#still riding that Buddie train
lemotmo · 4 months
All right, now that the biggest shock from seeing those stills is over, let's speculate.
I'm still sure that Tim is cooking up Buddie in the kitchen while laughing at our reactions to seeing those stills.
But I remember seeing Ana stills as well, and look what happened there.
Let's look at this rationally. Marisol has no last name and we know nothing about her, just that she has a brother, she used to be a nun and she likes DIY.
We have Ryan coming up in two interviews, so something big is coming up for his character. I doubt Marisol would illicit these interviews. Ryan literally said, in one of his interviews, that she was a filler relationship.
The season still has a few eps to go, so anything can still happen. This isn't over yet.
Let's also not forget about fake Shannon that is going to appear in the ep tonight. Why is she there? What will she say? Stills are only just that... captures. And sometimes they don't actually end up in the ep. We've seen that before.
Let's also not forget about Eddie's family coming to LA in one of the next episodes, with Eddie and Buck right there.
Something is going on and I can't wait to see what they are planning.
PS: Is anyone afraid for Bobby? I am so worried about this new Bobby-storyline.
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shreddheir · 7 months
One thing I adore about the dungeon meshi kelpie arc is how it delineates the difference between “trained” and “tame” SO WELL. Anne the kelpie was nice around senshi, because he fed her and was always respectful. She was trained to not attack him, effectively. But she’s still a monster/wild animal, so the moment he showed “weakness” by trying to ride her, her instincts kicked in and she attacked. And. You’d think Laois, the resident animal lover, would be upset about having to kill a seemingly tame monster. But he suggests it first. He’s not just an animal lover, he’s a biology nerd, SO HE KNOWS ITS UNSAFE TO BE SO BUDDY BUDDY WITH A CARNIVOROUS WILD ANIMAL!
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justabigassnerd · 3 months
Finally Safe
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Pairing - Tim Bradford x reader
Word count - 6,179
Warnings - kidnapping, drugging, talks of malnourishment, sad Tim hours, angst, fluff, inaccurate medical scenes, swearing
Summary - after being missing for years, you and Tim are finally reunited
A/N - hey y'all! this was an idea suggested to me by @scarletstarrs so I hope I did your idea justice because I loved exploring this idea so much (and all the angst that came with it). anyways I won't ramble, as per y'all please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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When Lucy entered the station, ready for the morning roll call, she was both shocked and confused to find Tim Bradford missing from the building. Other than being forced to take leave after being shot, Tim had always shown up to work no matter what.
“Hey, have you seen Tim?” Lucy asks, sitting down in between Jackson and Nolan who both shrug, shaking their heads. Before the three could begin theorising about where Lucy’s training officer had gone, Sergeant Grey stepped up to the podium and began to talk, detailing what was going to be happening during the day. Just before he sends everyone off to start the day, he addresses Lucy.
“Officer Chen, you’ll be riding with me today. Dismissed.” Grey says, his dismissal causing everyone to stand up and make their way out of the room to start their day. As Grey begins to exit, Lucy follows after him.
“Sergeant Grey, while it’s an honour to ride with you today. Where’s Officer Bradford?” Lucy asks, trying her best to sound respectful while enquiring about where Tim is.
“Officer Bradford is taking a personal day,” Grey replies simply, gesturing for Lucy to go and get the war bags to load the shop. At Grey’s gesture, Lucy began to make her way to get the bags, silently wondering to herself why Tim had taken a personal day and whether he was okay.
Across LA, Tim was sitting at home. He had barely had the energy to move out of bed when he woke up but he had managed to drag himself over to the sofa after making sure Kojo had his breakfast. Kojo, while not having lived with Tim long, had picked up on Tim’s melancholy mood and curled up next to him, whining softly as Tim studied a picture on his phone. Tim let out a soft sigh, tears filling his eyes as he studied the picture, a picture of him and you, his wife, on your wedding day. He was embracing you happily, lips pressed to yours.
“I miss you so much,” Tim whispers, unable to remove his gaze from the image of you. You had gone missing three years ago to the day, and Tim could never forgive himself for it. At Tim’s whisper, Kojo shuffled around, resting his head on Tim’s lap, sensing Tim’s pain. Kojo’s movement briefly pulled Tim’s attention away from his phone.
“I’m sorry buddy,” Tim says softly, stroking the top of Kojo’s head. Since you had been taken, Tim had consistently taken a personal day on the date you were taken with each passing year you remained missing. Most detectives involved in your case had told Tim that it was time to give up. The chances were high that whoever had taken you had killed you and had moved on. But Tim wouldn’t just give up on you. He couldn’t. Deep down he knew you were still out there somewhere, and he needed to find you. As Tim continued to swipe through the album of photos he had of you and him, Kojo began to paw at his leg slightly, as if trying to drag him out of his slump.
“I know. Come on, I’ll take you for a walk.” Tim says, knowing that keeping Kojo inside because of his upset would just not be worth it. Tim manages to get up from the sofa, shower and change before grabbing Kojo’s lead. As he left the house with Kojo trotting along by his side, he was silently grateful for the dog’s presence in his life. Before Kojo came around, Tim just wallowed in his house, hiding away from the world when he missed you too much. But now he had someone relying on him, and he couldn’t let Kojo down. After reaching the park, Tim let Kojo off the lead so he could explore while he sat on a bench. As he watched Kojo, he couldn’t help but imagine you sat by his side. You had always wanted to get a dog since long before marrying Tim and he had always put it off, claiming he wanted to wait. He felt so guilty for owning Kojo while you were missing but he knew that when he found you, you’d love Kojo and you’d so quickly become his new favourite person.
After a while, Tim whistled for Kojo to come back over so they could walk back home and as they made their way home, Tim’s phone buzzed, alerting him that he had a message but he opted to wait until he was home to see what it was. When he finally made it home, Tim collapsed onto the sofa and pulled out his phone to see a text from Angela.
‘How are you?’
That simple message was enough to bring the smallest of smiles to Tim’s face. Angela had been Tim’s entire support system since the day you went missing. She had checked in with him regularly and was someone to lean on during his bad days. When she had been promoted to detective, Angela had promised Tim she would do what she could to try and pick up any leads in your missing persons case. Tim had been so grateful for Angela’s support over the last few years, she was the person he needed to help him navigate your absence in his life.
‘Could be better.’
Tim could never lie to Angela. She had ways to see right through him, even over text so he knew there was no point even attempting to act like he was feeling okay on a day like this.
‘Do you want to come over? Have some company?’
Angela’s offer of company was not unusual, although the last few times Angela had asked if he wanted her to come over after her shift had finished, but now with her on maternity leave, both she and Tim had a whole day to console each other.
‘That would be nice. I’ll be over in a few.’ 
Tim types out and sends his response, once again forcing himself up from the sofa and petting Kojo, promising him he’d be back soon before grabbing the keys to his truck and making his way to Angela’s house.
When he arrived he barely even knocked on the door before Angela opened it, a soft gentle smile on her face as she took in Tim’s appearance. It was obvious to her that he hadn’t slept well the night before but she couldn’t blame him. If Wesley had gone missing she knows she’d be absolutely beside herself with worry and anticipatory grief.
“Come and sit down,” Angela says softly, resting a hand on Tim’s back and guiding him to the sofa, easing herself down alongside him, her gentle hand never leaving his back as she moves it up to rub his shoulder lightly. For a few minutes, the two of them sit in silence before Tim lets out a shuddering breath.
“I miss her so much.” Tim manages to say, his voice choking as tears begin to well in his eyes.
“I know, Tim,” Angela says sympathetically, her hand continuing to rub soothing circles on his shoulder in an attempt to keep his breathing steady.
“It hurts.” Tim manages to say, hand hovering near his heart, swearing he could feel his heart pounding louder and stronger with each second.
“I can’t imagine the pain. But I’m here for you. You’re not alone.” Angela says softly, feeling her heart break more and more at Tim’s broken state. She was the only person who got to see this side of Tim in these moments and it made her more and more determined to find you. After a few moments of comforting whispers from Angela and teary sniffles from Tim, he turned to face her, eyes still shining with unshed tears.
“Do you think we’ll even find her alive?” Tim asked, uncharacteristically pessimistic about your case, making Angela shocked.
“She’s got to be out there somewhere. And we’ll find her.” Angela says, pulling Tim into a careful hug.
“It’s my fault she’s gone,” Tim mutters against her shoulder, a confession no one had heard from him before.
“Don’t say that. You’re not to blame.” Angela says, pulling away slightly to look him in the eyes as he shakes his head.
“I am.” Tim insists, his right hand moving to fiddle with his wedding ring, a movement Angela didn’t miss. She knew he would take the ring off when he was on duty, but when he was off duty it would be restored to its rightful place and he’d often find himself twisting it around on his finger out of habit.
“Why do you say it’s your fault?” Angela asks tenderly, hoping she’d be able to help Tim realise that it wasn’t his fault.
“We had an argument that night. A stupid one at that, I can’t even remember what it was about, maybe about chores or something? But y/n got pissed at me and she said she needed to go on a walk to clear her head. I was pissed too and the moment she left I just decided to go to bed. I was too angry to do anything else. If I had gone after her none of this would’ve happened. She’d still be here with me.” Tim whispers, feeling like his throat is closing more tears welling in his eyes as he relives that night.
“Where are you going?” Tim asks, pausing his angry pacing to glare at you from across the room.
“For a walk. I can’t be around you right now.” You reply, your voice just as venomous as his as you grab your keys, reaching for the door handle.
“Fine.” Tim spits angrily, turning on his heel and stalking off again as you open the door, exiting and angrily closing the door behind you while Tim storms to the kitchen, grabbing himself a beer from the fridge.
After a couple of beers, Tim decided it wasn’t worth staying up waiting for you any longer. You had taken your keys and he knew you’d come back whenever you were ready to so he took himself to bed, practically passing out as soon as his head hit the pillow.
The next morning, Tim woke up and found your side of the bed still empty, and when he reached across to search for any remaining body heat, he found that your side was still cold, like no one had slept in it all night. Figuring you had spent the night on the sofa, Tim sat up and got himself out of bed, all anger from the night before gone.
“Hey, Baby, I’m sorry about last night.” Tim enters the living room, rubbing his eyes as he enters, stopping in his tracks when he realises you’re not in the room, nor was there any evidence you had even slept on the sofa. At the sight of the empty room, and your keys still missing from the key bowl, Tim felt his stomach turning with anxiety. He just knew something bad had happened to you. You wouldn’t just go silent on him or not come home at all.
After trying to call your phone and getting no answers, Tim knew he had to file a missing persons case when he got to work. He wasn’t going to rest until he found you.
“Tim, listen to me. It is not your fault. You couldn’t have known. Neither of you could’ve known there would be a psycho out there. You can’t blame yourself for something you never could’ve anticipated.” Angela says softly, her voice shaking Tim from his thoughts. She could imagine the guilt Tim was feeling, but she knew it wasn’t his fault.
“It is. If I had just-”
“Okay, I’m going to stop you right there. There’s nothing you could’ve done. I know just as well as you that y/n is stubborn as anything, so if she wanted to go and get some air after your argument then she would’ve done it regardless. You can’t predict the future and y/n wouldn’t want you to blame yourself.” Angela says, her voice was soft yet firm so she can get her point across to Tim. She knew Tim had a habit of blaming himself for things out of his control but she had no idea that he had carried guilt from your disappearance silently and had been beating himself up about it for so long.
“I just need to find her. I need her safe and home with me. I didn’t even tell her I loved her the last time I saw her.” Tim says, fiercely wiping at his eyes to stop any tears from falling.
“I’m working with detectives to pick up the dead ends from y/n’s case. One of them will lead us somewhere I’m sure. Between you and me, working y/n’s case is the only work Wesley is okay with me doing while on maternity leave. He knows how important it is to us and he’s promised me that if we catch the asshole he’d ensure he spends the rest of his life behind bars.” Angela says reassuringly, wanting to help restore Tim’s faith in finding you.
“Thank you, Angela,” Tim says quietly with a nod. With the topic seeming to be at an end, Angela decides to change the subject and while Tim had always jokingly complained about helping Angela with wedding planning, he was more than happy to do so on this day. While he helped Angela plan various parts of her wedding, he couldn’t help but think about the time he had spent planning his wedding with you.
“Tim, we can’t seat my uncle next to your brother-in-law!” You exclaimed with a laugh, curling further into Tim’s side as he wrapped his arm around you, chuckling lightly to himself, both of you focusing on the seating chart Tim had drafted.
“Sure we can. It would be hilarious.” Tim says, squeezing you closer, his hand winding around your waist.
“You want our wedding to result in a fistfight?” You say, an amused tone to your voice as you raise an eyebrow.
 “Mmm, might not be the best idea then,” Tim murmurs, leaning close to press a kiss to your cheek.
“The best idea is to make sure they stay as far away from each other as possible.” You muse, unable to stop the smile covering your face as Tim continued to press kisses to your cheek.
“We’ll figure it out.”
By the end of the day, Tim had spent most of his time at Angela’s house and he had been beyond grateful for her company and her willingness to help him through a day like this. When Wesley got home, Tim decided that was when he should be heading home himself, knowing Kojo was probably waiting for him.
“I’ll see you around,” Tim says quietly, giving Angela a gentle hug, pulling away and giving Wesley a friendly nod before making his way out of their house, heading to his truck to head home. Unbeknownst to Tim, the moment he left, Angela’s phone buzzed and when she read the text she knew she had to step into work again. Whether Wesley liked it or not.
The next morning, Angela made her way to the hospital, meeting with other detectives once she got there before being led to a room that had a girl inside. Angela figured she couldn’t be any older than her early twenties. After getting a quick brief from the other detectives, Angela made her way into the room, smiling softly to let her know she wasn’t a threat.
“Hi, Bella. I’m Detective Lopez, but you can just call me Angela.” Angela introduces herself, easing herself down onto one of the hospital room chairs as Bella eyes her carefully. Angela could tell that the last thing Bella wanted was to be questioned but it was protocol, whether she liked it or not.
“I promise I’ll make this quick, just tell me what happened,” Angela assures, pulling out her notepad and pen.
“A few months ago, some guy grabbed me off the street while I was making my way home. He kept calling me ‘Samantha’ the whole time. No matter how many times I told him my name was Bella he just ignored it.” Bella explains, tears welling in her eyes as her arms wound around her middle.
“Can you describe this man? And where he was keeping you?” Angela asks carefully, making notes on her notepad as Bella nods.
“He looked like he was in his forties, his hair was greying and he had a huge burn scar on his right arm, like all up it. He was keeping us in the woods. It sounds really cliche now that I say it out loud. He’d moved us around a bit before he found this old abandoned cabin on the outskirts of the city. He managed to get power and water so he figured we could just stay out there, like some delusional family or something.” Bella says, and Angela immediately picks up on her choice of words.
“I’m sorry, you said ‘us’. Was there someone else?” Angela enquires, glancing up from her notebook.
“Yeah, there was another woman, she might’ve been in her thirties? The guy kept calling her ‘Vivian’ but I’m guessing that wasn’t her name.” Bella explains with a nod while Angela pulls her phone out of her pocket, hurriedly scrolling through it and finding a picture with you in.
“This other woman. Did she look like this?” Angela flips the phone around, showing Bella the picture, watching as her eyes widen in recognition.
“Yes! That’s her!” Bella exclaims, looking over at Angela.
“She’s alive,” Angela mutters to herself, unable to believe the news.
“Do you know her?” Bella asks, noticing Angela’s reaction and how hurriedly she was typing into her phone.
“She’s a friend of mine. She’s been missing for a while.” Angela says, tucking her phone away as she talks.
“She’s the one who helped me escape. She saw the opportunity and she encouraged me to go for it.” Bella says, watching Angela’s reaction carefully.
“That sounds like y/n. She always looked out for others.” Angela says with fondness, remembering how you had always put others above yourself.
“I want to help her,” Bella says, a strong, newfound determination in her voice.
“Can you recall where the cabin was? If you can that would help us track her down.” Angela asks, listening carefully as Bella explains all the details she can remember of her escape from that cabin. After getting as many details as Bella could remember, Angela excused herself, exiting the room and immediately calling Grey on her way out, informing him of everything and letting him know that he and the LAPD needed to act fast before you were moved again.
Back at the Mid-Wilshire police station, police officers were starting to prepare for an operation on the outskirts of Los Angeles just as Lucy and Tim entered, ushering their recent arrest to be processed. They quickly became aware of the atmosphere around them so while Lucy was processing the arrest, Tim stepped out to find Grey.
“What’s going on?” Tim asks after tracking down Grey.
“I’m getting some people together for an operation. But I need you and Officer Chen to stay on patrol.” Grey says, gathering his war bags and barely glancing Tim’s way.
“I want to help,” Tim says, confused as to why Grey isn’t letting him get involved with an operation, not when he had as much experience as he did.
“This isn’t a matter to discuss Officer Bradford. You’re one of my best patrol officers and I need you out on the streets with Officer Chen while we do this. Is that understood?” Grey asserts, facing Tim and staring him down as Tim straightens up.
“Understood, Sir,” Tim says, feeling his heart sink at not getting to be involved with an operation.
“You’ll get in on the next operation,” Grey says, clapping Tim on the shoulder quickly before making his way towards his shop, leaving Tim to head back to Lucy, finding her after she had just finished processing their arrest.
“Hey, did you find out what everyone’s doing?” Lucy asks, looking up at Tim curiously.
“There’s an operation going down. I don’t know what it’s for but Grey wants us on patrol.” Tim says with a shrug, beginning to turn on his heel and make his way towards their shop, annoyance evident in in his body language.
“Do they know this would be a great learning opportunity for me? I want to get as much experience in operations as possible. Why aren’t they letting us help?” Lucy asks, following behind Tim.
“I don’t know, Boot. But it’s not my place to challenge Sergeant Grey’s orders.” Tim says firmly, glancing over his shoulder at Lucy who nods, still obviously upset about not getting to help with an operation while she’s still in training.
“Come on, get in. We’ve got a patrol to finish.” Tim then says with a shrug, both of them reaching the shop and getting in, ready to continue their patrol.
After a couple of hours of patrolling, Tim and Lucy had stopped to grab some coffee and while they stood outside their shop, talking and sipping at their drinks, Tim’s phone rang, making his eyebrows furrow when he saw Angela’s name displayed across his screen.
“Angela.” Tim greets as the phone reaches his ear.
“Tim, you need to get your ass to the hospital right now,” Angela says, making Tim raise an eyebrow before he thinks of a reason why she’d be asking him to come to the hospital.
“Are you having the baby already?” Tim asks, a panicked expression crossing his face.
“What? No. Look, just come to Shaw Memorial as soon as you can.” Angela says, an urgency in her voice that Tim hasn’t heard in a while.
“Okay, I’ll head over now.” Tim concedes, bidding Angela goodbye before hanging up the phone and shoving it away in his pocket.
“We’re going to the hospital. And no Angela is not giving birth.” Tim says, able to predict what Lucy was about to ask from a single look.
“Then why are we going to the hospital?” Lucy then questions, both of them getting into their seats just before Tim starts the drive to the hospital.
“No idea. Maybe one of my C.I’s ended up in hospital and they wanted to talk to me.” Tim says, shrugging lightly, wondering to himself why it was Angela had summoned him to the hospital when she’s not supposed to be working. The closer they get to the hospital, the more Tim starts to suspect that it has something to do with you. Angela had assured him that the only case she was working while on maternity leave was yours. But as he parked in the car park for the hospital, he started to picture the worst possible case scenario as he bursts through the hospital, tracking down Angela within minutes, practically leaving Lucy behind.
“What’s happened?” Tim asks, studying Angela’s expression carefully as she grabs his wrist leading him to a nearby hospital room and letting him look through the window. At the sight, tears immediately began to well in his eyes, stepping forward slightly towards the door before Angela stopped him.
“The doctors are working on her now. They’ll get you when she’s stable. I just wanted to show you that we found her.” Angela explains softly, watching as Tim refuses to tear his gaze away from the window.
“She’s alive,” Tim whispers, tears in his eyes as he watches the doctors hooking you up to an IV drip and heart monitors.
“She is. We found her.” Angela says softly, carefully guiding Tim back to the waiting room and helping him ease himself into a chair just as Lucy finally found the pair.
“What the hell? Why did you leave me behind?” Lucy demands, approaching Tim who barely processes her words, his gaze locked on the floor in front of him as his knee bounces impatiently.
“Not now, Lucy,” Angela says, holding a hand out towards Lucy to silence her while her other hand rests on Tim’s shoulder, squeezing it softly.
“Wait, what’s going on?” Lucy then asks, noticing the unusual behaviour Tim was exhibiting and how Angela was protecting him fiercely.
“We’ll tell you later,” Angela says, knowing that with the state Tim was in, she shouldn’t go spilling his personal life.
After half an hour of waiting, a doctor approached Angela since they only recognised her but she made sure to bring Tim into the conversation as well as make sure the doctors knew he was your husband so that he would make any and all medical decisions that you couldn’t make.
“y/n had been drugged upon being found, I assume something that was something done so that the perpetrator could move her without the risk of her running away. She’s also showing clear signs of dehydration and malnourishment so we’ve got her on IVs to give her what her body needs. She’s still asleep but would you like to see her?” The doctor explains, glancing at the tablet in his hand before looking at Tim who nods. The doctor gestures for Tim to follow him to your room but before he leaves he turns to Angela.
“Message me if you need me,” Angela says softly, watching as he nods once more before following the doctor and being granted access to your room. As soon as he enters the room, he grabs a chair and pulls it up along your bedside, one hand taking your hand in his while his other hand runs through your hair.
“I’m here, Baby. I’m so sorry. I love you.” Tim says, repeating the three sentences like a mantra as he squeezes your hand softly. He felt more tears welling in his eyes as he took in your form. Your cheeks were hollowed and you had dark circles under your eyes. The more Tim watched you as you slept, the worse his guilt got. He couldn’t help but hate himself more and more for letting you leave the house that night. As the day progressed, Tim found himself uncharacteristically talkative with you, rambling about everything you had missed.
“I’ve got a new rookie. Her name’s Lucy Chen. You’d like her a lot actually. She reminds me of you in a way.” Tim says, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing the back of your hand as he talks. He knew you and Lucy would get on well. After all, Lucy was someone who was unafraid to speak her mind around Tim and you’d admire her fire. By the time night fell, Tim was sure he’d covered everything that had happened since you had gone missing. He felt a yawn slip past his lips which made him attempt to shake the sleepiness off. He didn’t want to fall asleep and then risk waking up to find out that this had been a dream. He couldn’t bare to wake up to find you missing again. However, as the night progressed, Tim got more and more tired and he began to struggle to keep his eyes open so he laid his head down on your bed, making sure he was facing up at you, keeping your hand in his the whole time before letting his eyes slip closed, hoping this wasn’t all a dream.
You woke up slowly in the early hours of the morning and as you slowly open your eyes, you couldn’t help but smile tearily when you recognised the sleeping face of your husband. The face you had dreamed of seeing for years. You watched Tim quietly for a moment, admiring the man you loved so much before your need to talk to him overtook you and you squeezed his hand softly, rousing him almost instantly. His eyes blinked open and you felt a tear slip down your cheek.
“Hey, Tim.” You whisper softly, your voice slightly hoarse from lack of use. Tim couldn’t even bring himself to talk, he just squeezed your hand, tears welling in his own eyes.
“You’ve grown your hair out a bit.” You observe quietly, gently extracting your hand from his to run your hand through his hair, having been used to his shorter haircut for too long.
“You like it?” Tim asks with a teary laugh.
“I love it. I did always tell you it would look nicer if you grew it out a little.” You muse softly, enjoying the feeling of running your hand through his hair with the slight added length. As another tear rolls down your cheek, Tim reaches out and wipes it away, his touch as soft and as gentle as you remembered it.
“I’m so sorry, Baby. I let you down.” Tim apologises, his hand lingering on your cheek as you lean into his touch, desperately craving the love and comfort only Tim could provide you with.
“It’s not your fault. I’m the one who left that night.” You say, slowly retracting your hand from Tim’s hair, returning it to your lap as Tim shakes his head.
“I should’ve stopped you.” Tim argues, making you shake your head in response.
“You couldn’t have known, Tim. Look, let’s not argue. We haven’t seen each other in years I don’t want to ruin this by arguing. It’s no ones fault but the ass who took me.” You say, your voice soft yet firm as Tim nods lightly in understanding.
“I missed you so much.” Tim then whispers, his face displaying every emotion he was feeling in the moment.
“I missed you too.” You reply softly. Glad you were reunited with your husband again.
After a few days stay in hospital, you had finally been cleared to go home which you were excited for. Your days in the hospital were mostly spent talking to lawyers and detectives to get all the evidence needed for the case against your kidnapper. But Tim had all but refused to leave your side through it all, and some of your friends came to visit you after news had spread that you had been found. You even got to meet Tim’s newest rookie, Lucy, who like Tim predicted, you got on brilliantly with. And while you had appreciated people wanting to visit you, and that the detectives and lawyers wanted to get that guy behind bars as soon as possible. But you just wanted to go home, to spend some time with Tim in the comfort of your own house, as well as getting to know the family member you had missed the arrival of. When Tim had told you about Kojo, he had not missed the way your eyes lit up and he knew it was going to be love at first sight for both you and Kojo. After all the paperwork had been sorted and Tim had brought you a comfy change of clothes from home, you finally headed out to Tim’s truck, letting him help you into the vehicle and settling in to the passenger seat.
The drive back to yours and Tim’s shared house was relatively silent, you listened to what was on the radio and occasionally chatted with Tim until he pulled into the driveway. You waited upon Tim’s orders for him to round the truck and open the door for you, helping you out carefully before leading you to the front door.
“Are you ready?” Tim asks softly, hand interlocked with yours as you both stand in front of the door, staring it down before you nod lightly, giving Tim the sign he needed to unlock the front door, easing it open and ushering both you and him inside, quickly coming face to face with Kojo.
“Hey, you must be Kojo. Tim’s told me all about you. I’m y/n.” You introduce yourself to the dog, watching his reaction carefully as he approaches you, sniffing at your outstretched hand for a few seconds before gently licking your hand and allowing you to pet him.
“Oh, aren’t you the sweetest boy?” You praise, petting Kojo happily while Tim jokingly rolls his eyes.
“It took less than a minute for me to be replaced by the dog.” Tim jokes, making his way into the kitchen to grab some drinks and by the time he returned, you had curled up on the sofa with Kojo and Tim couldn’t help but smile at the sight of having you home again. After placing the drinks on the coffee table, Tim sat down on your other side and wrapped his arm around your middle, pulling you into him and pressing multiple kisses to the side of your head as you smile softly, cherishing the attention and love Tim was giving you.
By the time night fell, you were ready to crash and Tim knew it. He chose to carry you to the bedroom, sitting you down on the bed and finding one of his old police academy shirts he knew you loved to wear and a pair of flannel pyjama bottoms, handing them to you before turning around to get changed himself. When you were both ready for bed, you climbed under the covers while Kojo curled up at the foot of the bed. You instantly curled into Tim’s side, burying your face in his chest.
“I’ve missed this so much.” You mumbled, smiling to yourself when Tim tightens his grip around your waist.
“Me too. I love you so much.” Tim whispers, kissing the top of your head before you tipped your head up so Tim could press the softest of kisses upon your lips.
“I love you too.” You reply softly, eyes full of love as you look up at Tim before curling back into him, quickly falling asleep in his arms the way you had been dreaming off the past few years.
In the middle of the night, Tim stirred, aware of the way the two of you had shifted throughout the night. You were now lying with your back to Tim and his arm was wrapped around your middle but he quickly withdrew it when he noticed you twitching and crying in your sleep. He instantly knew you were having a nightmare so he flicked his bedside lamp on and reached out to gently rouse you, placing his hand on your shoulder and calling your name softly until you bolted upright, eyes wide open and tears staining your cheeks.
“y/n. Baby. It’s okay. I’m here. You’re safe.” Tim says softly, his hand reaching down to hold yours, his actions only stopping when you practically curled into him instantly, changing his action from holding your hand to holding your sobbing, shaking form instead. Tim continued to reassure you and comfort you quietly, his hand rubbing up and down your back while Kojo rested his head on your leg, whining softly in his own way to comfort you. Tim then began to coach you through slowing your breathing, using techniques you had used when he suffered with nightmares and when you began to calm down, he began to wipe your tears away.
“I thought I was really back in that cabin.” You admit with a sniffle, making Tim hold you closer, taking your hand in his and placing it above his heart.
“You feel that? I’m here and so are you. I’m not going to let anything happen to you again.” Tim promises quietly as you focus on the steady thumping of his heartbeat while your other hand reached down to pet Kojo softly.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” You apologise, pulling away with your eyes still shining with tears as Tim shakes his head.
“Don’t apologise. I’m going to be here for you when you need me to. I’m your husband and after what you went through I’d be a shit excuse of a husband if I did anything but look after you when you needed me. Don’t ever apologise for having a nightmare. I love you and I’m going to help you through this.” Tim says, pulling you back into his arms and feeling you settle your head perfectly above his heart so you could focus on his heartbeat once again.
“I love you too.” You mumble, soothed by Tim’s repeated action of running his hand up and down your back as well as his melodic heartbeat and soon your eyes slipped closed again. In the arms of the love of your life and feeling safe for the first time in years.
Tim watched you sleep peacefully for a few minutes, just to make sure no nightmares tried to attack you again as you slept but after not as much as a twitch, Tim switched his lamp off and cuddled you closer as he let himself drift off to sleep. You were finally back where you belonged. And Tim wasn’t going to let anyone hurt you again.
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donutz · 7 months
Yandere Smiling Critters x male child reader
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Request from Wattpad-! Here you go Dracunyan1987☆
An employee escorted you to Playcare, after the train ride and Elliot’s long speech of course. You were a new kid added to the bunch. You’ve been hanging around in Playtime co for a while, so the employees told the upper staff, then they told Elliot.
Elliot instructed them for you to stay at Playcare, so you’re here now. This place was huge. There’s… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 5 buildings, you counted. You looked up at the ‘sky’, and saw ‘clouds’. Further up, you could see glass, is that the real sky?
The same employee escorted you over to home sweet home, and you were pretty shy, due to you being new to the huge place. The tons of people, toys, big buildings, it's all so new. And kind of scary, due to the big toys. But you do like one.
Kissy… Missy? You think that's her name. She's really sweet.
You entered Home Sweet Home and saw a bunch of kids running around. And… Are those animals..? A dog, a bunny, a bear, a chick—
“Oh, hello!” Somebody greeted you, being out of your vision so you had to turn around.
“You’re new here right?” You nodded your head, being a little surprised by the sudden interaction.
“Ok! I’m PickyPiggy! What’s your name?” You said yours, and she brightened up by that. Even if you were shy, you could at least introduce yourself. Hm. You’re an interesting one.
“Here, follow me! I’ll introduce you to the other critters!” You raised your eyebrows at that, there’s more? How many? You hope there isn’t too much.
Picky took you somewhere, hopefully actually taking you to the critters. She did, no worries.
“Guys! There’s a new kid and—” The other critters were dealing with the kids, not having time for introducing themselves. “Oh.. Uhm..” 
Dogday was dealing with telling kids not to be rude. Kickin was trying to get his soccer ball back from the kids. Craftycorn was trying to get her art supplies back from little 5 year olds. Bobby was being crowded by random 7 year olds. Bubba was looking for his math papers, that were stolen by kids. And Hoppy was being dragged around by younger children.
You, as a 6 year old, not knowing what’s going on, couldn’t even take a bit of charge. So you were standing there, waiting for something(other than this) to happen. Picky was getting impatient, so she raised her voice, just a little ^_^!
“GUYS! THERE IS A NEW KID HERE!! YOU NEED TO INTRODUCE YOURSELVES!!!!” It went quiet. Nobody expected for a critter to raise their voice! Picky had no problem though.
“... Oh uhm! E- Everybody gather at your tables and PLEASE resume your activities!” Dogday spoke up, if he could sweat, he would, he’s never seen or heard Picky yell before…
You hid behind Picky, somewhat trusting her more than anybody else at this place. Also you were shy. And new. I’ve said that already, right?
Dogday saw your shyness and reassured you, “It’s okay little one! This place is safe! Even with the chaotic kids… Anyways, we are the smiling critters! I’m Dogday! … Guys, introduce yourselves—”
“I’m KickinChicken! I like sports—”
“ANYWAYSS!! I’m Hoppy Hopscotch! I’m the better version of Kickin!” “HEY!”
“I’m Bobby Bearhug, I do love.. Stuff..”
“I’m Craftycorn! I do art, and accentuate creativity!”
“I’m Bubba Bubbaphant! The ‘smart one’, that’s what the kids call me…”
“I’m sure Picky Piggy already introduced herself to you, right?”
You nodded your head, still being behind her. You were such a cutie!
“Alright! There’s one more, but he’s.. Somewhere… I’m not sure where he is…” You looked around, trying to see if that ‘he’ is in the room.
“D- Do you mean that one..?” You asked, pointing to a high area. It looked like nothing was there, but you could see his white beady eyes in the shadows.
“Oh! Yeah! That’s Catnap!” Dogday said.
You stayed staring at him. Slightly wondering why he was up there and not down here. He seemed mysterious, especially with that purple color.
“Oh and— What’s your name buddy?” You tensed up, you have to say your name… Again?
Picky saw that you didn’t really like speaking that much, so she did it for you. “Okay kiddo! Would you like to do the activities, or take a tour of the place?” Well, you were hungry, but he didn’t state it as an option.
Your stomach spoke for you, saying you were hungry with a loud rumble. Some of the critters giggled from it, “Guys… Anyways, you’re hungry right? Do you want some food?”
You nodded your head. No duh you’d want some food.
After eating, you wanted a tour of the place. There were a ton of rooms, but since you came out of nowhere, there wasn’t really a room ready for you. The critters had a room, so you could stay there when it was time to sleep.
The critters now having an introduction, and a bright smile, you could trust them. For now.
You did the activity with Picky by your side, because you trusted her the most. You quickly did the activity, proving your smarts to somebody. Bubba Bubbaphant. He found you quite the smart kid, and it’s your first day here!
Good job.
For the next few weeks of being at Playcare, you had a lot of reasons for the critters to like you, you were also clingy to them, so they can’t ever be lonely.
They wanted to keep you here, particularly getting a little bit more mad than usual if somebody was rude to you. One time a kid stole your art supplies, Craftycorn got more mad than usual, she was kind of holding back on fully outlashing at the kid.
… You were doing something to them.
They didn’t want you to have your own room. They wanted to keep you in theirs.
Hm. You wanted to meet Catnap, but couldn’t, he didn’t come out at day, he came out at night. And at night, you were asleep. What if you secretly stayed up one day?
“Good night everybody!” Dogday said, everybody said it back, but you didn’t. (Almost) All of the critters noticed this, wondering why you didn’t respond back like you usually do.
“What if I stayed up..? I wanna see uh, Catnap. That’s his name, I think.” The critters looked at each other, communicating whether it was a bad idea. “Well, the workers never come in here. So we won’t really get in trouble..” Kickin spoke up.
They all agreed to stay up, for some time, not pull an all-nighter or something. They’re all talking, while you were silent. Finally, the sound of a door creaked open. There he was! Catnap!
It went quiet again, you got out of ‘your’ bed(Which is Catnap’s) and went up to the cat. You two stared at each other. You didn’t know what to say, Catnap didn’t want to talk. It wasn’t awkward, for you two at least. The other critters didn’t know what to do in this situation.
You let out your arms, signifying you wanted a hug. The other critters were wary about that, Catnap wasn’t really into that stuff, especially when it came to children.
But, he actually hugged you! Everybody in the room was bewildered by this! You really are the chosen one! Yeah you’re staying here.
Forever. Hopefully.
A/N|| I almost broke my back putting in the different colors on my computer🤣🤣
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angelicsoka · 6 months
❛ he so likes her! ❜ wiru quinn and jack noticing luke is crushing
PROM NIGHT, l. hughes
part two <3
word count | 832 words
pairings | luke hughes x best friend!reader, platonic!jack & quinn hughes x reader
summary | luke’s brothers notice his crush on his best friend
prompt | ❛ he so likes her! ❜
warnings | not proofread. no use of “y/n”. mutual pining. reader and luke are oblivious. lowercase intended. this is a work of fiction, i am by no means saying this is how they act in real life.
a/n | i’ve been trying to write but i have very little motivation, but here's this! might make a part two if the people want it :)
being in love with your best friend was horrible. knowing he didn’t feel the same was down right torturous. at least, you assumed he didn’t feel the same.
luke hughes had been your best friend since sixth grade, when one of his buddies cruelly pushed into a locker as you had walked past. luke, angered by his friend’s actions, proceeded to shove him into a locker before going to check on you. the rest was history.
you were the golden retriever to his black cat, the sun to his moon, his ride or die. you two had been through thick and thin together, somehow managing to stay friends when no one else thought you would. 
unbeknownst to you both, jack and quinn had a bet going on how long it would take for one of you to admit your feelings for the other. a bet that had been placed after your senior prom, a night you could never forget.
it was chilly as you sat outside the gymnasium, no longer caring about dirtying up your dress, the night already ruined. you had found your date with his lips locked with another girl, but that wasn’t what hurt the most: it was seeing your best friend slow dancing with girl; a girl that wasn’t you. 
you wiped at the angry and jealous tears as they streamed down your rosy cheeks, angry at yourself for being jealous, angry at yourself for falling for the one boy you could never have.
“hey, there you are! we’ve been look– are you okay?” luke poked his head out the door, concern growing when he noticed the tears that stained your rosy cheeks. you were quick to wipe the remaining tears as luke walked out, letting the door shut behind him. he joined you on the curb as you tried to get rid of the evidence that you had been crying, but it was too late.
“i’m fine, lu. go back in there, have a good time. i’m gonna head home, i’m not feeling the greatest.” you felt guilty about lying to your best friend, not only about not feeling well, but about your feelings.
“you are a terrible liar, you know that?” you couldn’t even look him in the eyes. “fine, don’t tell me, but at least let me drive you home.” you attempted to argue, but luke was stubborn. you both were.
“i don’t want you to miss out on the fun.” you said as luke guided you to his car.
“eh, i wont be missing any fun when the life of the party is in my passenger seat.” luke attempted to entice a smile out of you but it just sent a pang to your heart. “plus, i’d rather hang out with you.” he shrugged.
“what about your date?” 
“oh, she snuck off to make out with ex.” you shot him a look of pity, luke shrugging it off as he backed out. “i knew she was using me to make him jealous, but honestly i don't care.” you knew though that luke was hurt by it, at least more than he was letting on. the rest of the ride was silent, your eyes trained out the window until luke drove right past your house.
“luke, you just passed my house.” you looked to your best friend, eyebrows furrowed.
“i know. i figured we could watch a movie.” you internally groaned. he was not helping you get over this crush, that was for sure. still, you went along, following him into the house when you arrived. 
it was late, his parents still out wherever they had gone, and quinn and jack were somewhere around the house. you accepted the sweats and shirt luke offered you, going to change out of your dress. when you entered the living room, luke had already picked out your favorite movie and was microwaving popcorn. you sat on the couch, cuddling into a blanket he had laid out.
luke joined you moments later, handing you the bowl of popcorn and taking a seat next to you. he started the movie, but you couldn’t focus, not with him as close as he was to you.
soon, the tiredness began to take over, your eyes drooping. it wasn’t long before luke heard soft snores coming from you, your head resting on his shoulder. it brought a smile to his face as he too began to fall asleep. that was how quinn and jack found the both of you; luke’s head rested against yours which was on his shoulder. quinn placed a blanket over you both, before taking a picture of you, a smile on both your faces.
“he so likes her.” jack snickered, quinn nodding along.
“i bet you fifty bucks he tells her first.” quinn whispered as he sent the picture to his parents who were rooting for you two to get together.
“make it a hundred but it’ll be her.” they shook on it before you leaving you to rest.
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alotofpockets · 1 month
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Game changer | Daphne van Domselaar x Arsenal!Reader
Where Daphne falls for you, but thinks you are already dating one of your friends
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.4k
The transfer of Daphne van Domselaar had been a rumour for quite some time before your club finally signed her for real. You were quite excited for the Dutch goalkeeper to make the move over to Arsenal.
You had played against her in the Aston Villa matches this season, and while it was frustrating that you couldn't get a ball past her, your admiration for her grew with each shot that she blocked.
She was a strong and confident player, and had been interested in knowing what she would be like as a person. So, of course when it was announced to the team that she would be joining you, you were the first to offer her a tour.
“Hey Daphne, are you ready for the grand tour?” You ask her after she got introduced during the first team meeting to kick-off pre-season. The warm smile on your face instantly calmed Daphne's nerves. “Yeah, that would be great.”
You show her around and enthusiastically tell her all about the Arsenal training grounds. Daphne immediately felt a sense of security. You were very easy to talk to, and your energy was contagious.
“So, how are you liking London so far?” You ask as you make your way over to the pitch. 
“I only got here a couple of days to get settled, but so far I'm enjoying it. Definitely still a lot to figure out and explore.” Daphne replied.
“Well, good thing you have me then!” you wrap your arm around her shoulder in a side hug. “I'll be your tour guide, and show you all the best places.”
While you were training in London, you and Daphne hung out a lot. You kept your promise of being her tour guide, and wanted to make sure Daphne felt at home in the place you had called home for a few years now.
You visited some touristy spots, but you focused on your local favourites. Your favourite parks, shops, coffee shops. As many as you could fit in the short time you had before travelling to the US for your pre-season tour.
During the short time you had known Daphne, the two of you had grown quite close. You loved spending time with the Dutch woman. She was your seat buddy for both the bus ride over to the airport and on the plane to the US.
After the first training, which was just to loosen up their muscles after the long flight, Daphne spent some time with Steph and Beth. “You're both in a relationship, right?” When they both nodded, Daphne continued. “I don't mean to be rude, but I was wondering what it's like travelling so far and not having your partners with you. Is it hard?” 
Beth was the first to answer, “Well, Viv and I have gotten used to it a little with both playing for different national teams. So during international breaks we are often in different parts of the world already. We make it work, and always try to focus on the reunion.” 
“Yeah, and for me with Dean, it's just been so long, that by now it's pretty normal. I remember the first couple of times being pretty hard, but like Beth said, focusing on the reunion always gets us through.” 
“Ah yeah, it must be so nice to reconnect after some time away from each other. Are a lot of the girls on the team in a relationship?” Daphne questions, and Beth and Steph start listing a few of the people.
“Let's see, was that everyone?” Steph asks. “Hm, what about y/n? Isn't she dating that girl? What's her name again, Lily?” Beth questions. 
“Oh yeah, I never know with y/n, but I could totally see them being a thing.” Steph adds.
A part of Daphne was disappointed to hear that you might be in a relationship. Of course, the other part of her was happy for you. But, she had felt a connection with you that she had wanted to explore further, but she should probably set that aside until she was sure if you were or weren't in a relationship.
You thoroughly enjoyed your time in America, as you loved exploring new places. With the team you visited a bunch of tourist attractions, besides the training, which you were quite happy about.
When you got back home, you continued training for the upcoming season. Your free time consisted of hanging out with your friends, and your teammates. 
It wasn't until the first wsl match of the season that the two groups mixed again. Your friends in the stands while you were on the pitch playing with your teammates.
Once the match is over and you spend some time with the fans, you head over to your friends. You hug Jack, Mila, and Morgan first, and lastly you kiss Lily on her cheek and keep your arm around her as you’re talking with your friends. Daphne looks at the scene in front of her, and with the words from Steph and Beth echoing in her mind, she concludes that you are in a relationship. 
As you’re talking with your friends, your eyes keep wandering over to Daphne, as she’s interacting with the fans. Her eyes occasionally flicker over to you, you wave at her the first time that you notice. She smiles back, but the smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Before you can think much of it, Lily nudges you. “So, how is it going with the new goalie?”
“Yeah, she’s great. I think she’s fitting in well with the team.” Morgan cuts in, “You know that’s not what Lily was asking.” Your brow furrows, “What do you mean?”
Your friends collectively roll their eyes. “Do we really need to spell it out for you?” Jack chuckles. “You’ve been hanging out with her all of the time, there has to be more going on between the two of you than just being teammates.”
“We’re just friends.” You say with a shrug of your shoulders. “Then why are you as red as a tomato right now?” Lily teases. “I- eh, cause I’m a gooner. It matches the club colour, you know?” 
You could see how disappointed your friends were with your joke, but it’s not like they weren’t used to them by now. “You should ask her out. She’s clearly into you as well.” Mila opts. “What? No, I can’t just do that.”
Before you can protest any further, Lily shouts “Daphne!” The girl looks over at her name being called from your direction and meets five pairs of eyes looking at her. Lily motioned her over, and when she finished signing a jersey, she came over. 
She looks between you and Lily with a questioning look. You had stepped away from her side, because you were not agreeing with her calling Daphne over and had a nervous look on your face.
Before your friends could embarrass you more, you took ahold of Daphne’s hand and pulled her back onto the field. “Is everything okay with Lily?” You look at her confused, “You know Lily?” Daphne shook her head, “Well, no, not really. Beth and Steph said the two of you were dating, so I assumed that was her.” 
You stop dead in your tracks, “They said what?” You shake your head, “Ew gross. Lily is my best friend from kindergarten, and also very straight.” Even the idea made you laugh. 
Daphne took the news as a game changer, maybe the connection and the vibes she had felt with you, did mean what she thought you did. 
“It’s funny, because Lily was actually calling you over to get me to ask you out.” Your eyes widened when you realised what you had just said, “Wait! Ehm I-” Daphne interrupts you before you can make a fool out of yourself. “I would love to go out with you.”
Your face lit up, “Really?” She nodded with a chuckle, “Yes, of course. I felt like we were already going on little dates, though we never actually called them that. And well then Beth and Steph put me on the wrong path.” 
“I’m gonna need to have a word with those two, can’t start spreading rumours about me.” You laughed together at the situation, before meeting back up with your friends to properly introduce Daphne to them.
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
7 Ways to Introduce the Villain.
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1. The Shadow
A lot of series go with the classic 'ominous shadowy figure in the background.' Here's Silco in Arcane. Sinister voice, sinister dude, sinister intent. Boom, you have your villain.
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2. The Slow Reveal
Other variations of the 'shadowy figure' in which the series draws out the reveal of the villain. Avatar: The Last Airbender doesn't reveal the Firelord until the final season, but his presence is felt throughout the series. He's always this looming threat whose will is carried out by his underlings. (General Zhao, Azula, etc.)
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3. The Fabulous Entrance!
Okay, so we do hear Ragyo on the phone a couple times before they actually show her face, but goddamn, this entrance. It is impressive and terrifying and, it perfectly suits the utter psycho that she is.
There is no normal expression this woman makes when she's 'happy.' She's always smug or angry or annoyed, but this face with her staring, manic eyes and smile still haunts me. Send help.
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4. The Sudden Entrance
Shigaraki kinda comes out of nowhere in My Hero Academia. For the first few episodes, its all lighthearted and fun and dealing with Bakugo's BS and then the class heads off on a field trip and suddenly,
"Oh, shit! Plot is happening!"
This series started off with kids learning to be heroes, and now its tragedy and social upheaval and people's lives are in danger.
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5. The Incognito Entrance
This is when some random nonthreatening dude/lady just kinda sidles into the plot the be the butt of a joke and later turns out to have been one of the villains.
This scene was so weird. Tyki is just minding his own business, scamming people at cards. Then Allen and Lavi show up looking for their friend (the guy currently being scammed), and even though he recognizes them as exorcists and his enemies, Tyki has to sit there and play it off like he doesn't know jack cause if he does anything, he's gonna blow his cover in front of his human buddies. And then he suffers the indignation of being stripped in a poker game in broad daylight because the main protagonist is absolutely evil with a card deck. And then he just walks away from this like it's a totally normal thing, not even really taking vengeance for it. (He went after Allen, sure, but that was more of a job than any personal vendetta.) He's not the main villain, but I couldn't resist pointing out how bizarre this is.
For those who haven't seen D. Gray Man, the guy in the center is one of the main antagonists, and though this is technically the second time you see him, the first encounter was so short it was practically a cameo and he was a Victorian-era, Dorian Gray dandy gentleman, not this hobo riding a train.
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6. The Traitor
Since the Undertaker was more of a neutral party in Black Butler, I don't think he really counts as a traitor. Still, I don't think too many of us were suspecting the morbid jokester Grim Reaper was going to turn out to be a major antagonist later on.
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7. The Protagonist
And sometimes the protagonist is the villain!
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riddlessecretss · 2 months
Train ride with Mattheo Riddle:
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• You CANNOT tell me he would not bombard your phone with selfies.🤣
• Your passcode being his birthday>>
• Fucking him in front of his friends because you two don’t care.
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Omg the way he looks in this photo is just majestic.
“Y/nn! Hurry up, I don’t know why you brought that suitcase for this year.”
“I’ve got a dorm to myself this year which means I’ve got more storage. And I’m going to use it.”
He chuckled and helped you with pulling the case up from the platform. “Thank you baby.” You thank him with a kiss on the cheek. You start looking for your assigned seats and get the window and middle seat. Opposite you is Theodore and opposite Mattheo is Tom. You guys lost Tom and Theodore a while back while you were smoking and flirting with Mattheo.
You have a seat but sit on Mattheo’s lap so you can cuddle. You are always tense about the train since your older brother left the school and doesn’t go on the tram anymore. But messing around with Mattheo makes it better.
Theo didn’t get enough sleep last night because he had girls over, of course. He fell asleep first so you decided to take a photo.💀
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You and Mattheo couldn’t stop laughing at how mad he looked even when he slept. When you got to know Theo you would learn that he’s probably the sweetest Slytherin out there. But he doesn’t like to show it.
But you were too busy still laughing at him to realise Blaise and Enzo had been editing photos of Tom and Draco. You open your phone to the gc to see these.
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Tom👺- That is not funny! Just you fucking wait tonight Lorenzo Berkshire.
Enzo🌺- I take it back!!
Tom👺- Too late.
Draco🌝- I CANTT
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Blaise🏋️- Draco don’t think your safe💀
Mattheo❤️- Oh shit😭 the first one is baddd buddy.
Draco🌝- My father will hear about this!
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You get tired after all the messing about with Mattheo so you decide to take a nap. Which results in another photo added in the gc.
Enzo🌺- Aww
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Theo🇮🇹- And they laughed at me for sleeping!
You wake up from the smell of liquor and w33d. Mattheo passes you the joint. “Thank yo-“
“Any snacks for the remaining journey?”
For three years in a row you and Mattheo buy nearly everything and throw it around the carriage to share. You and Mattheo have taken upon yourselves to be the parents of the group whether your responsible or not is not important. You all get high as you arrive to school.
Dumbledore’s greeting speech is always a bore and you have to sit through all the new first years hat sorting ceremony. Mattheo has got his hand on your thigh the entire time.
“Can you stay quiet for me doll?” You nod as he slides his hand up and reaches under your skirt. You try and keep a straight face while Mattheo’s hand is on your pussy. He starts rubbing your clothed cunt and eventually speeds up. Before you get to cum Mattheo moves his hand away. Tease. You take a drink to help you cool down. His hand starts to creep back as the boys share a few sniggers in the new years crying over their hogwarts house.
His hand gets higher than before as he sneaks a finger in and curls up to hit your g-spot. A squeal leaves your mouth as you cover your mouth, luckily no-one heard. Mattheo adds two fingers as he adds, “You can be as loud as you want tonight.” You smirk as you remember your good luck tradition to make the room more welcoming is to fuck on the first night.
You squirm under his touch and it isn’t long until you cum in his hand. He hold eye contact as he licks his fingers.
“We have got a new student joining the 12th year!” Dumbledore announces as you all turn your head. The brunette walks up to the hat and already looks like fun, you wanna be her friend.
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It’s late because I fell asleep. Enjoy and i will prolly make this a series. If I re log a post go and show them some love because these peoples works are impressive! Tyy for nearly 300 likes on a post! Navaiah💝
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thegnomelord · 9 months
A Little Bit Of Heaven
CW: NSFW, FTM subbot Gaz, domtop Male Reader, oral, scar kissing, soft fluffy sex, body worship, lingerie, fem language, reader is whipped for Gaz
PS: This is inspired by @ramvur 's art piece of Gaz, @el-chonkus you wanted to be tagged so here you go :D
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The last few months have been Hell on both of you; mission after mission, drill after drill, chasing away exhaustion and sleep deprivation with copious amounts of caffeine in an attempt to put a dent in the stacks of paperwork you've been given. Despite spending most of your time together, be it training recruits or as battle buddies on missions, it feels like you and Kyle never have time for each other, the only time you two have to be intimate being when Kyle sleeps on your shoulder during the long plane rides.
So when Price tells you you two are cleared for a week of military leave, you jump at the chance to have a proper vacation. Once you get the tickets you put it in an envelope, going out to find Gaz.
You find him in your shared bunk room, peacefully snoring with a book splayed over his chest. Even in his sleep he's on edge, fingers twitching occasionally as if pulling the trigger of a gun. You're quiet as a mouse as you walk to his bed, kneeling to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
Kyle's eyelids flutter open, your familiar outline in his blurry vision calms him before military grade instincts can kick in, having to blink a few times to focus on you. "Mhm, what'ime isit?" He slurs as he sits up, the few minutes of sleep doing nothing to lessen the bags under his pretty brown eyes.
"Still early." You say, keeping your voice low. "I'm sorry for waking you,"
"Is fine," He waves away your apology, reaching out to wrap a loose arm around your neck, pulling you closer. "Did you need something?" Kyle's still groggy as he nuzzles your cheeks together, aiming for your lips but winding up kissing your nose.
"Yeah," You take a moment to relish the intimacy, not that Kyle minds, breathing in your scent with a happy sigh; God knows how long you'd spent in an intimacy deficit. "Guess what I did." You say with a humorous tone.
That sobers him up enough to lean back and give you a critical eye. "If you hid Price's cigars again I'm not hiding you." He warns, but there's obvious amusement in his voice.
"No, no," You snort, holding out the envelope for him. "It's something better."
"Do I even want to know?" Kyle raises an eyebrow but takes the envelope, opening it. Inside he finds two plane tickets to Greece, along with an invoice for a rented villa. "Are these. . .?" His voice dies down as he looks at you with wide eyes.
"You did say you wanted to go somewhere warm." You shrug a shoulder, trying not to show how much you hope he'll be pleased by this seeing as you two hadn't planned anything for your leave.
"Oh, mate," You can't describe the wide smile that graces his features, bright like the sun, one you'd happily let blind you. "Come here you-" He pulls you so close your foreheads bonk together, you can feel his grin as he kisses you. "-beautiful bastard." He sighs as your lips part but you don't, breathing in the same air.
"You're the beautiful one." Your comment has him giggling like a child; Kyle's laugh feels like silk on your ears, so infectious you find yourself giggling too. "Do you like them?"
"Do you even need to ask?" He teases, pulling you into another kiss.
. . .
Gaz is very smug on the day you're supposed to leave, cheeky as he gushes to Soap of all the things you two have got planned for your vacation, which of course has the Scot whining to Ghost about 'stepping up'. But it's all in good fun and you're sent off with a few demands to bring souvenirs.
Despite how tired you two are, the entire plane ride to Greece is spent learning about the local town near the villa you'd rented and all the tourist attractions there, learning a few sayings as well as how not to get scammed.
He's like a kid on Christmas when you finally get to the villa, exploring every room and the grounds around it; It's as pretty as it is old, spiderwebs of ivy and roses wrapping around the columns and sides of it, built on a cliff overlooking the ocean, but far bigger than what you two are used to, Kyle's animated assessment of every little detail in the frescos, evaporating the eeriness of the empty rooms.
And of course, the first thing you do when you get there is sleep a solid 24 hours, your exhaustion catching up to you two. You wake up the next day to Kyle still snoring next to you, much more relaxed and clutching you like a koala. He doesn't even stir when you get out of bed to make him and you a very late breakfast, receiving loving kisses on the cheek when Kyle finally stumbles out of dream land.
You spend your vacation doing all the typical couple things, thousands of photos filling Gaz's phone — you two dinning out or attempting to make some local dishes, several of you two donkey riding across the mountains (and one that he'd favored of a donkey trying to eat your clothes), silly photos of you two interacting with the statues in a nearby garde (you especially love the one of him imitating one), pictures of sunsets and sunrises and a dozen more of him coming out of the water, some selfies of Gaz with you haggling with a merchant in the background as well as your triumphant smirk as you hold a pearl necklace to Kyle's neck from behind.
Kyle likes to look at the photos when he wakes up before you, your body warm and pressed against his from behind while you sleep with your arms around him, his chest light as a feather from how intimate you two had been able to be, how lovely you'd been to him, a true gentleman and every bit the man he fell in love with.
And Kyle decides he wants to do something for you. And for him. A nice gift for the both of you.
He has to shove his pillow into your arms otherwise you wouldn't let go of him, a small giggle leaving his lips at how you nuzzle and hug the pillow like a koala. He tries to stay quiet as he goes to the dresser to pick up the small special suitcase he'd brought just for this vacation, picking out the clothes he'd wanted to wear just for you and him, but never got the time.
He watches himself in the mirror as he puts on the stockings, the material soft against his skin, the kitten heels fitting him perfectly. Kyle struggles with the bralette for a few minutes, but it's worth it when it frames his pecs in such a pleasing way, perking them up and hiding the top scars that run beneath them. Finally comes the long feathered robe, dragging behind him when he twirls in front of the mirror.
Kyle can feel giddy bubbling in his chest, heart beating just a bit faster. Back on base he would have felt ashamed at wearing something so frivolous and impractical, he was a soldier god damn it, but here, with you, he's just Kyle.
Gaz glances to your still sleeping form as he sits by the vanity to do his makeup, lipstick and mascara and a light blush, taking care of the small amount of facial he's managed to grow. He can't wait to see how you'll react when you see him like this. . .
A little mischievous smirk crosses his features and Gaz silently comes to your side of the bed, leaning down to kiss your face, leaving red lipstick marks all across your skin before leaving you to wake up to his surprise.
. . .
You wake from sunlight filtering through the curtains, the soft sound of Kyle humming rousing you from your dreams. You attempt to cuddle closer but soon enough figure out it's a pillow you're hugging. You grumble and sit up, your brain stuttering when you see yourself in the mirror. Bright lipstick marks dot a side of your face, from your forehead down all the way down to your jaw.
Kyle's work, no doubt, but you can't bring yourself to wipe his marks on you — a type of stigmata you'd happily wear. You don't bother with clothes, yawning as you follow the soft sound of his humming to the balcony.
You nearly swallow your tongue when you see him; wreathed in the soft morning light, his skin glowing like the golden bracelets on his arms, the pink roses blending in with his robe making him look like he's sitting on a cloud, soft feathers accentuating the robe like pearly sea foam he'd formed from. Your eyes roam from his red heels up the toned thighs, the sunlight softening the harsh scars decorating his stomach, the sheer material of the bralette both leaving nothing to the imagination and making you want to pull it off, his red lips like the red skin of an apple Eve had been tempted with.
If you were a Trojan prince, you wouldn't have looked at any goddess had Kyle been there, someone the sculptors of old times would have clamored to have as a muse.
If he told you he was a god, you'd take it as gospel, gift Kyle all your devotion just like the pearl necklace he's appraising.
"Holy hell." You mumble, scared to distract him, unwilling to pull him out of his own little world where his face isn't tense with unease and exhaustion, where his shoulders are relaxed and his instincts are blissfully sleeping, where he can just be.
But Kyle hears you, his warm brown eyes shifting to you, a bit of surprise flashing in his face before smiling. "I was wondering when you'd wake up." Kyle chuckled, a flush of heat spreading across his face at the way you look at him — eyes smoldering like coals with desire, a lovesick puppy just for him.
"You could have just woken me up if you were lonely." You hummed as you slowly approached him, brushing your fingers against his cheek. "You know I'd never say no to you."
"I know, I know." He huffs, pretty dark lashes fluttering as he pats your hand before pulling you into a kiss. You can taste wine on his lips, soft and plush against your own. He pulls back, holding up the pearls pearls. "Help me with these yeah?"
"Sure," You say, watching him shift so his back is facing you. You clip the pearl necklace around his neck easily, kissing the back of his neck just to feel him shiver. "There you go, handsome man."
"Trying to seduce me are you?" Gaz grins and quickly turns to you, pecking your forehead but pulling back when you attempt to kiss him.
"Can you blame me?" You nuzzle his neck, laying gentle kisses across his neck, your heart fluttering when he tilts his head back to give you more room. "You're absolutely gorgeous."
"Oh you," You can just about catch the way a blush darkens his face to a rich mahogany, his skin warming under your lips as you nibble on his collarbones. "charming bastard." He chuckles, holding the back of your neck as you go further down to trace the outline of his sternum with your lips.
"Just for you," Your hands rise up to cup his pecs over the bralette, lightly groping without attempting to take it off just yet. "Do you want to. . .?" You ask, rubbing your thumb over his pebbled nipple and god, if the soft silk pressing against his sensitive skin doesn't turn him on, nothing will.
"Fuck yes." Gaz whines so sweetly, holding your head close to his chest as you pull one nipple into your mouth, wetting the silk and making him shiver. You pull off to do the same to the other nipple, your hands roaming over his torse, tracing the harsh scars before going back up to push the bralette enough for you to be able to trace the top scars with your tongue. "Oh shit." He grunts as you kiss along the sensitive skin from one side of his chest to the other. "Love." He whines, embarrassed by his own eagerness, but if you don't touch him more he swears he's going to die.
You pull back and settle on your knees; Gods may be worshiped in blood and wine, but your devotion is all he needs. And you'll give it to him.
Your revenant fingers grope the muscle and fat of his thigh, slowly pulling down the pink stocking and following after it with your lips. Tracing the imprint the stocking had left at his mid thigh, pecking the bony part of his knee, kissing the small scars dotting his shin down to his ankle as you finally pull his heel and stocking off him.
Gaz swears he can feel his heart beating in his throat as he watches you repeat the process on his other leg, warmth lingering long after your lips have moved on. "Christ alive," He mumbles, the moment you peel off his remaining stocking he's spreading his legs for you, cheeks growing warm as your eyes settle on his cunt. A damp spot has grown on the feathered robe where his slick had trickled down, curly dark hair slick with his arousal, his dick starting to peek beneath it's hood. "Don't tease me now love." He whines out the last word, buzzing nerves threatening to force his thighs to close, but his need for you outweighs the embarrassment of exposing himself like this.
You're between his legs in a second, hiking his thighs on your shoulders and feeling the hard earned muscles tense around your ears. "Alright, alright." Is the last words you say before starting to really worship him, his hand brushing your hair as you press your face against his cunt.
Your tongue circling his hole and lapping up the slick dripping from it births a relieved and pleased sigh from Kyle's chest. The slow movement of your tongue exploring his pussy lips has his muscles relaxing, forcing him to recline on the bench, the railing of the balcony providing needed support as you slowly circle his hardening dick. You flatten your tongue to give his dick something to rub against, moving your tongue up and down as Kyle's hips twitch to meet your movements, lazily following after the pleasure.
You have no need to rush, listening to his pleased sighs and small little whimpers as you let him set the pace. Kyle can barely see you from how blurry his eyes are, soft sounds leaving his lips as you search out all his pleasure spots like you don't know where they are, like you're doing this for the first and last time; He has to bite his lip to give his thoughts something to latch on to lest his mind drown in the pleasure, embarrassment curling in the spaces of is belly not overtaken with heat at the thought of cumming so fast.
But you can feel how he comes closer and closer to an orgasm by the way his chest heaves, the way more slick continues to trickle from his cunt, staining your chin despite your best efforts to swallow his ichor down. His hand on the back of your hand keys you in to go faster, and without further ado you focus solely on his dick, swirling your tongue around it like it's a lollypop, dipping to lap beneath the hood.
His thighs tense like vices around your ears, threatening to crack your skull— what a wonderful death —is all your mind can think as oxygen slowly depletes, your sole objective to pleasure him. Distantly you can hear him chant your name, thighs shaking and hips twitching to grind his dick against your tongue.
Suddenly you wrap your lips around his length and suck.
His orgasm crashes over Kyle like a wave, pulling him down to drown in the depths of mind-numbing pleasure, sea foam popping in his belly as heat burns in his bones. You mouth opens to swallow all the slick gushing from his cunt and down your jaw, wet hair tickling your face as his shaking thighs clench around your head.
You don't pull away when Kyle's orgasm winds down and his thighs relax. "Sh-ah- shite!" Kyle moans when your tongue returns, feather light flicks against his pulsating walls collecting his slick like you've been in a desert for months. Your name falls from his lips, both a prayer and a curse, his thighs shaking as static dances across his nerves, his hand on his mouth trying to uselessly silence his moans as you lap up his arousal.
He finally manages to gather enough strength to pull your head back, both of you struck dumb by the other. You— by how ruined he looks, lines of mascara down his cheeks from where tears had laid a path, chest heaving and skin turned rich mahogany from ears to collarbones; Kyle — by how debauched you look, the lipstick marks he'd left earlier smudged all across your face, jaw and throat shining with his slick.
Fuck, he's aroused again.
He whimpers your name, tugging your head. "Need you." He whispers, eyes hooded.
In one smooth move you rise to your feet and pick him up, his legs and arms wrapping around you as he pulls you into a kiss, uncaring of his own taste on your tongue. You have just enough sense in your head to make your way to a laying couch close by, putting him down, your heart fluttering at how the feathered robe spreads out around him like a cloud.
"Hurry up," Kyle grumbles, a blush burning his cheeks even more as he splays his legs open for you, cunt clenching around nothing and dick hard as a rock, his arms still firmly wrapped around your neck to keep your mouths close.
You chuckle, the tip of your achingly hard cock kissing his cunt just as you do to his lips, "Breathe in and relax." You grip your dick in one hand to position yourself.
"'m not a bloody virgin." Kyle complains, his entire body so relaxed and pussy so slick that his cunt doesn't offer even a smidgeon of resistance as you push in, both of you groaning as your cock spreads his warm walls open.
"Let me treat you like one." You snort and distract any discomfort he might feel with a kiss, slowly sinking deeper and deeper until your balls rest against his ass, cock throbbing inside his clenching cunt. You stop, resting your forehead against his as you wait him to adjust.
Kyle breathes out a small grumble, "Only if you move." His leg wraps around your waist, heel digging into your back to force your hips to shift.
You grin and kiss him again, swallowing his moans when you pull back a bit and push your cock back in, his cunt greedily swallowing you back in and clenching around you like it doesn't want to let you go. But Kyle shifts his hips to meet your thrusts half way, his nails clawing scratches into your back when you start moving quicker.
"Oh, fuck- yes!- like that, just-" Kyle pants into your mouth, eyes hooded and unfocused, pleasure gnawing on his nerves as every deep thrust nails a pleasure spot inside him, the veins of your cock scrapping his sensitive walls, his slick wetting both of your pubes. He jumps the second you reach down to stroke his dick between two of your fingers, timing it to stroke down every time you bottom out inside him, the air around you filled with the scent of sex and Kyle's sweet moans and chants of your name.
"Fuck, I'm close." You warn as you increase your pace, your entire body buzzing with pleasure. "Do you want it inside?" You ask, biting your lips and trying to stave off your orgasm.
"Shite- yes, yes, yes-" Kyle throws his back as his orgasm sneaks up on him for the second time, slick warm walls clamping down on your flesh like vices as he cums. You follow suit soon after, bottoming out as you cum inside him.
You're both breathless and sweaty as you shift him around so you're not crushing him when you lay down, your head resting on his chest. Your eyes close as you listen to his breathing, and you swear you could fall asleep if his hands didn't brush your hair, scratching the back of your neck until you force your eyes open.
His smiling face greets you, soft and warm like the sun, "Thank you love." He grins, tugging you into a quick and soft kiss.
"Thank you." You hum, making him laugh a little. You lay there just enjoying the sound of the sea and the chirping birds for a bit. Then you feel him shift, grinding his hips back onto your soft cock still inside him. "Kyle?" You ask, your cock hardening slowly despite the pain of overstimulation.
"Think you can go again?" There's an impish smirk on his handsome face as he grinds his hips again, every bit a demanding god as he pulls you back into a hungry kiss, all tongue and teeth.
And you wouldn't dare refuse him. . .
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imbored1201 · 9 months
Hi, can you please do a mapi x ingrid x reader where ingrid and reader are taking care of Mapi after her injury and surgery
Her Favorite Artist
A/N: Knowing Mapi is going to be out the whole season breaks my heart
Mapi x Ingrid x Reader
Word Count: 1,122
The day of Mapi's surgery was the day of the Champions League game. You two wanted to stay, but Mapi forced you guys to go. The team was already full of injuries, so you guys were really needed. 
It made you feel better at the fact that Alexia and Mapi's parents would be there waiting for her to get out of surgery, and Alexia would be taking her home. 
You called her after the game, but she was still a bit loopy, and Alexia told you guys what the doctor had told her about Mapi probably missing the whole season. 
You felt terrible for her; one moment the two of you were giggling and warming up, and the next she was on the floor in pain during a defensive drill. 
She was taken away, and you were stressing out the whole training about it. When you were finally able to see her again, it wasn’t a pretty sight. 
You had never seen Mapi so broken; it was something you wished you would never see again. 
You spent the whole day trying to cheer her up and just being there to listen and help her with what she was feeling. 
You were antsy to see Mapi, bouncing up and down in your seat. You had so much energy, considering you didn’t have your other energetic buddy to help you release it, and the blow-out win did not help one bit, only making you way more energetic. 
You usually blabbered on the whole bus ride about random topics, and Mapi was the one that listened since Ingrid was never able to keep up. Now Ingrid had to force herself to keep up with your ranting. 
But when you noticed she wasn’t keeping up, you just went silent and listened to music. 
Now you were with your usual questions being a passenger princess. Ingrid answering them all, knowing if she didn’t it would put you in a bad mood.
“Is Mapi sleeping?” "No" You tapped on the window. “Can I sign her cast?" “No” 
“Can I push her around in a wheelchair?” “She won’t let you." You thought about that. “Maybe, would you?” Ingrid put the car in park. “No” 
You quickly got out of the car and ran to the door. Ingrid sighed and got to work, having to carry all the bags. 
Right when Alexia opened the door, you ran inside to find Mapi. "Hello to you too," Alexia said sarcastically. She grinned as she noticed Ingrid struggling to carry all the bags by herself and quickly took some. Ingrid smiled, hugging her, and they got into a conversation. 
Mapi smiled at you and patted the seat beside her. She was on the long part of the couch, the part where you loved to take your midday naps. "Guess you could have that part for now," you told her. "Wow, thank you for being so considerate," she said sarcastically. 
You gave her a tight hug, and she kissed your head. "How are you feeling?" Ingrid asked her, now joining you two in the living room, "Tired." Ingrid nodded as she hugged Mapi and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 
"How does it feel?" You questioned her, knocking on her cast. Ingrid quickly smacked your arm away. 
"It doesn't feel good, that's for sure," you hummed as you continued to look at it. "Can I sign it?" "No," Ingrid said sternly. 
"Why don't you go check on the soup that Ale was making" she told you as she got a pillow to lift Mapi's leg. You nodded and went to check on it.
You stirred it a bit before turning off the stove. "I think it's ready," you called out, and Ingrid came back in to make sure your judgment was right. 
She gave you a kiss on the head, and you went back to Mapi. "Did Alexia give you the drawing I made you for after your surgery?" She smiled. "It's hung up on the fridge Carino."
"Did you like it?" She nodded. "You know I like everything that's made by my favorite artist." You smiled at that. You loved drawing pictures for everyone; it was just something you did when you got bored.
Mapi patted her non-injured leg, signaling for you to lay your head there. "I don't want to hurt you," she shook her head. "You won't; come on, it's been a while since I've played with your hair."
You sighed and listened. Mapi playing with your hair brought a huge comfort to the both of you. Ingrid walked in with two bowls of soup and smiled at the sight in front of her. She gave one to Mapi and set yours on the coffee table before going to get hers. 
"What a sight," she said as she squeezed in next to Mapi. "Ale said you two played amazing yesterday." You jumped up again, scaring them a bit. "I made you another drawing," you told her as you rushed to find it in your backpack.
"She was working on it during the plane ride," Ingrid told Mapi. Again, it was a regular occurrence, and they had them everywhere in the house. Some hung up on the fridge, some hung up on the walls; Ingrid even had a whole folder filled with them. 
You gave the drawing to Mapi, and she admired it. It was a drawing of her in the blue kit. "Aitana did the coloring," she smiled. "I'll put this one in the folder." She kissed your head and tapped her thigh so you could lay back in her lap.
“Are you going to be our wag now?” You asked her again, and Ingrid nodded; she wanted it too. “Yes amor, I’ll be your guys wag."
Mapi smirked. “Only if you agree to tell Lucy that I’m a way better defender than her,” you groaned. “I can’t! She’ll kill me, and don’t you dare say you’ll protect me because we both know you won’t be able to."
“Then I’m not going to be a wag,” you looked at Ingrid for help. “Don’t bring me into this."
She secretly loved it; it was boring not having to break up a childish argument between you and Mapi during the plane ride. 
“Fine, whatever, now why don’t you be a dear and get the crippled lady a water” you scowled, but listened. 
You knew Mapi was going to be bossing you around a lot now, but you were happy to do it. Anything to help her recover. 
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starkeyboy · 9 months
the archer
luke castellan x reader
inspired by
Tumblr media
“Combat, I’m ready for combat
I say I don’t want that, but what if I do?
Cause cruelty wins in the movies
I’ve got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you”
i watched as luke smiled at me when i entered the cabin. home of hermes children. home of thieves. also the home of the undetermined. i didn’t smile back as i took a step back, guarding myself.
“this can’t be where i belong, my father promised i would be safe,” i looked behind me to see chiron gone. tears lined my vision as this was my destiny.
“stay strong my sweet y/n. my sweet kind y/n. don’t let them get you, be strong. don’t be scared for war. you’re the strongest girl out there, this is your destiny.”
my destiny he said. the boy stood in front of me as he smiled kindly. 13 years old. he held his hand out as he awaited a hand shake. i looked at him through his curls on his head covering his eyes. my eyes went to his hand and i shook my head.
“this is my destiny he said. i don’t belong here and i will find my way out.” i looked at him through my eyelashes. his hand dropped to his side. the boy beside him snickered.
“come back and get me when you’re out, ya?” the boy said. my eyes softened as his eyes shined through. no. don’t let him get to you. run.
“Easy they come, easy they go
I jump from the train, I ride off alone
I never grew up, it’s getting so old
Help me hold onto you”
year after year came. i was now 16 at camp half-blood. still undetermined. they eventually gave me a bunk as it became known i wasn’t gonna be claimed by my mother.
every kid came in and they went out like dust on the shelves. i watched as luke laughed with chris and his other buddies. i had grown a liking towards luke as it has been 4 years now living in the same cabin with him. i adjusted to his schedule and his ways in here. this was his home.
i felt his eyes drift over to me as i grabbed my necklace. 4 years. and still no mom. i felt like a kid. searching and searching for her mom in the grocery store.
i felt a hand on my shoulder. i looked at luke as his scent filled the air. i sighed as i brushed his hand off and walked off.
“I’ve been the archer
I’ve been the prey
Who could ever leave me, darling?
But who could stay…All the king’s horses, all the king’s men
Couldn’t put me together again
‘Cause all of my enemies started out friends
Help me hold onto you”
18 years old. 6 clay beads on my neck. my chest stood tall as the new boy entered the cabin. percy jackson they called him. chiron stood next to him as he welcomed the boy.
“everyone, everyone,” he clapped to grab our attention. everyone stopped talking. percy’s eyes dropping, avoiding eye contact.
“you’re attention please,” i looked over to luke. his eyes averting to mine. i grabbed my stuff and lost our contact. “this is percy jackson” chiron smiled brightly. percy made eye contact with me as he turned to chiron but he had left.
i turned and walked over to luke, his attention going to me.
“keep him close, he’s scared” his eyes pierced mine. he knew exactly what i meant. “please” i pleaded. “i’ll do my job behind the scenes”
“i promise,” he said as he nodded. i thanked him and i secured my bag and looked over to the boy. taking out a bag of blue candy and sighing. i felt my guard go down slightly and never in the past 6 years was my guard down. this boy was special.
i watched as luke showed him archery and percy failed at that. he failed with the Hephaestus kids and the list went on. i walked into the mess hall seeing the boys speaking and it was like luke felt my aura and he immediately turned to look at me. his heading nodding towards my food.
i sat down next to luke and i looked down at the choice of food.
“what’s your name?” percy asked as i analyzed my food. i looked up and looked to luke and back to percy.
“y/n.” i simply said. he nodded and smiled slightly.
“you were there when chiron introduced me. you look like you take business serious, i mean i’ve seen you around camp as well while luke was touring me.” my eyes back on the food, his words going through my head and staying.
“think of y/n as a protector percy,” luke stated and i felt a small smile rise but i immediately lost it seeing luke notice it. don’t let your guard down. “she sees a lot of her in you” the bell dinged as it was time to offer. i stood tall as luke and chris explained it to percy. they followed after me as i took a deep breath and scraped all my food in the pit.
i heard a sigh behind me as i knew luke wasn’t happy about this. not eating once again.
luke’s pov
we sat back down as y/n sauntered off back to the field. i looked back over to percy and he watched her.
“she didn’t eat” he said as he looked back to me. i looked over to chris and he nodded. we had to tell him.
“y/ns been here for 6 years and has been unclaimed since, percy. she’s a strong woman. she’s special to us.” i stated and his eyes fell. “her offering her plate is her silently pleading for her mom to come through. but she never has.” he looked down to his food and looked back over to where y/n walked.
“we think of y/n as the archer of the camp. the support of us. she won’t straight out say it but she struggles a lot with her mom not stepping up and everyday gets harder and everyday she slips farther away. but ever since you got here, i’ve seen her guard go down slightly. never have we seen that.” i said.
“why me?” he pleaded “i’m not special”
“y/n thinks you are.”
y/ns pov
“Dark side, I search for your dark side
But what if I'm alright, right, right, right here?
And I cut off my nose just to spite my face
Then I hate my reflection for years and years”
i stared at the bow and arrow before me. my eyes averting to every possible target. my hands gripped the wood as my eyes landed on the center. my attention was soon focused to the two boys dueling beside archery.
luke laughed as percy was once again on the ground. i lowered the weapon as my eyes focused on luke. he held out his hand to percy to help him up. he looked over to me and his face softened. i lost our eye contact and sighed.
luke was special in many ways. camp counselor, best swordsman in the valley. when we met when i was 12 i regretted turning down his offer of his handshake. my dads words stuck with me that day when i made eye contact with him. i was scared.
“don’t let them get you”
but i left out the words he spoken to me in the car on the way to the woods.
“can i give you some advice?” my dad said as i looked over to him. i nodded slightly.
“it’s okay to let go. to let your guard down, but not that easy.” he said. my head fell back on the seat, the rain pouring. “just keep them close” he whispered. i never asked him who “them” was. only to find out it was luke.
my arm stretched as i pulled the arrow back. i felt tears line my eyes of that day. the day luke welcomed me and i was a jerk. i hated myself for it for years. for 6 years. i felt my eyes sting harder. a small sob letting out. my hand letting go of the arrow as the wood fell. my knees lowering to the ground.
“it’s okay to let go.”
it was like slow motion when luke fell in front of me.
“to let your guard down”
“Cause they see right through me
They see right through me
They see right through
Can you see right through me?
They see right through
They see right through me
I see right through me
I see right through me”
sobs racked my body. pain going through my chest. luke held me close. my hands gripped onto his shirt as my tears coated his shoulder.
“i’m so sorry” i repeated over and over. “so sorry”
he held me closer to him and his hand ran through my hair. holding onto me.
“i’ve been the prey”
i felt my body grow tired on the grass as i grew exhausted. he pulled me back as my eyelids hooded. his eyes lined with tears as well.
“lets get you back home” he whispered as he kissed my forehead.
“but who could stay”
when he laid me down on the bed, i quickly grabbed his hand.
“stay” i moved to make room and he instantly made way into the bed.
as i had my head on his chest, i sighed as i ran my hand over his shirt.
“i regret not taking your hand” i said quietly. i moved my attention to his face. my eyes looking at his scar, fingers moving to trace it. his eyebrows furrowed. “this is my destiny he said,” as i recited the words i said to him. his eyebrows relaxing.
his hand came and moved hair away from my face to behind my ear.
“i’ve had my guard up for 6 years luke. i need to let go.” tears once again lined my eyes. “you’ve done so much for me, i was so rude before i finally opened up at 17 and let you in. i don’t deserve you. i deserve to be bullied and pushed around-“
“y/n, stop.” i looked at him as he cut me off. “that day you walked in the cabin when i was 13, i felt something immediately. the need to keep you close, no matter how many times you’ve pushed me away. and me doing that, i’ve seen the small things that you wouldn’t think i’ve seen.” he smiled as he cupped my face. “the blush when i called your name. the smile when i talked about you to percy. but the falter in your eyes when you saw him. the protectiveness when clarisse pushed him. the glint of sadness when the kids got claimed. and it’s the way i wanted to hold you, but you never let your guard down. so i didn’t make you, i would never. i knew deep down, that you would come to me when you were ready.” he said as he wiped a tear away from my eye.
i never noticed. luke was behind me when i needed him. he was in front of me when i needed him. he was there the whole time but i ignored the fact that i needed him. but i also never noticed the gleam in his eyes when i walked into the room. the immediate turn around when he felt my presence. the immediate thrown of his sword and helmet when i let out a sob and drop to the knees.
“luke,” i said to him as i moved to lay my hand on his neck. “im ready, i dont wanna be afraid anymore” he leaned down and kissed me softly. i closed my eyes and chased his lips as he pulled just slightly.
“i’m not gonna let you be afraid, i won’t leave you, i promise” he said he sealed the promise with a kiss.
“Combat, I'm ready for combat”
i never noticed that i fell in love with luke castellan.
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lemotmo · 4 months
I loved Ryan’s answer for the podcast sneak peak. But I’ve also never doubted if Ryan or Oliver wanted buddie to happen. What I am weary about though is now that Buck is official bisexual
They have Ryan in all of these interviews now saying Eddie is hetero (which yes is true they have just never actually had anyone say that out loud until now) and what seems to be almost every episode we see Eddie this season now having sex with a woman or talking about sex with a woman or stills of Eddie kissing women. Hell just two episodes ago we saw Eddie having sex with a woman while he was having lunch with his girlfriend.
Ryan and Oliver are open to it sure but the show itself seems to be driving home a much more pointed look at Eddie with women only narrative.
Hello Nonny! How are you today? I’m having a blast now that fandom life is thriving.
Okay, first of all:
Ryan and Oliver are only talking about Buddie because FINALLY they are allowed to talk about them. I have an inkling that they did want to go the Buddie route years ago (as a natural progression of the bi Buck storyline they were planning around season 4), but they weren’t allowed. That’s the whole reason Oliver stopped talking about them and stopped engaging with the fandom through social media. He didn’t want to mislead people.
Ryan has never been as open as Oliver on social media and some people saw this as ‘evidence’ that he didn’t want to talk about Buddie because he didn’t want to do it. I never thought about it in this way, because Ryan is obviously a lot more private than Oliver when it comes to social media. To me, it was always more a case of ‘it isn’t that he doesn’t want it, but that he just doesn’t want to talk about it.’ To him it was probably a non-issue because (as we found out a couple of weeks ago) Fox didn’t want the storyline to happen. There was no way to make it happen and he let it go. But he also, has always maintained that he was open to the storyline if it would ever come up. Basically the only thing they were allowed to say.
Of course Ryan is saying that ‘right now’ Eddie is heterosexual, because he is. He has only been with women at this point, not with a lot of success, mind you. But keep in mind that only two months ago Buck was also heterosexual as far as we knew. Some of us had headcanons that he was bisexual, but as long as it wasn’t stated or shown in the show, it was only that.
Now take a look at Eddie. He has only been with women, but some people stll have headcanons that he is also bisexual or even gay. I myself like to think that he is demisexual. But these are headcanons right now. As long as it isn’t stated or shown in the show, it is only that.
So, Buck was very heterosexual for many seasons, having many girlfriends. No sign of any interest in men, only some very heavy subtextual signs maybe. Then, in one single episode, BOOM he is outed as a bisexual.
So, Eddie is very heterosexual. Has been for many seasons now, having a (sadly deceased) wife and two girlfriends (no, I’m not counting Kim at this point, because we don’t know where this storyline is going). No signs of any interest in men, only some very heavy subtextual signs maybe.
Then, possibly, in one single episode (or many episodes, because I feel like Eddie will need a lot more time), somewhere in the future, maybe season 8, he is outed as a bisexual man/gay man/demisexual man/…
What would be the difference? I tell you what it is. There is no difference. It is literally the same thing.
Eddie having a lot of sex with women, kissing women…
First of all, have you met Buck? Do you remember that, from season 1 up until season 6, he had a ton of sex and kissed many women. How very hetero of him. But low and behold, in season 7 he comes out as bisexual and gets to enjoy even more kisses and sex. This time with a man.
So, what is so different about Eddie? Yes, he has a much more complicated relationship with sex than Buck, especially casual sex. Eddie has been shown as someone who only has sex within a relationship (for now we don’t know if he slept with Kim, so I’m leaving her out of this for a moment). He obviously liked sex with Shannon, but with Ana there were a lot of problems. We never even saw them kissing and he got actual panic attacks. He seems to enjoy sex with Marisol up to a certain point, but when it gets to be too much (with the whole Catholic guilt thing), he runs away to Buck’s loft. Very ‘heterosexual’ of him by the way. 0_O
I’m going to quote @buddiebeginz here, because she said something really interesting when we were talking about this topic earlier:
“I don’t think it’s so much that the show is trying to drive home how straight Eddie is but rather what we’re seeing and feeling is Eddie trying to fit some role. And I do feel like some of this is connected to Buck coming out to Eddie, Eddie having spent time with Tommy, Eddie seeing Buck and Tommy together, Eddie seeing Buck come out to everyone. There’s a reason why we haven’t previously seen Eddie with women as often in the show, especially when it comes to sex. In fact before this season I think we only really saw him in bed with Shannon which is another reason I think he’s trying to push himself right now with Marisol.
I also think that’s part of why the stuff with Shannon is coming back up. I think Eddie is pushing himself with Marisol like he did with Ana deluding himself into thinking it’s what he wants because it’s what he thinks he’s supposed to have. But because he’s not happy he latches on to what is familiar which is the only love he ever knew which is Shannon.”
So basically it’s almost as if he is pushing himself to ‘fit’ into a mold that hasn’t felt ‘right’ for a very long time now.
His life is unravelling as we speak and pretty soon he is going to hit rock bottom, nowhere left to hide. It’s only then that he’ll be forced to look at his life, the decisions he made and the way he forced himself to get out there and find a new wife and ‘mother’ for Chris.
In an earlier interview Ryan said that Eddie was going to feel isolated by the end of season 7, going into season 8. But eventually he would recover and get a fresh start in life. It would only make narrative sense to naturally progress the story they have been telling for almost six seasons now, Eddie’s perfect partner isn’t a woman at all. It’s Buck. Just as Buck’s perfect partner has been Eddie all along.
Ryan literally said that 'If we live in the truth, whatever happens, happens.' That is not the answer of someone shutting down the ship forever, or shutting down speculation. That is the answer of someone who is more than willing to go there and sees a potential future there for his character.
Right now he is giving the same answers Oliver is. Answers about not wanting to stereotype, how Buddie should happen 'naturally' if it were to happen. I'm almost certain that they sat together in a room with Tim and PR people somewhere before season 7 and post Buck's bisexual outing and agreed on the same vague but honest Buddie answers. The fact that ABC is actively allowing all of these Buddie questions during interviews and Buddie articles is wild. Fox would have never!
Not to mention the show itself. They made the very interesting choice to consistently put Eddie in the Buck/Tommy narrative. He keeps popping up where they are. There is most certainly a reason for that. We'll just have to let the story play out to see what that reason was.
Look, my point is that they’ll get there in the end. Sure, it will take some time, but we've been waiting for so many years now. What's another year? I’m more than willing to wait a little longer. The pay-off will be incredible.
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lingeriae · 1 year
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synopsis - being fuck buddies with geto suguru has got to be one of the worst(best) decision you have ever made, especially since you have feelings for said man. ( inspired by deep by summerwalker)
warnings! - cursing, smut, use of n-word, fwb to lovers-ish, angst, fluff, happy ending (or it there?).
parings - geto suguru x black! reader
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You try not to make eye-contact with the male infront of you, his arms crossed over his chest as he slouched spreading out his long legs infront of him. From the eyes glaring into your skull, you could tell he was staring at you and he couldn't care less if anyone noticed how hard he was staring.
He looked good, and you had no doubt he smelled good either although you hadn't been all up on him to know if that was true or not.
But Suguru always smelled good, you knew that and you'd bet that bitch who was rubbing all up on him knew it too. She had on a neon-green tube top, with a black leather mini-skirt to match it, her sliver nose stud glistened under the lights as you watched her move closer to your man-
You immediately ended your train of thoughts there, deciding to get up and find yourself a drink because of how delusional you sounded.
"Ima go get me something to drink," you tapped Shoko on her shoulder before getting up, leaning up to whisper in her ears so she could hear, "be right back."
She nodded, turning back to a blushing Utahime which made you giggle knowing Shoko was defininetly gonna hit that tonight. As you walked you pulled down the shorts that was riding up your ass, sucking your teeth as it just rode back up.You finally made your way to the kitchen, opening the fridge to look for something strong that would make you forget the thoughts you had from earlier.
Bending over to open the draw at the bottom, the feeling of someone coming up an pressing into your ass causing you to gasp and stand up straight, your plump lips immediately set to cuss out the bitchass who thought that was a bright idea. Turning around, you immediately sucked your teeth at the person looking back at you,
"I know your mama taught you better than that." you said, turning back to the fridge to grab the beer you wanted and trying not to make the warmth from the male behind you cloud your judgement. Suguru grinned, his eyes creasing around the corners and his smile lines appeared causing you to clear your throat at the warmth that spread inside of you unexpectedly.
"And I know I taught you better than to ignore me." he replied, grin still on his face as he looked down at you watching how you fiddled with the top of your beer nervously and twisted your glossed lips. Something he noticed you always did while being confronted. You rolled your neck, and Geto mentally prepared himself for the attitude you were about to give him, placing his hands inside the pocket of his sweatpants as he watched you fold your arms as if to intimidate him.
The thought made his lips tilt up for a spilt second,
"Well, im sorry ian wanna interupt you and your little 'friend'."
Suguru paused at your comment, tilting his head to the side his eyes narrowing at you. "If your jealous, say that."
You almost broke your neck because of how fast you looked up at him, your eye twitching as you repeated the word jealous over and over in your head. Sucking your teeth you looked Geto up and down,
"Nigga please, jealous? You aint even my man talking bout some 'jealous'." You side stepped him, your eyes rolling as you continued to cuss him out under your breath. "Dick aint even that good, witcho bitchass."
As soon as the words left your mouth, you immediately regreted it. A sinking feeling appeared in your stomach as you prayed he didn't hear what you said only to curse under your breath at his response.
"Oh, word?" you didn't know what made your face heat up, the tone of his voice, how close he was to you, or the look in his eyes. Sun-kissed skin almost feeling like it was turning red because of how hot it was getting, and you subtly tried to press your thighs togther as you kept eye-contact with the black haired man, biting your plump lips at the expression on his face.
Suguru leaned in closer, his hair that was out of it's usual bun brushing causing the strands to brush against your cheeks, his lips so close to touching yours. He placed one hand on the counter behind you, while the other moved to push you up against him, his hands feeling up your ass as he had you right were he wanted you.
"You're being so bratty, but don't worry i'll fix that shit soon enough." and just like that he backed away from you, checking you out before turning and walking away leaving you with your chest heaving and your thighs pressed tightly together as a ache started to form between your legs.
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For the rest of the night you were anxious, wondering what Suguru was going to do and making sure to constantly dodge him for the rest of the night, and it was working, mostly.
"Hey guys, m'gonna head out now I got things to do in the morning and I be damned if I wake up with a headache." you said, waving goodbye to everyone as you walked out of the house preparing to call an uber.
An arm wrapped itself around your waist, briging you into a firm chest.
"Where do you think you're going?" you tensed, not looking behind you as you tried to keep your straight as you swiped through instagram.
"Im going home Geto."
Suguru licked his lips as he looked down at you, his chest vibrating as he laughed before grabbing your hand leading you towards his car.
"W-what the fuck? bro, let me go. Geto im not playin with you right now, let me go." you struggled against his grip, feeling as his hands tightened around your wrist but not tight enough to hurt you.
He opened the door waiting for you to get in while you stood there staring at him with your arms crossed and your plump lips turned down into a scowl. Sighing, Suguru rubbed the bridge of his nose becoming irritated with your behaviour.
"Get in the car, Y/n."
"Fuck you."
"Later, baby." he flashed you a grin before his face got stern again, "Now get in the car, before I haul your pretty ass in myself." you stared at him for a good minute before sucking your teeth and rolling your eyes, moving inside of his car with a huff as you sat down. Smiling the male closed the door beore jogging around to his side of the car.
The car was silent as Suguru droved you home, you stared out the window refusing to look or talk to him while he drove with his hand place firmly on your thigh, herefused to move it even after your attempts at pushing it off, and the other one on the wheel. He sighed as he stopped at a traffic light, turning to look at you who stubbornly refused to look at him.
"Wanna tell me what the fuck I did?" He said, rubbing circles in your thighs you turned to look him up and down, "Nothing."
Suguru sucked his teeth, glaring at you. You could see he was becoming fustrated with you, which made you even more upset because how dare he.
"If it's not nothing why the fuck are you acting like this?" Turning to face him more you returned his glare, your eyes begining to water as you look at him. "Why the fuck you care so much? You aint care when you was with that bitch declining my calls."
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked at you, his chest hurting as he saw how hard you were trying to hold back your tears. "What the fuck are you talking about, Y/n?" You kissed your teeth at him, shaking your head. "Ion even wanna talk to you right now."
"Nah, what the fuck are you talking about?"
Forcing yoursel to laugh, you turned yourself back around no longer facing him. "I just find it funny how you feeding me all this fake shit, just to be up in other bitches faces. Having me calling you just for you to be up in some randoms pussy and having me look like a clown."
The car got silent as Suguru looked at you, waiting for you to show any sign that you were joking. He sighed opening his mouth to answer you only for a car horn to interupt him making him realize the traffic light had turned green again. As you reached to your house you were immediately out of the car, slamming the door as you got out and trying to walk fast so that the male behind you couldn't catch up.
You stopped halfway as he grabbed your wrist, refusing to turn towards him so that he could see the tears in your eyes.
"I don't know what somebody said to you, but baby, I promise that the only pussy I been in is yours and all this shit im feeding is not fake."
Sniffing you turn towards him, unlocking your phone before shoving it in his face. "How you gon explain this then?" He took the phone from your hand, staring down at it with a crease in his eyebrow. Shaking his head SUgur looked back up at you, "Mama this picture is old, where did you get this?"
"Some bitch sent it to me on instagram, thought I should know what you get up to when you tell me your busy." You say, sass evident inyour body language. "How I know your not lying?"
"I can't prove im not lying you just gotta trust me on this," he releases your wrist to hold unto your waist, bringing you closer to him only to be stopped by you bringing your palms to his chest.
"What about you declining my calls?" you feel your core heat up because of the way the way Suguru was looking at you. Eyes low lidded and a little glossy, roaming your figure ever chance he got his held unto your wrist as you lay your palms against his chest feeling how fast his heart was beating from your touch alone, he licked his lips as he noticed your eyes on him before the turned up into a lazy grin. "My phone was dead because I forgot to charge it. You would've know that if you didn't block me."
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarassment, allowing Geto to bring your wrists up to his lips placing a kiss on them, before drawing you in closer by your hips. His kissed the side of your neck causing you to grip his shirt, without having his touch for several days you were now weakened by it no longer touch-starved because of his lack of touvh. Suguru drageed his lips against the side of your neck, smirking at how sensitive you were, he brought his lips to your ears and you suddenly felt hot all over at his next words.
"You were being so mean at that party tonight, think you should make it up to me, don't you?"
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"W-wait! Sugu-aah!"
The brutal thrust that the man behind you were giving could almost be desrcibed as animalistic. The grip he had on your hips never letting up as the other forced you to keep your arch.
"Wait on what baby? You keep my pussy away from me, and what me to wait? taah must be fucking crazy."
"m'sorry, s-swear jus-fuck! hold on!" Geto yanked you back into him, a squeal leaving your lips at the feeling, "Where you going, baby? Thought the dick wasn't that good? Why you runnin from it?"
"m-m'sorry da! i am-i am! mmm, best dick I ever had I swear!"
A grin stretched across Suguru's face at your words, giving your plump brown ass a smack before giving you a thrust that definetly hit the spot, "I know baby, just needed this dick to fuck some sense into you." Nodding your head in agreement, you repeated the male's name over and over mesmorized by how good he was making you feel.
"Keep on forgettin that t's your dick, and your's alone. Just like this pussy is mine." He brought his hand to rub at your clit, a whine falling from your lips as you held his hand,
"y-yeah, it's your's a-all your's papa."
There was no use begging for him to take it slow, only to submit to his brutually fast a deep strokes. Your hands are now held above your head because of you trying to get him to slow down but to know avail.
you fucked yourself back on him, listening to the groan he let out and feeling how he tightened his grip on your hair before pushing your face down against the pillow, watching how his cock drilled in and out of you in a fluid motion the sight almost making him dizzy. As he felt himself about to cum he turned you over, wanting to see your face.
He watched how your titties bounced up with each thrust, then to your face and how it was screwed up due to pleasure a little drool passing your lips as you out moans, telling Suguru how good he's fucking you and not to stop.
You came first, and Geto followed right after placing a kiss on your lips as he pulled out. "Suguru, I love you."
He froze up, looking down at you through his hair, which you had pulled out of the makeshift ponytail he put up. A smile soon took over his face as he kissed you again, humming against your lips.
"I love you too."
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woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
Little Buddy
Arsenal Women x Teen!Reader
Summary: Three members of the team take you under their wing
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"There you are!" Steph said as you pulled open the car door, slipping inside and immediately placing your hands in front of the heater," I thought you got lost!"
You rolled your eyes. "Ha, ha," You said dryly," I didn't hear my alarm go off."
"Didn't your parents wake you up?" Steph pulled off from the curb, turning down the music from the radio.
"Dad's on the early morning shift and Mum was on the night one, she's knocked out in bed," You replied. You dug through your bag to check that you'd brought everything.
Waking up with twenty missed calls from Steph and another one coming in was not exactly the nicest wake up calls - especially when it was paired with getting dressed and ready for the day in under five minutes.
You yawned slightly as you tugged your bag closed again, head moving to rest against the rest.
"There's breakfast and a drink in the back for you," Steph said as she turned onto a roundabout. "You look like you need it. Have you eaten yet?"
You gave her a deadpan look at you leaned toward the back and snatched up the brown paper baggy. "Well, seeing as you woke me up this morning. I'll let you guess."
Steph laughed as you practically attacked your breakfast wrap. "I didn't think I would get your sass this early."
"Thanks," You said brightly, your mouth full of food," Leah calls it my moody teenage hormones."
"Don't listen to Leah," Steph said as she turned another corner," She's just jealous that you're younger and fitter than her."
Your ride to the training grounds made you feel much better than when you woke up and by the time you and Steph pulled up, you were energised and ready.
"Mornin'," Katie said, getting out of her car at the same time you two were.
"Morning," You said brightly and she groaned.
"How can you have this much energy so early?" Katie looked annoyed but you knew she wasn't by the way that she threw an arm over your shoulder and steered you inside.
"Steph gave me food!"
"This wave of energy is recent," Steph assured her," I had to get her up this morning. Her alarm didn't go off."
Katie gave you a look. "You parents couldn't get you up?"
You gave her the same excuse as you gave Steph. "Besides," You continued," It's not really a big deal. Mum and Dad are always busy. I'm pretty self-sufficient."
"You're sixteen," Katie deadpanned.
You shrugged. "And? I'm doing better than most kids my age." You puffed out your chest in pride. "I have a job."
Katie laughed, ruffling your hair as you approached the locker room. "Look at you, superstar!" She said, a hint of teasing in her tone," A job?! Wow!"
"Stop teasing me!" You batted her hands away as she continued to knock you about. "I'm going to bring this up in therapy in a few years!"
She laughed at you again, knowing that your threat was meaningless, but still let you scamper off to your cubby to change.
As usual, Alessia was already there. She wasn't changed yet though, typing away on her phone. You leaned over to read what she was saying. "You spelt that wrong."
She rolled her eyes but corrected herself. "Anything else, grammar police?"
"Actually, yes." You dug through your bag and pulled out your school planner. "I have to go in tomorrow morning and I need someone to sign off on my schoolwork." You offered her a pen.
"Gladly!" Alessia signed with a flourish and you gladly took your school book back.
"What?! Why couldn't I sign?!" Steph sounded outraged.
You rolled your eyes as you pulled your training shirt over your head. "Because you don't know a thing about my schoolwork."
"That's a lie!" She said and you sent her a pointed look.
"Oh, yeah?" You challenged," What classes do I take? Hell, where even is my school?"
"I know your address, isn't that enough?"
"Not when I need a responsible adult to sign off on my work."
This seemed to get Katie's attention.
"I'm responsible!"
"Yeah, for more than half of the yellow cards we get," You said with a laugh.
"Alright, that's it!" She leapt across the changing room and got you into a headlock. A rough noogie was pressed onto your head and no matter how much you tried to get away, Katie wouldn't release you.
"Say you're sorry!"
You howled with laughter as you were suddenly shoved into Steph, who hoisted you over her shoulder like you were nothing but a sack of potatoes.
"Don't know what you're laughing about, Russo," Katie said," You're next!"
You panted as a cross came in from Katie. You barely had any space but you still went for it.
Your foot kicked out and connected with the ball. You didn't try to watch it go in, more focussed with landing on your feet after your bicycle kick.
But suddenly, you were eating dirt.
A body crashed into yours, pushing the air from your lungs.
You were stunned for a moment before you felt more force on your back and then the pressure was released. You gasped for breath, groaning in pain. You could feel a pain and ache in your face.
A hand turned you over and you looked up into Alessia's eyes. She looked concerned and reached out to steady you, helping you sit up. She wiped at your cheek.
"That was a nasty fall," She said," How are you feeling?"
You didn't answer at first, still struggling to draw in the breath that had been forced out of you. You smacked your chest a few times as Alessia rubbed your back.
"Wh-What happened?" Your breathing was still shaky but you had enough in you to speak.
"Ouahabi tried to stop your kick," Lessi said," Crashed into you as you landed. You wiped out." She rubbed a bit of dirt from your cheek and you leaned away, the pain becoming worse when she touched you.
"Did I get the goal?"
Steph laughed as she jogged over, catching your last question. "Of course you did."
"Did it look cool?"
"Real cool."
Together, she and Lessi got you to your feet. With the dirt rubbed off your face, it became clear to both of them that there would be a nasty bruise on your cheek in a couple of minutes.
It seemed Katie came to the same conclusion because she squared up to Ouahabi without prompting, shoving the other woman back with force.
"You wanna have a scrap?!" She demanded," I'll have a scrap if you really want!" She looked like she was a second or two from getting another yellow card so you hurried over and took her hand.
She quietened for a moment and allowed you to drag her away.
"You should watch your back, Ouahabi," Steph warned as Katie tucked you under her arm and walked you back to your position.
"I think I can handle McCabe for another two minutes or so, Catley."
Alessia stepped forward. She was taller than Ouahabi put not by much so they were practically eye to eye. "She wasn't talking about Katie."
Across the pitch, Katie wiped at your cheek. "We'll get some ice on that as soon as its full time. You're gonna have quite the shiner."
"It'll look cool though."
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lionlena · 5 months
Headcanon: If Teresa tried to get Marcus back after years... (MarcusPikexf!reader)
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Teresa couldn't believe it. She just got off the train and saw him.
Marcus Pike, her ex-fiancé, stood at the same train station.
She hadn't seen him in almost eight years, but he didn't seem to have aged at all and somehow he looked even better. Teresa smiled broadly.
"Marcus! Oh my god! What a meeting!"
Marcus grimaced slightly, but she didn't seem to notice because she hugged him tenderly.
This made him feel awkward and he took a step back.
"Umm… Hi, Teresa."
"That's really amazing, how are you?" Before Marcus could open his mouth, she already started talking: "I divorced Jane three years ago, it turned out he was cheating on me. Now I'm alone."
Marcus took this information very indifferently and looked at his watch, then at Teresa, who was looking at him as if she was waiting for something. But since he didn't say anything, she took the initiative again.
"Maybe we should go for coffee?"
Marcus wanted to laugh. What was she counting on? That during those eight years, he did nothing but wait for her.
"Listen, Teresa, we probably won't go for coffee."
She looked at him surprised but didn't give up.
"Maybe we can just exchange phone numbers. We don't have to go for coffee." She winked at him. "We can go for a drink."
Marcus tried to be polite and forced a smile, but even Teresa could tell that it was a fake smile. She also noticed that he was constantly looking at his watch.
"Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?" She asked sweetly and blinked her eyes.
She was starting to feel a little frustrated that her charms weren't working on him like they used to.
Before he could answer, he finally saw you and a real big smile appeared on his face.
"Actually, I was waiting for someone." He glanced casually at Teresa, his eyes focused on you, on your beautiful, round pregnant belly, and on the little six-year-old boy running towards him and screaming, "Daddy!"
Marcus said a quick and curt "Sorry" to Teresa. But it was obvious that he wasn't the least bit sorry. He fell to one knee and spread his arms wide.
"Hey, buddy!"
The laughing toddler fell into his arms and wrapped his arms around his neck. Marcus felt a wave of happiness. He stood up holding his son in his arms.
"How was it with your grandparents?"
"I was riding on a pony"
"Wow! You have to tell me everything on the way home."
Teresa was still standing nearby, watching the scene with open eyes. Marcus simply radiated the energy of a perfect dad.
By this time, you had managed to join them. You walked much slower because of your big belly. Marcus immediately kissed you on the lips and used his free hand to tenderly caress your pregnant belly.
"How are my princesses?" He asked with concern.
He hadn't seen you for only three days, and even though he knew your parents would take good care of you, he was furious that he couldn't go with his family due to work.
"All right." You replied with a smile. "We're just hungry."
Marcus chuckled.
"So it's good to have a delicious dinner waiting at home."
"Did you make dinner?"
"Yes, dinner, laundry, and grocery shopping."
Your heart instantly melted and you caressed his cheek tenderly. He was truly the perfect husband.
Teresa grimaced and felt the bitter taste of jealousy in her mouth. This is what she lost. A perfect, caring husband. She finally cleared her throat and that was when you noticed her. You looked at Marcus questioningly. He gave Teresa a blank look and muttered:
"It was nice meeting you, now excuse me… Family duties call."
Before Teresa could get over her shock, he simply wrapped his arms around your waist and started leading you towards the parking lot where he left the car.
You turned back and noticed that the woman looked as if someone had poured stinking water on her.
"Who she was?" You asked out of curiosity.
Marcus shrugged.
"Nobody important."
You weren't going to ask more. You knew your husband and you didn't feel jealous. You knew his eyes were focused only on you.
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Yes, I hate Teresa... And writing this made me wildly happy :D
Pernament tag list: @harriedandharassed
Next part: Marcus tells you about his meeting with Teresa...
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flurrys-creativity · 2 months
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Limerence (n.) - the state of being infatuated with another person
Pairing: Choi San (Ateez) x Fem!Reader; Genre: Slice of Life, Gym Buddies, Smut; Rating: nsfw, 18+, MDNI; Warnings: pervert San, including pervert thoughts, picturing inappropriate scenes, stealing a panty, mentions of the male reproduction organ and the state it's in, SMUT-> oral (m receiving), semi-public sex (as in anybody could have walked in at any time), reverse cowgirl, unprotected sex, cum shot; Wordcount: 2.862
Summary: It all started with a moan. The second San heard your moan, he couldn't forget it. No, his mind and whole being were consumed by it and he needed to fulfil his desire. One way or another.
A/N: This is part of the Perverteez Collab, which came to life with members of @pirateeznet , including: @sanjoongie, @daddyfordaeddy, @mingsolo, @potatomountain, @desirehorizon, @bunnliix and @skteezcursed I definitely enjoyed writing this and I'm all excited for the others to drop their stories sooner or later this year! Go check them out too!
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It had all started with a moan. 
Skin slapped against skin while the steam of the sauna filled the air. You had your hands tangled in his dark locks, trying to keep yourself grounded while San snapped his hips with harsh thrusts into you.
While you knew what you had innitiated, you never thought it to be like this.
San on the other hand had desperately waited for this day to come.
Ever since you joined the same gym he frequently visited, he was already smitten with you. Something about your aura got his attention and he couldn’t help himself but get to know you.
Over time the both of you became gym friends. You two would run on the treadmills beside each other, help each other during weight training and hang out at the protein bar after workouts.
You had become used to how touchy San was while he guided your form during your sets and you honestly didn’t mind it either. Hence, you had absolutely no issue with him offering his hands for your sore shoulders.
“I really have no strength in my arms and upper body”, you laughed pitifully, wincing when you rolled your right shoulder.
“Yet you could crush a melon with the strength in your legs.” San chuckled softly and handed you one of the two protein shakes he just made.
You accepted it with a smile, but still slumped down on your seat. “Yet, you don’t seem to be as affected on leg day than me after shoulder day.” You grabbed the straw and stirred it around the shake mindlessly with a prominent pout on your lips. “I honestly wish for my arms and shoulders to just fall off.”
San laughed heartily. He even had to place his shake on the counter and hold his stomach, the cartoonish image his mind created had him nearly rolling on the floor. “How about”, he wheezed between his laughter, “I give you a simple massage?”
“You would?” Your eyes widened, sparkling with excitement. The second you saw San nod, you turned on your seat and showed him your back.
Therefore San had abandoned his own protein shake and placed his large hands on your shoulders. At first he only brushed his fingers and palms over your skin. After a few brushes he grew bolder, pressing down into your flesh and muscles in all the right places.
You moaned out, eyes closed with a blissed expression painted over your features. Your head rolled forward and you could feel how your muscles relaxed more and more.
San on the other hand tensed up. That moan did things to him he wasn’t prepared for. His mind almost immediately constructed all kinds of situations where he could hear your moans: 
Having you ride his dick in the same sex sauna room, fucking you from behind in the showers, pressing you against a wall of the changing room while fucking your dripping hole or eating you out in one of the fitness course rooms. 
He couldn’t care less about who could stumble upon you two - not when you could be moaning out his name, sharing with the world who made you feel so good.
San only snapped out of his thoughts when you placed your hands on his and stopped his ministrations.
“Thanks for the massage, I truly feel new energy running through my veins.” You snickered as you stood up and showcased your arms like a bodybuilder. “Might even go for another workout.”
His eyes followed your form as you skipped away to another machine. San didn’t want to admit it but his gaze was definitely trained on your ass. 
Only after you disappeared from his sight did he get a hold of his thoughts again. Heat creeped up his neck and cheeks as guilt spread from his mind throughout his whole body.
Still, your moan haunted his being and mind, his dreams and his everyday life. Whenever he saw you, his desire for you rose again and he needed to fulfil it - one way or another.
“Wait, your position is all sloppy”, San chided you softly and stepped behind you. He pressed your behind against his front, one hand on your hip and the other on your lower stomach. 
You squeaked in surprise, feeling his heat radiating against your back. San’s fingertips pressed into your hip tighter than they should and you could feel the outline of his hardening dick. You swallowed audibly, gasping softly at the feeling. Yet, you tried to reason with your thoughts, telling yourself it meant nothing and was simply a natural body reaction of his.
San had his eyes closed and inhaled deeply, absorbing everything from this moment to savour it for later.
These instances happened more frequently, San becoming insatiable. At the same time his guilt increased as well. Every time he pleased himself underneath the showers, picturing your face, body and moans, the feeling of guilt followed soon after: having his face flushed and making him unable to look you in the eye when you two met after changing.
“Sometimes I think you’re taking longer and longer to get changed”, you teased him with a snicker adding to your words. “And I thought women were the ones taking forever.” You pushed yourself up from the chair you had waited on, grabbing your gym bag and hoisting it up on your shoulder.
“You’re imagining things”, San mumbled, pouting and turning even more red than before.
As you only continued giggling about it while moving towards the entrance, San’s gaze dropped down to your ass again. At the same time he noticed something peeking out of your gym bag. 
His heart rate quickened upon realising it was your underwear. Any fear or second thoughts left his mind while he hastened his steps, moving to be besides you. 
“Stop laughing”, he grumbled, diverting your attention to his face. San sneakily grabbed for the pair of undies, stuffing them immediately into his pocket as if nothing ever happened. 
“It’s adorable how red you get when I tease you.”
“Stop teasing me too.”
You laughed even louder now, gleefully shaking your head. “But I love seeing your adorable side.” You raised your hand and cupped his cheek, gently guiding him down to your level so you were able to give him a peck on the other cheek. “See you tomorrow, big boy.”
San clenched his hand around the fabric of your panties, freezing up completely. It wasn’t that he turned into a statue due to your peck. On the contrary, by clenching his hand he actually noticed a wet spot on the fabric. Now his thoughts spiralled while they imagined all kinds of things.
Could it be that you liked him the same way he liked you? That you got turned on by his close presence? 
The pad of his thumb rubbed slow circles on the sticky wetness of your panties, making him fantasise about fingering you and circling your sensitive clit. San nearly came in his own pants from these thoughts alone. He immediately stopped his movements, getting overrun with guilt upon seeing you turn around one last time and innocently wave your arm at him.
Part of his brain hated him for having such a dirty mind and all these lustrous thoughts about you. San felt bad for having them, felt bad for making you the object of his desire. Another part of his brain swore to himself to be better.
That resolve died the very next day during his bench presses. You stood right above his face, keeping track of his movements. His face was so close to your entrance, if you would just sit down. 
“Hey, focus!” You leaned forward and slapped his upper arm, glaring down at his face before looking back up at his hands and the weights. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
San closed his eyes, simply humming with a restrained tone. He truly tried focusing on his work out but his perverted mind told him he could feel the heat radiating from your thighs right next to his ears. His dick twitched in his sweats and he knew he either had to fuck you immediately or have a steaming hot shower to evaporate his thoughts.
You yelped in surprise when San slammed the iron bar into its safety position all of a sudden. His hands came up to your thighs and pushed you away from his head before he sat up, facing away from you with ears glowing red. 
“I need to let off some steam.”
“Well”, you rounded the machine and stood next to him again, “the sauna might help you in that case.”
San only nodded before he stood up and trotted away towards the changing rooms. Initially he wanted to take a shower but the longer he thought about it, the more he feared he’d jack off to your image again. Hence, he followed your suggestion of going into the sauna.
It didn’t surprise him when he entered the mixed cabin and nobody else was in there. Even though there were quite a few members at the gym, most of them stayed away from revealing too much of their body to others - at least when it came to the private parts.
With only a towel around his waist, San sat down in one corner. He leaned back on his elbows and let his head drop back as well, trying to soak in the heat as much as possible. San didn’t even react when he heard the door open and close again, nor did he react to the footsteps walking over.
“Is it helping?”
The speed it took San to sit up straight again nearly gave him whiplashes. He stared at you with wide eyes, hands awkwardly folded over his lap. “I, what, this, I..”
You giggled softly, hiding your mouth behind your hand. “This is the mixed sauna. Are you that surprised to see me here?”
San silently shook his head as his eyes momentarily roamed over your figure. You only wore a towel as well, having it secured with some sort of knot at the front of your chest. The towel barely reached over your ass, making San think of a different kind of steamy yet again. He pressed down on his lap, desperately trying to conceal the massive hard on between his legs. His ears turned red once more, especially when he noticed how your gaze dropped down to his tensed hands and back up, with a glint in your eyes he couldn’t quite put a finger on.
You clasped your hands behind your back, knowing full well that the action seemed innocent but highlighted your boobs perfectly while you softly turned your upper body from side to side. “Is that seat taken?” 
San blinked several types, barely processing your question in the first place. “Huh?”
You leaned forward, forcing San to look at your face. “Is THAT seat taken?” You repeated your question, purposefully dropping your gaze down to his lap and back up again.
When San finally shook his head, you placed a hand on one of his knees. You tapped your fingers in a walking motion along his upper leg, grinning to yourself when San unconsciously spread his legs wider. You kneeled in front of him, using your other hand to unclasp his. “Tell me to stop if I’m overstepping.”
San grabbed the wooden planks of the bench right next to his body when your fingers glided over the prominent curve of the towel still hiding his dick. 
Your hand, which wandered along his leg, slipped underneath the fabric. You wrapped your fingers around his thick shaft, feeling yourself already getting wet by the thought of having him inside of you.
A soft gasp escaped San’s lips. He stared at your beautiful face, entranced by your aura and your actions. San barely noticed how you pushed the towel away, revealing his cock to you. All he could focus on was your tongue, gliding over your lips in a sensual way right before it connected with the tip of his throbbing dick. He groaned and his eyes fluttered shut. One of his hands came up to your head, fingers threading through your hair while you went down on his length. 
While San didn’t push you down, you thrived upon feeling the weight of his hand on the back of your head - combined with the weight of his cock on your tongue. You were able to set your own pace, alternating from slow to fast, deep to shallow. 
It didn’t take long to have San a moaning and grunting mess underneath you, his hips stuttering ever so often and making you halt in your movements completely. 
San cursed underneath his breath, leaning back on his elbows again and throwing his head back. 
You used the chance of him not holding your head anymore - even though he had put no force into it before - to give his shaft one last lick and a kiss on the top before you stood up.
San opened his eyes, about to whine from the lack of stimulation, when he saw your tongue gliding over your lips and licking away the precum that got on it. His eyes glazed over from the desire, making him barely register how you turned away from him.
With San having his legs spread, you stood between them and slowly crouched down. You grabbed his dick and aligned it with your wet hole, going down on him with ease. A moan ripped through your throat when he filled you up completely. You pressed your legs closer together, whimpering from the pleasurable stretch inside of you. 
Once you adjusted to his size, you placed your hands on his knees again, using them as leverage to push yourself up and down over and over. You continued riding him and even ignored the burning of your thighs from the constant squats.
As if San came to his senses and noticed how your body fought against exhaustion, he wrapped his arms around your torso. With one hand he pulled the towel down, fondling with your tits and twirling with your nipples. “You sound so beautiful”, he grunted in your ear, pulling you back against his chest and tightening his hold on you, right before his hips snapped into you.
You weren’t sitting anymore, instead lying on his chest. Your head rolled to the side and you felt San immediately latching his lips onto your soft skin. Broken moans came out of your mouth as San started to hit all the right places inside of you as well. 
“That’s.. so much.. better.. than I ever.. imagined!” San underlined his statement with hard thrusts, making you cry out in pleasure. “Can’t believe I’m finally fucking you for good. You’re so fucking tight and wet for me! This pussy was made for my cock, made for me to fuck.” One of his hands wandered down to your clit, pinching and rubbing it. “That’s it, that’s my fucking girl.” 
You immediately tensed from the added stimulation, feeling your high approach faster than you anticipated. His hands, his dick, his filthy words and the knowledge where you two were, all added to your building orgasm.
“Tell everyone who makes you feel that good, tell everyone who is making you wobble from soreness tomorrow. Let us show everyone the best workout you’re having.” San became erratic in his words and his thrusts, feeling how your walls clenched around his dick and chasing his own orgasm. 
You screamed his name when you came, your vision turning black and then white as San continued to fuck you through your orgasm. You turned somewhat limp on top of him, feeling blissed from your high.
San pulled out of you, stuffing three of his fingers inside your throbbing hole instead. He pumped them in and out, while simultaneously rubbing your clit with the pad of his thumb. His other hand grabbed onto his dick, pumping it hurriedly until ropes of white cum shot out and painted your stomach.
You raised your head slightly, watching his cock shoot out more and more of his sticky semen. Seeing your painted stomach and lower chest as well as his fingers pumping into you, triggered a second orgasm. You arched your back, gasping out loud from the unfiltered pleasure washing through your whole body. At the same time your hands roamed over your skin, spreading his cum all over it.
“Shit”, San exhaled shakingly, “you’re so fucking beautiful.” 
“Took you long enough to act on it”, you laughed softly as you turned your head and placed a kiss on his jaw. “I had hoped to have had this kind of workout last night after you stole my panties.”
San pushed his fingers deeper inside of you from the surprise, underestimating the force behind it. 
“Ah, please, more.” 
“You knew?” San turned his head to look at your profile, making note of every miniscule change. He noticed the sly smirk on your lips and how you only opened one eye, looking at him through a hooded lid.
“Since the moan that triggered it all.”
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Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland @songsoomin
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