#stigma the oktigi
check-new-account · 3 years
List of characters to ask
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1. Bullhead Brute, the outlaw
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2. Director Osten, the glukkon
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3. Klunk, the big bro slig
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4. Pit Master Stigma (Oktigi)
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5. Raymond the vykker
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6. Chef Amadeus the chronicler
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7. Mudd, the cyborg mudokon
I hope everyone enjoys the effort I have put into these characters, they are open to asks as well as RP, I can’t wait to interact more with the oddworld community. Please have fun and enjoy ;)))
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
If all of ya had to give up ONE vice, what would it be? What’s something you guys can’t live without?
Brute: well I'm damn sure I wouldn't give up m' animals, so maybe.. my seclusion? it gets awful lonely out here sometimes, but I ain't really the type who goes outta his way to meet new people.. Usually they run inta' me by mistake. Klunk: I wish I could stop worrying so much.. It's an awful habit of mine, but when I see people littler than me i just can't help it, I've gotta take care of them.. I never really consider doin' things for myself, y'know? Osten: Vices vices... well if I could let go of the memory of my biological father, that's somethin' I would be MORE than happy to live without. Stigma: I have no vices to give up. My grip on the power dynamic in my daily life is not something I would so much as loosen my grasp on, let alone let go of. Raymond: Does back pain and medication addiction count as a vice? Because I feel like I'd be doin' a HELL of a lot better without it. Amadeus: Hmmmm~ Possibly my hopelessly romantic nature~ If I could stop daydreaming about certain green men for a bit, I feel I would be an awful lot more focused on coming up with new dishes. Mudd: Vices? Well I guess I'm a little obsessive when it comes to things I want. But other than that? Nah, I'm pretty perfect, especially when you over-look all of my flaws.
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check-new-account · 3 years
☝ (Stigma) if you think you’re such hot shit why don’t you take this bat and hit a ball with it like you’re at little league
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Stigma: What is 'little league'? And with that tone, I suggest you answer quickly. My patience with you sunglass wearing strangers is little to none. I can, and will, shove this broken and splintering bat inside you.
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check-new-account · 3 years
Stigma, don’t you think violence is bad? :(
Stigma: Quite to the contrary. Violence is an art form, and much like a brush, can be wielded by anyone.. and while some fools swing and fling it around, I prefer to seek out those who are masterful with the craft... so that I might crush them.
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check-new-account · 3 years
Can I marry you?
Brute: Well that’s mighty sweet of you, but I’m afraid I have a strict ‘no marrying strangers’ rule! Though I wouldn’t be opposed to gettin’ a drink some time~
Osten: You WISH you could get with this! You’re only asking because I’m rolling in money, don’t try to go all gold digger on ME bub!
Klunk: Yes.
Stigma: Only if you can subdue my strongest fighter. Prove your worth to me, and I’m yours.
Raymond, looking at his list of products: You can buy my love for... 300 bucks per date!
Amadeus: You March into MY restaurant, spouting such chaotic NONSENSE, as I stand here amongst my laminate floor panels and shocked patrons, DEMANDING such commitment from a STRANGER!? Absolutely not!
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check-new-account · 3 years
Stigmaaaaa, I hope you don't send children in your arena 😡😡
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Stigma: of course not. The children are small, and weak. Scrawny. What kind of show would that be? I don’t put anyone in the ring until they’re of proper age. Of course, until then, that gives them lots of time to train.
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check-new-account · 3 years
🙃 All of them
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For a mildly embarrassing secret
Brute: O-oh well uh!... I um... it gets mighty hot out here and... sometimes, when cracking the windows ain’t enough I’ll.. sit around... in the nude..... I mean, it’s my house. Not like I’m botherin’ nobody...
Osten: Oh isn’t this a fun one... fine, I’ll spill it, I used to make embarrassing home videos when I was in my teens. No you can’t see them, I had them destroyed years ago, but the memories of those awful films still haunt me...
Klunk: I have a tank top that just says ‘juicy’. Occasionally I put it on when I want to feel... desirable.
Stigma:....I have an extraordinary affinity for..... pet names. Sugar, honey, sweetheart... it isn’t professional, but in a personal setting, having someone refer to me in such a manner makes me feel rather.... warm.
Raymond: sometimes I just sit in my shop and cry. But! Out of everyone else, I think that’s probably not so bad.
Amadeus:..I... actually enjoy scrab cakes. It’s preprocessed sugar pastry, it’s basically diabetes wrapped in plastic, who WOULDN’T enjoy that... of course, I loathe the mass production and lack of imagination. I’ve been TRYING to make my own gourmet version, but I can’t for the life of me mark down exactly what they add to make that scrab-filling so damn addicting! I mostly try to steer clear of it because if I end up eating one I’ll end up wasting a bunch of scrab meat trying to recreate it, and I can NOT afford to waste that stuff... it’s getting harder and harder to buy in bulk, for some reason.
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
For stigma: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻: how do you let your anger out?
Stigma: When I feel anger rising up within me, I go to my specimen room. I admire the handy-work of my doctors... and that normally brings me a level head. If that doesn't work, incredible amounts of violence always do.
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
A - are they in love. ( for all the bois!)
((While I haven't played any yet (not publicly anyways), I'm absolutely open to shipping my characters with pretty much anyone and everyone. I fffuckin love shipping uvu. They just make me happy ;>))
Brute: O-oh! er- uh.... well! I-I've met quite a few ladies in my time! Back in my younger days I... Got around. so to Speak. Not all outlaws, believe it er not! Course' nowadays I mostly keep to myself.. Can't risk gettin' found out, y'know? I've got animals to care for. Osten: Ohhh to be young and in lovve... I used to fancy a cute vykker boy in my younger years~ Always sneaking out to poke at dead fuzzles~ Such a curious lad... Never made a move unfortunately. We parted ways when he went to med school. Haven't heard from him since..
Klunk: Love? Well that's a pretty serious word... I don't exactly throw it around lightly! I've had past relationships, of course.. all ended on good terms! I've snuck around with co-workers, gone out with supervisors, and the like... most recently was this... gorgeous blue bombshell.. I-I can't talk too much about her for her own safety.. But! I hope she's ok.. I wouldn't say we were a couple! Our time together was cut short.. but I very much enjoyed her company.
Stigma: Love is a mixture of chemicals in the brain. It's what I remind myself every day. I've never made truly romantic encounters, Everything I've done involving others of the same or opposite sex has been entirely devoid of real emotion or feeling. Caring for others doesn't come naturally.... though I think it could be learned.
Raymond: Oh my, loove?~ Are you coming on to me?!~..... Just kidding! Anyways, to answer your question, I've loved and lost often enough to know that love is more trouble than it's worth! Sure sure, it's fun for a bit, but eventually you just get sick of each other, always complaining about how 'immoral' your job is or how 'dependent' you are on your pills- Really just a pain in the ass. Sex is pretty damn cool though!
Amadeus: Oh dear! Love love love-love-love!~ Is there anything more... lovely? Forgive me now, I just consider myself such a romantic!~ Nothing quite gets my heart a-flutter like the thought of a big strong character scooping me into their loving embrace- Oh!~ the thought alone gives me the shakes... I've had many partners over the years, but unfortunately I've never been able to find somebody to call 'the one'! It's a shame, seeing so many handsome characters come in and out of my restaurant, and not take me with them~...My apologies, love makes me ramble a bit~
Mudd: Oh come on now, is love ALL you people talk about? I personally think of myself as less of a romantic, and more of a real lover, y'know? I'm more adept with getting my hands in there~ I'm a real physical guy. I never saw the point of all that softy gushy emotional garbage.. I don't NEED anyone to hold my hand.. or put my head in their lap! I could care less about someone holding me! I don't want anyone to..to tell me everything is gonna be ok!...... That's what whisky is for.
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check-new-account · 3 years
💔 Stigma
They are stood up/broken up with.
Stigma: ....They aren’t coming. I don’t think they ever planned on coming. In fact, I don’t think they even THOUGHT about planning on coming....... well, back to the office then.
(I’m gonna be answering as many asks as I can today, but I don’t have access to my normal placeholder pics, so you’ll have to make due with just text posts for now!)
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check-new-account · 3 years
Can I give you a hug, Stigma?
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Stigma: Of course, I’m not one to disappoint the crowd. Though, last time I hugged someone, their spine severed, leaving them paralyzed from the neck down. I still see them at shows occasionally, but I don’t think they like me very much anymore.
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check-new-account · 3 years
which 1 of u is the cutest and why
Brute: O-oh well i ain't never really though of myself as all that cute- i mean really... ten foot tall, covered in all these scars- not what you'd call conventionally attractive, y'know? Osten: Oh well, I don't really go for the whole 'cute' look.. i enjoy more of a silver fox thing, y'know?~ Like a sugar-daddy or a well-cultured dilf.
Klunk: oh cutest?? Well, it couldn't be me! I'm not sayin I look bad or anythin, but I'm not all that special! I'm just a big bro with a metal thing imbedded in his tum..
Stigma: Cute... I don't let many people call me that. It's demeaning, disingenuine. Unless.. it's from the maw of someone... you care about.
Raymond: Oh well it's clearly me!~ Vykkers have a whole scale of attractiveness, and it's based on, get this, Masochistic facial and body modifications~ believe it or not, the patches on my face?~ make me even more handsome!~ of course even without it i'd outrank a good number of folk on this list.. but I have to be handsome! it's good for business ;)))
Amadeus: oh dear well~ I hate to sound arrogant! but honestly, i've been told that if I ever wanted a career swap, I should try modeling~
Mudd: Cute, ugly, average, who NEEDS it?! you get enough alcohol in your system (or someone elses system) and looks REALLY don't matter in the end! you're gonna be more concerned with cutting the rubber band off your balls and trying to figure out why your cellphone is halfway inside you!
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check-new-account · 3 years
Would you guys like to go out to eat? I'm paying. (And it's not a date)
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Brute: well As long as you don’t mind me wearin’ a disguise, I can’t have anyone recognizing my face off a poster or anything... but of course! Dinner sounds lovely.
Osten:.... alright, but I have conditions: we do NOT talk about movies I’m currently working on, I don’t have to sign anything, I don’t want any movie pitches, I just want FRIENDLY CONVERSATION. Don’t make me regret this.
Klunk: of course! And I’m more than happy to split the bill.. I normally eat a lot, and it would be easier on your wallet.
Stigma: Of course, it’s only right that I review you before throwing you to the pits.
Raymond: Free??? Dinner!?! There has never been a more beautiful combination of words... tell you what, your next surgery is 50% off!
Amadeus: go out to eat. Where? Why in the name of Odd would I eat anywhere other than my own restaurant!? I’m a cook, not a critic, if I eat at someone else’s establishment it means I’m either admitting defeat or I’m complimenting them. BESIDES! I can cook for myself.
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check-new-account · 3 years
You guys are handsome. If anyone would say otherwise, I'd beat them to the brink of death for you.
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Brute: well that’s awful kind of you to say, but I’d rather you not go gettin’ into fights with people please!
Osten: just to the brink??? Finish the job, don’t leave it half done like that!
Klunk: people keep telling me how handsome I am... it’s appreciated, but you don’t have to fight my battles for me...
Stigma: My looks are of no concern, however your willingness to fight is... intriguing.
Raymond: You’d do that for ME?~ and I wouldn’t even need to pay you?~
Amadeus: No fighting in the restaurant, I don’t care HOW dashing my looks are, I won’t have you wrecking my new chairs.
(Sorry this one took so long, homework is killing me)
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check-new-account · 3 years
Hey Stigma, I'm not good at fighting (nor do I want to) so is it fine we can be friends? Not for the fame or anything but I find you pretty nice. I'll bring ya sushi every Thursday.
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Stigma: sushi merely bides your time. The vast majority succumb to my will in one way or another. I shan’t deny the audience their performance... now pass me the uramaki platter.
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check-new-account · 3 years
Stigma, has anyone ever shown you genuine kindness? If so, what was it like to receive it?
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Stigma: The very idea of ‘affection’ is rather alien to me. In the ocean, there is no affection. No warmth. No mother or father to tuck you in. Just miles of vast, terrifying emptiness. The warmest touch I’ve known is a punch in the face in my early years of pit fighting.
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