#still hoping for the book of mormon proshot tho >:(
shpadoinkle-day · 2 years
I never truly grasped what Trey meant when talking about the differences between making a show and a musical and how the latter is alive and always changing but I've been blessed with my first musical fix these past few weeks and watched at least 2 recordings and skimmed at least 8 and yes I totally get it now...
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gxilgramore · 2 months
I Think My Musicals Hyper-fixation is Coming Back!
This is going to be sort of an aimeless post celebrating a form of art that i like, so keep that in mind while reading
I'd treat this as a negative thing, because y'know, musicals are not a popular form of telling stories so i'd be really afraid of caring about them again, but nah, if it comes back i'm fine with it.
A bit of context, it was in 2019, one of my favorite youtubers at the time jacksfilms made some inside jokes of 2 videos he had done some years prior, some videos about Alexsander Hamilton, i was curious and watched the videos and then discovered they were based on a broadway musical, at the time i didnt watch musicals so i didnt care at first, until i wacthed it and fell in love, that was the start of a 3 year hyperfixation with musicals, mainly hamilton but musicals in general, and in that time i discovered some of my favorite stuff ever, In the Heights, Book of Mormon, Avenue Q, Beetlejuice, it was great, of course with some bumps since wacthing broadway musicals is hard when you don't even live in the US (thank god), and by being a hyperfixation it was a nightmare for my friends that dont like musicals to listen to me yapping about them for hours.
The fixation was falling in 2020 but a thing, a tragic tragic thing happened, Hamilton on Disney+ happened and my musicals fixation was back at full swing, i don't like Hamilton anymore these days, my opinions on politics evolved to the point of seeing this musical as just a jerk-off for a friend (a right hand man if you will) of a guy who had a shit ton of slaves, and i cant accept this a progressive statement anymore, i just see it as a united states legacy jerk off, and nedless to say i dont like the united states very much. But yeah, because of this my musicals fixation insisted until 2021 where i did a video of one of my favs, the SpongeBob musical, a video im still proud of to this day.
Fast-foward to 2024 and my Doctor Who and videogame soundtracks came back without a warning and i feel like slowly my musicals fixation is coming back, probably because of some Musical Hell videos, i love Diva so much, im sad she abandoned the reviews, im watching them once a day for a week now and it has being a blast, she is funny and her videos are thoughtful, they are not Nostalgia Critic style, where he just complains about the movie with shitty jokes, it sparked my interest again a little bit.
But some things have changed, im not interested in broadway anymore, maybe on off and off-off broadway but not broadway, the more i stared at the current state of broadway it just feels like a tourist spot instead of a place for artistic expression, i may be wrong but thats how i feel, but theater as an art form is more interesting to me, if it actually comes back full swing ill be focusing my energy on finding more experimental, left field or independent shit out of the broadway end, im not saying all broadway is bad tho, we still have great art there, im talking more of broadway as a capitalist institution instead of a creative body, the soul feels like it left the body ages ago somewhere more interesting, im excited to find new stuff that shows me why theater is great again, if you read this to this point and have any recommendations im really willing to listen, mainly if they have a proshot.
I love art in general, try to see everything i can and i hope i can see more musicals, and plays than ever.
I told you it was pretty aimless, writing things in boredom does that to you, but hope you liked it if you read all the way through, and if you want to write an aimless comment about your love for musicals you can talk about it, i will answer everyone, bye for now
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