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eggfeather · 1 year ago
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rotted-cat-vomit · 9 months ago
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Cora is a slender black she-cat with a ripped ear.
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religiousbattlecats · 2 years ago
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Branch from Hawkwings Journey!
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letyachan · 1 year ago
162+163.Harley and Red
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months ago
I think it says almost everything you need to know about varric that his reaction to the blackwall reveal is like... 'oh thank GOD you're a child murderer. for a hot second there I thought you were something much much worse' '.......like what' 'boring to me personally'
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shanastoryteller · 3 months ago
The boy with the demon blood is always watching him.
His gaze had been alternatingly reverent and despondent before Lucifer’s rise. After, it’s cold, appraising, and only when Dean isn’t looking. It reminds Castiel of the few times that Michael has set his eyes on him and it makes the place on the back of his back itch where his wings would be. Lucifer’s vessel should not remind him of Michael. It’s not right.
They’re sitting in a diner, a cup of coffee in front of him that he has no intention of drinking, Dean is in the bathroom, and Sam is staring at him again, lip pulled back just enough that Castiel can’t tell if it’s a grimace or a snarl. He is not well versed in humanity, but he wishes for this to stop. It’s distracting. “What is your problem?”
“You,” Sam says bluntly, which Castiel had not expected. “I don’t trust you.”
“Because your judgement in this area is without reproach,” he says, surprising himself. It’s just that Dean is predictable. Understandable. Sam is not. It’s frustrating.
That look on his face is almost a smile. “Exactly. I trusted you in the beginning. You’re an angel, a being of good, who brought my brother back to life. Why wouldn’t I?” He shakes his head, a faint look of disgust on his face that Castiel is used to seeing there.
He thought Sam’s self recrimination was wholly centered on his role in releasing Lucifer. He does not know what to do with the realization that some of it is directed towards him. “I am still all those things.”
“No,” Sam says. “You’re the good soldier who left my brother to rot. I tried to save him and couldn’t. I nearly destroyed myself doing it. You could have saved him and didn’t. You could have prevented all of this if you’d pulled him out before he broke the first seal. But you didn’t, and then you left him there for another ten years, letting Alistair sink his claws into him.” He leans forward. “My brother was only useful to you broken. I’m not going to forget that again.”
Anger rushes through him. Dean is often frustrating. Sam is infuriating. “I was following orders.”
He realizes too late that he’s only confirming Sam’s assertions. To his credit, he doesn’t appear at all satisfied with the admission. “That’s why you and Dean get along, you know. Two good little soldiers in a pod that rebelled too late and are suffering the consequences.”
Sam has not spoken of Dean like this, has not been anything but accommodating and sorrowful to his elder brother since killing Lilith. His description of their actions sounds too much like Lucifer for Castiel’s comfort. They’re nothing like him. It is Sam who is the devil’s foil. “What are you, then?”
“An idiot,” he says. “You and Ruby are the same, manipulating us both to start this stupid apocalypse. I know you let me out of the panic room, Castiel.”
He goes very still. There are several defenses available to him, but all only confirm Sam’s assertion that he’s a good little soldier that rebelled too late, that he was as Ruby. Perhaps this is where so much of Dean’s frustrations around his brother come from. He is not right, but it is difficult to find the words to prove him wrong.
“If you were going to try and deny it, that would have been the time to do it,” he says dryly. “If you hadn’t, the apocalypse would have been averted. I can’t kill Lilith if I’m dead and even if one of you had done it, it still wouldn’t matter. Lucifer can’t puppet a corpse. Over before it begins.”
Castiel means to choose his next words carefully. Instead, he says, “You have not told Dean.”
Sam shrugs, looking at the window, his eyes tightening in pain. “He needs something – someone – to hold onto right now. It can’t be me, so it’s you. But I’m watching you, Cas. Manipulate my brother again, and I’m not going to care how useful you are in averting the apocalypse or what it’ll do to Dean to lose faith again.”
“Why can it not be you?”
He looks over at him, startled. It’s nice to be able to be the one to put him off balance for once. “What?”
“Why can Dean not hold on to you?” he repeats. Despite every attempt from heaven and hell to prevent just that, it seems to him that Dean is holding onto his brother more tightly than ever.
Sam’s expression shuts down, but not before Castiel sees the tidal wave of grief there. “You didn’t know him before hell. You don’t know what you took from him by leaving him there.”
He’s back on uncertain territory. It’s the only kind he ever seems to be in with Sam. “Is he very different?”
Dean does not appear overly different from an outside perspective. His personality and priorities seem roughly the same as they were reported to be before hell. Traumatized, perhaps, but it’s not as if Dean is any stranger to that.
Sam laughs and Castiel flinches before he can think not to. “Our father’s words haunted him, you know. That he had to either save me or kill me. In some ways, selling his soul for me was a relief. Not only was it a complete rejection of that order, but it meant that if I did have to be killed one day, he wouldn’t be the one to do it. Not that he ever would, because people have tried to manipulate him into it before. Me included. So I guess you can take some sort of pride in it, being the one who succeeded.”
Castiel regrets starting this conversation. He thinks that Dean cannot possibly still be in the bathroom and wishes he would return. “You are not dead.”
“If you’d left me in the panic room,” Sam says. “I would be.”
That is likely true.
“It was perfect,” Sam says bitterly. “Me, strung out on withdrawal, alone and isolated and hallucinating and dying. Dean with all of his worst nightmares confirmed. Except he’s faced that before and it still didn’t end with me dead. He needed a push. He needed a way to save me or kill me that wouldn’t be his fault, his hands, that he could drink and hide from. And leaving me to detox alone in that room did that, gave him an out that he told himself he could live with.” He tilts his head, mocking and sharp, and Castiel would very much like to stop seeing Michael in Sam Winchester’s face. “But you never wanted me to actually detox. Not with Lilith still alive when I’d need years of training to be strong enough to kill her without it. You didn’t want me clean. You wanted me twisted so far around that I’d be easy to control.”
Zachariah had wanted that. Castiel hadn’t known. He was just following orders.
Dean might accept that explanation. Sam never will. He believes blindly following orders to be a weakness. It’s difficult to argue against it when he’s right. If Castiel had not followed orders he did not understand, they would not be here. But following orders is all he’s ever done.
“I should have known better,” Sam says. “That’s on me. Dean played his part too, but he’s got enough to deal with right now.”
“You intend to let him continue blaming you,” Castiel says. Dean’s mistrust and anger hurts him. It’s easy to see. Here he has the information to rid himself of it, at least partly, but he’s keeping it to himself.
His mouth twitches into something that’s almost a smile. “It’s me or him. He went to hell for forty years for me. I can spare him this.”
Castiel tries to imagine Dean’s reaction if he uncovers how close he came to Sam’s permanent death, how it was something he chose and could have prevented and did not because of actions and assurances that Castiel gave him.
Sam is an abomination. He is, also, human, and no amount of demon blood down his throat is going to change that.  
“Before hell, Dean might have forced me to detox, but not alone,” Sam says softly. “He never would have left me to die alone.”
He searches for something safe to say, something to extricate himself from this conversation. What he settles on is, “You and Dean’s relationship confuses me.”
Sam laughs again. Castiel doesn’t flinch this time. “He pushes me to leave and then blames me when I do,” he says, exhaustion leaking into his words. Sam often looks tired. Castiel has never wasted time wondering precisely why. Perhaps he should have. “It never occurs to him that if he just stopped pushing, I’d stop leaving.”
A self fulfilling prophecy. The apocalypse was supposed to be like that, except that in the end heaven and hell had needed quite a lot of work to get it started. Destiny isn’t as easy as Castiel had been told it would be. “Why are you telling me this?”
It’s that cold, assessing glance again. Comparatively, it’s almost comforting now. It’s better than the grief. It must be exhausting, mourning a man who’s right in front of him. “So you know to watch yourself, Cas. I’m looking properly now. And I see you for exactly who you are.”
It’s not an idle threat, not from Lucifer’s vessel, not from the man who killed Lilith, but there’s a shiver down his spine that’s not quite fear. He’s a low ranking angel, all things considered. Like a god on earth, but celestially insignificant. He is to take orders, to follow his father’s will and his brothers’ guidance and never stray from this well trodden path.
No one has ever seen him before.
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hajihiko · 1 year ago
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🙊 not ready for THAT confession
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unamusedyams · 4 months ago
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dw guys they were just hangery
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auspicioustidings · 5 months ago
Kinktober Day 19
Moniker: Price, Ghost, Soap, Gaz Risk Level: Low. Brief: Airtight Safeword: Refer to first brief.
I know you had some idea who was in my team, but this is it, the four of us make up task force 141. We work incredibly well together sweetheart - Price
Can’t wait to get our cunts wrecked <3 - Soap
I’ll be on cameras just incase, but none of these men will hurt you (in ways you do not enjoy) - Ale
“I can’t go any slower!” you snapped back in frustration, feeling tears prick the corners of your eyes.
Ghost smacked your ass in warning for speaking to Price like that and you could die from how it made your pussy tighten around his cock. You were straddled on top of him, slowly sinking down on his dick. Too slow. Tortuously slow. And Price kept telling you to go slower.
You wanted to just drop your weight, be so full of him that you could feel him in your lungs. But Price was in charge and you did not think disobedience with him came at the cost of a well spanked arse. No, he had watched you be spanked before, he knew how you enjoyed it. He had watched so much of what you had done, knew your body in that intimate way that you knew the people you had been tasked with getting intel on. Better than themselves and to a level that would likely horrify them if they ever knew.
So it wouldn’t be a spanking if you sank down on that gloriously thick cock. You suspected it would be the exact fucking you needed but without being allowed to actually get off the entire time. So you fought every instinct you had to just take it all in your greedy pussy and tried to go slower even though it was driving you insane.
If you were paying better attention you'd have noticed how Price and Ghost kept eyes pinned to the bandages on your ribs, making sure the cuts had been superficial and weren't about to cause you trouble.
“Behave luv” Gaz said, sweet and kind and like he was looking for you to sink your teeth into his fucking throat.
You glowered at him but the heavy weight of Ghost’s hand squeezing your ass kept you from snapping. It was easy for Gaz to tell you to behave given he was currently balls deep in Soap’s cunt while Soap drooled onto the bed, face down arse up and panting happily at the railing he was getting.
“Aye, behave. Fuck, Captain make her play with her fat clit, spank her arse more, spit in her mouth, oh fuck!” Soap babbled through getting the air pounded out of him by Gaz’s hard and heavy thrusts.
"Settle Tav" Gaz said, punctuated by a smack to Soap's ass that had you keening pathetically, blinking big puppy dog eyes at Price.
He sighed and ran his knuckles across your cheek. Nikto was a maniac yes but he knew his way around a body with a blade. Price had tended those cuts himself, he knew they were done right to not do permanent damage and that they were being overly cautious.
“Go ahead Lieutenant.”
“You’re going soft Captain” Ghost replied.
And then he sunk his fingers into your hips and speared up into you in one smooth, violent thrust.
“Oh fuck, yes! T-thank you Captain, thank you sir!”
“Going soft might not be the right term for it Ghost” Gaz chuckled, eyeing Price’s hard cock twitching up and leaking at the sight of you going brainless.
Gaz let up on Soap’s hips when he started to desperately shuffle in some lewd version of a cock filled army crawl towards you and Ghost. He shuffled on his knees along with him, each thrust pushing him further forward as he really put momentum and weight behind it.
You were still catching your breath and getting used to being skewered on Ghost’s cock given that he had stilled entirely to sit deep inside you when Soap’s head flopped onto your thigh and he started to desperately mouth at it.
There was a decision then. Could you really let yourself go the way he did, just fully descend into being a creature of purely pleasure with no shame, no embarrassment or ego? Even with the other three men around you who would keep their heads, would probably coo at you and make fun of how far gone you were?
But then Price’s hand came to scratch at Soap’s mohawk affectionately and he gave a happy little whine about it.
“Feels good Captain. Want tae taste her proper.”
“Not stopping you Johnny, get your face in that pretty cunt” Ghost said and Price confirmed by giving another little scratch.
Gaz easily moved around to facilitate Soap’s chin resting on Ghost’s pubic bone so he could lap at your clit.
Yes. Fuck the way they treated him sent a rush through you, a longing. You wanted that. You wanted to just let go and know they would catch you, let them use your body while your brain just switched off anything but sensation and want. In that moment it went from a humiliating and horrific concept to something freeing.
You let go.
“More, please! Please please! Ghost need you to ruin my pussy, want it so much. Captain, sir, daddy please touch me!”
They were happy to comply. Ghost started to move your hips to have you bounce on his cock while Price’s hands ran up your belly to come fondle your tits, his chest pressed against your back and his prick throbbing against your ass. Soap was messy between your legs, unbothered that he was being battered by the wet slap of your pussy sinking down on Ghost over and over again.
“Ye look so fuckin’ pretty like this. Want tae climb inside and never leave.”
“Suck, please Soap!”
He started sucking your clit, struggling to move along with you to keep latched on. Gaz groaned from the extra stimulation from Soap’s body frantically shifting to keep up.
“Fuuuck, you sure we can handle two of them?” he said with the edge of a manic laugh.
“Buckle up Gaz, we’re going to fuck them until they tap out or we’re going to die trying” Price said in a gruff command as he went to go reach for the lube.
You whined loudly when he took hands off of you and he just swore under his breathe and got one hand back kneading your tit to keep you happy and stretched the other to grab the lube. Simon laughed underneath you and the sound make your cunt clench around him, you liked his laugh.
“Little slut” he said, the degrading words dripping with fond affection.
There was no more guilt, no feeling like the words shouldn’t rile you the way they did. You were his little slut and you loved that, you loved him using your body as a toy to bring him pleasure.
“Yes, yes more!” you cried out as he kept fucking you and Soap kept drooling all over your clit and catching it with his teeth from desperation and Price had one hand tugged and pinching your nipple while he popped the lube cap with his teeth so he could start prodding at your puckered hole and Gaz, beautiful, gorgeous, sunshine Gaz leaned over Soap’s body to shove his tongue past your teeth to dominate yours.
So much and not enough. Never enough. More more more. Price worked his fingers in and out and you tried to beg him for more around Gaz’s tongue. Even when his cock pushed in, the stretch of him in your ass while Ghost was still in your cunt impossible, you wanted more.
“Fuckin’ Christ! Take it you stupid slut, you fucking love it don’t you? Love being stuffed overfull with big cocks in your sloppy holes, going to beat that pussy up until it's fuckin' ruined” Ghost growled.
“Doing so well sweetheart, such a warm arse for me to sink into, nice and tight and squeezing me perfectly” Price cooed almost immediately after.
They pounded you like a ragdoll between them. Soap was crushed when Price pushed you down to Ghost’s chest so he could grab your hips and have more leverage to shove his cock in and out. You whined when Soap was moved, practically growled when Gaz pulled away.
His cock replaced his tongue and you dove in as much as you could from where you were sandwiched, needing your throat to be full, needing to feel them everywhere. Every so often his cock would slip out to rest on your cheek so you could tangle your tongue with Soaps who was busy at Gaz’s ass, rimming him out. And then when he lost patience he'd smack his thick cock hard against your face until you took him again.
Everything was wet and you were dripping with sweat but none of it mattered, you just needed it.
The first orgasm never seemed to stop. The clench of your body around the cocks pistoning in and out just caused more pleasure, another wave. Their moans and the fingers sinking into you were delicious, you loved making them feel this way.
You thought you may never be satisfied, that your thirst would never be quenched as you fucked and fucked and fucked and you still needed more.
And then finally it was enough. Price was beneath you, his cock squelching in and out of your pussy. Behind you was Ghost sharing your ass with Gaz who was squatted over you. Three cocks in your holes, ruining you. And then Soap grabbed your head, wrenched it as much out of the sandwich you were in as he could so he could fuck your skull, his soaked cock a welcome intrusion as he ground his cunt against your face.
"Captain I can't hold it, need to cum in this thick arse" Gaz hissed, the stimulation from your tight channel, Price's cock thrusting against his and the feel of Ghost's through that thin barrier all too much.
"Be a good girl sweetheart, strangle our cocks and we'll give you what you want."
"She couldn't stop it happening if she tried, little slut is gagging for us. Drown her pup, I've not given her leave to scream so you'll need to keep the bitch quiet."
The final orgasm had everyone moaning in chorus as your body strangled them all, finally full and wanting their cum deep inside. You barely felt the flood, your body spent and your screams muffled by Soap's sopping wet cunt. Their cocks kept pounding to get to their own completion and then pulled out to leave you leaking with cum and lube and spit and arousal. Soap kept humping your face even as you collapsed onto Price’s chest, even as he came and squirted into your mouth.
“Fuck sweetheart, absolute bloody perfection” Price grumbled quietly, rubbing your back as he panted. “Gaz, our boy still has some brain cells left.”
Gaz’s cock did not have the energy to fuck Soap again, but he yanked him away from you so he could feast on his puffy, abused cunt. You were floating, vaguely aware that as you made little noises of contentment against Price’s chest that Gaz and Ghost worked together with tongues, fingers and fists to finally wear Soap out enough so he could collapse down next to you.
Price gently extracted himself to stand and watch next to Ghost and Gaz as you and Soap, barely coherent, clumsily tangled together and kissed.
“Think they broke my dick Captain” Gaz said as he slumped against Price’s side, knackered.
“You’ll live” Price laughed.
He gave a hand signal to the camera and soon after Ale came to scoop up your exhausted body, smiling at the pathetic little whine you gave over being separated from Soap. But everyone was ruined, they weren’t going to be able to look after the two of you properly in this state. Plus Soap hadn’t stayed worn out for long, the boy was already fingering himself again, begging for you back.
Looked like Ghost had a long night ahead because Price had to go get Gaz fed and cleaned up. There was a slight undercurrent of discontent about you being taken away by someone else from his entire team which made him sigh.
10 more days and then you’d be gone.
At least if Price kept his word.
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sleepnoises · 5 months ago
googling* "birthday parties for boring people" "is it legal to have fun" "is it legal to have fun november" "put people in room together and they like it how to" "is it a good idea to try to have fun"
*not googling just thinking in my head
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eggfeather · 1 year ago
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stone, night, and branch
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rotted-cat-vomit · 9 months ago
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Coal is a black tom with a long coat and amber eyes
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blighted-lights · 7 months ago
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posting this one again just because i can and i still really like how rodimus' face came out. your honor they are friends (<- cannot be in the same room together for more than a few minutes before arguing)
i drew ravage so comfy looking,, he's a heat thief and rodimus is a walking radiator, so.
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juustozzi · 7 months ago
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the beginning!
I just rewatched the first season after a looong time and man. I love it a lot!!
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velo-cats · 9 months ago
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bumblingbabooshka · 8 days ago
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Predation. [Patreon | Commissions]
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