#still find it convulated as fuck but ok
pigtailedgirl · 6 months
My FF7 Rebirth theory craft.
I think this bitch is a sequel and Cloud is trapped between worlds.
Cloud who has spent compilations extras moving from one fan thing to another, like from Tactics, to Dissidia, to Kingdom Hearts, to whatever fucking else, finally pressed the FF7 Replay button.
Problem is he's haunting himself, and in his mako infused blood, he's followed by the living memory in him of old Sephiroth and Sephiroth's dark energy is in the life-stream and with him in his "edge of creations".
This Sephiroth sees an opportunity to win all games if he takes over Cloud totally and make him his dark boy who reigns destruction down like meteor. So, his goal is Cloud does OG again sure, but his way.
Enter Aerith, also the infused in everything life-stream gal, who gives herself the heads up at the reactor mako scene in opening. A nod to old OG.
But when she sticks around to meet and tell Cloud, she's attacked by the dark Whispers.
Whispers aren't just on the nose fan things, they are representative of all the creative timeline's lives. Good and bad. Things both trying to keep the life-stream and surviving worlds aligned hence neutral, black ones guided by darkness, or the white guided by light. So the dark set try to rob Aerith of her knowledge to prevent change and help the dark guy, Sephiroth while neutral also helps cause she also wanted change, you know, to live and see Cloud and co. again.
Yada yada Remake unfolds. Moments of spectral Aerith being the life-stream one. Imparting memories of future on people because they would have done this before, etc. and "fate" trying to correct or line up stuff for best ending world survival.
Team both succeeds and fails, when they rift open, as they've opened a life-stream alt to change everything, defeated that predetermined set, and this gives Sephiroth and Cloud each their shot.
It opens the life-stream to those, who wanted to change this fate.
Enter Zack. Who is getting his second chances. Enter Biggs, who died wanting to do more as example. They make choices and multiple live and die again.
But these choices and worlds within worlds mean the life stream is splitting at the seams, represented by each new Stamp world and the sky rifts. Representing with how people are out of time, in multiple places, and have that inter-connected feeling.
Downside, it robs our group's Aerith of the Cetra heritage memories, her orb, cause naturally it was the OG's life-stream past. It's robbing the life-stream of energy and weakening it too, so helping Shinra and Sephiroth. Weak world's collapse, just as people can't outrun their pasts, and that too helps Sephiroth's goals. Again as last standing, he's vying dark world, dark Cloud.
Our group carries on unknowing. Sephiroth goading Cloud to mistrust Tifa, setting them all for anger, and blessing/taunting Cloud to save Aerith both to twist the knife and win.
Life stream Aerith meanwhile hid in an accepted fate world. Her avenues and goals are to keep Cloud uncorrupted. And through his life-stream connection she pulls him to her to get her OG white materia and give to that our group Aerith. It ensures there is hope for stopping meteor in this world again. She also sends surviving choices Zack around timelines to save him and help out, cause he's a good soldier.
So what's going on in Rebirth ending and Aerith's death? Aerith both did and didn't die. The OG Aerith always has been dead. Died both at the accepted fate church universe and by killing herself in our group's timeline. She's also still alive in split limbo, in the life-stream as always, as she never had a chance to really be saved or live. Twist is, Cloud thinks he has created or his changed a timeline and saved her too in one timeline and not another, and Sephiroth was down for it, but she's pulled a reverse Sephiroth and just made it her own strong spirit timeline alt to be with Cloud in this Cloud's saved world and memories. Sephiroth thinks that won't do much. That he can convince Cloud she's not real or this is good for grief. And he's impressed. But he's gonna be more so, cause Aerith has saved herself! I am talking our group Aerith, who she actually saved by pulling her out earlier than the Forbidden City. That's right, Aerith when she made the materia switch, coma-ed/memoried up our group Aerith. In another world unknown. In the Materia without the white perhaps.
This is about to be some sleeping beauty shit.
Essentially our group, and Zack, has to save Cloud from himself right now and their world from corrupting thanks to Shinra probably still chasing depleted mako/life-stream and Sephiroth's usual shit. Group is living the reality where Aerith died. Cloud is mentally tripping between this and in his dream one. Only seeing spirit Aerith trying to help him in his mental anguish when she could through her body just after death, hence why she woke and told him he's okay but didn't move, and her life-stream kickass buddy up, and for the rest he's seeing the Jenova/Sephiroth alt trying to gaslight him with his own grief and memories like at the lake. Hence Red sensed good Aerith's silent presence after, cause that was all she could do there now, and Cloud was talking to himself or the Jenova/Aerith before he took off, leaving just spirit Aerith behind.
Team has to fix Cloud's mind and heart and find out the truth, then find our Aerith in the materia world, before she wakes up. IE recovers her memories and Sephiroth kills 2.0 and wins. This is like Marlene said.
I predict Tifa being best gal ever to help out Cloud, and possibility woo per choices, Zack being best BFF ever and getting his closure by helping too then returning to his death and life-stream with cheesy okay and honor, OG Aerith meeting herself and getting happy to see me live somewhere closure, and timelines converge where Cloud has to pick a fate of staying in an Aerith's back world or going back to the group all the while killing Sephiroth and Jenova for good by killing his grief that they threaten to corrupt him with.
I just hope the whispers are fucking gone soon.
Fun times.
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