oddworld-wonders · 2 years
I thought there was only one type of spooce?
"Absolutely not true! I've been sprouting up all sorts of fribtibulous little sprouts since I was a youngin! You've got blue drippity ones, ones that climb all along the walls, ones that jump ot and stick to yer toes- all sorts of different kinds! and they all do different things too, don't you know!"
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oddworld-wonders · 2 years
Another one joins the ranks
I would like to introduce to you all the newest character to join my blog! 
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High shaman Troffle is a shaman specializing in the growth, production, and use of various kinds of spooce. As of now, he’s open for questions and interactions, so ask away!
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
“...it wasn’t weird until you started STARING like that! Seriously get those peepers off me.” He says, pulling out his measuring tape and wrapping it around her bicep nonchalantly, seeming unperturbed by the sudden reveal. “You are the worst patient I’ve had today, I mean really you blubbering baby.” He says, writing down the various measurements. The doctor was quick, and it was obvious that he was almost as uncomfortable as she was. The tests performed were usual, seeing how big around her muscles were, biceps, shoulder width, bust, etc. some of the measurements were weird than others though, like how he told her to bite down in something so he could get a proper picture of her teeth. He had a wide range of tools, blood pressure pumps, stethoscopes, those little hammers they hit your knees with. All in all, it took around an hour to do. 
“Alright, that’s everything, PLEASE put your clothes back on.” He says, crossing his arms “the boss is gonna be happy, he’s been trying to organize a ‘girls night beatdown’ event for the ring, thinks it’ll encourage more girls to sign up, and purchase products.” He says, passing the intern his clipboard. The intern files the information into the laptop, not saying much, music blaring under his headphones. “..Anyways, you’ll be informed when you’re up. Waiting rooms and equipment halls are down the hall.
Continuation of this post with @oddworld-wonders
Dondo was out of ideas, and just wanted to fight already. She finally realized there's only one tool in her years of fighting experience she had left-intimidation.
"Yeah.." She thought "this pruny doctor cant do nothin i havent already done. If he tries to turn me in, I know how to defend myself."
Dondo stares at Dr. Gab with the scariest expression she can muster as she unzips her suit. Eyes prying into the vykker with a look that could kill, Dondo's suit is finally on the floor, sitting herself in the too-tiny bench and making it squeal from weight.
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"Dont make this weird." Dondo states threateningly.
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
Mudd laughed at the joke, hiding his nerves under humor. “Well, there’s definitely worse ways to meet new people” He commented with a chuckle. “And don’t worry about them, they’ve got their orders, they’ll get around to what they were doing eventually. What matters right now is getting you some supplies, and sendin’ you on your way! But while they do that..” Mudd winged around in his chair “you need a snack? Maybe a drink? I ain’t sure how long you’ve been out there lost, but if you need a quick sit, feel free to relax for a minute.” He tells her, reclining, gesturing to the other seats in the room. The interns moved in the back, the sounds of a loud printer whirring from a different room was the only thing breaking the silence. An Intern walked back into the room, handing Mudd a nice cold alcoholic-looking beverage. “...wait where’s the little umbrella?” Mudd asks disappointedly. The intern sighs, and pulls a small cocktail umbrella out from his pocket and puts it in mudd’s drink. “good man, it ain’t ‘on the rocks’ without the umbrella.” Mudd jokes.  Suddenly a thud rings from the door of the back room.. Mudd silently looks at the door, then at the Intern. “must be the boiler acting up again. Go grab the socket wrench and shut that thing up, would ya’ toots?” He says to the intern, who for some inexplicable reason seems a bit antsy. He nods, and runs back into the hall. “ugh, that damn thing. It’ll go on the fritz every once an’ a while, crew thinks it’s haunted. Personally, I think it’s just a shitty boiler.” he chuckles, shrugging it off.
Indeed, the facade Mudd and his Interns put on in front of Kyung was believable to her, at least enough for the Jimseomi not to feel suspicious about the forced laughter.  It even got her to crack a lop-sided smile at them, but the worried look in her eyes persisted; particularly towards the ones who were nursing a broken limb.  However, before she could voice her worries, they scattered to carry out their given tasks.  During the whole spiel, Kyung was silent, but from her body language and facial expressions, she was delighted to have met Mudd’s crew!  Thrilled, even, to meet people who she was convinced held such importance to the cyborg Mudokon.
“I don’t know too much about what it’s like working at Vykkers labs, but I know a lot of people who do,” She nodded while gently placing a paw against her cheek, seeming to connect the dots between the crew’s skittish behavior and the association with a business that was notorious for being cruel to the Intern race. “I hope I’m not troubling your crew too much by dropping in so suddenly… Kevin, was his name, right?  I’d hate to be a bother if he was already busy with helping clean up the after-party mess,” Kyung resumed fussing, making sure not to get in the way of any Interns scrambling nearby.
“It seems like getting lost has really been the best way to meet new friends,” She remarked aloud, finally turning her full attention back to Mudd. “It must’ve been some party you guys had!  I could swear I still heard something kicking about around here,” Kyung chuckled light-heartedly while her lower set of arms folded behind her back idly, pausing to knock her knuckles against the side of her head. “Then again, maybe that’s just my imagination,” She reckoned in a more playful tone.
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
What makes you so certain that you’ve got a good chance with the red lady, Mudd? She doesn’t seem like your type… Personality-wise.
Mudd: Listen now punk, I can be a pretty damn classy fella when I wanna be! And a gal like this is a damn fine catch, worthy of a little bit a’ finesse, y’know?~ Besides, if things don’t work out, who gives a damn. I’ve played this game a million times, y’know? She’s just a dame.
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
If all of ya had to give up ONE vice, what would it be? What’s something you guys can’t live without?
Brute: well I'm damn sure I wouldn't give up m' animals, so maybe.. my seclusion? it gets awful lonely out here sometimes, but I ain't really the type who goes outta his way to meet new people.. Usually they run inta' me by mistake. Klunk: I wish I could stop worrying so much.. It's an awful habit of mine, but when I see people littler than me i just can't help it, I've gotta take care of them.. I never really consider doin' things for myself, y'know? Osten: Vices vices... well if I could let go of the memory of my biological father, that's somethin' I would be MORE than happy to live without. Stigma: I have no vices to give up. My grip on the power dynamic in my daily life is not something I would so much as loosen my grasp on, let alone let go of. Raymond: Does back pain and medication addiction count as a vice? Because I feel like I'd be doin' a HELL of a lot better without it. Amadeus: Hmmmm~ Possibly my hopelessly romantic nature~ If I could stop daydreaming about certain green men for a bit, I feel I would be an awful lot more focused on coming up with new dishes. Mudd: Vices? Well I guess I'm a little obsessive when it comes to things I want. But other than that? Nah, I'm pretty perfect, especially when you over-look all of my flaws.
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
Question for all the bois… Monogamy, polygamy/polyamory, or neither??
Ohoho i like this one, I haven't really thought abt it all that much! would be up for/would try poly ships: Mudd, Stigma, Osten, and Raymond One person at a time types: Brute, Klunk, Amadeus
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
“Huh- Oh yeah they’re fine.” Mudd answers for them. The interns each look to each other confused, having not been all that used to people asking about their well-being. “They’re just clumsy, and there’s a little lip at the top of the ramp. One thing leads to another, annd they stumble n’ bumble to the bottom. I keep tellin em’ to watch it- but clearly they learn by example.” Mudd chuckles at his own jokes. An intern elbows the one next to him, and they all begin their own forced laughter.  Mudd stood up, walking over to them and putting his arms around them. To Kyung? A harmless, friendly gesture. In reality, The interns knew this was a reminder that they were to be on their best behavior if they didn’t want more bruises to show off. “Me n’ these fellas are like family, even if they’re a bit ditzy sometimes, y’know? Course sometimes they move on to other things, I think in total I’ve gone through around 12 crews total? But there ain’t a one I don’t remember, ain’t that right boys?” He says, patting their shoulders. The interns nod, before remembering they had jobs to do, and retreating in various directions.  “poor things, they’re so jumpy. They used to work in vykkers labs y’know! The working conditions in that place apparently proved too rough on the little guys.” He says, pity in his voice. 
The Jimseomi sensed a bit of a change in Mudd’s tone, but only for a mere second before she shrugged it off.  She didn’t have much of a reason to not believe him, yet a small voice in the back of her mind prevented her from fully being convinced.  However, that didn’t matter; it was none of her business whether it was true he visited Holihs or not.  Besides, the invitation to hop aboard Mudd’s ship and his willingness to give her some help seemed to really help smooth over her doubts.
“I heard about how Holihs has this really interesting shopping promenade, and around this time of year, there’s a market that goes on before everything gets too cold.  Hopefully you were able to have a good time there, one of my friends pointed out that some of the bars were serving spiked opple cider made in-house!” Kyung answered without missing a beat before rubbing the back of her head while chuckling. “Although, I’m not really much for shopping or booze, the fact there’s going to be a bunch of different foods served at the event is what I’m more interested in,” She admitted, hopping up onto the ramp so she could get onto the ship.
Like the good guest she was, Kyung made sure to stay close to Mudd, avoiding straying too far from him despite her immense curiosity tempting her to examine everything in her new surroundings.
“Are you sure it’s not a bad time for me to visit, Mudd? I hate to impose,” She politely inquired, folding her paws together in front of her as the impulse to poke at the airship walls started to grow… But that’s when that little voice in the back of her head began to fret again.
‘Didn’t Mudd say he was just bumming around Mudos…?  Airships are expensive to keep around, are they not?  What are those noises?’ It prodded, only to be set aside in favor of aiming her focus fully on her host.
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
Put a word inside my inbox
And I’ll tell you a fact about myself based off that word
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
AAAAA Lookit my boyyyyyYYY!!!! CUTE ;))))
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((I finally have the energy to draw AND color for once… IT WAS TIME FOR FLUFF!  The joys of multi-shipping.~  I’m also just really happy I drew other characters too!))
((Featured in here:
Abe ( @themudokonmessiah‘s version)
Martin ( @outwiththeodd)
Lilac ( @lilacs-journey)
Buck ( @rosieandthefreed)
Garfunkle ( @garfunkleswagon)
Mudd ( @oddworld-wonders)
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
Aphrodite: what you find attractive in a person (for Amadeus, Mudd, and Brute)
Amadeus: oh well~ strength, loyalty, taste...... other...features~... Look, if you can pick me up, I'm yours and you should come take me now, Muscles drive me wild~ Mudd: Well, I ain't really the picky type, y'know? I'll take what I can get when I can get it, which I do, a lot. Strong people short people, people with love-handles people with scars- Doesn't really matter at the end of the day. Brute: hmm.. I ain't all too picky... there was a time awhile back, when i woulda' said i wouldn't date nothin' but the toughest, meanest gals around. course, it's been a while since then, and now I'm more open to people.. I think I'd like someone sweet.. who likes to snuggle, an' watch muh soaps with me. Oh- an they should like ta' eat! I make a helluva' lotta food.
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
Hestia: describe your ideal house (for Klunk)
Ares: opinion on war (for Mudd)
Klunk: My ideal house hm? well, it might sound a bit weird, specially' coming from a slig, but i actually enjoy the outdoors a lot! So somethin out in the wilds.. maybe a nice big cabin in the forest! with a big cozy bed, and a nice work-station for my hobbies.. Yeah, that'd be mighty nice to have! Mudd: War eh? Well, in my opinion, I could care less. Let the big-wigs duke it out, it doesn't affect me all that much. I'm a killing machine in a blimp, what are they gonna do? shoot me down?
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
"oh please, I'm more than happy to let you aboard for a bit.. just uh.. mind the crew. They're a bit busy at the moment- if the place is a mess it's probably because we were having a party last night." Mudd says, opening the heavy metal door to the interior of the blimp. The inside was.. warm, and surprisingly cozy. with a decorated wood interior, and metal floors, it seemed like almost like a small house. "Welcome aboard! This is my ship. let me give you a quick tour.." Walking to the middle of the room, Mudd gestured to a door "that way is my room." he said, before pointing at another room to the opposite side of it "that there is the crews quarters, don't go in there it smells like gym socks." He chuckles, as he points to the next room, a larger door than the other two. "that one leads to the cargo bay, not sure what we've got back there right now. I think it's just some supplies." he says, crossing his arms. "The bathroom is down that way, and there's a door around the corner with the curtain drawn? yeah don't go in there right now." he says. "aaaaannnddd this is the cockpit. I'm usually in here, flying around from place to place. hell, with this ship I can practically be two places at once! But like I said earlier, most places get antsy when I fly over their heads unannounced, so sometimes ill park it and go tell them im on my way in advance." He explains, taking a seat in the center chair. Clearing his throat he looks to the direction of the interrogation room. "RECRUITS, WRAP IT UP IN THERE AND LINE UP!" he yells. The interns look to eachother, and stuff the hostages mouth with a bit of damp cloth, and then tie a rag around his mouth as an impromptu gag. In a quick and orderly manner, the interns line up in front of Mudd. "Alright boys, this fine lady needs a map. Kevin, pull that up and have it printed out. Jesse, you mix me up a drink, please and thank you." He says. The interns seemed confused at first.. did the captain really just say please and thank you? Then, their gaze turned to Kyung. Oh, that explains it. The interns lined up before them were covered in various scratches and bruises, some having parts of their bodies bandaged up, one with his arm in a sling, one with his horn wrapped in medical tape. another even appeared to be missing some fingers! certainly a roughed up crew, but considering that mudd is mostly just some burnt skin and guts in a metal suit, it kind of fits.
The Jimseomi sensed a bit of a change in Mudd’s tone, but only for a mere second before she shrugged it off.  She didn’t have much of a reason to not believe him, yet a small voice in the back of her mind prevented her from fully being convinced.  However, that didn’t matter; it was none of her business whether it was true he visited Holihs or not.  Besides, the invitation to hop aboard Mudd’s ship and his willingness to give her some help seemed to really help smooth over her doubts.
“I heard about how Holihs has this really interesting shopping promenade, and around this time of year, there’s a market that goes on before everything gets too cold.  Hopefully you were able to have a good time there, one of my friends pointed out that some of the bars were serving spiked opple cider made in-house!” Kyung answered without missing a beat before rubbing the back of her head while chuckling. “Although, I’m not really much for shopping or booze, the fact there’s going to be a bunch of different foods served at the event is what I’m more interested in,” She admitted, hopping up onto the ramp so she could get onto the ship.
Like the good guest she was, Kyung made sure to stay close to Mudd, avoiding straying too far from him despite her immense curiosity tempting her to examine everything in her new surroundings.
“Are you sure it’s not a bad time for me to visit, Mudd? I hate to impose,” She politely inquired, folding her paws together in front of her as the impulse to poke at the airship walls started to grow… But that’s when that little voice in the back of her head began to fret again.
‘Didn’t Mudd say he was just bumming around Mudos…?  Airships are expensive to keep around, are they not?  What are those noises?’ It prodded, only to be set aside in favor of aiming her focus fully on her host.
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
I’ll have to draw up the summiters soon! these guys are adorable though, lookit those little feets...
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I kinda dig NeuralBlender's result for Abe's Oddysee.
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
Mudd, do you ever actually remember the nights you have a fling or do you tend to forget them?
Mudd: Of course I remember my flings!...most of the time anyways.... Ok chances are if I'm sober I'll remember it. Or if it's like... REALLY good. Think of it like this: I'm gonna remember you if you're a vykker who can their head between their legs. What. A. Night.
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
Mudds grin widened when she put out the offer of 'making up for lost time', but, it wavered just a little when she brought up the nearby city. "ohhhh yeah! hehe... Nice little place they have there! I was actually there last night! Hittin' up the town, y'know? I left my blimp a good bit away- in my experience people tend to get nervous when an airship comes in unannounced. Just makes them a little uneasy.. no clue why." He says, the last part having a sarcastic tone and a shrug, coupled with a cute chuckle.
"What about it has you so piqued then? oh- and you mentioned being lost! feel free to climb aboard- I'll have someone print up a map." He tells her, as he searched through his hazy mind, trying to think of a reason for his night of bar hopping and partying to turn into a kidnapping and hostage situation... Maybe he overheard someone talking about abe, and brought them home. This isn't exactly the kind of thing he does for no reason at all!... well not all the time anyways.
He desperately milled over it, but the nights contents of binge drinking, smoking, and other things made the memories foggy. Of course, he didn't let his worry show on his face. He was going to play this off like he would any other lie. Besides, he'd just get the answers from him after he sweet talks the big red bombshell in front of him.
Continued from–>(X)
From her position under the cover of dense forest, Kyung narrowed her eyes and flexed the left side of her crown frills up to allow an open earhole to take in the voice she just heard.  It sounded familiar… Very raspy despite the volume, she’s heard it before.  Peering up at the airship deck, the Jimseomi’s eyes caught sight of the figure, and a crooked smile formed on her face.  Ah, she knew she recognized that voice!
“I’m not looking for trouble, I just need some directions!” Kyung called back after taking in a breath, watching Mudd’s form carefully just in case if he decided to start shooting.
Unlike the cyborg Mudokon’s more hoarse-sounding tone, Kyung’s voice responded loud, clear and as friendly as she could manage to yell.  While most of her really hoped that he would recognize her voice from their first encounter, Kyung wasn’t entirely counting on it.  Deciding to take a chance, the veteran slowly crept out from the forest’s edge and into the open, paws held up while the rest of her body got ready to dodge any oncoming projectiles.  She presumed that it would be nearly impossible for Mudd to forget what she looked like at least.  The only thing different about how she looked now was that she wasn’t donning the vibrant colors or the mask of her belly-dancer costume, and she had bandages wrapped around the base of her neck and ankles.
“I wasn’t expecting to find you out here, my friend!~” Kyung greeted, smirking playfully up at him from where she stood. “It’s been too long since we’ve seen each other, hasn’t it?”
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oddworld-wonders · 3 years
Mudd stopped for a moment, swearing he could recognize the voice. The lens in his eye zoomed in with a subtle ‘vrrr’ noise, squinting slightly. Recognizing immediately the tall drink of strawberry-red water that was outside his ship right now was the same dame he was dancing with at the party! “Ohoho, my lucky day~” he tells himself, his laser cooling off. He walks down the ramp, smirking that cheeky smirk of his. “Now, what’s a gorgeous thing like yourself doing so far out here?” He asks, hopping off the ramp and standing with his hands on his hips. “It’s been all too long! I was a bit unhappy with how abruptly things back at the festival ended, y’know?” He says, realizing he still had his claws extended out, and retracting them suddenly. They still had grains of blood dried in them..
Inside, the interns were scrambling, fixing restraints, tying on a gag, cleaning the cabin, scrubbing blood and mud off the floor, picking up empty bottles and bags and containers, cleaning out the microwave because SOMEONE tried to make three microwave meat pockets at the same time and they exploded, etc etc.
Continued from–>(X)
From her position under the cover of dense forest, Kyung narrowed her eyes and flexed the left side of her crown frills up to allow an open earhole to take in the voice she just heard.  It sounded familiar… Very raspy despite the volume, she’s heard it before.  Peering up at the airship deck, the Jimseomi’s eyes caught sight of the figure, and a crooked smile formed on her face.  Ah, she knew she recognized that voice!
“I’m not looking for trouble, I just need some directions!” Kyung called back after taking in a breath, watching Mudd’s form carefully just in case if he decided to start shooting.
Unlike the cyborg Mudokon’s more hoarse-sounding tone, Kyung’s voice responded loud, clear and as friendly as she could manage to yell.  While most of her really hoped that he would recognize her voice from their first encounter, Kyung wasn’t entirely counting on it.  Deciding to take a chance, the veteran slowly crept out from the forest’s edge and into the open, paws held up while the rest of her body got ready to dodge any oncoming projectiles.  She presumed that it would be nearly impossible for Mudd to forget what she looked like at least.  The only thing different about how she looked now was that she wasn’t donning the vibrant colors or the mask of her belly-dancer costume, and she had bandages wrapped around the base of her neck and ankles.
“I wasn’t expecting to find you out here, my friend!~” Kyung greeted, smirking playfully up at him from where she stood. “It’s been too long since we’ve seen each other, hasn’t it?”
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