#still not vibing with the orange text but I *had to* make this
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deepdreamnights · 2 days ago
Time to offer an actual breakdown of what's going on here for those who are are anti or disinterested in AI, and aren't familiar with how they work, because the replies are filled with discussions on how this is somehow a down-step in the engine or that this is a sign of model collapse.
And the situation is, as always, not so simple.
Different versions of the same generator always prompt differently. This has nothing to do with their specific capabilities, and everything to do with the way the technology works. New dataset means new weights, and as the text parser AI improves (and with it prompt understanding) you will get wildly different results from the same prompt.
The screencap was in .webp (ew) so I had to download it for my old man eyes to zoom in close enough to see the prompt, which is:
An expressive oil painting of a chocolate chip cookie being dipped in a glass of milk, represented as an explosion of flavors.
Now, the first thing we do when people make a claim about prompting, is we try it ourselves, so here's what I got with the most basic version of dall-e 3, the one I can access free thru bing:
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Huh, that's weird. Minus a problem with the rim of the glass melting a bit, this certainly seems to be much more painterly than the example for #3 shown, and seems to be a wildly different style.
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The other three generated with that prompt are closer to what the initial post shows, only with much more stability about the glass. See, most AI generators generate results in sets, usually four, and, as always:
Everything you see AI-wise online is curated, both positive and negative.*
You have no idea how many times the OP ran each prompt before getting the samples they used.
Earlier I had mentioned that the text parser improvements are an influence here, and here's why-
The original prompt reads:
An expressive oil painting of a chocolate chip cookie being dipped in a glass of milk, represented as an explosion of flavors.
V2 (at least in the sample) seems to have emphasized the bolded section, and seems to have interpreted "expressive" as "expressionist"
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On the left, Dall-E2's cookie, on the right, Emil Nolde, Autumn Sea XII (Blue Water, Orange Clouds), 1910. Oil on canvas.
Expressionism being a specific school of art most people know from artists like Evard Munch. But "expressive" does not mean "expressionist" in art, there's lots of art that's very expressive but is not expressionist.
V3 still makes this error, but less so, because it's understanding of English is better.
V3 seems to have focused more on the section of the prompt I underlined, attempting to represent an explosion of flavors, and that language is going to point it toward advertising aesthetics because that's where the term 'explosion of flavor' is going to come up the most.
And because sex and food use the same advertising techniques, and are used as visual metaphors for one another, there's bound to be crossover.
But when we update the prompt to ask specifically for something more like the v2 image, things change fast:
An oil painting in the expressionist style of a chocolate chip cookie being dipped in a glass of milk, represented as an explosion of flavors, impasto, impressionism, detail from a larger work, amateur
We've moved the most important part (oil painting) to the front, put that it is in an expressionist style, added 'impasto' to tell it we want visible brush strokes, I added impressionism because the original gen had some picassoish touches and there's a lot of blurring between impressionism and expressionism, and then added "detail from a larger work" so it would be of a similar zoom-in quality, and 'amateur' because the original had a sort of rough learners' vibe.
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Shown here with all four gens for full disclosure.
Boy howdy, that's a lot closer to the original image. Still higher detail, stronger light/dark balance, better textbook composition, and a much stronger attempt to look like an oil painting.
TL:DR The robot got smarter and stopped mistaking adjectives for art styles.
Also, this is just Dall-E 3, and Dall-E is not a measure for what AI image generators are capable of.
I've made this point before in this thread about actual AI workflows, and in many, many other places, but OpenAI makes tech demos, not products. They have powerful datasets because they have a lot of investor money and can train by raw brute force, but they don't really make any efforts to turn those demos into useful programs.
Midjourney and other services staying afloat on actual user subscriptions, on the other hand, may not have as powerful of a core dataset, but you can do a lot more with it because they have tools and workflows for those applications.
The "AI look" is really just the "basic settings" look.
It exists because of user image rating feedback that's used to refine the model. It tends to emphasize a strong light/dark contrast, shininess, and gloss, because those are appealing to a wide swath of users who just want to play with the fancy etch-a-sketch and make some pretty pictures.
Thing is, it's a numerical setting, one you can adjust on any generator worth its salt. And you can get out of it with prompting and with a half dozen style reference and personalization options the other generators have come up with.
As a demonstration, I set midjourney's --s (style) setting to 25 (which is my favored "what I ask for but not too unstable" preferred level when I'm not using moodboards or my personalization profile) and ran the original prompt:
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3/4 are believably paintings at first glance, albeit a highly detailed one on #4, and any one could be iterated or inpainted to get even more painterly, something MJ's upscaler can also add in its 'creative' setting.
And with the revised prompt:
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Couple of double cookies, but nothing remotely similar to what the original screencap showed for DE3.
*Unless you're looking at both the prompt and raw output.
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original character designs vs sakimichan fanart
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nitrowyverine · 9 months ago
I thought playing Obscura would help me get rid of my brain worms. no, it just gave me new ones. For Obscura, specifically.
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I'll be adjusting the format from my TOUCHSTARVED expanded thoughts post. Brain dump after the cut!
[Demo/CH 1 spoilers are included]
(Header Image from Itch.io page! All images in this post are either from there or the Rotten Raccoons tumblr page)
Design/gameplay thoughts:
In full honesty without fluff: this game fucks immensely.
The setting for Obscura might be my new all-time favorite, like, ever. Mystery underground scandalous marketplace??? Under a mountain???? it's a diverse and vast city that's still elegantly contained and claustrophobic, but in a spicy way. The worldbuilding and flavor is excellent. I really want to run a TTRPG in a similar setting now, since its an area with so many possibilities.
CH. 1/the "demo" has a LOT of meat on it. It's got different endings, variations, a whole soundtrack. Speaking of sountrack-
Obscura is also one of the few games I've put on the soundtrack to just to vibe to. The soundtrack is SO good, and sets such a strong mood/tone. I think it complements the game perfectly.
Allot of people have mentioned it, but I am also a fan of the Safeword pause menu. It's a nice and comforting touch, especially when the game can get so intense. It lets players take a breather if they need it, but also doesn't interrupt the intensity/mood of the game for someone who doesn't want a break from the narrative.
Now, onto character specific thoughts!
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Shout outs for having your asexual option in the dating sim be. The kinkiest guy there
Cirrus is a bit too intense for me, however, that is NOT a bad thing in the slightest. I think his route is well done for those who are up for his brand of intensity.
I might still play his route because. damn this boy's issues got me curious about his backstory. ($10 on mommy issues)
I had the hardest time getting to Cirrus's good end during my playthrough because having pretty much any self-preservation instinct around Cirrus gives you a bad/neutral ending. He's the only one I had to pull the guide out to get the best ending. (I think I'm just too sassy)
I get medusa vibes from Cirrus. The snake imagery is more likely tied to the lunar church, but his staunch reluctance to take his own mask off makes me wonder (this is mainly referenced in asks answered by the Rotten Raccoon studios). Refusal to let people see his eyes + snakes + power + slightly unnatural abilities to influence is, something.
I am shaking this man like a snowglobe WHAT IS YOUR DEAL I MUST KNOW MORE
(I am. metaphorically shaking him like a snowglobe. I would never shake this man im terrified)
CONCLUSION: Most likely to shame you for your anime choices. Least likely to be normal about it when you ask for help peeling an orange.
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yeah he's tied for favorite right now. the slow burn in his plot is just too good? big man....freckles...secret soft side...im weak
he's so nice I keep forgetting. He kind of kidnaps you? not even kind of he just drags you off the street and goes "you live in my house now". Even Griff calls MC a stray early on. My man really said "Here's a convenient lost human I'm dragging them home now"
oh my GOD they were ROOMATES
I definitely was too nice to him in my first playthrough until I realized he does need (and want) to be sassed to death.
this man is like 6'6 and the canon-ish Vesper height from the CG is 5'4. THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE. This kills the man (me)
The sprite of Keir's ears blushing SENDS ME INTO A FRENZY
I quite liked the gameplay style of Keir's route. I was so focused and invested as soon as I realized I needed to remember specific directions to save the heist group during timed decisions
Something I haven't seen discussed yet: I'm mega curious about the dagger Keir has on his outfit. It's specifically pointed out in text that it's high-quality, and I vaguely remember an ask that Rotten Raccoons answered that said it's a status symbol. (The dagger also just looks SO cool. and....it looks like Francesco's...?)
(My bet is that he either 1. stole it. or 2. got it from Oleander during their tryst (WHICH WE ALSO NEED TO TALK ABOUT-))
CONCLUSION: Most likely to be gifted a "WORLD'S BEST DAD" mug from his similarly-aged peers. Least likely to live down that one time he ate soap because he thought it was edible.
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someone keep the "silver dust" away from this lad im scared
Originally, I was least looking forward to playing Francesco's route since I just wasn't interested in his initial concept. After playing his route though? It was excellently done, and I genuinely had fun. It was refreshing to have a character more naive than Vesper, so more cultural aspects were explained and we got a good alternate perspective on the marketplace. Also, it got REAL spicy in new and exciting ways the other chapters didn't. I'm really looking forward to the next chapters with his route!
I totally love the contrasts in his design and his character. He's got both bright red and blue highlights in his design, his outfit is very pointy and angular while his hair/smile is soft and flow-y.
And in his personality, he's both sweet and open, but extremely cagey about some information, and quite pragmatic when he wants to be. I think he's way smarter than he lets on.
that doesn't mean I don't want to bridal carry him and tuck him into bed at night after a all-nighter party
I do think Fran's slightly looser demeanor could lead to him being even more brutal than the other LI's. Remember that one anime clip (Found it, it's this one from Danshi Koukousei) where a group of friends wants to fight for fun, but one of the friends asks why they need rules in a fight? And said friend is shown like secretly holding a rock and was ready to use it? that's Fran. He would not have chill and does not heed the rules.
"Protect the boy", but mostly to prevent him from tasting blood. Because if that happens we're all fucked
CONCLUSION: Most likely to eat that M&M off the ground because you dared him. Least likely to beat the puppy allegations.
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Oleander is tied for favorite with Keir. Oleander is just *chefs kiss* LOOK AT HIM. inscrutable......
Somewhere in an ask answered by Rotten Raccoons studio, they mentioned that for Oleander's route, they were going for a "Sexy boss situation that doesn't feel like a work safety violation". They hit that right on the nose; there's intrigue and a power imbalance, but in a non-restrictive or terrifying way.
I love being involved in the business part of his route. I keep making decisions like "Hmm yes my primary goal is to romance Oleander. But what would be the smartest business move here? How do we advance our agenda?"
Also, I do love playing a sexy evil secretary in a vn. love having a job and being evil at it AND being paid money. 10/10
That dance scene is everything I could have ever wanted no notes
I am fascinated to find out more about what he's been up to since his last trek into the marketplace. Seems like people are trying to kill him all the time anyway, so what would be enough to cause him to leave?
he's like an angler fish, but the lure is his booba
I relate to Oleander in that. I have too many online usernames because I can't stick with one. People get my 800 online names mixed up often. He has the same problem, we're basically twinsies
This man is pretending to be a himbo like his life depends on it (It probably does). He's too smart though, I know for a fact he has at least three different schemes going at any given time.
CONCLUSION: Most likely to be able to help you properly lace a corset (this man knows the boot-to-the-back necessity of the process). Least likely to be allowed to be banker during monopoly night.
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black mask enjoyer 4 life
(all three are good I just wanted to say which one I picked. And to add my conclusion section)
CONCLUSION: Most likely to get their shit rocked by a falling piano. Least likely to survive an argument about pineapple on pizza.
With how separate the four routes are, the game could potentially feel like four separate visual novels all in one universe. Maybe I haven't played enough VN's, but there is a feeling of separation between the routes.
In the very beginning of the game, when you're picking your route, I wish there was a bit more heads up/information between who you're picking. For example, I had a rough idea that going into the church is where you'd find Cirrus, but only from information outside the game. I didn't know sticking around for the brawl would push you into Kier's route. It's overall pretty vague to which route you're going based on only in-game information.
Misc thoughts:
Vesper: "How are you going to keep me?? ;)" Keir and Oleander: "crimes" Vesper: "Wh-" Keir and Oleander: "you're an accomplice now congrats we're in this together. wanna get drinks"
catch my socially anxious ass wanting to be under the mountain and wear masks so I don't have to make eye contact with strangers all the time. at least its a fun thought to have when I mask for covid
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For real, I got the brain worms for this game, I'm on the edge of making a big ol playlist. the headcannons? They go on my friend. they go on. I'm laying awake at night thinking about what each character would order at a coffee shop
by the time I publish this post. I did start working on the playlist
yes, I've also designed my own vesper, its such a prime opportunity for character design.
Obscura also may or may not have inspired me to get involved with an otome jam game team, more on that in the future possibly.....
OVERALL: I got the first chapter/demo of Obscura for free from Itchio/steam. High marks for writing, sound, art, game design, all of it! I am on the edge of my seat waiting for CH2.
TL;DR: If you haven't played it, and love spicy and dark stories, go play it! Part one is free! and fantastic.
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eatmycodbetty · 2 months ago
{You again?} ~ 2
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part two. . . one
pairing: anthony lockwood x gn!reader
word count: 2.7k
summary: Your first time helping the trio goes well, but some resistance at your attempted aid spurs a personal challenge.
DISCLAIMER: I headcanoned mobile phones. Not smartphones by any means- more so a pager that can display text. still in the same vintage ish vibes it just makes it easier for what i want to achieve in the first few chapters. think of those little blocky personal phones we see in the show but if it had the worst little radio display or something for little messages. lmk if it’s too distracting and ill write it out lolol
notes: dialogue is hard. :pp ALSO this is the end of the INTRODUCTION phase of the story- there is soooooo much more to come.
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Two . . .
11:47. Middle of London
Running down the street, you see the park sign. You recall what George had told you earlier that day, and you enter from the east of the entrance, a hidden path that kind of slopes from use over the years.
At first, there’s nothing. It is dark, obviously no ghost-lamps around, and terraced with trees. This is practically a jungle at night, no wonder they lost a source here. You could lose your own two feet if you weren’t so careful.
As your panic finds a fake lull, you hear a yelp from across the park, over an old cobbled half-wall. You sprint to the area, seeing a streak of orange and hearing George’s calls for mercy.
When you leap up over the wall, rapier in hand, a scared George is running at you. He sees you and trips, grabbing you on the way. You two stumble but you get up swiftly in time for the onslaught that was behind him. Two smaller ghosts coming out of a thick fog followed him, but you make quick work with a few jabs into their figures, them quickly dissipating with horrible screams.
You turn and help the poor boy up from behind you, his fingers still grabbing your jacket. “Oh my BLOODY god y/n thank you thank you THANK YOU. You came just in time” He stutters, out of breath, and takes a second to gulp down some air and stand back up. “We were so close…but that damned cluster almost ruined it for us. We ran up this hill with the…wait.”
He stops to search and pat his orange hoodie quickly, coming to a disheartening realization as he looks back up at you. “We lost it again. I might just leave it if I am being honest- it’s too fucking much.”
As he rambles you take a breath, shushing him with a hurried question. “Where are the others, G. We need to make sure you are all safe before worrying about this stupid trinket.”
He quickly realizes that he left the other two, looking to the left of your current spot. He points as you two begin to run, rapiers in hands. You toss him a salt bomb and with a nervous nod he takes it and readies as you two approach the scene.
You almost stumble over a bush to see the same girl from earlier- Lucy, was it?- and the slender boy you can only assume is Lockwood. They are caught in the middle of a whirlwind of activity, fighting well- but not quick enough- as spirits reach out at their blind spots.
You take a jump into the action, yelling for them to duck as you fight from Lucy’s side first. George throws the salt bomb whilst you dissipate the area around Lucy. She sits back up and you acknowledge each other with a quick smile and nod, fending off the near liquid-like fog on Lockwood.
As you do this, the salt bomb goes off right above you, nice shot George, and the whirlwind you’re in starts to falter. You three run out, shouting at George to run as well.
Running up the back of the group, you jump back through the brush and into the area where you found George earlier. As you make a b-line towards the rest of the group, a thick ghost-fog starts to fizzle in front of you, but you throw another salt bomb hastily and dive back over the cobbled half-wall.
As you steady yourself, a shimmer catches your eye. Without thinking, you dislodge the item from the stones and keep running, narrowly missing the foggy spirits that linger above you.
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The four of you keep running until you’re out of the park, back through the small passageway and into the street, where you find a resting area under some ghost-lamps. Perfect. Lucy and George immediately sit on a bench, laying out and catching their breath.
You catch up to the group, deciding to lean on the lamp pole behind them to catch your breath as well. The tall and slender boy stands in front of the two sitting agents, rubbing his hands which eventually land on his hips. You see his jacket open a little at this, is he wearing a suit? In the field?? Yeesh, you think. The rumors around this guy might just be right. For now he just loiters and thinks, gaze wandering between the group and you.
George speaks up first, eyes locked on the pavement guiltily, “hey so..I might have dropped the eyeglass when I had to run.” He looks back up at the two others, “BUT we can come back in the day- I never want to come back here at night ever again. Even if the ghosts can help us find it, they can all go to the shitter.”
You think as he’s rambling, and absent mindedly take out the object you picked up out of your pocket. You twist it around in your fingers, focusing when you realize the smooth texture- it’s a brass eyeglass. Before he can keep going you speak up, “Uh hey G…is this what you lost?”
He looks at you for a second and leans over, confused…until his eyes widen and he snatches the trinket from your palm. “Y/N you are a saint! How did you even find this in between fighting?!” He is obviously relieved, holding the eyeglass with his forefingers in the light for the group to see.
You smile and lean your back on the pole, “I just saw it lodged in that old wall when we were getting away, I didn’t even think about it really.” And you didn’t, you just thought it was a big coin or something.
“Well it doesn’t matter if you thought about it or not-you saved our arses.” He gives you a friendly jab on the arm and hands the trinket to Lucy, who stuck it in a small silver sack to prevent a longer night.
He jests as he’s handing it to Lucy, “Seeeee..safe and sound. Can we leave the house alone now when something goes missing…”
She quips back, “Well it seems y/n was the one to actually get it, but next time I will be sure to leave your precious books on the lounge table alone.” She smiles sarcastically and puts the silver pouch in her bag as he huffs.
“I guess that’s fine..I might as well just bring them back up to my room if they’re only going to be destroyed in the lounge…you are all animals.”
As he complains, Lucy looks back to you, ignoring him, “Hi y/n! You were surprisingly fast, thanks for the help back there- George was right about you.”
You smile at her and cross your arms with a reply. “You didn’t do half bad, we should train together sometime. We need to stay sharp…literally.” She smiles this time, a silent agreement between you two.
Then, a cough.
Lucy’s gaze is disrupted from you and you all shift to the tall and silent boy standing with his hands in his pockets. You honestly forgot he existed for a moment, what is up with him? George huffs quietly, “oh yeah..”
The boy shifts on his feet before turning to you, standing at full attention and extending a hand. “Hi there. I’m Anthony Lockwood, and this is my agency Lockwood & Co. Although, I can boldly assume you know these two already.” He squints at the two on the bench, of which Lucy shrugs and the two meekly feign ignorance.
You quietly snort at their remarks towards the boy, but then turn to him in the same manner- you feign your own confidence. He is, after all, the boss of another agency, and you feel the need to show your resilience in your lonesome.
As you take his hand and shake it once firmly, you reply, “Hello, Mr. Lockwood. I am Y/n L/n. I run my own ship…and I know George. Nice to finally meet, I’ve heard wonders.” You make a little explosion expression with your hands as you say this.
He has an inquisitive look to that last bit, underlying charm in his face, but he just nods and looks at you, analyzing your gear. “Nice to meet you too, Mx. L/n.” He smiles thinly, “I’ve seen your work in the back of the papers, and, well, word gets around when you challenge the higher agencies…dicks.” You sniffle to restrain a laugh at that. He hesitates as you start to rifle through your bag, continuing only as you hand him a business card. “You’re George’s old mate, right? We are on the same team it seems, you know if you ever-”
George cuts him off, “Y/n is one of my friends from Fitts, or rather one of my only old friends outside of you lot. You can trust them, we’d probably be another sob story if it weren’t for their saving the day anyways.” He looks to you and you wink in an obviously heroic manner, you both chuckle. Lockwood smiles a bit more genuinely at this, stopping only at Lucy interrupting.
“I don’t know them that well if it makes you feel better, Lockwood.” Lucy explains as she stands up now, between the bench and Lockwood. “But from what I’ve seen, we could learn a thing or two.” She looks to you again, “…or maybe we need the help- you did a great job playing the hero after all.”
You rub the back of your neck, but before you can reply to her sudden advertising, Lockwood intercepts: “I don’t think we need help. Having connections is nice but we work just fine- I mean we would have been fine back there with or without them- no offense.”
You roll your eyes from the obviously beaten boy over to George and Lucy, who have a kind of disdain on their faces at this remark. Lucy scoffs at Lockwood. “I think you just can’t accept anything. If you get out of your neurotic thick skull for one minute to see that we were in the trenches back there then maybe you’d be a bit more accepting.”
He is, surprisingly, not much wavering by this. Must happen often. You speak up on your behalf, as it seems Lockwood doesn’t have much to say to the girl. “Well, I don’t want to join you lot or anything, if that makes it better. I work well on my own, I don’t want to do the agency thing again. I just like helping, especially for an old friend and for a couple pounds.”
Lucy and George hear you and immediately make a “see?” face at Lockwood, who eventually butts in. “Well…only if we really need to. Agent L/n is an exceptional fighter, thank you for your help tonight.”
You nod at this with a small smile whilst the other two celebrate a silent victory, yet he continues. “Just as long as I’m let in on it, okay? No going behind my back- we’re a team. Got it?” They nod and quietly fist bump- he notices but ignores them once more, a kind of compassion wavering behind his eyes. What is even going on with them?
You pipe up again, “Well...I am glad that is handled. I will be making my leave, you all have a good night. George has my contact if there’s any night you want me to be on call or whatever, just let me know.” You want to go to bed and leave the awkward circumstance, but someone persists as you start to pick yourself up and head off.
“Y/n wait- before you go.” A hand on your shoulder turns you, just as you had tried to leave. Lucy is there, holding about 30 quid, taking your hand and placing it in your palm for you. You like her confidence, it's a wonder how she puts up with the other two. “Remember, we’re still paying you.”
You take a second to look at the money, before gripping it and patting her shoulder, “thank you Lucy.” You then peek over her shoulder at George, who is now getting off the bench, and Lockwood, who is somewhat still lost in thought. Weirdo.
You call out to them as well, “Thanks everyone, keep in touch. Goodnight!” You start to bound off as everyone is exchanging goodbyes and you split from the party, them going off in another direction back to their home.
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1:23am. Closer to home
You breathe a full breath for the first time since leaving your flat earlier in the night. You're almost home, but you stopped in a busier part of the city to take a look at the stars. Barely visible. You sigh and keep going, eventually landing back at your flat.
Taking off your dirty clothes and settling your supplies in their usual spot, you go to take a well deserved shower. After, you swiftly lie back on your bed, letting your legs dangle in your fuzzy slippers.
You stare at your walls, your pictures and bundles of dried lavender to help protect (and refresh) the dingy flat. All these memories of when things went wrong, but more importantly, when things went right. Memories that morphed you into the person you are today.
Tonight was different, but it was kind of...fun. You were already used to being deemed a "hero" in your endeavors for as long as you can remember, but this felt different. You wanted to show them that you could be great- but why?
You already knew you were great, you didn't have to prove it to anyone. It had been clear for the many years working your way through countless different people and places that you excelled independently.
You decide to turn in for the night, to actually rest. It's almost 2 am, so it's easy to spiral into these kinds of mindless thought bubbles. You turn off the lamps and tuck into your sheets, with only the subtle glow of the moon dimly lighting the one room flat you occupy.
Then, another glow joins it. You look over, your phone is lit up. Who could even be texting you this late? You turn the phone over, seeing a new message from an unknown number. You pick up the phone and open the message.
Unknown Sender: Hello Mx. L/n. George gave me your number. Could you be on call the night of this coming Wednesday? The other two were persistent about it on the walk home. You'll be paid 30 quid if you're called, and 15 if we end up not needing you. Unknown Sender: Oh, and Luce wants to meet up sometime. Something about your rapiers. She might text you about it, but she is already asleep. Just wanted to let you know. Unknown Sender: Goodnight. - LW
You sit there in a kind of standstill at what had just occurred. Why did he sign off like it's a letter? Everything about this boy screams strange, but he's not your boss so you aren't going to pay it too much mind. It's nice that Lucy remembered, you smile at the thought of training with someone else. You reply quickly, just in case you forget in the morning.
You: Hey! I told G that I have nothing this week, so it's all good. Thank you for letting me know! You: Also...go to bed. It's almost 2:30
Here is where you see him start to type, then stop. You get a message about a full minute later.
A.Lockwood: You too. Looking forward to working again. Have a good night, y/n.
You give a tired chuckle and set your phone on your chest. He stopped the formalities? He must be tired. Whatever. You take your phone once more to turn it off, no more interruptions tonight.
As you go in and out of consciousness, you can only think of a few things. You're happy that George is doing well for himself, you enjoy the presence of another strong individual in Lucy, and most notably you're wondering what you even got yourself into.
Whatever the week brings, you have a feeling that it will be just fine. And maybe even...fun.
thanks for reading pt 2 guys :)))) this is the end of the introduction part, we're gonna get into the juicy bits later. I'll be gone for two-ish days but I'll be back in no time- don't forget about me!!
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juuuulez · 5 months ago
🍂 | bearblrpromptober #3: apple picking, carmen berzatto.
this is so CUTE AND VIBES graaahhhh i need a boyfriend!!!!!!!!
it’s actually spring here so this was total bullshit but i think that the point was conveyed
-> prompt/kinktober masterlist <-
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the air is crispy, biting at your nose and fingertips. a scarf partially makes up for this, though your hands still feel cold where your fingers curl around a fresh green apple.
“what’re you gonna make with them?” you ask carmen, bending down to place the apple into the wicker basket. he’d been very specific about not bruising them.
the field is scattered with other couples, families, some alone. it’s an array of warm browns and oranges, highlighted by speckles of shiny green.
“a sauce,” carmy begins. “thinking about pairing it with duck. then marcus can use some, too. maybe a seasonal pie.”
you hum, considering it. fortunately, whenever carmen was planning on a new recipe for the menu, you got to taste every version in the comfort of your own home.
that was one pro to his obsession, you supposed.
“and you?” he counters, just as you’ve gotten slightly lost in thought.
it’s a good question.
there’s something about autumn that makes you spend more time in the kitchen.
albeit, your creations are nothing compared to what carmy can do. but still, it’s nice. and he appreciates it, more than you can believe. the assortment of sweet, warm treats he’ll come home to on the counter.
crossaints, brownies, cookies, bread. you’d beamed with pride at the sourdough starter sitting jarred up on the counter, a little bow around the lid.
“maybe… focaccia?” you muse, “i saw a tiktok, it was caramel apple flavour. had chunks and everything, it looked really good.”
carmy hums, finding it cute how you searched so diligently for new recipes, texting him these short videos and reels and slideshows at all hours of the day.
the tip of your nose is red, and carmen can’t help himself from pinching it with his thumb and forefinger. cold. it makes you squirm, grinning and shuffling a little closer.
“c’mon, let’s get you in the car. we’ll get more flour on the way home.” carmy suggests, his arm making its way around your shoulder. he looks so soft and warm in that plaid jacket.
you happily obey, passing him the basket, falling into step besides your boyfriend. “stop at starbucks too?”
carmy huffs, an amused noise. “like you need any more sugar in you.”
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runningfrom2am · 2 years ago
omg you should totally write a blurb (or maybe a whole oneshot, it's up to you) about drew being the absolute SWEETEST when you're sick. Like he makes sure every need of yours is catered you, that all the things you may need are kept on your bedside table at ALL TIMES, makes sure you have your comfort plushie with you IT WOULD BE SO CUTE
You can also write this for soft!rafe! Whatever you write, I know it will be soooo good <3 <3
idk this is just the vibe i get from him like for real,, but also soft!rafe i think would be very similar, especially with not knowing what the correct meds were and dragging you back to bed haha. anyway! enjoy!! i loved writing this sm omg-
send me other requests here !!!
you don't get sick often, but when you do? it's a whole event. growing up you'd always handled it yourself, rarely ever spending the day in bed and truly resting, letting something like a silly cold or flu stop you from getting things done. that changed when you started dating drew.
it's only happened once or twice since you've been together, but after the first time when he practically shoved you into bed, running to your side and carrying you back to the bed or your couch every time you got up for something and insisting he would do it for you, you started to succumb to your fate. it was very comforting, after all, the change of pace that was having someone who wanted to take care of you.
most of the time, honestly, he would know you were sick before you did, and you'd wake up to you having kicked your blankets off and his hand on your forehead, frowning down at you as your eyes flutter open. "you're sick." he would mutter, planting a kiss on your forehead as he moved his hand and quickly getting up.
he would disappear and return a few minutes later with your favourite water bottle and a cold, damp cloth, and an armful of every medication he could find in your bathroom cabinets.
you fell into a nice, stable routine when you were sick, in which you laid in bed and rested, whether that be playing video games or watching tv, or on particularly bad days just laying in the dark and regretting not eating more oranges while your head pounded. all you needed to do if you needed anything at all was text him, assuming he wasn't already at your side, and he would appear within moments. your favourite summoning message was 'help!', which you would type out and hit send, and listen with a smile for you to hear a chair scraping or shuffling followed by hurried footsteps approaching your room. "what do you need, love?" he would ask, standing in the doorframe incase what you needed was in the kitchen or the bathroom, he would be able to get it faster that way. no matter what your request was, you would have it in a matter of minutes, at the very latest.
occasionally, if you were feeling well enough to get up and stretch your legs and go to the kitchen for your own water bottle refill, you wondered how he could even hear you when he seemingly apparated to your side immediately. "you should be in bed! go back to bed, i'll get it." he'd usher you away, or sometimes (if he knew a headache wasn't your affliction, which would only get worse by being thrown around), he'd pick you up and carry you back to bed himself.
on days where he couldn't stay home to dote on your every need, he would shove your favourite childhood stuffie into the top of your shirt like it was a baby carrier, insisting that they take care of you while he's away. (but of course, if you hit him with the 'help!' text, he'd ditch whatever work he’s doing in a minute to be there for you, even if that meant rescheduling a shoot or a table reading to get home)
he'd always tuck in you and your stuffie of choice before he ever had to leave the room, and would come back every twenty minutes if he knew you were asleep to make sure the blanket was still covering you in hopes of making your fever break, but also not wanting you to get cold, even in your sleep. he'd run you twelve baths in a day if you asked, sometimes just running you one and then asking if you wanted to get in. which of course, rarely would you ever say no to a bath. and god forbid you run out of your favourite tea, all the windows in your kitchen would be perpetually foggy from him boiling and reboiling so much water for you.
he’d put on your favourite show and movies, and watch them repeatedly with you if you wanted. he’d apologize endlessly for turning on the bedroom light if you had a migraine, also apologizing through the whole noisy process of taping tinfoil over the window to keep both the heat and the light out. “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry, love, i’m almost done. i promise.” he didn’t want to disturb you, and felt so guilty when he had to to make sure you took your medicine or were staying hydrated.
when you tell him you’re feeling better, he’s always skeptical. he never believes you at first, continuing to insist that you “sleep it off” for at least a day before he lets you rejoin society in any meaningful way, and you are yet to decide whether or not it’s because he just really likes doting on you.
bonus: checking your temperature by pressing his lips to your forehead!!!
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falloutjuli · 1 year ago
I kinda went nuts and casually made this 5k words. OOP- Anyways, stan Mochi, I love him already.
If anyone wants another continuation, be sure to let me know, Im always down to write more cute domestic fluff with your gravity man.
Chuuya Nakahara x Reader - Domestic Adventures part 2 (First part;♥️) Wordcount: 5,2k Short summary: Their little family gets a new addition in the form of a dog. With that also comes letting their closest friends and family (pretty much only Chuuyas side) know just how serious they are. Warnings: NONE - Y/N used - Reader gets caught lying, Chuuya being a cutie, author is invested in Mochi, Akutagawa being an awkward mess, DAZAI
"But Chuuya, let me repeat your point yeah?" He nodded, taking a sip of his wine, his thumb caressing the back of your hand.
"You think it's a good idea to get a dog that can protect me while I'm out with them yeah?" He nodded again, trying to find your problem.
"And the first breed you name me is a Chihuahua?" Chuuya shrugged, still struggling to see the problem.
"Chuu, no one is afraid of a Chihuahua. They are like... tiny as Fuck. No person who intends to harm me is gonna see that miniscule thing and go 'yeah I won't fuck with them, they got a Chihuahua '."
"Fine, then what about a Maltese?" You stared at him with a raised eyebrow. Meanwhile Chuuya didn't get you. Why not get one of those?; you should like them since they are cute and small like hi- He stopped immediately and cursed internally for having thought that.
"Then what's your idea?" With a huge smile you got up to get your phone.
Getting a dog has so far not been the fairy tale that the movies had sold to Chuuya.
No picking up a stray dog with huge innocent eyes who will love you eternally.
No, the time he had found one it tried to bite him when he approached. In the shelters you haven't found the perfect one either. Either they needed more care and attention that you could plan for or the vibe simply didn't match. So now you were going through listings, in the hopes of finding a puppy you both like.
"Okay sooo… I have found this listing online from a little family whose dog recently had a few puppies, and after I have seen the pictures, I have been thinking about them." You passed Chuuya your phone, watching his reaction carefully as he took in the listing.
You watched his content expression become bewildered, as he scrolled through the pictures. "Those are German shepherds." He stated and you nodded excitedly.
"Yes, I know. And they are so adorable. Don't you think?"
Chuuya didn't know what to think. Sure, these were cute, fluffy looking pups but they'd grow. A lot. And he was unsure of that. In his mind he had always pictured having a dog that’s more... compact.
And while that was his preference, he knew he can't deny you. You'd just need to insist on one of these and he'd get it. He cursed that you had him in your hand.
As you noticed his hesitation, you sat down next to him, laying your head on his shoulder, watching as he took in the pictures. "We don't have to get one of these. It's just... if we get a dog, I want one like that, or a golden retriever, something like that you know?"
Hugging him sideways, carefully aware of his wineglass you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "But like I said, if you don't want to, we won't get one like this. We can always wait."
"No doll, you like these." You rolled your eyes.
"Chuuya, it's our dog. We both make the call and won't decide alone. But if you're worried about them being too big, it says down here, that there's a bit of corgi in here, so they stay rather small." "Really?" Orange eyebrows furrowed as Chuuya read the text.
"We could always ask to see them in person and see if they fit us." You said, a finger trailing over his leg. "Alright. Sounds like a deal. You make the date and I make sure I'll be there alright?" The smile you now wore made Chuuya feel warm.
Barely a week passed before you sat in your car, Chuuya in the passenger seat, currently trying to squeeze into a parking spot near the family’s home.
"I can't believe you manage to fit that." Chuuya stated once he saw how insanely tight the space had been that now your car stood in. "I'm the majesty of parking spaces, now come on, I wanna pet some cute puppies!" You dragged him along, your eyes looking around as you compared the GPS map to your surroundings.
"This should be it!" You finally stated, opening the front gate to a tiny average looking house. Chuuya grew nervous a little. Which felt weird to him.
He was a Mafia executive for god's sake, and yet the thought of meeting his potential new family member had him wary.
"One second!" A woman called from the other side of the door, after you had rang the doorbell. Once opened the woman took both of you in.
"Sorry for the mess, a toddler and puppies are no easy task!" She said, as you both came in and for what she said, it looked rather clean even. "Follow me, they are currently outside, playing." She stated, guiding you and Chuuya to the backyard where a bunch of black and yellow furred puppies were running around, playing with toys.
Chuuya felt his heart swell immediately upon seeing all these cute little beings. He barely registered you and the mother talking. Only when your hand slipped in his, he was ripped out of his trance, focusing on you again.
"Soo.. let's play with them!" You said giddily and approached the tiny pups. The second your knees made contact with the grass you were swarmed by them, their paws all over your thighs, as they tried climbing onto you. You giggled, hands trying to pet and caress each and every one of them.
Good thing you wore some jeans that could be ruined, as you had expected something like this. When your quickly looked next to you, you saw that Chuuya barely got any attention from the puppies as they were busier trying to get to lick your hands.
Sensing how Chuuyas mood took a dip, you picked one puppy up and placed it closer to him, but the second Chuuya lifted his hand to pet it, it ran back to you.
Well... This was awkward.
"You can pick which one you like best." He just stated, trying his best to mask his disappointment. "No, Chuu, you know we both pick one."
He looked over to you, who was getting swarmed by the furry beasts, and he wondered just what it was about him that dogs didn't like... He knew dogs had a weird sixth sense, so perhaps it was something about him, like the whole Arahabaki thing that made them keep their distance.
A sigh escaped his lips, and you shot him a sympathetic smile. "We can always look for others." You stated trying to cheer him up. He nodded, once again trying to mask his true feelings, as to not upset you.
But just when he was getting up, one of the puppies ran up to him, nudging his hands.
Hesitantly and very slowly Chuuya moved his hand towards the little thing and eventually his gloved hand met the body of the pup. The soft fur tickled the skin the glove didn't cover and if Chuuya ignored all his feelings about you for just a second, this was the best feeling ever.
You watched him, biting your lip from how cute the scene looked, with your Mafia boyfriend almost crying from cuddling a puppy. He looked unlike himself, all soft and in disbelief of the situation.
"I think we made a choice." You whispered to the woman, who chuckled quietly and led out back towards the patio so you could talk.
While you discussed when the puppy could be picked up, which shots he had already gotten and anything else that could matter, Chuuya was busy playing with the soon to be new family member, finding immense joy in watching the little thing do the most mundane things.
He barely noticed time passing, until you cleared your throat behind him. Curiously he looked up from his sitting position and cocked an eyebrow.
"Chuu, it's time to go home. They'll be tired soon and we still have some cooking to do." "Oh yeah, of course." He quickly regained composure, getting up and dusting off his clothes.
He desperately tried to ignore the puppy that was nudging against his leg to continue playing. He coughed in his hand, shifting awkwardly.
"Thank you so much for your time. You have my number so if anything important comes up, don't hesitate to message me." You said and waved goodbye to the family and took Chuuyas hand to return to the car. Once in it and on the road, you got talking.
"We can pick him up in a month."
Chuuya needed a second to register what you meant. "We're gonna get him?"
"I mean, you were so in love with the little one, so I asked if someone wanted him specifically and now he's ours. He will get his remaining shots at the vet, and then we can pick him up in a month."
Chuuya was silent. Oddly so.
"I love you so much."
You chuckled, caressing his thigh, as you kept your eyes on the road. "As do I. Any ideas for a name yet?" You asked but the ginger shook his head.
"No... I guess I have enough time to think about any ideas. Do you?"
This time you shook your head. "Nope. I'm sure a fitting name will come find us." You said, pulling into the garage of your shared home.
Time passed, but barely quick enough for Chuuya. Never in his life had a month felt as long. Not when he really wanted his dog but the most he got was pictures you showed him after work that you got from the very kind owners.
He had already ordered all kinds of pet stuff you could need in an effort to keep his mind off the excruciating long time, but it only made it worse. Now there was pet stuff everywhere in the apartment, and no dog to show. Damn his overexcitement.
A knock on his office door interrupted him from his workflow. Fortunately, it wasn't a subordinate coming with bad news or anything, it was Kouyou, carrying a little gift box.
"Ane-san, how are you, do you need anything?" He asked, setting his papers aside. Kouyou took seat in front of his desk, putting the pink box with white ribbon on top on it.
"I was out shopping the other day and I bought some sweets for you and your partner. Who I still haven't met by the way."
Ah yes, the god ol' passive aggressive way of Kouyou saying "When am I going to meet them?"
"Come on, it's not that serious or deep." Chuuya tried to downplay, but this was still Kouyou he was talking to, so with a smirk she replied; "Ah yes, your totally not serious partner that moved in with you and are now adopting a dog with. At least invite me to the wedding when the time comes.”
Chuuya rolled his eyes. There was no hiding the truth from Kouyou, especially not between the two of them.
"I'd get not letting them meet the Akutagawas, Mori or Kajii, but me? Didn't I raise you better than that?" She said with a dramatic sigh at the end, further lamenting the feeling of being left out.
"You know they are a regular person, so I'd prefer to keep ‘em far away from any of this. But maybe, someday, I'll invite you to dinner. And you know if I were to get married, you'd get the important roles anyway."
With a smile, she got up. "That's all I wanted. I just hope you're happy Chuuya. I'll leave you to it then."
She left his office, only the package left on his desk from her.
"From your big sister?" You questioned as Chuuya put the box in your hands while he hung up his coat. "She's not my actual sister. Her names Kouyou and she's reeeal curious about you."
You smile awkwardly, before you set the box on the kitchen island and drag him towards your room. "Sounds interesting. You'll have to tell me more later, because for now, I have a surprise for you!"
Chuuya raises a curious eyebrow and watches you open the door, only to see a puppy running out, that's now circling his legs.
Amazed he bends down to get rid of his gloves, his hands brushing through the soft fur. "B-But...how? It hasn't been a whole month just yet?" He asks, voice an octave higher.
"I was surprised too. He got his last vet exam yesterday and I was asked if we're already ready to pick him up. I said yeah, and came to get him today. We're just... Lacking a name still."
Chuuya didn't care about all that right now. He was too busy enjoying being an official pet owner now, engraving the feeling of soft fur and a tiny tongue licking his hands in his brain for all eternity.
He felt like he could combust from happiness in this moment, from just how perfect his life seemed right now. A loving partner, his lifelong dream of a dog being fulfilled.
"Mochi." You stated, ripping through Chuuyas mind.
"Your sister got us mochi." You repeated, holding up one of the treats from the box. Looking down at the pup, Chuuya smiled.
"Why don't we call him that?"
"Yeah? He sure is sweet enough to be one." You smiled, watching Chuuya stroke the puppy that excitedly wiggled its tail.
"That's a cute idea. Mochi it is then." While munching on a mochi, you crouched down to Chuuya and placed on in his mouth too, his eyes not leaving the puppy. He chewed, smile ever present on his lips.
"I love him so much already." He stated, mouth still full. Once he had finally swallowed, his turned his attention from Mochi to you, kissing you all over you face in pure excitement.
He called in sick the next day just so he could play with Mochi all day, making you chuckle as you listened to the worst fake cough ever as he phoned around.
Falling into the new routine was easy even. Mochi would be walked to his dogsitter (who Chuuya had thoroughly vetted before he even got to meet Mochi) by you on your way to your job.
After your shift you come pick him up, walk a detour through the park, get home, start dinner as you both wait for Chuuya to come home.
At the weekend Mochi goes to a dog trainer for a few hours for his behavior and to learn new tricks and otherwise spends the days with you, whatever you decide to do.
Chuuya had been right about a dog helping your when he was away. During a particularly long mission of 3 weeks in Europe, Mochi had kept you busy and happy.
"Sorry that it's taking so long doll. This stupid asshole I'm here for is really testing my patience." He stated and looked outside at the rainy streets on London at night.
One the other end of the speaker your sleepy voice rang through his ears. "It's alright. It’s what I signed up for when I said yes to dating you. Take your time and get that punk. I have Mochi to keep me company." As the mention of the name, the dog let out a quiet whine, but Chuuya still heard it.
"I miss both of you. I’m hoping you’re not letting him stay in the bed." Despite spoiling Mochi to no end, like all the steaks he kept buying just for him, he was adamant about the bed being a dog free zone. "He has an almost 55k yen pet bed in baroque style, no need to have him in our bed too." He had said.
"Oh yeah I'd never do that." You said while Mochi laid happily on Chuuyas side of the bed.
"Good. I'll see you soon."
You didn't know how soon, because Chuuya went well past the initial return date and was unable to update you. It was alright for you, after all it wasn't his fault, and you knew he didn't have much choice in the matter at all.
On a lazy Sunday morning, you still tucked into your warm blanket, one arm draped over Mochi as he curled against you on the bed, the apartment door opened very, very quietly.
Having picked up on it, Mochi left the bed, making your stir awake. Your half-asleep brain was ready to get back into dreaming about being stuck in a candy maze, when the weight on the bed shifted behind you and you were pulled against a chest.
"Good morning." He whispered, against the skin of your neck before he pressed soft kisses anywhere, he could reach. You let him, before you rolled on your back, your hands finding his neck to pull him down into a real sloppy but passionate kiss.
"You're back." You mumbled tiredly and pressed your face against his shoulder while you cuddled with him. "Yes. Finally got that fucker and took the first flight back. Sorry it's been so long."
"You're forgiven." Another kiss was shared. "I'd say you too, but not when you lied to me that Mochi wasn't in the bed." You groaned, of course he had you figured out.
The next day Chuuya for once had off while you had to come into work. It was a rare occurrence, since normally Chuuya worked a lot more, but Mori had been kind enough to give him an addition day to settle back in before returning to his duties the next day.
With him at home, Mochi got to stay home too, and Chuuya took full advantage of it. Cuddling, playing, bathing, brushing his fur, Mochi was getting spoiled rotten by his ginger owner, who was just excited to finally be back with his family.
"What. Is. That." Akutagawa asked as he, Higuchi and the Black Lizards stepped into his office to be briefed on their mission. Mochi laid on a pet bed, tail wagging in excitement at the sight of new people.
"That's my dog, Mochi. Dogsitter called in sick and my partner can't take him with them to work so he came with me." Chuuya said and watched as Gin, Tachihara and Higuchi all crouch down to pet the good boy.
Hirotsu retained his composure, though Chuuya did seem him sneaking glances with a smile on his lips, while Akutagawa kept trying to shift subtlety as far away as possible.
"He doesn't bite, ya know." Chuuya said and was met with an accusatory stare from the boy in the long coat.
"And?" Was the simple statement and Chuuya let him, knowing fully well that due to his upbringing Akutagawa was no big fan of dogs. Why he then became the dog of the Port Mafia is an irony beyond Chuuyas understanding.
Higuchi, Gin and Tachihara keep on petting, cooing, and talking to Mochi while Chuuya shared the briefings with the two guys who weren't charmed by Mochi.
"A simple thing really, Mori and I just thought it'd be better to send all of you in case of having to detain more people than accounted for or unpleasant surprises." He stated as Hirotsu and Akutagawa quickly read through the notes.
The cooing and happy whines of Mochi behind them were a little distracting but when Chuuya cleared his throat, all other three mafiosi were back in line next to Akutagawa and Hirotsu.
"Be thorough, don't fuck shit up and keep collateral to a minimum, alright?" All of them nodded and went on their way to the mission, with all of them but Akutagawa stealing a quick glance at Mochi one last time.
When his office door closed, Chuuya himself was immediately crouched down by him, petting, and cooing at him. "You’re being so good today. I'll get you steak for lunch, just don't tell Y/N!"
It was late when Akutagawa returned to the office to hand in his first draft of a report.
Chuuya was just starting to pack things up, as the younger one entered, standing at the side of the table that was furthest away from the dog, who only spared Akutagawa a tried glance and a yawn.
Upon seeing the bared teeth Akutagawa became even stiffer, however that was possible. "Thank you, my boy. I'll read it at home if that's alright with you."
"Of course. I only wanted to drop it off, since I had it done anyways, and the light was still on here." He coughed in his hand, promoting Mochi to get up and get closer, which then in return made Akutagawa take a few steps away again.
"He's not gonna bite you, don't worry. He's a real good boy." Chuuya said held onto Akutagawa’s shoulders to push him towards Mochi again.
The younger one became as stiff as a board as Chuuya carefully guided his hand to the top of Mochis head. “See, aint that bad right?” Awkwardly Akutagawa nodded, mentally he was using Rashomon to climb to the ceiling to get away from this.
Letting go of the hand, Akutagawa kept it still, with Mochi turning, sniffing and then licking his hand, making the man scowl. “Ew.” He stated and Chuuya laughed.
“Come on then let’s get home, want me to give you a ride Akutagawa?”
“Im fine. I have more work to attend to anyways. But thank you for your time and thank you for…” Akutagawa stared down at Mochi, before he continued, “Whatever it is you do. But don’t just lick people.”
With that he turned on his heel and left, leaving Chuuya chuckling.
Atsushi Always liked autumn. The way the leaves change, and orange painted skies when the sun began setting was a view to behold, especially when walking home with his mentor after a good day at the ADA, through the park of Yokohama.
Dazai was currently talking about how the waitress down at the cafe was still refusing his advances, even when his most recent love letter (aka a poorly disguised plea to commit a lover’s suicide) had apparently been his Magnum opus.
The constant playful whining stopped abruptly and when Atsushi looked at Dazai, he felt fear. The grin, the glee in his eyes, it couldn't mean anything good. And when followed his line of sight, Atsushi dreaded his existence.
Why did Port Mafia Executive, Chuuya Nakahara, also known as Dazais former Partner have to sit in this park on a bench. For Dazai this was an invitation, one he would never turn down.
"Atsushi! Wanna see me annoy a hat rack?"
"I'd rather not-" But Dazai had already caught his wrist and dragged him along towards Chuuya, whos happy smile immediately dropped when he spotted Dazai.
Dazai kept smiling in this weird way that was sorely reserved for when he messed with his ex-partner, as he saw what Chuuya was looking at. A couple of Dogs and their owners playing fetch and alike.
"Looking at things you can't have? Is that Chuuyas new hobby?" Dazai asked and Atsushi took a few cautious steps away, in the hopes of not getting on Chuuyas bad side by distancing himself.
"Now I know why it reeks of rotten fish suddenly. The bandage wasting Mackerel is here." Chuuya didn't even look at Dazai, which only seemed to egg him on more.
"Ah don't be like that, you love me slug. I know you do."
There had been a few instances in which Atsushi wished to be swallowed whole to get out of uncomfortable situations, but anything that involved Dazai antagonizing the Port Mafia like it's his profession takes the top spot. The sheer awkwardness he feels whenever Dazai decides to meddle with everyone’s business makes him want to ditch country.
But he can't. So, he's stuck listening to the two riling each other up.
"I have you know I'm not stalking Chuuya. I have a job."
"You might have one, but I know you don't show up for it. And that Atsushi-kun does all your paperwork."
"That's quite accusatory of you Chibi! At least I could get a dog without being asked if I have my parents’ permission."
To both their surprises, Chuuya got up calmly, stared at Dazai with a blank face and used two fingers to whistle.
Both detectives raised an eyebrow and wondered what kind of ability related thing would hit them, but no such thing came true. No, instead a dog came running, nudging Chuuyas leg, who in return smiled smugly at Dazai and crossed his arms.
Ex demon prodigy, smug asshole, certified mummy cosplayer, Dazai Osamu meanwhile stepped behind Atsushi, making the young boy wonder if he was dreaming. Was his mentor, Dazai, the guy who was always scheming and playing mind games as a hobby, really cowering behind him because of a dog?
"What's that?"
"Are you blind now too? My dog obviously. Mochi, Mackerel and Atsushi, Atsushi and Mackerel, Mochi."
Atsushi, could help but aww at the animal, looking at Chuuya with big eyes, silently asking for permission. With a nod he was granted it, and Atsushi happily went to pet the good boy, who as always enjoyed extra attention.
"Aren't you a cutie?" Atsushi cooed and caressed the dog happily. He was aware that Dazai was still hiding behind him, eyeing the door cautiously.
"At a loss for words shit for brains?" Chuuya asked smugly, his delight ever so audible in each word.
"Chuu, is everything alright?" A person called out that came running. Atsushi hadn't seen them before.
They came to stand next to Chuuya and had a slightly annoyed expression upon seeing Dazai.
"Oh, Dazai." They said and Atsushi caught his mentor waving at them. Getting up from the crouched position, Atsushi got up to introduce himself, but Chuuya took care of that already.
"That's Nakajima Atsushi, the kid from the ADA." With a pleasant smile, the unknown person, offered Atsushi their hand.
" L/N Y/N, Chuuyas partner. It's a pleasure to meet you Nakajima-kun."
"Atsushi is just fine." He responded as they shook hands.
The Weretiger quickly took notice of all the details before him. The way Chuuya instinctively had an arm wrapped around their waist, pulling them close, the way Y/N scanned Chuuya looking if he was made uncomfortable by Dazai, Mochi circling his owners happily and nudging his head against their legs.
They looked lovely together, and by the ever so subtle, genuine smile Chuuya tried to hide, Atsushi could tell how happy he was.
"Y/N! You're here too, what a surprise." Dazai tried his usual cheery voice, but it was apparent that the dog still had him wary. It was amusing to see the usually composed Dazai be unnerved by a dog, the dog of his ex-partner no less.
"Well, as lovely as this sight of a scared mackerel is, we have plans. See you around Atsushi." Chuuya clicked a red leash onto Mochi's collar, and the two waved towards the detectives before making their way down the path.
It looked really cute and adorable in Atsushi’s opinion; they made a good couple.
Dazai, now finally composed again, also looked after them and there was something in his gaze that Atsushi couldn't name. It wasn't negative, despite what his fake disgusted expression was trying to sell.
"Why were you scared of a dog?"
Atsushi finally asked when they began walking towards the ADA dormitories again. "It's Chuuyas dog! Who knows if he trained it to bite me!"
"I don't think Chuuya-san would be that petty. Also why did Y/N-san also seem dislike you?"
"Curious aren't you, Atsushi?" Dazai hummed and Atsushi raised his hands in defense.
"I can't help it. It's simply..." Lacking the sought-after word, Atsushi trailed off. Dazai only chuckled as he crossed his arms behind his head, closing his eyes, like he was reminiscing a pleasant memory.
"I might have crashed a date of theirs back when they began dating. And since Chuuya doesn't like me, Y/N doesn't like me either! Which is tragic, such a beautiful person for a double suicide lost to a hat rack."
He really shouldn't have been surprised, this was very in character for Dazai, so Atsushi was glad that their conversation slowly faded away from the gravity manipulator and back towards Agency staff.
"You think Kunikida is home already?"
"No, why?"
"Wanna see me break into his home? His lock is so easy to pick."
"Dazai, NO!"
“Here.” You said as you passed Chuuya the wine glass you had just filled for him. Taking it from your hand, holding it at distance as he pulled you down into a chase kiss, he smiled. “Thank you doll.”
You squeezed his hand, before you went back to the kitchen island to keep preparing dinner.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to help?”
“No thank you. I wanted to try this recipe for quite a while now and you can just relax yeah?”
The TV was on, but Chuuya preferred to keep watching you from the corner of his eye, with Mochi cuddled up next to him. From across the room, he could listen to you cutting up vegetable and a faint humming.
Life was perfect, he couldn’t wish for anything more really. Not when he had already everything he could ask for.
As he absentmindedly petted Mochi, he kept swirling his wineglass in his other hand, with only a single thought echoing in his brain.
It didn't take long until the aroma of the simmering dinner filled the air and Chuuya couldn't help but reflect on the simplicity and warmth of the moment. The sound of your humming and the rhythmic chopping of vegetables created a soothing symphony that resonated with the love he felt for you.
Dinner was soon ready, and the two of you sat down at the table, sharing stories and laughter. The TV served as a background hum, but the real entertainment was the genuine connection between you and Chuuya.
As the evening unfolded, with plates emptied and wineglasses occasionally clinking in toasts, Chuuya found himself stealing glances at you. The soft glow of the lights illuminated your features, casting a warm, comforting ambiance over the room. Mochi, content and curled up nearby, added to the feeling of completeness.
After the last bites were savored and the dishes were cleared away, you found yourself in each other's arms on the couch. The day had transitioned seamlessly into a tranquil night, and Chuuya felt a profound sense of contentment.
"I'm glad we have this," he whispered, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your skin.
You looked up at him, your eyes reflecting the same sentiment. "Me too."
With a shared smile, you leaned in for a sweet, lingering kiss. The world outside seemed to fade away as you both embraced the simple joy of being together. As the night progressed, Chuuya held you close, the echoes of his earlier thought still resonating in his heart.
"I want to be with them forever," he mused silently, knowing that in moments like these, forever felt just right.
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chloe-2s-world · 1 month ago
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𝐵ྀི𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎 𝓂𝑒𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓇!𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈ྀི
˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚
Orange=chris talking
☁˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚🧸ྀི˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚🧸ྀི˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚☁
“Hey Michelle…. Do you know a dealer…?” I said softly to my friends, she looks at like I had two head, “YOU. Want. A deal?” She said confused and surprised.
“Uhhh….yea…” I said softly to her, she smiled and shook her head “well there’s this guy name Chris…. He’s super chill and basically has everything… I’ll send you his number.” She said as she took her phone out and typed his number then send it to me I smiled and nodded my head, “thank you Michelle… I got to go… thank you!” I said waving bye.
I was laying in my room, in my slimy light blue bedsheets, then I decided to text Chris, “hi, is this Chris?” I send the message and waited on my bed, then a few minutes later he texted me back.
“Yea? Wsp” he typed back, “my friend Michelle told me you sell?” I typed back, “yea, I’ll send you my address and you can come see what you want.” I was a bit shocked at how open he was to have me over, “oh okay,” I typed back and he send me the address
I got off my bed and slid on my low top blue converses, I grabbed my car keys and left my small apartment, I got into my vintage white Volkswagen beatle, I began to dry to his place, I pulled into his place it was very nice, a black m4 bmw with tinited window was in the driveway.
I walked to his front door a bit nervous, I knocked and a few seconds later he opened the door, he looked me up and down “uhhh… can I help you?” He said confused, “umm… I was texting you earlier… I’m here to buy…” I said softly, he raised a brow, “oh… okay… come in…” he said letting me in, he told me to sit on the couch and I did so.
“What do you want to…buy?…” he said looking at me up and down still confused but admiring, “umm… do you… do you sell Percs?….” I said softly and he scoffed, “what?…. Why do you wnat them…?” He said smirking, “umm… for fun… I guess” my tone wasn’t confident and also very polite making him chuckle a bit, “a innocent looking girl Like you…. Wants Percocets?….” He said smirking as he leaned againist the wall.
I blushed softly of embrassment, he smiled “your that…one girl… you got that whole like soft vibe to ya? Right?” He said smirking “uhh… yea… I guess” I said smiling softly, “what’s your name?” He said and looked up at him, “my name is y/n….” I said softly, he smirked “mmm… nah~” he said as he walked over to me, he stood infront of me and caressed my cheek, I looked up at him and smiled “ima call you bunny…” he said smirking as he caressed my chin an I smiled and relaxed my body.
He smirked at the sight of me looking up at him, my soft smile, “you like that? You like it if I call you bunny?” He said smiling, I nodded my head and smiled, he chucked. “How old are you bunny?~” he said smiling as he caressed my chin, “I’m 19….20 in July….”I said softly, he smirked “mmm… I’m 22… is that okay bunny?” He said smirking down at me, I nodded my head and smiled up at him.
He sat down next to me on the couch and took a blunt of weed out his pocket, he held it up to his lips and lit it with a lighter, I sat there watching he smirked and took a puff “want a hit?” He asked smiling, and I shaked my head no making him chuckle “soo… you want to do percs but don’t wnat to try weed?” He said shaking his head and I blushed “your odd bunny…” i giggled softly and he smirked.
Chris and me spend the whole night talking, he did most of the talking but I had my fair share of words, as I was about to leave he said “ay… uhh what’s your insta….?” He asked me with a smile and I jsut smiked, “here… let me type it in…” I said softly and he gave me his phone, I typed in my insta and gave him his phone back he smiled and nodded his head, “save my number….. I wnat to see you more often….” He said smilimg as he walked me to my car and opened the door for me, I nodded my head and smiled, then got in. I waved bye with a smile as I pulled out my drive way and left.
☁˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚🧸ྀི˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚🧸ྀི˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚☁
This was super short and I kinda hate it but this is how Chris and bunny met.
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fenrislorsrai · 1 month ago
Hey, saw your reblog of the post about flyers being a good way to reach not-so-online folks. Do you have any examples to draw on for inspiration? I'm no graphic designer so appreciate some examples. No matter what I promise not to use Comic Sans or Arial. 😀
Ironically, Comic Sans and Arial are some of the best font choices because they're easier for people with dyslexia to read! They're also widely available on most machines, so if you're going to send an editable version to other folks to print on a home computer, they'll generally render correctly. (you can also export a PDF and force it to do the same if you don't want them to edit)
Some sample full page flyers.
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This is a two up, where I printed on a single page and split the page in half for hanging
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Conveniently, one of the things in the twoup is the same as the full page. We did a smaller, less detailed one for this as it was a mini-event, so we hang in a much more limited area where folks likely already knew a lot of details about the venue as they walked past it.
It's not obvious with these, but generally the smallest text on here is 14 point. These are all in Arial.
The initial header is at least 34 point and some are up to 50, if I had space. The subheading is generally in range of 20-30
Bigger is better! People are generally going to see these while walking so need a really big, clear headline to get attention. You still want to keep it overall large because often walkers are older folks who may not have their reading glasses with them. GO BIG.
Less is more for this type of flyer.
Event Title
date and location
Other info
That's it! That's the basics! Use declarative sentence. One clause per sentence. If you can present things in a list, even better!
If you're doing a BIG event that had sponsors and stuff, you'll want to use fancier posters with their logos and stuff in prime locations and then these little guys that are just "event, date, location" in outdoor locations with low traffic.
If printing at home, buy yourself a light colored pack of card stock in a bright color. I personally use a safety orange. If you're getting them copied somewhere, spring for the card stock. It'll withstand getting rained on a few times and if it's pinned to an indoor bulletin board, you can hang with a single pin without worrying about it curling.
If it's going to be a flyer for recurring event or just info about a local resource like where the food pantry is, put a small "hung on X/y/z" on the very bottom. Some places require a date on posters for hanging and they'll take them down after a certain point to make sure they're still current. If you date them, they may stay up longer, because they know when they were hung instead of going on vibes of "oh that's been here forever" and it was actually only two weeks.
QR codes are something some people like on posters, but I personally am old and suspicious about anything I can't see the destination URL on, so don't use them. If you do use them, look at the place generating them carefully. If you can't figure out how they make their money making free QR codes... you're the product. Be suspicious, don't sell out folks data via QR code data harvesting.
My top spots for hanging flyers:
Bulletin boards at grocery stores
Coffee shop
Library (you will probably have to take it to circulation for approval, so make sure its All Ages appropriate as there are free range children in that library)
trailhead or parking pulloff by a trail.
Transfer station/dump (you may need approval there as it's town property, but you will get ONLY town residents there. It's worth asking at the booth! Same rules as library.)
Good luck with the flyers!
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cygni · 11 months ago
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First book rebind! I found an old softcover edition of Walden Two (Spanish Edition by Martinez Roca) at a second hand bookshop and I knew I had to turn it into a pretty hardcover edition. I read Walden Two for the first time when I was in university. One of my Psychology professors recommended it just before summer and I took it from the library to read on vacation. Now that I own my own copy, I’m planning to read it again and see if it still resonates with me.
The original cover was quite boring and a bit damaged, but the text block was in good condition and made out of sewed signatures, so I just had to make and decorate the covers and case it. I made my own bookcloth out of cotton fabric using heat n bond and gave it sort of a penguin classic design with my cricut. I also painted the edges with orange ink to give it an autumnal feel because that's the vibe the book has for me.
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withered-rose-with-thorns · 2 months ago
Jagoda, I'm afraid I don't know you that well but your kindness when I've talked to you has been so lovely. I honestly wish to get to know you better this year but for now, let me gush about your breathtaking creations! You have such a nice approach to your sets, there's something so soft about each and every one of them. As though you're putting something ethereal inside them.
Orange Witcher - This set is so so beautiful. I am in awe. The orange is absolutely stunning, lovely and fits in with the scenes so well. I imagine you had to color this really hard but the oranges look so natural and pretty, you did such an amazing job! They look so incredible in every gif, it makes me feel all warm. The blending is badass like wowza! And I'm always impressed when people create these 'funny' sets cuz I am terrible at puns and this not only makes me smile but also laugh!
Enola Holmes - This set is so special to me, I want to kiss it! It has such cozy vibes with the soft green and orange! And the brilliance of your blending here makes for such cool gifs, I am still in awe everytime I see them. They look like actual art! Not to mention your awesome fontwork!
Purple Witcher - This violet is so beautiful! It is such a lovely shade of purple, so soft and yet so vibrant, such a gorgeous shade, mwah!
Mint & Orange Witcher - Me liking your mint sets is gonna be a theme in this list cuz I adore minty colors and this is one of my faves ever! Not only is the color combo so delicious but it actually brightens the set itself that it feels like taking a breath of fresh air. Looks so lovely and magical! The blending is absolutely spectacular and not only is the text wonderful but once again your coloring skills are amazing!
Geralt Of Rivia - This set has been an inspiration to me for such a long time, I was floored by the incredible fontwork and the cool minty/cyan coloring, that I would sometimes stare at it and be like 'How can I achieve this level of badassery?' The blending is also super great but honestly the fontwork here is top tier.
Mint Jaskier - Your mint sets are honestly unparalleled. I can't even believe that you managed to color that Jaskier lake scene cuz I've tried doing that and it never worked so major kudos! And once again a handclap on your good-looking text!
Yellow Witcher - The blending here is so peculiar, such wonderful choices of scenes that I've never seen before paired with this delicious, warm yellow and lovely italic fontwork. That last gif, I remember my breath being taken away!
Geraskier + Hair - I was hoping that somebody would make a set with this quote with Geralt and you blew me out of the water! Minty set again! So enchanting! The blending is quite soft, the scenes you chose make it look so fluffy and it looks so good!
Cirilla - I am blown away by your coloring skills here cuz so many of these scenes are dark as hell and yet you somehow managed to make them super bright, super vibrant and the blending is extraordinary! And the texts look so nice! And this honestly goes for all the sets here but your sharpening is so unique. It's sharp but it's quite soft and it works so well!
Merlin + Zodiac - Not only am I a huge fan of tinier gifs, but this looks so fairytale-like! It's honestly soothing to look at cuz the color is so pretty and calming, the blending for each gif is wonderful and I freakin adore the borders, texts and the images! All of this makes for such a lovely set!
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saltyyuuri · 4 months ago
Sova x reader; Lucky catch pt.3!
🍀lucky catch🍀
part 1 - part 2 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6
song: (idk vibed to Bazzi while writing)
no warnings
note: Sorry this is slightly cut short- someone tried to buy 400$ of pizza on my credit card lmao (Rip to whoever frauded my card tho, I had lust loaded it on val skins :) )
You were currently off somewhere random, as per your usual habit- hiding some place random, earbuds in as you enjoyed music, relaxing on your own, free from any hectic thing going on in protocol. Whenever you wanted a breather, you were no where to be found- something some agents occasionally worried about, but not too much- as usually you were still reachable.
But not today- no today you accidentally had tapped airplane mode on your phone instead of ''do not disturb'', not noticing at all as you were still using wired earbuds and your Spotify playlist was downloaded- so the moment you shut your screen- you were completely un reachable.
Currently, you were perched up on the Headquarters' rooftop, using your vine to just hang off the ledge of the building without any worries. You were enjoying the view, enjoying the warm weather that was still available as summer was pulling to an end. You enjoyed the soft breeze caressing you skin, gently swaying your hair as you took in the view before you.
You were on the side of the building that was facing the hundreds of acres of woodland- able to see the multitude of trees and a few wildlife creatures living their life peacefully- simply going on with their simple life, their existence barely noticed. The sun was starting to set, tinting the sky with pink and orange hues, slowly contrasting the usual blue that would reign through the summer skies. The new colors were also painted onto the clouds, making for a beautiful, relaxing scene to watch, shutting your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath as a small, relaxed smile graced your lips. You were soaking up the remaining sun time, the last of the rays warming your skin like a warm embrace.
Unbeknownst to you, just inside the building you were perched on, agents were slowly getting agitated- as always there was the usual daily commotion, one that you were already accustomed too. But this time , there was some extra commotion going on, mainly due to Neon.
Sure, Neon was already know for being quite the ball of energy and quite frankly- she was one of the louder agents. So when she started to zoom around headquarters, looking frankly in every room with a small frown, some agents were wondering what she was looking for. Except, she wasn't looking for something, but rather someone. She had been trying to reach out to you for an hour now- and she wouldn't have been this agitated if it were simply your phone on do not disturb- but since it was on airplane mode- she kept seeing an error when she texted you- saying ''Message recipient has not received the message, please try again.
Her messages weren't reaching your phone- that's what worried her so much. So, word spread fast in headquarters, and soon, quite a few agents were now looking all over the place for you, sending messages of their own to see if they would have any better luck on reaching your phone- but all to no avail. That entire time, you were simply perched on the building, held up comfortably by your vine, which was in a sort of swing to let you relax. The final sun rays were barely peeking above the trees, the summer breeze slowly cooling.
The sky shifted colors, letting the beautiful hues of orang fade to a vivid red for a few moments, mixing in with pink and slowly creeping in violet. And the more seconds that ticked by, the more the sky shifted to pink, purple and a deep, deep violet. within minutes, pitch darkness had taken over, the sky speckled with stars and the moon shining over the lands below. A shiver crept up on you, but you were too cold yet, still comfortable and enjoying the relaxing scenery. You hadn't noticed your 1 hour absence turned to 3- and now there was a whole ass search party inside headquarters, looking for you.
You didn't hear the rooftop's door open, your earbuds still loudly playing music and covering up any outside noise that you should've heard. Instead, you slightly swung your makeshift vine swing as you were star gazing, watching the infinite galaxy above and the beauty it had to offer for the human eye. You loved seeing what nature had to offer, even if it meant out of the planet.
Steps approached your perching spot, stopping near where your vines were gripping onto the ledge, careful to not step on any. You weren't paying attention anyways, and you couldn't hear the person calling your name. To make things harder for the person, you were hanging too low for the to poke you or physically get your attention.
So- the person trying to get your attention decided on a more... Drastic approach. Your eyes were glues onto the view in front of you, relaxed in your vine swing... Only for Sova to semi-land on you, grabbing onto the vines around you as his body dangled off partially. You let out a scream, no expecting him to just do this- Hell why did he do that. He winced, the volume of the scared scream up close was quite loud. You ripped your earbuds out, grabbing on him to pull him up into the vine swing, sitting quite literally smushed together as it was initially for one person.
''Sova what the actual fuck-!?'' You semi yelled, still in a slight panic as your face had a look of concern, looking at him. ''Are you fucking insane??'' You continued- he seemed rather unphased by your questioning, a frow etched onto his face. He understood his actions were-... well, a bit much, but they had been looking for you for over 2 hours already- so in his mind, it was justified.
''No- you couldn't hear me quite literally screaming your name. So I did the next best thing to get your attention.'' He said, his frown still present as he spoke in a firm tone. ''Then call me? text me? Christ-'' You exclaimed, still agitated. ''We all tried, but your phone wasn't receiving the messages. We have been trying to contact you for nearly 3 hours.'' He said, poking the phone on your lap. You picked it up, opening it to confirm nothing came in. You indeed didn't receive anything- only now seeing it was on airplane mode. You let out a small, sheepish chuckle as your turned it off.
''Oops..'' You mumbled out, your phone suddenly being invaded with texts messages by multiple people, a small sigh escaping you. You sent a quick text in the main group chat- too lazy to check every individual message. You did so quickly, pocketing your phone after before turning to Sova once again. ''Still, I swear to god, don't just jump off buildings- wasn't the first time being shoved off enough-?!'' You said to him, this time your turn to scold the blonde male.
''You caught me the first time.'' He replied, shrugging slightly as a small smirk drew onto his face. ''Yea I did, but this time I wasn't paying attention! If you missed your jump, I would have had to witness a human pancake-'' You fussed, swatting his shoulder lightly as you continued to scold him. ''But I didn't, did I?'' ''Sova- don't make me strangle you.''
''In all seriousness though, be careful to not leave your phone on airplane mode again.'' Sova said, a small hum escaping him before he turned his head to look up at the sky, looking into the star speckled sky once more. The view from your perching spot was great- but also cozy. Sure, the vine swing was tight spaced- but it was cozy. ''Lesson learned, I would appreciate not having to go through 'Cloudy with a chance of Sova jumping off the fucking building' again, thank you-'' You mumbled out, readjusting yourself to get a bit more comfortable.
With the additional weight, the swing was pulling onto Sova, and either you tried to sit beside his and be uncomfortably squished against him and the vines, either you moved to sit on him. You sigh, deciding to just sit on his lap, not giving much of a crap about it. He was the one who jumped into you little spot, disturbing your comfort and peace- so he'd have to deal with it. You made yourself comfy on his lap, leaning back on him as if he was a chair, back to star gazing.
''Excuse you-'' He said, cocking a brow as he felt you sit on him and get comfortable. ''For any complaints, please refer to the motherfucker who chose to invade my personal space to begin with.'' You replied firmly, giving him a second to process your words. ''..Fair enough'' Sova said, letting out a small sigh as he slowly relaxed into the vine swing, head angling back up to the sky.
''You know, this is usually the best time of the year to spot shooting stars.'' Sova spoke up, a bit more softly as the atmosphere between you two relaxed, and for once there was no teasing, no taunts- just enjoying the view. ''I know. That's why I'm still up and out here.'' You replied, eyes glued to the sky. The calmer moment, no teasing or taunts- it made you slightly nervous. Usually you could just hide anything too serious behind a mask of mischievousness- but right now, it wasn't possible. This was the first time that the proximity between you both was genuinely affecting you.
You spotted a shooting star, watching it as it rapidly drew through the sky. A small smile appeared on your lips as one by one, shooting stars started to appear in various spots of the sky. You quietly watched as the meteor shower went on above you two, gracing the night sky. None of you broke the silence, surprisingly enough.
''What do you mean nothing else happened?!'' Neon nearly busted your eardrums as she yelled out besides you, now back in your dorm room and doing your usual gossip with Neon. She was actually waiting in your dorm most of the evening, especially after your moment of disappearance with no contact back. ''So you're telling me, you were literally sitting on his lap, watching the shooting stars like some old romance movie from the 90's- And nothing else happened?'' She said again, agitated as her arms moved with a lot of energy around her.
''What? what, did you want me to just- I don't even know-'' You started, slightly flustered. That in itself was a rare sight, you were rarely flustered or embarrassed- as you usually were a pretty blunt person. ''Kiss him maybe? I mean you already had the damn romantic set-up!'' Neon nearly yelled again, looking frustrated. ''Oh yeah because just randomly kissing him totally isn't weird!'' You replied sarcastically to her, a twinge of annoyance building at her remark.
''But sitting on his lap for like, what, nearly an hour? That isn't weird?'' She shot back- making you pinch the bridge of your nose- both of you were getting agitated and it was only fueling the wrong fire. ''Okay- pause.'' You finally said, raising a hand, collecting your thoughts for a second. ''Let's not focus on my missteps. But on the progress-'' You said, trying to get her off your back on that part. ''Okay, fine. So you two finally had a moment without bickering.'' Neon said with a small hum, but the look on her face looking unphased. ''...Which you two could have more often if you bit your tongue.'' She continued, giving you a knowing look.
''But to be fair- Where's the fun in that?'' You said with a sheepish smile, chuckling slightly. Neon sighed, shaking her head. ''And then you wonder why there's no advancement...'' She said exasperatedly. ''Hey, listen, if he can't handle the bickering, then I don't want him .'' You giggled out, a grin spreading onto your lips. ''(Y-N), He's been dealing with your bickering for a few months now, I think he can manage.'' Neon deadpanned once more, looking unamused.
''...Okay fine- I'll stop being a brat 24-7 then... I'll be a brat 23-6.'' You said with a grin, knowing the response would spite her slightly. ''My off days will be Sunday's!''
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Chapter 1 Sneak Peek
Perth, Australia. December 3rd, 2022.
Daniel. 7:30 PM.
Heidi (12:00 PM): Daniel please, I’ve been trying to reach you for the last three days.
Heidi (12:02 PM): You cannot ignore me forever.
Heidi (12:04 PM): It is not what you think.
Heidi (12:10 PM): Fine, I’ll leave you alone. For now.
Heidi (12:20 PM): But I will find you, and we will talk.
I sighed and dropped the phone in the cupholder and turned the volume up and rolled my head and neck before turning back to the road; after a few minutes the GPs spoke up, in seven miles, turn right and your destination will be on your left, I smiled and continued to drive.
At last. Freedom at last. I was done with McLaren and signed over with Red Bull, and I was done with letting everyone choose for and step over me, starting with my ex-girlfriend and friend. Well ex for me because she doesn’t seem to understand it.
The town was beautiful, peaceful, and quiet just as I needed. I parked and got out of my car and stretched; grabbed my phone, wallet and bag then closed the car. I texted my parents to let them know I had arrived and started making my way to the reception.
The hotel smelled homey, the candles gave it a lovely vibe and I felt at home. I rand the bell and a few seconds later a lovely lady appeared at the door, she gave me a big smile, which I returned alongside a wave.
“Well, hello dear, my name is Elsie, welcome to The Rosewood Guesthouse, are you checking in?”, I smiled and nodded, “Hello Elsie, I am, my name is Daniel Ricciardo”, she nodded and put on her glasses, “Okay dear let’s get you settled, please bear with me, my granddaughter is usually the one who helps me but she went out for a little”.
I chuckled and nodded, about three minutes later she clapped her hands, “Aha! I found you, okay so you’re in room number 3, let me take you there”, I nodded and followed her while listening to her instructions, “So, breakfast is served from seven to eleven; but if you want something a little earlier please let me know; we also serve lunch and dinner and again, if you need anything in between we will happily serve you; our house cleaning comes by every day and you can find us at the reception”.
The room was very cozy, and it smelled like oak wood, I turned to see Elsie and gave her a smile, “Thank you Elsie”, she nodded and left the room. After unpacking I decided to take a little walk in the gardens which were beautiful. I found a little bench and sat down, I ran a hand down my face and sighed while watching the sky, the sunset was just over, and the sky was still a hue of pinks, blues, and oranges I got spooked out when I heard someone speak from beside me.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”, I turned to look at her and my heart started beating faster, when the girl turned to look at me and smiled, I knew she would be special, I cleared my throat before answering her, “It is.”
She nodded, “It’s the afterglow”, I gave her a questioning look, she laughed, “A glow remaining where a light has disappeared; in my opinion, it is better than the actual sunset”, I nodded, “It really is”; she whistled her fingers and screamed, “Skye!”, a few seconds later a beautiful golden retriever ran to her, she ruffled her ears and then turned to look at me, “Enjoy the afterglow stranger, an welcome to Margaret River”.
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night-dark-woods · 9 months ago
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ID1. Mostly uncolored digital sketches with notes on a gray canvas of some Destiny 2 OCs. Fuller is a scrawny pale human warlock with white hair and green eyes, holding her ghost out and talking excitedly looking back over her shoulder. There is Hive architecture behind her, and her armor is labeled "Dreambane robe but she cut the ruff off for sensory reasons."
Fuller: "Cel says this would be a great spot to connect to the Ascendant Realm, Toland was here & didn't shut the door behind him all the way and if you'd stop being such a coward and let me hook Cel up to your implants we could learn so much you're just fucking wasting them."
Celadon, in the Eris Morn shell, nods in agreement.
Hapax, an Awoken hunter with orange eyes, multiple piercings, and a shaved head, glares at her. A note next to her says, "Finger on the button for Fuller's shock collar, picturing her writhing in agony. Non-sexually. Of course."
A mark next to her top lip is labeled, "Scab on lip from last time they fucked. Fuller doesn't even have fangs."
Her ghost Schiller, in the Starlight shell, hovers next to her, and is labeled, "Quite over this whole situation."
ID 2. screenshotted tumblr post (link) that reads:
user gidianthe: i love it when a piece of media has two women with problems that would just be solved if they had crazy gay sex with each other user avoicefromthestars: #i love it when a piece of media has two women with problems that would be made worse if they had crazy gay sex with each other also
End ID.
More info abt them under the cut.
Fuller: Named for the groove down the blade of a sword that removes weight to make it easier to wield. Underfed, undersocialized, and unhealthily and concerningly obsessed with how the Sword Logic and the Ascendant Realm interact. Top of Aunor's shit list of "Guardians I may need to kill at a moment's notice." Fuller is annoying enough about all of this that Toland avoids her- tenured research professor who would rather kill himself than teach an undergrad class type vibes. He wants to pontificate to a captive audience. He does not want to hear Fuller's latest data on exactly how many joules of energy a thrall can produce depending on how recently it has killed something. Fuller isn't interested in the Sword Logic as philosophy, she wants to pick apart and quantify exactly how that philosophy is somehow made real. And unfortunately for everyone around her she is not particularly interested in piddling matters like Ethics or Safety.
Celadon: Fuller's ghost. Named for the pottery color. Fuller's delighted and willing co-conspirator. Co-author on her papers. (Unpublished. But there's a lot of them. That "who should I email if I have theories I tried a college and they ignored me" reddit post.)
Hapax: Named by her ghost for hapax legomenon, the term for a word that only appears once in a text, body of work, or language. Corsair before & after resurrection, working w/ a different unit once Risen for everyone's comfort. Loyal to the people of the Reef, Petra, and much further down the list Mara, in that order. Flunked out of Techeun training in her first life and still has the implants, which are her best trait in Fuller's eyes. Stuck on babysitting-slash-potential-assassination duty with Fuller in the Hellmouth as a diplomatic favor from Mara to Ikora. Got the shock collar from Aunor (Ikora does not know about this nor would she approve) after Fuller tried to fuck around with her Techeun implants. Ambivalent hatred for Fuller at first, but now she's a little entranced and a lot attracted to the little freak.
Schiller: Hapax's ghost. Named for the specific kind of lustre that stones like labradorite have. Long-time resident of the Dreaming City long before she raised Hapax, very interested in the history of it. Regards Celadon with disdain for her lack of ethical research practices. Has given up trying to stop Hapax and Fuller from fucking, but makes her opinion on it known.
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branches-in-a-flood · 11 months ago
make a musical rainbow🌈 pick one song for each color of the rainbow. you can assign them however you choose: color in the title, a song that seems to be that color, etc. there are no rules other than you need a song for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo & violet 🖤
Em I am kissing you for this! What a beautiful idea.
Red: Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge. I think the album is red, but tell me this song isn't red. I also think every playlist should include an unhealthy BDSM reference. (We're starting out strong. And by that I mean bizarre and unhinged.) For anyone reading, if you somehow haven't heard this song, DO IT.
Orange: Malleus Maleficarum by AFI. This song is absolutely burnt orange to me (honestly the whole Black Sails in the Sunset album has orangey tones). Then again:
Breathe in the life of summer's death as the orange and red breathe their first breath,
So welcome as they're burning through. We all begin to burn.
Autumn's flame dances in my eyes - Set alight for all we've learned.
Is a little hard to think of as any other color.
Bonus lore for this song - I think "My skin is singed but it heals my heart" is going to be my next tattoo. For reasons.
Yellow: 💛 Black and Yellow 💛 by Wiz Khalifa. (Boo no yellow text option) Pittsburgh is one of my favorite American cities. And being an ardent Penguins fan in the 2010s, I heard this song way more than once XD I don't have much to add about it from there lol
Green: Solringen by Wardruna. The birdsong helps, and the song itself is. Kind of about summer and then the passage of time? It feels like growing trees to me, and community happiness while you can still grasp it.
Blue: Atlantic would be the easy answer. So instead of that I'm going to say December by Seven Lions and Davey Havok (and yes, 2015 Flood nearly died when they saw this collab.) It's a fairly chill song from Seven Lions, and Davey just has such a blue feeling to his smoother vocals. "It's growing colder. Will you remember to fall like the snow, holding me close? Bring me winter my dear December." Ugh and the instruments all falling out of key at the end. What a song.
Indigo: 🔵Indigo Children🔵 by Puscifer. Obvious title correlation. Not much more to say about it (it isn't my favorite Puscifer song, but it's not an unpleasant listen.)
Violet: Bittersweet by Apocalyptica, Ville Valo, and Lauri Ylönen. I can be easily convinced this song is a cold purple color based solely on vibes. Commonly a song I'll play on repeat for an entire day, but then forget about for a few years because emotions are hard and I prefer to ignore them.
We're my answers all over the map enough? Feels like we still stuck in the alternative section a good bit. This was actually tons of fun and had me listening to all kinds of things to find the right colors for songs!
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pied-piper-the-survogel · 1 year ago
Fossil Novembirb, the first nine days
Hello World. I never thought I'd be on this site, but here I am. This blog was created for the purpose of participating in a-dinosaur-a-day's Fossil Novembirb. Fossil Novembirb is a yearly art event founded by Meig Dickson, a vertebrate palaeontologist who, as far as I can tell, studies dinosaurs, especially theropods. Don't fight me or em over birds being theropod dinosaurs. Neither ey nor I want to have this conversation, so enjoy the art!
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I started off my Fossil Novembirb with Vegavis iaai. What makes this fluffy anseriform special is that we found a fossilised syrinx (avian voice-maker) belonging to one of these, so we can reconstruct their sounds. This Vegavis was coloured based on a bunch of anseriforms that are alive today, like ruddy shelducks and cotton pygmy geese.
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For Day 2, I did a bit of spec evo and pulled out a scientific name I told myself I'd assign to a newly-discovered fossil genus. This sketch has a Serina-like text description for Phantasmavis.
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Tropicbirds! I chose to draw Clymenoptilon because I was hoping "tropicbird" meant "brightly coloured bird". Even though they aren't that brightly coloured, they're still cool. And Kumimanu (approximately to scale in this drawing) didn't really have the obligation to be black-and-white like most extant penguins (because Inkayacu), so I went... mild-wild with the colours.
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No... one's... tall like Gastornis, no one calls like Gastornis! In the bottom right, no one feeds small like Gastornis!
I've seen the "Andy's Prehistoric Adventures" episode featuring these megafowl, realised it was Walking With Dinosaurs with a human inserted, and drawn a mildly speculative colouration for these Gastornis. To the left, two adults have their necks out towards each other and are calling into the sky. Whether this is courtship or a challenge, nobody knows. But a calmer scene happens in the bottom right, where a mother shows her chick red berries on a branch to show them that it is food.
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"Don't make me fly up there, you punk!" is one way to interpret the screamerduck Anachronornis' call in the direction of the Primoptynx owl. This scene unfolds in the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum ecosystem of the Willwood Formation before it was rock.
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It's a twilight hummingswift! We know the colour of this iridescent little birb from the Danish Fur Formation. I watched a tutorial on painting iridescence, but I'm not really satisfied with the parent feeding their chick to the left of the flying Eocypselus rowei. It's hard to see, but there's a baby hummingswift being fed a Cimbrophlebia scorpionfly.
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London Clay has a lot of plant fossils. Not all of them are listed on Wikipedia, but there's a photo of a pencil-root mangrove seed listed. Featuring a speculatively-coloured Eotrogon, a Dasornis carrying away a mackerel, and a Prophaeton just gliding, and repeat telecasts Gastornis parisiensis and Eocypelus rowei, Eocene London was a birder's dream (believe me, I'm a kinda-birder).
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This Tynskya art was somewhat late, rather dissatisfactory, and mildly rushed. I had an exam the next day. Don't judge me.
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And here's a better Primozygodactylus! I couldn't tell the specific species because it wasn't listed for the Wikipedia image. But here we are: a bird that gives off ashy prinia/sparrow/orange-headed thrush vibes.
This concludes the first nine days! I don't know if I'll be doing the tenth because nobody's giving me straight answers about the palaeobotany of the Green River formation.
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onewiththeother · 11 months ago
((Hello! This is actually my first roleplay blog so yeah :,) If I use (()) brackets that means I am OOC and talking as the admin of this account B) however this entire post is OOC so let me just drop the brackets rq))
Okay, there we go.
Hey! This is an alt RP account (my main is @thealexisreal!!!!) I have for my That's Not My Neighbor OCs!!!! This post will basically explain all there is to the blog and the basic guidelines for interacting :)
If you've come here from my main, I posted a small description of him. If not, let me run down the basics of garry :33
Garrett Clivesdale was a professional baseball player playing for a team known as the Red Marksmen, a local baseball team carrying home a winning streak. Garrett is awfully arrogant about the winstreak and tends to boast about it a lot, though this just makes him come off as a bratty child at times. He's very passionate about baseball and tends to talk about it when no one cares. He's overconfident and believes he's on top of the world, and WILL get pissy when he fails. However, he holds grudges and tends to be really petty and rude to people he believes are his enemies :( He is quite nice to people he likes though, and will always try to spoil them... Mainly with food. Especially burgers. If you wanna get with him enjoy burger dates forever theyre his favorite food
His text will be red.
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ESPEN SOLHEIM - "...Wait, what was I gonna...? Wait--"
Espen is another news reporter (I made him before I remembered Isaack was a reporter... they're coworkers now :).) He's paranoid and timid, a stark contrast from his cheerful ID photo. Constantly seeking affirmation from others, he's constantly unsure of himself and always overthinking. He actually found out about doppelgangers a few months before measures began to be taken to keep people safe from them, and since then he has grown to be a shell of his former self, still holding scars from his first doppelganger encounter. He's scared of new people and often sticks to people he's familiar with, see Harvey.
His text will be orange.
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COLE WAGNER - "Oh, I've been waiting for an opportunity like this~ I'm so excited..."
Cole is a waiter at Nana's, a diner near the apartment complex that Garrett is a diehard regular at. As a result, the two are close friends. Cole himself is cheerful and outgoing, if not a bit mischievous and enjoys drama. He's known for spreading rumors and misinformation with the guests at Nana's. However, his laid-back and cheerful attitude remains even in serious events, and he often lets jokes slip when he's not supposed to. He doesn't like being serious because he gets really awkward in those scenarios. He's also very loud and annoying.
His text will be blue.
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AGATHA BARNES - "Nothing to be afraid of, no need to worry."
Agatha is a photographer, though she usually dresses like the models she photographs. She's friendly and often hypes others up, constantly attempting to bring good vibes. She's similar to Cole in a way that she enjoys the company of others, but when she gets serious, she becomes uncharacteristically stern. I honestly have no idea what else to say for her besides the fact she's basically a mom friend.
Her text will be green.
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HARVEY CLARENCE - "I was forced to be on this god forsaken blog."
Harvey is the doorman to the complex (for my au (do i even call it that?) at least). Stoic and lacking a sense of humor. He's not easily persuaded and is often incredibly stubborn.
His text won't have any color TEEHEE
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OLIVER GRANTHAM - "A lovely little feast, all laid out for me...?!"
Oliver is a doppelganger who had replaced one of the D.D.D.'s cleaners. Since cleaners usually wear a hazmat suit, and since Oliver took the real one's ID, he wasn't noticed until he took off the suit, giving away his bright pink eyes (that he has since pink is his favorite color). He now dons a mouth-only gas mask to tell him apart from the others, mainly because he's under heavy supervision all the time. Childish, excitable, curious, yet stupid, it's a miracle how he managed to infiltrate D.D.D. ranks. He doesn't seem to be hostile to humans, though, but he was practically taught to attack doppelgangers. He thinks a certain few r cool tho :)
His text will be pink.
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okay enough about them beats up everyone aforementioned LET'S GET TO THE RULES!!!
If you don't follow these rules, expect a block.
Please be respectful. We may have differing opinions, and I'd like you to respect them. I know you guys probably aren't the type to start drama on these kinds of posts, but if you're going to comment something rude, just don't. Your comment will be deleted anyway.
Absolutely no NSFW. I am a minor, and seeing that kind of stuff repulses me so much. Lightly suggestive jokes are alright, but NSFW interactions are just a no.
The basic DNI criteria: Do not interact with this blog if you're:
LGBTQ+phobic, racist, or a bigot in general
A Z00/P3D0PH1L3
A com/darkshipper
And...That's about it! thanks for actually taking the time to read this :,)
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