#still got a lot to improve on with anatomy but i dont hate this
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reds-skull · 1 year ago
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Anatomy is one of the biggest thing I need to work on, so why not do it while drawing these two fuckers.
Tried to focus just on the sketch/lineart, so no shading on this one...
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hinamie · 8 months ago
hi hina! in terms of your art, what would say is your strength(s) and what is your weakness?
!!!! omg ily mariam you're always so good at asking rly thoughtful questions that make me take a step back n Ponder,, tbh im not sure if this is just a Me thing or if every artist experiences this but i feel like my main strengths/weaknesses in my art are just reflective of the strengths/weaknesses i have in all areas of my life .., i am not going to unpack that too much tho smile :)
a bitch is Persistent !!! when I decide to learn how to do something i put in 200% to learning it and learning it Well . ths how i got good at drawing a lot of the things im told i'm "good" at --i did it with hands i did it with torso anatomy i did it with clothing ,, i did it with yuuji's gd hair,, the list goes on !! also i think this is maybe related to why i love making character reference sheets ? granted they take forever and i hate it while i'm in it but at the end of the day i am a proud character sheet Advocate. if u ever want to really hammer something into ur brain .. character sheets.... angles......just sayin ! shit works.......
character design listen i dont want to sing my own praises too much but character design rly is one of my favourite kinds of art to do and i think . im maybe a bit good at it.,, idk,... :3 fr though I put so much time and effort in2 the research and ref compiling and it takes Hours on pinterest and 543254 open tabs but finally getting to put the pieces all together to make something cohesive makes all the pain worth it . whether it's for an oc or an existing character i love designing outfits or alternate forms that Tell u something abt the character i love translating personality into clothing choices and silhouettes and colours and hiding little defining Traits and !!! idk i just have so much fun :'> it reminds me why i love art
kind of the dark side of persistence, a bitch is Stubborn and Resistant to Change (not just an Artist Flaw(tm) but also a recurring Character Flaw i need to work on gsfdhjfsgd) . I find i don't know how to easily break habits or push myself outside of what's Worked for me in the past, even if i know that other, better ways exist ,,. like I joke abt working harder not smarter and complaining about it but that's not even a joke that's just what I do because I'm too afraid of being Bad at something or trying something and having it not work so I just stick to what I know :( smh if comfort zones r meant to b left why r they comfortable.......
perspective/rooms/dynamic poses,, look ik im microdosing on these rn but a lot of it is still so HARD ,, improvement jail.... :( unique poses r starting to come easier with reference but rooms i hate u . how do u make objects look like they are in a scene and not on it . how to give objects Weight ????? i dont get it...
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kikker-oma · 1 year ago
Do you have any tips on actually getting into and learning art? I love your art and whenever I see it I get the urge to make my own, but I'm not sure what to do or where to start. Also whenever I see your art I have to stand up and run around my room because I have no other way of expressing how BIFAJSHFJKASBFLSDHBFS your art makes me feel.
Secondly, @/skyloftian_nutcase got a somewhat similar ask that I and a lot of other artists reblogged with various pieces of advice, I would check it out!
My response was mostly for it you are looking to get a foundational base in figure drawing and how to measure and all that jazz, which I do think that is super important cus if you can draw complex subjects and understand how they form, then you can draw them simplified!
But even more than that, just start drawing what interests you. I love drawing people so I end up studying anatomy and poses and facial expressions the most. I love adding backgrounds as well so I've been trying to incorporate more of those into my drawings as well!
Other skills will follow, but if you hate what you're doing, you're not going to want to practice or create.
I end up using a LOT of pinterest posts for reference or inspiration. I try not to downright copy a pose anymore, but I'll find multiple sources and kind of make them my own, the best I can! Pose reference apps are great too, cus you can maneuver the doll into whatever position you need. Great for very specific poses you can find pics of, or have trouble modeling on yourself.
Tracing and copying others work is a FANTASTIC way to study styles and techniques and improve your own skill and find your own style! Just be sure to credit your sources if you share on social media. I did a lot of master studies when I was in art school! Find artists who are more skilled than your and/or have different styles than you and learn from each other☺️ it's a great way to challenge yourself, make friends, and improve! Iron sharpens Iron, and what not😉
On the matter of drawing programs, I use Clip Studio Paint and LOVE IT. it was a one time fee for me (dont know if it still is) and was waaay cheaper than photoshop, which I had used for years to draw. Much more geared towards artists. But there are a lot of great free programs out there too! I've only used the 2 tho, so I would just google free drawing programs so you can test them out first.
If you don't work digitally, any material goes! I would start out with cheap materials first as you're building your skills. No need to spend $50 on 1 tube of water color when you don't know how to paint haha. Take it from me, who spent close to $1k in paints over 3 years of school and im TRASH at painting haha. Like, actually terrible lol.
Idk if this answers any of your questions, but feel free to send more asks or message me if you have more specific questions or clarification! I'll try to help if I can❤️
Art is a skill you have to build and takes time, so give yourself some grace, and laugh at your mistakes💪 as long as you enjoy it, that's most important.
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acethatlovesdinos · 1 year ago
Tw: vent, female body dysmorphia? (Idk I don't have an official diagnosis). description of feminine anatomy (boobs). I'm not asking for pity, I'm just spitting words out because I feel the need to make them known. A confession, of sorts. And maybe it'll help some of you feel less alone in your own journey.
I'm not pretty.
I'm aware of the fact. Never really have been. Not exactly the textbook definition of "attractive" when I look in the mirror.
I dont feel unloved, I think that's a different thing. I know i have caring friends and family who have my back, but it's still not quite what Im getting at.
I hate mirrors. Specifically the big ones in the bathroom before I shower. I look at myself, my eyes taking in every flaw.
I used to be bigger, you see, and I do feel much better having lost a significant amount of weight but that in itself brought upon an entirely new type of insecurity.
At least when I was a larger size my shape was "normal," per se, in that i expected and understood that physique well.
I had gotten a gastric sleeve surgery (make stomach smaller so you can absorb less food, thus losing weight in a more "natural" manner). Considering my morbidly obese state at the time, it was a necessary adjustment for the sake of my own health.
Dont get me wrong, I'm happy with what I've done. It's been a massive change and I feel so much better from both a physical and mental perspective.
but oh boy, I never could have expected the kind of insecurity that accompanied rapid weightloss.
it was incredible for a while, watching my clothes fit looser and feeling like I had more energy. my mental health improved drastically. truly, this was one of the best decisions I ever made, and I dont think Id change it if given the chance. I do want to make that clear, my current feelings are just a bit of a side effect.
quickly shedding pounds means that your body doesnt really get a chance to re-absorb that loose skin. what once was round, fatty pudge has now become loose, dangling flab. it hangs over my waist, accentuating my gut and making it still look larger than it is. Unfortunately, the weight I've lost isnt enough to properly constitute those surgeries to remove the loose skin that exists, so I'm sort of just...stuck with it. Im still certainly not skinny by any means, but I feel as though I'd be a size or two smaller if that extra flab wasn't there.
My hips and thighs didnt change a whole lot, so I remain with a bottom-heavy, pear shaped form with a waist several inches behind my hips. pants are a struggle to find a comfortable fit as a result.
It doesnt really strike much thought at first, but I was pretty quick to remember that breasts are composed mostly of fat and soft tissue. One of the first places to start showing a decrease in size? yeah. My chest wasn't particularly huge in proportion to my body anyway, and they only got smaller. that's a blow to the self-esteem if ive ever seen one. ever try shopping for a 40A bra? they aren't very common.
Oh, and what I said before about loose skin? that applies there too. there's no shape, it just sort of...sags pathetically. it could almost be compared to the "boobs" of an obese man with the way they sit, and the thought disgusts me.
all in all im sagging, loose, and not what someone would call a pretty sight...ever. It makes me fear the longevity and even possibility of future relationships, because who would want something like this?
my only saving grace is when I take a closer look at myself. Look closer in the mirror, look at my face. that seems to be the only part of myself im mostly okay with.
I've got a soft, round face, dusted with a natural blush and a gentle chin. my ears arent too big, and ive got a little dimple when my mouth moves the right way.
pale blue eyes provide the only pop of color on my otherwise pale, boring body, a cloudy shade of slate with a ring of green around the pupil. I dont want to sound basic, bit they really do seem to change under the sun. hooded eyelids occasionally cause makeup to be frustrating, but i only wear the stuff on special occasions anyway so it's not exactly a huge deal for me.
My glasses help to frame my face, a cute but necessary prop(bc i am blind lol), with the added bonus of helping to hide the tired circles under my eyes.
A lot of people seem insecure about their noses, but mine has been mostly unproblematic throughout my experience with it.
I've had a surprising number of people comment on my "perfect lips" (a few ladies who helped me with makeup), bringing up the defined Cupid's Bow and naturally plump shape, a soft pink hue that exists all on its own. I never really thought much of it until someone told me.
My hair has always been a fickle thing, and I've had a bit if a love-hate relationship with it until fairly recently. I've found that I like it bobbed at my chin, where its light enough that the natural curls can have a strong effect. the most product I tend to use is this nice-smelling leave-in conditioner, which just helps to tone down the frizziness. I love the way the curls frame my chin and jawline, and it coils into these thick, beautiful springs after it dries from a shower. it's so soft and I love to run my fingers through it when it's been freshly cleaned. The current color is a dark purple, that looks almost black indoors, but it nearly lights up when the sun hits it. its natural color is a deep brown, and i still do like it, I just thought a bit of color would be nice for once.
Ive got moles and marks everywhere, but that's never bothered me. the little brown spots are fun, and a few of them on my arm can even be traced into a perfect arch.
the most unique aspect of my appearance is this...little patch of tiny moles in the center of my throat. The patch is only about a centimeter in full area, and it's covered in little raised brown bumps. Oddly enough, this part of my body has never been something I felt ashamed of, as the little patch of marks were one of the many things that made me, me.
So maybe my body isnt perfect. it's not the ideal shape, nor size, nor whatever else, but I guess there's some things about it that I dont mind so much.
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pancakethepikachu · 4 years ago
Listen I’ve got a buddy who desperately wanted to get some real art advice that’s more than “just practice” and ya know what? I’m putting this on here to-
DISCLAIMER: This is all art advice that I’ve discovered- it helped me improve, there is no guarantee any of this will work for you so stay curious and experiment around with your own unique style!!
These are in no particular order:
1. LOOK AT OTHER ARTWORKS!! I know it’s hard to look at better art, it can be demotivating sometimes, but looking at other artworks can help you decide what features you want to incorporate into your art. For me, I often looked at Pemprika, Ask-Antarcphos, random Japanese artists, and reblogs from Houseki-no-Suffering to search for elements I wanted. You can see influences from those blogs on my work!! In fact they STILL help influence me today!
2. DO NOT TRACE!! I know it’s tempting and some people may recommend it to help study anatomy and all that, but when I say tracing hurts more than helps- I mean it. Use references and set the pictures next to your sketch as you try to draw- this will help you develop an eye for anatomy waaaaaay faster than tracing ever will.
3. FIND CERTAIN NICHES OF YOUR WORK!! Just because it’s not perfect means you’re already on the right track! I have a habit of drawing long legs and fingers and that eventually became my style- sure they’ve gotten a bit more proportionally accurate but they’re still longer than usual and that’s okay! That’s my style and I’m happy to have it!
4. FINISH THE DRAFT AT LEAST!! We all have a habit of doing one thing and then giving up- trust me I’m guilty of it too- but finishing a draft means you’ve gained experience doing something new. Yes it may look wonky and it may not be how you imagined but it’s a start and you can never run a race without starting.
5. THE PEOPLE YOU LOOK UP TO ALSO HATE THEIR OWN ART!! Creators always hate the things they create, it’s just a fact. It doesn’t matter if your art could be the most beautiful thing ever, you’ll still hate it. So instead of letting that hatred kill you, try harnessing it to find ways on improving next time. Make your greatest weakness your greatest tool so to speak.
6. DONT TAKE PART IN HOSTED EVENTS IF YOURE NOT CONFIDENT THAT YOU CAN DO ALL THE PROMPTS!! Yes drawing prompts are a fun way to test your abilities and challenge yourself, but if you can only confidently do a few out of the whole- it’s not worth it. You’ll be spending more time stressing and be anxious than actually having fun- and at that point art becomes a chore and you lose your motivation.
7. USE YOUR EMOTIONS!! Art comes out the greatest when you can harness what you’re feeling into the piece. Find a good song that makes you feel strongly in a certain way or remember a moment that triggers something visceral- let it out onto the paper freely without restrictions. Sometimes it’s the lack of form that gives art its beauty.
8. TRY ONE NEW THING AT A TIME!! I know we often get the advice to “try new things” and “get out of your comfort zone” with art. But I’m here to say that’s a terrible idea- not only are you setting yourself up to fail, but you’re overworking your brain and making art feel more like a chore. Instead of completely 180’ing your style to try and copy someone else’s- change parts of it sometimes. Maybe ink with a new brush, use a different colour, shade with hard lines rather than soft lines. Progress doesn’t come overnight.
9. IT’S OKAY TO GET CRITICISM!! Have other people look at your art that you trust and know can be truthful! Sugarcoating is a bad idea for improvement so you need to women up and accept that viewers may see things differently than you do. It’s not that your artwork is bad- far from it! It’s just that different people will see it differently- I’ve had lots of people look at the same artwork and one person may notice the eyes while the other the hair and so on- it’ll help to know what the majority of the people will notice first!
10. GET FRUSTRATED AND CRY AND GIVE UP!! Hey, let’s be real, it’s hard to improve, especially when you’re not doing so at the rate you want. Perhaps you’re not in the right moment in your life, or find that art is tougher than you thought- maybe you just can’t do it right now and need a break. Rip apart your pieces, delete those files- wipe away all trace of your artistic career- art is something that is found by the inner self. If you can’t sit there at the canvas and bleed, then you’re not trying hard enough. You’re drawing for yourself and only yourself, and if your inner self can’t handle art, then don’t force it. Wait until the time is right.
And finally, keep in mind these are all things I’ve found as a self taught hobbyist artist- I’m sure art classes are worth it. I’m not saying you should go to one or not because honestly that’s up to you-
If you wanted more technical artist tips... I can’t do that. Everyone has their own unique way of drawing- I can tell you to use a ruler or use a specific pencil- but in the end that’s creating a world where everyone drew the same. We need variety.
At this point I’m just kinda spitting bullshit so I’ll shut up and let y’all yell at me at how unuseful and pointless this all was haha
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peach-pops · 5 years ago
henloo! 🐰 i hope this message was able to send to you. i was hoping if i could get a romantic matchup (both for bnha and haikyuu) just to keep in mind, english is not my first language so bad grammar ahead of you 😗 i’m somewhere between the average height of an asian female and my hair was used to be wavy but i got it rebond last year since i was insecure about my wavy dry hair for a looooonnggg time and my eyes are brown (no biggie) (1/4) - 🐰
at class, i kinda do well except for math and science cuz i hate the teachers (terror teacher vibes) i tend to sleep at class cuz yah but im trying to improve myself day by day 🤣 im into kpop. currently i stan red velvet, iu, sunmi and such much moreeee ❤️✨ my theme song can be bad boy by red velvet or euphoria by jungkook (the remix one) i usually go for the puffy sleeves tops or soft e-girl vibes || uhhh im currently watching grey’s anatomy and its okay to be not okay cuz my taste in netflix suckz and diverse HAHAHAH 🤡 if i had a quirk, i’ll go for something similar to elsa or poison ivy cuz i know they’re badass and cool. my love language is physical touch, words of affirmation and receiving gifts. i imagine my first date somewhere simple can be a dog cafe or picnicc? idk hehe || my hobbies r singing and cooking cuz im a wife material(just kidding 🤣) but it help calm me down cuz im a short tempered person. i dont really like people physically fighting cuz im scared someone might get hurt. i hope this time it was sent well 😔 or else im suing tumblr for this clownery. take care of yourself!! ❤️ 
okay i dont even blame you some seasons of greys anatomy are really good and addicting. and yes why is tumblr so glitchy I hate it ugh! Hope you’re doing well and pls take care of yourself! Matchups are closed!
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I ship you with Oikawa!
You never understood the hype about Oikawa at first like sure he’s cute,charming, and the captain of the volleyball team but pshhhh you didn’t care....UNTIL 
You found yourself sleeping in class and before the teacher was about to call on you, Oikawa leaned over his seat and flicked your ear so you could wake up in time without getting in trouble
It was an odd, but nice gesture and so from then on, you two became very good classmates to close friends and of course, Oikawa started to fall for you HARD
Oikawa loves calling you “princess” and “sweetheart” because he thinks you’re just so soft and precious. He always compliments you on your outfits and will always notice if you do something different with your hair cause he’s just that type of boyfriend
Oikawa hardly ever struggles with telling you how he feels about you
“ Have I told you how much I love you?”
“ Yes Toru, you’ve said it a million times today.”
“ Well I’ll tell you again, I love you.” 
Forgot to say this but his contact name for you in his phone is “Wifey” and Iwaizumi, Mattsun, and Hanamaki always tease him for it but he doesn’t care, my due is IN LOVE
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I ship you with Todoroki!
It takes him a while for him to realize he has really strong feelings for you. It isn’t until Uraraka literally asks him if he likes you and Todorki is like huh??? 
Now that he thinks of it, his heart always beats faster whenever you smile at him...and his chest does feel funny whenever you say his name...and whenever he walks into a room, he always tries to find you....ohhhhhhh yep he definitely likes you 
Dating him takes a lot of patience at first because he isn’t used to a lot of physical touches and words of affirmation but after a while, he opens up more and more to the idea and now this boy is officially touch starved for you 
He always compliments your voice whenever he finds you singing while making breakfast for everyone. Sometimes he’ll be a bit lonely and go over to your room and just ask you to sing for him cause he just loves your voice so much
OH also you two are such a power couple?!? Imma tell you why
Quirk: Frost Breath- your body can generate sub-zero air and when you exhale, you can create blizzards
Even though Todoroki has an ice quirk, he still finds himself in awe watching you make your quirk stronger 
For your first date, he took you to a dog cafe (thank Kirishima for the suggestion) and you both had a blast playing with the dogs and he even suggested getting one with you when you two were older and you almost passed out at the thought
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same-side · 6 years ago
Are there any specific resources you used while you were learning how to draw? I see your art and I get super inspired, but then I remember how far behind I am when it comes to progress, and I get discouraged. I've been drawing for a year and I still can't do proper anatomy and lineart, yet you've been drawing since August and you're wonderful at it. I really want to improve. Help a fellow artist out?
Hey there!!I’m really glad I can inspire you!! Please don’t give up!! If it’s any consolation, I get discouraged, too. I see the incredible art of this fandom (or just in general!) and it makes me feel like why even bother. It happens to everyone, and not just with drawing, but with everything in life! But I work through those feelings! I have faith in you and I believe in you!
I’m sorry, I don’t really have any resources I can point you towards! I never really watch tutorials or things like that, I don’t have one of those pose-able models or anything. I don’t know of any like. reference databases or anything. I also dont use any external brush packs and I’ve got a baseline non-display tablet. I think the biggest advice I can give is to use references and to do studies! Studies can teach you so, so much. When I first started I absolutely hated doing fabric. I felt like I wasn’t good at it. So instead of just giving up or avoiding it I sat down and did fabric studies until I felt comfortable with it. Most of my paintings are honestly just me practicing on something I feel like I’m not good enough at yet, whether its dual lighting sources, anatomy, fabric folds, hair... Don’t avoid the things that make you afraid, practice them until you’re comfortable with it!
In regards to lineart, some things I’ve learned- foremost, canvas size is really important. find which one works for you. Most artists I know work on somewhere around 3500 x 3500px . personally, my canvasses for portraits are usually in the 500 x 500px range, and sketch dumps are 1650 x 1650 px. Too small of a canvas, and you won’t be able to fit the detail you want - sometimes I post something with a wonky face and its because the canvas was really small so i couldnt properly draw! If the canvas is too big, it may be difficult to fill the space. Another thing - some programmes (I think SAI for sure) have a line stabilizer and a curve editor. my photoshop doesnt have this, so i cant really say much aside from that, but it can really help you get smooth lines without the wonky bumps. One last thing I learned recently - vary your line sizes. I usually work between 3px and 8px, with 4px as my standard. It provides contrast and makes the focus points more clear.For anatomy - reference reference reference!! Do studies!! And remember that your own body is your best reference!! I have a folder that’s just got different pictures of my own hand under different lighting sources that I’ve used in paintings. Don’t try to do something from memory if you don’t actually know what it looks like! I know a lot of artists use that “block” method. There’s real logic behind it; i think a common mistake is thinking “oh i just draw circles or blocks as a placeholder for body parts!” But the blocks actually mimic muscles and joints. Look at an anatomical model, break it into pieces. Then use those pieces to compose a body. not just random circles at random distances!A final note - I’m not sure how old you are, anon, but for the teens out there. please don’t compare yourself to adults as the end-all-be-all. Its fine to compare to others to see what things you could improve on or how to draw something differently, but don’t let it consume you. you still have so much time to learn and to grow. Even if there isn’t practical experience, someone older will have more life experience and a different perception, and it really does make a difference. Someone older has seen and experienced more, unconsciously learned more about the way bodies move and lights play out on things, what colours they like and dont like paired. And they may even have other life experiences that affect things. For example, I’m an engineer. I literally have a degree that trained me to be detail oriented and be able to understand proportions, perspectives, and breaking things down into basic shapes. it definitely helps with drawing, to have that sense. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help, but I hope at least something in here is valuable to you! I believe in you, anon!!
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po1ypear1 · 4 years ago
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take it all as it comes. seize the oportunities. listen to your inner voice, and if you don’t hear it, ask.  
Always: Be greatful for the happiness feelings you feel every single day.
Recognize when the right opportunity is before you and say yes. But if you dont, know the boat will come again, and know your reason for missing it.
Plans and day dreams are nice, but let them be free. Watch out for getting too attatched. We prefer general headings.
Remember watching, “How To Be Single” and feeling like this was your time to enjoy being single while in this stage of self descovery. To remember learning how to date, how to talk to people, and how to hold onto your own identify.
Find and Do No Matter Where You Are:
Play with improv people. join a theater group
Take singing lessons. join a choior
Keep making your moon calanders! Study Astrology.
Pole Play Classes. Dance classes
underground bush doof crew
Everything written here has placed a call to me, and is currently waiting, patiently on hold.
Make movies. Research bus channels. Consider yours.
Act/Perform. Read poetry, stories and speaches to people from mobile sets in character.
Sail home for Christmas
Once Home: Set Some Shit Straight:
Impact Invest! Talk to one of those guys who makes your money make money. 
Sort out your taxes, health care, and province of residing. Get GST number for a small, legit paper trail and to justify the cerb minimum income requirements.
Lazer hair removal.  
Time to Get Your Self Some Nice Things: Good quality solar powered phone charging water proof blue tooth multi speaker linkons portable speaker. 
Books: Anatomy for the artist.  A massive “learn to read the stars” astrology book, total “yoga poses” reference guide.  
go shoping and record the items, review and return later. see how they look through the camera’s eye. find the neck lines you like. thin straps. Try less reveiling necklines, they are destracting, people will look, listen and be enchancted by everything else
.Ask grandma and grandpa a hundred questions.
Watch tissue movies with mom.
Visit Royal Pizza
Organize family activities, skating, toboganing, holrac park. Snowboarding trip?  
Propose bio mobile bus/prototype build to dad  
Have a Dance in Golden and visit kyle…  
First summer with the bio-biel. Climb mountains. Serve A Vapassana.  Learn Gin Shin Do from a master. Visit the landing.
Do you still wanna train hop? this is probably a better sooner then later activity.  
Winter town! Seasonal job. Collect thousands of dollars for passing go.
My Karman Line: Learn about starting a business. Event Organizer/Project Manager. Online Careers. How to become a home care assistant.
Stationary Routine breads clarity and focus. New Places are exciting, stimulating, inspiring, and distracting.
Biofuel Home Bus:
MIDNIGHT IDEA* bus so I dont have to pay rent while going to school/studying to get the job that will allow me to work and live around the world. hense vegabonding after bussing. No roommates, no rent, no part time job money worries, small space, less mess, fewer distractions. I can work part time if I want to, not cause I have to. I can be close to school, no comute, close to my kichen, less money spent eating out. I feel the time for study is getting closer.
I like the idea of bus before boat, cause when I get land the bus is home base while I build. Then the bus is safely left on the property. The boat is a little less safe left in the water.
You’d think I would vegabond before biofuel, but i just got a craving…. then I got an incling, “maybe these arnt one time phases.” cause now i got another thought, I'm back to the vegabond route, but a more "stay-awhilebond" feelin. Like hop into communities with the intensión of staying a while, maybe better with this new "normal" places might want you to quarentine. But, boat life, Bus life, House life, Back-pack life. and they keep heluxing round and round. And there’s always new hobbies, interests, self discoveries and purposes. With constant sweet notes of good food, friendship, discovery. And never ending curiosity.
MIDNIGHT VISION: 1 am, drinkin water by the gallon…. a song comes on. I can’t hold it in. The bus bursts open and I pour my heart out down the empty street. Pirouette’s under street lamp spot lights, broken hearts to car hoods. Coming to an hour latter, looking around, ‘where am I?´ Time to choose a walking home song. A small space will be good for me. Forces me to get outta the house.
There’s no correct order, or direct timeline. Remove the 5 hinderances, and listen to what the moon says is best for you right now. Sailing also sounds better with a crew, thanks to Swell, by Liz Clark.
short cut dotted out with Kyle Button: sail the ports and archipelagos, appartment hop the interiors, build in Canada or the perfect place once it’s found.  
Recycle Sailing Fleet. Bee Bike Troup. The little book of Aquireing Knowledge series. 
Vegabond. Live, Work and Study in so many other countries.You can do this after 35 aswell. You can find amazing work oportunities that don’t require the permit, that will sponsor a permit, that wants to marry you. Or you’ll fit into the specialist or exeption section. You’re not necessarily looking for a typical, need a working vissa job anyway. Plus, some countries might not have this restriction, you never looked for your self.
We were talking with Josie the other day and we got on to the different types of lives on the security-adventure scale. For argument sake, we named 4 main ones. The people who never leave the towns they grew up in, the ones who do but settle some where, the ones who move every so often, keeping it fresh and the ones who never stop, who, say live out of a back-pack or travel the world on a bike, throwing them selves into the unknown. When she spoke of these people, my heart fluttered…..  
House sit, wwooff, work-away when the world alows open travel again. And maybe Do it by bike? As few planes as possible. LIVE in the cities of the world, get to know them, be a part of them. Know the public places, the baker on the courner, where the oldest trees and stairs are.
Entreprenuer. Have your own business. Work for your self. See one note Starters.
Homestead. Own Property out right. I will pay for everything up-front, all the money I save on interest by waiting will be trippled by keeping the money invested till there is more then enough for the propert, land and home development. Enough will be left over, and remain invested, to continue growing at a steady, live a comfortable life and travel as I wish, take what ever courses i wish rate.
Raise your kids here, with stability providing safety. Routine creating tradition that will be imprinted in them for ever, every pumpkin pie will make them feel their childhood in fall, and the excitment of starting school again. Let them grow conected to nature and their food. Atleast till 7. Then ask them what they want to do? wanna go to school in the city? wanna live in a bus and travel across the continent? Wanna live in a boat and sail around the world? Please learn another language, spanish is easy and lots of places different to us. 
Maybe kids raised in a bus or on a boat might could also be a good thing. After rocking Nera to sleep, for only less then an hour, it occured to me, a rocking boat or moving bus would be great right now.
Sail around the world with an electric assist bike and a survival libraray
Return to the nice place, with enough acres for privacy, gardens, animals, out door hot tubs, a green house, all within a food forest and be within walking distance of neighbours and a satisfying community hub. Some people watching spots and art events can be a comfortable scooter ride away. maybe this is the same place as the homestead. Maybe my parents are with my by this point.  
Bio Bus. I’ve been in the office 6 months now, and im starting to want a change. Change just might be my nature. So maybe it’s back to the bus. This time with Gatto, Pero, Pollo, bicicleta and creator machines. Traversing the continent selling soaps, teas, hot snacks wrapped in bees wax at ski hills, soaking potions, spa days at tree planter camps and tickets to movie nights.    
Movement Space: soft matt 5x5, to emcompass my whole body’s reach in every angle. hand holds ancored into the floor for traction. ropes hanging from the roof for balance, suport. golf and tenis balls for massage.
Kitchen Hacks: design cooking area to be re-panted every few years cause it gets so dam dirty and change is a must. window sills for herbs to grow. sinks with water spouts that fill in the middle and swivel. counters with an over hang so you can sit. lots of different lighting options. Wooden counter top, i hate the sound of everything clanging on marble 
Ideal Community: lots of greenery, big old trees, bike and walk friendly, inviting public spaces, big enough that I want to go out and be apart of it, that i have places and people to visit and watch. A place with seasons. I don´t want to be hot and itchy all year round. A place where people steward the land, and shape it with Peter Pan’s elegant hands. No generic, shitty, fast food joints, only healthy artisian. Beautiful works of arcitecture harmanizing our day to day with nature. No junk advertisments. 
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