#still cooking on a name so. no tag for that yet :/ i've just been calling him boy in the kratos voice it's a problem
sir-reinhardt · 7 months
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first attempt at a little sweater for my little guy 🥺 just need to make him pants now.
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asdfghjklmals · 8 months
LILIES & ROSES 2.0✩༶‧˚
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff. suggestiveness and mentions of sex. WORD COUNT: 4.1k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc, dad!gojo, mom!oc. established couple.
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SYNOPSIS: oc gojo girlfriend and satoru celebrate baby gojo's first valentine's day! AUTHOR'S NOTE: happy early valentine's day everyone! sorry i've been so mia. i hope this fic will make up for my absence. the first ‘lilies & roses’ fic was for oc gojo girlfriend’s mother’s day so make sure to read that. 💚 REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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you and satoru woke up at exactly 5am to your five-month-old human alarm clock babbling in her snoo.
you felt slender, yet strong arms slide under your shirt to pull you closer, even if it was just for a moment. a quick, welcoming kiss by soft tender lips pressed onto your exposed shoulder blade.
“good morning, sweetheart.” satoru whispered into your ear, finally pulling away from you so he could start his morning routine with his daughter.
you turned to face him, half-awake eyes following each step from his side of the bed to your daughter’s bassinet across the room. you let out a tired sigh.
“there’s daddy’s big girl!” satoru said with a quiet, yet cheery voice. a gummy smile appeared on the face of your 5 month old baby girl. it was a smile that satoru never got tired of seeing.
he reached down to pick up sayuri, holding her close to his chest so that her head could rest on his shoulder. you saw her peeking at you. you shot a soft smile at her as her lips trembled. she wanted mommy right now. and where the hell was her milk?
before sayuri could even let out a cry for you, satoru quickly left the master bedroom and shut the door behind him. this was the start of his morning routine, bonding time with his daughter that he always looked forward to.
and so, you shut your eyes for a couple more minutes before satoru and sayuri would come back with their special delivery, your morning coffee. (read ‘morning routine 2.0’ here)
“okay, yurs—here’s the game plan,” satoru said to his baby girl, “today is something called valentine’s day. usually mommy and daddy go out on a date and then participate in love-making-physical-activities at night, but since we have you this year, i think we should change it up a little.”
sayuri drooled on satoru’s shoulder, unsure of what her father was babbling on about. she pursed her lips and continued to drool.
“we need to stop by the flower shop first so we can get her a nice big bouquet of ros—i mean lilies. those are your mommy’s favorite flower you know. did you know you’re named after them?” (read 'hello baby' here)
sayuri. sayuri meant ‘small lily’ in japanese. it was the perfect name for your perfect baby girl.
satoru continued on with explaining his plan to his partner in crime, “then—i was thinking that while you take your afternoon nap, i can cook a late lunch for mommy. i haven’t done that for her in a long time.”
satoru stirred sweet creamer into your cup of coffee and smiled. he felt as if his plan was going to be perfect—another successful valentine’s day for satoru gojo in the books.
as he imagined how the day would progress, he warmed up a packet of your stored breast milk for sayuri before she started to fuss. but sayuri gojo was no fool, she knew she was going to be fed in a few moments so she decided to give grace to her trying father. she decided that she’d throw a tantrum later.
“what do you mean you’re taking sayuri out by yourself?” you frowned after taking a sip of your morning coffee. you had hoped to spend some time with your little family today—it was valentine’s day after all.
last year, you told satoru that you didn’t want to do anything extravagant because you were still in the early stages of your pregnancy. you were nauseas and tired during your first trimester. knowing him, he would have already had a trip to somewhere tropical planned if you hadn’t told him that you wanted to stay home.
satoru mischievously grinned, rubbing salt into your wound, “we are going to have a daddy-daughter date for valentine’s day.”
“what if i wanted to have a mommy-daughter date?” you pouted back at your baby daddy, “it’s our baby girl’s first valentine’s day, can’t we spend it together?”
an imaginary lightbulb lit up above satoru’s head. he did need time to cook for you without you being in the apartment, so maybe you could take sayuri during that time.
“how about you take sayuri out for a couple hours?” satoru suggested, “we’ll be home by 2pm.”
“—but 2pm is her nap time, satoru.”
‘of course you wouldn’t forget about her nap time.’ satoru thought to himself. he shifted his milk-drunk daughter in his arms so he could face you.
“okay, how about this, sweetheart—i’ll take yurs and be home by noon. she can take an early nap, and then you can have her at 3pm. i have an appointment from 3pm-5pm anyways.”
satoru may have lied about having an appointment, but he needed to have an excuse not to be with you and sayuri so he could prepare for your valentine’s day surprise.
“can we celebrate after your appointment?” you asked eagerly. your daughter’s first valentine’s day was important to you. not only was it sayuri’s first, it was yours and satoru’s first as parents.
“of course, sweetheart.” satoru said as he leaned in for a kiss on your forehead, a sneaky grin plastering his face, “we have a tradition to uphold.”
“if sex is the tradition you’re talking about, i swear to—”
a whimpering cry interrupted your empty threat to satoru. sayuri was still hungry. she started to wail as if she was screaming, ‘more food, please!’
“—and that’s my queue to leave,” satoru said as he handed off sayuri to you. he quickly jumped out of the bed to make sayuri another bottle.
you shook your head and chuckled.
“your daddy is so silly,” you looked down at satoru gojo’s mini-me. everything you loved about satoru reflected back at you in your daughter. her slender nose, soft pink lips, and her thin white eyebrows. you had the most perfect child. of course you did, she was satoru gojo’s copy and paste.
“so baby girl—i was thinking that while we go on our mommy-daughter date, we can go see grandpa kiku and grandma fuku. daddy would be devastated if we didn’t get him anything for valentine’s day.”
sayuri looked up at you as you patted her back gently. she felt content being in your arms. it gave her comfort and soothed away any fears she may have had, just like daddy’s—and it was the exact same feelings that satoru felt whenever he was in your arms.
“then we can come back home and spend the night with daddy!” you said excitedly with a giggle, “you have to protect mommy from daddy tonight, okay?”
sayuri gojo wouldn’t understand your joke, but you knew what satoru gojo’s intentions were on a day like valentine’s day.
later that morning
“your mom must be loving the fact that she can sleep in today,” satoru chuckled to his daughter as he opened the glass door to the flower shop.
satoru, you, megumi, and tsumiki have been going to this flower shop ever since you moved to the apartment. at first, it was just convenient for satoru. satoru always bought you flowers whenever he upset you or whenever he wanted to surprise you with them just to see you smile. and now, after years of giving the flower shop owner business, you were regulars—to the point where the owner, mrs. itose, had a customized bouquet on hand made just for you whenever satoru or the kids needed it.
“good morning, satoru! good morning, miss sayuri!” the flower shop owner greeted the father-daughter duo.
satoru smiled, presenting his baby girl, “say hi to grandma itose!”
grandma itose had been around for the growth of yours and satoru’s relationship. she was like family. when you gave birth to sayuri, she sent the world’s most beautiful bouquet of lilies you had ever seen. mrs. itose placed her bets that baby gojo was going to be a girl and because of that, she was one of the first people to know sayuri’s name.
“i’m guessing you’re here for valentine’s day?” the shop owner smiled as she continued to wrap rose bouquets to sell for the day. it was a busy day for mrs. itose.
satoru scratched the back of his head and grinned, “that obvious?”
“don’t you worry, satoru. i have (y/n)’s bouquet ready for you.” mrs. itose said with a smug, yet confident grin. she wiped off her hands on a towel and walked to the back of the shop, disappearing for a moment.
satoru watched sayuri as her small, curious eyes scanned the store. her eyes were always full of wonder. she gave a gummy smile to the shop owner who smiled back at her while holding your large bouquet of lilies and roses and a smaller bouquet of lilies alongside it.
“what’s that small bouquet for?” satoru asked, knowing he didn’t order a small bouquet.
mrs. itose smacked satoru’s shoulder, “not only do you have (y/n) to buy flowers for, but you have to buy them for your daughter too!”
satoru’s heart sank. he felt guilty that he didn’t even think about buying his mini-me, his adorable little girl, a bouquet for valentine’s day. he now had two girls in his life to think about.
“i didn’t even think about that before we had sayuri.” he sheepishly admitted, giving sayuri an apologetic kiss to her chubby cheek.
“being a girl dad will make you realize a lot of things.” mrs. itose teased, “a reflection of how you treat (y/n) is a guideline to how sayuri will expect to be treated by her significant other when she grows up.”
the thought of sayuri growing up, dating, and eventually getting married gave satoru the chills. he didn’t even want to think about it. all he knew was that whoever his daughter ended up loving, they better love her the way he loved you.
“grandma itose, thank you for teaching me how to be a good dad. and you’ve always helped me be a good partner to (y/n).” satoru said with appreciation. mrs. itose was always a listening ear when he would pick up flowers after an argument.
the shop owner smiled warmly at satoru and sayuri, “have a happy valentine’s day, you two.”
satoru held the two bouquets up with his cursed technique and paid the shop owner double the amount of what the flowers actually costed. he made sure to leave before mrs. itose could say anything.
“say bye to grandma itose, yurs.” satoru sang as he held sayuri’s arm to wave goodbye.
next year, he would make sure to remember to order flowers for his precious little lily too.
later that afternoon
“i bet your daddy wishes he could be here with us.” you sang smugly as you pushed sayuri’s nuna stroller down the familiar streets of tokyo. “he loves seeing grandpa kiku and grandma fuku.”
sayuri was bundled up warmly in her swaddle, enjoying the stroller ride. her view was a beautiful you. your long black hair flowed behind you in the wind, green eyes sparkling as you looked on ahead. sayuri looked at you just like satoru did. with awe.
“i’m sorry you had to change your nap time today.” you apologized, “mommy couldn’t help it. she wanted to spend time with you too.”
you weren’t mad at the fact that satoru and sayuri always got to spend time together, in fact, you loved that they had a bond. it was more of the thought that one day, your baby girl wouldn’t need her mother anymore.
you made your way to the kikufuku stand that you and satoru had been visiting since you were high schoolers. the stall owners recognized you immediately and rushed towards you.
grandma fuku called out your names excitedly, “(y/n)! sayuri!”
“hi mrs. fuku.” you laughed, knowing exactly what she wanted. you picked up sayuri and placed her in grandma fuku’s arms as she cooed at your baby.
grandpa kiku and grandma fuku were family, just like grandma itose. you remembered the moment when your belly started showing during your pregnancy. you wanted to surprise and visit grandma fuku to see if she would notice. grandma fuku was so excited when she realized you were pregnant, she wanted to close to shop immediately so she could sit down and talk to you about motherhood. that day, even grandpa kiku ended up giving satoru a lecture on how to be a good husband and that being a dad changes your entire life.
you were grateful for the kikufuku stand couple. they had been there for you and satoru when you were both in high school. their kikufuku stand was where you and satoru had your first date, and many more dates after that. they had become important parts of your lives and you hoped that they would be in your daughter’s too. (read 'love at first fight' here)
“grandpa kiku packed up all of satoru’s favorites.” grandma fuku said with a smile as she held sayuri in her arms. your baby enjoyed being held by anyone—she was a friendly baby, just like her friendly father.
grandpa kiku called out with a grin, “we figured one of you two would be here to pick these up.”
he held out a pink box of kikufuku towards you, all in satoru’s favorite flavors. you placed them in sayuri’s stroller and quickly paid the shop owners a generous amount of money, far more than what the sweet treat was actually worth. it was the least you could do for them after all these years of satoru terrorizing their kikufuku stand.
a visit to the kikufuku shop with sayuri always lasted longer than expected. they always wanted to hold her and talk about how she was doing. in a blink of an eye, an hour had already passed. you had to meet satoru back at home.
“on our next day off, satoru and i will bring sayuri.” you promised as you placed sayuri back into her stroller.
“that would be great! happy valentine’s day, (y/n) and sayuri! tell satoru we said hi!” the shop owners called out to you.
you gave them a bright smile and waved back, “we will! happy valentine’s day! don’t work too hard!”
“make sure to have lots of babies for me!” grandma fuku made sure to add.
you laughed at her request. you were pretty sure satoru’s sobo and your grandma wanted the same thing too. but for now, you and satoru wanted to enjoy the time you had with your little accident, sayuri.
at the gojo/(l/n) apartment
on your way home, a burning smell wafted through the apartment hallways, worrying you.
“is your father already home?” you asked your daughter as if she could answer you. you already knew it was satoru, you could sense his cursed energy residuals.
you typed in the code to the pin pad lock and pushed sayuri’s stroller in. the burning smell was coming from your kitchen.
“babe, are you okay…?” you called out.
“goddamn it—oh hi sweetheart!” satoru turned around attempting to mask his apparent frustration, he sucked on his thumb that he burned while attempting to grab something from the oven.
“did you burn yourself?”
“yes…” he mumbled, “can you come kiss it better?”
you laughed at how much of a baby the strongest sorcerer could be.
“let me grab sayuri, run it under cold water first.”
while you picked up sayuri from her stroller, satoru obediently ran his thumb under the kitchen faucet, the icy cold water soothing his burn.
you approached him from behind with sayuri attached to your hip, rubbing his back in soothing circles.
“you okay, babe?” you attempted to stifle a laugh.
satoru pouted and answered dramatically, “no, i might just die right now, it hurts so bad.” as a jujutsu sorcerer, you were pretty sure he’s felt worse than a simple cooking burn.
“hold her,” you demanded while you handed your daughter off to her father, “give me your hand.”
he quickly put his hand in yours. the red spot on his thumb was starting to blister. you focused your reversed cursed technique onto his burn, water appearing from the air to cover the spot on his thumb. when you released your technique, it was as if the burn never happened.
sayuri blinked in awe as she watched you and satoru. sayuri gojo was born with cursed energy, but you and satoru didn’t know what her innate cursed technique was yet. was it limitless from the gojo clan? or was it an elemental technique from your clan?
“you’re such a baby, satoru.” you teased, “you can use reversed cursed energy yourself but for some reason, you always come to me to heal you.”
“guilty as charged.” satoru grinned before pulling you in for a kiss, “i’ll always be your baby.”
you pulled away from him, biting your lip with a seductive grin. curious sayuri leaned towards the kitchen, grabbing your attention. you turned to stare at the oven, “so what happened to my kitchen?”
“i tried to make us dinner but i forgot about the food in the oven while i was cleaning and decorating.” satoru said, face palming his forehead.
you turned to look at the decorations satoru was talking about. a large bouquet of lilies and roses and a smaller one sat on the glass dining table, rose petals decorated the floor with candles lit all around the kitchen and living room area. it reminded you of your 25th birthday. (read ‘forget me not’ here)
you blinked twice. you didn’t even notice how clean the apartment was or all the valentine’s day decorations that satoru put up when you first came through the door. the burning smell must’ve distracted you.
you walked over to the patio door to open it, airing out the burnt smell and smoke. as you made your way back to satoru, he sunk into the couch, white cushions engulfing him, sayuri sitting on his chest. she gently patted his chest as if she was consoling him.
“what’s wrong?” you asked with concern.
satoru crest-fallen, mumbled, “i had the perfect valentine’s day planned out for us, but i burnt our dinner.”
“the only thing that matters is that our apartment isn’t burnt down.” you giggled.
“but sweetheart, i wanted today to be perfect.”
“it’s already perfect,” you smiled at him and then at your daughter, “i have my perfect man, my perfect baby, and you got me flowers. what more could i ask for?”
“a perfect dinner?” satoru added sarcastically.
you shot a glare at him before grabbing his chin with your hand, positioning his face to look straight at you.
“what were you cooking anyways?”
“a prime rib roast.”
you really would’ve enjoyed that prime rib roast today, but you had to save satoru’s pride. satoru gojo couldn’t be perfect at everything.
“it’s fine, who cares about a roast!” you bluffed while letting go of his chin, “how about we get take out from sushi go?”
“not splendid sushi?” satoru asked, knowing that you liked splendid sushi, while his favorite was sushi go.
“no, we can get sushi go tonight.” you said with a smile in hopes that it would make satoru feel better, “and before i forget, sayuri and i got you something for valentine’s day.”
sayuri babbled while attempting to eat the buttons of satoru’s dress shirt. she reached for satoru face as he playfully nipped at her stubby fingers with his mouth.
you made your way back to the couch with satoru's box of kikufuku. a smile crept back on his face. he couldn’t stay mad if a box of his favorite sweets were being presented to him by an extremely captivating and beautiful woman.
“my girls went to see grandpa kiku and grandma fuku without me?” he teased, squeezing and poking at sayuri’s chubby cheeks.
“mhmm.” you laughed, “we had to make sure we didn’t forget about daddy on our mommy-daughter date.”
“speaking of forgetting… you know what mrs. itose said to me today?”
you tilted your head to the side, waiting for him to continue on with his story.
“she said whenever i buy flowers for you, i should buy some for yurs too. she mentioned that how i treat you is gonna be a guideline on how sayuri is going to expect to be treated from her significant other when she grows up.”
“well, mr. satoru gojo, it’s a good thing you take very good care of me and treat me very well.” you smiled back at him, eyes full of adoration for the love of your life—and the father of your child.
satoru added, “—and don’t forget i love you very much.”
you snuck a kiss on satoru's cheek, “i love you too, babe.”
you looked back at the flowers sitting on the dining table. mrs. itose’s work was beautiful. you have never received a subpar bouquet from her and satoru. you spotted sayuri’s baby bouquet, noticing hers exclusively had lilies.
“i like how baby girl gets a bouquet of just lilies but mine still have roses in there even though you know lilies are my favorite flower.” (read ‘lilies & roses’ here)
“it’s an inside joke for us now. it’d be weird if you didn’t have roses in your bouquet.” satoru chuckled as sayuri laid on his chest, looking up at you. you admired the sweet sight, your child and your lover both looking back at you with the same eyes you loved so much.
“so how about that take out order?” satoru asked with his fingers on the speed dial for sushi go.
“don’t forget my salmon nigiri!”
“i’m exhausted,” satoru huffed as he laid down on his side of the bed, his arm covering his eyes and forehead.
he had spent the last two hours cleaning the oven from the failed prime rib dinner while you and sayuri went through her night routine. (read ‘grateful for you’ here)
“too tired for your love-making activities?” you asked curiously, wondering if the baby blue lingerie set you wore under your robe tonight was going to go to waste.
“for once in my life, i think i am.” satoru sighed.
you pouted, “that’s a shame. i bought the cutest lingerie set just for you. it has a garter and everything!”
satoru sat up, interested in what you had to say. “well, when you put it that way… how about you show me? is it see through? is it edible? does it have ease of access?”
you giggled at his silly questions. he pulled you into his lap as he starting to unravel your robe, tracing kisses along your collarbone, the sensation tickling you.
you sensed a familiar cursed energy waver. immediately, you put your hands on satoru’s chest, stopping him from his ministrations.
“what is it?” he asked impatiently as he bit at your hands.
you furrowed your eyebrows, “you don’t sense it? she’s gonna cry, daddy.”
satoru was hoping in all honestly that sayuri would self soothe and fall back asleep on her own.
you heard sayuri whimpering. her whimpering turned into a full on cry, your motherly instincts were spot on.
“oh come on, yurs…” satoru groaned.
“maybe next friday we can get a hotel room.” you laughed, knowing that megumi would be home for the weekend to babysit. (read ‘date night vs. babysitting night’ here)
you wrapped your robe around yourself again and stepped out of bed to comfort your crying baby. you carried your fussing daughter to the king sized bed that you and satoru shared, placing her right in the middle between you and the white haired sorcerer.
“you can sleep with mommy and daddy tonight.” you said softly as you patted sayuri gently, coaxing her to fall asleep again.
“nice one, yurs,” satoru chuckled. he noticed sayuri had stopped crying and fell right back asleep as soon as she laid in the bed with the two of you. “saving your innocent mommy from your monstrous daddy, huh?”
you laughed, remembering how you had asked sayuri to protect you from satoru earlier. satoru turned to face you and sayuri. the both of you watched as she breathed in and out, her tiny body relaxing and sleeping so peacefully in the presence of the two of you. your heart swelled watching her, she was the best thing to ever happen to you and satoru.
“happy valentine’s day, sayuri and mommy.” satoru whispered across his sleeping daughter.
you looked down at your baby girl before smiling back at satoru, “happy valentine’s day, sayuri and daddy.”
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melverie · 6 months
Aaahhh, thank you so much for the tag @king-a-queen!! 💚💚
15 Questions Tag Game
01 - Are you named after anyone?
First name: nope Second name: yep, after my grandma
02 - When was the last time you cried?
About a week ago bc I was laughing too hard Also techinically this morning. My eyes just started tearing up a bit while I was still in bed & staring against the wall. I guess that white wall was just tugging at my heartstrings
03 - Do you have kids?
The only children I have are my OCs <3 My current beloved OCs are Aym, Marchosias (💖💖💖💖💖), and Baal; all for Obey Me
04 - What sports do you play/have you played?
So as a kid, I took MSE (self-defense) classes, I did ballet for a short while, and I played badminton. But now I'm not really doing much sports anymore. I'm occasionally working out in a sad attempt to stay healthy but that's...not working out all that well because I keep forgetting about it lol. That being said, I walk anywhere as long as it's a walkable distance away (to me, that's around 90min max), idc it's the European mindset. Der Fußbus hält überall :)
05 - Do you use sarcasm?
As if I would ever smh what are these accusations
06 - What is the first thing you notice about people?
When I pass strangers on the street, I try to look for little moments that bring them joy. That being said, 90% of the time I'm just lost in my own thoughts & have completely tunnel vision, so imagine noticing anything 😭 When I first meet people tho, it's usually the way they look at you, which tbh is a little ironic because I sometimes just cannot look people in the eyes NFDHSKGJHKSDLGS
07 - What's your eye color?
They used to be blue, but now they're more of a greyish green with a few brown spots in them
08 - Scary movies or happy endings?
Okay endings, actually! Where characters don't get the happy ending they were hoping for, and some things are still a little messy, but all in all things are okay and they finally get to breath again. Though I guess that's kind of a happy ending? lol
09 - Any talents?
My newest talent is being able to imitate the cry of an owl. My sister explained it to me earlier & once I got it to work I've been doing it non-stop until I got lightheaded 😭 Worth it tho Other than that, being able to teach myself the basics of a lot of things within a day (one of the upsides of ADHD), as well as abandoning a lot of my projects after a while because I suddenly decided to start a completely different one (one of the downsides of ADHD) I also have a real talent for writing angst. Ask any of my closer mutuals, I keep terrorizing them with my ideas (love you guys 💖) And finally: telling myself that I'll go to sleep early & then it's 5am
10 - Where were you born?
in Germanyyy fun fact: I was born more or less close to a town that has a store called 'Mephisto' lol
11 - What are your hobbies?
being insane, obviously 💚 some of my mutuals can surely attest to that lol No, but in general I enjoy writing & drawing, as well as, uhm. Randomly deciding to take up multiple really time-consuming projects, such as the OM card rec thing I did that I still need to update ahhhh, my Obey Me OC & MC ask game that originally had 200+ questions before I cut it in half out of fear of it being too long, half of my side blogs, and SOOOO many other things. <- or in short, being insane 💚 I also really love cooking & baking! Side note, if anyone wants an easy chocolate lava cake recipe, you just need to ask... 👀 Also lately it's just been romancing Thanatos in Hades because I randomly remembered that I hadn't done that yet
12 - Do you have any pets?
I used to have clownfish and a starfish, but other than that I've never had any myself. I love the dogs I dogsit with all my heart tho, and there is this cat that I sometimes meet on my way to work. She always runs up to me when she sees me and won't stop meowing until I start petting her, and last time she climbed onto my lap (I sat down in the middle of the sidewalk, I did not care lmao), she's literally the sweetest 😭😭 I also ring the doorbell for her whenever it rains so she doesn't have to stay outside lol
13 - How tall are you?
1,68m or 5'6 if I got the conversion correct lol
14 - Favourite subject in school?
Heavily depended on the teacher, but generally art class because we usually got to work on whatever we wanted with and listen to music. Also English in 9th grade, math in 10th and German in 11th because the teachers were great
15 - Dream job?
I've been thinking of translations in general/software localizition for a while now. I just love dissecting all the small differences between languages (D.D.D.s being called 'D3' my beloved), + there are so many invisble choices made when translating. You'll always lose something because every language has its little quirks and a different mindset that can't be translated directly, but you'll also gain something that the original version didn't have. It's an art form in itself, and I really love that <3 The other job that keeps popping into my mind is event mangement. I already get to organize a ton of things for my uni since I'm part of the student council for one of my two majors. It's exhausting, but also really rewarding when you have people come up to you afterwards to tell you how much fun they had!
No pressure tags for a bunch of people, hehe >:) @alpine-forget-me-nots @healersadjust @misc-magic @sweetbrier2908 @reblogs-are-the-love @shootingstarrfish @mjoria @too-much-gacha @layphie @katboykirby @ghostlyyraccoon @lost-in-lamentation @bagofwetmice @glamphantasm @wizardthesai @mellonyheart @arlatthan as well as anyone else that wants to join!
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lovehotelreservation · 6 months
Self Love
Summary: Bound by bestowed duty, burdened by the fate of countless, it only made sense that you, Meteor, and Clive would share not just many things in common, but a bed together.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Clive/F!Reader/Meteor
tfw i've been cooking up this double penetration since the fanfest london announcement 🧍‍♀️
sorry to wols who don't main smn i hope you and everyone else still enjoy milking clive and meteor 🙇‍♀️
As a Warrior of Light, it was a wonder how you were able to constantly find yourself trapped between a rock and a hard place.
To which your roguishly rugged handsome companion would grin and cheekily comment something along the lines of “Well, my name is Meteor after all.”
And it was by this you would test his mettle and knowledge of Paladin as you called forth the fierce might of Phoenix in response.
Though, then again, you did have to be very mindful of mentioning the likes of “Phoenix” and “eikon”, lest you cast your other rugged yet sullenly handsome companion into yet another frenzied existential fit.
Clive Rosfield.
Poor man had just barely dragged himself out of the storm of having to comprehend how he managed to find himself plucked from his motherland of Valisthea only to be unceremoniously flung to the world of Eorzea, where he would cross paths with you and Meteor.
Thankfully, he was in the company of those who were well familiar with the concept of traveling dimensions. Meteor was the one to give Clive a reassuring pat on the back as he affirmed that it would just be a matter of when until some means to return him to his universe was found.
For now, as he cheerfully suggested, Clive could tag along with the both of you, joining your trek to venture to lands yet to be visited by either of you. The world had just been saved and the realm beckoned to be explored.
While understandably conflicted at first–what with thoughts of home, his brother, his friends at the Hideaway and across the Twins, and more weighing on his mind–Clive eventually relented and agreed to join. In such a foreign yet strangely familiar world, any lessons, techniques, and even powers he could acquire here to bring back to his world to bring forth needed revolution and change, then so be it.
He just had to quickly get used to you calling forth vastly different versions of Ifrit, Titan, Garuda, Bahamut and Phoenix with a mere book and a glowing foxdograbbit.
Similarly, while you and Meteor had seen your fair share of madness across your journeys together, you both couldn’t help but be in awe whenever Clive drew forth power from the eikons of his world that mirrored so perfectly with the primals of Eorzea, to even witnessing him prime into the infernal behemoth that was his Ifrit while squaring off with foes and hunts alike alongside you both.
Sharing tales of triumphs and losses over a campfire within the Black Shroud, offering knowledge that could only be learned in the heat of battle while sailing through the azure skies on an airship to Radz-at-Han, keeping watch of one another while treading treacherous ground through Coerthas, unwinding in the comforts of a local izakaya in Kugane after a hard day’s effort–this in turn had the three of you to bonding ever so closer together. After all, each of you had borne the burden of being savior in your respective worlds, carried forth the hopes and dreams of friends and allies present and past, maintained the balance of using your bestowed powers responsibly and striving to not allow self-doubt and greed corrupt your hearts so, and much more.
Beneath the warmth of the afternoon sun, your days together would be spent in glorious adventure.
Whereas underneath the dreamy glow of the evening moon, your nights were bathed and adorned in absolute euphoria.
All because Meteor couldn’t help but grin the very instant he noticed the way how Clive’s eyes would linger on you whenever the moment allowed for it, the shift from morose uncertainty to shy yearning reflected in those deep cerulean irises of his.
And with how long he had been adventuring with you all this time, he would be much too ashamed if he failed to notice that dreamy, awestricken stare of yours every time you marveled at Clive whenever he demonstrated his beastly prowess in battle.
The visitor and the host.
Experienced in combat yet naive with romance was the former.
Always thinking about the bigger picture and much too used to putting the needs of the world before one’s own desires was the latter.
Meteor, however, stood right in the middle and was ever eager to bridge gaps.
In this particular case, he did just that by keeping you sandwiched right between him and Clive as the three of you were tangled together in bed. Clothes and armor were long discarded and strewn across the floor of your inn’s suite, ensuring that nothing would get in the way of your two rugged companions and their wandering hands along your body.
As to be expected, Clive was curious with every touch as he lied beneath you, his fingers basking in the warmth of your bare skin as they sought to find which spots pleasured you most. Every moan you let you had his breath caught in his throat–a precious action soon followed by a burning need to elicit as many mewls of his name from your lips as much as possible.
By contrast, Meteor was ever proud as he quipped that he knew your body best–even better than you when he felt more daring. Maintaining his position above and behind you, he boldly grabbed at your breasts and gave your ass a few good slaps, with each gasp he earned in response being demonstrated as a reward that Clive could also earn were he to handle you in a similar way. And while stepping in as teacher had its own unique fun, he relished in being able to make you melt and crumble underneath him with every knowing stroke and plunge of his fingers.
Despite their different approaches towards you however, both were in absolute agreement in ravishing you thoroughly. With you caged between two broad and sturdy physiques of divine, chiseled muscle, you were kept perfectly in prime position to have Clive and Meteor plunge their thick, long cocks inside of you in tandem, leaving you crying out in sheer bliss as your core and your ass were subject to their relentless pounding.
“You’ve gotta find it rather humorous, mate–” Letting out a breathy laugh, Meteor pushed back his sweaty bangs away from his eyes as he peeked over your shoulder to glance at Clive, a grin plastered on his lips. “–you used to keep your distance from our lovely summoner every time that book was out, but now you can’t even stand to be a step away!”
At once, Clive had his eyes shut firmly tight, far too overwhelmed by the sinfully sweet sensation of the dripping wet velvet heat of your core continuing to squeeze around his cock. Yet at Meteor’s words, his eyelids fluttered open as he hoarsely responded with, “Could you blame me?” all while his hands reaffirmed their hold on your hips.
His cheeky grin now more of a wicked smirk, Meteor remarked, “Not in the slightest! After all, I speak from experience…!”
Upon the last word he uttered, his posture hunched forward as he proceeded to ramp up the pace and intensity of his thrusts, barreling his dick into your ass with feverish frenzy.
“And what’s that supposed to mean, Mete–!”
Though you were made to squeal all the more, you were ready to turn back towards Meteor with a stern questioning look, were it not for him already prepared for your reaction. Before you could complete your sentence, you suddenly found yourself pressed further down against Clive, the gentle yet heavy weight of a hand on the back of your head urging you to lock lips with him instead.
“Now, now, love–while I’ll never get enough of having your eyes on me, you’ve got a primal to master! Focus!”
Meteor’s laughter filled your ears while Clive’s tongue clumsily found its way into your mouth.
While you were eager to get back at the former, it was as your eyes found its way to the latter’s that you truly found yourself speechless.
The pure adoration held for you that was reflected in Clive’s eyes had your heart flutter and your hands quickly cupping his grizzled jaw as you hungrily reciprocated his affection.
And as the two of you kissed, you felt the stubble of Meteor’s chin scratch against the nape of your neck as he kissed your skin, making sure to press further down against the points that made you shiver most.
Stuck in the middle between the two men who cherished you most, you knew you weren’t going to be leaving the bed anytime soon tonight—especially when they had so much love they wished to pour inside of you over and over.
Even so, you were more than delighted to be in your current position. From this day onward, regardless of where your paths may lead as they split and twist, you would find your way to back to them, even worlds apart. 
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atheliasnotebook · 2 years
Congratulations on the one year anniversary and 300 followers!!! ur blog is awesome 💕. I'd like to request prompt no.2 and kaeya with 🌶. Have a great day
Melting In His Hands
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Kaeya Alberich x Gender Neutral Reader smut
This post contains sexual content. Viewer discretion is advised.
TAGS/WARNINGS: kinda domestic leadup, slight jealousy, little angsty, pet name: "babe/baby," reader's virginity loss, size kink, (maybe masochistic-ish reader?), pre-established relationship, masturbation while thinking about the reader, riding, pygophilia (bc kaeya is totally an ass guy), cumming inside
NOTE: if you happen to be vegan or vegetarian, please do not read the following (for the reader makes soup)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I think I got super carried away with this one (also because I designed a banner)... yet, I'm so happy that you like my blog <3 and I hope you're satisfied with how I've interpreted your request <3 I attempted to make this realistic while still trying to make it romantic :> Tell me what you think!!!
You hear something creak open as you stand in the kitchen, all while you're pouring water into a pot full of browned meat. You rotate your head, watching the mahogany door leisurely squeak ajar and drag your eyes to the floor. You notice the decorated black boots with the signature gold diamond cross the frame and step onto the polished wooden floors, accompanied by the familiar sound of gentle swinging chainlinks clinking against one another.
You call out to Kaeya, your boyfriend—welcoming him back with a smile on your face as you close the pot with a metal lid. The air smells of garlic and the mouth-watering smell of meat, and you throw your thick oven mittens off to hear the man's sultry chuckle from just beyond the door.
"Well, it certainly smells good around here~" he chimes as he begins to take off his coat. "What are you making today, babe?"
"A warm and sour pork-vegetable soup with some rice~" you begin. "I recently got them from Childe, who actually visited while you were gone."
"Ohoho, so that's what was in the paper bag when he dropped the headquarters today... I actually recall him saying that it was a gift for a friend,' but I wouldn't have thought that it would have just been food."
You smile, nodding happily as you take Kaeya's coat just hanging off the tips of his fingers, slinking it onto a branch of the coat rack just in the entryway of your cozy abode.
"I'm really happy about it... tonight's dinner is a recipe that my parents had left me before I moved to Mondstadt and joined Albedo's team!" you remark, smile, and wink as you walk over to restack the awry-clothed cooking gloves.
Kaeya cracks a grin at you as he slips out of his boots and leaves them in the tile entryway, approaching the kitchen as he cracks his digits and joints and glides almost like a swan across the space. You feel him immediately wrap his arms around your waist from behind, along with pair of chapped lips pressing gently on your jawline. He's domestically adorable and cutely charming at the same time that you promptly turn around and slide your fingers through his conditioned locks, burying them in the roots of his hair. Regardless of your height, you raise yourself by standing on the balls of your feet and running your thumb across his lips, before slowly retracting your hand to cup his cheek and replacing the gesture with the sensation of your silky-soft lips. Both of you stayed like that for just about a third of a minute, floating on air
Kaeya sinks his head onto your shoulder, resting the tip of his jaw on your shoulder. He sighs of contentment and ponders on wandering thoughts with closed eyes. Perhaps this is what love is? Is it as though tenderness or affection secretes off of a person like an oozing saccharine type of honey? Or is it closer to being a chilling comfort in a swarm of heat, or the other way around? Kaeya wonders what it means. After all, being the notoriously-charming "Cavalry Captain" of Mondstadt certainly brings its reputation, and you are certainly not the first partner he's had. Yet, the way he flushes red at the very tips of his ears almost argues that he's new to romance. The manner in which he brushes his fingers through your hair while you two are talking about your day. The methods in which you two cuddle are intimate—with the two of you always facing each other and weaving your limbs around each other's bodies like meticulous and needled-to-perfection embroidery.
But it seems like there's a new scent that dangles on the edges of your clothing this time. What is it? It's... slightly floral, sweet, and just enough bitterly combined with your sweat to create a rather... intoxicating scent that attracts Kaeya like a bug to a flytrap. He's... not sure. Yet, little to his knowledge, you had bought some new candles and were mixing together some condiments and spices to test a new sauce that could go with braised pork.
"Pray... tell... is there a reason why you smell so good this evening?"
You turn to look at him confusedly (despite the fact that he rests himself on your shoulder with his arms wrapped around your waist), and then proceed to look around the counter, searching for an inch of reason as to why your lover would prompt such a question.
"Well... I'm not sure, I know I was folding fresh laundry and aired out the blankets in the sunlight earlier this afternoon, and then after I set the bed—I started making dinner a couple of hours ago. Of course, I did get some special honey from the bag that Childe gave me, so—"
You feel a hot inhale on your clothes that breathe in you with just a smidge of desperation, and a chilly exhale that clamors with a fit of slight jealousy. While shivering at the gesticulation, Kaeya's arms tighten a little more, and his breathing hitches uncharacteristically for just a moment.
"Sorry... you talk about him so much, and I'm not... quite too sure why I feel so irked."
You ruminate on his expressions. After all, after a few months of dating, the relationship between you two feels a little stagnate. But... naturally, you come to the conclusion that he may be envious, even if the Captain himself doesn't realize it.
"I... need you..." he mutters to himself merely as a passing thought, completely forgetting that he's resting on you and following you around while you're putting things away.
"Need me for what, (preferred pet name here)?"
He lets go of you immediately, brushing himself off as he hides his face behind closed hands—praying that you don't catch a glance of his flustered expression.
"No need to worry about what I said... I was only talking to myself. I shall be in the bedroom if you need me, but I need some time to think. Alone," he says, nearly stuttering with his words as he deflects your question.
Rather strange, he's always... so straightforward with his intentions, even if his words are laced with glitter and gold. You watch as he swiftly walks off, fading into the darkness of the hallway like a fleeting shadow in the night. Kaeya vanishes with a pounding heart and a racing mind. How could he say that? How could he say such a thing to you? At this rate, he'll scare you away! No matter... he retreats behind the painted white door, shutting himself into the bedroom, where he catches the floral scent that lingered on the threads of your attire. Hurriedly, he unbuckles his belt and sets his sword sheaths and bindings gently on hanging wall hooks, letting his waist accessories simply drop to the ground. Leaning on the wall with his right arm, he looks down at the bulge growing bigger on his left side, sucking in a breath from how tight it feels in his skinny pants.
He groans, wrapping his hand behind him as he undoes his own corset with one hand—allowing it to loosen and drop down to the floor as he steps out of the black-stringed bodice. He can't stop thinking about how happy you were when you kept allowing Childe's name to escape your lips. Why talk about him so much? And Kaeya knows better than to be jealous of an acquaintance or friend or... whatever, of yours—but he can't help but just want more of you.
You are the longest partner he's ever had. The reason that lovers had left him in the past was that they couldn't handle the fact the Knights get busy from time to time.
And now that you're here, patient with him, more importantly—gentle with his heart, he's afraid to move as fast as he normally does.
He wants to bond with you. Although sex is a pleasure to relieve stress, he values and thinks of it as a way to bond. He thinks of it as a form of trust, watching one another in the barest of forms. Yet, Kaeya acknowledges himself better than to drag you into such... impure antics. He put aside his own desire, all so he can move at your pace.
But it eats away at him too.
He wants to know what it's like to truly pin you under his grasp, and kiss you in your most sensitive spots. Watching your squirm nervously... to watch you shudder, shiver, and moan at the way he touches—he's dying to view such a gorgeous sight. He wants your affection, but even more so than he does currently.
It's that he's just too afraid to ask.
But as he slips off his shirt, he brushes off his existential thoughts of desire mixed with self-loathing and overwhelming palms at his cock, thinking about you and how your clothes cling tightly to your skin. He doesn't care for your size. What matters to him? The fact that you're willing to embrace his imperfections just as much as he embraces yours. After stripping off everything but his pants, he lies in the middle of the bed with his body laid against the backmost board of the bedframe. He slips his hand beneath his briefs, letting the band gently slap against his skin before pulling down his black slacks just above his knees so that he can begin to embrace beauty.
"Embracing beauty," as in beginning to pump his hand up and down his hardened cock to the thought of you begging for him. Slumping into the mattress, he spits on his hand, letting the saliva drip down onto the tip and down his shaft. Hence why he trembles and spasms at the sudden temperature change in temperature, forcing more blood to rush down to the aroused appendage.
Unrecognizable in the haze of stimulation, you've been peeking through the slit of the door that you cracked open without him knowing.
He's kinda big...
Well, "kinda" is an understatement. You're sure as hell that if you were to put that thing inside you, it would (most likely) rip you in half, especially for a first time. But... what is it like to have sex?
He gasps, rapidly jacking himself off... muttering incoherent phrases as he runs his tongue over his lips to dampen them. "Haaaah... I love you... I love you... _______..."
You squeak, throwing your hand over your mouth to stifle your shocked babbles, but stumble through the door and collapse onto the floor. With a yelp, you try and redirect your gaze to the drawers beneath the mattress, rather than any direction pointing to Kaeya.
Attempting to lie, you frantically search for a reason as to why you're now in the room while the gentleman is only trying to please himself in the secrecy of your shared space.
"I'm sorry Kaeya, I just wanted to check on you—" you mutter, standing up wobbly.
Your gaze drifts to the pillow that Kaeya has placed over his crotch, and how his pants are slightly down. In a flustered fit, your boyfriend refuses to make eye contact with you. However, you see tears pricking at the edges of his lashes before he blinks quickly in succession and turns to you.
"Sorry that you've caught me in... this predicament, ______."
You reassure him, accepting whatever he's trying to be sorry for. Still, in your tightly clinging shirt and trousers, you climb onto the bed and crawl closer to him.
"I want to help you."
Like a lightbulb that's lit up, his eyes widen as he lifts his left palm to wipe the teardrops out of his eyes.
"I appreciate that... but are you doing this for me, or are you doing this for yourself?"
You lean in to press a kiss against his now-moist lips while ignoring his previous reservations, and his lips waltz with passion as they dance with yours—bobbing in and out tenderly before they dive in to explore your oral cavity. His groans and your moans sing an orchestra of arousing verses, and before you know it, he's guiding you by your love handles with his calloused palms and placing you atop his thighs. Still making out with him, a smile curves on his lips, infectiously spreading to you as the both of you erupt in giggles and laughter, embracing one another as you scoot up his lap.
Fluid actions encapsulate the motions of your body. Kaeya nips at the skin on your shoulder, sucking into it as he runs his hands all over the sides of your body—eventually resulting in him trailing down to your nipples and giving them a gentle pinch with his thumb and pointer fingers.
"Is this your first time, babe?"
You nod nervously and spasm at the feeling of Kaeya's cold fingers circling around your hole. Whimpering at how thick it feels against your most sensitive parts, he only teases the rim, pressing the pads of his digits to stretch and tease the entrance so he can bond with you in a form most intimate for lovers like yourselves.
"It might hurt for just a second, okay?" Kaeya remarks, cupping your face with his left hand, looking to you for confirmation. And as you give a muffled "mhm," he teases his fingers and feels your natural lubrication suck his fingers in, plunging them in with some self-restraint.
"Ahah~ you're tight~ and I can feel you throbbing around me..." he chuckles, staring right into your lewd countenance. "You're really excited, aren't you?"
You've had passing thoughts of losing your virginity to your boyfriend. You too, have masturbated to the thought of him fucking you silly. And luckily, your fingering and self-fucking have helped deflower any previous and uncontrollable constrictions within your gummy walls. Nodding dazedly, you wrap your arms around his shoulders for stability—your legs nearly giving out, making you feel as though you're about to collapse on top of him.
He kisses your cheek, slowly inching in to start making out with you again. "You're so good... I wonder how I managed to find someone as sweet as you~" he says, beginning to nibble on the top of your earlobe as takes out his fingers gently, watching you vibrate and whimper helplessly without his touch.
With the same hand he just used to prep you, he wraps that arm around your waist and pulls your body closer to him—your chests literally snug up against each other.
"I'm going to ask this one more time... are you sure that you want this?" he mumbles, creasing his eyes with careful concern.
Adrenaline pumps through your veins to create a blur of muddled thoughts, all to where you don't even skip a beat or even reconsider your choice of words.
"As long as it's with you, I'll do anything."
Kaeya squeezes your ass, digging his fingers deep into your flesh as he bites softly into your shoulder—which elicits a whimper or a moan out of you.
"I promise to be gentle. Just make sure to tell me if it hurts," he begins, using the entirety of his strength to lower you atop his hard-on.
Just feeling the tip feels... comfortable. Comforting. It slides in, but for Kaeya, it feels like you're practically sucking him in without any regard for control. Noticing your lack of discomfort, he decides to lower you more so. And just after another inch or two (maybe about three or four in), you begin to feel the stretch and the burn. It's only when you get one more in that it feels like everything is on fire, and that your lower half is splitting in two. Mewls of pain and pleasure escape your lips—you know that the pain won't be forever, and choose to bear through him. Your panted breathing evokes a minusculely fleeting moment of anxiety in him. Before he can answer, you just keep reassuring him—and sink yourself down on your own accord. The both of you gasp, with Kaeya trembling in pleasure from the suffocation of your sensitive flesh, while tears trickle down your cheeks from the masochistic tendency and natural reaction of your body.
A minute passes of pain-wreaking havoc blended with the tingling phenomenon, sniffly tears, and hushed reaffirmation mixed with kisses that gently rid of your tears.
"You feel amazing," he remarks, embracing you tightly as he breathes in the scent of the honey-blossoms and freshener. "I'm going to move now—just relax..."
You yelp in a choked voice, feeling his balls press up against you while the entire length bottoms out inside of you. Slowly, he bucks his hips upwards into your groin as he throws his head back, brushing the bangs and locks obstructing his vision of you (who he considers his "whole world"). You catch a whiff of his cool, yet minty breath, all due to the natural composition that his body receives from his Cryo vision. Pressing your thighs together out of instinctual reaction, you close him in, accepting a slightly-more powerful thrust that's got you convulsing.
"If you keep squeezing around me like that, baby—" he utters, bouncing you up with a swift motion with a loud smack of your bodies against one another. "—I won't be able to hold myself back."
You're helpless when he mutters such a promise. With a drawn-out growl escaping Kaeya's lips, you can feel his pace quicken as you embrace him from both ends of your body—unable to ignore the knotting-like intricacies weaving in your belly at the speed of light, feeling as though the feeling will snap in half the longer he keeps up at this.
Naturally, Kaeya believes that you are his other half. While he is chilly and ice-cold at times (not just in his body, but his demeanor), you happen to be a flickering fire that lights up the whole room. Despite him taking the lead, he feels as though he's the one melting in your hands, ready to give the rest of himself to you as if he has nothing else.
He keeps pounding more, and more, and more, until neither of you can keep the feeling. You keep muttering and moaning in his ear about how you're about to finish, and he nods through hitched breaths, sharing the same unified sentiments. Cursing through his teeth, you feel his cock twitch as the pouring of a hot liquid fills your insides, practically boiling you as you cum and violently shake around him.
Collapsing around one another, he slides down the backboard stained with sweat to lay flat on the soaked and sticky bedsheets. You lay on top of him, still seizing from the pleasure from however long you lasted. After all, Kaeya makes sure he matches your pace, regardless of the speed. Subsequently followed by some deep breaths from the both of you, he chuckles, still keeping himself inside as he peppers kitten kisses on your forehead while ignoring your dozy exhaustion.
"Huff... I love you so much, babe."
Interested in my 1-year anniversary event? head to the event landing page to learn more and feel free to request!
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hastalavistabyebye · 13 days
Last line challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
So I may have a smidge of backlog on this, just a tad bit.... *clear throat* I've been tagged and/or uno-reverse by @nooneherebutusghosts, @loverboy-havocboy x2, @whiskygoldwings, @ninjababypowpow, @aerjnn, @five-oh-thirst x2, @sithfox, @adhd-coyote, @cookiemonsterv3, @mamuzzy-creates-stuff x2, @workingchemistry and @mereelskirata ! I love you guys <3
Technically not my last line because that was for a drabble and I want to give you more than just one line.
Things start to settle down in the Senate district. Or do they ? “After the last few months, the protests against the Senate seems to have finally calmed down, especially after the call for internal peace sent by the infamous Marshal Commander Cody of the 7th Sky. Many planets still promised that actions are being taken, but the Dome’s Place is finally empty for the first days in many long months. Chancellor Palpatine had now announced an hour ago that the annual Spring Equinox Gala will still occur, like every year. But, he also publicly and warmly invited every Clone Commander present on Coruscant during the event to join him for the Gala. This always awaited celebration will stand strongly for unity and peace this year.” How to help the clones ? Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard held a press meeting this morning after the enthusiastic demand of the citizens to know how to help their devoted soldiers. Find the report of that meeting and some additional solutions in this article. 
Padme Ami-who ? Core News.  One of the most hated men of the Republic steals the show at the Spring Equinox Gala, learns about it in this article.  A dress to die in. Mode and Fashion “The Spring Equinox Gala is galaxy-wide known as The fashion event of the year. The most beautiful and influential people of our planets all gathered for an incredible night. And incredible, this year's edition sure was. But repack the crystals and hide the Nabooians, because every breath has been stolen the second black heels, as sharp as that crown of thorns, hit the red carpet. Marshal Commander Fox was more deadly than ever in this dress, the jewels on his skin like the blood of his people. More regal than a prince, he [subscribe to Mode and Fashion to read more]
To be perfectly exact my last line is the second article, but I couldn't resist adding the two others even if I hadn't write the ones leading to them yet x'D it's still very much a first draft with a few things like the journal names missing here and there, and I have still no idea how to format it, but it's lots of fun !
Of course I uno-reverse you all and also tagging everyone of you who read this. Yes yes, you're tagged. Show me what's you're cooking. I just doesn't want the list to get completely out of control that's why I'm not tagging manually anybody else x'D
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askweisswolf · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
So I actually got tagged for this twice! By @gingerbreton and @optiwashere and thank you both so much for it, it made my day. Conveniently for this occasion I also happen to have two WIPS I'm working on right now so I figured why not trot them both out!
This bit's from my John/Shayera chapter fic that I've been working on for... ever, is how it feels at this point, oh my God. Maybe I'll cave and start posting it to AO3 since it's almost done, ANYWAY:
Shayera huffed softly, despite herself. “The green guy?” she asked, and she saw J’onn look at her curiously.  “Most of us call you bird lady.” The crow’s voice was dry. “Fair enough. Did any of you see which way my mate went after the fight?” Now J’onn and Wally were looking at her curiously for that slip, but Shayera ignored them. The truth was, she’d been chewing on a theory ever since she’d come to the realization that John would be trying to hide out, not trying to seek help. All she needed was confirmation, some kind of hint that her theory was right. Looking for the Green Lantern would still be like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but if she was right it would at least be a smaller haystack. I’m spending way too much time with Clark lately.
This last bit's from a Shadowheart POV fic I started that's my next piece for my Agatha/Shadowheart stuff! It... does not have a title yet. I'll think of one eventually.
No, she had done the most dangerous thing, the most unforgivable thing.  She had started to hope. That, Shadowheart had noticed. That, she had tried to ignore, had tried to bury, had tried to kill before it even left the womb. Her memories may have been shattered pieces of a mirror at the best of times, but she remembered her teachings. She remembered at least some of her lessons. If she wanted to be a Dark Justiciar, if she truly wanted to be embraced by Lady Shar, she couldn’t let hope take root in her heart. It had happened so gradually, so slowly though that she hadn’t been able to resist it even when she’d tried to. Every time Karlach tried to pull her into a joke or come up with a new nickname, every time Wyll would think up different silly names just to get a reaction from her or tell one of his stories, every time Gale gently batted her away when she tried to peek at what he was cooking for the evening only to let her sneak away with a little piece before dinner anyway, every time Astarion leaned casually into her shoulder and murmured some new gossip into her ear that made her snort, she felt it. Hells, every time she and Lae’zel bickered, even, as their relationship gradually shifted from adversarial to something she would almost consider grudging respect, she felt it.
Gonna tag @the-darkness-does-not-bargain, @ohmypawsandwhiskers, @the-rebel-archivist, @foibles-fables, and @karatam if you want to participate! And of course, anyone who sees this is free to post anything as well. Thank you again for the mentions!
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🍄, 🦴, and 🧩 for the writers ask game
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
(i have so many headcanons about every dynamic ever, and they all conveniently vanish the moment i am asked to name one, ha.)
hmm....for Perimedes and Elpenor from Epic the Musical, i have a headcanon that they're in a qpr. and yeah, i know that's modern terminology and they are from ancient greece. (i did a research paper about qprs once, fun fact.) but also: a. you don't need a modern explanation of a concept for that concept to exist in a historical context. b. Perimedes uses the word "yeet" in his cut song, rendering any arguments about historical accuracy invalid. c. i'm having fun and no one can stop me. :)
i also think the idea of Perimedes sometimes calling Elpenor "El" is cute. <3
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
oh, there's a lot. my writing in general is inspired by a lot of media. but my venture into the world of ao3 in the first place was because of this series:
and, if i remember correctly, it really inspired me to start getting more into fic writing. it probably also influenced the way i write, since i read it at around the time i was kind of figuring all that out. incredibly good series! <3
as for specific fics, i have so many playlists for inspiration. one of the fics i'm currently working on was completely inspired by the song Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. (it's a Parallels fic still in my drafts, but if i ever finish it, it's gonna have so much found family trope and it's gonna be great)
oh, and my most recent fic, this one:
you know what inspired it? i was on pinterest, and i saw this photo of eggs:
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and i got kinda emotional about how much i liked that photo. idk, i was already in a vaguely-sentimental-fic-writer mood, and that photo somehow just opened the floodgates of ideas in my head. the actual fic is only vaguely related to the photo through the fact that both involve cooking eggs, but nevertheless, some photographer out there is directly responsible for the existence of my current most comforting oneshot for me to reread. and i think that's really neat. i love humanity and art and connection and inspiration. <3
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
okay, so i tried to think of a new answer to this question, but i couldn't think of one, so i'll just copy-paste my answer from three days ago:
okay, with every answer i try to think of for this one, i immediately think of exceptions. because i have a long track record of being in microscopically small fandoms, and if one of those fandoms got a new fic, there is very, very little that would stop me from reading it to the end. i guess if the entire fic was untagged, very explicit smut, then i would click away immediately. (although most authors i've seen do tag well. so i would probably know without clicking that it's something i won't be really comfortable reading. everyone say thank you for the tag system <3)
yeah, i never really have an interesting answer for this one, ha. i have exactly 2 authors muted on ao3. one was because they had hundreds of fics in many fandom tags that i searched a lot, all of which were exclusively a specific trope that made me really uncomfortable. the other one, i don't remember; no works are showing on the account anymore, but it was probably a similar situation if i felt the need to mute them. other than that, i haven't really been let down by the tag system yet, which i guess is a pretty good thing. :)
thanks for the ask!! :)
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dontirrigateme · 9 months
thank you for the tag @executethyself35!
late to the party, but if anyone's interested, here goes...
don’t irrigate me
I usually don’t care, but for the sake of tumblr i guess i’ll go with they/them
Star Sign:
Betelgeuse...i couldn't resist the dad joke, but seriously, it's aries
#of siblings and fun facts about them (if you have any):
1 younger sister - i introduced her to band of brothers, she introduced me to the tumblr fandom
1 older brother - we bond over monty python
# of pets & their names:
1 idiot cat named Rudyard, 1 semi-idiot cat named Ripley (as in Alien), and 1 cat i took in from the street named Laszlo.  idiot is a term of endearment in my household.  for the cats, anyway.  but i’m sure they call me much worse when they communicate.  i’m onto them.
Band of Brothers (best one ever), Mad Max, Dark Tower, Peaky Blinders, F1/motorsports, Good Omens, Preacher, This is England, Taboo (still waiting for that second season, tom), Rome, MST3K, and anything associated with the 101st airborne (with a focus on easy company and the filthy thirteen)
Favorite color:
probably orange or green.  but not together, that just reminds me of gatorade.  Nothing against gatorade, i just don’t want to surround myself with sports drink….
Favorite song:
no favorite song, but some favorite bands are skinny lister, flogging molly, and dropkick murphys, nofx...  tons of oldies/classics like sly and the family stone, queen, bob dylan, otis redding, bill withers, etc...
Favorite author (of anything readable- books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!!):
Kurt Vonnegut will always be my #1, but I also like christopher moore, stephen king (specifically his dark tower series), victor hugo, glen cook (i've only read his black company series, but i love it)
Favorite Fic Type:
haven’t gotten into fanfic just yet - i love that it has so many people writing and reading though, so keep it up!
Favorite Holiday:
none, please and thank you
Do you have a partner (romantic, QPR, anything!)??:
reading, writing, sim racing, seeing how much of my fandoms i can fit inside my head before it explodes.
Fun Facts About Me:
can name all the states in alphabetical order (thank you, song from 4th grade, for never leaving my head, you cerebral stain you)
graduated from the same school as mark hamill and i share a birthday with russell crowe and jackie chan (so far they haven’t reached out to me for any sort of combined celebration, but fingers crossed for 2024, and everyone's invited)
Now to tag!! No preseure: i've been on here for like a week, i don't have a clue who to tag except @1waveshortofashipwreck
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for feeling hurt my enemy-turned-ally couldn't even sleep in the same room as me?
So I (500M) have this guy who I used to be major enemies with but are now on the same side, let's call him A (?M). We used to hate each other. Me, because A was messing up plans of the organization I used to be in, and him because he hates the organization I was in + I tried to kill him and his friends multiple times. Also, I killed a friend of his (unintentional). But, with a series of events that made me leave my former organization, I've managed to come to terms with my terrible life up til then all thanks to A (and my aunt). Heck, A gave me a new name, allowed me free access to his home, and nowadays, up until now, for a year, we've been getting along well. I even cook for him sometimes. My point is, the entire time, he has acted like he trusted me and liked me, and generally very accepting.
Anyways, A has a thing for traveling all over the world, and since he happened to be in my country, recently he asked if I wanted to tag along for 2 weeks. Since I had the time, I agreed. The entire 2 weeks, whenever we checked into a hotel/tent/inn/etc. to sleep for the night, we'd always sleep in the same room/space as each other. However, I had noticed that A couldn't sleep during the trip. At all. I was admittedly a little worried. One day I jokingly asked him if it was because of me he couldn't sleep. He was suddenly quiet. I asked him if he was still stewing over my bad shit from before. He admitted that he was nervous that I would try to kill him when he was asleep. I'll admit, I got pissed, asked him why he would invite me if he didn't even trust me to sleep in the same room, and generally it was an ugly end to the trip. For the record, I haven't been violent ever since the start of our allyship, so I had no idea why he would think that.
When we got back and he dropped me off at my college (trip was over break), he apologized for the whole thing, admitted that the war we were in back when we were enemies traumatized him and he had yet to come to terms with it, called me his friend, and even hugged me. While I was happy with being called a "friend", I still feel like shit for realizing he doesn't trust me as much as I thought. But then considering our past and the shit I've done, am I just being an unreasonable asshole for feeling hurt in the first place? (and if so, what can I even do to make up for it?) I'm seriously really guilty over getting pissed at him.
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optiwashere · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @amorficzna last week to share whatever I'm working on. I'll tag... @siyurikspakvariisis and @grousebrood if y'all have anything you're willing to share! Anyone that sees this and feels like doing it can consider themselves tagged by me.
I don't have a WIP I can share prose-wise, so instead here's a wall of Asheera character notes! My love and light, my weirdo who likes objectively bad poetry.
This is basically written to be notes for me, so it's like a behind the scenes more than anything. Also, the second chunk of this relates to a post I made last week, so CW: Character death.
Asheera's age as of BG3: 32 (33? She was 35 in old notes last I checked, but that was 14th century DR and for a 3.5e game so her age is kinda up in the air at this point)
Height: 6'7" (~201cm)
Weight: around 260lbs. (~118kg)
Eye color: Brown (described as ruddy brown, like darker red clay)
Hair color: Black with faint blue streaks (not dyed, a fun lil extra happenstance from her Gondian transition)
Dialogue snippets from Asheera when talking to others about Shadowheart:
To Zevlor. "Do you remember what it was like to take your oath? How you felt suddenly right, and whole, and everything made sense? Don't get all puppy eyes at me about it, but yeah... it's like that with her." (author's note: from Zevlor's perspective, Asheera is explaining a relationship in a way that finally makes sense to him. She should be speaking slowly, as if to savor the words.)
To Aylin. "Oh, she's stolen her fair share of things, perhaps killed a person or two in the name of her former Dark Lady, but aren't we all monsters in our own way? A little redemption never hurt." (author's note: Asheera is an Oath of Redemption paladin in canon but in-game I couldn't pick it; she is explaining to Aylin how their relationship ever started. Asheera is trying to joke, badly, and it doesn't really work on Aylin. Probably followed by Aylin trying to rationalize all her evil deeds as necessary to find Selûne.)
To Isobel. "Is she devout? Eh, that's a question for her. I know she keeps little trinkets of the Moonmaiden around. I've made some for her, too. But if you're expecting her to join you in prayer or something, I'd temper that." (author's note: Isobel is excited to hear about Shadowheart's Selûnite worship. She is decidedly less excited after this conversation. Asheera finds this hilarious, and Isobel probably chides her for it.)
To Rolan. "No, listen. She didn't steal your books. Why would she want them? It's all magic gobbledygook anyways, what use would she have for them?" [back and forth] "And? I love her, but I wouldn't just lie to your face about her. I've an oath to uphold." (author's note: someone stole books from Sorcerous Sundries, and Rolan is somehow convinced it was Shadowheart. He trusts Asheera, but still thinks she's lying.)
To Gale. "I can't believe you haven't had Shadowheart over for dinner yet, especially since I was already coming." [Gale explains he has, but Tara was unhappy afterwards and it's been a whole thing.] "Oh? Didn't Tara like her? And why didn't she tell me she was here?" [Gale, after rambling for a long while on the meal he cooked for them all, explains that Shadowheart called Tara a cat. Not once, but twice. The second was accidental.] "Oh. Oh, I see. Yeah, no. That makes sense. Gods, I can't wait to ask her about tressyms when I get home." (author's note: Asheera should be just about bouncing on her seat with this information. Razzing a supposed once-master Sharran spy for social faux pas is way too much fun.)
To Astarion. "I wish she'd join us for these chats. I know she misses you terribly, even if she won't admit it." [Astarion makes a snide remark about how he doesn't miss Shadowheart.] "Whatever you say, but I'll remember that next time you ask how she's doing." (author's note: apparently Astarion and Asheera hang out often? Again, Asheera is an Oath of Redemption paladin, so redeeming a vampire spawn is like crack for her.)
To Karlach, should they ever meet again. "OK, OK. You're crushing me." [Karlach finally lets go of Asheera after a bone-breaking hug.] "She's coming, the whole ritual exhausted her and she needed a rest while you two came back." [Karlach razzes Asheera hardcore about her "tiring out" Shadowheart.] "I did learn that magic circles require all sorts of interesting components..." (author's note: this would be whatever the fuck would lead to Karlach and Wyll being pulled back from the Hells to have a normal, happy existence on the Material Plane.)
To Wyll, same as Karlach. "I wouldn't worry about Shadowheart." [Wyll says something to the tune of stinking like the Hells because of all the time he's spent fighting alongside Karlach.] "Seriously, I don't think Selûne is going to demand she pester you about it. She's not Isobel Thorm. Let's go celebrate, you've nothing to fret over! Seriously." (author's note: essentially, Wyll is even more worried about losing himself similarly to how he talks about not feeling like he can be the heroic figure he wants to be as in-game. If it's from his POV, he doesn't believe Asheera. He goes with her to celebrate with Karlach and Shadowheart, but he should be distant and withdrawn.)
To Lae'zel, same as the last two. N/A (author's note: they wouldn't talk about Shadowheart. Asheera & Lae'zel are on respectful terms, not friendly ones. Pretty much they'd only talk about how beating Vlaakith's ass is going. Fuck the Lich-Queen.)
Age of death: 94; extended lifespan due to the way Gond "rebuilt" her for her divine transition/gender affirmation. (I headcanon Shadowheart as early fifties, so she would be early 110s when this happens)
Dialogue snippets from Shadowheart after Asheera passes. A lot of this is melodramatic because I love melodrama:
“I lived fifty years without her before, I can manage it again.” (author’s note: she is lying poorly to whoever she’s speaking to with this line. Anyone remotely insightful should see this.)
“Sixty good years. Sixty-one and eleven months we had, when some have a fraction of that or never find it whatsoever. If ever there was a woman that could make those years feel effortless, it was her. But now it’s only the road and the care of strangers and their pets and livestock for me. It’s a quiet life, and I like it.” (author’s note: Shadowheart seems to lose herself, fall into herself when she’s talking about how long they were together. Logical brain trying to hide her broken heart. Whoever is hearing this should realize that Shadowheart has those years practically memorized. Memories are so important to someone who didn't use to have them before. When she speaks about her current life, she does seem content if cold. It’s different, and she is alone, but she’s happy with doing good, simple work. Pressing the matter of loneliness will just make her annoyed/angry/generally upset.)
“It was the thirteenth day of Eleint, 1554 by... by Dale Reckoning when she left me. No, that’s wrong. She didn’t leave me. That was the day she was taken from me. I couldn’t move her until the nineteenth, and I slept almost not at all. She’s buried near the sea, by where we lived together. I thought she'd want to be by her parents, but no. She wanted what she wanted, and I couldn't deny her anything. Ever. I visit whenever I pass by. I'm due for a visit with her youngest brother.” (author’s note: Shadowheart is clearly broken by this, but she must soldier on regardless. Wistful. Listener/reader gets the sense that Shadowheart always "just so happens to" pass by. Whoever is hearing this dialogue cannot comfort her at all about this, and trying to do so will make her very angry. She's been through this for decades by this point, she can't go through it again.)
If I were to tag this like a fic, it would have the "Angst with Happy Ending" tag. Interpret that however you wish until I make a fic about this.
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WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @winterandwords to uh... talk about a WIP I guess? :D
I'll pass on this tag toooo... @starlit-hopes-and-dreams (as always <3) but I'm not sure who else, so if you feel like talking about a WIP, consider this an open tag.
Oh boy, which to pick. There are currently only 2 projects where the P in WIP actually stands for "progress" (for the others it stands for "procrastination".)
I think I'm gonna pick Till Death. It is the one I am currently obsessed with, and the only one I am writing, not editing.
Here's the blurb:
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Finnian is a wandering healer down on his luck. When one of his patients dies, the village turns against him, beating him half to death and leaving him for thirst and scavengers to finish what they started.
Eilis lives deep in the forest, hiding from the world. When she finds him, impaled on a tree and barely alive, she can‘t leave him to his fate, even if it means upending the peaceful life she has built for herself.
As Finnian slowly recovers, days filled with quiet companionship make the prospect of him staying less daunting than either of them had expected. But he carries too many scars, and Eilis too many secrets, threatening to destroy their fragile relationship as the shadows of the past draw closer. When everything falls apart, will they save each other, or will the price be too high?
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You see, in April I finished the last chapter of all my ongoing stories, which left me in a very weird mood. For 1,5 years I always had something to work on, and suddenly, there was nothing started. Sure, I had a few outlines, but nothing really called to me, with the added problem that for those, I have to figure out bullshit like politics. I needed something new. New chars I didn't know yet, a fresh story - and 🌟violence🌟 :)
I've been talking about wanting more gore with happy end, but sadly, existing OCs are so fragile, I can't even break all their bones without them dying 🙄 So it was time to fuck up another healer.
For a few weeks, I threw concepts against a wall like cooked spaghetti, grabbed whatever stuck, and then I just started. It's the first time in a year that I actually write a story without posting as I go. I can leave a little note "this sounds weird, fix later" or remember "shit, I forgot this injury" or change a name halfway in. I know. That's how a draft is supposed to work 😅
I'm at over 60k words, and it's looking good. There's a few 'first times' for me, a lot of things I love and a lot of things I am excited about. I have a rough outline of events still to happen that leaves me enough freedom to go wild. And wild I go; half of the scenes are gratuitous pain and suffering, and there will be more - but it's also a story of love and finding a place to belong. Which brings me to the next point:
I'm tired. Tired of feeling like I don't belong anywhere. Of having no genre and being "just whump" because it fits nowhere else. Of being "not enough whump" while still finding myself on every squick list.
So this one's written for a target audience of some very close friends - a target audience for which I don't have to write CWs at the top of each chapter, a target audience who doesn't grow bored at the first calm moment, a target audience who will call me a bitch while asking for more pain.
I love you, pocket friends 💜
Here's the start of the book (unedited, rip):
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Finnian hated dealing with sick people.
Considering the fact that he earned his money with healing, that was rather unfortunate. If he didn’t want to starve to death, he had to grit his teeth and ignore the stench of sweat and blood while taking care of coughs and aches and fever.
Sometimes, he wished he had learned something else after it had become clear that this wasn’t the right profession for him. Then he wouldn’t be sitting here, explaining to a grown ass woman that when he had told her to keep the wound clean, that included keeping the bandages away from dirty water. And that yes, it fucking hurt, because now it was infected, and if she didn’t plan on losing a finger or two, she’d better keep her hand dry and clean this time. And that perhaps, just perhaps, that was a bit more important than cleaning the windows.
Unfortunately, he had not learned anything else, so he left the house half an hour later with barely enough coins in his pocket to make up for the supplies he had used. Most roots and herbs he could gather himself, but bandages and tinctures didn’t grow on trees.
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danielsousa · 1 year
tagged by @binickmiller @anxieteandbiscuits and @eohwyyn to answer 15 questions (muah thanks my loves <333)
were you named after anyone? yeah my legal name is the same as an aunt of my dad's, though i've never met her nor does anyone ever call me that
when was the last time you cried? cried a little bit like a few days back watching a movie. i will genuinely cry at the drop of a hat watching anything at all <33
do you have kids? noooooo
do you use sarcasm a lot? definitely, mostly around people that i'm more comfortable with i’d say
what's the first thing you notice about people? mmmm depends on the person! i feel like ppl have different qualities that stand out
what's your eye color? green!
scary movies or happy endings? movies can be both i think though if i have to pick i'll say happy endings. i have been getting a little more into scary movies lately tho!
any special talents? mmmmmm i can ride a unicycle! i haven't done it in ages but i'm pretty sure i could still do it. i’m also not good enough at latte art to call it a talent yet but im slowly getting there!
where were you born? the netherlands!
what are your hobbies? reading, shows/movies, music & playing guitar, just hanging out also
have any pets? i have a dog! she's the scaredest dog in the world and loves to bark i love her more than life <333333
what sports do you play/have you played? i used to do gymnastics, horseback riding and theater (the latter two r not really sports i guess but they were 2 me ❤️❤️)
how tall are you? like 166 cm which is 5"4 i think?
favorite subject in school? philosophy! i don't miss anything abt high school except for my philosophy classes they were genuinely so fun to me! i also really liked english bc i was good at it and the teachers were always v nice to me 💘
dream job? i don't know something like dolphin trainer? it always seems loads of fun in the cute videos u see and to just hang out with dolphins or honestly any other animal seems fun to me. it's not something i would ever pursue tho. also private chef seems fun tho i'm not much of a cook. would love to have a cafe of my own. i don't really have a serious answer for this question bc i honestly don't know what i want to do with my life <333333
tagging: @ronanlynchbf @inkpotgod @llovely @euphcme if you want to💘💘💘
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shakespearerants · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Minutes
Thank you for the tag @neverland-in-space ! I already did this like 10 years ago (gefühlt) but I love talking about myself so here we go again 😈.
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, but my parents are The Epitome of scatterbrained scientists so. It is very possible I am and they just never told me.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhhhhh good question I don't remember. I almost cried when @freizusein picked me up in the middle of my Odyssee to grant me heat asylum in her apartment a few weeks ago, does that count?
3. Do you have kids?
I call my houseplants kiddies. In other words no.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, I don't, but people think I do bc apparently I have a tone?????? Please know if I ever asked you something sarcastically and you thought it was an excellent joke - I was serious and I'm still waiting for my answer.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
Team sports? Soccer in elementary school. Am not a fan of collective excersice unless we're talking (ballroom) dancing.
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
VIBES. My Freitagsstammtisch can attest to that I've been complaining about someone at uni all year based on a 5 sec interaction and it took me multiple days to even notice they have very very prominent tattoos.
7. Eye colour?
Greenish - brownish.
8. Special talents?
Ohhh boy. Charming older (as in your grandma older) women. Especially antiques dealers. Got a deal on some very nice brass pendants when I was in Leipzig the last time just by being me and looking a little bit sad. I was once gifted a whole ass diamond ring on the street by a woman wearing a fur coat in 35° weather. I have had MULTIPLE elderly women come up to me when I was walking the dog UNPROMPTED and tell me about their dog who recently died. Last time I went to my local antiques shop I was offered 100€ discount on a ring I was looking at within 5 mins of walking through the door, and I hadn't even brought up the price yet.
Also I am unfairly good at doing things, especially art related things, perfectly after watching someone do it once. Was very surprised in 4th grade when I realized not everyone can weave a whole 12cm Perlenarmband with design in 45 mins on their first try.
10. Where were you born?
In a town with a MASSIVE causewayed enclosure. I'm talking multiple trenches multiple ha crop mark visible over 3 different fields.
11. What are your hobbies?
Ceramics (looking at, sorting, reading about, counting, collecting thereof), churches (insert "I just think they're neat!" Meme here) (as in looking at them and usually grumbling about those damn neuzeitliche Umbauten), Adventures™ (can't leave the house without having one!), cooking, reading, painting, sketching, embroidery, I've made a resolution to get into making my own clothes, houseplants, writing.
12. Do you have pets?
I technically own a rabbit but she lives with my parents and younger siblings.
13. How tall are you?
Child sized according to the helpful measuring sticks at Ganzbeck.
14. Favourite subject in school?
Art, choir. For a very brief period of time maths.
15. Dream job?
Grabungsleitung of a really really big Forschungsgrabung on the Baustelle of the wannabe Lindners I went to school with. I want to see their faces when I tell them they can get their building privileges back in 5-10 years if they're extremely lucky. Let's leave the fact that I haven't even finished my bachelor's yet and really don't want to stay in academia out of this fantasy.
Tagging: @lachricola @evolutionsbedingt @freizusein @perchingowl @clueless-dullahan @frubeto and anyone else who wants to have a go!
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z-h-i-e · 1 year
Get to know me better...
I have been tagged by @sallysavestheday and I aim to please. Or, at least answer the call to answer questions. ^_^
Relationship status: Smaug and I have been together since 1997 - according to the Elves, we've been married since 1998, according to the Race of Men, 2000. We're also besties, so that definitely made all the time spent together during the pandemic pretty nice.
Favorite color: I have a favorite color spectrum that includes purple, green, and gold. It slides around depending on my mood. I will also argue that glitter is one of my favorite colors.
Song stuck in your head: This precise moment? My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark/Fall Out Boy -- I've been listening to it, thinking of Finrod composing songs about the burning of the ships that become popular and this leads into Celegorm and Curufin being pissed at him later that their shoreline deeds become Noldorin pop songs without them getting any credit
Favorite food: I am a big fan of mushrooms - years ago, when I used to do impromptu Discord calls while cooking and imparting fandom and life wisdom, it ended up named 'Mushrooms in my Ramen' because that's the best way to ramen. I also like fruit; I grow several types in my yard. Shrimp, shrimp is amazing. Shrimp on pizza, shrimp and corn chowder, shrimp and grits -- just, shrimps, yes. Also poutine. I love a good poutine. I like making soups and chili the way I want them (basically, no tomatoes - tomatoes are my species enemy, they will try to kill me), so, tomato-less and meatless chili is kind of my jam. My big guilty pleasure is Chicken McNuggets. I know they're basically fried chicken goop, I will still consume them. I don't even need sauce. (But, sauce is good, so it honey with them.) Oh, and raw sweet corn. I don't know why people cook corn. It's so much better raw. (not canned cold, but fresh raw sweet corn)
Last song played: I heard Alone Again Or by The Damned when I drove home. I had only previously heard the original by Love, which I, heh, wow, unintentional pun, love. It's a song on my original Glorfindel/Erestor playlist from twenty years back, when the early shippers were jockeying for position and trying to figure those Rivendell bois out. I should teach myself to play that song. I wonder how it would sound on the balalaika... *pencils that in for a summer project* I already know the lyrics... [So the connection for me with Glorfindel and Erestor on this was the idea of Glorfindel being really friendly with everybody, but the only one he wants is Erestor, so he remains alone and waits for him during the early fourth age when the two of them are the last two remaining inhabitants of Imladris. Even though they aren't together yet, Glorfindel still uses terms of endearment for Erestor - right to his face - nothing hidden. My Erestor is such a asshole. Someday he'll do right by everyone... moving on...]
Dream Trip: I'm at a point where I hate any trip where I can't be home to sleep. Apnea diagnosis did that. So, I guess I'd like VR to catch up to a point where I can really and truly immerse and then go to...Middle-earth, of course I'm going there, or Thundera (obviously pre-explodeyness).
Last thing I Googled: I've been trying to help a friend find apartments in Milwaukee county that are not ridiculously expensive or have weird stipulations or fees attached to them. Certainly been a challenge. But the last last thing was googling Alone Again Or by The Damned so I could listen to it again but also sing along as I was writing this (yeah, that's apparently a creepy thing I do, is singing songs with unrelated lyrics while typing other words or blog posts or fanfic, so that's a thing I have going for me)
I guess that's all for now. Instead of tagging anyone in particular, I suggest that anyone who is interested in sharing please steal these questions and have at it. Or, just go and listen to Alone Again Or. It's a good song.
Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPbNpIG8x_s
The Damned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYVDN27CrOo
Only just realizing this now, it's not a bad Finrod pining for Amarië or Edrahil song, either... I'll have to tuck that away for later.
Your mileage may vary - if you do listen to it, I would would be interested knowing who it reminds you of.
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eluminium · 1 year
I just like Skranchers bc its Silly and Funky and is an overall easy tag since Plateup Trio feels strange since other people play Plateup and its too nonspecific, Chaos Kitchen/Chaos Cooks is related to general other cooking content (at least from what I've seen while trying to search the tag), and unlike ZIT/ZITS or BEST, STJ/JST [?] doesn't have a sound to it so it's so easy to mix up the letters for someone like me that can't even remember basic number sequences
I understand wanting Skizz to have more credit and be treated with more respect instead of as an add-on, especially in content HE INITIATED, but I also don't think fighting about a tag is really something we should be doing? Like,, for example, saying someone dropped a 'dumb take' while making a completely valid point wasn't informative, just needlessly malicious? (Note: I apologize, if you meant that lightheartedly, I was just looking through the reblogs and saw that and it just kinda?? Feels icky??)
I understand not liking the tag or not using it, but is it worth stressing and being hostile towards other fans? If anything it just alienates anyone who might want to get into Skizz's content because of the hostility over using a silly tag
I say all of this nonmaliciously, I just want to better understand, not the intent/frustration since I mean I Get It, but why it's projected so harshly upon other people just trying to have fun with a silly goofy name
Well, the simple answer is while it would be great if we all could just use whatever names we wanted for duos/trios/quartets/what have you, at the end of the day we are a community that will have to decide on a name for ease of communication. That's why we have the names in the first place, yeah? And while the name "Skranchers" isn't objectively problematic (and neither are the people using it) it's a name I subjectively hate with my entire heart. (For the reasons stated in that OG reblog, which wasn't just about Skizz being pushed away. I'm assuming you've read it just so I won't have to repeat myself. If you haven't then I'd highly recommend reading it because y'know, I explain my reasons for why the name is Trash.) It was the name that was catching on with the fandom and was on its way to becoming the "official" tag for them. Which would mean that it wouldn't just be people having fun with a goofy name, it would be what everyone referred to them as, and if I and people like me wanted to interact or make art about them, we'd be forced to use that name. Now our fun is sacrificed, and for a really unneeded reason since I don't think anyone would be offended if we just came up with another name for them. We should all get to have fun together, instead of some of us having fun and the others having to suck it up And while you're entitled to your opinion, personally I don't think that's a strong enough argument considering we have names like Desert Duo despite the fact that Grian and Scar have not been in anything Desert-related for like, 2 years. Same with names like Seablings or Wither Duo or Flower Husbands. They're not bad names at all! But they are extremely removed from their context nowadays, and yet we still use them and recognize which characters are being referred to. Really, Ranchers haven't been Ranchers for a year if not more. The only reason we call them Ranchers is that the fandom knows that it's the name for Jimmy and Tango. Based on that, why would we reuse that name with its own unique dynamic/setting and glue Skizz to it when neither he nor the trio dynamic/setting has ANYTHING to do with Ranches, Ranching or the aesthetics of such? They play Plate-Up together! That's their thing! (for now.) Just like the Ranch was The Thing for Tango and Jimmy during DL! Therefore it would make more sense to make a trio name related to Plate-Up or cooking instead of using anything relating to Ranchers. I can however agree that the letter combos don't really work since there are no vowels. I'll give you that one. Personally, I use "Goodfellas" for them based on that entire bit where they were acting like mobsters, and someone in the mob is referred to as a Goodfella. But names like "Goo Crew", based on the Goo jokes, are excellent as well! Thing is also if you read that OG post and its reblog, outside of that one tag (which was intended to be overly dramatic and not fully serious but I now see that it was a mistake to not mark it as such. Sorry about that.) it's not attacking anyone. It's very focused on the name itself because I don't have a problem with the people using it. It's a dumb name, yeah, but that's no reason to hate someone. That post was not meant as an attack, but more as me showing my own resistance to the name and imploring my fellow fans to perhaps pick another name! Because I think the name is shit, and extremely frustrating as a Skizz fan. Especially with the recent "The S in ZITS stands for Solidarity" nonsense and the fact that Rancher fans have a bad habit of throwing Ranchers into places where people were trying to talk about something else for once while carelessly pushing aside other characters. At the end of the day, everyone's gotta have a weird hill to die on. And this is mine. Does the name of a trio made up of fully grown men playing video games together matter to my life that much? Of course not. But in a fandom space, which this is, it does matter to me.
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