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تابعت سرقة مخازن شركة الاتصالات الفلسطينية والتي قدرتها الشركة ب 15 مليون شيكل وقد اعلن الناطق باسم شرطة حماس انه تم العثور على جزء من المسروقات ولم يعلن عن القبض على الجناة الذين سرقوا والهامور الي بالع البلد سارق الكل وهذا مصطلح بيعرفوش الغزازوه سنحكي لكم عنه.الهامور مصطلح يتداوله الأخوة بالضفة الغربية ويقصدوا فية أصحاب رؤس الأموال أصحاب مجموعة الاتصالات الفلسطينية والي بالعين كل البلد في الاتصالات وبغيرها ويقوموا برشوة كل المسئولين والهامور حسب معرفتنا سمك اللوكس وهو مصطلح يطلق على من يبلغ السمك الصغير والمقصود بلع الشعب كل الشعب.ولا جهه تقوم برصد سرقة الهامور وجماعته للشعب الفلسطيني فسرقتهم حلال ومسموحة فلا رقابة عليهم في حساب كل شيء ولا رقابة على عملهم وادائهم والجميع يقر انهم يسرقوا الشعب سرقتهم مسموحة وحلال شرعا والشعب المنهوب المسروق متهم انه يعارض تلك السرقة ويستأهل فالحكومة اجرت الشعب للهامور وجماعته وعلى الجميع الانصياع عجبي عجبي عجبي .مسكين شعبنا الفلسطيني واقع بين المطرقة والسنديان لا حول له ولا قوه يتم سرقته في وضح النهار من قبل من لا يرحموا لأيمهم الا الربح والربح فقط وهؤلاء يقوموا بتخزين الأموال واخر همهم الشعب وهؤلاء اكيد مأمنين على بضائعهم وشركات التامين ملزمة بتعويضها والحرامية عارفين ايش بيسرقوا اخدوا الي بدهم إياه وبالأخر بيرجع كل شيء وتسجل القضية ضد مجهول ويغلق الملف.على اثر الحادث شركة الاتصالات الفلسطينية قامت باتخاذ عدة إجراءات اكيد وقف مجموعة من الموظفين عن العمل وقطعوا ايدهم وشحتوا عليها وبالأخر الاخر سيتم تقليص خدماتهم للمواطنين وتحميلهم ال 15 مليون شيكل الي انسرقوا وسرقة ضعف المبلغ من الشعب الغلبان من دقن الشعب وفتلة هيك بيقول المثل الشعبي كما تدين تدان ياهمور .بغض النظر عمن سرق مخازن الاتصالات هذه فرصة من اجل سرقة الشعب كل الشعب بشكل ممنهج واسترداد المسروق بسرقة اكبر بانتظار ان يتم رفع الأسعار وعمل اللازم من اجل تعويض المسروق من ذقن الشعب هدول ��يبيتوش ابنهم بره .هذه المجموعة وشركاتها كلها غير محبوبه ويتمنى لها شعبنا دائما الخسارة والدمار بسبب انهم يسرقونا ويستخدموا سلعهم باستغلال شعبنا تحت صمت وسكوت وزير الاتصالات الفلسطينية مستر سدر ورئيس مجلس الوزراء المخطوف والذي لايرى الحقيقة المهم ان يربحوا اكثر .شعبنا حر وابي وانف ويرفض الظلم وخلق حر غير مستعبد رفض كل الاحتلالات المتعاقبة وثار عليهم بانتفاضات منذ بداية القرن الماضي واكيد لن يرضى ان يتم تاجير رقاب الشعب كل الشعب للهامور المرتبط بالاحتلال وسيثور عليهم بيوم من الأيام شاء من شاء وابى من ابى .وأقول لشركاء الهامور من أصحاب الصناديق المختلفة فضائحكم بدأت تتسرب والفضائح على الانترنت انتشرت بانتظار فضائح وقصص جديده للسرقات والله كبير من يسرق الشعب لابد ان سخر له الله العلي القدير من هو اقوى منه هذه معادلة ربانية .
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وجه رئيس وزراء العدو الصهيوني اتهاماته للاخ الرئيس محمود عباس قائلا {: الدهس والطعن “والتحريض” لن يُساعدوك؛ سنعمل كل ما هو مطلوب للحفاظ على “أمننا”؛ سوف نحددُ “حدودنا” لتأمين مستقبلنا؛ سنفعل ذلك معك أو بدونك) في حين باروخ مرزال اتهم الأخ اللواء جبريل الرجوب امين سر اللجنة المركزية لحركة فتح وراء التحريض.الكيان الصهيوني جن جنونة بكل مستوياته القيادة وجيشه القاتل المجرم تجاه شعبنا فاليوم اعدموا 4 شهداء فلسطينيين وجن جنونهم واطلقوا السنتهم يتهموا مره الأخ الرئيس محمود عباس ومره جبريل الرجوب واخرين يتهموا حركة فتح انها أعلنت الحرب على الكيان الصهيوني في الضفة الغربية .وانا أقول ان حركة فتح لازالت حتى الان تضبط نفسها وستروا في الأيام القادمة الكثير الكثير والانتفاضة ستتصاعد وسنرى كيف ستحفظوا امنكم وكيف ست��تطيعوا السيطره على الضفة الغربية المنتفضة فشعبنا كله يريد الانتفاضة ويريد اسقاط صفقة القرن والمخطط الصهيو امريكي التامري وسيتصدى لكل المطبعين من الزعماء العرب اللاهثين للعق احذية نتنياهو والحصول منه على شهادة حسن سير وسلوك وخلو من الإرهاب .حتى الان لم يصدر القرار بتصعيد الانتفاضة وحرق الأرض من تحت اقدام العدو الصهيوني وجنوده وحتى الان هناك فعاليات انتفاضية لم ترقى الى مستوى انتفاضة وثوره كبيره ضد الاحتلال وحتما الامر سيتصاعد يوما بعد يوم وسيعرف نتنياهو كيف تكون الانتفاضة وسيندم على اليوم الذي طالب فيه بصفقة القرن .اثنان من الشهداء الذين سقطوا في محافظة جنين يوجد لهم امتداد في قطاع غزه فالشهيد البطل يزن منذر ابوطبيخ له عائلة في غزه وفيها شهيد سقط في لبنان وعائلة الشهيد طارق لؤي بدوان لهم عدد من الشهداء وموجوده في قطاع غزه كل التحية والاحترام لعوائل الشهداء أينما كانوا وكل الاحترام لاسرهم والعزاء واحد وقافلة الشهداء ستزداد وتتدحرج لتخنق نتنياهو وتسقطة في الانتخابات القادمة ويثبت فشلة الأمني في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزه .أعدمت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، بدم بارد، أربعة مواطنين، وأصابت العشرات بينهم صحفي، وقصفت عدة مواقف في قطاع غزة، خلال الـ24 ساعة الماضي.وتصاعدت هجمة الاحتلال ضد أبناء شعبنا، بين إعدام وهدم وقصف، جنوبا وشمالا، ووصلت يده لتطال سوريا الشقيقة.“لا مكان آمن منهم” ملخص ما عاشته أرض فلسطين في مختلف المحافظات، وتوسعت الرقعة، واستخدمت في عدوانها مختلف الأدوات القتالية، ما أدى لارتقاء 4 شهداء وعشرات الإصابات في بيت لحم وجنين، والقدس، إضافة لعائلة في العراء للمرة الثانية، وأضرار مادية في القطاع، وأخرى في سوريا.في القدس، استشهد شاب، برصاص قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، اليوم الخميس، قرب باب الأسباط بالبلدة القديمة من القدس المحتلة.وأفاد شهود عيان بأن قوات الاحتلال أطلقت النار على شاب، قرب باب الأسباط، وتركته ينزف على الأرض، حتى ارتقى شهيدا.وفي جنين، أعدمت قوات الاحتلال الشاب يزن منذر أبو طبيخ (19 عاما) وهو طالب جامعي من سكان وادي برقين في جنين، إثر إصباته برصاص الاحتلال من مسافة قريبة، إضافة إلى استشهاد الرقيب أول في الشرطة الخاصة طارق لؤي بدوان (25 عاما) من قلقيلية، متأثرا بجروح أصيب بها، لدى اقتحام قوات الاحتلال المدينة جنين فجرا، لهدم منزل الأسير أحمد جمال القنبع للمرة الثانية.وأفادت مصادر محلية لـ”وفا” بأن قوات كبيرة من جيش الاحتلال اقتحمت حي البساتين من مدينة جنين، وهدمت منزل الأسير القنبع.وأوضح جمال القنبع أن المنزل الذي هدمته قوات الاحتلال تبلغ مساحته 160 مترا مربعا، ويؤوي 8 أشخاص.وكانت قوات الاحتلال اعتقلت الأسير القنبع بتاريخ 17-1-2018، وما زال موقوفا في معتقل جلبوع، دون محاكمة.وفي أعقاب ذلك، أعلنت حركة “فتح” في جنين الإضراب الشامل، ردا على ممارسات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي وانتهاكاته بحق أبناء شعبنا، خاصة في محافظة جنين.وأعدمت قوات الاحتلال مساء أمس الأربعاء، الفتى محمد الحداد (17 عاما)، خلال مواجهات مع الاحتلال في منطقة باب الزاوية وسط الخليل.في حين أفادت مصادر محلية بأن جنود الاحتلال المتمركزين على مدخل شارع الشهداء وسط الخليل أصابوا الفتى الحداد، ونقل على إثرها إلى المستشفى، وأعلنت وزارة الصحة استشهاده في وقت لاحق إثر إصابته برصاصة اخترقت قلبه.وفي بيت لحم، أصيب، اليوم الخميس، مصور وكالة رويترز محمد أبو غنية، بعيار معدني مغلف بالمطاط في البطن، إلى جانب شاب بقنبلة غاز في رأسه، ومسعف في قدمه، والعشرات بحالات اختناق، خلال مواجهات مع قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في مدينة بيت لحم وبيت جالا .وأفاد مدير الإسعاف والطوارئ في الهلال الأحمر فرع بيت لحم عبد الحليم جعافرة لـ”وفا”، بأن طواقمه قدمت الاسعافات لنحو 30 مواطنا جراء استنشاقهم الغاز المسيل للدموع، إضافة إلى إصابة الصحفي أبو غنية، التي وصفت بالطفيفة.وأشار شهود عيان إلى أن قوات الاحتلال داهمت العديد من المحلات التجارية، واستولت على تسجيلات لكاميرات مثبتة عليها.وكانت قوات الاحتلال، اقتحمت صباح اليوم، عدة أحياء في مدينة بيت لحم، وأطلقت الرصاص وقنابل الصوت والغاز المسيل للدموع تجاه الشبان الذين تصدوا لها بالحجارة والزجاجات الفارغة.وأفاد مراسلنا بأن قوات كبيرة من جيش الاحتلال تتواجد قرب عمارة علقم وسط المدينة، واندلعت مواجهات في المكان بين العشرات من الشبان العزّل وجنود الاحتلال المدججين بالأسلحة.وزعم جيش الاحتلال أنه عثر على مركبة في بيت جالا، نفذ سائقها عملية دعس لجنود في مدينة القدس فجر اليوم.وتزامن ذلك مع الغارات التي شنّتها طائرات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، فجر اليوم الخميس، على مدينة غزة ومحافظة رفح جنوب القطاع.حيث قصفت طائرات حربية إسرائيلية بعدة صواريخ أرضا زراعية جنوب شرق رفح، وهدفا في مخيم الشاطئ الشمالي غرب مدينة غزة، ما أدى إلى أضرار مادية في الأماكن المستهدفة وفي بعض منازل المواطنين.واعتقلت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، الليلة الماضية وفجر اليوم الخميس، تسعة مواطنين من الضفة.وبين نادي الأسير أن مواطنين جرى اعتقالهما من بلدة تقوع قضاء بيت لحم وهما: أحمد إبراهيم العمور، وهو عضو اللجنة التنظيمية لحركة فتح في بلدة تقوع، وحسن رائد العمور.كذلك جرى اعتقال لمواطنين من بلدتي الظاهرية والسموع قضاء الخليل وهما: بسام عبد الهوارين، وأيمن أحمد أبو عواد.كما أعادت قوات الاحتلال اعتقال الفتى المقدسي مصعب أبو غزالة بعد يومين من الإفراج عنه، يُضاف إلى المعتقلين الفتى مصطفى كرامة من بلدة الرام، ومحمد نجيب من البلدة القديمة في القدس، وأحمد صفوان أبو فارس من رام الله، وأحمد أبو حلوق من جنين.وترامنت الغارات على القطاع مع غارات شنتها الطائرات الاسرائيلية واستهدف�� الغارات وفق الإعلام الرسمي السوري، منطقة الكسوة ومرج السلطان وجسر بغداد قرب دمشق، وجنوب إزرع في محافظة درعا الجنوبية.وتصدت الدفاعات الجوية السورية، بعد منتصف الليلة الماضية، لعدوان إسرائيلي بالصواريخ، استهدف محيط دمشق والمنطقة الجنوبية.وذكرت وكالة الأنباء السورية “سانا”، أن الطائرات الإسرائيلية أطلقت عدة صواريخ من فوق الجولان السوري المحتل وجنوب لبنان استهدفت مناطق الكسوة ومرج السلطان وجسر بغداد وجنوب إزرع، وأن الدفاعات الجوية تمكنت من إسقاط معظم الصواريخ قبل وصولها إلى أهدافها.
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“Rich with warming cinnamon and sweet caramel flavours, plus a hint of creaminess from the marshmallows.”– David’s TeaSweet Potato Pie has quickly become one of my favorite tea flavors. Its hint of caramel sweetness makes it perfect for those who prefer their tea unsweetened and black (such as myself) or with cream/milk. The deep nutty flavor goes along perfectly with the fall/winter season as well (pecans, for those with a nut allergy). Drinking this while filling in an adult coloring book, the wind howling outside my window, and a warm slice of pumpkin bread beside me is my idea of a perfect afternoon. Cuddle up and grab a cup!IngredientsBlack tea, Pecans, Rock sugar, Cinnamon, Butternut squash, Sweet potato, Marshmallows (sugar, corn syrup, modified corn starch, gelatin, sodium hexametaphosphate,artificial flavour, natural flavour, blue 1), Ginger, Nutmeg, Allspice, Natural flavouring.
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My college helping me set up for the experiment I just did. This is how we add gel to the head, there is a tiny hole by each sensor, we then insert a blunt tip needle (we do NOT puncture the skin!) to add the gel between the sensor and the top of the head to eliminate the air gap caused by the hair. Unfortunately it looks scary, but we need something tiny to get around the sensor (if you look close you can seethe tiny, tiny opening each senor has). The lights on each sensor tell us how good of a connection we have, red means bad, yellow means we’re getting close, and green means good.Today’s post was inspired by a conversation I was having yesterday in the comment section (you know who you are and thank you for the questions). I thought I would elaborate on how we record from the brain and why. There are a lot of different ways we can do this, some of them are super invasive and others are non-invasive. In the lab I work in now, we do things non-invasively there are good things about this and bad things about this, so let’s get into it!The story begins a long time ago (spoiler not that long ago) back in the late 1930’s and again in the late 1940’s and starts with two men named Hodgkin and Huxley. Using squid giant axon they characterized how neurons worked. This would lay the groundwork for what we do in my lab, recording from the brain!Like any good story though, there are multiple beginnings and while Hodgkin and Huxley were the fathers of how the neurons work (an important bit of information for sure) long before then back in 1875, we found a way to record non-invasively from the brain using something called Electroencephalography (EEG) which is something we still use today. While we have considerably refined the technique since then, the principle remains the same. The brain has changing electrical potentials and we assume the body is charge neutral, this means on the surface of the skin we can measure the changes in the electrical potential (how positively or negatively charged the skin is).There are limitations, something called volume conduction limit how we record, so we cannot record from single neurons non-invasively, instead we record from populations of neurons (tens of thousands of neurons) and measure how they become more synchronized or unsynchronized. This is also why we use a lot of electrodes (typically 64 electrodes in our lab), because we can use multiple electrodes and models of how volume conduction causes the signal propagation to spread to back calculate where the signal originated. The other thing is that we also cannot record from deep structures of the brain, the skull is bad at conducting electricity so it does a semi good job of blocking the small amplitude signals that would originate from the deep structures of the brain (small amplitude after they’ve traveled to the skull).So to this point we’ve talked about a single way to record, let’s look at some of the invasive ways. For example we have nanowires, which is what Elon Musk’s neuralink company is using. Here we eliminate the distance from the recording and get nice and close to the neurons. This means we can get as close as we can to the “ground truth” or the actual, ACTUAL signal from the neuron(s). This makes figuring out what is going on in that part of the brain slightly easier and it means the signal to noise ratio is a LOT higher (this is a good thing).There is also neural dust, which is coming from a lab run out of Berkeley. I actually know the PI of the lab, we’ve spent a lot of time together recently at the Neurotech workshop. The idea is that instead of sticking wires in, we can inject tiny sensors into the brain. They are wireless, externally powered, and are (in my opinion) slightly less invasive when compared to nanowires.One of the last big technologies that are invasive is electrocorticography (or ECoG). This is even less invasive (still very invasive mind you) and involves gently placing a flexible sensor array onto the brain, not into the brain, big difference. This has a lot of benefits, namely longevity, but also it is less invasive so less change of causing serious issues. We use this for a lot of different things, but the idea is that this is the same principles that we use for EEG, but instead of outside of the skull we are now recording inside the skull. This means that we are recording from a larger population of neurons again, but we can better localize the activity than we can using EEG. The downside is the area covered, ECoG is very small compared to the size of the brain, this is mostly a materials and invasiveness limitation, if we had the right materials and didn’t mind going crazy with how much of the skull we opened up, we could probably cover the entire brain… potentially.This brings us all the way back to EEG. Everything we do with EEG can be done (mostly) with more invasive ways (and easier… again mostly). In EEG we have to deal with a lot of noise, if the sensor moves, noise. If we are anywhere near civilization we have electrical signal from the wall, noise (line noise in this case, 60 Hz here in the US and 50 Hz in europe). If you blink or move your eyes, you guessed it noise! We have ways to filter the eye movement/blink noise, remove the sensor movement noise, etc. We can even do this in real-time meaning we can use this method for brain-machine interface. Also what we do in the lab I’m in now.The best part about doing this non-invasively is that we can do testing with humans. We don’t have to use animal models or are restricted to humans who already have an ECoG implant in the area of the brain we are interested in studying. In fact, I’ve come up with a whole new technique for doing recording (and I’m new to all of this, so it can be done) and I can jump right into human testing because it doesn’t involve surgery!EEG recording is painless and completely safe. It takes forever to set up (upwards of an hour in some cases) and there is a conductive gel that will get put into your hair under each of the sensors, which means washing your head when you’re done. However, if we compare that to having a surgery, I think most people would feel more comfortable with needing to wash their hair. It’s so safe we demo it, we recently had a demo in a local children’s museum! The kids love it, they get to see their brain activity in real time on large monitors and we get to teach them how we do neuroscience research.Here we are at the children’s museum showing off our EEG recording tech. For the most part the kids and parents love it, sometimes they get antsy (remember it takes a long time to set up), but overall they seem to enjoy it.There you have it, the intro to how we can record signals from your brain! Stick around and I’ll talk about my latest experiment (in a few months, after we publish). Unfortunately my super secret technique won’t be revealed until the end of the year at the earliest, but hey it gives you something to look forward to and I can talk vaguely about the progress towards being able to unveil it (assuming it pans out of course).Until next time, don’t stop learning!
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5 February 2020Ole Petter PedersenOne of the documents TU has received “partial access” in. In addition to the email’s metadata, we can glimpse what might be the letter “d” in the upper left corner on page 4 of the document. (Illustration: Ole Petter Pedersen)Solving the Norwegian “nuclear crisis” could cost 20 billion. Suggestions for solutions are kept secret, TU journalist Erik Martiniussen wrote in a good news case on October 25 last year.On Wednesday, January 29, just over three months later, Martiniussen and I sent a complaint to the Civil Ombudsman asking for help to gain access to what we believe are key documents on Norway’s handling of our own nuclear waste.The fact that TU has appealed the case to the Civil Ombudsman is because we are denied access to five key documents. The disclaimer is discussed in a new article on Tuesday this week. Among other things, this is a report from a meeting between the Norwegian Minister of Industry and the Director-General of the OECD-NEA, and minutes from other meetings.Management Art: Seven-page cordAn example of how the Ministry of Trade and Industry has responded to the requirement for access can be seen in the illustration above: A seven-page deleted document, with the exception of the e-mail’s metadata, two-line introduction and what is probably the letter “d” on page 4.Public art calls for publicity expert and journalist Tarjei Leer-Salvesen such documents from the public. Without humor, despair can quickly take over. Why can’t the public see the suggestions on how to handle such a hazardous waste?The matter is important, not just because billions are at stake. Norwegian nuclear decommissioning (NND) has had several meetings with the French nuclear company Orano and the Swedish company Studsvik, to get advice on what Norway should do. What they have been talking about is neither the NND nor the government.Usual information about transportAfter the last Norwegian nuclear reactor Jeep 2 was shut down, Norway is left with 17 tonnes of highly active, spent nuclear fuel. No one knows for sure what to do about it.NND was established as its own directorate in 2018 to ensure an external and independent, professional study of how Norway should handle its nuclear waste. The work Orano will now carry out will serve as a basis for a concept selection study. All technical options are more or less known already, and NND’s general assessments of different directions cannot be kept secretAmong other things, the Ministry of Trade and Industry claims that information must be kept secret for competition reasons. But for example, it is common practice across Europe to disclose the kind of containers used to transport spent nuclear fuel. This is both to reassure and inform the public about how hazardous waste is being transported. In Norway, too, there is a practice for the public about how spent nuclear fuel is packed and transported.Public law is the guarantee of the inhabitantsBoth the Minister of Industry and Employees in the Ministry of Trade and Industry have indirectly received their mandate from the people. Their bosses are the citizens, as we have chosen democracy as a form of government. To ensure that bureaucrats and politicians report as they should to their owners, we have, among other things, the Public Law that ensures transparency. Everyone can gain access, but traditionally it is the media who take that task on behalf of the citizens.That is why it is also crucial for TU’s social mission, to pursue cases where the authorities deny the citizens access. The Public Law is in practice the guarantee of the citizens that it is possible to control those we have given power and authority to carry out important social tasks.Must have a public conversationIf an accident occurs during the transport of the fuel, it can have major economic, health and environmental consequences. It is therefore crucial that a public discussion can be conducted on how such transports are carried out. Furthermore, the Norwegian nuclear fuel to be treated is of a metallic type that hardly any other country has. Therefore, there is no market for the treatment methods Studsvik investigates on behalf of NND. The treatment methods are specially designed for the Norwegian nuclear waste. The general methods Studsvik can offer are also publicly known through a report that was published in 2014.TU understands that the Ministry must be able to have open and confidential conversations with key players in the Halden project. But tearing down the reactor, as well as handling the waste, must now be paid over Norway’s state budget. Technologically, the task is challenging. The waste will represent an environmental risk for tens of thousands of years.The bureaucracy is training the caseComplaining to the Civil Ombudsman is in reality the only opportunity we have to get the minutes published, which is now up to two years old. In our view, bureaucracy and responsible politicians have trained the case from the first moment, and thus actively opposed basic democratic principles. The Civil Ombudsman is the only body where it is possible to examine the ministry’s crush in unnecessary secrecy.For example, it is of crucial public interest, and of historical significance, what the Minister of Industry discussed with the Director-General of the OECD-NEA before a decision to close the reactor was taken. This is not a private conversation between two people. There are representatives at the highest level. In that case, the inhabitants must subsequently have the opportunity to gain insight into what they are talking about.The article has been updated after the first publication: The work Orano will now perform will serve as a basis for a concept selection study, not an impact assessment as it was in the first version.Les ogsåVi trenger langt tøffere tiltak enn «Klimakur» for å kutte klimautslippene nokTranslated in Google
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Sharks 6, Oilers 3Optimism sure is a fleeting thing in Oil Country. The Edmonton Oilers were flying high after a pair of emotional wins last weekend over the Stanley Cup champions and then their fiercest rivals, but have since given it all back with a pair of dismal performances. After getting whitewashed 3-0 by an Arizona Coyotes club missing their top defence pair and their #1 goalie, the Oilers got waxed for six goals by a San Jose Sharks club missing their two top centres.Edmonton was deserving losers in both games, getting outsmarted, outquicked and outworked by a more desperate opponent on both occasions. Just like that the club is just 2-2-1 since their break and already looking to be playing on fumes despite the lengthy respite.The Oilers had a fast start in this one, generating the game’s first five Grade A scoring chances and converting two of them, all in the first six minutes. Alas, NHL games are 60 minutes long, not 6.The Sharks continued their dominance in Edmonton where they have won their last 5 visits in succession, scoring 25 goals. Overall, since the calendar turned to 2018 San Jose owns a tidy 9-1-1 record against the Oilers, scroing 54 goals and allowing 34. The Oilers just have no idea how to defend against this team, which was strongly in evidence again in this one.Player grades6 Adam Larsson, 3. Struggled in that area of the ice he usually controls, the low slot in his own end. Twice he was victimized on Sharks goals in tight to the net. Did have 5 hits and played with some edge.15 Josh Archibald, 4. Did some good work on the penalty kill, but failed to cut out a cross-ice pass that led to the 2-2. One of the more energetic Oilers, as usual.16 Jujhar Khaira, 5. Earned an assist on the final Oilers goal, otherwise had little impact. 0 shot attempts.19 Mikko Koskinen, 3. The Sharks had 8 Grade A chances and scored 6 goals. Koskinen didn’t have much help on several of them, but needed to be better on Stefan Noesen’s garbage goal from the side of the net and Timo Meier’s bad angle rocket. 2 goals against in each period. 31 shots, 25 saves, .806 save percentage.23 Riley Sheahan, 5. Tried to make a difference at the offensive end, but couldn’t finishm especially on a play early in the second when he deked Aaron Dell but was unable to pull the puck back and into the net. The most dangerous of his 3 shots came when he tried an ill-advised pass through a d-man, only to have that puck deflect off the defender and on net. Among the burn victim’s on San Jose’s powerplay goal. Managed a secondary assist on Bear’s tally was something of a broken play.25 Darnell Nurse, 5. Came out gangbusters with a pair of primary assists on the game’s first two goals, one a little lucky, the other a sharp outlet to McDavid. Largely struggled thereafter. Took a very bad penalty for throwing his stick to Koskinen after the netminder had lost his paddle in a goal mouth collision. Got all turned around on the game winner when he and Larsson were abandoned by the forwards and couldn’t handle all three San Jose attackers. 4 hits and 4 blocks, but 3 giveaways.29 Leon Draisaitl, 3. He appeared to have very little in the tank, with heavy skating legs and little impact. His only shot of the game came on his first shift. Wound up -3 on the night and was fully deserving of the last of those when he lost position on Timo Meier. Did manage a team best 8/12=67% on the dot.39 Alex Chiasson, 4. Slow on the backcheck on the third Sharks goal. Had nothing going on offensively, with 0 shots on nets and the same numnber of contributions to major scoring chances.44 Zack Kassian, 4. Barely noticeable. On his good nights he brings skating legs, physical intensity and a little flair with the puck. On this night he had none of the three.49 Tyler Benson, 5. Gets the standard +1 bump to his grade simply for the achievement of realizing the dream and playing his first NHL game. Didn’t get a whole lot done in it, looking somewhat nervous in the process. Charged with a -1 on a play all three forwards on his line got caught up ice behind the deadly Erik Karlsson. Nearly popped one home in garbage time but was denied by Sharks defender Dylan Gambrell.56 Kailer Yamamoto, 6. Was instrumental on the first Oilers goal, winning a couple of puck battles along the walls to keep the cycle going, then getting to the net front where he tipped McDavid’s outside shot, forcing a good save and an uncontrolled rebound that led directly to the goal. All of his shots on net were highly dangerous. Showed a few teammates how it’s done in the defensive zone in one instance where he recognized the danger man and collapsed to the low slot to prevent what would have been a great look.74 Ethan Bear, 5. Chipped in on Edmonton’s first goal with a good pass which was initially announced as the second assist on the play, allthough the scorekeepers later corrected both assists on the official scoring play. Broke out of a lengthy goal-scoring drought when he scored one out of the blue on a great wrist shot from outside the prime scoring zone. Was the most successful Oiler D at moving the puck, an unfortunately low bar on this night. His best pass may have been a stretch to Sheahan during an Edmonton penalty kill. The San Jose powerplay goal appeared to deflect in off him, and he was also among the victims on the game’s final tally. He and his partner Nurse were on the ice for all three Edmonton goals and each finished the night +1.77 Oscar Klefbom, 3. Not his night. Appeared to have his stick held by the crafty veteran Patrcik Marleau and was thus unable to tie up Meier’s stick on the first Sharks’ goal. Was in the sin bin for the 2-2, having taken a double minor for high sticking. Lost a battle in the build-up to the 4-2. Took 6 minutes of penalties on the night, matching his total for the entire season of 2016-17 when he had just 6 PiM in 82 games.83 Matt Benning, 4. Played 17½ minutes with a variety of partners, primarily Lagesson. They got burned on the 5-2. Managed 4 hits but had little impact on the flow of play.84 William Lagesson, 4. A couple of flashes here and there, but no sustain. His best moment may have been a quick move into the slot for a heavy wrist shot that missed the target. Just 3 games in to his NHL career, is struggling to assert himself.89 Sam Gagner, 6. Scored the first Oiler goal by roofing a backhand from the slot. Won a neutral zone battle that helped set the stage for the second. Fired 5 shots to co-lead the team, and some strong possession metrics. Made a nice hit on E.Karlsson at the Edmonton blueline to force the puck out and (temporarily) alleviate some intense San Jose pressure. His worst moment came when he collected a loose puck in his own territory, calmly surveyed all his options, and then put the puck directly on the stick of the nearest Shark.91 Gaetan Haas, 6. Played just 12½ minutes, and was replaced more than once by McDavid for an extra shift here and there. Funny thing, the line actually performed better when Haas was out there, during which time the Oilers generated 12 shot attempts to 2 against. Made one fine rush and move in the third that culminated in a dangerous shot. Even managed to win 3/4=75% of his faceoff attempts, an area in which he has struggled. One of the few Oilers to consistently move his feet.93 Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, 4. Didn’t get much done at either end of the rink, and finished with an ugly -3 to prove it. Had one great look but fired the puck over the crossbar.97 Connor McDavid, 5. Had a wonderful opening 6 minutes which included two great solo rushes, one resulting in a great save, the other in a superb goal. Chipped in on all 5 Oilers Grade A chances in that opening flurry. But faded right out of the game thereafter, with no more scoring chances, a couple of giveaways, and some soft defensive coverage on both the third and fourth San Jose goals. The first of those was especially egregious, as he didn’t recognize the danger man (two-time Norris Trophy winner Erik Karlsson) who had jumped up to create an odd-man rush and instead floated along behind, then did a flyby of his own net front just as Maxim Letunov was collecting Karlsson’s rebound and putting it home. Also in frame on the 4-2, when he watched the goal scorer from about 5 feet away instead of engaging. Struggled on the lone Edmonton powerplay, twice turning the puck over at the offensive blueline. 2 official giveaways. A decent 8/13=62% on the dot. He’ll be on the overnight highlight reels for that lovely goal, but this wasn’t his best work.Recently at the Cult of HockeySTAPLES: Tyler Benson to make NHL debut as Tippett shuffles his deckSTAPLES: Why I like the idea of Darnell Nurse signing a two-year deal with the OilersLEAVINS: Player grades in stinker loss to ArizonaMcCURDY: Archibald, Sheahan make cases for contract extensionsFollow me on Twitter @BruceMcCurdy
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Sharks 6, Oilers 3Optimism sure is a fleeting thing in Oil Country. The Edmonton Oilers were flying high after a pair of emotional wins last weekend over the Stanley Cup champions and then their fiercest rivals, but have since given it all back with a pair of dismal performances. After getting whitewashed 3-0 by an Arizona Coyotes club missing their top defence pair and their #1 goalie, the Oilers got waxed for six goals by a San Jose Sharks club missing their two top centres.Edmonton was deserving losers in both games, getting outsmarted, outquicked and outworked by a more desperate opponent on both occasions. Just like that the club is just 2-2-1 since their break and already looking to be playing on fumes despite the lengthy respite.The Oilers had a fast start in this one, generating the game’s first five Grade A scoring chances and converting two of them, all in the first six minutes. Alas, NHL games are 60 minutes long, not 6.The Sharks continued their dominance in Edmonton where they have won their last 5 visits in succession, scoring 25 goals. Overall, since the calendar turned to 2018 San Jose owns a tidy 9-1-1 record against the Oilers, scroing 54 goals and allowing 34. The Oilers just have no idea how to defend against this team, which was strongly in evidence again in this one.Player grades6 Adam Larsson, 3. Struggled in that area of the ice he usually controls, the low slot in his own end. Twice he was victimized on Sharks goals in tight to the net. Did have 5 hits and played with some edge.15 Josh Archibald, 4. Did some good work on the penalty kill, but failed to cut out a cross-ice pass that led to the 2-2. One of the more energetic Oilers, as usual.16 Jujhar Khaira, 5. Earned an assist on the final Oilers goal, otherwise had little impact. 0 shot attempts.19 Mikko Koskinen, 3. The Sharks had 8 Grade A chances and scored 6 goals. Koskinen didn’t have much help on several of them, but needed to be better on Stefan Noesen’s garbage goal from the side of the net and Timo Meier’s bad angle rocket. 2 goals against in each period. 31 shots, 25 saves, .806 save percentage.23 Riley Sheahan, 5. Tried to make a difference at the offensive end, but couldn’t finishm especially on a play early in the second when he deked Aaron Dell but was unable to pull the puck back and into the net. The most dangerous of his 3 shots came when he tried an ill-advised pass through a d-man, only to have that puck deflect off the defender and on net. Among the burn victim’s on San Jose’s powerplay goal. Managed a secondary assist on Bear’s tally was something of a broken play.25 Darnell Nurse, 5. Came out gangbusters with a pair of primary assists on the game’s first two goals, one a little lucky, the other a sharp outlet to McDavid. Largely struggled thereafter. Took a very bad penalty for throwing his stick to Koskinen after the netminder had lost his paddle in a goal mouth collision. Got all turned around on the game winner when he and Larsson were abandoned by the forwards and couldn’t handle all three San Jose attackers. 4 hits and 4 blocks, but 3 giveaways.29 Leon Draisaitl, 3. He appeared to have very little in the tank, with heavy skating legs and little impact. His only shot of the game came on his first shift. Wound up -3 on the night and was fully deserving of the last of those when he lost position on Timo Meier. Did manage a team best 8/12=67% on the dot.39 Alex Chiasson, 4. Slow on the backcheck on the third Sharks goal. Had nothing going on offensively, with 0 shots on nets and the same numnber of contributions to major scoring chances.44 Zack Kassian, 4. Barely noticeable. On his good nights he brings skating legs, physical intensity and a little flair with the puck. On this night he had none of the three.49 Tyler Benson, 5. Gets the standard +1 bump to his grade simply for the achievement of realizing the dream and playing his first NHL game. Didn’t get a whole lot done in it, looking somewhat nervous in the process. Charged with a -1 on a play all three forwards on his line got caught up ice behind the deadly Erik Karlsson. Nearly popped one home in garbage time but was denied by Sharks defender Dylan Gambrell.56 Kailer Yamamoto, 6. Was instrumental on the first Oilers goal, winning a couple of puck battles along the walls to keep the cycle going, then getting to the net front where he tipped McDavid’s outside shot, forcing a good save and an uncontrolled rebound that led directly to the goal. All of his shots on net were highly dangerous. Showed a few teammates how it’s done in the defensive zone in one instance where he recognized the danger man and collapsed to the low slot to prevent what would have been a great look.74 Ethan Bear, 5. Chipped in on Edmonton’s first goal with a good pass which was initially announced as the second assist on the play, allthough the scorekeepers later corrected both assists on the official scoring play. Broke out of a lengthy goal-scoring drought when he scored one out of the blue on a great wrist shot from outside the prime scoring zone. Was the most successful Oiler D at moving the puck, an unfortunately low bar on this night. His best pass may have been a stretch to Sheahan during an Edmonton penalty kill. The San Jose powerplay goal appeared to deflect in off him, and he was also among the victims on the game’s final tally. He and his partner Nurse were on the ice for all three Edmonton goals and each finished the night +1.77 Oscar Klefbom, 3. Not his night. Appeared to have his stick held by the crafty veteran Patrcik Marleau and was thus unable to tie up Meier’s stick on the first Sharks’ goal. Was in the sin bin for the 2-2, having taken a double minor for high sticking. Lost a battle in the build-up to the 4-2. Took 6 minutes of penalties on the night, matching his total for the entire season of 2016-17 when he had just 6 PiM in 82 games.83 Matt Benning, 4. Played 17½ minutes with a variety of partners, primarily Lagesson. They got burned on the 5-2. Managed 4 hits but had little impact on the flow of play.84 William Lagesson, 4. A couple of flashes here and there, but no sustain. His best moment may have been a quick move into the slot for a heavy wrist shot that missed the target. Just 3 games in to his NHL career, is struggling to assert himself.89 Sam Gagner, 6. Scored the first Oiler goal by roofing a backhand from the slot. Won a neutral zone battle that helped set the stage for the second. Fired 5 shots to co-lead the team, and some strong possession metrics. Made a nice hit on E.Karlsson at the Edmonton blueline to force the puck out and (temporarily) alleviate some intense San Jose pressure. His worst moment came when he collected a loose puck in his own territory, calmly surveyed all his options, and then put the puck directly on the stick of the nearest Shark.91 Gaetan Haas, 6. Played just 12½ minutes, and was replaced more than once by McDavid for an extra shift here and there. Funny thing, the line actually performed better when Haas was out there, during which time the Oilers generated 12 shot attempts to 2 against. Made one fine rush and move in the third that culminated in a dangerous shot. Even managed to win 3/4=75% of his faceoff attempts, an area in which he has struggled. One of the few Oilers to consistently move his feet.93 Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, 4. Didn’t get much done at either end of the rink, and finished with an ugly -3 to prove it. Had one great look but fired the puck over the crossbar.97 Connor McDavid, 5. Had a wonderful opening 6 minutes which included two great solo rushes, one resulting in a great save, the other in a superb goal. Chipped in on all 5 Oilers Grade A chances in that opening flurry. But faded right out of the game thereafter, with no more scoring chances, a couple of giveaways, and some soft defensive coverage on both the third and fourth San Jose goals. The first of those was especially egregious, as he didn’t recognize the danger man (two-time Norris Trophy winner Erik Karlsson) who had jumped up to create an odd-man rush and instead floated along behind, then did a flyby of his own net front just as Maxim Letunov was collecting Karlsson’s rebound and putting it home. Also in frame on the 4-2, when he watched the goal scorer from about 5 feet away instead of engaging. Struggled on the lone Edmonton powerplay, twice turning the puck over at the offensive blueline. 2 official giveaways. A decent 8/13=62% on the dot. He’ll be on the overnight highlight reels for that lovely goal, but this wasn’t his best work.Recently at the Cult of HockeySTAPLES: Tyler Benson to make NHL debut as Tippett shuffles his deckSTAPLES: Why I like the idea of Darnell Nurse signing a two-year deal with the OilersLEAVINS: Player grades in stinker loss to ArizonaMcCURDY: Archibald, Sheahan make cases for contract extensionsFollow me on Twitter @BruceMcCurdy
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Edmonton Oilers’ Darnell Nurse (25) celebrates his goal in front of Boston Bruins’ Charlie McAvoy (73) during the second period on an NHL hockey game in Boston, Saturday, Jan. 4, 2020. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)BOSTON (AP) — Darnell Nurse and Gaetan Haas each had a second-period goal off a poor Boston play, Connor McDavid added an insurance score in the third after being stopped twice by Jaroslav Halak and the Edmonton Oilers beat the Bruins 4-1 on Saturday.Mike Smith made 35 saves for the Oilers, who won for the second time in five games. Leon Draisaitl added an empty-net goal.David Pastrnak scored his NHL-leading 31st goal for the Bruins, who have won just four times in their past 10 games. Halak made 22 saves.It was just Boston’s second home loss in regulation (14-2-9).Nurse’s goal with 6.3 seconds left in the second gave the Oilers a 2-1 edge. He fired what looked like a relatively easy shot to handle from the left circle, but the puck slipped into the net between the post and Halak’s right shoulder.McDavid cut down the slot after taking a pass from Zack Kassian and slipped a wrister into the net for his 23rd goal 1:48 into the third period.The Oilers tied it at 1 in the second when Boston winger Jake DeBrusk turned the puck over right in front of his own net — whiffing on a pass — and Haas slipped a shot under Halak 7:41 into the period.Halak made a pair of splendid stops on McDavid in the opening period. On the first, he flashed his right pad when the center came in alone down the left wing. The second was even better; the goalie quickly slid across the crease to block his wrister from the right circle at the end of a 2-on-1 break when McDavid had a wide-open shot after a cross-ice pass.The Oilers entered the day with the league’s best penalty-killing unit at 91%, but the Bruins need just 5 seconds to score on their first opportunity.With Draisaitl in the box for elbowing Torey Krug, Pastrnak fired a wrister from the left circle that hit the stick of Edmonton defenseman Kris Russell and popped into the right corner of the net under the crossbar 3:10 into the game, extending his point streak to 10 games.ELITE COMPANYPastrnak and Brad Marchand are the first set of Boston teammates to reach 60 points before the team’s 45th game since Bobby Orr and Phil Esposito in 1974-75.NOTES: McDavid (65 points) and Draisaitl (65) entered the day as the NHL’s top two scorers, and with Pastrnak and Marchand it was four of the top five. … Boston captain Zdeno Chara is three games away from his 1,000th with the Bruins. … Draisaitl came into the game minus-26 over his past 18. … Hall of Famer Willie O’Ree dropped the ceremonial first puck. The 84-year-old was the NHL’s first black player. … Bruins D Charlie McAvoy went down briefly after getting hit in the right shoulder with a hard shot. Play stopped, he went to the bench and returned for his next shift. … The teams meet again in Edmonton on Feb. 19.UP NEXTOilers: At the Toronto Maple Leafs on Monday.Bruins: At the Nashville Predators Tuesday.More AP NHL: and
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10 دول لن تصل إليها الحرب العالمية الثالثة.. الدول العربية خارج القائمة !لا يتمنى أي إنسان عاقل أن تندلع حرب عالمية ثالثة لأنها ستكون أكثر دمارا من أية حروب عالمية سابقة لأنها ربما تشهد مواجهة نووية.وأوضحت صحيفة “ديلي إكسبريس” البريطانية إن هناك 10 دول يمكن أن يلجأ إليها الناس إذا اندلعت الحرب العالمية الثالثة، مشيرة إلى أنها ستكون الأكثر أمنا في العالم، بينما لم يشر التقرير لوجود أية دولة عربية بين تلك الدول.وقالت الصحيفة البريطانية أن تلك الدول تم اختيارها وفقا للمعايير الخاصة بمؤشر السلام العالمي التي تشمل أقل المعدلات في نسب الجرائم والعنف، وضحايا المذابح والإرهاب، وضحايا الأزمات السياسية.وأضافت: “رغم المؤشرات الإيجابية التي تشير إلى تحسن الوضع العالمي بصورة عامة، إلا أن العالم أصبح أقل أمنا مما كان عليه منذ عقود، وهو ما يعني أن اندلاع حرب مدمرة بات خطرا يهدد العالم بأسره”.ولفتت الصحيفة إلى أن أيسلندا مازالت أكثر الدول أمنا في العالم منذ عام 2008 حتى الآن، على خلاف العديد من الدول الأوروبية التي تغير ترتيبها عالميا منذ ذلك الحين.وبحسب رسم توضيحي أوردته الصحيفة فإن هذه الدول تشمل: أيسلندا، وكندا، والدنمارك، والبرتغال، والتشيك، وسلوفينيا، والنمسا، واليابان، وسنغافورة، ونيوزيلندا.
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