#sticky claws
sparkdoesart · 4 months
I heard they’re slathering you in strawberry jam are you okay? You holdin up alright?
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Absolutely NOT. This is SO RUDE. I am now STICKY. Horrible.
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sodafrog13 · 1 year
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cousticks · 9 months
deep-felt need to draw The Dudes vs. very lacking ability to draw because visual art is not my strong suit
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nomaishuttle · 11 months
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frankie if yr curious
#clothes not pictured bc its actually sooo stressful...#i had her sort of a jock bc i think thats cute but did you guys know its so hard to make a jock outfit look alt or goth or punk in any way.#also in my currently hypothetical band (its stressful... i wanted to have the original ghouls all in one band but. well ok end parenthesis#this is a whole seperate thought. so rpetend this wasnt ever in parenthesis ok. ik i want clawdeen to be bass ghoulia to be kehboard and#drankie 2 be drums. those all make sense for me#and then ive just got voice lead guitar and rhythm guitar. and well personally j dont see draculaura cleo Or lagoona playing guitar lol.#but also cleos umm kusic class she had a harp Which is strings... so thats something#but also idk if cleo would want to be In a band with other ppl since shes sort of. yk. famously#soo yeah im having trouble deciding. im currently trying to figure out the friend groups and im gonna maybe judt do friendgroup bands#instead. bc rn i kinda feel like that kpop tweet where its like they always go out of their way to include every member in fics Why hoseok#the bus driver all of a sudden...#thats me rn. i think mahbe theyll just be in different bands Lol. bc that makes more sense#also idk if its clear at all. and well also i switch between all th time. her hair doesnt make a ton of sense but its basically half up#half down. and depending on how im feeling its either judt a rly high short ponytail the sticky up bit#OR its a claw bun with the hair sticking up. and thats the sticky uppy bit. thats how my hair is 4 worm#FOR WORM?#sry. bt yeah so idk..
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theninjazebra · 2 years
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teonys-jf · 2 years
do you have some dumb shalashska sibling stories? or like funny moments of them
so, funny thing, i’ve switched stuff around!
now it’s toby, xander {xavier}, and terra are all siblings and cousins to ein {zack’s side} and technically jay {aphmau} but the gats wanted to keep in touch with sylvanna so they spent more time together :) also, terra is the half-sister to toby and xander, terra’s mom is in her first marriage with the boy’s dad and it’s his second marriage
but i’m sure i’ve got some family stories :)
so toby is the oldest, xander is the middle, and terra is the youngest
xander hated growing up in public school with the “oh you’re toby’s brother? how funny is that!” stuff and was obviously uncomfortable and wanting out of the situation
terra loved it, though, and would take pride in it and always make ‘my brothers gonna beat you up’ jokes and already be on good terms with teachers
xander was the closest in age with ein, so they spent the most time together
at one of the family get-togethers, they decided to pour milk down the toilet and not flush. they were like 5 or 6 and came back giggling, and after their grandmother found out what they’d done, they got in trouble {ein got in more trouble than xander because zack and elizabeth were not made to be parents}
terra was close with jay, they constantly had sleepovers in middle school despite their schools being hours apart
when jay was homeschooled terra would try and keep them up to date with what was going on in her school, leading to the misconception of school even more than if it was just anime since terra loved making up stories and forgot to say which were made up
sylvanna was happy that her little girl wasn’t going to be lonely during homeschool and would thank jacob and kristine, who waved it off and said they were glad terra had someone with enough energy to keep up with her
toby would try and help ein once he was old enough to see what’s going on, but ein had already shut himself off from the world. instead, toby kept in contact with him over the years through online games and they loved playing tf2 together
when xander and jay were little, they got on each other’s nerves and would ‘play fight’ as sylvanna called it, but xan’s father would call it wrestling. eventually when they lost their first teeth on separate occasions they had to stop
neither of the kids remember this, just that they lost their teeth while family was over
sylvanna told this story to eric and that’s how jay found out about it, who immediately called terra and told her about it {didn’t have xander’s phone number}
terra loved to be outside in summer all of the time, mostly during sunny days. she would get toby and xander outside too, but terra would forget about sunscreen and get burned
xander used to torture her when she got sunburned, but stopped when he was a tween
toby would usually be the responsible one and bring out water/snacks for all of them, their parents would either read outside as the kids had fun or sing/dance inside
xander was the one who gave terra her tattoo idea, toby took all of them to the parlor when it was getting done. terra doesn’t have great pain tolerance, and her brothers ran in as she waved them off going “everything’s good, just a baby” and wiped a tear away
toby tipped the guy directly for an apology, they laughed and said it was okay and that if it was their family, they would’ve done the same thing
terra understood where ein was on being the half sibling and would try to cheer him up when they were little by making drawings of the gats, marin-filla, and filla family
he forgot that it’s in a box in storage, but remembers her smile and gets happy
they also connect over their half-aquatic sides and always worked together on ocean-themed coloring books
terra was ecstatic to learn that her and jay were going to be roommates in college, and gave a lot of ideas for them to hang out and watch netflix and pizza parlors
jay is allergic to pepperoni, so they’re mostly stuck with cheese, but terra doesn’t mind
there was a running joke between the two that terra would put a slice of pepperoni on what food was hers
jay met, and found out about, ein through toby. after she agreed to be the carrier for aaron and lily’s baby, since her second pregnancy would put her in danger, aaron mentioned toby who introduced the hald-siblings
jay was pissed that sylvanna didn’t tell her about ein and elizabeth, as sylvanna explained everything from her side jay asked what terra saw and got that side and put everything together
jay and ein don’t treat each other as siblings, more like strangers on decent enough terms
jay would be more likely to ask terra or toby to look after levin, malachi, and gabriel if zoey is out of commission
i should probably mention all of the schools everyone went to oopsies
terra, toby, and xander went to falcon high, decent public school
jay went to phoenix drop highschool, fluctuating private school
ein went to scale high, bad public school
jay, xander, and terra went to falcon claw university while toby went into military service and met aaron, ein did online college
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sacredfirmament · 2 years
i'm so confused i'm so confused why is nona two handed tantrumming but kiriona is gideon but nona dreams about the pool scene from harrows pov but nona is alecto??? 😭😭😭 WHERE ARE THE THEORISTS!!! I NEED HELP
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inbarfink · 4 months
You can choose *One* of these mildly non-human traits to have.
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sophiamoment · 5 days
is it okay if I grab you and fling you at the wall as hard as possible
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lovelyghst · 12 days
ghost who just loves playing with your precious cunt with his hand stuffed down your pretty panties. seeing how his knuckles stretch the cotton as it fights to fit his large hand, watching the fabric gradually soak with the mess he’s making you make. coaxing orgasm after fucking orgasm from your trembling body as he coos sweet praises in your ear and listens to your babbling of pleads along with his name, before leaning back to watch as you claw and scratch at his wrist and tumble over the edge of euphoria for the nth time.
he works your poor cunny ‘til your thighs are clamping around his arm on their own volition, and his fingers are pruned and his knuckles are locking up, but even then he still wants to continue! :(
and afterwards he cleans you up so, so gently. peeling your sticky panties from your shaky legs, tossing them in the hamper in case they’re salvageable (they aren’t). kissing your temple and forehead and the tip of your nose as your teeth buzz in aftershocks, totally not brushing your swollen nerves lightly with the warm rag on purpose just to hear you whimper and jolt one last time before you knock out.
he coddles and holds you tight as you nap soundly on his chest, now kissing the crown of your skull as he murmurs quiet remarks about how well you did for him, just how proud he is of his princess <3
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m-ayo-o · 7 months
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-> when the jjk men fuck the tightest girly around <3 tw# reader is small, unprotected sex, size kink, "fat" cock, tummy bulge, cervix fxcking +++++ reader's 🐱 is too small for them :( no sukuna bc i do not wish death upon the reader
18+ NSFW
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Most women he meets are "tight" by his standards. He's used to it. He finds himself constantly dealing with complaints; too fucking big, it won't fit. But you... you're tighter. He knows he'll have to be careful. He rests his dick on your belly and just watches you panic for a minute. He looks at your body and how your legs are folded up and the way his hand seems to cover your whole midriff where he's holding you still. Your eyes dart down to his cock, that's just so... fat. He holds it in his hand and starts teasing you with the tip, sliding up and down, pushing you open. But he's just playing with you.
When you beg him just right he starts slotting himself inside while his predatory gaze fixes on your puffy lower stomach. You wonder why he's staring there so intently until you look down to see him sinking in, followed by the unmistakable rise of your stomach. Your eyes go wide. You've never seen anything like that before. He rests his hand there to feel himself and just gives you an arrogant smirk, loving your shocked reaction.
He leans in some more and your legs start trying to squeeze shut. He just gets all frustrated and mad that he can't stuff all his cock inside in one go, but he deals with it and sinks inside as far as you'll take him. Maybe he can get a nice cock ring to hug his base next time so he can get a little attention there as well. It feels wrong, not being balls deep inside you, but he knows he would literally tear you open if he got back any further.
"I'm not all the way in. Is that seriously all you can take? Pussy's so small, come here- oh, shit, tha's really the back, huh? Ok, ok, calm down, don't fuckin' cry, baby, I'll just sit nice and snug against you here- yeah, is that your cervix? It hurts? Look, there's still inches of me left, just let me have this, let me- ngh, don't tell me not to cum inside- I'll cum where I want, pretty girl."
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It's your first time 'sleeping over' at his place and he's more fucking nervous than you. You've never even seen his dick before but when you unzip him while he's grabbing at his thighs trying to contain a moan you hold and squeeze him and he barely fits.
You're using two hands on his shaft and your tongue on his tip- now you can really see what you're dealing with your mouth is starting to water. You do your best to accommodate him with your mouth first, sucking only half his cock like some massive, thick lollypop. Then when he tugs at your hair and lifts you up onto his spread legs, you feel his sticky tip poking your cute pussy and you just have to try.
He lets you go down at your own pace as your body struggles with the circumference of his shaft. But he's getting in there, slowly, and he's groaning and sighing so beautifully you just have to keep going. You have to try to take him whole, but it just stops. You let out a squeal of frustration. But, to your pleasure, he just holds your back and starts moving his hips, guiding you over his massive member.
"Mmh- mm, fuck- both hands, honey, yeah- o-oh, your mouth, ah, is that the back of your throat, already? Okay, come up here, yeah keep your legs nice and wide- hold onto my shoulders, that's it. Mm, yeah, slower, slower, d-don't rush it, hah- ah, fuck! No, no, that's it you can't go any deeper, sweetie, don't worry please don't hurt yourself. That's enough. Good girl, let me do it now."
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This kitty got claws, and god damn he's gonna sink them into the fat of your ass when he's impatiently trying to get his dick in your cute little hole. He moans and cries and nearly pulls out to throw a fucking tantrum because he can't fit, but after scolding him and telling him you don't care how many inches he can get inside you his usual bravado returns. He holds the slim curve of your waist that just looks ridiculously tiny in his big hands and he just stares at where he's sinking in and out of you, getting your cream all over him.
He grabs your hair into a ponytail now, his thumb playfully slipping over your ass while he rails you with all he can give you and he starts to feel rather smug. Although he's not getting his usual treatment- a deep fucking that has sweet pussy juices of his lucky partner coating him right from base to the very tip of his perfectly curved cock- he is starting to enjoy the fact that he's just too long.
He's joked about it, sure, turning girls down, saying stuff like, 'you won't be able to handle me anyway, princess', or 'you should fuck my friend instead, his dick isn't as big'. But he didn't realise he'd ever actually find a girl so tiny that it just wasn't physically possible. It's not as if he needed an ego boost in that department, but he starts to enjoy the idea so much that he has to get his phone out to take a few pictures (that will definitely get a lot of use). Maybe he'll show Suguru, too, just to show off a little. But he really does need to get his whole cock coated, so maybe next time he'll try your ass.
"It won't fit!! Ugh, it's not fair, how come I ended up with the cutest most pretty girl who has the smallest puss- oh! Ok, I'm sorry, jesus! Don't take it so personally I just wanted to fuck you properly... tsk- yeah, at least you're all filled up, huh? Yeah? Oh, it really does feel good? Ok, ok fine let me fuck you like this I don't care- yeah, s'not my fault my dick is so big just- ugh, get on your knees, mmh- yeah show me that ass!"
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He tries to coax you open so gently and frowns like he's done something wrong, encouraging you as if he could expand the very walls of your vagina, as if he could relocate your cervix. He spits on your clit and rubs it around with his thumb in slow circles until you cream on him one more time and he sucks his teeth from that squeezing sensation that feels so much hotter because of how small you are.
And he's so fucking determined that it's his fault, but you know it's you, so you try to explain that it's all you can take and he almost doesn't believe you until he sees you wince in pain from where he's pressed against your cervix.
He looks so shocked and mesmerised, he has to pull all the way out and get his fingers inside you to check. His fingers are long and yes, they can reach close to the back too and you let out a little yelp at the familiar feeling of being filled. Two fingers. Two long, masculine fingers is all it takes and you're squirming and writhing around. He has to pin you down and sink his cock back in with new found urgency now, telling you to pinch at his nipples if you need him to ease up.
"Baby, baby shh, I know you can take some more, just- yeah, try to relax, let me open you up- mmh- maybe you just need one more, one more- that's it. No way? I can't get any fucking deeper? I- I've never fucked a girl with such a cute pussy- no it's okay don't say sorry, you're gorgeous- so fucking tight it's making me dizzy. Uh uh, no you won't just suck me off instead I'm going to fuck you stupid just don't let me hurt you, ok?"
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hcs | m.list
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dmitriene · 17 days
simon riley being your one night stand after particularly drunk night at the pub, when despite strong drinks you had to have something more stronger than just alcohol, and that ended up being a cock of complete stranger in dark mask and with monstrous complexion.
stranger whose name you mewled in gasping and choking calls of — “si! s-sim.. nngh, simon!„ with your body manhandled in mating press, exposing your glossy and dripping cunt to his hungrily dark gaze, looking at the way your hungry and hot hole swallowed his meaty cock down to the hilt, coil tight in your stomach.
simon did a very good job at leaving you without any thoughts or words, tongue heavy in your mouth and body lax while jolting on the sheets, each sharp thrust of his hips leaving you gasping in his shoulder and clawing at his back with bleeding, thin scratches.
he'd wake you up in the morning, body still buzzing on fading pleasure and your cunt aching, throbbing, making your eyes flutter open groggily with soft gasp escaping your swollen, bitten lips, turning on your back with your hands grasping the sheets and raising them up hastily.
simon is there, right between your supple and sticky thighs, lapping sloppily at your puffy folds and slick slit, light stubble rubbing at tender flesh as he gazes up at you, eyes crinkling softer than at night, his calloused palms enveloping your thighs as he hums, talking right into your pulsing pussy — “good morning, luv„
main masterlist. quidelines.
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thrasherella · 1 month
Needy Werewolf Husband is going into his rut and is really, reaallllyyyyy trying to get his wife's attention away from the household chores she's insisting on finishing before he can have his way with her...
He followed her all around the kitchen as she tidied up, wrapping his arms around her from behind and groping her tits as she cleaned the few dishes in the sink, pinching and teasing her nipples as she sighed and moaned, grinding his hard cock into her soft ass, his breath hot and voice desperate against her ear as he begged her to let him fuck her already.
"Please let me put it in..." he whined, nipping at the shell of her ear lightly in frustration as his swollen, red cock throbbed against her, begging for more attention, for more friction, for more anything; he felt like he was starting to lose his mind.
She had told him to keep humping her ass like a horny little puppy if he couldn't wait, and he really couldn't. He continued fondling her breasts, palming and squeezing them in his massive hands, and she whimpered and mewled, rolling her hips back against his.
"See, you want it too..."
She continued to deny him as she finished wiping and organizing the kitchen counters, his cock dribbling all over her backside as he pumped against her, unable to stop himself. He needed to pin her down, needed to stuff her full of his cock; he could smell her arousal mounting as she ground that perfect little ass back against him, her honeyed scent driving him absolutely wild.
"Just a little longer love, you're being such a good boy," she cooed, scratching him gently under his chin as he made puppy dog eyes at her, eliciting from him a low, humming moan.
He humped her legs while she vacuumed the living room, whimpering and growling as she did her best to ignore him, slowly and methodically making her way across the room as he ground into her, dragging and rubbing his cock against her, staining her clothes with his sticky precum, nipping at the back of her neck and ears, demanding her attention.
"Please, need to fuck you now baby, need to fill you; need to empty my cock into your perfect little pussy and give you a litter of pups..."
"Be a good boy and wait until I'm done cleaning the bedroom, okay?" she had purred, and he whimpered a weak agreement in response.
When they got to the bedroom however, she was helpless against him as he shoved her face first down onto the mattress, ripping apart those pesky little shorts and panties that had been blocking his aching cock, confirming what he already knew from her overwhelming scent that her cunt was already drenched and waiting for him to stretch and fill her.
"I lied," he huffed, mounting her from behind and lining up his dripping cockhead with her pussy, parting her nether lips slowly around him, loving how she moaned into her pillow as he did. "I don't wanna be a good boy; and you were a bad girl, it's not nice to tease a rutting wolf...now you be good, and take my knot," he hilted into her in one hard thrust, feeling her pussy clenching around him; a low, rumbling growling escaping his throat, and a deliciously muffled scream coming from her as he knotted her, forcing every inch of himself into her tight cunt.
He was already so overstimulated, biting down into her shoulder as he came, painting her insides white as he filled her with his thick load, and she cried out as her own orgasm crashed over her, hips bucking and rolling against him, squirting her climax all over his dick and pooling on the bedsheets.
"That's a good girl," his breath was hot against her ear, pushing her hips up slightly to get one clawed hand between her and the mattress, flittering and rubbing his fingers against her swollen clit, loving how she writhed and squirmed beneath him helplessly. "No more chores, no where for you to go, sweet thing stuffed and stuck on my knot...just be a good girl and turn off your brain, and squirt on my dick again, and again, and again while I make you my cum-dumpster..."
She couldn't deny this was exactly what she wanted...she knew her husband better than anyone and knew that denying him was a sure fire way to make sure he took extra time to "punish" her for the time she had wasted keeping him waiting.
Oh no, what a tragedy that would be...
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fairy-angel222 · 2 months
Back on satosugu time with you and Gojo making a bet on who can ride Geto better. Taking turns bouncing on the male’s girthy length till you’re both all shaky and whiny. Still finding it in your dumbed down brains and babbled cries to snarl at each other on how either of you was better.
You’ve both made him cum so much. Making yourselves cum even more in the process. The dark haired man’s lap all messy from your sopping holes. Geto’s sticky cum dripping from both you and Gojo, lewdly seeping onto the freshly changed sheets underneath.
Your legs are all wobbly when you crawl back onto your boyfriend’s lap. Clawing at his shoulders with a loud mewl when you sink down onto his fat cock. Your back arching as you began to ride him with a loud moan- movements sloppy from how sensitive you’d made yourself.
In all this Geto is only smirking, letting out deep grunts and groans with his hands rested behind his head. His chest heaving in heavy breaths as he let you two do your thing. Even when he wanted to touch you both so bad. Your sweet moans of his name being enough to drive him over the edge every. single. time. He loves when his babies get so competitive.
It’s not long till you’re both at his sides, having tired yourselves out as you look up at him expectantly for an answer. A dark glint in his eyes when he hums, “You know.. her pussy is very, very snug Toru. And she grinds her hips like—”
“It’s not that good.” Gojo cut him off, your head snapping to face him with a raised brow at the bold statement.
“I seem to recall to having you in tears one more than one occasion.” You bite back, Gojo’s snarky response being muffled by Geto’s lips passionately on his.
He has you both exactly where he wants you.
“How about we change the game yeah? Let’s see how long it takes f’her to make you cry.” Geto runs his tongue along his bottom lip as his cock twitches at the idea. Turning to you to cup your chin in his large hand. “And you. Show him just how good that pussy is hmm?” Placing a sweet kiss to your soft lips, “And don’t hold back.”
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teonys-jf · 2 years
omg i love fcuu. it has some of the best charas!!! like jenny, diana, betty and ken!!! can you post some hcs for it??
also opnion, what is your fav season of mys/mcd?
and like for what reasons did you make the changes that you did to the stories? (applies to both mys/mcd and all other rewrites of yours)
of course i can!! i wrote so many they’re going under a read more, like all of my stuff ^^;;
but to answer your second question, love~love came out during my summer break so it’s stuck with me lol. i love it too much even though, like all seasons, its pretty sucky... i remembered more of season 2 of mcd, i had come in like the middle of s1? and i barely remember s3 haha! so i don’t really have a favorite, it’s more scenes that i like :)
i made changes for fun mostly, some made more sense and some characters had potential and i wanted to explore it on my own? idk, i had problems and went “i can do better than this >:” after seeing a bunch of problems and started writing lol
jenny, she/her
so jenny used to be a scene girl. her bangs. it makes sense
her bangs still hold the shape, she’s still trying to get them back to what they were in college
jenny has her ears pierced
later in life she gets her tongue pierced as well
she also gets a spray tan every now and then
forgot to say! i used to think she got a spray tan! ^^;;
jenny is pretty tall
she likes guys with long hair and girls with short hair
sometimes, when first introducing people and she’s by cathy/betty she goes by jen
they all do this to confuse less people, so it’s jen, cath, and bet. betty didn’t know why the two were laughing so much and stopped later once she heard how funny it was
her birthday is in fall
however. she is a winter nut
diana, she/he/they
got his eyebrow/ears pierced
she has a high pain tolerance
also gets a tongue piercing/nose stud later
became friends with jen/cathy/betty before college
cathy thought diana had a crush on her and tried to convince the other two of this
they didn’t believe this and still hung out with diana, but didn’t tell cathy about it
bi :)
also has a fall bday ^v^
sometimes goes by dian
got a kick out of how much ken was freaking out about this and kept it to annoy them </2
made friends with terra, zane, and got ken to join. they like to do mini “competitions” as zane likes to call them
they’re usually dumb small stuff that makes everyone sick with laughter as zane tries to get everyone back on track
about the same height as terra
has an old stick-and-poke from junior high
it’s a crescent moon on their wrist :)
got the ear piercing from the same friend from that day!
short hair, likes to keep a long strip because of his mom and braids it
extra nice to aaron if she sees him
knows it’s very visible that the guy could be blown down at this point by a harsh breath in his direction
wanted to play kind-of-therapist to try and help, realized that there was stuff that needed a professional, jay/gene have come to the cafe to check up on him with dian
also doesn’t have a crush on him, can sense that he doesn’t like women and gets a kick out of how protective cathy is of him and how jenny acts around him
doesn’t say anything to them but has a running bet of who will find out about his bf first with ken
{forgot i wrote this, “lame gay and lesbully ken/diana” lol
too funny to not include}
hangs out with jay, ken, and mac in aarons room when he doesn’t have class
sometimes betty joins, sometimes gene joins- it’s always a toss up
makes jewelry for a living after college, made some small stuff and sold it online
betty, she/her {my favorite. the only character ever <2}
mei’fwa betty real!!! {or fel’ine if you’re going with my stuff ^ ^}
or at least part mei’fwa/fel’ine
ears pierced :)
gets more piercings after college, and works in a tattoo/piercing parlor
non-sam aroace :)
spring birthday
hangs out in a mini-group with jay, mac, and terra on the grass for lunch on sunny days
same height as mac
not sure how long her hair is, it’s giving me trouble ;;
i’ve narrowed it down to short, or long with a different coloring/style
can cut hair
strong 💪
she apprehended cathy. betty works out B)
likesto bake with nana and jay
cadenza and zoey like to come over as well
when kiki can make it she tries to give tips on some animal safe treats :)
friends with miaki, reece, and kai after college too
very friend oriented :)
katelyn, garroth, ivy, lillian, and terra were also her friends in college
still has the numbers for lillian and ivy and sometimes texts, kate/garroth don’t really talk with her anymore
very capybara like. good for her :)
ken, he/they
{since it didn’t really add anything to the story, ken is just human. him being a werewolf didn’t really come up in the series and it felt like a weird jess thing yknow?}
zane still has his phone number
they have gotten high after college and started talking about their hatred for capitalism and whatever bugged them
aaron found them one night and joined
achillean, polyamorous, and nonbinary
tried to have a pet bird in the dorms, along with ferrets, rats, mice, and a bunch of bugs. they were not happy with ken
mid-back hair length
becomes friends with gene/zenix after hanging out with gene so much through aaron, meets sasha and they’re all friends :)
favorite color is dark teal, so that’s what he dyed his hair
it’s naturally black
likes to jokingly pick on jay, mac, and betty
they don’t mind, they just bring up the one time he chugged a pot of coffee and let it go on accident into the sink and reached for a knife as it shattered
hangs out with lucinda/sasha and they like to watch movies together and share story ideas they’ve had after college
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