pushing him to the side as you passed. 
“Hey!” He cried, but his pout was replaced with a triumphant smirk when he reached the car first. He stuck out his tongue at you as he made his way to the driver’s seat. “Do you have the keys?” 
You sighed but tossed the keys over the hood of the car, Taehyung easily catching them and unlocking the vehicle. He opened his door and chuckled at your sour expression when you settled in beside him. 
“Come on,” He patted your arm and gave you a meaningful look. “you get to drive it most of the time since I usually let you win. Let me drive this beauty every once in awhile!”
“Let me win?” You scoffed and crossed your arms. “Excuse you, but I beat you fair and square! And it’s my car, anyways.”
Taehyung smiled and rolled his eyes as he revved up the engine. “I have longer legs than you; believe me, I could outrun you in seconds flat.” At your indignant look, he grinned and continued. “Also, I didn’t get a car because you got one that I could drive instead.” 
You leaned back in your seat as Taehyung put the car in drive. “That doesn’t mean you have the right to use my car whenever you want! And you just waste your money; just admit you can’t afford one.”
Taehyung shrugged and made a left. “Fair point, but I’d rather not.” At that you laughed, and the two of you fell into comfortable silence. 
Being best friends with Taehyung for a multitude of years was honestly the best thing that ever happened to you. You never would have thought the confidently eccentric individual you met in high school would become so important to you. You didn’t think you’ve ever trusted or enjoyed someone’s presence as much as you did Taehyung’s. Your friendship with him had never wavered and was always comfortable- it felt so natural. 
So of course it was only natural that you went to the same college together. The both of you made sure it would work out and were always seen around campus together; where one was, the other was close behind. You had no problem with it; you had other friends, but the only person you really needed was Taehyung. 
“We’re here,” Tae said when he parked at the main building’s parking lot. He checked his watch, his other hand poised on the door handle. “with
 six minutes to spare.” 
You shook your head in amusement as you both exited the car and made your way down the sidewalk. You repositioned your bookbag over your shoulder as you fell into step beside your best friend. 
“So after class I’ll take you to work and then when you get off, do you want to head to the movies or something?” Taehyung asked you, turning his upper body to face you questioningly. 
You raised a brow. “Don’t you have a lot of homework?”   
He ran his hand through his light brown hair disinterestedly, the action causing the sun to pick up the gold streaks just right. “A couple essays, yeah. I doubt Mrs. Choi will assign another script, but if she does, I’ll just blow it off like the others.” He focused his stare on you again and tilted his head. “You in or no?”
You pursed your lips. “I want to, but I have a painting due soon, and I’m still not finished
” Taehyung gave you a pointed look and you sighed in defeat, but a small smile pulled at the corners of your lips.”Fine, I’ll hang out with you, you loser. But I just want to watch a movie at your place.”
He nodded, satisfied. “That can be arranged.”
“Great. Now I’m going to get to class because you wasted five minutes of my time.” You smirked playfully.
Taehyung placed a hand over his heart in mock hurt. “How rude. And to think I gave you a ride.”
You snorted and shook your head, turning on your heel. “In my car, don’t forget. See you after class, Tae!”
“Bye, (Y/n)!” He called after you as you hurried to the art building. You ran up the two flights of stairs and skidded in front of your classroom door. You peeked in the glass a second before opening the door. 
Right as you did so, the late bell went off. Mr. Han looked at you over the rim of his glasses in warning before returning to writing his lesson plan on the board. You flashed an apologetic smile and made your way to the second raised row of seats. You sat down and got our your class materials; a pen, a couple pencils and erasers, and your huge notebook. 
Once you opened your notebook to the next clean page, Mr. Han began to speak. You zeroed in on his words and clicked your pen, positioning it over your paper and beginning to write.
By the time class ended, you had ink all over your hand and your notebook had a few more pages of notes and sketches. You put away all your belongings and skipped down the steps. As you stepped outside, you inhaled the fresh air and spotted Taehyung already parked in front of your art hall. You smiled and made your way over towards him, sliding into the passenger seat with ease. 
Taehyung lowered the radio and looked over at you, taking in your colorful hand and quick, messy bun. “I take it class went well?” 
You nodded and slipped your bag down by your feet. “Yeah, he went over surrealism again and had us sketch out a few ideas. He was aiming to give us an essay on Salvador Dali, but class ended before he got on the last subject, so he didn’t assign it today.”
Taehyung nodded and checked the rearview mirror as he pulled out of his parking spot. “Well that’s good. I forget you actually like class.”
You smiled lightly. “I’m sorry you don’t like to learn,” You flicked his forehead, causing him to playfully glare at you before looking at the road again. “But speaking of which, how was Drama? You like that class and it’s the only one you had today.” 
He paused at a red light and leaned back in his chair, angling his head towards you. “Good news is that she didn’t assign anything else, but it’s still pretty cool. We’ve been working on the props for the big end of the year production.”
You hummed in acknowledgement and placed your chin on your hand. “Oh yeah, I can’t wait to see that. Has she done auditions yet?”
He shook his head. “Not yet. She’s still going over what the play’s about and trying to prepare us for the acting involved for the auditions.”
“Well that’s nice,” you offered, facing the front window again. “By the way, the light’s green.”
Taehyung immediately snapped up and placed his hands on the wheel, his foot pressing on the gas and causing the car to accelerate a little more than necessary. You chucked under your breath but relaxed back on the leather of your chair. 
It wasn’t long before Taehyung pulled up by your workplace. You turned around in your seat and grabbed the bag behind your seat. You opened your door and looked back at your best friend. “Thanks, Tae. I’ll see you at Eight.” He waved as you closed the door and made your way into the restaurant. 
You bypassed the customers seated and your fellow workers getting ready for the dinner rush hour. You stepped into the back room and went to the female lockers. You pulled off your T-shirt and threw on your red collared blouse that was assigned for work. You left on your jeans and redid your bun before heading back out into the main room restaurant. 
You walked behind the hostess stand and plastered on a fake smile, mentally preparing yourself for the next three hours. You waited for some people to come in, so they could sit at your section, and you could begin working. It took a couple minutes before a group of four college girls walked in. 
“Hi,” You chirped. “how many?”
The front girl shot a quick smile. “Four, please.”
“Right this way,” you said, grabbing the required number of menus and silverware bundles. You briskly strode to an empty booth and set down the supplies, stepping back to let them in before standing in front of their table. You pulled a little notepad from your belt. 
“I’m (Y/n), and I’ll be your server for today. What would you like to drink?” You asked, drawing out your pen and bouncing it on your paper.
“Two waters and one sprite, please.” The first girl responded, the girls on either side of her nodding in agreement. 
You wrote it down and turned to the last one. “And for you?” 
“Dr. Pepper. Thanks.” You nodded and twirled on your heel to head to the kitchens. You made your way to the beverage machine and began making the requested drinks. 
“(Y/n)!” You jumped slightly and almost spilled the drink, yanking your hand back to save it. You whipped your head around and visibly relaxed when you saw Jimin’s sheepish smile. 
Jimin also went to the same college as you and Taehyung. He was one of your close friends since high school, and he’d known Taehyung since they were kids. You didn’t know that the three of you went to the same college until you turned up to work and saw Jimin already working there. 
“Hey, Minnie! How are you?” You smiled genuinely at him and continued pouring the drinks. 
He dropped off the stack of plates by the sink and leaned against the counter. “Nothing much, really. School; dance practice. What about you?”
You laughed lightly and started to place the cups on a platter. “Art class; hanging out with Tae. Not much at all, just like you.” 
He nodded and pushed away from the counter when he saw you pick up your tray. “Well I’ll let you get back to work. I better as well.” He chuckled and waved before setting off into the busy restaurant. You sighed to yourself before making your way back into the chattering of the customers.
Two and half hours and a few rude customers later, you were ready to snap. You had made yourself inconspicuous behind the hostess stand and were hoping to wait out your shift there, but, just your luck, your co-worker had to sit someone when another person walked through the door. 
You took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and tried to seem nice. When you opened your eyes, you almost choked on your words. This customer was attractive. 
He had tousled dark hair that framed his gleaming eyes. His skin glowed and his face structure was somewhere in between soft and sharp, making him that much more handsome. You glanced down and noted how his white T-shirt and tight jeans accentuated his lean body as well. 
You knew your best friend was attractive too -very much so- but this guy could practically match Taehyung on that level. You had to force your mind to function when you noticed the customer looking at you expectantly, slight hesitation in his eyes.
“Uh, just one?” You managed, subconsciously grabbing for a menu. 
The male nodded but his eyebrow arched a bit. You drew your gaze away and nodded for him to follow you. Since it was busy, how it usually was at this time of day, the only open seats for a solo person were at the bar. You tried to situate the menu a bit farther away from the men drinking, knowing that they would cause a commotion. 
“Sorry for the shortage of seats,” You turned to the man apologetically, still trying to avoid his eyes. “Hopefully this is okay.”
He nodded and moved to the stool. “It’s fine.” You mentally sighed at his voice’s nice lilt. 
“Well, then I’m (Y/n), and I’ll be your waitress for tonight. What would you like to start off with?” You made the mistake to glance up at him.
All hesitation was gone now, and he was looking at you with a sparkling curiosity. “I’ll take a Coke, please.” 
You vaguely felt yourself nodding and your hand moving across the paper as you told him you’d be right back. You scurried away and you shook your head to clear it. As you poured his drink in the back corner, you could feel his gaze on you, following your movements. You shivered and tried to focus on your task. 
When you made your way back to him, you placed the drink before him, and he reached for it even before you pulled away your hand, causing them to graze. You recoiled quickly in surprise and forced yourself to look at his shaped eyebrows as to not get distracted by anything else. You were working; him being attractive couldn’t mess with that. 
“So, have you decided what you’d like to order?” You asked, mentally trying to decide if he colored his brows or if they were naturally that dark and full. He nodded and folded his menu. “The chicken sub. Thanks.”
You hummed. “It’ll be right out.” You were about to walk away before he spoke up again. 
“I’m Jungkook, by the way.” You turned your head to look at him over your shoulder, your body following suit a second after. 
“Oh? Nice to meet you.” You smiled, somewhat awkwardly. “Have you been here before?”
“Uh, no,” he shifted in his seat and you saw that shyness from earlier come back for a second. “I just transferred here.”
Your eyes widened mildly in surprised interest. “School’s been in for a couple months. Why just now?” 
Jungkook straightened a little, some confidence surging back to him. “I got a special sports scholarship, but I was dealing with some family matters so i had to finish those before I could come here.”
You nodded and leaned against the bar. “I wish you luck with catching up; studying is Hell. What sport are you doing?”
“Track,” He replied instantly. He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. “I’ve been told I run rather fast.”
You were stunned momentarily at his smile. His two front teeth made him look like a bunny, and you melted at the sight. Jungkook saw your reaction and chuckled lightly, cocking his head to the side teasingly.
You snapped out of it and rolled your eyes, softly laughing with him in hopes it will ease down your blush. 
“What about you?” He inquired, his sole attention on you.
You furrowed your brows. “What about me?” 
“What do you do? What are you at school for?” He explained. At this point, both of you forgot that he was there for food, and that you were supposed to be taking back his order. 
You shrugged and looked down. “Art.”
His interest peaked again. “Oh, I imagine you’re great. You seem like the type to draw well.”
You shook your head with a little chuckle. Was he flirting with you or was that an actual thought? “Uh, thanks. I’d say I’m okay at it.”
He scoffed. “If you’re able to go to college for it as your major, I’m sure you’re good.”
“Well, uh, thanks.” You brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear and held up your notepad, the corner of your lip quirking up. “I’ll get this to the kitchen now.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened. “Uh, right. Yeah, sorry for holding you up.” 
You giggled and smiled at him. “You’re fine. I enjoyed talking to you.” You moved away from him then and didn’t see his surprised yet pleased expression. 
When you returned with his food, the conversation was quick but more comfortable than if it was just a regular customer. The smiles you directed at him weren’t the fake ones you usually wore during during work hours, and you didn’t try to rush through the billing process.
When he handed you the required amount of cash, he stopped you from leaving. “So maybe we could see each other again?”
You opened your mouth a bit in surprise. Was he actually interested in getting to know you? You nodded. “Yeah, maybe.” 
You could tell he wasn’t anticipating that response. The confidence he built up with you throughout the night dwindled a bit. Realizing that, you offered a light smirk, causing him to peep up at you hopefully. 
“I’m not saying I don’t want to see you again, right? Relax, Jungkook.” 
His eyebrows shot up. He definitely wasn’t expecting you to say that. “W-well, I guess I’m trying to say-” 
“Oh, I almost forgot your receipt!” You piped up, interrupting him and peeling off the bottom half off of his bill. He, flustered, took the bill and tried to find a way to continue speaking before you left. “I’ve got to go, though; my shift ended a bit ago. Nice meeting you, Jungkook!” You scurried into the back before Jungkook got the chance to call for you.
You let out a deep breath, changed your shirt, and grabbed your bag before heading out the back door. Taehyung was there already in your car, and you felt yourself instantly calm down and grin. You moved over and sat beside him, shutting the door behind you. You stretched and sighed as Taehyung raised a brow at you playfully. 
“Rough shift?” he asked, his deep voice causing your nerves to untense that bit more. “You were in there a while longer after your shift ended.”
“You could say that.” You yawned and changed the topic. “What movie are we watching?”
He shrugged and adjusted the headlights. “Not sure; you want to watch an anime or something instead?” 
You nodded. “Sounds good. It doesn’t really matter to me, though. I just want to hang with you.” 
Taehyung laughed and glanced at you, his eyes twinkling. “I could say the same thing.”
Back in the restaurant, Jungkook sighed and slouched in his chair. He was hoping to ask you on a date or for your number, but he didn’t get the words out in time. Or was he reading your signals wrong? Were you not interested? You walked out pretty fast. But he was so sure

Jungkook sighed again and leaned back, running a hand through his hair. He brought the receipt up to his face and checked over the writing before stopping. His eyes were fixated on a cute doodle of a bunny and a few flowers. Jungkook felt his mouth twitch into a small, giddy grin. 
Maybe you were interested after all.
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noxiim · 8 years ago
Heyo- so your Jimin and Jungkook tattoo painting was one of my favorite fanarts, and it inspired me for two story ideas? Idk I kind of just wanted to tell you that I love your art, and I might write something based off of that painting ^^ (and I could tag you if I write them, if you want? Idk)
Aw man that sounds so cool and of course!!! It’s kind of unreal hearing that you got inspired by my art hsfkgkhll thank you so much 💕💕💕
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littlemisskookie · 8 years ago
n.o, coffee, cypher pt. 1, rise of bangtan, satoori rap, boy in luv, cypher pt. 2, and cypher pt. 4! Sorry if that's too much, but they're interesting questions! 😅
No problem sweetheart! I love answering asks.
n.o: biggest pet peeve?
People who try to put all eyes on them and beg for attention- especially the ones who purposely try to put others down in public just to seem higher than them. Pathetic.
coffee: what’s your coffee order?
I hardly ever get coffee, because I’m rarely permitted (though whenever I get the opportunity, I jump, because I absolutely love it!) Typically I get a black coffee, put in one packet of cream and Splenda, and I’m good! (Sometimes two Splendas because I have a sweet tooth.)
cypher pt. 1: if you had to be part of a kpop group, what position would you want to be (i.e. leader, visual, lead vocal, dancer, rapper, maknae, etc.)
BlackPink, lead vocal, lead rapper, and lead dancer. Any of those positions, honestly. I could work them.
rise of bangtan: when and how did you get into the king and legends, also known as bangtan sonyeondan?
I was a hardcore exo-l, believe it or not, and desperately wanted to get into this KPOP group chat my IRL friend chatted on. But she told me that you had to stan two groups to get in- mainly BTS. She rigorously trained me and tried to get me into them, and I was rather reluctant and had a hard time because frankly I wasn’t all that interested or caring about it, but once I memorized the names and faces I was put in, spammed with their memes and just being ‘meh’ towards them. And then BST came out, and my eyes were opened up to a whole new world, and I immediately dived in and haven’t looked back since!
satoori rap: what does home mean to you?
Home is where you can be yourself and be the you that you try to hide, where you don’t have to worry about prying eyes or perhaps do exactly what you want and get lost in it. My home is my books and my friends.
boy in luv: when you are interested in someone (romantically, sexually, etc.), does your behavior change?
Ohohohoh Abby definitely knows about this (check out the AA game if you haven’t). I tend to get a lot more nervous, more hyper and jittery when they’re in the room, and like the stereotypical school girl. I squeal and gush so much to my friends to the point even their name makes my heart skip a beat, and I’m often trying to impress or get close to them, admittedly coming on too strong. Abby might be able to explain it better since I’m clearly blinded by my own stupidity at times.
cypher pt. 2: one thing about yourself you wish people would appreciate more?
I guess my willingness to try and bring out the best in people and get closer to them, trying to take control where I can have them be their absolute weirdest around me. That or my effort to be nurturing, when even while I’m absolutely wild and hyper and energetic I’m giving hugs and patting hair and giving compliments, trying to envelop everyone in warmth. I like to think of myself as a glow, so I wish people noticed.
cypher pt. 4: what do you do to treat yourself or relax?
I’ll lounge around perhaps after taking a shower, reading a book and listening to calming music, perhaps eating sweets or drinking soda, maybe going on my laptop to simply scroll and watch videos instead of writing all the time. Or I’ll lounge in the sun and go swimming, letting myself immerse in nothingness. Anything like that, really.
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sfwbangtan-blog · 8 years ago
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❝We heal hearts with Fluff. We build dreams with Fantasy.❞ WELCOME, TEAM F!
@sanm ❊ @berrykookie ❊ @hipsterminseok ❊ @workofteaguk ❊ @zico-aesthetics ❊ @myxxngi ❊ @agusdz ❊ @sugatsby ❊ @hopiesmiles ❊ @midnightmin ❊ @chimchurro ❊ @gukyi ❊ @taesthetes ❊ @btsstuffers ❊ @strawberrymarshmallowstories ❊ @rosebudjin ❊ @sungvin97 ❊ @stillgotmydignitae ❊ @minigguk ❊ @ediblesuga ❊ @army-author ❊ @lunariaabyss ❊ @eleventoes ❊ @eris0330 ❊ @felifli ❊ @xbxngtxnsboys ❊ @bangtanya ❊ @soulfullsongs ❊ @fairyguks  ❊ @summertae ❊ @cinnaminsuga-kookie ❊ @dreamscript ❊ @parkjiminaweyeah ❊ @softjikookie ❊ @nightbts ❊ @goldendvo ❊ @haneulismykoreanname ❊ @wonderer-ru ❊ @eat-a-mint-jungkook ❊ @taeken-my-heart ❊ @btsaeipathy ❊ @yoongihime ❊ @kumatae ❊ @cheelchan ❊ @mysweetkittae
You have been accepted into the Team F of SFW Bangtan Network, where we have gathered fluff lovers, as well as those with a knack for fantasy and alternate universes. We hope you enjoy being a member of this group and that the network becomes a fun, comfortable place for all of you!
Now that you have been accepted, all you have to do is the following:
Link our network anywhere in your blog, as long as it is visible and accessible
Reblog this post so we know you have been made aware of your membership
Use the tag #sfwbangtan for your future non-smut BTS works so we can reblog them to our blog. Remember to place it among the first five tags so your story is visible.
For those who gave us their Kakao ID, we will soon add you to the Team F Group Chat. We highly encourage you to read our chatroom rules, as they are immensely important and will have to be followed from both members and admins alike.
If you wish to switch to Team A, please send us a message and we will make the change as soon as we can.
Thank you and once again, welcome! :)
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moonhe4rts · 7 years ago
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hey y’all!! i was tagged by @syub-ie 2 do th 9 best selfies of 2017 thing but i don’t hav cute pics so hav these gifs!!!
im gonna tag my loves nd a few new mutuals!!: @vanillaserum @jeonghcn @pocketofyoonmin @mistrejin @or6it @lie @nvrm1ind @jpeg-egg @rapgodkth @blckbear @frostedmeats @rosequartz-and-serenity @mlmhansols @kimtae95s @shinwongf @twinkltears @stillgotmydignitae @lovsoul @charmander @vanktank @syubangel @lovuten @4hyyh @02jjk @soloseok
ily all nd tag me if u do this!! 💓💕💕💓💓💕💓💕💓💕💕💓💓 these hearts r for u!! 💕💓💕💕💕💓💕💓💓💓
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julietsoddeye · 7 years ago
11 Questions Tag!
Tagged by @forexcapism​ 💕💕💕
Rules: Answer 11 questions from the person who tagged you and then make 11 more for the next people that you tag
~What is your favourite song? - I HAVE A LOT HUHU. But my top top top top fave is My Answer by EXO (both Korean and Chinese ver.)
~How would you describe your fashion sense? - Lazy Bum? LMFAO. Tomboyish Chic? IDK. I wear whatever I see in my closet. My clothes are mostly Black, White, Grey and all that dark colors that matches my soul really well. And I own mostly sweatshirts and chino and cargo shorts (from my brother and dad, I snatchedwear them lmfao)
~What animal would you like to be reincarnated as? - A puppy? idk. I wanna be reincarnated as a human again.
~What is your opinion on lemons? - They are the asshole fruits. They are sweet-smelling, but sour to the taste.
~Do you know the muffin man?
~What is a secret you’ve never told anyone? - That I am secretly a kpop star. There I said it.
~When will the world end? - In 2012... wait...
~Am I an idiot for buying a $60 t-shirt? - WHY WOULD YOU BUY A $60 SHIRT!?!?!?!??!?!
~What is your favourite meme? - The spongebob meme because it reminds me of Baekhyun. I made a “crack" video about it lmfao .
~Where can I find some buried treasure? - In the treasure island!!!
~Why? - Because.
My qustions lol
How many nuts can you eat in one sitting? (Like peanuts, walnuts lol idk)
What’s your go-to writing song/sound? (If you’re a writer)
Who is your favorite person? (Can be a celeb or family member)
Which do you like better, bread or rice?
Do you have a ritual before you write, or is it spontaneous?
The first book or story that inspired you to write?
Do you think Suho really snoops around on Twitter? 
Sugar, spice or everything nice?
What do you do to reward yourself when you did something to be proud of?
Have you ever fallen in love, for real?
Coffee, Hot Cocoa or Tea?
I am tagging: @oh-beyond, @kimjongdaely, @8bityeol, @kookiie-bear, @admincl and @stillgotmydignitae (you can do or not if you want lol no pressure!)
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