#still can't say i hate last game cause i sure don't
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lan-tana · 9 months ago
Still not over the fact that Kuroko stayed alone longer than Seirin in the airport after saying goodbye to Kagami. Can't help but think he used his lack of presence to take some alone time to collect his thoughts and oh how perfect it was for Kagami to make his love declaration to just Kuroko
I mean I'm also still not over Last Game at all but for a lot more reasons but eh
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♠️ AiB males in Mingle-Game with you ♠️
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A/N: I thought about this kind of headcanons while I was trying to fall asleep. 😬
The game is part of the second season from Squid Game, so if you haven't seen it yet but want to watch it- This writing may contain slight spoilers! 😶‍🌫️
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Characters: Aguni, Arisu, Chishiya, Karube, Niragi
POV: gn!neutral
Warnings: Squid Game related; may contain Spoilers for season 2!
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A g u n i
That man really hates playing games with you together. He isn't showing, but he is afraid of losing you in one of those games especially when it comes to the thought of losing you 'cause he is not able to protect you ...
He has the will of a leader and he may be pretty strong, physically and psychologically, but not knowing which game you'll join together almost kills him ever and ever again.
That's why Aguni always tries his best to convince you to play different games but this time he lost the discussion.
Thanks god it's not heart game the two of you joined, but clubs.
Bro, that man breathes a sigh of relief, you wouldn't believe it.
No chances he will leave your side, he stands by you and follows you everywhere you go, no matter what.
And he is watching you the. whole. damn. time.
Standing on the circling plate, he will touch you with his elbow when you start moving your body because of the playing song.
"Don't forget, it's all or nothing. Stay focused and stop dancing, you need to concentrate."
... He is finding it pretty cute actually but who is he to confess?
Ah, the plate stops moving and the song stops playing. A voice tells the number of people each group needs before running in one of the rooms you need to hide to win this game.
Good for you, nearly everybody knows Aguni.
And nearly everybody is fine with whoever wants to build a group with them, I mean everyone is just trying to survive ...
"A group of 3 people?" "Can't be this hard to find one more- no time to lose!"
Be prepared, he will carry you over his shoulder without hesitation ... He just grabs you and flicks you over ...
"Wow, alright, calm down Aguni, I have legs myself, you know?!" "Daily dose of training."
A r i s u
Same as Aguni, Arisu wouldn't step away from your side, leaving you alone in the crowd of people you may or may not know by even their names.
He's a cutie pie. While standing on the moving plate, he would stand by you as near as possible, just to make sure he isn't losing you.
Plus he wants to make sure you know he will always be there for you and no matter what happens, he isn't going anywhere without you.
He lost the most meaningful people in his life already. It broke him. Losing you- it's hard to say if he would make it another time.
Still, different from Aguni , he wouldn't mind moving with you to the song a little.
Actually it would be pretty fun to him, dancing to the rhythm with you.
For a second he would forget why you guys are even here ...
Lord have mercy, he loves you for that.
If he is able to, he would even sing along, sadly korean doesn't belong to his strength ...
"Love, did you even know what the children are singing about?" "Actually no, but this song is both a curse and a blessing."
People will look at you as if you are a couple that is losing their minds- how can you have fun with the knowing this could be your last minute on earth?
Seriously, how?
"Oh, the song ends ..." "And we aren't moving anymore ..." "2!", the unknown voice tells the players.
Arisu grabs your wrist, not thinking about it twice, and drags you behind him, towards the door closest to you.
"Oi, don't be so rough on me!" "Sorry, gamer reflexes!"
C h i s h i y a
The strategist of this game.
Nobody would find a sample in this game as fast as he does.
Play with him the first and second round, and he will be able to guess the number of group members for every following turn.
"They will do everything to kill as many people as possible." "You don't say." "It's important to know. Based on that, the numbers are chosen." "Are you really trying to find a ... system behind this game?" "I'm not trying, I already found it. Just stand near me and everything will be okay."
Remembering the last games you played with him, you know he is right.
At first it was hard for you to trust him. He was always a mysterious person to you- calm, smart, ambitious. That makes him ... kind of a dangerous person.
But since you started "dating" him, it gets easier for you letting him take control in games you play both together.
"Promise you bring us out here alive ...?" "Not a big fan of promises, but this ... this is easy to handle."
He takes your hand you held out to him when you asked him that question. But not just to give you his word- he interlaces his fingers with yours instead, pulling you a little closer to him and making sure you stand by him.
Your face gets red like a tomato ...
"You know, you make the games a little more important to me, Y/N." "Huh? What do you mean?" "Your life matters more to me than my own life- so I'm willing to protect you. Even though it's just with my high level of intelligence." "... Well, who are you and what have you done to Chishiya?", you laugh while he is just giggling a little.
K a r u b e
Fun is important to him, he doesn't want to think about dying the whole time.
So he doesn't want YOU to think of dying the whole time, too.
I guess Karube could be the one dancing with like crazy to the song. Not just moving his body back and forth.
More like Thanos and Nam-gyu did in the series ... I was laughing so hard when I saw them dancing on the plate. 😭
Back to topic; he just wants you to feel comfortable and, above all, safe around him.
He loves having you close to him. As long as you are with him, he is sure that he can do anything.
He is also willing to achieve everything he has set himself as a goal.
Accordingly, if he has made it his goal to leave the game with you ...
... then he WILL leave this game WITH you!
Means, without ifs and buts, he stays with you. From start to finish.
We know how impulsive Karube can be.
Anyone who stands in the way of him and his plans will never be happy again.
For example, the player who tried to push in front of him when you two were running in a room together.
Then he is simply grabbing the clothes and pulls the foreign person out of the room again- with force and full physical strength.
If the stranger is lucky, he gets away with a broken nose.
If not, he will die- Karube has no mercy for people blocking his way.
"Well, you know, it's not necessary always punching people in the face when they are just panicking and fighting for their lives, Babe ..." "I know, but I was panicking, too. And I want to live. And I want you to live, too, y/n. I want a future with you, not with a-" “Unknown human being!", you say, stopping him from uttering an insult. "You are too good for this world, love."
N i r a g i
Bro's kinda rough to everyone, not just you. We all know what a beast he can be, so when it comes to finding group members, he will use every method that comes to his mind to make people join both of you.
Niragi isn't good with words. He would provoke the other players or manipulate them making sure you and himself can leave this game alive.
Yeah ... he has a soft spot for you.
Can you imagine him having a heart!? 😭
Anyways, his life isn't as important as yours, for him at least.
That's doesn't mean he wants to die in here!
You are just his priority, so when the voice is telling a number and other players don't want him to join their group, he would do ANYTHING that you are able to join a group.
Yep, he would grab people by their collar.
And he would punch and kick them if necessary.
... His firearm could also be used.
"Listen here, you litte fuck. You will make sure that you team up with her and you will make sure that you end up properly in one of these ugly rooms, that she gets out of here alive. Otherwise-" Niragi points his gun at the unknown player, ignoring your "No, stop! Put that down, are you crazy?!"
Damn, he would kill everyone in here to make sure you will survive, it's insane ...
Funny to say, his method is working very well ...
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snapscube · 2 years ago
so i don't know if this is a post i'm gonna keep up cause, like i said, i don't really like talking candidly about aspects of my personal identity often these days, and lord knows i especially hate talking about legal identity and all the dissonance that entails. but this week was a pretty big one for me and i can't shake the desire to share my enthusiasm for even just a fleeting moment.
my name has been a sticking point in my mind for a long time. i've adopted many different ones. first, middle, last, you name it. i've been searching most of my life for a moniker that represented my true self socially, and a surname to distance myself from someone in my life who hurt me very badly and never really learned how to stop.
obviously for a long time now I've been Penny Parker to 98% of people who know me, and for the past couple that number has been bumped up to a solid 99% with a few stragglers. it's a name that is so mundane and assumed at this point that tbh I've even come to resent certain aspects of it. which to me is actually beautiful. i find that mundanity, that nuance, extremely telling of how it encapsulates my life. it's a fully three-dimensional reflection, smudges and sparkles and everything in between.
of course, i only just moved out on my own 3 years ago. and unfortunately that had to be the starting point to make this social and personal progress i've been sitting on for half a decade at least now official, tangible, legal. i've been playing a game of catch-up i didn't sign up for, but it's one that does have a silver lining in that i feel more in resonance with who i am and who i want to be than i ever did before being granted this independence.
and as of this week, i have the pleasure of entering an era of my life where the dissonance between who i am in speech and who i am in contract is nonexistent. my name is Penny Olivia Parker. i'm the same as i've always been, but getting better every day at it. soon i'll even have a license to match!
sometimes more of an Olivia Parker in brief moments nowadays tbh but i haven't worked out the details yet. nothin you need to stress over, ill take care of it. the full set is just fine and legally recognized, which is all i've wanted for as long as i can remember.
this isn't the end of my journey, both excitingly and unfortunately haha, but this is yet another huge milestone for me and in certain respects it's one of the biggest i've managed. i'm so happy to still be here. if you're reading this, thank you for being here too.
also those of you who watched my direct reactions the other day might have a little more insight as to why i was so emotional that the day after a judge signed my legal name change a new game by the Sonic Mania devs was announced called "Penny's Big Breakaway" LOL, it was a lot to handle for me but i wasn't sure how much i wanted to say just yet.
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hellsslibrary · 22 days ago
hear me out , yoichi with m!reader on the same team but the dear reader didn’t pass to him and now isagi is mad (BOTTOM ISAGI NATION)
I hate you, I despise you, you are absolutely hateful to me, you are a pathetic excuse for a man... What difference does it make if I cook you cream buns in an apron that says "best wife in the world"? (real dialogues with my husband, like quotes day I go crazy)
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#a.n. : I love you too, anon. If only you all knew how I squeal like a little schoolgirl in love when I see requests for power bottom characters. Next request, if I finish it before another one, will be about a game that 1,5 people know, I hope you're ready for that LOL.
!!Warnings: subtop!male!reader, meandom!Isagi, he is not wild like on the field don't worry (or cry if you are a slut for that), riding, overstimulation, but Isagi is cute later, the reader sits between Isagi's thighs, jerking off, teasing.
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"Why the hell did you give him a pass out of all people, huh? I was the best option there in terms of everything... Moreover, you hate him too!" Isagi says, biting your neck, watching with great pleasure as you lean your head back on his shoulder with a groan.
"I... I don't know," you're repeating the same thing as in the past, because fuck... Of course, you're an idiot, why did you even give a pass not to Isagi, but also to Kaiser of all people?
"Wrong answer."
You bite your lip, hearing this answer, feeling his hand moving on your cock again, repeating it for the third time. The sensations are simply tearing, you can't even figure out what the game looked like, even though it ended only twenty minutes ago, and you're already such a mess from just a couple of orgasms.
"Well?" Isagi asks, kissing your shoulder while his thumb lazily strokes your head, specifically touching your urethra, causing your hips to jerk up But he doesn't give you the right movement, even though he plans to drive you into a frenzy.
What do you have to say? 'Sorry'? Utter nonsense. It's just a game, he's overreacting. Although we're talking about Isagi, of course, he's always taken it too seriously. Too much.
He doesn't rush you with an answer, allowing you to think about everything with your last working convolutions, while his blue eyes are practically fed up with the sight of your current penis and how the predicate flows onto his fingers.
Your body relaxes when you exhale heavily, shifting most of your weight onto his chest, actually lying on top of him and just looking at the floor below you.
"I'm sorry," you say without thinking, even though you couldn't have thought of anything better.
You are absolutely sure that he will take it out on you at the next training session, even too much. Especially if that idiot German thinks to tease Yoichi about giving him a pass...
"I'm not offended," the brunette whispers, speeding up the movements of his hand again, pulling a satisfied moan from your lips, rolling one of your nipples lazily with his other hand. "Give the pass to anyone, but not to him... And not that shitty chihuahua, huh?"
"Yes, Yo," you nod, although you have absolutely no idea what you are agreeing to, because your brain is focused only on the feeling of his hand on your penis and the warmth of his body against yours.
"Will you come for me again?"
You don't have to say it twice, right? Of course, after that, anyone will be a good boy! So your cock twitches, and you feel the knot in your stomach unraveling as Isagi's hand is covered in white liquid...
"Nice. Get off me, I'm not done with you," he says, making you immediately straighten up and turn to look at him, to which he just shrugs his shoulders. “What? You still haven't fucked me, no?"
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webslingingslasher · 4 months ago
J!!! I don't remember if nerdy!peter plays video games but I'm pretty sure he does 😓 how would he react when angel keeps wanting his attention but he keeps saying 10 more minutes so she gets annoyed 😓😓
I literally love all your Peter's sm idek how u have the mind for all this!!
*cleaning out my drafts* wheew boy, i hope you guys remember nerdy!peter. he's been on a shelf too long!
peter doesn't even blink when you kiss the side of his face- he doesn't notice in the slightest. you hold in a sigh and mutter out a half-hearted goodbye.
'i'm leaving, i'll call you later.'
suddenly, peter's available to talk. 'woah, wait, you're leaving? why?' you bite your tongue, there's a dozen things you want to say and none of them are nice. if you stay, you'll cause a fight.
'because i'm mad at you and if i don't, we're gonna have a fight.' peter gives you puppy dog eyes, he's pre-apologizing and he doesn't know what for yet. they always soften you but when he turns away to check his screen, you harden right back up.
'i had no eyes, sorry, sorry. med pack, please.' you can only put up with so much and a game taking priority over your relationship was just a straw too much. 'you're about to have no girlfriend.'
peter hits mute real fast, tossing his headset off and standing up even quicker. he's looking at you like a deer in headlights, 'you said what?'
'i shouldn't have to threaten a break up for you to listen to me, peter.'
'i was listening! you were fine then all of a sudden you're stomping out of here and calling me single.' he’s not allowed to care when you get mad, he should've cared the last five times he said ten more minutes.
'i'm leaving.'
peter blocks the door, you cross your arms over your chest. 'talk to me.' you're being petty because it's the first time he's giving you attention since you've been here. it's nice to have him worry over you.
'no, i'm mad at you.'
'yeah, i picked up on that. wanna tell me why?' your eyes narrow, he can’t act cute when you're pissy. 'no.' peter gives you a pity smile but he's not sad at all. 'then i can't let you leave, sorry.'
'you think holding me captive will fix things?' there was a snap with your voice, peter takes a step away from the door. he was half and half with your tone but after that he feels the need to back down.
'you're actually mad at me.' peter doesn't like when you're upset with him, it makes him feel all itchy. 'you can leave, angel. if you think it'll help, you can leave. but i would really like it if you told me what was going on first.'
you and peter make communication a priority but this time you want to be childish. if he couldn't understand why you were mad, he obviously didn't respect your time. you wouldn't act like this if it was the first time, but it’s everytime you come over and he's already on his computer.
you're getting tired of begging for your boyfriend to choose you over a video game, especially after he told you to come over.
'no. i'm leaving and i want you to think about why i would be mad at you.' peter whines in return, he hates when you don't give him an answer. 'angel, please. this is punishment enough.'
the issue is how well you know him. he's going to pout and give you kisses while he tells you how sorry he is and he never meant to make you feel ignored. it always makes you forgive him too quick, you don't want him to apologize for it, you want him to acknowledge it.
'you're gonna try to excuse it and kiss it better and i don't want that. i want you to look me in the eye and tell me you've been shitty.' peter's already giving you that pouty look, you ignore the clench your heart gives when he pulls you closer by your hips.
'i'm still gonna kiss it better, i'll just tell you i'm shitty while i do it.' you don't gripe when he gives you a chaste kiss. you don't tell yourself you're going back on your word, just that he didn't give you one when you first got here.
'wanna tell me why i made you mad?' you love when peter talks to you like this. it's not a whisper, but it's low. it's almost guttural- a ring of sexual if you looked at it the right way. when he pairs it with two wet kisses to your cheek, you have to remind yourself to stay strong.
'your game.' you silently moan when peter pushes your back against his door, he drops a mark to your neck. 'mhm, what about my game?' you're not sliding a hand into his hair to egg him on, it's to support yourself, that's it.
'you were ignoring me again.'
peter's lips catch anywhere they can meet, you think you're about to start sweating. 'i hate begging for your attention, i don't want to do it anymore.' peter's kissing your sweet spot, you try to keep your focus.
'angel, no one has my attention more than you.' there's only so much you can fight and peter's pillowy kisses isn't one of them. you're not forgiving, you're just compartmentalizing. plus peter's the best damn kisser you've ever had.
‘until you’re on discord with your friends.’ you’re reminded of your anger, you push peter off and glare at him. ‘if i didn’t tell you i was leaving, would you have even noticed?’
'of course i would, i check on you every couple of minutes.' peter might suck at giving up a winning streak but he makes sure to put his eyes on you every two minutes.
'making sure i'm still here isn't the same as giving me attention. and dump me if i'm wrong, but i want a boyfriend who's a little obsessed with me.' peter kisses the middle of your throat, it spurs more frustration.
'if you wanted to fuck me, you should've done something about it an hour ago. you don't get to disrespect me then put your dick in me.' peter exhales over your skin, it feels like a laugh. you don't know why he thinks you're joking. he reads your mind before you can say it.
'angel, i'm not trying to seduce you. i'm trying to show you how obsessed you make me.' you give him your neck and he softly bites, just like that, the fight's over. 'go on... i'm listening.'
'i've been shitty.'
peter's kisses make sense, they've been on a subtle trail downwards. he sinks to his knees on the floor, hooking your leg around his shoulder and looking up at you. looking up with his angelolatry duties.
'and now i'm gonna kiss it better.' 
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ieetbeez · 22 days ago
Small Rant About RE
Hello gang... This has been on my mind for awhile. Today we're talking about Resident Evil and particularly Leon stans. Now I'm gonna come out and say I am one of them! I love that silly little blonde man and he's like number 1 on my favorite capcom white boy tier list next to Cody from Final Fight/SF.
tw: mentions of rape, pedophilia, incest, abuse, and my opinion
Let me make it clear, I'm not kink shaming, I'm not advocating for censorship. Art and literature shouldn't be censored. Sex is cool. Kink is cool (when safe and consensual).
I'm gonna be one of those fans real quick and say, I've been an RE fan since I was like 7. That doesn't really mean much since I can't drink legally but I've been in love with Leon since elementary school. I watched my Dad and brother play RE6 co-op and man... Aka I've been in the fandom for a fat minute. Before the RE2 remake came out I'd see the occasional Dead Dove fic but that's whatever. But I have never seen this much dark romance about Leon of all people!
Like. Call it the T-Virus the way it's everywhere I swear I can't scroll down the damn tag without getting hit with a sexual crime. And let me say, I'm not new to fandom culture. I take don't like don't read to heart (I'm super picky LMAO). And I understand that, that's just how big fandoms are, more people, more bad eggs. I'm sure the majority of y'all are sweet people.
BUT I feel like I shouldn't have to say that romanticizing things like pedophilia, rape, abuse, and incest is disgusting in the big year 2025 but here we are. Honestly, I feel this way about a lot of the fics of other fandoms I'm in. I feel crazy seeing it everywhere and it makes me feel like some sort of sexual puritan. Am I insane for wanting freaky smut and not ...freaky smut??
There for sure is a bigger conversation here about how easily accessible porn is and how quick people to fall into these pipelines. Or how booktok caused a rise in the normalization of dark romance troupes and just pure porn writing (I still hate icebreaker). Or how quick form constant content is slowly leaking it's way into everything. But we’d be here for forever…
And like, it's just completely out of character?? Like if you're gonna write about that can it at least be in character? Wesker fits the dark romance thing LEAGUES better. But LEON?? THE POLICE OFFICER?? Did you even watch a walkthrough? Leon is a sweet upstanding guy with lots of trauma, that is the last thing he'd do to ANYONE! Not saying fics have to be completely accurate all the time but there's literally nothing fun about "Omg what if Leon RAPED you!?" HES NOT THE EVIL RESIDENT HERE GUYS! At some point it's not even about Leon (or whoever the fic is about) anymore, it's just someone wanting to share their sexual fantasies online.
These topics are almost never written with any care and are insanely insensitive to the survivors of these acts. I don't know, sexual crimes are literally some of the most deplorable acts of hatred and depravity someone can do onto another person. I can't imagine getting off to the suffering of others (in a heinous crime way not BDSM way) (BDSM is cool). Have some fucking empathy and stop thinking with your goon wad guys <3
Like at least take it to AO3 so that I can filter it out or smth...
Edit: I just woke up and remembered what else I was gonna say.
You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat their fictional characters. Another thing I don’t like are the Gooner mods for the games. Like they’re fun every once in a while and like if it’s a capcom game you have to expect it. At some point though, it just stops being sexy and feels gross or uncomfortable.
Idk maybe I’m in the minority here but there has never been a single time where I was playing any RE game and thought to myself, “man… I wish I could see Leon’s end rod whipping in the wind rn…” Obviously, I wanna see that man oiled up butt booty naked doing jumping jacks like as most normal people do but… zawg…
That’s also like an actual person?? At least for the remakes. Maybe this just isn’t my dove to eat but the treat Leon like some sort doll. I know it’s kinda weak to be like this for a fictional person but yeah </3
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lovers-rck · 1 year ago
little drabble about ellie and reader as the lady and the tramp (we all know who is the tramp)
"c'mon" ellie says, a greasy fry resting between her lips "get the fry"
you frown your eyebrows, but direct your hand towards ellie's lips anyways. she moves before you could grab the fry in her mouth "not like that"
"with your mouth" she continues. you look at her, your hands leaving the keyboard of your computer
"get it" ellie moves the fry between her lips, making faces to encourage you to do as she wants "c'mon"
"we aren't in the lady and the tramp ellie" you say, rolling your eyes and turning your attention back to the computer, resuming your task.
the light in your dorm is dim, you can hear people coming and going down the hall, talking about exams and subjects, complaining about teachers and longing for vacations.
"i know" ellie says, swallowing the potato and spinning around in the swivel chair "perhaps, they ate spaghetti, not fryes"
you smile slightly at the clarification. ellie had come to your dorm about 20 minutes ago, complaining about how hard her last assignment was and how her professor hated her, emphasizing the fact that she was sure it was because of that one time she fought with him in the middle of a debate. and with a tapper of fryes under her arm.
"i stole them from the kitchen" she told you when you asked, her lips in a pout and her eyebrows furrowed.
"cmon, get it" she repeated, placing another chip in her mouth "just for fun. i'll give you 20 bucks."
you looked back at her. you considered it for a moment, knowing that ellie wouldn't stop bugging you until you did, and you really needed to finish this assignment in time for your exam.
And something about being so close to her mouth made your stomach tingle.
"okay" you say, giving in to those puppy dog eyes "you are so weird".
she smiles "i know"
"I only do it for that 20 bucks" you reply, pulling your chair closer to ellie. but you knew that ellie didn't have 20 dollars. not even 5.
ellie rolls her eyes and nods, inviting you to proceed.
you try to think about how this is not normal behavior between friends as you move towards her mouth and feel the air from her breath against your face. the fry separates you and her by about 8 centimeters, so there is a bit of space between your faces, though not enough to avoid a nervous twitch in your stomach.
as your lips are about to grab the greasy chip, ellie pulls back, preventing you from catching it "ellie!" you exclaim, watching as ellie laughs uproariously.
"sorry, sorry!" she says, feeling your hand push her and almost knock her off the swivel chair "i had to do it. i'm sorry. now i'm serious."
when ellie gets back into her normal position, you move yourself to get close to her face again, trying to avoid the way ellie's eyes are staring at you with utmost attention, piercing your pores.
as your teeth are about to hunt for the food, ellie is quick and puts the whole chip in her mouth, causing you to stumble and end up with your lips on hers.
you feel ellie's salty lips against yours, greasy and warm. she rushes to rest her hand on your jaw, preventing you from pulling away from her but still giving you the chance to do so if that's what you want.
but you don't.
you reciprocate her kiss, which is not a kiss as such, as your lips only remain against each other for a few seconds, without moving, before they separate.
things are silent for a few seconds. you lick your lips, feeling the taste that ellie left you.
"we could agree that this is the modern version of lady and the tramp" ellie says, a playful tone tinges her voice and you can't help but giggle, feeling a warmth come over your cheeks.
"you idiot" you reply
ellie laughs and places another fry in her mouth "you didn't get it. try again".
you smile and move in again. the game goes on for five more rounds, five rounds where you fail to catch the fry and five rounds where you end up kissing ellie.
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tubbytarchia · 6 days ago
I’ve recently rewatched dl and I wanted to find out if you had any thoughts on Pearl and Scott’s dynamic.. (double life or general idm)
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I've talked lots about Scott before, of how he twists the narrative the most and treats most relationships more as transactional. I will now immediately follow that sentence up with dear god please don't assume I hate Scott he's so interesting and compelling PLEASE don't think I hate him I beg of you I LIKE HIM I don't think he's evil and a villain he's just a bit fucked up like everyone else PLEASE just. believe me
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Me ^
Anyway now that that's out of the way. Scott I think has an innate need for connection but denies it in favor of weaving his own narrative that he is in control of, especially so in Third Life where to me, it feels like he sought out to find a tragic love story and he got exactly that, from his perspective anyway, what with the final sequence of him meeting Jimmy again in some imagined afterlife, the one part that was scripted and it shows. Love is a variable that he can't afford the risk of. I think the story with Jimmy that he weaved was more important to him than genuine affection. In Double Life he admits to having whittled Jimmy down to nothing in order to get something from him. But then along comes Last Life
In Last Life, whatever it was, something about Pearl really appealed to him if even subconsciously and he very genuinely cared about her imo. And that was a relationship that oddly enough started as purely transactional yet quickly developed into the most meaningful one I think Scott has had. Even when he faltered in returning Pearl's affection fully, Pearl didn't care and stood by him. Well exemplified by the time he kind of froze when Pearl was boogey killed by Lizzie, but Pearl didn't even think to hold his inaction against him. (Especially fun contrasted with Pearl accidentally breaking the rules in killing boogey Joel for killing Scott lol)
But all of that was the variable that Scott sought to avoid, so in Double Life he immediately uses what he can as an excuse to ostracize Pearl, almost as if to punish her for the crime of. loving? And I'm not about to claim that Pearl is wholly innocent but I'd argue that was unwarranted. Cleo and Scott are a great dynamic in a vacuum but unfortunately Cleo is also quite terrible (but then who isn't. It's a death game, they all are. Sorry I have to keep making these remarks because otherwise I get labelled a hater) and unfortunately fuels all the worst traits in Scott while Scott very readily sticks to her. They remain an encouraging pillar to Scott, it's just that the things being encouraged are like. Their ritual to slice each other with axes at full force just to stick it to Martyn and Pearl. Pearl often gets compared to Scott as equally physically harmful but idk personally I don't think the snow bucket compares to start-of-every-session-near-death-axe-crit routine. That's again not to say that she's innocent
Upon Scott spreading completely unfounded claims about her being crazy and malicious, she starts to adopt those claims. What else is she to do to get by? She has been nice to most players and nearly none of them want her around because of rumors despite her causing harm on accident at worst. She comes close to finally finding friends in Jimmy (Tango as well but mostly Jimmy), but ruins her chances by briefly playing into Martyn's "prank" and giving him Jimmy's horn without realizing it's importance to Jimmy, after which Jimmy tells her that she's no longer welcome on the ranch. She's effectively lost everyone and it is 90% due to Scott, not due to her actually acting the way she's claimed to as she only starts to go down that path after repeated rejection (sure she let herself be physically hurt to get at Scott, but it wasn't because of malice or having lost her mind, her doing so was reasonable anyhow but got twisted into something it wasn't. It's still wrong on her part and I do think she goes at least a bit insane as Scarlet Pearl surfaces, but the point is that she wasn't that when Scott started painting her that way)
Even in the very end, Scott retains control. He retained control of not only his narrative but contributed to most others' as well, painting Pearl as the exact character he wanted her to be known as in every POV outside of her own. And as they stand face to face as the last two survivors, Scott denies her any chance to change things, taking his own life instead whilst painting himself as noble in doing so
Scott is incredibly self-sacrificial but only when he gets something out of it, and because it allows him yet more control. He wants to be able to control when he dies, and he also gets to turn it into utmost grandiose statements of nobleness when he does, which then changes others' perception of him accordingly and directly or indirectly allows Scott to get something in exchange. His suicide in DL is no different, it was for him, not for Pearl
In Secret Life Scott also instils the idea of Pearl being untrustworthy in Gem
Wild Life. grrrr. Wild Life.............clenches fist. Pearl's personal hell
I think you can infer I was. scared to say the least about Pearl upon seeing her alliance in Wild Life. In the end though I ended up just being immensely sad and disappointed. Just about nothing worked out for Pearl, only for her trauma to be mocked repeatedly by Scott and Cleo
Pearl imo shows so many signs of regression, and she holds onto Impulse as the one member of her team that isn't actively taunting her, making it a goal for herself to see Impulse win, and it is that: for her, for anything to go her way, not so much for Impulse as much as she does genuinely care for him. She really doesn't spend that much time with him, she just needs a goal to work towards for her own sake. Pearl being unstable, untrustworthy and especially pathetic are all things that continue to get enforced within the alliance, where she's often spoken to like a ticking time bomb and the team's destructiveness gets relegated to her specifically. She recognizes not feeling good about it but she doesn't recognize everything that's at play in the social dynamics of their alliance or the extent of it
She becomes scared of people becoming resentful of her were she to make mistakes all the while Scott and Cleo start enabling her worst tendencies, aka Scarlet Pearl. They don't do this a large degree but they do make an explicit point of it, or at least Cleo does. Cleo is also however, if even vaguely, trying to mend the relationship between her and Pearl, where they occasionally encourage and defend her although it's not to a significant enough degree for Pearl to really realize. After Gem's death, Cleo is also there to help although Pearl is too distraught to appreciate it
While Gem's largely the catalyst for the "pathetic" notion that Pearl adopts to her detriment over the course of Wild Life, it only affects Pearl as strongly as it does due to her having gone through what she has, and because she's in a largely unloving alliance that fuels and reminds her of her wrongdoing. Just compare her mental state here to the one in Secret Life with the Mounders. Although it does have importance to her because she seeks reconciliation, she isn't allowed to forget about Double Life, she's not allowed to heal and grow around the grief of what's happened to her
And the final two notable incidents in her and Scott's relationship are 1. Her being made to feel like she needs to kill Scott, which she doesn't and ends up picking her own method of killing him to retain any semblance of choice, and 2. best summarized by my friend's Pearl POV analysis: "Scott is wearing my clothes. instead of villainizing me, our “reconciliation” has encouraged him to embrace the qualities he thinks I represent. he matches me, and we don’t talk about our past"
I state again that I like Scott, I like Cleo, I don't think they're evil or villains, at the very least in no cut-and-dry way. They're flawed and compelling and although I feel sad for Pearl and see Scott as largely at fault for what's happened to her, I care about Scott too and he's easily in the top 5 of most intricate Life characters to me that I enjoy dissecting
You know like. enjoying any character in any other fandom that is morally reprehensible in any way. I don't know why that's such a wild concept in traffic but sigh. I have to disclaim this unfortunately
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yanderes-galore · 9 months ago
Oooh can I please request platonic yandere brother Luffy hcs please who’s sister came a marine unlike her brother(s) 🙏 love to hear your thoughts 
Sure! Bear with me as I'm not that far into the story yet but I watched some of a video to help me understand more of the world :) So this doesn't focus on an specific plot point. It's a general idea. (I want to write One Piece and I'm impatient-)
Yandere! Platonic! Luffy with Marine Sister! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Delusional behavior, Kidnapping, Jealousy, Violence, Forced companionship.
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You were already quite different from your fellow foster brothers.
First of all, you were the only foster sister of them.
While you were fostered in the same family as Luffy, Ace, and Sabo... you didn't have the same goals.
Unlike them you didn't want to be a pirate.
At least, not after your experience with the Bluejam Pirates.
Before you all went your separate ways, Luffy was probably the closest with you.
He often spoke to you about becoming "King of The Pirates", often wanting you to join him.
You'd simply nod and smile, not having the heart to tell him that you didn't want to be a pirate after your experiences.
Secretly you hoped he would give up the goal as you loathed the idea of harming him in the future.
Pirate or not, you still saw him and Ace primarily as your brothers.
However, even if you hated the thought of being a pirate, you played and cared for Luffy + Ace all the same.
You still felt you should be supportive of your brothers, even comforting Luffy as Sabo's supposed "death" and Ace's departure.
For a while it was just you and Luffy, your younger brother still just as excited to be a pirate.
Luffy respected you when you were younger, often coming to you for adventure.
When you four were together you often loved to cause trouble on the island.
Although, Luffy noticed you weren't as into it when you were older.
The thought upset him.
Luffy would always ask why you don't want to hang out anymore.
You would brush him off, but Luffy is known to be stubborn.
Eventually you know you can't keep him in the dark for much longer.
You want to leave this island, it's about time you did.
Sabo's gone, Ace is off to be a pirate, the only one you have now is Luffy.
Luffy was 16 almost 17 by the time you decided to leave the island, you were 19.
He had grown attached to you, even though you no longer wished to partake in your pirate games.
When Luffy confronted you, you admitted you were planning to leave the island.
Luffy protests, saying how he wanted to start a pirate crew with you.
However, you shut him down, ignoring how your brother clung to you.
"Maybe we'll meet again in the future?" You bring up, making Luffy pause for a moment.
"You want to explore those vast seas and become the Pirate King, don't you?" You push a melancholy smile on your face.
"Yeah!" Luffy chirps in an excited tone. "But... I wanted to do it with you, sis...."
"I have my own journey to take..." You sigh, giving him one last hug. "But I'm sure we'll meet again in those waters."
Luffy was reluctant to let you leave, but with some convincing, he let his sister go.
About half a year later Luffy sets off on his own journey, starting the events of One Piece.
While your brothers had roles against the government... you had managed to find your place in the Marines/Navy.
You had been pardoned for past crimes and were given a recommendation to enlist due to your knowledge in firearms and tactics.
Throughout the years you even managed to rank as an officer, often being considered a useful asset within the Marines.
You never forgot about your brothers.
No, how could you when you often saw wanted posters and heard rumors?
You heard of Ace and internally smiled to know he was doing well.
You heard rumors of Sabo but were skeptical on the legitimacy of the claims.
Then you heard of Luffy... the rumors making your heart clench.
It was definitely your Luffy... you could see that in the posters.
It seemed like he put together a crew of his own, which impressed you.
Although... you hated the idea of being enemies.
As Luffy's journey progresses, you keep more of an eye on him than the usual pirates.
Other Marines, including a fellow officer you're partnered with, would occasionally notice you looking over a wanted poster of Luffy.
They think it's because he's garnering a reputation... which is partially true.
But you have different reasons.
You silently hope you never have to confront your old brothers.
You can deal with other pirates, that's no issue.
Yet you have too much of an attachment to Luffy and Ace.
Unfortunately, fate was just as cruel as the waters you sailed on.
Eventually you encountered Luffy since he managed to catch the eye of the Marines once again.
Reluctantly you're put on the field, sat right in front of Luffy.
Luffy paused his fighting once your presence was announced, your name still familiar in his mind.
Then he saw you.
You looked similar to how you once looked back on the island... yet were dressed completely in Marine gear.
Not the usual stuff, either.
You were high in rank.
Luffy felt... betrayed yet also... excited to see you again.
It's been, what, two years later?
You're both adults now yet with such different paths.
You two most likely fight, even though you're both not into it.
You keep trying to say you'll leave him alone if he turns back, if he just stops this.
Meanwhile Luffy keeps trying to convince you to join his crew even now.
Imagine if by the end of your confrontation Luffy does everything in his power to capture you.
He plays it off as wanting to take you as a hostage.
His crew goes along with it, but they can tell Luffy has a past with you.
You fight him the best you can but eventually are forced to surrender.
Imagine if Luffy kept you tied on the ship, still trying to play off the role of kidnapping a hostage until you're out at sea with his crew.
After that, Luffy becomes overly friendly.
He's excitedly rambling to you about how much he's missed you, not quite believing that you'd willingly join the Marines.
He just thinks maybe his sister was captured and forced into the role!
Yes, you must just be misguided.
After all, you two were meant to be pirates together!
I can see him excitedly rambling about Ace and maybe even Sabo to you, saying he's seen them again on his journey and now he's finally found you...!
He's too delusional to consider you an enemy.
Zoro and Usopp keep saying how you're a prominent Marine officer, obviously confused on how he knows you.
Only for Luffy to chime in that you're brother and sister.
You correct him by saying you were foster siblings, but Luffy brushes that off.
It becomes clear to the others and you that Luffy didn't take you as a hostage.
He took you onto the ship in an attempt to change your mind again.
Luffy's dragging you around the ship in your ropes to meet his crew, never keeping an arm off you.
You clearly look annoyed... but part of you is happy to see him again.
Although you know he'll never understand you....
Luffy holds you on his ship in an attempt to convert you into being a pirate.
Which you're forced to be put through.
Even if you tell Luffy you hate pirates, he doesn't believe you.
You can't hate pirates... all your siblings are pirates...!
Luffy is definitely just ignoring the facts.
Even his crew can see your irritation when Luffy clings to you like some affectionate child scared to lose you again.
The Marines no doubt want his sister back, but Luffy is definitely prepared to use violence to prevent that.
When the Marines try to take you back, Luffy taunts them by saying you don't want to be a Marine anymore.
Which is a lie, you do, but it's not like Luffy will acknowledge that.
Luffy would probably ask Nami to get you new clothes that aren't Marine clothes.
You're reluctantly forced to change into different attire to make you more "pirate-like".
You love your brother, you really do...
You just wish this wasn't the thing he decided to pull.
Would Luffy kill to keep you? I can see it happening.
He's determined to have you part of his crew, both pirates looking for adventure.
His charisma and persistence may wear you down.
Plus, you dread the sight of blood on his clothes...
It usually isn't his, based on the cold look in his gaze.
Perhaps you give in, accepting your fate.
Your acceptance makes him ecstatic, clinging to you as he recounts fantasies he's had since he was young.
Seeing a glimpse of the young boy Luffy used to be with you makes you smile...
Although your eyes water when you realize just what you've gotten yourself into.
Now you're forced to be on the run... yet Luffy doesn't care...
Now you two can finally be pirates together as you were always meant to be...!
"I can't wait for you to meet Ace and Sabo with me again...! It's been so long!"
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dekusdante · 1 month ago
Well it's that time again for another JJK rant.
So by this point I would assume that most of you know my eternal hatred towards the enemies to lovers trope when it comes to Gojo x reader stories right.
Well we are back at it again cause I am hoping people know that this type of relationship isn't one that Gojo would ever go for. Like it's one of those things that the fandom latched on to like My Hero Academia Hawks being a flirty playboy. It's not something that fits the character but it something that so many people latched on to that they now believe that it's a thing.
Like Gojo knows his worth and value. He literally dislikes those that he views as stuck up or just down right unlikeable. Aka every reader in the enemies to lovers trope. Like you are telling me you hate this guy for no reason but it's okay because your only saving grace is that he finds you attractive.
That is the how 95% of them go. Also to even it out they would make Gojo do some out of pocket stuff to justify the reader treating him like dirt while also always making him the bad guy even if he did nothing wrong.
I am so sick of this copy and paste trope. Now I know i don't have to read it which I don't. If I see it I keep scrolling. Although there are gems I sadly just skip past them because I'm used to the bad and boring ones. (Lowkey reminds me of the dumbest Gojo x reader story on wattpad called Debt. Freaking dumbest reader/mc I have ever read couldn't even get past the first few chapters. The first and only time this has happened)
Another thing is bad reverse harem stories. Like I don't care the reader is 18! Why are men close to their 30s trying to have a relationship with them? Why is said 18 year old trying to have a romantic relationship with freshly turned 15 year old? Look 18 maybe considered an adult but it's still gross and it would have been better if the reader was 20 and up. Also if you want your reader to have love interests that are 15 then they should at least be under 18.
I am sick of gross age gaps, don't care if you are 20 years old dating a 30, 40, or whatever just make it legal! 18 isn't a cheat code!
Also harems suck since they either end up with no one, end up with someone not in the harem, or worst not even completed. Yet, the biggest crime is as I said it before the gross 18 year old cheat code.
Finally the last of my random rant which has to deal with genders and sexyal orientation. Stop writing about boy x boy if you are only going to stereotype them. Yes gay mean may like to be more of the feminine side but NOT all of them. Not all males who prefer to be a bottom want to wear feminine clothes and act like a femboy.
Not all trans people want to be just a title! Don't include them if you are not even going to try! Same with the non binary or gender neutrals. Don't include them but give traits that have a gender that goes against their stances. It's wrong.
Also I lied this is my final rant. Stop saying it's a reader story if you are not going to be neutral. For example giving a reader appearances that instantly alienate a reader. Sure I understand fem reader or male reader tags but to then give them hairstyles, skin tones that alienate others, or ect. I'm a POC (Person of color) and it sucks when you are reading something and instantly shown you are not included. Luckily the anime community is slowly but surely getting more inclusive. No I'm talking about those that want to read reader stories from fandoms like The Boys (Scarlett Witch took over i swear) or (Squid Games I know it's in Korea but dang why can't I be american?).
Anyway that's all. I would love to read and possibly reply to comments. Some may agree others not so much which is far I am criticizing something so it's 100 okay to throw it back!
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 10 months ago
you know i've been thinking about the consequences of malleus's actions in book 7 and i realized how much he's fucked everyone over including his grandma. bc like other than the fact that he ob'd (which literally has NEGATIVE connotations one of which being is idk ""UNSTABLE"" which isnt necessarily a good look for a crown prince is all im saying) he's literally causing terrorism (??? can you call it that idk how else to call it) which is going to setback his grandma's efforts (and lilia's and baul's, and every supporter of his and his family) in keeping peace in their kingdom and the favor of the humans towards the fae. Like. i feel so bad for grandmother draconia rn i can only imagine the stress and pressure she's under.
Then theres also aside from PHYSCIALLY compromising everyone's healths in sage island (BECAUSE THE MAJORITY ARE HUMANS OR AT LEAST THEY DONT LIVE AS LONG AS THE FAE). He's also fucked everyone mentally twice over!!!! By booting them straight into a world where none of their problems exist. Now that wouldnt sound bad if it weren't for the fact that dreams have to end, and life isnt kind. It rarely ever is, and i can only imagine how distraught i would be if i were to say, hypothetically lost someone a year before and the wound is so fresh and raw and, in my dreams, they never died and everything is okay, then i wake up and realize that it was just that. A dream, they are still gone and i wish i never woke up which would be a LITERAL DEATH SENTENCE. This isnt just an event that takes place in NRC either BUT THE WHOLE ISLAND and that domain is GROWING, GROWING. I can't imagine just how many would be so emotionally ruined after this. Like.....
If Malleus does not suffer the consequences of his actions istg i will be so pissed, at least REMOVE HIM FROM THE PREMISE OR SOMETHING GODDDDDDD this cannot be remedied with a slap on the hand!!!!!
(Note: Sorry for the long rant. I felt the need to get this out of my chest bc i dont mind malleus's archetype actually nor do i actually hate him, bc i enjoy him interacting w other characters a lot (my fave ever vigenette is him giving deuce the equivalent of minecraft diamon for fixing a retrobit gaming toy) BUT GOD DOES HE MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL)
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Yeah, I do feel like the scale of Malleus's actions cannot be understated. I know it's kind of a fandom joke that the OB boys are left off with a slap on the wrist + maybe some social ramifications at school, but this is the ONE time in the main story where things are getting super big and the effects could be cripplingly long-lasting.
I don't know if TWST will seriously address the consequences after book 7, but I sure hope they do!! There is a lot of interesting ground to cover (many points which this anon has already brought up) in a follow-up main story arc or the next book.
For example:
Malleus obviously has to regain the trust of his peers and staff. He didn’t really have it before but now has to work twice as hard to make connections since he just took a drastic action that confirmed the rumors some were already spreading about how he’s a monster.
He’s the sole heir to the throne and has just betrayed the trust of the people of Briar Valley. How are they feeling about him now? Do they still trust him to lead them?
How does this impact their relations with other countries (since Malleus himself stresses how he represents Briar Valley)? This is a problem visible on a global scale, and surely this would damage their rep with other nations, particularly the predominantly human ones. It’s setting back what is hundreds of years of trying to fix the broken trust between their races.
Malleus’s UM potentially puts his victims in physical harm; in book 7, Ortho suggests that since everyone is sleeping, their bodies are not getting the food or water they need. As a result, they may physically waste away and then perish. (We have seen that there are sleep blessings that keep people sleeping for hundreds of years without detriment to the blessed though, such as the one cast on Silver—so we cannot be entirely sure if Ortho’s theory is correct or not.)
There is the possibility that Malleus’s dreams may traumatize or retraumatize his victims, particularly those with deep rooted troubles. An example of this is Idia, who had suffered the loss of his brother when he was like… 8 years old??? But then in his dream, Idia is living a happy false reality that Ortho never died. When he finally comes to this realization, he has to relive the trauma of the discovery all over again and breaks down sobbing. We also see in the most recent book 7 update that Vil had to face the evilest aspects of himself and a dark reality; Rook became very emotional upon waking himself. Admittedly, Idia and co. coped with it well enough—this is proof of their character development and the strength of the new friendships they’ve formed. However, all the people on Sage’s Island/Twisted Wonderland may not react so positively or be so accepting of their cruel realities.
Again, just the overall moral dilemma of one person robbing all of Sage’s Island (and soon all of Twisted Wonderland) of their autonomy.
Potential extra work for STYX and whichever countries Malleus’s magic manages to spread to (repairing any physical damage caused by the thorns + mental damage done to those that fell asleep). That’s money, time, and resources that aren’t going toward other everyday endeavors.
How will Malleus himself mentally and emotionally cope with what he has done? Is he going to show remorse and shame? How does he plan on rectifying his actions, if at all?
Will this change how his dorm members + family view him? For example, will Sebek become disillusioned with his liege/realize Malleus is not as perfect as he seems? Will Maleficia blame herself for not being there for Malleus? Will Lilia feel guilty for not teaching Malleus right from wrong? Etc, etc, etc.
I’d honestly love to read all of these! 🤔 It would add a lot to the lore and history of Twisted Wonderland, as well as serve as motivators for Malleus to change, “be better”, and actually earn the respect he’s so used to being handed by default. This would be huge for him, especially seeing as he has not really faced significant backlash or consequences for any other missteps he was responsible for or involved in. (I know I bring this one up a lot, but Endless Halloween Night is one such major example.)
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fall0utmind · 1 month ago
If I'm allowed to speak out, I don't think Marc is going to be a gentleman. He's a hunter, it's in his nature, as soon as he feels blood he'll eat you alive. All his careful words are now more focused on trying to be polite and calm the excitement that was caused by his transition to ducati. (I'm still sure that Valentino is playing some kind of secret game in the background, so it might even be dangerous). So this is, well, not exactly a lie, but rather gentleness and something like an attempt at mind games (and most likely part of Ducati's PR strategy) to mitigate the impending storm. I can't say what Pecco thinks, but he always tries to appear like an "honest racer" compared to others, but Marc is almost 100% lying, he came here to win the ninth title and I think everyone knows that.
Someone on the forum gave a wonderful quote, and I think it perfectly describes the situation on behalf of Marc: "Pecco will be the leader of the garage, number one. And then I'll surpass him."
Completely agree!!!
Marc isn't a gentleman on track, he never has been and I doubt he ever will be.
I mean, he seems lovely off track most of the time. But let's be real he's a pain in the ass on track. He fights you at every corner - he will do ANYTHING for a win. Like you say, he's a hunter. People who have competed against him know- dovi, dani, Jorge. They know he's a devil on that bike.
I absolutely believe he's playing a PR game here. He's at a new team. He's sussing out the situation before he pounces. Frankly, I think he's going to destroy pecco next year. I do like pecco but I feel at the moment, on this current grid, there are very few riders who can challenge someone like Marc. The calibre just doesn't seem the same as it once was. Maybe I will eat my words, I don't know.
Either way, being a gentleman on track isn't part of motorsports. It's important to note that this doesn't mean they're horrible off track. They can still apologise and be kind and likeable when they aren't racing. (Or y'know, pull a valentino and start a hate campaign against someone a decade and a half your junior)
Vale wasn't, neither was Jorge, or Marc, or Casey. Even in f1, max isn't, neither is lewis or Schumacher, Rosberg, Sebastian. The list goes on. You do not achieve great success in motorsport by letting people walk over you.
To be clear, i don't think pecco does let people walk over him... well, maybe a little bit last year. And I do think he's talented. But I defo think they're pedalling a narrative, and I'm not sure it'll work in his favour. No one remembers the polite kind one who won less....
I hope yo see some really good battles between them next year and I'm sure marc will be going for the ninth (I dont doubt he will get it)
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jikagu · 2 years ago
pairing: toji fushiguro x fem!reader
summary: you were always his little fangirl in school, bawling about how cute and sexy he was. who knew that would lead you against the doorframe of his own house panting for air?
notes: degradation, size difference, urjdjnssks short drabble
also i want to talk to you guys more sm omg if u want leave an emoji next to an ask if ur anon so i can remember u!! <33
"since when did you have a kid?" you questioned him, swirling your cocktail in your drink. the reunion you guys had went to got a bit overbearing so you went to go sit on the porch with each other.
"december 22nd, last year." he frowned, looking at you. "you?"
"um, may 19th, also last year." there was an awkward silence that pursued after, but it left you wondering who the mother was? toji used to sleep around, you weren't sure if he still did it. it'd be better not to ask though, you weren't sure how he'd react or if he was the same.
"..dude, i used to fangirl over you, like big time." you snicker, looking toji up and down. he was still a hunk of muscles, no wonder. probably still fangirl now, but it was a conversation starter.
"oh, yeah, really?" he smirked cockily, opening his mouth and then closing it. it was like he wanted to say something, but he dismissed it rather quick.
"did you not notice the notes in your locker? you didn't even know your own best friends handwriting?" you were both surprised at this as a loud laugh erupted from the two of you.
"that—that was you?" poor guy looked dumbfounded. sure, he had a shit ton of fangirls but he always hung by you. hell, you did his homework.
"yeah, that's crazy how you didn't know." you muttered, looking up and locking eye contact with each other.
"still like me now?" he grinned, having a darkened look on his eyes that looked like it could pierce through you.
"ew, no." you lied, looking at the oh so tight shirt the man had on.
"shame." he shrugged, never taking his eyes off of you.
"i got in trouble a lot for just being friends with you." you confess, continuing. "i had girls pull my hair, kick me, write on my desk.. and—a lot of other things." when you looked back up, toji just looked empathetic.
"why didn't you tell me?" he bit his lip, knowing he could of helped you out when you needed him. you were always there for him, but never the opposite.
"i did." you cross your arms, feeling yourself get sentimental by the past. "you yelled at me one time for making up 'lies.'" you sighed, but you put a smile on your face.
"but hey, at least i don't do drugs in a random mans car." you were moreover mocking the girl that used to make you feel shit, but you kinda feel bad for her. you have to reach some low to sell your body, do drugs, and get charged with several accounts of child abuse. you can't be bothered though.
"want me to make it up to you?" toji tilted his head sideways, awaiting your answer.
"oh fuck toji—don't leave any marks!" you whine as toji ignores you, leaving those hated purple hickies on your neck.
he pushes you against the doorframe, impatient to get you to his room before you jolted quickly.
"toji, toji! what about your son?" you huff a moan while toji chuckled.
"don't worry bout' it sweetheart, he's asleep. if you're quiet, you won't wake him up." this was a dangerous game to be playing, but maybe you were clouded by lust to think properly.
both of you guys rushed to his room as he started taking off your shirt and bra just eyeing your breasts.
"like what you see?" you mock, snickering.
"sure as hell do." he started to take off your baggy pants, then just staring at your body.
"shit, girl." he kissed you roughly, fondling your boobs while gently pushing you against his bed. he took off your panties as he pushed a finger into you already. his fingers were huge that it caused a guttural moan, lost in ecstasy.
he was so much bigger than you and your fingers. he already hit spots you never could. that was until he added in the second finger somehow.
"o—h fuck toji! it won't fit!" you groaned, bucking your hips until he chuckled lowly.
"damn baby, if that won't fit then how will my cock fit inside of you? you're so damn tight—" grunts came from him as he curled his fingers right in your g-spot as you closed your eyes so hard you saw stars.
you felt an orgasm coming, and so early too? how embarrassing. you rolled your hips more and more aggressively to reach your high as you felt it coming, right then and there—
"baby, did'ya squirt on me?" a low voice questioned as you could barely make it out. you were babbling on your words, drool leaking from your mouth.
"fuck, doll. guess you came that hard from my fingers huh?" he mocked, pulling his fingers out and licking them slowly.
"taste like candy, you know?" his chest heaved in and out, a grin plastered on his face. your face flushed beet red, whining as he pulled his fingers out.
"haa—oh my go—d. i need you inside me already." you sit up, tugging on his sweatpants. you were so desperate just to be filled again, you needed toji so so so bad.
"be patient, doll." he said caressing your face, lowering you back down on the bed—taking off his pants as you requested.
he aligned his cock with your pussy, the wet slick and cum dripping out of you acting as lubricant.
"tell me if it hurts baby." he coos, pushing in slowly. as he pushed in you felt yourself stretching around his cock, almost sculpting himself inside of you.
guttural moans escaped from your mouth, almost echoing in the room. you were surprised his kid didn't wake up.
"fuck!" he grunted, still pushing his cock inside. he was so huge inside of you, you've never had anyone this big and it was very obvious.
"you feel so good," you moaned, stuttering the entire time. toji leaned and kissed you, pushing his tongue inside of your mouth, intertwining them.
he waited a bit before he started thrusting inside of you, you held onto the blanket beside you, whines filling the room along with skin slapping. you closed your eyes tightly as toji ravaged your body, sucking on your tit whilst fondling the other.
your breath remained unsteady as you felt so sensitive from earlier, already feeling your stomach curl.
"fuck, fuck, cummin!'" you yelped, moving your hands towards toji's back, scratching at his tight clothed shirt. he grunted before both of you guys came at the same time.
you woke up to the embrace of toji, his arm wrapped around you completely as his snores got louder. i mean, it didn't really bother you, now did it?
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iz-star · 3 months ago
About the latest polemic about Zayne and Sylus over twitter...
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I left twitter for good. I'm honestly so tired of the drama that arises there everyday. I literally decided to log in today just to see some Arcane spoilers and the first thing I was hit with was with the most recent drama about CN players and specially Zayne and Sylus players having a heavy argument about plagiarism and how some lines of Zayne seem to have been copied onto Sylus' lines...
Firs of all, I don't know how the CN fanbase is, so I can't really say anything about that matter. From what I read, it seems things are quite complex there and arguments & harassment among LI's fanbases seem to be quite intense from what ppl is saying but, again, I can't really say too much on that matter cause I don't know how the fanbase is there, I'm not part of it neither I go to CN websites to look up for lads content. Most cases my experience visiting CN websites has been because of kind ppl that has respectfully asked me permission to repost my art and give me credits there, from that perspective my opinion about the CN fanbase has always been good and it still stands, I'm pretty sure that great part of the fanbase it's nice and it's only the small little toxic portion that is overshadowing the nice and chill part of the fandom.
My point here it's: Don't let yourself to have a tunnel vision about this situation.
You can probably see 10, 100 or even 500 ppl arguing and harassing others and even so it's not even a quarter of the whole total of players that belong to the fandom only in China, let alone global. To generalize from your point of view is not the objective take you think it is, talking from your experience doesn't talk for others experience, no one's experience here is universal. I read a lot of ppl trying to find someone to blame all the time "Zayne players started everything" "Sylus writers copied Zayne" etc and you know? Rolling this ball to one another is not going to lead us anywhere because as always, it's not acknowledging the true issue here: that is, us as players, keep enabling this kind of toxic behaviour if that means to stand up for or to 'defend' our main LI.
To try to portray one LI's fanbase as the guilty one is just creating more trouble than solving it and it's also not having a general understanding of the situation at hand and instead, encouraing biased opinions that only create more division and discrimination within the fandom.
And let's be honest, it's not the first time (and probably won't be the last, sadly) that drama arises within the fandom where we attack others LIs and their fanbase. This game is targeted towards adult women, we are not supposed to behave like adolescents making tantrums and messing up with our peers, yet here we are, enabling arguments, harassment, bullying or overall having an ugly and mean attitude in order to defend something that honestly, all the LIs would feel ashamed for if they were real. Like, literally all of them hate to be on the spotlight for the stuff they're good at, it would be even worse if the spotlight it's caused by them for all the wrong reasons.
I know lads guys are fictional, and I'm not going to invalidate people's feelings by saying that you shouldn't take it too seriously just bc they're not real -most of us find a lot of comfort in fiction, after all- but that doesn't give you the right to harass real people neither hurt their feelings [the same ways you feel when they attack your fav LI]. You are able to feel whatever you want to feel, however, you're still responsible for your words and actions. If this game is turning you into an awful person, then I'm afraid to say that you probably must step back and reconsider if your passion for it is healthy for you.
I know it's easy to get upset and sometimes we have the need to express it. However, to decide to be a part of a fandom is to accept that you are not going to always like what ppl say, let alone agree with them. Not everyone's opinions might aling with yours but it's enterily up to you the way how you take and respond to them. As I said before, I left twitter for good bc I found myself often wanting to be mean to others upon reading the negative stuff some ppl said about Zayne, especially in order to compare him with other LIs just to make him look bad. I would often felt so ugly thinking like that. Staying away from that drama has been super helpful and that's the best advice I can give for now: try and enjoy the game and your LI by yourself if the fandom is getting too much to handle.
Be careful about the discourse you support and always ask yourself if your words and actions will truly lead you somewhere good and healthy or it will only cause more chaos for you and others. Flammable opinions only light up and burn if we feed the fire, if there's no one to keep it alive, the flame will drown out very quickly.
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whole-circus · 2 years ago
hi! since your requests are open, could I ask for some room hdc?? with characters of your choice 🧎‍♀️
please take care of yourself and take your time!!
Creepypastas room headcanons!
➥ Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu, Eyeless Jack, Ben Drowned, Clockwork and Hobo Heart
Oh hi and thank you!! Here you go sweetie! If you wanted someone more then feel free to uptade!! :33
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.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
☆ Jeff the Killer
What a stinky men. Im sorry but his room is messy for sure and you can't convince me otherwise! Dirty clothes, empty cans, leftovers, stains..man, hire him a maid or something. Some dead plants and messy grafitties, stolen traffic signs and construction boards! Propably never in his life made bed, and his sheets aren't changed often.
Definitely has many band posters on his walls too! Maybe some vinyls too?? Mostly the black, red and grey colours can be seen. Hates the big light, so usually sits in dark or with small lamp. His drapes 24/7 covered. He is emo and plays loud music.
Smells like cigarettes and like room that hadn't been aired for long time.
☆ Homicidal Liu
Pretty, clean and organized room! The only 'messy' thing could be mugs he forgot to clean (same tho). Im sure he has gramophone and listen some of this old, silly, romantic songs! Also - a lot of plants, maybe even lego flowers? Couple of this aesthetic posters, some gobelins, small paintings. Photos with his friends, S/O! His bed is almost always well made. He have many books, and an easel (what an art hoe of him).
Mostly green, brown and beige colours. He loves natural light and candles, and if the weather is nice then his windows are open.
His room smells like cleaning detergents, soil and candles (usually the flower ones).
☆ Eyeless Jack
Soo..his room is not as clean, but its caused by his wild side. On his walls and furnitures are many straches from his hands (or even teeth!). Otherwise? You don't have to worry about surviving visiting his room, you have high chance to not caught anything! I would say his room is pretty dark, only becasue his walls are in gloomy colours - maybe not black, but gray, green or navy blue (all in dark shades).
Let's pretend that he actually was into medicine before all his tragic events..pls? Propably has some decorations, like skeleton, anatomy-related posters! Also likes to keep his blinds shut, he is pretty hypersensitive in terms to hearing, sight, smell. And maybe..he would have this small, funny fridge in his room, you know - to keep his..food..fresh!
About the smell..maybe a bit of blood? And something rotten? But its not that strong tho!
☆ Ben Drowned
Musty, dusty and rusty room, but we still love him! He would clean once in a while, and he do that very solid..but that doesn't last long - his room gets messy very easly. When he isnt gaming then he is sleeping..pretty productive, huh? Bed is never made, lots of junk food wrappers, empty (or not) cans..
LED lights 25/8! His room is pretty dark, propably never seen the sun. On his walls are posters from movies, anime and games. Has pretty professional gaming set when it comes to computer (I would describe it but i only know that computer need screen and keybord lol). High chance of having some psp gaming corner! Like bean bag pouffe, TV and stuff. Also! Collects figures like funko pops, anime figures, nendoroids. Ben have pretty nice Lego collection too!
His room smells like sweat and energy drinks.
☆ Clockwork
A bit messy, but in this aesthetic way - in other way, chaos under control! You know, some clothes at the floor or on chair..some dirty mugs..and her trash can is a bit too full..but as I said - everything looks pretty planed..! She has many blankets and plushies (she would never admit to that tho) on her bed.
In her room dominates mostly shades of dark green and white! Has many fun stuff in her room - rocks, animal skulls..sorry fellow animal lovers, promise they were found! But also a guitar! Full jewelry holder - and they are all well made! Thats why they are a bit too messy.. And she keeps many fake plants, she sucks at taking care of them. Clockwork has many string lights in various shapes!
Dunno, but I cant really assign smell of her room! Maybe something like dust and coffee?
☆ Hobo Heart
Ahh I miss this pretty boy to be honest! His room is clean, end of the sentence, thats it. I also think that he would have some pet in terrarium or aquarium - lizard, frog or just some fishes. Even if they are small, he treat them with proper respect and like the family members!
Has white walls with paintings and photos of his friends/SO, but most of the decorations are in shade of red. Also vinyls as decorations and posters of his favorite singers/bands (m sorry but he totally looks like somoene listening to Lana Del Ray vibes T^T) - all in this 'aesthetic way'! Simple light bed sheets, and when his bed is made (which is pretty often) he put pillows that have this silly shapes. Like to keep his room natural lightened and loves candles!
His room smells pretty like vanilia, but its not a strong scent.
.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
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allwormdiet · 5 months ago
Extermination 8.3
Oh fucking boy
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This isn't a really revelatory passage, it's just like. Even more reinforcement that Leviathan is a fucking beast. More dead, more downed.
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Taylor the fact that you even bothered to show up is above and beyond what should ever be asked of you, you are fifteen for fuck's sake, staking your life against the defeat of a hateful animate Splash Mountain is not your fucking purview! You should be playing Minecraft or something!
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"Sorry I wasn't traumatized in a way that lets me save your life" Hello??
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I can't imagine Taylor gets to feel like a part of most communities, honestly. Also I'm not sure that the cape community is any kind of monolith, so whether she "fits in" with them all is kind of moot.
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Byyyye, Iron Falcon.
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That's such a funny thing to ask somebody, honestly.
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And then this is a crazy hardcore thing to ask somebody. This arc does a lot to establish that Skitter is just straight up on another level when it comes to comfort on the battlefield compared to even veteran capes, girl will nearly get pulped by Neptune's fucking wrath and then wonder why other people died while she's still conscious
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Oh, Taylor. I'm so sorry, he only gets worse the more layers you get into him.
Also. Okay so Gregor the Snail felt like a pretty sympathetic perspective on how fatphobia stings people, but the life and death of Chubster in the realm of this story... kinda sucks. Like oh no, he's too heavy for Skitter to save him, have to leave him to drown I guess. I'm not saying it's an impossible circumstance, it just feels crass to have it in.
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Hey Flechette, keep up the good work girl
The thing I keep coming back to with the Endbringers is that. Okay. These things have been causing horrific damage, mass death, and world-changing devastation for decades, and they've never been killed, and only one cape has ever meaningfully made the things fuck off in the history of ever. They are considered to be the most likely cause of extinction for humanity. Every time it seems like they're winning, even in the short-term, it's just the setup for another knockdown. It's giving them hope just so the despair hits deeper. What are the odds that's on purpose? What are the odds that everything the Endbringers suffer except Scion is just play-acting for them? Selling the capes' moves like it's a wrestling match, even as they don't feel a goddamn thing.
What if it's all just a sick game to an alien god?
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This is so cool and so, so fucking dire.
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God that's dark
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Sacrifice play. Some desperate attempt to redeem himself in the public view maybe? A genuine belief that he can make this stick? I dunno. It doesn't matter, unfortunately.
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What a way to sell the fucking outrageous devastation that this monster unleashes in the span of. What, an hour? Less?
Also hey what good is all the missiles and lasers and forcefields if Leviathan is just gonna pick the whole PHQ up and smash it onto the shoreline
So many goddamn downed, it's crazy. And y'know, knowing the rest of the arc we know Tattletale's still standing but of course Skitter is fucked up over losing Tattletale, that's the last person she's got who's willing to extend a hand towards her.
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Most powers are dead useless here let's be real
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Hey, good job Eidolon
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Fucking brave of y'all to be shooting Bakuda bombs anywhere in the same ZIP code as someone you care about, but also god it would be so cool if this had actually worked. Just fucking lock Leviathan down in time out for a hundred years or so, buy that much time? Shame it fails.
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Well. I'm not gonna miss the fucking Nazis, but rip in peace Dauntless, we hardly knew ye.
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Triumvirate member tagged out. Alexandria was already down for the count, wasn't she? Or she at least stopped showing up at some point, so now it's just Eidolon repping the Big Three
although I guess if you asked Eidolon he'd call it "just Big Me"
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First dead kid out of the lot, I think, if we don't count Falcon dying off the battlefield. Sorry, Shielder. I think Leviathan knew you were strong enough to keep being a problem. Gotta be fucking awful for Laserdream though, watching your brother die violently in front of you is. I actually can't imagine, thank fuck.
And then Sundancer down but not out. Honestly if anyone was gonna have decent odds of doing damage I'd have given it to The Fucking Sun, but that doesn't do much for defense does it.
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Fucking outrageously brutal, god.
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Man. I didn't even think about the fact that this thing is silent the entire time. No Godzilla roars or shit the entire time, nothing except for the rush of water.
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Clockblocker keeps coming in clutch to save the day against citywide threats... Someone please for the love of god stop putting these children in the line of fire.
Also interesting that Taylor might be the only one here whose first response is to get him out of the water, for all that he's been her enemy.
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Taylor can be really harshly judgmental at times but I'm gonna be real I'm with her on this one, Trickster what the actual fuck is your problem. Like good job I guess but what the hell.
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Y'know, the fucked up thing is that Armsmaster actually isn't wrong here, and his plan could've worked if he was, uhh. Genuine about it.
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Does everybody's ability to give a speech go down the fucking toilet when an Endbringer is within half a mile of them? Is that what it is?
Current Thoughts
Wildbow really fucking knows how to put a battle together. Our POV character isn't actually fighting through 95% of this entire arc (and maybe shouldn't have been fighting in that 5% but we'll get there) but you feel just totally surrounded by the death and devastation that's raining down on all sides.
Unfortunately, I think it's about time for Armsmaster's big reveal on how to lose an arm and a shitload of credibility in record timing.
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