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codename-adler · 3 months ago
and if i say Stuart Hatford
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and Ichirou Moriyama
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what then?
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 1 year ago
Spending my last hours on Stichy app... R.I.P Stichy
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coldairballoons · 2 years ago
a compilation of the ship names my friends and i have come up with from npmd
richter / spankoschitz -> richie x peter
stichie -> richie x stacey (kim’s cheerleader)
soup -> grace x max
spotlight -> ruth x brenda (bryce’s cheerleader)
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the-one-and-only-duckduckgo · 10 months ago
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kiweegamez · 3 months ago
Ooooh, interesting! >:) also. HUG ATTACK
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Also your art is delicious! It’s like a fine dining experience, it just keeps getting better >:3
How did Stichy get the scars? :3 (if you don’t mind me asking)
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TW: Sensitive topics + a bit lore
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The scars surrounded in red were from his past with another experiment that they had a fight, so he has deep scars on his abdomen and back.
The scars surrounded in yellow are S/H. He has more on arms and legs. He dont talk much abt it. Why he does this will not be revealed now >:-)
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(Without the circles)
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Also i'm so sorry if the drawings are not as good as the others, it is very cold in my city and my hands were shaking when I drew that ;-(
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alexa-yukiyu · 11 months ago
Hi!! I was the 👻 anon :3
Ok so I have another request a whitebeard pirates x child reader again
So the whitebeard pirates arrived at a spooky island which is dark and gloom like Mohawk island (forgor the name)
So they find reader sleeping with a small teddy bear but when they got close the teddy bear is alive and trying to kill them because the teddy (Name Mr stitchy) is protective over reader because Mr stitchy See's them as family and leader
The reader wakes up but instead of stopping Mr stitchy they just watch because they hate pirates and pirates we're the reason why they are stranded in the island
But then whitebeard appears then starts hurting Mr stitchy making reader to beg and cry to stop hurting their family
So in the end whitebeard coax reader to coming with them
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Also can you base Mr stitchy off this? This idea has been in my mind lol
Sorry if this was long :p I'll make the next one shorter :D
Stuffy Meetings (Whitebeard pirates x f!child!reader)
A/N HERE WE GO I KNOW I SAID NOTHING WAS COMING BUT IT CAME AND WHEN I SAW IT WAS YOUR BDAY I HURRIED IT UP. HAPPY BIRTHDAY . Ngl I thought this was a flop but it may be a cook?? Also don’t worry about request ever being long : ) I hope you have a nice bday. In one of the scene I kept thinking about this photo so just so we share the vizion 🕴🏼
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Here Reader is replaced by Dokucha which means Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Man, this place is gloomy,” Thatch mutters
“Why did we stop here again?” Ace questioned, wincing as he stepped into what looked like a pile of bones
“We were running down on supplies; this was the closest Island on the way,” Izou replies
“What can we possibly fin- is that a kid?” Ace questions, pausing right in front of the sleeping child
“She got a creepy teddy too; look at that thing; it’s all stitched up; look, the head doesn’t even fit the body,” he said, poking at the plushie
Mr.Stichy moves around at the sudden contact, his eyes flying open as he begins to take in what is happening around him and the danger Dokucha could be in; he is quick to lunge at the man, branding twin sickles
“Man, what is that thing? Is it a haint!?” Thach yells, taking out his dual blades and parring against the attacher
“What the hell?!” Ace exclaims, looking at the odd newcomer
“Get the hell away from her,” the bear growls, pushing Thatch back with his own weapons
“The hell you talking about, you overgrown plushy,” Thatch said, stumbling back
Dokucha rubs their eyes, slowly waking up at the chaos unfurling. She watched how the bear evaded Thatch’s attacks and lunged for him once again, not making any movement to stop or call back the bear.
“Who’s this kid?” Ace asks while keeping a close eye on the stuffed bear
“Not important, the bear’s clearly dangerous,” Thatch shouted back and lunged for the bear, attacking again
“That bear is quick.” Ace comments, igniting his flames and jumping into the fray
“You want to go?!”
Mr.Stichy narrows his eyes, glaring at the flame man
“You’re no match for us!” the man declared while firing off blasts of flames at the bear. At the same time, Izou aimed his way to shoot down the bear
“STOP!” Dokucha screams, running in front of the bear just as Ace was about to make contact. In just a second, as Dokucha stood in front of him, arms stretched to protect him, Mr. Stichy stood behind her glaring at Ace, who had managed to stop, as he pointed his weapons at him
“What?” both of them say at the same time, looking at the screaming girl
“What the hells is going on?” Thatch says
“Don’t hurt him!”
“Him?” Ace said, stopping his attack
“This thing?. Do you mean to tell me you’re attached to this?” Thatch said in a mocking voice
“He’s all I have left,” they cry
“Where are your parents? Izou questions, putting his guns away and approaching the child, ignoring the way Me. Stichy kept his sickles pointed their way, his red eye ominously digging into them
“They died. It’s only Stichy and me now.”
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Izou sympathizes while still keeping an eye on the bear as Ace and Thatch glance at each other
“We should take her to the Pops.”
“Are you sure? That bear looks really creepy; I wouldn’t trust it.” Thatch says
“She would still be alone if we let her go; I agree with Izou; we should take her,” Ace says
“ She’s not going with the likes of you.” He growls
“She shouldn’t be on her own,” Ace argues while Thatch puts his sword back into its sheath
“It would be cruel not to,” Izou adds
“Like hell, I will let you take her!”
“Listen, I understand we just met; I know you are wary of us, I understand that, and the decision is ultimately yours, but think about her, do you really think she will be able to survive here alone? Even if she does, do you think she will be happy?” Izou questioned
Stichy stills at that, glancing at the trembling child in front of him and slowly lowering his sickles
“How do I know you are not trying to use her?”
“You don’t, you just have to trust us.” Piped in Thatch
He took one last glance at the child and back at them and back to Dokucha
“Do you want to go?” He questions lowly
She looks at the men in front of her and back at the bear and nods her head
“I want to go with you,” she said, grasping his paws
“Alright,” he said, giving jn
“Don’t worry, little one, we’ll take care of you,” Izou reassures while walking forward to pick her up
She wrapped one hand around him
Instinctively not letting go of Stichy’s hand as they walk to the ship
Izou smiled reassuringly at her while walking to the ship as Thatch and Ace walked a little ways ahead
“This kid’s got no one,” Thatch said, shaking his head
“That’s why we’ll take care of her,” Ace replied while heading for the ship
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“This is Whitebeard, but we call him Pops,” Ace said pointing at said Captain
She flinched, looking up, up, up until she was finally able to meet his eyes, tightening his grip on Stichy, who gave her hand a squeeze in silent comfort
Whitebeard was quiet for a few seconds before crouching down next to her
“What’s your name?” He asked her
“Dokucha?…” he paused before nodding. “A nice name,” he said while smiling
“Hey, Pops, can we keep her?” Ace questioned
“Oh, now, who’s looking to adopt a child?” Thatch joked as he walked up to them
“Shut up; I want a little sister; I know you guys do too. Don’t deny it.”
“I think we should let her stay,” Izou says, joining the conversation
“Why do you want me to stay so much?” she questions, grasping Stichy’s hand tighter
“You’re alone; that’s no way to be. Especially at this early of an age,” Whitebeard said
“Yeah, plus you’ve got no other family, so we’ll take care of you as such,” Ace explained while Thatch remained silent
“Family?” She questioned
“You’ll be my family?” She mumbled tears growing on her eyes, tears that she is quick to wipe away
She glanced at Stichy, who stood next to her
“But I can’t leave without Mr.Stichy.”
“Who said he would be staying behind?” stated Whitebeard
“H-He can stay?”
“I wouldn’t make you leave you’re only family behind,” He said while picking her up.
“Oh god, Pops, you’re gonna spoil her rotten,” Thatch complains as ace, and izou can’t help but laugh.
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Okay I think I like it, I just think I rushed some of the areas but other than that I like how it turned out
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hazard-c-horror · 1 year ago
Just little fun doodles of my oc (☣️) in the @tsbs-infection-au ask blog
I’ll probably do a character sheet of my oc at some point. But not now
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Little possession of a Moon variant
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Little possession of a Stichy
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hatchetmanofficial · 2 years ago
If Alan is a Wolf and Carver is a snake, what kind of predator is Stichies?
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risingshine · 6 months ago
Styx looks up at the big pup. reaching a hand up to ruffle their hair.
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Chiasa wil happily kneel down for him. "Hiya Stichi- ya doin'g okay taday?~"
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codename-adler · 3 months ago
Stuart for the character thingie
Stu! Stu! Stu! Stu!
How I feel about this character
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fascinating. he's a big rude criminal. he's cunty. he's got no social skills. his hands are bloody. pops in, pops out, kaboom. mad respect. so fun to play with his doll. i be putting him in situations and flushing him down the loo. i want to make him cry. i want to break his heart. i want him to fuck. i want him to say fuck. get it, serve it, mister bombastic.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
My non-romantic OTP for this character
canonically, i guess i'd have to go with Neil? fanonically, aka MY MIND PALACE... Evelyn Hatford and Eva Josten 😏
My unpopular opinion about this character
uh... i don't think i got one? maybe a a niche-ish headcanon: i think Stuart contains much more tension than he lets on. i think it pains him to have Neil in the situation he's in, to have lost Mary, to have to keep on protecting Neil, but i think he wasn't raised in a family/system that allowed for these kind of emotions (duh). by that i mean that he got along just fine with what he had to do to get the job done, he didn't mind the dirty hands and violence so much, but when he was confronted with Mary killed that way and Neil almost dying too, i think he had a lot of internal conflict. who must he be more loyal to? the empire? or family? both are full of blood. all this to say, i think he struggles a lot internally, but has not learned to show it and does not have an outlet, so everything he says or does comes out cold, because that's what he's been all his life. he's only beginning to thaw.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
want him to pull a heist again, maybe. or save the day/Jean in extremis. i have to say, i'm quite satisfied with daydreaming about my mafia husbands/Stichi wip + the one from @constelationprize xx
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constelationprize · 7 months ago
do you have... stichi crumbs... for me? (sorry for being so redundant, but your mind has captivated me body & soul)
-love, Adler xx (@codename-adler)
I have been saving this ask for when I had something to answer this with bc the post-fic writer block hit hard I'm afraid. But I'm back now!!! Kinda rambling bc I wrote this at 2am and as always subject to change. Anyway, happy Fwip Fwednesday I guess
Stuart's eyes zero in Ichirou's shoulder, trying to see where exactly the bandages are hidden beneath the layers of sling and suit. The way Ichirou moves looks distinctly uncomfortable, too careful by half, as if any shift in his breath could aggravate the stitches. It's subtle, and he can only see it now that he knows what the problem is, but it speaks to how unused the little lord is to being in pain.
That must be the first scar he really earned, maybe even the first wound – Stuart can hardly picture Kengo putting his precious heir on the line of fire, Ichirou having been shipped off to college at the same age Stuart's father had him on the ground moving shipments, not even running them yet. It was the old man's biggest mistake. Power without effort is much more impressive, and easier to disguise, but it has the side effect of making resentment within your ranks that quicker to brew, and theft easier to hide.
Ichirou at least does a good job of not looking rattled. God knows Stuart drunk himself blind at least the first couple times he found himself on the wrong side of an enemy gun. However, it was by bleeding at their side that Stuart found out exactly which of his people were trustworthy. Ichirou has chosen to lock himself in his penthouse and snuff out any mention of the attack to anyone not in his immediate inner circle, with no thought to how vulnerable that would make him.
Stuart, as always, was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 1 year ago
I hope TADC makes more money than Disney made on Wish btw happy groundhog day!!!!
(I'm from Pennsylvania, where Groundhog Day was started so it's a big deal)
Also this is just a message and my opinions which I feel like people on tumblr respect. I don't have Stichy anymore because it shut down so this leaves Tumblr as my next option
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suddenly-very-interested · 1 year ago
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Mountain Lake (Gornoe ozero) / Old Village (Staryj gorodok)
"In the portfolio Stichi bez slov (Verses without words) Vasily Kandinsky leaves the modern world and all its distractions and sails away on Viking ships and down the Rhine to a fairy-tale world filled with gallant mounted riders, elegant ladies, peaceful landscapes, and onion-domed churches. Frustrated with his attempts at writing poetry in German, Kandinsky used these woodcuts to give shape to the nostalgia for his Russian homeland that he found impossible to put into words. As he explained to his companion, painter Gabriele Münter, "I must do them, for I cannot rid myself of my thoughts (or possibly dreams) any other way."
The imagery in these prints was central to the symbolic vocabulary that appeared throughout Kandinsky's work. Five of the woodcuts repeat previous compositions, and Kandinsky returned to five others in later prints and paintings. Most significantly, Kandinsky used the horse and rider motif, his symbol of a warrior for new art, for the first time here.
Kandinsky saw the woodcut medium as being akin to lyric poetry: both forms demanded concentration on the essential. Woodcut pushed him to simplify his imagery; his undulating lines and decorative patterns are in fact potent symbols of longing. These experimentations, prompted by the technical requirements of printmaking, played a crucial role in Kandinsky's development of abstraction."
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blorbocedes · 2 years ago
so I got my cat neutered today, and the vet said to make sure he doesn't jump around, he's on that good ket and very wobbly and jumping cld tear the stichies.
unforch, the only place he likes sleeping in is a high chair in my room. so he's currently sleeping there while I watch him. he's also INCREDIBLY attached to me and if I go to the bathroom, he follows me. and to follow me now, he'd have to jump from the chair where he's sleeping.
I really need to pee. feeling like charles leclerc rn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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br0wni3xx · 2 months ago
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Stichy is not with them cuz he dont like fireworks (Brownie too but she aint gona leave Jim alone)
Sorry guys for not posting since last year 💔
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tsbs-infection-au · 10 months ago
I hear screaming again…
You think that demon came back, stichy?
Stitchwraith: we have no idea what your talking about.
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