#stilinski twins imagine
chloe-skywalker · 23 days
Friendly Or Flirting? - Scott Mccall
Scott x Fem!reader (Crush/ not together yet)
Warnings: none (Insecure feelings?)
Word count: 548
Summary: Scott doesn’t like the Alpha twins hitting on Y/n.
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“What’s going on?” Scott asks as he comes to a stop next to Stile and Isaac in the school hallway.
“Nothing.” Stiles shakes his head quickly not believing Scott needed to know, but Isaac ruined Stiles' plan.
“Just watching Y/n get hit on by the twins.” Isaac smirks, but then gets hit upside the head by Stiles.
“Dude.” Stiles looked at him with a glare.
“What?” Scott looks at them with shock and panic.
“Over there.” Isaac nodds his head to where Y/n’s with the alpha twins. “They’ve been flirting with her for the last 15 minutes.”
Scott looks to where Isaac nodded to with wide eyes. “Seriously?”
Stiles nodds. “Yeah.”
“What do you think it’s about?” Scott questions, watching every movement they made towards his friend.
Stiles raises a brow at the true alpha. “What like ulterior motives?”
“They could just think she’s hot.” Isaac shrugged his shoulders, he’d admit Y/n was hot. But he instantly got glares from Scott and Stiles. “Not helping. Got it.”
Later that day after school Y/n and Scott headed back to Scott’s house to study. It had been an hour of pure silence and Y/n couldn’t take it anymore.
“You okay? You’ve been silent since we left school.” Y/n asks, looking concerned at him.
“What did the alpha twins want?” He blurted out what had been on his mind.
“Huh?” Y/n now looked at him confused.
“They were talking to you practically all day. What’d they want?” Scott shrugged his shoulders, not sure how his question wasn’t clear.
“Nothing.” Y/n shrugged back, not getting the big deal.
“They had to want something.” Scott pushed wanting to know but also thinking in the back of his head was this to much? Was he just jealous?
“Is it so hard to believe that they’d just want to talk to me?” Y/n raises her eyebrows in shock at her friend's words.
Scott scoffs. “They were flirting, not talking.”
Y/n nodds. “To flirt you have to talk.”
“So you knew they were flirting.” Scott looked at her with shock and disgust.
Y/n let’s out a short laugh. “Kinda hard to miss but it was really only Aiden.”
“Scott narrows his eyes after hearing the name come out of her mouth. “Ok so you have a preference on a twin.”
“Ethan’s gay!” Y/n yelled looking at Scott with shock and disbelief. “As for the flirting, yeah I enjoyed it. . . It was nice to have that kind of attention.” She bowed her head feeling slightly insecure and embarrassed.
“That kind of attention?” Scott asked, confused on what she meant by that.
“If you haven’t noticed I don’t get flirted with or asked out that often.” Y/n explained keeping her gaze down, playing with a loose thread on her jeans.
“Y/n.” Scott spoke her name sadly, regretting how he came about and was treating her earlier in this conversation.
“Just forget about it. Okay.” She waved him and his impending pity off and got back to studying.
“Y/n.” Scott called her name after a few minutes of silence and thought.
“Hmmm” Y/n hummed in acknowledgment.
“I’d flirt with you anytime.” Scott smiled sheepishly at her.
“Thanks Scott.” Y/n smiled back blushing.
taglist: @padawancat97
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casually-eat-my-soul · 4 months
Follow me on my delusional rant for a second: we all know that stiles was kinda but not really obsessed with the hale fire yes?? What if he just a tiny bit more obsessed with it and less with Lydia. The sheriff turns a blind eye to this because this was the most lively his son had been since his mother died. The sheriff also can’t figure why this case doesn’t feel right to him, but if anyone can figure it out it’s his son.
He goes on a deep dive about the hales. There comes a point where he can’t access anymore information legally; so he goes to Danny to teach him how to hack. This gets Lydia attention but not enough to get her to help, yet.
So stiles learns and he hacks into the school database, the police, and generally every establishment that the hales have frequented. He finds a pattern of suspiciously missed full moons, high grocery bills the next morning. He finds Paige and Kate. He finds a paper trail to the fire.
He shows it to his dad. With this evidence the sheriff looks into the case. This is what causes Lydia to talk to stiles. She pulls up to his house the very next morning the sheriff reopens the case. She liked Cora and would do anything to get the person who killed her. This cause a deeper dive of obsession. Together they look into the supernatural side of beacon hills. They find Lydia’s grandmother, and Lydia is able to understand what she is before it becomes a problem.
I’m a Stiles and Lydia sibling truther. They become that duo. Just over all becoming the pretty twins of beacon hills.
Lydia gets familiar ties to the stilinskis. Something that she doesn’t get at home. The sheriff loves her, absolutely dotes on her. He’s always wanted a daughter. Stiles becomes far more confident and comfortable in his skin. They have spa days and sleepovers. Stiles lets Lydia practice makeup on him. Lydia has her own room at the Stilinski’s, it becomes a safe haven for her.
They both watch over the sheriffs diet like hawks; fast food places are terrified when the sheriff comes in to order food. “No sheriff, I actually can’t give you a double burger because I’m still traumatized from your kids”. Lydia creates a binder of healthy meals, while stiles cooks them. (Lydia cannot cook)
Stiles comforts her when Jackson is being a dick. Stiles becomes frienimes with Jackson. When Jackson swings by the house the sheriff quietly brings out his gun and cleans it in front of him. Lydia pretends to be embarrassed but she’s absolutely glowing. Jackson also become close with the sheriff, especially after him and Lydia break up. (They were gay and lesbian solidarity)
With the amount of digging Stiles and Lydia did they would have figured out Peter was being poisoned. I also believe that they would have found Cora was still alive. This brings Laura and Derek back to beacon hills, starting the rise of the hale pack.
Like imagine season one Derek meeting confident stiles with lipstick. Your honour it’s over for him.
Derek still becomes an alpha after the alpha pack comes and he kills one of them. (I’m also a Alpha Derek hale truther)
Stiles and Lydia are both “little reds”
Derek and Cora being super fucking cocky that they’re mated to the pretty twins of beacon hills
The sheriff also cleans his gun in front of Derek and Cora. He’ll be damned doesn’t get to pull the protective father for his kids.
Anyway thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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imaginefan · 6 months
Still The Same
Stiles Stilinski!Brother X Sister!Reader
Word Count: 1886
Requested: @emaz-0225
Request: Can you do an imagine where your Stiles Stilinski twin sister and your really close with an original Character son of Peter Hale but your kidnapped and you are saved by Scott and he has to give you the bite and you have to tell your father
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You and Stiles were twins and most people could see it in the way that you acted and spoke to people. While Scott and Stiles stayed close while they were younger and grew together you ended up becoming friends with a boy who had seemed to have trouble making friends. He was quiet and in some ways scary but you never took the warning worming your way into his school life and eventually becoming his only friend, his name was Madden Kazimir Hale. He preferred Kaz, apparently his first name was one that his father had given him so he never used it, his mother had given him his second and so he used that one.
Kaz later found out that there was more to his father than first thought and you were there the night that it all happened, you both found out that Kaz was a werewolf and after his mother explained everything you were the one to help him through figuring it out. You were both 11 at the time and now at the age of 14 well into your first year of highschool, Kaz had great control and you were both closer than ever.
You were standing in the halls waiting for Kaz to get all of his stuff out of his locker “you know, if you would just remember what lessons you have, your locker wouldn’t be such a mess.” You grumbled as he looked at you with raised eyebrows, short brown hair casting a shadow over his eyes as you waited for him to say something. “Like your locker is any better.” He argued “you and your brother are the worst of that kind of thing.” “I will have you know that I’m far better at organisation than my brother.” You argued and he smirked, he was about to say something when another voice interrupted you both. “Kaz, you’ll be at the party tonight won’t you?” Lydia asked as she laid her hand on his arm, you rolled your eyes before they caught on Stiles across the hall, he seemed to be bouncing on his feet. “Only if she’s going.” Kaz answered, that drew your attention back to him as he looked down at you. “So (Y/N) are you coming?” Lydia asked. “Probably.” You answered and she nodded. “Good then I will see you there Kaz.” She smiled as she turned and walked away, not even a second later Stiles slams into the locker next to you. “What was she talking to you about?” He asked. “Hello to you too Stiles.” Kaz muttered as he continued to sort through his locker. “Yeah, yeah hey, so..?” He asked. “So?” You asked in a teasing tone. “What was she talking to you about?” He asked. “Who?” You asked. “Not funny.” He warned. “I need a name.” You informed him. “Lydia!” He answered, voice louder than he had intended, you assumed thanks to the ADHD. Most people were used to him now and continued about what they were doing, not paying him any more attention. “Just a party, don’t worry you’ll be there, it's probably going to be after the game anyway.” You explained. “Yeah but why is she asking you?” Stiles asked. “Don’t worry about it.” You waved him off as Kaz closed his locker. “Ready?” “Ready.” He answered.
It was only a few weeks later that Kaz came to you with a new discovery, one that involved Scott and by extension Stiles. “Scott’s a werewolf.” Kaz said when you were alone at lunch. “What?” You asked. “How would you know that?” “His scent changed, you can smell it on someone, same way I can smell it on the guy that's been hanging around the school.” He answered. “Right, so what do we do about that?” You asked. “You're surprisingly calm.” Kaz raised an eyebrow. “It's not like we can change it, so I guess we have to help them.” You explained “you said that there are now hunters in town because of that new alpha, the one I assume bit Scott.” “I guess the question that we really have to answer is who is this alpha.” Kaz shrugged “but maybe we should talk to your brother and Scott first.” “Yeah I guess you are right.” You nodded.
Later that evening with your Dad still working, you and Kaz corner Scott and Stiles in his room “so are you guys going to tell us why you're acting so weird?” You asked as you walked over to Stiles' bed laying down. “W-what are you talking about?” Scott asked. “You don't need your inhaler, being super good at Lacrosse now.” You turned your attention to Stiles “your unnatural interest in the new murders, the hale house and your unbelievable jumpiness.” “I’m always this way.” Stiles answered. “You sir are a terrible liar.” You smirked. “Even if I didn’t know, I’d know they were hiding something.” Kaz as he walked purposefully past Scott before falling back on the other side of the bed his head landing on your stomach. “You don’t know what it is do you?” “What are you talking about?” Stiles asked. “I was talking to Scott.” Kaz pointed at the person that he named while you began to gently run your hand through his short hair. “W-what are you talking about?” Scott asked. “Terrible lairs.” Kaz said, eyes shifting to you. “Terrible.” You nodded. “Their hearts are hammering.” Kaz teased but when he looked back at them both his eyes glowing a bright yellow. “You're a werewolf!?” Stiles asked. “You haven’t figured out that half the Hale family were?” Kaz asked. “What!?” Stiles asked. “Looks like you're going to have to take it from the top.” You sighed as Kaz settled in to tell them everything that he knew.
It had been 3 years since Scott had been turned, he was now an Alpha but not through bloodshed instead through pure will power. Kaz had since met his father and still wanted very little to do with him, even less when he found out about his sister, someone that was only a few months younger than him. You had no time to dwell on the family links that had yet to be made but you stayed close friends with Kaz which was probably how you ended up being kidnapped. With Kaz’s name having just appeared on the Dead pool someone must have seen you as the ticket to getting to him.
You don’t even know where you are, you just know that it smelled musty and the man in front of you was terrifying, he had a large hunting knife in his hand you had a feeling that he was about to use it. “Let’s hurry this along shall we?” He asked as he crouched in front of you, the knife plunged into your stomach, you screamed out in pain as he got up and walked over to the table picking up your phone, he used your finger to unlock your phone before filming a video and sending it to Kaz. “With any luck you will see them before you die.” He wrapped his hand around the knife ripping it from your stomach “I doubt it though.” You watched as he carefully stepped over something on his way out of the room, a trip wire, making sure to keep that in the forefront of your mind.
You don’t know how much longer you wait before you hear the scuffling but as soon as you hear movement you start to talk about the trap, making your voice as loud as you could, which was only a mumble “trap by the door, step over the wire.” You mumbled it on repeat and luckily it seemed Kaz was in tune with you in more ways than one, his hand shooting out to stop Scott from stepping any closer to you. “She warned us of something.” He said as he looked down at the floor catching sight of the wire there. “Careful.” He ordered as he stepped over the wire, careful to keep an eye out for anything else, finally getting to you and taking your hands in his face. “Hey there, you scared me, thought you weren’t going to let anything happen to you.” “Sorry.” You mumbled. “No need to be sorry we found you, so now all we need is to get you out of here.” Kaz said softly, you smiled. “We both know that’s not true.” You said softly. “I know I’m dying.” “No.” Kaz argued “do you remember what you said to me when we talked about dying?” “Mmm.” You hummed. “What did you say?” He asked. “I choose life even if it means that I’m not human anymore.” You answered. “Are you sure?” Scott asked. “I’m sure.” You answered.
Choosing to live at the time seemed like a good choice but now that it was time to tell your Dad what you had done to do so you honestly worried that it was push him over the edge, after everything that had happened with Stiles you were concerned that he’d hate you for this, you’d never be able to walk away from this life. “I can tell him it was my fault if you want, he’d believe it.” Kaz said from where he was sitting. “No I won’t lie to him.” You answered. “See that confidence that’s what you need to go there with, trust me it’s going to be fine your Dad loves you, but you always have me, we can go anywhere we want if this doesn’t go the way that you want it to.” Kaz promised you. “Thanks Kaz.” You smiled, you walked into your Dad’s office and swallowed as he looked up at you smiling. “Hey (Y/N/N) what are you doing here?” He asked. “I have to talk to you about something.” You said, he nodded, taking off his glasses and giving you his full attention. “Do you remember back when I got kidnapped and Scott and Kaz found me?” “Yes.” He answered, he seemed stiff at the memory of it. “Well something happened, something that I think that I should tell you about, I understand that you might not see me the same as you had before but I can’t keep it a secret, that will just make it worse.” You took a deep breath. “I was stabbed when I was taken and I was about to die, I told Scott to bite me, I didn’t want to die and there was a way to stop it, I just… I wasn’t…” “Ready?” He asked. “Mmm.” You hummed. “It’s okay.” He promised as you looked at him. “R-really?” You asked. “Things are going to be different, you will be but you are still my daughter and I will love you all the same.” He promised. “Really?” You asked. “Of course.” He answered. “Oh thank god, I was looking for the cheapest place to run off to with Kaz.” You sighed. “You and your brother are always so dramatic.” Your Dad teased as he pulled you into a hug. “You will always be my little (Y/N/N).” He promised, your eyes caught Kaz’s through the window and he smiled simply mouthing ‘I told you.’ from his reclined position on one of the seats outside.
Requests and general question!
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blue-sadie · 1 year
.Request Page.
A place for my different fandoms brain rots
Platonic = 🌼 Fluff = 🌺 Smut =🌹 Lime = ⚘️ Angst = 🥀 Yandere = 🍁
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(H) kakeru Sengoku - Her Little Merman 🌺
(H) Keishin Ukai - Assistant Manager 🌹
(HMC) Howl Pendragon- A Thing Of Beauty 🌺
(LOK) Mako & Bolin - Brothers Charm 🌹
(MHA) Katsuki Bakugo - Silly Nicknames 🌺
(MHA) Shota Aizawa - Villainous Love 🌹
(MHA) Shota Aizawa - Little Helper 🌹
Incorrect Quotes.
(H) Asahi Azumane - Pregnant Hungry 🌺
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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(QFC) Garrett Touch Says All 🌺
(A&TAE) Dimitri & Cale Tucker - The Tucker Twins 🌹
Incorrect Quotes.
Different Aus.
Nsfw/SFW Alphabet.
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Hayden Christen - Yn Moment 🌺 Jamie Flatters - Admiring The Interviewer 🌺
Henry Cavill - Distraction 🌺
Oscar Isaac - Wavering 🌺
Jamie Flatters,Tedros Pendragon,Neteyam - One Room 🌹
Incorrect Quotes.
Jack Champion - Past Experiences 🥀🌺
Jamie Flatters - Attention Thief 🌺
Jamie Flatters - Bakery Girl 🌺
Jamie Flatters - When Fate Intervenes 🌺
Stephen Lang Hard At Work. Prt 2 🌺
Avatar Cast - Dream Come True 🌺
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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(BG3) Astarion - Love From Cold Lips 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - For Your Pleasure 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - Flaunting Treasures 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - Sweet As Sugar 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - Red As Cherry 🌹
(BG3) Halinsin - Size Difference 🌹
(TLOU) Joel Miller - The Tiredness 🌹
(HL) Sebastian Sallow - Dazzling Smile 🌺
(BG3)Astarion & Halsin - Vampire And The Bear ⚘️
(BG3) Astarion & Gale - Love From The Gods 🌹
(BG3) Astarion & Harleep - Jealous Much 🌹
(HL) Sebastian & Ominus - Bros Before... 🥀🌺
Incorrect Quotes.
(SR) Fratpack - Bare Claws🌹
(BG3) Ascended Astarion - Truly Broken 🥀
(BG3) Astarion - My Darling Baker 🌺
(HL) Sebastian Sallow - Lace Me Up 🌺
(BG3) Astarion & Halsin - Lust Filldd Touches 🌹
Different Aus.
(BG3)God Astarion & God Gale -Praises From The Gods🌹
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
(BG3) halsin - NSFW
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(HP) Draco Malfoy - A Bubbly Companion 🌺
(It) Bowers Gang - Plaid Skirts 🌹
(MR) Newt - Second In Command 🌺
(MR) Gally - Soft Spot 🌺
(RH) Prince John - Fall From Grace 🌺
(T) Paul Lahote - Second Head 🌺
Incorrect Quotes.
(A) Kane - Stop Your Breath 🌺🌹
(FG) Walter Mckey (keys) - Cuter Then Puppies 🌺
(MR) Newt - Glow Of Embers 🌺
(TF) Santiago Garcia - Friend Of A Friend 🌹
(TF) Santiago Garcia & Frankie Morales - Movement Of The Hips 🌹
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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(F) Savitar - A New Day Has Dawned 🍁
(OBX) Rafe Cameron - Uncontrollable??? 🌹
(SN) Dean Winchester - Jealous Much 🌹
(ST) Billy Hargrove - Addicted 🌹
(ST) Eddie Munson - Something A Bit More 🍁
(T) Jason Todd - Cold Stares 🌺
(TVD) Stephen Salvatore - The Classics 🌺
(TW) Derek Hale - Big Bad Werewolf 🌹
(VK) Ivar Ragnarsson - Tracing Tattoos 🌺🌹
(OUAT) Peter Pan & Felix - Princess Treatment 🌹
(ST) Billy Hargrove & Eddie Munson - High And Mighty 🌹
(ST) Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington - You Wouldn't Dare🌹
(T100) Bellamy blake & John murphy - little convincing 🌹
(TW) Stiles Stilinski & Scott Mccal - Rain Check 🌹
(TVD) Damon and Stephen - Elana Really... 🌼🌺
Incorrect Quotes.
(911) Eddie Diaz & Evan Buckley-Something To Look At 🌹
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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@sweetirilly @neteyamyawne @greekgods15 @laylasbunbunny
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uselessgirl87 · 6 months
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Home Is Where the Spark Is  31: My Pack, My Family, My Home by Just Jim and Useless-girl
Note: This is the 31st part of the “Home Is Where the Spark Is” series. To understand better what’s going on, we recommend reading the previous entries. Enjoy!
Note 2: If you like our series and want more aside from the main storyline, make sure to read our one-shots connected to this universe HERE! (After all, we needed a place where the extra smut, cuteness or emotions could go, which we couldn’t cram into our main story parts!) You’re welcome! :D
Fandoms: Teen Wolf, Sterek
Characters/relationships: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Jake Hale (OC)/Jasmine Doyle (OC), Peter Hale/Fiona Lynch (OC), Sheriff Stilinski, original Hale children, Jordan Parrish, Alan Deaton, Dr. Geyer, Melissa McCall, original male characters, original fae characters
Rating/category: supernatural, post-Teen Wolf, canon and non-canon elements, slash, M/M, Sterek, aged up characters, Spark Stiles, Darach Stiles, Magic Stiles, Emissary Stiles, detective Stiles, matured Stiles, BAMF Stiles, tattooed Stiles, pierced Stiles, switch Stiles, Alpha Derek, switch Derek, epic romance, love, magic, soulmates, Mate bond, Emissary bond, werewolves, emotions, wit, sarcasm, mpreg, pack bonding, domestic life, established relationship, family time, labour, childbirth, twins, smut, gay sex, lingerie
Summary: It’s finally time for the twins to arrive, but of course – like always when it comes to the mates – it’s kinda unconventional how it goes down…
Disclaimer: This is a product of our imagination and was written only for entertainment and fun. We don’t profit from this fanfiction and we mean no harm or disrespect against any real person, culture or custom that might appear in the story. All original pictures or edits and fictional characters used in the story belong to their respective owners and credit goes to them.
Illustration by Useless-girl To read the story on AO3, please, click HERE!
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eevylynn · 2 months
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September First
Sterek || T|| Hogwarts AU || 2789 wc
Derek Hale is a seventh year werewolf on the Ravenclaw quidditch team and is now Headboy. Stiles Stilinski is the son of a witch mom and squib dad and is now a fifth year Slytherin prefect. Read to see which houses the others are in. No HP characters included in this. Teen Wolf ones only.
Made using the prompt "Harry Potter AU" for @sterekbingo
I seem to imagine every fandom I'm in as characters in Hogwarts at some point or another, lol! I started this even before I got my bingo card, but I got distracted.
Noah Stilinski popped his head into his son’s room, knocking softly on the door as he went to wake his son up to get him ready to catch the train.
The fifteen year old wizard was sprawled across the thin bed, legs tangled in the duvet, head and one arm slightly hanging off the side next to his pillow. The boy’s mouth was hanging wide open with a small line of drool coming down one corner. Noah shook his head, laughing softly. Having grown over half a foot in the last year alone, it was hard to think of Stiles as a boy anymore now that his son was almost eye level with him. Heck, Noah will probably have to surprise the kid with a bigger bed come winter break because he’s just about outgrown his narrow childhood one.
Shaking the morose thoughts out of his head before he started dwelling on how Claudia would have reacted to their son being taller than her, Noah cleared his throat before gruffly calling out, “Stiles!”
No reaction.
Noah blinked, took a breath, and called out louder, “Stiles!”
Stiles groaned and smacked his lips before rolling over to hug his pillow.
Shooting out of bed like a bludger, the young wizard blinked a couple of times, willing his brain to wake up alongside his body.
His father smiled at how much Stiles reminded him of Claudia sometimes. She, too, was much more of a night owl than a morning person. “Come on, son,” Noah said. “It’s 8. We need to get ready, so we can leave and make it to the station on time.”
Stiles nodded and moved to get out of bed. Unfortunately, his legs were so tangled up in the sheets that he immediately fell over and face planted with a loud THUD.
Derek laid in his plush four poster bed, blinking at the light dancing across the dark ceiling above him as he listened to the early morning commotion in the house that was everyone else in the house getting ready for the day. Maybe if he just stayed here, no one would hear him in return.
Laura and Cora were fighting over who could have their shared bathroom first. Their dad, Elijah, was cooking breakfast in their large kitchen. Probably bacon, eggs, and either pancakes or waffles if Derek was smelling it right. Their mother was trying to make sure the terror twins, Benjamin and Ava, had packed everything for their first year of school with Peter making not so helpful comments that did nothing but stress out all three of them before Talia inevitably snapped at him to “Either be useful or get out of the room”. His cousin, Malia, sounded like she, too, was still in bed. Unlike him, however, she was still sleeping peacefully. Derek’s brother Patrick on the other hand–
“I know you’re awake in there,” Patrick’s deep voice grumbled from right outside Derek’s door.
Derek groaned as he climbed out of the warm embrace of his bed. Throwing on the outfit he had set out the night before, Derek walked over to open the door.
Patrick was two years older than Derek and Laura, and was, in Derek’s opinion, the perfect older brother.
Everyone loved Patrick. Not only did he have the Hale looks and a wonderfully deep gravelly voice that caused all the witches, and a fair number of wizards, to sigh, he was amazingly funny without being hurtful. Patrick could get along with absolutely everyone. He was both the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain as well as Headboy during his seventh year and seemed to handle that load flawlessly, earning all of his NEWTs in the process. He was even recruited to one of the top Quidditch teams in the league right out of Hogwarts and was actually awarded the Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Award this past summer!
[continue reading on ao3]
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ravenmold · 3 months
your gentle winding mind for the wip ask game
Hi Mia 🦋
Thank you for your ask! I'll split my answer into three parts to ramble a bit, since I'm afforded the opportunity. ☺️
Part 1: Background info
your gentle winding mind is a lil idea that takes inspiration from and is named for the Purity Ring song Begin Again. To me their album Another Eternity is kinda.....dreamlike fantasy sci fi, and I tried to use the imagery that the song evokes to guide me with this idea. This song's lyrics just dance so nicely around themes of codependency, destiny, inevitability, repetition......and space. It's in the pairing Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski and it was last edited in Feb of 2020. So it's basically from a previous world 😂 it only has 543 words and is just one scene. But reading it now, I definitely can see that I was being experimental with my writing here and having fun letting go of ... Trying to tell a clearly structured story. How? Well, let me introduce you to the idea.
Part 2: So, what's the idea?
So my idea with this fic was that there's a powerful oracle who resides on a very small planet and who is visited by thousands upon thousands to foresee their future. Basically the whole planet is a grassy field and has two suns. It's all transcendental in a way because does this oracle need food? Shelter? Unclear. It just sits in this field all day. I was thinking of The Little Prince a bit, and imagining it as kinda having Studio Ghibli vibes 😂 if that helps at all.
Our protagonist Derek, a werewolf, visits this oracle in the hopes of having light shed on his uncertain future and the disastrous prophetic dream he has about it. But he's very surprised to find out that the oracle is a human named Stiles. Who's been cursed to live this life. Unbeknownst to Derek and Stiles, their lives are intermingled and he's the one Stiles has been waiting for in a sort of life-stasis. The moment Derek turns to leave, Stiles' stomach growls and he feels like his curse is broken, that he's free to leave this tiny planet. He asks to go with Derek. And thus these two idiots fall right into my plan: they are destined for each other, very powerful and will impact the universe etc etc and the prophetic dream has something to do with it. The details are fuzzy here because that's as far as I ever got in imagining it 😂
Part 3: Judge my writing on it
So I honestly like a few of these lines. I'll share the majority of the fic and you can judge for yourself:
Derek did not expect the renowned oracle that effortlessly foresees the wax and wane of empires and planets to be a simple human.
He says as much upon reaching the human – the boy – on the grassy hill where he abides, legs crossed and face open. The sky is shattered into cerulean shards above him.
The boy simply laughs at this. “Yes, I’m human. The only one for a million miles, for a thousand light years. And you’re not.”
“I … no.” Derek chances a seat in the soft grass in front of the oracle. “I just, didn’t know humans could be oracles.”
The boy’s amber eyes shift fluid as liquid over the landscape that surrounds them. There is nothing but green hills for miles, a veritable maze all on its own for a lonely oracle to hide in. “I was gifted precognition as a child. Or rather, it was meant as a curse, but I figured it could be used for good, in the meantime. A little word of advice, don’t go looking for the bodies of witches in their woods.”
The twin suns beat down on his shoulders, and yet Derek shivers. “Noted,” he answers. “You said, in the meantime?”
“I’m simply passing the time, waiting for someone. I try to be patient.” The oracle’s eyes draw to his, and Derek shifts his pose. He feels uneasy, but does not sense danger. He supposes it must be the immeasurable power that surrounds the boy in a haze; that radiates off him like surface heat.
Derek wonders who he could possibly be waiting for. He hopes it’s family, at least.
“You have a misgiving.”
Straight to business it is, then. He did travel all this way.
“I’m to join the Fleet in a month’s time. This was decided for me long before I had the presence of mind to worry about futures, and I’ve had time to make peace with it, but …”
A small smile tucks at the corners of the boy’s mouth. “A life among the stars. How apt.”
“Technically we are all living among the stars,” Derek quips, not able to help himself. The reaction is unexpected: the boy leans forward, eyes focused so intensely on his.
“Like planets. We are floating in the great unknown,” he whispers.
Derek doesn’t immediately know how to react to this. He’s frozen, permitted to move again only when the boy’s eyes leave his. Derek feels like he’s stepped into a dream, and has a moment of panic as he realises there’s no way to test it. How do you know a dream is a dream?
Lmao raven tryna be whimsical and ethereal, that's the name of the game. Another fun fact: it was written in Comic Sans. Heh.
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tr4umaborn · 9 months
a study in. drug abuse / addiction,  self harm,  suicidal ideation / attempts,  over dosing,    bipolar I disorder  (  which includes mania episodes,  heavy depressive episodes,  anxiety,  and minor psychosis breaks  ),  bdsm / submissive behaviors,  sex as a coping mechanism,  in being the bad twin,  the nature of growing up addicted,  undiagnosed mental illness, the golden gay, an opposite role model, making music until your fingers bleed, the minor chord, living fast dying young
full name. thomas james hammond also known as. tj, teej, golden boy date of birth. 02 / 19 / 1984 age. 38 zodiac. pisces sun / libra moon / leo rising gender. male (ish) pronouns. he / they romantic orientation. homoromantic sexual orientation. homosexual occupation. pianist / influencer / model species. human birthplace. raleigh, north carolina, united states current home. new york city, ny, us nationality. he's never asked beyond being american ethnicity. just another dumbass white boy language(s). english parents. president elain barrish, former president bud hammond siblings. twin brother - douglas hammond other family members. lydia martin - basically a sister thanks significant other + children.  canon: mieczyslaw stilinski-hammond (husband) @mieczlw jason stilinski-hammond (son) @jasnstilnski the bee and jenna cinematic universe: antonio dominico marcus rizzotti marvel au: bucky barnes @whtwclf faceclaim. thomas doherty hair. brown + short eyes. baby blues height. 6 ft build. as an addict: too skinny for his own good when sober: muscular from getting addicted to the gym dominant hand. left scars. one of his left arm from the singular time he shot up, plenty of scars on his chest and back for boys who were too rough both in the bedroom and in the bar tattoo. many small pieces in easily coverable places piercings. one on his right ear, many on his left ear, had an eyebrow piercing decided against it, nose stud and septum vurrent positive traits. sensitive, whimsical, romantic, charming, artistic, gentle, love of beauty and harmony negative traits. gullible, gregarious, dependent, cagey likes. giving and receiving gifts, sweets, coffee, massages, cocaine (unfortunately), fuck boys (even more unfortunately) dislike. being wrong, being proven wrong, fears & phobias. disappointment, drowning wishes & dreams. to not be in the spotlight because of his family, but instead because of himself. mbit. ESFP - The Entertainer moral alignment. neutral evil enneagram type. type 3 - the achiever
 THE GOLDEN SON  𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠. now imagine the feeling of floating away into the nether reaches of space. imagine the way slipping up into the air would make you feel – do you feel the air around you at all? is there enough oxygen to make the trip sliding up through the sky and into the unknown worth it? or will the whole experience just leave you clawing at your own skin because it’s burning from the inside out without the attentive oxygen filling up your pores?
the headline read : 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲 but there’s nothing golden about the downward decent into enveloping madness. he was not born mad ( and really is anyone? ) but had the madness set upon him by the events that took place. born ninety seconds before his twin brother douglas, thomas james hammond was smiling when he came out into the world. it may be hard to tell now, but from that first moment he has always known that he wanted to experience all that life had to offer. the happiness didn’t end much at all in the first ten years of his life ( except for when it did, but according to doctors he was simply a growing boy with a growing mind ). even through the first campaign and moving into the white house ( seven year olds still in awe that they have this much space to play in ) his smile stayed so strong. there were things that made it even brighter : his brother, his mama, telling stories with a flashlight under the blanket long past their bedtime. but there was one thing that kept him happy, kept the madness at bay when it threatened to show its burning head.
music never wanted to kill him. while it may be an artist’s curse to feel everything so fucking fully, it isn’t the art form that grabbed him with sharp jaws. he picked up his first piece of sheet music at three years old, and everyone in the family broke out the camcorders. 𝐨𝐡 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐠𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐫 they’d say as he banged tiny fingers on keys. those tiny fingers grew into the keys. passion and music weaved together, only those within his most inner circle allowed to see what really showed. books upon books begin to get filled through the years. music notes that look like water as they swim across the pages of score sheets. his happiness isn’t dependent on his music, but his music has always and will always provide him with natural serotonin that he chases after in the powder of small bags.
fear and loathing keep him from doing well in school. doug is the favorite twin with grades and extra curriculars that fill out the resume how every college wishes it would. he’ll go to princeton or yale or harvard or wherever the fuck he wants and tj instead knows exactly where he’s headed ( 𝐬𝐢𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 ) but his steps to get there are the difficult part. first he must survive high school : where his best friends are snow and addie. they provide the blanket of protection he needs when he finds himself on the wrong side of his first tmz article.
the first son is a fag? it didn’t say that, but when he read it it really may as well have. the world plucked him from the closet just before y2k ; a fifteen year old boy with a life sentence. first came tmz, then the times article, and then before he knew it he’s suddenly the country’s most famous gaybie. to america that makes him their sweetheart, but the world never knows what sweethearts do when they’re craving sweet tarts.
the same year he found himself on the wrong side of a conversation. while the world doesn’t know it, having your father be the 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 really makes these trying times much easier to keep undisclosed, he knows the truth of it all. the good ole boy’s private school couldn’t have a drug addicted slut making a bad name for their school, so they banished him to the other realm. or you know. . . expelled him. he finds himself in the countryside of france for the next two years where catholicism is the ruling decree and drug addicts rule the halls. it’s here he rules the school with charlotte arnold by his side, and cross my heart and hope to die those two are a dangerous duo.
college isn’t for everyone, but for a hammond it is an expectation. he’ll start his education one place, and eventually end it in another. the location doesn’t matter : after all there are phones on cameras and street corners now. his antics can destroy his life no matter what he ends up. wherever he is, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬.
 COCAINE DREAMS  and what about the snow? playing in the white confection as the world keeps spinning around you. it’s comfortable, holding you and keeping you warm when the world outside is desperately freezing. why wouldn’t you jump into it’s open arms that widen more for you? it doesn’t feel good to leave it’s grasp so you stay there. where you are wanted. where you are needed. 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝.
he feels everything so fully that even empathy doesn’t cover it. with elders describing his symptoms as a side effect of drug abuse, tj knows the symptoms came first. 𝐢𝐟 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 ( and if only when he screamed it was outside of his mind ) they wouldn’t feel the pain of every time he runs. snow opens her beautiful arms for him and through out his twenties he jumped too far into her arms. some moments were easy – someone at a party helped him sleep it off or his few friends gave him the space to grieve the loss of his sanity. other moments hurt more – nearly dying in a crackhouse in canada just over the border line from buffalo. or the time he thought a bottle of downers was a bottle of uppers and sent himself spiraling more when trying to fix his own problems. he’ll hurt those he loves with every gram that goes up his nose.
after tj and doug turned 24, elaine barrish hammond began her first campaign for president. in a never shocking turn of events, people seemed more interested in a third term of bud ( even though they knew the scandals he locked in his closet ) instead of elaine. he doesn’t care ; after all, a tour de usa means he can find a fuck in all 50 states. they want to use him as a puppet like always? not a person, not a son, but a 𝐭𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞.
she ends up secretary of state, and tj ends up with a forced residency in dc once again. at 25 years old he is beginning to 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠. no one notices when republican senator sean reeves of ohio begins to steal glances at the ex first son. what’s worse is the reciprocation. tj on the wrong end of those glances turns into allowing someone to devour him whole while knowing he’ll spit him up and throw him out. the details of his sobriety, and his happiness, are unfortunately unimportant ( after all, they come at the hands of a false idol ) and instead the focus shifts to the inevitable ending. our sweetheart feels the false love ooze from every pore ; it leaves him as the tears spill from his red rimmed eyes. there’s a car, and a garage, and it’s all he can think to do in a split second. how might a mother, who loves her children with all of her heart despite how she hurts them so, feel when she finds her son no longer inhaling fumes because he’s passed out? ask elaine barrish.
no one knows for over a year, names and pseudonyms being confused and dispersed. forced sobriety normally didn’t work for tj, but this time rehab seemed to get through to him. he can maintain a sense of sobriety, nothing that’s considered illegal or prescribed to others, until 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤. the puppet is now a pawn, an article being published on the suicide attempt of america’s sweetheart. he watches the story unfold on the news while sharing a straw to soak up snow on his dealer’s couch.
the rest of his life will never look the same. he realizes that sobriety is a privilege he has to work for. feeling everything makes the lows lower and the highs higher. when no one will name it ( maybe one day a doctor will say the word bipolar to him outloud ) how can you treat it? mania gives him excitement, but with it comes his chest being ripped to shreds by his own mind. 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭, 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐭?
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 1 year
Sooo since you are writing for the teen Wolf movie and i HOPE that Staddy isn't broken up like every couple in the movie....are they gonna have babies?? Bc i just imagined the cutest scene when they meet up with Mr. Stilinski or Melissa or idk whoever and they're gonna ask about the baby and addy tells them they are like home with grandpa Suit or idk someone but you know what I mean STADDY BABIES THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE AND THERAPEUTIC
*spoiler alert* Staddy will not be broken up and they will be going stronger than ever! Since the movie is set 13 years after the end of season 6, that means it will roughly be taking place almost immediately after the epilogues I added at the end and the babies they had will be 4🥺 so they will definitely be added in to the movie rewrite. Your ask just gave me the BEST idea for where the twins will be when staddy comes back to beacon and Im obsessed with it so thank you! I hope you absolutely love what I've come up with for this whole thing💛
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usermischief · 1 year
I go wild over 3B because Stiles was a missing person not once but twice that season, and both times, this is followed by death and chaos. What the hell did Coach and the teams think of Stiles reappearing just moments before Coach got shot? This is the very first time the teams have seen Stiles since he was declared a missing person, they had no idea he had been found, yet not one of them has time to ask questions. Were there any students who had a late night in Riddled and heard their phone go off with an Amber Alert for Stiles because a kid going missing at the same time as an attack should probably be grounds for sending one out? Imagine waking up and learning your classmate went missing, was found in a coyote den, went to the hospital, there was some kind of an attack on the hospital that killed/injured who knows how many people including your other classmate and the police aren’t revealing who did the attack or even how the wire ended up on the ground, and the other classmate went missing again. I’d transfer out so fast. Also, let’s not forget, the first classmate turns back up just in time for the coach to get shot and for there to be a bomb at his father’s workplace, and the bomb threat on your school bus contained his father’s name plate. Also, you’ve seen this kid around a few times after this and you’re pretty sure there’s corpses with more color in their skin than him, he was briefly unable to read for a bit there and kept zoning out like he didn’t know where he was and this happened right before he went missing so maybe that had something to do with it, and his friends are all acting super weird about him, they keep talking like he’s responsible for the recent deaths but they also act like he’s not responsible so it’s freaking Schrödinger’s responsibility up in here. In addition, the kid injured at the hospital briefly turned up and as you walked to the doors after making up a test you missed last week, you saw him trying to murder those twins he hates for some reason (you once overheard those two asking McCall if they could join him in his probable/hopeful-cult that he calls a pack, only for Stilinski to laugh and shut them down and Lahey to jump in and say they helped murder Boyd a bit ago so they can get fucked. You’ve never forgotten Lahey threatening to murder them and Stilinski nodding emphatically like he thought this was a fantastic idea; you make a note to avoid ever touching those that the “eye for an eye” twins love because evidently they believe in revenge homicide. You ducked your head down and refused to think about anything they said and prayed the bit about claws was a metaphor, you’re drawing your line at werewolves existing), and you really hope that was just makeup on his face. McCall’s ex-girlfriend and the new girl are both there, trying to stop this, and why does she have a sword?! You pretend you see nothing and ask your parents about how they feel about moving across the country, you want to get as far away from this as possible. 3B is such a wild ride from the perspective of the students because they have to be noticing some things, there had to be some sort of notification sent out that the sheriff’s son had gone missing and this occurred when the hospital was attacked (and the students would know the timing because Coach brings up Stiles and Isaac at the same time to the team), and the very next time they see Stiles, the Coach gets shot. Also, Danny was right there when Ethan and Aiden had their fight that Isaac stopped, other students were probably around as well. The fact that there are any students left after 3B is perhaps the biggest mystery of all, how are parents letting their kids attend this school? It’s like Hogwarts in terms of danger really
And it's not getting better in the next three seasons.
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colethewolf · 2 years
Love the idea of twin story like Sammy Stilinski, only with Derek’s dominant and cocky twin. Imagine Stiles is used to the normally submissive bottom Derek and then his arrogant alpha top twin shows up. Turning stiles into an even bigger bottom slut for him than Derek ever was for Stiles. And turning Derek into nothing but a pathetic cuck.
Dude, that's fucking hot!
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imaginefan · 6 months
Can you do an imagine where your Stiles Stilinski twin sister and your really close with an original Character son of Peter Hale but your kidnapped and you are saved by Scott and he has to give you the bite and you have to tell your father
Hope that you like it!
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dynamightsfave · 4 years
Pretty Boy - Stiles Stilinski
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(gif not mine! credits to owner)
stiles stilinski x male!reader
summary: reader decides that stiles is gonna have to realize that he’s in love with him
warning: swears, mentions of human sacrifice
Stiles Stilinski was helplessly in love with Lydia Martin. Had been since the third grade, it was common knowledge around Beacon Hills High-School.
Stiles Stilinski had been helplessly in love with me his whole life, he just didn’t believe it until I proved it to him —because my boyfriend is stubborn like that and won’t believe anything without prove. Unless it’s his own gut, then no one can question it.
Name’s Y/n L/n, and this, is sort of a “Popular and Nerd” story about the hot, popular guy that could get anyone he wanted —a.k.a. me—, and the socially awkward, hyperactive nerd —a.k.a. Stiles.
I like to think of myself as a good guy. Kind of those popular guys that still have a heart and are nice, instead of having a superiority complex or a stick up my ass like Jackson Whittemore. And believe it or not, most people agree with me. Still, I know what kind of effect I can have in the girls around me, just like Jackson did too. Bit, I like to focus in the effect I can have in other boys.
And my stupid ass decided to set his eyes in the most confused bi boy of the whole school. Well, maybe not the most confused, but he was one of those boys that weren’t sure if they were bi. “Yeah right, and Beacon Hills is just a normal town in California”
Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?
I came out when I was around fourteen years old, and my parents and my siblings weren’t even surprised. It was good, I liked it that way; life carried on, no new information, nothing out of the ordinary.
Ever since I care to remember, I’d found the sheriff’s son cute. Even when we were in fucking kindergarten and our conscious of pretty was “pretty girl”. What came to my mind instead, was “pretty boy”, along with an image of Stiles —around that time known as Mischief— making a puzzle with Scott. You could say it had always been obvious for me that I had zero interest in girls, finding boys much more intriguing.
When we hit high school and I made it first line in the lacrosse team, my name was suddenly known. I was, along with Danny, the cute popular guy that no girl would ever get because he was gay. I took pride in that title. I took advantage of it, too. Danny, ever the great friend, pushed me to act upon my growing feelings on Stiles.
“I seriously don’t know what you see in him, you could do so much better” he told me “But you have to do something about it” we were not-so-discreetly staring at my crush from across the hall. He was currently making heart eyes at Lydia, that was making out with Jackson “Are you sure he’s bi?”
“Positive. I mean, how can you not see it?”
“The way I see it you have two options: you do something about it, or you move on. Has he ever shown interest in you?”
“Danny Phantom, Mieczyslaw Stilinski has been in love with me our whole lives, he just doesn’t know it. Which is why, I’m going to show him” I stated to my best friend, confident in myself.
“If you say so” he shrugged.
“Of course I say so” I nodded, starting to lead the way to our chemistry class, passing by Stiles and Scott “Hey Pretty Boy” I winked at the former, smirking to myself when he choked on air and looked at me with wide eyes.
That was the middle of freshman year. Just like that, I started to flirt shamelessly with Stilinski. I did not give a fuck about who saw or heard, or when and where I did it, I just acted upon my feelings. However, at the same time, I wouldn’t close my doors. He didn’t show any other reaction than a faint blush —which really was enough to make my heart flutter and my hopes to get higher— and the same old “choking on air” action, but he got that one from everyone that dared make a comment that could be interpreted as flirting, even if it wasn’t. I wasn’t gonna pause my life for the boy, so I had my fun with other boys too.
Was that more confusing for Stiles? If we take into account that I flirted with him and then chatted up other guys in front of him, yeah, probably. Was it cruel? Maybe a little. But like I said, I wasn’t gonna pause my life for a boy that hardly gave me the time of the day, and other than lacrosse and school, we didn’t really talk to each other much. And yet, I was completely infatuated by him.
But, as soon as Scott McCall was turned into a werewolf, the Argents returned to Beacon Hills and the supernatural part of town suddenly awakened, my favorite boy was thrown into my world. Now, us elementals tend to be more discrete about our nature and all that jazz, and I really tried to stay away from the forming pack, but when sacrifices start to be made around my town, and my house gets assaulted by angry alphas for no reason, well that’s when I draw the line.
“Hale!” I yelled as I burst into his loft, getting the alpha’s attention “You said you had it under control. An alpha pack trying to get you to kill your pack isn’t having it under control”
“L/n, listen. Your mother told you to stay away, so just do that, alright?”
“My siblings and I just got attacked by that alpha pack! They came into my house and nearly choked my little sister to death!” I shouted, getting everyone to stay quiet “Last year, one of my friend’s was turned into a kanima because you bit him, then he died and then he came back to life again, after killing a bunch of people while being controlled by a psycho teenager first and a psycho elder next! And I did nothing!” I exclaimed “And let’s not forget how your uncle went ballistic too and turned crooked jaw over there, leading the Argents back in town to relight all our problems” I gestured to where Scott and Peter stood, next to Stiles, Isaac and Cora “Guess what? I stayed out of it then too. Beacon Hills is getting more and more dangerous, my best friend has a thing with one of those alphas, and while I usually do as my mother says in this type of situations, I’m tired of doing nothing”
Yeah, we elementals tend to keep our distances, but I’m the only fire elemental in my family since my great-grandfather, and fire lights up quickly. There’s many exercises to keep our temper at bay, which usually work on me, but I had reached the end of the rope and the dynamite had just exploded.
“What’s happening?” Scott asked.
“Not right now, Scott. Explanations come later, give me time to cool out” my eyes flashed orange.
The temperature —that had gone up during my angry rant— started to go down again, and after a couple of deep breaths, I didn’t feel as if my hair was going to burst into flames —which, yes, had happened before.
“You” I pointed at Derek “Are going to tell me what is going on”
“No, this is my problem” he dismissed.
“Bullshit. Elementals have been protecting our homes since homes exist, and Beacon has been protected by elementals since we exist. For whatever reason, my mother decided I should stay away, but my home was broken into. So tell me what the hell is going on or I’ll boil you alive. In your own blood”
The space was silent.
“Just tell him, Derek. Maybe he’ll be of more help than the others” Cora finally spoke up, quitting her glare and giving me a sided smile “Hey N/n. Long time no see”
“And whose fault is that? You bitch, you’ve been here for a month and a half already and you haven’t come visit” I answered, opening my arms for her to get into.
“You still stink to burnt shit” she scrunched her nose after she pulled out of our embrace.
“This burnt shit can also still burn your hair. Wanna try that look again? You looked hot in it” I smirked; she punched me “Hey, put those claws back in!” I nudged her, putting extra heat on my fingers and smirking when she hissed.
“Fucker!” I snickered as she glared at me while rubbing her arm.
“Okay! Hold up!” Stiles interrupted “How do you know about all of this?” he pointed accusingly at me.
“Pretty Boy, I sort of have to know the world I live in” I leaned forwards, showing my canines when he blushed and swallowed. I pulled my hand out, making a small flame appear on it “Let’s get this over with. Hi, my name’s Y/n L/n, but you already knew that. I’m an elemental, a fire elemental. Essentially, I control fire and heat and its variations —pretty similar to the Avatar series from Nickelodeon, really— and that’s like, all you need to know” I explained quickly “Now, about all these sacrifices and alpha pack shit... you guys have any clues on that darach? By the way, Stilinski, my offer to take your virginity still stands, even if virgin sacrifices are out of the table” I winked, enjoying how his temperature rose.
And that’s how I came out of the supernatural closet.
To this day I still don’t know how I ended up at Stiles’ jeep that one day after trying to find out more about the dark druid. However, I will forever be grateful.
“Can I ask you something?” I looked up from the window at the boy’s voice, humming for him to continue “When you- when you f-flirt with me... why do you do it?”
I arched a brow at the question. Hadn’t I made it obvious enough? I thought I had even spelled it out for him once or twice.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I’ve seen you flirt with other boys seconds after you do it with me, but I’m the only one you seem to repeatedly flirt with. Other than Danny, but you’re best friends and he’s seeing Ethan so...”
“Have you been observing me, Pretty Boy?” I smirked.
“W-What?! N-No!” he got all flustered “Wait! See? This is exactly what I’m talking about! Next cute boy you see you’ll chat up too, so what exactly are you doing?”
“It’s okay if you have been, I take it as a complement because it’s you” I quickly dismissed, the arrogant smile that had formed in my face shining bright under the light of the post light next to the car “It’s okay if you are jealous too”
"Wha- I didn- I’m not-”
“Ah pah pah pah” I shushed his stutters “To answer your question, Stilinski —although I really thought I had made it clear—, I like you. Quite a lot, actually. Problem is, you still believe you’re madly in love with Lydia, and I’m not gonna waste my live until you realize you’re in love with me instead” I shrugged “So yeah, I flirt with other guys, and that might mislead you, but trust me, I like you very, very much”
“What do you mean “believe”? I like Lydia!”
“Oh, so is “like” now” I mused “It was definitely “love” last year. Anyways, answer me this question: are you straight?”
He stayed quiet, looking at me with wide eyes and his mouth wide open. I could basically see the gears in his mind running, collapsing and turning into flames, not to mention I could feel how much his temperature had gone up.
“What’s that got to do with anything?” he ended up sputtering, defensively. I shrugged again, and he looked down and quietly answered “No. But you can’t tell anyone, because I haven’t even told Scott or my dad yet”
“Darling, Scott and your dad already know you’re not straight. The whole pack knows, you’re not as slick as you like to think” I chuckled “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you know?”
“I know. It’s just... we have bigger problems than that, and suddenly outing myself in the middle of this feels selfish. But then, when the supernatural problem finishes, it never seems like the right time to tell anyone, and it’s all just so fucking frustrating!” he ranted, making wild gestures.
“You should just throw it out there. Like, in the middle of a serious conversation, or a battle or whatever. Go like “I’m bi!”. I’m sure they’ll congratulate you”
“Is that how you did it?” he asked with the ghost of a smile from my joke.
“Kind of. I mean, I always knew I liked boys, never once had a thought of a pretty girl and me dating passed through my head. So one day, we were having dinner and I just blurted “I’m gay”, in the middle of a conversation. Kaya, my older sister, I’m pretty sure you’ve seen her around, just patted me in the shoulder and said “Babyboy, we know”, then mom laughed and dad commented that it had taken me time to say it out loud. Lainey and Walt, the twins, just shrugged and dinner continued”
“Huh. That’s nice”
“Yeah, it was a chill coming out. But I don’t think the whole “coming out ceremony” is really necessary. Like, it’s perfectly normal to like whoever the fuck you like. So if you want, just present me as your boyfriend” I winked, but he rolled his eyes at me with a groan.
“And you’re back. Y/n, I don’t like you” he whined as rubbed his face.
“Oh really?” I taunted, shifting on my spot. I turned to him and leaned in, the closest to his face than I had ever been. I saw him gulp, I smirked “I could kiss you right now to prove my point, and believe me, you’d kiss back” I whispered over his lips, looking directly into his eyes “But I won’t. For two reasons. First and foremost, I believe in consent, it’s a very important part of any type of relationship. Besides, I don’t want our first kiss to be because of something as silly and petty as proving a point, I want it to mean something” I backed up again.
“Let’s get you home” Stiles mumbled after a few moments of silence, in which I admired his features and he shifted around in his seat, looking everywhere except for me.
The drive to my house was silent, with Stiles tense and the sound of his fingers constantly tapping the stirring wheel being the only thing that was heard. He parked in front of my driveway, and let out a sigh.
“Well, it was nice while it lasted” I got out, taking my bag from the backseat “Goodnight, Pretty Boy” I winked and waved.
“G’night, N/n”
Guess what? My fucking English teacher —that was also dating Derek, by the way— was the bad guy all along! Yeah, so that took a turn. Oh, and she tried to murder my two best friends, poisoning one of them and trying to strangle the other one, and she took my crush’s dad.
“I knew there was something wrong the second she messaged all of us on the first day” I commented while I walked with Stiles and Lydia “After she read it she just looked at me and scrunched her nose. Who fucking does that? Nobody, that’s who. She knew I was something”
“You’re not that special, Y/n”
“Of course I am, Lyds. Just like you, our very own banshee. Redhead banshee, at that” I threw my arm around her “We’re so lucky. Pretty Boy, tell Lydia that I’m very special and that so is she”
“Okay, look, I get that you generally don’t agree with m-” I stopped talking when I finally laid my eyes on him. He was looking at his phone, his face pale “What’s wrong?”
“Allison just texted me. Jennifer’s got her dad. Oh my God” he took in a shaky breath, stumbling backwards “Now she’s got all three- my dad-”
He ran. He left towards the bathrooms, and Lydia and I hurried behind him, catching him just as he tumbled to the floor. He was having a panic attack.
“Stiles” I crouched in front of him, speaking low and gentle “I know you think you can’t process anything right now, but you can. I’m gonna need you to answer some questions, alright? Stiles, alright?” I pressed, slowly reaching for his forearm. He nodded rapidly “Good. Can you name three animals?”
“U-Uh, a dog, a-a hor-se and a t-turt-le”
“Thank you, now name three numbers. Your favorite three”
“F-five, eight a-and two-o”
“You’re doing amazing. Name three of your favorite things” I placed my other hand on his neck, making him look at me.
“My jeep, Scot-t’s bat an-nd your eyes” he exhaled. I would’ve loved to smirk and make a flirty comment, but he was almost done.
“One last time, alright? This one’s easy. Name your three favorite colors”
“Blue, red and orange” he threw his head back and closed his eyes, taking a few breaths.
“How are you feeling?”
“Y/n, how did you know what to do?” Lydia came from behind.
“Well princess, I know you usually have no faith in me, but I know stuff” I tried to joke, but was met with her unfazed expression. I sighed “Kaya has had a few before, and I had to learn the hard way. Walt is starting to have anxiety attacks too” I admitted.
“Thank you, N/n” Stiles’ voice croaked “I’m sorry I just- I don’t want dad to die”
“Don’t apologize. You’re worried about him, that’s normal! You think you can take the rest of the day or should I drive you home?”
“Maybe it’s better if you take him home. I’ll let the teachers know” I nodded to Lydia’s words and helped the boy stand up “I’m gonna call Allison and Scott, see if they’ve found out how to stop this”
“‘Kay, good luck!” I called as we went our separate ways “Pretty Boy, I’m gonna need the keys to your precious jeep” he begrudgingly tossed them at me “Speaking of pretty... a birdie told me my eyes are one of your favorite things” I smirked, hearing him groan “That’s just prove that you do like me”
“I’ll throw myself off this moving car!” he threatened, making me laugh.
We did find a solution. Well, more like a plan to create another plan to solve our problems. Of course, that is, if it worked.
The plan —that Isaac and I expressed various times to be stupidly and overly dangerous— consisted in having Scott, Allison and Stiles take something significant of their parents to have with them... while they were being drowned.
So there we stood, in front of three tubs filled with ice and water. I was sat in a chair in the background, watching as they explained why the objects were important. I wasn’t really needed; the guys were supposed to be drowned by someone with a deep connection to them, and Lydia was staying outside with me.
“Y/n” I looked up from the flame dancing between my fingers to Deaton.
“Need more ice, Doc? Because I’m not sure if I’m the ideal one to get that. Fire, heat and all, y’know?”
“No, actually, I need you to keep Stiles underwater” at that, my eyes twinkled and I opened my mouth in a smile, directing my gaze at the boy in question.
He had turned deep red and his eyes were wide once again. But instead of arguing or trying to form words like he usually did, he looked down and fiddled with his fingers.
“Do you, now? That’s interesting, don’t you think so, Pretty Boy?” I stood up, enjoying my moment and how everyone seemed to find the situation amusing.
Stiles remained silent, shifting awkwardly in his spot.
When the time actually came —after an awkward tense moment where Isaac was chosen to drown Allison— I put my hands firmly on my crush’s shoulders. He looked up at me nervously, and I gave them a squeeze.
“Don’t worry, darling, I won’t actually drown you. Pinky swear”
“You better not, because if you do, I’ll haunt your ass” I laughed lightheartedly.
“Even after death you want to spend time with me? That’s cute” he glared at me “You know, I’m not really having to prove you anything. A shame, really, I had so many things and reasons to show you that you’re in love with me. But life is just proving you that without me having to put any effort in it”
“Shut up, Y/n” he greeted his teeth “By the way, Scotty, if I die in this, just know that your dad’s in town and I’m bi” he announced; my jaw fell “Okay, put me underwater L/n”
So I did.
Jennifer died, the parents were saved —I had to do with that part and I’m honestly so proud of myself because I didn’t burn their “hiding spot” to ashes— and Scott was a True Alpha. Everything seemed as fine as it could get. I mean, sure, the twins almost died, but so did we, and sure this was Beacon Hills and things didn’t stay fine for a long time, but hey. Our problems were done for now and I was very glad about it.
“Hey” I turned around to see a guy next to my locker, a flirty look in his eyes.
“Hi. Can I help you?”
“Yes, actually. I’m kinda new here and I was wondering if you could help me get around and then show me a good club this afternoon?” he went straight to the point. I liked that. So I opened my mouth to take up on his offer, but I didn’t have time to.
“I mean, he could show you around the school, but I doubt his interested in going to a club with you” a figure appeared next to me. Stiles.
The guy looked him up and down as I bit the inside of my cheek.
“How would you know that?”
“Because I’m his boyfriend” he stated confidently taking my hand; I raised my eyebrows.
The guy in front of us shut his mouth and muttered an apology, hurrying away.
“My boyfriend?” I arched a brow in amusement “Wow Pretty Boy, that is quite the statement”
“You did say I could just present you as that” he mumbled, all the confidence wearing down as he looked at our hands and played with my fingers “That dude wasn’t new anyways. He’s been here since the beginning of the year” he huffed “You were gonna take up his offer, weren’t you?”
“I was” I said honestly “But you know what? I’d rather spend time with my boyfriend”
“Maybe I shouldn’t have said that” Stiles muttered as I started dragging him through the halls.
“Oh, I loved you saying that. It was the last prove you need to believe you’re completely in love with me, Stilinski” I looked back at him, leaning over and kissing his cheek “Scott! Scott, guess what? Stiles said I’m his boyfriend!” I grinned at the alpha.
“Really?” he smirked at his best friend “He said I was the hot girl!”
“You’re trying to hit on other guys, babe? We’ve been dating for like two minutes!” I glared playfully.
“Oh my God” he groaned; I snickered.
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Being Stiles Stilinski’s Twin Sister Would Include...
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Stiles being born twelve minutes prior to you 
which meant constantly making fun of you for being ‘the little Stilinski’
which resulted to you smacking him so he’d shut up 
He always did
Being the exact opposite of him
Getting along excellently, regardless of your dissimilar personalities
Being the only one able to pronounce his name without slipping up
Being each other’s best friend
Always having each other’s back
Fighting over who’d shower first
Fighting over what you’d have for dinner
Fighting over what you’d watch on TV
Fighting over who’d drive
Fighting over who’d get to date Derek
Stealing his clothes
Twin telepathy
Knowing when either of you was in trouble 
Pulling pranks on Coach together
And getting lectured by Sheriff Stilinski about it
Even though he knew it was realistically pointless
Not arguing often, but when you did, nobody dared to step in-between you two 
They knew better
Having had to learn it the hard way
Being a member of Scott’s pack
Asking your help with the investigation
Isaac trying to flirt with you during pack meetings
Stiles telling him off because he knew you weren’t into him
Istantly noticing when he started showing symptoms of Frontotemporal Dementia 
Crying your eyes out when the tests came back positive
Him coming to you for comfort after a nightmare
Calming him down after a panic attack
The Nogitsune kidnapping you to manipulate the pack
You being the one who remembered him first and was able to bring him back 
Leaving Beacon Hills with him
Forever watching out for each other 
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Okay so like…..teen wolf movie announcement got me thinking about this fic I’ve had in that fandom for a long….long time. Would anyone be interested in seeing a snippet?
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mischiefsmind · 4 years
Criminal minds Master list 
Supernatural Master list 
Teen wolf Master list
Marvel Master list
Stray kids Master List 
Ateez Master List
Kinktober 2022
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