#still having sinus pressure that i thought was getting better but the cold weather and snow brought it back
lovesosweeet · 1 year
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter three
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
chapter zero, one, two
july 13, 2018
los angeles, california
There are just over two weeks until Calum leaves for tour. It'll be the longest time we've spent apart since before we knew each other.
Sure, the first few months of our "relationship" — if you could've even called it that then — were spent apart, but I saw him almost every weekend for the first couple of months I was in Spain, and then once I was back in LA, he returned shortly thereafter and the rest is history.
All that to say, I'm devastated that he's leaving. I keep trying to tell myself it'll be the perfect chance to focus on LSAT prep and really do well in my classes this semester, but it's hard when the one person you want to talk to at the end of every shitty day and the one who I want to tell about every essay I get a 100 on will be gone for four months. Living together has put us in such close quarters that any time apart feels stiflingly lonely.
Today hasn't been that different. We both woke up around the same time, but I stayed in bed while he got up and got ready to head to rehearsal. He took Duke out so I didn't need to get up until I wanted to, made himself some semblance of a breakfast sandwich, and gave me a kiss goodbye.
I didn't really want to get out of bed this morning. For some reason, I've been feeling sick almost every other week it seems. My throat is sore, my body just aches, and I feel feverish. It's not flu season, which makes me assume it's just a cold, but I don't understand why it keeps coming back, so I made an appointment at my doctor's office to see if it's a sinus infection or something that we can make go away with antibiotics.
I got dressed in a random t-shirt from Calum's pile of "not quite dirty, but also not clean" clothes and a pair of cotton shorts, washed my face, and then left the house. I stopped at Starbucks for a coffee on my way to the doctor, just to feel a bit more awake, even though I know I'll inevitably feel like a zombie.
When I get to the doctor's office, it's a blur of blood draws, questions from nurses and techs, blood pressure cuffs and other measurements. I've never liked going to the doctor, and today is no different. Normally, I'd have asked Calum to come with me, but with the tour so close, I didn't want to take away from an important workday — even though I know he would've come with me if I asked.
Finally, after waiting in the sterile exam room for what feels like a few hours but was likely only a maximum of 15 minutes, my doctor and a nurse enter the room.
"Good morning, Orion!" He cheerily says.
"Good morning," I say, far less enthusiastically.
"Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit under the weather. Just so you know, we're not seeing anything too alarming just yet, but we're still waiting on your blood panel to get analyzed by the lab." He's rubbing a fresh blob of hand sanitizer into his skin while the nurse makes notes on her pad. It all feels very impersonal, part of a protocol, and almost like no one has thought to even talk to me.
"I wanted to ask," he continues. "Have you ever had a sinus infection?"
"I've had one, yeah."
"What did that feel like for you? Did it feel like this?"
I think back, trying to remember. I'd gotten one after weeks of country-hopping, following Calum around on tour. The plane germs and travel fatigue had gotten to me. I felt horrible, but the main thing I remember was how badly my face hurt. "It was different, I had a lot of sinus pain, this is just more generally... sick? Does that make sense?"
My doctor nods, and the nurse stays silent while she keeps writing. "I understand. Well, given your symptoms and since we haven't heard back from the lab on your blood panel, I'm going to go ahead and prescribe you some antibiotics. While we aren't sure that it's a sinus infection, I'd rather go ahead and treat you for that than wait and do nothing and find out this was our best bet all along."
I nod, my mouth feeling too dry to speak.
The nurse coughs from out of nowhere, and then she and the doctor exchange a few glances that seem to have a lot more meaning than I could ever understand. Then the doctor turns back to me.
"We also noticed that bruise along your collarbone. Is that kind of bruising normal for you?"
Involuntarily, my eyes widen. I can't believe he's just asked me that. "Uh," I start, my cheeks hot. "My uh, boyfriend... it's, it's not a bruise." I cough. I guess a hickey is a form of a bruise, but still.
The doctor's facial expression is unreadable but both he and the nurse then share more glances. "Got it, we're just trying to make sure your chart has all of your symptoms."
I leave the office $150 poorer and with a prescription for an antibiotic that I don't think is going to help me, and no answers in hand. The LA traffic makes my drive home take almost an entire hour, and all I want to do is take a nap.
I pull into the parking garage at the apartment building that Calum insisted was the right choice, parking in my space next to Cal's empty one. Our cars stick out in the garage, both older, beat up, and not luxury brands.
Living here wasn't my choice, at least not fully. I'd found us a building where a lot of other UCLA students live, mostly the richer ones whose parents pay for everything, closer to campus, but Cal didn't feel like he'd be able to live there with its central location and lack of security. He doesn't get followed often, but when he does, he doesn't like to cause too big of a scene.
The building we do live in, though, I can barely afford to pay a quarter of the rent for. Cal insisted it was fine, he could pay the whole rent himself without issue, but I didn't feel right letting him do that. We have it worked out so that all I do is pay utilities and occasionally a few hundred toward the actual rent, which even still I have a hard time letting happen, but Calum basically refused to let me set up my account on the autodraft payment for the rent.
I know that sounds like something lots of people would love, not needing to pay any part of the rent, I just hate feeling like I'm taking advantage of Calum and our situation. He kept saying that my education was the most important thing and once I'm making money and out of debt I can contribute as much as I want.
Regardless, I feel out of place parking my shitty car and wearing a worn out, partially dirty t-shirt where I live. We've been here for almost a year and we still don't have any friends in the building. I've gotten pretty familiar with Ron, the main security officer in the lobby, but aside from that, we're only met with snobby glares and passive aggressive elevator encounters.
Ready to just go lay down, I enter the lobby, swiping my fob and dodging a neighbor wearing a suit who’s angrily talking on the phone. Ron is behind the desk in the lobby, as usual.
“Morning,” I call to him. He waves happily back and I keep walking. Normally I’d stop and chat, ask if he’d like me to bring him a coffee, but I just don’t have it in me today.
When I get up to our apartment, Duke is waiting for me at the door. I sigh, wishing I could just go lay down, but he needs to go out. I feel like a zombie as I trudge through the apartment, grabbing his leash and poop bags, hooking him into his harness and then going back to the elevator.
By the time I’ve taken Duke out and gotten back to the apartment, my whole body aches and begs to rest. I turn on the TV and just pick something random from Netflix for white noise.
“C’mere,” I tell Duke, curling into a ball under the massive fuzzy blanket Crystal got me for Christmas last year. I pat a space on the couch next to me, and he hops up, nestling next to me and quickly settling.
I sigh, finally at ease, and lean my head back against the pillows on the couch.
read next chapter
a/n: guys i’m so happy people are reading this 🥹 shorter chapter. just leading up to the good stuff!!
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radikylie · 6 years
Pain compounds anxiety/stress. Anxiety/stress compounds pain. A vicious cycle.
#hi ya still in so much pain#two sets of xrays of my neck and jaw both are fine#still having sinus pressure that i thought was getting better but the cold weather and snow brought it back#i went to see a chiropractor who said i had several things out of alignment in my back most notably my c1 in my neck#my c1 shifted over slightly causing my right tmj to be jammed upwards and left side to drop down a bit#also my c1 might have been pressing on my eustachian tube not allowing my sinuses to drain properly but i have a ct scan of that the 18th#i have a bad case of tmd cant really speak for too long or really smile and i have to eat soft foods#most likely muscular and postural related so im going back to PT with a tmj specialist on the 21st which i wish was sooner#my whole body hurts especially my neck and shoulders jaw is stiff and sore my cheekbones and eyes hurt from sinus pressure#my back hurts and my legs are tight from not being able to exercise#i cry about this every fucking day but i cant even really cry bc when i did let myself it locked my whole face and jaw up again#its so isolating not really being able to speak so i cant go to therapy and will have to push back my appt again for tomorrow#i feel like im out of alignment again but im seeing the chiro tomorrow and stress and posture can throw you out of alignment#i really am miserable and i dont want to exist right now i feel like every day im just killing time to go to bed#and then when i wake up i dread to get up and find out how much pain ill be in for the day#its been a whole month like this and i cant see my my dentist until feb and im scared to do that bc i cant open my mouth v wide#and im afraid theyll try and make me a custom splint or something and i dont have dental insurance#and some splints dont work or make the problem worse bc im clencing and tensing my face at night most likely not grinding my teeth#and i was put on amitriptyline for the stress and anxiety but its only been a week and a half and wont feel effects until maybe 2 or 4 weeks#idk what to do anymore#personal#chronic pain#tmj disorder
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ozma914 · 3 years
The Headache Medicine That Gives You Headaches
Just a few medical thoughts shooting through my mind like a runaway bottle rocket (only the thoughts aren't as exciting). Come to think of it, fireworks were once involved in my medical condition, but never mind.
My annual major sinus infection has arrived, a bit later than usual, possibly as another way to welcome in the New Year. Because I'm having more pain and pressure this time (Naturally--it's the Roaring Pain 20s.), the Doc decided to put me on prednisone.
Despite my previous experience with the stuff.
Well, maybe it'll be different this time. After all, that's what people have been saying about 2022, isn't it?
"It has to be better than 2021!"
Hah. No, it doesn't.
The irony is that last time they gave me prednisone, several years ago, I was struck with one of the typical side effects: severe headache. So, to help my headache, I'm taking a med that gives me headaches.
It could be worse.
Speaking of headaches, the morning I went to pick up the prednisone and my old friends, the antibiotics, we had an ice storm. It wasn't much of an ice storm, but I'm sure my walk to the car was a good preview of how I'll be walking when I'm 90, assuming a sinus infection hasn't killed me by then.
Bad weather, especially when it's cold, tends to give me ... sinus headaches.
Still, a lot of the really bad winter weather this year has been south of us. My humorist friend, Barry Parham, lives in South Carolina, and this year has seen five times the amount of snow we have. I hate snow. The only kind of precipitation I hate more is ... ice.
I survived the trip to pick up my meds (how ironic would it be if I didn't?), and my only near-collision was when I got buzzed by a speed skating competition. Then I came home, read the list of prednisone side-effects, and promptly called in sick on the assumption I'd get them all.
No, of course I didn't call in sick--I don't do that unless I'm running a fever, or missing both legs.(Maybe I would show up if I lost both legs. I've never tried it.) On the subject of showing up, the day before the ice storms I was exposed to someone who the next day tested positive for COVID.
Tell me again how wonderful 2022 is going to be.
It could
be worse.
I thought that would give me a week home to write, but no--unfortunately, I'm fully vaccinated, the person who tested positive just had their booster and is asymptomatic, and I'm just not that good at faking illness. Even my grandmother and the dog are feeling better.
Speaking of the dog, the veterinarian says the med she gave us for Beowulf tastes even worse than prednisone, and that's going some. How the vet knows that, I was afraid to ask.
This explains why we gave up trying to give him the pill in food (the dog, not the vet), and Emily had to resort to force. I mean, on the dog--I took mine voluntarily, and thus have no excuse. Emily correctly informed me that I'm not tough enough to do the job, which involves prying open Beowulf's jaws and shooting the pill in like a basketball. All she had to do was avoid the three-point bite.
(Our high school men's basketball team just won their conference championship, so I'm allowed to make a basketball joke even though I hate basketball.)
So, having left the second full week of the year behind, my impression remains the same as it did after the first week: 2022 sucks.
Unless you're a Central Noble basketball player. Or manufacture medicine.
"At least you didn't get vertigo, fella."
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Hi gang!
I’m writing to you with a very fuzzy brain because I have had a rotten cold for the last however many days I’ve had this stupid thing.... I think I’m on day four. Scott and I both went to bed one night with stuffy sinuses and thought maybe the weather was bringing us a foot of snow, and sinus pressure; fortunately he woke up feeling better, but I woke up feeling like a pile of garbage. The second morning I woke up, had breakfast, and was so exhausted from being awake that I went back to bed, for five hours. I woke up completely confused as to what day it was, and STILL tired, after about ten hours of sleep the night before, and a five hour “nap.” I immediately thought, Jesus, this is how he’s been feeling for over two months straight, but much, much worse. Which has only made me give him ten thousand million more props for being so flippin brave, and so strong, continually forging onward with an attitude that refuses to give in to this shit rotten a-hole disease. Pardon my french; I get angry sometimes.
But the good news about this round is that he’s been more active than ever after any round of treatment he’s received, because eff it; he’s alive and wants to live his life despite this temporary invasion of ick inside his body, and he wanted to remain as active as he possibly could this time. And oh yeah, because he’s a freaking warrior. So! We grocery shopped the day after he got out of the hospital, started a puzzle together, played video games, watched lots of movies and HGTV, putting the kibosh on naps for the most part, read books, and all three of us got out of the house last night, had dinner, and saw the Lego Batman movie (which is hilarious and we all highly recommend.) This morning Scott and I got up early and went to Target and Stop and Shop (and stood in line for seventeen hours because DEAR GOD WE’RE GETTING TWO MORE INCHES OF SNOW AND THE APOCALYPSE IS HERE!!!!!!! AAAAGH AAAAAAGH!!!!!) and on the way toward the car Scott said, “You know what? I’ll drive. I have to learn to get back into the real world again soon anyway!” And he did! And he did awesome. And I was so happy I may have welled up a little bit inside. 
Tuesday is our appointment with Dr. Lim, to talk about the results of the PET scan which he had on Wednesday, so I promise that as soon as we know the results I will keep you posted. 
Love to you all; thank you, truly, for all of your positive thoughts and prayers and brownies and soups and flowers and fruit arrangements and visits and all of your Love Love Love. <3
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